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  • Types and forms of education

     Types and forms of education

    Ulyanovsk State University

    “Types and forms of education”

    the work was completed by a graduate student of 2 years of study Melnik A.A.



    Forms of study

    Types of training

    Traditional learning

    Distance learning

    Developmental education



    Any activity consists of three parts:

      roughly motivational;

      operational executive;

      reflexively evaluative.

    The absence of the first part transforms the activity into a chaotic accumulation of individual actions without a clear and conscious goal, when a person does not see personal meaning in the actions performed, does not perceive them as significant, important, necessary for himself. The absence of the third part also leads to the loss of the purpose of the activity, since the person does not have the ability to assess his gradual progress towards the desired result, the possibility of achieving it, the prospects and consequences of his behavior in the future. The success of the activity, the ability to adjust it, the development of their creative abilities and self-improvement in general become very difficult in the absence or low level of the development of reflection.

    Therefore, educational activities, like any other, must necessarily contain all three of these components and the most important task of education is to teach students to build their activities as full-fledged, rational, in which all three parts are balanced, sufficiently developed, conscious and fully implemented. In this case, it is understood that all actions, including monitoring and evaluation, are carried out by the student himself.

    Formation learning activitiesas a way of actively acquiring knowledge, is one of the directions of development of the personality of the student. The specificity of this method lies in the consistent and purposeful testing of the activity of the students themselves (understanding the learning task, mastering the methods of active transformations of the object of mastering, mastering the methods of self-control). On this basis, there arises the task of forming an ever-more independent transition of students from performing one component of learning activities to others, that is, shaping ways of self-organizing activities.

    Consideration and brief description of certain types and forms of educational activities and is devoted to this essay.

    Forms of study

    In the literature on pedagogy, the concepts of the method and form of education are often confused. We give the following definitions:

    The form  - character orientation activities. The basis of the form is the leading method.

    Method  - a way of joint activity of a teacher and a student in order to solve problems.

    Forms of education are specific (lesson, home. Work, elective classes, coursework, consultations, additional classes, forms of control, etc.) and general ones.

    Consider some of the forms in more detail.

    Lesson  - the collective form of education, which is inherent in the permanent composition of students, a certain scope of employment, strict regulation academic work  over the same for all learning material.

    An analysis of the lessons taught shows that their structure and methodology largely depends on the didactic goals and objectives that are solved in the learning process, as well as on the means at the disposal of the teacher. All this suggests a methodical variety of lessons, which, however, can be classified by type:

      lessons, lectures (in practice, this is a teacher's monologue on a given topic, although with a certain mastery of the teacher, such lessons become conversational);

      laboratory (practical) classes (such lessons are usually devoted to the development of skills);

      lessons test and knowledge assessment (tests, etc.);

      combined lessons. Such lessons are conducted according to the following scheme:

      repetition of the traversed - students play back the previously traversed material, checking homework, oral and written survey, etc.

      mastering new material. At this stage, the new material is presented by the teacher, or “mined” in the process of students' independent work with literature.

      practicing the skills and abilities of applying knowledge in practice (most often, solving new material problems);

      issuing homework.

    Optional classes as a form of education were introduced in the late 60s - early 70s. in the process of another unsuccessful attempt to reform school educationThese classes are designed to give a deeper study of the subject to everyone, although in practice, they are very often used to work with lagging trainees.

    Tours  - a form of organization of training, in which the academic work is carried out in the framework of direct acquaintance with the objects of study.

    homework  - a form of training organization in which a study is characterized by the absence of a teacher’s direct guidance.

    Out-of-class work: Olympiads, clubs, etc., should contribute to the best development of individual abilities of students.

    Types of training

    There are many approaches to the classification of types of training. In the essay, three of them will be considered: traditional, distance and developmental training.

    Traditional learning

    This type of training is the most (to date) common (especially - in high school) and is a learning of knowledge, skills and abilities according to the following scheme: learning a new one - consolidating - controlling - evaluating. This type of training has a number of disadvantages, which will be discussed below in comparison with the other two types of training. Currently, traditional education is gradually being supplanted by other types of education, since defines other requirements for the individual and the process of its development in school. Their essence is that the former educational paradigm, based on the opinion that it is possible to determine a stock of knowledge sufficient for successful life and transfer it to the student, has exhausted itself.

    First, an increase in scientific knowledge cannot bypass even a school, projecting onto the content of academic disciplines. Secondly, teachers, while maintaining an orientation towards the transfer, rather than the independent mastery of the knowledge necessary for the student, increase the requirements for the amount of knowledge learned by the student. Thirdly, the attempts of teachers, schools to envisage various options for pupils' life-determination and to provide them with the necessary stock of knowledge also lead to an increase and complication of educational material. All this leads to overloading students. From this we can conclude that in today's conditions the school needs to move from information orientation to personal and overcome the great inertia of traditional education in the taught disciplines. This and serve as developmental and distance (respectively) training.

    Distance learning

    Distance learning (DL) is the receipt of educational services without visiting the university, using modern information and educational technologies and telecommunication systems such as e-mail, television and the Internet. Distance learning can be used in higher education, as well as for advanced training and retraining of specialists. Taking into account the territorial peculiarities of Russia and the growing needs of quality education in the regions, distance learning will very soon take a strong place in the market of educational services.

    Distance learning allows you to get a university degree to anyone who, for one reason or another, cannot study full-time. This is especially true for Russia, where the problem of training and retraining specialists has been acutely acute.

    Distance education offers great opportunities for students with disabilities. Modern informational educational technologies allow studying blind, deaf and suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

    Having received educational materials in electronic and / or printed form using telecommunication networks, a student can acquire knowledge at home, in the workplace, or in a special computer class anywhere in Russia and abroad.

    Computer systems can examine, detect errors, give necessary recommendations, carry out practical training, open access to electronic libraries, find the necessary quotation, paragraph, paragraph or chapter of a book in a matter of seconds, highlight the main points in it. Training courses are accompanied by game situations, are equipped with terminological vocabulary and provide access to the main domestic and international databases and knowledge at any distance and at any time.

    The individual abilities, needs, temperament and student employment are taken into account. He can study courses in any order, faster or slower. All this makes distance learning better, more affordable and cheaper than the traditional.

      LecturesTO, in contrast to the traditional classroom, exclude live communication with the teacher. However, they have several advantages. For recording lectures, floppy disks and CD-ROM disks, etc. are used. The use of the latest information technologies (hypertext, multimedia, GIS technologies, virtual reality, etc.) makes the lectures expressive and visual. To create lectures, you can use all the possibilities of cinema: direction, script, artists, etc. Such lectures can be listened to at any time and at any distance. In addition, there is no need to take notes.

      Consultations to  they are one of the forms of guiding the work of the trainees and assisting them in independently studying the discipline. Used phone and email. Consultations help the teacher to assess the learner’s personal qualities: intelligence, attention, memory, imagination and thinking.

      Laboratory work todesigned for the practical assimilation of the material. In the traditional educational system, laboratory work requires: special equipment, mock-ups, simulators, simulators, chemical reagents, etc. DL capabilities in the future can significantly simplify the task of conducting a laboratory workshop through the use of multimedia technologies, GIS 1 technologies, simulation modeling, etc. Virtual reality will allow students to demonstrate phenomena that, under normal conditions, it is very difficult or even impossible to show.

      Verification work- This is a test of the results of theoretical and practical learning of the educational material by the student.

    Developmental education

    Among the large number of innovations that are sweeping the school today, developmental education (RO) occupies a fairly stable position and is one of the first places in importance and expectations associated with it to improve the quality of education. However, the theory and technology of developmental education is far from complete, especially for middle and senior managers. Moreover, the concept of “developmental education” exists at the level of a rather vague image and is interpreted by no means even by specialists.

    One of the first definitions of this concept is connected with the works of pioneers in the field of developmental education, primarily with the works of V.V. Davydova: “... development is the reproduction by an individual of historically established types of activity and their corresponding abilities, which is realized in the process of their appropriation. Thus, appropriation (it can be represented as a process of education and training in a broad sense) is a universal form mental development  human. ”

    The meaning of what was said above is further specified by identifying two types of thinking: rational empirical and theoretical. At the same time, as follows from the further presentation, developmental training is reduced to the formation of theoretical thinking. The latter is defined as follows: “Consequently, theoretical thinking has its own specific content, different from the content of empirical thinking, is an area of ​​objectively interrelated phenomena that make up an integral system. Without it and outside of it, these phenomena can only be the object of empirical consideration. ”.

    There are more simple formulations of these concepts.

    Empirical thinking is an orientation towards external, sensually perceived properties. Generalization, if it is performed on the material of many tasks, is also based on external signs.

    Theoretical thinking is a way of orientation, ensuring the allocation of a general relation for this class of problems (this is the first, analytical level of generalization). The use of the general method and the ability to distinguish particular forms of this universal relation, that is, the essential relations necessary to construct subclasses of tasks of the proposed class (meaningful grouping of solved problems) is a reflexive level. If in addition a person can offer the conditions of the problem of a new subclass of the class being solved, i.e. able to deduce a special relationship from the universal, it goes to the synthetic level of generalization.

    Later, as the RO technology developed, another concept came to the fore: learning activities. And the development of educational activities, along with the development of theoretical thinking, has become one of the main tasks of the RO, at least at the elementary school level.

    Another interpretation of the concept developmental education is based on structural ideas about human knowledge.

    So, N.I. Chuprikova asserts, “... that the differentiation of cognitive structures and processes constitutes the leading content of mental development (Werner, Witkin), that the separation in judgments of different properties and relationships is a key moment of the transition from direct sensory cognition to abstract thinking, ...”. And further: “The central issue of the problem of mental development is to identify the development substrate, to determine what exactly develops with age and in the learning process. Modern psychology allows us to consider the subject’s internal cognitive structures as the subject of development. ”

    In a number of works, the degree of formation of cognitive structures is directly associated with talent and intellect of a person. So, MA The cold one states: “... it was shown that gifted children and adults have a richer knowledge base, it is more structured and easily accessible in terms of possible actualization.” And further: “By its ontological status, mature intelligence, therefore, - This is a form of organization of cognitive experience, presented in the form of mental structures “accumulated” in the course of ontogenesis, the degree of which determines the structural characteristics of the subjective space of intellectual reflection. The main purpose of the intellect is to build a special kind of representations of what is happening, related to the reproduction of objective knowledge about the world. ”

    In his later work, MA. Cold argues that the distinctive features of the knowledge base of an intellectually gifted person (expert or master) are: a high degree of their diversity and structure, high flexibility and rapid updating at the right moment in any new situation, their representation in a generalized form ... ”.

    If we take the above statements as a basis, then it can be argued that the development process is the process of forming a certain set of cognitive structures and operations (although it is not clear what should such a set be?). Accordingly, training should be aimed at the formation of such structures and operations. Such a desire is quite clearly seen in L.V. Zankova, especially clearly traced in the works of N.F. Talyzina and in a number of other works. The technology of this direction in developmental training provides for the refinement of operations for identifying object attributes, operations with concepts and classes, and the like. In this case, emphasis is placed on elementary structures and operations that are worked out at the elementary school level.

    The interpretations noted above do not exclude, but complement each other: of course, in the process of learning a certain system of knowledge must be created, a certain style of thinking must be worked out, a progressive technology of activity on the acquisition and use of knowledge must be worked out. Based on this, the most general idea of ​​developmental education, let us pay attention to some features of traditional and developmental education.

    A seemingly joking, but having a profound meaning definition is known: education is what remains with a person after he forgets everything that was taught to him. Indeed, the majority remembers little of what we were taught, but hardly anyone will undertake to deny the usefulness of education in achieving life goals. A good education helps a person to navigate in a new situation for him and to find in it effective options for activity; the ability to act in this way is usually associated with intelligence.

    As already noted, the knowledge accumulated so far suggests that the level of intelligence is determined by perfection, primarily the degree of structure and generality, the model of the human world and the degree of sophistication of operations on this model. In other words, human knowledge is not a sum, but a system. The creation of such a system and the development of cognitive operations on its basis that ensure successful activity in non-standard situations is the main task of education.

    By this feature  (knowledge as a sum, knowledge as a system) two extreme types of learning technologies can be distinguished, between which the whole spectrum of practically implemented technologies is located: knowledge summation and intelligence and development technologies (hereafter, simply summing and developing technologies).

    The first type is focused on the accumulation of a sum of knowledge (data and algorithms), in the second, specific knowledge is primarily a means of forming a knowledge system (world model) and working out cognitive operations on it.

    In the framework of summing technologies, the accumulation of specific knowledge is the goal of learning. For developing technologies, specific knowledge is primarily a means of achieving the main goal - the development of human intellectual capabilities. In no way denying the usefulness and usefulness of specific knowledge, we only emphasize that the process of obtaining them should be structured so that the intellectual abilities of a person are purposefully developed and improved. This is the technology of learning that we call developing technology.

    In summing technologies, the formation of intelligence is not monitored. The slogan, the doctrine of summing technologies can be formulated as follows: we will give knowledge, but the intellect, God willing, and he himself will be formed. But, unfortunately, God gives far from everyone. Moreover, specific knowledge in large amounts inhibits human intellectual development. This idea is most clearly formulated in the works of the famous philosopher and teacher E.V. Ilyenkov.

    E.V. Ilyenkov asserts: “A person cannot convey to a person the ideal as such, as a pure form of activity ... The ideal as a form of subjective activity is assimilated only through the active activity with the object and product of this activity ...” as a rigid scheme and order of operations, without understanding its origin and connection with real (not idealized) reality, an individual is unable to treat such an image critically, that is, as special, from ichnomu myself subject. And then he as it merges with him, can not put it in front of him as a subject comparable to reality, and change it in accordance with it. ”

    In other words, knowledge becomes a dogma unsuitable for practical use. Such knowledge “at best does not linger in a person’s head, at worst, litters the brain and disfigures the intellect”.

    In the words of the same Ilyenkov: “A crush reinforced by endless repetition ... cripples the intellect the more truly, paradoxically, the“ smarter ”assimilated truths”. At the same time, it must be assumed that not only the student, but also the teacher is degrading. According to American psychologists, the ability to eat the results of someone else's intellectual activity - “standard pills of school knowledge” - without prejudice to our own intellectual digestion, is given not to everyone, but only to two percent of us. The remaining 98 lose their creative potential during the hard sorting of all children's ideas into “right” and “wrong”.

    The well-known psychology researcher M. Wertheimer paid attention to the other side of this phenomenon: “In this way (with mechanical training) you can bring up children who will behave slavishly like machine guns, solving not only arithmetic, but also any other life tasks and will be blindly To be guided by considerations of prestige, to follow fashion, norms, political or musical opinions, in all things relying on what the teacher said on fashion or authority. ” Attention is also drawn to the direct danger of mechanical, factual education for society in the contemporary book of the American psychologist: the author sees a direct relationship between the way of learning and the level of antisocial actions.

    Unfortunately, the technologies used in our education (preschool, school, university) in general are closer to knowledge-summing than to intelligence and developing. And the transfer of the center of gravity from the first technologies to the second is the urgent task of education at all levels. Among other things, it will be a contribution to the improvement of society.

    So with the term developmental education we do not associate any specific systems of developmental education and understand it as an educational process, in which, along with the transfer of specific knowledge, due attention is paid to the process of human intellectual development, aimed at developing his knowledge in the form of a well-organized system, at developing cognitive structures and operations in within this system.

    In terms of the above, the development of developmental learning technologies requires first of all an answer to two questions:

    What is the system that should be “built” in the learning process?

    How should the “construction” itself be conducted?

    The answers to the first question form the structural basis of developmental education and ultimately boil down to the construction of a certain, we will call it rational, model of intelligence. They define the goals, the final image of what should be created.

    The answers to the second question are the technological foundations of developmental education, which determine how the learning process should be organized in order to most effectively obtain the desired result.

    Consideration of these issues is highly specialized and goes beyond the scope of the abstract.


    Education is part of the process of personality formation. Through this process, society transfers knowledge and skills from one person to another. In the process of learning, certain cultural values ​​are imposed on the student; the learning process is aimed at the socialization of the individual, but sometimes learning conflicts with the true interests of the student.

    A general description of the forms of education and a more detailed consideration of the most attractive and conflict-free (in the form of knowledge transfer and from the point of view of the author) type of training - developmental education - and this essay was devoted.


      Education: ideals and values ​​(historical and theoretical aspect) Ed. Z.I. Ravkin. - M .: ITPiO RAO, 1995. -361 p.

      Kumunzhiev K.V. Cognitive basics of developmental learning. manuscript, Ulyanovsk, 1997.- 82 p.

      Pugach V.I., Dobdko T.V. Methods of teaching computer science: tutorial  for students ped. Institute / Samara State. ped. Inst., 1993. - 250 p.

      Lukyanova M.I., Kalinina N.V. The educational activities of schoolchildren: the essence and possibilities of formation. Methodical recommendations for teachers and school psychologists. - Ulyanovsk: IPK PRO, 1998. - 64s.

    1 GIS - flexible information systems - AM.

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    Types and forms of education

    Essay on pedagogy

    student group M-41

    Salimova Juris


    2007Types and forms of education

    Any activity consists of three parts:

    Approximately motivational;

    Operational executive;

    Reflectively evaluative.

    The absence of the first part transforms the activity into a chaotic accumulation of individual actions without a clear and conscious goal, when a person does not see personal meaning in the actions performed, does not perceive them as significant, important, necessary for himself. The absence of the third part also leads to the loss of the purpose of the activity, since the person does not have the ability to assess his gradual progress towards the desired result, the possibility of achieving it, the prospects and consequences of his behavior in the future. The success of the activity, the ability to adjust it, the development of their creative abilities and self-improvement in general become very difficult in the absence or low level of the development of reflection.

    Therefore, educational activities, like any other, must necessarily contain all three of these components and the most important task of education is to teach students to build their activities as full-fledged, rational, in which all three parts are balanced, sufficiently developed, conscious and fully implemented. In this case, it is understood that all actions, including monitoring and evaluation, are carried out by the student himself.

    The formation of learning activities, as a way of actively acquiring knowledge, is one of the directions of development of the student’s personality. The specificity of this method lies in the consistent and purposeful testing of the activity of the students themselves (understanding the learning task, mastering the methods of active transformations of the object of mastering, mastering the methods of self-control). On this basis, there arises the task of forming an ever-more independent transition of students from performing one component of learning activities to others, that is, shaping ways of self-organizing activities.

    Consideration and brief description of certain types and forms of educational activities and is devoted to this essay.

    Forms of study

    In the literature on pedagogy, the concepts of the method and form of education are often confused. We give the following definitions:

    Form - the nature of orientation activities. The basis of the form is the leading method.

    Method - a method of joint activity of a teacher and a student in order to solve problems.

    Forms of education are specific (lesson, home. Work, elective classes, coursework, consultations, additional classes, forms of control, etc.) and general ones.

    Consider some of the forms in more detail.

    The lesson is a collective form of education, which has a permanent composition of students, a certain scope of classes, strict regulation of educational work on the same educational material for all.

    An analysis of the lessons taught shows that their structure and methodology largely depends on the didactic goals and objectives that are solved in the learning process, as well as on the means at the disposal of the teacher. All this suggests a methodical variety of lessons, which, however, can be classified by type:

    1. lessons, lectures (in practice, this is a monologue of a teacher on a given topic, although with a certain skill of a teacher such lessons acquire the character of a conversation);

    2. laboratory (practical) classes (such lessons are usually devoted to the development of skills);

    3. lessons test and assessment of knowledge (tests, etc.);

    4. combined lessons. Such lessons are conducted according to the following scheme:

    Repetition of the past - students' replay of the previously completed material, homework check, oral and written interview, etc.

    Mastering a new material. At this stage, the new material is presented by the teacher, or “mined” in the process of students' independent work with literature.

    Practicing the skills and abilities to apply knowledge in practice (most often - solving problems of a new material);

    Giving homework.

    Optional classes as a form of education were introduced in the late 60s - early 70s. in the process of another unsuccessful attempt to reform school education. These classes are designed to give a deeper study of the subject to everyone, although in practice, they are very often used to work with lagging trainees.

    Excursions - a form of organization of education, in which academic work is carried out in the framework of direct acquaintance with the objects of study.

    Homework is a form of learning organization in which study work is characterized by the absence of direct teacher guidance.

    Out-of-class work: Olympiads, clubs, etc., should contribute to the best development of students' individual abilities.

    Types of training

    There are many approaches to the classification of types of training. In the essay, three of them will be considered: traditional, distance and developmental training.

    Traditional learning

    This type of training is the most (to date) common (especially in high school) and is the training of knowledge, skills and abilities according to the scheme: learning new - consolidation - control - evaluation. This type of training has a number of disadvantages, which will be discussed below in comparison with the other two types of training. Currently, traditional education is gradually being supplanted by other types of education, since defines other requirements for the individual and the process of its development in school. Their essence is that the former educational paradigm, based on the opinion that it is possible to determine a stock of knowledge sufficient for successful life and transfer it to the student, has exhausted itself.

    First, an increase in scientific knowledge cannot bypass even a school, projecting onto the content of academic disciplines. Secondly, teachers, while maintaining an orientation towards the transfer, rather than the independent mastery of the knowledge necessary for the student, increase the requirements for the amount of knowledge learned by the student. Thirdly, the attempts of teachers, schools to envisage various options for pupils' life-determination and to provide them with the necessary stock of knowledge also lead to an increase and complication of educational material. All this leads to overloading students. From this we can conclude that in today's conditions the school needs to move from information orientation to personal and overcome the great inertia of traditional education in the taught disciplines. This and serve as developmental and distance (respectively) training.

    Distance learning

    Remote form of education (DL) is receiving educational services without visiting the university, using modern information and educational technologies and telecommunications systems such as e-mail, television and INTERNET. Distance learning can be used in higher education, as well as for advanced training and retraining of specialists. Taking into account the territorial peculiarities of Russia and the growing needs of quality education in the regions, distance learning will very soon take a strong place in the market of educational services. Distance learning allows you to get a university degree to anyone who, for one reason or another, cannot study full-time. This is especially true for Russia, where the problem of training and retraining specialists has been acutely acute. Distance education offers great opportunities for students with disabilities. Modern informational educational technologies allow studying blind, deaf and suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Having received educational materials in electronic and / or printed form using telecommunication networks, a student can acquire knowledge at home, in the workplace, or in a special computer class anywhere in Russia and abroad.

    Computer systems can examine, detect errors, give necessary recommendations, carry out practical training, open access to electronic libraries, find the necessary quotation, paragraph, paragraph or chapter of a book in a matter of seconds, highlight the main points in it. Training courses are accompanied by game situations, are equipped with terminological vocabulary and provide access to the main domestic and international databases and knowledge at any distance and at any time. The individual abilities, needs, temperament and student employment are taken into account. He can study courses in any order, faster or slower. All this makes distance learning better, more affordable and cheaper than the traditional.

    TO lectures, in contrast to the traditional classroom, exclude live communication with the teacher. However, they have several advantages. For recording lectures, floppy disks and CD-ROM disks, etc. are used. The use of the latest information technologies (hypertext, multimedia, GIS technologies, virtual reality, etc.) makes the lectures expressive and visual. To create lectures, you can use all the possibilities of cinema: direction, script, artists, etc. Such lectures can be listened to at any time and at any distance. In addition, there is no need to take notes.

    DL consultations are one of the forms for guiding the work of students and assisting them in independently studying the discipline. Used phone and email. Consultations help the teacher to assess the learner’s personal qualities: intelligence, attention, memory, imagination and thinking.

    DL laboratory works are designed for practical learning of the material. In the traditional educational system, laboratory work requires: special equipment, mock-ups, simulators, simulators, chemical reagents, etc. DL opportunities in the future can significantly simplify the task of conducting a laboratory workshop through the use of multimedia technologies, GIS -technologies, simulation, etc. Virtual reality will allow students to demonstrate phenomena that, under normal conditions, it is very difficult or even impossible to show.

    Verification tests of DL are the verification of the results of theoretical and practical learning by the student of educational material.

    Developmental education

    Among the large number of innovations that are sweeping the school today, developmental education (RO) occupies a fairly stable position and is one of the first places in importance and expectations associated with it to improve the quality of education. However, the theory and technology of developmental education is far from complete, especially for middle and senior managers. Moreover, the concept of “developmental education” exists at the level of a rather vague image and is interpreted by no means even by specialists.

    One of the first definitions of this concept is connected with the works of pioneers in the field of developmental education, primarily with the works of V.V. Davydova: “... development is the reproduction by an individual of historically established types of activity and their corresponding abilities, which is realized in the process of their appropriation. Thus, appropriation (it can be represented as a process of education and training in a broad sense) is a universal form of a person’s mental development. ”

    The meaning of what was said above is further specified by identifying two types of thinking: rational empirical and theoretical. At the same time, as follows from the further presentation, developmental training is reduced to the formation of theoretical thinking. The latter is defined as follows: “Consequently, theoretical thinking has its own specific content, different from the content of empirical thinking, is an area of ​​objectively interrelated phenomena that make up an integral system. Without it and outside of it, these phenomena can only be the object of empirical consideration. ”

    There are more simple formulations of these concepts.

    Empirical thinking is an orientation towards external, sensually perceived properties. Generalization, if it is performed on the material of many tasks, is also based on external signs.

    Theoretical thinking is a way of orientation, ensuring the allocation of a general relation for this class of problems (this is the first, analytical level of generalization). The use of the general method and the ability to distinguish particular forms of this universal relation, that is, the essential relations necessary to construct subclasses of tasks of the proposed class (meaningful grouping of solved problems) is a reflexive level. If in addition a person can offer the conditions of the problem of a new subclass of the class being solved, i.e. able to deduce a special relationship from the universal, it goes to the synthetic level of generalization.

    Later, as the RO technology developed, another concept came to the fore: learning activities. And the development of educational activities, along with the development of theoretical thinking, has become one of the main tasks of the RO, at least at the elementary school level.

    Another interpretation of the concept developmental education is based on structural ideas about human knowledge.

    So, N.I. Chuprikova argues, "... that the differentiation of cognitive structures and processes constitutes the leading content of mental development (Werner, Witkin), that the separation in the judgments of different properties and relations is key moment  transition from direct sensory knowledge to abstract thinking, ... ". And further: “The central issue of the problem of mental development is to identify the development substrate, to determine what exactly develops with age and in the learning process. Modern psychology allows us to consider the subject’s internal cognitive structures to be considered as such a development substrate. ”

    In a number of works, the degree of formation of cognitive structures is directly associated with talent and intellect of a person. So, MA Cold says: "... it was shown that gifted children and adults have a richer knowledge base, it is more structured and easily accessible in terms of possible actualization." And further: "By its ontological status, mature intelligence, therefore, - This is a form of organization of cognitive experience, represented as “accumulated” during the ontogenesis of mental structures, the degree of which determines the structural characteristics of the subjective space of intellectual reflection. The main purpose of the intellect is the construction of a special kind of representations of what is happening, related to the reproduction of objective knowledge about the world. ”

    In his later work, MA. Cold argues that the distinctive features of the knowledge base of an intellectually gifted person (expert or master) are: a high degree of their diversity and structure, high flexibility and rapid updating at the right moment in any new situation, their representation in a generalized form ... ".

    If we take the above statements as a basis, then it can be argued that the development process is the process of forming a certain set of cognitive structures and operations (although it is not clear what should such a set be?). Accordingly, training should be aimed at the formation of such structures and operations. Such a desire is quite clearly seen in L.V. Zankova, especially clearly traced in the works of N.F. Talyzina and in a number of other works. The technology of this direction in developmental training provides for the refinement of operations for identifying object attributes, operations with concepts and classes, and the like. In this case, emphasis is placed on elementary structures and operations that are worked out at the elementary school level.

    The interpretations noted above do not exclude, but complement each other: of course, in the process of learning a certain system of knowledge must be created, a certain style of thinking must be worked out, a progressive technology of activity on the acquisition and use of knowledge must be worked out. Based on this, the most general idea of ​​developmental education, let us pay attention to some features of traditional and developmental education. A seemingly joking, but having a profound meaning definition is known: education is what remains with a person after he forgets everything that was taught to him. Indeed, the majority remembers little of what we were taught, but hardly anyone will undertake to deny the usefulness of education in achieving life goals. A good education helps a person to navigate in a new situation for him and to find in it effective options for activity; the ability to act in this way is usually associated with intelligence.

    Based on this, it would be logical to consider, along with the assimilation of a certain amount of facts and algorithms, the most important task of education is the development of human intellectual capabilities. As already noted, the knowledge accumulated so far suggests that the level of intelligence is determined by perfection, primarily the degree of structure and generality, the model of the human world and the degree of sophistication of operations on this model. In other words, human knowledge is not a sum, but a system. The creation of such a system and the development of cognitive operations on its basis that ensure successful activity in non-standard situations is the main task of education. According to this feature (knowledge as a sum, knowledge as a system), we can distinguish two extreme types of learning technologies, between which the whole spectrum of practically implemented ones is located: knowledge summation and intelligence and development technologies (hereafter, simply summing and developing technologies).

    The first type is focused on the accumulation of a sum of knowledge (data and algorithms), in the second, specific knowledge is primarily a means of forming a knowledge system (world model) and working out cognitive operations on it.

    In the framework of summing technologies, the accumulation of specific knowledge is the goal of learning. For developing technologies, specific knowledge is primarily a means of achieving the main goal - the development of human intellectual capabilities. In no way denying the usefulness and usefulness of specific knowledge, we only emphasize that the process of obtaining them should be structured so that the intellectual abilities of a person are purposefully developed and improved. This is the technology of learning that we call developing technology.

    In summing technologies, the formation of intelligence is not monitored. The slogan, the doctrine of summing technologies can be formulated as follows: we will give knowledge, but the intellect, God willing, and he himself will be formed. But, unfortunately, God gives far from everyone. Moreover, specific knowledge in large amounts inhibits human intellectual development. This idea is most clearly formulated in the works of the famous philosopher and teacher E.V. Ilyenkov.

    E.V. Ilyenkov states: “A person cannot convey to a person the ideal as such, as a pure form of activity ... The ideal as a form of subjective activity is assimilated only through the active activity with the object and product of this activity ...” And further: , as a rigid scheme and order of operations, without understanding its origin and connection with real (not idealized) reality, an individual is unable to treat such an image critically, that is, as a special one, to a subject from itself. And then he as it merges with him, can not put it in front of him as an object comparable to reality, and change it in accordance with it. "

    In other words, knowledge becomes a dogma unsuitable for practical use. Such knowledge "at best does not linger in a person's head, at worst, litters the brain and disfigures the intellect."

    In the words of the same Ilyenkov: "Crap, backed up by endless repetition ... cripples the intellect the more true, paradoxically, the more clever assimilated truths." At the same time, it must be assumed that not only the student, but also the teacher is degrading. According to American psychologists, the ability to eat the results of someone else's intellectual activity - “standard pills of school knowledge” - is not given to everyone, but to only two percent of us, without prejudice to our own intellectual digestion. The remaining 98 lose their creative potential during the rigid sorting of all children's ideas into “right” and “wrong”.

    The well-known psychology researcher M. Wertheimer paid attention to the other side of this phenomenon: “In this way (with mechanical training) you can raise children who will behave slavishly like machine guns, solving not only arithmetic, but also any other life tasks and will be blindly To be guided by considerations of prestige, to follow fashion, norms, political or musical opinions, in all things relying on what the teacher said on fashion or authority. ” Attention is also drawn to the direct danger of mechanical, factual education for society in the contemporary book of the American psychologist: the author sees a direct relationship between the way of learning and the level of antisocial actions.

    Unfortunately, the technologies used in our education (preschool, school, university) in general are closer to knowledge-summing than to intelligence and developing. And the transfer of the center of gravity from the first technologies to the second is the urgent task of education at all levels. Among other things, it will be a contribution to the improvement of society.

    So, we do not associate any specific developmental learning systems with the term developmental education, and we understand it as an educational process, in which, along with the transfer of specific knowledge, due attention is paid to the process. intellectual development  man, is aimed at the formation of his knowledge in the form of a well-organized system, to refine cognitive structures and operations within the framework of this system.

    In terms of the above, the development of developmental learning technologies requires first of all an answer to two questions:

    What is the system that should be “built” in the learning process?

    How should the “construction” itself be conducted?

    The answers to the first question form the structural basis of developmental education and ultimately boil down to the construction of a certain, we will call it rational, model of intelligence. They define the goals, the final image of what should be created.

    The answers to the second question are the technological foundations of developmental education, which determine how the learning process should be organized in order to most effectively obtain the desired result. The consideration of these issues is highly specialized and goes beyond the abstract.


    Education is part of the process of personality formation. Through this process, society transfers knowledge and skills from one person to another. In the process of learning, certain cultural values ​​are imposed on the student; the learning process is aimed at the socialization of the individual, but sometimes learning conflicts with the true interests of the student.

    A general description of the forms of education and a more detailed consideration of the most attractive and conflict-free (in the form of knowledge transfer and from the point of view of the author) type of training - developmental education - and this essay was devoted.


    1. Education: ideals and values ​​(historical and theoretical aspect) Ed. Z.I. Ravkin. - M .: ITPiO RAO, 1995. -361 p.

    2. Kumunzhiev K.V. Cognitive basics of developmental learning. manuscript, Ulyanovsk, 1997.- 82 p.

    3. Pugach V.I., Dobdko T.V. Methods of teaching informatics: a manual for students ped. Institute / Samara State. ped. Inst., 1993. - 250 p.

    4. Lukyanova M.I., Kalinina N.V. The educational activities of schoolchildren: the essence and possibilities of formation. Methodical recommendations for teachers and school psychologists. - Ulyanovsk: IPK PRO, 1998. - 64s.

      GIS - flexible information systems - AM.

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    Traditional types and forms of education in Russia

    General provisions

    Any activity consists of three parts:

    · roughly motivational;

    · operational executive;

    · reflexively evaluative.

    If the first part is missing, the activity turns into a chaotic accumulation of individual actions without a clear and conscious goal, when a person does not see personal meaning in the actions performed, does not perceive them as meaningful, important, necessary for themselves. The absence of the third part also leads to the loss of the purpose of the activity, since the person does not have the ability to assess his gradual progress towards the desired result, the possibility of achieving it, the prospects and consequences of his behavior in the future. The success of the activity, the ability to adjust it, the development of their creative abilities and self-improvement in general become very difficult in the absence or low level of the development of reflection.

    Therefore, any activity and training, must necessarily contain all three of these components. The most important task of education is to teach students to build their activities as full-fledged, rational, in which all three parts are balanced, sufficiently developed, conscious and fully implemented. In this case, it is understood that all actions, including monitoring and evaluation, are carried out by the student himself.

    One of the directions of the development of the personality of the learner is the formation of learning activities as a way to actively acquire knowledge. The specificity of this method lies in the consistent and purposeful testing of the activity of the students themselves (understanding the learning task, mastering the methods of active transformations of the object of mastering, mastering the methods of self-control). On this basis, there arises the task of forming an ever-more independent transition of students from performing one component of learning activities to others, that is, shaping ways of self-organizing activities.

    Forms of study   in Russia

    The form is the nature of the orientation activity. The basis of the form is the leading method.

    The method is a way of joint activity of the teacher and the student in order to solve problems.

    There are specific and general forms of education. Specific include lesson house. work, coursework, counseling, elective classes, additional classes, forms of control, etc.

    The collective form of education, which has a permanent composition of students, a certain scope of classes, strict regulation of educational work on the same for all educational material is called a lesson.

    An analysis of the lessons taught shows that their structure and methodology largely depends on the didactic goals and objectives that are solved in the learning process, as well as on the means at the disposal of the teacher. All this suggests a methodical variety of lessons, which, however, can be classified by type:

    1. Lectures (in practice, this is a monologue of a teacher on a given topic, although with a certain mastery of the teacher, such lessons become conversational);

    2. Laboratory (practical) classes (such lessons are usually devoted to the development of skills);

    3. Lessons learned and assessment of knowledge (tests, etc.);

    4. Combined lessons. Such lessons are conducted according to the following scheme:

    · repetition of the past - students' replay of the previously completed material, homework check, oral and written interview, etc .;

    · mastering new material. At this stage, the new material is presented by the teacher, or is “mined” in the process of students' independent work with literature;

    · practicing the skills and abilities of applying knowledge in practice (most often, solving new material problems);

    · issuing homework.

    Optional classes as a form of education were introduced in the late 60s - early 70s. in the process of another unsuccessful attempt to reform school education. These classes are designed to give a deeper study of the subject to everyone, although in practice, they are very often used to work with lagging trainees.

    Excursions - a form of organization of education, in which academic work is carried out in the framework of direct acquaintance with the objects of study.

    Homework is a form of learning organization in which study work is characterized by the absence of direct teacher guidance.

    Extracurricular activities: Olympiads, clubs, etc., should contribute to the best development of individual abilities of students.

    Types of training

    Among the many approaches to the classification of types of education, we will consider three of them: traditional, distance and developmental education.

    Traditional learning

    This type of training is the most (to date) common (especially in high school) and is the training of knowledge, skills and abilities according to the scheme: learning new - consolidation - control - evaluation. This type of training has a number of disadvantages, which will be discussed below in comparison with the other two types of training. At present, traditional education is gradually being supplanted by other types of education, since other requirements for the personality and the process of its development in school are determined. Their essence is that the former educational paradigm, based on the opinion that it is possible to determine a stock of knowledge sufficient for successful life and transfer it to the student, has exhausted itself.

    First, an increase in scientific knowledge cannot bypass even a school, projecting onto the content of academic disciplines. Secondly, teachers, while maintaining an orientation towards the transfer, rather than the independent mastery of the knowledge necessary for the student, increase the requirements for the amount of knowledge learned by the student. Thirdly, the attempts of teachers, schools to envisage various options for pupils' life-determination and to provide them with the necessary stock of knowledge also lead to an increase and complication of educational material. All this leads to overloading students. From this we can conclude that in today's conditions the school needs to move from information orientation to personal and overcome the great inertia of traditional education in the taught disciplines. This and serve as developmental and distance (respectively) training.

    Distance learning

    Remote form of education (DL) is receiving educational services without visiting the university, using modern information and educational technologies and telecommunications systems such as e-mail, television and INTERNET. Distance learning can be used in higher education, as well as for advanced training and retraining of specialists. Taking into account the territorial peculiarities of Russia and the growing needs of quality education in the regions, distance learning will very soon take a strong place in the market of educational services.

    Distance learning allows you to get a university degree to anyone who, for one reason or another, cannot study full-time. This is especially true for Russia, where the problem of training and retraining specialists has been acutely acute.

    Distance education offers great opportunities for students with disabilities. Modern informational educational technologies allow studying blind, deaf and suffering from diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

    Having received educational materials in electronic and / or printed form using telecommunication networks, a student can acquire knowledge at home, in the workplace, or in a special computer class anywhere in Russia and abroad.

    Computer systems can examine, detect errors, give necessary recommendations, carry out practical training, open access to electronic libraries, find the necessary quotation, paragraph, paragraph or chapter of a book in a matter of seconds, highlight the main points in it. Training courses are accompanied by game situations, are equipped with terminological vocabulary and provide access to the main domestic and international databases and knowledge at any distance and at any time.

    The individual abilities, needs, temperament and student employment are taken into account. He can study courses in any order, faster or slower. All this makes distance learning better, more affordable and cheaper than the traditional.

    · TO lectures, in contrast to the traditional classroom, exclude live communication with the teacher. However, they have several advantages. To record lectures, floppy disks and CD-ROM disks are used, etc. The use of the latest information technologies (hypertext, multimedia, GIS technologies, virtual reality, etc.) makes the lectures expressive and visual. To create lectures you can use all the possibilities of cinema: direction, script, artists, etc. You can listen to such lectures at any time and at any distance. In addition, there is no need to take notes.

    Key words of the page: how to download, free, without, registration, sms, essay, diploma, coursework, essay, exam, GIA, GDZ

    The effectiveness of the whole educational work with students is largely determined not only by the methods of teaching-learning, but also by the forms of its organization. In these forms, the educational content, its purpose, objectives and teaching methods are implemented. In didactic form (from the Latin. Forma - appearance, device) denotes the outer side of the learning process, which determines when, where, who and how to learn. If the principles of learning say why it is necessary to train in this way, the methods explain the essence of learning interaction, then the forms determine how to organize learning in real conditions. Forms of education are essentially a way of organizing education, speaking the general orientation of the educational activities of participants in the pedagogical process.

    The implementation of the goals and content of education is carried out in various organizational forms, designed to streamline the educational process in educational institutions, including, of course, in higher education.

    Organizational formsstudies are types of studies, differing from each other by didactic goals, the composition of students, the venue, the duration of the lesson, the content and the meaning of the activity of the teacher and students. The choice of organizational forms is dictated by the characteristic features of a particular academic discipline, the content of educational material, the characteristics of the educational group, as well as didactic goals and methods for their implementation.

    There are various approaches to the definition and classification of forms of education. For example, V. Okon divides them into three groups, interpreting which to the conditions of the university, can be distinguished: classroom studies with students, extracurricular educational work and independent work of students. Other classifications proposed by various researchers are primarily focused on the school system.

    In the most general structure of the learning process can be identified three main groups of organizational forms:

    Forms aimed primarily at theoretical training of students;

    Forms aimed mainly at practical training of students;

    Forms of control of knowledge and skills of students.

    Each of these groups includes several different forms. We describe the main organizational forms of education.

    Lesson   It is one of the main forms of organization of education in primary and secondary schools. It is held for a group of students of the same age, full-time staff, classes are held on a firm schedule in accordance with the uniform for all training program.

    The lesson as an organizational form of education can be used in higher education. It is characterized by the constancy of the time allotted to it, the constancy of the composition of the students (study group), conducting mainly in the office (audience) on a schedule, under the guidance of a teacher.

    The didactic structure of the lesson is a certain sequence of actions, which is shown in Fig. 33. It includes the following elements: a message to learners of new knowledge; organization of independent study of new educational material; repetition and consolidation of new material; the formation of skills, mental and practical actions; control, analysis and assessment of students' knowledge and skills.

    Currently used non-standard lessons.  To their varieties include:

    An integrated lesson, a characteristic feature of which is that the material of several topics is studied in one block;

    Interdisciplinary lesson, in the process of which the study of material relating to several related academic disciplines is combined;

    Fig. 33. General structure  the lesson

    Lesson essay;

    Drama lesson;


    Lesson-press conference;

    Lesson-business game;

    Lesson court;

    Lesson excursion.

    The effectiveness of the forms of education is determined by the methods of organizing the educational activities of students. Usually there are three ways or forms of such an organization: individual, group, collective (frontal) work of students in a lesson.

    Individual work  The lesson provides for the performance of tasks independently by each student at the level of his educational opportunities. This form of work is also used in the conditions of programmed and computer-based learning (to test students' knowledge and skills).

    Group workit is a method of organizing training sessions in which certain tasks are assigned to a group of 5-7 people. The tasks themselves must be differentiated and individualized. In this case, it is possible to evaluate the activities of each student.

    Teamwork  involves the joint performance of all students of the same task.

    Each lesson has didactic, psychological, educational and hygienic aspects.

    Didactic aspect  employment consists in the implementation of the principles of learning; clear definition and setting of learning goals and objectives; skillful organization of educational work; determining the structure of employment and its provision.

    Psychological aspect  is to account for the main psychological features trainees and their real capabilities, in the formation of a positive motivation for learning and the appropriate attitude of the teacher.

    Educational aspectclasses consist in the formulation of educational tasks, the implementation of educational opportunities embodied in the content and methods of instruction; in the formation and development of the initiative, responsibility and diligence of students.

    The following are presented to the lesson: hygiene requirements :

    Prevention of mental and physical fatigue of students;

    Prevention of monotony and monotony in academic work.

    Their observance increases the effectiveness of the lesson and contributes to the successful achievement of its goals. It is provided by a rational choice of the volume of educational material and the level of its difficulty, the nature of presentation and stimulation of students' interest, the use of pauses and the timely transition from one stage of the lesson to the next,

    As well as lesson form  organization of the educational process, its forms are applied such as lectures, seminars, workshops, consultations, electives, independent work, course and diploma projects, educational and industrial practice. Consider some of them.

    Lecture   is one of the main forms of organization of the educational process in higher education. The didactic goals of the lectures are to provide students with new knowledge, systematize and summarize the accumulated knowledge, form ideological views, moral convictions, a holistic world view, and develop cognitive and professional interests. The lecture performs two main functions  - methodological and organizational.

    Methodological function  provides the possibility of introducing students to science in general, gives the course a conceptual and integrity, allows you to form a systemic idea of ​​its purpose, structure and place in the overall system of vocational training. Organizational function  The lecture provides a link to all other forms of training that logically follow it, rely on it meaningfully and thematically.

    There are different types of lectures, however, for each of them, regardless of the didactic and educational tasks, the structure of the lecture includes three parts: introductory, main and final (Fig. 34).

    In introductory part   the objectives of the lecture are given, its theme is reported and the relevance and place in the general structure of the studied discipline and problem is shown. Here it is advisable to outline the range of major problems to be covered in the lecture.

    Fig. 34. General structure of the lecture

    AT main part lectures containing a relatively independent, holistic and complete part of the educational material of the discipline under study, a comprehensive analysis of the studied problems and their causes is carried out, they are systematized and classified, rational ways and means of effectively solving these problems are outlined.

    AT the final part   the lectures give a brief analysis of the problems considered in it, formulate the main conclusions, define the tasks for students for independent work with educational material and provide guidelines for the rational organization of this work.

    A lecture will be effective if it takes into account the features of the educational material that constitutes the subject of this lecture, its content and structure, the requirements of the presentation methodology. In this case, it is important for the teacher to rationally use all necessary means, to establish a clear contact with the audience.

    Seminar   It is one of the main types of educational practical classes in higher education and serves to consolidate the material heard at the lecture. It consists in the independent study by students on the instructions of the teacher of certain topics and questions of the lecture course with the subsequent design of the material in the form of essays or oral reports. During the seminar, the knowledge gained at the lecture is deepened and systematized as a result of independent out-of-class work on primary sources, documents, and additional literature. At the same time, it becomes possible for the teacher to control their level of learning. The seminar focuses students on the manifestation of independence, on the development of a common culture and culture of speech, in particular, on the formation of the ability to reasonably defend their point of view, ask questions and answer questions, listen to others, and contact other seminar participants.

    Practical work   is one of the types of practical training or laboratory work, a kind of connection between theory and practice, which serves to consolidate knowledge by involving students in solving various types of educational and cognitive tasks. He develops skills in the use of computer technology, the ability to use literature.

    The management of the practical lesson is usually carried out by means of a special instruction, which, according to strictly defined rules, determines the sequence of students' actions aimed at successfully achieving the objectives of the workshop.

    The didactic goal of the workshop is to develop students' system of professional skills, as well as the development of practical skills necessary for the study of subsequent academic disciplines.

    The workshops play a particularly important role in the study of special subjects, the content of which is aimed at the formation of professional skills necessary in future practical activities.

    Consultation   as a form of education, it represents a teacher’s advice or explanation to students of any questions. It is held in the form of an interview individually or as part of a group during extra-curricular time on schedule or as needed, after studying a certain section of the program, in the process of studying it, or preparing students for an exam or a test. Consultation involves the secondary analysis of educational material that is either poorly learned by students or not learned at all. The main didactic goals of the consultations are to eliminate the gaps in the knowledge of students, providing them with methodological assistance in independent work.

    There are group and individual consultations. Both types of counseling create favorable conditions for ensuring an individual approach to students, orient the teacher towards their training preparedness, abilities and strength.

    Training conference .   The conference is a very special training structure aimed at the expansion, consolidation and improvement of knowledge. This organizational form of education ensures the pedagogical interaction of the teacher and students with their maximum autonomy, activity, and initiative. It is usually conducted with several study groups. Preparing for the conference begins with the definition of the topic, the selection of issues for discussion, which, together with a certain completeness, reveal the selected topic.

    The conference, by its characteristics, is to some extent close to the seminar and is its development; therefore, the methodology for preparing and holding the conference is broadly similar to the methodology of the seminar. However, the requirements for students to prepare essays and reports for the conference are much higher than for seminars, since this training is used as a means of building their creative experience and provides for increasing difficulties in the content of the tasks.

    Optional, or an optional course, is a discipline or a section of the discipline, studied by students voluntarily, of their own accord, in addition to the mandatory list of academic disciplines stipulated by the curriculum of the specialty. As a form of education, it serves to deepen and expand scientific and theoretical knowledge and the development of students' creative abilities. There are the following main types of electives: in-depth study of academic subjects; studying additional disciplines, studying additional sections of standard disciplines to prepare for scientific work; obtaining an additional specialty; interdisciplinary electives. Elective courses are organized in accordance with the decisions of academic councils of faculties and are approved for each academic year.

    Electives are divided into theoretical and practical.  Each of them has its own structure and content.

    Recently, in the higher school of Ukraine in the structure curriculum  Many specialties provide for the so-called regulatory, that is, the mandatory part and the variable part. The variable part, in turn, includes disciplines approved by the university or faculty council, and disciplines of free choice of students. Unlike electives, free choice disciplines are established in advance and provide for several options corresponding to different specializations within the framework of this specialty.

    Game Forms   represent the organizational form of the implementation of such varieties of active learning methods. How game design and business games . Educational games allow students to more intensively develop and securely consolidate the skills of independent work, instill in them the ability to think professionally. They perform cognitive, research, educational functions, as well as the function of control. Games have wide didactic opportunities. With their help, it is possible to form an extremely wide range of skills, abilities and personality traits, depending on how the preparation and conduct of the game is organized, what motives are laid into its foundation by developers and teachers.

    Internship   It is an integral part of the educational process and a peculiar form of its organization and, as a rule, is conducted outside educational institution  - at enterprises, firms and organizations whose profile of activity corresponds to the future specialty of the student.

    Production practice is one of the most complex forms of the educational process both in organizational and methodological terms, since for its preparation and implementation it is necessary to combine the characteristic features of the production sector and the educational institution. In addition, in the course of practical training, students must, on the one hand, comply with the production activity regime established at the enterprise, and on the other hand, they must properly carry out the tasks received by them at the university and process the results in the form of reports.

    The didactic objectives of the production practice:

    Acquaintance with the real features of production, with the content and character of their future professional activity;

    Formation and development of professional skills required for successful work in the enterprise;

    Consolidation, synthesis and systematization of theoretical knowledge obtained through their application in real activity.

    The structure of work practices depends on the objectives and content. practical training  and ultimately must provide holistic training of a specialist for professional activities.

    Independent work   students is designed to consolidate, deepen, expand and systematize the knowledge gained during the classroom; for self-mastering new educational material; for the formation of professional skills; for the development of independent thinking, the formation of its systemic nature and creative innovative orientation.

    Independent work underlies the teaching of theoretical knowledge and the skills of students to plan their own cognitive activity  and control its progress.

    Course Design .   This form of education is applied at the final stage of studying the academic subject. The didactic objectives of course design are:

    Formation of students professional skills;

    Deepening, generalization, systematization and consolidation of knowledge on the studied discipline;

    Formation of a creative approach to solving practical problems and the ability to apply the knowledge gained;

    Formation of skills and habits of independent intellectual creative activity;

    Comprehensive testing of the level of knowledge and skills of students in a given discipline and curriculum disciplines that provide it.

    Graduation Design   is an organizational form of learning, applied at the final stage of training in the relevant educational institution. It consists in the performance by students of diploma projects or theses, on the basis of public defenses of which the State Examination Commission makes a decision on awarding students the qualifications of a specialist or a master.

    The didactic objectives of the degree design are:

    Expansion, consolidation and systematization of the acquired knowledge, improvement of professional skills and abilities for solving specific socio-political, scientific, technical, production and economic tasks, as well as tasks of cultural construction;

    Development of skills and skills of independent scientific research and the application of its results to solve specific scientific, technical, technological or organizational and economic problems;

    Verification of the quality of graduates' training and the level of their readiness for independent work in various structures and organizations - state or commercial, in state and local government bodies, in modern industrial enterprises, in education, science and culture.