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  • Schools special correctional II species. School system of special education

    Schools special correctional II species. School system of special education

    School-age children with special educational needs receive education in accordance with special educational standards in various educational institutions or at home.

    During the XX century.

    Developed a system of special (correction) educational institutionswhich are mainly boarding schools and in which in the USSR and in Russia the vast majority of school-age children with special educational needs studied and study.

    Currently there are eight main types special schools  for children with various developmental disorders. To exclude the imposition of diagnostic characteristics in the requisites of these schools (as it used to be: a school for the mentally retarded, a school for the deaf, etc.), in the legal and official documents these schools are named for their species number:

    special (correctional) educational institution of the first type (boarding school for deaf children);

    special (correctional) educational institution of ІГ type (boarding school for hearing-impaired and late-bad children);

    special (correctional) educational institution III

    species (boarding school for blind children);

    special (correctional) educational institution IV

    species (boarding school for visually impaired children); special (correctional) educational institution V

    type (boarding school for children with severe speech disorders);

    special (correctional) educational institution VI

    type (boarding school for children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system);

    special (correctional) educational institution VII

    of the type (school or boarding school for children with learning difficulties - delay mental development);

    special (correctional) educational institution VIII

    type (school or boarding school for children with mental retardation).

    The activities of such institutions are governed by government regulations. Russian Federation of March 12, 1997 No. 288 “On Approval of the Model Provision on a Special (Corrective) Educational Institution for Students and Pupils with Developmental Disabilities”, as well as a letter from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation “On the specifics of the activities of special (correctional) educational institutions I- VI species.

    In accordance with these documents, special educational standards are implemented in all special (correctional) educational institutions.

    An educational institution independently, on the basis of a social educational standard, develops and pea l of "em syllabus  and educational programs, based on the characteristics of psychophysical development and the individual characteristics of: the capabilities of children. Can a special (correctional) educational institution be established by federal authorities? executive authority (Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation), the executive branch of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation (government, committee, ministry) of education of the region, the republic's cr.) and local (municipal) self-government bodies. A special (correctional) educational institution may be non-state. і

    In recent years, special educational programs have been created for other categories of children with disabilities and vital functions: with an autistic trait; personality, with Down syndrome. There are also sanatorium (forest schools for chronically ill and weak children.

    Special (correctional) educational institutions are funded by the respective founder.

    Each such educational institution is responsible for the life of the pupil and ensuring his constitutional right to receive free education within the special educational standard. All children are provided1 with conditions for education, upbringing, treatment, social adaptation and integration into society.

    Graduates of special (correctional) educational institutions (except for school viii  types) receive qualifications ~ education (i.e., corresponding to the levels of education of the mass of the general education school: for example, basic general education, general secondary education). They are issued a state-issued document confirming the level of education or certificate of completion of a special (corrective) educational institution.

    The educational authorities of the child are sent to the special school only with the consent of the parents and upon the conclusion (recommendation) of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission. So: with the consent of the parents and on the basis conclusions of PMPK  a child can be transferred within a special school to a class for children with mental retardation only after the first year of study in

    In a special school, a class (or group) can be created for children with a complex defect structure as these children are identified during psychological, medical and pedagogical observation under conditions educational process.

    In addition, in a special school of any kind, classes can be opened for children with severe mental development disorders and other disorders that accompany them. The decision to open such a class is made by the pedagogical council of the special school provided that the necessary conditions are available, specially trained personnel. The main tasks of such classes are the provision of elementary primary education, the creation of the most favorable conditions for the development of the child’s personality, for them to receive pre-vocational or elementary work and social and domestic training, taking into account their individual capabilities.

    A pupil of a special school may be transferred for training to a regular general school by the education administration authorities with the consent of the parents (or persons replacing them) and on the basis of the opinion of the PMPK, as well as if comprehensive school  There are necessary conditions for integrated learning.

    In addition to education, a special school provides medical and psychological support to children with disabilities, for which the staff of the special school has the appropriate specialists. They work in close cooperation with the teaching staff, carrying out diagnostic activities, psychocorrectional and psychotherapeutic activities, supporting a protective regime in a special school, participating in professional counseling. If necessary, children receive medication and physiotherapy treatment, massage, tempering procedures, attend physical therapy classes.

    The process of social adaptation, social integration helps the social teacher. His role is especially increasing at the stage of choosing a profession, graduation from school and transition in the post-school period.

    Each special school pays considerable attention to the labor, pre-vocational training of its students. The content and forms of training depend on the local peculiarities: territorial, ethnonational and cultural, on the needs of the local labor market, the capabilities of pupils, their interests. A labor profile is chosen individually, which includes preparation for individual labor activity.

    A special school of type I, where deaf children study, leads the educational process in accordance with the level of general educational programs of three levels of general education: 1-

    i stage - primary general education (within 5-6 l or 6-7 years - in the case of training in the preparatory class); 2-

    i step - the basic general education (within 5-6 years); 3-

    i stage - complete secondary general education (2 years, as a rule, in the structure of evening school).

    For children who have not received full preschool training, a preparatory class is organized. Children from the age of 7 are admitted to the first grade.

    All learning activities  permeated with work on the formed "and the development of verbal verbal and writing, communication, smart to perceive and understand the speech of others on a hearing and sound basis. Children learn to use the remnants of hearing to perceive speech by ear and by hearing, using sound-amplifying equipment.

    For this purpose, group and individual classes on the development of auditory perception are regularly held and the pronunciation side of oral speech is formed.

    In schools working on a bilingual basis, equitable learning of the language of verbal and sign language is possible, but studying proccess  conducted in sign language: "speech.

    As part of a special school of the first type, classes d are organized; deaf children with a complex structure of the defect (mental retardation, learning difficulties, the visually impaired, etc.).

    The number of children in a class (group) is not more than 6 people, in cells; Sah for children with a complex structure of the defect up to 5 people.

    A special school of the second type, where people with hearing impairment (with partial hearing loss and varying degrees of speech deficiency) and late-bad children (deaf at preschool IL school age, but who have retained independent speech), have two departments:

    the first section is for children with mild speech deficiencies associated with hearing impairment;

    the second part - for children with deep speech underdevelopment, the cause of which is hearing impairment.

    If in the process of learning it becomes necessary to transfer a child from one department to another (it is difficult for the child in the first department or, on the contrary, the child in the second department reaches such a level of general and speech developmentwhich allows him to study in the first department), then with the consent of the parents and the recommendation of the PMPK such a transition takes place.

    In the first class in any of the departments are accepted children who have reached the age of seven, if they attended kindergarten. For children who, for whatever reason, do not have appropriate pre-school education, a preparatory class is organized in the second section.

    The occupancy of the class (group) in the first compartment is up to 10 people, in the second compartment up to 8 people.

    In a special school of type II, the educational process is carried out in accordance with the levels of general education programs of three levels of general education: 1-

    i stage - primary general education (in the first department 4-5 years, in the second department 5-6 or 6-7 years); 2-

    i step - the basic general education (6 years in the first and in the second Divisions); 3-

    i stage - secondary (complete) general education (2 years in the first and second branches).

    The development of auditory and auditory perception, the formation and correction of the pronunciation side of speech are conducted on specially organized individual and group classes  with the use of sound-amplifying equipment for collective use and individual hearing aids.

    The development of auditory perception and the automation of pronunciation skills continue in phonetic rhythm lessons and in various activities related to music.

    Special schools of III and IV types are intended for the education of blind (III type), visually impaired and late blind (IV type) children. Due to the small number of such schools, if necessary, joint (in one institution) training of blind and visually impaired children, as well as children with strabismus and amblescopy, can be organized.

    Blind children as well as children with residual vision (0.04 and below) and higher visual acuity (0.08) with complex combinations of visual impairment and progressive eye diseases leading to blindness are admitted to a special school of type III.

    In the first class of a special type III school, children of 6-7 years old and sometimes 8-9 years old are admitted. The occupancy of the class (group) can be up to 8 people. The general term of study in school III is 12 years, for which students receive a secondary (complete) general education.

    Visually impaired children with visual acuity from 0.05 to 0.4 in a better looking eye with a tolerable correction are admitted to a special school of type IV. This takes into account the state of other visual functions (visual field, near visual acuity), shape

    and the course of the pathological process. This school can be life ”; Children are accepted with a higher visual acuity in case of progressive or often recurring visual diseases, and the presence of asthenic phenomena that occur when reading and writing at close range.

    Children with a squint and amblyopus with a higher visual acuity (over 0.4) are admitted to this school.

    In the first class of school IV type are accepted children 6-7 liters. In a class (group) can be up to 12 people. For 12 years of schooling, children receive a secondary (complete) general education.

    A special school of the V type is intended for the formation of children with severe speech disorders and may have one or two departments in their class.

    In the first part, children who have a common shortage are trained; severe speech (alalia, dysarthria, rhinolalia, aphasia), as well as children who have a general underdevelopment of speech, accompanied by stuttering.

    In the second part, children with severe form of stutters study with normally developed speech.

    Within the first and second departments, taking into account the level of speech development of children, classes (groups) can be created, including pupils with homogeneous speech disorders.

    If a speech disorder  eliminated, the child can, based on the conclusion of the PMPK, and with the consent of the parents, go into a regular school _

    Children of 7–9 years of age are admitted to the first grade, and 6–7 years of age are accepted for preparation. For 10-11 years of schooling V type child m „| zhet to get basic general education.

    Special speech therapy and pedagogical assistance is provided to the child in the process of training and education, for all lessons and during extracurricular time. The school has a special speech regime.

    A special school of the VIth type is intended for children with musculoskeletal disorders (motor disorders, having different causes and varying degrees of expression, cerebral palsy, congenital and acquired disorders of the musculoskeletal system, dull paralysis of the upper and lower extremities , paresis and paraparesis "of the lower and upper extremities).

    A school of type VI carries out the educational process in coog; with the levels of general education programs of the three stages of general education: 1-

    i step - primary general education (4-5 years); 2-

    i step - the basic general education (6 years); 3-

    i stage - secondary (complete) general education (2 years).

    Children from the age of 7 years old are admitted to the first class (group), but children are allowed to be admitted for children of this age and older for 1-2 years.

    For children who have not attended kindergarten, a preparatory class is open.

    The number of children in a class (group) is no more than 10 people.

    The school VI type has a special motor mode.

    Education is carried out in unity with complex correctional work, covering the child's motor sphere, his speech and cognitive activity  generally.

    Special school VII type is designed for children experiencing persistent learning difficulties with mental retardation (CRA).

    The educational process at this school is carried out in accordance with the levels of general education programs at two levels of general education: 1-

    i stage - primary general education (3-5 years) 2-

    i step - the basic general education (5 years).

    Children are accepted to school of the VII type only in preparatory, first and second classes, in the third class - as an exception. Those who began to study in a regular school at the age of 7 can be admitted to the second grade VII school, and those who begin to study at a regular educational institution from the age of 6 can be accepted into the first grade VII school.

    Children who did not have any preschool preparation can be admitted at the age of 7 years to the first grade school of the VII type, and at the age of 6 years old - to the preparatory class.

    The number of children in a class (group) is no more than 12 people.

    The students in school VII of the species retain the possibility of transition to a regular school with the correction of developmental deviations, the elimination of gaps in knowledge after receiving elementary general education.

    If it is necessary to clarify the diagnosis, the child can study at school of the VII type within a year.

    Children receive special educational assistance on individual and group remedial classes, as well as speech therapy classes.

    Special school VIII of the type provides special education for children with intellectual underdevelopment. Education in the school is not qualifying, having a qualitatively different content. The focus is on social adaptation and vocational training when pupils master the amount of educational content available to them in general education subjects.

    Education in school VIII type ends with an exam on labor training. Schoolchildren may be exempt from examination (certification) for health reasons. The procedure released is determined by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. "

    In school VIII, a child can be enrolled in the first and preparatory class at the age of 7-8 years. The preparatory class allows not only to better prepare the child for school ;;; and provides an opportunity to clarify the diagnosis in the course of the educational process and psychological and pedagogical study of the possibilities of the child. "

    The number of students in the preparatory class does not exceed 6-8 people, and in other classes - no more than 12.

    Dates of school in the VIII type can be 8 years, 9 years, 9 years, with a vocational class, 10 years with a professional class. These periods of study can be extended by 1 year by opening a preparatory class.;

    If the school has the necessary material base, then classes can be opened in groups with in-depth works.


    Pupils who have completed the eighth (tenth) class go to such classes. Graduated from a class with in-depth training and successfully passed the qualifying exam, receiving a document on the assignment of the appropriate qualification rank.

    In schools of the eighth form, classes for children with profound mental retardation can also be created. The number of dtey in this class should not exceed 5-6 people.

    Children can be sent to a preparatory (diagnostic) class. During the school year, the preliminary diagnosis is clarified, and depending on this, the next year the child can either be sent to a class for children with severe forms of intellectual disability, or to a regular class of school VIII type.

    Completing classes for children with a severe form of inte. Lectural underdevelopment is carried out in three levels: 1-

    nd level - from the age of 6 to 9; 2-

    nd level - from 9 to 12 years; 3-

    level th - from 13 to 18 years.

    Children under the age of 12 liters may be sent to such classes in the school system up to 18 years of age. Deduction from school takes place in accordance with the recommendations of the PMPK and in consultation with the parents.

    Children with psychopathic behavior, epilepsy and other mental illnesses requiring active treatment are not admitted to such classes. These children can attend co-educational groups with their parents.

    The mode of operation of the class (group) is established by agreement with the parents. The learning process is carried out in the mode of each pupil passing an individual educational route, determined by specialists in accordance with the psychophysical capabilities of a child.

    For orphans and children left without parental care and having special educational needs, special orphanages and boarding schools are created in accordance with the profile of developmental disorders. Mostly these are orphanages and boarding schools for children and adolescents with intellectual underdevelopment and learning difficulties.

    In case the child is not able to attend a special (correctional) educational institution, his or her training at home is organized. The organization of such training is determined by the Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation “On Approving the Procedure for Upbringing and Teaching Disabled Children at Home and in Non-State Educational Institutions” dated July 18, 1996 No. 861.

    Recently, home-based training schools have been established, whose staff, consisting of qualified defectology specialists, psychologists, works with children both at home and in conditions of the partial stay of these children at home-based school. In the context of group work, interaction and communication with other children, the child develops social skills, is accustomed to learning in a group, team environment.

    Children receive the right to education at home, diseases or developmental abnormalities which correspond to those specified in the special list established by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation. The basis for the organization of home-based training is a medical certificate of a medical institution.

    A school or preschool educational institution located nearby is involved in providing assistance in homeschooling for children. For the period of study, the child is given the opportunity of free use of textbooks, the school’s library fund. Teachers and psychologists of the school provide counseling and methodological assistance to parents in the development of a child's general education programs. The school provides intermediate and final certification of the child and issues a document on the appropriate level of education. Teachers-teachers, who are involved in addition for conducting correctional work, also take part in certification.

    If a child with special educational needs is educated at home, education authorities will compensate parents for the cost of education in accordance with state and local standards for financing child education in the appropriate type and type of educational institution.

    For education, upbringing and social adaptation of children and nd sprouts with complex, with severe developmental disorders, with confusing diseases, and also to provide them with comprehensive care, rehabilitation centers of various types are created. These may be the following centers: psychological, medical and pedagogical rehabilitation and correction; social and labor adaptation and prs orientation; psychological, educational and social assistance; Social assistance to the family and children left without care of the body, etc. The purpose of such centers is to provide correctional-pedagogical, psychological and vocational guidance, as well as developing self-service skills and a common "social interaction, work skills of children with heavy" and multiple disorders. In a number of centers, a special educational activities. Classes at rehabilitation centers are organized according to the programs of individual group education and training. Often, the centers provide consultative, diagnostic and methodological assistance to parents of children with special educational needs, including information and legal support. Rehabilitation centers also provide social and psychological power to former students of educational institutions of orphans and children left without parental care.

    Rehabilitation centers help educational institutions for mass purposes, if children with special educational needs study there: they are educated and educated: counseling and correctional work.

    For the provision of speech therapy to children of preschool ?, school age, with deviations in the development of speech. students in educational institutions of general purpose, the speech therapy service works. This could be the introduction of a staff of an educational institution of the post of a teacher-logopic, the creation of a speech therapy cabinet in the structure of the education management body, or the creation of a speech therapy center. The most common form was the speech therapy at a general education institution. The main objectives of the activity are: correction of oral and letter violations speeches; timely warning of failure, about: verbal violations; distribution of basic speech therapy knowledge among teachers and parents.

    Classes on speech therapy point  they are held both in time off from lessons and during lessons (in coordination with the school administration).

    Children with a diagnosis of mental retardation and students in correctional and developmental education classes receive speech therapy from a speech therapist teacher assigned to this class.

    Responsibility for compulsory visits to speech therapy classes at a speech therapy center is borne by the speech therapist, the class teacher and the school administration.

    In modern conditions of intensive development of the system of special psychological and pedagogical assistance, there is a search for models of special educational institutions that most meet modern sociocultural and economic conditions of the country and the special educational needs of students, and models that could function effectively in distant regions of the country. staff shortages of special teachers and psychologists, meeting all the existing educational and rehabilitation needs of children her and adolescents with developmental disabilities.

    New models of special educational institutions are being developed, based on the models indicated above. So, this model of a special educational institution is in demand, which, along with the function of education (preschool and school), serves as a psychological and pedagogical counseling center, as well as a center for social services for the poor, a center for educational services in obtaining primary vocational education. Such models of special educational institutions function today in the European territory of Russia (for example, in Moscow, Novgorod, Yaroslavl, St. Petersburg), and in the south (in Makhachkala), and in Siberia, and in the Urals (in Magadan, Krasnoyarsk, Yekaterinburg ). The needs of children and adolescents in recreational work are met by the conditions of a special (correctional) recreational boarding school, where pupils are offered a comprehensive program, including a differentiated student-centered educational process, carried out in close connection with individualized medical and rehabilitation support and socio-educational assistance, as well as a favorable psychological climate and a comfortable sociocultural environment of education in general (Moscow, a boarding school 65).

    There is a model of a modern educational institution for children and adolescents with severe and multiple impairments in development. The ten-year experience of this educational institution (the Pskov Medical-Pedagogical Center has shown the possibility and necessity of including children and adolescents with severe and multiple developmental disorders in the educational space.

    There are other options for special educational institutions that are created today by enthusiasts of special skills in accordance with the possibilities of local sociocultural standards, national and regional characteristics.

    Questions and tasks 1.

    Describe the modern school system of special education in Russia. 2

    In what directions is the development of new types and types of specialized (correctional) educational institutions? S 3.

    Visit some special institutions in the city (correctional educational institutions for different categories of children with special maternal needs. Describe your observations.

    Literature for independent work 1.

    Innovations in Russian education. Special (correctional) obzovanie. - M., 1999. 2.

    Teaching children with developmental problems different countries of the world: Crossing / Comp. L. M. Shipitsina. - SPb., 1997.

    3.0 specifics of special (correctional) educational activities of I-VIII types: Instructional Letter of the Ministry of Education of Russia No. 48.1997; four.

    Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 12, 1997 No. 288 “Model proposal on a special (correctional) educational institution for students with developmental disabilities”. five.

    Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of July 31, 1998 No. 867 “Standard application for an educational institution for children in need of psychological, pedagogical, medical and social assistance”. 6

    Model regulation on speech therapy center at the institution of general education // Psycho-medical-pedagogical consultation. Methodical recommendations / Scientific. ed. L. M. Shipitsina. - SPb., 1999.

    According to the model position, special (correctional) institutions in Russia are divided into 8 types:

    1. A special (correctional) educational institution of the first type is created for the education and upbringing of hearing impaired children, their comprehensive development in close connection with the formation of verbal speech as a means of communication and thinking on the auditory-visual basis, correction and compensation of deviations in their psychophysical development, to obtain general educational, labor and social preparation for independent living.

    2. A correctional institution of the second type is created for training and education of hearing impaired children (with partial hearing loss and varying degrees of underdevelopment of speech) and late-bad children (deaf in preschool or school age, but retaining an independent speech), their full development based on the formation of verbal speech, preparation for free speech communication on the auditory and auditory-visual basis. Education for hearing impaired children has a corrective focus that helps to overcome developmental disabilities. At the same time, during the whole educational process, special attention is paid to the development of auditory perception and work on the formation of oral speech. Pupils are provided with active speech practice by creating an auditory-speech environment (using sound-amplifying equipment), which allows them to form speech close to natural sound on the auditory basis.

    3.4. Correctional institutions of III and IV types provide training, education, correction of primary and secondary developmental disabilities in pupils with visual impairments, development of intact analyzers, the formation of correctional-compensatory skills that contribute to the social adaptation of pupils in society. If necessary, joint (in one correctional institution) training of blind and visually impaired children, children with strabismus and amblyopia can be organized.

    5. Correctional institution of the V type is created for the education and upbringing of children with severe speech pathology, providing them with specialized assistance that helps to overcome speech disorders and related features of mental development.

    6. Correctional institution of VI type is created for training and education of children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system (with motor disorders of various etiology and severity, cerebral palsy, with congenital and acquired deformities of the musculoskeletal system, flaccid paralysis of the upper and lower extremities, paresis paraparesis of the lower and upper extremities), for the restoration, formation and development of motor functions, the correction of deficiencies in the mental and speech development of children, their ialno Labor adaptation and integration into society on the basis of specially organized motor mode and subject-practical activity.

    7. Correctional institution of the VII type is created for the education and upbringing of children with mental retardation, who, with potentially safe opportunities intellectual development  weakness of memory, attention, lack of pace and mobility of mental processes, increased exhaustion, lack of formation of arbitrary regulation of activity, emotional instability are observed to ensure correction of their mental development and emotional-volitional sphere, activation of cognitive activity, formation of skills and abilities of educational activity.

    8. Correctional institution VIII type is created for training and education of children with mental retardation in order to correct deviations in their development by means of education and labor training, as well as socio-psychological rehabilitation for subsequent integration into society.

    The educational process in institutions of 1-6 types is carried out in accordance with the general education program of general education.

    On the topic: methodological developments, presentations and notes

    Examinations in mathematics (grade 2) for special (correctional) institutions of the VIII type

    Examinations in mathematics are developed for the whole academic year for the 2nd grade according to the "Program of special (correctional) institutions of the VIII type." The options are differentiated. Option 1 - for students ...


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    Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

    State educational institution of higher vocational education

    "Chelyabinsk State Pedagogical University"

    (GOU VPO "ChGPU")


    On the topic: School system of special education.


    Student 252 groups

    Specialty "Speech Therapy"

    Sizintseva E.G

    Checked: Borodina V.A.

    Chelyabinsk, 2011


    School-age children with special educational needs receive education in accordance with special educational standards in various educational institutions or at home.

    During the XX century. a system of special “correctional” educational institutions was formed, which are mainly boarding schools and where the vast majority of school-age children with special educational needs studied and study in the USSR and in Russia.

    liability coercive punitive behavior

    1. School system of special education

    Currently there are eight main types of special schools for children with various developmental disorders. To exclude the imposition of diagnostic characteristics in the requisites of these schools (as it used to be: a school for the mentally retarded, a school for the deaf, etc.), in the legal and official documents these schools are named for their species number:

    Special (correctional) educational institution of the first type (boarding school for deaf children);

    Special (correctional) educational institution of the II type (boarding school for hearing-impaired and late-bad children);

    Special (correctional) educational institution of type III (boarding school for blind children);

    Special (correctional) educational institution IV (boarding school for visually impaired children);

    Special (correctional) educational institution V (boarding school for children with severe speech disorders);

    Special (correctional) educational institution VI (boarding school for children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system);

    Special (correctional) educational institution of the VII type (school and boarding school for children with learning difficulties — mental retardation);

    Special (correctional) educational institution of the VIII type (school or boarding school for children with mental retardation).

    The activities of such institutions are regulated by the Government of the Russian Federation dated March 12, 1997 No. 288 "On approval of the Model Provision on a special (correctional) educational institution for students and pupils with developmental disabilities", as well as a letter from the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation "On the specifics of special activities ( correctional) educational institutions of I-VIII types ".

    In accordance with these documents, special educational standards are implemented in all special (correctional) educational institutions.

    An educational institution independently, on the basis of a special educational standard, develops and implements a curriculum and educational programs based on the characteristics of the psychophysical development and the individual capabilities of children.

    In recent years, special educational institutions have been created for other categories of children with disabilities and life activities: with autistic personality traits, with Down syndrome. There are also sanatorium (forest) schools for chronically ill and weak children.

    Special (correctional) educational institutions are funded by the relevant institution.

    Each such educational institution is responsible for the life of the pupil and ensuring his constitutional right to receive free education within a special educational standard. All children are provided with the conditions for training, education, treatment, social adaptation and integration into society.

    Graduates of special (correctional) educational institutions (with the exception of school VIII type) receive qualifications education (that is, corresponding to the levels of education of a mass secondary school: for example, basic general education, general secondary education). They are issued a state document confirming the level of education received or a certificate of graduation from a special (correctional) educational institution.

    The educational authorities send children to a special school only with the consent of the parents and at the conclusion (recommendation) of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission. Also with the consent of the parents and on the basis of the conclusion PMPK child  can be transferred within a special school to a class for children with mental retardation only after the first year of study in it.

    In a special school, a class (or group) can be created for children with a complex defect structure as these children are identified during psychological, medical and pedagogical observation in the educational process.

    In addition, in a special school of any kind, classes can be opened for children with severe mental development disorders and other disorders that accompany them. The decision to open such a class is made by the pedagogical council of the special school provided that the necessary conditions are available, specially trained personnel. The main tasks of such classes are the provision of elementary primary education, the creation of the most favorable conditions for the development of the child’s personality, and the provision of pre-vocational or elementary labor and social education for them, taking into account their individual capabilities.

    A pupil of a special school can be transferred for training to a regular general education school by the education administration authorities with the consent of the parents (or persons replacing them) and on the basis of the opinion of the PMPK, as well as in the event that the general school has the necessary conditions for integrated education.

    In addition to education, a special school provides medical and psychological support to children with disabilities, for which the staff of the special school has the appropriate specialists. They work in close cooperation with the teaching staff, carrying out diagnostic activities, psychocorrectional and psychotherapeutic activities, supporting a protective regime in a special school, participating in professional counseling. If necessary, children receive medication and physiotherapy treatment, massage, tempering procedures, attend physical therapy classes.

    The process of social adaptation, social integration helps the social teacher. His role is especially increasing at the stage of choosing a profession, graduating from school and going into the post school period.

    Each special school pays considerable attention to the labor, pre-vocational training of its students. The content and forms of training depend on local peculiarities: territorial, ethno-national and cultural, on the needs of the local labor market, the capabilities of pupils, their interests. A labor profile is chosen individually, which includes preparation for individual labor activity.

    A special school of type I, where deaf children study, conducts an educational process in accordance with the level of general education programs of three levels of general education:

    1st stage - primary general education (for 5-6 years or 6-7 years - in the case of training in the preparatory class);

    1st stage - basic general education (for 5-6 years);

    Stage 3 - complete secondary general education (2 years, as a rule, in the structure of evening school).

    For children who have not received full preschool education, a preparatory class is being organized. Children from the age of 7 are admitted to the first grade.

    All educational activity is permeated with the work on the formation and development of verbal oral and written speech, communication, the ability to perceive and understand the speech of others on a rational basis. Children learn to use the remnants of hearing for listening and listening to hearing using sound-amplifying equipment.

    For this purpose, regular group and individual sessions  on the development of auditory perception and the formation of the pronunciation side of oral speech.

    In the school, working on a bilingual basis, equitable learning of the language of verbal and sign language is provided, but the learning process is conducted in sign language.

    As part of a special school of the first type, classes are organized for the deaf with a complex structure of the defect (mental retardation, learning difficulties, working people, etc.).

    The number of children in a class (group) is no more than 6 people, in classes for children with a complex structure of the defect up to 5 people.

    A social school of the second type, where people with hearing impairment (with partial hearing loss and varying degrees of underdevelopment of speech) and late-impaired children (deaf at preschool or school age, but retaining independent speech), have two departments:

    The first section is for children with mild speech underdevelopment associated with hearing impairment;

    The second section is for children with deep speech underdevelopment, the cause of which is a hearing impairment.

    If during the learning process it becomes necessary to transfer the child from one department to another (it is difficult for the child in the first department or, on the contrary, the child in the second department reaches a level of general and speech development that allows him to study in the first department), then with the consent of the parents and recommendations PMPK occurs such a transition.

    In the first class, children who have reached the age of seven are admitted to any of the departments if they attended kindergarten. For children who, for whatever reason, do not have appropriate pre-school education, a preparatory class is organized in the second section.

    The occupancy of the class (group) in the first compartment is up to 10 people, in the second compartment up to 8 people.

    In a special school of type II, the educational process is carried out in accordance with the levels of general education programs of three levels of general education:

    1st stage - primary general education (in the first department 4-5 years, in the second department 5-6 or 6-7 years);

    1st stage - basic general education (6 years in the first and second branches);

    3rd stage - secondary (complete) general education (2 years in the first and second branches).

    The development of hearing and hearing perception, the formation and correction of the pronunciation side of speech are conducted on specially organized individual and group classes using sound-amplifying equipment for collective use and individual hearing aids.

    The development of auditory perception and automation of pronunciation skills continue in the classroom of phonetic rhythm and in various kinds of music-related activities.

    Special schools of the third and fourth species are designed for the education of the blind (third species), the laborious and blind-blind (fourth species) children. Due to the small number of such schools, if necessary, joint (in one institution) training of blind and visually impaired children, as well as children with strabismus and amblyopia, can be organized.

    Blind children as well as children with residual vision (0.04 and below) and higher visual acuity (0.08) with complex combinations of visual impairment are admitted to a special school of type III. With progressive eye diseases leading to blindness.

    In the first class of a special type III school, children of 6-7 years old and sometimes 8-9 years old are admitted. The occupancy of the class (group) can be up to 8 people. The general term of study in school III is 12 years, for which students receive a secondary (complete) general education.

    Visually impaired children with visual acuity from 0.05 to 0.4 in a better looking eye with a tolerable correction are admitted to a special school of type IV. It takes into account the state of other visual functions (visual field, near visual acuity), the shape and course of the pathological process. Children can also be admitted to this school with a higher visual acuity in case of progressive or often recurring diseases of vision, in the presence of asthenic phenomena arising from reading and writing at close distances.

    Children with a squint and amblyopia who have a higher visual acuity (over 0.4) are admitted to the same school.

    In the first grade of school IV type are accepted children 6-7 years. In a class (group) can be up to 12 people. During 12 years of schooling, children receive a secondary (complete) general education.

    A special school of the V type is intended for the education of children with severe speech disorders and may have one or two departments.

    In the first department, children who have a general underdevelopment of severe speech (alalia, dysarthria, rhinolalia, aphasia), as well as children who have a general underdevelopment of speech, accompanied by stuttering.

    In the second part, children with severe form of stuttering study with normally developed speech.

    Within the first and second departments, taking into account the level of children's speech development, classes (groups) can be created that include pupils with homogeneous speech disorders.

    If speech impairment is eliminated, the child may, on the basis of the conclusion of the PMPK, and with the consent of the parents, go to a regular school.

    Children of 7–9 years old are admitted to the first class, and 6–7 years of age to the preparatory one. For 10 - 11 years of schooling in a type V school, a child can receive basic general education.

    Social logopedic and pedagogical assistance is provided to the child in the process of training and education, in all lessons and during out-of-class time. The school has a special speech mode.

    A special school of type VI is intended for the education of children with disorders of the musculoskeletal system (motor disorders with different causes and different severity, cerebral palsy, congenital and acquired deformities of the musculoskeletal system, flaccid paralysis of the upper and lower extremities, paresis and paraparesis of the lower and upper limbs).

    A school of the VIth type carries out an educational process in accordance with the levels of general educational programs of three levels of general education:

    1st stage - primary general education (4-5 years);

    2nd degree - basic general education (6 years);

    3rd degree - secondary education (2 years).

    In the first class (groups) they accept children from 7 years old, however children are allowed to be admitted and older than this age for 1-2 years. For children who have not attended kindergarten, a preparatory class is open.

    The number of children in a class (group) is no more than 10 people.

    The school VI type has a special motor mode.

    Education is carried out in unity with the integrated remedial work, covering the motor sphere of the child, his speech and cognitive activity in general.

    A special school of type VII is intended for children with persistent learning difficulties with mental retardation (MAD)

    The educational process at this school is carried out in accordance with the levels of general education programs at two levels of general education:

    1st level - primary general education (3-5 years)

    2nd stage - basic general education (5 years).

    Children are accepted to school of the VII type only in preparatory, first and second classes, in the third class - as an exception. Those who began to study in a regular school at the age of 7 can be admitted to the second grade VII school, and those who begin to study at a regular educational institution from the age of 6 can be accepted into the first grade VII school.

    Children who did not have any preschool preparation can be admitted at the age of 7 years to the first grade school of the VII type, and at the age of 6 years old - to the preparatory class.

    The number of children in a class (group) is no more than 12 people.

    The students in class VII of the species still have the opportunity to move to a regular school as they correct developmental deviations, eliminate gaps in knowledge after they have completed primary education.

    If it is necessary to clarify the diagnosis, the child can study at school of the VII type within a year.

    Children receive special pedagogical assistance in individual and group remedial classes, as well as in speech therapy classes.

    Special school VIII of the type provides special education for children with intellectual underdevelopment. Studying at this school is not qualifying, having a qualitatively different content. The main attention is paid to the social adaptation of vocational training when pupils master the amount of educational content available to them in general education subjects.

    Education in school VIII type ends with an exam on labor training. Schoolchildren may be exempt from examination (certification) for health reasons. The exemption procedure is determined by the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.

    In school VIII, a child may be admitted to the first or preparatory class at the age of 7-8 years. The preparatory class allows not only to better prepare the child for school, but also makes it possible to clarify the diagnosis in the course of the educational process and psychological and pedagogical study of the capabilities of the child.

    The number of students in the preparatory class does not exceed 6-8 people, and in other classes - no more than 12.

    The terms of study in school VIII of the type can be 8 years, 9 years, 9 years with a vocational training class, 10 years with a vocational training class. These terms of training can be increased by 1 year due to the opening of the preparatory class.

    If the school has the necessary material base, then it can open classes (groups) with in-depth labor training.

    Pupils graduating from the eighth (ninth) grade go to such classes. Those who have completed advanced training and successfully passed the qualification exam receive a document on the assignment of the appropriate qualification rank.

    In schools of the eighth form, classes for children with profound mental retardation can be created and function. The number of children in this class should not exceed 5-6 people.

    Children can be sent to a preparatory (diagnostic) class. During the school year, a preliminary diagnosis is specified, and depending on this, the next year the child can either be sent to a class for children with severe forms of intellectual disability, or to a regular class of school VIII type.

    Acquisition of classes for children with severe intellectual underdevelopment is carried out in three levels:

    Level 1 - from the age of 6 to 9;

    2nd level - from 9 to 12 years;

    Level 3 - from 13 to 18 years.

    Children under the age of 12 years can be sent to such classes, their stay in the school system under 18 years of age. Dismissal from school takes place in accordance with the recommendations of the PMPK and in agreement with the parents.

    Children with psychopathic behavior, epilepsy and other mental illnesses requiring active treatment are not admitted to such classes. These children can attend counseling groups with their parents.

    The mode of operation of the class (group) is established by agreement with the parents. The learning process is carried out in the mode of each pupil passing an individual educational route, determined by specialists in accordance with the psychophysical capabilities of a child.

    For orphans and children left without parental care and having special educational needs, special orphanages and boarding schools are created in accordance with the profile of developmental disorders. The advantage is orphanages and boarding schools for children and adolescents with intellectual underdevelopment and learning difficulties.

    If the child is not able to attend a special (correctional) educational institution, his or her education at home is organized. The organization of such training is determined by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation “On Approving the Procedure for Upbringing and Teaching Disabled Children at Home and in State Educational Institutions” of July 18, 1996 No. 861.

    Recently, home-based training schools have been established, whose staff, consisting of qualified defectologists and psychologists, works with children both at home and in conditions of the partial stay of such children at home-based schooling. In terms of group work, interaction and communication with other children, a child develops social skills, learns to learn in a group, team setting. Children receive the right to education at home, diseases or developmental disabilities that correspond to the special list specified in the Ministry of Health . The basis for the organization of home-based training is a medical certificate of a medical institution. To assist in teaching children at home, a school or a pre-school educational institution located nearby is connected. For the period of study, the child is given the opportunity of free use of textbooks, the school’s library fund. Teachers and psychologists of the school provide counseling and methodological assistance to parents in the development of the child's general education programs. The school provides intermediate and final certification of the child and issues a document on the appropriate level of education. Teachers-teachers, involved in addition for conducting correctional work, also take part in certification. If a child with special educational needs is studying at home, education authorities compensate parents for the cost of education in accordance with state and local standards for financing education of a child in the appropriate type and type of educational institutions.

    For training, education and social adaptation of children and adolescents with complex, severe developmental disorders, with comorbidities, and also to provide them with comprehensive care, rehabilitation centers of various profiles are created. These can be the following centers: psychological, medical and educational rehabilitation and correction; social and labor adaptation and vocational guidance; psychological, educational and social assistance; social assistance for families and children left without parental care, etc. The purpose of such centers is to provide correctional, educational, psychological and vocational guidance, as well as the development of self-care and communication skills, social interaction, labor skills in children with severe and multiple disabilities. A number of centers conduct special educational activities. Classes at rehabilitation centers are organized according to individual or group education and training programs. Often, centers provide counseling, diagnostic and methodological assistance to parents of children with special educational needs, including information and legal support.

    For rendering speech therapy assistance to children of preschool and school age, who have abnormalities in the development of speech and students in general education educational institutions, a speech therapy service works.

    school sanatorium child autism correctional


    There is a model of a modern educational institution for children and adolescents with severe and multiple developmental disorders. The ten-year experience of such an educational institution (Pskov Medical-Pedagogical Center) showed the possibility and necessity of including children and adolescents with severe and multiple developmental disorders into the educational space.

    There are other options for special educational institutions created today by enthusiasts of special pedagogy in accordance with the possibilities of local socio-cultural conditions, national and regional characteristics


    1. The main textbook on special pedagogy N.M. Nazarov.

    2. Fundamentals of special pedagogy and psychology N. M. Trofimov.

    3. Special pedagogy B.P.Puzanov.

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