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  • Tutorial. Russian language. Speech aggression and ways to overcome it.

     Tutorial. Russian language. Speech aggression and ways to overcome it.

    Speech or language aggression is a form of speech communication aimed at insulting or deliberately harming a person, a group of people, an organization, or society as a whole. Speech aggression   motivated by the aggressive state of the speaker and often aims to cause or maintain the aggressive state of the addressee. Therefore, speech aggression is a violation of ethical-speech norms. Based on existing classifications, we can list the following types of speech aggression:

    1.   - verbal abuse of smb. or smth., insult or humiliation of smb .; making threats, destructive wishes to someone's address; calls for aggressive actions, violence;
    2. active indirect speech aggression - the spread of malicious slander or gossip about someone;
    3. passive direct speech aggression - refusal to talk with another person, answer his questions, etc .;
    4. passive indirect speech aggression - refusal to give certain verbal explanations, demonstrative silence.

    Active direct speech aggression   - a fairly common phenomenon of modern speech reality. In everyday everyday communication and in public speeches speech aggression occurs equally often. Let us show it with examples taken from fiction and newspaper texts.

    The active direct speech aggression includes the statement of threats to someone’s address:

    • How will they fine him, bastard, so he will find out from me ... I will show him my mother! (A. Chekhov);
    • If you, unaccustomed syavka ... on her [Alla Sergeevna] lesson, you will even say a word, you will spread it along the wall. Got it, asshole? (Kunin).

    A variety of active direct speech aggression - verbal expression of evil, destructive wishes to someone's address (death, injury, destruction, etc.):

    • So that you all are dead! (Kunin).

    This group includes speeches in which there is a direct call for aggressive actions against the subject of speech (call for liquidation, etc.). Often, the author aggressively introduces the subject of speech into the addressee’s sphere and prompts him to perform a non-aggressive, but directly or indirectly beneficial action to the addressee. This kind of speech influence is manipulative (see language manipulation).

    Speech aggression in media texts   - This is primarily a means of manipulating the mass consciousness. One or another subject of speech can be presented in such a way as to cause or maintain an aggressive state among the audience and form a negative attitude towards it:

    • And so now, when they lowered the water in the pond, and on the sticky bottom - only crumpled cans of beer, Sobchak's wet shoe, tattered Novodvorskaya bodice? There, on this sticky bottom, cautiously, with shortness of breath, myopic Primakov came down and climbs there in wet mud. Something passes Maslyukov, asks Gerashchenko about something. And the three of them, like the Duremara, carry a rotten bag, in which are wet nuts, bent bicycle wheels and red, horsehair hair, Chubais wig (Head., No. 38, September, 1998).

    To create and consolidate in the minds of the audience a defamatory image (portrait-denunciation) in the texts of the media can be used such types of speech aggression, such as

    1. labeling;
    2. playing up the name of the object of speech aggression;
    3. forcing repulsive comparisons and associations;
    4. savoring unattractive and unpleasant for the object of speech aggression details, details, circumstances, and more. other

    For example:

    • What would you say if a stale piece of meat that you couldn’t eat, didn’t burn, threw it somewhere in the grass, where dogs nagged it for several days, flies, pissed off the crows, - ? Something similar was experienced by people upon learning of the reappointment of Chernomyrdin (Head., No. 34, August, 1998);
    • If Gaidar were a mushroom, he would be a pig (Head., № 38, September, 1998).

    One way to express an aggressive attitude toward the subject of speech is dysphemization (see Dysphemism).

    Active direct speech aggression   can be open (explicit) and hidden (implicit). Texts containing an open speech, have a clear aggressive focus, contain direct attacks, threats or insults. Hidden speech aggression is interesting in that its targets are masked by the addressee (for example, under simple informing), and language means are selected in such a way as to cause the addressee to have negative feelings and emotions in relation to the object.

    Public self-flagellation and verbal self-humiliation   - the most innocent to others kind of active direct speech aggression.

    Active indirect speech aggression   - deliberate slander, slander, the spread of slander, malevolent conjectures: active indirect speech aggression in the texts of the media has caused many noisy trials in recent years.

    Passive direct speech aggressionAs a rule, it is an expression of disregard for the initiator of communication, a demonstration of a negative attitude towards him or a protest against his behavior: one of the forms of speech rudeness is silence in response to a buyer’s question.

    For example: (A man and a woman are standing in front of a counter; a woman turns to a shop assistant)
      G. Girl, how much is this hat?
      M. (Silent, not responding).
      J. (Offended to his companion). Hard to answer !!! Oh my God! What a military secret! I asked her twice !!! ”(Russian at the end of the 20th century).

    Passive indirect speech aggression can be considered, for example, unwillingness to interfere and stop verbal insults at someone’s address, regarded as tacit agreement with the aggressor, approval of his behavior. A significant silence can be a way of putting pressure on a political opponent, i.e. temporary rejection of speeches and journalistic statements of politicians.


    • Berezhnaya TM Modern American rhetoric as a theory and practice of manipulating public consciousness: Dis. ... Cand. filol. sciences. M., 1986;
    • Baron R., Richardson D. Aggression. M., 1997;
    • Mikhalskaya A.K. Russian Socrates: Lectures on comparative historical rhetoric: Textbook, manual for students of humanitarian faculties. M., 1996;
    • Speech aggression and humanization of communication in the media. Ekaterinburg: Ural State University, 1997;
    • Skovorodnikov A.P. Linguistic violence in the modern Russian press // Theoretical and applied aspects of verbal communication. Issue 2. Krasnoyarsk-Achinsk, 1997;
    • Sharifulin, B.Ya. Language expansion, language aggression, language demagogy // Problems of development of a teacher's speech culture. Tomsk, 1997;
    • Russian language of the late XX century (1985-1995) / Ed. E.A. Zemsky. M., 1996.

    Legal qualification of verbal aggression

    This article presents an attempt to summarize the results of a number of judicial linguistic examinations conducted by the author in order to present typical forms of manifestation of speech aggression that occur in court practice (based on cases considered in Kirov and Kirov region in 2005–2007).

    Abusive language is assessed as manifestations of verbal aggression. Speech aggression is “the use of linguistic means to express hostility, hostility; manner of speech, insulting pride, dignity "(Stylistic Encyclopedic Dictionary of the Russian language 2003, p. 340).

    As practice shows (we have analyzed materials about 20 cases of defamation of honor and dignity), the most frequently used forms of manifestation of speech aggression are: metaphors with a negative assessment; rough colloquial vocabulary; obscene vocabulary; irony; games with names. Consider these techniques in more detail.

    Using negatively rated metaphors. Most often, the metaphors of expressive are used to insult the interlocutor - words that are used not primarily but figuratively. As such words nouns usually appear, and the transfer of the name itself is carried out mainly from the name of the animal (in a broad sense) to a person (turkey, goat, nag, bitch, bull, bug, cattle, etc.). Wed, eg.: Now you will get everything, brute, goat (from the materials of criminal case No. 90224). The transfer of the name from person to person is less often observed. Wed, eg.: He used expressions of the type: ... "freak" (from the materials of criminal case No. 62532). Sometimes there is a transfer of the name from subject to person. Wed: He began to call her on "you", called the judge "purse" ... "litter" (from the materials of criminal case No. 95055/06).

    Using rough colloquiallycommon language vocabulary. Colloquial vocabulary is usually used to give a negative assessment of a person. In this case, the addressee tends to emphasize the addressee's mental abilities. Wed, eg. K., you did not go to the roof? (from the materials of criminal case No. 91761). Sometimes a colloquially-colloquial word denoting a part of the body may in the metonymic use call the whole — the person himself. Wed: the most important face of the court (from the materials of the criminal case No. 91761).

    Irony. The essence of irony "consists in the use of a word, expression or a whole utterance (including a large text) in a sense contrary to the literal (most often in the opposite) for the purpose of ridicule" (Ermakova 2005, p. 7) Ironic mockery occurs when the addressee seeks to emphasize the fact that the addressee does not correspond to the position held by virtue of his incompetence or the lack of the necessary mental abilities. Wed, eg. As for the state duty, read carefully the Tax Code and the Code of Civil Procedure of the Russian Federation, or you have forgotten how to read (from the materials of criminal case No. 91761).

    Using obscene language. The words and expressions of this group are used by the speaker in order to humiliate the addressee as much as possible (an employee of the police, one of the participants in the judicial process, etc.). Most often, obscene vocabulary is used as part of set expressions. In this case, the speaker seeks to show maximum disrespect and even contempt for the interlocutor.

    Types of speech aggression

    Types of speech aggression can be classified on different grounds.

    In the psychological aspect of L.V. Enina identifies several types of active verbal aggression, including: a) active direct   (statements with semantics of a command are related to this type: directly and clearly expressed requirements for another person) and b) active indirect   - the spread of malicious slander or gossip [Enin 1999: 97].

    Classification by intensity: a) weak, worn out   and b) strong. Shcherbinina considers the strong forms of aggression to be abusive, swearing, blame, rude demand, cry. Here it includes hostile remarks, stinging ridicule, weighty threats. Weak manifestations, in her opinion, contain a very gross rejection, indirect insult, indirect condemnation. By the nature, mode of expression of Yu.V. Shcherbinina identifies explicit (open) and hidden (implicit) aggression. AT open   verbal aggression content plan corresponds to the plan of expression within a single aggressive utterance. This includes a clear threat, intentional insult, rude demand, refusal, reprimand.

    Hidden speech aggression is realized most often in hostile hints, ironic remarks, hidden threats; sometimes in the form of gossip, denunciations. In relation to the object of Yu.V. Shcherbinina speaks of transitional and intransitive speech aggression. Transitional aggression is aimed at one real participant of the speech situation, the intransitive is manifested in cases when a person unfoundedly, abstractly scolds “life in general”, expressing a negative assessment to the whole world [Shcherbinina 2001: 109].

    Analysis of the means of verbal aggression allows EI Sheigal to distinguish three of its varieties:

    1.Expletive   - the most direct, sharp, impulsive-emotional form of verbal aggression (swearing invectives; speech acts of threat, verdicts and categorical demands and appeals).

    2.Manipulative   - more rational-conscious forms of verbal aggression, based on ideological transformations of the original meaning (injective labels, defamation means).

    3. Implicit   aggression associated with the veiled expression of the corresponding illocutionary intent (indirect speech acts, indirect predication, ironic invectives) [Sheigal 1999: 221].

    A generalized classification of types of speech aggression gives KF. Sedov. He identifies ten binary oppositions in accordance with the manifestation of speech aggression:

    1. Verbal / nonverbal.

    Here the criterion of differentiation is the nature of the sign means of expressing speech aggression. Among the non-verbal forms of K.F. Sedov relates, above all, gestures, as well as silence (threatening, ironic, protesting, etc.).

    2. Direct / indirect (indirect).

    Direct speech aggression is the result of a communicative act, the illocution of which contains open, apparent hostility. These are such manifestations of speech aggression as insults, threats, and evil wishes.

    V.V. Dementiev defines indirect communication as “meaningfully complicated communication, in which the understanding of a statement includes meanings not contained in the statement itself, and requires additional interpretative efforts on the part of the addressee, being irreducible to simple recognition (identification) of the sign” [Dementiev 2001: 3].

    3. Instrumental / non-instrumental.

    Instrumental aggression in a communicative act, in addition to hostile intent, also contains the desire to achieve some other goal. Non-instrumental aggression is aggression for the sake of aggression. It serves the tasks of cathartic discharge at the expense of the communicative partner and usually has an affective character.

    4. Initiative / reactive.

    Initiative aggression is a means of attack. Reactive aggression performs the function of protection against the aggressor (real or imaginary).

    5. Direct / Indirect.

    Direct speech aggression takes place within the framework of a speech act in which the communicants are in the same space and time. Mediated aggression is considered to be speech exposure, carried out in different time intervals.

    6. Spontaneous / prepared.

    The criterion of differentiation in this case, K.F. Sedov calls the peculiarity of the process of generating statements. Spontaneous aggression is manifested in the framework of the speech act, where the motive and communicative intention is realized almost simultaneously with their verbal expression. Prepared aggression is pre-planned. Sometimes it becomes an expression of the individual's communicative intent, which has been prepared for a certain period of time.

    7. Emotional / rational.

    Emotional aggression usually manifests itself in a spontaneous speech act. K.F. Sedov characterizes emotional-aggressive speech actions as affective. Rational aggression is a pre-planned speech utterance, which finds expression in indirect forms of exposure of various kinds: barbs, jokes, irony.

    8. Hostile / non-hostile.

    The nuclear form of the investigated speech phenomenon of KF Sedov considers hostile aggression. Non-hostile aggression is aggression only in form. With all the signs of aggressiveness, the main intention of the speech act does not contain the desire to bring harm, harm to the interlocutor and is used in informal friendly communication [Sedov 2003: 201-207].

    Y. Shcherbinina. In the Russian administrative legislation, “foul language in public places, abusive harassment of citizens” qualifies   as “disorderly conduct” and is punishable by a fine of 5 to 15 times the minimum wage or administrative arrest for up to fifteen days (Article 20.1 “disorderly conduct” of the “Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses” as of September 1, 2002 ). However, in fact, prosecution under this article is rather difficult, primarily because many people prefer not to notice speech aggression in their address, not respond to verbal attacks or solve this problem on their own - most often with the help of retaliatory aggression.

    Annotation: This article describes the speech aggression.

    The definition of aggression is given, it tells about the types and conditions of its manifestation. The attention of teachers, parents and children is attracted to the problems of speech behavior and speech aggression.

    "Tell me how you say and I will tell you who you are."

    We all complain that in the life around us more and more aggression. By aggression is usually meant some kind of action. And if we are insulted, we were threatened, what is it?

    In fact, there are two types of aggression: physical and verbal. Very often they do not live alone without the other. Sometimes it seems that she is soaked with air. These feelings are not far from the truth. We can leave the house in a wonderful mood, but gradually the speech of others changes our feelings, irritation and harshness appear.

    We hear:

    - "Get away from here!"

    - “I can't stand you!”; "You get on my nerves!"

    - “Black Sheep”, “Silly Chicken”.

    Unfortunately, this is not the "invention" of our century. This feature of battle was noted by Aristotle:

    "Out of habit, one way or another, bad language develops the tendency to commit bad deeds."

    It is not without reason that a person’s speech is his self-characterization, and, paraphrasing a well-known saying, it is quite possible to say: “Tell me how you say it, and I will tell you who you are.”

    Although the use of vulgarism and abuse, is not necessarily a manifestation of verbal aggression, however, show us bad manners, tactlessness of the speaker. And creates a common aggressive environment.

    Speech aggression   - offensive communication; verbal expression of negative emotions, feelings or intentions in an offensive, rude, unacceptable form in this speech situation.

    Speech aggression happens two kinds:

    1. As a reaction to external and internal environmental stimuli.

    It is an expression of negative emotions and feelings (anger, irritation, resentment, discontent, disgust, contempt, etc.).

    For example, we were rude to the store, stepped on the foot in the bus, refused a request.

    2. As a special intention, that is, the deliberate desire of the speaker to cause damage to the addressee (humiliate, insult, ridicule, etc.).

    We are faced with this everywhere, we get verbal aggression, which we did not provoke (in the registry of the polyclinic, at the reception of the official ...).

    We hear the children greet each other: “Great morel” or “Hello dalda” (and this degrades the physical data).

    Often, in such a “forbidden” way, people fulfill their own needs (self-affirmation, self-defense, self-realization, etc.). You automatically “become” better, smarter, higher.

    It is this kind of speech aggression “by itself”, aggression “in its pure form” that is the most dangerous, because it represents a thoughtful, planned, prepared speech act. It is precisely this aggression: planned, thoughtful, for the sake of your own pleasure, only a person is capable of. Since aggression in the animal world is present when an animal obtains food, protects itself or a cub, i.e. For life.

    Conditions of speech aggression:

    - as a negative communicative intention of the speaker (for example, to humiliate the addressee, to express negative feelings and emotions). The situation is characterized by the boss - subordinate (“You will not get anything clever from you”);

    - as a discrepancy between the statement and the nature of communication and the “image of the addressee” (for example, a familiar reference in a formal setting;

    Appeal to only one interlocutor during group communication, insulting allusions to the interlocutor);

    - as negative emotional reactions to this statement (resentment, anger, irritation). We were told only one word, but everything inside us is boiling. We feel offended. There are reflective response replicas (So they talked!);

    It is important to note that both verbal and physical aggression have similar verbal-thinking operations. Both the utterance and the physical action we plan with the help of inner speech, which, as we know, is formed from outer speech. Closely connected with it. Such similarity in verbal and cogitative activities often leads to verbal aggression being the forerunner of or following physical aggression.

    Therefore, control of the person over his own speech actions is necessary.

    Can we consider speech aggression as a typical phenomenon in modern society?

    Yes we can.

    With the change of the state system, the speech and behavioral stereotypes characteristic of him were gone. They were replaced by new ones, in which the modern generation was formed (our children). With the tacit encouragement of public consciousness, verbal aggression is an integral part of the code of speech behavior of the "modern", "strong", "self-confident" person.

    Causes of speech aggression:

    • social,
    • psychological,
    • sociocultural,
    • actually communicative.

    Consider each separately.

    1. Social:

    Political, economic and cultural instability of modern society, which determines the decline in living standards.

    Propaganda of violence in the media, Mass media, and above all television, themselves act as a source of verbal aggression. The corresponding models of speech behavior of characters, verbal cliches are given. This is facilitated by computer games and music.

    In addition, verbal aggression is peculiarly "stimulated" by an unhealthy interest in the details of the crimes presented in many modern printed publications.

    It can also be noted that many media outlets cultivate the unjustified use of expletives and expressions with an obvious reduction in censorship control.

    Social causes include the loss or weakening of the mechanisms that traditionally restrain manifestations of speech aggression.

    2. Sociocultural:

    The attitude of society to the aggression itself and the degree of its depreciation.

    In modern European society there is practically no strict legal control over manifestations of verbal aggression.

    In the Russian administrative legislation, “foul language in public places, abusive harassment of citizens” qualifies as “disorderly conduct”.

    Can we recall accusations under this article?

    Unfortunately, this turns out to be rather difficult, because many people prefer not to notice verbal aggression in their address, not to react to verbal attacks or to respond with a response aggression.

    3. Communicative:

    These are the attitudes of parents, which are expressed mainly in such verbal patterns: “always give change”, “be better than anyone”, “justify parental hopes at any cost”, etc.

    Most often this implies speech, not physical aggression. Inadequate attention to the child’s speech in the family, a decline in the general culture in society also contributes.

    4. Psychological:

    These include age crises and instability of the system of emotional regulation in adolescence. In addition, in modern children's teams, the environment itself is very aggressive.

    The main danger of verbal aggression in social terms is the underestimation of its danger by public consciousness. Today, often rudeness is considered as a natural form of response in a conflict situation, and politeness as a weakness or something “too complicated” to resolve the conflict. Norm and antinorm change places.

    On this topic, studies were conducted among schoolchildren. Those of them who demonstrated a high level of readiness for verbal aggression did not rate their verbal behavior as aggressive. For them, it's just a habit.

    One of the reasons for such behavior is a low level of speech culture, poverty of vocabulary, lack of ability to express one's thoughts and feelings in a literary language, and an elementary inability to communicate.

    Sometimes a person seeks in this way to demonstrate "knowledge" of profanity, to show his "adulthood", "emancipation", "originality".

    At the same time, verbal aggression impedes the full exchange of information, inhibits the perception and understanding of each other by the interlocutors. She is the companion of almost any quarrel.

    According to the results of a survey of adolescents, the teacher is often the only source for the formation of effective speech communication skills that does not allow for rudeness or tactlessness. In general, the teacher has to confront society, family, the media, literature, and art.

    In our opinion, today it is necessary to know what speech aggression is, and to find peaceful ways to overcome it. Pay special attention to the formation of speech behavior in the family, in educational institutions and in society in general.

    (2   liked the average score: 5,00   from 5)


    The relevance of the topic is determined by the increasing interest in communication, effective speech. Rhetoric solves the problem of forming universal actions at the interdisciplinary level as an innovative, practice-oriented subject that promotes the development of the communicative qualities of the individual. The subject of research is the differentiation of types of speech aggression. The work focuses on ways to overcome speech aggression in communication. An essential role is played by the ability of the student to adapt to the conditions of the speech situation, to take into account the possibilities of the interlocutor, to understand his speech, which determines the structure of the message and the selection of language material. The form of communication, as a rule, is determined by a specific speech situation. The formation of the language personality of a student implies the development of a higher level of speech culture, which is correlated with the ability to overcome situations with the manifestation of speech aggression.

    intercultural communication.

    speech situation

    speech aggression


    1. Vvedenskaya L.A., Pavlova L.G. Business rhetoric. - M .: KNORUS, 2012. - 416 p.

    2. Vinogradov V.V. Problems of Russian stylistics. - M., 1981. – C.20-102.

    3. Dzhaubaeva F.I., Bauchieva Z.B. “Caucasian diary entries - a method of forming the speech behavior of the Russian writer Leo Tolstoy” / VESTNIK Pyatigorsk Linguistic University. - 2013. - № 4, July-September. - P.119-122.

    4. Kozhina M.N. Stylistic encyclopedic dictionary of the Russian language. - M .: Flint, 2006. - 696 p.

    5. Mikhalskaya A.K. Pedagogical rhetoric: study guide. - M .: Education, 1987. - 282 p.

    6. Molchanova E.E. To the question of supporting and non-supporting styles of speech behavior / Rhetoric and speech culture: science, education, practice: materials of the XIV International Scientific Conference (February 1–3, 2010) / ed. G. G. Glinina. - Astrakhan: Astrakhan University Publishing House, 2010. - P.142-143.

    7. Murashov A.A. A culture of speech. - M., 2003.

    8. Mesropyan L.M. Speech aggression: the problem of typology // Bulletin of Pyatigorsk Linguistic University. - 2013. - № 4, July - September. - P.128-132.

    9. Parshina O.N. On the ratio of strategies and tactics in modern Russian political discourse // Rhetoric and speech culture: science, education, practice: materials of the XIV International Scientific Conference (February 1–3, 2010) / ed. G.G. Clay - Astrakhan: Astrakhan University Publishing House, 2010. - p. 149-150.

    10. Rhetoric / ed. V.D. Chernyak. - M .: Publishing house Jurajt, 2013. - 430 p.

    11. Russian language and culture of speech / ed. In I. Maximov, A.V. Golubevoy. - M., 2013. - 382 p.

    12. Sokolova V.V. Culture of speech and culture of communication. - M., 1995. - 151с.

    13. Shcherbinina Yu.V. Russian language. Speech aggression and ways to overcome it: studies. allowance. - M .: Flint, 2004. - 224 p.

    Today, the policy in the field of Russian higher education takes into account a variety of factors. The relevance of the study of speech aggression is determined by the increasing interest in communication, effective speech. Higher education programs currently include speech disciplines, among which a special place is occupied by the academic discipline - “Rhetoric”, this subject forms the professional competence and skill of the teacher, examines the issues of effective communication, information presentation technology to achieve specific goals in modern society. It is “Rhetoric” which teaches that it is necessary “to know the basic forms of the existence of the hate speech; main types of speech aggression; main tactics of the quarrel; be able to recognize and resist speech aggression; possess the skills to overcome conflict in society; tactics of conflict-free behavior. " The main goal of this work is to raise the level of students' communicative competence. In the stylistic encyclopedic dictionary of the Russian language, edited by M.N. Cojina term speech aggression is defined as “the use of language means to express hostility, hostility; manner of speech, insulting someone's pride, dignity ". Communication lies at the heart of learning, so rhetoric solves the problems of forming universal actions at the interdisciplinary level as an innovative, practice-oriented subject that promotes the development of communicative personality traits that meet the requirements of an information society, an innovative economy, a society built on the basis of tolerance, a dialogue of cultures. Entering the cycle of humanitarian subjects, rhetoric allows the student to study patterns of communication, features of communication in society; understand the importance of speaking, because the most important component of the humanitarian culture is the culture of communication, and we must not forget that the most important function of language and speech is communicative. The main task of the teaching speech impact is the development of the student, which means that the teaching moment is always associated with the educational aspect. The teacher should consciously shape speech skills: teaching public speech techniques should be based on knowledge of the subject and purpose of the activity, individuality and tolerance.

    Today, the Russian language, as the researchers note, is characterized by a decrease in the level of speech culture, invectionation and vulgarization of speech - all this is the result of the aggressiveness of public consciousness. It must be remembered that verbal aggression is no less dangerous than physical aggression, since it impedes the full exchange of information from communicators and reduces the possibility of their mutual understanding. The forms and content of speech aggression are historically changeable: speech aggression is experiencing times of activation and decline in use, this is especially characteristic of the modern stage of development of the Russian literary language. Aggression is the strongest tool of attraction and influence, weakening the protective mechanisms of the recipient, subordinating it to someone else's will. “As a result, society faced the phenomenon of aggressive speech manipulation, which functions through an underlined expression of negative emotional and evaluative attitude to the object of influence, often with the admission of violations of ethical and aesthetic norms of communication, with a glut of texts with negative information, the abuse of which can lead to irreversible social upheavals , increase frustration, increase the conflict potential of interpersonal communication ", - said L.M. Mesropyan in the work "Speech aggression: the problem of typology." Being one of the most important factors of socialization and the formation of cultural influence on members of society, verbal language makes it possible to realize what the world around is through the eyes of its carriers, and this vision is expressed in communicative behavior, which can be interpreted as “a set of rules and traditions of verbal communication related to topics and features of the organization of speech behavior in certain conditions. "

    One cannot but agree with the statement, “there is a degradation of the linguistic consciousness and speech behavior of many of those who have entered the coming millennium.” The use of invective vocabulary, violation of the norms of the literary language, situationally inappropriate, loud voice of statements, threatening intonation are common, and this is what we observe most often in interpersonal communication. Two trends are alarming - they are noted by E.E. Molchanov in his work “On the Question of Supporting and Non-Supporting Styles of Speech Behavior:“ 1) vulgar speech became one of the main means of asserting the social status of citizens, first of all, with low intellectual level, but not only them, and those can be found today in universities; 2) the predominance of an indifferent and / or approving reaction to such a speech compared with its rejection. " Nevertheless, the modern speech situation calls for harmonious communication, because “it provides those around them with significant information about the speaker, his social status, level of education, psychological type   and etc.". From a rhetorical point of view, it is necessary to learn how to achieve exposure by speech. This requires possessing both public speaking skills and personal dispute management strategies, since modern students, as is well known, are often not shy about expressing their opinions, even if it is necessary to argue with the teacher. In addition, the organization of expressive means of expression (pauses, lexical repetitions, appeals, rhetorical questions) provides the possibility of such management of students' learning and cognitive activity when they are included in joint activities with the teacher in the course of speech perception. Given this, the teacher must study and practically apply the types of arguments, and not only and not so much the argumentation system used in judicial, business and pedagogical rhetoric, but the methods of argumentation used in everyday disputes. Some researchers consider one of the main reasons for verbal aggression to be “the absence of positive moral attitudes of its participants in relation to each other and to the surrounding world ... An expert incompetent in the field of ethics can hardly be considered full-fledged”. Nowadays, there is a need for the scientific development of new mechanisms that could help overcome the rapid spread of speech aggression, would contribute to the processes of humanization of society. Quite a few works are devoted to the classification of verbal aggression (works by TA Vorontsova, KF Sedov, EV Kakorina, GA Konina, Yu.V. Shcherbina, and others), consider the typology of speech aggression by Yu.V. . Shcherbinina, which identifies several options for the classification of speech aggression: by intensity, by the degree of awareness of the speaker’s actions, by the purpose of the impact, by the mode of expression, by the number of communicants.

    In interpersonal communication types of verbal aggression are traditionally distinguished:

    1. Insult - "this is a deliberate humiliation of honor and dignity, expressed in an indecent form."

    2. Threat - a promise to harm the addressee if he does not agree with certain conditions.

    Language aggression, linguistic violence, language manipulation - among them a special place is occupied by the speech genre “threat” as a speech genre, taking into account the presence of signs of different genres, can be attributed to injective genres, since the main communicative intention is to make the interlocutor feel uncomfortable . “The threat tactics at the cognitive level is often an indication of the effect, the alleged negative result of the opponent’s performing certain actions. It can be represented by indirect forms of representation of content, by implication structures. ”

    3. A gross demand is an order expressed in a decisive and categorical form.

    4. A gross refusal is “it is an unsuitable negative response to a request or demand. This form of speech aggression does not contain the necessary formulas of politeness (sorry, please), is accompanied by an increased tone and does not contain an explanation of the reason for the refusal. ”

    5. A hostile remark is a remark that comes close to expressing a negative attitude towards the addressee (the reason for ineffective communication with the interlocutor may be a violation of one of V. P. Greis's postulates about cooperation, relevance).

    6. Censure - judgment, reprimand, disapproval. Otherwise, censure is a verbal expression of a negative reaction to an action.

    7. Mock - mock is built on the subtext or ironic discrepancy of what was said with the real.

    Speech aggression in mockery can also manifest itself in the form of a statement, for example, in an ironic intonation or a special tempo of speech — with artificial pauses.

    8. Quarrel is a complex speech genre of interpersonal communication in which speech aggression is most pronounced.

    The meaning of the quarrel in the dictionary of synonyms of the Russian language is given for a number of words of similar meaning: swara, disagreement, discord, discord, quarrel, discord, disagreement.

    In addition to the considered types of speech aggression: private, interpersonal communication, there is a massive speech aggression. A well-known expert in the field of rhetoric A. K. Mikhalskaya identifies situations of verbal aggression in which “masses of people participate under the leadership of a leader”, where “all participants unite in an act of verbal aggression against a certain common“ enemy ”represented / not represented in a situation by a specific person / persons ":" the leader purposefully and deliberately influences a special instinct ... "inspiration", "inspiring fighting impulse". Examples of such situations can serve as mass events (political rally, football match, rock concert, etc.).

    A special manifestation of speech aggression is such a characteristic phenomenon for a number of mass media and some politicians as the language of hostility, which includes the designations of any public “language act” that directly or indirectly promotes the incitement of national, religious, social and / or other enmity.

    Thus, according to Yu.V. Shcherbinina, verbal aggression impedes the implementation of the main objectives of effective speech communication: it impedes the full exchange of information, inhibits the perception and understanding of each other by the interlocutors, makes it impossible to develop a common strategy of interaction. There are many ways to overcome verbal aggression in specific communicative acts: ignoring, shifting attention, projecting the positive qualities of the “aggressor”, humor, positive evaluative statements, persuasion. Effective means of preventing verbal aggression are the means of speech etiquette: apology, polite treatment, euphemisms.

    Therefore, in our opinion, today it is necessary to know what speech aggression is, and to find peaceful ways to overcome it. “Language is interpreted as a form of awareness and a repeater of cultures, a constructive property of a person, a spokesman and a carrier of thought produced by the author, a means of human knowledge of himself and the surrounding reality.” It is necessary to pay special attention to the formation of students' speech behavior, to increase their level of communicative competence, using the maximum learning capabilities of the “Rhetoric” discipline. Innovative learning technologies, developing teamwork skills, interpersonal communication, necessary skills in the Russian language specialty: reading interactive lectures, conducting group discussions, solving problem situations, discussing problematic scientific topics, analyzing business situations, conducting professional training, role-playing games. In the rhetoric as a field of humanitarian knowledge, laws and principles of speech behavior have been developed, practical possibilities of their use have been described, which allows achieving the main goal of communication - ensuring mutual understanding between people, harmonizing relations of communicants. Discipline is aimed at developing a verbal culture of highly qualified personnel who are able to speak publicly, focusing on different levels of interaction with people, proficient in the basics of rhetoric as a science of persuasive and optimal speech, basic pedagogical rhetoric, and in general on the formation of general cultural competences of social interaction. The content of the discipline covers a range of issues related to vocational-oriented communication of graduate students, the formation of speech etiquette, rhetorical and communicative culture, effective speech interaction, the development of speech skills and speech erudition. Work to overcome speech aggression should continue to be carried out in the following areas: speech activity (theoretical and practical aspects), the formation of students' linguistic and communicative competence in the process of teaching vocabulary ("Rhetoric", "Pedagogical rhetoric", "Russian language and culture of speech") , Russian speech as a means of education, Russian speech as a means of interethnic communication, the rhetorical culture of a university teacher, the culture of speech in the context of a dialogue of cultures.

    Thus, we concluded that verbal aggression is an aggressive verbal behavior that disrupts interpersonal communication, leads to confrontation between opponents, provokes social conflicts; however, human society has learned to resist speech aggression. The results of the analysis of speech aggression and ways to overcome it are based on the recommendations of a cultural and verbal character on the use of language means in modern speech communication. V.V. Vinogradov emphasized: “The science of a culture of language and culture of speech represents a theoretical and practical discipline (or field of research), adjacent to the stylistics of language and stylistics of speech, summarizing their positions and conclusions both with a view to a living, operational impact on further processes of language development and in order to determine the basic aesthetic norms, forms and tendencies of the connection between literary speech and the movement of styles of fiction ”. The moral attitudes of the individual have a decisive influence on the process of verbal behavior, and therefore rhetorical teaching should be associated with ethical education and moral education. In this regard, linguists began to pay special attention to the effectiveness of positive speech communication, it began to be evaluated in a similar way “based on the participants' sense of harmony of the world and their harmony with the world, resulting from a common rhythm, common chronographic parameters of discourse, unity of communicative strategy and tactics , the general cultural context of the use of means of direct and indirect information. The psychological result of such communication is joy. ”


    Alieva TK, Doctor of Philosophy, Professor, Head of the Department of Karachay and Nogai Philology of FSBEI HPE "Karachay-Cherkessian State University. W.D. Aliyev ", Cherkessk;

    FI Dzhaubayeva, Doctor of Philosophy, Associate Professor, Professor of the Russian Language Department of the Institute of Philology of the FSBEI HPE "Karachay-Cherkessky" state University   named U.D. Aliyev ", Karachaevsk.

    Bibliography link

      Bauchieva Z.B. SPEECH AGGRESSION AND WAYS OF ITS OVERCOMING // Modern problems of science and education. - 2015. - № 2-1 .;
      URL: (access date: 01.09.2017). We offer to your attention the journals published by the Academy of Natural Sciences Publishing House

    Speech can be described as a special approach, which is characterized by rigor, hostility, authority and arrogance. And we all now and then face it at work, school, in the store and even among friends. Today we will get acquainted with different types of speech aggression so that in the future you can easily recognize it and defend it in time.

    Types of speech aggression

    Most often, an aggressively-minded person seeks a convenient opportunity to blame his opponent, find fault with trifles, and focus attention on oversights. Speech aggression also manifests itself through a threatening look, for example, in the active use of gestures, knocking on the table, etc.

    Moreover, aggressively-minded communicators are characterized by the advancement of demands, inappropriate distribution of orders, an increase in voice, a rude transition to personalities, an abundance in speech of caustic remarks and foul language.

    Protection against speech aggression

    First of all, when solving a problem, you need to start from yourself, so in order to overcome speech aggression, make sure that you do not provoke the interlocutor to such behavior. Self-control and self-control over your own speech behavior are your best friends in conflict situations. You should analyze your speech in terms of courtesy and correctness.

    The best way to protect against speech aggression is to ignore it. Do not betray the value of tactless statements and tricks of strangers. It is worth forgetting about the saying “he is a word to me, and I am to him ten” and in no case answer with rudeness to rudeness. If you value a relationship with an aggressive person and are not willing to conflict, try switching it. Try to change the hostile attitude by distracting from the problem, for example, with the help of a joke, to change his negative emotional state. You can also try to quietly direct the conversation in a different direction, using the known interests of your opponent.