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  • The quantitative composition of subjects in the composition of the RSFSR. What is the RSFSR and the USSR - what are the differences. Recognition in the international arena

    The quantitative composition of subjects in the composition of the RSFSR. What is the RSFSR and the USSR - what are the differences. Recognition in the international arena

    RSFSR is the name of the Russian Federation, which existed until 1991. Fully abbreviation decrypts as: Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic. This name appeared in the Constitution of the USSR of 1936, adopted at Joseph Stalin. At the same time, the names of the Russian Federation and Russia were unofficially.

    The first socialist state

    RSFSR is the first socialist state in the world. It was announced immediately after the victory of the October Revolution in 1917. After in 1922, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was officially formed, the RSFSR entered its composition as one of the sovereign republics along with the Belarusian, Ukrainian, Kazakh and others.

    At the same time, she was the most populated and largest, possessed the greatest economic potential. More than half of the total population of the USSR lived in the RSFSR, half of agricultural products and two thirds of industrial production were concentrated.

    Since 1991, the RSFSR has been the only official successor of the USSR. On December 25, the country received today's name - Russian Federation, or Russia.

    How the RSFSR appeared

    The formation of the RSFSR is associated with the victory of the Bolsheviks in the Great October Revolution. One of the first decrees of the Second All-Russian Congress of Soviets was the proclamation of the Russian Soviet Republic.

    RSFSR (Deciphering the Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic) - a state that was formed when at the third congress of the Soviets held in Petrograd was adopted a declaration of labor rights written by Vladimir Lenin. In it, in particular, it was argued that the Russian Soviet Republic was now becoming the Federation of Soviet National Republics.

    In March 1918, the councils established their domination for most of the country. On March 12, Moscow was officially announced.

    In July of the same year, another significant event took place - the adoption of the Constitution of the RSFSR. The decoding of the abbreviation at that time was not yet known to everyone. It was in the Constitution that the official name was entrenched - the Russian Socialist Federal Soviet Republic.

    In the first months, the new state lacked a lot: there was no anthem, coat of arms and, most importantly, the Constitution. It was even called the state in various documents in different ways. All this led to ridiculous incident. For example, in one territory there could be several deputy counses at once, and often they made contradictory solutions.

    And some provinces sometimes proclaimed themselves with certain independent republics.

    Recognition in the international arena

    The new state at first the world community refused to recognize. The first contact at the international level took place in the last days of 1917. The first Soviet republic recognized Finland, whose independence from the Russian Empire was recognized by the Soviet government headed by Vladimir Lenin. The document was signed by Prime Minister Finland Per Evind Svinkhowood, who later became president.

    The second independence of the young state recognized Germany.

    RSFSR consisting of the USSR

    On the eve of 1923, a declaration was approved, which included an agreement on the formation of the USSR. The RSFSR was united with the Ukrainian, Belarusian SSR and the Transcaucasian Federation. It was in this composition that the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was born.

    During the existence of the Soviet Union, the boundaries of the RSFSR have repeatedly changed. In 1924, Turkestan, Uzbek, Turkmen and Tajik SSR were formed.

    The highest authority in the RSFSR

    The central executive committee was the highest authority in the RSFSR. He performed legislative, administrative and controlling functions. The new composition of the Committee was chosen at every congress of tips.

    The first chairman in 1917 was elected Lion Kamenev. Later this position was occupied by Yakov Sverdlov, Mikhail Vladimir and Mikhail Kalinin. This system was changed in 1937 after the adoption of the Stalinist Constitution. The Supreme Council of the RSFSR took his place.

    In the RSFSR, the years of the existence of which fell for the period from 1917 to 1991, the legislature was the Supreme Council. In the Constitution of 1978, changes were made, according to which the Council could consider any issue in the competence of the Russian republic. For example, to approve its own constitution, to create autonomous republics and areas in its composition, approve plans for state and economic development.

    A number of significant changes were approved as a result of the constitutional reform at the time of restructuring - the Council became bipotable.

    Congress of people's deputies

    In 1989, the chief body of state power was approved, which was elected popularly. It consisted of 1068 deputies from each territorial district.

    The congress was authorized to make decisions on all issues relating to the jurisdiction of the RSFSR. His exceptional law was to determine the composition of the Supreme Council and the Chairman, to adopt the Constitution and amendments to it, to approve the Prosecutor General of the Republic, to identify judges, to solve many other issues.

    The president

    In 1991, a decision was made to a period of 5 years to choose the president of the RSFSR. This post was approved on a referendum held in 1991. Boris Yeltsin became the first and only president.

    Its powers included the publication of decrees, which it was necessary to fulfill on the territory of the USSR and the RSFSR, he had a special right to unilaterally suspend the actions of the decrees issued by the executive authorities in the event that they contradicted the laws or the Constitution of the RSFSR.

    The first elections took place on June 12, 1991. 6 candidates took part in the voting. Each of them offered the candidacy of vice president. The appetime was very high, the bulletins were sent to the urn nearly 77 percent of the inhabitants.

    The last sixth place was occupied by non-partisan Vadim Bakatin, who held the post of head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the USSR. He received support for less than three million voters by typing three more than a percentage of votes.

    The candidate from the Communist Party of the RSFSR Albert Makashov became the fifth. Its result was just a few tenth of the percent was better than Bakatin. Makashov is a personnel military, Colonel-General retired.

    The fourth place was taken by another non-partisan candidate - Aman Tuleyev, chairman of the Kemerovo Regional Executive Committee. It was supported by almost 7 percent of voters - about five and a half million people.

    The top three was closed by the leader of the Liberal Democratic Party of the Soviet Union Vladimir Zhirinovsky. One of the political long-livers, which still participates in political life, is regularly running for the post of head of state. More than 6 million people voted for him, this is a little less than 8% of the total number of voters.

    The second place is still at one candidate of the Communist Party of the RSFS Nikolai Ryzhkov. He got almost 17%. Representative of the Democratic Russia party Boris Yeltsin won a confident victory. For him, 57% of voters gave his votes, these are more than 45 million people.

    RSFSR (Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic) - the name of Russia from the moment of the collapse of the empire and until 1991 sometimes the name of the Russian SFSR is applied. The name was submitted by the 1936 Constitution (the second Constitution of the RSFSR) and the Constitution of 1937 (the third Constitution of the RSFSR).

    The Russian Empire has become the Socialist Republic as a result of the revolution of 1917. The first socialist state in the world after the coup was first carried out the name of the Russian Socialist Federal Soviet Republic, but in later documents, it was replaced by the name indicated in the Constitution. There were also unofficial names - the Russian Federation, Russia.

    The RSFSR and the USSR should be distinguished. The RSFSR was part of the USSR as the largest republic and continued his existence after as an independent state, which was then transformed into the Russian Federation.

    Transformation of Russia to the Republic

    As a result of the February Revolution of 1917, the Russian Empire established the power of two structures - the temporary government and the Council of Workers, Soldiers and Peasant Deputies (various local councils began to appear throughout the country and submitted to the Unified Council). Emperor Nicholas 2nd renounced the throne and transferred the rights of inheritance to his relative Mikhail Alexandrovich, however, he refused to get up at the head of the country. As a result, the authorities moved to the temporary government and until the convening of the Constituent Assembly, the fate of Russia was unknown - the monarchy could return, and a new form of government could be established.

    On July 8, the Chairman of the Council of Workers recognized the full and unlimited power of the temporary government, and on September 1, 1917, the Russian Empire became known as the Republic.

    Creation of RSFSR

    With the creation of the RSFSR, the situation in the country was not established, a new revolution occurred in October, as a result of which, on October 25, 1917, the Russian Soviet Republic was proclaimed by the decision of the 2nd All-Russian Congress of Soviets.

    In January 1918, the 3rd Congress of Soviets was held, which finally proclaimed the transfer of power from the temporary government and the Constituent Assembly to the Soviets. From this point on, the power of the Soviets began to spread rapidly throughout the country, and in March, almost all of Russia obeyed the new government. On March 12, 1918, Moscow was announced by the new capital, and on July 19, the official Constitution of the RSFSR came into force, which consolidated the new name of the country.

    Although power belonged to the Soviets, outbreaks of anti-Soviet uprisings began around the country, began, which lasted until 1922, various public, political and nationalist groups were participating in the war, which fought for the right to establish their power in Russia.

    On December 30, 1922, the 1st Congress of the Councils of the USSR was held, which proclaimed. RSFSR was part of the USSR along with other autonomous republics.

    RSFSR Management System

    The composition of the RSFSR included several autonomous republics, with the time of its border changed.

    Until 1990, the Higher State Person of the RSFSR was the Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR, however, this position was exceptionally nominal. In addition, unlike other Republics of the RSFSR did not have its own first secretary and the Communist Party and obeyed the All-Union power.

    In fact, the Main Authority was the All-Russian Congress of Soviets. The Constitution of 1918. It was he who proclaimed the "main power" in the republic, and then only confirmed his powers by entering the USSR. The congress was selected from representatives of urban and provincial councils by direct voting.

    The second important state body was the All-Russian Central Executive Committee (WTCIK), which was the highest legislative, executive and supervisory authority of the RSFSR, was elected by the congress and acted in the period between two congresses. The congress and the Central Executive Committee were dealt with all important state issues.

    In 1937 (after the adoption of the USSR Constitution), the Central Bank and the All-Russian Congress of the Councils were abolished, and the new state body came to replace the Supreme Council of the RSFSR. Although formally, the authorities of the Supreme Council were limited, it was he who dealt with all the most important issues. In 1989, after reform, the Supreme Council became two-challenged - the Council of the Republic and the Council of Nationalities appeared.

    In 1989, a new supreme body was established - the Congress of People's Deputies. His representatives were elected from the people, and the body itself was authorized to solve important public affairs, along with the Supreme Council.

    Decay of the USSR and the Presidential Republic

    In 1991, a declaration on the state sovereignty of the RSFSR was adopted, a referendum was held, as a result of which the RSFSR became the presidential republic, and accordingly, the post of President of the RSFSR was introduced. The conflict of the interests of the legislation of the RSFSR and the USSR began.

    On December 21, 1991, the RSFSR was officially renamed Russian Federation. This period can be considered the official collapse of the USSR.

    For the first time, the name of the RSFSR appeared in 1918, it was used as a name for the world's first proletarian state formed after the October Revolution, which took place in 1917. It existed until the end of December 1991, when it was decided to renaming the country to the Russian Federation. So how did the formation of the RSFSR, as deciphered by this abbreviation and what the most significant events occurred in its territory? All this is important to know if only because the forecast of the future of any country can only be based on knowledge of its history.

    Education of the new state in the territory of the former Russian Empire

    As a result of the October Revolution, which some historians tend to consider a coup, the republic was proclaimed, and in January 1918 the third congress of the Council approved an important document - a declaration in which the rights of the "worker and exploited people" were proclaimed. In the same document, it was announced that the new state is federal, and after a while for its designation began to use the abbreviation of the RSFSR, the decipher of which sounded as the Russian Soviet Federative Socialist Republic. However, at that time, the country had no official symbols, no strong power capable of controlling the entire extensive territory.

    History (before entering the USSR)

    In the period from February to March 1918, the Power of Soviets was established in a large part of the provinces of the former Russian Empire, and Moscow was proclaimed instead of Petrograd. To strengthen its influence and in order to forever bury the hopes of monarchists for the revival in the country of autocracy, in July in Yekaterinburg, the Bolsheviks shot the family of Nikolai second. Interestingly, almost the next day after that, the first Constitution of the RSFSR came into force. This event meant the end of the uncertainty period, when the boundaries of the subjects of the Federation literally painted on the maps "on the eyes", and on the same territory two and even three councils could act at the same time, as they were called "workers", "soldiers'" or " peasant "deputies. Thus, at that time, the question of what RSFSR is, the correct answer was one - the world's first state of exploited people, where communism is going to build.

    Civil War

    The composition of the RSFSR at the time of education of the Russian Federation

    By December 25, 1993, the RSFSR consisted of Ingush, Chechen, Karachay-Cherkess, Chuvash, Udmurt, Kabardino-Balkarian republics, as well as the republics of Bashkortostan, Buryatia, Dagestan, Kalmykia, Karelia, Marie El, Tatarstan, Sakha (Yakutia), Tuva, Adygea, Mountain Altai, Khakassia, Komi, etc. Thus, the answer to the question is what the RSFSR is and from which subjects it consists at the time sounds like this: this is a federal state consisting of a large number of areas, edges and republics with equal rights and status.

    At the end of December 1991, a declaration was adopted in Moscow, which proclaimed the termination of the existence of the Russian Federation (at that time, the RSFSR) was recognized as a successor of all former USSR and took its place in international organizations.

    Now you know that the RSFSR is an abbreviation that was used to designate first in the world's first "state of the victorious socialism", and later - one of the republics that are part of the USSR, the successor of which is our country today.

    The revolution that occurred in Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century, and the changes that followed it, led to the fact that this territory first became known as RSFSR (with deciphering the Russian Socialist Federal Soviet Republic), and then became part of the USSR, which in the 90s gave way CIS location. Such a rapid change in the name of state often puts in a dead end and confuses. However, it is worth only to figure out the terminology and chronology of events, and the differences between the USSR will become clear.

    In contact with

    Revolution in Russia of 1917 and its result

    The result of a temporary government as the highest authority and a collegial body with representatives of these classes, the Councils of workers, soldiers and peasant deputies was the result of the February Revolution in 1917 . Asked for the throne after Nicholas II renunciation, Mikhail Romanov handed over all power and authority to the temporary government. This meant the end of the monarchist building. The authorities have fully received a temporary council, and Russia from the Empire has become a republic on September 1, 1917.

    Some time was taken by the socialization of the entire territory of the state and establishing Soviet power on it. These events led toThat on June 19, 1918, the Constitution of the RSFSR was introduced, which enshrines the official status and name of the Russian Socialist Federal Soviet Republic for him.

    Territorial device RSFSR

    The question of the redistribution of borders within the state rose to the 1917 revolution. The need to create new provinces with Siberia and Central Russia was discussed. When the temporary government came to power, the words were decided to go to business. Altai, from the Tomsk province, separated by the Altai, from the Astrakhan province was separated by Bokeevskaya.

    In parallel with the process of metication, the wave of the creation of the Soviet republics and non-counseling autonomy on the territory of the RSFSR rolled. In addition, some territories were completely separated from the country, forming their states.

    Autonomous Republic in the territory of the RSFSR

    The first autonomy in the framework of the RSFSR Formed on the territory configured against the councils, as it would be possible to think. The ASSR primarily formed territories with the prevailing Muslim population. Thus, the state began to include regions that were actually not its subjects. Autonomy had its own authorities, the Constitution, representatives in the Union Parliament.

    For all the time in ordering power by the Council in the territory of the state from 1918 to 1922, eight autonomous republics arose as part of the RSFSR:

    If you pay attention to the RSFSR card of that period, it can be noted that the hierarchy of state subjects was not limited to the autonomous republics in its composition. The mansion was also autonomous regions, however, with less independence. Initially, there were 12, however, the process did not stop . At the same time, the region as it could Later "Doratsi" to the republic and the opposite. An example of Kyrgyzstan appeared as an autonomous region as part of the ASSR, then turning to the ASSR, and later, along with Kazakhstan, acquired the status of the Union of the Republic.

    Another autonomous formation on the RSFSR card was national labor commits, however, all of them were later reformed into the autonomous republics or areas. Other territories were shared on the province.

    Territorial reforms of the subjects of the RSFSR

    Later, after the reform of the administrative and territorial division, in 1929, the decision of the Presidium of the WTCIK, fully abolished province, and the dictational need of the formation of regions and edges in these territories was published. In this way, were eliminated by province, parish, county. Among the subjects of the RSFSR on the map, large territorial units (6 regions and 7 edges) were highlighted, as well as the ASSR, autonomous regions, national districts that violated the uniform division of territories.

    Time has shown that such major subjects are quite cumbersome in management due to large areas and population. Therefore, subsequent reforms were aimed at disaggregation, crushing territories . The first period came For 1930-1939, and then the process continued after the war until 1954. The reform was also included in the USSR and the RSFSR new territories.

    Further changes were no longer so large-scale, and the Map of the RSFSR sample of 1958, for example, is largely similar to the modern map of the Russian Federation in terms of subjects. During the period of restructuring, changes were made to the names of some cities and changed the status of some autonomous subjects. The Act of the Supreme Council of the RSFSR of July 3, 1991 was consolidated by the latest changes in the territorial composition of the RSFSR.

    The ultimate date of education of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics It is considered December 30, 1922. It was then at the I Congress of the Councils of the USSR a declaration of its creation was adopted. By this time, the following Socialist Republics existed:

    • Russian (RSFSR).
    • Ukrainian.
    • Belorussian.
    • Azerbaijani.
    • Armenian.
    • Georgian.

    Their representatives and had the opportunity to decide in what form the Union will be formed. The idea of \u200b\u200bcreating the Union of Soviet republics has won, with a vector to a centralized association.

    Later in the USSR Such republics entered as:

    • Turkmen.
    • Uzbek.
    • Tajik.
    • Azerbaijani.
    • Kyrgyz.
    • Kazakh.
    • Moldavian.
    • Lithuanian.
    • Latvian.
    • Estonian.
    • Karelian Finnish.

    In this form, the Union existed before its collapse in 1991.

    Fate of the RSFSR after the USSR

    Collapse of the USSR

    The declaration of the State Sovereignty of the RSFSR, adopted in 1990, marked the beginning of the conflict of the Union and Russian legislation, which became known as the "War of Sovereignty". In 1991, instead of the post of Chairman of the Presidium of the Supreme Council, as a senior official, the post of President of the RSFSR was introduced, which was elected B.N. Yeltsin.

    At the same time, politics President of the USSR Gorbachev, who staging on the course of restructuring, caused discontent. He is trying to deprive the authorities during the August coup on August 19-21, 1991

    These events lead to the fact that on December 8, 1991, in Belarus, the heads of the RSFSR (Russia), the BSSR (Belarus) and the Ukrainian SSR (Ukraine) sign "Agreement on the establishment of the Commonwealth of Independent States", called the "Belovers Agreement". According to this document, the USSR stopped his existence. The RSFSR actually became the successor of the Union in international law and geopolitical reality. In the same year, the RSFSR changes the name to the Russian Federation.

    Changes in the Russian Federation after the collapse of the USSR

    The main objectives of the Government of the Russian Federation After the liquidation of the USSR was:

    How to distinguish the RSFSR and the USSR?

    If it is necessary to allocate the main and most important difference, it can be said that these two states were Matrius. The USSR, as a big matretory, included the RSFSR and a number of other republics. Union was formed with RSFSRAs the Central Republic, and after the collapse, the RSFSR took his place on the political map of the world.

    RSFSR and USSR

    RSFSR (Russian Soviet Federal Socialist Republic, Soviet Russia) is the first socialist state in the world history, whose education was proclaimed on November 7, 1917. After almost a year, July 19, 1918, the Constitution of the RSFSR was adopted and entered into force.

    Since 1920, this is one of the Union republics of the USSR, which is the largest population of the territory with a high level of industry and agriculture.

    In the entire history of existence, the republic was the founding for the other 14 Soviet republics, which were part of the USSR. For many residents of the Soviet era, there was no difference in which republic he is, since the party policy was aimed at uniting peoples with the preservation of cultural heritage. There was an idea of \u200b\u200ban economic and political association to confront the West.

    A long-term cold war, which has grown into political intrigues and spyware, led to instability in the USSR. The government of the party was discredited, and democracies and publicity led to a new course in politics. As a result, the Soviet Union, the economic and political power of the once-stroke was brought to a minimum.

    Termination of the activities of the RSFSR. Education of the Russian Federation

    If you follow the chronological, on June 2, 1990, the Congress of People's Deputies of the RSFSR adopted a declaration on the state sovereignty of the republic. This led to an open conflict between the USSR and the RSFSR.

    On December 12, 1991, the Supreme Council of the RSFSR was denounced the agreement of 1922 on the formation of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. Currently, lawyers challenge the legality of this act, as it is not one hundred percent.

    On December 26, 1991, the USSR ceases to exist, and the Russian Federation becomes a successor and successor.

    It was 25 December 1991 that the RSFSR stopped exist. In 1991, a turning point was occurring not only for Russians, but also all residents of the former Union republics. At first, the CIS (Union of Independent States) was organized, but the heads of the newly formed sovereign states began to show a tender independence from the Russian Federation, which led to the termination of the partnership.