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  • Place of stress in the word laetitia Latin. Latin - Phonetics

    Place of stress in the word laetitia Latin. Latin - Phonetics

    Latin, Greek Terminology - Phonetics, correct pronunciation words
    Latin - Phonetics, pronunciation

    Pronunciation of vowels

    Vowels a, Oh, U pronounced russian ah, oh,. For example:
    Vacca [Vaka] - Cow
    Dolor [Dollar] - pain
    Fungus [Fungus] - Mushroom.

    e. e.. For example:
    Enteron [Entron] - intestine,
    Vertebra [Wartabe] - vertebral.

    i. pronounced in Russian vowel sound and. For example:
    LinimentUm [Limenentum] - Liquid ointment,
    Sitis [Citis] - Thirst.

    If a i. standing at the beginning of the word before vowel or in the middle of the word between vowels, it reads how j. ("and short"). In these cases, the letter of Yota is used in modern scientific terminology in international nomenclatures. JJ. (It was introduced to the Latin alphabet by German humanists in the Renaissance Epoch). For example:
    Major [Major] - big,
    Injectio [Injection] - infusion.

    In words greek origin Meet w. "Ipsylon" or "playek" ("and Greek") is read as Russian and. For example:
    Lysis [lysis] - disintegration.
    Sympathicus [sympathicus] - sympathetic.

    It should be noted that the letter y. writes in the following cases.
    1. In the consoles taken from Greek:
    *hyp-(Gipo) - under:
    Hypodermaticus [hypodermaturus] - subcutaneous,
    Hypoglossus [hypoglossus] - sub-public.

    *hyper- (hyper) - over, too, very:
    Hyperaemia [Hyperemia] - Blood Overflow,
    Hyperalgesia [Hyperalgesia] - increased pain sensitivity,
    Hypertrophia [Hypertrophy] - hypertrophy.

    *dYS- (indicates difficulty, disorder or sharply opposite property of something):
    DYSPepsia [Dyspepsia] - indentation of the stomach,
    DYSPHORIA [Dysphoria] - malaise,
    Dysuria [Disuria] - difficult urination.

    Do not mix the Greek prefix dYS- With the Latin prefix dIS-indicating the separation of something:
    Dispersio [Dispersion] - dispersion.

    2. In Suffix -YL-, which is found in the Greek word Hyle, denoting the substance:
    Salicylicus [Salicylicus] - Salicyl,
    Methylicus [methylisus] - methyl.


    Difton, or double-headed, i.e. The combination of two different vowels that are pronounced as one sound or as one syllable.

    Diffong aE, OE.pronounced in Russian vowel sound e.. For example:
    AEGROTUS [Egrotus] - Patient
    Oedema [Edam] - swelling.

    If diffong aE, OE. do not make up one sound and should be pronounced separately, then above "E" Two points are put - e.. For example:
    Aer [Aer] - Air,
    Diplo [diploe] - sponge stuff of flat bones.

    Diphthong aU. pronounced in Russian difthong aU, and w. Sounds briefly like something average between the sound of Russian w. or in. For example:
    Trauma [Trauma] - Injury,
    Auricula [Aurikul] - Own sink.

    Diphthong eU pronounced in Russian eu:
    Pleura [Placeur] - Plevra,
    Europa [EUROPA] - Europe,
    Eucalyptus [Eucalyptus] - Eucalyptus.

    Diphthong ou. It is rare, pronounced russian w., eg:
    PNEUMONIA CROUPOSA [PNEUMONIY RADY] - acute lung inflammation.

    Pronunciation of consonants

    In front of the letters e, I, Y and difongami aE, OE Cpronounced russian c.. For example:
    Cerebrum [cerebrum] -Mong,
    Citus [Catus] - fast,
    CYTUS [CATUS] - Cage,
    Caecitas [Cecitas] - blindness,
    CoEptum [CEPTUM] - Beginning.

    In other cases from pronounced sound to. For example:
    Carbo [Carbo] - Coal,
    Convallaria [Kovalyaria] - Lily of Lily
    Fractura [Fracture] - Fracture.

    g. pronounced sound g.. For example:
    Glandula [Glands] - Iron,
    Gena [Han] - cheek.

    h. pronounced sound medium between Russian to and h.closer to the Ukrainian h.:
    HAEMA [Gam] - Blood,
    Humerus [Gumorus] - Shoulder.

    Letter k. Borrowed from Greek:
    Kephalologia [Cafealology] - science about the head.
    In Latin k. It is very rare, because instead k. more often written c.. Even in words borrowed from Greek, sound to often transmitted through from. For example:
    Skeleton [Skeleton] - Sceleton [SCELETON] - Skeleton,
    KYSTIS [Pussy] - Cystis [cystis] - cyst.

    l. Always pronounce soft:
    Alatus [Alyatus] - Winged,
    Collum [Chat] - neck.

    m. pronounced as Russian m.. For example:
    Medulla [Madulu] - Brain,
    Membrana [Mamban] - Shell.

    n. Always pronounced as Russian n.. For example:
    Nervus [Narvus] - nerve,
    Naris [Naris] - Nostril.

    q. always comes in combination with u. and pronounced as kv.. For example:
    Squama [Disclaim] - Scales,
    QUOTIDIE [Quotid] - daily.

    s. Clause as from, how z. (like sound z. pronounced between two vowels or between vowels and m. or n.). For example:
    narcosis [anesthesia] - anesthesia,
    Incisio [incisio] - incision,
    Neoplasma [Neupair] - Tompetion,
    Mensis [Menzis] - Month.

    x. pronounced as ks.. For example:
    Vox [Vox] - voice,
    Dexter [Deckstar] - right.

    In some cases (between vowels) h. pronounced as kZ.. For example:
    Examen [Exam] - Exam.

    z. pronounced russian z., meets in the words of Greek origin. For example:
    Eczema [eczema] - eczema,
    Zoon [Zon] - Animal.

    In words borrowed from other languages \u200b\u200b(but not Greek) z. pronounced russian c.. For example:
    Influenza [Influenza] - flu.

    Pronunciation of letters

    Lettering nGU. pronounced vowels nGV.. For example:
    Sanguis [Sangvis] - Blood,
    Unguentum [UNVNTUM] - Ointment.

    Combination tIpronounced the voice sound q.. For example:
    Operatio [Operations] - Case, Action, Operation,
    Functio [Function] - function.

    But after s, X. combination tIplus a vowel pronounced sTIor cSTI. For example:
    Combustio [Combousto] - burn,
    Mixtio [Money] - Mix.

    Combination qU. Always read as kv.. For example:
    Quantum [quantum] - how much
    Aquosus [Environment] - watery.

    Combination sCH Reading as sK. For example:
    Ischia [Precision] - a hip area,
    Schola [Shchol] - scientist, report, lecture, school.

    Combination sU + A. or sU + E. Pronounced as SPE or SVE, if it is with the next vowel one syllable. For example:
    Suavis [Svavis] - Sweet.

    If the combination does not constitute one syllable, followed by vowels, then pronounced su.. For example:
    SUIS [SUIS] - Pigs,
    Suus [SUUS] - His

    In the words of Greek origin, double consonants are pronounced as one consonant sound.

    Combination ch Reading as x.. For example:
    Chole [Hole] - bile
    Chamomilla [Hamomile] - Chamomile.

    Combination pH Reading as f.. For example:
    Phasis [phase) - phase,
    Phlegmone [phlegmon] - phlegmon.

    Combination tH. Reading as t.. For example:
    Ophthalmos [Ophthalm] - Eye,
    Thalamus [Talamus] - Visual Borgor.

    Combination rh. Reading as r. For example:
    Haemorragia [Gamorage] - Bleeding,
    Rhinologia [Riology] - the doctrine of diseases of the nose.

    Emphasis. Accentus. Longitude and shortness of syllables.

    In Latin, vowels are brief and long. The emphasis is associated with the longitude and shortness of the syllables, and the longitude and shortness of the syllables depend on the vowels or double vowel (difthong), which is part of this syllable.
    Longitude is indicated by the sign - above the vowels, and the brevity is familiar.
    For example: Lavāre, scribĕre.

    The emphasis never falls on the last syllable.

    1. In double words, the emphasis is always put on the initial syllable. For example:
    Morbus - disease,
    CYTUS - Cage,
    Caput - Head,
    Mesis - Month,
    Radix - root,
    Febris - Fever.

    2. In multi-line words, the emphasis depends on the longitude or shortness of the vowel penultimate syllable (2nd syllable from the end of the word). If a vowel long, then this syllable is a shock, if a vowel short - the emphasis is put on the 3rd syllable from the end of the word. For example:
    Ligamentum - a bunch
    4 3 2 1
    Incisura - Cutting,
    4 3 2 1
    Palpebra - eyelid,
    3 2 1
    Tibia is a large ber bone.
    3 21

    Vowels are long in their natureand regulation.
    1. By nature, vowels of the penultimate syllable are long:
    a) in difong aU, AE, OE, EU(Always long). For example:
    Gangraena - Gangrena,
    Coelia - abdominal cavity,
    Crataegus - hawthorn.
    b) in suffixes: -Al, -Ar, -at, -in, -IV, -OS, -UR, -UT. For example:
    Ligatura - ligature,
    Digestiva - means of improving digestion,
    Clavicularis - Clavical,
    Exsiccatus - dried,
    Cranialis - Chernaya,
    Acutus - sharp,
    Analginium - Analgin.

    2. According to the position of the vowestal stroke, there is a long time:
    a) before multiple consonants. For example:
    Nonnullus - Some
    Fragmentum - Chip.
    b) Before x. and z.. For example:
    Affluxus - a tide of blood
    Oryza - Fig.

    3. The PRESENTAL SLATE SLATE is brief:
    a) by nature - in the suffixes: -ic, -ol, -ul. For example:
    Glandula - Iron,
    Vesica - bubble,
    DisColor - multicolored.
    b) on the position - vowel before vowel, as well as before h.. For example:
    Labium - Guba,
    Emulsio - Emulsion,
    Extraho - pull.
    An exception. Do not create longitude of the publication of the following letters: cH, PH, RH, TH, as well as combinations: bL, PL, DL, TL, GL, CL, BR, PR, DR, TR, GR, CR and some others. For example:
    Palpebra - eyelid,
    Apophysis - process
    Celebris is famous.

    Accents in terms of Greek origin

    Latinized words of Greek origin are not always subject to the rules for reading the Latin language.
    This applies primarily by the terms ending on -Ia.who have an emphasis or on the second syllable from the end of the word (for example: Chirrgia - surgery), or on the third syllable from the end of the word (for example: ARTERIA - artery). The difference in the emphasis is explained by the fact that in the first case the vowel dates back to the long Greek Difton (Ipsilon + Yota), which retains its longitude and in Latin.

    At the terms on -Ia.with an emphasis on the third syllable vowel i. goes back to the Greek vowel letter i. (iota). This is mainly obbiological names. For example:
    ZOOLOGIA - Zoology,
    Homologia - matching.

    Among such words there is a large group of clinical terms, which are used by tradition with an emphasis on the second syllable. For example:
    Hypertonia - Hypertension,
    Therapia - therapy,
    Haemophilia - bleeding.

    Adjectives formed by the Greek Terminel -Ideus, a, um- (-video), often pronounced with an emphasis on the second syllable, i.e. on the -E. (and not on -I.ascending to the Greek long difthong). For example:
    XIPHOIDEUS [XIFOIDEUS] - Movie-shaped.

    However, it should be borne in mind that adjectives on -Ideusthe anatomical terminology was introduced in the XVII century. And in some terms indicate similarity, likeness, and in others indicate affiliation, attitudes towards an organ or education, which has a form called such adjective. To distinguish them in meaning, similarity is marked with an emphasis on the third syllable (on -I.), and belonging to the second syllable (on -E.). For example:
    Scaphoideus [Skafoyeus] - Pondeye,
    Hyoideus [chioideus] - sub-public.

    Nomina Si Nescis, Periit Et Cognitio Rerum
    (If you do not know the names, lost and knowledge of things)
    K. Linney - epigraph to the book "Philosophia Botanica" (1751)

    Basic rules of Latin.
    Latin language is a centuries-old basis for scientific communication. Based on Latin, the terminology of many sciences is built, including biological. Botanical binary nomenclature is also based on Latin or Latinized words.

    Complex combinations of vowel sounds (so-called difongs) are pronounced:
    Ae, like a Russian sound e, aetas-etc
    OE like German Ö: propelium-prelim
    Au, like aw with a brief: auris - or? Rice
    EU, like Eu with a brief: EURUS-E? Rus.

    Two points on top E in Aë compounds indicate that each letter is pronounced independently: Aër-Aer, Poëma-poem.
    The letter C in front of E, AE, EU, OE, I, Y is pronounced as, in all other cases as:
    Cicero-Cicero, LAC-varnish, Vacca-Vakka.
    The letter S in the middle of the word between two vowels is pronounced in a call like z: rosa-rose, in other cases deafness: censor-price vests.
    The letter U in combinations QU, NGU in front of the vowels is pronounced as in: Aqua-Aqua, Sanguis-Sangwis.
    The letter q is used only in combination with U.
    The letter J (Yot) is pronounced as a: Major-major. In the initial syllable, this sound merges with the subsequent vowel, Janus-Janus.

    Ti syllable before the next vowel is pronounced as Qi: Oratio-Orazio, Rebutia- Rebuti.
    Pronounce as Ti, if before Ti is S, T, X: Mixtio-Mixctio, Ostium-Ostium, Atticus-Attikus.
    CH combination pronounced x: Chlorus- chlorus
    PH is pronounced like f: Phylio-Filio
    Th pronounced as T: Phython Phiton, Theatrum-Theater
    RH RRH is pronounced as p: rhodos-rhodes. These lettering and the presence of (play and Greek) indicate the Greek origin of the words.

    Sounds in words may be long and brief.
    The syllable is considered brief: a) if a vowel v? A. A.
    The syllable is considered long: a) if there is a Dyfong Praemium in the syllable; b) If there is a vowel in the syllable, behind which one consonant follows, the syllable may be brief and log, depending on the quality of the vowels itself.
    Based on this, there is a rule for emphasis:
    1) In two-sided words, the emphasis is placed on the penultimate syllable; Máter, Rósa.
    2) In the multi-line words, the emphasis on the penultimate syllable if it is a minimum, if it is brief, then the stress on the third from the end of the syllable; Románus, Cér? US.

    Nouns have three kinds:
    female - has endings A, IS (Mamillaria, Rhipsalis);
    middle Rod - has an end of UM (Gymnocalycium);
    male gene - has the end of the US (Cereus).

    Botanical names consist of two words (binary nomenclature). The first word name noun denotes the genus of the plant and writes with capital letters. The second word species epithet is adjective, written from the lowercase letters. Species epithet can reflect any signs of the form (Mamillary Plumosa-Mamillaria Celebrate) may indicate geographical origin (Cereus Peruvianus-Ceres Peruvian), show environmental position (Lobivia Saxatila-Lobius rock). Epithet can be given in honor of the people (Mediolobivia Haagei-Mediolobivia Hage).
    So that botanical names are not difficult to memorize, it is desirable to know the values \u200b\u200bof individual words and roots. And since the formation of botanical titles is used by a relatively small number of Latin and Greek roots encountered in a wide variety of combinations, their development helps to comprehend the meaning of the names and thereby facilitate memorization.

    Latin Word Pronunciation Rules


    Printed letters Names of letters Reading
    CC.cEc, K *
    EEe.u *
    HH.hax *
    II.andand, y *
    JJ.yoty *
    KK.kato *
    LLell "1 *
    QQ.kukV *
    SS.eS.c, Z.
    TT.tEt, C *
    UU.w.y, in *, y *
    Yyipsylonand, and german 2 *
    1. The comma on the right above the sound symbol means that the sound is soft.
    2. A similar sound in the words of the Baywill [b "Ivar], the Bureau [B" IRO "].
    * This sign is marked by sounds, whose pronunciation needs to pay special attention.

    Latin - dead tongue, i.e. Currently there are no people for whom this language would be relatives. The living pronunciation of the classic development period of the Latin language 1 to us did not come. It is hardly possible to restore the exact Latin pronunciation, in connection with this, every nation that enjoys Latin (in particular, applying it in jurisprudence), is focused on the pronunciation of Latin words for their pronunciation native language (British read Latin word with english pronunciation, Russians - with Russian, etc.). Therefore, the letters specified in the table should read "as in Russian" (if their reading is not specifically specifically) [period I in. BC. In this era, Cicero, Caesar and other prominent writers were created; Their language is considered a sample of Latin. When studying the Latin language, not this sample oriented.].

    Features of reading Latin vowels

    Letter EEreading as [E] 2 (not [IE]!): Ego [E "Guo] i.

    Letter II.reading [and] except when it stands before vowel at the beginning of a syllable or word. Then she reads as [th]: iRA [and "RA] Anger, but IUS [Jus] right, Adiuvo [Adi" at] I help.

    In a number of editions, the letter I entered the Latin alphabet in the XVI century is used to designate the sound [th]. It is used in our manual. Thus, ius \u003d jusetc.

    The letter yy is found in the words of Greek origin. It reads as [and] or, more precisely, like the German b: Lyra [L "Ira], [L" IRA].

    In Latin there are 2 difthong: AU and EU. They consist of two elements that are pronounced ply of, "in one sound", with an emphasis on the first element (CP. Dyphthongs in English).

    aurum [Aruum] [Sign of square brackets suggests that they are the sound, and not the letter (i.e., that transcription in front of us). All transcription signs in our manual are Russian (if they are not specifically stipulated).] Gold

    Europa.[Erop] Europe

    Lettering aEreading as [E]: aES.[ES] copper; Lettering oE.- How german c [similar sound will be able to say the sound [e], omit to the bottom of the mouth.]: poena.[PCNN] punishment.

    If the vowels are pronounced separately in these two combinations, then above the letter E is put - or .. (i.e. _,): a_R / Ayr.[A "ER] air, PO_TA/poeta Poet[POE "TA].

    Vowel UU., as a rule, denotes the sound [y]. However, in words suavis.[SU "VIS] sweet, pleasant; suadeo.[SPE "DEO] i advice;sUESCO.[SVE "SKO] i'm getting used toand derivatives from them - a combination sU.reads as [SV].

    Group nGU.reading [NGV]: lingua.[L "Ingva] language.

    Features of reading Latin consonant letters

    Letter CCbefore e, AE, OE(i.e., before the sounds [e] and [o]) and i, Y.(i.e., before the sounds [U] and [b]) read as [C]: Cicero.[pica] Cicero. In other cases fromreading as [K]: credo.[CRE "before] i believe.

    Letter a sound similar to "Ukrainian g."; it turns out if they pronounce [x] with a voice, and is indicated greek letter І (this sound is present in words yeah! and lord![IO "Spode" and]).

    In words, as a rule, borrowed from the Greek, there are the following combinations of consonants with the letter h.:

    pH[F] philosophus.[Filo "Sofus] philosopher

    ch[x] charta.[Ha "Mouth] paper

    tH.[t] theatrum.[TEA "Trum] theatre

    rh.[R] arrha.[A "RRA] deposit

    Letter is used very rarely: in the word Kalendae.and cut from it K.. (possibly writing through from), as well as in the name Kaeso.[CE "CE] Keson.

    Latin LLpronounce soft: leX[l "ex] law.

    Letter is used only in combination with the letter U ( qU.). This combination is read [kV]: quaestio.[CE "STIO] question.

    Letter SS.reads as [s]: sAEPE[with "EPE] often. In the position between vowels, it is read as [s]: casus.[ka "zus] case, padege(in grammar), except Greek words: philosophus.[Filo "Sofus] philosopher.

    Letter TT.reading [t]. Phrase tIreading as [qi], if there is a vowel after it: etiam.[Eziami] even.

    Combination tIreading as [TI]:

    a) if the vowel this combination of long (about the longitude of vowels, see below): totius.[Tethius] - R. p., un. h. Ot totus all, whole;

    b) if before tIworth it s, T.or x.(i.e. in combination sti, Tti, XTI):bestia.[Bestia] beast;Attis.[A "TTIUS] Atti.(name); mixtio.[Money] mixing.

    c) in Greek words: Miltiades.[MIL "TI" ADPE] Miltica.

    Longitude and vision of vowels

    Public sounds in Latin distinguished the duration of pronouncing. There were long and brief vowels: long vowel was twice as long as the brief.

    Longitude sound is indicated by a sign - above the appropriate letter, brevity - sign W:

    + ("and long") - - ("and short")

    _ ("e long") - _ ("e-brief"), etc.

    Reading Latin texts, we pronounce long and brief vowels with the same duration, without distinguishing them. However, the rules determining the longitude / shortened vowels need to know because :

    · There are couples of words that have a different meaning, but completely coincide with the writing and pronunciation (homonyms) and differ only in the longitude and vowel shortness: m_lum evil - m_lum apple;

    · Longitude or briefness of the vowel significantly affects the stress in the word.

    Staging in the word

    On the last syllable words, the emphasis in Latin does not fall.

    In two-sided words, the emphasis falls on the 2nd syllable from the end of the word: sCI "- I know Cu" L-PA WINE.

    In multi-line words, the emphasis is determined by the longitude (shortness) of the 2nd syllable from the end of the word. It falls:

    on the 2nd syllable from the end of the word, if he is long;

    on the 3rd syllable from the end of the word, if the 2nd syllable is brief.

    Long and short syllables

    Long syllables are called syllables containing long vowel, brief vowel.

    In Latin, as in Russian, the syllables are formed using vowels, near which "consonants" are grouped.

    NB - Difthong is one sound and, therefore, forms only one syllable: cA "U-SA Cause, Wines. (NB - Nota Bene! Remember Well! - Latin designation notes.)

    For long vowels include:

    · Diffents and combinations aEand oE: Cen-Tau-Rus Centaur;

    · Vowed in front of the consonant group (except vowels in front of the Muta Cum Liquida group (see below): in-Stru-M_N-TUM Tool.

    This is the so-called longitude of the situation.

    o Vowel may be long by nature, i.e. Its longitude is not due to some reasons, but is a linguistic fact. The longitude of the Regulation is fixed in the dictionaries: FOR-TK "-NA fortune.

    The brief vowels include:

    o vowels facing other vowels (therefore in all words ending on iO, IA, IUM, UOetc., the emphasis falls on the 3rd syllable from the end): sCI-E "N-TIA knowledge;

    o Before H: tRA-HO.i'm a car.

    This is the so-called shortness of position:

    o vowels facing the combination of one of the consonants: b, p, d, t, c[k], g.(the so-called "dumb" - Muta) - with one of the consonants: r, L.(so-called "liquid" - Liquida), i.e. Before combinations bR, PR, DLetc. ("Mute with smooth" - Muta Cum Liquida): tE "-N_-Brae Gray, Darkness;

    o Vowel can be brief in nature, i.e. Its brevity is not determined external reasonsBut is the fact of the language. The prosecution is fixed in the dictionaries: fe "-m - Na woman.


    Mirohenkova V.I., Fedorov N.A. Latin textbook. 2nd ed. M., 1985.

    Nikiforov V.N. Latin legal phraseology. M., 1979.

    Kozarzhevsky A.I. Latin textbook. M., 1948.

    Sobolevsky S.I. Latin grammar. M., 1981.

    Rosental I.S., Sokolov V.S. Latin textbook. M., 1956.

    Odessa, Ukraine, November 2006


    The history of the Latin language is not one millennium. Language changed over time, varying depending on the territory. " ... latin penetrated the conquered territories throughout a number of centuries, during which he himself, as a language basis, was somewhat modified and entered into complicated interaction with local tribal languages \u200b\u200band dialects " , p. 12. Changed pronunciation. It is meaningless to raise the question that some of them is correct. All of them are correct.

    The main trends today are only two - this is a restored pronunciation - pronunciation 1 in. to R.Kh. With its own, by the way, more simple, reading rules, but in compliance with the number of the syllable and the so-called. Sinlayafy - a fusion reading of words when the previous word ends with a vowel, and the following - starting with vowels. The poem of the classic era practically does not require some special reading, compared with the everyday speech. The Latinists of the whole world at the Congress dedicated to living Latin took this pronunciation for basic, because in a slightly later epoch, the language began to differentiate on a national or territorial basis. Lingua Latina Aeterna's site is focused on this pronunciation, this choice was made by the creator of the Polyashev site. The following section is dedicated to the description of this pronunciation.

    The second trend is medieval Latin. The rules of reading in a number of relations simplified, in a number of relations, on the contrary, complicated. The duration of the syllable is not reproduced. Classical poetry should be read by special rules, otherwise it simply does not sound. However, medieval poetry sounds great. It was this pronunciation to many millions of people during many centuries. The authors used by this pronunciation are written many works. In the end, this is the language of the church. The main trouble of this pronunciation is the presence of many national schools that are not consistent in the details. Description of the medieval pronunciation of the Russian school, see the appendix.

    Unfortunately, Many magnificent textbooks of the Russian school make confusion to the chronology of Latin phonetics. So in the section "Brief information from the history of the Latin language" in, pp. 10 - 11 declared that

    Under the term "classical Latin" means a literary language that has achieved the greatest expressiveness and syntactic harness in the prosaic writings of Cicero (106 - 43 BC) and Caesar (100-4 - 44 BC) and in the poetic works of Virgil (70 - 19 BC), Horace (65 - 8 BC) and Ovid (43 BC - 18 AD). The Latin literary language of this period is the subject of study in our higher educational institutions.

    As a separate period in the history of the Latin language, the so-called late Latin is distinguished, the chronological boundaries of which are III - VI centuries ...

    Understanding my - Yu. Semenov.

    And already on page 20 in the section "Phonetics" You can read the following

    In the Latin classic period c. In all positions meant sound [k] ...

    In Latin, no earlier than the IV - V centuries AD. There are cases of sound transition [K] in the affrier [ tS.] before e. and I.; Much later, such a phenomenon becomes common ...

    c.: c. before E., i., y., aE, oE. read as a Russian letter c. [tS.]; In other cases (i.e. before A., o., u., before consonant and in the end of the word) - like Russian to [k].

    Personally, I see in these two quotations from the same textbook a serious contradiction. Meanwhile, this is one of the best textbooks of the Russian school.

    Refurbished pronunciation

    Description of the reconstructed pronunciation is based on the materials of Schola Latina Universalis (SLU).

    The main sources of information about the pronunciation of the classic era for its recovery is: Methods of historical and comparative linguistics, the preserved works of Latin grammar, in which the articulation of Latin speech is often described, studying typical mistakes in written documents of different eras, the study of the poetry of the classical era.
    Read more about it.


    There are 6 vowels in Latin

    a e i o u y

    moreover, the last letter is found only in words borrowed from Greek, and 12 main vowels - 6 short and 6 long

    a e i o u y

    The duration of the vowels is indicated by a horizontal feature above the letter, in agreement with the traditions of the Russian school. It should be noted that SLU recommends the other designation of longitude having its advantages and its drawbacks.

    Brief vowels differ from long not only lastness, but also timbre.

    Vowels corresponding to Latin y. None in Russian, nor in english no language. The British are recommended to round the lips as to utter OO in the word GOOSE, but say EE, as in Geese. Russians can advise and, fix the position of the tongue and round down the lips, as with y. Or pronounce Yu without initial.

    In addition, in Latin, there are 4 more nasal sounds that appear only in the last syllable ending on -M (so-called m caduca) if the next word begins on vowels or h.

    Am -em -im -um

    In this case, -M is not pronounced, and the vowel becomes nasal. If the next word begins on a consonant, different from H, then -M pronounced, but is likened to this consonant.

    tam Pulcher. [TAM. "Pʊɫ.Kɛɾ]
    tam Turpis. [Tan. "Tʊr.pɪs]
    tam Castus. [TAŋ. "kas.tʊs]

    There are no words ending on -om or -YM in Latin.


    In Latin there are 6 difthong


    The second voice difthong is pronounced as very briefly, almost like a semi-chain

    aE Following the sound but It is very necessary short sound e. i.
    oE. [oE̯] Following the sound about It follows a very brief sound e., for Russian or English hearing, it sounds almost like oh
    aU. [ɑʊ̯ ] Following the sound but It follows a very brief sound w.
    eU [ɛʊ̯ ] Following the sound e. It follows a very brief sound w.
    eJ. [ɛJ] Sounds like hey
    uJ. [ʊJ] Sounds like ui

    If the pair of listed adjacent vowels does not form difthong, and each of them is pronounced separately by forming your syllable, the separation sign or a sign of the duration of vowels is put on one of the vowels

    a ëR or A ēR


    In Latin there are 19 consonants

    b c d f g h j k l m n p q r s t v x z

    Consider the pronunciation of individual consonants and their combinations.

    h [H] praise, pronounced as English h..
    j [j], v [w] so-called half-welded j. pronounced russian j., between vowels pronounced as doubled: word ejus. reading as [ ɛj.j. ʊ s]; v. pronounced English w.
    b [b], d [D], g [G] pronounced russian b., d. and g..
    p [p], t [T], c [k] pronounced russian p, t. and to.

    pH [Pʰ], tH [Tʰ],

    cH [Kʰ]

    Attention: In the classic era, these combinations were not read as f., t. and h.!
    agrees are pronounced as p, t. and tofollowed by a short response h.. hear F, T and K. There are only in words borrowed from Greek. The experts approve that the pronunciation is similar to the pronunciation of the corresponding sounds in Hindi, and also that the pronunciation of "PHA", "Tha" and "Cha" before the burning candle should pay it.

    gU [GW], qU [kw],

    sU [SW]

    only a combination nGU. pronounced as [NGW], in all other cases, is pronounced just a consonant g. And after her vowel u.; qU. Always pronounced as [ kw]; sU. Sometimes pronounced as [ SW], but only in some Latin words, such as Suadeo, Suetonius, which should be memorized separately, in all other cases a consonant is pronounced s.followed by vowels u..

    m [M],

    n [n] or [ ŋ ]

    consonants m. and n.are usually pronounced as Russian m. and n.. In combination nG. letter n. pronounced nose [ ŋ ] . Letter n. before s. or f. It is lengtheys and, perhaps, turns into the nose previous vowel, and it may not be pronounced at all. Happening -m. Described in detail in the vowels section.
    gN [ŋN] combination of consonants gN. pronounced [ ŋn] - As English -ng, followed by n. If not listen, you can hear GN.

    r [ɾ], rH [ɾ ʰ ],

    l [L] or [ ɫ ]

    consonant r. pronounced in italian, it seems to me that Russian r - also a good approximation; rh. Turns out as r., with dying, uttered almost simultaneously; letter l. can pronounce as two different sound: The first option is light 1) (as in english Word Low) - before i. (Limes) or in case of double l. (ILLE), the second is dark (as in the GOAL Angi Word) - in other cases (LUNA).
    f [F], s [s] pronounced russian f. and from, and s. never pronounced how z..

    x. [k s],

    z [z] or [DZ]

    used only in words borrowed from Greek; x. pronounced as [k s]; z. - as [z] or [DZ]. In the case when z. Located between vowels, it is pronounced as doubled, i.e. Gaza is pronounced ["Gazza] or [" Gadzdza] 2).

    Double consonants are always pronounced as doubled.

    Among the consonants there are so-called. dumb (garbage), it b., p., d., t., g., c. and smooth l. and r.. The ancient grammarists denoted the worms of the term Muta, and smooth - Liquida. The combinations of a dumb with smooth can be called Muta Cum Liquida. Such combinations play an important role at a brooding.

    Sonant [L] has two main timbre depending on the position in the syllable: in front of the vowels - the voice [i] (light or soft) timbre, in the rest of the positions - the timbre of non-bias, since the rear back of the language is raised to the soft sky (dark or solid) . The quality of the vowel also affects the timbre of Sonanta [L], and it can be said that there are so many shades [L], how many vowels in English vocalism. For practical purposes, we will talk about three shades of Sonanta [L]: 1) light, 2) dark, 3) muted (after forthy deaf). Many standard pronunciation media in all positions are pronounced only a bright variant of sonant [L], other - only a dark version of this Sonanta in all positions. Most of the educated British pronounce a bright option in front of the vowels and a dark version in other positions.
    The bright version of the English [L] is never so soft as the Russian palatalized [L "], when pronouncing which the average back of the tongue rises significantly higher to a solid sky than in English [L]. The dark version of the English [L] never happens Firm as a Russian solid phonem [l]. The difference in the sound [L] of the light and dark and Russian sounds [l] and [l] is also due to the fact that when pronouncing the English [L], the tip and front of the language are pressed to Alveola whereas with Russian [l] takes a dental dance articulation. In Russian [l] and [l] - different phonams, since the presence or absence of palatalization performs a senseless function, for example: mol - mole, was called. In English, Sonanta variants [L] do not carry a sense-sensitive function.

    Lebedinskaya B.Ya. Workshop in english language: English pronunciation.

    2) all the same, most likely the sound [D] from was similar to the silence, in the sense that the doubling sounded not like (such a combination is seriously pronounced!), But, similar to that the combination θθ was pronounced as TTH. Thank you by M. Delayshev for discussion and idea.

    Slot and number of syllable

    Each vowel (or diefthong) words corresponds to its syllable. The stocked is:

    • before the next vowel or difthong
    • before single consonant
    • before combinations of consonants CH, PH, TH, QU, sometimes before GU or SU
    • before combinations Muta Cum Liquida

    If the syllable ends consonant, it is called closed, otherwise it is called open. Open syllable With brief voice - brief. All other syllables are long. A closed syllable with a brief voice "On the Regulation".

    Rules of accent

    Emphasis as a rule may fall on the last syllable only in single words. Several multi-line words are known with an emphasis on the last syllable, for example: IL līc., AR-Pī- nās.. These are exceptions, they should be memorized separately.

    The emphasis drops the penultimate syllable if he is a long.

    In all other cases, the emphasis falls on the third from the end of the syllable.


    Synalayfa (Synaloepha) is characteristic of the Latin pronunciation of the classic era, the fusion pronunciation of two words, the first of which ends with a vowel, and the following begins with vowels. The first vowel sound is pronounced, but becomes very short, practically turning into a semi-voiced one. In this case, the number of the syllable does not change. Sinaila - this is not an elusion, since the vowels are not lost, but become crawled, and this is not difongization, because during diftonagization is not the first, and the second vowel is pronounced as a semi-voiced one.


    Medieval (school, church) pronunciation of the Russian school

    A description of the medieval pronunciation is based on materials from the textbook.


    In the classic Latin there were long and brief vowels. In medieval Latin, the difference in vowels in the number was lost. In school Latin, the number of vowels is indicated when it is necessary to determine the form of the word and staging. In Latin, there are 6 monofongs: a, E, I, O, U, Y. Accents are put in the same place, where in classical Latin.

    There are rules that give the opportunity to learn the shortness of monophrals.

    1. In words containing more than one syllable, any long vowel in closed syllable declined to any finite consonant, except s. In single words, the reduction occurred only before m.and t..
    2. Long vowel before combinations nt. and nD. Reduced.
    3. Brief, as a rule, vow to vowel or h..

    Diphthong aU. Corresponds to the Russian monosyllary [AU] in the double word "PAU-FOR".

    Extremely rare difthong eU Corresponds to the Russian monosyllary [EU].

    Diffong aE and oE. turned into monophthongs depicted by two letters (digraphs). Digraph aE Means the sound [E], Russian [e]. Digraph oE. Reading as German and French [Ø:] or English [ə:]. If in graphic combinations aE and oE. Each vowance is pronounced separately. e. Putting three or a sign that means the number of vowels.


    Film reading of a Latin letter has been established in Russian training practice c.: before e, I, Y, AE, OE she reads like a Russian letter c.. In other cases - like the Rask to.

    Combination tI Reading as q., however, in the provisions before vowels in combination sTI, XTI, TTI Reading as t..

    l. It is customary to pronounce soft, as in German or French.

    Combination qU, GU, SU Read as in classical Latin, but instead of sound [w] it is customary to use Russian [in].

    s. There is pronounced between vowels as [s], and in other positions as [C].

    Aspirates rH, TH. Read as [P] and [T]. ch pronounced as h., pH - As [F].

    Links and literature

    1. Latin language textbook, ed. V.N. Yarkho, M., Enlightenment, 1969.
    2. W. Sidney Allen, Vox Latina, The Pronunciation of Classical Latin, Cambridge Univ. Press, 1989.
    3. Schola Latina Universalis: SONI - detailed description Restored pronunciation.
    4. Vicipaedia: PRONUNTIATIO Latina - short description Restored pronunciation.
    5. Vicipaedia: PRONUNTIATIO ECCLESIASTICA - a brief description of the church pronunciation.
    6. Ostraca: La PRONUNCIA Del Latino is a section of an interesting Italian site dedicated to Latin pronunciation.
    7. Wikipedia: Latin pronunciation and spelling - an article about Latin pronunciation in Russian.

    Latin Word Pronunciation Rules


    Printed letters Names of letters Reading
    AA. but but
    BB. bE. b.
    CC. cE c, K *
    DD dE. d.
    EE e. u *
    FF. eF f.
    GG. gE g.
    HH. ha x *
    II. and and, y *
    JJ. yot y *
    KK. ka to *
    LL el l "1 *
    Mm. em m.
    NN. en n.
    Oo. about about
    Pp. pE p
    QQ. ku kV *
    RR eR r
    SS. eS. c, Z.
    TT. tE t, C *
    UU. w. y, in *
    VV. vE. in, y *
    XX x ks.
    Yy ipsylon and, and german 2 *
    Zz. zesta z.
    1. The comma on the right above the sound symbol means that the sound is soft.
    2. A similar sound in the words of the Baywill [b "Ivar], the Bureau [B" IRO "].
    * This sign is marked by sounds, whose pronunciation needs to pay special attention.

    Latin - dead tongue, i.e. Currently there are no people for whom this language would be relatives. The living pronunciation of the classic development period of the Latin language 1 to us did not come. It is hardly possible to restore the exact Latin pronunciation, in connection with this, every nation, which enjoys Latin (in particular, applying it in jurisprudence), is focused on the pronunciation of Latin words for the pronunciation of their native language (the British read the Latin Word with English pronunciation, Russians - with Russian, etc.). Therefore, the letters specified in the table should read "as in Russian" (if their reading is not specifically specifically) [period I in. BC. In this era, Cicero, Caesar and other prominent writers were created; Their language is considered a sample of Latin. When studying the Latin language, not this sample oriented.].

    Features of reading Latin vowels

    Letter EE Reading as [E] 2 (not [IE]!): Ego [E "Guo] i.

    Letter II. Reading [and] except when it stands before vowel at the beginning of a syllable or word. Then she reads as [th]: iRA [and "RA] Anger, but IUS [Jus] right, Adiuvo [Adi" at] I help.

    In a number of editions, the letter I entered the Latin alphabet in the XVI century is used to designate the sound [th]. It is used in our manual. Thus, ius \u003d jus etc.

    The letter yy is found in the words of Greek origin. It reads as [and] or, more precisely, like the German b: Lyra [L "Ira], [L" IRA].

    In Latin there are 2 difthong: AU and EU. They consist of two elements that are pronounced ply of, "in one sound", with an emphasis on the first element (CP. Dyphthongs in English).

    aurum [Aruum] [Sign of square brackets suggests that they are the sound, and not the letter (i.e., that transcription in front of us). All transcription signs in our manual are Russian (if they are not specifically stipulated).] Gold

    Europa. [Erop] Europe

    Lettering aE Reading as [E]: aES. [ES] copper; Lettering oE. - How german c [similar sound will be able to say the sound [e], omit to the bottom of the mouth.]: poena. [PCNN] punishment.

    If the vowels are pronounced separately in these two combinations, then above the letter E is put - or .. (i.e. _,): a_R / Ayr. [A "ER] air, PO_TA / poeta Poet [POE "TA].

    Vowel UU. , as a rule, denotes the sound [y]. However, in words suavis. [SU "VIS] sweet , pleasant; suadeo. [SPE "DEO] i advice ; sUESCO. [SVE "SKO] i'm getting used to and derivatives from them - a combination sU. Reads as [SV].

    Group nGU. Reading [NGV]: lingua. [L "Ingva] language .

    Features of reading Latin consonant letters

    Letter CC before e, AE, OE (i.e., before the sounds [e] and [o]) and i, Y. (i.e., before the sounds [U] and [b]) read as [C]: Cicero. [pica] Cicero . In other cases from Reading as [K]: credo. [CRE "before] i believe .

    Letter HH. gives a sound similar to "Ukrainian g. "; it turns out if they say [x] with a voice, and is indicated by the Greek letter І (this sound is present in words yeah ! and lord! [IO "Spode" and]).

    In words, as a rule, borrowed from the Greek, there are the following combinations of consonants with the letter h. :

    pH [F] philosophus. [Filo "Sofus] philosopher

    ch [x] charta. [Ha "Mouth] paper

    tH. [t] theatrum. [TEA "Trum] theatre

    rh. [R] arrha. [A "RRA] deposit

    Letter KK. It is used very rarely: in the word Kalendae. and cut from it K. . (possibly writing through from), as well as in the name Kaeso. [CE "CE] Keson .

    Latin LL Pronounce soft: leX [l "ex] law .

    Letter QQ. It is used only in combination with the letter U ( qU.). This combination is read [kV]: quaestio. [CE "STIO] question .

    Letter SS. Reads as [s]: sAEPE [with "EPE] often . In the position between vowels, it is read as [s]: casus. [ka "zus] case, padege (in grammar), except Greek words: philosophus. [Filo "Sofus] philosopher .

    Letter TT. Reading [t]. Phrase tI Reading as [qi], if there is a vowel after it: etiam. [Eziami] even .

    Combination tI Reading as [TI]:

    a) if the vowel i. In this combination of long (about the longitude of vowels, see below): totius. [Tethius] - R. p., un. h. Ot totus all, whole ;

    b) if before tI worth it s, T. or x. (i.e. in combination sti, Tti, XTI): bestia. [Bestia] beast ; Attis. [A "TTIUS] Atti. (name); mixtio. [Money] mixing .

    c) in Greek words: Miltiades. [MIL "TI" ADPE] Miltica .

    Longitude and vision of vowels

    Public sounds in Latin distinguished the duration of pronouncing. There were long and brief vowels: long vowel was twice as long as the brief.

    Longitude sound is indicated by a sign - Above the appropriate letter, brevity - sign W:

    + ("and long") - - ("and short")

    _ ("e long") - _ ("e-brief"), etc.

    Reading Latin texts, we pronounce long and brief vowels with the same duration, without distinguishing them. However, the rules determining the longitude / shortened vowels need to know because :

    · There are couples of words that have a different meaning, but completely coincide with the writing and pronunciation (homonyms) and differ only in the longitude and vowel shortness: m_lum evil - m_lum apple ;

    · Longitude or briefness of the vowel significantly affects the stress in the word.

    Staging in the word

    On the last syllable words, the emphasis in Latin does not fall.

    In two-sided words, the emphasis falls on the 2nd syllable from the end of the word: sCI "- I know Cu" L-PA WINE .

    In multi-line words, the emphasis is determined by the longitude (shortness) of the 2nd syllable from the end of the word. It falls:

    on the 2nd syllable from the end of the word, if he is long;

    on the 3rd syllable from the end of the word, if the 2nd syllable is brief.

    Long and short syllables

    Long syllables are called syllables containing long vowel, brief vowel.

    In Latin, as in Russian, the syllables are formed using vowels, near which "consonants" are grouped.

    NB - Difthong is one sound and, therefore, forms only one syllable: cA "U-SA Cause, Wines . (NB - Nota Bene! Remember Well! - Latin designation notes.)

    For long vowels include:

    · Diffents and combinations aE and oE: Cen-Tau-Rus Centaur ;

    · Vowed in front of the consonant group (except vowels in front of the Muta Cum Liquida group (see below): in-Stru-M_N-TUM Tool .

    This is the so-called longitude of the situation.

    o Vowel may be long by nature, i.e. Its longitude is not due to some reasons, but is a linguistic fact. The longitude of the Regulation is fixed in the dictionaries: FOR-TK "-NA fortune.

    The brief vowels include:

    o vowels facing other vowels (therefore in all words ending on iO, IA, IUM, UO etc., the emphasis falls on the 3rd syllable from the end): sCI-E "N-TIA knowledge ;

    o Before H: tRA-HO. i'm a car.

    This is the so-called shortness of position:

    o vowels facing the combination of one of the consonants: b, p, d, t, c [k], g. (the so-called "dumb" - Muta) - with one of the consonants: r, L. (so-called "liquid" - Liquida), i.e. Before combinations bR, PR, DL etc. ("Mute with smooth" - Muta Cum Liquida): tE "-N_-Brae Gray, Darkness ;

    o Vowel can be brief in nature, i.e. Its brevity is not determined by external reasons, but is the fact of the language. The prosecution is fixed in the dictionaries: fe "-m - Na woman .


    Mirohenkova V.I., Fedorov N.A. Latin textbook. 2nd ed. M., 1985.

    Nikiforov V.N. Latin legal phraseology. M., 1979.

    Kozarzhevsky A.I. Latin textbook. M., 1948.

    Sobolevsky S.I. Latin grammar. M., 1981.

    Rosental I.S., Sokolov V.S. Latin textbook. M., 1956.