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  • How red cavalry fought against German tanks. Kushchevskaya Attack: Cavalry against German tanks & nbsp. Combat use of cavalry

    How red cavalry fought against German tanks. Kushchevskaya Attack: Cavalry against German tanks & nbsp. Combat use of cavalry

    Wemacht did not have time to start on September 1, 1939 to attack Poland, as a strange story began. Polish Ulan, that is, light cavalry, was resolutely configured against German tanks. Armed with spears, they attacked steel cars that they were from cardboard, and paid for their ignorance by death. Soon, German propaganda media wrote about the suicidal cavalry, Poles, which attacked with spears and screams. The international press picked up the episode and ran it. 20 years later, the Polish director of Angey Waida in his film "The Summer" created a kind of monument, devoting him to his heroic resistance of the Poles against the opponent's forces.

    The unequal battle between tanks and cavalrymen refers to one of the strongest and indelible narratives of the tank war, writes the German historian Markus Pelmann in his dissertation "Tanks and Mechanization of War". Failing all the big details, the story, after all, entered the history of the memories of war, in the textbooks on history and the memoirs of General Geinz Guderian, who probably participated in the creation of German tank weapons. There was not enough one step to scientific publications. Gitler's biographer Yoachim Fest wrote about "deadly Don Due". And Karl-Heinz Fritzer, one of the best experts on the tank war, mentions in his famous book "Legend Blitzkrieg" that Polish cavalry attacked German tanks with sabers.


    The troops of the Red Army raped even Russian women whom they freed from the camps

    THE TELEGRAPH UK 01/24/2002

    Wehrmacht resisted thanks to Stalin?

    Die Welt 01/13/2017

    Die Welt: What stopped the Wehrmacht near Moscow?

    Die Welt 07.12.2016

    When the Wehrmacht first turned reversed

    Die Welt 09/06/2016
    Although the tank was a "significant view of the weapon of the Ground War in the 20th century", the story for a long time went through this topic. Pelmann, Scientific Director of the Center for Military History and Social Sciences of the Bundeswehr in Potsdam, decided to change it. Pretty wide framework that encompasses both military and technical development and the symbolic meaning of this weapon. As an example of multilateral analysis, the author proposes to analyze the unequal duel of 1939.

    It is already impossible to define the place itself. After the newspaper "Wehrmacht" on September 13, 1939 wrote about the "almost grotesque attack" of the Polish cavalry regiment, the oil in the fire added another propaganda newspaper in 1940. So, the German leading tanks at the occurrence of the so-called corridor, that is, between Pomerania and Eastern Prussia, was attacked by Polish cavalurists. And not far from Broth next to the Lithuanian border, a similar operation was conducted. "Everyone knows that you have only one real tank, while the rest are duly," the quotation of the prisoner of war is given.

    After 1945, Guderian's "Memories of the Soldier" (1951) was actively quoted. The former general wrote about the Polish cavalry brigade Pomorsk, which on September 3 in Tukholsky Borakh because of the "ignorance of the structure and actions of our tanks attacked with the help of cold weapons and suffered deadly losses." After that, similar episodes in various versions were reflected in the memoirs of individual military compounds.

    In the documents of German divisions, which are stored in the federal archive in Freiburg, Pelmann goes to the trail of the "core of this story". So, apparently, this happened in the first days of the war, when the involved parts of German tank compounds or their infantry support were attacked by the Polish cavalry.

    But this happened in a completely different form, rather than was then actively described. So, in the military diary of the 4th tank division, it was said: "They saw the enemy, cavalry, which was very skillfully and agile with the use of natural obstacles (water obstacles and forests) behaved in the rear." The chronicle of the 10th tank division recorded the following: "During the battle in the forest, the Pole turned out to be an extremely skilled opponent. It should be noted that the fighting of the Kavaliy Brigade Pomorsk in Tukhol Borakh ".

    Indeed, in the first days of the war in Poland, there was probably a strange hybrid situation of fighting, Pelman writes. But it was not about irresponsible "deadly conquerness", but about a random coincidence. As a rule, Polish cavalrymen effectively acted against tankers, when, covered by field fortifications, battle with the help of anti-tank guns. "Only in the journalistic discourse about the cavalry began to write as an exciting story about the struggle of cavalryrs against tanks instead of philistine stories ...", - Summary Pelmann.

    It was this mythical story that became attractive at the expense of his duality. With the German perspective, an unequal battle was proof of ignoring the enemy and misleading ordinary soldiers due to irresponsible leadership. And from the Polish point of view, the duel is interpreted as a heroic feat.

    Insurance materials contain estimates of exclusively foreign media and do not reflect the position of the EOSMI's editorial office.

    On July 6, 1941, the formation of the 50th and 53rd cavalry divisions began in Stavropol and Kuban.

    The 50th Cavdivia was formed in the Armyavir Krasnodar Territory, Colonel Issa Alexandrovich Plive was appointed commander of Division.

    The Cavdivia 53th was formed in Stavropol, the commander was appointed Combrig Kondrat Semenovich Melnik

    Kuban Stanitsa - Durryokopskaya, Labinskaya, Kurgan, Sovetskaya, Voznesenskaya, Otradnaya, huge villages of collective farm Stavropol region - Troanovskoye, Mihaylovskoye, Ust-Dzhegutin, Novo-Mikhailovskoye, Troitskoe - sent the best sons to the cavalry divisions.

    Not only those who received mobilization agendas, not only soldiers, sergeants and stock officers, went to the cavalry. In these forever, the commanders, regiments and the district military commissars were submitted to the Soviet people, hundreds of applications from citizens from the citizens with volunteers in the ranks of Soviet cavalry. The Young Cutter-Stakhanovets of the Armavir Sewing Factory Nikolai Chebotarev wrote in his statement: "I ask you to enroll me in your regiment. I want to fulfill my duty to the birthplace, the debt of the Komsomolman and the citizen of our great Motherland. I will defend the Soviet land from fascist gangs until the last breath. " The participant of the First World and Civil Wars, the fifty-year-old Pavel Stepanovich Zhukov, who served in the Beloglinsky regiment of the first equestrian army, filed a statement to the district military commissioner: "I am ready to settle the combat horse. I decided to go volunteer, please send to the regiment. "

    A group of former red guardians and red partisans Stavropol turned with a statement about making them to the army and called on "all former red partisans and the Red Guards of Stavropol region to defend our socialist homeland, to help our valiant Red Army to destroy Hitler's hordes, which have encroached our sacred land."

    Slalev I.a Melnik I.S.

    Camps came to life in the village of Uruchsky and under the Stavropol. Under mighty oaks and age-old poplars, the Don and Kabardian horses were pulled out on the hiking convices, carefully grown on horse breeding farms. Dozens of Kuznetsov worked during the day and night, hiding and crossing the horse young. In the barracks and in tents, on the camp rules and in clubs, in the canteens and in warehouses were noisy and blurred by thousands of mothers of the Pestro dressed human mass. From sanitary flows and shower out - already in military uniforms - platoons and squadrons. People received weapons, gear, horses, took the oath to the loyalty of the Motherland, - became soldiers.

    Senior officers were sent from personnel cavalry parts, from academies and schools. The bulk of the younger officers, almost all political workers, as well as the entire sergeant and the ordinary composition came from stock. Yesterday's engineers and milling workers, teachers and gurtopravas, instructors of district schools and partnerships of collective farms, combiners and tractor drivers, agronomists and quality inspectors became commander of squadrons and platforms, politrocks, artilleryrs, machine gunners, cavalurists, snippers, savages, susceptors, driving.

    On July 13, the newly formed cavalry divisions received the order of the commander of the North Caucasus Military District: to boot and follow the existing army. There was no time for training and sickness of divisions, Motherland worried hard days.

    Empty camp. Streamed long columns of squadrons, artillery batteries, machine-gun tacanis. Alelie the tops of Kubanok, famously shifted crop. The wind, a raid, slightly stifled the ends of the colored bumps thrown behind the backs.

    Cavalry columns reached for railway stations. Echelons were sent one after another from Armavir and Stavropol, in a hurrying where the battles thundered.

    At the station, the old torop, lost in unbarrous forests between Rzhev and Great Luki, on July 18, the unloading of the 50th Cavalry Division under the command of Colonel Pliyev began.

    Commissioner of the 50th Cavdivia

    Ovchinnikov A.A.

    Echelons one after another stayed at the station. The soldiers were removed from the wagons of the stagnant horses, who announced the forest by a ringing, joyful rye, took the saddles, weapons, gear. Ranish guns and anti-tank guns, machine guns and carts closed with tarpaulo rolled off platforms. The small station of the old Toropa probably for all the time of its existence did not see such revival.

    The harsh nature of the Smolensk region seemed to bloom in bright colors. Among the navy bereans and fir trees, the scarlet tops of Kubanok and Bolsheki flashed under the tv birch. Squadron and batteries left, hiding in Pine Bor. And the Cossack song scared his century-old silence.

    In the evening, the last echelon arrived and unloaded, the whole division focused in the forest. Preparation for the campaign began. The connectors were sent to establish contact with the enemy and for communication with their troops. Staff officers checked the readiness of regiments and squadrons to battle.

    An early morning received an order about the speech. The 37th cavalry regiment was appointed to Avangard under the command of Colonel Vasily Headsky. The division commander warned about the likely meeting with enemy motor-mechanized parts, ordered anti-tank and anti-aircraft agents in full combat readiness. The officers noted the tactical frontiers and timing of their passage, a combat order in case of meeting with the major enemy forces.

    Sadlovka sounded. Shelves from their Bivakov quickly starred, long hiking columns stretched to the southwest.

    The cavalry walked with drechy forests, among peat swamps, past Lake Veloshi, surrounded by thickets of such a cant, that the rider was hiding in him. The Division's path lay down to crossing the river between the village of Zabedovo. Accustomed to the steppe spaces, the cavalrymen were somehow not in their own in these forest devils, staging for hundreds of kilometers.

    To the outcome of the next day, the division came out on the northern bank of the Mezh River and stopped at a large hat in the forest.

    According to the headquarters of the 29th Army, at the turn of the rope, the Ordina should have been the advanced parts of our rifle compounds. However, they have not found their troops alive forward their troops. Local residents said that in the Bolshams, walking out of the shovels on the old hurry and on white, the major enemy forces are moving.

    The division commander decided to organize deep intelligence and the fight to establish a grouping of the enemy on the southern bank of Misa. Captain Batluk and Senior Lieutenant Lyshchenko, who already showed themselves with energetic commander of squadron, were caused to the headquarters. Looking at the unfolded card, Colonel Slaily put them the task.

    Time to cross the river in the midway at night and imperceptibly get to the Trinity. In the afternoon to hide in the forest, watch the movement along the Bolshams on the white and on the old hurry and install, what are the forces from the enemy, where are there, are there tanks, how many of them? - Officers made a mark on their cards. Pliev looked at them, did not rush, calmly helped when they were not particularly quickly focused. - with the onset of darkness to surround the trinity stuffing with machine guns; Places of charge and approach to these places to explore in advance. An hour before the dawn, to make a short artillery raid on the village and attack rapidly, in Cossack, so that no Hitler man left. You must certainly capture prisoners, documents and immediately deliver to me!

    On the night of July 22, both squadron crossed the southern shore of Misa. The forest paths of the horsemen went to the Trinity and disappeared in a pine forest in a kilometer from the forest occupied by an enemy part. In the forest, small connectors were scattered; They were ordered to follow the movements of the enemy and capture prisoners without noise.

    The first to meet with the enemy of Senior Sergeant's intelligence officers Georgy Krivorowno, Komsomolets from the village of Voznesenskaya. The travel was released on one of the roads, stitched with a dense forest with a Bolshak to crossing. Kills hurried, left horses behind the trees, crawled to the road. In ten steps, from time to time, there were large gray trucks from time to time, a bit of soldiers, who shouted loudly, laughed, played on lip accordions, sang some songs. Scouts rose to fire an enemy from the ambush, but the senior sergeant categorically cut off:

    No noise, lobs, do not allow ...

    Krivorootko, firmly remembering the order of the captain to capture the "language", then-there is a living enemy, I thought about myself: "Jac as a hell of Hitler's Speati, Thai does not fit noise? .. tsa g no dudak!"

    But invented. I gathered several raw chumburov, tied them into a long and durable Arkan, attached one end of the arcana at an altitude of about a meter to the pine grew at the very expensive road, and the second end freely lowered the road across the road and seen a cheese. Himself hidden over the tree on the other side of the road and, grabbing a loop at the free end of Arkana, began to wait. Efreitor Zahar Fedorov and two soldiers received the order: "Yak Gukna, grab the hell of the torn language for the shares and teach, and not picing!"

    Passed from a quarter of an hour. Sitted on the tree Private Nikolai Savin crocked the cuckoo once - a conditional sign that one Hitler man goes. I heard a quick approaching motorcycle tension. Scouts attached, ready to jump. Krivorotko, straining muscles, rested with legs into the trunk of a tree.

    Because of the pines seemed a motorcyclist. The face covered with gray dust in tremendous glasses, an unusual eye rose mundiar with gray-greenish color. The motorcycle quickly approached ambush. Krivorotko jerk pulled a loop. Arkan rose in front of the breasts of the motorcyclist. The Nazis, not having time to slow down, flew away from the full turn to the elastic, like a string, belt, flew out of the saddle and stretched out on the road.

    Scouts fell on a stunned motorcyclist, twisted him with chumburas, prudently climbed the mouth of the mouth. It did not pass three minutes, as the Hitler's knitted and legs, they shouted the saddle across, jumped on the horses. Krivorotko commanded:


    Before the enemy soldier was able to come to himself, the riders raced him to the forest glade, where they stood saddled horses, sat and lay cavalrymen.

    The captured sent to the headquarters. There were read the order captured in his field bag, which contained a lot of valuable information about the enemy grouping on the southern bank of the Mezh River.

    Twilight shook quickly. The impenetrable darkness was covered by the forest, noise of motors had no longer hesitated from Bolshakov.

    In the explored trails moved to their locations. Neither sound, no rusty! .. needles, a thick layer covered the earth and the road, grind and careful arrogant to horses, and a lightweight machine-gun tacanis.

    Exactly at three o'clock, Captain Batluk raised the signal pistol. A red rocket was torn high in the sky, slowly thoring, extinct over silent village, refreshing his unclear outlines.

    Immediately with the edge of the forest opened fire guns. After a few seconds, it flared up in Troitsky. Several crimp red breaks. The guns beat continuously. Echo Gulko rolled out on the awakened forest.

    Panic began in the village. Shink motors. Flooded lights of automotive headlights flashed.

    The artillery shelling stopped as suddenly, as he began. On the outskirts of the village ringed a rifle shootout. But here, all the drowning, from three sides there was some kind of terrible in the dark of this July night, increasing with every second "Hurray!" I heard quickly approaching horse-trip ...

    Coacken! .. Kozakena! .. - The fascists shouted with horror.

    The streets were riders along the street. Dull blended blades. The night scratch began. Screams, wounded groans, shots, automatic turns, rusty horses and over all of this - an extensive for a moment the lengthy "URA-A-A!"

    From the roads leaving Troitsky, there was a shooting, the machine guns were rhythmically set up - the obstacles were shot by the runaway Nazis.

    Soon all the subsided. In the east quickly lightly. Beeper than a quiet morning rose over the forest expanses. The hurrying connants were pulled out of the cellars and basements, from the attic and from the sheds of the semi-bottomed nicknames. Occasionally flashed a short shootout: Someone did not want to give up ...

    The 8th company of the 58th Infantry Shelf, which was standing in Trinity, was almost completely destroyed. On the street and in the courtyards there were more hundreds of enemy corpses, many of them were lying around around the arrangement. The German lieutenant and seventeen soldiers of Ponuro Bard on the road surrounded by the cavalrymen. A dozen three cars were captured, which willingly disassemble soldiers. Eight hand machine guns, six mortars, bags with cards and documents, filmed from the prisoners, made trophies of the intelligence detachment.

    The squadrons crossed the river between the river and reached out the forest to the location of the Division. Walked fun; Soldiers excited by successful nightties were listed with impressions.

    The 53rd Cavalry Division crossed the river between the River Dark Night, east of the village of Kolydidovo. The head squad of the 50th cavalry regiment came out of the forest at dawn. Ahead, on both sides of the road, lay a small village.

    Because of the trees floated the edge of a slowly rising sun. His rays lit up the tops of the pines, slid in the meadow, thousands of sparkling diamons lit dew on the grass, the distant roofs of houses were gilded.

    Graying the morning silence, shots fell from the glands, the machine-gun queues were shuffled. The head hiking wrappers hurried, got involved in a shootout. Senior Lieutenant Kurbangulov launched a squadron to support the posture. The machine guns removed from the drums, hit the gun.

    Round the regiment commander. By ordering the squadron to step along the road, and the battery support him with fire, he himself led the main forces bypass on the right. Hiding behind the trees, three squadron came to almost the Okolitsa.

    Leaving forward, Colonel Semen Timochkin saw an enemy artillery battery. The tools stood in a half-meter, still covered by the hay stacks, and the fire along the clutched chains of the fourth squadron. It was a rare case in the modern war: the artillerymen were fascinated by the shooting and not noticed the Connection, who left almost the flank battery.

    Instantly decided to: "Attack in horseback!" Colonel ordered Major Sergey Aristov to deploy a regiment for an attack, and a machine-gun squadron to support the attack by fire from the Tacanok because of the flank. The squadron was quickly built on the edge, the Tachacanians left the left gallop, deploying toward the village. The pans jumped from the saddle, picked up the root horses under the boil.

    On the edge of the forest became quietly quiet. Greedy, restless eyes were peering ahead, trying to consider an uncommon more enemy. Hands nervously crossed belts reins.

    Squadors commanders did not reduce eye from the colonel. He sat fixedly on his raven horse, looked into binoculars. Suddenly, quickly releaseing binoculars from the hands, he grabbed the curved Caucasian blade from the sheath and raised him above his head. Commands were heard from everyday:

    Checkers, to battle! .. In the attack, march-ma-a-art! ..

    Earned machine guns. Riders rushed to the battery. From under the hooves flew black wades, the distance to the guns was quickly reduced. Something shouted the German officer, Tyach Parabelloum right in the face of artilleryrs. With a standby "URA-A-A!" Robbled on the battery, chopped the Nazis, shot, hung hors. Part of the artilleryrs rushed to run. Others stood still with raised hands. Leaving several soldiers from captured tools, the regiment commander led the squadron further to the village.

    There immediately stopped shooting. On the road, by roads, enemy infantry fled along the forest, often stopping and shooting. About the village of Squadron got under the fire, began to carry. Near the sidelines, among the haystacks, there were four kinds with the brand "Reinmetall. 1940. Near the guns were folded mountains of shells in wicker baskets, piles of shooting sleeves were dodged, the corpses were lying around. They stood gloomily, surrounded by connants, sixteen prisoners of artilleryrs.

    The main forces tightened to the village. After reading the situation, the commander of the division commander Combrig Melnik ordered the avant-garde to step along Bolshak. The stacked 44th and 74th cavalry shelves turned to the right and left, hiding in the forest. They were tasked to bypass the village and destroy the opponent defended there.

    Major Radzievsky interrogated the prisoners. He was answered by a university officer with an iron cross on board the uniform. With the appearance of Melnik, the Nazis fell respectfully.

    Something interesting, Alexey Ivanovich? - asked Melnik Radzievsky.

    Nothing new, Comrade Combrig, - Head of Staff smiled. "Only a Unter-Officer swaps that he is an old ideological opponent Hitler, sympathizes to the Communists.

    Head of Staff translated. The Nazis threw her palm to the visor and filed the team. Artillerymen jumped to the guns, quickly unfolded the Gaubi. A university officer got up a little away, again something shouted. Unter in his hands, from somewhere, binoculars appeared, he looked towards Zaboedov, turned the insertion to the tools:

    Hit the volley. The gun trunks rolled back and then smoothly became places. Fast, mechanical movements, the Nazis reloaded the guns. Our soldiers with a sense of deep contempt looked at these soulless machines.

    On the outskirts of the village, where the enemy infantry was energetically shot from the occurrence of cavalrymen, four black pillar pulled out. The overs-officer broke away from the binoculars, looked incomingly on the division commander, spoke with a satisfied voice: "SE-Er Gut ..." filed a new team, and when the numbers changed the settings, shouted again: "Fayer! .."

    Gubitsa re-roaring, shells flew from RhinemaTallovsky guns. Four pomegranates broke themselves among the Hitler's infantrymen.

    Fire! .. Fayer! ..

    Gubitsa Raudkali again and again ... Unter has positively liked the role of the battery commander, which he could not think about it. Whom to shoot - it is obviously not disturbed; He was in a professional proud only with the accuracy of his fire.

    The chains of the avant-garde shelf approached almost close to the Zabedovo. The enemy fire is noticeably weakened; Obviously, German shells did their job. On the left and on the left of the forest escaped the root. Wind Denies "Hurray!" Melnik, taking off from binoculars, threw: "Genug!" Gubitsa Smallkley. Nazis, before that, lively worked animated, somehow immediately sinny, sweat. Cavalrymen began to talk to talk:

    According to her beat - and even if ...

    It's great to fuck their Hitler! ..

    In this battle was defeated by the battalion of the 18th German infantry regiment. The prisoners said that the 6th Infantry Division received a task to occur bypassing our parts defending at the turn of the river scarce, and that the appearance of the cavalry was a complete surprise for them.

    The 50th Cavalry Division approached the River Mezo near the village of Ordin, where the scouts found a brother.

    At this time, the traveling of the senior sergeant Korzun made his way in the direction of Troitsky. Scouts drove the Guskom, somewhat away from the road, hiding behind the trees.

    Korzun - an elderly, dense man with dense mustache and the Order of the Red Banner on the Gymnaster - did not descend the eye with a gently moving ahead of the head watch. The ward led his countryman, friend and union-sex in the civil war, Efreitor Yakovchuk. So Yakovchuk pulled the reins, stopped the sentirers, quickly raised the rifle over his head - a conditional sign that he noticed the enemy. Fractional crash of motorcycles was heard.

    The reason to the right! .. - Korzun said hoarsely.

    Scouts disappeared behind the pines.

    To walking battle, all get out! - continued to command Korzun. - Statsyuk, Kochura, Trofimhenko - stay by cowards! The rest, after me, - and ran to the road, in the move, the shutter. All six fell in the roadside ditch. The head watch was no longer visible.

    Motor cracks rang out very nearby. On the side, as if came from somewhere, there were five motorcyclists. On the chest they hung machine guns. Shooted shots. Scouts, shooting on the run, rushed to the road. None of the Hitlero failed to escape: Three were lying out motionlessly beyond the caring machines, two took live. They fiercely dismissed the dozen connants on them, and - already disarmed - they continued to shout something, angry with their eyes. One on the waist belt danced two mothers, tied behind the paws, heads of the book.

    Korzun approached the captive closely, having looked at them harshly, stretching the blade half of the scabbard, impartually threw:

    Well - Sha, Crooked! ..

    The Nazis quietly quietly.

    The avant-garde 47th cavalry regiment from the course forced the river and continued march.

    Cavalry columns with frisky allyur moved along the forest road. A platoon under the command of Lieutenant Tkachenko was walking in the head hike. No wonder and five kilometers from the crossing, as the doses were reported, which seemed an opponent.

    Tkachenko ordered the assistant to take a platoon, and he himself gave the spurs with a horse and galloped jumped out to the height of a young frannist who stood aside. In Polkilometer ahead, along the edge of the forest, dusting the infantry column, about the company. The lieutenant looked ahead and on the flanks of the column, but did not notice any hiking outpost, nor sent, nor observers. The Nazis walked with smooth rows, slowly, with rolled sleeves and widely unbuttoned collars of uniforms.

    Here, bastards, how to go to the picnic! - Tkachenko said out loud. Turning in the saddle, shouted: - Osipchuk!

    A young soldier drove up to the platoon commander. Tkachenko ordered:

    Gallop to the older lieutenant! Follows that the opponent goes on the road. I get the right to turn the right, go around the forest and shelling the Nazis from the flank.

    Osipchuk descended from the altitude, pulled out the stubborn, immediately put into the quarry. Dust was placed from under the hooves. The whale disappeared behind the trees. Passing the Forest of the meter of the one and a half, Tkachenko filed the team:

    To walking together, tear-ah! ..

    Cans jumped from the saddle, hastily passing the reins to the cowodies, filmed due to the spin of the rifle. The lieutenant scratched the soldiers into the chain, running to the edge of the forest, again ordered:

    Lit! .. Fire open only on my team ...

    Due to the turn of the road, dust rose, through it was blocked by the rises of the enemy's infantry column. Tkachenko jumped, shouted with a broken voice:

    Oh-oh! .. Bay them, reptiles! ..

    The forest came to life. The rifles have shuffled, the machine guns were blocked ...

    The commander of the head squad Senior Lieutenant Ivankin, having received the conveying of Tkachenko, led the squadron to the right and deployed it on the edge of the forest. The sown squadron of the senior lieutenant of Vikhov obscured to the left and continued to move along the road, disguised with a thick undergrowth. As soon as the shooting was heard ahead, both squadron switched to the field gallop. After a few minutes, the horsemen jumped out the open field of meters in three hundred from the enemy column.

    Vikhov launched a horse in a quarry; Cavalrymen rushed behind him. Riders of the first squadron jumped from the forest to the right. Far in front of them, next to Ivankin, Ryrichuki Politruk rope, noticeable by his snow-white mare. Squadron from two sides rushed to the enemy.

    The horse attack was so rapid that the enemy company, who had already lost a dozen of two soldiers from the fire attack of the hiking outpost, was immediately crumpled, churtulously, stupid. The cavalrymen rushed further, but a new opponent column came out of the forest. Hitlermen jammed in the chain run, then fired and opened fire. Squadors hurried. Konovoda gallop was sacred in the forest. Began a shootout. Reinforcements approached the enemy. Colonel Evgeny Arsenthev unfolded another squadron, sending him to the support of two heads. The regimental battery took a firing position behind a height, frequent fire pressed to the ground rising on the attack of the Nazis. The commander of the division ordered Colonel Vasily Head to deploy his regiment to the right of avant-garde. A fierce fight has faced.

    From the forest, overtaking the infantry, dark gray cars broke out. On the towers were clearly visible black, circled with wide white stripes crosses.

    Lieutenant Amosov Completed:

    On the hands, roll out the guns to the edge!

    The calculations were frozen among the guns, the gunners soldered to the eyepieces, the subtle trunks of forty-diphythmiellimeters stared at the approaching tanks. And before tanks no longer three hundred meters ... two hundred fifty ... two hundred ...

    By fascist tanks - battery, fire! .. - the long-awaited team rang out. Shots thundered almost simultaneously. The tools were instantly recharged.

    Battery, Fire! .. Fire! .. Fire! ..

    Lit ... Light! .. - Joyful voices heard.

    The harsh, the pale faces of artillerymen lit up a smile. The tank, broken forward, turned sharply to the right, stopped, tilted on the side. From under the tower, quickly husty, poured smoke.

    The gunner of the second gun Sergeant Dulin rushed down. The anti-tank gun knocked quietly. Stopped as the inserted one more tank; From the torn holes in the frontal part was wrapped the flame language. The rest of the cars turned around and rushed back, under the cover of the forest. Enemy infantry faced. Sleper blades were blocked, a black bunch of land grown over the heads of the soldiers - the Nazis guttered.

    Against batteries again rubbed. At the beginning of the war, the cavalry officers did not like themselves: in peacetime, the cavalry was done by this, and now it was necessary to trust the shovel! The shelling lasted twenty minutes, then the tanks appeared from the forest again. Shot lights sparkled from the towers, red threads tracing bullets stretched. Tanks crawled to the escard circuit bled into the Earth.

    Politruk Biryukov, slightly raised, shouted:

    Who is not afraid of the fascists, for me! - And crawl forward in Plastanski, pressed against the ground. Behind him - with bundles of grenades, with bottles with an incendiary liquid - soldiers crawled. The first to the tanks came to the biryukov. Something flashed in the air, an explosion rang out, a flame was swollen from the caterpiluses. Tank, enveloped by a sly smoke, measured in the top ten steps from the straightening political officer ...

    The division commander reported that a group of car gunners by the forest bypasses our flanks, obviously, seeking to go to the crossing.

    Began to thicken twilight. There was a strong shooting, the rocket cut the darkness. All this was new even for people who were already fired during the world and civil wars. The enemy seemed strong, skillful, well maneuvering.

    Communication officer arrived and reported that the Melnik's Combrigs decided to take his shelves behind the river with the onset of darkness. The same decision was forced to take the colonel slicers: an enemy infantry regiment with artillery and a tenth of tanks was discovered before his rushing parts, the ammunition ended, and the connectors were conveyed that new opponent columns from the south-west to the river.

    As soon as it was very dark, starred from the position of artillery and began to move to the broth; Hasive shelves stretched behind it. With the crossing of the cavalrymen disassembled horses, built, sat down, squadron surprised by the squadron.

    The enemy noticed the departure and again moved to the offensive. Gubic batteries continuously beat in the forest surrounded by Brod.

    Artillery and machine-gun squadron of the Arjergard Regiment have already crossed the river between the river and occupied firing positions. Departed to the River Konovoda. On the southern shore there was a head colonel with two squadrons. They were slowly rounded to cross. The Nazis walked behind them, but did not go into the attack. The shore itself had to go. The commander of the regiment ordered to let the opponent closer.

    Enemy batteries continued to shoot, but shells rushed far behind the river. Behind the back of the cavalrymen softly splashed a leisurely meal. From the river carried the cool, the smell of the swamp.

    And from the darkness seemed thick, moving chains of enemy infantry. The soldiers went to the whole height, having a night with automatic queues.

    The team rang out:

    Oh-o-one! ..

    Coast stuck out flashes of shots. Screams "High!" Changed wounded moans. Duck drippers, rocket went out: Nazis lay down. Stopped fire and artillery.

    In a completely broken broth, the squadron crossed the river and joined the shelf. When reflecting this attack, the colonel was seriously injured.

    The 50th Cavalry Division gathered, the northern shore of Mezhie moved in the direction of Lake Bell and got up here at the day. At the same time, the 53rd Cavalry Division focused in the area of \u200b\u200bLake Ploval.

    At the end of July, the Soviet troops began to apply the Soviet troops in the south-east of Smolensk for the troops of the German-fascist group of the Center for the Center. Boots were applied: from the area of \u200b\u200bthe White in the direction of the Promotchaist, Smolensk; Yartsevo is also on the defender and from the district of Roslavl in the direction of the factory, Smolensk. Below on the Dnieper, the Soviet troops knocked the Nazis from Rogachev and Zhlobin. The enemy troops underlined serious losses, by the beginning of August, were transferred to the defense at the front of the Great Luki, Lomonosovo, River Gamba, Yelni, Roslavl, River Sola, New Bykhov, Rogachev, Glovsky, Petrikov.

    The troops of the Western Front led stubborn battles. The bid of the Supreme Commands decided to allocate large cavalry connections for action in the enemy rear.

    Marshal of the Soviet Union S. K. Tymoshenko united the 50s concentrated on the right wing of the Western Front of the 50th and 53rd Cavalry Divisions and put the task before them - to strike the enemy's reasons, to sow the enemy units operating in the Yartsevo region, and not give German The fascist command of the opportunity to strengthen its Yelninsk group, which was preparing for our counterpart.

    Dovator L.M.

    The commander of the Cavalry Group was appointed Colonel Lev Mikhailovich Dovator, Military Commissioner - Regional Commissioner Fyodor Fedorovich Tulikov.

    Immediately, by appointment, the Dovator headed in the division, which was on vacation in the forests around Lakes Benente and Pilot. He visited every shelf, a squadron, in the battery, and did not just visited, but deeply - as a good, indigrant owner - got acquainted with all the parties to the life of his new, large "farm".

    Low growth, chunky, tightly folded, dressed in a protective gymnaster and blue breeches, in shitting shitting boots with brilliant spurs - the provorter was impressed by the pulled, accustomed to carefully take care of his appearance of the officer. On the chest glittered enamel the new Order of the Red Banner, received by him for the difference in battles at the Solovyov crossing through the Dnieper.

    The dovator went to the location of the parts, looked after, asked the soldiers and officers about the battles in which they participated, about the pre-war service. He once served in the North Caucasus in the 12th Kuban Cossack Division, completed in the same area, where the 50th Cavalry Division was now formed. A lot of old-year-old-shaped change learned on the commander of the cavalry group of his former squadron commander. With such "old men", the Dovator was talking to a long time, recalled the general acquaintances, he fun joking.

    For a long time I remember to connants such an episode. During the review, the Dovator ordered the commander of the squadron captain Batluk, who used a reputation as not only a combat commander, but also an excellent bravery:

    Drain this saddle!

    Batluk spread on Earth near Konovyzi Popon, put on her removed from the homemade rack of the saddle, clear, the usual movements of the cavalryman began to remove from the passage summary: a brush for cleaning the horse, a scraper, a mesh of the hay, Toruba, a bag with spare horseshicles, nails and spikes, halter , a couple of linen, splashing, soap, towel, a bag with sewing and rifle accessories, a saucer with tea, sugar and salt, can be canned, a pack of gallets and other small items that the charter believes to have a hike.

    Captain Batluk shone from pride for a good subordinate, the saddle of which he caught her arm. The doubt with a smile looked at the captain.

    And how many cartridges, oats, canned and superstars take a cavalryer with them? "By bowing the head of the head to the left and slightly pulling the right shoulder, as if he was aiming in the interlocutor, he asked Batluk.

    Batluk in the soul a little offended by this "exam" in the presence of not only the commander of the division and the commander of the regiment, but also stood around the soldiers, but answered clearly, as when reporting:

    According to the charter, Comrade Colonel, the rider takes an inviolable stock in the saddle bed: for a day of oats for a horse, canned wood, sugar, sugar, tea and one hundred and twenty-cartridges for a rifle.

    And how many days did you have to fight the river from the river, not seeing our minds and remembering the parents of all Ukrainians in the world? - Still smiling with the corners of the eyes, continued the reason.

    Batluk, not understanding what they want from him, not so clearly, but still answered accurately:

    Six days, Comrade Colonel.

    So, the fighters and horses are eaten, and the five days of the radio listened? - Dude threw the dove. He was hotbed by nature. He knew this, long-term military training tried to negotiate this flaw.

    A few minutes lasted awkward silence.

    And if you leave all these brushes in the way, the underpants and chain chumbur, by the way, only the elephants in the circus are tied, and not hiking hiking, day, yes cartridges of three hundred pits, how much would the maneuverability of the cavalry? Perhaps I would not have to scream on the second day: "There is no cartridges, no bread, no oats, I can not lead!" Yes, and to the Ukrainian workers who would live quietly! - finished the dovator and went on, past the finally confused batluk, and did not wait for gratitude for the excellent truck saddle in his lich, famous in the first battles of the squadron ...

    The dovator served in the Soviet Army for eighteen years, in 1928 he entered the party. The harsh military service was held: he was a redarmese, a chemical instructor, a regulatory cadet, a platoon commander, political officer and a squadron commander, headquarters of the regiment and brigade. He knew the soldier and officer well, he really believed in their moral battle.

    But now he looked at his new parts especially pickyly, trying to immediately open the reasons that did not give the cavalry opportunities to fully fulfill the task set before her and break into the deep rear of the enemy. According to the experience in the territorial regiment, the Dovator knew the shortcomings of parts with abbreviated studies: the lack of proper coordination of squadron and regiments, insufficient practical team skills at the officers. And it was in peacetime, in the territorial parts that took place three - four-month training every year. And now he was given divisions who went to the front a week after the start of formation. It was over what to think about the commander of the cavalry group!

    The dovator looked at the vigorous, tanned faces of rested people. With the pleasure of the cavalurist, the cavalryist noted that horsemen carefully care for horses, walk with checkers, which clearly carries the inner outfit service.

    But the dovator saw another. In conversations with new subordinates, he noticed their enthusiastic reviews about (alas, few!) Horse attacks, their somewhat exaggerated impression from meetings with enemy tanks, machine gunners. The dovator concluded that the average team and political composition, which came mainly from the reserve, was decently overlooking that many of the officers are trying to fight the same methods in the forty-first year, as they fought during the period of the civil war, that the art of cavalry management in modern battle and her Interaction with supporting combat technology is not mastered enough. The native of Belarus, who is familiar with the fighting area, the Dovator noted the insufficient adaptability of the cavalryrs who grew up in steppe spaces to the setting of a woody-swolin shedding.

    He stopped at the rods standing under the pines, turning to the squadron commander, asked:

    How are you, comrade senior lieutenant, acted in the valley of the river Mezh, among forests and swamps, when do you have machine guns on the fier-tachacas?

    The senior lieutenant of Kurananov was from those avid gunners who are talking about - in a joke or seriously - that they can "sign" from Maxim, that is, to knock out his surname of the target. In the concept of Kuranov, the machine machine gun, the Tachacan, two rooms on the sides of the machine gun, the riding, compressing the fouls of the foursome mighty horses (of course, the best - white, like swans!) - Also inseparable from each other, like a person, a hull, head, hands, legs. He wanted to report all this to the Colonel, but remembered the battle under the cooler when his machine guns were stuck in the swamp and barely pulled out the second squadron. I remembered ... and silent.

    Beautiful, there is no dispute, "said the dovator, - when you see the machine-gun thawan on the hook. The heroic of the civil war so far! Only after all, now forty-first year, and not Kuban, and Smolenshchina is a century-old forest and peat swamps! After all, I am almost local itself, "he continued. - My Motherland - the village of Khotyno Beshenkovichsky district in Vitebshchina; These are kilometers of a bowel station from here. Forests here I know with youngsters well. In them, the boy collected mushrooms, berries, birds caught. According to them in the twenty-third year with a detachment of rural Komsomol residents chased Kutatik Kapustina, and after all she was hiding in the most deaf forest chains. Here, Comrade Senior Lieutenant, Tachacan for Machine Machine gun - Coffin! From the road you will not kill anywhere: the axis will fly or you will break the axle. It will not work on the forest path, it does not work through the swamp, and the squadron will have to fight without machine guns.

    The dovator turned to Pliev and graduated strongly:

    Order, Issa Aleksandrovich, so that for all machine gunners in the shelf forge, the packs were made and pay the most serious attention of all regiments. The day after tomorrow I will watch machine-gun squadrons.

    The dovator with the regimental commissioner Tulikov returned to the headquarters. Actually, the headquarters in modern concept has not yet existed. In addition to the commander of the cavalry group, the commissioner and headquarters headquarters, there was no longer anyone. The Dovor immediately after arrival ordered one officer from each shelf of one officer, two sergeants and three soldiers on the best horses to carry a communication service. To control in battle, he expected while using the radio stations of the division at which it will be himself. Wired communication light cavalry divisions at that time did not have at that time.

    The dovator tears from the horse, slowly climbed the steps on the porch, entered the hut. Lieutenant Colonel Kartavenko passed him just received reconnaissance reports and wanted to leave. Colonel delayed headquarters.

    Give, Andrei Markovich, preliminary orders of division commanders, - looking through the window somewhere in the forest distance, the evant spoke quietly. - Readiness for the campaign - in two days. Artillery with you not to take. In the shelves, allocate for a trip to four machine guns. For each machine gun there are two clockwork horses and five thousand cartridges. Radio stations remount for blizzards.

    Cartavenko, listening carefully, revealed the tablet, took out a field book, began to write quickly.

    Machines, carts, hiking kitchens, sick people, "said the dovator, - to leave the weak horses in the parking lots and in each division to unite under the authorities of one of the deputy commander of the regiments. Riders from the Perevolt Sumy all put in the traffic. Leave only bowlers, spoons, horse-in-law and one brush on the office. Each soldier to issue oats on three days, canned, superstars, three hundred pieces of cartridges and three hand pomegranates. Commands divisions to check everything personally and to the outcome of the twelfth report to me.

    The dovator has developed a strike plan for enemy reasons. He carefully studied the terrain and grouping of the enemy before the front of the army, analyzed our past actions. Since the enemy forces up to two infantry divisions switched to defense at the southern bank of the Mezh River, having places advanced parts on the northern coast, the provorter chose the area of \u200b\u200bthe river much easier to cross his cavalry of his cavalry. On the map, this area was indicated as a swampy, covered with a forest with rare small villages. There was no continuous front from the opponent here, he was limited to defense settlements on Bolshak. Here in the area I decided to break through into the rear of the opponent.

    The dovator caused commander, commissioners and headquarters of divisions and told them:

    The bid of the Supreme Commander put in front of us and before several other cavalry groups, the task break into the deep rear of the enemy. The cavalry must disrupt the normal operation of enemy communications, disrupt the control of the enemy's troops, delay as much as possible his troops from the front. With our actions, we must help the troops of the Western Front to delay the Hitler's offensive to Moscow.

    We had a great honor. The bet sends us one of the first to the offensive. We will personify our entire Soviet Army in the eyes of Soviet people who have temporarily caught the enemy. And the names of our divisions and regiments will go down in history. After all, life is short, and fame - long! - finished the evant with his beloved saying ...

    On August 13, 1941, the troops of the reserve rates of the Supreme Commander under the command of the army general G. K. Zhukov inflicted Construdar on the enemy in the area of \u200b\u200bYelni. 15, 78, 263th and 268th infantry divisions of the enemy, as well as part of the forces of the 10th Tank Division and the Motorized Division of the SS Rayich suffered heavy losses and were discarded from their positions.

    Early in the morning of this day from each cavalry division was sent to two connectors on the best horses under the team of the most courageous and experienced officers. The connectors were supposed to emerge routes for which the divisions had to be attacked, and find the crossing on the River Meszhe.

    At 17 o'clock, the Cavalry Group starred from his Bivakov and moved to the southwest. Horses well rested on night grazes, walled. Konnononi rushed, talking lively. All conversations were conducted around the Dovator. All carried away the inexhaustible energy of the new commander of the group, his confidence in success. For these few days, he became for everyone close, understandable, his commander.

    The 53rd Cavalry Division went to the River Mezhe through a huge, crushing and shrub shrub, called the Savkin Paco's trafficking, which was designated without a single path on the map. Parts of the 50th Cavalry Division were sent even east and amounted to the left column of the Cavalry Group.

    The route was extremely heavy. The first five - six kilometers the shelves went with a chain, stretching one by one. Under the hooves of the horses of the Chakawal Marsh Top; The farther, the more she got deeper. After an hour, the avant-garde regiment became.

    Colonel Dovator drove to the avant-garde. Ahead was a huge drill, surrounded by dark build Berez and Osin. Messengers who were sent to the doses could not find any workaround.

    Hurry up three squadron! Shab trees, put on the swamp, coat, reed and go ahead! - ordered the evant to the commander of the avant-garde Major Krasnoshadka.

    Squadors hurried. Conners began to chop the trees with axes, mowed reed checkers; The night quickly sank to the ground.

    Having arranged the flooring, the cavalrymen began to move forward almost a feel. Souring and sprinkling their ears, carefully stepped in a joy, hesitated over the mouth of the flooring and kabardians who were accustomed to the steppe expanses. In 12 hours, only 14 kilometers of the path laid by cavalrymen were passed. By the dawn of the division passed the tract Savkin Pokos. There was a wetlands ahead of the wall, but here it was still possible to move, only in someone stopping, to fill out with firing branches, especially viscous places.

    At noon, when kilometers left to the Mezhi River, the Colonel Dovator ordered to stand up on the halt. Soon he returned one of the tracks sent on the eve. Lieutenant Panasenko reported that he found not marked on the map of the ferrod, who no one guarded. Brod is surrounded by a swamp, crumpled reed and shrub, the depth of it near the meter. It was just what the dovator was looking for.

    As soon as it was dark, the contesions moved to the broth. The avant-garde regiment was supposed to cross the first and then ensure the crossing of the main forces. Together with him, rescue teams made up of the best swimmers were sent forward.

    Avangard quickly forced the river, but very smashed bottom. Crossing delayed. Horses stumbled on the loose hundreds of hoofs, many of them lost their balance, fell and sailed. Riders scored into the water; Holding the push of steps, for horsepows, floated nearby. Someone decently discharged with cold, smelling swamp grass of water. Nazis crushing the cavalry did not find. Long before dawn, the 53rd Cavalry Division was already on the southern shore. Passing another kilometers fifteen, she got up on a big habit.

    The 50th Cavalry Division also successfully overcame a difficult path. At night, the squadron not observed by the enemy crossed the river between the river.

    The cavalry group came close to the enemy defense, the basis of which were the locations of the roads on the roads from the defendian on the white and on the old Toropa.

    According to the south coast of the Misa River, the north-west of the Khoj, the opponent had a solid front. The 129th Infantry Division, defended on the Schoychasan Bolshak, occupied settlements on the roads controlled by mobile groups from motorized infantry with tanks.

    The third battalion of the 430th regiment of the 129th Infantry Division occupied the resistance knot at the mouth. The village was adapted to defense. At the height with a mark of 194.9 and in the village of Pisel, the resistance node was the resistance of the second battalion. The forest positions of the third division of the 129th artillery regiment were located in the forest, which supported the 430th Infantry Regiment.

    During the two days of the division, the reconnaissance. Small reconnaissance groups and the connectors were confronted that in the place of the planned breakthrough between the garter and the mouth, it is impossible to pass, since the joint of these two reference points is allegedly firmly minted and is well shot. But the information of the intelligence officers turned out to be unreliable, as they did not fit close to the reference points.

    The dove caused commander of divisions and regiments. He brought them to the edge of the forest near the support points and the whole day led to observe the defense of the enemy. Recognition was able to establish that the joint between the garter and mouth is not covered and is not guarded by anyone. Here was given an oral combat order to enter the rear of the enemy.

    The 37th cavalry regiment under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Lasovsky was applied to the avant-garde for the implementation of the breakthrough. The awards of the avant-garde were provided: from the side of the subrange - a barrier in the enhanced squadron of senior lieutenant of Sivolapov, and a squadron of Senior Lieutenant Ivankina was expelled in the direction of the mouth.

    Avangard was to act hurried. The main forces of the group at this time in equestrian build are expected in the initial position of the results of the actions of the avant-garde.

    If the avant-garde pass between the supporting points of the enemy is unnoticed, then after him moves the main forces, avoiding getting into battle.

    Ivankin I.V.

    Giving an oral combat order, the commander of the group gathered all commanders and commissars of regiments.

    The enemy will pursue us with motorized parts and tanks, as the infantry is not catching up with Connection. Artillery we have no with you. With tanks need to fight in other means. - The dovator spoke quickly, short energetic phrases. It was felt that all this was well thought out and he wants his subordinates as well as well. - Form in the squadrons of a group of tank fighters. Select these groups the most bold, calm, proven in the battle of people. Give them more anti-tank and hand grenades, bottles with fuel liquid, automata. - the provorter carefully looked at the serious, concentrated persons of officers. - Remember yourself and inspire your subordinate that the main thing in the fight against tanks is a person, our Soviet soldiers. These people will have to prove to all that the tank is not afraid of someone who is not afraid of ...

    Around the night in the junction between the supporting points of the enemy included the explorations of Lieutenant Dubinin. At three hours thirty minutes, the avant-garde crossed the road - mouth.

    Morning on August 23, 1941 issued in autumn freshly. Over the swampy shorts of the Smolensk region, which crushed the low birch and an Olshanik, washed the fog. Visibility did not exceed two hundred steps. Nature woke up slowly. Around the lazy lazy, not at all military silence ...

    The dovator wrapped in Burku, lay under the pine near the command paragraph of the 50th Cavalry Division. There were no four more when he opened his eyes, elastically jumped to his feet, glanced at the clock, slightly enjoyed from the matinee closed under the gymnaster, said:

    It's time, Issa Aleksandrovich ...

    Pliev went to the Dovator. His darkness, freshly dried face burning from the student of the spring water; Slightly pulled by the sharp odor of the cologne. Easily sorting through the fingers of a small hand leather dormant checkers, plives calmly and quietly, as always, reported:

    Division is ready, Lev Mikhailovich ...

    Several aside the ordinar was kept in the horse. Molded silver Kazbek flies with the horse of ordinary, and Hakobyan signed rudely smoking on a colonel pet. The officers and machine guns of staff stood the group.

    The doubt easily sat down in the saddle, disassembled the reins and drove towards the road. It was seen how riders were moving in the fog - the main forces of the cavalry group were part of the breakthrough.

    Gitlerians heard many thousands of horses of horse hoofs. Shrieked machine guns. Opened fire enemy artillery. Hasted shelves tied the battle.

    The squadron commander Senior Lieutenant Lyshchenko led his soldiers to the attack on the enemy trenches visible. Lyschenko was immediately injured. The squadron command adopted Lieutenant Agamirov. Melted "Hurray." The Nazis were knocked out of the trenches and hastily moved to the village.

    The hurked 50th cavalry regiment under the command of Colonel Timochka broke the resistance to the enemy infantry and knocked it out of the trenches near the godsette. The enemy again tried to delay our offensive, but was attacked by three squadrons of the reserve, which headed the chief of staff of the division Major Radzievsky. The cavalryrs in the horseman chased the remnants of the crushed second battalion.

    Meanwhile, the main forces crossed the road. Quickly light. Fog dissipated and lay in separate islands in raw nizenas. The toothed dark blue ribbon, which is already strongly touched by autumn gilding, rose on the other side of the road pine forest.

    Together with his regiment, the road shot from the grazing squadron of Senior Lieutenant Ivankina. On the edge of the forest heard the rockness of motors and bitten caterpillars. On the road, turning to Ughab, three tanks went. The first saw the Jankin tanks. Tanks turned out to be the left of his squadron, there were no more than three hundred meters before them. It was impossible to lose a second of time, since the enemy cars could change the tail of the division column. Ivankin filed unusual in horseback team:

    Bottles with a combustible mixture, grenades, to battle! Gallop!..

    The squadron rushed into the attack on the tanks. Minute, and heard grenade explosions. Tankists captured by surprise did not have time to produce a single shot. The head machine, embraced by a flame, stopped. From the opened hatch, tank workers were jumping out and, raising her arms, looked frightened on the riders who rushed past. Two other cars hastily leaving, shooting from the machine gun.

    For the resourcefulness and courage, Ivan Vasilyevich Ivankin was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

    The Nazis managed to quickly close the breakthrough, cutting off the covoids of the 50th cavalry regiment and the first squadron of the 37th cavalry regiment. The main forces of the cavalry group focused in a pine forest after the road. This boron, small in size, could not cover the numerous Connection. It was necessary to break through into a large forest on the Spiritshchinsky Bolshak. In front of the forest lay an open field. The dovator ordered to nominate all machine guns against the support points and under the cover of their fire, the day to attack the Hitler's barrier on the Bolshak.

    In the first echelon, the 50th Cavalry Division was operated, in the second echelon - the 53rd Cavalry Division. The 37th cavalry regiment was still in the forefront.

    Lieutenant Colonel Anton Lasovsky led the regiment with a pitch in the dismembered rank. When the Nazis opened the fire, the regiment commander raised the squadron into the gallop and meters for 400-500 filed the team to the equestrian attack. The attack was supported by the squadron of the 43rd cavalry regiment under the command of Lieutenant Colonel Georgy Smirnov.

    The third battalion of the 430th Infantry Regiment, which caused the end of the cavalry, was almost destroyed; The second battalion also suffered great losses.

    Cavalry divisions focused in the forest south road. The path in the deployment of the enemy was opened.

    Cavalry with battles rapidly moved to the southwest. In the rear of the enemy, sinister rumors about the breakthrough of Soviet cavalry were crawled.

    The enemy soldiers and officers who were lucky enough to escape from the defeated garrisons, were broadcast to maintain the approach of the numerous Russian cavalry. The German-fascist command was forced to remove a number of parts from the front and throw them against cavalry.

    The actions of the cavalry group under the command of the Dovator in the rear of the enemy were distinguished by great thoughtfulness.

    As a rule, the day of the cavalry was hidden from large roads and settlements, rested. Only the tireless connectors were sneezing in the forests in all directions, attacked single cars, captured prisoners. Nights of the Division did another jump, moving to the areas assigned by the Commander of the Group on the basis of the data collected by the crossings. Specially selected squadrons and even whole shelves produced raids on enemy garrisons, destroyed them in short night fights.

    One of the participants of this dear raid the younger political officer Ivan Karmazin was folded not particularly artistic, but with the love of the song performed throughout the war (MP3 file).

    Through the forests of dense, with a song fun,

    With sharp blades, on dick horses

    Moving columns Cossacks Kuban,

    To fight the valiant with the Germans in battles.

    Eh, Bay, Kuban! Ruby, Guardsmen!

    One of the fascists of the bitten, do not come on!

    On cases of victory, on the protection of the Motherland

    We were aware of the dove, a favorite general.

    With the name of the Dovator, the commander of the bold

    On the defense of the Motherland on the enemy we walked.

    Where did the Dovators, the Cossacks of Kuban,

    Hydrals Haling their death was found.

    Nice victories we noted our way.

    We beat the fascists, beat and we beat:

    Bullets, grenades, mine, machine guns,

    Machine gun "Maxim" and a blade cut ...

    The population of liberated areas arranged the cavalurists touching meeting. Soviet people shared with the cavalurists the last bag of oats, the last piece of bread, went by the conductions, reported everything that they knew about the adversary.

    The uncontrolled avalanche rolled the contesions of the colonel of the Dovator on the enemy rear, and ahead of them was a formidable Mille on the breakthrough of the tremendies of the Soviet cavalry. Strus General Headquarters, although a little diverge to panic, published an order, which said that no one hundred thousand Cossacks broke into the German rear, as they say panickers, but only three cavalry divisions, numbers ... eighteen thousand sabers. The doubt took only about three thousand riders in the raid, twenty-four machine guns and a single cannon!

    On August 27, the Cavalry Group approached the Highway's highway, the defendant, which was one of the most important communications of the 9th German army. In all directions, the fan was crushed by the connectors, looking out for objects for raids. And on the highway and neighboring roads were sent several squadrons for the defeat of the enemy's autocolon.

    The traveling of the younger lieutenant Krivorotko caught up with a small bridge on the highway enemy pile car. Nazis began to shoot, killed one of our soldiers. Kihetnko's scouts and kokurin, jumping out of the ditch, began to throw hand pomegranates under the bus. The car caught fire, several people jumped out of it. Machines have shuffled. Fascists as sheavers fell on the road. Krivorotko rushed into the car and began to throw field bags from it, raincoats, suitcases with some papers. From the captured documents it was found that the enemy headquarters is located in a large settlement of Ribshevo.

    One squadron entered the Bolshak between the ores and the arms. I barely managed to hurry to hurry, how the hum of engines heard ahead. On the way there were four tanks.

    School commander Senior Lieutenant Weaver managed to warn soldiers to shoot only on the natives popping out of cars. He himself, holding the anti-tank grenade in his hand, was attached for a huge pine, grew by the road itself.

    As soon as the head car was spent with the pine, the weaves jumped out, a strong throw threw a heavy grenade and instantly hid again. There was an explosion. The tank with the caterpillar converted on the spot, watering the forest by machine-gun fire. Weaver, waiting when the car turned the feed, threw a bottle with a combustible mixture on the engine part. Tank dressed.

    The second tank was brought by Politruk Borisayko. Former instructor of the district party, twenty-year-old healthy - Borisaiko was still on the campaign of the squadron commander, saying him:

    Peter Alekseevich, the invention I made a defense nature ... invented the anti-tank artillery of the Sasha Borisayko system. On, bewildered ...

    Weaver barely reduced a heavy construction of three hand grenades, tightly twisted with a telephone cable with a anti-tank grenade.

    Yes, can you throw such a severity? ..

    And I, Peter Alekseevich, as it happened, on physical competitions I will throw something light, so I will lean my hand, "Politruk answered with a broad smile. - I love to swollen more and hit from the shoulder ...

    When Borisayko threw his deadly "invention" under the enemy tank, a powerful explosion rang out, which caused the detonation of the buzz of the tank. The car scattered into pieces. Borisayko was stunned by an explosion. After waking up, he saw that just a few steps from the shapeless block of a smoky metal unforming the third tank, obviously, intending to leave.

    You will not hold, Gadin! .. - shouted Borisayko and threw two incendiary bottles in a tank in a row. The car covered the flame. Politrok died out of the hands of a manual grenade lying next to a soldier, rushed to the tank, threw a grenade into the opened hatch. From there a fire post was silent, threw a thick brown smoke.

    For the destruction of two enemy tanks, Alexander Efimovich Borisayko was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

    The tank, which went behind, also began to unfold. Around him, the Komsomolets Nikon Frolov ran away and almost in emphasis threw a grenade bundle. Tank cargo donkey and froze in place.

    Ivan Vasilyevich Ivinkin was an experienced, combat officer. He was completely young, he entered a volunteer in the Red Army, fought with White Guards and the Interventionians during the Civil War, joined the Communist Party, was injured. Above the reserve, he worked for eight years by the military leader of one of the middle schools of the city of Grozny. He used to do everything thought out, calmly, neat.

    Having headed two squadron, Senior Lieutenant Ivankin organized an ambush where the Bolshak long rounded loop went down to the bridge through a very wetched river. Cavalrymen dismounted on both sides of the Bolshak and patiently expected. Vointed reported that from the West there is an enemy motorized column.

    Now hear, Comrade Senior Lieutenant, as my "Maxim" sings, "Senior Sergeant Ivan Sharov said, lowering the rack of the sight.

    Twelve motorcyclists left the forest. Two chains, they slowly moved along the troches. Following them, seven trucks appeared, in the bodies of which the soldiers were sitting in steel helmets.

    Following from the trees, all new and new cars left, quickly gliding on the roundabout and going down to the bridge.

    Sharks, gritting the hut handles, caught a hat on a fly and smoothly pressed the descent. Fastened the machine gun, rained the rifles, automatic machines. Trucks began to slow down, go off the road. Behind the bias of the machine stuck behind the slope. Within a few minutes, all autocolonna was destroyed. On the banks of the river, on the canvas of the road, 58 trucks remained around the burning bridge, four fuel trucks and three passenger "Opel".

    While the squadrons were laughed with enemy columns on the roads, the 47th cavalry regiment, surrounded the village of Hugs, where the Eschi punitive detachment was racing. Hastered squadrons broke from three sides into the village. For half an hour, everything was completed - more than hundreds of corpses in black uniforms remained in a small Smolensk village.

    Driving down the street, the regiment commander remarked the paper on the wall on the wall - an ad about the award for the murder or the issuance of the Dovator. Colonel Arsentev helped her reins, turning around to the orders, said:

    Well, ka, drain, remove this piece of paper. I will take her Lerl Mikhailovich, let him read how much Adolf Hitler gives for his head.

    Cavalry officers on enemy communications acted bravely. The German fascist command was forced to remove the significant forces of infantry and tanks from the front and throw them against the cavalry group. The enemy parts from three sides covered the area of \u200b\u200baction of the 50th and 53rd cavalry divisions to the northeast of the Velic Bolshak and began to fake forest roads. Horse intelligence raised that the enemy troops focus in Ribshev and Rudna, trying to surround the cavalrymen. It was necessary to urgently leave this area.

    The dovator tried to report at the headquarters of the 29th Army, but the cavalry group went so far from his troops that her radio stations could not contact the army headquarters. Ammunition and food approached an end. The dovator decided to move away, but before washing, raid on the enemy headquarters. He knew that General Strauss was left with the headquarters from Ribshev and there was only a chance of a delayed topographic department and a fleet of cargo vehicles.

    Intelligence was sent to determine the most convenient approaches to Ribshev, the composition of the garrison, the location of the headquarters. Together with the crossings in the intelligence, two Sanitarys went - Goryushina and Averkin.

    Disguised into the peasant dresses, girls along with the partisan Alexei Midznetsov under the evening walked along the Bolshak, leading to Ribshev. Soon the travelers overtook the cargo machine. In the cockpit, next to the driver, sat the German lieutenant. The car drove a little ahead and stopped. Hitlerman, opening the door, shouted in broken Russian:

    Shuttle, beauties, walk here! ..

    Girls stood with the car. Lieutenant suggested to take them to Ribshev. Pretending embarrassed, Lena Averkin pushed her friend's elbow:

    Let's go, Anka! ..

    The officer sweated, the girls climbed into the cabin. Pozynetsov also brought foot over the board, but the young soldier sitting at the top rose, threw the machine, rushed roughly:

    Tsuryuk! .. Ruska Solysh ...

    From the conversation with a random fellow girl, the girl learned that the enemy headquarters was placed in the school building. In Ribshev, in the square in front of the school, they noticed the ranks of trucks covered with tarpaulos.

    Lieutenant invited girls on an officer party. When the Nazis milked, the intelligence officers, having imagined the opportunity, slipped into the courtyard, got into the souls, went around the sideline, went around the side well-marked field guard and rushed into the forest. At midnight, they safely returned to the headquarters and told what they saw. Lena brought the officer field bag captured at the party and documents. For brave exploration and valuable information about the opponent of Komsomolskaya Komsomol, Anna Goryushina and Elena Averkin were awarded the orders of the Red Banner. - On the night of August 29, the horsemen flew to Ribshevo and defeated the enemy security battalion. A huge shop of topographic cards and several dozen trucks were burned.

    After that, the cavalry group focused in the forest. The enemy posted the whole district of the arrest with the front of the troops. His aviation is systematically, in squares, bombed forests. Heavy bombs with a roar rumbled in more often, trees fell, forming ruins on the roads.

    The cavalry group tried back in the opposite way. At sunrise, the aircraft found her movement, air attacks began. On the roads, following the outgoing cavalurists, tanks and motorized enemy infantry moved, tightening the ring of the environment and pressing the cavalry to a huge swamp. The situation was created very serious.

    Soviet people came to revenue. The commander of one of the local partisan detachments proposed to hold cavalry through the swamp, which was considered impassable. Knowing that the Nazis will never risk climbing such a hide, the dovator decided to overcome the bog at night.

    The dovator particularly carefully organized this difficult march. For ahead, as a head squad was sent more than once in the battles of the squadron headed by the Senior Lieutenant by Vikhovsky. To cover the waste, a squadron was highlighted an extremely stubborn and peaceful officer of senior lieutenant Sivolapov. The dovator caused him to himself and ordered:

    Stay with a squadron on this line, until I give the signal that the divisions passed the bog. Dispose to the signal forbidden. Whatever the enemy's strength fell on you, stay to the last soldier, to the last cartridge!

    A squadron without your signal will not go away, Comrade Colonel, looking straight into the eyes of Dovator, Sivolapov briefly replied. The dovator firmly shook his hand.

    Even before sunset, one squadron from each division was spoken to the northeast, towards the front. They had to disorient the enemy and distract him from the main forces. The "Rama" attached to the Connection soon dragged the columns of these squadrons stretching along the forest roads. Over the forest, "Junkers" began to be sprinkled, the gaps of aviation bombs were dried, the machine guns and automatic bomber guns were glad. Then the squadron turned cool from the roads and moved after the main forces, the forest to the north, to the impassable bog.

    On August 31, the dense forests of Smolensk region enveloped. This night was hardly the hardest in this cavalry raid.

    Following the guards - partisans by Gudkov and Molotkov - on the swamp, in the impenetrable darkness, the riders riders stretched. They walked in a column one by one, both divisions in the head of one another. Soon I had to hurry and move around. Konanki walked along a slightly noticeable path, jumping from the bump on the hammer, then it is cooling and falling into the marsh dirt.

    The movement was extremely exhausting. It was often necessary to stop in order to give to the exhausted, hungry horses, tired, who did not sleep a few nights to people.

    Rear, where the rear squad remained, the shootout began. Heard shell breakdowns, frequent shots of semi-automatic guns.

    Sivolapov is attacking ... - said the dovator, turning around to the semorem next of Kartavenko. Headquarters did not answer anything.

    Until the dawn, two more hours remained when the head squad was transferred from the head squad: "Out on solid land." The dovator immediately ordered the Sivolapov squadron signal to the waste. Red and white rockets took off over the pines. Everyone immediately cheered up, the most tired pulled up, stagned in beyrey.

    Swamp end.

    Coming out of the bog, the cavalrymen stopped, brought a little, drove horses in the forest stream, gave them to eat grass and moved further. Radines finally caught the army radio, adopted the order of the Army Commander: to go out in the same direction. To meet the cavalry group, contributing to her breakthrough to his troops, the rifle parts of the Western Front should have strike.

    Without stopping, the cavalry went to the northeast, and only a deep night, the Dovator gave rest parts. Four connectors on the best horses performed further, to the site of the planned breakthrough on the Spiritshchinsky Bolshak; They were ordered to clarify the arrangement of the enemy.

    For dawn, three connectors returned and reported that the enemy occupies the same position.

    On September 1, the cavalry made another forty-cake transition and focused in the forest south of the village of Usti. Here it was expected by the fourth travel. Lieutenant Germans reported to Dovator detailed data on the defense of the enemy.

    As soon as hemneme, the cavalrymen attacked the enemy without a shot, defeated the first battalion of the 430th Infantry Regiment, broke through the enemy location, passed the combat order of their rifle compounds and were brought to the army reserve.

    The punch of the cavalry group of Colonel Dovator had a great prompt value. Cornia passed about three hundred kilometers on road-free forest-maural districts of Smolensk region, penetrated the deep rear of the 9th German army, demoralized his work, distracted - during the hot battles of suborders - more than two infantry divisions from forty tanks from the front line. Connans destroyed over 2,500 enemy soldiers and officers, 9 tanks, more than two hundred cars, several military warehouses. Numerous trophies were captured, which went to armared partisan detachments.

    The news of the glorious feats of cavalrymen rolled throughout the country. After the report of the Soviet Information Office of September 5, 1941, the first correspondence "Raid of the Cavalry Cossack Group" appeared in Truth. The army newspaper "Combat" dedicated to connants a special number. The Soviet government highly appreciated the feats of cavalrymen. L.M.Dovator, K.S. Melnik and I.A. Vilav, was awarded the military rank of major general. 56 The most distinguished soldiers, sergeants and officers of the Cavalry Group were awarded orders and medals of the Soviet Union.

    From the river Mezh to the Lama River

    By the dawn on September 19, 1941, the cavalry, which was on vacation after the completion of the raid, made a forty-kilometer transition and the best detachment was published by Borki, Zharkovsky. The connectors were sent forward with the task to establish an enemy grouping on the southern bank of the Mezh River.

    Intelligence managed to get soldiers and medallions, letters and diaries. Based on these documents, it was established that the 110th Infantry Division, which went down in the August fights on the Nevelsky direction, heavy losses was led to the reserve, received replenishment and is now put forward for advanced positions.

    The squadron of the advanced squad was well prepared defense. The soldiers opened the trenches of a full profile, built a blockage with overlaps of thick logs, carefully disguised artillery.

    At dawn on October 1, the enemy artillery opened a strong fire on the location of our advanced squad. After half an hour, the enemy, by force to the shelf of infantry, moved to the attack. Throughout six hours, the cavalrymen have chosen the continuous attacks of enemy infantry. The Nazis tried to bypass the right flank of the 47th cavalry regiment and press him to the river, but with great losses were discarded.

    As soon as information was received about the beginning of the opponent's occurrence, the main forces of the 50th Cavalry Division were received to the river.

    The commander of the 43rd cavalry regiment Lieutenant Colonel Smirnov sent a first squadron of Captain Batluk to the head detachment with a platoon of machine guns and two shelf guns, putting the task before it to ensure the deployment of the shelf.

    Captain Batluk with a machine-gun platoon commander, producing a reconnaissance of the terrain, discovered an enemy infantry battalion, walking by a hiking column. The Nazis walked quickly, clearly, keeping the equalization and retaining the distance between the rotes and platforms.

    Belousov, withdraw machine guns on the edge! - ordered Batluk and crushed to a hurrying squadron.

    On the first platoon, in the chain! .. For me, run! .. - he shouted.

    The machine-gun platoon drove to the edge of the forest. In some three meters from calm marching nicknamers, machine-gun taccans were made to battle. A few minutes later, the calculations of the senior sergeant Matveev, Sergeants Stepanenko and one-eyed were ready for battle. The right of machine gunners deployed the platoon of Lieutenant Nemkov. Even further flashed between the trees, the bent figures of the soldiers of the rest of the platforms with rifles and guns in their hands. The enemy column continued to march in the same direction ...

    Slender ranks of the Nazis were immediately broken, they rushed with a swarming from the road and lay down in the ditch.

    Batluk raised the squadron in the attack, the chains rushed forward. At that moment the captain fell. The command accepted Politruk Noisky and the squadron continued to attack. Noisky was also injured, but did not leave the battlefield. Nazis did not take bayonets and launched with great losses. The squadron switched to persecution, but in turn, it was counted in the flank by enemy reserves. Under the onslaught of superior forces, the enemy Konanki began to move away.

    The latter, covering the waste of comrades, went out of the battle of the platoon that was commanded by the younger lieutenant Nikifor Sinkov, the former fighter of the 6th Chong Division of the first equestrian army. Nazis covered a slight chain of the platoon with both flanks. Sinkov filed the team: "Call three! .." - and, heavily wounded, fell.

    The Komsomolets of the ordinary ribs near him near him, a volunteer from the village of Soviet, it came to the younger lieutenant under a strong fire, raised him on his shoulders and crawled after his platoon. He had three times to stop and shoot from the victory of the Nazis. Ranger also wounded, but he did not throw his commander and continued to crawl. When he wounded the second time, the strength left the ribs. He gently lowered Xinkov to the ground and covered his body and did not come to the consciousness of the commander. Saving the life of the officer, the brave warrior was holy fulfilled military debt, while giving his life.

    Overlooking, the cavalrymen turned again.

    Early in the morning of October 4, the enemy's artillery resumed the shelling of our positions. Already three days of connants held their defensive frontiers! The shelling continued from half an hour, then the guns of Smallkley. Conners prepared to meet enemy infantry, but she did not show up from her trenches. From the West quickly increased the sharp hum of motors.


    17 bombers walked over the tops of the pines in the northeast of three echelons. More than forty minutes they bombed our positions.

    Just hid airplanes, again spoke enemy artillery. Twelve tanks appeared on the edge of the forest, the infantry moved to all the growth. Putting the tanks of meters for two hundred, from the front edge they hit them from the shelters of fortyadymillimeter guns. One car is spinning on the spot with the caterpillar, the second caught fire. Regimental guns were broken by infantry. Without withstanding intense fire, enemy infantry faced. Tanks turned back, leaving one of the grudge and two baked cars. Attack was repulsed.

    In the afternoon of General Pliyev called to the phone.

    Issa Aleksandrovich, the situation is complicated, "the voice of General of the Dovator heard in the tube. - The enemy is close-in forces coming on white. The Army Commander ordered to immediately direct the 53rd Cavalry Division there. You will have to count only on your own strength.

    Slalev put the phone, for a few minutes I thought about something, listening to the crash of the gun cannonade, then turned to the head of the headquarters:

    Comrade Solovyov, I decided to go to a maneuverable defense. Pass Lasovsky order: immediately tear away from the enemy, on the wide allrahs to move out the land of the land - Lomonosovo, take the intermediate line of defense on the Chernushka River and skip the rest of the shelves through their combat. Smirnov and Arsentev continue to defend a stubbornly, while the airship does not occupy defense.

    On the right flange of the division of Conne Danka groups reached into the forest, and after half an hour, the 37th cavalry regiment was already lying on a new line of defense.

    Nazis resumed attacks. Their artillery and heavy mortars of the twenty minutes led fire on our positions, then the dense infantry chains with seven tanks ahead appeared again. The second attack was also reflected, but on the southern coast, the enemy came out almost to the Zharkovskaya, threatening to cut off the Connection the path of waste.

    But in the east, the red rockets caught fire - Anton Lasovsky bombed that his regiment ranked defense. General with headquarters headqualized personally to bring the first echelon regiment from the battle. The shelves were supposed to postpone the poorer and immediately take defense on the third border.

    Hitlerians have not yet managed to make a new attack, and the horsemen have already rushed into the forest, quickly disassembled horses and lost in the forest more often. Behind their back, they were heard the roar, enemy batteries began to gently handle the trenches left by the trenids. Soon the enemy noticed that he had an empty place. In the sky, 22 bombers looking for cavalry appeared. It was not possible to discover her on the march and, "Junkers" had to reset the bombs where it fell.

    This maneuver Slalev won time. Only in the evening, the advanced parts of the enemy came to the Chernushka, where they were met by the fire of combat efforts, prudently nominated on the West Bank of the river. Nazis launched and told the offensive; Their artillery fell asleep in the river hail of shells. Three cavalry platforms left on the West Bank shot from half an hour, they moved to the cowards and joined the shelf.

    The enemy still managed to find our defense. Its batteries moved fire to the eastern shore, but the squadron was stretched out with such a rare chain that shells almost did not harm them. The adversary infantry continued to move forward. Soon both flank of the 37th cavalry regiment were upheavale, up to three infantry battalions of the enemy came from the front.

    Then General Pliev ordered the arragard to return for the third line of defense, already occupied by the 43rd and 47th cavalry regiments.

    Maneuverable cavalry defense pretty exhausted enemy. For the third time per day, the main forces of the 110th Infantry Division were forced to deploy to fight. Again, they needed to change firing positions, put new tasks to shelves, battalions, companies, organize the interaction of infantry with artillery and tanks. All this slowed down the offensive.

    After one and a half hours of battle on the third border, the cavalry shelves took away from the enemy and moved to a new frontier, where the Ariergard was revealed again.

    So during October 4, Connans were held back on the Natisk of the whole infantry division of the enemy, enhanced tanks and supported by aviation.

    The major enemy forces rushed to white, for the defense of which the Army commander allocated the group of General Lebedenko. The south-west of the city flared fierce battles. The Nazis Hitlers Along the Highway of the Okrug - White, creating a breakthrough at the junction of the two rifle connections here.

    On October 3, the 53rd Cavalry Division approached the White Area. General Lebedenko set the Combrigs Melnik the task - to settle down the Okrug Bolshak and stop the opponent's offensive. The 50th and 44th cavalry shelves have dismounted and occupied defense. All night the opponent led the reconnaissance of strong intelligence groups, but nowhere could not penetrate our location. Over the night, the squadrons swallowed and made the dilutions along the Bolshak, who passed among the dense forest.

    Two days went fights in the near approaches to the city white. Our parts beat off one attack after another, and often made counterattacks themselves to restore their position. The Nazis lost time, and it puts at risk a breakdown of their offensive plan.

    At dawn on October 6, the enemy threw aviation into battle. Bomber groups up to eighty aircraft in each attacked our positions. From the gaps of aviation bombs, the forest pulled the smoke, the age-old trees fell with a roar, in some places, a dry forest caught fire. The air was in advance that it became difficult to breathe.

    The enemy, intensifying the onslaught, broke his south of white. Tanks and motorized infantry, bypassing the city from the south-east, turned to the hill Zhirkovsky, Sychevka. The commander of the army gave an order to move away. Rifle parts, coating in hiking columns, stretched along the forest roads on new defensive frontiers. Their waste covered the root.

    The enemy launched even more persistent attacks in which the infantry was supported by numerous tanks. Airplanes literally "hung" over our positions. Under the pressure of numerically superior enemy forces, hurked cavalry shelves began to gradually move back. To give them the opportunity to break away from the enemy and move away to the cowards, the Melnik Combrigs ordered his reserve to attack the upcoming enemy infantry in the equestrian building.

    On the edge of the large forest glade, the squadron of the 74th cavalry regiment, the regimental battery and machine-gun tachacan ranked fireproof positions on the right flank.

    From the forest, shooting from the indentation of the enemy, the squadrons of the 50th and 44th cavalry regiments of Colonel Seeds of Timochkin and Major Boris Zhmurov began to go. A few minutes later the Gitlerians were poured into the glade.

    Guns raised, fascinated machine guns. Under their fire, enemy infantrymen climbed, and then rushed back to the forest. Then Major Sergey Krasnosheka snatched a wide Kuban blade from the sheath, shouted: "Checkers, to battle! .. For me! .." - and strongly sent himself to the spurs of his Akhaltec. The squadron rushed to the regiment commander.

    Cavalry attack appeared for an opponent with a complete surprise.

    Squadors crushed enemy infantry and, before she managed to come to himself, disappeared into the forest.

    After three-day fights in the Valley of the Misha River, the 50th Cavalry Division went to Bolshaku Olenin - White and four days reflected the opponent's attempt to bypass the right flank of the army. On October 9, the approached rifle parts were changed to the division, and the contes were made in the direction of the Vyazych, where the Cavalry Division was already from the White 53rd. An order was received by the Western Front Commander on the withdrawal of the Cavalry Group to the reserve for replenishment.

    Connecting, both divisions headed towards the Orel station, which was on the Rzhev's Rockada Railway - Vyazma, but the enemy managed to prevent Connection. 41st German Motorized Corps, capturing the hill Zhirkovsky, Novo-Dugino and Sychevka, developed an offensive on Rzhev. Cavalry went to Medvedovsky Forest. The expelled connectors were brought by disappointing to lead: along the Bolshak, along the railway canvases go to the north motorized columns of the enemy, and from the west to the arrigars, they are pursuing him.

    On the night of October 11, the cavalry group approached Bolshak. It was damp, cold, very dark. The endless stream went past tanks, trucks with infantry and guns on the trailers, special machines. Motors were seriously dried out, the headlights dimly glistened through the frequent grid of the rainy autumn rain. Caution, trying not to produce noise, the avant-garde 37th and 74th cavalry shelves pulled.

    The flow of cars has become gradually rare, and finally the movement stopped. Bolshak, cut by deep ribs, full of dirty water, excised caterpillars, empty. The team sounded: "Straight I-Yamo-Oh! .." Fascinals for dirt Mud hundreds of horse hooves. The avant-garde of the 50th cavalry division moved forward, crossed the road, reached further, hiding in the impenetrable darkness. Away again flashed lights of headlights - another enemy column was approaching.

    Squadron, who did not have time to cross the Bolshak, again hid in the armor. General Pliev ordered to delay the aggregary road to concentrate the rest of the parts. Before the most cars, a quarry was used by several riders and as if melted in darkness.

    Trucks, tanks, guns, tractor reached out again. Machines were stopped, often stopped. Quickly sounded hoarse, evil voices of soldiers wrapped around in spotted raincoat, pushing huge cars covered with mud tarpaulster. Finally, this column disappeared behind the trees. Cavalry continued to move the Bolshak.

    There were still three squadrons of the 43rd cavalry regiment, which followed in the angroup, when the long strip of lights appeared on the right because of the hillock. The enemy could for a long time to delay the Connection, and before dawn it remained not so much.

    Fire by Farm! Squadons, dipped, gallop! ..

    Shots swept from the darkness. Lights stopped, began to go out. From the other side, the outbreaks also flashed, overpowers were overwhelmed with bumping races, tracing bullets. Place for a platoon slipped offices through Bolshak.

    Plive stood, tensely peering forward. Near the hooves dirty, the rider fell floated; It seemed to be huge and clumsy. Chatted voice said:

    Comrade General, only the third squadron remains ...

    Faster throw guns! - responded by the division commander. Lieutenant Colonel Smirnov disappeared into the darkness of autumn night.

    When the last gun cried across the road, Slalev knocked back: "Third, straight-yamo-oh! .." - and drove near the senior lieutenant weaver.

    Two kilometers to Leeter Bolshak passed the 53rd Cavalry Division ...

    The 3rd German tank group captured Rzhev and Teeth; The columns of tanks and motorized infantry moved on the roads further to the East - on the polling town, Shakhovskaya, Volokolamsk. Our troops with severe defensive battles went away to Moscow.

    The cavalry group of forced march came into the area of \u200b\u200bthe station of the Prince of Mountains, but the enemy replaced her again. Connans were forced to continue to move on. Breaking through the deaf country roads, the 50th and 53rd cavalry divisions produced sudden raids on enemy barriers that occupied road nodes, and continued the march to connect with their troops.

    Hit the first frosts. Broken, cut-down field roads scoped; Dirt froze in huge bumps. Horses, forged on summer horseshoes without spikes, moved extremely difficult. The squadrons of the cavalry regiments were strongly kept, the replenishment was not received from the beginning of the war.

    Dovator, Tulikov, Commanders and commissioners of divisions all the time hurried parts, this persistently required the situation. And exhausted, for several days did not sleep and disagreened people on the injured, certain horses again and again rushed into attacks. The cavalrymen have a motorized infantry, bought and burned tanks, reflected continuous attacks of enemy bombers.

    On the Volokolamsk highway

    On October 13, the cavalry group came out of the environment and focused in the forests of East Volokolamsk.

    Here, the Kavgroup went into operational submission of the 16th Army under the command of K.K. Kozhosovsky. Rokossovsky was given an order: "Go out with the 18th milk rifle division into the Volokolamsk area, subordinate all parts, there are located, suitable there or emerging from the environment, and organize defense in the strip from the Moscow Sea (Volzhskoye reservoir) in the north to rhus South, not allowing her opponent's breakthrough. "

    This is how Konstantin Konstantinovich recalls: "The Cavalry Corps under the command under the command of L. M. Dovator came first to the north of Volokolamsk. Cavkorpus, the truth was very thin, was at that time an impressive force. His fighters and commanders have repeatedly participated in the battles, as they say, they sniffed gunpowder. The team and political composition acquired already combat experience and knew what the warriors-cavalrymen were capable of studying the strengths and weaknesses of the enemy.

    Particularly valuable in those conditions were the high mobility of the case, which allowed it to use it for a maneuver in threatened directions, of course, with appropriate reinforcement means, without which she could not fight enemy tanks.

    A good impression was made on me the commander of the building Lion Mikhailovich the Dovator, about which I was already heard from Marshal Tymoshenko. He was young, cheerful, thoughtful. Apparently, he knew his job well. Already one thing that he managed to remove the hull from the environment combally, spoke about the talentedness and courage of the general.

    It was possible not to doubt that the task assigned to the body will be skillfully. "

    Rokossovsky CavGroup was tasked - to organize defense on a wide front of the north of Volokolamsk up to the Volga reservoir.

    On October 17, the Nazis attacked the position of CavGroup. But hurked cavalrymen successfully beat off all attacks. It was not possible to move to the Germans at this turn.

    In the morning, on October 26, the Germans began a new offensive on Volokolamsk. The main blow fell by the positions of the 316th Rifle Division General Panfilov. Now they acted against it, in addition to infantry, at least two tank divisions. The Kavgroup was urgently removed from his position and transferred to the help of Panfilovts.

    However, on October 27, using large forces of tanks and infantry, the enemy, breaking through the defense of the 690th Rifle Regiment, waved Volokolamsky at 16 o'clock. He tried to intercept the Eastern city highway, going to Istr, but this attempt was broken: the cavalrymen on the 50th division of General Pliyev in the 50th division together with artillery stopped the enemy.

    By the beginning of November 1941, the heroic efforts of the Red Army, the offensive of the Hitler's troops was detained both in the central site and on the entire Soviet-German front. Operation "Typhoon" remained unfinished, but this did not mean that the Hitler's command refused to implement it. By this time, no more than 500 sabers remained in CavGroup Divisions.

    The command of the Wehrmacht again in 1941 was preparing for the occurrence of Moscow, replenished and regrouped his troops. In the meantime, there were batoes of the local value.

    The Cavalry Group of General of the Dovator focused in the Novo-Petrovskoye area, covered with the left flank of the 316th rifle division of General Panfilov, defeated on the Volokolamsk highway. While a few kilometers in the rear of their troops, the cavalry put their parts after three-month almost continuous fighting and hikes. On November 7, a consolidated regiment of Kavgroup participated in a festive parade on Red Square.

    In late October - early November, the Germans captured several settlements on her left flank, including Skirmanovo. Located at altitudes, just eight kilometers from the Volokolamsk highway, Skirmanovo dominated the surrounding terrain, and the enemy artillery from there shot the highway. At any time, it was possible to expect that the enemy from Skirmanovsky will want to cut this highway and go into the rear to the main parts of the 16th Army. On November 4-7, Rokossovsky's troops tried to knock the enemy from Skirmanov, but did not reach the goal.

    The possibility of liquidation of the threat was discussed with Rokossovsky in Zvenigorod commander of the Western Front. Teamarm-16 could not attract a lot of strength to participate in Operation. Take the Skirmanovo to get the 50th Cavdivia, the 18th Rifle Merrosion Division and the 4th Tank Brigade M. E. Katukov, who recently arrived in the 16th Army.

    The battles for mastering this point continued from November 11 to 14. The Nazis worked persistently defended, and the fact that Rokossovsky's troops, very limited in the forces and means, and even on the eve of the new Hitler's offensive, managed to beat off such an important point from the enemy and put it with significant losses, speaks many things. Skirmanovo and Kozlovo, liberated from the invaders, represented the cemetery of German technology, only the correspondents of central newspapers were burned and broken tanks, counted thirty-six. Among the trophies captured in Skirmanovo, there were 150-millimeter guns, many mortars, tens of cars. The streets of the settlements were removed by the corpses of fascist soldiers. But the losses of Rokossovsky's troops - 200 killed and 908 were wounded.

    The success achieved under Skirmanovo could not be developed, larger at the 16th army lacked forces. Nevertheless, on November 15, unexpectedly, an order was received by the commander of the Western Front - to strike from the region of the north of Volokolamsk on the Volokolamsk enemy grouping. The preparation period was determined at one night. Rokossovsky's request to at least extend the preparation period was not taken into account.

    As expected, private counterdaddar, started on November 16, by order of the Complete, brought little benefit. At first, using a surprise, it was possible to even wink a kilometer for three in the location of the German troops. But at this time, they started the offensive and our nassed forward, parts had to be quietly returned.

    Kavgroup, as always turned out to be a wand-grinding and covered the waste of other parts to its position. The enemy was on her from all sides. Only due to their mobility and the seamless of the commanders of Konanki broke out and avoided the complete environment.

    By the morning, on November 16, the Kavgroup took defense. The 50th Cavalry Division saddled Bolshak, leaving the Volokolamsk Highway from Ruzi, the 53rd Cavalry Division passed to the defense, covering Bolshak, coming from Mikhailovsky to Novo-Petrovskoye. The headquarters of the cavalry group is located in the yazvishche.

    At dawn on November 16, 1941, the "general" offensive of the German fascist troops on Moscow began.

    The main blow on the northern wing of the enemy was applied the 4th and 3rd tank groups. The 316th Infantry Division of General Panfilova was defeated on the site where this blow was defended, the 1st Guards Tank Brigade General Katukov and part of the Cavalry Group of General Dovator.

    About eight hours, observers noticed 46 bombers, approaching from the south-west under the cover of 19 fighters. Bombers, links for the link, divened on the ground broken in the land, bombed, fired from cannons and machine guns. The villages caught fire from many dropped bombs. The forest was clarified by the power of explosions, the ice on the Lama River was covered with huge cramps and cracks. The anti-aircraft battery of the cavalry group met the air attack and lit two "Junkers".

    Following the taper of the artillery fire, the opponent began in the lane of the 50th cavalry division, where the 43rd and 37th cavalry shelves were defended in Morozov and Ivantsov. Up to 30 tanks attacked advanced squadrons. Following the tanks from the forest, infantry was published (scheme 3).

    Due to the deep snow in the fields of tanks, they could not turn around and moved columns on the roads. Infantrymen, falling into the snowdrifts almost no belt, behind. Guns, which were with advanced squadrons, opened a quick fire. The tools eaten the deaf shots of anti-tank guns.

    Soon four enemy machines caught fire, two more stopped with crippled sides; The rest began to deploy in combat order. Forward, raised snow whirlwind, severe tanks broke out. Armored bullfights slowly arrived, covering the location of advanced squadrons from the flanks, continuing to shoot. General Pliev ordered a signal about the departure of advanced squadrons to the main forces. A few minutes later on the snow field, rare chains of hurked cavalrymen were reached. Their waste was covered with anti-tank guns.

    Tanks accompanied by infantry crawled further to the lame. Our artillery hit the main defense strip. Without reaching the river, the tanks turned, leaving two more machines baked cars. The enemy infantry was not even able to come close to the distance of the rifle and machine-gun fire. The first enemy attack choked.

    The Nazis tightened the reserves, regrouped, and again thick infantry chains crawled forward after the tanks. The front of the opponent's occurrence has become much wider, Zhulentow Morozovo and Ivantsovo. In the first echelon, there was an infantry regiment and 52 tanks.

    Our troops beat the second attack of the enemy, and for her - the third and fourth. Despite the fact that almost hemnelted, the attacks continued with the unrelenting force. The enemy chains came to our positions, rolled back, rebuilt, replenished and rushed forward again.

    In the evening, the enemy still managed to break into the flaming pile of the ruins, which was still in the morning called the village of Ivantsovo. The commander of the 37th cavalry regiment Lieutenant Colonel Lasovsky took his soldiers of five hundred meters to the north. The right-hand 43rd cavalry regiment still held the ruins of Morozov since half an hour, but, bypassing from both flanks, was under the threat of a surroundings. Commander Shelf Lieutenant Colonel Smirnov ordered the squadron to move away for a deep ravine, stretching northeast of the village. The regiment again took defense on the edge of the forest. Hitlerians managed to master all the front edge of the 50th Cavalry Division. At the site of the 53rd cavalry division, the opponent's attack was reflected.

    To restore the position in the defense strip of the 50th Cavdivia, the Dovator was decided by the night counterattack to knock the opponent from the village-employed.

    The ruins of houses in Morozov and Ivantsov exorted. Frosty night descended over the near Moscow. In the West, a huge glow of fires was hampered at the entire horizon. Over the front edge of the opponent, rockets were mounted in the sky. Shot machine guns. The long rays of spotlights rushed across the sky. On our side was quiet and dark ...

    The shelves turned around, covering the ruins of the village on the three sides. Gray rods swollen, moved forward, moving into a wide arm. Before the ruins remained the steps of the one and a half. There still did not notice anything.

    Fascinated from the vehicle cars, the field gallop broke into the street. The teams were heard, horses lit up the stroke, snow dust swore, the "URA-A-A!" Rocked in the dark

    From the ruins, a rifle crackling was heard from the rowed tranches, the machine guns were fascinated, the semi-automatic guns began to beat. The Nazis resisted, but were surrounded by quickly hurrying cavalrymen and were crushed. Konovoda filed horses. The 43rd cavalry regiment tried in the direction of Morozova, one squadron went around the village from the south. The sentries rushed forward and soon reported that there was no one in the ruins: the opponent did not accept the battle and hastily moved to the southern bank of the Lama River. Both regiments began to occupy their former defensive positions ...

    Barely cut dull, late November dawn, November 17, the attacks of the enemy resumed. The 5th tank division continued persistent attacks against the cavalryists of General Pliyev, defended between the Volokolamsk highway and the Lama River. In the direction of Novo-Petrovskoe against the regiments of the Melnik Combridge, part of the 10th tank division occurred.

    The Nazis threw a mass of dive bombers into battle. Artillery and heavy mortars hit the position of Soviet troops. After that, they went to the attack thick chains of infantry with dozens of tanks ahead. And again under the fire from our dilapidated trenches, the Nazis were forced to move back to its original position. The fight continued, not subsided, for fifteen hours.

    Ten tanks broke through in the junction of our two squadrons and rushed to the command clause shelf. Senior Politruk Cossacks, gathering a group of orders, connected, cowavers, hastily organized defense.

    Ivan Globin, the Komsomolets from the village of Dutyokopskaya, pressed against the trunk of the trunk of many years of pine and vigilantly peered forward. In the hand, a bottle with a combustible mixture was shrilled. Tanks crawled. In the frosty air, the ridges of steam from tensely worked motors were hung. Threatened shots of tank guns, cracked machine guns. With a screech, shells were swept, tracing bullets Steghali in trees, along snowdrifts, hissing in the snow.

    Globin prevented the distance to the nearest tank, moving a little left of him. When the steps left twenty-five, he was stronger with his boots in drowning snow, took the right hand back. Steel commander crawled past. On the next pine, the bullets lasted sharply. Globin plucked his eyes for a second, somehow it squeezed everything, but immediately mastered himself, she leisured forward, threw a bottle. The rumor caught the ringing of the broken glass. Behind the tower of the tank, the tank flashed fire. Powed smoke. Tank, pressing his nose into the tree, laid. The same fate has suffered another tank, hit by the globin bunch of hand grenades. For his heroic feat, the courageous Komsomolets was awarded the Order of the Red Banner.

    Tanks stopped, amplifying fire. The Deputy Commander of the regiment, Major Skimarev, hesitated the enemy car, but was seriously injured. The wearing platoon of anti-tank rifles of Lieutenant Zakharchenko was shot down three more tanks. Then the survivors hurried back.

    The Battery of Lieutenant Alexei Amosova occupied a fire position at the forefront, directly behind the combat orders of hurked squadrons. The guns painted by Bellyls were deeply discharges in the freeze ground; Only long subtle trunks, securely covered with steel shields, visited over snow. A masking nets with thick woven pieces were stretched over the tools - white matter. Already at the age of dozens of meters, the cannons looked like small snow horms.

    On the eve of the battery led a heavy battle. Five tanks, armored vehicles and eleven machines with infantry were broken by artillery shots, more than hundreds of Nazis died from fragments of their shells.

    Rockets swayed over the battlefield line. A motor fraction was heard from the towers, machine guns began to rush, mines began to ride.

    Seventeen tanks accompanied by infantry, shooting on the go, moved directly to the battery. The shells rushed between the guns, the splings with a shang cut the air.

    On tanks, armor-piercing, lifting in flanking machines. Battery - Fire! ..

    The left splashing tank was getting up, pressing the tool trunk in a snowdrift. On the battle account of the senior sergeant Dulin was already three destroyed tank!

    Two more machines frozen among the snowfield. The battery thundered with frequent shots; Commanders of guns independently chose goals. Squadors All rifle-machine-gun fire focused on enemy infantry, cut off her from tanks and forced to heal in the snow.

    The heavy tank approached the meters per hundred. Dulin caught a tank tower on the sight, rushed down. I did not have time to still go to the place after a shot, how the flame broke out from under the tower, the explosion loud, the tank got up very close to the gun.

    Attack was repulsed.

    It was three more times a nickname in the attack. Four tanks and armored vehicles knocked out artilleryrs; Two of them destroyed the calculation of the Communist Tikhon Dulin. It was not possible to pass through the firing position of the battery. Nineteen artilleryrs of this battery were awarded for the difference in this battle. Lieutenant Amosov and Senior Sergeant Dulin received the Order of the Red Banner.

    At the end of the day, the infernal infantry went around Morozovo and Ivantsovo and accompanied by seven tanks rushed to Matrenino, where the division headquarters was located. Communication with the headquarters was interrupted. The 37th and 43rd cavalry shelves were surrounded.

    Lieutenant colonels Lasovsky and Smirnov left their own, who became unnecessary, positions and focused the squadrons in the forest east of Ivaqtsovo. It was decided to go on numbers, looking for a division headquarters. There remained rear, covia. It was walking, hungry, in summertime uniforms. Through the Volokolamsk highway broke through the battle. Stopped overnight in the village. Before the dawn, the shelves went to the command post of the 50th Cavalry Division.

    The 53rd Cavalry Division, operating to the left, reflected seven enemy attacks. At noon, the Nazis managed to break through the junction of the first echelon regiments. To the place of breakthrough, dense chains of the reserves of the enemy were put forward. Colonel Timochkin threw a squadron squadron of Senior Lieutenant Ipatov with three tanks. The attack of tanks and hurried cavalry to flank the Nazis were dropped from the road into deep snow, they darted back, but from another flank were attacked by a squadron of senior lieutenant Kurbangulov. The battalion of the 86th motorized regiment was crushed.

    For almost two hours, the opponent did not take attacks and only in the upcoming darkness again threw on its connants up to four infantry battalions with 30 tanks. Under their Nachis, the squadron of the 50th and 74th cavalry regiments were left the owls and Danilkovo and again occupied defense.

    By the end of the day, the 111st motorized regiment of the enemy broke through the Volokolamsk highway in the rear of the division, but the Melnik Combrigs threw the reserve 44th cavalry regiment with tanks, which were thrown off the enemy and restored the position.

    Fourth day of continuous fierce battle for Moscow went. Special voltage battle reached on November 19. On this day, 37 Cossacks of the 4th squadron of Lieutenant of the 50th division made their immortal feat of the 37 Cossacks of the 4th Kavopolka of the 50th Division. Lasovsky regiment fought in a semicircle. The 4th squadron was on the left open flank on the Fedyukovo plot, Sheludkovo. Lieutenant of colorabies was killed. The officers in the squadron no longer had. The command assumed the younger Politrooke Mikhail Ilyenko.

    From the combat report of the headquarters of the 50th Cavdivia:

    "Commander of the Cavalry Group Major General Dovator combat report # 1.74 Staff of the 50th Cavalry Division. Railway barracks (northeast Fedyukovo).

    22 h. 30 min. 19.11.41

    1. The enemy's infantry battalion with 31 tanks, artillery and mortars is occupied by Sheludkovo. Up to 40 tanks and up to 50 cars with infantry - Yazvishche.

    2. At 18.00, the enemy supported by the tanks, took the height of 236.1 and the outskirts of Fedyukovo, but the counterattack of the 37th Kavopolka was knocked out, and the situation was restored.

    3. Trophies - 2 manual machine guns, 1 mortar.

    The loss of the enemy - 28 tanks and to the company of infantry.

    Our losses (for incomplete data) - killed 36 people, wounded - 44 people. Fully dropped out the 4th squadron of the 37th Cavipolka (killed).

    In the 37th Cavipolka left 36 people and 1 machinery machine gun ... "

    At dawn, the squadron attacked the enemy infantry with ten tanks. By destroying grenades and bottles with a combustible mixture, six tanks, the Cossacks beat the attack. In a few hours, the Germans threw twenty tanks into battle. At the request of the rewarding defenders of the turn, at the request of the Dovator, General Katukov sent five thirty highways led by Senior Lieutenant Bourda. Having lost seven tanks, the Germans again moved away, and Katukovtsy returned to their referees of defense. Reflecting the third attack killed all the remaining Cossacks of the squadron. But the tanks at Moscow did not pass on their site.

    Recall the names of all 37 Cossacks-heroes: Jr. Politruk M. G. Ilyenko, N. V. Babakov (surprise), K. D. Babura, N. I. Bogodashko, L. P. Vyunov, A. P. Gurov, N. S. Emelyanenko (Commander of the Department), A. N. Emelyanov, N. N. Ershov, A. S. Zhelyov, I. P. Zruev, A. M. Turkiov, I. Ts. Ilchenko, I. N. Kirichkov, V. K. Kozyrev, E. M. Konovalov, N. A. Klytya (Commander of the Department), N. A. Lahvitsky, D. Ya. Mamkin, A. P. Marinich, P. Ya. Mess, I. Ya. Nosoch, G. T. Onishchenko, V. I. Pitonin, S. P. Podhibidyshev, L. G. Semi-Panov (Commander of the Department), P. Ya. Radchenko, A. I. Rodionov, A. F. Rodomakhov, P. M. Romanov, G. A. Savchenko, A. A. Safarjan, V. Sivirin, M. K. Chernyko, V. G. Shapovalov, N. K. Shevchenko, N. S. Yatsenko.

    In the area of \u200b\u200bthe village of Day, where the words of the Dovator were located in the brotherly grave of the memorial complex on concrete stele, the words were carved here: "In 1941, the heroic defenders of Moscow were to death - Guardsmen General I.V.Panfilova, L.M. Dovator. Eternal glory to the heroes!"

    At 15 o'clock on November 20, a combat order of the commander of the 16th army of General Rokossovsky was obtained: the cavalry group to move out for the Volokolamsk highway, covering the right flank of the 8th Guards (former 316th) of the Rifle Division. On the same day, on November 20, the Cavagroup of the Dovator was transformed into the 3rd Cavalry Corps, and on November 22, the 20th Cavalry Division was included in the Corps of Colonel A.V. Stolekova, who arrived from Central Asia.

    20th Mining and Cavalry Division

    Commander P-K Stavenkov A.V.

    Formed in July 1934 on the basis of the 7th Turkestan Cavrbrigada. Before the war, he was part of the 4th Cavkorpus.

    22kp (com. Mr.)

    50kp (com. Mr.)

    74 KP (com. Mr.)

    The 20th Red Banner Order of Lenin Cavalry Division arrived in the current army from the Central Asian Military District in mid-November 1941. The personnel of the division was already shelled, acquired a combat experience. It was one of our oldest personnel cavalry divisions. Formed in early 1919 according to the order of M. V. Frunze to combat the Connection of Belocazakov, the division was a glorious combat path: the Kolchakov Corps rushed to the Volga, pierced the road to Turkestan, struggled with Basmachi in Central Asia, was awarded two orders. The division was well equipped and armed.

    To the outcome on November 21, 1941, our troops moved to the Eastra reservoir, the Istra River. Waterproofs were blown up. Water spilled on tens of kilometers, blocking the path to the enemy. The offensive of the Nazis on the Volokolamsk-Istra direction was suspended.

    The German fascist troops were forced to apply the main blow to the north. The 3rd tank group launched an offensive on the shores of the Volga reservoir to Wedge, Solnechnogorsk. On the same direction - through Terryaev Slobod, Zakharovo - columns of tanks and cars of the 46th motorized building of the 4th tank group stretched.

    The commander of the Western Front, General of the Army, K. Zhukov, putting forward to the Solnechnogo direction of the 7th Guards Rifle Division of Colonel Gryaznov, ordered to transfer to the Leningrad Highway to Connitsa, putting the task before her to restrain the opposite on the front of the front reserves.

    At dawn on November 23, 1941, the commander of the 3rd Cavalry Corps General Dovator received the disposal of the commander of the 16th Army: a forced march to move to the Solnechnogorsk area. His submission received the 44th Cavalry Division, two tank battalions from the army reserve and two battalions of the 8th Guards Rifle Red Banner Division named after Panfilov.

    44th Cavalry Division

    Commander Kuklin P.F.

    Formed in July 1941 in Tashkent.

    45kp (com. Mr.)

    51kp (com. Mr.)

    54 KP (com. Mr.)

    The opponent in the morning resumed the offensive, but was discarded by the 20th Cavalry Division. The dovator ordered the commander of this division to the headquarters of the Corps to the headquarters of this division.

    Cover the march of the main forces of the building into a new area of \u200b\u200bconcentration. In my radio signal to break away from the enemy and move away in the direction of Solnechnogorsk.

    At 9 o'clock in the morning, the 50th Cavalry Division has already moved by regimental columns through Nudol to crossing the Istra reservoir, which was not far from the village of Friday. For them, parts of the 53rd Cavalry Division were reached.

    After heavy battles with the parts of the 2nd Tank and 35th Infantry Division of the enemy at the turn of the river, the big sister part of the 20th Cavalry Division moved along Bolshak Tryaev Sloboda - Nudol and again blocked the path to the enemy. The 103rd of the Red Star red-known and the Order of the Red Star Cavalry Regiment under the command of Major Dmitry Kalinovich and the 124th Red Banner Cavalry Regiment, where the commander was Major Vasily Prozorov, with the batteries of the 14th Red Banner Horse-Artillery Division under the command of Major Peter Zelepukhin were defended in an eight-kilometer strip Kadnikovo, Vasilyevsky-Soyminovovo. The 22nd Baldhuxous Red Balanced Cavalry Regiment under the command of Major Mikhail Sapunov was in the second echelon.

    Division commander Colonel Anatoly Stavenkov returned to Pokrovsko-Zhukovo. The head of the headquarters reported to him that the 8th Guards Rifle-Fielder left the 8th-Petrovsky left the 8th-Petrovskoye and leads a heavy fight with the major enemy's forces, choking the infantry on the ice of the Istra reservoir. The connectors sent to the right to establish communication with the colonel doll have not yet returned; Radio communication also did not work.

    At about 10 am, the enemy strengthened the artillery shelling and resumed the offensive. Squadron met the opponent with fire. Enemy chains lay down. Frequent queues hit the mortars. Over the enemy's combat orders got the wall of breaks. The 111st motorized regiment, leaving the soldiers and officers and four baked tanks on the battlefield of the battlefield, hastily moved to its original position.

    After the failed front offensive, the Nazis took a major maneuver. The opponent began to bypass our flank from the north. Five tanks with the targeting of infantry on the armor knocked off the guard, burst into Kadnikovo and moved a column down the street, heading for the rear to our artillery positions.

    From the gate of one house, the soldiers jumped out and rushed in a rumbling machine. Sapper Wozitonenko, squeezing in each hand on the anti-tank grenade, ran the street, stopped a few steps from the head tank. Almost spilled in one two explosion thundered. Tank donkey and tilted, driving the hero caterpillars.

    The rest of the tanks began to carefully bypass the grudge car. Another tank was shot down; He jumped into the fence and finally blocked the road. Then the accumulated cars hit our batteries together. Only two tanks managed to escape from the village.

    The body of the Komsomol Naitonenenko was removed from the enemy tank and was buried on the Square of the village of Kadnikovo.

    Soon in the division came on the radio ordered to leave the battle and move away in the direction of the village Friday.

    The main forces of the 3rd Cavalry Corps moved all day to the northeast. The artillery cannonade was heard ahead, the wind brought a rifle-machine-gun shooting. This cavalry officers of Colonel Kuklin continued to hold their positions on the northern shore of the Istra reservoir. Rear, from the side of Nudol, also heard the root of the battle - the division of Colonel Stavenkova covered the march maneuver of the main forces of the cavalry.

    The dovator drove forward and stopped on the edge of the forest, examining the shelves passing. The 50th Cavalry Division was in front. Plive drove down next to the case commander. Both silently looked at the well-known people tested in battles soldiers and officers. The squadrons and batteries, which have been stretched in the July Days on the River Sezz, who went to the raid on enemy rear, with heavy battles receding to Moscow with heavy battles.

    Shaggy bellows and scarlet bars of officers, overcoats and ruins soldiers flashed. Plificent banners floated closed by protective tarpaulos. In the icing road, the guns and machine-gun shells were loud.

    In the battles on the Volokolamsk direction, the ranks of the belongings were very deep enough. The commanders of the regiments of Smirnov and Lasovsky, Commissioners Abashin and Rudi were seriously injured. The commanders of the squadrons of Kuransovsky, Ivankin, Web, Kuranov, Lyshchenko, Borisaiko, and Noisky Politruki and Shumansky were dismissed in battles. The death of the hero was Lieutenant Dreeshnikov, Secretary of Patorganization Shelkov Shelf, Krivorotko Scout, Machine Machine Akulov. Many soldiers and officers gave their lives on the approaches to their native Moscow.

    The shelves passed before the case commander, externally more similar to squadron. But the strict, the wrong eye was noticed that the columns on the march were organized, slim. The commanders of the regiments, reporting to the Dovator. Soldiers are tightened, equal to the ranks, together answer the greeting of the general. Behind the squadron and batteries are moving by the elders, duty, as far as the statute relies. It is clear that there are well disciplined parts, firmly soldered in battles and campaigns.

    It was already around midnight, when the Dovator arrived at the headquarters of the corps. Lieutenant Colonel Kartavenko reported that the enemy occupied Solnechnogorsk, its advanced part was put forward by Selishchevo, Obukhovo.

    The general sat down to the table, moved the map. Mildly stepping with boots, an adjutant entered the room.

    Comrade General, Colonel Cooklin and Commanders of Tank Battalions arrived.

    Ask here.

    The door opened, inlet entered. The low in a gray bakery with a bump behind the shoulders of the colonel with a clear movement put his hand to the Ushanka, reported:

    Comrade General, 44th Cavalry Division According to the order of the Army Commander, entered your submission.

    Dovor, getting up at the first words of the report, firmly shook his hand, offered to sit down. Kuklin departed until the commanders of the tank battalions reported that their battalions are in service with new tanks in a regular quantity, and the crews are staffed with personnel tankers who already visited battles. With these words, the face of the Dovator enlightened.

    Report the situation, Comrade Colonel, - He turned to the Cook.

    Kuklin, leaning over the map, briefly reported that his division after three-day fights was departed to the eastern bank of the Istra River, the shelves suffered significant losses, but ready to perform any combat mission. The enemy has advanced battalions of the 23rd and 106th infantry divisions; Tanks in the Nazis have become much smaller. "Since the tank Divisions of the enemy remained somewhere behind, obviously, they put themselves in order after fighting on the shores of the Volga reservoir under the Wedge," thought the evant. - The enemy occupied Solnechnogorsk late. At night, the intelligence nicknames do not lead. "

    The dovator got up.

    I decided to strike an opponent's opponent, "he spoke. "The Nazis are confident that tomorrow, or rather today," he recovered, looking at the clock, "they will be already on the Moscow's outskirts." About the approach of the cavalry and tanks, the enemy is not yet known. Our blow will capture it by surprise. We will win a day - two for the approach and deployment of front-line reserves ...

    Kuklin involuntarily broke out:

    This is great! .. To blame, Comrade General, he instantly unwound.

    The blow is applied from the south-east of the 44th and 50th cavalry divisions with both tank battalions, "the dovator continued. Kartavenko got acquainted quickly on the map. - The 53rd Cavalry Division must settle the Leningrad highway and the October Railway; With the approach of battalions of the 8th Guards Rifle Division, defend to them and attack Solnechnogorsk from the east. The 20th Cavalry Division will make a corpus reserve.

    Picked up in part of the Communication officers headquarters of the corps with combat order. The tireless instructors of the political department left, having received the task: during the remainder of the night, collect communists and bring to every fighter a new combat task and the importance of its successful implementation for the entire progress of the capital.

    Under the cover of the night, the cavalry shelves went to its original position. Lyazhan caterpillars, crawled tanks, occupied the firing position of the battery. The lights flicker all night ahead, distant noise of motors were heard: the enemy divisions tightened to Solnechnogorsk, preparing for a new decisive throw to Moscow.

    Frosty, cloudy morning on November 24, 1941, the 3rd Cavalry Corps inflicted Consturis on the enemy.

    The main shot applied the 50th Cavalry Division. The right-hand 37th cavalry regiment, moving a kilometer for two, was detained by the fire of enemy infantry. The 47th cavalry regiment, coming on the left flank division, also had a slight promotion.

    Then General Pliev introduced a reserve regiment with both tank battalions. Hastered squadrons broke into Selischevo. The enemy threw the battalion of the infantry in the counterattack, but was confused by the cavalrymen who first went to the attack along with the new Ural tanks "T-34".

    The squadron of the 43rd cavalry regiment bypassed from the north of Martynovo, where the enemy continued to provide stubborn resistance, and broke into the location of the Nazis. Hand grenades flew, the soldiers rushed into the bayonets. Captain Sakharov's head squadron attacked the enemy after the tanks; Its example followed the rest of the units. After a fierce street fight, the second battalion of the 240th German infantry regiment was crushed.

    Cavalry's blow was a complete surprise for the enemy. The German fascist command began to hastily tighten the reserves from Solnechnogorsk. "Junkers" appeared in the sky. The enemy introduced the main forces of the 23rd and 106th infantry divisions and about 50 tanks into battle. Two enemy battalions with eight tanks attacked the left flank of the 50th cavalry division and began to enter the cavalryrs in the rear. General Pliev headed the last remaining squadron remaining in his reserve and with the support of tanks led him to a counterattack. The enemy was discarded. Our parts began to move to defense on the bore.

    The 53rd Cavalry Division passed on the offensive around noon, advanced to seven kilometers, captured the Gaubic battery, about a hundred prisoners. But the enemy command pulled up the reserves, threw his bombers on its connants, and the Melnik Combrigs was forced to give the order to gain a foothold on the reached frontiers.

    A sudden blow of the 3rd cavalry building ripped off the offensive of a major grouping of the enemy from Solnechnogorsk towards Moscow. The Nazis were discarded, suffered significant losses and lost the whole day that were used by the Soviet command. The head battalions of the 7th Guards Rifle Division began to be unloaded at Povarovo stations to take defense on the Leningrad highway.

    Two of the day, the cavalrymen kept their positions. The opponent, entering the 2nd tank division and major aviation forces into battle, took one attack after another, but everything is in vain. In these fights, the Nazis lost only killed seven hundred soldiers and officers, 22 tanks and three bombers.

    On November 26, the enemy was somewhat moving along the Leningrad highway and wed up between the 53rd cavalry division and battalions of the 7th Guards Rifle Division. Enemy tanks and motorized infantry captured Esipovo and pawns.

    The commander of the hull perebed the 50th Cavalry Division with both tank battalions on the right flank. The strike of the tanks and the Guards shooters, the broken enemy grouping was thrown away. In this battle, the death of brave fell, leading their soldiers in the attack, Captain Kulagin and senior Politruk Cossacks.

    Three days of precious time received the Soviet command as a result of a bold blow and the resistant defense of cavalrymen and infantrymen. During this time, the front reserves occupied the defense, covered the Leningrad highway and again blocked the German fascist troops to Moscow.

    In the morning of November 27, joyful news came to the headquarters of Kavkorpus. Order No. 342 of 11/26/1941, the Guards title was assigned to Kavkorpus.

    "... for the manifestation of courage in battles with German invaders, for the resilience, the courage and heroism of the personal composition of the Supreme Commands rate are transformed:

    3rd Cavalry Corps - in the 2nd Guards Cavalry Corps (Corps Commander General Major Dovator Lev Mikhailovich);

    The 50th Cavalry Division - in the 3rd Guards Cavalry Division (commander of the Division Major General Pliev Issa Aleksandrovich);

    53rd Cavalry Division - in the 4th Guards Cavalry Division (commander of the Division Combrigs Melnik Kondrat Semenovich);

    The guards banners are awarded to these buildings and divisions.

    The decisive days of the battle for Moscow came. Our country, Soviet troops strained all their strength to keep the enemy's violent on the enemy.

    The German fascist command focused on the Leningrad highway 23rd and 106th infantry and 2nd tank divisions and categorically ordered them to break through to Moscow along the shortest path from the North-West. Parts of the 40th motorized housing managed to master the city of Istra.

    The troops of the 16th Army under the onslaught of numerically superior opponent with severe defensive battles were east.

    By November 29, the Nazis transferred the 5th Tank and 35 Infantry Divisions to the East Coast and the 35th Infantry Division and went to Alabushev, threatening to close the ring of the environments around the cavalry case.

    In the afternoon, the corps commander decided to begin the conclusion of divisions from the battle in order to move back to defense outside the rings of the enemy environment. Staff officers who drove in the division to transfer a combat order and control its implementation, the Dovator said:

    Send commanders and commissars of parts and let it know every soldier: the enemy slipped south of our location, it turned out to be almost in the rear; We strike the east, rupture the enemy ring and again we turn to the defense of the front to the West. Do not leave the enemy not only a single gun or machine gun, but even a single wheel from the wagon. I categorically demanding: to take out all the wounded in the rear, as well as the bodies of those who died in battle for ledge their land with military honors. Communists, Communists, Komsomol members be the first in breakthrough, the last with the departure! ..

    The main severity of the breakthrough fell apart from the 20th Cavalry Division, defended on the left chassis flank.

    On the morning of November 30, enemy infantry and tanks resumed attacks along the Leningrad highway. Two infantry shelf with tanks broke through in the rear of the division. The division was in the ring. Bombers continuously bombed the forest for which our parts were opened. Century trees, sipped by an explosive wave, prevented the movement.

    At noon, the 124th cavalry regiment, approaching the line of the October Railway, was greeted by the fire of enemy tanks and skiers-car guns. The regiment turned around and rushed from the move towards Chesnikovo, where he again took the defense. His right human divisions established a connection with the rifle battalions of the division of Colonel Gryazanov.

    The squadron of the 22nd Cavalry Regiment, with the support of the fire of the 14th equestrian division, located on the edge of the forest, moved to the attack on Alabushevo, knocked the Nazis from the village, but they were immediately attacked by the flank of the two infantry battalions with 46 tanks. Enemy batteries produced a firefall on the village. One of the first shells was hardly injured by the commander of the division Colonel of Stavenkov. The command of the division was accepted by Lieutenant Colonel Tavlia.

    Squadron moved to a kilometer and fell on the edge of the forest, closer to the flank with the divisions of the 124th Cavalry Regiment.

    The enemy climbed into the attack several times, trying to knock down the Connects from her defensive turn, but all to no avail.

    The 103rd cavalry regiment covered the breakthrough of the main forces of the Division. Hasted squadrons unfolded on the railway and highway and beat several infantry attacks. Failure to fail, the enemy began to bypass our fighting orders of the forest. The brutal contractions were tied; A reserve squadron was drawn into battle, and behind him and special divisions: chemists, sappers, anti-aircraft.

    Three tanks with the landing machine gun went around the left flank of the regiment and rushed to the headquarters. There was an honorary revolutionary red banner of the Central Executive Committee of the RSFSR, which the regiment was awarded for taking in 1921 the fortress of Gissar and the defeat of the gang of Emir Bukhara Seid-Alim Khan. Nearby was a combat banner with the Order of the Red Star from the Allbharic Central Executive Committee for the defeat in 1922, Basmar Band Enver-Pasha and Ibrahim Beck.

    The headquarters guarded the eleven soldiers of the Commandant platoon with two manual machine guns and a anti-tank gun. They entered into battle. Senior Sergeant Lukash Bunch of a hand grenade hit the head tank, the second tank was set fire to the armor-friendly, and the third stuck in a snowdrift and conducted a machine-gun fire.

    The unequal battle lasted more than half an hour. All defenders of regimental banners, except for one-wounded junior sergeant Stepan Onuprienko, were killed. Onuprienko, straining the last forces, inserted into the automatic disk and put on the focus on the casual to the Nazis. Leaving in the snow killed and wounded, the enemies walked over the trees.

    Almost losing consciousness, Junior Sergeant Onuprienko rose, threw a grenade and, affected by the third bullet, fell, biased his body slapped with snow.

    The cavalry officers who came on the shots were dropped by the Nazis and carefully raised the hero's frozen body and two regimental shrines - banners, who defended their lives Stepan Onuprienko. Near the headquarters of the shelf stood three baked enemy tanks, stood up to the forty corpses of the Nazis.

    With the onset of darkness, the enemy stopped the attack. The divisions of the 103rd Cavalry Regiment joined their division, again took the defense on the Leningrad highway, in the village of large rusty.

    Part 3 of the 3rd Guards Cavalry Division, through the combat orders of which the Cavalry divisions of the first echelon emerged from the fight were in the deep rear of the enemy. During the day, the Nazis moved several times to the attack on the contesions, but did not have success. As soon as hemet, General Pliev led a division to a breakthrough. The avant-garde regiment with short blows knocked up enemy barriers, punching the road to the main force. The dawn of the division came out of the environment and focused on black dirt in the village, where they switched to defense again. The 1st special cavalry regiment formed from Moscow workers was included in the division.

    Thus, an enemy's attempt to surround and destroy the 2nd Guards Cavalry Corps and break through the strip of his defense to Moscow failed. All parts of the case are in full order, with all the combat equipment, broke out from the ring of three enemy divisions and again occupied defense in the near approaches to the capital.

    From this turn, Connogvardeys have no longer moved away!

    The defensive period of the Great Battle of Moscow ended.

    "General" The offensive of the enemy to the capital of the Soviet Union failed. Instead of a lightning strike of three tank groups, in the steel "ticks" of which Hitler intended to clamp Soviet troops, defended Moscow, the group of army "Center" was forced to literally crawl to Moscow. On the total, external flanks of the Nazis managed in twenty days of the offensive to advance a hundred kilometers, but our defense was not broken by anywhere.

    By December 5, 1941, the enemy group, exhausted by heavy losses, began to move to defense at the turn of Kalinin, Yakhroma, Kryukovo, Naro-Fominsk, west of Tula, Mordvez, Mikhailov, Elets.

    At the most critical moment, when the front line took place in the country's country's countryside, the Supreme Commandment rate gave an order to transition to the Soviet Army to a decisive counteroffensive.

    On December 6, the troops of the Western Front caused powerful blows on the flanks of the 3rd, 4th and 2nd German tank groups that came to the near approach to Moscow and Tula. The reserve 1st impact, 20th and 10th army, focused in the Dmitrov, Yakhroma, Khimki area and south of Ryazan, going to the offensive, broke the opponent's opponent's resistance. Following them began to strike on the enemy and the troops of the 16th Army of Lieutenant General K. K. Rokossovsky. 7th and 8th Guards Rifle, the 44th Cavalry Division and the 1st Guards Tank Brigade, defeating the Kryukovskaya grouping of the enemy, captured the hook and destroyed the enemy garrison, which refused to fold the weapon. The 18th Rifle Division of Colonel Chernyshev knocked out Nazis from Shemetov. The 9th Guards Rifle Division General Beloborodov captured the road naval road.

    Developing success, the army of the right wing of the Western Front defeated the 3rd and 4th tank groups and was forwarded to the West from December 6 to 60 kilometers. The troops of the left wing continued to pursue the crushed 2 enemy tank army. The north of the Kalininsky front troops, led by Lieutenant-General I. S. Konev, and received the task of defeating the 9th German army and release Kalinin. The south of the troops of the right wing of the South-Western Front (commander "Marshal of the Soviet Union S. K. Tymoshenko, a member of the Military Council N. S. Khrushchev) inflicted a strong blow to the 2nd German army in the area of \u200b\u200bYelets. The enemy parts that these crushing blows hit, a few more days tried to continue the offensive, but in the end they were forced to stop it.

    The counteroffensiveness of the Soviet Army turned on a huge front from Kalinin to Castor.

    Discussions on the role of Connovan's role during the war goes on. Allegedly, our cavalry with checkers were naked to German tanks, and the Soviet marshals before the war overestimate its importance.

    With checkers against tanks

    In the historical discussion on the revaluation of the military strategy at the beginning of the war in the 90s, it was often possible to hear the opinion that the opinion of the so-called "Connants" was prevailed: Voroshilov, Budenno, Schaden. Allegedly they told the number of cavalry parts increased. Efim Schadenko in particular said:

    "War of Motors, Mechanization, Aviation and Chemistry are invented by Warns. While the main thing is a horse. The decisive role in the future war will play the root. "

    Such quotes, eliminated from context, fans looking at the topics "with chambers against tanks" love to cite as evidence of the short-sightedness of the Soviet military command at the beginning of the war, however, if you look at the facts and documents, the picture appears quite different.

    The number of controls of cavalry buildings before the war decreased to 5, cavalry divisions - up to 18 (4 of them were stationed in the Far East), mountain cavalry divisions - up to 5 and Cossack (territorial) cavalry divisions - to 2.

    After all the abbreviations, the Red Cavalry met the war in 4 buildings and 13 cavalry divisions. The total regular number of the cavalry division was 8968 people and 7625 horses, a cavalry regiment, respectively, 1428 people and 1506 horses. Thus, the view is that Stalin, Voroshilov and Burendan wanted to win the war "riding" is a banal myth.


    The cavalry buildings of the Red Army turned out to be the most resistant compounds of the Red Army in 1941. They managed to survive in endless deviations and environments of the first year of war. The cavalry was, first of all, the only means that allowed deep coverage and traversions, as well as to make effective raids in the rear of the enemy.

    At the beginning of the war, in 1941-1942, the cavalrymen played a crucial role in defensive and offensive operations, in fact, taking the role of the Motorian army motorcycles, since at this time the number and combat readiness of these compounds in the Red Army was insignificant.

    The cavalry, thus, before the emergence of motorized parts and compounds in the Red Army, was the only maneuverable means of the operational level.

    In the second half of the war, since 1943, when the mechanistence of the Red Army improved and the mechanisms of tank armies were debugged, the cavalry began to play an important role in solving special tasks during offensive operations.

    Red Connection In the second half of the war carried out a breakthrough of the opponent's defense, formed an external front of the environment. In the case, when the offensive was going on the highway roads of acceptable quality, the cavalry could not sleep for motorized compounds, but during the raids on the ground roads and off-road cavalry did not lag behind the motorcycle.

    The benefits of cavalry can be attributed to its independence from fuel. Her breakthroughs on a large depth allowed the Red Army to save the forces of infantry and tankers, providing a high pace of army and fronts.

    The number of cavalry and tank parts in the Red Army was almost the same. Tank armies in 1945 were 6, cavalry buildings - seven. Most and those and others wearing the title of Guards. If expressed figuratively, the tank armies were the sword of the Red Army, and the Red Connence is an acute and long sword.

    Used to the Great Patriotic War and those who loved the Red Commanders to the Civil Tachacan. Ivan Yakushin, Lieutenant, the commander of the anti-tank platoon of the 24th Guards Cavalry Regiment of the 5th Guards Cavalry Division recalled: "Tachacans also used only as a means of movement. With horse attacks, they really unfolded and, as in civil war, they were singing, but it was infrequent. And how the battle was started, so the machine gun from the Tachacan is removed, the horses are taught, the Tacank is also leaving, and the machine gun remains. "

    Kushchevskaya Ataka

    Cavalry Cossack parts distinguished themselves. The famous Kushchevskaya Attack became early in August 1942, when Cossack Division was able to delay the offensive of the Germans in the Caucasus.

    Cossacks then decided to stand to death. Stamped in forest stations near the village of Kushchevskaya, they were ready for the attack and waited for the order. When the order was given, the Cossacks went to the attack.

    A third of the ways to the German positions of the Cossacks were held, silently, only the steppe air was hiped from checkers. Then they switched to trot when the Germans became visible to the naked eye, they let the horses in the gallop. It was a real mental attack.

    The Germans were taken away. Before that, they were heard about the Cossacks, but under Kushchev, they saw them in all its glory. Here are just two opinions about the Cossacks. One thing is the Italian officer, the second - the German soldier, for whom the battle near Kushchev became the last.

    "We had some kind of Cossacks before us. These are devils, not soldiers. And they have steel horses. We can not get out of here alive. "

    "One memoiler about the Cossack attack turns me into horror and makes trembling. At night, nightmares pursue me. Cossacks are a whirlwind, which sweeps on its way all obstacles and obstacles. We are afraid of the Cossacks as the retaliation of the Most High. "

    Despite the explicit advantage in weapons, the Germans trembled. Stanitsa Kushchevskaya three times passed from hand to hand. According to the memoirs of the Cossack of the Bridge, the German aviation participated in battle, but because of the shortness, in which the fierce struggle in hand-to-hand, it turned out to be actually useless - he did not want to bomb his Luftwaffe. The aircraft circled over the battlefield on the cracking flight, obviously wanting to scare the Cossack horses, only it was useless - the Cossack horses were accustomed to the roar of motors.

    It is interesting to read the memories of the cavalry squadron of Zinaida Korzh (according to the book S. Aleksievich "The war is not a female face"): "After the Kushovsky battle, it was the famous horse attack of the Kuban Cossacks - the corps assigned the title of Guards. The fight was terrible. And for us with Olya the most terrible, because we are still very afraid. I, although I already fought, knew what it was, but when the cavalrymen went avalanche - the Circassians flutter, the sabers were removed, the horses snatch, and the horse, when flies, he has such power; And all this avalanche went on tanks, on artillery, on the fascists - it was like a terrible dream. And the fascists were a lot, there were more of them, they walked with automatic machines, at the same time, next to the tanks they went - and they could not stand it, you see, they could not stand this avalanche. They threw guns and fled. "

    In walking build

    Cavalry found an application at the end of the war. On the use of the cavalry building in the East Prussian operation, Konstantin Rokossovsky wrote: "Our equestrian building N.S. Oskikovsky, breaking forward, flew into Allenstein (Olsztyn), where several echelons with tanks and artillery arrived. Looky attack (of course, not in horseback ranks!), Oslomiv the opponent with fire guns and machine guns, cavalryrs captured the echelons. "

    It is significant that Rokossovsky emphasizes that the cavalrymen fell on the tanks, hurrying.

    This was the classic tactics of cavalry against motorized parts. When meeting with tank connections, the riders were dismounted, and the horses were tested to a safe place attached to each cavalry part of the canties. In battle with tanks, the red cavalrymen joined the root.

    Mythologizers of the Great Patriotic and World War II generally gave birth to a fairy tale that the cavalry in this war was a remnant of the past and was preserved in the Red Army only thanks to the marshals of cavalryrs - Budyonny, Voroshilov, and Stalin, who, allegedly, did not understand the role of mechanization in the army and overestimated The role of cavalry divisions.

    But the opinion of the revaluation of the role of cavalry in the Red Army does not correspond to reality. Before war, the number of caves constantly fell. According to the report of the Commissar of Defense in the Central Committee of the CPSU (b) in the fall of 1937, in a promising plan for the development of the Workers' and Peasant Red Army in 1938-1942, the reduction and disbandment of a significant part of the cavalry was discussed. As a result, on the beginning of the Great Patriotic War of 32 cavalry divisions in 1938, 4 corpus management remains 4 corpulation management and 13 divisions. Some cavalry parts reformed into mechanized; Thus, the 4th Cavkorpus, the Office and the 34th Cavdivia became the basis of the 8th Mehkorpus D. I. Ryabtseva (before this Kavkorpus commander).

    The theory of combat use of cavalry in the USSR

    The theory of combat use of the cavalry in the USSR created quite common people; So, in 1922 the labor "Connection: Cavalry Essays", who belonged to Boris Mikhailovich Shaposhnikov - Colonel, Cavalist of the Tsarist Army, headquartered in the USSR. He released the first study dedicated to the cavalry tactics in alliance, it caused a wide discussion of red commanders. In his work, Shaposhnikov gotten an equestrian battle to exceptions, and the normal battle should be the norm - maneuver equestrian, and the fight itself in a walk. The organization was to become closer to the infantry, the armament was strengthened, becoming similar infantry - rifles with a bayonet, revolvers, grenades, carbines, increased the number of machine guns, strengthened artillery units (the cavalry should have warmness and anti-aircraft vet), the armored vehicles are attached, including tanks. Connection was to support aviation from the air.

    Marshal was not a "narrow" cavalidist, but quite expensive argued that the role of cavalry rises in the case of a moon war, this is its scope. That is why in the Red Army it was necessary to maintain a powerful connice.

    The battle charter of the cavalry attributed an offensive in horseback only in the case of a "favorable situation", that is, if there is a shelter from the fire of the enemy, he is weak or there is no enemy fire. The horse actually became a vehicle, the cavalrymen walked the battle in the foot.

    The field charter of 1939 noted that it is necessary to use in conjunction with tank units, motorized infantry, aviation; In the development of breakthroughs, in the raids on the rear of the enemy, in the persecution of the enemy. Cavalrymen, having disappeared, could hold the area, but attributed to the first opportunity to replace them, keeping for the maneuver.

    Shaposhnikov, Boris Mikhailovich.

    Combat use of cavalry

    Horses were used for movement, they were taught before the fight (several people in each squadron), cavalrymen fought as ordinary infantry. Attacking the position of the enemy in the equestrian building, with the strengthening of fire facilities, it became suicide, and meaningless, such foolish people did not suffer. The famous taccans also stayed, but before the fight, the machine gun was filmed, horses were taught with Tachanka. Equestrian attack and cutting enemy with a checker became an exception. Many fighters never went to the horse attack and did not shove anyone.

    In fact, the kiss became a kind of motorifotted, only on horseback. This was also their advantages, cavalry took place where he could not pass armored vehicles, cars in the forests, mountainous terrain. Soviet cavalryrs, with rams Nepolo, the attacking positions of the Wehrmacht are a myth.

    Connog Guards General Oslikovsky at the view, 1944

    The myth of Polish cavalry attacked by the Wehrmacht tanks

    The myth was created by Guderian in his memories: "The Polish Pomeranian Cavalry Brigade due to the ignorance of constructive data and methods of actions of our tank workers attacked them cold and incurred monstrous losses." Apparently, this plot went well in the idea of \u200b\u200bracial superiority of the "Nordic race" over the Slavyans-"Nedochalov", which was enough of the mind in the equestrian building to attack tanks.

    His promise was then creatively developed in the artistic literature, the Pikul, for example, in his book "The Square of Fallen Fighters."

    In reality, the Polish cavalry, as well as Soviet, had instructions that the cavalry makes marches in the equestrian building, and the battle leads. Naturally, it could be an exception, if you pursue a demoralized enemy or caress him by surprise.

    The 18th Pomeranian Ulan Regiment participated in battle under the lifts. On August 22, 1939, he received an order for mobilization, the 25th she was completed. The regiment has more than 800 people, two 37 mm anti-tank guns, 12 PTRs, 12 machine guns, 18 manual machine guns, 2 motorcycles, 2 radio stations. Then he was strengthened with a battery with 4,75-mm cannons and two heavy machine guns.

    On September 1, the regiment met the enemy on the border and the first half of the day led the defensive battle, in the afternoon the regiment received an order to apply the counterdaddar and, taking advantage of the victim of the enemy, move away. For Construdar, two squadrons were allocated and two platforms, they brought them into a maneuverable detachment, he set a task for seven evenings to reach the rear of German infantry and attack her, and then move away from the front line.

    During the bypass maneuver, the Poles' reconnaissance found a German infantry battalion that stood on a prival of 300-400 meters from the forest edge. Polish commanders decided to attack in horseback, using the effect of surprise. The attack was headed by the commander of the shelf Colonel Mastailing, at the signal Pole Pole attacked. The Germans did not expect a blow and were caught off by surprise, and ran, the Poles began to chop them. But the Poles did not notice the armored vehicles hidden in the forest, now they caught their surroundings. They left the forest and opened fire from machine guns (i.e. there was no tanks), they supported one tool, the Poles were broken. They retreated, losing 26 people killed, including colonel, and about 50 people were injured.

    The big part of the losses of the 18th regiment on September 1, in a defensive battle - up to 60% of the composition, two anti-tank guns, several machine guns. The image invented by Guderian and developed by other authors is nothing to do with reality. The 18th Pomeranian Ulansky Regiment (or rather, part of it) attacked the goded German infantry, and not tanks and was attacked by German armored vehicles when the Germans cut. But, the loss, the cavalry retreated and was not completely destroyed.

    Guderian G. Memories of a soldier. Smolensk, 1999.
    Isaev A. V. Antisuvorov. Ten myths of the Second World War. M., 2004.
    Soviet cavalry. Military. - East. Essay / A. Ya. Soshnikov, P. N. Dmitriev, A. S. Harutyunov et al. M., 1984.
    Tyulenev I.V. Soviet cavalry in battles for their homeland. M., 1957.

    Self-killer himself, and comrades will cut out. The seventeenth of October, forty-first year became a turning point in battle under Taganrog. At dawn from the West Bank of Mius, a squall fire of hundreds of guns and mortars opened, plowing the trenches of the 31st Stalingrad Rifle Division Colonel M.I. Izine. Dozens of "Junkers" covered with bombs fire positions of artillery along the mound of the railway Pokrovskoe - Martsevo. Then, a column of tanks and motorcycles of the 3rd motorized corps of the Tank Army of the Colonel-General Tank Army were moved to Taganrog to Tarrog's Troitskoye and Nikolayevka. The crushed by the mass of armored vehicles, the ruined shelves of Stalingrads rolled back to the city, on the outskirts of which, in the village of Northern, the divisions of the Taganrog garrison entered the battle. The airframe of the South Front installed a cluster to hundreds of tanks and two hundred cars in Trinity, twenty tanks on the highway at Sambek.

    Over ninety tanks, breaking through the front of our parts from Sambek, moved to the east. First Secretary of Commandment Party M.P. Bogdanov called Lieutenant-General Remezov from Taganrog and demanded immediately adopt the necessary measures to eliminate the breakthrough of enemy tank columns to Taganrog and Rostov. Fyodor Nikitich, who had just begun to form the 56th individual army, intended for the defense of the Don Capital, there were no combat-ready troops in the Taganrog direction.

    Then Remezov contacted the commander of the 9th Army by General Kharitonov, who was obeyed by all parts of the Taganrog combat site, handed over to him the demand of the regional committee and his request to prevent the defeat of the Stalingrad Division. The closest to the location of the breakthrough, in the village of Sela Kollasskoy and Khutors Sadka, Buzin, Sedovsky, there were two light cavalry divisions and the 23rd Rifle Regiment of the 51st Order of Lenin of the Perepopian Red Banner Division. At noon, Fyodor Mikhailovich Kharitonov gave a combat order to commander of the 66th and 68th cavalry divisions Colonels Grigorovich and Kirichenko: subordinate to himself the 23rd regiment, from the turn - height 82.7, Kurgan Salted, Kurlasskoe at 15-30 to strike in the flank Entries in the direction of the station Koshkino. Commander of the German Corps General Tank Troops Baron Eberhard Augustus Von Makenzen, who watched the occurrence of the competence of one of Miussian heights, pointed out the commander of divisions on a dark, mechanical mass rolling from the gentle western slopes of the Kursan and Armenian. Beautiful Casessovskaya optics opened generals a striking picture: on a becraine field, stretching a few kilometers on the front, with intervals between squadrons and shelves, thousands of riders rode.

    Behind them hurried dozens of machine-gun tacanes and artillery strokes with front and light cannons walked. Motorized Division Commander "Leibstandard" Adolf Hitler "Obergroupenfürer SS Joseph Dietrich, pet and former bodyguard Fuhrera, familiarly slammed Muenzen on the shoulder:" - Baron, well, just like the Ulanne in Poland! "Mooring, Mainsenzen ordered the commander of the Thirteenth Tank Division to reflect the attack and allocated To strengthen the battalion of the 36th Tank Regiment of the Obrast Esser from the Fourteenth Division. General Dupert immediately unfolded along the Pokrovskoe Highway - Sambek followed by the column 93rd Motorized Shelves of Orist Polentanta Stolz. Fight of the cavalry with tanks and motorcycles that had machines, machine guns, mortars and cannons, turned In a bloody slaughter. From the six regiments, the 179th Kavpolk of Lieutenant Colonel I.I. Lobodina acted the most organized.

    In the 66th division, the battalion commissioner of the 66th division of the 9th army of the 66th division was: "17.10.41. 179 KP covered in the Taganrog area. . Lob one rightly placed fire facilities, he himself was on the front line of fire and a personal example of courage and dedication inspired fighters and commanders for active fighting. As a result, the cavalrymen successfully reflected enemy attacks, caused significant losses to the fascists. And most importantly, they distracted the power and enemy tools To ourselves, thereby ensuring the output of parts 31 sd from the battle. " But only the second squadron of Captain I.G. remained in the shelf after this day. Bondarenko.

    Commanders of Divisia Vladimir Iosifovich Grigorovich and Nikolai Moiseevich Kirichenko could not help his dying under massive fires. The crews of the 8th separate division of Major I.A.Ru was hurried to revenue Sukhanova. Hitching on the driving between the stations of Madsevo and Koshi-Cinema, armored train No. 59 under the command of Captain A.D. Harebawa hit the fire of four guns and sixteen machine guns on German tanks and motorcycle drive, distracting them against themselves. In the cruel battle, the steel "Fortress on the wheels" died, filled with bombs twenty-seven dive bombers.

    From the hundred people of the crew miraculously survived six wound fighters. The remains of the cavalry and the 31st division went to the east, holding back the armored divisions of the Wehrmacht. The culmination was the twentieth of October. On this day, the 179th cavalry regiment reflected six attacks of a motorized battalion, supported by semal tanks and semolute motorcycle with machine guns. Conneels of the second squadron destroyed over thirty motorcycles along with the crews, filled four and burned three tanks, to the infantry company.

    But too unequal were forces. The enemy went around the position of cavalrymen from the flanks and surrounded the command post. In a stereo unequal fight, almost all of the commanders of the headquarters, telecommists and cowards were killed. Only lieutenant colonel Lobodine with two lieutenants managed to escape from the ring. They scolded to the kopani farm, but there were already tanks and motorcycle opponents. Then the commander of the regiment climbed into the attic of the outdoor house and the fire of the automaton rushed a half dozen soldiers. The fascists launched a tank and burned house incendiary shells. But from the clubs of smoke there were stale short queues. When the flame covered the roof, Lobodin jumped into the courtyard. He got small fragmentation and severe burns, was all in the blood. Two orders of the combat red banner and the Order of the Labor Red Banner of the Tajik Republic were shone on the burnt gymnaster. Commander, who started service in Division V.I. Chapayeva, Basmaci's thunderstorm, with Mauser in his left and checker in his right hand rushed to surrounded by the courtyard of enemies. In the cod of the roaring flame, a few shots sounded silently. Another three who rushed to the Lobodine soldiers fell.

    Throwing already unnecessary pistol, Ivan Ivanovich waved her cheer. Stuff, car guns in the emphasis, long queues, literally sore the hero. Osatanev from the experience of fear, they doused the body with gasoline and burned. The remains were secretly buried by local residents in the neighboring farm Sadka. Decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of May 5, 1942, I.I. Lobodina was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. Posthumously.

    And if the feat of the lieutenant colonel Lobodino I.I. It is known and already described in the literature, then another fact, indicating the tragedy and horror of these days on the Don Earth, is little known. ... Commander of the 13th Tank Division Major Major Walter Duette, who led from the commander T-4 reflection of an incredible cavalry attack at Koshkino station, fell ill with a nervous disorder and was treated for a long time in a psychiatric clinic for the best doctors Reich. He was tormented by the same picture - on an endless, to the horizon, the field molded hundreds of saddled horses and wildly, piercingly rzut, shaving from roaring tanks, whose side and caterpillars of black from blood, mixed with mud and wagons of soldier uniforms ... Rostov-Na- Don.