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  • Theory and practice of military-patriotic education of students in modern russia mikryukov vasily yurievich. Theory and practice of military-patriotic education of students in modern russia mikryukov vasily yurievich Conceptual apparatus and normative-legal

    Theory and practice of military-patriotic education of students in modern russia mikryukov vasily yurievich.  Theory and practice of military-patriotic education of students in modern russia mikryukov vasily yurievich Conceptual apparatus and normative-legal

    480 RUB | UAH 150 | $ 7.5 ", MOUSEOFF, FGCOLOR," #FFFFCC ", BGCOLOR," # 393939 ");" onMouseOut = "return nd ();"> Dissertation - 480 rubles, delivery 10 minutes, around the clock, seven days a week

    Mikryukov Vasily Yurievich. Theory and practice of military-patriotic education of students in modern Russia: dissertation ... Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences: 13.00.01 / Mikryukov Vasily Yurievich; [Place of defense: GOUVPO "Moscow Pedagogical State University"] .- Moscow, 2009.- 315 p .: ill.


    CHAPTER 1. Historical background military-patriotic education. the need to develop the theory and practice of military-patriotic education of students in modern Russia 29

    1.1. The main stages of the world history of military-patriotic education 29

    1.2. Development of military-patriotic education in Russia .. 42

    1.3. The need for innovative transformations of the military-patriotic education of students in modern

    CHAPTER 2. Theoretical and methodological foundations of military-patriotic education of Russian students in modern conditions 64

    2.1. The conceptual apparatus and legal framework of military-patriotic education 64

    2.2. Scientific foundations of military-patriotic education ... 80

    2.3. The system of military-patriotic education 92

    CHAPTER 3. Scientific and pedagogical innovations in military-patriotic work with students in modern conditions 104

    3.1. Goals, principles, functions, psychological and pedagogical conditions, types, forms and methods of military-patriotic work 104

    3.2. Indicators and criteria of the effectiveness of military-patriotic work in an educational institution 113

    3.3. The results of the experimental military-patriotic work with students general education schools 125

    3.4. Mechanisms for the formation and development of students' personal qualities and properties of a citizen and a patriot 145

    3.5. In-school management of military-patriotic work 155

    Conclusions 168

    CHAPTER 4. Actual problems military-patriotic education of Russian students in modern conditions . 171

    4.1. Innovative strategy of military-patriotic education 171

    4.2. The use of Russian military traditions in the military-patriotic education of students 193

    4.3. Educational innovation in content curricula, textbooks and teaching aids 206

    4.4. Innovative activities in preparing students for military service 233

    4.5. Pedagogical interaction as a factor in the development of military-patriotic education of students 254

    Conclusions 264

    Conclusion 270

    Literature 275

    Introduction to work

    The historical experience of the development of Russia convincingly confirms the action of a social law - the dependence of the sphere of education of people and its effectiveness on the content and direction of fundamental transformations of society. The current stage of the country's development urgently requires the restructuring of the educational system, reflecting the interests of the individual, society and the state and ensuring their safety in the modern world.

    The army and navy, border and internal troops, called upon to solve the tasks of ensuring security and protecting the political, economic, border and military interests of the country, formulate their own, specific system of requirements for the personality of a conscript. In this regard, the problem of military-patriotic education of students is traditionally important for the qualitative replenishment of the Armed Forces with military personnel. urgent service and, thereby, ensuring the combat effectiveness of the Armed Forces, their readiness to fulfill the assigned tasks to defend the Fatherland.

    People are the backbone of the defense of any country. The course and outcome depended on their patriotism, dedication and dedication. most wars and armed conflicts. However, at the moment, with the deepest regret, it can be stated that modern youth are not ready to become defenders of their Fatherland, they are not ready to sacrifice their lives to protect the integrity and independence of the state. This is evidenced by at least the fact that the country at the moment cannot call young people into the Armed Forces in order to simply staff the troops: In this regard, fundamental changes are needed in the military-patriotic education of the younger generation.

    Over the past decade, such indicators of assessing the quality of the conscript contingent as educational qualifications, health and physical fitness, and motivation to fulfill their constitutional duties have deteriorated significantly. The search for a solution to the problems of manning troops led to experiments in the field of alternative service, recruiting women to military service in various positions, and contract service. However, universal military service is a social imperative pending amendments to the relevant articles of the Basic Law. Russian Federation.

    Ideologically, the country continues, the process of "denigrating" the Armed Forces in mass media... Attention is focused exclusively on the negative aspects of the life and activities of the army and navy, there is a call to refuse conscription. If in the USA, countries Western Europe there is a ban on coverage in the media * of our Armed Forces from negative positions, then we most likely feel an order.

    But Russia cannot do without the Armed Forces. They are needed to defend national interests in international scene, to contain and neutralize military threats and dangers, which, based on the development trend of the modern military-political situation, are more than real. Of course, we are not talking about military-strategic parity with the United States or with the leading Western countries put together. However, the Russian Armed Forces must be able to fend off challenges to national security, no matter where they come from.

    Successful development of the country requires certain conditions... One of such conditions, as already noted, is a radical restructuring of the entire system of military-patriotic education of Russian students.

    Unfortunately, with the beginning of democratization, our state ceased to pursue a clear policy in the field of education and, above all, in the field of military-patriotic education and initial military training... Many glorious traditions began to be emasculated from the education and training of students. military history, questioned the expediency of the victory of the Soviet people in the Great Patriotic War... The subject "Primary, military training" was excluded from the school curriculum, DOSAAF was abolished, military sports camps were closed, military sports games "Zarnitsa", "Eaglet" were no longer held. The vacuum formed after the abolition of the pioneer and Komsomol organizations began to be filled by religious sects, nationalist and extremist organizations.

    As a result, one can observe in life when this or that young person has - certain knowledge and skills - but lacks civic consciousness and patriotism, which manifests itself - in the absence of socially significant motives of behavior, money-grubbing, evasion from military service, etc. ... A student may be well versed in mathematics, physics, chemistry, but show selfish inclinations, engage in antisocial affairs, be a member of an extremist, fascist organization. On the other hand, a patriotically educated student may be physically and mentally unprepared to defend the Fatherland, and may not have the necessary knowledge and skills for military training.

    Therefore, at present there is a need for a radical restructuring of the entire system of military-patriotic education of Russian students. At the same time, the restructuring of the system of military-patriotic education of students can be successful if it is based on a sufficiently developed theoretical and scientific-methodological base and is carried out on the basis of a realistic concept that reflects the existing realities of the country's life. This requires, first of all, an analysis of the world and national history of military

    patriotic education, its state of the art and development trends in Russia, corresponding to the prospects for changes in the military-political situation in the country and the world.

    The solution to the problem of military-patriotic education of students in modern conditions involves the introduction into the practical activities of state bodies, educational institutions, public organizations and movements of the concept, theory, methods and technologies that meet, among other things, the prospects for the development of such a complex state-social organism as Military establishment.

    The theoretical and methodological basis for restructuring the system of military-patriotic education of students is the provisions of modern pedagogical science, in which various issues of education, and educational work in various institutional spheres (education, culture, sports, leisure, etc.) are widely represented.

    Currently, there are certain results in the study of theoretical, methodological and organizational problems of civil and patriotic education of various categories of the population.

    Questions of patriotic and civic education in> Soviet time were devoted to the work. In the changed socio-political conditions in the life of the country, the topic of patriotic and civic education of the younger generation has become the subject of discussion in the pages of periodicals. The issues of patriotic and civic education of student youth in modern conditions were devoted to articles by a number of authors, works of statesmen and public figures, clergy. In the interests of solving these issues, scientific and methodological manuals and recommendations were issued. "A number of candidate and doctoral dissertations were devoted to the problems of patriotic and civic education of students in modern Russia.

    However, an analysis of the available work on civil and patriotic education showed that the issues of military-patriotic education of students at all levels of education, the use of methodological tools and the design of pedagogical systems that can effectively solve the problems of such education, as well as issues of interaction between military organizations and educational institutions in the preparation of pre-conscription youth, capable of their moral and physical qualities to fulfill their honorable duty and duty to protect the Fatherland.

    An analysis of the literature on the military-patriotic education of children, adolescents, and youth in modern Russia has revealed the absence in them of an integrated systematic approach to the issue of military-patriotic education of the younger generation. Instead of the typology of military-patriotic education, in a number of cases the forms and methods of military-patriotic work were analyzed. The methodological means of military-patriotic education were focused on solving applied narrowly focused tasks for the implementation of one form or another of military-patriotic work.

    In addition, an analysis of the available works on. the subject of military-patriotic education of students c. modern conditions showed that not all questions (especially in its applied part, i.e. in the field of resolving existing contradictions) are fully disclosed and reasoned in them.

    At the same time, the process of military-patriotic education of students in modern conditions is very contradictory and ambiguous. Among such contradictions (external and internal), the leading ones are the contradictions between:

    ^ the needs of society, the state in the formation of a citizen-patriot, a defender of the Fatherland S needs of students for objective knowledge, including "about their Fatherland, and the content of social and; humanitarian subjects, textbooks, and teaching aids that do not objectively and truthfully illuminate some questions and topics, primarily related to the history of the Fatherland; S the needs of the population in knowing the historical truth about their homeland, the need to protect the spiritual and moral values ​​and traditions of the Russian people and the activities of some: the media; politicians, representatives of literature and art, biasedly and biasedly covering the events of the past and present; in the life of the country, destroying its spiritual and moral foundations; ^ the need to replenish the ranks; Of the Armed Forces by conscripts and a negative attitude towards military service of certain state and public

    leaders, teachers, students and their parents, "vilification" of the army and navy in the media, encouraging "deviators" from service in Armed Forces by some human rights organizations;

    S the complexity of the tasks assigned to servicemen in the modern situation, and the inadequacy of the attitude of specific students to service in the ranks of the Armed Forces;

    S the objective need for high general education, discipline, independence, emotional and volitional stability, physical development for service in the ranks of the Armed Forces and the lack of appropriate motivation for students to acquire and improve knowledge, skills and abilities, self-improvement;

    S consistent increase in requirements for

    improvement of military-patriotic education and training of students for military service and the almost complete lack of pedagogical knowledge of certain categories of teachers on basic military training, military-patriotic work among students;

    / the objective need to establish stable ties between military units and educational institutions and the lack of theoretical foundations for organizing this process;

    S the growing importance and role of the family in the upbringing of a citizen and patriot of their country and the lack of explanatory work with parents on the part of military organizations and educational institutions on the problem of ensuring the security of the country.

    The main contradiction is the mismatch between the new social conditions of life, the state and society and the ineffective system of military-patriotic education of the country's population and, above all, students, which does not correspond to realities.

    The need to resolve these and other contradictions, the need to search for conditions, content, ways and directions, forms and methods of updated military-patriotic education of students led to the formulation of a scientific problem - the development of theoretical-methodological, scientific-pedagogical and organizational foundations of military-patriotic education of students in modern conditions. This formulation of a scientific problem determines, on the one hand, the theoretical level of research (concept, patterns, principles, requirements, methodology) with its practice-oriented results brought to the technological level (types, forms, methods, mechanisms, indicators and performance criteria, recommendations ), and on the other hand determines the formulation of the topic - "Theory and practice of military-patriotic education of students in modern Russia."

    The object of the dissertation research is the process of military-patriotic education of students, and the subject is the theoretical-methodological, scientific-pedagogical and organizational foundations of military-patriotic education of students in modern conditions (essence and content, concept, patterns, principles, requirements, solutions to problematic issues) ...

    Purpose of the research: to identify and experimentally test for
    practice, a set of theoretical and methodological, scientific

    pedagogical and organizational foundations of the transformed system, military-patriotic education of students in the present stage development of the Russian state.

    Research hypothesis:

    Scientific substantiation of the theory and practice of military-patriotic education of students in modern conditions will make it possible to achieve a qualitatively new level of formation of knowledge, skills and abilities,

    personal and professional qualities adequate to the interests of society

    and military service, if:

    the Concept and the system of military-patriotic
    upbringing students that meet modern realities of life

    The theoretical and methodological foundations of the military-patriotic education of students in modern conditions will be developed;

    the types, forms, methods and means of military-patriotic work with students will be concretized, the mechanisms of the formation and development of socially significant skills, skills, qualities and properties necessary for the formation of a citizen and a patriot in students will be determined;

    work on military-patriotic education will be carried out by all teachers, professors, state

    officials, mass media with all categories of citizens of the country;

    teachers and teachers, employees of educational structures
    will have the necessary knowledge and social
    pedagogical culture, formed both in conditions
    the process of their preparation in universities, and in the process
    professional activity in educational institutions;

    a criterion apparatus for evaluating the effectiveness will be developed
    ... military-patriotic work in educational institutions;

    measures will be taken to transform the initial
    military training of students and organized interaction
    educational institutions, military units, public

    associations and organizations, religious associations on a scientific basis. In accordance with the purpose and hypothesis of the study, the following tasks were solved:

    1. To carry out a historical and pedagogical analysis of the world and
    domestic experience, scientific literature, current state

    2. Clarify the essence, content of the concepts of "patriot",
    "Patriotism", "patriotic education", "military-patriotic

    3. To develop the theoretical and methodological foundations of military
    patriotic education of students.

    4. "To specify the types, forms, methods and means of military-patriotic work with students:

    5. Investigate and substantiate the mechanisms of formation and development of
    students of socially significant skills, qualities and properties,
    necessary for the formation of a citizen and a patriot.

    7. Develop indicators and criteria for assessing the effectiveness of military
    patriotic work in educational institutions.

    8. Determine ways to solve the problem of ensuring spiritual
    moral safety of Russian students, recommendations for
    the use of the phenomenon of Russian military traditions in the interests of
    military-patriotic education of students.

    9. Analyze the content of curricula, textbooks and
    textbooks "on social and humanitarian subjects with the aim of
    identifying their educational and educational potential in
    formation and development of socially important knowledge, skills,

    qualities and properties necessary for students to fulfill their honorable duty and duty to protect the Fatherland.

    10. Justify measures to transform the initial military training of students in modern conditions and develop theoretical basis organization of pedagogical interaction between educational institutions, military units, public associations and organizations, religious associations.

    The methodological basis of the research * was the general philosophical provisions on the relationship and interdependence of the phenomena of social reality; about the leading role of activity and communication in the social development of a person; the relationship between theory and practice; about integrity and consistency pedagogical process in society; upbringing as a fundamental factor ensuring the development and self-development of the individual; systemic "and axiological approaches, to the study of the pedagogical process; the concept of a personality-oriented approach to the organization of the educational process.

    The study takes into account the patterns of social interaction, which determines the role of the social environment in the process. the formation of personality, the formation of a person, the relationship of the universal, universal mission of education and its ethnocultural function.

    The methodological function in the study was implemented by the historical-logical, structural-functional and socio-pedagogical approaches.

    The theoretical basis of the research is:

    the leading provisions of the methodology of modern pedagogy (MA Danilov, VI Zagvyazinsky, TA Ilyina, VS Lednev, ZA Malkova, ND Nikandrov, MN Skatkin, etc.);

    the provisions of the theory of an integrated approach to teaching and upbringing (SI Arkhangelsky, Yu.K. Babansky, A.V. Barabanshchikov, N.S. Kravchun and

    others) and the unity of the processes of teaching and upbringing (L.Yu. Gordin, V.V.Davydov, N.S. Dezhnikova, B.T.Likhachev, etc.);

    philosophical and sociological studies of the upbringing process (AA Kozlov, VI Lutovinov, VV Makarov, RS Mikhailova, AP Pogorely, Yu.N. Trifonov);

    theoretical and methodological foundations of the content of the upbringing process (L.Yu. Gordin, V.V.Davydov, V.M. Korotkov, etc.) and pedagogical conditions of upbringing (AM Babaev, V.I.Baev, T.I. K. Gregul, I. M. Duranov, G. A. Konovalova, V. P. Lukyanova, N. Yu. Yashina);

    theoretical provisions of the differentiation and individualization of the educational process, its professional orientation (E.D. Volokhova, V.Ya. Erastov, L.F. Zheleznyak, V.P. Zhukovsky, O.N. Zaitseva, N.N. Zakharov, A. A. Jovaisha, N. I. Kalugin, A. D. Sazonov, V. D. Simone ^ iko, N. V. Kiriy, E. A. Kulagina, Yu. V. Lazarev, N. A. Levina, A. S. Magomedova, E. V. Mashinyan, M. V. Retivykh, V. "F. Sakharov, N. K. Stepanenkov, N. A. Sukharev);

    theoretical provisions on the interaction of the individual and society,
    social conditioning of personality upbringing and the reverse
    the impact of the individual on society (B.G. Ananiev, L.S.Vygotsky, A.N.
    Leontiev A.D. Lizichev, K.G. Filatov and others);
    * provisions of the theory of motivation of activity and the theory of formation

    * readiness for activity (L. S. Vygotsky, A. N. Leontiev, K. K. Platonov

    the concept of civic education and upbringing (A.S. Gayazov, R.G. Gurova, B.T. Likhachev, E.V. Rostovtseva, G.N. Filonov, etc.);

    theoretical and methodological foundations of civil and patriotic education, set out in the works of the classics (M.V. Lomonosov, V.A. A.V. Kuznetsova, V.I. Lutovinov, SV.

    16 Marzoev, V.V. Piontkovsky, A.V. Podgornov, R.L. Rozhdestvenskaya, I.Yu. Sinelnikov, I. V. Sukolenkov, A.M. Factor, M.G. Tsygankov, etc.);

    pedagogical systems and technologies of civil and patriotic education (I.A.Agapova, A.Yu. Aksyonov, I.I. Belousova, I.Sh. Valeev, G.I. Vasiliev, Z.T. Hasanov, I.N. Glazunova, G.Ya. Grevtseva; V.Z. Izmailov, E.L. Kerpelman, I.M. Klimenko, L. V. Kokueva, I. N. Kondratenko, E. N. Korchagin, O. V. Lebedeva, E. V. Lisetskaya, N. A. Melnikova, P. F. Nekrasov, G. G. Nikolaev, L.E. Nikonova, N.G. Ogurtsov, I.K. Orlova, T.N. Osmankina, E.A. Parfyonova, A.P. Petryankina, E.N. Poddubny, L.P. Prokoshenkova, E. L. Raikhlina, L. F. Rusakov, I. Rybalova, N. E. Semyonova, D. S. Senyuk, V. P. Seregin, S. N. Smirnov, Yu. B. Sokolovskaya, A. D. Soldatenkov, I. N. Solodova, O. V. Solodova, O. N. Teninova, V. N. Ustyakin, A. S. Tselovalnikova, T. A. Cherednichenko, A. Yu. Chibisov, G. N. Shelamova, E. V. Shirekina, O. N. Shitikova, M. A. Shkrobova);

    actually pedagogical aspects and methods of military-patriotic education, set out in the works of domestic (M.G. Agaeva, N.N. Ageenko, N.P. Aksyonova, V.P. Aleksandrovskaya, T.I. Afasizhev, V.A. I. Vizer, A.Yu. Voikin, A.F.- Voystrochenko, A.N. Vyrshchikov, Yu.I. Deryugin, N.M. Konzhiev, N. Mazykina, SP. Menshikov, N.N. Mikhnev, R N. Ovchinnikov, G.V. Sredin, G. Fedorovskaya, N.E. Khvorov, BC Wonderful and others) and foreign (E. Demolen, D. Locke, R. Owen, S. Frene and others) authors ;

    pedagogical foundations and methods of initial military training (AI Averin, GM Averyanov, PF Aginov, AI Anokhin, AA Aronov, VI Bachevsky, OA Belkov; P. M. Brysin, Yu. S. Vasyutin, A. I. Volkov, V. N. Volkov, I. V. Zaskalkin, S. N. Zvereva, A. N. Katukov, R. L. Kemsa, V. A. Kiselev, N.A. Kutsman, M.M. Mukhamadeev, M.A. Nasrullaev, M.V.

    Popenok, M.V. Solodkova, Yu.A. Tanyukhin, V.V. Usmanov, V.F. Farfarovsky, E.N. Tsvetaev, S.F. Shakarov, F.E. Bayonet);

    works of statesmen and politicians and commanders. These include the works and statements of the Russian emperors Peter I and Alexander III (Peacemaker); Russian generals A.V. Suvorova, M.V. Frunze, G.K. Zhukov, K.K. Rokossovsky, L.A. Govorova, M.A. Gareeva and others.

    The research used the most significant achievements of the experience of patriotic education, accumulated by the Soviet school; reflected in the works of V.I. Lenin, N.K. Krupskaya, A.S. Makarenko, as well as V.I. Kuznetsova, M.I. Makhmutova, V.A. Myasnykova, Yu.P. Sokolnikov, D.I. Feldshtein, G.N. Filonova, B.C. Chudny, etc.

    The analysis of publications on "issues of military-patriotic work in educational institutions by MG Agaeva, VP Aleksandrovskaya, SA Alieva, AN Vyrshchikov, NM Konzhieva, MA Nasrullaeva, A.I. Pyatikopa, A.D. Soldatenkov, V.F: Farfarovsky, S.A. Chotchaev, S.F.Shakarova and others.

    Works on the problems of modernizing patriotic and military-patriotic education in modern Russia, presented in the dissertations of A.V. Abramova, T.V. Bespalova, K.V. Burian, N.A. Vakhrusheva, A. Yu. Voikina, M.A. Gorbova, V.A. Datsky, V.V. Dyachenko, A.N. Zaichikova, V.A. Zastavenko, Yu.K. Zlygosteva, I.V. Ippolitova, I.M. Klimenko, V.V. Kovalsky, L.V. Kokueva, S.A. Konstantinov, V.A. Korobanova, P.B. Korochkina, V.I. *. Kuzmina, I.V. Kostruleva, G.M. Liseenko, V.V. Litvinenko, R.N. Ovchinnikova, A. Yu. Rustamova, N.A. Senyiova, N.A. Sivolobova and others:

    Of particular importance for the study were the existing normative legal documents on patriotic education.

    citizens of the Russian Federation: the Constitution of the Russian Federation; Federal laws "On Education", "On Military Duty and Military Service", "On Defense", "On civil defense"," On state support for youth and children's public associations "," On public associations "," On days of military glory (victory days) in Russia "," On perpetuating ^ the memory of those killed in the defense of the Fatherland "; Decrees of the President of the Russian Federation" On measures of state support public associations working on the military-patriotic education of youth "," On the concept of national security of the Russian Federation "," On priority measures in the field of state youth policy "," On the activities of the Russian defense sports and technical organization "; Government Resolutions" On the approval of the on the preparation of citizens of the Russian Federation for military service "," On military-patriotic youth and children's associations "," On the state program "Patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation for 2006-2010", the Concept of patriotic education of citizens of the Russian Federation; Order of the Minister of Defense and the Minister education "On the approval of the Instruction on the body ization of teaching the citizens of the Russian Federation basic knowledge in the field of defense and their training in the basics of military service ”; Order of the Goskomsport of the Russian Federation "On the establishment of the Council for patriotic education under the Goskomsport of Russia"; Directive of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation "On the further improvement of military-patriotic work among pre-conscription and draft youth", etc.

    The work reflects the points of view of military specialists: ancient (Sun Tzu, F.R. Vegetia; Xenophon, Mauritius), medieval (N. Machiavelli), Russian (A.P. Ermolova, M.D. Skobeleva, A.A. Kersnovsky, A.D. Butovsky, P.A.Galenkovsky), Soviet (N.I.

    Alpatova, A.V. Barabanshchikova, E.A. Razin, A.A. Strokova, N.F. Fedenko), foreign (R. Baden-Powell, N. Copeland, etc.).

    In the process of working on the dissertation, the following research methods were used to solve the assigned tasks:

    V study and generalization of domestic and foreign experience of military-patriotic education;

    S analysis of scientific literature on philosophical, social, military and psychological and pedagogical problems associated with military-patriotic education;

    / analysis of scientific literature on the methodology of organizing and conducting military-patriotic work in educational institutions;

    S analysis school curricula, textbooks and teaching aids on social and humanitarian subjects;

    S study and generalization of the experience of military-patriotic work of educational institutions, committees and bodies for youth affairs, sports and cultural and leisure centers;

    / experimental work on the implementation in educational institutions and sports centers of methods and technologies aimed at increasing the effect of military-patriotic education and training students for military service from the work of teachers and teachers, methodologists and instructors;

    S questioning, testing of teachers, lecturers,. students and their parents;

    S methods pedagogical experiment, systematization and qualitative analysis of experimental data, their graphic interpretation;

    S theoretical study of the problem based on the methodology of the systems approach.

    As a source study base, various documents, textbooks and teaching aids, monographs and studies on the history of education and its development, various problems of the methodology and theory of pedagogy and military science, concerning, inter alia, the problems of military-patriotic education and initial military training were used. students.

    The main stages of the dissertation research:

      stage (1997-1999) - analysis of the state of military-patriotic work "with students in educational institutions; study of documents, materials, programs, directives, orders, instructions, curricula, textbooks and teaching aids on military-patriotic education of students.

      stage (1999-2001) - study and analysis of scientific literature on the problem of research, domestic and foreign experience of military-patriotic education of various categories of the population; development of theoretical and methodological foundations of military-patriotic education of students in modern conditions; accumulation of empirical material.

    3 "stage (2001-2005) development ^ and testing" of the scientific and pedagogical foundations of military-patriotic work with students, technologies for its implementation, ways of solving problematic issues of military-patriotic education of students in modern conditions.

    Stage 4 (2005-2008) - analysis and generalization of the final materials of the organization and conduct of military-patriotic work in educational institutions; adjusting the theoretical, methodological, scientific, pedagogical and organizational foundations developed at the previous stages of the research; development of training and teaching aids; development of methodological and practical (organizational) recommendations for management structures, educational institutions, public organizations, religious associations; registration of the thesis.

    Experimental and experimental base of the research were GOU SOSH №№ 136, 144, 215, 292 of Moscow, Lyceum № 1548 of Moscow, FSO "Patriot" of the Moscow region, the club for the study of oriental single combats "Nakhabino" of the Moscow region. More than 700 students and pupils, 72 teachers, 37 educators, 12 instructors took part in the experiment.

    The scientific novelty of the dissertation research lies in the fact that it contains:

    / researched the world and domestic history of the development of military-patriotic education of the population, revealed its positive and negative tendencies, as well as the prerequisites for the emergence and development of the theory and practice of military-patriotic education of Russian students in modern conditions, analyzed the regulatory framework for organizing and conducting military-patriotic education. work in Russia; S revealed and substantiated the distinctive features and properties of the process under study, identified and systematized the subject-object and subject-subject space of military, patriotic education of students; S clarified the essence and content of the concepts "patriot", "patriotism", "patriotic education", "military-patriotic education"; S the theoretical and methodological foundations of the military-patriotic education of students have been developed; S the types, forms, means and methods of military-patriotic work with students in modern conditions are concretized; S identified functional responsibilities administration, teachers and lecturers on the organization of military-patriotic work in an educational institution,

    indicators and criteria for the effectiveness of military-patriotic
    "work in an educational institution;
    / identified ways of solving problematic issues of military
    patriotic education of students in modern conditions;
    S theoretical foundations of pedagogical

    interaction of educational institutions, military units,: public associations and organizations, religious associations; Provisions for Defense.

    \. Military-patriotic education: students, in modern conditions, is a complex multifunctional process ::

    interaction of teachers, teachers, students and their
    parents and factors of social means (on macro-, meso-,
    microlevels), the purpose of which is the progressive development of
    the personality of the student, capable of his own, first of all,

    moral and moral qualities to become a defender of the Fatherland;

    targeted and systematic impact on
    the psychology of learners, the formation and development of social?
    important knowledge, abilities, skills, qualities: and properties,
    necessary for students to fulfill their honorable duty
    and responsibilities for the defense of the Fatherland.

    2. Military-patriotic work with students is a set of measures and actions aimed at the implementation of socio-pedagogical opportunities and the fullest use of the available resources of educational institutions, state and public organizations, religious associations "in the upbringing of defenders of the Fatherland. ": an integral part of the system of patriotic education of the country's population, is an integral indicator of the professional quality of teachers and lecturers;

    3. Organization of military-patriotic education in
    educational institution involves relying on the achievements of the world
    experience, experience of the Russian pre-revolutionary and Soviet school,
    filling the time-tested organizational forms new
    content. In this case, priority should be given to
    specific examples and cases. In this * plan, the use of the phenomenon
    Russian military traditions provides invaluable assistance in military
    patriotic education of students.

    4. The effectiveness of military-patriotic work is largely
    measure is determined by the breadth and completeness of its coverage of all strata of society and
    categories of the country's population, involving not only
    teachers and teachers of educational institutions, but also
    statesmen and public figures; clergy, presence
    established and stable ties between military units and
    educational institutions.

      Military-patriotic * work of state and public organizations, educational institutions, religious associations is a coordinated purposeful action. ensuring the spiritual and moral security of Russian students and the necessary conditions for the military-patriotic education of students in the process of their educational, cultural and leisure activities.

      In the senior grades of all types of educational institutions that provide secondary (complete) education, it is advisable to isolate a separate subject "Initial military training" from the OBZH course. The purpose of the subject is the formation of the moral, psychological and physical readiness of high school students for military service, providing them with knowledge and skills; necessary for. mastering the duties of the defender of the Fatherland.

      Physical education and the formation of a harmonious personality should become the most important components of the overall system of military

    patriotic education of students. In this regard, the study of martial arts in educational institutions can provide invaluable assistance to students.

    The theoretical significance of the research lies in the fact that the theoretical-methodological, scientific-pedagogical and organizational foundations of the military-patriotic education of students have been developed as a part of military-pedagogical science, as well as an integral part of the theory of social education of the individual in general pedagogy; the essence and content of the concepts "patriot", "patriotism", "patriotic education", "military-patriotic education" are determined; substantiated the need for the development of the theory and methodology of military-patriotic education of students in modern conditions; a complex of pedagogical conditions has been formed for the formation of a citizen and a patriot of Russia, which makes it possible to take into account and use. the social and pedagogical potential of the students themselves, the teaching staff of educational institutions, government and political figures, military personnel, representatives of the clergy.

    The practical significance of the dissertation research is that it:

    can be used by federal, regional and local authorities, educational institutions, military units, public organizations and institutions, religious associations in the interests of improving the quality and effectiveness of military-patriotic education of students;

    is designed to promote the development of scientific research and practical transformative activities in the military-patriotic education of students, as well as the search for socially significant benchmarks in motivating students to fulfill their constitutional duty and responsibility - service in the Armed Forces;

    focuses on the scientific restructuring of the system of relations between educational institutions and military units in the direction of closer cooperation and interaction in the interests of military-patriotic education of students;

    is a completed scientific research containing results ready for use by federal, regional and local authorities, educational institutions, military units, public organizations and institutions, religious associations

    Approbation and implementation of the results of the dissertation research was carried out by:

    speeches at scientific and practical conferences, seminars in 1999-2005 at the Institute of Theory and History of Pedagogy, Russian Academy of Education;

    reports at the Academy of Military Sciences of the Russian Federation;

    messages in the Research Training Center for Defense Problems of the Academy of Military Sciences;

    development and publication of curricula for the course "Fundamentals of Life Safety";

    development and publication of textbooks for the course "Fundamentals of Life Safety" for educational institutions;

    development and publication of textbooks for the course "Safety of the activity" for students of secondary specialized and higher educational institutions;

    development and publication of training manuals for martial arts;

    teaching in secondary schools of Moscow №№ 136, 144, 215, 292 courses "Fundamentals of life safety", military-patriotic education and initial military training of students of these schools in positions

    teacher-organizer of life safety and deputy director for security;

    instructor activities, management of the club for the study of martial arts, training and education of club members from among students of schools in Moscow and the Moscow region, their preparation to the level of the national team.

    The structure of the thesis. The dissertation consists of an introduction, four chapters, a conclusion and a bibliography.

    The introduction substantiates the relevance of the problem under study, determines the object, subject, goal, hypothesis, tasks and methods of research, reveals its scientific novelty, theoretical and practical significance... It also presents the provisions submitted to the defense, data on approbation of work and implementation of the results.

    In the first * chapter “Historical foundations of military-patriotic education. The need to develop the theory and practice of military-patriotic education of students in modern Russia ”presents the results of the historical and pedagogical analysis of the ideas and practice of world and domestic military-patriotic education of the younger generation (the era of the Ancient World - XX century); substantiated the need for the development of the theory and methodology of military-patriotic education of Russian students in modern conditions.

    In the second chapter, "Theoretical and methodological foundations of the military-patriotic education of Russian students in modern conditions", the analysis of the essence and content of the concepts "patriot", "patriotism", "patriotic education", "military-patriotic education", the specifics and the regulatory framework is carried out military-patriotic education and initial military training of students; presents the concept, patterns, principles, the system of military-patriotic education of students - in modern conditions,

    requirements for this process and its methodological

    The third chapter "Scientific and pedagogical innovations in military-patriotic work with students in modern conditions" specifies the types, forms and methods of military-patriotic work with students; the mechanisms for the formation and development of socially significant skills, abilities, qualities and properties necessary for the formation of a citizen and a patriot in students have been determined; the specificity of the in-school management of military-patriotic work has been investigated; presented the results of the experimental work; indicators and criteria for the effectiveness of military-patriotic work in educational institutions have been developed.

    The fourth chapter "Actual problems of military-patriotic education of Russian students in modern conditions" analyzes the need to change the ideological work to instill in students a sense of duty and responsibility for national security; the ways of solving the problem of ensuring the spiritual and moral safety of students are determined; the issues of using ^ the phenomenon of Russian military traditions in the interests of military-patriotic education of students are considered; an analysis of the content of curricula, textbooks and teaching aids on subjects of study is carried out in terms of ensuring the military-patriotic education of students; substantiates measures to reform the initial military training of students in modern conditions; theoretical provisions are being developed on the organization of pedagogical interaction between educational institutions, military units, public associations and organizations, religious associations * in the interests of increasing the effectiveness of military-patriotic education of students.

    The conclusion summarizes the results of the study; outlined his main conclusions, confirming the hypothesis and the provisions submitted to the defense? promising tasks for further research of the problem under study are formulated.

    The main stages of the world history of military-patriotic education

    Therefore, before embarking on the study of the problem of military-patriotic education of students, in modern conditions, let us trace the historical path of the development of this process in the world on the basis of the materials set forth in Art.

    World history military-patriotic education is rooted in the depths of centuries. Even in the ancient world, primitive attempts were made to accumulate and transfer the experience and traditions of armed defense of their interests to the younger generation.

    The peculiarities of the development of the civilizations of the Ancient World, the differences in religions, customs and traditions, the diversity of ethnic, economic and socio-cultural factors naturally gave rise to the originality of approaches to the training of the younger generation - the military service.

    At the same time, in the era of ancient civilizations, despite the differences, military training had a number of common features, which were expressed in strict social regulations, responsibilities and even the dependence of the younger generation on the established norms and requirements dictated by the existing ideology and religion. Over the millennia, the system of military training of the younger generation has been built and consistently improved.

    In terms of military-patriotic education in the ancient world, Sparta stands out. The system of Spartan education was aimed at developing a warrior out of every Spartan. The Spartans paid the main attention to the development of physical strength, endurance and courage. Physical strength, fearlessness and agility were highly valued in Sparta. Less emphasis was placed on developing cultural skills, although every Spartan needed to be able to read and write. From 7 to 20 years old, the Spartan underwent training, after which he became a full citizen. School education was designed to develop contempt for luxury, obedience, endurance, physical strength, and courage. Adolescents were brought up in harsh conditions: they were often forced to starve, endure hardships and were often punished. Most of the time was devoted to exercises in running, wrestling, javelin and discus throwing. Much attention was paid to war games. Music, singing, dancing were also aimed at fostering the qualities necessary for soldiers. The warlike music was supposed to inspire courage: the dances depicted individual moments of the battle. In their songs, the Spartans glorified brave warriors and condemned cowards. All Spartans were considered liable for military service from 20 to 60 years old and were distributed according to age and territorial groups.

    Education and training of warriors in Ancient Greece started at the age of seven, when the child was sent to school; there he was taught reading, writing and gymnastic exercises. Children under the age of 16 were engaged in wrestling schools (palastrah), where they were taught pentathlon: running, diving, discus and javelin throwing, wrestling, and swimming. At the age of 16-20, young men attended gymnasiums without fail, where they continued physical training with a military bias. As a result of this upbringing and physical development, the Athenian citizens were strong, agile and dexterous fighters. Along with this, the Athenians paid great attention to training their thinking.

    Xenophon (born in 430 BC) was a major representative of the ancient Greek military-theoretical thought. In his works, Xenophon devoted a large place to the issues of education and training of the younger generation. He taught that education and training should instill in the younger generation respect for the elders, endurance, physical and moral stability, unanimity, mutual support, courage, knowledge of military affairs, limitation of their will, discipline and obedience. "By learning," Xenophon noted, "bodily fortress is maintained, mental strength is multiplied by strict observance of military order."

    In ancient Rome, every citizen was obliged to carry out military service. For military service in the field army, people between the ages of 17 and 45 were selected. Only those persons who participated in 20 military campaigns while serving in the infantry or in 10 military campaigns while serving in the cavalry were exempted from military service. The Roman army was strong in its training. Its system of education and training of warriors created, according to Engels, the winners the ancient world.

    “... we have always won by being able to skillfully select recruits, teach them, so to speak, the laws of weapons, temper them with daily exercise, foresee everything that can happen in the ranks and during the battle during the exercises during the camp life, and , finally, severely punish idlers ", - testified the military theorist Ancient Rome Vegetius in his book " Summary military affairs ". And further in the same place: “Now let's see; what age should be recruited. Indeed, if it is necessary to preserve the ancient custom, then everyone knows very well that it is necessary to involve people in the recruitment at the beginning of their maturity; not only sooner, but also better what one learns with young years... Then, military mobility and dexterity, the ability to jump and run must be developed before the body becomes lethargic with age. Mobility is what makes a fighter energetic after completing a series of exercises. Therefore, it is necessary to choose young men, as Sallust also says: "Young people, enduring in war, learned military affairs in the labors of camp life." After all, it is better that a young man, after completing a training course, could regret that he has not yet reached the age necessary for a fighter than to grieve that this time has passed. "

    In the East, great attention was paid to military training of the population by the Mongol conquerors, who conquered in the XII-XIV centuries. the peoples of China, Central Asia, India, the Caucasus, Eastern and Central Europe. Training in archery among the Mongols began at the age of three. The child received a small bow, the size of which increased as he grew. Every Mongol learned to drive a horse from infancy. “Hunting was considered a school of war for them, and a significant part of the population, including children and women, took part in it.

    The conceptual apparatus and regulatory framework of military-patriotic education

    As can be seen from the definitions, patriotism is, first of all, love for the Motherland, for one's Fatherland. The feeling is the most common, inherent in every person. How can you not love your homeland, your land, people living and working on it?

    As it turned out, much further is possible. During the perestroika-reform years, numerous theorists appeared in Russia, claiming that "patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels", that patriotism is a synonym for Russian nationalism, and there is no such concept in the lists of universal values.

    It should be noted that this policy is not new. Back in 1863, the Kolokol magazine published in London by Herzen pursued a Russophobic policy. "The whole of Russia is seized by the syphilis of patriotism!" - Herzen lamented, noting the upsurge of the spirit that gripped different strata of Russian society in the face of the emerging threat of the West. It should be noted that Herzen considered only Russian patriotism to be “syphilis”. Everyone else - English, French, Polish - he greeted, begging foreigners to turn thunder and lightning on the country that was after all his homeland. He encouraged the Polish rebels to exterminate the accursed Russian officers, the vile Russian soldiers, and wrote the same fables about the Russian troops as the Friedrich's "gazetirs".

    Herzen's precepts. were continued in our time by Zakayev, Gusinsky, Berezovsky, Kovalev and the like. So, in one of the TV programs S.A. Kovalev stated that the great Russian writer L.N. Tolstoy put it this way about patriotism: "Patriotism is the last refuge of scoundrels," although these words actually belong to an English writer of the 18th century. S. Johnson and told them were on a completely different occasion. Subsequently, the whole country could observe how the same S.A. Kovalev aided the Chechen bandits. V.A. Gusinsky, in an interview with an NTV correspondent, said: "Fatherland is where you can make money." As they say, no comment. Now this "figure" is hiding abroad from Russian justice. There is no need to talk about the bandit Zakayev and the swindler Berezovsky, who were put on the international wanted list by the Russian Prosecutor General's Office. And these "bright personalities" are considered in the eyes of the West "fighters for the highest ideals."

    It is appropriate here to quote the words of the president Russian Academy education N.D. Nikandrova: “There is one value that largely encompasses all other values ​​- this is patriotism. I just cannot agree with those who use this word synonymously with nationalism, for whom it is almost abusive. -Every, quantitatively, even the smallest people in normal conditions have always rightly proud of the affairs of their country, city, village, which did not prevent them from criticizing shortcomings or learning from other peoples ... A person devoid of patriotism easily sells both strength and mind, and - if he can - the wealth of the country to those who pay more, not thinking about his contemporary compatriots, or about his descendants. "

    Historical facts testify that in different epochs our country emerged victorious on the wave of nationwide patriotic upsurge. The greatness of Russia was determined not only by its territory, population size, the power of the economy and science, the equipment of the army and navy, but also by its spiritual potential. Selfless devotion to the Motherland, readiness to put its interests above personal in big and small, to go even for self-sacrifice in the name of its safety - this is what Russia has always been strong in in this core of its national spirit.

    Patriotism is a moral category and is inseparable / from the individual and civic qualities of a person; At the personal level, patriotism acts as the most important stable characteristic of a person; expressed in his worldview, moral ideals, and norms of behavior. On; at the macro level, patriotism is a significant part of public consciousness, manifested in collective moods, feelings, assessments, in relation to one's people, their way of life, history, culture, state, system of fundamental values. Patriotism manifests itself in actions and in human activities: Together with topics in the definitions given in Explanatory dictionary Live Great Russian Dictionary, Russian / Language Dictionary; Dictionary of the Modern. Russian literary language, Russian Pedagogical Encyclopedia !, Great Soviet Encyclopedia, as well as in a textbook; B.T. Likhachev, there is no such component; patriotism; as its efficacious nature. In this regard, P.M. Rogachev and M.A. Sverdlin in his work "Patriotism and Social Progress" pointed out: "Patriotism, a feeling of love for the Motherland, is embodied in serving its interests, occupies an important place in the system of driving forces for the development of society ... True patriotism means not just a feeling of love for the Motherland, it there is, first of all, a high consciousness of civic responsibility for. the fate of the Motherland, a deep conviction in the need to subordinate the interests of everyone to the interests of all ”.

    Patriotism is always concrete; aimed at real objects. Active; the side of patriotism is decisive, it is she who is able to transform the sensory principle into concrete deeds and actions for the Fatherland. “Patriotism, whatever it may be, is proved not in word, but in deed,” wrote V.G. Belinsky.

    The active side of patriotism was also emphasized by P.Ya. Chaadaev: “I do not know how to love my fatherland with closed eyes, with a drooping brow, with a closed mouth ... I love my fatherland, as Peter the Great taught me to love, ... I think that if we came after others, then then in order to act better than others, so as not to fall into their mistakes, into their delusions, into their superstitions ”4.

    The active nature of patriotism, based on the protection of the interests of the Fatherland; Homeland, noted in the definitions given in the Psychological and Pedagogical Dictionary, Philosophical Encyclopedic Dictionary, Concise Dictionary philosophy, Soviet Historical Encyclopedia. However, the existing definitions do not indicate the feedback of the Fatherland and its citizens. Based on the above, we will give the following definition of the concept of "patriotism".

    Patriotism is a historically established and developing category of social pedagogy; reflecting a stable positive attitude of people to their Fatherland, manifested in activities for its benefit, in the implementation of which both the state and society participate from a unified position.

    Indicators and criteria of the effectiveness of military-patriotic work in an educational institution

    The main functions of military-patriotic work, correlating with the above-mentioned target orientations, are: cognitive and educational, aimed at deepening knowledge of the history of the Russian state, the composition and structure of its Armed Forces, the system of leadership and management of the Armed Forces, the procedure for manning the Armed Forces and passing the military service; ? cultural heritage, which assumes an educational function, ensuring the introduction of students to the military glory of Russia and Russian military traditions; ? developing, ensuring the formation and improvement of physical, spiritual and moral forces and abilities of students; ? adaptive, ensuring the vitality of the individual in various conditions of life; ? transformative, focused on meeting the needs of not only the individual, but also the society; ? predictive, which determines the work proactively, taking into account the likely changes in the life of society and the state. Psychological and pedagogical conditions of military-patriotic work with students:? diagnostics of the civic positions of teachers and teachers and determination of their compliance with their work; ? continuous improvement of the level of social and political knowledge of teachers and lecturers, continuous improvement of their professional qualities; ? diagnostics individual characteristics students and their parents and, on this basis, making the necessary adjustments to the work being done. Military-patriotic work involves the use of a wide variety of types, forms, means and methods, the purpose of which is to develop civic and national self-awareness in schoolchildren, to stimulate their personal attitude to historical and modern events and figures, the desire to develop the necessary properties and qualities of a defender of the Fatherland ... The effectiveness of military-patriotic work is largely determined by the level of development of its scientific and pedagogical foundations. These questions are addressed in this chapter.

    In modern conditions, the following main types of military-patriotic work with students can be distinguished:

    Military history training. Studying the history of the native land; the history of our Fatherland, military, labor and cultural traditions, the foundations of the people has been and remains the most important direction in the upbringing of patriotism in children and adolescents, a feeling of love for our great Fatherland, for the small and large Motherland. A special role in military-patriotic education should belong to military history, in contact with which the younger generation joins the labor and military feat of the people, looks up to its best representatives, learns from the heroic examples of the life and work of our great ancestors, grandfathers and fathers to selfless service to the Fatherland. In conditions when in our country an attempt was made to de-ideologize society, including in the education system? and education, military-historical training to a certain extent is called upon to solve the problems of spiritual, moral and ideological support "of the process of military-patriotic education of the younger generation.

    Training in the basics of life safety. All citizens of our country, including children and adolescents, in case of emergencies (natural disasters, accidents, catastrophes, armed conflicts, etc. :) must be ready, protect themselves and the people around them, and provide all possible assistance to the victims. Is this necessary due to the complex modern conditions of the world around us? The purpose of this type of military-patriotic work is the development by students of the rules of safe behavior in everyday life and preparation for action in emergency situations in non-extreme conditions.

    3. Applied physical training, the purpose of which is to ensure the physical readiness of a person for action, in emergency situations and extreme conditions, including in a combat situation.

    4.Training in the basics of military; service. It is necessary to form a correct idea about the role of: the state in the field of defense, about the Armed Forces and other power structures of the Russian Federation, about military service, about life; life: servicemen, their rights and responsibilities, willingness consciously: to fulfill their own? sacred. debt of protection; Fatherland with arms in hand. V; this type of training includes the study of the legal foundations of military service (Laws, RF; General military regulations; RF Armed Forces), as well as fire; combatant; tactical; and topographic. preparation:;.

    5. Is it military-technical and special? training: The services of the Armed Forces and the kind of troops are equipped with "modern weapons, combat equipment ;. Qualitative changes; armament of "your" equipment; the growth of their power and complexity of management? caused the need to help. students-, right; understand; problem: ratios? man-technicians in this regard; it is necessary to explain to students that., the defining? link of modern-; army; is; a person called: for protection. Homeland and became the ruler? modern - combat -; weapons technology; It is necessary, .-: to form in schoolchildren? the correct idea of. the appointment of military equipment; its features and capabilities, to help those wishing to master the military-technical specialty; prepare candidates for admission to; military: educational institutions for the chosen specialty;

    Currently, the most various forms military-patriotic: work: circles; clubs, sections; months and days of patriotic: work; memory watches, search activities, meetings with veterans; warriors; stocks # by military personnel; lessons: "Courage" ,. festivals, holidays; contests; quiz rallies, games, training camps; camps: sh others: Proceeding from such a variety of forms; the need has ripened, their unification into: characteristic. groups and; ranking of each group and each? forms: inside, groups by ;: degree of influence: on: achievement of the goal of military-patriotic work with students of educational institutions.

    An innovative strategy for military-patriotic education

    One of the directions for solving the problem of teaching students such specific skills as handling weapons, the ability to change position, dig in, counteract an unarmed and armed enemy, etc., is the organization of interaction between educational institutions and military units. Unfortunately, this huge potential has not yet been used or used with low efficiency. In this regard, a clear state policy is needed to establish links between educational institutions and military units. Such interaction will make it possible to solve many problems of the military-patriotic education of students.

    Currently, there is a sufficient number of works on the organization of interaction between educational institutions, including in the system "school - military university". However, one should take into account the fact that today there are not so many military universities left in our country. In addition, military universities. Are deployed in large cities... All this does not allow providing joint military-patriotic education of students by educational institutions and military universities throughout the country. At the same time, such a potential of military-patriotic education of students as cooperative activity educational institutions and military units stationed throughout the country are currently either not used or used with low efficiency; (in most cases, only during a 5-day camp with 10th grade students, and even then not everywhere); In this regard, the organization of close and continuous interaction of educational institutions and military units throughout the country will contribute to a significant increase in the effectiveness of military-patriotic education of students in modern conditions. In more detail questions of the organization. pedagogical interaction of educational institutions is considered by us in the fourth chapter.

    In the course of the ascertaining experiment, we revealed a contradiction between the value orientations of students and their awareness of social needs. Sociological survey of 235 ninth-graders and 186; tenth graders showed that when ranking future professional activities, students: the most significant for themselves are professions that bring material well-being: (94% - IX grade, 83% - X grade). The students assigned the lowest ranks to the military profession (5% - IX grade, 7% - X grade).

    Having identified this contradiction, we put forward the tasks of the formative experiment - to determine the potential capabilities of educational disciplines in military-patriotic education of students and to realize them in the development of author's programs and; innovative technologies military-patriotic work.

    For younger students - the formation of spiritual and moral qualities that determine the citizen and patriot of their country (study. state symbols military glory of Russia and military traditions and the development of a respectful attitude towards them). The process of formation-readiness to defend the Fatherland in younger schoolchildren should be built, taking into account the limited life experience, the nature and amount of knowledge gained, the general tasks of teaching and upbringing. At the same time, the educational effect of all forms of military-patriotic work will depend on how systematically the knowledge of primary schoolchildren about the defense of the Fatherland, their moral, emotional and volitional attitude to activities to defend the Motherland will be formed. The task is to rely on high emotionality, impressionability and sensitivity, to develop in younger schoolchildren a sense of admiration for Russian soldiers, to arouse a desire to join their ranks in the future.

    For students in grades 5-9 - the development of knowledge and skills necessary for a potential defender of the Fatherland (military training, campaigns to places of military glory, membership in a military-sports, military-technical, etc. organization), the formation of personally and socially valuable motivation for choosing ways of further education. In adolescents, the need arises to analyze and generalize the facts and phenomena of reality, to develop their own views on the environment, on moral requirements and assessments. The most significant in the formation of adolescents' readiness to defend the Motherland during this period is their participation in military-patriotic activities.

    For high school students - training in the basics of military service, spiritual, moral and practical preparation for the fulfillment of the constitutional duty and the obligation to defend the Fatherland. During this period, high school students develop a scientific worldview, their life credo. Therefore, during this period, it is important to convey to the consciousness of students that, along with many other professions, there is one that they must master - to defend their homeland. In the educational process, one should not only transfer to students knowledge about the country's Armed Forces, military duties and the procedure for performing military service, but also form their socially useful experience in preparing for the defense of the Motherland.

    Academic degree: Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Candidate of Technical Sciences

    Academic title: Senior Researcher

    participant of the "Famous Scientists" encyclopedia

    In 1965 he went to high school the city of Perm, which he graduated in 1975.

    In 1975 he entered the Perm Higher Military Command School, from which he graduated in 1980, having received the specialty “an officer with a higher special education- mechanical engineer ".

    1980 to 1985 served in the Belorussian Military District as a crew engineer and crew chief of military unit 29489.

    In 1984 he was awarded the class qualification "Master of Military Affairs".

    In 1985 he entered the full-time postgraduate course at the F.E. Dzerzhinsky, which he graduated in 1988, having defended his thesis ahead of schedule for the degree of candidate of technical sciences in the specialty 20.02.17 "Operation of weapons and military equipment and their combat effectiveness."

    In 1989, by order of the Minister of Defense, he was appointed to the post of junior research assistant at the F.E. Dzerzhinsky.

    In 1989 he entered the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov at the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, which he graduated in 1992 with a degree in mathematician.

    In 1996 he was awarded the academic title "Senior Researcher" in the specialty "Operational art in general and by type of the Armed Forces."

    1991 to 1998 Served at the F.E. Dzerzhinsky as head of the VNG department - senior researcher.

    In 1998, he resigned from the ranks of the Armed Forces with the military rank of lieutenant colonel.

    1999 to 2000 worked as the director of the Training Center of CJSC "Hyper".

    2000 to 2003 taught life safety and informatics courses at school-lyceum № 136 in Moscow.

    In 2002 he was awarded the highest qualification category for the position of "teacher".

    2003 to 2005 worked as the Deputy Director for Security of GOU Secondary School No. 144 in Moscow and at the same time taught computer science at the Lyceum No. 1548 in Moscow.

    2005 to 2007 worked as the Deputy Director for Security of GOU Secondary School No. 292 in Moscow.

    In 2005 he was elected professor of the Academy of Military Sciences of the Russian Federation.

    In 2006 he entered the full-time doctoral studies at the Moscow Pedagogical State University, which he graduated in 2009, having defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences on the topic "Theory and practice of military-patriotic education of students in modern Russia" in the specialty 13.00.01 "General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education."

    From 1991 to the present time, Vasily Yuryevich Mikryukov is the chairman of the sports karate club, has a qualification of 3 dan (black belt) in karate. His students are multiple winners and prize-winners of the championships of Russia, Europe and the World.

    In 2006 he was awarded the highest qualification category of a karate trainer.

    In 2010 he was elected a full member of the International Academy of Informatization and the Russian Academy of Informatization, a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

    In 2012 he was elected a full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and the International Academy of Natural Sciences.

    In 2012, he was appointed a member of the Expert Council of the State Duma Defense Committee.

    In 2013, by the decision of the Commission on Awards of the European Scientific and Industrial Consortium, he was awarded the Order of Labore et scientia - Labor and Knowledge.

    In 2014 he was elected a Corresponding Member of the Academy of Military Sciences of the Russian Federation.

    In 2015, he won a bronze medal at the Russian karate kata championship.

    In 2015, he was elected a full member of the Academy of Military Sciences of the Russian Federation.

    Scientific publications:

     monographs “War: Science and Art” (in 4 books), “Theory of Troops Interaction”, “Self-Improvement and Ensuring Life Safety”, “Theoretical and Methodological Foundations of Interaction between Higher and Secondary Educational Institutions”, “Antipedagogy”, “Theory and the practice of interaction of secondary and higher educational institutions ”,“ Theory of interaction of economic entities ”,“ Traditions and innovations in the military-patriotic education of students in modern Russia ”,“ ABC of a patriot ”,“ Practice of self-improvement ”;

     textbooks and teaching aids "Theory of Troops Interaction", "Fundamentals of Military Service", "Life Safety", "Life Safety", "Safety in the Technosphere", "A Short Course in Pedagogy", "Man and Society", "Informatics", "Computer science. A Practical Guide to Working on a PC "," Computer Graphics "," Microsoft Office XP "," Algorithmization and Programming "," Information, Informatics, Computer, Information Systems, networks ”,“ Accounting programs ”,“ Karate ”,“ Karate-do ”,“ Encyclopedia of Karate ”,“ Martial arts as sports, academic disciplines and objects of scientific research ”,“ Historical milestones in the development of combat sports ”.

    Mikryukov Vasily Yurievich, Academician, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher.

    Graduated from the Perm Higher Military Command School, postgraduate studies at the Military Academy. F.E.Dzerzhinsky, Moscow State University MV Lomonosov, doctoral studies at the Moscow State Pedagogical University.

    Served in the Missile Forces for over 22 years strategic purpose, lieutenant colonel, qualification "Master of military affairs".

    During his studies and service in the troops, he completed sports categories in many sports (boxing, military triathlon, skiing, kettlebells, obstacle course, cross country). Scuba diving instructor.

    After dismissal from the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, he taught at the highest and middle educational institutions, worked as a director educational institution... The teacher of the highest category. Full member of the International Academy of Informatization, the Russian Academy of Informatization and the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Professor of the Academy of Military Sciences of the Russian Federation.

    He has the honorary title "Honored Worker of Science and Education", was awarded medals named after V. I. Vernadsky for success in the development of national science.

    He has been engaged in martial arts since 1986. He has the qualification of 3rd dan-ho, is a judge of the first category in the sport of karate.

    From 1991 to the present time, the chairman of the sports karate club. Pupils are multiple winners and prize-winners of all-Russian and international tournaments, members of the country's national karate team. Has the highest qualification category of a karate teacher.

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    About the author Vasily Yuryevich Mikryukov, Academician, Doctor of Pedagogy, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher. Graduated from the Perm Higher Military Command School, postgraduate studies at the V.I. F.E.Dzerzhinsky, Moscow State

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    Mikryukov Vasily Yurievich, Academician, Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Senior Researcher.

    Graduated from the Perm Higher Military Command School, postgraduate studies at the Military Academy. F.E.Dzerzhinsky, Moscow State University MV Lomonosov, doctoral studies at the Moscow State Pedagogical University.

    For more than 22 years he served in the Strategic Missile Forces, lieutenant colonel, qualification "Master of Military Affairs".

    During his studies and service in the troops, he completed sports categories in many sports (boxing, military triathlon, skiing, kettlebells, obstacle course, cross country). Scuba diving instructor.

    After dismissal from the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, he taught at higher and secondary educational institutions, worked as the director of an educational institution. The teacher of the highest category. Full member of the International Academy of Informatization, the Russian Academy of Informatization and the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, Professor of the Academy of Military Sciences of the Russian Federation.

    He has the honorary title "Honored Worker of Science and Education", was awarded medals named after V. I. Vernadsky for success in the development of national science.

    He has been engaged in martial arts since 1986. He has the qualification of 3rd dan-ho, is a judge of the first category in the sport of karate.

    From 1991 to the present time, the chairman of the sports karate club. Pupils are multiple winners and prize-winners of all-Russian and international tournaments, members of the country's national karate team. Has the highest qualification category of a karate teacher.


    The encyclopedia of V. Yu. Mikryukov is a synthesized set of theoretical knowledge in the field of oriental martial arts with practical activities for mastering this art and teaching it to students.

    In didactic terms, the encyclopedia is written at a fairly high level. All recommendations offered by the author are supported by the necessary research and practice. The encyclopedia presents specific methods on certain issues of improving the tactical and technical skills and abilities of those who go in for karate. The information presented in the encyclopedia is presented at a high professional level.

    From a methodological point of view, the encyclopedia is characterized by the systematization of the material presented in it, its convenient division into separate sections and chapters, competent, clear language of presentation, the presence of definitions for each special term, the use of numerous statements famous people and outstanding karate masters on a particular issue, historical examples, the presence of the necessary illustrations and references to recommended literature for in-depth study of individual issues.

    The encyclopedia contains a large number of Japanese place names, proper names and sports terms. Moreover, in view of the fact that in Japanese most of the sounds and sound combinations of the Russian language are absent, the author resorts to the traditional transcription used in the Russian Karate Union.

    In general, the encyclopedia is characterized by a selection of material, rare in concentration, based on the author's own experience, the totality of his theoretical knowledge, practical skills and abilities acquired during the study and teaching of karate.

    The material presented in the encyclopedia may be intended for athletes and coaches, students sports schools and universities, as well as for a wide range of readers interested in martial arts.

    President of the Russian Karate Union

    S. A. Rostovtsev


    The main goal of karate is not victory or defeat, but the improvement of the characters of the practitioners.

    Gichin Funakoshi, the patriarch of modern karate

    The flow of special literature on karate growing in the West and in our country for the most part does not clarify its main deep meaning and inner content as a martial art, as a science of life, which has been improved over millennia and remains to this day a unique treasury of knowledge for the peoples of the whole world ...

    The books published in recent years by foreign and domestic karate masters mainly reflect specific issues related to the technique and tactics of striking and setting blocks, mastering combination techniques and their application, and performing formal exercises (kata). Only a few books touch upon the issues of philosophy and history of karate, however, a comprehensive analysis of the essence of karate from various positions, including from historical, religious-philosophical, cultural, medico-biological, etc., has not yet been carried out. To overcome this shortcoming is one of the tasks of this encyclopedia.

    The most important problem of modern karate is to find the best means and methods to improve the skill of those who go in for it. There are two ways to improve the skills of students: by individualizing work with them and improving the lessons themselves. All this requires a reasonable and timely application of those methods and types of activities that, when solving specific problems, can give the maximum effect, and when improving personal skills - to form an individual student's handwriting, to develop his physical and mental characteristics.

    In this regard, when writing the encyclopedia, another task was set - to show the most rational methods of training those who go in for karate, especially in organizing and conducting karate classes in modern conditions. These questions are revealed on the basis of the author's experience of many years of work with students of different levels of preparedness - work on mastering the technique, tactics and strategy of karate.

    I would like to say a few words about the strategy of karate. In the modern world, two types of karate are clearly distinguished, completely different from each other in meaning and content - sports and classical. Millions of people all over the world are engaged in sports karate, seeing in it effective remedy physical development, health improvement, rest, self-defense, finally. Classical karate is represented by people who have dedicated their lives to it, living karate. However, the strategy of classical karate is not about training outstanding athletes or masters. This is the education of the character of those involved, teaching them the ability to overcome life's difficulties and trials. And let many for one reason or another stop their studies, but the spiritual, first of all, and physical foundations inherent in them serve them for the good in their work and rest, in Everyday life help to get out of many extreme situations with honor.

    And the last thing I would like to say in the introduction is the relationship between karate schools and the attitude of representatives of domestic sports to karate.

    It is no secret that many karate schools claim their exclusive role, calling themselves schools of "absolute truth", "unlimited skill", etc. You can often find on the pages of books, newspapers, magazines, and also see on TV screens as representatives of one school criticizes their colleagues from other schools indiscriminately, without bothering to delve into their essence or even attend classes or competitions held by these schools.

    In fact, there are no bad schools, but, as elsewhere, there are bad representatives, among whom, unfortunately, are the authors of some publications. The most important thing is that the school has its own style, its own face, by which it could be distinguished from others, and best schools- of course, those who contribute to the harmonious development of the personality, educate students in the spirit of respectful and benevolent attitude towards the Teacher, elders, women, in general to the world around us.

    Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences, Candidate of Technical Sciences.

    Born March 21, 1958 in the city of Perm in a family of doctors. In 1964 he entered the secondary school of the city of Perm, which he graduated in 1975.

    In 1975 he entered the Perm Higher Military Command School, which he graduated in 1980 with the specialty "officer with higher special education - mechanical engineer".

    1980 to 1985 served in the Belarusian Military District as a calculation engineer and chief of calculation of military unit 29489. In 1984 he was awarded the class qualification "Master of military affairs".

    In 1985 he entered the full-time postgraduate course at the F.E. Dzerzhinsky, which he graduated in 1988, having defended his thesis ahead of schedule for the degree of candidate of technical sciences in the specialty 20.02.17 "Operation of weapons and military equipment and their combat effectiveness."

    In 1989, by order of the Minister of Defense, he was appointed to the post of junior research assistant at the F.E. Dzerzhinsky. In 1989 he entered the Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov to the Faculty of Computational Mathematics and Cybernetics, which he graduated in 1992 with a degree in mathematician.

    In 1996 he was awarded the academic title "Senior Researcher" in the specialty "Operational art in general and by type of the Armed Forces."

    1991 to 1998 Served at the F.E. Dzerzhinsky as head of the VNG department - senior researcher. In 1998, he resigned from the ranks of the Armed Forces with the military rank of lieutenant colonel.

    1999 to 2000 worked as the director of the Training Center of CJSC "Hyper". 2000 to 2003 taught life safety and informatics courses at school-lyceum № 136 in Moscow. In 2002 he was awarded the highest qualification category for the position of "teacher". 2003 to 2005 worked as the Deputy Director for Security of GOU Secondary School No. 144 in Moscow and at the same time taught computer science at the Lyceum No. 1548 in Moscow.

    2005 to 2007 worked as the Deputy Director for Security of GOU Secondary School No. 292 in Moscow.

    In 2005 he was elected professor of the Academy of Military Sciences of the Russian Federation. In 2006 he entered the full-time doctoral studies at the Moscow Pedagogical State University, which he graduated in 2009, having defended his dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Pedagogical Sciences on the topic "Theory and practice of military-patriotic education of students in modern Russia" in the specialty 13.00.01 "General pedagogy, history of pedagogy and education."

    From 1991 to the present, he is the chairman of the sports karate club, has a qualification of 3 dan (black belt) in karate. His students are multiple winners and prize-winners of all-Russian and international tournaments, members of the Russian national karate team. In 2006 he was awarded the highest qualification category of a karate teacher. In 2010 he was awarded the first referee category in the sport of karate.

    In 2010 he was elected a full member of the International Academy of Informatization and the Russian Academy of Informatization, a corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences and the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.

    In 2012 he was elected a full member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences.