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  • Chemistry language signs of chemical elements Rudzitis. Symbols of chemical elements and the principles of their designation. The current state of the name system

    Chemistry language signs of chemical elements Rudzitis. Symbols of chemical elements and the principles of their designation. The current state of the name system

    Part I.

    1. Horizontal Table D. I. Mendeleev is divided into periods that are divided into:
    a) small, these are periods - 1, 2, 3;
    b) large, these are periods - 4, 5, 6, 7.

    2. Vertical Table D. I. Mendeleev is divided into groups, each of which is divided into:
    a) the main one, or a group;
    b) side, or group.
    IA Group is a group of alkali metal.
    IIA Group is a group of alkaline earth metals.
    VIIA Group is a group of halogens.
    VIIII Group is a group of noble, or inert gases.

    4. Analogs of the language of chemistry with the Russian language.

    5. Finish the table "Names and Signs of Chemical Elements".

    6. Examples of the names of chemical elements (in brackets, specify a chemical sign) in accordance with these etymological sources.

    1) properties of simple substances
    Hydrogen (H), oxygen (o), fluorine (F)
    2) Astronomy
    Selenium (SE), Tellur (TE), Uranium (U)
    3) Geography
    Germany (GE), Gallium (GA), Polonium (PO)
    4) ancient Greek myths
    5) Great scientists
    Mendeli (MD), Rangefordy (RT), Einsteins (ES)

    Part II.

    1. Install the correspondence between the position of the chemical element in Periodic system D. I. Mendeleev and a chemical sign.

    A - 5; B - 1; AT 2; G - 4.

    2. Select the characters or names of the chemical elements of one large period. From the letters corresponding to the right answers, you will be the name of the metal, which is used for the manufacture of Bengal lights: Magnesium.

    1) Potassium M
    2) br a
    5) Manganese g
    6) Cu H
    8) CA and
    9) Zn th

    3. Enter the corresponding columns the names of the following chemical elements:
    Cl, He, Br, Ne, Li, I, K, Ba, Ca, Na, Xe, Sr.

    4. Fill in the pass in the logic scheme.
    Chemical element (H, O) → chemical reaction (N₂O) → chemical receipt (2 N₂O \u003d 2 H₂ + O₂).

    5. Make a generalization:
    chemical elements - carbon, silicon, tin, lead - belong to the IV group.

    6. In the left column of the table, write down, which is a sign of chemical elements are divided into two groups.

    7. Install the correspondence between pronunciation and chemical sign (symbol).

    A - 3; B - 6; AT 2; G - 7; D - 5; E - 1.

    8. Examine "Excess":

    Curie, Mendeli, Brom, Einsteins.

    9. General etymological source of the names of chemical elements:

    U, TE, SE is a planetarium.

    10. Elements are named in honor of various states or parts of the world:

    Germany, Gallium, France, Dubna.

    Subject:Chemistry language. Signs of chemical elements. Relative atomic weight of chemical elements.

    Objectives lesson:

    1) introduce students with symbols and names of some chemical elements.
    2) form the concept of relative atomic mass.
    3) show the difference between the concepts of "atom's mass" and "relative atomic mass".
    4) to teach the value of the relative atomic mass.

    Basic concepts:chemical sign, atomic mass unit, relative atomic mass.

    Equipment:Presentation , Report of the student about J.Y. Burtsellius, individual cards.

    During the classes

    I. Orgmoment

    II. Topics and lesson targets

    III. Repetition of the previously studied material

    1) Frontal survey of students on teacher issues;
    2) Individual cards.

    IV. Studying a new material

    Slide 1. .

    Slide 2. .

    Epigraph to the word lesson of Stepana Schitchawa:

    There is no other nature in nature
    Neither here, nor there, in cosmic depths:
    All - from the sands of small to the planets
    From elements consists of uniform.

    Slide 3. .

    Who is the founder of Slavic writing?

    Representation table view.

    Slide 4. .

    The ancient Greek wise men were the first to say the word "element", and it happened in five centuries to our era.

    "Elements" of the ancient Greeks considered land, water, air and fire.

    Slide 5. .

    The concept of the chemical element introduced the famous English scientist Robert Boyl into science, and the definition was given by John Dalton.

    Slide 6. .

    The father of chemical writing is Swedish scientist J.Y. Britzelius, he suggested as symbols ("letters") of chemical elements to use the initial letters of their Latin names, and in the case of the coincidence of the first letters - use and the second letter.

    Slide 7. .

    For example:

    Hydrogen (in Latin "Hydrogenium", H.ydrogenium.) - n;
    - oxygen (in Latin "Oxygenium", O.xygenium.) - ABOUT;
    - carbon (Latin "Carboneum", C.arboneum) - C;
    - fluorine (Latin "Fluorum", F.luorum.) - f;
    - Iron (Latin "Ferrum", F. e. rRUM) - Fe;
    - Gold (Latin "Aurum", AU.rUM.) - AU.

    The student represents the report of Y.Ya. Berzelius

    Slide 8. .

    Currently, 110 chemical elements are known, and on Earth there is an existence of 89 elements, the remaining elements are obtained by artificially. These elements form all the diversity of the world around us, all the substances known to humanity. The number of chemical elements is limited, and their combinations are practically limitless.

    Slide 9. .

    The chemical element is a certain type of atoms. All known chemical elements are in the table of elements D.I. Mendeleeva.

    Slide 10. .

    Acquaintance with the periodic system

    The teacher pays attention to the fact that each element has a character, understandable by scientists of any country. These symbols are the same all over the world. No need to memorize the chemical signs of all existing elements, for this in the chemical office there is a periodic table of chemical elements.

    Slide 11. .

    Atoms of one element are the same, and atoms of different elements differ from each other, primarily by their mass. Atoms, like any particles of substance, have a lot, but very small. The teacher leads examples: the mass of the easiest atom - hydrogen atom is 1.67 × 10-23 g, atom C - 1,995 × 10-23 g, atom about - 2.66 × 10-23

    This example is: the number of hydrogen atoms in 1 cm3 at a temperature of 0 ° C and a pressure of 1 atm is so large, that if we consider them at a speed of two atoms per second, then to recalculate everything, it will take about 900 billion years.

    The masses of atoms, expressed in grams, are so small that they are inconvenient to use them, and therefore the need to introduce a new unit of measurement of the mass of the atom - atomic unit of mass (or. e. m.)which is equal to 1/12 mass of carbon atom, i.e. 1.66 · 10-24

    The teacher shows how to calculate the mass of several chemical elements in atomic units.

    Slide 12. .

    The teacher tells about the works of J. Dalton, which was the first table of the relative atomic masses of the elements on October 21, 1803 in the Manchester philosophical society.

    J. Dalton introduced the first table of atomic masses of elements. It was called "the first table of relative scales of finite particles of bodies."

    "All the previously existing corpus theories converge on the fact that these are small than the same balls. I believe that atoms (the smallest indivisible particles) of one element are the same among themselves, but differ from the atoms of other elements. If at the moment they cannot be said about their sizes, then they are main physical Property You can say: Atoms have weight. In confirmation, let me read and the second work: "The first table of relative scales of finite particles of bodies."

    The teacher shows a table of rounded atomic masses in the classroom and reports that in practice the relative atomic mass of elements is used - a dimensionless value, rounded to integer numbers (the exception is chlorine; A.r (Cl) \u003d 35.5).

    Work on the formation of students The ability to find the value of the relative atomic masses of the elements in the periodic table of chemical elements.

    Slides 13-18. .

    Did you know?

    The hardest of natural elements - uranusU. .

    FluorineF. - The most fierce in the kingdom of non-metals, nothing can resist his "Natius".

    The name of the rare element on Earth - astat.AT. . In the thickness of the earth's crust, it contains only 69 mg.

    It is believed that the most unsuccessful name of the element has nitrogen N. . Greek " a-ZOO"Means" lifeless. " But this gas, which is part of the air, is not at all poisons, it is simply unsuitable for breathing.

    The following elements are named after countries:

    MG. (№ 12) - magnesium - Magnesia Peninsula;
    SC (№ 21) – Scandium - Scandinavia;
    Cu. (№ 29) - Copper - Island of Cyprus;
    GE. (№ 3) - Germany - Germany;
    Ru (№ 44) - Ruthenium - Russia;
    Fr. (№ 87) - France - France.

    In honor of scientists are elements:

    MD. (№ 101) - Mendeli - D.I. Mendeleev;
    No. (№ 102) Nobels - A. Nobel;
    CM (№ 96) - Curie - Pierre and Maria Curie;
    ES (№ 99) - Einsteins - A. Einstein;
    FM (No. 100) - Fermia - E. Fermi;
    LR (№ 103) - Lawrence - E. Lawrence;
    RF (№ 104) - Rutinfordi - E. Rutherford;
    BH (№ 107) - Bory - N. Bor;
    MT (№ 109) - Meteneri - L. Maitnener.

    There are names of elements obliged to color of simple substances and connections:

    sulfur S. (from Indian " sira"- light yellow color);
    chlorine Cl. (from Greek " chloros."- green);
    iodine I. (from Greek " iodes." - purple);
    chrome CR Educated from Greek " chromium"- painted, due to a variety of coloring connections of this element.

    Names brom Br. and osmis OS. Take place from the Greek words " bromos."And" oSME"Meaning" stench "," smell "; It is clear that it was the strongest impression of chemists who opened these elements.

    Elements called the names of gods and heroes of ancient Greece:

    titan Ti;
    niobium NB;
    tantalum T;
    vEMETY PM;
    vanadium V.

    Slides 19-23. .

    We play!

    Comic questions

    What element is always happy? (Radon)
    - What gas argues that he is not him? (Neon)
    - What element can water "give birth"? (Hydrogen)
    - What element consists of 2 animals? (Arsenic)
    - What element "rotates" around the sun? (Uranus)
    - What element is the "giant"? (Titanium)

    The login is a game in which the letters in the Word are not replaced by others, but discarded, or new.

    From the name of which chemical element, throwing the first two letters, can you get the name of one of the common games? (Gold - Lotto.)

    From the name of which chemical element, throwing the last letter, you can get a word-cry, with which the soldiers go to the attack, and peaceful people - at the parade? (Uranium - cheers.)

    To the name of which chemical element can be added in the end two letters and get the name of the ship, which sank, faced with Iceberg? (Titan - Titanic.)

    To the name of which chemical element can be added at the end of three letters to get the name of the hero of an ancient Greek myth, which went to Kolkhid for the golden fleece? (Argon - Argonaut.)

    The metogram is a task in which, replacing one of the letters of the word, get a new one.

    From the name of which chemical element, replacing the first letter to another, you can get the word denoting name:

    Strait between Europe and Asia; (Phosphorus - Bosphorus)
    - the locality where there is a lot of water in the soil; (Gold - swamp)
    - Tool name; (Gold - Chisel)
    - From the name of which chemical element, replacing the last letter to another, you can get a word that denotes the name of the mining system, which is the boundary between Europe and Asia? (Uranus - Ural)

    Anagram is a task in which from the same word, rearring syllables and letters, as well as when reading reading, you can get completely new words.

    From the name of which chemical element, replacing the last letter and reading from the end, you can get the word denoting the name of the animal, which can be home and wild? (Nitrogen - goat)

    From the name of which chemical element, moving the first letter to the end, you can get a name:

    Mineral resources; (Fluorine - peat)
    - One of the types of four squares. (Brom - rhombus)

    Slide 24. .

    5. Homework

    §7, UPR. 16, 17 (p. 25), §8, UPR.18, 19 (p.25).

    Learn the signs of chemical elements.

    Chemistry language. Signs of chemical elements. Relative atomic mass. The subject of the lesson: Objectives: To know: signs of chemical elements, their names and pronunciation, the concept of "relative atomic mass". To be able to: identify the belonging of chemical elements to metals and nonmetallam, write the signs of chemical elements and the values \u200b\u200bof their relative atomic masses.

    There is nothing different in nature here, neither there, in cosmic depths: everything - from the sands of small to the planets - from the elements consists of uniform. Stepan Shipuchev "reading Mendeleev" as a formula, as a schedule of the mechanical system of the Mendeleev system strict. The world is happening around you, go into it, inhale, touch hands.

    Check homework 1. What substances are simple? Give examples. 2. What substances are sophisticated? Give examples. 3. What is a chemical element? How many are chemical elements known? 4. The oxygen is referred to as a simple substance 1) oxygen supports combustion 2) oxygen is included in carbon dioxide 3) oxygen is located in a periodic table next to nitrogen 4) oxygen atom 5. It is referred to copper as a simple substance 1) Copper atoms in the composition of copper mood 2) copper spends well electricity 3) copper atom is heavier than an iron atom 4) copper is located in a periodic table next to zinc

    Checking homework 5. The hydrogen is referred to as element 1) hydrogen burns 2) hydrogen is part of the water 3) hydrogen - the easiest gas 4) hydrogen is not soluble in water 6. The sulfur is referred to as a simple substance 1) Sulfur atom 2 ) sulfur - one of the elements 3) of yellow sulfur powder 4) sulfur is part of the iron sulfide

    The first symbolism on the designation of the chemical element in 1814 was offered the Swedish scientist Jens-Jacob Burtsellius. He suggested using the first letter of their Latin names as the elements symbols, and in the case of the coincidence of the first letters - use and the second letter.

    Hydrogen (Latin "Hydrogenium", Hydrogenium) - N Oxygen (Oxygenium Latin ", Oxygenium) - About Carbon (Latin" Carbonum ", Carboneum) - C Fluorum (Latin Fluorum, Fluorum) - F Iron (Latin "Ferrum", Ferrum) - FE Gold (Latin "Aurum", Aurum) - AU

    The relative atomic mass of the atom n is equal to 1.67 × g of an atom from 1.995 × r atom about 2.66 × g, a atomic unit of mass was introduced (A.M.) M (A.E.M.) \u003d 1/12 m (12 C) \u003d 1, G. A R (H) \u003d M (atom) / m (A.Е.M.) \u003d 1, g / 1, g \u003d 1.0079 AE.m. A r - shows how many times this atom is heavier than 1/12 part of the atom 12 s, it is a dimensionless value. The relative atomic mass is 1/12 mass of carbon atom, the mass of which is 12 AE.m.

    The heaviest of natural elements is Uranus U. Fluorine F - the most fierce in the kingdom of non-metals, nothing can resist his "Natius". The name of the rare element on Earth is ASTAT AT. In the thickness of the earth's crust, it contains only 69 mg. It is believed that the most unsuccessful name of the element has nitrogen N. In Greek "A-ZOO" means "lifeless". But this gas, which is part of the air, is not at all poisons, it is simply unsuitable for breathing.

    In honor of scientists are elements: MD (101) - Mendelev - D.I. Mendeleev No (102) - Nobels - A. Nobel CM (96) - Curie - Pierre and Maria Curie ES (99) - Einsteini - A. Einstein FM (100) - Fermia - E.Phershmi LR (103) - Lawrence - E Laurence RF (104) - RUNFORFORDY - E. Renford BH (107) - Barium - N. Bor MT (109) - Maitnery - L.Matener

    There are names of the elements, the color of simple substances and connections (from Indian "Sira" - a light yellow color) sulfur s (from Indian "Sira" - light yellow color) (from Greek "chlorosis" - green) chlorine CL (from Greek "chlorosis" - green) (from the Greek "Todes" - purple) iodine I (from the Greek "Todes" - purple) is formed from the Greek "chromium" - painted, due to the diverse color of the connections of this element. Chrome CR is formed from the Greek "chromium" - painted, due to the diverse color of the connections of this element. Names occur from the Greek words "Bromom" and "Oske", meaning "stench", "smell"; It is clear that it was precisely the most powerful impression of chemists who opened these elements of the Bromine Bromine Brom and Osmios OS occur from the Greek words "Bromom" and "OCME" meaning "stench", "smell"; It is clear that it was the strongest impression of chemists who opened these elements.

    Sold up a new word that can be obtained if the number of letters corresponding to the number of points is removed from the beginning or end of the name of the chemical element. For example, CR, we remove one initial letter from the title "Chrome" and get "rum". a) .. na. b) Mg ... c). F d) BA ..

    Logody from the name, which chemical element, throwing the first two letters, can be obtained by one of the common games? (Gold - Lotto) From the title, which chemical element, throwing the last letter, you can get the word - the cry, with which the soldiers go to the attack, and peaceful people - at the parade? (Uranus - Hurray) To the title, which chemical element can be added in the end two letters and get the name of the ship, which sank, faced with Iceberg? (Titanan - Titanic) To the title, which chemical element can be added at the end of three letters to get the name of the hero of an ancient Greek myth, who went to Kolkhid for the golden fleece? (Argon - Argonaut)

    Metogram from the name, which chemical element, replacing the first letter to another, you can get the word denoting the name: Strait between Europe and Asia. (Phosphorus - Bosphorus) Area, where in the soil a lot of water. (Gold - swamp) Tool name. (Gold - chisel) from the name, which chemical element, replacing the last letter to another, can the word, denoting the name of the mining system, which is the boundary between Europe and Asia? (Uranus - Ural)

    Anagram from the name, which chemical element, replacing the last letter and reading from the end, can I get the word denoting the name of the animal, which can be home and wild? (Nitrogen - goat) from the name, of which chemical element, rearrangement of the first letter to the end, you can get a name: minerals. (Fluorine - peat) of one of the types of quadrilateral (bromine - rhombus)

    Municipal State Community Institution

    "Popov-Lyzhchanskaya Central Secondary School"

    District seminar of chemistry teachers

    Glushkovsky district of the Kursk region

    An open lesson in chemistry in grade 8 on the topic: "Signs of chemical elements"


    Kondratenko Olga Vasilyevna,

    chemistry teacher and biology

    MKOU "Popov-Lyzhchanskaya" Sosh

    Glushkovsky district of the Kursk region


    Chemistry, Grade 8

    Date: 09/29/2015

    Lesson number 12.

    Subject:Chemical elements signs

    Purpose:secure the knowledge and skills of students on the themes "Methods of knowledge in chemistry", " Clean substances and mixtures "," chemical elements "," relative atomic mass of chemical elements ".

    Tasks lesson:


    1. check knowledge and skills from students on topics "Methods of knowledge in chemistry", "pure substances and mixtures", "chemical elements", "relative atomic mass of chemical elements" using interactive learning tools;
    2. summarize the knowledge of students on the topics studied;
    3. identify gaps in the learning material assimilation.


    1. develop a chemical language logical thinking, attention, memory, interest in modern chemical science, curiosity of students, the ability to draw conclusions and generalizations;
    2. to form skill work with various sources of information in order to search and select the required material.


    1. shape positive motivation learning activities, scientific worldview;
    2. develop a culture of mental labor; business cooperation skills in the process of solving the problem, work in groups;
    3. educate the ability to work in a collective, politeness, discipline, accuracy, hard work;
    4. develop the ability to formulate and argue your own opinion, independence.

    Planned results:

    personal:readiness and ability of students to self-development, self-determination; responsible attitude towards teaching; the ability to set goals and build life plans; the formation of communicative culture, the values \u200b\u200bof a healthy and safe lifestyle;

    metaPered:be able to put a goal and plan ways to achieve it, choosing more rational methods solutions to this problem; learn to correct their actions due to a change in the situation; be able to create, apply and convert signs and symbols, models and schemes for solving educational and informative tasks; To be able to consciously use voice resources in accordance with the task of communication to express their thoughts and needs; be able to organize collaborate with peers in the group; be able to find information in various sources; own self-control skills, self-esteem;


    know: The main chemical concepts "chemical element", "simple substance", "complex substance", signs of basic chemical elements; The composition of ordinary I. complex substances; The role of chemistry in a person's life and in solving environmental problems;

    be able to: According to the formula to distinguish a simple substance from complex; chemical element distinguish from simple substance; analyze and objectively assess the skills of safe handling of substances; establish links between actually observed chemical phenomena and processes occurring in the micrometer; Use various methods of studying substances.

    Type of lesson: Knowledge control.

    Work forms: group, work in pairs, game.

    Teaching methods: Problem presentation, partially search.

    Training techniques: Statement of problematic issues.

    Means of education:computer, Projector, Presentation POWER POINT

    Equipment for teacher and students:computer, projector, table "Periodic table of chemical elements", laboratory tripod, ring, porcelain cup, alcohol, filter paper, scissors, chemical glasses, glass wand, contaminated salt, water.


    For teacher:

    1. Gorkovovenko M. Yu. Lesson Developments in Chemistry Grade 8 to the textbooks O. S. Gabrielyan, L. S. Guzey, E. Rudzitis. - M: "Wako", 2004;
    2. Radetsky A. M., Gorshkova V. P. Didactic material: Chemistry 8-9 Classes - M: Education, 1997.

    For a student:

    Chemistry: inorganic chemistry: Tutorial for grade 8 general educational institutions/ E. Rudzitis, F. G. Feldman. - M: "Enlightenment", 2014

    During the classes:

    I.Organizational moment (1 min)

    Teacher:Good day! I ask everyone. I congratulate you on another wonderful day. And we continue to create magic in chemistry lessons.

    II.Motivation of training activities (1 min)

    Teacher:Today we have an unusual lesson. It will take place in the form of the game. Evaluation of your work at the end of the lesson will be the higher, the more points you pick up. The number of tasks and their type are selected in such a way that you can earn more than 40 points for the performance of work. You will receive an assessment according to the recalculation schemes in your desktop.

    Answer blank


    Number of scored points

    1. "Attention, question!" (7 points)

    2. "Semisweetics flowers". (7 points)

    3. "Cross-Znoliki". (3 points)

    4. "Young chemists and chemists". (15 points)

    5. "Divided me." (4 points)

    6. "Associations". (9 points)

    7. "I am on the fiction of Mastak." (7 points)

    8. "Parade of chemical elements." (3 points)

    9. "Logical Circles". (6 points)

    10. "Pyramid". (3 points)

    11. Competition "Terms". (12 min)

    12. Competition "Last Chance" (10 min)

    III.Control and correction of knowledge

    1. Attention, question! (10 min)

    Teacher: Tell us about the etymology of the names of chemical elements.

    Pupil: The names of the elements have different etymology. They occur from:

    names of countries and continents - for example, the name of the ruthenium occurred from the Latin name of Russia, and the names of Europe and America - from the names of the continents: Europe and America;

    fames of outstanding chemists - for example: Mendeli, Nobels, Rangefordi;

    the names of the planets - for example: uranium, neptune, plutonium;

    river names - for example, rhenium.

    All known elements have symbols. The symbolic designation of the elements was proposed in 1814 by J. Ya. Berzelius. Previously, various abbreviated designations of elements and connections were used. One of these types of designations were graphic symbols.

    Teacher: What do we know from the history of the development of the chemistry language?

    Pupil: Even in the Middle Ages, various signs for the designation of substances, mainly metals, were used during alchemy. After all, the main goal of alchemists was obtaining from various gold metals. Therefore, each of them used its system of symbols. At 19 in. There was a need to use clear symbols for all scientists. And one of the first such symbols was offered John Dalton. But his designations were inconvenient.

    Teacher: Tell us about the system of designation of chemical elements y. Bercelius

    Pupil: Modern system Chemical signs offered at the beginning of the XIX century. Swedish chemist Jongs Jacob Burtsellius. The scientist suggested signifying the chemical elements of the first letter of their Latin name. In those days, all scientific articles printed on latinHe was generally accepted and understood for all scientists. For example, the chemical element oxygen (Latin Oxygenium) received the designation O. and the hydrogen chemical element (Hydrogenium) - N. If the names of several elements started on the same letter, then the element symbol indicated the second or one of the subsequent name letters. For example, mercury (HYDRARGYRUM) is indicated by HG. Please note that the first letter of the chemical element is always titled, if there is a second letter - then it is lowercase. It is necessary to memorize not only the names of the elements and their characters, but also pronunciation, i.e. How these characters are read. There are no certain rules for pronunciation of chemical elements. They should be taught by heart. Signs of some chemical elements are pronounced as the corresponding letter: oxygen - "O", sulfur - "ES", phosphorus - "PE", nitrogen - "En", carbon - "CE". The signs of other elements are pronounced the same as elements themselves are called: "sodium", "potassium", "chlorine", "fluorine". The pronunciation of some signs corresponds to their Latin name: silicon - "Silicium", mercury - "hydrairgirum", copper - "Cupup", Iron - Ferrum.

    Teacher: What is the meaning of chemical elements?

    Pupil: Chemical element sign has several values. First, they designate all atoms of this element. Secondly, a sign of the chemical element can be designated one or more atoms of this element. For example, an entry o may mean: "Chemical element oxygen" or "one oxygen atom".

    To designate several atoms of this chemical element, you need to sign a number corresponding to the number of atoms. For example, the recording 3N means "three nitrogen atoms". The digit facing the sign of the chemical element is called the coefficient.

    Pupil:Attempts to streamline old chemical signs continued until the end of the XVIII century. At the beginning of the XIX century, English Chemist J. Dalton proposed to designate the atoms of chemical elements with circles, inside of which the points, the cereals, the initial letters of the English names of metals, etc. Chemical signs of Dalton got some distribution in the UK and in Western Europe, but soon they were purely lettering signs that Swedish chemist J. Ya. Burtsellius proposed in 1814. The principles of compilation of chemical signs have retained their strength to the present. In Russia, the first printed message on the chemical signs of Britzerus made in 1824 Moscow President I. Ya. Zatsepin.

    Teacher: What are the principles of designation?

    Pupil: Modern symbols of chemical elements consist of the first letter or from the first and one of the following letters of the Latin name elements. At the same time, only the first letter is capital. For example, H is hydrogen (lat. Hydrogenium), n - nitrogen (lat. Nitrogenium), CA - calcium (lat. Calcium), PT - platinum (lat. Platinum), etc. For newly open transuran elements, which are not yet Received the approved day of the name, use three-letter designations, meaning a numeral - sequence number. For example, UUT - inside (Lat. Ununtrium, 113), UUH - Unungkiysius (Lat. Ununhexium, 116). Hydrogen isotopes have special symbols and titles: h - duration 1H, D - deuterium 2H, T - tritium 3h. To designate isobars and isotopes to the symbol of the chemical element at the top there is a mass number (eg, 14N), and on the left at the bottom - the sequence number of the element (atomic number) (eg, 64gd). In the case when chemical formulas and chemical equations are not indicated mass number and sequence number, each chemical sign expresses the average relative atomic mass of its isotopes in earth Kore. To refer to the charged atom, at the top of the right indicates the charge of the ion (eg, Ca2 +). At the bottom right, the number of atoms of this element in the real or conditional molecule (for example, N2 or Fe2O3) indicate the number of atoms (eg., N2 or FE2O3). Free radicals are indicated by the point on the right (eg, Cl ·).

    Pupil:Chemists ancient Mira and middle ages were used to designate substances, chemical operations and devices. Symbolic images, alphabetic abbreviations, as well as combinations of those and others. Seven metals of antiquity were portrayed by astronomical signs of seven celestial lights: Suns (, gold), moon (☽, silver), Jupiter (♃, Tin), Venus (♀, Copper), Saturn (♄, Lead), Mercury (☿, mercury) , Mars (♁, iron). Metals opened in the XV-XVIII centuries - bismuth, zinc, cobalt - denoted the first letters of their names. Sign of wine alcohol (lat. Spiritus Vini) is made up of the letters S and V. Signs of strong vodka (lat. Aqua fortis, nitric acid) and gold vodka (lat. Aqua regis, royal vodka, a mixture of salt and nitric acids) composed of water sign Ñ \u200b\u200bI. capital letters F and R, respectively. Glass sign (lat. Vitrum) is formed from two letters V-variable and turned out.

    Teacher: Tell me about international and national symbols.

    Pupil: Led B. Periodic table Elements symbols are international, but along with them in some countries the designations made from the national names of the elements are used. For example, in France, instead of nitrogen symbols N, Beryllium Be and Tungsten W can be used AZ (Azote), GL (Glucinium) and TU (Tungstène). In the United States, instead of the NIBIC sign, NB is often used by CB (columbium). China uses its own version of chemical signs based on Chinese symbols. Most of the characters were invented in the XIX - XX centuries. Symbols for metals (except mercury) use radicals or ("gold", metal at all), for solid under normal conditions, non-metals - radical ("stone"), for liquids - ("water"), for gases - ("Couple") . For example, the molybdenum symbol consists of a radical and phonetics defining the pronunciation of MU4.

    Fizkultminutka (1 min)

    2. Game "Flower-Seven Scenery" (7 points)(2 minutes.)

    Enter into each petal of seven-family flowers. Physical bodies or substances (by options) that need to be selected from a certain list.

    Nail, zinc, vase, hammer, iron, salt, spoon, magnesium, gold, water, ice, apple, pencil, glass.

    Physical bodies of matter


    Body:nail, vase, hammer, spoon, ice, apple, pencil.

    Substances:zinc, iron, salty salt, magnesium, gold, water, glass.

    3. The game "Cross-tick-tags" (3 points) (1 min)

    Find a winning path in the tables:

    I.option - homogeneous mixtures;

    II.option- inhomogeneous mixtures.


    Top lines - homogeneous mixtures;

    Lower line - inhomogeneous mixtures.

    4. Competition "Young Chemists" (15 points, 1 point for each correct answer) (2min)

    Which of the teams will give more safety regulations in the Chemistry Cabinet.

    5. Competition "We divide me" (4 points), 1 point for the correct answer) (3 min)

    Install the correspondence between the mixture and the method to which it can be divided into pure substances.




    6. Competition"Associations". (9 points)(2 minutes)

    Participants need to be called laboratory equipment, which for function, appearance or the name is associated with the object shown in the figure;

    7. Competition "I am on Masta's Fiction" (7 points, 1 point per item). (1 min)

    Call as much chemical elements as possible using the letters of the term "tungsten".

    Answer: Vanadium, Osmia, Lithium, France, Rhodium, Aluminum, Magnesium.

    8. Competition "Parade of chemical elements" (3 points). (1 min)

    Fill in table.


    10 . Competition "Pyramid" (3 points) (2 min)

    Make the pyramid of chemical elements according to their atomic masses.


    11. Competition "Terms". (12 points, 1 point for the correct answer) (2 min)

    The teacher dictates the names of the chemical elements, students write them symbols on the board.


    N, Na, Ba, Ca, H, O, C, Al, Mg, K, Cl, F.

    12. Competition "Last Chance" (10 points, 1 point Correct answer) (2 min)

    Teams in turn, without repeating, answer questions. Wins the one of them that the latter will answer. Translate S. chemical language On the generally accepted following expressions:

    Not all that Aurum, which glitters. (Not all of the gold, which shines).

    White, like calcium carbonate. (White as chalk).

    Ferrum. (Iron character).

    Word - Argentum, and silence - Aurum. (Word - silver, and silence - gold).

    Many Ash two about leaving. (Much water flowed).

    What an element is always happy. (Radon).

    What gas argues that he is not him? (Neon).

    What element "rotates" around the sun? (Uranus).

    What an element is a real "giant" (Titanium).

    What element is named after Russia? (Ruthenium).

    IV. Pcalculation. (1 min.)

    Teacher: We are with you all this time throughout the twelve lessons tried to open a symbolic door and enter interesting countrywhich is called chemistry. We were able to restrict it a little and look after her. There is interesting, there is a lot of unknown, which entails us. Now we will decide whether you are ready for serious trials that are waiting for us. I find out if you have enough knowledge for this, whether you learned the topic of themes. Yes, not just learned, and who made you better.

    (Declaration of scores on points)

    V.Homework(1 min)

    §12, №1-4 p.44. Creative task: Create a chemical crossword.

    Vi.Reflection(1 min)

    Today I learned ...

    it was difficult…

    i realized that ...

    i learned…

    it was interesting to know that ...

    i was surprised ...

    As in any science, in chemistry there is its own system of symbols, its own language. The lesson is devoted to acquaintance with the language of chemical science, studying the symbols of chemical elements. You will learn when and by whom modern symbols of chemical elements were invented.

    Topic: Initial Chemical Presentations

    Lesson: Chemical Elements Symbols

    1. The history of the development of the language of chemistry

    Even in the Middle Ages, various signs for the designation of substances, mainly metals, were used during alchemy. After all, the main goal of alchemists was obtaining from various gold metals. Therefore, each of them used its system of symbols.

    At 19 in. There was a need to use clear symbols for all scientists. And one of the first such symbols was offered John Dalton. But his designations were inconvenient.

    Fig. 1. John Dalton and his chemical element designation system

    2. The system of symbols of chemical elements J. Ya. Burtsellus

    The modern system of chemical signs offered at the beginning of the XIX century. Swedish chemist Jongs Jacob Burtsellius. The scientist suggested denoted chemical elements The first letter of their Latin name. In those days, all scientific articles published in Latin, he was generally accepted and understood for all scientists.

    For example, the chemical element oxygen (Latin Oxygenium) received the designation O.

    A chemical element of hydrogen (Hydrogenium) - N. If the names of several elements started on the same letter, then the element indicated the second or one of the subsequent names of the title. For example, mercury (HYDRARGYRUM) is indicated by HG.

    Please note that the first letter of the chemical element is always titled, if there is a second letter - then it is lowercase. It is necessary to memorize not only the names of the elements and their characters, but also pronunciation, i.e. how these characters are read.

    There are no certain rules for pronunciation of chemical elements. They should be taught by heart. Signs of some chemical elements are pronounced as the corresponding letter: oxygen - "O", sulfur - "ES", phosphorus - "PE", nitrogen - "En", carbon - "CE".

    The signs of other elements are pronounced the same as elements themselves are called: "sodium", "potassium", "chlorine", "fluorine".

    The pronunciation of some signs corresponds to their Latin name: silicon - "Silicium", mercury - "hydrairgirum", copper - "Cupup", Iron - Ferrum.

    Fig. 2. Symbols and names of some chemical elements

    3. The value of chemical elements signs

    Chemical element sign has several values. First, they designate all atoms of this element. Secondly, a sign of the chemical element can be designated one or more atoms of this element. For example, an entry o may mean: "Chemical element oxygen" or "one oxygen atom".

    To designate several atoms of this chemical element, you need to sign a number corresponding to the number of atoms. For example, the recording 3N means "three nitrogen atoms".

    The digit facing the sign of the chemical element is called the coefficient.

    1. Collection of tasks and exercises in chemistry: 8th grade: to the textbook of P. A. Orzhekovsky et al. "Chemistry, grade 8" / P. A. Ozhekovsky, N. A. Titov, F. F. Hegele. - M.: AST: Astrel, 2006.

    2. Ushakova O. V. Workbook in Chemistry: 8th CB.: To the textbook of P. A. Ozhekovsky and others. "Chemistry. Grade 8 "/ O. V. Ushakov, P. I. Bespalov, P. A. Orzhekovsky; under. ed. prof. P. A. OZHEKOVSKOY - M.: AST: Astrel: ProfiSdat, 2006. (p.19-21)

    3. Chemistry: 8th grade: studies. For composure. Institutions / P. A. Orzhekovsky, L. M. Meshcheryakova, L. S. Ponk. M.: AST: Astrel, 2005. (§8)

    4. Chemistry: noorg. Chemistry: studies. For 8 cl. Common institutions / G. E. Rudzitis, Figu Feldman. - M.: Education, Moscow Tutorials, 2009. (§6)

    5. Encyclopedia for children. Volume 17. Chemistry / Chapters. ed. V.A. Volodin, Ved. Scientific ed. I. Leenson. - M.: Avanta +, 2003.

    Additional Web Resources

    1. A single collection of digital educational resources.

    2. Electronic version of the magazine "Chemistry and Life".

    3. Chemistry tests (online).


    c.19-21 №№ 1-5from the working notebook in Chemistry: 8th CL.: To the textbook of P. A. Ozhekovsky and others. "Chemistry. Grade 8 "/ O. V. Ushakov, P. I. Bespalov, P. A. Orzhekovsky; under. ed. prof. P. A. Orzhekovsky - M.: AST: Astrel: Profiwatte, 2006.

    J. Ya. Burtsellius Designation of chemical elements D. Dalton Table titles and characters of some chemical elements Alchemical signs of chemical elements and substances Mass fractions of chemical elements in the earth's crust