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  • Monuments and memorials to the heroes of the wwii. Design work “monuments of the great patriotic war. All donkeys go to heaven

    Monuments and memorials to the heroes of the wwii.  Design work “monuments of the great patriotic war.  All donkeys go to heaven

    In the Moscow region there are about three thousand monuments and monuments dedicated to the battles of the Great Patriotic War. Some are famous all over the world, about others, small, but personifying significant events, even the locals do not know. On the eve of the Victory Day celebrations, we have selected for you several places with an unusual history.

    "Feat 28"

    Olga Razgulyaeva / Moscow region today

    The memorial complex in Dubosekovo was created in May 1975, to the 30th anniversary of the Victory. On the memorial plate is carved: "Defending Moscow in the harsh November days of 1941, at this border, in a fierce battle with the Nazi invaders, 28 Panfilov heroes fought to death and defeated." Six ten-meter figures represent representatives of six nationalities who fought here.

    According to the official version, when the Germans launched an offensive against Moscow, 28 soldiers from the personnel of the 4th company of the 2nd battalion of the 1075th rifle regiment, led by political instructor Klochkov, defended the patrol near the village of Dubosekovo. During the four-hour battle, they destroyed 18 enemy tanks, while all were killed. Historians note a lot of inconsistencies in this story; many are sure that there were more fighters, and that not all of them were killed. However, to this day, the story of 28 Panfilov's men remains one of the most famous stories about the war.

    By the way, the famous phrase "Russia is great, but there is nowhere to retreat - Moscow is behind" is attributed to political instructor Klochkov.

    "Peremilovskaya height"

    Wilberus /

    This place within the boundaries of modern Yakhroma received its present name in 1941. The Germans had no doubt that they would easily take this line, because the famous 7th Panzer Division was on the offensive, capturing Paris on the move. Our soldiers had almost nothing to fight back with: the company, which held the defense on the western outskirts of Yakhroma, did not even have hand grenades in its arsenal. The Germans captured the city, crossed the channel to them. Moscow, entrenched themselves on its eastern bank and rushed to Peremilovo. On their way, the soldiers of the 3rd battalion of the 29th rifle brigade, led by Lieutenant Lermontov, stood up. A fierce battle broke out: german tanks accompanied by infantry on one side, and a handful of soldiers with two guns on the other.

    At this time, the commander of the First Shock Army, Lieutenant General Kuznetsov, was in Dmitrov. At his disposal were only a rifle brigade, one armored train, the Dmitrov construction battalion and a Katyusha battalion with one ammunition load. With this reserve and decided to go to the rescue. The first battle did not bring results, but on the morning of November 29, under cover of darkness, Soviet soldiers broke into the village. The enemy, having lost several dozen soldiers from the 14th Motorized Division and 20 tanks from the 7th Panzer Division, retreated in disarray to the western bank of the canal. There was no more chance of a swift attack on Moscow from the north.

    In 1966, in the year of the 25th anniversary of the Battle of Moscow, a bronze monument was erected at the Peremilovskaya height. And later, the poet Robert Rozhdestvensky, at the request of the Yakhromchan people, wrote a six-line, the lines of which are now carved on a granite pedestal:

    From this threshold
    In an avalanche of smoke, blood and adversity,
    Here in 41st the road began
    Into the victorious
    Forty-fifth year.

    Monument to Podolsk cadets

    It was erected in honor of the feat of the commanders and cadets of the military schools of Podolsk, who, together with the 43rd Army, defended the southwestern approaches to Moscow.

    In 1939-1940, artillery and infantry schools were created in Podolsk. Before the start of the war, more than three thousand cadets studied there. On October 5, 1941, almost two thousand cadets of the artillery and one and a half thousand cadets of the infantry school were alerted and sent to the defense of Maloyaroslavets. For several days they held back the offensive of the many times superior forces of the Germans. On October thirteenth, enemy tanks approached with red flags, but the deception was discovered, and the attack was repulsed. Soon, German troops captured the defensive lines in the Ilyinsky combat area, and almost all the cadets who held the defense there were killed. Only on October 25, those who remained were taken from the battlefield and sent on foot to complete their studies in Ivanovo. By that time, almost 2.5 thousand people had died.

    Tank T-34 in Kalinovo

    Tomcat /

    A memorial in the Serpukhov region was erected in memory of the tanker Dmitry Lavrinenko and his crew. After the battles near Mtsensk, the 4th tank brigade was transferred to Moscow, to the Volokolamsk direction. However, 105 kilometers from the capital, one tank was missing: Lavrinenko's crew, which had previously been left to guard the headquarters of the 50th Army, arrived only a day later. It turned out that, although the tankers were released to catch up with the brigade, they could not get to their own along the road clogged with vehicles.

    When the crew arrived in Serpukhov, a large reconnaissance detachment was already heading for the city - a battalion of Germans on motorcycles, three vehicles with cannons and one command vehicle. The city had only an extermination battalion in reserve, in which old people and teenagers served. And then one of the soldiers remembered - there are tankers in the city! The commandant assigned Lavrinenko the task of stopping the enemy.

    Having camouflaged the car at the edge of the forest in the area of ​​present-day Protvino, the tankers began to wait for the Germans. They were so sure of themselves that they did not even send out intelligence. Letting the lead vehicle go 150 meters, Lavrinenko shot the convoy point-blank. Two guns were immediately defeated, and the third German artillerymen tried to deploy, but Lavrinenko gave the command to go to the ram. The tank jumped out onto the road and, crashing into trucks with infantry, crushed the last gun. Serpukhov's commandant was handed over 13 assault rifles, six mortars, 10 motorcycles with sidecars and an anti-tank gun with full ammunition and several prisoners. The German headquarters bus Firsov allowed to be taken to the brigade. There were documents and maps that were immediately sent to Moscow.

    Monument to Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya on Minsk highway

    Installed near the village of Petrishchevo, where partisan detachment Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya was discovered by the Germans, and Zoya herself was tortured and killed. The girl's body hung in the middle of the village to intimidate the residents for more than a month (according to other sources, three days). They buried her in a nearby forest. In May 1942, Zoya's ashes were transferred with military honors from Petrishchevo to the Novodevichye cemetery in Moscow; by decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR, she was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union. Now her memorial museum is open in Petrishchevo.

    Anti-tank hedgehogs in Khimki

    Snezny Bars /

    Installed on December 6, 1966 at the 23rd kilometer of the Leningradskoe highway in honor of the 25th anniversary of the defeat of the fascist army near Khimki. To erect this memorial made of iron, stone and reinforced concrete, the swamp had to be drained and piles had to be driven in place. The composition is dedicated to four Moscow and one Ivanovo-Voznesensk divisions of the people's militia, which defended the capital in the autumn days of 1941.

    Monument to the Soldier-Liberator in Serpukhov

    Author's 2.5-meter model of the famous Vuchetich monument, installed in the German Treptower Park. The sculptor recalled how, after the Potsdam conference, he was summoned by Klement Voroshilov and offered to prepare a project for an ensemble dedicated to the victory. Someone suggested that the declaration was signed by Stalin, which means that he should be in the center, the sculptor decided. He made a project, but was dissatisfied with it. And then, as an experiment, he decided to create a second - a Russian soldier, carrying a German girl out of the fire in his arms. He breaks the swastika with his machine gun.

    They say that Stalin studied both models for a long time. “Listen, Vuchetich, are you tired of this ... with a mustache?” He said, pointing with a mouthpiece to the main project. And I chose the second one. He only advised to give the soldier something more eternal, symbolic than a machine gun. So the warrior-liberator had a sword.

    In 1964, a model of the sculpture was brought from Berlin to Serpukhov, where since 2008 it has been installed on Cathedral Hill at the mass grave. There are also reduced copies of the monument in Vereya near Moscow, in Sovetsk in the Kaliningrad region and in Tver.

    Vasily Terkin in gold

    DeerChum /

    The gilded monument to a soldier with an accordion in Orekhovo-Zuevo actually represents a very specific person. This is Vasily Terkin, with light hand Tvardovsky, who became the personification of a simple Russian guy in the Great Patriotic War. Tvardovsky began work on the poem and the image of the protagonist in 1939-1940, as a correspondent for the newspaper of the Leningrad military district "On guard of the Motherland" during the Finnish campaign. The name of the hero and his image were invented jointly by the editorial board of the newspaper. In particular, Samuil Marshak also helped. In 2015, the Russian Reporter magazine ranked the poem 28th in the Top 100 most popular poems in Russia.

    Hello dear.
    On the eve of the holiday, let's recall some of the famous monuments
    "Warrior-Liberator"- a monument in Berlin's Treptower Park.
    Sculptor E. V. Vuchetich, architect Ya. B. Belopolsky, artist A. V. Gorpenko, engineer S. S. Valerius.
    Opened May 8, 1949.
    Height - 12 meters. Weight - 70 tons.

    Motherland (Motherland)
    The author of the memorial is Evgeny Vuchetich;
    After Vuchetich's death, the project was headed by the Ukrainian sculptor Vasily Borodai;
    Sculptors: Frid Sagoyan, Vasily Vinaikin. Architects: Viktor Elizarov, Georgy Kisly, Nikolai Feschenko.
    Opened as part of the museum complex in 1981 on Victory Day.
    The height of the Motherland sculpture (from the pedestal to the tip of the sword) is 62 meters.
    The total height with a pedestal is 102 meters.
    In one hand, the statue holds a 16-meter sword weighing 9 tons, in the other - a shield measuring 13 × 8 meters with the emblem of the USSR (weighing 13 tons).
    The entire structure is all-welded and weighs 450 tons.
    The frame itself begins at a depth of 17.8 meters (from the entrance to the museum). A concrete well 34 meters in diameter goes to this depth.

    "Motherland is calling!"- Volgograd.
    The monument is the central part of the triptych, which also consists of the monuments "Rear to the Front" in Magnitogorsk and "Soldier-Liberator" in Berlin's Treptower Park. It is understood that the sword, forged on the banks of the Urals, was then raised by the Motherland in Stalingrad and lowered after the Victory in Berlin
    The sculptor is E.V. Vuchetich. Engineer N. V. Nikitin
    The sculpture is made of prestressed reinforced concrete - 5500 tons of concrete and 2400 tons of metal structures (without the base on which it stands).
    The total height of the monument is 85 meters (the sculpture itself) - 87 meters (the sculpture with a mounting plate). It is installed on a concrete foundation 16 meters deep. The height of the female figure without a sword is 52 meters. The mass of the monument is over 8 thousand tons.
    The statue stands on a 2 meter high slab that rests on the main foundation. This foundation is 16 meters high, but it is almost invisible - most of it is hidden underground.

    Monument "Rear - to the front"... Magnitogorsk. It is considered the first part of a triptych, which also includes the Motherland monuments on Mamaev Kurgan in Volgograd and "Soldier-Liberator" in Berlin's Treptower Park.
    The sculptor is Lev Nikolaevich Golovnitsky, the architect is Yakov Borisovich Belopolsky.
    Material - bronze, granite. Height - 15 meters.

    Monument to the heroic defenders of Leningrad on Victory Square in St. Petersburg
    Sculptor: M.K. Anikushin. Architects: V.A.Kamensky, S. B. Speransky
    Construction 1974-1975
    Height 48 m
    Material: bronze, granite

    "Motherland"- in St. Petersburg at the Piskarevskoye Memorial Cemetery.
    The authors of the ensemble are architects A. V. Vasiliev, E. A. Levinson, sculptors V. V. Isaeva and R. K. Taurit (Motherland and reliefs on the side walls), M. A. Vainman, B. Ye. Kaplyansky, A. L. Malakhin, M. M. Kharlamova (high reliefs on the central stele).

    "Alyosha"- a monument to the Soviet soldier-liberator, in the Bulgarian city of Plovdiv on the Bunardzhik hill (“The Hill of the Liberators”).
    Sculptors V. Radoslavov and others, architects N. Marangozov and others.
    Height 10 meters
    The prototype of the monument is a private company of the 3rd Ukrainian Front, Alexey Ivanovich Skurlatov, a former rifleman of the 10th separate ski battalion of the 922th rifle regiment, who was transferred to signalmen due to a severe injury. In 1944 he restored the Plovdiv - Sofia telephone line. In Plovdiv, Aleksey Ivanovich made friends with the telephone station worker Metodi Vitanov, a member of the Bulgarian Resistance. Metodi Vitanov gave a photo of Alexei to the sculptor Vasil Rodoslavov, and he created a monument based on this image

    Memorial - "Brest Fortress - Hero"
    The memorial "Brest Hero Fortress" was built according to the designs of the sculptor Alexander Pavlovich Kibalnikov.

    Sculpture "Unconquered Man" in Khatyn
    Architects: Y. Gradov, V. Zankovich, L. Levin. Sculptor S. Selikhanov. Grand opening memorial complex "Khatyn" took place on July 5, 1969.

    Broken ring.(Kokkarevo. Leningrad region)
    Architect V.G. Filippov. Sculptor K. M. Simun, Design Engineer I. A. Rybin;

    Have a nice time of the day.

    Seven decades ago, volleys of the Great Patriotic War died down, which claimed the lives of millions of people. The war brought death and ruin to our country, and the Nenets Okrug was not spared either. 9383 people went to the front during the war, 3046 people did not return from the battlefield.

    The feat of the people, who defeated a terrible enemy, all this time lives in the people's memory. It is immortalized by the monuments of the Great Patriotic War, communicating with the "formidable forties."

    Monuments and memorial plaques dedicated to the feat of the people in the Great Patriotic War have been erected in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug. The objects of military equipment were used in three commemorative signs.

    The earliest of them was installed in Naryan-Mar in 1946 in the area of ​​the Naryan-Mar seaport. This is the Yak-7 (b) aircraft, built during the war at the expense of shipyard workers. The monument has a complex and at the same time instructive history.

    81,740 rubles were collected in 1944 by workers and employees of the Naryan-Mar shipyard for the construction of a fighter plane. In June of the same year, the plane was handed over to the pilot of the White Sea military flotilla, Alexei Kondratyevich Tarasov. On the fuselage of the combat vehicle, the proud name "Naryan-Mar shipbuilder" flaunted. On this "hawk" Tarasov flew until the end of the war. On one of the combat missions, at the Vadsø base (Norway), the pilot shot down two Foker Wolffs.

    In 1946 the plane was returned to Naryan-Mar. The townspeople installed it as a monument. For ten years, he stood without proper care and was seriously injured: the rubber from the wheels became unusable, the fuselage lost its plywood, someone removed the plexiglass from the cockpit. On June 15, 1956, by the decision of the city executive committee, the plane ... was written off. By order of Soviet officials, it was dismantled and taken to a landfill. This act received a great response in the public circles of the city and the district, the war veterans were the first to defend the monument. Fortunately, the aircraft engine was saved. In 1957, at the initiative of the public, it was installed near the building of the district museum.

    On May 8, 2010, a prototype of the heroic Yak-7B aircraft was installed in the center of Naryan-Mar.

    Today it is the only monument in the district that clearly shows the material contribution of the inhabitants of the district to the common cause of Victory over the enemy.

    Memorial complex to the soldiers-fellow countrymen who died during the Great Patriotic War, in the village. Amderma opened in 1975. Its central element is an asymmetric stele expanding upward, the right corner of which is extended upward. In the center of the monument is the Order of the Patriotic War, below is the image of the Guards' ribbon and the numbers: "1941 - 1945". In the lower part there is a slab with a memorial plaque on which the names of the inhabitants of the village who died during the Great Patriotic War (9 people) are carved. To the right of the stele is a trapezoidal slab with the inscription: "Nobody is forgotten and nothing is forgotten!".

    The memorial complex is complemented by a cannon from the times of the war, which was used to protect the Yugorsky Shar Strait from German ships... She was brought from the shore of the strait, which is forty kilometers from the village.

    Monument, plane "Mig-15", installed in Amderma on the street. Lenin was presented to the village by the military, as the personification of the heroism of the pilots who defended the skies of the Arctic Circle during the war years. The plane emphasized great importance Amderma as an outpost of the Arctic borders of Russia. In 1993, after the withdrawal of the aviation regiment from the village, it was ... sold to Norway.

    This attitude to history caused deep outrage in Amderma. Together with like-minded people, a resident of the village P.M. Kharsanov convinced the leadership of the need to restore the monument. It was decided to transport and install in Amderma a similar aircraft from the Arkhangelsk region. On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Great Victory, on May 5, 1995, the MIG plane was installed on a pedestal, on which there was a sign with the inscription:"To the pilots of the Soviet armed forces who defeated fascism in 1941-1945, who ensured peace and the inviolability of the air borders of the North."

    Monuments of monumental art - obelisks and steles - are widespread on the territory of the Nenets Okrug. The first in the city of Naryan-Mar in 1965 was the Victory Obelisk. The author of the monument is civil engineer Oleg Ivanovich Tokmakov, the inscription on the obelisk and the Order of the Patriotic War were made by the artist of the city House of Culture Anatoly Ivanovich Yushko. By May 9, 2005, the order was replaced by a new one, made by the artist of the Naryanmar Palace of Culture Philip Ignatievich Kychin.

    The monument was built in the 60s with the active assistance of the initiative group of war veterans, led by P.A. Berezin, and the district military commissar A.M. Metatarsus.

    The obelisk is an asymmetric stele expanding upward, the right corner of which is extended upward. Above are carved numbers: " 1941-1945 ", In the center of the monument - the Order of the Patriotic War. At the base there is a memorial plate with the inscription: “ To warriors of fellow countrymen who fell in battles for their homeland in the Great Patriotic War, from the eternally grateful citizens of the Nenets Okrug". A metal box with lists of the inhabitants of the district who died during the war was laid under the slab.

    The design of the monument is complemented by the pillars of a decorative fence, connected by a large chain.

    In 1979, the monument was architecturally supplemented. Gas is supplied to the concrete pedestal in front of the obelisk and an eternal flame is lit. In 1985, a cast-iron lattice with a star was laid on the pedestal, ordered and brought from Zhdanov (Mariupol) by I.N. Prosvirnin.

    Another object with the use of a stele expanding upward is located in the village. Oksino. Monument to fellow countrymen who died during the Great Patriotic War.
    Installed on a stepped wooden base that serves as a stand for wreaths and flowers. The entire complex is preceded by a wooden pedestal equipped with walkways descending at an angle on three sides. Behind the monument is a fenced-in front garden. The monument is located near the building of the House of Culture.

    Opened May 9, 1969. The author of the monument is Yuri Nikolaevich Tufanov. The obelisk is a trapezoidal slab white, rounded in the wide upper part, on which is placed a smaller rectangular slab, covered on top with a sheet of iron painted with gray enamel. On it in two rows are inscribed the names of the inhabitants of the village of Oksino, the villages of Bedovoe, Golubkovka (69 people) who died during the war. Above the list is the Order of the Patriotic War, the dates " 1941- 1945 ", Below the inscription:" Soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War". Above, above the gray board, there is an image of a bowl of eternal fire on two legs, in the center of which is a red star and a flame escaping from it.

    The obelisk to fellow countrymen who died during the Great Patriotic War in the village of Andeg is located in a small park in the old part of the village. Opened May 9, 1980. Author and supervisor of works Leonid Pavlovich Dibikov, teacher of drawing and drawing. At the time of the installation of the monument, the building of the collective farm board was located next to it. Now it has been demolished.

    The monument consists of a wooden pedestal and an asymmetrical metal stele expanding upward, the left corner of which is extended upward. At the top of the stele is the image of the Order of the Patriotic War, below it is the list of the dead (30 people). To the left of the stele is a vertical concrete slab with the inscription: “ Eternal memory to our fellow countrymen who fell in battles for the Motherland". Behind the monument, at a distance of one meter, there is a concrete shield with the inscription: “ ».

    In the village The red obelisk to fellow countrymen who died during the Great Patriotic War was opened on May 9, 1977. Its authors are Boris Nikolaevich Syatishchev and Vladimir Savenkov.

    The monument is a multifaceted stele, fortified on a multi-stage pedestal. On the front side, in the upper part, there is an image of the Order of the Patriotic War, under which there is a metal sheet with the inscription: “ Eternal memory to the fallen»And the list of those killed during the war (182 people). In the central part of the pedestal there is a fiberboard insert with the inscription: “ Nobody is forgotten, nothing is forgotten". The obelisk is framed by pillars, remote from the monument, connected by iron chains.

    In 2005, the monument was surrounded by a wooden fence, the inscriptions on the stele were updated.

    In with. Velikotemochnoe two monuments dedicated to the contribution of the villagers to the Victory over the enemy. The monument to fellow countrymen who died during the Great Patriotic War is located on the site of the former priest's house. It was opened on May 9, 1970. The author and supervisor of the works is Vasily Petrovich Samoilov, a war veteran.

    The monument is a high tapering upward and slightly truncated stele, at the base of which is a concrete pedestal. A wooden torch is attached to the stele with metal brackets. At its base, slightly shifted to the right, there is a concrete board located at 1 m from the ground, on which the dates are: “ 1941-1945 ". On the obelisk, on a sheet of stainless steel, the names of those who did not come from the war were previously engraved.

    When the second monument to the victims was opened in Velikovischnoye, the memorial plaques were removed, changed and used in the design of the new monument. The monument is framed by a row of nine concrete pillars connected by iron chains.

    In with. Telvisk obelisk to fellow countrymen who died during the Great Patriotic War was opened in November 1974. Located in the center of the village. It is a brick plastered stele (height 3.5 m), painted with silver paint. On the front side - the image of the Order of the Patriotic War and the inscription is carved: “ Heroes - fellow countrymen who fell for the freedom and independence of their homeland».

    On the opposite side - the inscription: “ By the 30th anniversary of the Victory, the names of those to whom we owe our happiness and our freedom and peaceful dawns will forever remain in the hearts of people". On the side faces, in the upper part of the monument, it is inscribed: on the right - “ No one is forgotten", on the left - " Nothing is forgotten". Under them, on separate metal shields, are the names of those killed during the war (127 people). On the left side face below there is an additional metal shield with an ongoing list of the dead. The monument is preceded by a pedestal, to which is attached (welding) the image of the eternal flame. The monument is located in a small front garden. In 1995, the monument was repaired, the shields with the names of the victims were renewed.

    The monument to fellow countrymen who died during the Great Patriotic War in the village of Labozhskoye was opened on May 9, 1992. It is located in the center of the village. Author - Vasily Nikolaevich Kabanov in consultation with Alexander Kutyrin. Made by construction workers of the collective farm.

    The obelisk is a stepped brick base, towering on a pedestal with a concrete approach. The monument is faced with marble tiles. In the center is a rectangular memorial plaque with a bas-relief inscription: “ Who stood to death in the name of life". Along the edges there are two similar slabs, on which the names of the victims (58 people) are inscribed in black paint. Above the central part rises a smaller rectangular shield with embossed dates " 1941-1945 »Painted with red paint. The upper step is a prism in section, in the center of which there is a bas-relief five pointed star... The monument is completed with an iron pin, on which a concrete red star is fixed.

    Monument in the village. Khorey-Ver was established in 1967 by the inhabitants of the village on the initiative of the secretary of the Komsomol organization Lyudmila Alekseevna Kokina. She brought a drawing of the monument from the regional Komsomol conference (Arkhangelsk, July 1967). The initial draft was prepared by Markelov, I secretary of the Onega RK of the Komsomol. In 1978 it was decided to modify the object.

    Today the monument consists of three parts. The base of the central cone-shaped stele is a rectangular stepped prism in the lower part of which there is a memorial plaque with the names of those who died during the war (34 people). Above is a picture of a burning torch. The side steles are made in the form of triangular prisms, on which there is an image of a five-pointed star at the top, at the bottom of the date on the left: “1941 ", on the right: " 1945 ».

    A similar stylistic monument to fellow countrymen who died during the war in the village. Nelmin. Nose. It was opened in the center of the village in 1975. The authors of the monument: Ivan Vasilievich-Semyashkin, Andrei Nikolaevich Taleev, Grigory Afanasyevich Apitsyn.

    The obelisk consists of three parts. The base of the central stele is a rectangular prism, on the front side of which there is an inscription: “The fallen soldiers of the countrymen 1941 -1945". The upper part is in the form of a pyramid with the image in the center of the Order of the Patriotic War. The side steles are made in the form of triangular prisms, on which there is an image of a five-pointed star at the top, the names of the victims are inscribed at the bottom (54 people in total). A path leads to the monument. The monument is located in the front garden. Fenced with a green wooden fence. The flower beds are broken. Redecoration was carried out in 1997.

    Complex in terms of compositional solution, the memorial complex in the village. Kotkino was opened in 1985. The author is Semyon Ivanovich Kotkin, the builder and the customer in one person - the collective farm. XXII Congress of the CPSU.

    The central part of the complex is a quadrangular stele, the right corner of which is extended upwards and is decorated with a bas-relief image of a red star. In the center in the upper part there is an inscription: “We will not forget the forty-first. We are forty-fifth forever praising". In the lower part there is an image of eternal fire and vezha. On the right and on the left, at an angle to the central part, there are rectangular slabs on which are placed plaques with the names of the villagers who died during the war (28 people). On the left slab is the date: “1941 ", on the right: " 1945 ».

    In 1987, in the center of the village. Ust - Kara, next to the building of the village council there is a monument.

    It is a triangular stele tapering upwards, fixed on a stepped pedestal. The monument is wooden, plastered on top and painted with silver paint. On the front side there was previously the Order of the Patriotic War. After the repair, it was not possible to restore it, instead of the order they depicted a five-pointed star, under it the dates: “1941 - 1945 "And the inscription:" Warriors - Compatriots».

    Memorial complex to the soldiers-compatriots who died during the Great Patriotic War in the village. Nes, opened in 1987.

    The monument consists of two rectangular perpendicularly intersecting states. Made of wood, lined with metal. In the upper part of the structure, at the intersection of the slabs, there is an opening into which the bell is suspended (from the former Annunciation Church in the village of Nes). Below, on the front side, there is a crossbar connecting the plates, on it there is an inscription: “ 1941 -1945 ". There is a metal star (eternal flame) on the pedestal in front of the monument.
    The complex is surrounded by an iron fence. At the entrance to the square, on the sides, there are two admiralty anchors, the chain of which is stretched along the perimeter of the fence and is attached to the pillars.

    In 2005, the memorial was expanded. On the left and right in front of the obelisk there are four low rectangular steles expanding upward with a wave-like upper part, on which the names of fellow countrymen who died during the war (120 people) are inscribed.

    This is the second monument in the village dedicated to the events of the war. The first was installed in May 1975. It was a tetrahedral obelisk tapering upward, mounted on a rectangular pedestal. In the lower right part, perpendicular to the plane of the monument, a rectangular slab was mounted with an inscription on the right side: “ Grateful alive to the fallen for the Motherland". Above is a relief image of a five-pointed star. In 1987, it was decided to replace the monument with a memorial complex, which still exists today.

    There are monuments in the Nenets Okrug, the design of which is simple and at the same time original. One of these is located in the village. Karataika is an obelisk to those who fell during the Great Patriotic War. Its author is Nikolai Ilyich Khozyainov. The monument was opened on October 23, 1989.

    The obelisk is a stylized image of a block of irregular shape, in a niche of which the names of residents who died during the Great Patriotic War (31 people) are engraved. A star is inscribed in the lower left corner, on which the years are minted: "1941-1945". The composition is completed by three flagpoles, which are located in the left corner behind the obelisk. The frame of the monument is wooden, covered with metal.

    The tragedy that took place on August 17, 1942 at Fr. Matveyev in the Barents Sea, dedicated to the monument erected at the building of the seaport administration on Saprygina Street in the city of Naryan-Mar.
    On that day, the steamships Komsomolets and Nord, which belonged to the port, with barges P-3 and P-4 in tow, were returning from the village. Khabarovo in the port of Naryan-Mar, and in the area of ​​Matveyev Island were fired upon by a German submarine. Killed 328 people, including 11 crew members of the tugboat "Komsomolets".
    The monument to the crew of the Komsomolets tugboat was erected in November 1968. Designers - a group of port engineers led by P. Khmelnitsky.
    The monument is a pedestal in the form of a steamship cabin, on which the Admiralty anchor is installed. To the bottom of the pedestal is a stainless steel plate with an engraved inscription: “MMF Naryan-Mar sea trade port to the crew of the Komsomolets w / c who perished on August 17, 1942. Vereshchagin V.I., Emelyanov V.I., Vokuev V.A., Kiyko S.N., Kozhevina A.S., Kozlovsky A.S., Koryakin M.A., Kuznetsov V.M., Kulizhskaya T G., Mikheev P.K., Morozov I.M., Potashev I.M., Smirnov V.A., Sumarokov SL. "
    The pedestal is fenced with a steel chain suspended from concrete pillars.

    There are only four sculptural images dedicated to the events of the Great Patriotic War in the Nenets Okrug.

    The first monument of this type appeared in the village. Haruta. Installed in the front garden near the House of Culture in October 1977.

    Sculpture of a soldier with his head bowed. The warrior holds a helmet in his left hand. The monument is installed on a pedestal more than a meter high, into which memorial plaques with the names of the inhabitants of the village who died during the Great Patriotic War (91 people) are embedded.

    In the city of Naryan-Mar, in the city square, between the streets of them. Khatanzeisky and them. Saprygin in 1980, the "Monument to the Naryan-Mar port workers" was erected. The author is a member of the Union of Artists Alexander Vasilyevich Rybkin.

    The monument is a rounded pedestal, spirally raised in the upper part, on which a metal composition rises: a sailor dressed as a seaman of the civilian fleet raises a flag, next to a soldier with a machine gun in his hand. On the concrete pedestal there is a bas-relief inscription: "To the port workers of Naryan-Mar" date on the left: "1941", on the right: "1945"

    In 1987, additional work was carried out to decorate the monument. To the left and to the right of it, 12 concrete pedestals with slabs attached to them are installed in a semicircle, on the first to the left the inscription: "Nobody is forgotten - nothing is forgotten" on the next ones there are carved the names of the port workers who died during the war (118 people). Ordering and delivery from Nalchik Nikolai Ivanovich Korovin.

    A complex compositional monument with a sculptural image of a Red Army soldier is installed in the village. Velikotempochnoe near the House of Culture. It was opened on September 2, 1985. Made in the Arkhangelsk art and industrial workshops of the art fund of the RSFSR with the participation of the designer Faina Nikolaevna Zemzina.

    The monument is a complex of three parts. On the right, on a burgundy-colored prismatic concrete pedestal, there is a sculptural image of a soldier with a machine gun (iron, welding), next to it is a stele with an image on the big end of the Order of the Patriotic War and the dates "1941-1945" made of metal. The composition is completed by a tilted prismatic concrete post-cop, with two attached boards, on which the names of the victims are engraved (86 people). The boards were made at the plant in Lipetsk, transferred from the first Victory monument. Order and delivery of Ivan Semenovich Dityatev.

    In the district there are monuments decorated with bas-relief images of warriors. One of them - the obelisk "To the Heroes of Kanino-Timanya" was installed in 1969 in the village. Lower Pesha.

    The monument is a stele with a broken line of the upper edge, the left corner of which is extended upwards. It is installed on a stepped rectangular plinth. On the front side there is an image of the head of a soldier in a helmet, below the inscription: "To the heroes of Kanino-Timanya, who died in the battles for the Motherland." In 2002, to the left and right of the central stele, the monument was supplemented by rectangular slabs, on which memorial plaques with the names of those who died during the Great Patriotic War (129 people) were fixed.

    The bas-relief monument in the village of Oma was opened in September 1981. The author is the sculptor-artist Sergei Konstantinovich Oborin.

    The main part of the monument is a rectangular stele, which is encircled by sculptural bas-reliefs of soldiers of different types of troops. On the front side at the top of the monument is the Order of the Patriotic War. At the base there is a memorial plaque with the names of the villagers who died on the battlefields during the war (78 people). Above the date list: "1941 -1945".

    In the village Shoina obelisk to the fallen soldiers was opened in the center of the village in 1983. Its author is Klibyshev.
    The monument is a triangular prism mounted on a concrete pedestal. On the front side in the upper part there is an image of a soldier's head, just below the inscription: “To the soldiers of our fellow countrymen who died during the Great Patriotic War. 1941-1945 "... The names of the inhabitants of the village are carved on the side faces. Shoyna and der. Kiya who did not return from the war. Along the perimeter, the monument is surrounded by a chain, fixed on metal pillars.

    V settlements the district has two memorial plaques dedicated to the Great Patriotic War. One of them is located in the village. Khongurei, in the exposition of the village museum. Made of glass, black and gold paint. Author Alexander Alexandrovich Yurkov.
    The board is rectangular with gold stars in the corners, a gold frame in the form of two curly stripes and an inscription on a black background:
    « Eternal glory to the heroes who died in the battles for the freedom and independence of our Soviet Motherland in 1941-1945. ".
    Below are the names of the villagers who died during the Great Patriotic War (24 people). Below, in the center under the list, there is an eternal flame.
    In 2004, a monument appeared in the village.

    Memorial plaque to Alexei Kalinin. Located on the Peshskaya building high school... Alexey Kalinin, a native of the village. Lower Pesha, fought as part of the legendary crew of N.F. Gastello, who committed a ground ramming of a column of fascist military equipment on the Minsk-Molodechno highway in the area of ​​the village on June 26, 1941. Radoshkovichi (Republic of Belarus).

    The writing on the board reads: "In the village of Nizhnyaya Pesha, Aleksey Aleksandrovich Kalinin, a gunner, radio operator, who died heroically in an air battle on June 26, 1941, as part of the crew of the hero of the Soviet Union NF Gastello, was born, graduated from school.".

    V modern world when everything changes, one thing remains unchanged - this is a history that must be preserved. The greatest activity in the installation of monuments was manifested in our district in the 1980s. Then 9 obelisks appeared at once, reflecting the feat of the people during the Great Patriotic War.

    And in our time, this tradition continues to live. Proof of this is the appearance in 2003 of a monument to soldiers-fellow countrymen who died during the Great Patriotic War in the village. Indiga. The project was prepared by V.E. Glukhov with the participation of officers of the military unit.

    The central part of the complex is a stele with a pointed top. In the center, in the upper part, there is an image of a five-pointed star, below the inscription: "The Great Patriotic War 1941 -1945". At the bottom - the image of the eternal flame and the inscription: "Eternal memory to the heroes of the war." To the right and to the left, at an angle to the central part, are adjacent rectangular slabs, on which the names of the inhabitants of the village. Indiga and pos. Vyucheysky, who died during the war (133 people).

    Contribution of residents of the village. Vyucheysky, the participants in the war in the victory over the enemy were immortalized in the village itself. In 2004, a monument was erected there.
    It is a four-sided stele with a pointed top, on a concrete base. In the upper part there is an image of a star, below the inscription: "Nobody is forgotten - nothing is forgotten." In front of the obelisk there is a slab on which the inscription: "Eternal memory to those who fell for the Motherland", below are the names of the inhabitants of the village who died during the war (42 people).

    The tradition of installing memorial signs with the names of those who died during the war on the site of uninhabited villages and villages of the district was laid down in the 90s. A monument was erected in the village of Bedovoye in 1991. Authors A.I. Mamontov, M. Ya. Ruzhnikov.
    The base of the monument is made in the form of a log-house, from which two pillars go up with plywood fastened to them, on which the names of the villagers who died during the war (19 people) are carved. Top inscription: "Trouble", bottom: "1941 -1945".
    The year 2004 was marked by the appearance of commemorative signs on the site of the former village of Nikitsa and the village. Shapkino. Both of them were established by the forces of the communities of these settlements.

    Monument in the village. Shapkino is a rectangular wooden board mounted on two pillars. A plaque with the names of the inhabitants of the village - participants in the war (46 people) is fixed on the board. Above the inscription: "Shapkintsy - participants of the Second World War", after the list of names: "Eternal memory".

    The monument on the territory of the now defunct village of Nikitsy is a trapezoid-shaped obelisk, tapering upward, topped with a five-pointed star. In the central part of the obelisk there is a metal plaque on which the inscription: "1941 -1945" is followed by a list of the names of the inhabitants of the village of Nikitsa, who died during the war (21 people).

    On the eve of the celebration of the sixtieth anniversary of the Victory, three more monuments appeared on the district map - in the villages of Makarov and in the village of Kamenka, the monuments to "Compatriots who died during the war" and in the city of Naryan-Mar - to the Pilots of the Polar Region.

    The memorial sign in the village of Makarovo was made in the military memorial office of the city of Arkhangelsk at the expense of the North-West Fund for the Development of the Peoples of the North. The main work on the delivery and installation of the object of history was undertaken by the ROO "Shield".

    The monument is a four-sided stele on a concrete base. On the front side there is an inscription: "1941 - 1945" below: "Let's remember everyone by name, we will remember our grief. It is not necessary for the dead, it is needed for the living. "
    On the side and on the back, there are images of warriors - a tanker, a sailor, and an infantryman. Slightly above the image of the awards of the Great Patriotic War - respectively: medals for the capture of Berlin, the Order of the Patriotic War, the Order of Glory. This is the second monument in the village of Makarovo. The first was installed by the forces of the Komsomol in the 60s. The location of the object was poorly chosen, it was located in a flooded area, which led to its destruction.

    The obelisk "To the Pilots of the Polar Region" was made in the city of Arkhangelsk. The sketch was prepared by the head of the search group of the Russian Academy of Sciences ECO "Istoki", local historian - ecologist Sergei Vyacheslavovich Kozlov. It is made of "Mansurovsky" granite, the inscriptions are applied in gold paint. The monument is crowned with a flying seagull symbolizing polar (sea) aviation.
    Names are carved on the front of the stele dead pilots four aircraft that suffered accidents on the territory of the district during the war. And above them the Order of the Patriotic War. Under the list of the dead pilots the date of the war: "1941 -1945" and the laurel branch. Below, on the front side of the curbstone, there is an inscription: "Eternal memory to the pilots of the Arctic." On the back side of the stele, information about the death of three crews is carved. Drawings of crashed planes are applied to the right and left. There is an illumination around the obelisk.

    February 23, 2012 in the center of the city of Naryan-Mar, in memory of the residents of the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, who during the Great Patriotic War formed five reindeer transport echelons, with a total number of more than 600 people, and more than 7,000 heads of sled reindeer. Echelons of people and deer were formed in the Kanino-Timansky, Bolshezemelsky and Nizhne-Pechora districts of the Nenets National District, to their destination, the Rikasikha station of the Arkhangelsk Region, they walked several hundred kilometers on their own in winter and polar night conditions. In February 1942, at the Rikasikha station from these echelons as well as the echelons arriving from the Leshukonsky district of the Arkhangelsk region and the Komi Republic, the 1st reindeer ski brigade and the 2nd reindeer ski brigade were formed in the 295th reserve regiment, which were sent to Karelian front. On September 25, 1942, on the basis of these two units, the 31st separate reindeer-skiing brigade of the Karelian Front was formed.

    On November 20, a memorable date was set in the Nenets Autonomous Okrug - the Day of Remembrance of the participants of the reindeer transport battalions in the Great Patriotic War.

    Monuments on the territory of our district dedicated to the feat of the people in the Great Patriotic War are diverse. However, it is possible to highlight their main features characteristic of each object. Structural elements, attributes of monuments are often similar. For example, the technique of a combination of a stele and memorial plaque with the names of the dead, an image of a star or an order, an eternal flame or an image of an eternal flame, everywhere on the monuments there is an inscription: "1941-1945".
    On the days of the Victory Day celebrations, it is at these monuments that the residents of the district pay tribute to the fallen and to those who survived the difficult war years at the fronts, to those who forged Victory in the rear, to those to whom we are grateful for the opportunity of a peaceful life. has collected stories of destroyed and forgotten monuments of the Great Patriotic War: extinct "eternal" lights and monuments drowning in debris.

    Eternal "eternal" fire

    Photo: AiF / Ekaterina Grebenkova

    A guard of honor from schoolchildren every weekend and holidays comes to Svoboda Square in the center of Staraya Sarepta - Volgograd district. More than three thousand Soviet soldiers who died during the Great Patriotic War are buried here.

    An 18-meter-high obelisk was opened here in 1958. And about 14 years ago, the mechanism of the Eternal Flame was arranged, which does not work today.

    Photo: AiF / Nadezhda Kuzmina

    As explained in the administration of the Krasnoarmeisky district, the Eternal Flame is lit only at "protocol events" - only a few times a year. The reason is the lack of funding. On such days, and this is May 9, August 23 (the day of the beginning of the most destructive bombing of Stalingrad), February 2 (the defeat of the Nazi troops at Stalingrad), sponsors bring a bottle of liquefied gas to the memorial, which is connected to the "eternal flame". On ordinary days, the obelisk at the mass grave is decorated only with wreaths and fresh flowers.

    Zakamsk: "eternal" on schedule

    The symbol of the Great Victory in Zakamsk is shown only once a year for several hours. Memorial "Rear to Front" - one of the unspoken symbols of the city - is located in a cozy park, families with children often come here for a walk.

    Memorial "Rear - Front" - one of the unspoken symbols of Zakamsk. Photo: AiF / Dmitry Ovchinnikov

    There are drawings on half of the monuments, rubbish is scattered everywhere. The tiles are cracked in some places. In the extinct Eternal Flame, along with dirty foliage and candy wrappers, lies a plastic bottle.

    A plastic bottle is lying in the extinct Eternal Flame. Photo: AiF / Dmitry Ovchinnikov

    In the municipal budgetary institution"Improvement of the Kirovsky District" said that here the Eternal Flame burns only on Victory Day: from 9 am to 10 pm. On other days, the gas is turned off - they do not find money.

    Maintenance of the monument, including restoration, takes place annually according to the schedule. Photo: AiF / Dmitry Ovchinnikov

    The situation with the monument to the workers and employees of the shipyard who died during the Great Patriotic War is even worse than with the memorial "Rear to Front". The sculpture is owned by the factory, which is supposed to take care of the pedestal, installed in 1975.

    Monument to the workers and employees of the shipyard who died during the Great Patriotic War. Photo: AiF / Dmitry Ovchinnikov

    For 40 years, the monument has never been repaired. The green paint is peeling from all sides. The eternal flame, for which the frame is made in the form of a five-pointed star, has not been burning for a long time. There are candy wrappers, cigarette butts and even a gnawed bone nearby.

    The eternal flame, made in the shape of a five-pointed star, does not burn. Photo: AiF / Dmitry Ovchinnikov

    Before the holiday, they promise to bring the monument to its proper form: eliminate defects, tint. On Victory Day, according to tradition, residents of the city will come here. Flowers will be laid at the memorial. Fiery patriotic speeches will again sound from an impromptu stage, a field kitchen will unfold next to the monument. They promise to light the eternal flame. For this purpose, a gas cylinder will be specially brought. But after the holiday, the symbol of eternal memory will be extinguished again - until next year.

    Mila's tragedy

    Even sadder is the fate of the monument to the girl Mila, which was erected on the Soldier's Field in Volgograd in 1975. In January, a sculpture of a girl with a flower was destroyed by vandals. As established by the investigation, a local resident pushed the monument off the pedestal in order to remove the surface layer of metal from it and hand it over to the reception center.

    Photo: AiF / Nadezhda Kuzmina

    Mila's sculpture appeared on the Soldier's Field for a reason. Fierce battles were fought in the Gorodishchensky district. A small detachment of Soviet soldiers took up defenses here, having an order to stop the enemy offensive at any cost.

    Memorial Soldier's Field. Photo: press service of the government of the Volgograd region

    From here before the fight Major Soviet army Dmitry Petrakov wrote a letter to his daughter Mila, the lines of which are engraved on the granite triangle: “My black-eyed Mila! I am sending you a cornflower. Imagine: there is a battle, enemy shells are bursting around, there are craters around and a flower is growing here. And suddenly another explosion - the cornflower was torn off. I picked it up and put it in my tunic pocket. The flower was growing, reaching for the sun, but it was ripped off by a blast wave, and if I had not picked it up, it would have been trampled. This is how the fascists act in the occupied settlements, where they kill the guys. Mila! Papa Dima will fight the Nazis until his last breath, so that the Nazis will not treat you the same way as with this flower ... "

    Photo: AiF / Nadezhda Kuzmina

    Today, instead of cornflowers, weeds grow on the Soldier's field, the asphalt pavement has crumbled and cracked, the symbolic plowshares of the plows with which the field was plowed have rusted. And the mass grave, in which the urn with the ashes of the dead soldiers is buried, is overgrown with thick grass.

    The monument to the girl Mila was recently restored. But when the work on the maintenance of the Soldier's Field will be organized is still unknown.

    Death Log is buried in garbage

    Photo: AiF / Nadezhda Kuzmina

    The mass grave, in which the soldiers of the 95th rifle division are buried, together with their commander, is located right on the banks of the Volga. Fierce battles took place here, when the river literally burned, and its waters acquired a blood red color. Today it is not easy to find this obelisk. There are no signs, and not all residents of the Krasnooktyabrsky district know about the existence of the monument.

    Photo: AiF / Nadezhda Kuzmina

    It was here, in the Glubokaya Balka ravine, that the front line of the division's defense passed. The gully was shot by the Germans all the way to the Volga, the losses were enormous, for which the area got its name - "The Log of Death".

    Today the monument is surrounded by rubbish. Broken bricks, fragments, bottles, packages. Judging by the huge garbage bags, residents bring and dump garbage here on purpose, not wanting to bother with waste disposal.

    Chelyabinsk: a monument among the kiosks

    V Soviet time schoolchildren knew by heart the names of 23 Chelyabinsk motorists who became Heroes of the Soviet Union and full holders of the Order of Glory. In Chelyabinsk, two monuments were erected to soldiers-motorists. One of them is located on the territory of a liquidated military school, it is hidden from human eyes by a high fence and a strict checkpoint. The school was closed, the monument was “liquidated” along with it.

    The second monument to warriors-motorists has always been honored and respected. Here, in the courtyard of Bazhov Street, they took excursions and laid flowers. Today the monument is forgotten, abandoned, crumbling with old age. The place has long been chosen by the owners of retail outlets.

    Monument to soldiers-motorists in Chelyabinsk. Photo: AiF / Nadezhda Uvarova

    “I was still little. In the 80s, I ran here with her friends to play hide and seek, ”says Elena Kulumbeyeva, a resident of a neighboring house. - In the nineties, the monument miraculously disappeared. Look closely - and he was fenced off, as it were. To get there, you had to try. And everyone has forgotten how so? "

    A shopping center has sprung up behind the fence. The monument against its background was completely lost. To get to the monument, you need to walk three hundred meters from the road along the impassable mud at any time of the year. The situation is aggravated by construction waste: next to it is a trailer with workers, who now and then bring building materials right here, to the foot of the monument.

    Photo: AiF / Nadezhda Uvarova

    Near the monument are not wreaths and bouquets of fresh flowers, but an old broken chair and the same antediluvian table. Builders go here for a smoke break.

    Photo: AiF / Nadezhda Uvarova

    It seems that, apart from them, no one has been interested in the monument for a long time. The red star on the stele burned out long ago and almost merged with the gray concrete. The decoration of the monument crumbles and falls off in pieces. All that was left of the white marble fence were rickety pieces of square tiles. Rusty iron bars stick out around the monument. Once upon a time there was an inscription here: "Nobody is forgotten and nothing is forgotten."

    But the construction of multi-apartment, colorful, bright houses is underway nearby. A stream of buyers is drawn to the shopping complex, who do not even know what is wrong with back side, on a vacant lot, a monument rests just a few meters away.

    Photo: AiF / Nadezhda Uvarova

    St. Petersburg: the monument behind the hangar

    Last winter, in St. Petersburg, one of the members of the Zhivoi Gorod public movement discovered an abandoned monument to the heroes of the Great Patriotic War behind the hangars of the Lenta hypermarket. A cast-iron figure of a soldier, covered with snow, stood in an industrial zone, on the territory of the former plant of lifting transport equipment named after I. Kirov. Near the blue fence that encloses the industrial zone, there is a stele engraved with more than five hundred names of the deceased employees of the plant. The stele says “1941 - 1945. Nobody is forgotten and nothing is forgotten. Eternal glory to the heroes. Together with the Fatherland, you all won the Victory. We have kept you in our hearts ”.

    An abandoned monument to WWII veterans was found behind the hangars of a hypermarket. Photo: Movement "Living City"

    Contrary to the inscription, the memory of the heroes who gave their lives for Great Victory, have not saved. These photos were taken almost a year and a half ago - in the winter of 2013. During this time, the blue fence was changed to a concrete one with barbed wire. Now you can't go to the monument at all. To a question from an reporter, one of the workers in the industrial zone, passing by, replied: “I don’t know any monument. Go away, you can't take pictures here. " Most likely, the monument to the heroes of the war has already been dismantled.

    Now you can't get to the monument at all. Photo: AiF / Yana Khvatova