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  • On the state strategy of the Russian Federation for environmental protection and sustainable development. Participation in solving global environmental problems

    On the state strategy of the Russian Federation for environmental protection and sustainable development.  Participation in solving global environmental problems

    Security management system the environment in the Russian Federation, includes three levels:

    Federal. State management of environmental protection in the Russian Federation in accordance with the Federal Law "On Environmental Protection" is carried out by the Government of the Russian Federation directly or on its behalf by the federal executive body in charge of environmental protection - the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation and other federal executive bodies.

    Management of environmental protection in an industry or in a specific field of activity is carried out by the relevant federal executive bodies and their territorial bodies jointly with the executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

    • - The level of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Management of environmental protection in the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is carried out by the federal executive authorities and the executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection within the limits of their powers.
    • - Bodies of local self-government carry out environmental protection management in the relevant territory within the limits of their powers, as well as powers delegated to them by the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the prescribed manner.

    Bodies exercising state environmental management can be conditionally divided by status into:

    General (President of the Russian Federation, Government of the Russian Federation, executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local self-government bodies)

    Special (numerous federal executive bodies and their territorial bodies, as well as interregional bodies specially authorized by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation or the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation for the implementation of environmental management);

    In terms of the scale of activity - into federal and territorial.


    The legislative bodies implementing the policy of state regulation in the field of environmental protection include:

    • - State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (Committee of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on natural resources and environmental management, Committee of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on ecology, Commission of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on problems of sustainable development; Commission of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on consideration of legal issues of using subsoil on the terms of section products)
    • - The Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation (Committee of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on science, culture, education, health care and ecology, the Committee of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on natural resources and environmental protection).

    Executive agencies.

    Federal level

    In accordance with the Federal Law "On Environmental Protection", the federal executive authorities, which are granted the right to exercise certain functions of regulatory legal regulation, special permitting, supervisory and control functions in the field of environmental protection, are obliged to coordinate the requirements for environmental protection adopted by them, as well as to coordinate its activities with the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation.

    Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation

    Undoubtedly, the main state body exercising the scope of federal powers in the field of environmental protection is the Ministry natural resources and ecology of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia). The Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia is a federal executive body responsible for the development of state policy and legal regulation in the field of study, use, reproduction, protection of natural resources, including the management of the state subsoil fund and forestry, use and protection of water resources, use, protection, protection of forest resources and reproduction of forests, operation and safety of reservoirs and water management systems for complex purposes, protective and other hydraulic structures (except for navigable hydraulic structures), the use of wildlife and their habitat (except for objects of the animal world classified as objects of hunting ), specially protected natural areas, as well as in the field of environmental protection (with the exception of the field of environmental supervision).

    federal Service on supervision in the field of nature management - Rosprirodnadzor. It is a federal executive body exercising control and supervision functions in the field of environmental management. This service exercises control and supervision: in the field of protection, use and reproduction of objects of the animal world and their habitat (except for objects of hunting and fishing); in the field of organization and functioning of specially protected natural areas of federal significance; for geological study, rational use and protection of subsoil; for the condition, use, protection, protection of the forest fund and reproduction of forests; for the use and protection of water bodies; for the rational use of mineral and living resources on the continental shelf; maintains the Red Book of the Russian Federation; maintains an inventory of specially protected natural areas of federal significance, etc. This service also carries out state land control within its competence in relation to the lands of the water fund, forest fund, forest lands not included in the forest fund, and specially protected natural areas.

    Federal agency water resources. It is a federal executive body that carries out the functions of providing state services and managing federal property in the field of water resources. The Federal Agency for Water Resources organizes the redistribution of water resources of water bodies that are in federal ownership; preparation, conclusion and implementation of basin agreements on the restoration and protection of water bodies; Maintains: the state register of contracts for the use of water bodies, the state water cadastre of the Russian register of hydraulic structures. Carries out: possession, use and disposal of water bodies classified as federal property, and management of the water fund; issuance, execution and registration of licenses for water use, state monitoring of water bodies, state accounting of surface and underground waters and their use, planning the rational use of water bodies, etc.

    The Federal Forestry Agency is a federal executive body that carries out the functions of implementing state policy, providing state services and managing state property in the field of forestry. The Federal Forestry Agency carries out: state monitoring of forests; accounting of the forest fund; possession, use and disposal of information about the forest fund obtained at the expense of the federal budget, consideration in accordance with the established procedure of materials on the transfer of forest lands to non-forest lands for their use for purposes not related to forest management and the use of the forest fund, and on the transfer of lands forest fund in lands of other categories; maintaining the state forest cadastre. The agency also organizes: forest inventory; activities of the state forest protection of the Russian Federation, with the exception of the function of state control and supervision;

    The Federal Agency for Subsoil Use is a federal executive body that carries out the functions of providing state services and managing state property in the field of subsoil use. The Federal Agency for Subsoil Use organizes: state geological survey of subsoil; examination of projects for geological study of subsoil; conducting, in accordance with the established procedure, geological, economic and cost appraisal of mineral deposits and subsoil plots; tenders and auctions for the right to use subsoil. Carries out: assigning mineral reserves to conditioned or substandard reserves, providing for use for a fee geological information about the subsoil obtained as a result of the state geological study of the subsoil; issuance of conclusions on the absence of minerals in the depths under the site of the upcoming development and permits for the development of areas of occurrence of minerals, as well as placement of underground structures in the places of their occurrence; organizational support of the state system of licensing of subsoil use; issuance; maintaining the state cadastre of deposits and much more.

    Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision. The Federal Service for Environmental, Technological and Nuclear Supervision is a federal executive body that carries out the functions of adopting regulatory legal acts, control and supervision in the field of environmental protection in terms of limiting negative technogenic impact (including in the field of waste management and consumption), safe conduct of work related to the use of subsoil, protection of subsoil, industrial safety, safety in the use of atomic energy, safety of electrical and thermal installations and networks, safety of hydraulic structures at industrial and energy facilities, safety of production, storage and use of industrial explosives appointments, as well as special functions in the field of state security in this area.

    Interdepartmental Commission for Environmental Protection. There is an Interdepartmental Commission of the Security Council of the Russian Federation on Environmental Safety under the Office of the President of the Russian Federation, which was formed in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation "On Security" and the Regulations on the Security Council of the Russian Federation, approved by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 547 of June 3, 1992. The Interdepartmental Commission is permanent the working body of the Security Council of the Russian Federation for the implementation of the tasks assigned to it in the field of ensuring the environmental safety of the individual, society and the state. Among the main tasks and functions of the Commission, the following should be noted:

    • - preparation of proposals on the issues of internal and external environmental policy of the Russian Federation and strategic problems of state environmental security for consideration by the Security Council of the Russian Federation;
    • - assessment of internal and external environmental threats to the vital interests of the individual, society and the state, assessment of existing and potential sources of environmental safety;
    • - preparation of proposals for ensuring environmental safety in industry, transport, agriculture and other sectors of the national economy, by decision environmental issues protection of public health, safety of destruction of chemical and nuclear weapons, elimination of zones of ecological disaster and distress and other areas;
    • - preparation of draft decisions of the Security Council of the Russian Federation on environmental safety issues, etc.

    Ministry of Economy of the Russian Federation. Carries out methodological guidance and coordination of work on the development and implementation of federal target programs and includes them, in the prescribed manner, in the list of federal target programs for environmental protection, provided for funding from the federal budget.

    Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. Participates in the preparation of federal targeted programs for improving the environment, provides their funding within the funds provided in the federal budget for the corresponding year.

    Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation (Department of State Sanitary and Epidemiological Surveillance). Carries out state sanitary and epidemiological supervision and control over the observance of sanitary legislation in the field of hygiene and environmental safety in accordance with the Federal Law of the Russian Federation "On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Welfare of the Population"; organizes the development and approves sanitary rules and norms, hygienic standards in the field of environmental protection, which are sent to all federal executive bodies; provides methodological guidance on the participation of subordinate organizations in the investigation of occupational diseases and accidents at work related to the environment.

    Ministry of Science and Technology of the Russian Federation. Participates in the organization, conduct and coordination of research work on the problems of ensuring environmental safety in the framework of the priority directions of the development of science and technology and critical technologies at the federal level.

    Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation. Organizes training in environmental management in educational institutions of primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education and primary vocational, secondary vocational, higher vocational and postgraduate vocational education; carries out training of specialists in environmental management in educational institutions of secondary vocational and higher vocational education.

    State Committee of the Russian Federation for Standardization and Metrology. Organizes the development, adopts and enforces state standards in the field of environmental management and protection, maintains their register; organizes work (examination of documents) for the certification of individual and collective protective equipment; carries out registration of the certification system for environmental protection and management; carries out organizational and methodological guidance and coordination of work on metrological support, verification of equipment and instruments of industrial-sanitary and other laboratories for environmental protection; accredits Certification Bodies and Testing Laboratories.

    State Committee of the Russian Federation for Construction and Housing and Communal Services. Provides the development, adopts, puts into effect, and publishes norms and rules, state standards and instructions for ensuring environmental safety in the field of construction, urban planning, building materials industry, structures and parts, housing and communal services. Forms standards for the costs of environmental protection measures in the estimated and normative pricing base in construction and housing and communal services.

    Russian Statistical Agency. Organizes federal state statistical monitoring of the state of conditions and environmental protection in organizations, occupational diseases and material costs associated with them, provides, in accordance with the established procedure, the bodies of the state environmental management system with statistical information.

    Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia (Gosgortekhnadzor).

    The Federal Mining and Industrial Supervision of Russia (Gosgortekhnadzor of Russia) is the central body of federal executive power that carries out state regulatory regulation of industrial safety issues on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as special licensing, supervisory and control functions.

    Federal Nuclear and Radiation Safety Supervision of Russia (Gosatomnadzor of Russia).

    It is a federal executive body and is under the jurisdiction of the Government of the Russian Federation, and on issues assigned to the President of the Russian Federation by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, it is subordinate to the President of the Russian Federation. Gosatomnadzor of Russia exercises state supervision over safety in the production, handling and use of atomic energy, nuclear materials, radioactive substances and products based on them for peaceful and defense purposes. Gosatomnadzor of Russia carries out its activities in cooperation with other federal executive bodies and executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Organizes and implements on the territory of the Russian Federation state regulation of nuclear and radiation safety in accordance with the legislative acts of the Russian Federation and the Regulation on Gosatomnadzor of Russia.

    Social Insurance Fund of the Russian Federation.

    Provides compulsory social insurance against occupational diseases associated with environmental pollution; jointly with the Ministry of Labor and social development Of the Russian Federation and other interested federal executive bodies develops proposals for the establishment of differentiated basic insurance rates for sectors (sub-sectors) of the economy for insurance against occupational diseases; establishes for specific policyholders personal discounts and premiums to the basic insurance rate, depending on the state of working conditions and safety in the organization, taking into account the conclusion of the executive authorities for environmental protection of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and state supervision and control authorities; participates in the investigation of insured events.

    Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation State Traffic Safety Inspectorate (GIBDD). Monitors compliance with traffic rules, as well as regulations in the field of environmental protection from vehicles; develops proposals for reducing environmental pollution, including jointly with interested federal executive bodies, executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, legal entities and public associations; carries out state registration of indicators of the state of the environment from vehicle exhaust gases; participates in the development of draft legislative and other normative legal acts in the field of ensuring environmental protection, submits proposals for their improvement in accordance with the established procedure; participates jointly with interested organizations and institutions in determining the priority topics and directions of scientific research in the field of environmental protection, carries out their implementation in the prescribed manner, and also participates in the implementation of scientific developments in the practical activities of the GIBDTs; in accordance with the established procedure, provides the Federal Environmental Protection Inspectorate with the information necessary for an objective consideration of the causes and conditions of environmental pollution by vehicles.

    Ministry of the Russian Federation for civil defense, emergency situations and elimination of consequences of natural disasters (EMERCOM of Russia). Carries out in the prescribed manner the development and implementation of federal target programs in the field of protection of the population and territories from emergencies, as well as to overcome the consequences of radiation accidents and disasters; carries out methodological guidance for the joint activities of federal executive bodies, executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies and organizations on the protection of citizens affected by radiation accidents and disasters or who took part in the elimination of their consequences, as well as the rehabilitation of territories exposed to radioactive contamination and monitoring the implementation of activities in this area; organizes, together with the interested federal executive authorities, the development of concepts and proposals regarding the modes of nature management, safe living of the population and economic activity in radioactively contaminated areas; organizes research and development work in the field of prevention and elimination of emergency situations, overcoming the consequences of radiation accidents disasters and the development of methods for assessing the consequences of emergencies, participates in the development of requirements for the protection of the population from hazards arising from emergencies; participates in the prescribed manner in the organization of the examination of safety declarations of facilities whose activities are associated with an increased risk of environmental pollution.

    Ministry of Fuel and Energy of the Russian Federation (Department of State Energy Supervision and Energy Saving (Gosenergonadzor)). Supervises the technical condition and safe maintenance of electrical and thermal installations of consumers of electrical and thermal energy, equipment and main structures of power plants, electrical and heating networks of energy supplying organizations, overseeing compliance by organizations with the rules for the construction of electrical installations, technical operation of electrical, thermal installations and environmental safety requirements during their operation, as well as the rules for the use of electrical, thermal energy and gas; organizes work to check the knowledge of personnel serving electrical and thermal installations, the rules for the technical operation of these installations and the requirements for environmental safety during their operation; ensures the participation of the State Energy Supervision Authorities in the investigation of the causes of accidents and accidents at work associated with the operation of electrical and thermal installations; organizes verification of the compliance of projects of new and reconstructed electrical and thermal installations with the current rules of environmental protection, the requirements for the rational use of fuel and energy resources; develops and publishes regulatory and technical documentation, carries out scientific, technical and information activities in the field of environmental protection;

    Russian ammunition agency. Carries out the functions of normative legal regulation, special permitting, control or supervisory functions in the field of environmental protection in the production and disposal of gunpowder, solid rocket fuel, explosives, pyrotechnic compositions and products based on them, testing of ammunition and missiles at hazardous production facilities using explosive technologies, the list of which was approved by the Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 21, 1994 No. 223 "On certification of the safety of industrial and experimental facilities of enterprises and organizations of defense industries using environmentally harmful and explosive technologies."

    General Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation. Supervises compliance with legislation on environmental protection, participates in investigations of the causes of accidents (catastrophes), fatal accidents and makes appropriate decisions within its competence.

    Environmental Prosecutor's Offices. Environmental Prosecutor's Offices are specialized bodies of the Prosecutor's Office that, within the established competence, on the basis of the inter-territorial principle of formation, the functions and other areas of activity assigned to the Prosecutor's Office of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection, nature management and ensuring environmental safety.

    The environmental activities of the customs authorities follow from their essential purpose, associated with the identification, suppression and prevention of illegal movement of goods and other goods across the customs border of the Russian Federation, however, they are directly entrusted with such tasks as: implementation of measures to protect the life and health of humans, animals and plants the natural environment; implementation of a system of measures to suppress illegal traffic across the customs border of the Russian Federation of endangered species of animals and plants, their parts and derivatives.

    State cadastres. An important role in state regulation is played by systematized information from authorized state bodies about natural resources and objects, their quantitative and qualitative expression, etc., namely data state cadastres... The following types of cadastres are distinguished: water, land, forest, recreational, soil, fiscal, ecological, multipurpose, cadastre of wildlife objects, cadastre of waste, deposits and manifestations of minerals, and others. It is possible to give a generalized definition to all of the above types of state cadastres: "this is a systematized collection of information that quantitatively and qualitatively characterizes a certain type of natural resources and phenomena, in some cases with their economic or socio-ecological characteristics and an assessment of changes under the influence of transforming human activities, may include recommendations on the rational use of resources, measures for their protection "). The cadastre acts as a source of information for official state information not subject to re-confirmation by other authorities. Information from state cadastres is necessary for the entire spectrum of relations related to both environmental protection and the use of natural objects and resources, including for state administration of different levels of government, for the implementation of state control in the field of both environmental protection and individual natural resources ...

    Sectoral federal executive bodies (and their territorial bodies). Implement state policy in the field of environmental protection in an industry or a specific field of activity; create environmental protection services to coordinate activities in the field of environmental protection. The structure, number of employees and functions of the environmental protection service, its subordination are determined by the head of the federal executive body, taking into account the recommendations of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation; carry out organizational and methodological management of environmental protection services in organizations of the industry or a certain field of activity; organize the development and implementation of sectoral programs for improving conditions and environmental protection; take part in the development and implementation of federal target programs for improving conditions and environmental protection; on the basis of laws and cross-sectoral regulatory legal acts on environmental protection, develop, revise and approve, in the prescribed manner, sectoral regulatory legal acts on environmental protection; participate in the consideration of draft laws and other normative legal acts on environmental protection; determine, together with the branch trade unions, the range of industries and professions in the industry, for which it is necessary to establish state-guaranteed compensations for work in conditions of increased professional risk; organize, jointly with the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, the certification of workplaces and certification of work on environmental protection in organizations of the industry or a certain field of activity in accordance with the recommendations of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation, develop, if necessary, regulatory and methodological documents for carrying out these works, taking into account specifics of the industry; participate in the investigation of accidents in subordinate organizations in accordance with the current procedure; organize in the organizations of the industry or a certain field of activity training and testing of knowledge of the environmental protection requirements of employees, including managers; study the state of the environment and occupational morbidity and annually send the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation information on the state and measures to improve conditions and environmental protection in the industry, proposals for improving federal legislation on environmental protection and on the formation of state policy in the field of environmental protection; determine research topics on sectoral issues of environmental protection, develop a package of orders on this topic for sectoral research organizations, take part in the development and conclusion of sectoral tariff agreements, organize the work of sectoral commissions for environmental protection; participate in the formation of the data bank of the Russian information system for environmental protection (RISOOS).

    At the level of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation. Environmental protection management in the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is carried out by the territorial subdivisions of the federal executive bodies and the executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection within the limits of their powers.

    At the municipal level. Environmental protection management in the territories of municipalities of the Russian Federation is carried out by territorial subdivisions of federal executive bodies, territorial bodies of power of constituent entities and bodies of local self-government in the respective territory within the limits of their powers, as well as powers delegated to them by state power bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the prescribed manner.


    On the state strategy of the Russian Federation for environmental protection and sustainable development

    Abolished on the basis of
    Decree of the President of the Russian Federation of April 19, 2017 N 176

    In order to determine the state strategy of action of the Russian Federation for environmental protection and sustainable development, as well as being guided by the documents of the UN Conference on Environment and Development,

    I decree:

    1. To approve the Main provisions of the state strategy of the Russian Federation on environmental protection and sustainable development in accordance with the appendix.

    2. To the Government of the Russian Federation:

    to approve, within 2 months, the action plan of the Government of the Russian Federation on environmental protection for 1994-1995 as the first stage in the implementation of the Basic Provisions of the State Strategy of the Russian Federation on Environmental Protection and Sustainable Development;

    to develop and submit for consideration by the President of the Russian Federation in 1994 a draft concept for the transition of the Russian Federation to a model of sustainable development, providing a balanced solution to the problems of socio-economic development in the future and preserving a favorable state of the environment and natural resource potential in order to meet the vital needs of the population.

    3. This Decree comes into force from the moment of its signing.

    The president
    Russian Federation
    B. Yeltsin

    MAIN PROVISIONS of the state strategy of the Russian Federation on environmental protection and sustainable development

    The main provisions of the state strategy of the Russian Federation on environmental protection and sustainable development are the basis for constructive interaction between state authorities of the Russian Federation and its subjects, local authorities, entrepreneurs and public associations to ensure a comprehensive solution to the problems of balanced economic development and improving the environment.

    The implementation of the state strategy of the Russian Federation on environmental protection and sustainable development provides for the implementation of the right of citizens to a favorable environment, enshrined in the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the rights of future generations to use natural resource potential in order to maintain sustainable development, as well as the solution of current socio-economic problems inextricably linked with the implementation of adequate measures to protect and improve the environment, conservation and restoration of natural resources.

    1. Ensuring environmentally friendly sustainable development in a market environment

    In order to ensure environmentally safe sustainable development, state regulation of nature management and stimulation of environmental activities are carried out through the implementation of targeted socio-economic, financial and tax policies in the context of development market relations... Economic activity is focused on achieving economic prosperity in combination with environmental safety in Russia.

    The main activities to ensure environmentally friendly sustainable development:

    environmentally sound distribution of productive forces;

    environmentally friendly development of industry, energy, transport and utilities;

    environmentally friendly development of agriculture;

    sustainable use of renewable natural resources;

    rational use of non-renewable natural resources;

    expanded use of secondary resources, utilization, neutralization and disposal of waste;

    improvement of management in the field of environmental protection, nature management, prevention and elimination of emergency situations.

    2. Protection of the human habitat

    In order to create conditions that make it possible to realize the constitutional right of citizens to live in a favorable environment, the following main areas of activity are envisaged:

    creating a healthy living environment for people in urban and rural settlements;

    development of a system of natural complexes for recreational and health resort purposes;

    improving the quality of food;

    providing the population with quality drinking water;

    prevention of pollution of atmospheric air and water bodies;

    ensuring the radiation safety of the population;

    prevention and reduction of the dangerous impact of natural phenomena, man-made accidents and disasters;

    environmental education and education of the population.

    3. Rehabilitation (restoration) of disturbed ecosystems in ecologically unfavorable regions of Russia

    In order to overcome the aggravated contradictions between the development of productive forces and the preservation of ecological balance in regions with an unfavorable environment, as well as to ensure the natural development of ecosystems, the preservation and restoration of unique natural complexes and landscapes while solving territorial economic problems on the basis of optimizing the regimes of nature management and environmental protection, the following main areas of activity:

    removing a number of large cities and industrial centers from the ecological crisis;

    overcoming the consequences of radioactive contamination of territories;

    preservation of the natural complex of the Lake Baikal basin;

    implementation of the "Revival of the Volga" program;

    restoration of disturbed ecosystems of the Black Sea coastal strip;

    protection of the population and coastal areas from the consequences of the rise in the level of the Caspian Sea;

    preservation of natural complexes of Onega, Ladoga lakes and the Neva Bay;

    solution of environmental problems in the Far North regions with the provision of a special regime for nature management;

    preservation and restoration of the ecosystem of the sanatorium-resort complex "Caucasian Mineral Waters".

    4. Participation in solving global environmental problems

    In order to develop international cooperation for the conservation, protection and restoration of the Earth's ecosystem, the following main areas of activity are envisaged:

    conservation of biodiversity;

    protection of the ozone layer;

    prevention of anthropogenic climate change;

    forest protection and reforestation;

    development and improvement of the system of specially protected natural areas;

    ensuring the safe destruction of chemical and nuclear weapons;

    solving interstate environmental problems (transboundary pollution, problems of the Baltic, Caspian, Black and The Aral seas, The Arctic region);

    restoration of the ecosystem and species composition of hydrobionts of the Azov Sea;

    solving the problems of the World Ocean.


    V modern world problems related to nature conservation in their social significance came to one of the first places, pushing aside even the danger of a nuclear war. The rapid development of economic activity has led to an intense, often destructive impact on the environment. The influence of man on nature occurs both through the transformation of natural systems that have developed over millennia, and as a result of pollution of soil, water, air. This sharply worsened the state of nature, often with irreversible consequences. The environmental crisis is a real threat; in practically every region we are witnessing the rapid development of crisis situations. This paper provides information on the state of the environment, as well as data on the costs of environmental protection. Many indicators are given for federal districts, republics, territories, regions, cities of federal significance, autonomous regions, autonomous regions of the Russian Federation.

    Environmental protection in Russia

    Environment - a set of components of the natural environment, natural and natural-anthropogenic objects, as well as anthropogenic objects.

    Components of the natural environment - earth, subsoil, soil, surface and underground waters, atmospheric air, vegetation, animal world and other organisms, as well as the ozone layer of the atmosphere and near-earth space, which together provide favorable conditions for the existence of life on Earth.

    Environmental pollution - the release of a substance and (or) energy into the environment, the properties, location or amount of which have a negative impact on the environment.

    Pollutant - a substance or a mixture of substances, the amount and (or) concentration of which exceeds those established for chemical substances, including radioactive, other substances and microorganisms standards and have a negative impact on the environment.

    Environmental protection - activities of government bodies of the Russian Federation, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, public and other non-profit associations, legal entities and individuals, aimed at preserving and restoring the natural environment, rational use and reproduction of natural resources, preventing the negative impact of economic and other activities on the environment and elimination of its consequences.

    Environmental protection costs - the total amount of expenditures of the state (budgets of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Russian Federation, municipalities), enterprises (organizations, institutions) having targeted or indirect environmental value, which includes both targeted capital investments, current costs for the maintenance and operation of environmental fixed assets, and operating budget expenditures for the maintenance of state structures, the main activity of which is related to environmental protection. The cost of nature protection may also include the costs of commercial, public and other organizations for scientific and technical, advertising, educational, educational and other services for environmental protection.

    Current costs of environmental protection - all expenses for environmental protection and rational use of natural resources, carried out at the expense of the enterprise's own or borrowed funds, or from the state budget.

    This includes the following costs: for the maintenance and operation of fixed assets for environmental protection; for measures to preserve and restore the quality of the natural environment, disturbed as a result of production activities; on measures to reduce the harmful effects of production activities on the environment; on the handling of production and consumption waste; to organize control over emissions (discharges), production and consumption waste into the environment and over the quality state of the components of the natural environment; for research work and work on environmental education of personnel.

    Resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 26, 1997 N 643
    "On approval of the Regulations on the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Environmental Protection"

    The Government of the Russian Federation decides:

    1. To approve the attached Regulations on the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Environmental Protection.

    2. To recognize as invalid the resolution of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 23, 1994 N 375 "On approval of the Regulation on the Ministry of Environmental Protection and Natural Resources of the Russian Federation" (Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 1994, N 3, Art. 211).

    on the State Committee of the Russian Federation for Environmental Protection
    (approved by the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of May 26, 1997 N 643)

    With changes and additions from:

    1. The State Committee of the Russian Federation for Environmental Protection (Goskomecologiya of Russia) is a federal executive body that carries out, on a collegial basis, intersectoral coordination and functional regulation in the field of environmental protection, environmental safety, conservation of biological diversity, waste management, with the exception of radioactive (hereinafter referred to as - waste), in terms of compliance with the requirements of environmental legislation.

    The State Ecological Committee of Russia carries out state environmental control, state environmental expertise and management of state natural reserves and other specially protected areas under its jurisdiction, and is responsible for the improvement and improvement of the quality of the environment.

    2. The State Ecological Committee of Russia in its activities is guided by the Constitution of the Russian Federation, federal laws, decrees and orders of the President of the Russian Federation, decrees and orders of the Government of the Russian Federation, as well as this Regulation.

    3. The State Committee for Ecology of Russia and the territorial bodies of this Committee are specially authorized state bodies of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection, state ecological expertise, as well as, within their competence in the field of waste management, implementation of state control over the use and protection of lands, in the field of protection , control and regulation of the use of objects of the animal world and their habitat.

    4. The State Environmental Committee of Russia, the territorial bodies of this Committee, specialized inspectorates, research and other organizations created by the State Environmental Committee of Russia in the prescribed manner to ensure its activities, constitute a single system.

    5. The State Ecological Committee of Russia carries out its activities in cooperation with other federal executive bodies, executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local self-government bodies, public associations, organizations and citizens.

    6. The main tasks of the State Committee for Ecology of Russia in the field of environmental protection, environmental safety, biodiversity conservation and waste management are:

    1) implementation of state policy, state administration and control;

    2) cross-sectoral coordination of the activities of executive authorities and organizations;

    3) carrying out state ecological expertise;

    4) organization and implementation, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, of state environmental control, state control over the protection of atmospheric air, as well as, within its competence, state control over the use, reproduction and protection certain types natural resources and objects;

    5) the formation of the regulatory and legal and instructive-methodological base and the implementation of a unified scientific and technical policy;

    6) regulation, within the limits of its competence, together with other federal executive bodies of nature management in order to protect the environment, ensure environmental safety and preserve biological diversity;

    7) organization of monitoring of sources of anthropogenic impact on the natural environment and monitoring of flora and fauna (except for forests);

    8) provision of the population, state authorities and local self-government bodies with environmental information;

    9) implementation of the obligations of the Russian Federation arising from Russia's membership in international organizations and participation in international treaties, the implementation of international cooperation;

    10) formation of a system of specially protected natural areas under the jurisdiction of the Committee, exercising, within its competence, state control over the organization and functioning of specially protected natural areas, management of objects of the nature reserve fund of the Russian Federation under the jurisdiction of the Committee, maintaining the Red Book of the Russian Federation;

    11) within the limits of its competence, protection, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, of the continental shelf and the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation, their living and non-living resources in order to protect the marine environment, economic and other legitimate interests of the Russian Federation.

    7. In accordance with the main tasks in the field of environmental protection, ensuring environmental safety, preserving biological diversity and waste management, the State Committee for Ecology of Russia:

    1) develops proposals on the main directions of the state environmental policy;

    2) develops and implements, in accordance with the established procedure, federal and interstate target programs, as well as environmental projects;

    3) participates in the development of forecasts and programs for the socio-economic development of the Russian Federation, in the implementation of a unified scientific, technical and investment policy;

    4) develops, in accordance with the established procedure, drafts of legislative and other regulatory legal acts;

    5) organizes and implements, in accordance with the established procedure, the issuance (cancellation) of licenses and permits for:

    utilization, storage, movement (including transboundary), placement, burial, destruction of industrial and other wastes, materials and substances (except radioactive);

    environmental certification, certification and environmental auditing;

    carrying out activities related to works (services) of environmental protection;

    emissions, discharges of pollutants into the environment (except for water bodies in cases stipulated by water legislation), as well as harmful physical effects on the environment;

    acquisition, collection, sale, purchase, exchange, shipment, maintenance, storage, export abroad and import into the country of biological collections, biological objects, including those related to species of animals and plants listed in the Red Book of the Russian Federation, species of animals and plants subject to international treaties, as well as their products, parts and derivatives;

    registration of zoological collections, as well as nurseries and other institutions for the breeding of rare and endangered species of animals and plants;

    6) agree, within its competence, norms (standards) and rules for the use of certain types of natural resources, limits (quotas) for their withdrawal;

    7) organizes the work of the Federal Ecological Fund of the Russian Federation, participates in the preparation of proposals for the use of its funds, and also controls their intended use;

    8) in accordance with the established procedure, carries out scientific, methodological and financial support for the activities of its territorial bodies and subordinate organizations;

    9) organizes and implements state environmental control, ensures, within its competence, control over compliance with the requirements of environmental legislation, gives mandatory instructions to eliminate identified violations and, in the prescribed manner, limits and suspends economic and other activities carried out in violation of environmental requirements;

    10) participates jointly with other specially authorized state bodies in the maintenance of cadastres of natural resources;

    11) keep records of objects that pollute the natural environment or have any other negative impact on it;

    12) draws up and maintains the state cadastre of waste, the state register of their disposal facilities and keeps a record of waste;

    13) ensures the creation and functioning of environmental information systems, organizes the collection, storage, processing, analysis and dissemination of information on the problems of environmental protection and (within its competence) natural resources, maintains, together with the interested federal executive authorities, data banks on the environment, participates in the maintenance of data banks on natural resources and their use, about environmental and resource-saving technical, technological, organizational and economic solutions;

    14) jointly with the Goskomstat of Russia and with the participation of other interested federal executive bodies, develops the procedure and forms of statistical reporting on issues within the competence of the Goskomecology of Russia;

    15) organizes, together with other federal executive bodies, work on regulatory and metrological support, standardization in the field of activity of the State Committee for Ecology of Russia, as well as (within its competence) in the field of environmental management;

    16) organizes and conducts mandatory certification for compliance with environmental requirements;

    17) ensures, jointly with other federal executive bodies, the development of environmental requirements for taking them into account in state standards, departmental instructional and methodological and regulatory and technical documents;

    18) develops, agrees or approves, in agreement with the relevant federal executive authorities, within the limits of its competence, regulatory legal acts and instructional and methodological documents on environmental certification of industries, economic and other facilities and territories;

    19) carries out, in accordance with the established procedure, general management of the creation and functioning of the unified state system of environmental monitoring and the Unified state automated system radiation monitoring (EGASKRO);

    20) organizes and conducts the state ecological expertise, controls the fulfillment of the requirements contained in the conclusions of the state ecological expertise;

    21) ensures, together with other specially authorized state bodies, the protection of the marine environment, its living and non-living resources, the preservation of biological diversity, compliance with environmental safety standards in internal sea ​​waters and the territorial sea, on the continental shelf and in the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation;

    22) participates in the organization of a system of universal continuous environmental education and training, conducts work to promote knowledge in the field of environmental protection, ensuring environmental safety and preserving biological diversity;

    23) develops and approves instructional and methodological documentation on the establishment and collection of fees for emissions (discharges) of pollutants (including radioactive ones) into the environment, waste disposal and other types of harmful effects, to determine and compensate for harm caused by environmental pollution;

    24) coordinates, within its competence, the activities of federal executive bodies and their territorial bodies, including on issues:

    organization of the system and maintenance of state cadastres in the field of environmental protection;

    licensing of activities related to observation of sources of anthropogenic impact on the environment and their impact zones;

    25) organizes the preparation of the annual state report on the state of the natural environment in the Russian Federation;

    26) coordinates international treaties in accordance with the established procedure, implements, together with other federal executive authorities, the fulfillment of obligations arising from the membership of the Russian Federation in international organizations and its participation in international treaties on environmental protection, environmental safety and conservation of biological diversity, implements the international cooperation, studies, summarizes and disseminates foreign experience in this area;

    27) develops and approves, within its competence, a list of works and services for environmental protection;

    28) takes measures to improve working conditions, social conditions and medical services for employees of the system of the State Committee for Ecology of Russia;

    29) organizes retraining and advanced training of personnel for the system of the State Committee for Ecology of Russia;

    30) develops and approves, in the prescribed manner, samples of uniforms and insignia of state inspectors for nature protection and the procedure for wearing uniforms;

    31) carries out, within the limits of the granted powers, management of territorial bodies and subordinate organizations, exercises control over their activities, including the targeted use of financial and material resources;

    32) ensures the development of the material and technical base of the subordinate organizations of the State Committee for Ecology of Russia and control over its effective use;

    33) participates in the formation of an economic mechanism for regulating environmental protection in order to protect the environment and ensure environmental safety;

    34) exercises, in accordance with its competence, control over activities in the field of waste management, including over activities for their collection, use, disposal, transportation and disposal;

    35) exercise quotas and control over the production and consumption of ozone-depleting substances, as well as other measures of state regulation of the import into the Russian Federation and export from the Russian Federation of ozone-depleting substances and products containing them;

    36) provides guidance and general methodological support for work on the regulation of emissions of pollutants into the environment, determination of waste disposal limits and permissible levels of environmental impact, approves standards for maximum permissible emissions of pollutants into the environment, limits for waste disposal, permissible levels of environmental impact Wednesday;

    37) coordinates the standards of maximum permissible harmful effects on water bodies;

    38) performs the functions of the administrative body of the Russian Federation under the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora, dated March 3, 1973.

    8. The State Environmental Committee of Russia, within its competence, has the right:

    1) approve instructional-methodical and normative-technical documents (rules) in the field of environmental protection, environmental safety, conservation of biological diversity;

    2) request and receive, in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, from federal executive bodies, their territorial bodies, organizations, information necessary to fulfill tasks in the field of environmental protection, ensuring environmental safety, and preserving biological diversity;

    3) to hear reports from the heads of organizations on compliance with the requirements of environmental legislation, environmental norms and rules, the implementation of programs, plans and measures for environmental protection, as well as (within their competence) on environmental issues;

    4) to freely visit for the purpose of checking organizations (including, in the prescribed manner, restricted) and other objects and protected areas, regardless of departmental affiliation and form of ownership, located and operating on the territory of Russia, in the territorial sea, on the continental shelf and in the exclusive the economic zone of the Russian Federation, draw up acts and protocols based on the results of their inspections, give mandatory instructions on eliminating violations of environmental legislation, as well as on issues of their competence in the field of environmental management;

    5) limit or suspend, in the prescribed manner, economic and other activities carried out in violation of the requirements of environmental legislation, environmental norms and rules, conclusions of the state environmental expertise and the conditions of licenses for the implementation of certain types of activities related to the performance of works (services) of environmental protection, as well as issue binding orders to terminate the financing of this activity;

    6) consider, in the manner prescribed by the current legislation, cases of administrative offenses in the field of environmental protection, as well as (within their competence) in the field of nature management;

    7) to annul, in the prescribed manner, within the limits of its competence, licenses (permits) or to give submissions on their annulment;

    8) prohibit the commissioning of facilities, the construction or reconstruction of which was carried out in violation of environmental norms, rules and conclusions of the state environmental expertise;

    9) stop and inspect, in cooperation with authorized state bodies, Russian and foreign vessels and other floating facilities to verify compliance with the requirements of environmental legislation, environmental norms and rules, and in case of violations in this area, detain them until the issue of compensation for harm caused environment;

    10) check, in cooperation with the relevant federal executive authorities, vehicles and prohibit their operation in case of violation of environmental norms and rules;

    11) prohibit the import into the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as transit (further transportation) of environmentally hazardous goods (products, waste, raw materials), carried out in violation of environmental norms and rules;

    12) file claims with a court or arbitration court for compensation for harm caused to the environment as a result of violation of environmental legislation;

    13) create, in the prescribed manner, territorial bodies for environmental protection, approve regulations on these bodies, as well as determine, within the established number of employees and the wage fund, the structure and staff of territorial bodies;

    14) approve, in accordance with the current legislation, statutes (regulations), including standard ones, on subordinate bodies and organizations;

    15) appoint and dismiss the heads of subordinate bodies and organizations, conclude, modify and terminate contracts with them in the cases and in the manner established by the current legislation;

    16) publish or transmit for publication information related to the environmental safety of the population;

    17) collect, in accordance with the established procedure, arrears in payments for environmental pollution and other negative impacts on it.

    9. Officials of the State Committee for Ecology of Russia, territorial bodies and subordinate organizations of this Committee have the right, while on duty, to store, carry and use service weapons and special means in the cases and in the manner established by the current legislation.

    10. The decisions of the State Committee for Ecology of Russia and the territorial bodies of this Committee on issues within their competence are binding on executive authorities, legal entities and individuals.

    These decisions can be challenged in court.

    11. Goskomekologiya of Russia is headed by a chairman appointed and dismissed by the Government of the Russian Federation.

    Deputy Chairmen of the State Ecological Committee of Russia are appointed and dismissed by the Government of the Russian Federation.

    12.Chairman of the State Committee for Ecology of Russia:

    carries out general management of the activities of the State Committee for Ecology of Russia on the basis of one-man management and bears personal responsibility for the fulfillment of the tasks assigned to the Committee, approves, within the established number of employees of the central office and the wage fund, the structure, staffing and budget for the maintenance of the central office;

    appoints and dismisses employees of the central office of the State Environmental Committee of Russia;

    appoints to office and dismisses from office the heads of territorial bodies and subordinate organizations of the system of the State Committee for Ecology of Russia;

    issues orders, instructions, gives instructions, approves instructions that are binding on employees of the State Environmental Committee of Russia, its territorial bodies and subordinate organizations;

    exercises other powers in accordance with applicable law.

    13. In the Goskomecology of Russia, a board is formed consisting of the chairman of the Committee (chairman of the board), his deputies, heads of structural units of the Goskomecology of Russia, representatives of other specially authorized state bodies of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection, heads of territorial bodies, leading scientists and specialists.

    The number and personnel the collegium (except for persons included in it by office) is approved by the Government of the Russian Federation on the proposal of the Chairman of the State Committee for Ecology of Russia.

    The distribution of duties between the members of the collegium is made by the chairman of the collegium.

    The Collegium considers the main issues of the activities of the State Committee for Ecology of Russia, territorial bodies and subordinate organizations, hears officials on issues within the competence of the State Committee for Ecology of Russia. The decisions of the board are drawn up in protocols and approved by orders of the chairman of the State Committee for Ecology of Russia.

    14. The State Committee for Ecology of Russia creates:

    scientific and technical council of scientists, highly qualified specialists, as well as representatives of scientific, engineering societies and other organizations;

    Council of State Ecological Expertise;

    a council of authorized representatives of regional associations of territorial environmental authorities and other consulting bodies on a voluntary basis, necessary to fulfill the tasks and functions assigned to the State Ecological Committee of Russia.

    The composition of these councils and their regulations are approved by the chairman of the Committee.

    The organizational and technical support for the activities of these councils is carried out by the central office of the State Committee for Ecology of Russia.

    15. The expenses for the maintenance of the central office of the State Committee for Ecology of Russia are financed from the federal budget allocated for the functioning of the system of federal executive bodies, and the territorial bodies of this Committee and organizations subordinate to the Committee - from the federal budget and other sources in accordance with the current legislation.

    16. Goskomekologiya of Russia is a legal entity, has budgetary and other accounts in bank institutions, a seal with an image State emblem Russian Federation and with its own name.

    In accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation, everyone has the right to a favorable environment, everyone is obliged to preserve nature and the environment, to take good care of natural resources, which are the basis for sustainable development, life and activities of the peoples living in the territory of the Russian Federation.

    This Federal Law defines the legal framework for state policy in the field of environmental protection, ensuring a balanced solution to socio-economic problems, preserving a favorable environment, biological diversity and natural resources in order to meet the needs of present and future generations, strengthening the rule of law in the field of environmental protection and ensuring environmental safety.

    This Federal Law regulates relations in the field of interaction between society and nature arising from the implementation of economic and other activities related to the impact on the natural environment as the most important component of the environment, which is the basis of life on Earth, within the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as on the continental shelf and in the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation.

    Chapter I. General Provisions

    Article 1. Basic concepts

    The following basic concepts are used in this Federal Law:

    environment - a set of components of the natural environment, natural and natural-anthropogenic objects, as well as anthropogenic objects;

    components of the natural environment - earth, bowels, soils, surface and underground waters, atmospheric air, flora, fauna and other organisms, as well as the ozone layer of the atmosphere and near-earth space, which together provide favorable conditions for the existence of life on Earth;

    natural object - a natural ecological system, natural landscape and their constituent elements, which have preserved their natural properties;

    natural-anthropogenic object - a natural object changed as a result of economic and other activities, and (or) an object created by man, possessing the properties of a natural object and having a recreational and protective value;

    anthropogenic object - an object created by man to meet his social needs and does not possess the properties of natural objects;

    natural ecological system - an objectively existing part of the natural environment, which has spatial-territorial boundaries and in which living (plants, animals and other organisms) and its non-living elements interact as a single functional whole and are interconnected by the exchange of matter and energy;

    natural complex - a complex of functionally and naturally interconnected natural objects, united by geographic and other relevant features;

    natural landscape - a territory that has not undergone changes as a result of economic and other activities and is characterized by a combination of certain types of terrain, soils, vegetation, formed in the same climatic conditions;

    environmental protection - the activities of public authorities of the Russian Federation, public authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, public and other non-profit associations, legal entities and individuals, aimed at preserving and restoring the natural environment, rational use and reproduction of natural resources, preventing negative the impact of economic and other activities on the environment and the elimination of its consequences (hereinafter also referred to as environmental protection);

    environmental quality - the state of the environment, which is characterized by physical, chemical, biological and other indicators and (or) their totality;

    favorable environment - the environment, the quality of which ensures the sustainable functioning of natural ecological systems, natural and natural-anthropogenic objects;

    negative impact on the environment - the impact of economic and other activities, the consequences of which lead to negative changes in the quality of the environment;

    natural resources - components of the natural environment, natural objects and natural-anthropogenic objects that are used or can be used in the implementation of economic and other activities as sources of energy, products of production and consumer goods and have consumer value;

    use of natural resources - the exploitation of natural resources, their involvement in economic circulation, including all types of impact on them in the process of economic and other activities;

    environmental pollution - the entry into the environment of a substance and (or) energy, properties, location or quantity of which have a negative impact on the environment;

    pollutant - a substance or mixture of substances, the amount and (or) concentration of which exceeds the standards established for chemical substances, including radioactive, other substances and microorganisms and has a negative impact on the environment;

    standards in the field of environmental protection (hereinafter also referred to as environmental standards) - established standards for the quality of the environment and standards for permissible impact on it, subject to which the sustainable functioning of natural ecological systems is ensured and biological diversity is preserved;

    environmental quality standards - standards that are established in accordance with physical, chemical, biological and other indicators for assessing the state of the environment and under which a favorable environment is ensured;

    standards of permissible impact on the environment - standards that are established in accordance with the indicators of the impact of economic and other activities on the environment and under which the environmental quality standards are observed;

    standards of permissible anthropogenic load on the environment - standards that are established in accordance with the value of the permissible cumulative impact of all sources on the environment and (or) individual components of the natural environment within specific territories and (or) water areas and, if observed, the sustainable functioning of natural ecological systems and conservation of biological diversity;

    standards for permissible emissions and discharges of chemical substances, including radioactive, other substances and microorganisms (hereinafter also referred to as the standards for permissible emissions and discharges of substances and microorganisms) are the standards that are established for economic and other entities in accordance with the indicators of the mass of chemical substances, in including radioactive, other substances and microorganisms, admissible for entry into the environment from stationary, mobile and other sources in the prescribed mode and taking into account technological standards, and subject to which the environmental quality standards are ensured;

    technological standard - the standard for permissible emissions and discharges of substances and microorganisms, which is established for stationary, mobile and other sources, technological processes, equipment and reflects the permissible mass of emissions and discharges of substances and microorganisms into the environment per unit of output;

    standards for maximum permissible concentrations of chemical substances, including radioactive, other substances and microorganisms (hereinafter also referred to as maximum permissible concentrations) - standards that are established in accordance with indicators of the maximum permissible content of chemicals, including radioactive, other substances and microorganisms in the environment and non-observance of which can lead to environmental pollution, degradation of natural ecological systems;

    standards for permissible physical impacts - standards that are established in accordance with the levels of permissible impact of physical factors on the environment and under which the environmental quality standards are ensured;

    limits on emissions and discharges of pollutants and microorganisms (hereinafter also - limits on emissions and discharges) - restrictions on emissions and discharges of pollutants and microorganisms into the environment, established for the period of environmental protection measures, including the introduction of the best existing technologies, in order to achieve standards in the field of environmental protection;

    environmental impact assessment - a type of activity to identify, analyze and account for direct, indirect and other consequences of the environmental impact of the planned economic and other activity in order to make a decision on the possibility or impossibility of its implementation;

    environmental monitoring (ecological monitoring) - an integrated system of observation of the state of the environment, assessment and forecast of changes in the state of the environment under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors;

    state environmental monitoring (state environmental monitoring) - environmental monitoring carried out by the state authorities of the Russian Federation and state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

    control in the field of environmental protection (environmental control) - a system of measures aimed at preventing, detecting and suppressing violations of legislation in the field of environmental protection, ensuring that business entities and other activities comply with requirements, including standards and regulations in the field of environmental protection Wednesday;

    requirements in the field of environmental protection (hereinafter also referred to as environmental requirements) - mandatory conditions, restrictions or their combination imposed on economic and other activities established by laws, other regulatory legal acts, environmental standards, state standards and other regulatory documents in the field of environmental protection ;

    environmental audit - an independent, comprehensive, documented assessment of compliance by a business entity and other activities with the requirements, including standards and regulations, in the field of environmental protection, the requirements of international standards and the preparation of recommendations to improve such activities;

    best available technology - technology based on recent advances science and technology, aimed at reducing the negative impact on the environment and having a fixed period of practical application, taking into account economic and social factors;

    harm to the environment - a negative change in the environment as a result of its pollution, resulting in the degradation of natural ecological systems and depletion of natural resources;

    environmental risk - the likelihood of an event that has adverse consequences for the environment and is caused by negative impact economic and other activities, natural and man-made emergencies;

    ecological safety - the state of protection of the natural environment and vital important interests a person from the possible negative impact of economic and other activities, natural and man-made emergencies, their consequences.

    Article 2. Legislation in the field of environmental protection

    1. Legislation in the field of environmental protection is based on the Constitution of the Russian Federation and consists of this Federal Law, other federal laws, as well as other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation adopted in accordance with them, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    2. This Federal Law is valid throughout the territory of the Russian Federation.

    3. This Federal Law operates on the continental shelf and in the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation in accordance with the norms of international law and federal laws and is aimed at ensuring the preservation of the marine environment.

    4. Relations arising in the field of environmental protection as the basis for the life and activities of peoples living on the territory of the Russian Federation, in order to ensure their rights to a favorable environment, are governed by international treaties of the Russian Federation, this Federal Law, other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    5. Relations arising in the field of protection and rational use of natural resources, their conservation and restoration, are regulated by international treaties of the Russian Federation, land, water, forestry legislation, legislation on subsoil, wildlife, other legislation in the field of environmental protection and nature management.

    6. Relations arising in the field of environmental protection, to the extent that it is necessary to ensure the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population, are regulated by legislation on sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population and legislation on health protection, otherwise aimed at ensuring a favorable environment for humans. legislation.

    Article 3. Basic principles of environmental protection

    Economic and other activities of government bodies of the Russian Federation, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, legal entities and individuals that have an impact on the environment should be carried out on the basis of the following principles:

    observance of the human right to a healthy environment;

    ensuring favorable conditions for human life;

    scientifically grounded combination of environmental, economic and social interests of a person, society and state in order to ensure sustainable development and a favorable environment;

    protection, reproduction and rational use of natural resources as necessary conditions for ensuring a favorable environment and ecological safety;

    the responsibility of the state authorities of the Russian Federation, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local self-government bodies for ensuring a favorable environment and ecological safety in the respective territories;

    payment for the use of natural resources and compensation for damage to the environment;

    independence of control in the field of environmental protection;

    presumption of environmental hazard of the planned economic and other activity;

    the obligation to assess the impact on the environment when making decisions on the implementation of economic and other activities;

    the obligation to conduct a state environmental examination of projects and other documentation justifying economic and other activities that can have a negative impact on the environment, pose a threat to the life, health and property of citizens;

    taking into account the natural and socio-economic characteristics of territories in the planning and implementation of economic and other activities;

    the priority of preserving natural ecological systems, natural landscapes and natural complexes;

    the admissibility of the impact of economic and other activities on the natural environment based on the requirements in the field of environmental protection;

    ensuring the reduction of the negative impact of economic and other activities on the environment in accordance with environmental standards, which can be achieved through the use of the best available technologies, taking into account economic and social factors;

    compulsory participation in environmental protection activities of government bodies of the Russian Federation, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, public and other non-profit associations, legal entities and individuals;

    conservation of biological diversity;

    providing an integrated and individual approaches to the establishment of requirements in the field of environmental protection for economic and other entities carrying out such activities or planning to carry out such activities;

    prohibition of economic and other activities, the impact of which is unpredictable for the environment, as well as the implementation of projects that may lead to the degradation of natural ecological systems, change and (or) destruction of the genetic fund of plants, animals and other organisms, depletion of natural resources and other negative changes the environment;

    observance of the right of everyone to receive reliable information about the state of the environment, as well as participation of citizens in decision-making regarding their rights to a healthy environment, in accordance with the law;

    responsibility for violation of legislation in the field of environmental protection;

    organization and development of the environmental education system, education and formation of environmental culture;

    participation of citizens, public and other non-profit associations in solving problems of environmental protection;

    international cooperation of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection.

    Article 4. Objects of environmental protection

    1. Objects of environmental protection from pollution, exhaustion, degradation, damage, destruction and other negative impact of economic and other activities are:
    land, bowels, soil;

    surface and groundwater;

    forests and other vegetation, animals and other organisms and their genetic fund;

    atmospheric air, ozone layer of the atmosphere and near-earth space.

    2. As a matter of priority, natural ecological systems, natural landscapes and natural complexes that have not been subjected to anthropogenic impact are subject to protection.

    3. Objects included in the List of World Cultural Heritage and the List of World Natural Heritage, state nature reserves, including biosphere reserves, state nature reserves, natural monuments, national, natural and dendrological parks, botanical gardens, health-improving areas and resorts, other natural complexes, original habitat, places of traditional residence and economic activity of the indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation, objects of special nature conservation, scientific, historical and cultural, aesthetic, recreational, health-improving and other valuable value, continental shelf and exclusive economic zone Of the Russian Federation, as well as rare or endangered soils, forests and other vegetation, animals and other organisms and their habitats.

    Chapter II. Fundamentals of Environmental Management

    Article 5. Powers of the state authorities of the Russian Federation in the field of relations related to environmental protection

    The powers of the state authorities of the Russian Federation in the field of relations related to environmental protection include:

    ensuring the implementation of the federal policy in the field of environmental development of the Russian Federation;

    development and publication of federal laws and other normative legal acts in the field of environmental protection and control over their application;

    development, approval and support for the implementation of federal programs in the field of environmental development of the Russian Federation;

    announcement and establishment of the legal status and regime of ecological disaster zones on the territory of the Russian Federation;

    coordination and implementation of measures for environmental protection in areas of ecological disaster;

    establishment of a procedure for implementation state monitoring the environment (state environmental monitoring), the formation of a state system for monitoring the state of the environment and ensuring the functioning of such a system;

    establishing the procedure for exercising state control in the field of environmental protection, including at objects of economic and other activities, regardless of the form of ownership, which are under the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation, objects that contribute to transboundary environmental pollution and have a negative impact on the environment within the territories of two and more constituent entities of the Russian Federation (federal state environmental control);

    the establishment of federal executive bodies in charge of state management in the field of environmental protection;

    ensuring environmental protection, including the marine environment on the continental shelf and in the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation;

    establishment of the procedure for handling radioactive waste and hazardous waste, control over ensuring radiation safety;

    preparation and distribution of the annual state report on the state and protection of the environment;

    establishment of requirements in the field of environmental protection, development and approval of regulations, state standards and other regulatory documents in the field of environmental protection;

    establishment of the procedure for determining the amount of payment for emissions and discharges of pollutants into the environment, waste disposal and other types of negative impact on the environment;

    organization and conduct of state environmental expertise;

    interaction with the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on environmental protection issues;

    establishment of the procedure for restriction, suspension and prohibition of economic and other activities carried out in violation of legislation in the field of environmental protection, and their implementation;

    organization and development of the environmental education system, the formation of environmental culture;

    providing the population with reliable information about the state of the environment;

    formation of specially protected natural areas of federal significance, natural world heritage sites, management of the natural reserve fund, maintaining the Red Book of the Russian Federation;

    maintaining state records of objects that have a negative impact on the environment, and their classification depending on the level and volume of negative impact on the environment;

    maintaining state records of specially protected natural areas, including natural complexes and objects, as well as natural resources, taking into account their ecological significance;

    economic assessment of the impact of economic and other activities on the environment;

    economic assessment of natural and natural-anthropogenic objects;

    establishment of the procedure for licensing certain types of activities in the field of environmental protection and its implementation;

    implementation of international cooperation of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection;

    exercise of other powers stipulated by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation.

    Article 6. Powers of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of relations related to environmental protection

    The powers of state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of relations related to environmental protection include:

    determination of the main directions of environmental protection in the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, taking into account the geographical, natural, socio-economic and other characteristics of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

    participation in the development of federal policy in the field of environmental development of the Russian Federation and related programs;

    implementation of the federal policy in the field of environmental development of the Russian Federation in the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, taking into account their geographical, natural, socio-economic and other characteristics;

    development and publication of laws and other normative legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection, taking into account the geographical, natural, socio-economic and other characteristics of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, control over their implementation;

    development and approval of regulations, state standards and other regulatory documents in the field of environmental protection, containing the relevant requirements, norms and rules not lower than those established at the federal level;

    development, approval and implementation of target programs in the field of environmental protection of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

    implementation of environmental and other measures to improve the state of the environment in areas of ecological disaster in the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

    organization and implementation, in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation, of state environmental monitoring (state environmental monitoring), the formation and maintenance of the functioning of territorial systems for monitoring the state of the environment in the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

    state control in the field of environmental protection (state environmental control) over objects of economic and other activities, regardless of the form of ownership, located in the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, with the exception of objects of economic and other activities subject to federal state environmental control;

    economic assessment of the environmental impact of economic and other activities;

    bringing the guilty persons to administrative and other types of responsibility;

    filing claims for compensation for environmental damage caused as a result of violation of legislation in the field of environmental protection;

    formation of specially protected natural areas of regional significance, management and control in the field of protection and use of such areas;

    organization and development of the environmental education system and the formation of environmental culture in the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

    restriction, suspension and (or) prohibition of economic and other activities carried out in violation of legislation in the field of environmental protection, within the limits of their powers in the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

    providing the population with reliable information about the state of the environment in the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

    keeping records of objects and sources of negative impact on the environment in the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

    maintaining the Red Book of the constituent entity of the Russian Federation;

    implementation of environmental certification;

    regulation of other issues in the field of environmental protection within the limits of their authority.

    Article 7. Powers of local self-government bodies in the field of relations related to environmental protection

    The powers of local self-government bodies in the field of relations related to environmental protection are determined in accordance with federal laws.

    Article 8. Executive authorities exercising state management in the field of environmental protection

    1. State management in the field of environmental protection is carried out by federal executive bodies authorized in the manner prescribed by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and the Federal Constitutional Law "On the Government of the Russian Federation".

    2. The bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising state administration in the field of environmental protection shall be determined by the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    Article 9. Delineation of powers in the field of relations related to environmental protection between the state authorities of the Russian Federation and state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation

    1. The delineation of powers in the field of relations related to environmental protection between the state authorities of the Russian Federation and the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is carried out by the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws, as well as by agreements on the delimitation of jurisdictions and powers between the state authorities of the Russian Federation and state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    2. Agreements between federal executive authorities and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the transfer of the exercise of part of the powers in the field of relations related to environmental protection, including in the field of state ecological expertise of objects subject to mandatory state ecological expertise, carried out at the level of the constituent entities Of the Russian Federation, are concluded in accordance with the Constitution of the Russian Federation and federal laws.

    Article 10. Management in the field of environmental protection carried out by local self-government bodies

    Management in the field of environmental protection is carried out by local authorities in accordance with this Federal Law, other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, charters of municipalities and regulatory legal acts of local governments.

    Chapter III. Rights and obligations of citizens, public and other non-profit associations in the field of environmental protection

    Article 11. Rights and obligations of citizens in the field of environmental protection

    1. Every citizen has the right to a favorable environment, to its protection from negative impacts caused by economic and other activities, natural and man-made emergencies, to reliable information about the state of the environment and to compensation for environmental damage.

    2. Citizens have the right:

    create public associations, foundations and other non-profit organizations carrying out activities in the field of environmental protection;

    send appeals to government bodies of the Russian Federation, government bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, other organizations and officials to receive timely, complete and reliable information about the state of the environment in their places of residence, measures to protect it;

    take part in meetings, rallies, demonstrations, processions and picketing, collecting signatures for petitions, referendums on environmental protection and in other actions that do not contradict the legislation of the Russian Federation;

    put forward proposals for the conduct of public environmental expertise and participate in its implementation in accordance with the established procedure;

    apply to government bodies of the Russian Federation, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies and other organizations with complaints, statements and proposals on issues related to environmental protection, negative impact on the environment, and receive timely and substantiated answers;

    3. Citizens are obliged:

    to preserve nature and the environment;

    take good care of nature and natural resources;

    comply with other legal requirements.

    Article 12. Rights and obligations of public and other non-profit associations carrying out activities in the field of environmental protection

    1. Public and other non-profit associations carrying out activities in the field of environmental protection have the right:

    develop, promote and implement in the prescribed manner programs in the field of environmental protection, protect the rights and legitimate interests of citizens in the field of environmental protection, involve citizens on a voluntary basis in the implementation of activities in the field of environmental protection;

    at the expense of their own and borrowed funds, carry out and promote activities in the field of environmental protection, reproduction of natural resources, ensuring environmental safety;

    render assistance to the bodies of state power of the Russian Federation, bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, bodies of local self-government in resolving issues of environmental protection;

    organize meetings, rallies, demonstrations, processions and picketing, collect signatures for petitions and take part in these events in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, make proposals for holding referendums on environmental issues and discussing projects related to environmental protection;

    apply to the government bodies of the Russian Federation, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, other organizations and officials to obtain timely, complete and reliable information about the state of the environment, about measures to protect it, about the circumstances and facts of economic and other activities that pose a threat to the environment, life, health and property of citizens;

    participate in the prescribed manner in the adoption of economic and other decisions, the implementation of which may have a negative impact on the environment, life, health and property of citizens;

    apply to the state authorities of the Russian Federation, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local self-government bodies and other organizations with complaints, statements, claims and proposals on issues related to environmental protection, negative impact on the environment, and receive timely and substantiated answers;

    organize and conduct, in accordance with the established procedure, hearings on the design, placement of facilities, economic and other activities of which may harm the environment, pose a threat to the life, health and property of citizens;

    organize and conduct, in accordance with the established procedure, public ecological expertise;

    submit to the state authorities of the Russian Federation, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local self-government bodies, the court of appeals for the cancellation of decisions on the design, placement, construction, reconstruction, operation of facilities, economic and other activities of which may have a negative impact on the environment, on the restriction, suspension and termination of economic and other activities that have a negative impact on the environment;

    file claims in court for compensation for damage to the environment;

    exercise other rights stipulated by law.

    2. Public and other non-profit associations, when carrying out activities in the field of environmental protection, must comply with the requirements in the field of environmental protection.

    Article 13. System of state measures to ensure the rights to a favorable environment

    1. Bodies of state power of the Russian Federation, bodies of state power of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, bodies of local self-government and officials are obliged to assist citizens, public and other non-profit associations in the exercise of their rights in the field of environmental protection.

    2. When placing objects, economic and other activities of which may cause harm to the environment, the decision on their placement shall be made taking into account the opinion of the population or the results of the referendum.

    3. Officials who hinder citizens, public and other non-profit associations in the implementation of activities in the field of environmental protection, the exercise of their rights provided for by this Federal Law and other federal laws, other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, are held accountable in the prescribed manner.

    Chapter IV. Economic regulation in the field of environmental protection

    Article 14. Methods of economic regulation in the field of environmental protection

    The methods of economic regulation in the field of environmental protection include:

    development of state forecasts of socio-economic development based on environmental forecasts;

    development of federal programs in the field of environmental development of the Russian Federation and target programs in the field of environmental protection of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation;

    development and implementation of measures for environmental protection in order to prevent harm to the environment;

    setting fees for negative impact on the environment;

    setting limits on emissions and discharges of pollutants and microorganisms, limits on the disposal of production and consumption waste and other types of negative impact on the environment;

    economic assessment of natural objects and natural-anthropogenic objects;

    economic assessment of the impact of economic and other activities on the environment;

    provision of tax and other benefits in the implementation of the best existing technologies, non-traditional types of energy, the use of secondary resources and waste processing, as well as in the implementation of other effective measures to protect the environment in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation;

    support for entrepreneurial, innovative and other activities (including environmental insurance) aimed at protecting the environment;

    compensation in accordance with the established procedure for damage to the environment;

    other methods of economic regulation to improve and effectively implement environmental protection.

    Article 15. Federal programs in the field of environmental development of the Russian Federation, target programs in the field of environmental protection of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation of the environment and measures for environmental protection

    1. In order to plan, develop and implement measures for environmental protection, federal programs in the field of environmental development of the Russian Federation and target programs in the field of environmental protection of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are being developed.

    The procedure for the development, financing and implementation of federal programs in the field of environmental development of the Russian Federation is established in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    The procedure for the development, financing and implementation of targeted programs in the field of environmental protection of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is established in accordance with the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    2. Development of federal programs in the field of environmental development of the Russian Federation and target programs in the field of environmental protection of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation is carried out taking into account the proposals of citizens and public associations.

    3. Planning and development of environmental protection measures are carried out taking into account state forecasts of socio-economic development, federal programs in the field of environmental development of the Russian Federation, target programs in the field of environmental protection of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on the basis of scientific research aimed at solving problems in the field environmental protection.

    4. Legal entities and individual entrepreneurs carrying out economic and other activities that have a negative impact on the environment are obliged to plan, develop and implement measures for environmental protection in the manner prescribed by law.

    Article 16. Payment for negative impact on the environment

    1. Negative impact on the environment is paid.

    Forms of payment for negative impact on the environment are determined by federal laws.

    2. The types of negative impact on the environment include:

    emissions of pollutants and other substances into the air;

    discharges of pollutants, other substances and microorganisms into surface water bodies, groundwater bodies and catchment areas;

    pollution of subsoil, soil;

    placement of production and consumption waste;

    environmental pollution by noise, heat, electromagnetic, ionizing and other types of physical influences;

    other types of negative impact on the environment.

    3. The procedure for calculating and collecting payments for negative impact on the environment is established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    4. The payment of the fee specified in paragraph 1 of this article does not exempt business and other entities from taking measures to protect the environment and compensate for environmental damage.

    Article 17. Entrepreneurial activity carried out for the purpose of environmental protection

    1. Entrepreneurial activities carried out for the purpose of environmental protection are supported by the state.

    2. State support entrepreneurial activity, carried out in order to protect the environment, is carried out through the establishment of tax and other benefits in accordance with the law.

    Article 18. Environmental insurance

    1. Environmental insurance is carried out in order to protect the property interests of legal entities and individuals in case of environmental risks.

    2. Compulsory state environmental insurance may be carried out in the Russian Federation.

    3. Environmental insurance in the Russian Federation is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    Chapter V. Rationing in the field of environmental protection

    Article 19. Basis of regulation in the field of environmental protection

    1. Rationing in the field of environmental protection is carried out for the purpose of state regulation of the impact of economic and other activities on the environment, guaranteeing the preservation of a favorable environment and ensuring environmental safety.

    2. Rationing in the field of environmental protection consists in the establishment of environmental quality standards, standards for permissible environmental impact in the implementation of economic and other activities, other standards in the field of environmental protection, as well as state standards and other regulatory documents in the field of environmental protection ...

    3. Norms and normative documents in the field of environmental protection are developed, approved and put into effect on the basis of modern achievements of science and technology, taking into account international rules and standards in the field of environmental protection.
    Rationing in the field of environmental protection is carried out in accordance with the procedure established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

    Article 20. Requirements for the development of standards in the field of environmental protection

    Development of standards in the field of environmental protection includes:

    carrying out research work to substantiate standards in the field of environmental protection;

    establishing the grounds for the development or revision of environmental standards;

    monitoring the application and compliance with environmental standards;

    formation and maintenance of a unified information database of standards in the field of environmental protection;

    assessment and forecasting of environmental, social, economic consequences of the application of standards in the field of environmental protection.

    Article 21. Environmental quality standards

    1. Standards for the quality of the environment are established to assess the state of the environment in order to preserve natural ecological systems, the genetic fund of plants, animals and other organisms.

    2. Environmental quality standards include:

    standards established in accordance with chemical indicators of the state of the environment, including standards for maximum permissible concentrations of chemical substances, including radioactive substances;

    standards established in accordance with physical indicators of the state of the environment, including indicators of levels of radioactivity and heat;

    standards established in accordance with biological indicators of the state of the environment, including species and groups of plants, animals and other organisms used as indicators of environmental quality, as well as standards for maximum permissible concentrations of microorganisms;

    other environmental quality standards.

    3. When establishing environmental quality standards, the natural features of territories and water areas, the purpose of natural objects and natural-anthropogenic objects, specially protected areas, including specially protected natural areas, as well as natural landscapes of special nature conservation value are taken into account.

    Article 22. Standards of permissible impact on the environment

    1. In order to prevent the negative impact on the environment of economic and other activities for legal entities and individuals - users of natural resources, the following standards of permissible impact on the environment are established:

    standards of permissible emissions and discharges of substances and microorganisms;

    production and consumption waste generation standards and limits for their disposal;

    standards for permissible physical influences (amount of heat, levels of noise, vibration, ionizing radiation, intensity of electromagnetic fields and other physical influences);
    standards for the permissible withdrawal of components of the natural environment;

    standards of permissible anthropogenic load on the environment;

    standards of other permissible impact on the environment in the implementation of economic and other activities established by the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in order to protect the environment.

    2. The standards of permissible impact on the environment must ensure compliance with the environmental quality standards, taking into account the natural characteristics of territories and water areas.

    3. For exceeding the established standards of permissible environmental impact, subjects of economic and other activities, depending on the damage caused to the environment, are liable in accordance with the legislation.

    Article 23. Standards for permissible emissions and discharges of substances and microorganisms

    1. Standards of permissible emissions and discharges of substances and microorganisms are established for stationary, mobile and other sources of environmental impact by economic and other entities based on the standards of permissible anthropogenic load on the environment, environmental quality standards, as well as technological standards.

    2. Technological standards are established for stationary, mobile and other sources based on the use of the best available technologies, taking into account economic and social factors.

    3. If it is impossible to comply with the standards of permissible emissions and discharges of substances and microorganisms, limits on emissions and discharges may be established on the basis of permits valid only during the period of environmental protection measures, the introduction of the best existing technologies and (or) the implementation of other environmental projects, taking into account the phased achievement of the established standards of permissible emissions and discharges of substances and microorganisms.

    Establishment of limits on emissions and discharges is allowed only if there are plans to reduce emissions and discharges, agreed with the executive authorities exercising state management in the field of environmental protection.

    4. Emissions and discharges of chemical substances, including radioactive, other substances and microorganisms into the environment within the established standards of permissible emissions and discharges of substances and microorganisms, limits on emissions and discharges are allowed on the basis of permits issued by the executive authorities exercising state control in the field of environmental protection.

    Article 24. Standards for the generation of production and consumption waste and limits for their disposal

    The norms for the generation of production and consumption waste and the limits for their disposal are established in order to prevent their negative impact on the environment in accordance with the legislation.

    Article 25. Standards of permissible physical impact on the environment

    The standards for permissible physical impacts on the environment are established for each source of such impacts based on the standards for the permissible anthropogenic load on the environment, environmental quality standards and taking into account the influence of other sources of physical impacts.

    Article 26. Standards for the permissible withdrawal of components of the natural environment

    1. Standards for the permissible withdrawal of components of the natural environment - the norms established in accordance with the restrictions on the volume of their withdrawal in order to preserve natural and natural-anthropogenic objects, ensure the sustainable functioning of natural ecological systems and prevent their degradation.

    2. The standards for the permissible withdrawal of the components of the natural environment and the procedure for their establishment are determined by the legislation on subsoil, land, water, forestry legislation, legislation on wildlife and other legislation in the field of environmental protection, nature management and in accordance with the requirements in the field of environmental protection, protection and reproduction of certain types of natural resources established by this Federal Law, other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection.

    Article 27. Standards for permissible anthropogenic load on the environment

    1. Standards of permissible anthropogenic load on the environment are established for economic and other entities in order to assess and regulate the impact of all stationary, mobile and other sources of environmental impact located within specific territories and (or) water areas.

    2. The standards for the permissible anthropogenic load on the environment are established for each type of impact of economic and other activities on the environment and the cumulative impact of all sources located in these territories and (or) water areas.

    3. When establishing the standards for the permissible anthropogenic load on the environment, the natural features of specific territories and (or) water areas are taken into account.

    Article 28. Other standards in the field of environmental protection

    For the purpose of state regulation of the impact of economic and other activities on the environment, assessing the quality of the environment in accordance with this Federal Law, other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, other standards in the field of environmental protection.

    Article 29. State standards and other regulatory documents in the field of environmental protection

    1. State standards and other regulatory documents in the field of environmental protection establish:

    requirements, norms and rules in the field of environmental protection for products, works, services and relevant control methods;

    restrictions on economic and other activities in order to prevent their negative impact on the environment;

    the procedure for organizing activities in the field of environmental protection and management of such activities.

    2. State standards and other regulatory documents in the field of environmental protection are developed taking into account scientific and technical achievements and the requirements of international rules and standards.

    3. State standards for new equipment, technologies, materials, substances and other products, technological processes, storage, transportation, use of such products, including after its transition to the category of production and consumption waste, must take into account the requirements, norms and rules in the field of environmental protection.

    Article 30. Licensing of certain types of activities in the field of environmental protection

    1. Certain types of activities in the field of environmental protection are subject to licensing.

    2. The list of certain types of activities in the field of environmental protection, subject to licensing, is established by federal laws.

    Article 31. Environmental certification

    1. Environmental certification is carried out in order to ensure the environmentally safe implementation of economic and other activities on the territory of the Russian Federation.

    2. Environmental certification can be mandatory or voluntary.

    3. Mandatory environmental certification is carried out in the manner determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

    Chapter VI. Environmental impact assessment and ecological expertise

    Article 32. Conducting an environmental impact assessment

    1. Environmental impact assessment is carried out in relation to the planned economic and other activities that may have a direct or indirect impact on the environment, regardless of the organizational and legal forms of ownership of economic and other entities.

    2. Environmental impact assessment is carried out in the development of all alternative options for pre-design, including pre-investment, and design documentation substantiating the planned economic and other activities, with the participation of public associations.

    3. Requirements for the materials for assessing the impact on the environment are established by federal executive bodies exercising state management in the field of environmental protection.

    Article 33. Environmental expertise

    1. Environmental expertise is carried out in order to establish the compliance of the planned economic and other activities with the requirements in the field of environmental protection.

    2. The procedure for carrying out ecological expertise is established by the federal law on ecological expertise.

    Chapter VII. Requirements in the field of environmental protection in the implementation of economic and other activities

    Article 34. General requirements in the field of environmental protection during placement, design, construction, reconstruction, commissioning, operation, conservation and liquidation of buildings, structures, structures and other facilities

    1. Placement, design, construction, reconstruction, commissioning, operation, conservation and liquidation of buildings, structures, structures and other objects that have a direct or indirect negative impact on the environment are carried out in accordance with the requirements in the field of environmental protection. At the same time, measures should be provided for environmental protection, restoration of the natural environment, rational use and reproduction of natural resources, and ensuring environmental safety.

    2. Violation of requirements in the field of environmental protection entails the suspension of placement, design, construction, reconstruction, commissioning, operation, conservation and liquidation of buildings, structures, structures and other objects according to the instructions of the executive authorities exercising state management in the field of protection environment.

    3. Termination in full of placement, design, construction, reconstruction, commissioning, operation, conservation and liquidation of buildings, structures, structures and other facilities in case of violation of environmental protection requirements is carried out on the basis of a court decision and (or) an arbitration court ...

    Article 35. Requirements in the field of environmental protection when placing buildings, structures, structures and other objects

    1. When placing buildings, structures, structures and other objects, the requirements in the field of environmental protection, restoration of the natural environment, rational use and reproduction of natural resources, ensuring environmental safety, taking into account the immediate and distant environmental, economic, demographic and other consequences must be ensured operation of these facilities and compliance with the priority of preserving a favorable environment, biological diversity, rational use and reproduction of natural resources.

    2. The choice of locations for buildings, structures, structures and other facilities is carried out in compliance with the requirements of the legislation in the presence of a positive conclusion of the state ecological expertise.

    3. In cases where the placement of buildings, structures, structures and other objects affects the legitimate interests of citizens, the decision is made taking into account the results of the referendums held in the respective territories.

    Article 36. Requirements in the field of environmental protection in the design of buildings, structures, structures and other objects

    1. When designing buildings, structures, structures and other facilities, the standards of permissible anthropogenic load on the environment should be taken into account, measures should be taken to prevent and eliminate environmental pollution, as well as methods of disposal of production and consumption waste, resource-saving, low-waste, non-waste and other best existing technologies that contribute to environmental protection, restoration of the natural environment, rational use and reproduction of natural resources.

    2. It is forbidden to change the value design work and approved projects by excluding from such works and projects planned measures for environmental protection in the design of construction, reconstruction, technical re-equipment, conservation and liquidation of buildings, structures, structures and other facilities.

    3. Projects for which there are no positive conclusions of the state ecological expertise, are not subject to approval, and work on their implementation is prohibited to finance.

    Article 37. Requirements in the field of environmental protection during the construction and reconstruction of buildings, structures, structures and other objects

    1. Construction and reconstruction of buildings, structures, structures and other facilities must be carried out according to approved projects that have positive conclusions of the state ecological expertise, in compliance with the requirements in the field of environmental protection, as well as sanitary and construction requirements, norms and rules.

    2. It is prohibited to construct and reconstruct buildings, structures, structures and other objects prior to the approval of projects and prior to the allotment of land plots in kind, as well as changes in approved projects to the detriment of requirements in the field of environmental protection.

    3. When carrying out construction and reconstruction of buildings, structures, structures and other objects, measures are taken to protect the environment, restore the natural environment, land reclamation, and landscaping in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    Article 38. Requirements in the field of environmental protection during the commissioning of buildings, structures, structures and other objects

    1. Commissioning of buildings, structures, structures and other objects is carried out subject to the full fulfillment of the requirements in the field of environmental protection provided for by the projects, and in accordance with the acts of the commissions for the commissioning of buildings, structures, structures and other objects, in the composition of which includes representatives of federal executive bodies exercising state management in the field of environmental protection.

    2. It is prohibited to put into operation buildings, structures, structures and other facilities that are not equipped with technical means and technologies for the neutralization and safe disposal of production and consumption waste, neutralization of emissions and discharges of pollutants that ensure compliance with the established requirements in the field of environmental protection. It is also prohibited to put into operation facilities that are not equipped with means of monitoring environmental pollution, without completing the work on environmental protection, restoration of the natural environment, land reclamation, and landscaping provided for by the projects in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    3. The heads and members of the commissions for the acceptance into operation of buildings, structures, structures and other facilities bear, in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation, administrative and other responsibility for the acceptance into operation of buildings, structures, structures and other facilities that do not meet the requirements of the legislation in the field of environmental protection ...

    Article 39. Requirements in the field of environmental protection during the operation and decommissioning of buildings, structures, structures and other objects

    1. Legal entities and individuals operating buildings, structures, structures and other facilities are obliged to comply with approved technologies and requirements in the field of environmental protection, restoration of the natural environment, rational use and reproduction of natural resources.

    2. Legal entities and individuals operating buildings, structures, structures and other facilities ensure compliance with environmental quality standards based on the use of technical means and technologies for the neutralization and safe disposal of production and consumption waste, neutralization of emissions and discharges of pollutants, as well as other best existing technologies that ensure compliance with environmental protection requirements, take measures to restore the natural environment, land reclamation, and landscaping in accordance with the legislation ...

    3. Decommissioning of buildings, structures, structures and other facilities is carried out in accordance with the legislation in the field of environmental protection and in the presence of approved project documentation in accordance with the established procedure.

    4. When decommissioning buildings, structures, structures and other facilities, measures must be developed and implemented to restore the natural environment, including the reproduction of components of the natural environment, in order to ensure a favorable environment.

    5. The re-profiling of the functions of buildings, structures, structures and other objects is carried out in agreement with the executive authorities exercising state management in the field of environmental protection.

    Article 40. Requirements in the field of environmental protection during the placement, design, construction, reconstruction, commissioning and operation of energy facilities

    1. Placement, design, construction and operation of energy facilities are carried out in accordance with the requirements of Articles 34 - 39 of this Federal Law.

    2. During the design and construction of thermal power plants, it should be envisaged to equip them with highly efficient means of cleaning emissions and discharges of pollutants, the use of environmentally friendly fuels and the safe disposal of production wastes.

    3. During the placement, design, construction, reconstruction, commissioning and operation of hydroelectric power plants, the real needs for electric energy of the respective regions, as well as the features of the local reliefs, must be taken into account.

    When placing these objects, measures should be taken to preserve water bodies, catchment areas, aquatic biological resources, lands, soils, forests and other vegetation, biological diversity, ensure the sustainable functioning of natural ecological systems, preserve natural landscapes, specially protected natural areas and natural monuments, and also to take measures for the timely disposal of wood and fertile soil layer when clearing and flooding the bed of reservoirs and other necessary measures to prevent negative changes in the natural environment, preserve the water regime, which provides the most favorable conditions for the reproduction of aquatic biological resources.

    4. During the placement, design, construction, commissioning and operation of nuclear installations, including nuclear power plants, the environment must be protected from the radiation effects of such installations, the established procedure and standards for the implementation of the technological process, the requirements of federal executive bodies authorized carry out state supervision and control in the field of ensuring radiation safety, as well as state regulation of safety in the use of atomic energy should be carried out, measures should be taken to ensure complete radiation safety of the environment and the population in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and generally accepted principles and norms of international law, training should be provided and maintaining the qualifications of workers in nuclear installations.

    5. The siting of nuclear installations, including nuclear power plants, is carried out in the presence of positive conclusions of the state ecological expertise and other state expertise provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation and confirming the environmental and radiation safety of nuclear facilities according to designs and other substantiating materials.

    6. Projects for the location of nuclear installations, including nuclear power plants, must contain solutions to ensure their safe decommissioning.

    Article 41. Requirements in the field of environmental protection during the placement, design, construction, reconstruction, commissioning, operation and decommissioning of military and defense facilities, weapons and military equipment

    1. Requirements in the field of environmental protection for the placement, design, construction, reconstruction, commissioning, operation and decommissioning of buildings, structures, structures and other facilities fully apply to military and defense facilities, weapons and military equipment, with the exception of emergencies that prevent compliance with environmental protection requirements.

    2. The list of emergency situations that impede compliance with environmental protection requirements during placement, design, construction, reconstruction, commissioning, operation and decommissioning of military and defense facilities, weapons and military equipment is determined by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    Article 42. Requirements in the field of environmental protection during the operation of agricultural facilities

    1. When operating agricultural facilities, the requirements in the field of environmental protection must be observed, measures must be taken to protect lands, soils, water bodies, plants, animals and other organisms from the negative impact of economic and other activities on the environment.

    2. Agricultural organizations engaged in the production, procurement and processing of agricultural products, other agricultural organizations in the implementation of their activities must comply with the requirements in the field of environmental protection.

    3. Objects of agricultural purpose must have the necessary sanitary protection zones and treatment facilities, excluding pollution of soil, surface and ground waters, drainage areas and atmospheric air.

    Article 43. Requirements in the field of environmental protection during land reclamation, placement, design, construction, reconstruction, commissioning and operation of reclamation systems and separately located hydraulic structures

    In the implementation of land reclamation, placement, design, construction, reconstruction, commissioning and operation of reclamation systems and separately located hydraulic structures, measures should be taken to ensure water balance and economical use of water, protect lands, soils, forests and other vegetation, animals and others. organisms, as well as the prevention of other negative impact on the environment during the implementation of reclamation activities. Land reclamation should not lead to deterioration of the environment, disrupt the sustainable functioning of natural ecological systems.

    Article 44. Requirements in the field of environmental protection during the placement, design, construction, reconstruction of urban and rural settlements

    1. During the placement, design, construction, reconstruction of urban and rural settlements, the requirements in the field of environmental protection must be observed, ensuring a favorable state of the environment for human life, as well as for the habitation of plants, animals and other organisms, the sustainable functioning of natural ecological systems.

    Buildings, structures, structures and other objects should be located taking into account the requirements in the field of environmental protection, sanitary and hygienic standards and urban planning requirements.

    2. When planning and building urban and rural settlements, the requirements in the field of environmental protection must be observed, measures must be taken for sanitary cleaning, neutralization and safe disposal of production and consumption waste, compliance with the standards of permissible emissions and discharges of substances and microorganisms, as well as for the restoration of the natural environment , land reclamation, landscaping and other measures to ensure environmental protection and environmental safety in accordance with the legislation.

    3. In order to protect the environment of urban and rural settlements, protective and protective zones are created, including sanitary protection zones, green areas, green zones, including forest park zones and other protected and security zones with a limited regime withdrawn from intensive economic use nature management.

    Article 45 - Requirements in the field of environmental protection during the production and operation of automobiles and other Vehicle

    1. The production of automobile and other vehicles must be carried out in accordance with the requirements in the field of environmental protection.

    2. Legal entities and individuals operating automobile and other vehicles that have a negative impact on the environment are obliged to comply with the standards of permissible emissions and discharges of substances and microorganisms, as well as take measures to neutralize pollutants, including their neutralization, and reduce noise levels and other negative impact on the environment.

    3. Relations in the field of production and operation of automobile and other vehicles are regulated by legislation.

    Article 46. Requirements in the field of environmental protection during the placement, design, construction, reconstruction, commissioning and operation of oil and gas production facilities, processing facilities, transportation, storage and sale of oil, gas and products of their processing

    1. Placement, design, construction, reconstruction, commissioning and operation of oil and gas production facilities, processing facilities, transportation, storage and sale of oil, gas and products of their processing must be carried out in accordance with the requirements established by legislation in the field of environmental protection.

    2. During the placement, design, construction, reconstruction, commissioning and operation of oil and gas production facilities, processing facilities, transportation, storage and sale of oil, gas and products of their ) gas and saline water, reclamation of disturbed and contaminated lands, reduction of negative impact on the environment, as well as compensation for environmental damage caused during the construction and operation of these facilities.

    3. Construction and operation of oil and gas production facilities, processing facilities, transportation, storage and sale of oil, gas and products of their processing are allowed if there are projects for the restoration of contaminated land in the zones of temporary and (or) permanent land acquisition, positive conclusions of the state environmental impact assessment and other established the legislation of state expertise, financial guarantees for the implementation of such projects.

    4. Construction and operation of oil and gas production facilities, facilities for processing, transportation and storage of oil and gas located in the water areas of water bodies, on the continental shelf and in the exclusive economic zone of the Russian Federation, are allowed in the presence of positive conclusions of the state environmental impact assessment and other state expertise established by law. after the restoration of contaminated land.

    Article 47. Requirements in the field of environmental protection in the production, handling and disposal of potentially hazardous chemical substances, including radioactive, other substances and microorganisms

    1. The production and circulation of potentially hazardous chemical substances, including radioactive, other substances and microorganisms, are allowed on the territory of the Russian Federation after the necessary toxicological, hygienic and toxicological studies of these substances, the establishment of the procedure for handling them, environmental standards and state registration of these substances in in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    2. Neutralization of potentially hazardous chemical and biological substances is carried out in the presence of approved in accordance with the established procedure design and technological documentation in accordance with the legislation.

    Article 48. Requirements in the field of environmental protection when using radioactive substances and nuclear materials

    1. Legal entities and individuals are obliged to comply with the rules for the production, storage, transportation, use, disposal of radioactive substances (sources of ionizing radiation) and nuclear materials, not to exceed the established maximum permissible standards for ionizing radiation, and if they are exceeded, immediately inform the executive authorities in in the field of ensuring radiation safety of increased levels of radiation hazardous to the environment and human health, to take measures to eliminate foci of radiation pollution.

    2. Legal entities and individuals that do not ensure compliance with the rules for handling radioactive substances and nuclear materials, as well as radioactive waste, are liable in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    3. The import into the Russian Federation of radioactive waste and nuclear materials from foreign states for the purpose of their storage or disposal, as well as flooding, sending radioactive waste and nuclear materials for burial into outer space, shall be prohibited, except for the cases established by this Federal Law.

    4. Import into the Russian Federation from foreign countries of irradiated fuel assemblies of nuclear reactors for temporary technological storage and (or) their reprocessing is permitted if a state ecological expertise and other state expertise of the relevant project, provided for by the legislation of the Russian Federation, are justified, and a general risk reduction is justified radiation impact and an increase in the level of environmental safety as a result of the implementation of the relevant project.

    Irradiated fuel assemblies of nuclear reactors are imported into the Russian Federation on the basis of international treaties of the Russian Federation.

    The procedure for the import into the Russian Federation of irradiated fuel assemblies of nuclear reactors is established by the Government of the Russian Federation based on the basic principles of ensuring the non-proliferation of nuclear weapons, environmental protection and economic interests of the Russian Federation, taking into account the priority of the right to return the radioactive waste generated after reprocessing to the state of origin of nuclear materials or to provide their return.

    Article 49. Requirements in the field of environmental protection when using chemicals in agriculture and forestry

    1. Legal entities and individuals are obliged to comply with the rules for the production, storage, transportation and use of chemicals used in agriculture and forestry, requirements in the field of environmental protection, as well as take measures to prevent the negative impact of economic and other activities and eliminate harmful consequences to ensure the quality of the environment, the sustainable functioning of natural ecological systems and the preservation of natural landscapes in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    Article 50. Protection of the environment from negative biological impact

    1. It is prohibited to produce, breed and use plants, animals and other organisms that are not characteristic of natural ecological systems, as well as those created artificially, without the development of effective measures to prevent their uncontrolled reproduction, a positive conclusion of the state ecological expertise, permission of the federal executive authorities carrying out state administration in the field of environmental protection, other federal executive bodies in accordance with their competence and the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    2. During the placement, design, construction, reconstruction, commissioning, operation and decommissioning of hazardous production facilities, the use of technologies related to the negative impact of microorganisms on the environment, the requirements in the field of environmental protection, environmental standards, including including standards for maximum permissible concentrations of microorganisms, state standards and other regulatory documents in the field of environmental protection.

    3. Legal entities and individuals carrying out activities related to the possibility of negative impact of microorganisms on the environment are obliged to ensure environmentally friendly production, transportation, use, storage, placement and neutralization of microorganisms, to develop and implement measures to prevent accidents and disasters, prevent and eliminate the consequences of the negative impact of microorganisms on the environment.

    Article 51. Requirements in the field of environmental protection when handling production and consumption waste

    1. Waste from production and consumption, including radioactive waste, are subject to collection, use, disposal, transportation, storage and disposal, the conditions and methods of which must be safe for the environment and regulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    dumping of production and consumption waste, including radioactive waste, into surface and underground water bodies, into catchment areas, into the subsoil and onto the soil;

    placement of hazardous waste and radioactive waste in areas adjacent to urban and rural settlements, in forest parks, health resorts, health-improving, recreational areas, along animal migration routes, near spawning grounds and in other places where a threat to the environment may be created, natural ecological systems and human health;

    burial of hazardous waste and radioactive waste in the catchment areas of groundwater bodies used as sources of water supply, for balneological purposes, to extract valuable mineral resources;

    import of hazardous waste and radioactive waste into the Russian Federation for the purpose of their burial and neutralization.

    3. Relations in the field of industrial and consumer waste management, as well as hazardous waste and radioactive waste are regulated by the relevant legislation of the Russian Federation.

    Article 52. Requirements in the field of environmental protection when establishing protective and security zones

    1. In order to ensure the sustainable functioning of natural ecological systems, the protection of natural complexes, natural landscapes and specially protected natural areas from pollution and other negative impact of economic and other activities, protective and protective zones are established.

    2. In order to protect the living conditions of humans, the habitat of plants, animals and other organisms around industrial zones and objects of economic and other activities that have a negative impact on the environment, protective and security zones, including sanitary protection zones, are created in the neighborhoods , microdistricts of urban and rural settlements - territories, green zones, including forest park zones and other zones with a limited nature management regime.

    3. The procedure for the establishment and creation of protective and security zones is regulated by legislation.

    Article 53. Requirements in the field of environmental protection during privatization and nationalization of property

    During the privatization and nationalization of property, measures are taken to protect the environment and compensate for damage to the environment.

    Article 54. Protection of the ozone layer of the atmosphere

    The protection of the ozone layer of the atmosphere from environmentally hazardous changes is ensured by regulating the production and use of substances that deplete the ozone layer of the atmosphere, in accordance with international treaties of the Russian Federation, generally recognized principles and norms of international law, as well as the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    Article 55. Protection of the environment from negative physical impact

    1. Bodies of state power of the Russian Federation, bodies of state power of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, legal entities and individuals in the implementation of economic and other activities are obliged to take the necessary measures to prevent and eliminate the negative effects of noise, vibration, electric, electromagnetic, magnetic fields and other negative physical impact on the environment in urban and rural settlements, recreation areas, habitats of wild animals and birds, including their reproduction, on natural ecological systems and natural landscapes.

    2. When planning and building urban and rural settlements, designing, building, reconstructing and operating production facilities, creating and mastering new technology, manufacturing and operating vehicles, measures should be developed to ensure compliance with the standards of permissible physical effects.

    Article 56. Measures of influence for violation of environmental requirements

    In case of violation of the environmental requirements provided for by this Chapter, activities carried out in violation of these requirements may be limited, suspended or terminated in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    Chapter VIII. Environmental disaster zones, emergency zones

    Article 57. The procedure for establishing zones of ecological disaster, zones of emergency situations

    1. The procedure for declaring and establishing the regime of ecological disaster zones shall be established by the legislation on ecological disaster zones.

    2. Environmental protection in emergency zones is established by the federal law on the protection of the population and territories from natural and man-made emergencies, other federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation, laws and other regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    Chapter IX. Natural sites under special protection

    Article 58. Measures for the protection of natural objects

    1. Natural objects of special nature conservation, scientific, historical and cultural, aesthetic, recreational, health-improving and other valuable value are under special protection. For the protection of such natural objects, a special legal regime is established, including the creation of specially protected natural areas.

    2. The procedure for the creation and functioning of specially protected natural areas is regulated by the legislation on specially protected natural areas.

    3. State natural reserves, including state natural biosphere reserves, state nature reserves, natural monuments, national parks, dendrological parks, natural parks, botanical gardens and other specially protected areas, natural objects with special nature conservation, scientific, historical and cultural , aesthetic, recreational, health-improving and other valuable value, form a nature reserve fund.

    4. The seizure of lands of the natural reserve fund is prohibited, with the exception of cases stipulated by federal laws.

    5. Lands within the boundaries of the territories on which natural objects are located, which have special environmental, scientific, historical-cultural, aesthetic, recreational, health-improving and other valuable value and are under special protection, are not subject to privatization.

    Article 59. Legal regime for the protection of natural objects

    1. The legal regime for the protection of natural objects is established by legislation in the field of environmental protection, legislation on natural and cultural heritage, as well as other legislation.

    2. Prohibited are economic and other activities that have a negative impact on the environment and lead to the degradation and (or) destruction of natural objects that have special environmental, scientific, historical and cultural, aesthetic, recreational, health-improving and other valuable value and are under special protection ...

    Article 60. Protection of rare and endangered plants, animals and other organisms

    1. In order to protect and record rare and endangered plants, animals and other organisms, the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation and the Red Data Books of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are established. Plants, animals and other organisms belonging to the species listed in the red books are subject to removal from economic use everywhere. In order to preserve rare and endangered plants, animals and other organisms, their genetic fund is subject to conservation in low-temperature genetic banks, as well as in an artificially created habitat. Activities leading to a reduction in the number of these plants, animals and other organisms and deteriorating their habitat are prohibited.

    2. The procedure for the protection of rare and endangered plants, animals and other organisms, the procedure for maintaining the Red Data Book of the Russian Federation, the Red Data Books of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, as well as the procedure for preserving their genetic fund in low-temperature genetic banks and in an artificially created habitat is determined by legislation in the field of environmental protection.

    3. Import into the Russian Federation, export from the Russian Federation and transit transportation through the Russian Federation, as well as the turnover of rare and endangered plants, animals and other organisms, their especially valuable species, including plants, animals and other organisms that fall under the subject to international treaties of the Russian Federation, governed by the legislation of the Russian Federation, taking into account the generally recognized principles and norms of international law.

    Article 61. Protection of the green fund of urban and rural settlements

    1. The green fund of urban and rural settlements is a set of green areas, including areas covered with trees and shrubs and areas covered with herbaceous vegetation, within the boundaries of these settlements.

    2. Protection of the green fund of urban and rural settlements provides for a system of measures to ensure the preservation and development of the green fund and necessary to normalize the ecological situation and create a favorable environment.

    In the territories that are part of the green fund, economic and other activities that have a negative impact on the indicated territories and prevent them from performing their functions of ecological, sanitary and hygienic and recreational purposes are prohibited.

    3. State regulation in the field of protection of the green fund of urban and rural settlements is carried out in accordance with the legislation.

    Article 62. Protection of rare and endangered soils

    1. Rare and endangered soils are subject to state protection, and in order to record and protect them, the Red Book of Soils of the Russian Federation and Red Data Books of soils of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation are established, the procedure for maintaining which is determined by legislation on soil protection.

    2. The procedure for classifying soils as rare and endangered, as well as the procedure for establishing regimes for the use of land plots, the soils of which are classified as rare and endangered, are determined by legislation.

    Chapter X. State monitoring of the environment (state environmental monitoring)

    Article 63. Organization of state environmental monitoring (state environmental monitoring)

    1. State monitoring of the environment (state environmental monitoring) is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in order to monitor the state of the environment, including the state of the environment in areas where sources of anthropogenic impact and the impact of these sources on the environment are located. environment, as well as in order to meet the needs of the state, legal entities and individuals in reliable information necessary to prevent and (or) reduce the adverse consequences of changes in the state of the environment.

    2. The procedure for the organization and implementation of state environmental monitoring (state environmental monitoring) is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

    3. Information about the state of the environment, its changes, obtained during the implementation of state environmental monitoring (state environmental monitoring), is used by the state authorities of the Russian Federation, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local authorities to develop forecasts of socio-economic development and adoption relevant decisions, development of federal programs in the field of environmental development of the Russian Federation, target programs in the field of environmental protection of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and measures for environmental protection.

    The procedure for providing information on the state of the environment is regulated by law.

    Chapter XI. Control in the field of environmental protection (environmental control)

    Article 64. Objectives of control in the field of environmental protection (environmental control)

    1. Control in the field of environmental protection (environmental control) is carried out in order to ensure that the bodies of state power of the Russian Federation, bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local authorities, legal entities and individuals comply with legislation in the field of environmental protection, compliance with requirements, including number of standards and regulations in the field of environmental protection, as well as ensuring environmental safety.

    2. The Russian Federation carries out state, industrial, municipal and public control in the field of environmental protection.

    Article 65. State control in the field of environmental protection (state environmental control)

    1. State control in the field of environmental protection (state environmental control) is carried out by federal executive bodies and executive bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    State control in the field of environmental protection (state environmental control) is carried out in the manner established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

    2. The list of facilities subject to federal state environmental control in accordance with this Federal Law and other federal laws is determined by the Government of the Russian Federation.

    3. The list of officials of the federal executive body exercising federal state environmental control (federal state inspectors in the field of environmental protection) is established by the Government of the Russian Federation.

    4. The list of officials of the state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation exercising state environmental control (state inspectors in the field of environmental protection of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation) shall be established in accordance with the legislation of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.

    5. It is prohibited to combine the functions of state control in the field of environmental protection (state environmental control) and the functions of economic use of natural resources.

    Article 66. Rights, duties and responsibilities of state inspectors in the field of environmental protection

    1. State inspectors in the field of environmental protection in the performance of their job responsibilities within the limits of their powers, they have the right in the prescribed manner:

    to visit organizations, objects of economic and other activities, regardless of the form of ownership, including objects subject to state protection, defense facilities, civil defense facilities, to get acquainted with documents and other materials necessary for the implementation of state environmental control;

    check compliance with regulations, state standards and other regulatory documents in the field of environmental protection, work treatment facilities and other neutralizing devices, controls, as well as the implementation of plans and measures for environmental protection;

    check compliance with the requirements, norms and rules in the field of environmental protection during placement, construction, commissioning, operation and decommissioning of production and other facilities;

    check the fulfillment of the requirements specified in the conclusion of the state ecological expertise, and make proposals for its implementation;

    present requirements and issue instructions to legal entities and individuals to eliminate violations of legislation in the field of environmental protection and violations of environmental requirements identified during the implementation of state environmental control;

    suspend economic and other activities of legal entities and individuals in case of violation of the legislation in the field of environmental protection;

    to bring to administrative responsibility the persons who violated the legislation in the field of environmental protection;

    exercise other powers determined by legislation.

    2. State inspectors in the field of environmental protection are obliged:

    prevent, detect and suppress violation of legislation in the field of environmental protection;

    explain to violators of legislation in the field of environmental protection of their rights and obligations;

    comply with legal requirements.

    3. Decisions of state inspectors in the field of environmental protection can be appealed in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    4. State inspectors in the field of environmental protection are subject to state protection in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

    Article 67. Production control in the field of environmental protection (production environmental control)

    1. Production control in the field of environmental protection (production environmental control) is carried out in order to ensure the implementation in the process of economic and other activities of measures for environmental protection, rational use and restoration of natural resources, as well as in order to comply with requirements in the field of environmental protection, established by legislation in the field of environmental protection.

    2. The subjects of economic and other activities are obliged to provide information on the organization of industrial environmental control to the executive authorities and local self-government bodies exercising, respectively, state and municipal control in the manner prescribed by law.

    Article 68. Municipal control in the field of environmental protection (municipal environmental control) and public control in the field of environmental protection (public environmental control)

    1. Municipal control in the field of environmental protection (municipal environmental control) on the territory of the municipality is carried out by local government bodies or their authorized bodies.

    2. Municipal control in the field of environmental protection (municipal environmental control) on the territory of a municipality is carried out in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and in the manner established by regulatory legal acts of local governments.

    3. Public control in the field of environmental protection (public environmental control) is carried out in order to realize the right of everyone to a favorable environment and to prevent violations of legislation in the field of environmental protection.

    4. Public control in the field of environmental protection (public environmental control) is carried out by public and other non-profit associations in accordance with their charters, as well as by citizens in accordance with the law.

    5. The results of public control in the field of environmental protection (public environmental control) submitted to the state authorities of the Russian Federation, state authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies are subject to mandatory consideration in the manner prescribed by law.

    Article 69. State registration of objects that have a negative impact on the environment

    1. State registration of objects that have a negative impact on the environment is carried out for the purpose of state regulation of environmental activities, as well as current and forward planning measures to reduce the negative impact of economic and other activities on the environment.

    2. State registration of objects that have a negative impact on the environment, as well as the assessment of this impact on the environment is carried out in the manner prescribed by law.

    3. Objects that have a negative impact on the environment and data on their impact on the environment are subject to state statistical records.

    Chapter XII. Scientific research in the field of environmental protection

    Article 70. Scientific research in the field of environmental protection

    1. Scientific research in the field of environmental protection is carried out for the purpose of social, economic and environmentally balanced development of the Russian Federation, the creation of a scientific basis for environmental protection, the development of scientifically based measures to improve and restore the environment, ensure the sustainable functioning of natural ecological systems, rational use and reproduction of natural resources, ensuring environmental safety.

    2. Scientific research in the field of environmental protection is carried out in order to:

    development of concepts, scientific forecasts and plans for the conservation and restoration of the environment;

    assessing the consequences of the negative impact of economic and other activities on the environment;

    improving legislation in the field of environmental protection, creating regulations, state standards and other regulatory documents in the field of environmental protection;

    development and improvement of indicators for a comprehensive assessment of environmental impact, methods and methods of their determination;

    development and creation of the best technologies in the field of environmental protection and rational use of natural resources;

    development of programs for the rehabilitation of territories classified as zones of ecological disaster;

    development of measures for the preservation and development of the natural potential and recreational potential of the Russian Federation;

    other purposes in the field of environmental protection.

    3. Scientific research in the field of environmental protection is carried out by scientific organizations in accordance with the federal law on science and state scientific and technical policy.

    Chapter XIII. Fundamentals of the formation of ecological culture

    Article 71. Universality and complexity of environmental education

    In order to form an environmental culture and professional training of specialists in the field of environmental protection, a system of universal and comprehensive environmental education is established, including preschool and general education, secondary, professional and higher professional education, postgraduate professional education, professional retraining and advanced training of specialists, as well as the dissemination of environmental knowledge, including through the means mass media, museums, libraries, cultural institutions, environmental institutions, sports and tourism organizations.

    Article 72. Teaching the basics of environmental knowledge in educational institutions

    1. In preschool educational institutions, educational institutions and educational institutions of additional education, regardless of their profile and organizational and legal forms, the basics of environmental knowledge are taught.

    2. In accordance with the profile of educational institutions carrying out vocational training, retraining and advanced training of specialists, the teaching of educational disciplines on environmental protection, environmental safety and rational use of natural resources is provided.

    Article 73. Training of heads of organizations and specialists in the field of environmental protection and ecological safety

    1. Heads of organizations and specialists responsible for making decisions in the implementation of economic and other activities that have or may have a negative impact on the environment should be trained in the field of environmental protection and environmental safety.

    2. Training of heads of organizations and specialists in the field of environmental protection and environmental safety, responsible for decision-making in the implementation of economic and other activities that have or may have a negative impact on the environment, is carried out in accordance with the law.

    Article 74. Environmental education

    1. In order to form an ecological culture in society, foster respect for nature, rational use of natural resources, environmental education is carried out through the dissemination of environmental knowledge about environmental safety, information about the state of the environment and the use of natural resources.

    2. Environmental education, including informing the population about the legislation in the field of environmental protection and legislation in the field of environmental safety, is carried out by the government bodies of the Russian Federation, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local government bodies, public associations, the media, and also educational institutions, cultural institutions, museums, libraries, environmental institutions, sports and tourism organizations, and other legal entities.

    Chapter XIV. Responsibility for violation of legislation in the field of environmental protection and resolution of disputes in the field of environmental protection

    Article 75. Types of liability for violation of legislation in the field of environmental protection

    Property, disciplinary, administrative and criminal liability is established for violation of legislation in the field of environmental protection in accordance with the legislation.

    Article 76. Resolution of disputes in the field of environmental protection

    Disputes in the field of environmental protection are resolved in court in accordance with the law.

    Article 77. Obligation to fully compensate for environmental damage

    1. Legal entities and individuals who have caused harm to the environment as a result of its pollution, depletion, damage, destruction, irrational use of natural resources, degradation and destruction of natural ecological systems, natural complexes and natural landscapes and other violations of legislation in the field of environmental protection, are obliged reimburse it in full in accordance with the law.

    2. Damage to the environment caused by a business entity and other activities, including the project of which there is a positive conclusion of the state environmental expertise, including activities for the removal of components of the natural environment, is subject to compensation by the customer and (or) the business entity and other activities.

    3. Damage to the environment caused by a business entity and other activities shall be compensated in accordance with the established rates and methods for calculating the amount of damage to the environment, and in their absence, based on the actual costs of restoring the disturbed state of the environment, taking into account the losses incurred, including lost profits.

    Article 78. Procedure for compensation for environmental damage caused by violation of legislation in the field of environmental protection

    1. Compensation for harm to the environment caused by violation of legislation in the field of environmental protection is carried out voluntarily or by decision of a court or arbitration court.

    Determination of the amount of damage to the environment caused by violation of legislation in the field of environmental protection is carried out based on the actual costs of restoring the disturbed state of the environment, taking into account the losses incurred, including lost profits, as well as in accordance with the projects of reclamation and other restoration work, in their absence, in accordance with the rates and methods for calculating the amount of harm to the environment, approved by the executive authorities in charge of state management in the field of environmental protection.

    2. On the basis of a decision of a court or an arbitration court, environmental damage caused by violation of legislation in the field of environmental protection may be compensated by imposing on the defendant the obligation to restore the disturbed state of the environment at his expense in accordance with the project of restoration work.

    3. Claims for compensation for damage to the environment caused by violation of legislation in the field of environmental protection may be brought within twenty years.

    Article 79. Compensation for harm caused to health and property of citizens as a result of violation of legislation in the field of environmental protection

    1. The harm caused to the health and property of citizens by the negative impact of the environment as a result of economic and other activities of legal entities and individuals is subject to compensation in full.

    2. Determination of the volume and amount of compensation for harm caused to the health and property of citizens as a result of violation of legislation in the field of environmental protection is carried out in accordance with the legislation.

    Article 80. Requirements to restrict, suspend or terminate the activities of persons carried out in violation of legislation in the field of environmental protection

    Requests to restrict, suspend or terminate the activities of legal entities and individuals, carried out in violation of environmental protection legislation, are considered by a court or arbitration court.

    Chapter XV. International cooperation in the field of environmental protection

    Article 81. Principles of international cooperation in the field of environmental protection

    The Russian Federation carries out international cooperation in the field of environmental protection in accordance with generally recognized principles and norms of international law and international treaties of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection.

    Article 82. International treaties of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection

    1. International treaties of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection, which do not require the publication of domestic acts for the application, apply directly to relations arising in the implementation of activities in the field of environmental protection. In other cases, along with the international treaty of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection, the relevant regulatory legal act adopted to implement the provisions of the international treaty of the Russian Federation is applied.

    2. If an international treaty of the Russian Federation in the field of environmental protection establishes rules other than those provided for by this Federal Law, the rules of the international treaty shall apply.

    Chapter XVI. Final provisions

    Article 83. Entry into force of this Federal Law

    This Federal Law shall enter into force on the day of its official publication.

    Article 84. Bringing normative legal acts in accordance with this Federal Law

    1.From the date of entry into force of this Federal Law, the following shall be declared invalid:

    Law of the RSFSR of December 19, 1991 N2060-I "On environmental protection" (Bulletin of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation, 1992, N10, art. 457), with the exception of Article 84, which loses its force simultaneously with the introduction into effect of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation;

    Law of the Russian Federation of February 21, 1992 N2397-I "On Amendments to Article 20 of the Law of the RSFSR" On Environmental Protection "(Bulletin of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation, 1992, N10, Article 459);

    Article 4 of the Law of the Russian Federation of June 2, 1993 N5076-I "On Amendments and Additions to the Law of the RSFSR" On the Sanitary and Epidemiological Well-Being of the Population ", the Law of the Russian Federation" On Protection of Consumer Rights ", the Law of the Russian Federation" On Environmental Protection "(Bulletin of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation, 1993, N29, Article 1111);

    Federal Law of July 10, 2001 N93-FZ "On Amendments to Article 50 of the Law of the RSFSR" On Environmental Protection "(Collected Legislation of the Russian Federation, 2001, N29, Article 2948).

    2. Resolution of the Supreme Soviet of the RSFSR of December 19, 1991 N2061-I "On the procedure for the enactment of the Law of the RSFSR" On environmental protection "(Bulletin of the Congress of People's Deputies of the Russian Federation and the Supreme Soviet of the Russian Federation, 1992, N10, Article 458) loses force simultaneously with Article 84 of the Law of the RSFSR "On Environmental Protection".

    3. The President of the Russian Federation and the Government of the Russian Federation to bring their normative legal acts in line with this Federal Law.

    The president
    Russian Federation
    V. Putin