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  • Salts are divided into two groups. Chemical and physical properties of salts. Chemical properties of acidic salts

    Salts are divided into two groups. Chemical and physical properties of salts. Chemical properties of acidic salts

    Salts should be considered as a product of the interaction of acid and base. As a result, it can be formed:

    1. normal (medium) - are formed with sufficient interactions of acid and base for complete interaction. Names of normal saltsc consists of two parts. At the beginning it is called anion (acid residue), then the cation.
    2. sour - It is formed in an excess of acid and insufficient amount of alkali, because at the same time the metal cations becomes not enough to replace all hydrogen cations existing in the acid molecule. As part of acid residues of this type of salts, you will always see hydrogen. The acidic salts are formed only by residential acids and exhibit the properties of both salts and acids. In names acid salts Poster is set hydro- To the anion.
    3. basic salts - formed in an excess of base and insufficient acid, because in this case anions of acid residues are not enough to completely replace the hydroxo groups existing at the base. The main salts in the composition of the cations contain hydroxochroups. The main salts are possible for multi-acid bases, and no one-classroom. Some basic salts are able to decompose independently, while highlighting water, forming oxosoli with the properties of the main salts. Name of basic salts It is built as follows: the prefix is \u200b\u200badded to the anion hydro.

    Typical reactions of normal salts

    • Metals react well. At the same time, more active metals are abandoned less active of solutions of their salts.
    • With acids, alkalis and other reaction salts, pass to the end, subject to the formation of precipitate, gas or lowly aassium connections.
    • In alkali salts with alkalis reactions, such substances are formed as nickel hydroxide (II) Ni (OH) 2 - precipitate; Ammonia NH 3 - gas; Water H 2 O is a weak electrolyte, a slightly subsided connection:
    • Salts react among themselves if the sediment is formed or in the case of the formation of a more stable connection.
    • Many normal salts decompose when heated with the formation of two oxides - acid and main
    • Nitrates are decomposed by another, different from the remaining normal salts. When heated alkaline nitrates and alkaline earth metals Oxygen is isolated and transformed into nitrites:
    • Nitrates of almost all other metals decompose to oxides:
    • Nitrates are some heavy metals (silver, mercury, etc.) decompose when heated to metals:

    Typical reactions of acidic salts

    • They enter into all those reactions in which acids enter. They react with alkalis if the composition of acidic salt and alkali contains the same metal, then the result is a normal salt.
    • If the alkali contains another metal, then double salts are formed.

    Typical reactions of main salts

    • Salt data come into the same reaction as the grounds. The acids react with acids if there is the same acid residue as part of the main salt and acid, then the normal salt is formed as a result.
    • If the acid contains another acid residue, then double salts are formed.

    Complex salts - Connection, in the nodes of the crystal lattice of which contains complex ions.

    The interaction of medium salts with metals

    The reaction of salt with metal flows if the original free metal is more active than the one that is part of the source salt. To learn how the metal is more active, it is possible to use the electrochemical number of metals voltage.

    For example, iron interacts with copper sulfate in aqueous solution, since it is more active than copper (left in a row of activity):

    At the same time, iron does not react with zinc chloride solution, since it is less active than zinc:

    It should be noted that such active metals, as alkaline and alkaline earth, when adding to aqueous solutions Soles will primarily react with salt, but an incoming water solutions.

    The interaction of medium salts with metals hydroxides

    We will negate that under the hydroxides of metals, in this case, the compounds of the form ME (OH) X are understood.

    In order for the average salt to react with metal hydroxide, should at the same time (!) Two requirements:

    • in the alleged products, a precipitate or gas should be detected;
    • the source salt and the original metal hydroxide must be soluble.

    Consider a couple of cases in order to assimilate this rule.

    We define which of the reactions below flow, and write the equations of the occurring reactions:

    • 1) PBS + KOH
    • 2) FECL 3 + NaOH

    Consider the first interaction of lead sulfide and potassium hydroxide. We write down the alleged reaction of the ion exchange and install it on the left and right "blinds", indicating that it is not yet known whether the reaction actually proceeds:

    In the estimated products, we see lead hydroxide (II), which, judging by the solubility table, insoluble and must fall into a precipitate. However, the conclusion that the reaction proceeds is not yet done, since we have not checked the satisfaction of another compulsory requirement - the solubility of the initial salts and hydroxide. Lead sulphide is an insoluble salt, which means the reaction does not proceed, since one of the required requirements for the reaction between the salt and metal hydroxide is not performed. Those.:

    Consider the second estimated interaction between iron (III) chloride and potassium hydroxide. We write down the alleged reaction of the ion exchange and mark it on the left and right "blinds", as in the first case:

    In the alleged products, we see iron hydroxide (III), which is insoluble and must fall into a precipitate. However, it is still impossible to conclude about the reaction flow. To do this, it is necessary to ensure the solubility of the initial salts and hydroxide. Both source substances are soluble, which means we can conclude that the reaction proceeds. We write its equation:

    Reactions of medium salts with acids

    The average salt reacts with acid in the event that a precipitate or weak acid is formed.

    Recognize the precipitate among the alleged products is almost always possible on the solubility table. For example, sulfuric acid reacts with barium nitrate, since insoluble barium sulfate falls into the precipitate:

    It is impossible to recognize weak acid on the solubility table, since many weak acids are soluble in water. Therefore, the list of weak acids should be learned. Weak acids include H 2 S, H 2 CO 3, H 2 SO 3, HF, HNO 2, H 2 SiO 3 and all organic acids.

    For example, hydrochloric acid reacts with sodium acetate, since weak organic acid (acetic) is formed:

    It should be noted that hydrogen sulfide H 2 S is not only weak acid, but also poorly soluble in water, and in connection with which it is released from it in the form of gas (with the smell of rotten eggs):

    In addition, it is necessary to remember that weak acids are coal and sulfur - are unstable and almost immediately after formation decompose on the appropriate acid oxide and water:

    It has been said above that the reaction of salt with acid is in case a precipitate or weak acid is formed. Those. If there is no precipitate and strong acid is present in the alleged products, then the reaction will not go. However, there is a case that formally not falling under this rule when concentrated sulfuric acid displaces the chlorine hydrogen under action on solid chlorides:

    However, if you take not concentrated sulfuric acid and sodium solid chloride, and solutions of these substances, then the reaction does not really go:

    Reactions of medium salts with other medium salts

    The reaction between the middle salts flows in the event that at the same time (!) Two requirements are performed:

    • source soluble salts;
    • there is a precipitate or gas in the alleged products.

    For example, barium sulfate does not react with potassium carbonate, since despite the fact that there are precipitated products (barium carbonate), the solubility of the initial salts is not performed.

    At the same time, the barium chloride reacts with potassium carbonate in solution, since both source salts are soluble, and there is a precipitate in the products:

    Gas in the interaction of salts is formed in the only case - if you mix with a solution of any nitrite with a solution of any ammonium salt:

    The reason for the formation of gas (nitrogen) is that in the solution at the same time there are nH 4 + cations and anions NO 2 - forming thermally unstable ammonium nitrite, decomposing in accordance with equation:

    Thermal decomposition of salts

    Decay of carbonate

    All insoluble carbonates, as well as lithium and ammonium carbonates are thermally unstable and decomposed when heated. Metal carbonates decompose to metal oxide and carbon dioxide:

    and ammonium carbonate gives three products - ammonia, carbon dioxide and water:

    Decomposition of nitrates

    Absolutely all nitrates decompose when heated, while the type of decomposition depends on the position of the metal in a row of activity. The decomposition scheme of metals nitrates is presented in the following illustration:

    For example, in accordance with this scheme, the equation of decomposition of sodium nitrate, aluminum nitrate and mercury nitrate are recorded as follows:

    It should also be noted the specifics of the expansion of ammonium nitrate:

    Depaction of ammonium salts

    The thermal expansion of ammonium salts is most often accompanied by the formation of ammonia:

    In the event that the acid residue has oxidative properties, instead of ammonia, any product of its oxidation is formed, for example, molecular nitrogen N 2 or nitrogen oxide (I):

    Chemical properties of acidic salts

    The ratio of acidic salts to alkalis and acids

    Acid salts react with alkalis. At the same time, if the alkali contains the same metal as the acidic salt, then the average salts are formed:

    Also, if two or more movable hydrogen atoms remain in the acid salt, such as sodium dihydrophosphate, it is possible to form as an average:

    so and other acid salt with a smaller number of hydrogen atoms in the acidic residue:

    It is important to note that acidic salts react with any alkalis, including those that are formed by another metal. For example:

    Acid salts formed by weak acids react with strong acids in the same way as appropriate middle salts:

    Thermal decomposition of acidic salts

    All acidic salts are decomposed when heated. Within the framework of the program of chemistry, the decomposition reactions of acidic salts should be assimilated as bicarbonates decompose. Metal bicarbonates decompose already at a temperature of more than 60 o C. At the same time, metal carbonate, carbon dioxide and water are formed:

    The last two reactions are the main cause of the formation of scale on the surface of the water heating elements in electric kettles, washing machines, etc.

    Ammonium bicarbonate decomposes without a solid residue with the formation of two gases and water vapor:

    Chemical properties of basic salts

    The main salts always react with all strong acids. At the same time, medium salts may be formed if acid was used with the same acid residue as in the main salt, or mixed salts, if the acid residue in the main salt differs from the acid residue with the acid reacting with it:

    Also for basic salts are characterized by decomposition reaction when heated, for example:

    Chemical properties of complex salts (on the example of aluminum and zinc compounds)

    Within the framework of the program of chemistry, chemicals should assign the chemical properties of such complex compounds of aluminum and zinc, as tetrahydroxyaluminates and tetrahydroxyzinkate.

    Tetrahydroxyaluminates and tetrahydroxyocynats are called salts whose anions have formulas - and 2-, respectively. Consider the chemical properties of such compounds on the example of sodium salts:

    These compounds, like other soluble complex, are well dissociated, while almost all complex ions (in square brackets) remain safe and do not dissociate further:

    The effect of excessive acid to these compound leads to the formation of two salts:

    Upon action, only active metal passes on them with a shortage of severe acids. Aluminum and zinc in the composition of hydroxides fall away:

    The precipitation of aluminum and zinc hydroxides is not a good choice with strong acids, since it is difficult to add the amount of strong acid that is strictly necessary for this without dissolving a part of the sediment. For this reason, carbon dioxide is used, which has very weak acidic acid properties and, due to this, not capable of dissolving hydroxide precipitate:

    In the case of the tetrahydroxalulum, the precipitation of hydroxide can also be carried out using sulfur dioxide and hydrogen sulfide:

    In the case of tetrahydroxotrinkate, the precipitation of hydrogen sulfide is impossible, since it is precipitated instead of zinc hydroxide its sulphide falls:

    When evaporation of solutions of tetrahydroxotrinkate and tetrahydroxyalulumum, followed by calcination, these compounds are transmitted, respectively, in zincat and aluminate.

    Video Tutorial 1: Classification of inorganic salts and their nomenclature

    Video Tutorial 2: Methods for producing inorganic salts. Chemical properties Salley

    Lecture: Characteristic chemical properties of salts: medium, acidic, main; Complex (on the example of aluminum and zinc compounds)

    Characteristics of salts

    Sololi. - These are chemical compoundsconsisting of metal cations (or ammonium) and acid residues.

    Salts should also be considered in the form of a product of interaction of acid and base. As a result of this interaction, it can be formed:

      normal (medium),

    • basic salts.

    Normal salts They are formed with sufficient interaction for the amount of acid and base. For instance:

      H 3 PO 4 + 3CON → K 3 PO 4 + 3N 2 O.

    Names of normal salts consist of two parts. At the beginning it is called anion (acid residue), then the cation. For example: sodium chloride - NaCl, iron sulfate (III) - Fe 2 (So 4) 3, potassium carbonate - K 2 CO 3, potassium phosphate - K 3 PO 4, etc.

    Sour salts It is formed during an excess of acid and insufficient amount of alkali, because at the same time the metal cations becomes not enough to replace all hydrogen cations existing in the acid molecule. For instance:

      H 3 PO 4 + 2CON \u003d K 2 NRO 4 + 2N 2 O;

      H 3 PO 4 + KON \u003d CN 2 PO 4 + H 2 O.

    As part of acid residues of this type of salts, you will always see hydrogen. Acid salts are always possible for multi-axis acids, but no for one-abundant.

    In the names of acidic salts a prefix is \u200b\u200bput hydro- To the anion. For example: iron hydrosulfate (III) - FE (HSO 4) 3, potassium bicarbonate - KHCO 3, potassium hydrophosphate - K 2 HPO 4, etc.

    Basic salts It is formed in an excess of the base and insufficient number of acid, because in this case anions of the acid residues are not enough to completely replace the hydroxo groups existing at the base. For instance:

      CR (OH) 3 + HNO 3 → CR (OH) 2 NO 3 + H 2 O;

      CR (OH) 3 + 2HNO 3 → CROH (NO 3) 2 + 2H 2 O.

    Thus, the main salts in the composition of the cations contain hydroxochroups. The main salts are possible for multi-acid bases, and no one-classroom. Some basic salts are able to decompose independently, while highlighting water, forming oxosoli with the properties of the main salts. For instance:

      SB (OH) 2 Cl → SBOCl + H 2 O;

      Bi (OH) 2 NO 3 → Biono 3 + H 2 O.

    The name of the main salts is built as follows: the prefix is \u200b\u200badded to the anion hydro. For example: iron hydroxosulfate (III) - FEOHSO 4, aluminum hydroxulfate - ALOHSO 4, iron dihydroxychloride (III) - Fe (OH) 2 Cl, etc.

    Many salts are in solid aggregate stateare crystallohydrates: CUSO4.5H2O; Na2CO3.10H2O, etc.

    Chemical properties of salts

    Salts are quite solid crystalline substances having an ion connection between cations and anions. The properties of salts are due to their interaction with metals, acids, bases and salts.

    Typical reactions of normal salts

    Metals react well. At the same time, more active metals are abandoned less active of solutions of their salts. For instance:

      Zn + Cuso 4 → ZNSO 4 + Cu;

      CU + AG 2 SO 4 → CUSO 4 + 2AG.

    With acids, alkalis and other reaction salts, pass to the end, subject to the formation of precipitate, gas or lowly aassium connections. For example, in the reactions of salts with acids, such substances are formed as hydrogen sulfide H 2 S - gas; Barium sulfate BASO 4 - sediment; Acetic acid CH 3 COOH is a weak electrolyte, a slightly subsorative connection. Here are the equations of these reactions:

      K 2 s + h 2 SO 4 → K 2 SO 4 + H 2 S;

      BACL 2 + H 2 SO 4 → BASO 4 + 2HCl;

      CH 3 Coona + HCl → NaCl + CH 3 COOH.

    In alkali salts with alkalis reactions, such substances are formed as nickel hydroxide (II) Ni (OH) 2 - precipitate; Ammonia NH 3 - gas; Water H 2 O is a weak electrolyte, a slightly subsided connection:

      NiCl 2 + 2KOH → Ni (OH) 2 + 2KCL;

      NH 4 Cl + NaOH → NH 3 + H 2 O + NaCl.

    Salts react among themselves if a precipitate is formed:

      Ca (NO 3) 2 + Na 2 CO 3 → 2Nano 3 + Caco 3.

    Or in the case of a more sustainable connection:

      AG 2 CRO 4 + Na 2 S → AG 2 S + Na 2 Cro 4.

    In this reaction, black silver sulfide is formed in this reaction from the brick-red chromium, due to the fact that it is more insoluble sediment than chromate.

    Many normal salts decompose when heated with the formation of two oxides - acid and main:

      Caco 3 → CAO + CO 2.

    Nitrates are decomposed by another, different from the remaining normal salts. When heated, alkaline and alkaline earth metal nitrates are excreted oxygen and transformed into nitrites:

      2nano 3 → 2NANO 2 + O 2.

    Nitrates of almost all other metals decompose to oxides:

      2ZN (NO 3) 2 → 2ZNO + 4NO 2 + O 2.

    Nitrates of some heavy metals (silver, mercury, etc.) decompose when heated to metals:

      2AGNO 3 → 2AG + 2NO 2 + O 2.

    A special position is occupied by ammonium nitrate, which, to the melting point (170 ° C), partially decomposed by equation:

      NH 4 NO 3 → NH 3 + HNO 3.

    At temperatures 170 - 230 o C, by equation:

      NH 4 NO 3 → N 2 O + 2H 2 O.

    At temperatures above 230 o C - with an explosion, by equation:

      2NH 4 NO 3 → 2N 2 + O 2 + 4H 2 O.

    Ammonium chloride NH 4 Cl decomposes with the formation of ammonia and chloride:

      NH 4 Cl → NH 3 + HCl.

    Typical reactions of acidic salts

    They enter into all those reactions in which acids enter. With alkalis, they react as follows if there is one and the same metal in the composition of salt and alkali, then the result is a normal salt. For instance:

      NAH CO 3 +. NA Oh. → NA 2. CO 3. + H 2 O.

    If the alkali contains another metal, then double salts are formed. An example of lithium carbonate formation - sodium:

      NACO 3. + LI Oh.LINAco 3. + H 2 O.

    Typical reactions basic Salley

    Salt data come into the same reaction as the grounds. The acids are reacting as follows if there is the same acid residue as part of the main salt and acid, then the normal salt is formed. For instance:

      Cu ( Oh.)CL +. H. Cl.Cu. Cl. 2 + H 2 O.

    If the acid contains another acid residue, then double salts are formed. An example of the formation of copper chloride - bromine:

      Cu ( Oh.) Cl. + HBRCu. Br.Cl. + H 2 O.

    Complex salts

    Comprehensive connection - Connection, in the nodes of the crystal lattice of which contains complex ions.

    Consider the complex compounds of aluminum - tetrahydroxyaluminates and zinc - tetrahydroxocycintage. In square brackets of these substances, complex ions are indicated.

    Chemical properties of tetrahydroxyaluminda sodium na and sodium tetrahydroxycinatite Na 2:

    1. Like all complex connections above these substances are dissociated:

    • Na → Na + + -;
    • Na 2. → 2NA + + -.

    Keep in mind that further dissociation of complex ions is impossible.

    2. In reactions with excess of strong acids, two salts form. Consider the reaction of sodium tetrahydroxalulum with a diluted solution of chloride hydrogen:

    • Na. + 4hclAl Cl 3. + Na. Cl. + H 2 O.

    We see the formation of two salts: aluminum chloride, sodium and water chloride. Such reaction will occur in the case of sodium tetrahydroxycinatom.

    3. If strong acid is not enough, let's say instead4 HCL We took2 HCl, That salt forms the most active metal, in this case, sodium is more active, it means that sodium chloride is formed, and the formed aluminum and zinc hydroxides fall into the sediment. This case will consider on the reaction equation with sodium tetrahydroxycinatom:

      Na 2. + 2hcl.→ 2Na. CL +. Zn. (OH) 2 ↓ +2H 2 O.

    What is salt?

    Salts are such complex substances that consist of metal atoms and acid residues. In some cases, salt in their composition may contain hydrogen.

    If we carefully submit to consideration of this definition, we note that in its composition of salt, something is similar to acids, only with the difference that acids consist of hydrogen atoms, and the salts contain metal ions. It follows from this that the salts are products of replacement of hydrogen atoms in acid per metal ions. So, for example, if you take the known to everyone salted salt NaCl, it can be considered as a product of hydrogen substitution in NS1 hydrochloric acid per sodium ion.

    But there are exceptions. To take, for example, ammonium salt, acid residues with a particle NH4 +, and not with metal atoms.

    Types of salts

    And now let's look at the classification of salts in more detail.


    The acidic salts include such in which hydrogen atoms in acid are partially replaced by metal atoms. They can be obtained by neutralizing the base of an excess acid.
    To medium salts or as normal, there are such salts in which all hydrogen atoms are substituted in acid atoms in acid molecules, such as Na2CO3, KNO3, etc., etc.
    The main salts include those where we have incomplete or partial substitution of hydroxyl base groups with acid residues, such as: AL (OH) SO4, Zn (OH) Cl, etc.
    In the composition of double salts there are two different cations, which are obtained by crystallization from a mixed saline solution with different cations, but the same anions.
    But, and the mixed salts include those in which there are two different anions. There are also complex salts that include an integrated cation or complex anion.

    Physical properties of salts

    We already know that the salts are solid, but they should be known, it is characterized by various solubility in water.

    If we consider salts from the point of view of solubility in water, then they can be divided into such groups as:

    Soluble (p),
    - Insoluble (H)
    - Unintended (M).

    Nomenclature of salts

    To determine the solubility of salts, it is possible to refer to the solubility table of acids, bases and salts in water.

    As a rule, all the names of salt consist of anion names, which is presented in the nominative case and cation, which is in the parental case.

    For example: Na2SO4 - sulfate (IP) sodium (R.P.).

    In addition, for metals in brackets indicate the variable degree of oxidation.

    Take for example:

    FESO4 - iron sulfate (II).

    It should also be aware that there is an international nomenclature of the names of the salts of each acid, depending on the Latin name of the element. For example, sulfuric acid salts are called sulphates. For example, SSO4 is called calcium sulfate. But chlorides are called salt hydrochloric acid. For example, everyone is familiar to us, NaCl is called sodium chloride.

    If the salts of dibasic acids, then the "bi" or "hydro" particle is added to their name.

    For example: Mg (HCl3) 2 - will sound like bicarbonate or magnesium bicarbonate.

    If in a three-axis acid one of the hydrogen atoms to replace with metal, then you should also add the "dihydro" prefix and we will get:

    NaH2PO4 - sodium dihydrophosphate.

    Chemical properties of salts

    And now we turn to the consideration of the chemical properties of salts. The fact is that they are determined by the properties of cations and anions, which are included in their composition.

    Value of salt for the human body

    Society has long been discussions about the dangers and benefits of salt, which it has on the human body. But no matter how opponents did not adhere to the point of view, it should be aware that the cooking salt is a mineral natural substance that is vital for our body.

    It should also be aware that with a chronic shortage in sodium chloride organism, you can get a fatal outcome. After all, if we remember the lessons of biology, then we know that the human body at seventy percent consists of water. But thanks to salt, the processes of regulation and support of the water balance in our body occur. Therefore, it is impossible to exclude the use of salt. Of course, the immeasurable use of salt also will not lead to anything. And here it suggests that everything should be moderately, as its drawback, as well as excess can lead to a balance in our diet.

    Application of salts

    Salts found their use, both in terms of production purposes and in our everyday life. And now let's consider in more detail and learn where and what salts most often apply.

    Salts of hydrochloric acid

    From this type of salts, sodium chloride and potassium chloride are most often used. Celebration salt, which we eat in food mined from sea, lake water, as well as on salt mines. And if we eat sodium chloride, it is used in industry to produce chlorine and soda. But Kalia chloride is indispensable in agriculture. It is used as potash fertilizer.

    Salt sulfuric acid

    As for sulfuric acid salts, they found wide use in medicine and construction. With it, it is made by plaster.

    Nitric acid salts

    Salts of nitric acid, or as they are also called nitrates, are used in agriculture as fertilizers. The most significant among these salts is sodium nitrate, potassium nitrate, calcium nitrate and ammonium nitrate. They are also called Selitors.


    Among orthophosphates, one of the most important, is calcium orthophosphate. This salt is based on minerals such as phosphorites and apatites, which are necessary in the manufacture of phosphate fertilizers.

    Carbonic acid salts

    Calcular acid salts or calcium carbonate can be found in nature, in the form of chalk, limestone and marble. It is used for the manufacture of lime. But potassium carbonate is used as a component of raw materials in the production of glass and soap.

    Of course, about salt you know a lot of interesting things, but there are also such facts that you have hardly guessed.

    You probably know the fact that the guests were taken to meet with bread and salt, but you were angry, you even paid the tax.

    Did you know that there were such times when the salt was valued more than gold. In ancient times, Roman soldiers even paid Salt's salary. And the most expensive and important guests as a sign of respect were presented by a handful of salt.

    Do you know what the concept is like "wages" happened from english word. Salary.

    It turns out that the table salt can be applied for medical purposes, as it is an excellent antiseptic and has a wound-healing and bactericidal property. After all, probably, each of you watched, being on the sea, that the wounds on the skin and corn in Solenya sea water Heat much faster.

    And you know why in winter it is accepted in winter to sprinkle the tracks with salt. It turns out if it turns salt on the ice, the ice turns into water, since its temperature of its crystallization will decrease by 1-3 degrees.

    And whether you know how much salt man uses throughout the year. It turns out that for the year we eat about eight kilograms of salt.

    It turns out that people living in hot countries need to consume salts four times more than those who live in cold climatic zones, because during the heat there is a large number of sweat, and salts from the body are distinguished.

  • 3. The equivalent of the substance. Definition of equivalent. Determination of equivalent weight of acids, bases, salts, oxides, simple substances in the OSR. The law of equivalents. Volume analysis.
  • 5. Principles and rules for filling orbital. The principle of minimal energy. Powli ban principle. Rule Hund. Clekkovsky rule.
  • 6. Periodic Law and Periodic System
  • 8. ionic, metallic, hydrogen bonds. The effect of hydrogen bonds on the physicochemical properties of substances.
  • 9. Classification of inorganic compounds
  • 10. Salts, their classification, nomenclature, receipt, chemical properties.
  • 11. Sustainability of the chemical reaction. Homogeneous and heterogeneous reactions. Kinetic reaction equation. Semi-removal period.
  • 12. The effect of temperature for the reaction rate. The rule of Vant-Gooff. Activation energy. Arrhenius equation. Endothermal and exothermic reactions
  • 13. The kinetics of reversible reactions. Chemical equilibrium, expression for equilibrium constant, chemical equilibrium shift. Principle Le Chatelier
  • 14.Gomogenic and heterogeneous catalysis, the purpose of using catalysts. Enzymatic catalysis and its features.
  • 15. The thermal effect of the reaction. The first law of thermodynamics. The concept of enthalpy. GESS Act. Caloric food.
  • 16.entropia. The second law of thermodynamics. (Plata postulate): Gibbs energy.
  • 18. Ion product of water. Hydrogen and hydroxyl indicator (pH and POH). Indicators. Calculation of the pH solutions of weak electrolytes. Buffer solutions, the calculation of pH buffer systems.
  • 19. Hydrolysis of salts. The degree and constant of hydrolysis. The calculation of pH solutions for salts formed by weak acid and a strong base, strong acid and a weak base.
  • 20.Or. Basic concepts. Electronic balance method. Semi-resource method. Classification of OSR.
  • 21. Permanganatomeria; Iodometry: Determination of the concentration of H2O2 and active chlorine in chlorine lime. Equivalent to OSR.
  • 23.Coligative properties, Raul laws, Vant-Gooff Law
  • 24. Complex compounds, classification, structure, nomenclature. Chemical connection in the COP.
  • 25.Proyolytic acid theory and bases.
  • 26.Trotolytic balance.
  • 27. The biogenic elements are elements responsible for the construction and vital activity of the cells of the body.
  • 29All, its properties. Ammonia. Nitrogen oxygen compounds. Nitrogen cycle in nature.
  • 30.phosphorus, soding it
  • 32.Celogory its properties. Ozone. Hydrogen peroxide of its properties. Oxygen cycle in nature.
  • 33.Ser
  • 38. Sorption and its types: absorption, adsorption. The absorption coefficient. Specific adsorption. Langmur equation, its linear approximation.
  • 39. Dispersed system. Their classification. Micelle.
  • 10. Salts, their classification, nomenclature, receipt, chemical properties.

    Saltsthe complex substances of the formula of the molecule of which consists of atoms of metals and acid residues (sometimes they may contain hydrogen). For example, NaCl - sodium chloride, CASO 4 - calcium sulfate, etc.

    Practically all salts are ion connections, Therefore, ions of acid residues and metal ions are connected in salts among themselves:

    Na + Cl - - sodium chloride

    Ca 2+ SO 4 2- - calcium sulfate, etc.

    Salt is a product of partial or complete substitution with metal atoms of hydrogen acid. From here, the following types of salts are distinguished:

    1. Middle Salts- All hydrogen atoms in acid substituted with metal: Na 2 CO 3, KNO 3 2. Sour salts - Not all hydrogen atoms in acid are substituted with metal. Of course, acidic salts can form only two- or multi-axis acids. Simple acids of acidic salts can not be given: NaHCO 3, NAH 2 PO 4, etc.

    3. Basic salts It can be considered as incomplete, or partial products, replacement of hydroxyl base groups with acid residues: AL (OH) SO 4, Zn (OH) Cl, etc.

    According to the number of cations and anions present in the structure, the following types of salts are distinguished.

    Simple salts - salts consisting of one type of cations and one type of anions (NaCl)

    Double salts - salts containing two different cations (KAL (SO 4) 2 · 12 H 2 O).

    Mixed salts - salt, which contains two different anions (CA (OCL) CL).

    Also distinguished hydrate salts (crystallohydrates), which include crystallization water molecules, for example, Na 2 SO 4 · 10 H 2 O, and complex salts containing a complex cation or complex anion (K 4, CU (NH 3) 4] ( OH) 2.

    In the international nomenclature, the name of the salt of each acid comes from the Latin name of the element. For example, sulfuric acid salts are called sulfates: CaSo 4 - calcium sulfate, MG SO 4 - magnesium sulfate, etc.; Salt hydrochloric acids are called chlorides: NaCl - sodium chloride, Znci 2 - zinc chloride, etc.

    A particle "bi" or "hydro": Mg (HCl 3) 2 - bicarbonate or magnesium bicarbonate is added to the name of dioxide salts.

    Provided that only one hydrogen atom is replaced in three-axis acid, then the "Dihydro" prefix is \u200b\u200badded: NAH 2 PO 4 - sodium dihydrophosphate.

    Salts are solid substances with the most varying solubility in water.

    Methods for obtaining salts

    The interaction of metal with acid.

    Zn + 2HCl \u003d ZnCl 2 + H 2

    Cu + 4hno 3 \u003d Cu (NO 3) 2 + 2NO 2 + 2H 2 O

    The interaction of the main oxide with acid

    Cao + 2HCl \u003d CaCl 2 + 2H 2 O

    Feo + H 2 SO 4 \u003d FESO 4 + H 2 O

    The interaction of the base with acid (neutralization reaction).

    Ba (OH) 2 + 2HCl \u003d BaCl 2 + 2H 2 O

    2NAOH + H 2 SO 4 \u003d Na 2 SO 4 + H 2 O

    With incomplete neutralization of acid, the base is formed acidic salt:

    H 2 SO 4 + NaOH \u003d NaHSO 4 + H 2 O

    The interaction of salt with acid. In this case, a new acid and a new salt is formed. For the implementation of this reaction, it is necessary that the acid taken is stronger than the resulting or less volatile.

    2NACL + H 2 SO 4 \u003d Na 2 SO 4 + 2HCl

    The effect of excess acid on the middle salts of polybaric acids is obtained by acidic salts:

    Na 2 SO 4 + H 2 SO 4 \u003d 2NAHSO 4

    Caco 3 + CO 2 + H 2 O \u003d Ca (HCO 3) 2

    Interaction of the main oxide with acid oxide.

    CAO + SIO 2 \u003d Casio 3

    The interaction of the base with acid oxide

    6NAOH + P 2 O 5 \u003d 2NA 3 PO 4 + 3H 2 O

    The interaction of salt with acid oxide. The reaction of the acid oxide should be less flying than the resulting after the reaction.

    Caco 3 + SiO 2 \u003d T Casio 3 + CO 2

    Salt interaction with base. This method can be obtained both middle salts and, with a lack of foundations, main salts. Acid salts interact with the base, go to average:

    Fe (NO 3) 3 + 3NAOH \u003d 3NANO 3 + Fe (OH) 3 ↓

    ZnCl 2 + KOH \u003d Znohcl + KCL

    Ca (HCO 3) 2 + Ca (OH) 2 \u003d 2Caco 3 + 2H 2 O

    The interaction between the two salts. Two new salts are formed. The reaction proceeds to the end only if one of the formed salts falls into a precipitate:

    BACL 2 + Na 2 SO 4 \u003d Baso 4 ↓ + 2NACL

    AGNO 3 + KJ \u003d Agi ↓ + KNO 3

    The interaction between metal and salt. The metal that entered the reaction should be in a row of metals to the left of the metal, which is part of the source salt.

    Fe + Cuso 4 \u003d Feso 4 + Cu

    Metal interaction with non-metallol

    2fe + 3Cl 2 \u003d 2FeCl 3

    Metal interaction with alkali.

    Zn + 2NAOH KR Na 2 ZnO 2 + H 2

    Zn + 2NaOH + 2H 2 O \u003d Na 2 + H 2

    Metal interaction with alkali

    CL 2 + 2KOH \u003d KCL + KCLO + H 2 O

    The interaction of non-metallol with salt.

    Cl 2 + kj \u003d 2KCl + J 2

    Thermal decomposition of salts.

    2KNO 3 2KNO 2 + O 2

    2KCLO 3 2KCl + 3O 2

    Chemical properties of salts

    Chemical properties of salts are determined by the properties of cations and anions, which are included in their composition.

    1. Some salts decompose when calcining:

    Caco 3 \u003d Cao + Co 2

    2. interact with acidswith the formation of a new salt and a new acid. To carry out this reaction, it is necessary that the acid is stronger than the salt on which the acid affects:

    2NACL + H 2 SO 4 → Na 2 SO 4 + 2HCl.

    3. Interact with the groundsBy forming a new salt and a new base:

    Ba (OH) 2 + Mg SO 4 → Baso 4 ↓ + Mg (OH) 2.

    4. interact with each otherwith the formation of new salts:

    NaCl + AGNO 3 → AGCl + Nano 3.

    5. interact with metals, Which stand in the rudd of activity to a metal, which is part of the salt:

    Fe + Cuso 4 → FESO 4 + Cu ↓.
