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  • Activization of the cognitive activity of elementary school students

     Activization of the cognitive activity of elementary school students

      of materials

    Table of contents

    I.1. The development of cognitive activity of students elementary school  as a psychological and pedagogical problem ………………………………………

    I. 2. Ways of developing cognitive activity junior high school students  on lessons……………………………………………………………………..

    I.3. Organization of extracurricular activities in elementary school, mediating the development of students' cognitive activity ... ... ...

    Conclusions by chapterI……………………………………………………………

    2 5

    Chapter II Experimental and pedagogical developmental work …………………

    II.1. Diagnostics of the cognitive activity of students in an experimental primary class ……………………………………….

    Conclusions by chapterII………………………………………………………….

    Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………… ..

    References ……………………………………………

    Appendices ……………………………………………………………………….


    The relevance of research. Education, more than before, should be aimed at the development of the intellectual and spiritual potential of the individual, its socialization. Today, the main task of the school and society is to cultivate a truly spiritual, intelligent personality.

    More A.S. Makarenko dreamed of creating a system, the subject of which would be the education of an “indecomposable person”: “A person is not brought up in parts, he is created by the synthetic sum of the influences with which he is subjected”. This is still relevant today: the integration of classroom and extracurricular activities, the accumulated arsenal of funds within the related fields of education will provide an opportunity to solve direct pedagogical problems in the course of generalizing advanced pedagogical experience and introducing it into mass practice.

    Today, in the conditions of powerful economic development, education is becoming more complex, learning is moving from simple learning to developing the creative thinker, who thinks and knows how to put his knowledge into practice. In researchKruglikov V.N., Platonov E.V., Sharanov Yu.A. and a number of other authors say thatexisting systems of lesson training and extracurricular activities are not able to fully achieve the tasks set for society. Therefore, there is a need to apply new, progressive methods of work in the classroom, which allow you to activate the child’s thinking, direct it into the mainstream of research and creative thinking. The development of children's cognitive activity has acquired particular relevance today, since it is necessary that people think, find solutions to problems, offer several options for solving the problem. Such a person is required by the modern state.

    New public relations in the modern world, new requirements for the educational and educational process are set out in the document “Federal State Educational Standard of Basic General Education” of"17"december2010 №1897 . The standard is focused on the formation of personal characteristics graduate ("portrait of graduate primary school"): actively and interestedly learning about the world,able to learn, aware of the importance of education and self-education for life and activity, able to apply this knowledge in practice. These characteristicsthey impose increased demands on the individual: the ability to independently understand the changing situation, to be able to analyze, compare, predict undesirable events and model an appropriate, appropriate to the situation style of behavior. To do this, you must have special personal qualities that are formed throughout life and are based on the desire for active cognition and self-realization of the individual.

    Relevance of the problem cognitive development  younger schoolchildren due to the fact that in the modernization of general education, Russia needs to implement a qualitatively new personality-oriented developmental model of mass primary school with the aim of common development  personality of the student, his creative abilities, interest in learning, the formation of the desire and ability to learn.

    Davydov V.V., Asmolova A.G. and A.V. Petrovskybelieve that the younger school age carries large  unrealized opportunities in the knowledge of the world. Fruitful ground for this is learning activity. The need for self-development and the ability to satisfy it through teaching characterizes the student as a subject of study.All of the above suggests that the subject of the child’s teaching is the possession of such a quality as cognitive activity.

    Research topic : “The development of the cognitive activity of the younger schoolchild in class and outside school hours”.

    Object of study: lesson and extracurricular activities of younger students.

    Subject of study: conditions for organizing activities in the classroom and after school hours, mediating the development of the cognitive activity of younger schoolchildren.

    Purpose of the study: determine the means and methods of development of cognitive activity of children of primary school age in the classroom and in extracurricular activities.

    Research hypothesis: the activities of elementary school students in the classroom and during extracurricular time should be based on the use of game and problem methods, as well as a variety of visual aids that contribute to the development of students' cognitive activity.

    Objectives of the study:

    1.   Describe the development of the cognitive activity of elementary school students as a psychological and pedagogical problem.

    2.   Disclose ways to develop the cognitive activity of younger students in the classroom.

    3.   Consider the organization of extracurricular activities in elementary school, contributing to the development of cognitive activity of students.

    4.   To diagnose the cognitive activity of students in an experimental primary class.

    5.   To develop recommendations on the organization of homework and extracurricular activities that develop the cognitive activity of students in the experimental class.

    Methodological basis of the study:   Anufrieva A.F. and Kostromina S.N., in which the main recommendations for the diagnosis and correction of cognitive activity of students. Work Davydov V.V. which addresses the main problems of developmental education. Book Tylazyna NF, which describes the basics of the formation of cognitive activity of students.

    Research methods: theoretical analysis of the literature, generalization, systematization, testing, statistical and mathematical processing of the results.

    Work structure: introduction, two chapters, conclusion, list of references, annex.

    Base research: Wet-Solyonovskaya secondary school, 2a class.

    Chapter I. Theoretical foundations of the development of cognitive activity of younger schoolchildren by means of homework and extracurricular work

    I.1. The development of cognitive activity of elementary school students as a psychological and pedagogical problem

    In studies of Peterson L.G. the problem of the development of cognitive activity of schoolchildren is described as one of the most important problems of modern pedagogy. It acts as the primary condition for the formation of students' need for knowledge, mastering the skills of intellectual activity, independence, ensuring the depth and strength of knowledge.

    Cognitive activity, in the study of T. Shamova, is expressed in the movement of the person’s motive itself (and, moreover, the younger student) to master the new, unusual, obviously requiring labor and effort to join the existing database in long-term memory; in the emergence of feelings is an independent heuristic search, even in the case of solving an already known problem.

    Anufriev A.F. in his study says that the task does not cause a sense of complexity, is a simple comment, a special case for the application of existing knowledge and skills - this task is not related to cognitive activity.

    According to N. Bordovskaya and A. Rean, the main characteristics of people's cognitive activity are:

    Bright, compared with the average indicators, according to Rean A., dissatisfaction with the stereotypical (or using the term of D. N. Uznadze's wiring) values ​​of everyday life. In other words, if a person, and especially a younger student, is sincerely and sufficiently satisfied with his life, the achievement of a high level of cognitive activity will not be supported by intrinsic motivation;

    Pastushkova R.A. says that “cognitive activity is a form of existence of doubt, which constantly reproduces the eternal question of the possibility of a final list of causes and effects in the foreseeable world”;

    Not all human activity, according to N.F. Talyzin, characterizes his desire for knowledge. Apparently, cognitive activity also characterizes the specific, and not all, intrinsic intellectual courage, the desire to move further into such reasonings, premonitions and associative ranks, where the very term “knowledge” becomes far from indisputable, where the desire to be above the desire to understand. Of course, the list of such characteristics of cognitive activity can be continued.

    The development of cognitive activity in the study of Winter I.A., ways and methods of enhancing learning activities is one of the eternal problems of pedagogy. In numerous articles, various studies, scientific treatises, she was overgrown with interpretations, clarifications, points of view, and in the GEF of the main school she is designated as one of the central pedagogical problems.

    Cognitive activity in the study of V. Davydov - it is the quality of the student’s learning activity, which is manifested in his attitude to the content and the learning process, in the pursuit of effective mastery of knowledge and skills, in the mobilization of moral and volitional efforts to achieve goals, in the ability to get aesthetic pleasure if goals are achieved.

    In the studies of Babansky Yu.K. it is said that for basic school, autonomy as a responsible, proactive behavior, independent of extraneous influences, accomplished without outside help, with its own forces is the main vector of maturation.

    Cognitive activity in the work of Pastushkova MA is presented as a complex personal education that develops under the influence of a variety of factors - subjective (curiosity, perseverance, will, motivation, diligence, etc.) and objective (environmental conditions, teacher's personality, methods and methods of teaching). Activation of cognitive activity implies a certain stimulation, strengthening the process of cognition.

    Formation of cognitive activity is not the main task of a school psychologist, since the need for knowledge (one of the leading needs, the unsaturated nature of which is of particular importance for the development and self-development of the individual) is influenced by many factors - from general characteristics  tension needs up to the features of family and school education.

    But in practice, constantly having to deal with problems associated with cognitive activity. However, according to Selivanov VS, often these problems are connected with inadequate expectations of adults: from the schoolchildren, on the one hand, they are waiting for something that does not correspond to their age characteristics, and on the other hand, they have not only been engaged in the formation, but even, in a certain sense, created conditions hindering such development.

    Khutorskoy A.V. says that the most common indicators of a child’s cognitive activity are:

    Concentration, focusing on the subject being studied, the topic (so, any teacher recognizes the interest of a class by “attentive silence”);

    The child, on his own initiative, addresses a particular area of ​​knowledge; seeks to learn more, to participate in the discussion;

    Positive emotional experiences in overcoming difficulties in activity,

    Emotional manifestations (concerned facial expressions, gestures).

    At each age stage, cognitive activity has its own forms of behavioral manifestations and requires special conditions for its formation. Direct cognitive activity, or rather curiosity, is a genetically early form of cognitive activity, which is characteristic mainly for the preschool age, but often enough manifested in the period of school childhood.

    Outwardly, it appears as follows:

    Direct interest in new facts, interesting phenomena, related questions to adults - parents, teachers;

    Positive emotional experience associated with obtaining new information.

    This reflects the orientation of preschoolers and younger students on the outside world, their sensual and mostly practical attitude to reality.

    In the study Selivanova VS the main condition that ensures this level of cognitive activity is a rich information environment, as well as the possibility of practical activity in it. The main “barrier” that impedes the development of this level of cognitive activity is the early introduction of theoretical forms of education, too early familiarizing a child with “book culture”.

    Petrovsky A.V. in his study says that the cognitive activity associated with the acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary to solve cognitive tasks, the desire for intellectual achievements.

    This level of activity is most pronounced in primary school students. It is characterized by:

    The desire to solve intellectual problems;

    The desire to obtain funds to solve these problems;

    The need for intellectual achievement;

    Questions on the topic under consideration are “how to do it”, “why it should be done”, “what is right, what is wrong”, etc., characterizing the desire to learn, learn new information, master a new way of action;

    Installation on the mastery of the proposed method of activity;

    Positive emotional experience associated with the assimilation of new knowledge, techniques, ways of working, working out complex operations, finding ways to solve educational problems;

    Interest in the meaning of unfamiliar words;

    Situational nature of cognitive interest: after receiving new information, at the end of the action (lesson, assignment) interest is exhausted, symptoms of satiety appear.

    In the pedagogical and psychological literature, such a level is often called “reproductive-imitative”, which, of course, is quite adequate. However, the pronounced negative connotation present in this title seems to deprive it of its true meaning.

    This seems to be not quite right. Indeed, in cases where the assimilation of action patterns becomes intrinsic, the child often exhibits intellectual passivity. This phenomenon, described in detail and analyzed by the well-known domestic psychologist L.S. Slavina, “is of particular interest and deserves a special conversation. One of the bright signs of intellectual activity is that the student cannot single out his own intellectual task from all other activities. Bordovskaya N. says that, while rough, we can say that for him to carefully rewrite the condition of the problem is more important than to solve it. ”

    In those cases when, according to N.F. Talyzin, the intellectual task becomes special, the main content of cognitive activity, this level provides mastering, in cooperation with an adult, examples of objective actions, forms of speech interaction, etc., that is, zone of proximal development. Manifestations of cognitive activity at this level should not be confused with the desire to mechanically reproduce the sample (technique, method, knowledge content) proposed by an adult.

    The main condition for the development of this level, in N. Moreva’s study, is the attitude of adults - teachers and parents, their expectations about the child’s success and prospects for his future life. The main barriers are the development of competitiveness and the replacement of cognitive motivation with the achievement motivation, as well as the orientation of teachers and parents primarily on the performing side of the activity.

    In the views of a significant number of teachers, as Selivanov VS says, the cognitive activity of a student is, in fact, equated with fulfilling the requirements, formal activity at the lesson and with diligence, and genuine curiosity and the desire to understand how and why to do it correctly is considered as a hindrance learning process.

    This is especially pronounced in elementary school. Cognitive activity aimed at the knowledge of the essential properties of objects and phenomena, the understanding of significant relationships between them. This level is characterized by a combination of assignment of an activity assigned from outside and an independent choice of methods and means of achieving it.

    To the external signs, characteristic for the first level, in this case are added:

    Interest in the comprehension of the content, the essential properties of objects and phenomena beyond the school curriculum (Moreva N.A.);

    Free and interested in operating knowledge and skills in the area related to interest;

    The desire to perform tasks increased difficulty;

    The search for independent solutions to the tasks;

    Using your own examples on the topic being studied;

    The relative stability of interest, the manifestation of interest is not associated with a specific learning situation.

    Manifestations of cognitive activity at this level are most characteristic of students in the 5th and 8th grades.

    The main conditions for the development of this level of cognitive activity, according to V. Davydov, is the inclusion of cognitive activity in the general context of a student’s life, the level and ways of expressing the cognitive activity of adults — teachers and parents.

    In the study Krasnovsky E.A. it is said that the barriers are the reproductive nature of the knowledge presented, the non-manifestation of their connection with reality and the reproductive nature of education, as well as their disconnection with the leading needs of the age. "All this leads to formalism in the assimilation of school knowledge, the centralization of learning motivation on evaluation."

    Studies of many teachers and psychologists (N. Bordovskaya, A. Rean A. Anufrieva, S. Kostromina, A. Asmolova, V. Davydov) show that in a modern school (unlike a national school, Twentieth century) in middle school is practically not pronounced or weakly expressed the so-called "departure from school." On the contrary, as says S.Vorovshchikov , "For all types educational programs the so-called “departure from teaching” turns out to be characteristic of a relatively small group of schoolchildren. In general, students show a desire to learn, sometimes very strong. ”

    At the same time, as Babansky Yu.K. says, such a motivation of the doctrine in a large part of cases is based not so much on cognitive motivation as on achievement motivation and in itself not only does not serve as an indicator of children's cognitive activity, but may come into a certain contradiction with her .

    But at the same time, as EA Krasnovsky says, throughout adolescence  for students, the value of cognitive activity is reduced. The peak is observed in the 5-6th grades, and in the 7th and especially in the 8th grade - sharply reduced.

    In the study Moreva N.A. The role of the school is assessed primarily in terms of ensuring the appropriate level of knowledge and admission to the university. There are practically no statements about the developmental function of the school, about its role in the development of the cognitive needs and abilities of children.

    Winter I.A. he says that in gymnasiums, schools of the so-called “elevated level” this is more pronounced than in “mass schools”. In the latter, personality qualities are significantly less pronounced, associated with cognition, ways of satisfying cognitive needs. And besides, more importantly, the parents of students of such schools find it difficult to answer questions about the abilities and life prospects of the child. Speaking about the most valuable and most desirable qualities of the personality of children, parents practically do not talk about the qualities associated with knowledge. Here the answers connected with the fulfillment of school requirements, “diligent” and “accurate”, dominate.

    Thus, nothing contributes to the development of cognitive needs and cognitive activity in these children. If at the same time we take into account that children from families with a low cultural level are more likely to be found in such schools, then we can say that in developing the cognitive need, the school passively follows the cultural level of the family, the presence or absence of the value of cognition and appropriate means (books, opportunities to visit museums, theaters, computers, etc.). It is characteristic that parents value school and expect from it not the development of their child, but the provision of a sustainable knowledge system.

    Having analyzed the psychological and pedagogical literature,we found that cognitive activity is very important in the learning process, the cognitively active child is drawn to knowledge, it is vital to learn. That is why, even in ancient times since the times of Socrates, even today it is especially important that during lessons and after school hours the teacher is engaged in the development of children's cognitive activity.

    I. 2. Ways of development of cognitive activity of younger schoolchildren in the classroom.

    Psychological features  younger students, their natural curiosity, responsiveness, a special disposition to learn new things, a readiness to perceive everything that a teacher gives, create favorable conditions for the development of cognitive activity. The school has a special place in the life of the child and plays an important role in the fate of each person. It is on the school that the main and extremely difficult work lies - to prepare students for independent steps in a changing society, to give them the necessary knowledge about society and the correct life attitudes. The task of modern education is to contribute to the emergence of a new type of person who feels "comfortable with changes, who like changes, who is capable of confidently and boldly meeting a completely unforeseen situation."

    The development of cognitive activity is the improvement of methods that ensure the active and independent theoretical and practical activities of schoolchildren in all levels. learning process. The effectiveness of a method is determined not only by the success of students in acquiring knowledge and skills, but also by developing their cognitive abilities. For the development of students, I use in my work a variety of ways to enhance the learning process. First of all, these are non-standard forms of organization of the lesson. Interest and joy should be the main feelings of the child in school and in the classroom.

    Basic research  in the field of teaching younger schoolchildren, they reveal the process of the formation of the cognitive activity of primary school students and determine the changes in the content of education, the formation of generalized methods of educational activity and methods of logical thinking. The studies reflected in the pedagogical literature have made a great contribution to the development of the theory of cognitive activity: they contain original ideas, theoretical generalizations, practical recommendations. The search for effective ways to improve the quality of learning is also characteristic of teaching practice. Improving the effectiveness of schoolchildren learning does not remove the problems of such a socially significant quality as cognitive activity. Its formation in the early school age has a positive effect on the development of the personality. Because of this, it is necessary, in our opinion, focused pedagogical activity  on the formation of cognitive activity of students with learning difficulties.

    The formation of the cognitive interests of students, the upbringing of an active attitude to work occurs primarily in the classroom. According to Slastenin VA, it is necessary to activate students' cognitive activity and increase interest in learning at every stage of any lesson, using various methods, forms and types of work for this: a differentiated approach to children, individual work  in the lesson, various didactic, illustrative, handouts, technical training aids and others.

    It is of fundamental importance, according to Rean A., that the children in each lesson experience the joy of discovery, so that they develop a belief in their own strength and cognitive interest. The interest and success of learning are the main parameters that determine the full intellectual and physiological development, and hence the quality of the teacher’s work.

    A student works at a lesson with interest if he performs the tasks for him. One of the reasons for the reluctance to learn is precisely that the child is offered lessons in the lessons that he is not yet ready to fulfill and cannot cope with. Therefore, one must be well aware of the individual characteristics of children. The task of the teacher, according to AV Khutorskoy, is the need to help each student to assert himself, to search and find his own ways of getting an answer to the problem question.

    Creating non-standard situations in the classroom contributes to the development of cognitive interest and attention to educational material, student activity and relieving fatigue. The most frequently used in the practice of teachers is a lesson-tale, a lesson-competition, a lesson-journey, a lesson-game. Each of these lessons has a number of features, but they all allow you to create an atmosphere of benevolence, to light the spark of inquisitiveness and curiosity, which ultimately facilitates the process of learning.

    Another method of enhancing cognitive activity in research Asmolova AG, is the implementation of integration. Integration is a process of convergence and connection of sciences, occurring along with the processes of differentiation. It represents a high form of interdisciplinary communication embodiment at a qualitatively new level of education. Such a learning process under the influence of purposeful interdisciplinary connections, according to Agapov Yu.V., affects its performance: knowledge acquires the qualities of a system, skills become generalized, complex, the ideological orientation of students' cognitive interests increases, their conviction is formed more effectively and comprehensive development is achieved personality.

    The activity of the younger student in the classroom is directly related to his cognitive interest, therefore, it can be argued that the development of this personality personality will positively affect his cognitive activity.

    Necessary conditions for solving the problem of training and development of a younger student, according to A.V. Petrovsky :

    1. “Consistency” of cognitive activity with the emotional state of a child: in order for interest to emerge and to be stable, it is necessary to use “emotional support” all the time. The lesson on “What are the reservoirs” begins with a review and discussion of the scheme. Children receive knowledge that there are many different bodies of water on Earth: rivers, lakes, marshes, oceans, seas, ponds. Next, the children read the text, realize the natural and geographical terms and concepts of the river deep-water and shallow water, a key, a spring, a source, an estuary, explain the meaning of the phrase river-pond. That is, students acquire scientific knowledge.

    In order for them to realize and remember the peculiarities of different reservoirs, three emotional pillars are offered - the “Smeshinki” heading (the funny poem “Why do the whales keep silent?” By V. Bokova), a reproduction of the picture by I.K. Aivazovsky "Ship at the coast" and the line of A.S. Pushkin, "Farewell, Sea!".Emotional impressions that children receive as a result of working with these supports will help to keep in their memory important information about the features of various water bodies. For example, whales live in the seas and oceans; the sea is calm and stormy, in different weather and at different times of the year the sea water may be of different colors: blue, green, black, bluish, etc .; the sea is beautiful, its waves make sounds (noise, hum, roar). Thus, the "fusion" of the cognitive activity of the child with the emotional state helps to examine and study the object from all sides.

    2. For the emergence of a lively cognitive interest among younger schoolchildren in the process of learning activities, Moreva N.A believes that it is necessary to use the experience that they already have, the knowledge that they gained in the process of their life in a spontaneous way (in the family, through the media, books, etc.). Indeed, the child’s own position (“I already know something about it”), the desire for independent activity (“I want it myself”), the desire to talk (“I think that ...”) play a special role in deepening cognitive interest, development of its breadth and sustainability.

    3. It is necessary to support any initiative, independence of the student, his desire for individual choice of the task, partner in the activity, and the way the task is performed.

    4. Speech warm-ups can solve the following specific tasks:

    a) teach children to listen to a question, answer it in accordance with the purpose of a statement, build their own question, addressed to different people - a teacher, other adults, peers, friends, strangers;

    b) to form the skills and skills of participation in the dialogue;

    c) to teach schoolchildren to play small scenes, the participants of which are both real (parents, friends, strangers) and imaginary heroes (animals, plants, objects), when fulfilling the role, take into account its features (mood, character, behavior, etc.) ;

    d) develop the ability to understand gestures, facial expressions, reproduce various gestures, play small pantomimistic scenes. Bordovskaya N. claims that younger schoolchildren not only learn to ask questions, but also learn a lot about the world around them.The teacher shows the children a drawing, such as a penguin, and offers to ask any questions to this drawing. Children ask: “Who is this: a bird or a beast? Where does it live? What does it look like? What are his legs called? Can penguins swim? Why do they live where there is a lot of snow? Have they got used to frost and ice? What do they eat? ”You can offer your children homework: pick up a drawing of an animal or object and come up with as many different questions as possible to this drawing. Pupils are happy to compete with each other: who will write more questions about one subject or object. What is a logical task? This is an exercise in quick thinking, to test the ability to use existing knowledge in a non-standard situation. The logical task puts children in a situation where they have to compare, summarize, draw conclusions, analyze. Logical tasks can be very diverse. The easiest type - riddles.

    Thus, an analysis of the literature has shown that there are many means and methods for developing children's cognitive activity in the lesson. Among the most popular are games, contests, integration of subjects, KVN, work in pairs, fairy tale lessons, travel lessons. All lessons should be started in such a way that the children will become interested in themselves trying to find a solution to the problem, question, task.

    I.3. Organization of extracurricular activities in primary school, mediating the development of cognitive activity of students

    Extracurricular activities are an integral part of the educational process and one of the forms of organization of students' free time and a means of developing their cognitive activity. Overtime work is understood today primarily as an activity organized after hours to meet the needs of students in meaningful leisure, their participation in self-government and community service activities.

    Extracurricular activities are an important, integral part of the process of education of children of primary school age, according to Rean A. This is the activity of children shown outside the lessons, mainly due to their interests and needs, ensuring the development, upbringing and socialization of the younger schoolchild. According to Bordovskaya N., the school’s interest in solving the problem of extracurricular activities is explained not only by its inclusion in the curriculum of grades 1–4, but also by a new look at educational results. School and institution additional education  provide true variability of education, the possibility of choice.

    Extracurricular activities are part of the basic education, which is aimed at helping the teacher and child in mastering a new type of educational activity, form learning motivation, extracurricular activities contribute to expanding the educational space, creating additional conditions for the development of students, building a network that provides children with support, support stages of adaptation, the ability of basic knowledge to consciously apply in situations other than training.

    Winter I.A. In his research, he says that the purpose of extracurricular activities is to create conditions for the child to manifest and develop their interests based on free choice, comprehension of spiritual and moral values ​​and cultural traditions, creating conditions for children's physical, intellectual and emotional rest.  It is in these conditions, in the opinion of Zimnaya IA, that the development of cognitive activity is more efficient.

    Overtime work provides ample opportunities for the full development of cognitive activity, as it is not limited to the curriculum and time.

    The following types of extracurricular activities (Asmolova AG) are available for implementation at school:

    1) game activity;

    2) cognitive activity;

    3) problem-value communication;

    4) leisure and entertainment activities (leisure communication);

    5) artistic creativity;

    6) social creativity (socially transforming volunteering);

    7) labor (production) activities;

    8) sports and recreational activities;

    9) tourist and local history activities.

    In baseline curriculumas Babansky Yu.K. noted, the main directions of extracurricular activities were highlighted: sports and recreational, artistic and aesthetic, scientific and educational, military-patriotic, socially beneficial and project activity.

    The types and directions of extracurricular activities of schoolchildren are closely linked. For example, a number of areas coincides with the types of activities (sports, cognitive activity, artistic creativity).

    Extracurricular cognitive activity of schoolchildren, according to Peterson LG, can be organized in the form of electives, educational circles, a scientific society of students, intellectual clubs (like the “What? Where? When?” Club), library evenings, didactic theaters, educational excursions, Olympiads, quizzes, etc.Acquisition of social knowledge by students, understanding of social reality and everyday life  can be achieved only if the object of children's cognitive activity becomes the social world proper, that is, knowledge of the life of people and society: its structure and principles of existence, norms of ethics and morality, basic social values, monuments of world and national culture, features of international and interfaith relations.

    In this regard, in the work of TalyzinaNF, teachers are encouraged to initiate and organize the work of schoolchildren with educational information, inviting them to discuss it, express their opinion, develop their attitude towards it.It can be information about health and bad habits, moral and immoral actions of people, heroism and cowardice, war and ecology, classical and mass culture and other economic, political or social problems of our society. The search and presentation of this information to schoolchildren should not complicate the teacher, since it can be found in the most diverse subject areas of knowledge.

    When discussing such information, intragroup discussions are effective.

    As an example, we can name several potentially debatable topics from different fields of knowledge: meetings of a circle of literature lovers, organized for pupils, can be a factor for students in gaining experience in social action.

    As part of the book club or family reading lovers club, socially oriented campaigns can be held to collect books for the library of a rural school located in the outback.

    In the subject circles, schoolchildren can make visual aids or handouts for school lessons and donate them to teachers and students. Subject elective activities can become socially oriented if its members take individual patronage over under-performing elementary schoolchildren.

    The activities of members of the scientific community of students in this regard are encouraged to focus on the study of the microsocium surrounding them, its topical problems and ways to solve them.

    Such topics may be topics of research projects of schoolchildren, and their results could be disseminated and discussed in the community surrounding the school.

    Table 1

    Institutions of additional education, culture, sports, health care

    Children's research projects, extracurricular educational activities (student conferences, intellectual marathons, etc.), school museum club, etc.

    School Health Camps


    Thus, among extracurricular activities for the development of cognitive activity we also use Olympiads, circle work, a cheerful and resourceful club, games, contests, museums, research projects, excursions and travels.

    Conclusions by chapter I

    Cognitive activity has recently been the most pressing issues in pedagogy and psychology. Cognitive activity of students is a prerequisite for effective learning. Developing cognitive activity, the teacher is of interest and encourages the motivation of schoolchildren not only to learn something new, but also to learn how to apply this knowledge in practice.

    It is possible to develop cognitive activity in the classroom with the help of a problem statement, various studies, experiments, didactic games. In addition, children very actively respond to lessons-tales, lessons-games, contests, KVN. All these methods should be actively used by teachers in their activities.

    Overtime activities should also be involved in the development of cognitive activity. In addition, it is extracurricular activities that make it possible to apply experiments, contests, expeditions, various excursions, games, competitions and other similar methods to a greater extent.

    In connection with the theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature, it was established that the development of cognitive activity is a very important and necessary component in the work of teachers and psychologists, since it is this component that can increase the efficiency of the educational process at times. In addition, it is best to develop the cognitive activity of children in the complex: in the classroom, outside school hours and at home with their parents, only in this case, the children will receive full development.

    Chapter II Experienced pedagogical developmental work

    II.1. Diagnostics of the cognitive activity of students in an experimental primary class

    After conducting a theoretical analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the chosen research topic, we found that cognitive activity greatly affects the quality of learning, that without developing students for sustainable high cognitive activity, it is not possible to interest them during the lesson. Based on this, we decided to diagnose the level of cognitive activity in the experimental class. We selected students of the 2nd grade of the Mokro-Solyonovsky school. Total attended by 25 people. Of these, 14 girls and 11 boys. All guys have approximately the same physical development, are mentally and physically healthy. Deviations in the development of no.

    For the diagnosis of cognitive activity, we used the diagnosis of Ch.D. Spielberg.

    The proposed method for the diagnosis of cognitive activity, aimed at studying the levels of cognitive activity, anxiety and anger as actual states and as personality traits. This version is supplemented by us with new questions and new treatment options and is defined by us as the methodology “Assessment of the level of cognitive activity” (Appendix 1).

    In this method, the level of cognitive activity of younger schoolchildren was determined on a five-point scale, by deriving the average score for all answers to the questions that are presented in the questionnaire and distributed in accordance with the rating scale.

    High level - 4.0 - 5 points

    Average level - 3.0 - 3.9 points

    Low level - 2.5 - 2.9 points

    The main criteria by which we awarded points are presented in Table 2:

    table 2

    Criteria for determining levels of cognitive activity

    We carried out this technique frontally with the whole class at once. The forms with questions and a place for answers were distributed to the children, the instructions were read, after which all the testing questions that had arisen for the children were disassembled, and only after that the guys began to answer. The questionnaire consists of 19 questions.

    After filling in by all students, the forms were analyzed. First, we derived the average score for each student individually, and the pots determined the average score for the whole class. After removing the average score, each student was assigned a level, according to the method described above. The results of the diagnostics are presented in Table 3. The protocol of the primary data obtained as a result of testing is presented in Appendix 2.

    Table 3

    The results of diagnostics of the level of cognitive activity of younger schoolchildren

    The summarized data are summarized in table 4.

    Table 4

    The level of cognitive activity indicators

    If you look at the data in Table 4, you can see that there is not a single indicator in the class that would be developed at a high level, therefore this experimental class needs to develop cognitive activity. The analysis showed that the main part of the children do not know how to draw independent conclusions from the information, cannot find the particular and the general in various similar objects and phenomena

    The indicator according to the criterion “Can get a conclusion from the information, and then“ expand ”it into the text, with movement from the main idea to a concrete conclusion” at a high level only 7 people were detected, that is, 28%, this is a rather low level in the class.

    In terms of the indicator “Able to model the course of judgment, firmly holding the internal plan of action”, only 14 children (56%) found a high level.

    According to the indicator “Able to highlight the essence in processes, phenomena based on analysis, the establishment of patterns,” only 7 people (28%) found a high level.

    In terms of the indicator “Summarizes“ from the spot ”, without having any additional information”, only 8 children (32%) found a high level.

    According to the indicator “It sets knowledge in motion, revealing new knowledge of the phenomenon under study, forming new generalizations, making new conclusions” a high level was revealed only in 9 people (36%).

    According to the indicator “It is experiencing a continuous need for obtaining new knowledge,” a high level was found only in 8 children (32%).

    In terms of the indicator “Considering the same fact, a phenomenon from different points of view, showing deep interest in scientific discoveries,” a high level was found in 18 children, which amounted to 72%, the only indicator by which the largest number of children showed a high level.

    According to the indicator “Substantially expresses its thought, idea”, a high level is 12 children (48%).

    According to the indicator “Easily Generates Ideas,” a high level was determined for 9 people (36%).

    According to the indicator “Has a large vocabulary of words. It has a culture of speech "a high level showed 7 people - 28%.

    In terms of the indicator “In the course of work, trying to get test conclusions and solutions”, a high level was established in 5 children (20%).

    According to the indicator “The knowledge system is represented by separate associative information, but not based on conclusions, conclusion” a high level was detected only in 10 children (40%).

    According to the indicator “It can cover a large amount of information, it possesses the skills of systematization and classification of the material, as well as statements in the form of theses and concise form” a high level - 9 people (36%).

    According to the indicator “Owns the skills of systematization and classification of the material, as well as presentation in the form of theses and the summary form” a high level of -17 children (68%), this indicator is also the largest in the class.

    According to the indicator “A new attempt is made in the process of consolidation in the discovery of new knowledge, but it ends mostly in failure” a high level of -13 children (52%).

    According to the indicator “Mastering the material takes place in the same volume and order in which it is presented in the textbook without any changes. In the event of a change, the student does not experience difficulties “a high level - 10 children (40%).

    According to the indicator “See the ways of improvement” a high level is 10 children (40%).

    According to the indicator "Can show their own attitude to the facts" a high level - 11 children (44%).

    According to the indicator “It does not experience difficulties in a wide transfer of knowledge from one topic to another” a high level is 12 children (48%).

    We illustrate the obtained indicators for clarity and convenience of perception by diagram 1:

    Chart 1

    Indicators of cognitive activity of younger students of the experimental class

    Summarizing the diagnostic results, we presented them in the following table:

    Table 5

    The levels of cognitive activity of students in the experimental class

    As a result of the diagnosis, it was found that for the most part, the indicators of cognitive activity of children have medium and low levels, less than half of the children showed a high level. Thus, there is a need to develop recommendations for primary school teachers, which allow to significantly increase the level of cognitive activity.

    A survey of students in an experimental class served as the basis for developing recommendations for organizing classroom and extracurricular work with these students, aimed at developing their cognitive activity. The structure of the recommendations includes forms, methods, tools and tasks designed to work with the entire class (frontal work), as well as differentiated depending on the levels of cognitive activity found in students.

    Methods of frontal work with the class:

    The development of cognitive activity of students contributes to a variety of forms of education. So along with the traditional forms of education, non-traditional lessons should be applied:

    1) a lesson-KVN: "KVM - the Club of Merry Mathematicians", "What a beauty these fairy tales ..." (in reading), etc .;

    2) yok-competition. Such lessons I spend in the synthesis of material. This could be the “Brain-ring” in mathematics, “Own game” in reading lessons, or “What? Where? When? ”On familiarization with the outside world;

    3) lesson excursion: “On a visit to autumn”, “On a visit to winter” (acquaintance with the world around), “Mathematics around us” (mathematics), etc .;

    4) travel lesson. It can be a trip to any fairy-tale “Kolobok”, “The Frog Princess”, or the struggle with the Serpent Gorynych, Barmaley, etc., where children have to do some task to help the fairy-tale character overcome the obstacle.

    The use of information and communication technologies is considered to be a modern means of forming sustainable positive learning motivation. Their active implementation in various classes in elementary school contributes, firstly, to the conscious mastering of knowledge by students, and secondly, it helps to develop students' metasubjective skills: to orient themselves in the information flows of the surrounding world; master practical ways of working with information; to develop skills that allow the exchange of information using modern technical means.

    It is desirable that the cabinet be equipped with a set of computer equipment, this makes it possible to more thoroughly study the use of ICT in the classroom:





    View and listen to works;

    Project activity.

    I also use presentations in the classroom for frontal verification of previous material.

    The use of multimedia presentations in the classroom greatly increases the motivation of children, especially the authors of the materials. In this case, the student plays the role of a teacher, commenting not only on the content of his own presentation, but also explaining, arguing the use of certain PowerPoint features.

    When working with multimedia presentations in the classroom, it is necessary, first of all, to take into account the psycho-physiological patterns of perception of information from a computer screen, TV, projection screen. Working with visual information supplied from the screen has its own characteristics, since with prolonged use it causes fatigue and reduced visual acuity. Especially time-consuming for human vision is the work with texts.

    To ensure the effectiveness of the educational process it is necessary:

    1. Avoid monotony, take into account the change of students' activities by its levels: recognition, reproduction, application.

    2. Focus on the development of mental (mental) abilities of the child, i.e. development of observation, associativity, comparison, analogy, selection of the main, generalization, imagination, etc.

    3. To give the opportunity to work successfully in the classroom with the use of computer technology and strong, and middle and weak students.

    4. Take into account the memory factor of the child (operational, short-term and long-term). Restrictedly should be controlled that entered only at the level of operational and short-term memory.

    In the process of teaching a junior schoolchild, the project method finds ever wider use.

    Children are happy to make their projects. For example, we carried out such projects as “My favorite number”, “Speak and write correctly”, “Crafts from paper”, baby book “My lullabies”, “How much should the portfolio weigh”, “Useful or harmful chewing gum” and others

    The information presented on computer disks allows virtual tours, traveling, which brings the child closer to the achievements of mankind. Such inclusion in the lesson and at events for students is most interesting.

    With the help of online resources you can collect a bank of presentations in all subjects.

    In addition to information and communication technologies, in every lesson I do not forget to apply elements of health-saving technologies: these include reducing the loads on lessons, metered homework, physical exercises, changing students' positions, conversations and games on healthy lifestyle. Every morning we start with charging. Developed an additional education program “School of Health”, designed for two years of study.

    Methods for working with children who have a high level of cognitive activity:

    Another modern and developing means of cognitive activity is collective learning. CSR is such an organization of the educational process, in which learning is carried out by communication in “pairs”, groups, when everyone teaches (teaches) everyone.

      mutual transfer of texts

      solving problems and examples on the textbook (mutual aid, mutual testing)

      mutual dictations

      doing exercises in pairs

      work on the questions to the text.

    In the classroom, such work is interesting for children. Performing work in pairs, everyone manifests himself, showing the depth of the studied issue. For example, students love to make vocabulary dictations for a friend, then check them and evaluate the work. It is very effective to work in pairs to learn poems or tables of addition, multiplication, which helps re-consolidate the material.

    With pleasure, the guys check and evaluate the work of the other, and each set mark they must substantiate, which helps the child to realistically assess their activities.

    The unity of training and education in the classroom has found its application and development in extracurricular work. Activate cognitive interest circles, excursions, KVNy, quizzes, intellectual games, subject week and other forms of extracurricular work.

    Out-of-class work with students who have a low and medium level of cognitive activity:

    The main importance of various types of extracurricular work is that it helps to increase students' interest in the subject, contributes to the development of their abilities. Out-of-class work allows you to combine different types of activities of the younger schoolchild: training, labor, communication, play.

    Extracurricular activities and circles should be organized so that each student, based on his individual features  and interest, could work on these classes with passion.

    The content of extracurricular activities should be related to work in the classroom, but here problems of increased difficulty are solved, tasks — ingenuity, tasks — jokes, entertaining tasks, logical problems, examples, equations, for the solution of which interesting techniques are used. There are tasks for filling magic squares, solving puzzles, charades, crosswords, etc. In the classroom you need to combine collective work and individual. Considering all the above, the following extracurricular activities should be carried out.:

    Mind games;




    You can hold a circle in the classroom. For example, a mathematical circle, a literary circle, a circle on the world around it, etc. In these classes, children can prepare for competitions, olympiads.

    Work on this issue gives some positive results: the quality of students' knowledge increases, interest in learning increases.

    Developing cognitive activity, nurturing the desire for knowledge, we develop the personality of a small person who can think, empathize, create.

    Issues of development of cognitive activity of the younger student are relevant, important for each teacher who is not indifferent to the fate of their students.

    The degree of activity of schoolchildren is a reaction, the methods and techniques of a teacher’s work are an indicator of his pedagogical skills.

    Active learning methods should be called those that maximize the level of cognitive activity of schoolchildren, encourage them to diligent teaching.

    In school practice and methodical literature, it is customary to divide teaching methods according to the source of knowledge: verbal (story, lecture, conversation, reading), visual (demonstration of natural, screen and other visual aids, experiments) and practical (laboratory and practical work). Each of them can be more active and less active, passive.

    An example of the application of active methods aimed at the development of cognitive activity (apply active methods, taking into account the content of the material, the didactic objectives of the lesson and the age characteristics of students):

    Verbal methods.

    1. The discussion method is applied on issues that require thinking, I seek in my lessons so that children can freely express their opinions and listen carefully to the opinions of speakers.This method is used for frontal work with the class.

    2. The method of independent work with the student. In high school, in order to better identify the logical structure of a new material, I give the task to independently draw up a teacher’s story plan or outline plan with installation: minimum of text - maximum information.This method is used when working with students with a low level of cognitive activity.

    In the course of the discussion, we correct, correct, clarify, supplement, remove all unnecessary, irrelevant.

    Using this outline, students always successfully reproduce the content of the topic when checking homework. The ability to take notes, plan a story, answer, commented reading a textbook, find the main idea in it, work with reference books, popular science literature helps students form theoretical and figurative thinking in analyzing and summarizing the laws of nature.

    To consolidate the skill of working with literature, we give students various feasible tasks. This method is also used when working with students who have either a low or a high level of cognitive activity. Moreover, children with a low level should perform light tasks, and with a high one they are heavy.

    For example, in the 3rd grade when studying the topic: "The animal world of our region". We give tasks: make a message about the representative of animals; (representatives choose at will). Pupils need to talk about the characteristics of this animal, its lifestyle. The message is formed on the album sheets, the title page is decorated with a picture of the animal.

    In class, the student should try not to read, but to retell his message. To do this, first make theses, and in the higher grades - a plan of response. This method is applied to students with a high level of cognitive activity.

    With this type of work, students learn to analyze and summarize the material, as well as develop oral speech. Due to this, students, in consequence, do not hesitate to express their thoughts and judgments.

    3. The method of independent work with didactic materials, intended for children with a high level of cognitive activity.

    We organize independent work as follows: we give the class a specific learning task. We are trying to bring it to the mind of every student.

    Here are your requirements:

    1. the text must be perceived visually (the tasks are perceived to the hearing inaccurately, the details are quickly forgotten, students are often forced to ask again)

    2. you need as little time as possible to spend on writing the text of the task.

    Printed notebooks and student workbooks are well suited for this purpose.

    4. Problem presentation method. This method is used in frontal work with the class.

    In the classroom we use a problem approach in teaching students. The basis of this method is to create a problem situation in the classroom. Students do not have the knowledge or methods of activity to explain the facts and phenomena, put forward their hypotheses, solutions to this problem situation. This method contributes to the formation of students' techniques of mental activity, analysis, synthesis, comparison, synthesis, establish cause-effect relationships.

    The problem approach includes the logical operations necessary to select an expedient solution.

    This method includes:

    1) raising the problem issue

    2) the creation of a problem situation based on the statement of the scientist,

    3) the creation of a problem situation on the basis of the given opposite points of view on the same issue,

    4) a demonstration of experience or a report about it - the basis for creating a problem situation; solving educational problems. The role of the teacher in using this method is reduced to creating a problem situation in the classroom and managing students' cognitive activity.

    5) The method of self-solving settlement and logical problems. All students according to the tasks independently solve the calculated or logical (requiring calculations, reflections and conclusions) problems by analogy or creative nature.

    At the lessons to use methods of management of the cognitive activity of students:

    1) Activating the activity of students at this stage of perception and accompanying the awakening of interest in the material under study:

    a) reception of novelty - the inclusion in the content of educational material of interesting information, facts, historical data;

    b) the method of semantization - it is based on the excitation of interest due to the disclosure of the semantic meaning of words;

    c) the reception of dynamism - the creation of the installation on the study of processes and phenomena in dynamics and development;

    d) acceptance of significance - the creation of the installation on the need to study the material in connection with its biological, national economic and aesthetic value;

    2) Techniques for enhancing the activity of students at the stage of mastering the material being studied.

    a) heuristic reception - difficult questions are asked and with the help of leading questions lead to an answer.

    b) heuristic reception - discussion of controversial issues, which allows students to develop the ability to prove and substantiate their judgments.

    c) research technique - students on the basis of observations, experiments, analysis of the literature, the solution of cognitive tasks should formulate a conclusion.

    3) Techniques for enhancing cognitive activity at the stage of reproducing acquired knowledge.

    a) receiving naturalization - performing tasks using natural objects, herbaria, collections, wet preparations;

    b) reception of schematization - organisms are listed, it is necessary to show the relationship between them in the form of a diagram;

    c) reception of symbolization.

    Intensification of cognitive activity can also be carried out at extracurricular activities.

    Example: For class 2, playing the game: "Journey to the land of indoor plants."

    In this case, the guys will act as flower growers and residents different countries. "Journey" was accompanied by a "movement" on the map and a demonstration of flowers.

    Objective: to show the relationship of the structure with the environment, the adaptation of plants to different conditions, to enhance the activities of students with special homework.

    In conclusion, I would like to say that the professionalism of the teacher is largely determined by demanding of himself. Not to students, but to myself. Disciples can sometimes seem inattentive, and lazy, and aggressive, and weak, and arrogant. But the teacher’s task is to equip them with the knowledge, skills to acquire this knowledge, with the skills to cooperate responsibly and proactively with others and to develop in oneself the best that makes a person a man.

    Conclusions by chapter II

    Having diagnosed the cognitive activity of children, it was revealed that the class does not have the same cognitive activity, there are students with high and low levels, but most of them are students with an average level of cognitive activity.

    When working with these children, it is necessary to apply methods separately for each group. For example, for children with a high level, it is possible to use the methods of independent study, for example, asking them to prepare messages, to conduct pair classes. For children with low levels, more games and contests are needed, which allow children to be involved, moreover, individual tasks and assistance in performing are needed, in which case the child will gradually become interested in studying.

    For middle-aged children, frontal methods are most suitable, but games and contests will also be useful for them.


    In the process of theoretical study of the issue of the development of cognitive activity by means of multimedia presentations, the following conclusions were made:

    Cognitive activity is the result that fixes the fact that the younger schoolchild has a creative attitude to the learning process, a stable need for cognitive activity, and also a factor in the change in personal qualities of the younger schoolchild, including: social orientation, ability to reflect, to cooperate, purposefulness, perseverance, skill put forward cognitive tasks and independently solve them, etc.

    Cognitive activity is also an interest in the new, a striving for success, the joy of learning, and an attitude towards solving problems, the gradual complication of which underlies the learning process. Cognitive activity reflects a certain interest of younger students to obtain new knowledge and skills, internal dedication and the constant need to use different methods of action to fill knowledge, expand knowledge, expand horizons.

    Formation of skills of cognitive activity in a younger student is a purposeful process of developing sustainable personality traits of a younger student reflecting the need, desire and inner conviction of a student in the need for creative knowledge of reality, the ability to formulate cognitive tasks and search for their solution.

    Pedagogical conditions conducive to the development of the cognitive activity of the younger schoolchild are complex and include: educational and methodological support educational process; the optimal combination of forms and teaching methods aimed at the development of the cognitive activity of the younger student, the inclusion of heuristic exercises and tasks aimed at integrating knowledge; orientation of the educational process and extracurricular activities of the younger student at the formation of internal motivation for self-development.

    After analyzing the literature, we conducted a diagnosis of the level of development of cognitive activity, analysis of the results obtained in the tested class showed poor results in some indicators, although the overall level of cognitive activity in the whole class is average.

    Based on the results of diagnostics, we developed recommendations for elementary school teachers, on organizing lessons and extracurricular activities in such a way as to maximally develop the cognitive activity of children.


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    Annex 1

    Methodology "Assessment of the level of cognitive activity"

    Evaluation of cognitive activity gives the teacher on a five-point scale, by deriving the average score for all indicators and enters the table. Processing Results:

    High level - 4.0 - 5 points

    Average level - 3.0 - 3.9 points

    Low level - 2.5 - 2.9 points

    Interpretation of results:

    High level - creative.

    Characterized by interest and desire not only to penetrate deeply into the essence of phenomena and their interrelations, but also to find a new way for this purpose. This level of activity is provided by the excitation of a high degree of disagreement between the fact that the student knew what had already been encountered in his experience with new information, a new phenomenon. Activity, as the quality of an individual's activity, is an indispensable condition and indicator of the realization of any principle of learning.

    The middle level is interpretive activity.

    Characterized by the student's desire to identify the meaning of the studied content, the desire to know the connection between phenomena and processes, master the ways of applying knowledge in changed conditions.

    Characteristic indicator: the great stability of volitional efforts, which is manifested in the fact that the student seeks to bring the work begun to the end, in case of difficulty, does not refuse to perform the task, but searches for solutions.

    Low level - reproducing activity.

    Characterized by the student's desire to understand, remember and reproduce knowledge, master the way it is applied on the model. This level is characterized by the instability of the student’s volitional efforts, the lack of interest among students in the deepening of knowledge, the absence of questions like: “Why?”

    application 2

    Protocol for determining the level of cognitive activity before the experiment
    Starting the next group: November 8. Payment is possible in interest-free installments (10% at the beginning of training and 90% at the end of training)!

    Apply for the course you are interested in now:

    general information

    Related materials

    Activation of cognitive activity through a didactic game is carried out through the selective focus of the child’s personality on objects and phenomena surrounding reality. This focus is characterized by a constant desire for knowledge, to new, more complete and deep knowledge, i.e. there is a cognitive interest. Systematically strengthening and developing cognitive interest becomes the basis of a positive attitude towards learning, increasing academic performance. Cognitive interest is (search character). Under his influence, the younger student constantly raises questions, the answers to which he himself is constantly and actively looking for. At the same time, the student’s search activity is performed with enthusiasm; he is experiencing an emotional uplift, the joy of luck. Cognitive interest has a positive effect not only on the process and the result of activity, but also on the course of mental processes - thinking, imagination, memory, attention, which, under the influence of cognitive interest, acquire particular activity and direction.

    a) Games - exercises. Gaming activities can be organized in collective and group forms, but still more individualized. It is used to consolidate the material, test students' knowledge, in extracurricular work. Example: "The Fifth Is Superfluous." In the science lesson, students are invited to find in this set of names (plants of one family, animals of a detachment, etc.) one randomly included in this list.

    b) Game-search. Students are invited to find in the story, for example, plants of the Rosaceae family, whose names are interspersed with plants of other families, are found in the course of the teacher’s story. To conduct such games do not require special equipment, they take little time, but give good results.

    c) Games are a competition. These include contests, quizzes, imitations of television contests, etc. These games can be conducted both in class and in extracurricular activities.

    d) The plot - role-playing games. Their peculiarity is that pupils play roles, and the games themselves are filled with deep and interesting content, corresponding to the specific tasks set by the teacher. These are “Press Conference”, “Round Table”, etc. Students can play the role of agricultural specialists, historian, philologist, archaeologist, etc. Roles that put students in the position of a researcher, pursue not only educational goals, but also professional orientation. In the process of such a game, favorable conditions are created to satisfy a wide range of interests, desires, requests, and creative aspirations of students.

    d) Educational games - travel. In the proposed game, students can make “trips” to continents, to different geographic zones, climatic zones, etc. The game can be reported and new information for students and tested existing knowledge. The game - the journey is usually conducted after studying a topic or several topics in the section in order to identify the level of students' knowledge. For each "station" marks are set

    e) Didactic games are especially needed in the education and upbringing of children of primary school age. Thanks to the games, it is possible to focus attention and attract interest even among the most uncollected students. Initially, they are fascinated only game action, and then what this or that game teaches. Gradually, children also arouse interest in the subject of study itself.

    Thus, a didactic game is a purposeful creative activity, in the course of which students learn more about the phenomena of the surrounding reality and perceive the world.

    Also activating students in the classroom is facilitated by the use of ICT in the classroom.

    The advantage of a lesson with the use of ICT compared to a conventional lesson, for example, is the increase in the volume of tasks completed in the lesson; increase of cognitive activity and motivation of learning through the variety of forms of work, the inclusion of the game moment, objectivity and timeliness of test results.

    The guys are happy to take part in project activities.

    To intensify the activities of students in the classroom, I apply various forms and methods of teaching, introduce elements of novelty, a new type of work always follows from the previous one, being its continuation. Games, elements of entertaining and surprises in combination with other techniques contribute to the formation of solid knowledge and skills.

    The lesson is the main form of organization of the educational process, and the quality of education, especially the quality of the lesson.

    At the lessons of the Russian language, I use various activities. For example, having studied

    New material proceed to its consolidation. I pay a lot of attention to exercises from the textbook, but in order to consolidate and further improve skills and abilities, along with work on the model, it is necessary to use practical exercises based not only on recognition and similarity establishing operations, but also on various transformations of grammatical objects, comparing and comparing concepts and rules currently being studied, but also previously studied, on the application of the studied grammatical laws of a wide variety of linguistic situations.

    In these cases, reproduction includes certain elements of creativity.

    Part of the creative work is to complete the proposals for a guess:

    The guys were in the woods. Suddenly he heard: during the Christmas trees someone shur. There ё! Attacked Bug on  . Yes, not here ! She pinned us and .

    Also creative are the tasks of the form:

    from, sheltered, tree, rain, girls, under

    home, we, in, live, brick

    growing, school, old, our, about, oak

    clouds, the sun, from behind, peeped out

    on, horses, meadow, graze

    Another one that develops the thinking and imagination of the students is the following: children are invited to write the text, having previously restored the meaning of each word and sentence as a whole.

    Vpya cnga. In lseu thio. Mdvdeee zlglaei in blggeou and sptya. Blok sdti in the ppluy and grztyu rhoei. Zykai zlzlaei pdo kstuy. Lzie vlkoi bgtoay op lseu.

    In different regime moments I use games with words. It is in the game, in a word, the child learns the subtleties of the Russian language. Taking into account the age and psychological characteristics of students, I spend various games with words. I spend the games with first graders and second graders: “Who is the most? The letter got lost What is this word? Replace with one word

    The value of such games lies in the fact that their material can also work out reading speed, syllable composition of the word, develop spelling vigilance and much more.

    Spelling vigilance is formed gradually, in the process of performing a variety of exercises.

    First of all, in my lessons I teach children to hear sounds, to determine their number in words, to distinguish between vowels and consonants, percussion and unstressed. I constantly ask the children questions: which letter should be checked on the letter and why? How will you do it? In work I use:

    Spelling minutes,

    A letter with a pronunciation,

    Spelling dictations,

    Work with punch cards

    Show spelling cards,

    Orthograms in proverbs, riddles,

    Signal cards,

    Game moments "Third extra", "Dangerous place", "Russell on the houses", "Light a flashlight." This work is paying off with respect to consistency, with the constant refinement of children's ability to hear the sounding word.

    During the lessons of explanation, the following tasks are offered, allowing students to independently draw a rule. For example about what the noun stands for.

    Task 1: Compare the right and left bars.

    I am a first grade student. I'm first class.

    In the pencil case are pens and pencils. In the pencil case are.

    I put notebooks in my briefcase, I put them in my briefcase.

    textbooks and pencil case.

    The teacher asks questions.

    1. Are both word entries a sentence?

    2. If not, why not?

    3. What word needs to be added to make it a sentence?

    4. Write down the missing nouns by asking them a question.

    Conclusion: words denoting the subject, answering the questions who? what? are called nouns.

    Task 2. Given a chain of words:

    Machine, plane, Masha, Bug, Vesnovka, Almaty - Aty, shovel, Murka, Moscow.

    1. Is it possible to distinguish two groups among these words?

    2. If possible, by what principle? (by writing).

    Conclusion: some words with a capital letter, and others with a small one. Why?

    3. Which groups can I define?

    A) by name;

    B) the name of cities, rivers;

    B) animal names.

    4. What question answer all these words.

    Conclusion: proper names - answer the question what? I who? - these are nouns of names of people and nicknames of animals answer the question who? All other proper names answer the question what?

    B. The lessons of consolidation on this topic are intended to solve the problem of the ability to distinguish nouns from other parts of speech.

    At the stage of fixing the main tool for creating

    problem situation is the integration of issues and practical methods, allowing to find an invariant solution of the problem. These lessons use the following tasks:

    Task 1. From these words write out the nouns.

    Cold, brave, nose, joy, cat, magpie, sparrow.

    Task 2.

    1. Consider the pictures:

    2. Ask a question to the top pictures.

    3. Ask a question to the bottom of the pictures.

    4. How do these words differ from each other?

    Task 3. Write out your proper names:

    Surname Sidorov, Lake Baikal. Mount Elbrus, Sahara Desert, Republic of Kazakhstan. River Ili, Lake Balkhash.

    B. Verification monitors the strength of the acquired knowledge, as well as the formation of grammatical skills. Lead tool problematic on

    More on the topic Forms of cognitive activity in elementary school, their analysis:

    1. The tasks of the psychologist in primary school. Forms of work of the psychologist in elementary school.
    2. 19. The syntax of the phrase. Work on the phrase in elementary school. Methods of control over the effectiveness of educational and cognitive activity used by the primary school teacher in the work on the phrase. Psychodiagnosis on the initial stage  learning. Efficiency and its dynamics in primary school students in the process of learning activities. 76
    3. Cognitive activity of the individual. Memory and thinking as a form of cognitive activity.
    4. Accents in the activities of a psychologist in elementary school classes.
    5. 26. Verb as part of speech, verb categories and forms. Conditions and methods of learning the verb in elementary school. Organization of extracurricular educational work. The teacher as a subject of pedagogical activity.
    6. 29.Name as a part of speech, categories and forms. The difficulties of learning the noun in elementary school. Psychological analysis of the lesson. The implementation of the basic principles of learning in the study of the noun.
    7. 17. The system of parts of speech in Russian. Service parts of speech. Methods of studying the official parts of speech in elementary school. Methods and techniques for the study of the official parts of speech in elementary school. Place the methods used to study parts of speech in the general classification of teaching methods. Pupil as a subject of educational activity.
    8. 29 Noun as a part of speech, category and form. The difficulties of learning the noun in elementary school. Psychological analysis of the lesson. The implementation of the basic principles of learning in the study of the noun.
    9. 21. Adjective as part of speech, category and form. The difficulty of learning the name of an adjective in elementary school. Pedagogical support of the child in overcoming difficulties in learning: the nature and types of pedagogical support for students. Psychological features of the use of marks and assessments. Functional readiness of children for school.
    10. 11. Algorithms for multiplying and dividing natural numbers in the initial course of mathematics. Psychological and pedagogical experiment: goals, features, stages. Methods of stimulating student learning and cognitive activity.
    11. 28. Composition of the word. Word formation. Methods of studying the morphemic composition in elementary school. Formation of the psychological structure of educational activities and its components. Learning as a process: essence, driving forces, functions.

    Activation of students' cognitive activity in primary school lessons

    1 slide Cognitive activity is one of the leading forms of activity of the child, which stimulates learning, on the basis of cognitive interest.

    2slide   Purpose school education  becomes the ability to learn, associated with the ability of students to independently acquire knowledge in a research search. At the same time, search and independent activity are by no means identified with spontaneity and uncontrollability. The development of the ability to learn as a universal characteristic of the student’s personality is carried out in problem situations, the independent resolution of which by the students themselves (under the guidance of a teacher) is the main condition for the organization of the educational process; A joint form of educational activity is a condition for ensuring the individual development of each student.

    Activation of students' cognitive activity is one of the main tasks of a primary school teacher. I proceed from the fact that among all the motives for learning activities, the most effective is the cognitive interest that arises in the process of learning. He not only activates mental activity at the moment, but also directs it to the subsequent solution of various tasks. Sustained cognitive interest is formed by various means. One of them is entertaining. The elements of entertaining, the game, everything unusual, unexpected causes a sense of surprise, rich in its consequences, a lively interest in the process of knowledge, helps them to assimilate any educational material.

    Activation of cognitive activity through a didactic game is carried out through the selective focus of the child’s personality on objects and phenomena surrounding reality. This focus is characterized by a constant desire for knowledge, to new, more complete and deep knowledge, i.e. there is a cognitive interest. Systematically strengthening and developing cognitive interest becomes the basis of a positive attitude towards learning, increasing academic performance. Cognitive interest is a search character. Under his influence, the younger student constantly raises questions, the answers to which he himself is constantly and actively looking for. At the same time, the student’s search activity is performed with enthusiasm; he is experiencing an emotional uplift, the joy of luck. Cognitive interest has a positive effect not only on the process and the result of activity, but also on the course of mental processes - thinking, imagination, memory, attention, which, under the influence of cognitive interest, acquire particular activity and direction.

    3 slide but)Game-searching.   Students are invited to find in the story description of the object. To conduct such games do not require special equipment, they take little time, but give good results.

    b)Games - competition . These include contests, quizzes, imitations of television contests, etc. These games can be conducted both in class and in extracurricular activities.

    at)Plot - role-playing games . Their peculiarity is that pupils play roles, and the games themselves are filled with deep and interesting content, corresponding to the specific tasks set by the teacher. These are “Press Conference”, “Round Table”, etc. Students can play the role of agricultural specialists, historian, philologist, archaeologist, etc. Roles that put students in the position of a researcher, pursue not only educational goals, but also professional orientation. In the process of such a game, favorable conditions are created to satisfy a wide range of interests, desires, requests, and creative aspirations of students.

    d)Educational games - travel.   In the proposed game, students can make “trips” to continents, to different geographic zones, climatic zones, etc. The game can be reported and new information for students and tested existing knowledge. The game - the journey is usually conducted after studying a topic or several topics in the section in order to identify the level of students' knowledge.

    Didactic games are especially needed in the training and education of children of primary school age. Thanks to the games, it is possible to focus attention and attract interest even among the most uncollected students. Initially, they are fascinated only game action, and then what this or that game teaches. Gradually, children also arouse interest in the subject of study itself.

    At the lessons of the Russian language, I use various activities.

    Having studied the new material, we proceed to fixing it. I pay a lot of attention to exercises from the textbook, but in order to consolidate and further improve skills and abilities, along with work on the model, it is necessary to use practical exercises based not only on recognition and similarity establishing operations, but also on various transformations of grammatical objects, comparing and comparing concepts and rules currently being studied, but also previously studied, on the application of the studied grammatical laws of a wide variety of linguistic situations. In these cases, reproduction includes certain elements of creativity.

    4 slide Partial creative work is to complete

    suggestions for a guess:

    The guys were in the woods. Suddenly, the words: in the Christmas trees someone shur. There is ! Attacked Bug on. Yes, not here! She nakolola nose and.

    5 slide Another one that develops the thinking and imagination of the students is the following: children are invited to write the text, having previously restored the meaning of each word and sentence as a whole.


    Vpya cnga. In lseu thio. Mdvdeee zlglaei in blggeou and sptya. Blok sdti in the ppluy and grztyu rhoei. Zykai zlzlaei pdo kstuy. Lzie vlkoi bgtoay op lseu.

    The game "Postman"

    6 slide Objective: To consolidate students' knowledge on the selection of a test word, expand vocabulary, develop phonemic hearing, prevention of dysgraphia.

    Move: The postman distributes invitations to a group of children (4-5 people each).

    Children determine where they were invited. garden park sea school dining zoo

    grya-ki roads are pts-tsy books books kli-tsy glu-ka

    kali-ka bere-ki fla-ki flap ki pyro-ki marty-ka

    edi-ka du-ki lo-ki tetra-ka slim-ki tra-ka

    sea-face ki blot


    Explain orthograms by matching check words.

    Make sentences using these words.

    7 slide   The game "ciphers"

    Purpose: automation of sounds, development of phonetic-phonemic perception, analysis and synthesis processes, understanding of the meaning-distinctive function of sound and letter, enrichment of students' vocabulary, development of logical thinking.

    Turn: They play in pairs: one in the role of ciphermaster, the other - guessing.

    The cipher contemplates the word and encrypts it. Players can try their hand at deciphering phrases and sentences. Zhyil Anski Kyoink

    skiing sleds skates

    8 slide   Find the "extra word"

    Objective: to develop the ability to distinguish a common attribute in words, development of attention, fixing spelling of unchecked vowels. MAC CAMOMILE ROSE BOW




    Assignments: Underline the "extra" word. What spelling met in these words?

    9 slide   Children like such tasks as:

    Replace phrases in one word:

    The time interval is 60 minutes,

    Serviceman standing on duty

    Child, loving sweet,

    Very funny movie.

    Find related words. Select the root.

    10 slide Complete the sentences:

    Roma and Zhora have ............

    One day they went ..........

    Suddenly from the bushes ................... ..

    Then the guys have long recalled how ... ... ..

    11 slide Make a story based on the reference words:

    winter, snow, frost, trees, cold, bullfinches.

    The value of such games lies in the fact that their material can also work out reading speed, syllable composition of the word, develop spelling vigilance and much more.

    Spelling vigilance is formed gradually, in the process of performing a variety of exercises.

    First of all, in my lessons I teach children to hear sounds, to determine their number in words, to distinguish between vowels and consonants, percussion and unstressed. I constantly ask the children questions: which letter should be checked on the letter and why? How will you do it? In work I use:

    12 slide - spelling minutes,

    A letter with a pronunciation,

    Spelling dictations,

    Work with punch cards

    Show spelling cards,

    Orthograms in proverbs, riddles,

    Signal cards,

    Game moments "Third extra", "Dangerous place", "Russell on the houses", "Light a flashlight." This work is paying off with respect to consistency, with the constant refinement of children's ability to hear the sounding word.

    At the stage of fixing the main tool for creating

    problem situation is the integration of issues and practical methods to find an invariant solution to the problem. These lessons use the following tasks:

    13   slide From these words write out the nouns.

    Cold, brave, nose, joy, cat, magpie, sparrow.

    14   slide Write out your proper names:

    Surname Sidorov, Lake Baikal. Mount Elbrus, Sahara Desert, Republic of Kazakhstan. River Ili, Lake Balkhash.

    15   slide The test controls the strength of the acquired knowledge, as well as the formation of grammatical skills. The leading means of problematicity at this stage is the task in the form of texts, where not only you need to choose the correct answer, but also to substantiate it.

    16 slide Guess the riddles. Write down the answers: first those who answer the question who ?, then, and then the question what?

    A mop stands in the middle of the yard, in front of the pitchfork, behind the broom (cow);

    The white blanket covered the whole world, it became warm - it had flowed into the river (snow);

    Who is white in winter and gray in summer (hare);

    Under the pines, under the trees a bag of needles runs (hedgehog);

    Antoshka stands on one leg, there is a hat, but there is no head (mushroom);

    Not an alarm clock, but wake up, sing, then people (rooster) will wake up;

    17   slide   Explain the softness of the words door, horse, notebook. The door is he (female);

    A horse is he (m. R.); Notebook - she (w. B.).

    Conclusion: Nouns can be masculine and feminine.

    18   slide Write down the words with the ending (what kind are they?) In one column, and o, e (what kind are they?) With the ending with another.

    Village, field, country, car, shovel, rich, ship, passenger, sea, friend, hike, dictation, channel, work, joy, book, clothes, soap, shelf.

    19 slide   . Insert instead of points the words that answer the questions who? what?

    (who?) ......... is known in trouble.

    (who?) ......... strong wings, and (who?) ......... friendship.

    (what?) ......... flowed from the mountains - she brought spring.

    Volga to all rivers ......... (who?).

    Spring (what?) ......... feeds a whole year.

    Earth feeds people like (who?) ......... children.

    20   slide . Write out the nouns, determine the gender.

    Between thinning tops

    Appeared blue,

    Rustled at the edges

    Bright yellow foliage.

    The spruce in the forest has become more noticeable

    Keeps a thick shadow.

    Boletus last

    Moved the cap on the side.

    21   slide   Make sentences starting with the highlighted words. In the selected words, determine the gender and ask a question.

    He began to roam, swamp, on, crane.

    Cuckoo, boron, cooked, c.

    Flew, flowers, over, butterfly, variegated.

    He soared, high, in, kite, air.

    Write out animated nouns and determine the gender.

    22 slide Insert the missing letters.

    All night l ... melts

    Mice on ... gives,

    And it will be holy ...

    L ... tit in the hollow.

    Thus, a didactic game is a purposeful creative activity, in the course of which students learn more deeply and brighterly the phenomena of the surrounding reality and learn about the world.

    Slide 23 Thank you for your attention.

    MOU "Kovylkinskaya average
    comprehensive school  No. 6
    Material from the experience on the topic
    “Activization of the cognitive activity of elementary school students”.

    (Speech at the August sectional classes).

    Prepared by a primary school teacher Nikitina L.A. Kovylkino - 2010
    Activation of the cognitive activity of elementary school students.
    Nikitina L.A. primary school teacher
    MOU "Kovylkinskaya school № 6".
    Activation of the cognitive activity of elementary school students. The school has a special place in the life of society and plays an important role in the fate of each person. It is on the school that the main and extremely difficult work lies - to prepare students for independent steps in a changing society, to give them the necessary knowledge about society and the correct life attitudes. The task of modern education is to contribute to the emergence of a new type of person who feels "comfortable with changes, who likes changes, who is able to improvise, to confidently and boldly meet a completely unforeseen situation." Modern life requires a person to be ready to independently solve his own problems, to be a creator of his own life, actively interacting with the immediate and broad social environment, which is defined as the subjectivity of the individual. And the social order of society today is to help the student become this subject. In the educational system, changes in the learning paradigm itself are required, since the child’s “failure” in learning activities remains a problem for all schools. The reason is the increase in the number of children who have a low level of readiness for learning activities. Questioning and school testing show that from 40% to 60% of students have abnormalities in the maturation and functioning of the brain, the number of children with problems of social adaptation has increased. The compulsory education leads to sharply negative consequences: the student is constantly in a position of failure, which leads to an inferiority complex in relation to the teaching, eliminates the positive motivation for success, causes hostility to the subject and to the school, and in fact often leads to abandonment of the teaching. Scientific studies confirm that motivation determines, encourages the child’s learning activity, which generally determines his learning behavior, gives him personal meaning and significance. Activation of cognitive activity is the improvement of methods that ensure the active and independent theoretical and practical activity of schoolchildren in all parts of the educational process. In enhancing cognitive activity, there are hidden reserves for increasing the "productivity" of pedagogical work. The need to enhance cognitive activity is dictated by the increased requirements for education and upbringing. Activation of cognitive activity: implies a close connection of the assimilation of knowledge with their application to solving problems that require students to search for new, selection of data, initiative, perseverance. Particularly high activity requires tasks with missing and imaginary data, as well as practical tasks in which students, on the basis of real actions with objects, should themselves determine the necessary data and only then the solutions. Tasks should not be too easy. On the "light", which does not require the tension of the mind, it is impossible to bring up activity. Useful questions that cause opposing opinions, discussions, discussions composed of independent tasks, solutions. The solution to the task of enhancing cognitive activity is inseparable from improving the effectiveness of teaching methods. The effectiveness of a method is determined not only by the success of students in acquiring knowledge and skills, but also by developing their cognitive abilities. For this, I use in my work a variety of ways to enhance the learning process. Non-standard forms of organization of the lesson.  The lesson was and remains the main link of the educational process. However, it is not a secret to anyone that the student is often just a passive “contemplator” of the lesson, the main place where the teacher’s monologue is assigned. The so-called "oral survey" of individual students also does not cause particular activity of individual students of the class. Non-traditional (non-standard) forms of organizing a lesson allow students to become more active, to create their own “creativity”, to realize the hidden opportunities of each student. On such lessons - holidays are embodied in a common cause, the creativity of the teacher and the creativity of the students. These lessons do not require program changes, but give a lot. But a positive result is achieved only if there is a system in the work of the teacher, if you encourage the children to prepare for these lessons so that in the final they surpass the teacher. Such lessons provide an opportunity to develop a craving for knowledge, for education in general. Practice shows that educational material from standard lessons is forgotten faster than the one that understands or summarizes non-standard lessons. In addition, the last lessons raise a sense of collectivism, empathy for a comrade, responsibility, a desire not to fail, keep up with classmates, learn to work with additional literature, develop imagination, imagination, help to see the connection with other academic subjects, etc. It is advisable to remember that non-standard forms of organizing a lesson are better for teachers with a non-standard thinking farm. And, due to the fact that these are holiday lessons (in any form: a business game, an essay, a fairy tale, a subject fight, a report, a study, a club meeting, a court, etc.), it makes sense to conduct them not more often than 1 2 times a quarter. Problem situations. Currently, there is an increasing focus on the problem of improving the organization and content of developmental education. The main way of developmental education is the inclusion of students in creative activities, the formation of a younger student as a subject of study. The question arises: is it possible to improve traditional programs by strengthening the role of the search method of teaching? Can we recall the ideas of proponents of problem-based learning? The purpose and purpose of problem-based learning is to overcome the elements of mechanical learning in learning, activate students' thinking activity and introduce them to the methods of scientific research. The impetus to productive thinking aimed at finding a way out of the state of difficulty that a student experiences at the moment of encountering something that causes a question is a problem situation. The means of creating any problem situation in the educational process are learning problems  (problem task, problem task, problem question). Each learning problem implies a contradiction. It is the contradiction between the cognitive and practical tasks that are put forward by the course of training, and the existing level of knowledge, skills and abilities of students, their level of mental development is the driving force of learning. Consequently, if a teacher introduces learning problems into the learning process, then managing the learning process is managing the exit process from the problem situation, or rather, the process of self-solution of the problem by the students. Integration of training sessions in primary school. Integration is a process of convergence and connection of sciences, occurring along with the processes of differentiation. It represents a high form of embodiment of interdisciplinary connections at a qualitatively new level of education. Such a learning process under the influence of purposefully carried out interdisciplinary connections affects its performance: knowledge acquires the qualities of a system, skills become generalized, complex, the world outlook of students' cognitive interests increases, their conviction is formed more effectively and comprehensive personality development is achieved. Integration links between the subjects of primary school are little developed, set out contradictory; There are many disagreements among scientists in understanding the essence of these connections. Despite this, the teachers of our school, not having a clear system of guidelines on this issue, are trying to solve this problem. We checked the degree of effectiveness of the practices practiced in the school and the ways we developed the most effective methods of conducting integrated training sessions. What lessons are more acceptable for integration? The basis of such lessons is the closeness of the content of the leading themes of various subjects and their logical interconnection: ♦ lessons in teaching literacy (teaching reading and writing); ♦ mathematics - natural history; ♦ mathematics - work; ♦ reading - Russian; ♦ reading - natural history; ♦ reading - FROM; ♦ reading - FROM - music. It is worthy of attention that children like integrated lessons, interest them, give a lot of new, useful, give a big emotional charge. Differentiated learning. Differentiated learning plays a big role in enhancing students' cognitive activity, because only it creates conditions for the maximum development of children with different levels of abilities: for the rehabilitation of those who are lagging behind and for advanced training for those who are able to learn ahead of schedule. This decision is not a tribute to fashion, but life, which has proved that people are born different. A differentiated approach is the main way of individualizing learning. Even a novice teacher knows that with any collective or frontal learning, mastering knowledge and skills takes place individually, in accordance with the individual characteristics of mental activity, personal qualities. Taking into account the individual characteristics of children is one of the leading principles of didactics. Different students need different times, different volumes, different forms and types of work in order to master the program teaching material. A differentiated approach is to take this difference into account in one way or another. A differentiated approach must be applied in individual, group and frontal work. A differentiated approach is needed at all stages of learning, at all stages of mastering knowledge and skills. The differentiated approach creates such a mechanism for the development of education, which can turn the education system into a real factor in the development of society, creates conditions for the all-round and unlimited development and self-education of each member of society, raises the prestige of the teaching profession. It is necessary to carry out a differentiated approach in an integrated way: ♦ on the basis of taking into account the psychological diagnosis of students; ♦ the introduction of new subjects, new forms of education at different levels of education; ♦ the right to creative expression, the variability of the definition of learning content, the choice of forms and methods of teaching; ♦ class differentiation in accordance with the degree of readiness of first-graders to school start. Using entertaining material on lessons. V.A. Sukhomlinsky advocated that the wonderful world of nature, games, music, fairy tales, which surrounded the child before school, would not close the class door in front of them. The child only sincerely loves the school, the class, when the teacher will save for him the joys he had before. Thus, the entertaining material does not cease to influence the development of the child and in the educational process of the school. The use of entertaining material in the classroom helps to enhance the learning process, develops cognitive activity, children's observation, attention, memory, thinking, relieves fatigue in children. The form of entertaining exercises can be different: rebus, crossword, chaynvord, quizzes, riddles. Great interest in the lessons of the world around us is listening to and analyzing “conversations overheard in nature” between plants, insects, birds, and animals. This material not only helps to acquaint students with educational material in an interesting way, but also fosters love for all living things, causes a desire to help plants, animals, and preserve them. It is possible to use such material at different stages of the lesson: while checking homework, when studying a new material, when fixing it. Educational game. One of the effective means of developing an interest in a school subject, along with other methods and techniques used by me in the classroom, is a didactic game. Even K. D. Ushinsky advised: to include elements of entertaining, playing moments in the serious academic work of students in order to make the process of knowledge more productive. In the course of the game, students unwittingly perform various exercises, where they have to compare sets, perform arithmetic operations, train in an oral account, solve problems. The game puts students in the search terms, awakens interest in victory, they strive to be fast, collected, deft, resourceful, clearly perform tasks, follow the rules of the game. In games, the activity and moral qualities of the individual are formed. Children learn to assist comrades, to reckon with the interests of others, to restrain their desires. Children develop a sense of responsibility, teamwork, discipline, will, character. Inclusion in the lesson of gaming moments makes the learning process more interesting and entertaining, creates a cheerful working mood in children, facilitates overcoming difficulties in learning the material, supports and strengthens children's interest in the subject matter, in their knowledge of the world around them. Receptions of visual, auditory, motor clarity, entertaining and accessible to children questions, riddles, tasks - jokes, moments of surprise, competitions contribute to the intensification of mental activity. The game creates a steady interest in learning and relieves the tension that occurs during the period of the child’s adaptation to the school regime. It is distinguished by one of the means of forming psychological formations that are essential for the educational process - thinking, attention, memory, etc. Most didactic games contain a question, a task, a call to action, for example: Who is more accurate and faster ?, Do not yawn! Answer it right! Get change! etc. A significant part of the games allows you to make one or another generalization, to realize the rule that has just been studied, to consolidate, repeat the knowledge gained in unity, in the system, in new connections, which contributes to a deeper assimilation of the past. Many games and exercises are based on varying degrees of difficulty, which makes it possible to carry out an individual approach, to ensure participation in the same game of students with different levels of knowledge. For example, independent work is given in the form of the game "Who will fly first into space?" Since this game, students feel free, and therefore confidently and with interest start to work. Everyone gets a card with a task - a task. The task of all is the same, but the degree of help to its solution for each student is different. So, well-prepared students are invited to solve the problem by a short record, making up an expression for it, students who have little time to do it - to make a problem by a short record and finish its solution. The goal of the game is explained: the one who solves the problem can be considered an astronaut, since in order to fly into space, you need to know mathematics well. In such lessons, the goal is to inculcate love for the subject in students with strong and weak mathematical abilities. Everyone is trying to complete the task, everyone wants to be an astronaut. However, the game should not be an end in itself, but should serve as a means of developing interest in the subject. In order for it to fulfill this goal, in its organization it is necessary to adhere to the following provisions: 1. The rules of the game must be simple and precisely formed. The material of the game is available for all children. 2. Didactic material is simple both in manufacturing and in use. 3. The game is interesting only if it is accepted active participation  all children. Long waiting for their turn reduces interest in the game. 4. Summing up the game must be clear and fair. “A good game is like a good job,” wrote AS Makarenko. That is why the game is given due attention in the educational process of children. Use of visual and didactic material. Visualization contributes to the development of students' emotional and evaluative attitudes towards the observed knowledge. Conducting independent experiments, students can verify the truth of the acquired knowledge, the reality of those phenomena and processes, which the teacher tells them. And confidence in the truth of the information received, the conviction in knowledge make them conscious, durable. Means of visualization increase the interest in knowledge, make it easier to assimilate, support the attention of the child. Depending on the didactic functions, the following types of clarity differ: ♦ natural (plants, animals, minerals, etc.); function - acquaintance of students with real objects of nature; ♦ experimental (evaporation phenomena, ice melting, etc.); function - familiarity with the phenomena and processes in the course of experiments, observations; ♦ painting (paintings, drawings, photographs, transparencies, movies); function - to acquaint with some facts, objects, phenomena through their reflection; ♦ volume (mockups, models, geometric shapes); function - familiarity with those objects where the three-dimensional image plays a role in perception; ♦ sound (records, tape recordings, radio); function - reproduction of sound images; ♦ symbolic and graphic (drawings, diagrams, maps, tables); function - the development of abstract thinking, familiarity with the conditionally generalized, symbolic representation of the real world; ♦ mixed (educational sound movie); the function is the re-creation of the most complete living display of reality. Extracurricular work.  1. Out-of-class work in elementary grades has several goals: to raise the level of development and broaden the horizons of children, to develop interest in classes, to deepen ideas about the use of information in practice, to inculcate some skills of independent work to cultivate perseverance, will and perseverance in achieving the goal. Extracurricular activities should be organized in such a way that all students in the class or most of them are involved and that each student, based on their individual characteristics and interest, can work with enthusiasm in these classes. The combination of lessons with extracurricular activities allows, as a rule, to do this more fully and versatile. 2. When organizing out-of-class work for elementary school students, we strive to ensure that each extracurricular activity contains some elements of a game or competition. It enlivens learning activities, increases children's interest in classes, contributes to a better understanding of the material. At the same time, the smaller the children are, the more elements of the game I introduce to classes. Any game proposed in the classroom can not be an end in itself. She must bear a meaning, i.e. every game should develop the student's thinking, develop his horizons. Means and methods of enhancing cognitive activity are diverse. Their choice depends on the nature of the subject, the didactic goal of the lesson, the preparedness of the class, and the technical means available to the teacher. I work on the OS School 2100 program. The technologies developed by the authors of this system (the technology of the problem dialogue, the technology of working with text, the technology of evaluating educational achievements) contribute to the activation of the mental activity of students.
    1. Activization of the cognitive activity of primary school students in mathematics lessons


      It is well known that teaching mathematics is not limited only to communicating certain facts and practicing special skills. It is designed to develop the child’s cognitive and creative abilities, should contribute to the development of

    2. 3 analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature on the problem of enhancing students' cognitive activity


      In the period of scientific and technological revolution, when there is a rapid growth of scientific knowledge and their widespread introduction into production, the school has the task of equipping its graduates with a system of solid knowledge and skills to independently replenish

    3. "The implementation of problem-based learning technology in the management of the cognitive activity of elementary school students" Maltseva Nina Vasilievna, primary school teacher of the school №11 s


      “The implementation of the technology of problem-based learning in the management of the cognitive activity of elementary school students” Maltseva Nina Vasilievna, primary school teacher of secondary school № 11 p.

    4. Activization of cognitive activity of students in the study of the humanities cycle


      Activation of students' cognitive activity is one of the main problems of modern pedagogical science. Its relevance is due to the search and the need to develop optimal methodical techniques  and learning tools.

    5. Activization of students' cognitive activity (1)


      Cognitive activity is the unity of sensory perception, theoretical thinking and practical activity. It is carried out at every life step, in all kinds of activities and social relationships of students.

    Naubaeva Kh.T.

    Zhetysu State University. I.Zhansugurova, Republic of Kazakhstan


    Most researchers argue about the need to include the student in active cognitive activity. In the process of activity in the human consciousness, ideas about reality are formed. A person does not just passively assigns finished products to him. He transforms nature, and in this change of nature, of himself. But in order to carry out this transformation, a person must have knowledge of nature and society. This causes the cognitive activity of the individual.
    Analyzing definitions given in dictionaries and encyclopedias, one can noticefollowing:
      1) the concept of “cognitive activity” is revealed through the concept of “cognitive activity”, and “activity” - through the concept of “activity”;
      2) vigorous activity is defined as enhanced activity,
      3) the concept of "cognitive activity" includes the attitude of a person towards
    T.I. Shamova believes that cognitive activity should be considered "both as the goal of the activity, and as a means of achieving it, and as a result." That is, cognitive activity is both an activity and a personality trait. In active learning and cognitive activity, students not only perceive and reinforce educational material, but they form an attitude towards the learning and cognitive activity itself, which is in this case a transformative activity. “Activity in teaching,” writesT.I. Shamova, we consider not as simply an active state of the student, but as the quality of this activity, in which the personality of the student himself and his attitude to the content, nature of the activity and the desire to mobilize his moral
      volitional efforts to achieve educational and educational goals. "
      As the scientists note, the definition of activity in the scientific works of philosophers and psychologists is closely related to the concept of “activity”.

    One of the main forms of manifestation of human activity, covering all spheres of life throughout the life, is cognitive activity. At certain stages of ontogenesis, it acts as a leading activity that is specially organized by society in the form of various work processes. In cognitive activity, a person studies not only the world around him, but also himself, the process that takes place in his psyche and physics.

    Particularly relevant topic of mental activity, which is responsible for the mental development of man. The flow of information going to a child is constantly growing with the development of scientific and technological progress, and in order to obtain the most extensive and deep knowledge, one must use the most effective methods of teaching scientific knowledge. And in order to create such a technique, it is necessary to study the thinking process in such a way as to know its strengths and weaknesses, and to identify the directions in which it is best to develop mental activity of a person. And it is better to do it when the child grows and is formed into a personality, using his inclinations and interest in the world around.

    AT   the study of the possibilities of activity for the formation of the personality of the younger schoolboy the most important problem of the teacher is to ensure the student’s position as a subject of activity, to develop in him the personal qualities of activity and independence that could contribute to his socially active position in school years, responsive and adequate to the needs of social life. The development of the problem of shaping the cognitive interests of schoolchildren for the modern construction of the educational process is conditioned by the tasks of the modern society concerned with preparing young generations not only for the present, but also for the future.

    Already at school, the student needs to inculcate a desire to constantly replenish his knowledge with the help of self-education, to cultivate his inner urge to expand his general and special outlook in order to gain the rank of an intelligent worker who can not only be a good performer of the production task, but also improve his work, raise his level of creative activity. If a school graduate works in the field of science, technology, and culture, he even more needs knowledge, overtaking time, multiplied by practical guidelines, in order to transform reality, and in that and in another case, the interest in cognitive activity brought up in school can help him on this basis of inclination, the ability in any conditions to keep up with the times, with science, culture. That is the main reason for the formation of cognitive interests among schoolchildren.

    One of the main forms of the processes of students' cognitive activity is the teaching, which always attracts the attention of psychologists and didactors.

    Different psychological schools in accordance with their views differently represented the content and essence of the teachings. The main psychological theories that dealt with the problem of learning include: behaviorism, gestalt psychology, cognitivism, activity theory, and humanistic psychology.

    The authors of the listed theories come from either the mechanistic or the organic model of the world, man and his psyche, and the conclusions they made in many respects remain only theoretical premises of learning, and consequently, learning, as a cognitive activity of a schoolchild in a holistic learning process.

    The most important components of the teaching as an activity are its content and form. The content of the activity of the doctrine and, above all, its objectivity, both sensually objective and material practice, has an objectively subjective nature. The subject, reality, sensuality in learning are not just objects, or forms of contemplation, but sensual-human, subjective cognitive practice. The subject material world and the active transformative role of the student as a subject of this activity are reflected in the activity of the student. The final effect of any activity is a transformed reality connected with the satisfaction of the cognitive and practical needs of schoolchildren and anticipated in their consciousness with the aim, manner and motive of activity. The subject of activity of the student in the learning process are the actions performed by him to achieve the intended result of the activity,  prompted by  or another motive.
    The most important qualities of this activity are independence, which is expressed in self-criticism and criticality, cognitive activity, manifested in the interests, aspirations and needs; willingness to overcome difficulties associated with assiduity and will; efficiency, which implies the correct understanding of the tasks facing the students, the choice of the desired action and the pace of their decision.

    In the products of educational activity - knowledge, experience, - reflects not only their objectivity, but also spirituality, social and personal relationships, assessments, methods of application. These properties, which constitute the content of cognitive activity, the content of the teachings, have different sources, and they go, as it were, towards each other. Their meeting and gives rise to cognitive activity. But if they do not correlate, then the activity will not take place, it is replaced by a reaction.
    Specifying this situation in the conditions of education in modern school should, first of all, note that learning activity is a form of existence of the student as a subject of study. In it are expressed, manifested and formed all the qualities of the individual, its characteristics.

    In the early school years, children have significant reserves of development. Vs Mukhina believes that the perception at the age of 6-7 years loses its affective original character: perceptual and emotional processes are differentiated. Perception becomes meaningful, focused, analyzing. In it are allocated arbitrary actions of observation, examination, search. Speech has a significant influence on the development of perception at this time, so that the child begins to actively use the names of the qualities, attributes, states of various objects and the relations between them. Specially organized perception contributes to a better understanding of the manifestations. AT preschool age  attention is involuntary. State of increased attention, as indicated by VS Mukhina, associated with orientation in the external environment, with emotional attitude  to it, while the substantive features of external impressions that provide such an increase change with age. The researchers attribute the crucial point in the development of attention to the fact that for the first time children begin to consciously manage their attention, directing and holding it on certain objects. Thus, the possibilities of developing voluntary attention by the age of 6-7 years are already great. This is facilitated by the improvement of the planning function of speech, which, according to VS Mukhina, is a universal means of organizing attention. Speech makes it possible to verbally highlight important items for a specific task, to organize attention, given the nature of the upcoming activity. Age patterns are also noted in the process of memory development.

    Thus, every teacher wants his lessons to be interesting, exciting, and memorable.

    Activization of students' cognitive activity is one of actual problems  at the present stage of development of educational theory and practice.

    In enhancing the cognitive activity of students, the ability of the teacher to encourage his students to understand the logic and consistency in the presentation of educational material, to highlight the main and most significant provisions, plays an important role. Already in the lower grades it is useful to teach the children to independently single out the most essential in the teacher's explanation and to formulate the most important questions that are explained in the lesson. In the middle and upper grades, this technique serves as an effective stimulus for the cognitive activity of students. If the teacher proposes to highlight the main issues during his presentation, i.e. to make a plan of the material being studied, this task forces the children to delve deeper into the essence of the new topic, mentally dismember the material into the most important logical parts.

    These methods of enhancing cognitive activity are carried out using training methods. Active teaching methods should be called those that maximize the level of cognitive activity of students, encourage them to diligent teaching.

    The development of activity, independence, initiative, creative approach to business is the requirements of life itself, which determine in many respects the direction in which the educational process should be improved. The search for ways to develop cognitive activity among younger students, the development of their cognitive abilities and independence is a task that many teachers, psychologists, methodologists and teachers are called upon to solve.

    Psychological features of younger schoolchildren, their natural curiosity, responsiveness, a special disposition to learn new things, a willingness to perceive everything that a teacher gives, create favorable conditions for the development of cognitive activity.

    The creation of teaching aids is in close connection with the development of technology, science, the level of pedagogical and psychological thought, and advanced pedagogical experience. This aspect is central to the development of the student’s personality, since sufficient preparation for cognitive activity relieves psychological stress in learning, prevents underperformance, and maintains health.

    The most important factor in the development of cognitive activity is the creation of effective and efficient conditions for the development of children's cognitive abilities, their intelligence and creativity, and their outlook.

    The beginning of schooling significantly influences the nature of mental processes, changes perception, memory, imagination, thinking - all those forms of mental activity, the level and quality of which are characterized by the mental development of younger schoolchildren.

    In the process primary education  The ability of children to analyze and differentiate what is perceived in the classroom increases, which has a positive effect on the cognitive activity of schoolchildren. In the context of the intensification of the general development of younger schoolchildren, through the organization of their activity of observation, mental activity, and practical action in the lessons of mathematics, they form an inner impulse to study. Learning becomes an exciting process of learning, activity of schoolchildren.

    The systematic implementation of purposefully selected non-standard tasks, tasks and exercises will have a positive impact not only on the quality of students' knowledge of program material, but also on the activation of cognitive activity; significantly expands the volume and concentration. Students learn simple, but necessary for them, methods of visual memorization and preservation of what they see in memory. The stock and the ability to formulate their arguments and explanations in verbal form is considerably enriched.

    The interest of the child is the most important source of his activity in the cognitive process, one of the most effective motivators of attention. The presence of cognitive interest in the subject contributes to the increase in the activity of pupils, increase in academic performance and independence.

    For the organization of active cognitive activity of students, it is necessary to include schoolchildren in the work already at the beginning of the lesson, to cause academic interests at the stage of acquaintance with the new educational material and its consolidation, children's activity when the teacher creates competitive motivation.

    In modern conditions, the didactic game is one of the unique forms that make interesting and exciting not only the work of students at the creative search level, but also the everyday steps to study the material, which are carried out within the framework of the reproducing and transforming levels of cognitive activity. makes a monotonous activity of memorizing, fixing or assimilating information positively tinged, and the emotionality of the game action activates everything mentally e processes and functions of the child.

    The game is a natural form of learning for the child. She is part of his life experience. Since learning is “a process of purposeful transfer of social and historical experience; organizing the formation of knowledge and skills,” it can be said that the didactic game is a conditional, entertaining activity for the subject, which is aimed at generating knowledge and skills. The teacher using the game organizes learning activities based on the natural needs of the child, and not solely on the basis of considerations of convenience, order of expediency.

    In the process of playing a child, a life balance is made between him and an adult. In everyday life, an adult almost always acts as a subject: educator, lead. The child, respectively, object: brought up, trained, driven. It becomes a stereotype of relationships that a small person cannot change. By virtue of the stereotypical relationships that have developed with an adult, a child who is an object and a subject at the same time cannot always manifest its subjective essence. In the game, he solves this problem by creating his own reality, creating his own world.

    Thus, the skillful use of various forms of cognitive activity of students enable the teacher to intensify this activity in the classroom.


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