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  • Competition for the Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War "Heroes of the Great Victory - Glory! All-Russian Creative Competition "Day of the Great Victory Competitions for teachers for Victory Day

    Competition for the Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War

    We offer you an erudite contest for schoolchildren dedicated to

    1st tour. Intellectual

    1. What did the USSR and Germany agree on, signing the nonsense agreement and secret protocols to it?

    Answer options: about the date of the Attack of Germany in England and France; The division of spheres of influence between the USSR and Germany in Eastern Europe; About the division of spheres of influence in the Balkans. (On the division of spheres of influence between the USSR and Germany in Eastern Europe.)

    2. For what reason of the USSR was excluded from the League of Nations?

    Answer options: due to the attack of the USSR to Finland; Due to the signing of a contract with Germany; Due to the introduction of troops to Poland. (Due to the attack of the USSR on Finland.)

    3. According to Hitler's plan, one of the Soviet cities should have completely destroyed and in his place to dig a huge pit for the sea. What city was meant?

    Response options: Smolensk, Kiev, Moscow. (Moscow.)

    4. On August 5, 1943, the first salute was held in Moscow. What was he dedicated to?

    Answer options: the defeat of the Germans near Moscow; breakthrough of the blockade of Leningrad; Release of Eagle and Belgorod. (Eagle and Belgorod's release.)

    5. When did the victory parade in Moscow took place?

    Response options: May 9, 1945; May 8, 1945; July 24, 1945 (June 24, 1945)

    6. How many days did the Great Patriotic War lasted 1941-1945??

    (1418 days.)

    7. Name at least three major battles of the Great Patriotic War.

    (Defense of Moscow, Leningrad, Stalingrad battle, Kursk Arc, Storm Berlin, etc.)

    8. Name the young patriots awarded during the Great Patriotic War of the title of Hero Soviet Union.

    (Lenya Golikov, Valya Citic, Marat Kazei, Zina Portorova.)

    9. When the German troops for the first time in the history of the Second World War were forced to go to defense?

    Response options: near Smolensk July 30, 1941; near Kiev in September 1941; in the battles for Odessa in October 1941 (near Smolensk on July 30, 1941)

    10. Pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union. His aircraft was shot down on the enemy territory, and 18 days he was crawling to the front line. After an amputation of the legs of both feet at a personal request was sent to a fighter airlock, where more seven enemy aircraft shot down in air battles. Name the name of this person.

    (Alexey Petrovich Maresyev.)

    2nd round. Musical

    Each team takes one song of a song on the military topics in his choice. The second team should continue the song. Then the commands change roles. Songs should not repeat.

    Naturally, teams stand together with the class teacher or a teacher of singing to prepare for this contest.

    You can use songs:

    "Victory Day" (Muz.d. Tukhmanova, Sl. V. Kharitonova) -

    "Sacred War" (Muz.A. Aleksandrov, Sl. V. Lebedeva);

    Song from the movie "Belorussky Station" (Muz. And. B. Okudzhava);

    "Dark night" (Muz.n. Bogoslovsky, Sl. V. Atatova);

    "Roads" (Muz.A. Novikova, Sl. L. Oshanin);

    "In the dugout" (Muz.K. Listova, Surkov, Surkov);

    "Last Fight", song from k / f "Liberation" (MUZ. And. M. Sokhkin);

    "Katyusha" (Muz.m. Blanter);

    "Three Tankers" (Muz.Dm.i Dan. Paints, Sl. B. Las Kina);

    "Cranes" (Muz.y. Frenkel, Sl. R. Ghamzatova);

    Alyosha (Muz.E. Kolmanovsky, Sl. K. Vanshkin);

    "Let's bow down the great years" (Muz.A. Pakhmutova, Sl. M. Lviv.)

    When evaluating the competition, knowledge of songs and the mass of execution takes into account.

    Competitions on school holidays. Competitions for school holidays.

    Funny and funny contests will make any school holiday as interesting and unforgettable.

    Competitions can decorate almost any holiday. The main thing is that they are not boring and that the choice of the winner is determined mainly by auditorial sympathies.

    What contests do not happen!

    Competition of musical theatrical sketches.

    Competition of live video clips.

    For the best male suit.

    For the best female costume.

    Best actor.

    Best second-plan actor.

    Best actress.

    To enhance the voltage to use the draw, drum fraction.

    "Funny pictures"

    On the board you need to draw simultaneously: one hand is a triangle, and the other is a square.

    Competition "Sound Designers"

    The host reads the text, and players, not knowing the continuation of the text, voiced what the host readings about. "Under my feet crunched the sand ... In the tent, incomprehensible sounds were heard ... Changing frogs came from the swamps ... A dog was lying down ... A dog was lying down ... I jerked the cats ... And suddenly a piercing cry came ... It shouted the rooster. morning".

    Competition "All the opposite"

    All commands need to be performed up to the opposite. For example, with the words of the leading "Hand Up", the participants of the competition omit the hands down, with the words "hands down" - raise up. The prize receives the most attentive participant, the remaining "in the pride of loneliness", that is, never confused.

    Competition "Feeds of the Child"

    (There are 2 plates with porridge, 2 spoons, 2 "whirl", 2 scarf.)

    At the table opposite a friend, team representatives are sitting. Before each there is a plate with porridge. "Opponents" take into the hands of a spoon, they tie their eyes, they put on big "whirls". Task: Feed the "child" sitting opposite. Win the one who will put the porridge in the mouth of the opponent.

    Competition "Laugh Nesmeyanu"

    Before each player sits out a girl from the opponent team. The task of the player is to make a girl. The task of the girl is to resist not to laugh.

    Competition "Gait"

    Try to portray a person's gait

    which just has gone well;

    whose boots are pumped;

    who unsuccessfully kicked brick;

    who began a acute attack of the radiculitis;

    who turned out to be at night in the forest;

    going around the edge of the skyscraper.

    Competition "Sharpheart Environments"

    You are entertained. You need to declare the next number. And you unexpectedly lost a voice. Try to do with faith and gestures. So, the next number acts ...

    singer Lyudmila Zykina;

    dancer Boris Moiseev;

    humorist Mikhail Zhvanetsky;

    singer Alla Pugacheva;

    Yuri Shevchuk ... and so on.

    "Speaker Competition"

    One who can repeat the lead as many patters as possible and not to get bored.

    Tongue Twisters

    Dali Klash Kashi with Prostokovashchi, ate to clash porridge with the procreel.

    Tips fabric fabrics on clave and tana dresses.

    Grass in the yard, firewood on the grass.

    Little chatter than milk chatted, chatted, but did not bother.

    From the topot of the hoof dust flies on the field.

    Thirty-three cars in a row of tarators, tauralate. Tarators, tharachat thirty-three cars in a row.

    Sasha was walking along the highway and sucked drying.


    The host reads the story, and players with gestures, facial expressions, movements, sounds depict all that hear.

    "Circus troupe"

    Commands get a task to portray the circus troupe. Each member of the teams pulls out a card with his role. It can be: head of troupe, trainer, clown, acrobat, elephant, monkey, bear, lion, snake, trained dog, etc. After 1 minute each player with sounds, facial expressions, walking tries to portray his hero. "Troupe leaders" should guess who is who, and organize the performance of artists and animals.

    "What is it?"

    Teams are given a task to portray some scene; For example, the first team depicts the morning in the village - the blurring of cows, creaking wicket, the cooked rooster, the clanging of the well chain, and the second team should guess what it is. Then the second team shows its scene; For example, the evening in the port (cry of chaps, steamboats, grinding the anchor chain, the noise of the surf). And the first team guess that it is. You can ask leading questions. The guessing team is considered to be a loser if the spectators guessed the first.

    The competition of children's drawings of the Victory Day in all institutions of education is held on the eve of May 9th. Such an event develops the talent of children, contributes patriotic education, raises respect for the traditions of our country and its people. The task of adults is to send a child to where he can realize himself fully and feel the joy of his work. Only in this case, each schoolboy and preschooler will feel in demand and will certainly strive forward, where they are waiting for victories and new discoveries.

    Why is it important for children to participate in the All-Russian contests of the drawings of the Victory Day?

    Most children in childhood do not just love, but love to draw. The first drawings are carefully stored in families, give friends. And when parents notice that talent, indeed, there is, you have to think about how to develop it further. Someone is sent to art school, others go to individual sessions with teachers. But most children, adult, put off brushes and pencils to the side. But, perhaps, they could become great if they received a fair assessment of their talent.

    All-Russian drawings contests on the topic "Great Victory" are remotely held. This means that any child living in Russia can send his little masterpiece and present it to the jury and spectators. You can perform work at any convenient time. The timing to perform work is given considerable, which allows the plot to think about, and each barcode draw.

    Everyone can participate in remote contests. It is especially important for those children who do this for the first time. They want to feel on a par with young artists who have already exhibited work earlier. And here adult assistants can come to the rescue. Who said that parents or teachers cannot help their pupils. So, participating in the children's creative contest dedicated to May 9, the child becomes closer to his family, to his teacher. And how nice for participating to get a diploma one for two, where the name of the author of the work sent, and the name of his leader who can be like mom and teacher or the head of the artistic studio.

    What gives participation in the All-Russian drawing contest for the Victory Day?

    By participating in any contest, we want to be winners. This is the natural desire of children, and adults who are not alien to glory and success. However, we must understand that everyone cannot become winners. Most likely, the first place will get to someone the only one. And what are the rest? So nothing will get? Not at all, because participation in the competition of children's drawings is no less valuable. And there is good evidence.

    Participation in contests is the embodiment of the child's dream. Let boys or girls who wanted to show themselves somewhere, take a brush and create their own story. Someone will be very simple, and others will affect the whole event. But still it will be the merit of each and execution of your own dream.

    Remote drawings contests discipline and organize children. Each such event has a temporary framework. If a boy or girl started to do work, then to a certain day you need to cope with the work and have time to send it to the specified address.

    It is always nice to see yourself in the list of participants in the work, and even better to see their work on the pages of the Great Site Come to school, it will definitely want to show this page to classmates. And this is already an increase in self-esteem in the eyes of acquaintances. With such a mood and learning is lighter, and I want to participate in new competitions.

    Finally, for participation in the All-Russian competitions for the Victory Day, everyone receives a diploma. Award document will necessarily take its place in the portfolio of the student and the teacher, who became the head of the work.

    Participate in the All-Russian children's competitions of drawings dedicated to the Victory Day in 2017 - 2018 and the following years. Draw with pleasure and defeat.

    Competition for the Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War "Heroes of the Great Victory - Glory!"

    All-Russian creative contest for the Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War "Heroes of the Great Victory - Glory!"

    The Competition for Victory Day is a competition about the Second World War, the contest of drawings about the war, the competition of readers about the war, the competition of poems about the war for children and other creative works about the war and victory by May 9.

    The war is a terrible, cruel word, when you hear, tears arbitrarily frozen in the eyes. Images appear in the movies from the movies, from the stories of veterans on how the heroes of those events fought. Heroes of Victory are young boys who escaped to the front to fight for the future of their country, these are young nurses girls who endured wounded from the battlefields, these are soldiers who are ready to fight to the last drop of blood for their homeland, these are women who had to learn to fight On a par with men, women who had to master the men's professions to feed and provide the front with everything necessary, old people who worked not to twist the hands, children who had no full-fledged childhood and mother, wives who were waiting for their sons and husbands years. All of them are the heroes of Victory - our grandfathers, great-grandfathers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers, which fell terrible and long war.

    We must remember and honor their feats, because they put millions of lives that we can live in a free country so that we have the future we ourselves choose to be peace all over the world so that there is no war.

    Let's thank our veterans and remember those who have not returned from the war.

    Tell us about the heroes of your family who had to face the brutal war.

    We suggest honoring the memory of the heroes who died in a hard war, and we also suggest to remember those terrible days, those immortal feats of our ancestors. After all, everyone should remember the lessons of the past so that they never repeated.

    Send your work onAll-Russian creative contest for the Victory Day in the Great Patriotic War "Heroes of the Great Victory - Glory!".

    Reception of works S.March 01 to May 25, 2019 inclusive.

    Determining the winners from 26 to 29 May 2019.

    Diplomas in electronic form are sent to participants within a month since the publication of the results, the jump sA .

    Objective and objectives of the competition:

      Education of a sensitive, kind and most respectful relationship to veterans, to our ancestors who won in the terrible war and overcoming all the burden of severe military time;

      Formation of interest in the study of the past family and the meaning of the ancestors for the future of our country;

      Education of the feelings of patriotism and pride in the historical past of their homeland;

      Identification and support of gifted and talented children;

      Promoting the development of the intellectual and creative potential of the child's personality;

      Upbringing in children of love for creativity, beauty, art;

      Raising an artistic and aesthetic attitude to art;

      The acquisition of children to cultural values;

      Stimulating the cognitive interests of the child;

      Development of artistic and visual abilities;

      Facilitating the development of teachers of any type of educational institutions, educational children of preschool and school age; Detection of creatively working teachers and creating conditions for their self-realization.

      Stimulating children, teachers to participate in network projects;

      Encourage children, teachers.

      Providing participants to compete on a scale that goes beyond the framework of the institution and the region as part of a remote competition.


      pupils preschool institutions of any type of Russian and foreign countries;

      students of 1-11 classes of educational institutions of any type of Russian Federation and foreign countries (schools, lyceums, gymnasiums, colleges, etc.);

      students of art schools, children's centers additional education children, houses of culture, private studios, etc.;

      children who do not attend educational institutions;

      students of universities, custody, colleges, colleges, etc.;

      adults (teachers, educators, parents, etc.).

    Competition nomination:

      "Decorative and applied creativity" (Photo and video materials on which (s) crafts about the war and victory are taken to the Competition for Victory Day.

      "A gift to the veteran" (For the Competition, the veteran is taken by photographs of the crafts made by their own hands, which will be presented to the veterans of the Great Patriotic War).

      "Postcard veteran" (A photo or scalcopy of cards are accepted for the Card Competition a veteran, which will be presented to the veterans of the Great Patriotic War).

      "Picture" (A photo or scalkopy of drawings on the theme of the Second World War and Victory is accepted for the drawings of the War.

      "Poster" (Photos of the poster of your class, group, team, or an individual poster are accepted at the Victory Day's Poster Competition.

      "Wall newspaper" (The presentation and photographs of the wall newspaper of your class, group, team) are accepted for the contest Wragazet for the Victory Day.

      "Lapbuk" (Photos of ready-made lamps on military topics (minimum 3 photos, which are clearly visible to the content of the folder, photos can be combined in a document type Word or presentation, to work must be able to make a description of the folder in free form).

      "Master Class" (Master classes on military topics are accepted for the competition in the form of text documents or presentations, accompanied by photographs, video materials).

      "Literary creativity" (On the competition of poems and stories about the war, any and creative work performed by you and creatively decorated works, telling about the Great Patriotic War, about the exploits, including poems, essays, stories).

      "Expressive reading" (Audio recordings, video materials are accepted on the competition of readers about war expressive reading poems and prose by heart).

      "Acting Mastery" (Video materials of monologues, stage collectives, scenes, fragments of the performance on the subject of competition are accepted for the competition.

      "Insented song" (The competition is accepted by video materials of staging of stated songs on military topics).

      "Musical Creativity" (Audio recordings, video materials of musical groups, dance groups, young composers and performers corresponding to the subjects are accepted for the competition.

      "Presentation" (At the competition of presentations about the war and victory, the presentations made by you, appropriate the subjects).

      "Social Roller" (Social videos are accepted for the competition on the conservation of memory of the exploits of Heroes of the Second World War).

      "Film" (A presentation, video materials are accepted for video clips to the Victory Day.

      "The photo" (Interesting, unusual photographs corresponding to the subjects are accepted for photography photos to the Victory Day.

      "The memory that will not end ..." (The competition is accepted methodical development lessons of courage, classroom clocks, links of memory, quizzes, meetings with veterans, etc.; scenarios of festive events, stocks, etc.). Nomination for adults - educators, teachers, teachers, etc.!

      "Creativity without borders" (A free nomination in which presentations, photos, drawings, stories and other materials on the subject of the competition are accepted for the competition).


    The organizational contribution (participation + diploma) depends on the number of participants:

    From 1 to 9 people. (works) - 70 rubles ,
    70 rubles .

    From 10 or more people. (works)- 60 rubles for a diploma in the electronic form of each participant in each nomination,
    60 rubles for diploma leader

    You can pay using the receipt, you can download the receipt Also, payment can be made on the e-wallet Yandex.Money 410012112592773 - a link-business card for translations (with the payment method, specify the date, exact payment time and the amount - the exact payment time can be taken from SMS).

    Methods of payment Org. Sups are described in detail in the contest position. You can also pay through the Sberbank mobile application online according to the QR code specified in the receipt.

    Instructions for payment of Org.Vnosov through Sberbank online on the e-wallet Yandex.Money 410012112592773 without commission
    Instructions for payment of Org.Vnosov through Sberbank online for the details of the organization from the receipt

    How to apply for a contest:

      After sending the letter, you will receive an automatic response that the letter is received if the automatic answer you did not receive, check if you did not make an error in writing our email address. E. if this does not happen, then send files again.

      After processing your application, you will be sent a confirmation that the work is registered, the confirmation must come from 3 to 5 days (maximum 10 days).

    About awarding participants:

    According to the results of the evaluation of the competitive work, the Winners (I, II, III, place in each nomination) will be determined by the Winners (I, II, III) and winners (laureates, diploma). The portal solution is final and not commented. The winners and winners of the competition as a final document receive a nominal diploma. Participants who have not become among the prize-winners, as a final document receive a registered diploma of the participant.

    Teachers, educators, parents, paying their organizational fee, can get their own registered diploma for leadership when performing work.

    Also, teachers who organized participation in the competition 5 or more children (on which diplomas are issued), regardless of the results of the competition, receive a letter of thanks to the wording "for active participation In the All-Russian Competition, "which is sent to e-mail specified in the application, together with diplomas.

    Diplomas comply with the standards of GEF and certification of pedratrans.

    Diplomas in electronic form are sent to participants within a month from the date of publication of the results of the competition for the emails specified in the applications.

    Diplomas in paper are sent to participants within two months from the date of publication of the results of the competition to the addresses specified in the applications.

    Diplomas are sent for free.

    On May 9, every resident of our country is experiencing mixed feelings: pride in the feat of their people, sadness and sorrow over the losses of relatives and loved ones who have not spare each family. Our common debt is not to lose the memory of the events of the Great Patriotic War, give tribute to veterans and learn from the mistakes of those terrible years.

    For this contest, we propose to draw a poster or a postcard, make a drawing or craft dedicated to the Victory Day.

    Works are assessed by nominations:drawing, handicraft, photography.

    Works evaluates a professional jury. The file with the work must be downloaded until the last day of the reception of the work.

    Requirements for work

    • The participant of the competition performs work independently.
    • Nomination: picture. Work can be performed by any available to the author way, both on paper (pencils, paints, etc.), and using a graphic editor (Paint, Photoshop, etc.).
    • Nomination: cleather. Work can be made of a variety of materials.
    • Nomination: the photo. The participant can act as a photographer, the author of the idea or fashion model. The competition is not allowed by the work of professional photographers (wedding, staged photo sessions, etc.). The publication does not allow work containing images of people in underwear, including in bathing suits.
    • The competition is allowed only in electronic form in JPEG format (photographs of crafts or drawings, pictures, photos).
    • The width and height of the image from 800px to 2000px.
    • The file size should not exceed 15 MB.
    • Work must comply with the subject of the competition.

    The procedure for summing up

    • Participants who scored the maximum number of points ( 20 points), take 1 place.
    • Participants who score at least 90% of the maximum number of points ( 18 - 19 points), take 2 place.
    • Participants who scored at least 80% of the maximum number of points ( 16 - 17 points), occupy 3 place.

    Diplomas and certificates

    Diplomas and certificates in electronic form are available after summing up in the section My diplomas.
    All documents in electronic format are provided free of charge.

    Subject: Day of the Great Victory

    Diploma participant Get all participants in the event. The document is sent to the user email within 1 hour after loading work.

    Diploma winner Receive participants who took 1-3 prizes.

    Certificate of the curator who prepared the participant (s) Gets every teacher, whose students took part in the event. The document is sent to the user email within 1 hour after loading work.

    Certificate of the curator who prepared the winner (her) Gets a teacher whose students occupied 1-3 prizes in the event.

    Thanks Receives a teacher who has no less than three students occupied 1-3 prizes in the event.

    Thanks educational institution It is issued for the preparation of ten winners in one event.

    Results of the event

    You can get acquainted with the assessments of the work in your applications.
    Diplomas and certificates in electronic form are available in the section