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  • Curriculum for preparing children for school. Preparing children for school. Russian school program

    Curriculum for preparing children for school.  Preparing children for school.  Russian school program

    The program of preparing children for school


    By the end of classes at the "Future First Grader" school, children should have the following skills:

    To isolate sounds in words to determine their sequence; Education - pedagogical process, as a result of which students, under the guidance of a teacher, acquire knowledge, abilities and skills. Family and school play a major role in a child's life, and his behavior and development as a person depend on how he feels in them. There is currently a recession intellectual development children. Proceeding from this, the schools are opening groups of "Future first grader", the organization of the educational process which includes diversity, a variety of techniques used, methods of forms.

    The main purpose of the preparatory period is to teach children how to count, highlight sounds, correct speech, and practice elements of the writing skill; instill a responsible attitude to work, promote the diversified and harmonious development of children of six years old.

    I believe that for the correct approach to teaching literacy and writing, you need sound analysis as a means of knowing the sound side of the language and the sound meaning of letters. For this, in my work I use the technique of D.B. Elkonin.

    Writing is taught in stages. The first stage is the development of muscle memory. For this I use exercises that develop the small muscles of the fingers and hands. Shading helps children in this. Children begin to hatch from the first lesson. At the first stage, we work out the spelling of the letter elements, which leads to the subsequent correct spelling of the letters. I try to ensure that the child has a clear and precise idea of ​​the elements that make up the letters, knows how to start depicting them: where to start, where to draw a line, how to finish, i.e. what writing movements should he make so that the sign turns out this way and not another. Consequently, during the formation of the graphic skill, the child develops associations between the pronounced and visible sound. In addition, the child must follow a number of rules: sit at the desk correctly, position the notebook accordingly, hold the pen.

    The main task of the mathematics course is the development of mathematical thinking and cognitive activities, for this I take tasks of a logical nature, aiming children at making observations, comparisons, and analysis. I teach free counting from 10 and vice versa, knowledge of the composition of numbers, sequence and formation of numbers, solving simple tasks.

    When working with six-year-olds, I try to implement principles such as accessibility and accounting. individual characteristics children.

    Basic requirements for knowledge, skills and abilities of students.

    Distinguish between vowels and consonants and some letters;

    It is correct to call soft and solid sounds in the word;

    Merge syllables;

    Make simple sentences based on pictures;

    Be able to write the basic elements of lowercase and uppercase letters and their connections;

    Sit correctly when writing;

    Hold the handle correctly;

    Navigate in a notebook;

    Distinguish between cells, rulers, top and bottom lines;

    Navigate in space;

    Compare items by size, color;

    Name geometric shapes;

    Be able to write numbers from 1 to 10; know their composition, neighbors;

    Solve simple tasks.

    Target: help your child adapt to a new environment(at school).

    2. Develop visual memory, attention, logical thinking, speech.

    3. Promote the development of fine motor skills and hand coordination.

    4. Introduce the rules of conduct at school.

    Thematic planning

    Teaching grammar (30 hours)

    Lesson topic

    Formation of actions of intonation, stretching, singing a sound in a word.

    Highlighting the sound sequence of all sounds in the word.

    Working out the action of highlighting all sounds in a word.

    Composing three-sound words.

    Determination by ear of the number of sounds in 2, 3,4 - sound words.

    Testing the ability of children to be guided by the sound form of the word.

    Introduction of an articulation criterion for recognizing vowel sounds.

    Training in the selection of vowel sounds.

    Introduction of an articulation criterion for the recognition of consonants.

    Training in distinguishing between vowels and consonants.

    Acquaintance with word-distinguishing functions.

    Exercises in distinguishing between hard and soft consonants.

    Sound nature of letters. The letters A and I.

    The letters A and I.

    The letters O and E.

    The letters U and Y.

    The letters I and Y.

    The letters E and E.

    Consolidation of knowledge about 10 vowels.

    Generalizing lesson.

    Mathematics (30 hours)

    Lesson topic

    Item signs

    Colour. The form. The size.

    Left. On right. In the middle. Above, below. Closer, further.

    Comparison of groups of objects (the same amount)

    Comparison of groups of objects ("more", "less")

    Comparison of groups of objects. The simplest temporal representations: "earlier", "later", "before", "after", "behind".

    Comparison of groups of objects, the simplest spatial and temporal representations: "before", "behind", "between", "next".

    Item counting. Formation of a group in which there are as many objects as this one.

    Item counting. Ordinal value of numbers: first, second, etc.

    The concepts of "many", "one".

    Number 1. Number 1.

    Number 2. Number 2. Its composition.

    Number 3. Number 3. Its composition.

    Number 4. Number 4. Its composition.

    Number 5. Number 5. Its composition.

    Number 6. Number 6. Its composition.

    Number 7. Number 7. Its composition.

    Number 8. Number 8. Its composition.

    Number 9. Number 9. Its composition.

    Number 10. Number 10. Its composition.

    Composition of the studied numbers.

    Number 0. Place number 0 in the row of numbers.

    Signs "+", "-", "=" Reading the simplest expressions.

    Writing and reading the simplest numerical expressions.

    Addition and subtraction in cases of the form: 1 + 1; 2 -1

    Addition and subtraction in cases of the form: 2 + 1; 3-1; 3-2

    Addition and subtraction in cases of the form: 3 + 1; ; 4-1; 4-3

    Acquaintance with the simplest tasks.

    Solving the simplest tasks.

    Consolidation of the passed.

    Writing training (30 hours)

    Lesson topic

    Shading of subject drawings.

    Acquaintance with the ruled notebook. Landing rules for writing, position of notebook, pen.

    Straight short and long lines.

    Straight short and long lines rounded at the top.

    Straight short and long lines rounded at the bottom.

    Practice writing two hooks.

    Practicing writing three hooks.

    Practice writing two and three hooks.

    Elements for letters.

    Practicing writing elements.

    Writing an oval, semi-oval.

    Writing the letter a.

    Long line with a loop.

    Writing the letter y.

    Writing the letter d.

    Letter letter p, p.

    Letter t

    Letter L.

    Letter M.

    Capital letters A, L.

    Letters c, x, e.

    Letters e, e, e

    Letters U, Ch.

    Repetition of the writing of the studied letters.


    1. G.N. Sychev "Getting ready for school."

    2. L. Koltygina "Soundman".

    3. NN Maksimuk "Games for teaching literacy and reading".

    4. Recipe for preschoolers.

    Author: Efimova Anastasia Borisovna, educator
    Place of work: GBOU SOSH №4 p.g.t. Bezenchuk SP "kindergarten" Topolek "

    The program of the circle "Preparing children for school"

    Explanatory note
    The problem of the child's readiness for school is understood as the creation of favorable conditions in order to ensure the effective progressive development of the child, his successful education and upbringing at school. This circle contributes to this, aim which is the preparation of the child for schooling.
    In the proposed course of studies, an attempt is made to combine several tasks to prepare children for school:
    1. Formation cognitive activity and learning motivation preschool children.
    2. Correction and development of violations of activity and a set of indicators functional development which are necessary for successful learning at school. This is the organization of attention, analytical thinking and speech, memory, visual and auditory perception, the development of fine hand movements and visual-motor integration.
    3. Prevention and correction of visual impairments, posture and physical well-being of children.
    The presented course of classes is highly dynamic, since in addition to intellectual and developmental games and tasks, it includes a whole range of physical and kinesiological exercises, finger gymnastics, which makes the work of children rich and less tiring. It is known that a child does not learn without movement. Physical exercise is a condition and at the same time a means not only of physical development, but also of general intellectual development, contributes to the development of abilities and vital activity.
    Great importance in this course of studies is devoted to the development of memory, teaching the techniques of voluntary memorization, which is one of the conditions for the successful adaptation of the child to school, to learning activities, to constant mental stress.
    With each lesson, the tasks become more complicated: the volume and complexity of the material offered for memorization and perception increases, graphic dictations and symmetrical drawings become more difficult, and the pace of task completion increases.
    Organization of classes.
    Work on this circle is carried out with children of 6 years old. Also, after the lesson, individual consultations are held for parents on the development and upbringing of children.
    - Course 32 lessons
    - Duration (once a week)
    - Duration of one lesson (25 minutes)
    - Number of participants in the group (11 children)
    To conduct classes, each child needs a notebook in a box, two simple pencils and colored pencils.
    The structure of developmental activities.
    Classes are structured in such a way that one type of activity is replaced by another. There are 6 task blocks in total.
    1. Intellectual developmental games and exercises. Aimed at the development of memory, attention, thinking, imagination, speech and perception.
    2. Respiratory coordination exercises. They are aimed at activating and energizing the work of the brain stem regions, rhythmizing the right hemisphere, relieving muscle tension.
    3. Symmetrical patterns. Aimed at the development of coordination of movements and graphic skills, activation of the brain stem structures and interhemispheric interaction.
    4. Graphic dictations. They are aimed at developing the skills to act according to the rule and independently on the instructions of an adult, as well as the development of spatial orientation and fine motor skills of the hand.
    5. Finger gymnastics. Promotes the development of mental functions (attention, memory, thinking and speech), as well as the mobility and flexibility of the hands.
    6. Exercises for the prevention of visual impairment and the prevention of visual fatigue. They contribute to the removal of the peripheral vision reflex, the rhythm of the right hemisphere, the activation of the brain and interhemispheric interaction.
    Expected results.
    The developing effect of this course of classes is manifested primarily in the interest of children in different types exercises, which over time develops into a cognitive motive for the activities of children. Children become more active and confident in their abilities and capabilities in other activities. By the end school year the graphic skills and visual-motor coordination of children are improved, volition is formed, the processes of memory and attention are improved.

    Calendar-thematic lesson plan

    Lesson number 1 Development of memory and attention; breathing exercise; development of coordination of movements and graphic skills; drawing a graphic pattern under dictation; finger gymnastics; prevention of visual impairment.
    Lesson number 2 Development of visual and auditory memory; breathing exercise; development of coordination of movements and graphic skills; drawing a graphic pattern under dictation; finger gymnastics; prevention of visual impairment.

    Lesson number 3 Memory development; development of figurative logical thinking and speech; breathing exercise; development of coordination of movements and graphic skills; drawing a graphic pattern under dictation; finger gymnastics; prevention of visual impairment.
    Lesson number 4 Development of the ability to make associations between color and word, shape, color and word in the process of memorization; memory development; breathing exercise; development of coordination of movements and graphic skills; drawing a graphic pattern under dictation; finger gymnastics; prevention of visual impairment.
    Lesson number 5 Development of auditory, visual, tactile memory; breathing exercise; development of sensorimotor skills; graphic dictation; finger gymnastics; prevention of visual impairment.
    Lesson number 6 Development of memory, logical thinking, speech, attention; breathing exercise; development of sensorimotor skills; graphic dictation; finger gymnastics; prevention of visual impairment.
    Lesson number 7 Development of memory, thinking and speech; breathing exercise; development of sensorimotor skills; graphic dictation; finger gymnastics; prevention of visual impairment.

    Lesson number 8 Development of auditory memory and attention; development of spatial orientation; ex. Relaxation and concentration; development of sensorimotor skills; graphic dictation; finger gymnastics.
    Lesson number 9 Development of spatial orientation and the ability to act according to the rule; reinforcing perceptions of geometric shapes Oh; development of associative memory; development of sensorimotor skills; graphic dictation; finger gymnastics; prevention of visual impairment.
    Lesson number 10 Development of memory, speech, attention and the symbolic function of thinking, the ability to classify objects according to a certain criterion; development of sensorimotor skills; graphic dictation; finger gymnastics; prevention of visual impairment.
    Lesson number 11 Development of semantic memory and logical thinking; development of the symbolic function of memory; consolidation of ideas about geometric shapes; development of sensorimotor skills; graphic dictation; finger gymnastics; prevention of visual impairment.


    Lesson number 12 Development of memory, speech and thinking; consolidation of ideas about geometric shapes; development of sensorimotor skills; graphic dictation; finger gymnastics; prevention of visual impairment.
    Lesson number 13 Development of memory, attention, speech, and thinking; breathing exercise; development of sensorimotor skills; graphic dictation; finger gymnastics; prevention of visual impairment.
    Lesson number 14 Development of visual-logical and associative memory; development of attention, speech and thinking; breathing exercise; development of sensorimotor skills; graphic dictation; finger gymnastics; prevention of visual impairment.


    Lesson number 15 Development of speech, thinking and imagination; the amount of attention and observation; breathing exercise; development of sensorimotor skills; graphic dictation; finger gymnastics; prevention of visual impairment.
    Lesson number 16 Development of associative and visual-auditory memory; attention and observation; thinking, speech, imagination; breathing exercise; development of sensorimotor skills; graphic dictation; finger gymnastics; prevention of visual impairment; symmetrical patterns.
    Lesson number 17 Development of visual mediated and associative memory; development of speech and verbal thinking; developing the ability to classify; breathing exercise; development of sensorimotor skills; graphic dictation; finger gymnastics; prevention of visual impairment; symmetrical patterns.

    Lesson number 18 Development of memory, thinking and imagination; developing the ability to classify; breathing exercise; development of sensorimotor skills; graphic dictation; finger gymnastics; symmetrical patterns.
    Lesson number 19 Development of memory, thinking and speech; finger gymnastics; development of sensorimotor skills; graphic dictation; prevention of visual impairment.
    Lesson number 20
    Lesson number 21 Development of associative and visual-auditory memory based on the material of fairy tales;

    Lesson number 22 Development of associative and visual-auditory memory based on the material of fairy tales; development of attention, imagination and speed of thinking; development of sensorimotor skills; graphic dictation; finger gymnastics; prevention of visual impairment; symmetrical patterns.
    Lesson number 23 Development of associative and visual-auditory memory based on the material of poetry; development of attention, speech and thinking; development of sensorimotor skills; graphic dictation; finger gymnastics; prevention of visual impairment; symmetrical patterns.
    Lesson number 24 Development of attention, speech and thinking; breathing exercise; development of sensorimotor skills; graphic dictation; finger gymnastics; prevention of visual impairment; symmetrical patterns.
    Lesson number 25 Development of attention, memory, thinking, speech and imagination; breathing exercise; development of sensorimotor skills; graphic dictation; finger gymnastics; prevention of visual impairment; symmetrical patterns.
    Lesson number 26 Development of attention, spatial imagination, visual-associative memory; breathing exercise; development of sensorimotor skills; graphic dictation; finger gymnastics; prevention of visual impairment; symmetrical patterns.

    Lesson number 27 Development of attention, memory; breathing exercise; development of sensorimotor skills; graphic dictation; finger gymnastics; prevention of visual impairment; symmetrical patterns.
    Lesson number 28 Development of attention, mindfulness of thinking; development of sensorimotor skills; graphic dictation; finger gymnastics; prevention of visual impairment; symmetrical patterns.
    Lesson number 29 Development of attention, speech and memory; breathing exercise; development of sensorimotor skills; graphic dictation; finger gymnastics; prevention of visual impairment; symmetrical patterns.
    Lesson number 30 Development of attention, thinking, imagination, memory and speech; breathing exercise; development of sensorimotor skills; graphic dictation; finger gymnastics; prevention of visual impairment; symmetrical patterns.

    Lesson number 31 Development of attention, speech and thinking; breathing exercise; development of sensorimotor skills; graphic dictation; finger gymnastics; prevention of visual impairment; symmetrical patterns.
    Lesson number 32 Development of attention, imagination and thinking; breathing exercise; development of sensorimotor skills; graphic dictation; finger gymnastics; prevention of visual impairment; symmetrical patterns.

    1. The system of correctional and developmental classes for preparing children for school / author-comp. Yu.V. Ostankova.- Volgograd: Teacher, 2008.-130 p.
    2.120 lessons of psychological development junior schoolchildren... Part 2. Materials for the lessons of psychological development / NP Lokalova. : Os.-89, 2008.- 160 p.
    3. E.S. Anischenkova "Finger gymnastics for the development of speech of preschoolers"
    4. E. N. Panova "Didactic games - classes in a preschool educational institution".
    5. E.V. Kolesnikov "From A to Z".
    6. E.A. Solntseva, T.V. Belova "200 exercises for the development of general and fine motor skills"
    7. K.V. Shevelev "Getting ready for school".

    Recommended reading for meetings, individual
    consultation with parents

    1. Bezrukikh M.M., Efremova S.P. How to get an “A” for health. Tula, "Arctous", 1996
    2. Bezrukikh MM, Knyazeva MG, If your child is left-handed. Tula, "Arctous", 1996
    3. Vinogradova N.F., Zheurova L.E. Is your child ready for school? Advice from a teacher and a psychologist. M., Education, 1992
    4. Paramonova L., Golovleva N., 100 tests and assignments in reading, writing and mathematics to prepare a child for school. LLC "Aquarium-Print", 2005
    5. Fromm A., ABC for parents. Moscow, "Progress", 2001
    6. Furutan AA, Practical advice to parents. Moscow, "Progress", 2003

    MOU SOSH number 11

    with in-depth study of individual subjects

    Kursk municipal district

    Stavropol Territory


    preparatory course

    for the preparation of children

    V. G. Bezladnaya

    Revised and supplemented

    Rakityanskaya E. B.


    Teachers are worried about how to teach children of twos, without coercion, how they develop a steady interest in knowledge and the need for independent search, how to make learning joyful.

    A.S. Makarenko wrote, and the American scientist - psychologist Blum argues that the main characterological personality traits are formed up to 5 - 8 years of age (up to 70%). It is during this period that playing activity helps to organize the educational process in such a way (as psychologists note), which makes it possible to reveal the essential forces of a growing person, to form the core of the personality. Everything that a person masters at this age remains for life. Inattention to the development of the personality, to the emerging spiritual needs and motives of activity at this age gives rise to psychological miscalculations, which are clearly revealed in the next stages of education. It is at the stage primary education the direction of personality development is being decided.

    Under overall development personality is understood as the development of the mind, will, feelings, that is, the fundamental aspects of the psyche that make up its basis. The development of the mind is manifested not only in the assimilation, but also in the processing of knowledge in which they participate different kinds activities: logical thinking, observation, various types of memory, imagination. The development of the mind is associated with the development of will - the ability to set a goal for oneself and mobilize oneself to achieve it. The development of feelings - aesthetic, moral, intellectual - constitutes the spiritual wealth of a person.

    The famous psychologist L. S. Vygotsky believed that learning should go ahead of development. “Properly organized learning should lead the development of the child.” He wrote that pedagogy should be guided not by yesterday, but by tomorrow. child development... "Development out of cooperation, which helps to reveal the potential opportunities available to the child, instills in him faith in his own strength."

    The development of each child is uneven - sometimes slow, then abruptly, depending on his individual characteristics, on the characteristics of his higher nervous system his experience, perception, physical development, etc. Uneven development manifests itself in more rapid development some functions with a delay in the development of others. Confirmation is that some children have a highly developed imagination or logical thinking, while others have a memory. This means that some schoolchildren will have higher performance in humanitarian subjects, while others - in exact subjects.

    All children, if they do not have any pathological abnormalities, can advance in their development. The very process of development is now slow, then leaps and bounds. Therefore, weak and strong students must learn together. "After all, a class is a learning collective, where, with the correct formulation of the work, each student contributes to the common life of his own mite, his original, distinctive beginning." (L. V. Zankov)

    Between the teacher and the student there should be business friendly relations based on respect for the student's personality, on attention to his inner world in the process of assimilating knowledge, to his experiences. Psychology considers communication as one of the activities. Communication in educational process is an important factor influencing the assimilation of knowledge, development in the education of schoolchildren. The personality of a student is formed not by mastering the rules of behavior, not by punishment and assessments, but "in different attitudes, actions and the inner work that is tied around them and interwoven." (L. S. Rubinstein Problems of General Psychology - M., 1973 - p. 191). It is through relationships, through experiences in the process of communicating with his mother, teacher, comrades, a person in childhood matures for full communication with the world around him in adulthood. The teacher needs to see children not with his eyes, but with his heart.

    Didactic principles are realized through teaching content and working methods.

    Purpose of the course:

    The development of the personality of each child, the formation of his readiness for systematic learning, overcoming the factors of maladjustment by leveling the starting capabilities of each child, allowing them to successfully master the primary school program in the future.

    Objectives of the course:


    • Acquisition of knowledge, skills and abilities of educational activities;
    • Formation of skills to accurately and clearly express their thoughts;
    • Development of motivation for learning activities.


    • To instill a responsible attitude towards learning;
    • Enhance creativity;
    • to develop the skills and abilities necessary for primary school studies;
    • Develop memory, thinking, imagination.


    • To cultivate perseverance, hard work, accuracy;
    • Form a culture of communication with each other;

    Basic principles the work of teachers in preparing children for school:

    > taking into account the individual capabilities and abilities of children;

    > respect for the child, for the process and the results of his activities, combined with reasonable exactingness;

    > an integrated approach to the development of classes;

    > systematic and consistency of classes;

    > variability of content and forms of conducting classes;

    > clarity.

    Features of the program

    The program for preparing children for schooling is rich in content. It aims to familiarize children with the general picture of the world around them. And this is natural, because children want to know more about what they encounter on a daily basis in life.

    The teaching methods are multifaceted. They are aimed not only at the assimilation of knowledge, but also at the development of children, are directed not only to the awakening of the mind, but also emotional sphere... The creation of a high emotional tone in the learning process is a necessary condition for gaining knowledge, since the experienced knowledge becomes a belief.

    The didactic core of the lesson is the activity of the children themselves, which makes them observe, compare, classify, group, draw conclusions, find out patterns - in a word, makes them think. The development of children is influenced by their intense independent activity associated with emotional experience. The path of cognition is “from students” to collective search.

    This program includes the development of speech and teaching syllabic reading; in mathematics: studying the counting and composition of numbers within 10, solving the simplest problems of addition and subtraction, familiarity with the signs: +, -, =, the concepts of "more", "less", "the same", "right", "left "; strengthening the muscles of the hand and fingers.

    "V primary grades a teacher for a child is a discoverer of the world and phenomena, ”wrote V. A. Sukhomlinsky.

    Work on oral speech children begins from the first day of classes, taking into account what the child is already aware of in his speech practice: "word", "sound", "letter". The concept of "syllable" is introduced only when the kids begin to read the first words. The study of letters occurs daily and one, and two, and three. When children begin to read whole phrases, the concept of "sentence" and grammar rules about the capital letter and the separate spelling of words in a sentence are introduced.

    By developing phonemic hearing babies, it is necessary to systematically highlight, recognize, distinguish phonemes native language since well-developed phonemic hearing is an essential prerequisite for correct reading and writing.

    The analysis and synthesis of sounds plays the most important role. It uses articulation of sounds, negotiating an unfinished word, choosing words with the sound to be studied and determining its place in a word, reading words by similarity, building up vowels and consonants at the beginning and end of a word, joining a consonant from the original word to the second, replacing one sound in a word others, reading anagrams, etc.

    The method of comparison is widely used when acquainting children with soft consonants, the softness of which is emphasized by certain vowels and b, when familiarizing with paired consonants, b and b separators.

    Children are enthusiastically typing letters, syllables, words, sentences, both according to the dot pattern, and performing tasks: "Add a word", "Add a sentence", "Write a sentence from the words read." This work brings meaning to the process of mastering reading and, in addition, develops muscle memory.

    When organizing the work of children on the development of speech, it is necessary to set them more and more new tasks, expanding the range of observations and knowledge about the world in which we live, about nature, animal life, human labor and the results of labor, universal values, love for relatives, home , the ability to be friends, etc.

    During work, it is necessary to give a feasible task, create a working atmosphere, evoke appropriate emotions - all this will contribute to the assimilation of the material, the development of logical thinking, attention, as well as the education of will, the habit of mental work.


    During this period, it is envisaged:

    To develop the phonemic hearing of children (the ability to distinguish and highlight individual sounds in a word and syllable, to establish their sequence), to develop a clear, correct and loud pronunciation of words, syllables and speech sounds;

    To teach fluent syllabic reading, the ability to type monosyllabic, two-syllable words independently, three-syllable words according to the model, simple sentences consisting of 2 - 3 monosyllabic or two-syllable words;

    Learn to answer the teacher's questions, ask, express your impressions and thoughts, talk about the results of your observations, the ability to speak in front of the class, expressively read poems, tell fairy tales, compose short stories based on plot scenes, logical tasks. Children learn to guess riddles, charades, anagrams;

    To acquaint with the spelling of combinations: ZhI, SHI, CHA, SCHA, CHU, SCHU, CHK, CHN;

    To acquaint with the writing of a capital letter at the beginning of a sentence, the name of a person, the name of an animal;

    To learn to combine subjects according to essential characteristics (in connection with reading or observation).


    Mathematics contributes to the development of thinking, memory, attention, creative imagination, observation, strict sequence of reasoning and its evidence in children; gives real prerequisites for the development of logical thinking of children, teaching them the ability to briefly, accurately, clearly and correctly express their thoughts. The formation of concepts about number and arithmetic operations begins with the first lessons and is carried out on the basis of practical actions with various groups of objects. Children form a generalization about the formation of the next number in the natural series, a relationship is established between any number of the series and all the preceding or subsequent ones; learn to find the sum of two numbers (using counting objects), their difference (based on the composition of the number). Disclosure of the meaning of actions, the formation of certain concepts is associated, as a rule, with the solution of simple problems (solved by one arithmetic action). Along with solving ready-made problems, it is important to train children in compiling them on their own according to various tasks of the teacher. Numerical and plot material should be taken from the surrounding reality. The most important task in mathematics lessons is play activity, bright and varied didactic material.


    1. Counting objects (real objects and their images).

    2. Number and digit. Numbering of numbers: name, sequence and designation of numbers from O to 10. Reading and writing them.

    3. Comparison of numbers. The concepts of "more", "less", "the same" or "equal".

    4. Signs: +, -, =. Actions: addition and subtraction.

    5. Getting a number by adding 1 to the previous one, subtracting 1 from the next.

    6. Acquaintance with the composition of the first ten numbers (on the counting material).

    7. Solving simple addition and subtraction problems based on counting


    8. Acquaintance with geometric shapes: circle, oval, triangle, rectangle, square (as a special rectangle).


    V. A. Sukhomlinsky wrote that the origins of the abilities and talents of children are at their fingertips. Therefore, it is very important to place your hand, to prepare it for work.

    According to the observations of scientists, it is known that muscle memory in children from four to five, up to seven years old is very tenacious and most excitable. The teaching of calligraphy begins when all the defects have already been established and the physiological period of the work of this type of memory has already passed. At the same time, everyone knows that a child's first impression is the strongest and brightest. And if, when learning to write a letter, he does not get an element, the letter is written incorrectly, ugly, the baby begins to get nervous. And the letter did not work out because the small muscles of her fingers and hands are still very weak. What can help in this case? You can use the experience of Evgenia Nikolaevna Potapova in shading objects as a type of work that strengthens the muscular strength of the hand and fingers. Give tasks to perform hatching with straight, parallel lines, arched lines, block letters, ovals, etc. And if you get tired, offer to paint the figure. Children will continue hatching in grade 1 during the literacy period. At home, children can color at will, hatch in coloring books, or do classroom-like work.

    Means of strengthening the muscles of the hand and fingers are: sculpting objects, designing from paper, drawing. Fulfilling this or that task for setting the hand (in a notebook of any ruled), drawing, constructing, sculpting something, the children either "pick" berries for mom's jam, then "go" to the forest for mushrooms, then "hide" under umbrellas, they "sew" clothes for a sailor, then they "build" a house for friends, etc. Shading, modeling, drawing, modeling is a way of developing children's speech, their logical thinking, because along the way, small stories are compiled, work is carried out on the word, riddles are made and guessed.


    1. Hatching (Notebook in line).

    2. Work on lining in a notebook with a guide: objects, elements of letters, patterns, straight and oblique.

    3. Modeling, design.

    4. Drawing.

    5. Practical implementation of drawings, patterns, etc. in a notebook in a cage at math lessons.

    Program structure

    This program consists of three sections:

    • syllabic reading training and speech development;
    • maths;
    • work to strengthen the muscular strength of the hand and fingers.

    The most important part of the program is the study of the dynamics of the child's development, the study of the level of his functional readiness to study at school.

    Activity Mode

    February - May

    1 time per week for three lessons - 48 hours


    Three lessons daily - 72 hours

    Total 120 hours

    Duration of the lesson - 25-30 minutes

    Forms of conducting classes

    • staging;
    • role-playing game;
    • contest;
    • subject play;
    • combination of all elements in one lesson.

    Predicted results and forms of control

    be able to :

    1. Pronounce the words clearly and clearly:

    • select sounds from words;
    • find words with a specific sound;
    • determine the place of sound in a word;
    • follow orthoepic norms pronunciation;
    • make sentences on a given topic using key words:
    • compose stories, fairy tales based on illustrations or a series of pictures;
    • retell a fairy tale, a story based on an illustration;
    • navigate the notebook page;
    • write the basic elements of letters;
    • draw patterns and various elements.

    2. Name numbers in forward and backward order within 10:

    • correlate the figure with the number of objects;
    • use arithmetic signs of actions;
    • compose and solve problems in one action for addition and subtraction;
    • measure the length of objects using a conditional measure;
    • make up of several triangles (quadrangles) larger figures;
    • divide a circle, a square into 2 and 4 equal parts;
    • navigate a sheet of checkered paper.

    3. Recognize familiar plants and animals in drawings and in nature:

    • list the seasons and days in the correct order;
    • name the main signs of the seasons.

    As a result of the preparatory course, the child must know :

    • Russian alphabet;
    • the composition of the first ten numbers;
    • how to get each number of the first ten (add or subtract 1);
    • digits 0-9, signs +, -. =;
    • name of the current month, sequence of days of the week.

    The form of the final control of the assimilation of the studied material is testing.

    Funds required for the implementation of the program:

    • educational and thematic planning;
    • ABC;
    • workbooks;
    • recipe;
    • visual aids;
    • counting material.

    Calendar and thematic planning

    preparatory course lessons (120 hours)

    P / p No.

    Lesson topic

    Number of hours


    Sound and letter: A.

    Sound and letter: M.

    Sounds and letters: P, O.

    Sounds and letters: Ш, Ш.

    Sounds and letters: I, U, N.

    Sounds and letters: S, K, T.

    Sounds and letters: Л, В - consonants, voiced; the letter E denotes a double sound.

    Sounds and letters: B, P.

    Sounds and letters: Z, D.

    Sounds and letters: G, I.

    Sound and letter: H and letter L.

    Sounds and letters: Ж, Е.

    Sounds and letters: Y, H.

    Sounds and letters: Ts, Yu.

    Sounds and letters: E, Sh.

    Sound and letter: F.

    B and b are separating marks.

    Development of the skill of syllabic reading.

    Teaching syllabic reading


    Mathematics (30 hours)

    P / p No.

    Lesson topic

    Number of hours


    Item counting. Numbers from 0 to 3. Number 0.

    Numbers from 0 to 5. Number and digit 1. Signs +, -, =.

    Number and digit 2. Composition of number 2.

    Number and digit 3. Composition of number 3.

    Number and digit 4. Composition of number 4.

    Number and digit 5. Composition of number 5.

    Counting items from 0 to 5.

    Number and digit 6. Composition of number 6.

    Number and digit 7. Composition of number 7.

    Number and digit 8. Composition of number 8.

    Number and digit 9. Composition of number 9.

    Number 10. Composition of number 10.

    Natural numbers. Add and subtract 2.

    Item counting. Add and subtract 3.

    Numbers from 0 to 10. Add and subtract 4.

    Ordinal count from 1 to 10. Count of objects. Add and subtract 5.

    Add and subtract 6.

    Counting items within 10. Concepts:

    "The same amount", "left", "right".

    Item counting. Answers to the questions: "how much?"

    Days of the week. Seasons. Year.


    Work to strengthen the muscular strength of the hand and fingers

    (50 hours)

    P / p No.

    Lesson topic

    Number of hours


    Acquaintance with the ruling of a notebook in a wide line, in a narrow line with a guide.

    Ruling the notebook in a narrow line with a guide.

    Oblique line, circle, oval.

    The circle is large and small, a figurine of circles and an oblique combination with a circle.

    Combinations "zhi - shi". Working line.

    Slanted and wavy lines. Working line. Wide string.

    Work in a notebook with a guide line (by letter)

    Writing notebook ruled. Incline.

    Working out the slope, writing in wide and narrow lines.

    Working line. A wide line in a notebook with a guide line.

    Tilt in a notebook with a guide line. Oval.

    The oval is large and small. Tilt in a notebook with a guide line.

    Writing notebook ruled. Wide and narrow string. Slanted line.

    Work in a notebook with a guide line.

    A wide and narrow line in a writing notebook.

    Tilt, working out the eye, the formation of the ability to see the line.

    Ovals, loops, straight, smooth and rounded at the bottom, straight horizontal lines.

    Oval, oblique with a rounding up, oblique and arched lines.

    Elongated lines with a loop at the bottom.

    Elongated lines with a loop at the top.

    Straight oblique line with rounded top and bottom.

    Working with plasticine

    Modeling "hedgehog"




    "House" of geometric shapes




    "Doll for Malvina"

    How to draw transparent balls



    Teaching syllabic reading and speech development (40 hours)

    Topic 1. Sound and letter A (1 hour)

    Introduce the letter. Memorizing the poem "Watermelon". Riddles about watermelon, bus.

    Topic 2. Sound and letter M (2 hours)

    Introduce the letter. Reading letters, syllables, words. Drawing up a story based on the plot pictures "Bears at work". Print: M, MA - MA.

    Topic 3. Sounds and letters Р, О (2 hours)

    Acquaintance with letters. Reading letters, syllables, words. Drawing up a story based on a series of pictures. Logic exercise “Pisces. Animals". Memorizing the poem "River". We print: R, O, Shar, Rama, Mara, Roma.

    Topic 4. Sounds and letters W, S... (2 hours)

    Acquaintance with letters. Memorizing the poem "Shar". Reading fusions, syllables, words. We print Sh, Y, Sha, Sho, Shar, Sha-ry, Ma-sha.

    Topic 5. Sounds and letters I, U, N. (2 hours)

    Introduce sounds and letters. The ambiguity of words: needle, nose. Charades: duck, fishing rod. Reading letters, syllables, words. Offer. Anagrams. We print: I, Ni, N, Na, Ni-na.

    Topic 6. Sounds and letters: S, K, T. (2 hours)

    Development of speech, "The cat is the hero of fairy tales." Riddles. The earth is home to all living things. Reading letters, syllables and sentences. We print: S, K, T, juice, Tim, Tom.

    Topic 7. Sounds and letters: Л, В - voiced consonants; the letter E denotes a double sound (2 hours).

    Riddles about the boat, skiing, spruce, water. Reading letters, syllables and sentences. We print: L, V, E, Lena, Vova, Elena. I carry a chamomile in my hand.

    Topic 8. Sounds and letters: B, P (2 hours).

    Acquaintance with the sounds and letters B, P. Reading syllables, words, sentences with antonyms. The ambiguity of words: hat, hat. We print: B, P, BA, BO, BU, GRANDMA, PA, PO, PY. Dad has a dog.

    Topic 11. Sound and letter: Topic 9. Sounds and letters: З, Д (2 hours).

    Conversation "Teeth and their care". Characteristics of sounds Z, D. Reading syllables with letters, words and sentences. The ambiguity of the word snakes. We print: Z, D, Zina, Dima, Rose, Dasha. The rose grew in the garden.

    Topic 10. Sounds and letters: G, Z (2 hours).

    Riddles about an apple and a pear. Game "Berries and Fruits". Conversation: "Why are strawberries, blueberries, raspberries called that?" We read letters, syllables, words and the story "In the Garden". We print: I, G, Yasha, lips, haystack, apple, city, geese.

    Topic 11. Sound and letter: H, letter L (2 hours).

    Logic exercise "Animals". Sound and letter H. Reading syllables, words and sentences. Combinations: CHA, CHU, CHK, CHN. Letter L. Reading words and sentences. We print: CH, L, KIDNEY, HORSE, MAIL, SKATES. Natasha has a watch.

    Topic 12. Sounds and letters: F, E (2 hours).

    Acquaintance and characteristics of the sound and the letter Ж, spelling ЖИ, ШИ. Reading letters, syllables, words and sentences. Drawing up a story based on a series of pictures "For mushrooms". Sound and letter E. Reading words, syllables, sentences. We print: F, E, Walrus, Hedgehog, F-Sh, Walrus, Hedgehog. The hedgehog has prickly needles.

    Topic 13. Sounds and letters: Y, X (2 hours).

    Logic exercise "Where did the bread come from?" Sound and letter X, reading syllables, words and poems. Sound and letter Y, reading and sentences. We print: Y, X, bread, loaf, bunny. Dunno visited us.

    Topic 14. Sounds and letters: Ts, Yu (2 hours).

    Conversation "Help Street". Drawing up a story based on a series of pictures "On a family farm". Acquaintance with letters and their characteristics. Reading syllables, words with these letters.

    Anagrams: L V Y K - (beak), A Y L - (whirligig). We print: Yu, Ts, Julia, Yura, month.

    Yura grows cucumbers.

    Topic 15. Sounds and letters: Э, Щ (2 hours).

    Riddles about flowers. The sound and the letter E (from the word it). Conversation “Changes in live and inanimate nature in the spring ". Sound and letter Sh. Reading syllables, words and sentences. A combination of SHA, SHU.

    We print: E. SCH, PUPPY, FLOORS. The puppy's name is Echo.

    Topic 16. Sound and letters: F (2 hours).

    The poem "The steamer bypasses the shoals ..." Dictionary: stranded, sailor, navigator, valiant. A conversation about the fleet. Sound and letter F. Reading syllables, words and sentences. Sound characteristic.

    We print: F, FLEET, Fedya, Fenya, FILM, FILMS. The yacht floats on the waves.

    Topic 17. b and b - dividing marks (2 hours).

    Interpretation of proverbs. Conversation on the illustrations "The family is having lunch." Observation of words by ear: Kolya - stakes. Reading words and sentences. Game "Hahaniya". The seed sat down to dine. (?)

    We print: b, b, SEMYA, FAMILY, VILLAGE, EAT, AEED.

    Topic 18. Development of the skill of syllabic reading 2 hours).

    Poems about the sun, an appeal to the reviving nature. Choral reading of the text from the board by syllables.

    Shading: a train from Romashkov, a snowman. We print: the train is traveling from Romashkov. Excursion to the school library.

    Topic 19. Development of syllabic reading skills (2 hours).

    The appearance of Pinocchio as a depicting chauffeur. He invites the kids to the auto shop. Anagrams. Children read the word and relate to the subject. Find My Mom game.

    Pattern shading. Competition "Very Skillful Pens".

    Topic 20. Teaching syllabic reading (3 hours).

    Contest of riddles. Consolidation of syllabic reading skills. Fairy tale competition. Choral reading of G. Uspensky's poem "Little Rabbit" and "telling" with his hands. Logic task "Who lives where?" Memorizing the poem "We all became close friends ...".

    Mathematics (30 hours)

    Topic 1. Counting objects. Numbers from 0 to 3. Digit 0. (1 hour)

    Acquaintance with the lining of a notebook in a cage, landing when writing, the ability to hold a pen, give an answer. Number letter 0 (empty set).

    Topic 2. Numbers from 0 to 5. Number and digit 1. Signs +, -, =. (1 hour)

    Work on exercises with the eye, the ability to see the line: on a point pattern and independently. Acquaintance with the signs.

    Topic 3. Number and digit 2. Composition of number 2. (1 hour)

    Score from 0 to 5. Game (Fishing). Numbers from 0 to 5.

    We write numbers 1 and 2 according to the sample.

    Topic 4. Number and number 3. Composition of number 3. (2 hours)

    Game "For mushrooms for berries". Repeat the composition of number 2. How to get number 3? Composition of number 3. We draw mushrooms according to the dot pattern. Number letter 3.

    Topic 5. Number and number 4. Composition of number 4. (1 hour)

    Acquaintance with the number and number 4. Riddles about fingers. The concept of "the same". Counting up to 5 items (put the same amount, draw the same amount). Composition of number 4. Letter of number 4.

    Topic 6. Number and digit 5. Composition of number 5. (2 hours)

    "Furry Story" - a charade (based on the pictures "Cat and Mouse"), the mouse is a bear fly.

    Funny account: "The bears went out to pick mushrooms." Number and number 5. Composition of number 5. Write number 5 according to the sample. Working with counting material.

    Topic 7. Counting objects from 0 to 5. (1 hour)

    Direct and reverse counting from 0 to 5. Riddle about the hedgehog. Counting items by poetry about the hedgehog. Composition of numbers 2,3,4,5. Memory training. Writing in a notebook of numbers: 0,1,2,3,4,5.

    Topic 8. Number and digit 6. Composition of number 6. (2 hours)

    Counting objects (friends of Petrushka). Number and number 6. Composition of number 6. Game "In the meadow" by composition 6. Letter in a notebook number 6.

    Topic 9. Number and number 7. Composition of number 7. (2 hours)

    Game - "For mushrooms, for berries." Counting within 6. Counting objects from 0 to 10. Composition of number 7. Number 7. Letter in a notebook number 7.

    Topic 10. Number and digit 8. Composition of number 8. (2 hours)

    Conversation: "Pets". Counting objects from 0 to 10 (ducklings). Number and digit 8. Composition of number 8. Work in a notebook (according to the dot pattern).

    Topic 11. Number and number 9. Composition of number 9. (2 hours)

    Logical task - "Autumn". Counting objects from 0 to 10. Number and number 9. Composition of number 9. Work in a notebook.

    Topic 12. Number 10. Composition of number 10. (2 hours)

    Conversation "Second bread" - (about potatoes). Logic exercise "Whose bread is this?"

    Object counting: "Vegetable garden". Number 10. Composition of number 10. Work in a notebook according to the model.

    Topic 13. Numbers of natural series. Add and subtract 2. (1 hour)

    Interpretation of the proverb "The sun paints the earth, and man's labor." Conversation "How do you help mom?" Score from 0 to 10 (on the counting material). Work in a notebook:

    a) writing numbers from 0 to 10.

    b) problems where we add and subtract 2.

    Topic 14. Counting of objects. Add and subtract 3. (1 hour)

    Conversation "Why do people rejoice in spring?" Counting objects within 10. Learning to add and subtract 3. Work in a notebook according to the model. Writing examples using a dot pattern; the children write down the answer themselves.

    Topic 15. Numbers from 0 to 10. Add and subtract 4. (1 hour)

    Direct and reverse counting to 10. Concept and ways of adding and subtracting 4. Concepts are fixed: “more”, “less”, “the same”. The concept of "fishing fleet" is given. Counting objects from 0 to 10 and vice versa, 1 and 2. Work in a notebook: a series of numbers, waves and foam, a fish.

    Solving problems with the number 4.

    Topic 16. Sequential counting from 1 to 10. Count of objects. Add and subtract 5. (1 hour)

    Acquaintance with the account in order, the question "which?", The answers: "first", "second", etc.

    Solving simple addition and subtraction problems. Work in a notebook according to the sample.

    Topic 17. Add and subtract 6... (2 hours)

    Conversation "We must be able to forgive and yield to each other." V. Orlov's poem "Who offended whom?" Find yourself a friend account. Work in a notebook: natural numbers, a window of friendly neighbors, building a fortress, playing ball. Solving problems of addition and subtraction 6.

    Topic 18. Counting objects within 10. Concepts: "the same", "left", "right". (2 hours)

    Game "Pears and Apples" (counting in order, addition and subtraction within 10).

    Work in a notebook: a) draw the same amount; b) draw on the left, right; c) count, write.

    Topic 19. Counting objects. Answers to the questions: "How much?" (2 hours)

    Consolidation of counting skills. Children count and write down the digital answer. Game "Draw on the model". The writing of numbers from 0 to 9 is repeated.

    Topic 20. Days of the week. Seasons. Year. (1 hour)

    Riddles about the seasons. Counting items from 1 to 10. Problems about the days of the week. Work in a notebook on the instructions of the teacher. Solving problems and examples.

    Work to strengthen the muscular strength of the hand and fingers

    (50 hours)

    Topic 1. Acquaintance with a ruled notebook in a wide line, in a narrow line with a guide. (1 hour)

    Shading drawings. Printing the letter A into a wide lined notebook using a dot pattern and on your own.

    Topic 2. Routing a notebook in a narrow line with a guide. (2 hours)

    Hatching shapes in a narrow line using a dot pattern. The game "At the Bear in the Forest". Guessing riddles. Logic exercise "Why is a bear called a bear?"

    Topic 3. Inclined line, circle, oval. (2 hours)

    Hatching a picture. Memorizing a poem.

    Topic 4. A circle, large and small, a figurine of circles and an oblique combination with a circle. (2 hours)

    Hatching a picture. Coloring transparent objects. Memorizing a poem.

    Topic 5. Combinations "zhi - shi". Working line. (2 hours)

    Eye training. ZHI - SHI write with I. Work on shading. Inclined in the working line and a straight line with a rounding at the bottom (according to the sample).

    Topic 6. Slanted and wavy lines. Working line. Wide string. (2 hours)

    Hatching with a slanted horizontal line. Contest of riddles. Drawing according to the sample.

    Topic 7. Work in a notebook with a guide line (by letter) (2 hours)

    Development of the speech “What gives the coniferous forest to birds and animals”. Hatching oblique to the right and left from the middle. Drawing on a dot pattern and independently.

    Topic 8. Writing notebooks ruled. Incline. (2 hours)

    Hatching with horizontal and oblique lines. The ambiguity of the word "Fur coat".

    Work in the "Recipe".

    Topic 9. Working out the slope, writing in wide and narrow lines. (2 hours)

    Hatching a picture. Solving riddles. Learning a poem.

    Topic 10: Operating line. A wide line in a notebook with a guide line. (2 hours)

    Conversation about wintering and migratory birds... Hatching with oblique lines. Work in the "Recipe".

    Topic 11. Tilt in a notebook with a guide line. Oval. (2 hours)

    Memorizing a poem about a beetle. Conversation "Animals in the circus". Hatching a picture.

    Topic 12. Oval large and small. Tilt in a notebook with a guide line. (2 hours)

    Conversation on RNS "Kolobok". Vocabulary work: stupidity, bragging. Hatching with horizontal, vertical and cross lines. Work in a notebook with a guide.

    Topic 13. Ruling a notebook for writing. Wide and narrow string. Slanted line.

    (2 hours)

    Logic exercise "My assistants" (hands, fingers). Interpretation of the proverb "Golden hands do not know boredom." Work in a notebook.

    Topic 14. Work in a notebook with a guide line. (2 hours)

    Letter according to the sample. Memorizing a poem. Application "Merry sail".

    Topic 15. Wide and narrow line in a writing notebook. (2 hours)

    Solving riddles. A conversation about a sailor's clothes. Hatching a picture. Performing work on a point pattern and painting details.

    Topic 16. Tilt, working out the eye, the formation of the ability to see the line. (2 hours)

    A conversation about help in the family, about joint recreation. Work in a notebook on a dot pattern. Application "Ducklings".

    Topic 17. Ovals, loops, straight, smooth and rounded at the bottom, straight horizontal lines. (2 hours)

    Learning a song. A conversation about a house for friends - a circus. Work in a notebook. Outdoor games.

    Topic 18. Oval, oblique with a rounding up, oblique and arched lines. (2 hours)

    Dunno's questions. The answer is anagram. The picture is the answer according to the sample. Application "Basket with berries".

    Topic 19. Elongated lines with a loop at the bottom. (2 hours)

    Logic exercise "What mushrooms did Buratino throw away?" Shading drawings. Work in a notebook.

    Topic 20. Elongated lines with a loop at the top. (2 hours)

    Letter with tasks from the cat Fedor. Completion of assignments: writing letters and shading according to the pattern.

    Learning a poem. Solving riddles. Coloring and shading drawings. Letter of the studied elements of letters.

    Working with plasticine

    Topic 22. Modeling a hedgehog. (1 hour)

    Riddle about the hedgehog. Poem about the hedgehog. Modeling a hedgehog. Exhibition of works.

    Topic 23. "Cherry".

    Development of speech. A story about Winnie the Pooh - a sweet tooth. Modeling and exhibition of works.

    Topic 24. "Car" (1 hour)

    Conversation "Machines - helpers of man". Work under the guidance of a teacher. Exhibition of works.


    Topic 25. "House" of geometric shapes (1 hour)

    Repetition geometric shapes, size comparison. The game "What does it look like?"

    Completing of the work. Exhibition of works.

    Topic 26. "Truck" (1 hour)

    Repetition of geometric shapes. The game "What does it look like?" Completing of the work. Exhibition of works.


    Topic 27. "Cup" (1 hour)

    Conversation "Dishes in our house". Detailed examination of the cup. Work on the drawing under the guidance of the teacher. Exhibition of works.

    Topic 28. Doll for Malvina "(1 hour)

    Conversation "Human Figure". Examination of a doll - a tumbler, a drawing of a doll. Work on the drawing under the guidance of the teacher. Exhibition of works.

    Topic 29. Draw transparent balls (1 hour)

    Conversation "How Winnie the Pooh wanted to get to the bees for honey." Consideration of the shape of the ball and its transparency. Work on the drawing. Exhibition of works.

    Topic 30. "Airplane" (2 hours)

    Conversation about Aeroflot, types of aircraft and ships. Consideration of the aircraft model and its parts. Drawing under the guidance of a teacher. Doing the design yourself. Exhibition of works.