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  • Souluscript in ancient Rome and ancient Greece. V. Latyshev. Essay of Greek Antiquities: Greek calendar Greek months

    Souluscript in ancient Rome and ancient Greece. V. Latyshev. Essay of Greek Antiquities: Greek calendar Greek months

    vovano from the deities or such holidays that were committed during these months. Finally, it should be noted yet that in many states of the priests or magistrates on the work of the cults were eponyms of the year. All of this indicates a close relationship, in which the Greek's tutorial stood with their religious institutions, and this connection of ancient times forced them to pay much attention to the exact settlement of the response.

    Self itself, of course, that the improvement of the calendar went slowly, with the gradual development of astronomical and mathematical knowledge. In the most ancient times, they were content, especially in agricultural everyday life, approximate definitions of time to climbing and getting the heavenly luminaries, the state of vegetation, the flight of birds, etc. signs. Gesiod advises to start a harvest when sunrise Pleiad, Pahoto - when they are used (works and days, 383), or when the cranes will be heard (Art. 448). Already, Homer's poems have repeatedly mention about the years (. II, 329; OD. II, 175, etc.). Since the flow and phase of the moon are very easy to observe and first of all were attention to themselves, then the chores on the lunar months and the years entered the Greeks into universal use and for very few exceptions were preserved before the times of Christianity.

    Lunar or synodic month (from new moon to noving) has 29 days. 12 h. 44 min 3 seconds, it became, the lunar year consists of 354 days. 8 h. 48 min 36 seconds And he will differ from the solar (enclosing 365 days. 5 h. 48 minutes and 17.8 seconds) for 10 days and 21 hours without a few seconds. But the exact calculus of minutes and seconds in imperfect media could be made only very slowly, for many centuries. Initially, they were content with an approximate definition of the lunar month in 29 or 30 days and lunar year in 354 days, but this year was so much lagged behind the sun, which, after a short period of time, months and holidays would cease to correspond to the time of the year they had initially. Therefore, there was a need to find ways to accurately agree or the lunar equations with sunny, and this question has occupied Greek astronomers for many centuries. The usual way of matching was that from time to time to the ordinary lunar year, the thirteenth plug-in month was added (MHN Embolimov), so that the year was then 384 days. Initially added this month by each third year (triethriv). A somewhat more accurate method of the equation is attributed to the Athenian legislator Solon (Plut. Salt. 25;

    Ancient Greek calendar

    At the beginning of the first millennium BC. e. Moon-sun calendars began to be created in ancient Greece, with each policy (city-state) had its own calendar system. Despite their similarity, each calendar had its own peculiarity and was somewhat different from everyone else. The year was divided for 12 months, each of whom began with a none. For communication with the time of the year, the additional, 13th month was periodically inserted.

    In different cities of Greece, the months were worn their names, but the names of Athenian, namely, were the greatest distribution.

    In brackets indicate approximate compliance to our months.

    The year most often began with the month of the summer solstice, hacattered at the time at the hecatombeon (July).

    In the leapy years, the second postidon was inserted as an embolic month; Sometimes the added month was the second skyrophory.

    At various times, embolocial years alternated in different ways. So, in the VI century. BC e. In some places of Greece, octaeterid was used, in which 3 years out of 8 were leap-2nd, 5th and 8th years of the cycle.

    The most popular in Greece was a calendar developed by a metric. In 432 BC er, during the festivities dedicated to the 86th Olympiad, in the center of Athens, parapegma was installed - a stone slab with holes in which the pins inserted with the designation numbers of the current month. Next to the holes there was a text on the stone, indicating the upcoming astronomical phenomena, such as the sunrise and entering some stars, the position of the Sun in the constellations and other phenomena.

    Further improvement of the Greek calendar is associated with the names of Kalippa and Hippark, which we spoke in the section on the mathematical theory of lunar and lunarly solar calendars.

    Chronology. In ancient Greece until the middle of the first millennium BC. e. Events dated officials. Thus, in Athens, the bill of the years was conducted on the names of the eponyms - heads of executive authorities (archons) responsible for the health of the calendar.

    In IV century BC e. Completed generallylline chores in the Olympiads. The history of this chores is such. In ancient Greece, sports games were widely developed. Starting from 776 BC e. In the city of Olympia once every 4 years, there were games that took the character of large folk celebrations. At the place of their holding, they were named Olympic. The Olympic Games were timed to the beginning of the year, but since this time was not connected with a certain date due to the abundance of calendar systems, then before holding games I had to send messengers to the public alert about the upcoming celebrations.

    The Olympic Games were so entered into the life of the ancient Greeks that they began to consider time in the Olympics and the beginning of their era were conditionally attributed to July 1, 776 BC. e. It is believed that the first Olympic Games took place on this day.

    The year of the Olympics was first applied in 264 BC. e. Ancient Greek historian Timem, and this account lasted about seven centuries. Although in 394 n. e. The Emperor Feodosius I canceled the Olympic Games, the calculus of time on the Olympics was used to be somewhat later.

    In the years of the Olympics, the years were denoted by the Olympiad Olympics and the Year number in the four-year-old. So, the victory of the Greeks over the Persians in the marine battle in the Salaminian Strait is dated "75. 1 ", which means" First year of the 75th Olympiad ".

    Translation of these dates on our age-standing is made by the formula

    A \u003d 776 - [(OL - 1) × 4 + (T - 1)],

    where a is the desired date, O1 - the Olympics number, (T - number of the year in the Olympiad.

    The Salaminian battle occurred in the first year of the 75th Olympiad. Let us transfer this date on our chores.

    Substituting in the formula value O1 \u003d 75 and i \u003d 1, we get

    A \u003d 776 - [(75 - 1) × 4 + (1 - 1) 1 \u003d 480.

    Indeed, the Salaminian battle occurred in September 480 BC. e.

    If an expression in square brackets in this formula turned out to be 776 or more, then it would be necessary to subtract 775. In this case, we would get the year of our era.

      Article From Series: Ancient Greek Art Architecture Chacking Coin Vasopisus Sculpture Lit ... Wikipedia

      - (from Greek. χρόνος time; λόγος doctrine): auxiliary historical discipline that establishes the dates of historical events and documents; sequence of historical events in time; List of any events in their temporary ... ... Wikipedia

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    Ancient Greek calendar

    At the beginning of the first millennium BC. e. Moon-sun calendars began to be created in ancient Greece, with each policy (city-state) had its own calendar system. Despite their similarity, each calendar had its own peculiarity and was somewhat different from everyone else. The year was divided for 12 months, each of whom began with a none. For communication with the time of the year, the additional, 13th month was periodically inserted.

    In different cities of Greece, the months were worn their names, but the names of Athenian, namely, were the greatest distribution.

    In brackets indicate approximate compliance to our months.

    The year most often began with the month of the summer solstice, hacattered at the time at the hecatombeon (July).

    In the leapy years, the second postidon was inserted as an embolic month; Sometimes the added month was the second skyrophory.

    At various times, embolocial years alternated in different ways. So, in the VI century. BC e. In some places of Greece, octaeterid was used, in which 3 years out of 8 were leap-2nd, 5th and 8th years of the cycle.

    The most popular in Greece was a calendar developed by a metric. In 432 BC er, during the festivities dedicated to the 86th Olympiad, in the center of Athens, parapegma was installed - a stone slab with holes in which the pins inserted with the designation numbers of the current month. Next to the holes, there was a text-carved text, indicating the upcoming astronomical phenomena, such as the sunrise and entering some stars, the position of the Sun in the constellations and other phenomena.

    Further improvement of the Greek calendar is associated with the names of Kalippa and Hippark, which we spoke in the section on the mathematical theory of lunar and lunarly solar calendars.

    Chronology . In ancient Greece until the middle of the first millennium BC. e. Events dated officials. Thus, in Athens, the bill of the years was conducted on the names of the eponyms - heads of executive authorities (archons) responsible for the health of the calendar.

    In IV century BC e. Completed generallylline chores in the Olympiads. The history of this chores is such. In ancient Greece, sports games were widely developed. Starting from 776 BC e. In the city of Olympia once every 4 years, there were games that took the character of large folk celebrations. At the place of their holding, they were named Olympic. The Olympic Games were timed to the beginning of the year, but since this time was not connected with a certain date due to the abundance of calendar systems, then before holding games I had to send messengers to the public alert about the upcoming celebrations.

    The Olympic Games were so entered into the life of the ancient Greeks that they began to consider time in the Olympics and the beginning of their era were conditionally attributed to July 1, 776 BC. e. It is believed that the first Olympic Games took place on this day.

    The year of the Olympics was first applied in 264 BC. e. Ancient Greek historian Timem, and this account lasted about seven centuries. Although in 394 n. e. The Emperor Feodosius I canceled the Olympic Games, the calculus of time on the Olympics was used to be somewhat later.

    In the years of the Olympics, the years were denoted by the Olympiad Olympics and the Year number in the four-year-old. So, the victory of the Greeks over the Persians in the marine battle in the Salaminian Strait is dated "75. 1 ", which means" First year of the 75th Olympiad ".

    Translation of these dates on our age-standing is made by the formula

    A \u003d 776 - [(OL - 1) × 4 + (T - 1)],

    where a is the desired date, O1 - the Olympics number, (T - number of the year in the Olympiad.

    The Salaminian battle occurred in the first year of the 75th Olympiad. Let us transfer this date on our chores.

    Substituting in the formula value O1 \u003d 75 and i \u003d 1, we get

    A \u003d 776 - [(75 - 1) × 4 + (1 - 1) 1 \u003d 480.

    Indeed, the Salaminian battle occurred in September 480 BC. e.

    If an expression in square brackets in this formula turned out to be 776 or more, then it would be necessary to subtract 775. In this case, we would get the year of our era.


    Calendar of Ancient Greece

    Initially, various Greek centers had their time accounts, which led to a considerable confusion. This was due to self-adjustable calendar in each policy. There were differences in determining the start of the calendar year.

    The Athenian calendar, which consisted of twelve lunar months, the beginning of each of which approximately coincided with non-one. The duration of months has changed within 29-30 days, and the calendar year consisted of 354 days.

    Since the true lunar year includes 354.36 days, the Phases of the Moon did not exactly correspond to the calendar dates they attributed. Therefore, the Greeks distinguished the calendar "new moon", i.e. the first day of the month and the actual new moon.

    The names of the months in Greece were in most cases associated with certain holidays and only indirectly correlated with the seasons.

    The beginning of the Athens year accounted for a month of Hecatoneon (July-August), associated with the summer solstice. For the alignment of the calendar year, the 13th (Embolismic) month was inserted with sunny years - the 2nd Poseidon - a duration of 29-30 days.

    In 432 BC. Athens Astronomer Meton developed a new 19-year cycle with seven Embolismic years: 3rd, 6th, 8th, 11th, 14th, 17th and 19th. This order, called the "Methan Cycle", ensured quite high accuracy. The discrepancy between the solar and lunar years was accumulated over 312 sunny years.

    Later, Calippa and Hipparch cycles were developed, even more clarified lunarly solar calendar. However, in practice, their amendments were almost no applied.

    Up to II century. BC e. The 13th month was added as such a need arose, and sometimes from political and other considerations.

    Greeks did not know the seven-day week and considered days within the month of decades.

    The dating of events in Athens was carried out on the names of officials -arhonts. With IV century BC e. The annoyance was generally accepted in the Olympics, which carried out 1 time in four years.

    The first Olympiad was considered the first Olympics, which took place in the summer of 776 BC.

    Various era was used in the Hellenistic era: a variety of era: Era Alexander, Era Seleucidov, etc.

    The official calendar due to the deviations from the solar year was uncomfortable for agriculture. Therefore, the Greeks often used a peculiar agricultural calendar, based on visible movements of stars, on the change of seasons. A detailed description of such a calendar in the form of councils Agriculture gave another VIII century. BC e. Allensky poet Hesiod.

    Such a national calendar was of great practical importance and remained along with an official time account over the centuries of Greek history.

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