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    Invented a permanent current. Battle of electric kings: variable against constant. New on the forum

    Ask the question "Who invented electricity?" Not entirely correct. More correctly ask who opened electricity? Answer is uniquely impossible. The history of electricity leaves its roots into the depths of the centuries of the existence of human civilization.

    Chronology of basic discoveries and inventions

    In the modern world, each child is consciously faced in a house with electricity. The first mention of observations in nature of this physical phenomenon refer to IV century. e. The great philosopher Aristotle studied the behavior of the acne, which hit their victims by electrical discharges.

    Legendary scientist Fales Miletsky, who lived in Ancient Greece (V century D.N.), mentioned in his writings about such a phenomenon as electricity. He watched as Amber, squeezed by lump wool, attracted a different trifle to himself. Historians recognize the time of the description of the experiments by the period of opening electricity.

    Important! The term "electricity" comes from the word "electron", which means amber.

    Only, starting from the 17th century, a series of discoveries and inventions regarding electricity starts. About the history of electricity reports Wikipedia in sufficient detail. Here is a brief list of the main impellers for the development of science on electrical energy:

    1. Englishman William Gilbert at the beginning of the XVII century, studying magnetoelectric phenomena, introduced for the first time such a concept as electricity (amber).
    2. Two years later, in 1663, Burgomaster Magdeburg Otto, von Henry, demonstrated an electrostatic device consisting of a sulfur ball-based on a metal axis. On the surface of the sphere as a result of friction about the palm, a static charge of current was accumulated, which was attracted by its magnetic field or repelled minor items.

    1. Almost 60 years old (1729), the English physicist Stephen Gray was experiencing the ability to carry out a current of various materials.
    2. Four years later (1733) French physicist Charles Dufe put forward a dubious version of the existence of two types of electricity having a glass and resin origin. He explained that he received an electric charge on the surface of a glass rod and a lump of resin by friction about silk and wool, respectively.
    3. In 1745, Leiden Bank was invented - a model of a modern condenser. The author of the invention was the Dutch researcher Peter Van Mushchenbrok.

    1. At the same time, outstanding Russian scientists Richman and Lomonosov in St. Petersburg seek to obtain an artificial thunderstorm discharge in laboratory conditions. During the next experiment, receiving an electric strike, Richman dies.
    2. 1785 was marked by registration in London of the law of Kulon, whoars his author's name. The scientist substantiated the amount of interaction of point charges depending on the length of the gap between them.
    3. A few years later, in 1791, the galvana is published by the treatise, which proves the flow of electrical processes in animal muscles.
    4. In the same country, Volta in 1800 demonstrates the galvanic element - the source of direct current. The device represented a vertical structure of silver and zinc discs, washed with paper, painted in a salt solution.

    1. In twenty years, the Danish physicist Ersted discovered the existence of an electromagnetic effect. Blur contacts of the electrical chain, he noticed the oscillation of the arrow next to the compass.
    2. A year later, the Great French Scientist Ampere in 1821 discovered the magnetic field around the AC conductor.
    3. 1831 - Faraday creates the world's first current generator. Moving the magnetized core inside the coil made of metal wire, it recorded the manifestation of the electric charge in its turns. The scientist was one of those physicists who first created electricity in laboratory conditions. It was also justified the theory of electromagnetic induction.

    Note! As practice accumulated as a result of numerous experiments, the need to arise the theoretical substantiation of phenomena and the appearance of science associated with electricity.

    Stages of creating the theory

    Each level of construction of electrical theory was built on the basis of personal discoveries of outstanding scientists. Their names make up the list of names, who own the invention of electricity. The theoretical scientific base of electricity has developed gradually, as experimental experience accumulates.

    The appearance of the term

    It was mentioned above that the concept of "electricity" was first introduced into use by William Gilbert in 1600. From this moment, the date is noted when electricity has appeared.

    First electrostatic machine

    The device demonstrated in 1663. The Burgomistrome of Magdeburg Otto von Henry is considered the first electrostatic machine. It was a smallest ball, struck on a metal rod.

    In 1745, a significant event happened - Peter Van Mushchenbrok, Dutch researcher, created an electrostatic condenser. The device was named after the city, where the invention was made - Leiden Bank.

    Two types of charges

    Benjamin Franklin introduced the concept of the polarity of charges. Since then, the axiom is that any electric potential has a negative and positive poles.

    Benjamin Franklin

    In 1747, the American scientific researcher Benjamin Franklin creates its own theory of electricity. He presented the nature of electricity as an intangible fluid in the form of some fluids.

    From theory to the exact science

    The theoretical base accumulated in the last few centuries allowed the knowledge of the knowledge to reformat in the twentieth century. The fundamental discoveries and inventions appeared, thanks to those scientists who discovered the nature of the electric current. To determine exactly, in which year, artificial electricity was invented, it is impossible. This happened mainly during the 18th and 19th centuries.

    Call the one who first invented the current is quite difficult. Most likely, this can be attributed to a variety of great scientists mentioned above. The outstanding physics of America, England, France, Italy, Russia and many other European countries was put on this.

    Undoubted immortal glory deserved such inventors and theorists of electrical engineering as Edison and Tesla. The latter put a lot of effort on the theoretical substantiation of the nature of magnetism, successfully implemented him in practice. Tesla is the creator of wireless electricity.

    The law of interaction charges

    One of the fundamental test of science on electricity is the law of interaction of charges, known as the law of Coulomb. He states that the strength of the interaction of two point charges is in direct proportional dependence on the product of the amounts of charges and is inversely proportional to the distance in the square between these points.

    Battery invention

    Documentary confirmation of the invention of the electrical battery is considered the proposed device by the Italian scientist Alessandro Volta. The device called the volt pillar. It was a peculiar feeder, folded from copper and zinc plates, shut down with pieces of felt, moistened with sulfuric acid solution.

    At the top and bottom of the pillar, an electric potential was created, the discharge of which could be smelled by attaching to the palm of his hand. As a result of the interaction of metal atoms excited by electrolyte, electricity was accumulated inside the battery.

    The inventor of electroplating electricity, Alessandro Volta, laid the beginning of the appearance of what the batteries are called today.

    The appearance of the concept of current

    The expression "current" occurred simultaneously with the advent of electricity in the laboratory of Physics William Gilbert in 1600. The current characterizes the direction of electrical energy. It can be both variable and constant.

    Electric chain law

    Incidental contribution to the development of the theory of electricity at the XIX century, the German physicist Kirchhoff. He was the author of terms such as a branch, knot, contour. The laws of Kirchhof became the basis for the construction of all electrical chains of radio-electronic and radio engineering devices and devices.

    The first law says: "The amount of electrical charges going to the node for a certain time is equal to the amount of charges that go out of it during the same time."

    The second position of Kirchhoff can be expressed as: "When passing currents through all branches, the contour falls. When they return to the original assembly, the potential is completely restored and reaches its initial value. That is, energy leakage within a closed electrical circuit is zero. "

    Electromagnetic induction

    The phenomenon of the electric current in the closed circuit of the conductor when the variable is passed through it magnetic field Described in 1831 by Faraday. The theory of electromagnetic induction made it possible to open the subsequent laws of electrical engineering and to invent various models of the generators of both constant and alternating current. These devices demonstrate how electricity appears and stems as a result of electromagnetic induction.

    Use of electric lighting in Russia

    Back with school benches, people remember the history of the appearance of electric light bulbs in Russia. The first experience in creating these devices was conducted by the Russian scientist apple. Their device was based on the appearance of a spark between two kaolin electrodes.

    In 1874, apples first introduced a lighting device using an electric arc. This year can be considered the starting point when light electricity in Russia first appeared. Subsequently, the candle of Apple was used as arc searchlights on steam locomotives.

    Before the advent of Edison's incandescent lamps, the coal candles of Apple has been used for a long time as the only source of electrical lighting in Russia.

    Production and practical use

    Since the appearance of the first electricity to the mass production of electricity and its practical application, many discoveries were to occur, and inventions were introduced into the scope of generation and transmission of electrical energy.

    Generation and transmission of electricity

    Over time, began to invent various methods for generating electricity. With the advent of mobile, and subsequently giant power plants, the problem of transmission of electricity over long distances arose.

    Recommend to solve this issue helped the scientific and technical revolution. As a result, huge power programs were built, covering countries and entire continents.


    It is almost impossible to call the scope of human activity, wherever electricity is involved. It is the main source of energy in many life-supporting spheres of human activity.

    Modern round of research

    A grand jerk in the development of electrical equipment made a legendary scientist, physicist and inventor Nikola Tesla at the turn of the XIX, XX centuries. Many of the inventions of Teslas are still waiting for a new round of research in the field of electrical engineering in order for them to be implemented.

    It is now undergoing research work on obtaining new superconductable materials, creating perfect components of electrical circuits with high efficiency.

    Additional Information. The discovery of graphene and obtaining new conductive materials from it is predicted by graceless changes in the field of electricity utilization.

    Science does not stand still. Every year, humanity becomes a witness to the emergence of more advanced sources of electricity, along with this and the creation of devices, machines and various units that consume environmentally friendly energy in the form of an electric current.


    In this big review article we will talk about what I invented Nikola Tesla, an outstanding inventor and scientist. We will try to describe all the most important of its inventions, as well as tell about those you could and not know.

    Nikola Tesla is, perhaps, one of the world in a par with or, whose contribution to world science is extremely difficult to overestimate. Born and grown Tesla in Serbia, where he was educated. Already from the student years he showed independence of thinking and craving for invention. Later he moved to France, and then in the United States, where he lives most of his life, engaged in inventiveness. The amount of its patents includes more than 150 inventions and various improvements. Some even believe that it was Nikola Tesla who invented the 20th century, as he was not just a practitioner, but also the theorist.

    The interests of the Tesla lay mainly in the field of radio engineering and electrical engineering, as well as in the field of studying the properties of electromagnetism and transmission of electricity over long distances. The main invention is associated with alternating current and electrical machines using it. Also in our article we will talk about the inventions of the Tesla in the field of wireless lighting and wireless transmission of electricity.

    The life of Tesla in general was difficult and sometimes extremely unsuccessful. Not all of his inventions were commercially successful, he often became bankrupt or the victim of deception (Edison threw him for a large amount) or circumstances (for example, a famous fire in his laboratory destroyed many prototypes).

    It is definitely that the theoretical contribution of the Tesla is huge, but we will be interested in this article, first of all, the practical implementation of his ideas and ideas, so let's look at the list of inventions of Nikola Tesla. For ease of navigation, you provide a small content:

    Alternating current

    DC - Permanent Current, AC - Alternating Current

    Before learning how to use alternating current, you must first get it. In general, about alternating current, physics have known for a long time (since the opening of electromagnetic induction) and the Tesla did not open it, but then everyone believed that alternating current was simply "garbage", which is hardly somehow use. Tesla was another opinion and immediately saw the entire potential of alternating current.

    Permanent current continuously flows in one direction; Alternating current changes its direction 50 or 60 times per second and it can change the voltage to high levels, minimizing the power loss at long distances. Later, alternating current voltage can be lowered to use it at factories or in residential buildings. Tesla realized that the future belongs to the variable current.

    Tesla described its engines and electrical systems in the article "New System of AC motors and transformers", which he presented in the American Institute of Electrician Engineers in 1888. It was then that George Westinguz became interested in developing Tesla, and once he visited him the laboratory and was amazed seen. Nikola Tesla built a model of a multiphase system from lowering and enhancing alternating current transformers, as well as an AC motor. So the partnership of the Vensngaus and Tesla began. Later, Nikola Tesla received 40 patents for their inventions in the United States, and Westingau bought them all to ensure itself with wealth, and America alternating.

    Below, we will talk about these machines and about how a multi-phase power supply system has been introduced in the USA.


    The AC generator is an electric machine that is an integral part of the Polyphase Power Supply System of Tesla, which will be discussed below. The generator creates an alternating current using mechanical operation (for example, the generators installed on the dams that have the water falling on their blades).

    We will not explain the principle of the generator. Watch the video below if you want to understand more.

    Alternator Tesla (another name of the alternator) exceeded all others for the simple reason that it was really effective in practice. The Tesla generator was still invented by the 2nd course and already then appealed to his teachers with the idea of \u200b\u200busing alternating current, but from his ideas all disgusted, as non-delusted. Some professors even just laughed at its inventions.

    In 1882, Tesla works in Paris and creates the first working prototype of its generator.

    Arriving in 1884 in the USA, Tesla went to the then already known inventor and merchant in the field of electricity Tomas Edison and settled on him to work. Along the way, Tesla offered Edison his ideas on the use of alternating current, but Edison believed that he was crazy, since he thinks that alternating current can be at least somehow use. It even reached the point that Tesla, who did not understand the sarcasm Edison, thought that he would receive a large amount from Edison if several dozen certain inventions were to order. Tesla did them, and Edison said that he was joking, and Tesche recommended learn to understand American humor.

    In 1891, Tesla receives a patent for the world's first alternator.

    Multiphase Tesla Generator with a capacity of 500 hp (about 370 kW) at Westing Show

    AC motor

    AC motor or an asynchronous machine is another step in the development of the ideas of the use of alternating current. We have already discussed alternator, it means that electricity we get, but what to do with it next? We have no cars that would work from alternating current! Here Tesla and invented them.

    Tesla patent for electric engine 1888

    In the 1880s, many inventors tried to invent the working versions of the AC motors, but did not succeed. Galileo Ferraris is engaged in theoretical study of the creation of AC motors and comes to the erroneous conclusion that they simply cannot be effective and commercially successful. It added the motivation to inventors around the world, it sounded as a call - create an effective AC motor. Tesla responds to this challenge and demonstrated in 1887 its first version of the engine operating on alternating current, and in 1887 improves its model, releasing the second car.

    One of the original electric motors of the Tesla is 1888.

    The main reason why rational use The AC motors seemed impossible, was that they were single-name. Tesla justified theoretically and proved practically, which can not be limited to one phase, and do two or more phases.

    The picture below shows a schematic device of two- and three-phase AC motors:

    Later, the Tesla invents and patents many modified motors and AC motors. All these patents, as written above, Tesla sells the Westing.

    Two-phase electric AC motor from the Westing Team Collection.

    4 phase electric AC motor from the Westing Team Collection.

    Polyphase Electric AC motor from the Westing Team Collection.

    Multiphase power supply system

    Tesla noted that EDison's DC electrical stations are ineffective, and Edison has already built up with them all the Atlantic coast of the United States. To overcome the shortcomings of DC, it was necessary, in the idea of \u200b\u200bTesla, use alternating current. Multiphase such a system is called because engines and generators have several phases (see explanations above).

    Edison lamps were weak and ineffective when using DC. The whole system had one big drawback that it could not transport electricity for a distance of more than 3 km due to the inability to change the voltage to the high level necessary for transmission over long distances. Therefore, DC power stations were installed with an interval of 3 km.

    Diagram of operation of multiphase power supply systems

    A variable current, as it was written above, could reach large stresses and therefore it could be transferred to huge distances (exit the house and look at the nearest high-voltage power lines, this is the most).

    When Edison found out that he had such a powerful competitor, he understood that he could lose his constant current empire. This is how the war began between the Westing, along with Tesla against Edison, which the current changes will be called. Edison began trying hard to discredit the invention of Tesla, showing that alternating current is more dangerous for life than permanent.

    It should also be noted that when Tesla came to the United States, at first he offered his developments by Edison, but he called all this nonsense and madness.

    Edison beat the alternating current of animals in the public to bring them into rage and prove that this type of current is dangerous. Once Edison found out about the idea of \u200b\u200bone doctor, about the use of alternating current to kill people. Sales did not find yourself waiting. So the electric chair was invented, which for the first time was applied to William Cammler, guilty of murdering his mistress.

    Edison could not come up with a name for his new invention for a long time, but he liked the word "resting", however, none of them, as we now see, did not fit.

    Tesla also did not sit without affairs and answered all attempts to discredit Edison. He sought against the opposite to show that alternating current is not dangerous and showed it, with the help of the skin effect.

    Australian fan of electric exhibitionism Peter Terren beats up for 15 seconds to a current of 200,000 volts with a Tesla coil, demonstrating the skin effect.

    As we know, Tesla and Westinguz ultimately won, so alternating current became a widespread phenomenon. It took the whole economic and legal war to provide America and the whole world of a more progressive invention.

    Coil or Tesla Transformer

    Tesla invented his coil at about 1891. At that time, he repeated the experiments of Gersi Hertz, which discovered electromagnetic radiation in three years earlier. Tesla decided to start its device together with a high-speed alternator, which he developed as part of an improvement in the arc lighting system, but it found that the high frequency current overheats the steel core and smelves the insulation between the primary and secondary windings in the Rumkor's coil, which was used by default in the default Experiments Hertz. To eliminate this Tesla problem, it decides to change the design in such a way that the air gap is formed between the primary and secondary windings, instead of the insulating material. Tesla did so that the core could be moved to different positions In the coil. Tesla also installed a condenser, which is commonly used in such installations between the generator and its primary winding coil to avoid the burnout of the coil. Experimenting with the settings of the coil and capacitor, Tesla discovered that he could take advantage of the emerging resonance between them to achieve higher frequencies.

    In the tesla transformer coil, the capacitor, after penetrating the short spark, connected to the coil of several turns (primary coil), thus forming the resonant contour with the frequency of oscillation, as a rule, 20-100 kHz, determined by the capacitor capacity and the inductance of the coil.

    The capacitor was charged to the voltage, which is necessary for the breakdown of the air spark gap, with the input linear cycle, which reaches approximately 10 kilovolts when using a linear transformer, which is connected through the air gap. The linear transformer was designed to have a higher scattering inductance (parameter reflecting the imperfection of the transformer) to withstand a short circuit that occurs at the time when the gap remained ionized, or for several milliseconds, while the high frequency current is not disappeared.

    The spark arrester was configured in such a way that its breakdown occurred at a voltage, which is somewhat less than peak output voltage of the transformer to maximize the voltage on the condenser. The sudden current passing through the spark gap causes the resonance of the primary resonant chain on its resonant frequency. The ring primary winding magnetically connects energy with the secondary winding for several radio frequency cycles until all the energy that was originally in the primary winding is not transferred to the secondary. Ideally, the gap then stops current (quenching), capturing all the energy into an oscillatory secondary circuit. Usually, the gap again begins to grow, and the energy of secondary gear returns to the primary chain for several more radio frequency cycles. The energy cycle can be repeated several times, while the spark gap will not finally weaken. As soon as the gap stops spending the current, the transformer will start charging the capacitor. Depending on the sparking voltage of the spark gap, it can work many times throughout the variable alternating current cycle.

    Application can be divided into practical and purely decorative. The practical application of the Tesla coil current is found in radio control, radio and wireless energy transmission to power various devices (for example, light bulbs). The Tesla generator found unexpected use in medicine. Arsen d'Arsonval applied currents created by the generator for physiotherapeutic effects on the surface of the skin and mucous membranes of various human organs. The current passed through the surface layers of the skin and rendered a toning and improving effect. Tesla coils are also used to work gas-discharge LAPS and leak detection inside vacuum systems.

    But a much greater prevalence of the Tesla coil received in the sphere of special effects and scenery, because discharges created by the Tesla transformer look extremely impressive and beautiful.

    An example of the work of the Tesla coil can look at the video:

    It is interesting to also observe the musical properties of these coils, which are achieved by changing the frequency:

    Interestingly, at one time in the 20th century, they tried to sell tesla coils, as an effective way to protect your car from theft:

    Also, such coils are used in various centers to entertain visitors and try to captivate the youth beauty of physical effects, as well as in attractions:

    Wireless lighting

    In 1891, Tesla had improved the wavelength transmitter, invented by the heders, which was necessary for the radio frequency supply of energy, converted it into the lighting system consisting of gas-discharge lamps.

    In the same year, he demonstrated his invention in Colombian college.

    When we talk about the coverage of the wireless, do not mean radio wave, we are talking about electrostatic induction.

    In the hands of Tesla, two heisseller long tubes, which are similar to neon lamps.

    In 1893, the World Exhibition is held in Chicago, where Tesla demonstrates its invention. The lamps were not only wireless, but also luminescent.

    In 1894, a new achievement. It is possible to light the phosphoric incandescent lamp in its laboratory using the resonant mutual induction method.

    True widespread commercial use such a lamp could not be found, but the resonant inductive communication method is now used everywhere in electronics.

    Tesla Tower

    Tesla did not stop on the wireless lighting system and went further. He decided that it was possible in principle not to use high-voltage wires for transmitting current and transmit all electricity through air. To do this, he wanted to build a huge experimental installation in New York, known as Tesla Tower or Vordcliffe Tower. Later, conducting its experiments and observations over lightning, Tesla came to the erroneous conclusion that it can use the whole globe to carry out the current.

    One of the patent pages on the Tesla Tower

    Money for the construction of from received from the first-known financier J. P. Morgan, to whom he said that the tower will be used for transatlantic wireless telephony and broadcasting, what Morgan planned to earn money. In fact, it was the first similar tower in his own way.

    In 1901, the construction of the tower began and continued until 1903. The second tower of the receiver was planned to build near Niagara Falls. When the first tower in Vordclyf was almost completed, Morgan realized that the wireless electricity transmission could lead to the collapse of the entire market in which he had an investment (it belonged to Niagara HPP), he stopped financing the Tesla project. In May 1905, Tesla also lost his income from patents after the expiration of the term, so it turned out to be bankrupt and completed the construction of the second tower and failed.

    How the Tower Tower is arranged

    The Tower in the Vordclyfeth represented a huge coil of Tesla with a height of about 60 meters, on the top whose tops were a big copper sphere. The tower generated lightning up to 40 meters long, and the thunder from the released electricity spawned thunder, which could be heard 24 kilometers from the tower. The weight of the tower reached 55 tons, and the diameter of the 21st meter.

    Tower Wordencliffe from the inside

    In 1905, a test start was produced, which produced a shocking effect. The newspapers were written that Tesla managed to light the sky over the ocean per thousand miles. Around the same tower of the horse received blows and even the wings of the butterflies were electrified to such an extent that the "Fires of St. Elma" could be seen around them (coronary discharge).

    Unfortunately, the tower was demolished in 1917.

    Invention of radio and radio control

    Tesla demonstrates its radio-controlled boat

    The 20th century is extremely rich in various inventions and technical innovations. Many were invented in parallel in various variations, while someone patented their inventions, and someone could not do it or did not want to some reasons for some reason. Therefore, it is quite difficult to install, who first invented the radio. For example, in the United States, they believe that Radio was invented by David Hughes, Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla, who made the appropriate technical contribution for this invention; In Germany, they believe that Radio invented Heinrich Hertz, and in France - Eduard Branley; In Belarus, Jacob Netherkivich-Iodka is recorded in the inventors of the Radio; In Brazil, it is believed that the inventor of the radio was Landele de Muru; In England - Oliver Joseph Lodge; In the USSR, the inventor of the radio Alexander Stepanovich Popova was generally accepted and so on for many countries. Gulermo Marconi should also be considered an inventor of radio as technology or a finished system, but as the creator of the first successful implementation of the radio system.

    All their patents and inventions appeared in the interval of 1880-1895 and they all were engaged in researching radio waves. Simply put, they all were inventors of radio to one degree or another, making their contribution to the development of the theory of information transfer.

    But what did Tesla do? And he also did not not enough. He described the principles on which the radio signal could be transmitted over long distances, conducted a number of its own experiments on the transmission of signals, and also created the first radio-controlled boat, which was demonstrated on the electrical exhibition in 1898. True, he did not consider that with the help of radio waves, communication is possible.

    Radio-controlled boat Nikola Tesla

    One of the patent pages on the Nikola Tesla Radio Controlled Boat

    On the video you can see the boat, which was collected in 2015 on the likeness of the one that was near Tesla:

    The boat was controlled by radio control. Tesla demonstrated this boat in 1898 at the exhibition of electrical engineering in Madison Square Garden. She produced a furor there. Imagine people of the time that did not understand how the Tesla controls the boat, ordering her to swim in one or another place. In addition to the word "magic" here it is difficult for something to pick up for the alone of that time.

    Although the news makers of that time immediately began to call the invention of Tesla "radio-controlled torpedo" (apparently, due to the fact that at that time Thomas Edison tried to invent such a torpedo and sell the military), the Tesla himself was not aimed at the war. In 1900, the Centure magazine took an interview with the inventor, where he said that the purpose of his invention is an attempt to create an "artificial intelligence", since modern automata simply borrow a person's mind and respond only to his orders. Tesla believed that one day people would be able to create a car with their own mind. What, after more than 100 years, we can argue that we have not created such a car.

    Later during World War II, the Nazis guess to use radio controls to create remotely managed tanks.

    Neckless Tesla Turbine

    Turbine Tesla from Museum

    This turbine Tesla patented in 1913. The invention of the turbine without blades was essentially forced, since for the manufacture of a turbine with blades there were no suitable technologies, and the aerodynamic theory was not yet created, so Tesla decided to use the effect of the border layer, and not the pressure of the substance on the blades, as widely distributed in traditional turbines.

    Often it is possible to meet the assertions that the efficiency of its turbine may theoretically reach 95%, but in practice at Westing plants, such turbine has shown the efficiency in the area of \u200b\u200b20%. Although later various modifications of the turbine by other inventors brought efficiency to 40% or more.

    Very well principles for the work of the Tesla turbine on english language Explained in this video:

    As of 2016, the Tesla Turbine has not found wide commercial use since its invention. So far she managed to find a narrow use in the pumps. This is primarily due to the fact that discs inside the turbine are strongly deformed during operation and this affects the overall efficiency of the use of the turbine. Although technology searches continue to solve all the problems that arise. Relatively recently, the question of the deformation of the disks was partially solved using new materials, such as carbon fiber.

    Valve Tesla

    This valve was invented by Tesla in 1920 and for some reason, many did not even hear about it. an interesting invention. The bottom line is that this unidirectional valve does not make moving parts. The plot in the valve is created due to the fact that the main flow branch and its branches are sent back, which gradually slows down the main flow.

    When the gas or fluid flows in the forward direction, they slightly deflect and flow as if on a zigzag, but not finding a large resistance. You can see it on the video below, where balls added for clarity to the stream:

    However, when the flow flows in the opposite direction, it is branched in such a way that the branched stream is directed against the main one, which causes resistance. And so repeats on each branch, because of which the flow stops. This principle you can watch the video below:

    Of course, it is necessary to understand that this valve is not intended to be a cork for a bottle or something like that, since it does not work well with a low stream pressure. However, it is worth starting to use high pressure, as the pressure ratio between the main and branch flow is aligned.

    Tesla invented the valve when he developed a stepless turbine. But it turned out that the valve became an independent invention, since Tesla realized that the turbine interacts better with a laminar stream, and the valve works better with a pulsed.


    Nikola Tesla (1856-1943) is an outstanding inventor, physicist, engineer of Serbian origin, author over hundreds of inventions, many of whom have drastically changed the lives of humanity. The greatest fame was obtained for the creation of devices functioning on alternating current, as well as consistently defending the idea of \u200b\u200bthe existence of ether. The name of the inventor is the unit for measuring the density of magnetic induction.

    "I do not work more for the present, I will work for the future."

    "The action of even the most tiny creature leads to changes in the whole universe."

    "The great secrets of our being is still to be solved, even death may not be end."

    Nikola Tesla was born in the Croatian village of Smilan (then Austro-Hungary) on July 10, 1856. His parents of Milututin and Georgina were far from science - his father served as a priest, and his mother, according to the current standards, was a housewife. His early childhood boy spent on small Motherland, I also graduated from the first class elementary school.

    Then the father was assigned a new spiritual San and a large family, in which five children had moved to the city of Gospich. By that time, the elder brother Nikola Dane was killed. In the state, the future physicist was further education, completing first training in three grades of primary school, and in 1870 he received a certificate of real gymnasium.

    Tesla in Youth

    Training in the gymnasium opened the road to the Higher Real School (now Technical University Graz), which was located in the city of Karlovac. There and went to the young man, where he lived at his native aunt. History almost prevented a severe illness (probably cholera), to get rid of which Nikola could not as many as 9 months. Because of this, the father even wanted to ban further training on the engineer, but the son insisted and showed such a will to live, which soon went on amendment.

    Being in Graz, Tesla with his head plunged into electrical engineering and soon realized that the DC machines were imperfect. For this, he was subjected to a public "strain" from Professor Ya. Pesal, demonstratively lectured in front of the whole course a lecture on the inability to use alternating current in electric motors. But in the life of Tesla there were people who left in his soul an indelible mark. Among them was his teacher in physics M. Seclux, who once demonstrated his invention - a light bulb turned into a tin foil, intensively rotating under the action of a static machine. Nikola later recalled that each time this phenomenon was reflected echo in his mind.

    But at that time in the life of a student Tesla and an unpleasant episode. In the third year, he began to play gambling, losing large sums into the cards. In the rare moments of victories, he distributed the won the losers and, it is not surprising that a huge debt soon began to be mastered, which helped their mother. But it became a good lesson for him, after which the cards disappeared forever from the life of Tesla.

    Independent life

    After the death of Father Nikola, he began to teach in his native gymnasium in the state, but he did not like this work. Money was lacked all the time and only with the support of Uncle Paul and Petare, he was able to move to Prague, enrolling at the Faculty of Philosophy of the Local University. But here, the chronic lack of money gave itself to know and after the first semester, the young man got an electrician engineer in a telegraph company in Budapest. She was engaged in laying telephone communications and the construction of telephone stations. In 1882, Tesla guessed the possibility of using a rotating magnetic field in the electric motor, but the work in the telegraph company prevented plans to make plans that he forced a novice scientist to switch to the continental company.

    At this time he works in Paris and Strasbour. In the latter, he participated in the construction of a power plant for the local railway station. It was in Strasbour who developed the model of a assynchronous electric motor that tried in the case directly in the city hall of the city. After completing the work on the power station, Nicola returned to Paris, expecting a 25 thousand dollars expecting award to him, but soon realized the futility of his intentions and quit.

    New turn of fate

    At first, Tesla wanted to go to Russia, where at that time the whole Pleiad of scientific shine was worked -, and others. But one of the colleagues in the continental company C. Belchor convinced him to go to the United States and even wrote a letter of recommendation T. Edison. In June 1884, the scientist arrives in New York and arranged in the company Edison Machine Works Engineer for the repair of electrical equipment, in parallel continuing to engage in inventive activities.

    Knowing the Big Scientific Azarte Tesla and not very trusting his ideas, Edison gave the task to his colleague - to improve the DC electric machine, promising for this fantastic amount of 50 thousand dollars for this. Nicolas with his head plunged into work and in as soon as possible Presented 24 options for optimizing the machine, and with them a new regulator and switch. Thomas approved all the development, but did not give out money, referring to bad English Tesals and his misunderstanding of the American humor. In response, the offended inventor chose to quit.

    Dreams Come True

    Having left Edison, Tesla perfectly understood that he could no longer count on the protection of his relatives, but by this time he had something more valuable - the authority in scientific circles and confidence in the correctness of his own ideas. In the spring of 1885, together with a well-known specialist in the patent law of L. Syrrhel, he applies the first patent application associated with the arc lamp that exudes homogeneous light. After that, copyright inventions began to appear with enviable regularity.

    Later he concluded an partnership agreement with businessmen from New Jersey, who agreed to finance the projects of the scientist and gave him money. For these Tesla funds created the company and it seems life began to improve. However, the Mount-entrepreneurs deceived naive Tesla and took the company to themselves, "sharing" with him part of the shares. Nikola was ruined and was forced to remember the former poverty. To survive, he was engaged in a digital ditch, getting only 2 dollars for it.

    Scientist with a big letter

    The fate rewarded him for patience and in 1887, Nikola, with the help of colleagues, creates its new brainchild "Tesla Ark Light Company", which quickly became a serious competitor to Edison's empire. The press was witty called this confrontation of the "War of currents" and on the field of the Battle of SERB repeatedly replaced by an American masts. In 1888, in the American Institute of Electric Engineers, Tesla reported on the AC generator and immediately received a proposal from a millionaire George Westingauus to cede it invention for 1 million dollars. As a result, he acquired patents on the technology of transmission and distribution of multiphase currents and used these ideas during the construction of hydropower plants in Niagara Falls.

    Over the next seven years before 1895, Tesla actively worked in his laboratory over the theory of magnetic fields and high frequencies. As a result, a variety of patents were obtained, among which high and ultra-high frequency electric generators, a wave radio transmitter, as well as a resonant transformer. In addition, the scientist managed to guess the physiological influence of high frequency currents.

    Tesla did not cease to surprise the scientific world. In 1892, speaking at the Royal Academy of Great Britain, he struck those present by burning lights, which "Crazy Serb" kept in his hands. At the same time, they were not attached to the current source. For this after the speech, he was sat in the chair of the Faraday itself. Working on the theory of radio waves, Tesla came up with TeleAutomat - self-propelled device, which were controlled at a distance.

    It seemed that in front of Nichola there was no obstacle and the nature itself obediently performed the instructions of the scientist. But in May 1895, there was a fire in the laboratory, which absorbed already created developments and newest projects, including a way to broadcast messages at a distance and a mechanical oscillator. Then it stubbornly went rumors that the reason for the ignition began to set off competitors, and some were called a specific culprit - Edison.

    Data transfer by distance

    Tesla saved the phenomenal memory, thanks to which he regained his records, and "Niagara Falls" wrote to him 100 thousand dollars to create a new laboratory. The result was not forced to wait - in 1896, the scientist managed to convey to Sigal without the help of wires by 48 km.

    In 1899, at the invitation of an electrical company, Tesla creates the Colorado Springs laboratory, which worked on the study of thunderstorms. For this SERB, created a special transformer with the grounded end of the primary winding. The second end was attached to the metallic ball from which the rod left. The secondary winding was connected to the device integrated with the recorder. This design allowed a scientist to understand the dynamics of the changing potential of the planet. After that, he spent another experiment, during which he managed to prove the possibility of creating a standing electromagnetic wave.

    After impressive success, the inventor returned to New York and conceived to build a station for transferring data and energy to the distance to any place of the planet. To do this, he acquired a small land plot on Long Island, and the architect V. Gray developed a project of a wooden tower. By 1902, this construction called "Wordencliff" was built with a height of 47 meters, but he didn't go further. Promised to finance the project D. Morgan, at the last moment refused Tesh from the concerns of the ruin of his own business. However, the scientist did not stop the scientist and in the coming years he continued to test the technology by conducting many experiments.

    "Classified" inventions Tesla

    But not only the tower was famous for Tesla - he did not stop working on other inventions. At the beginning of the 20th century, Nikola created an electric meter and frequency meter, improved steam turbines, led the development of a locomotive, aircraft, car and lathe.

    "Aircraft" Nikola Tesla

    "These will be aircraft on completely new principles - without gas cylinders, wings or air screws. At high speeds, they will move in any directions regardless of weather, air holes and downward flows. "

    There are versions that a powerful destructive weapon was created in the scientist's laboratory. It is known that during the experiment associated with the study of self-oscillations, a strong resonance began in the premises, which caused Tesla to stop the action. Perhaps this was the test of weapons. True, some argue that at this time the "big New York earthquake" happened in the city, but the acquisition of the US government of all drawings and their subsequent classification leads to certain thoughts.

    Shortly before the death, the brilliant scientist announced sensation - he created a "ray of death", capable of transmitting an incredible amount of energy that could destroy 10 thousand aircraft. In 1931, he showed his own electrocar engine with an AC motor moving without recharging throughout the experimental week. According to the author of the author, the car could accelerate up to 150 km / h.

    last years of life

    Shortly before death, Nikola Tesla got under the wheels of the car and received a fracture of the ribs. Against the background of complications, inflammation of the lungs began and he went into bed. The scientist was deeply worried about the fate of the Motherland occupied in the years of the World Fascists, and tried to support those who led the struggle for its independence. Even being deeply sick, Tesla did not let anyone and was in his hotel room alone. So he died alone from heart failure on the night of January 8, 1943. Found the body only two days after death.

    Like many talented people, Nikola Tesla walked the eccentric and in many ordinary everyday situations was strange. But he could like no other in the incredible level to feel metaphysics and understand the laws of nature. The result of this became brilliant inventions that moved forward the development of all mankind.

    • When Nikola was about ten years old he stroked a fluffy cat and noticed that the sparks were sparking between the fingers and hair of the animal, especially noticeable in the dark. The boy asked his father about the nature of this phenomenon, to which he sincerely responded about the relationship of these sparks with lightning. His answer of Nicola remembered until the end of life - it turns out to be electricity can be tamed as a domestic cat, although, on the other hand, it can act as a formidable element (zipper).
    • After a serious illness transferred in the youth, Tesla began to suffer a phobia associated with fear to infect infection. It has soap my hands in many ways, and if during your stay in a restaurant on his plate, a man was sidewged, the scientist immediately did a new order.
    • Nikola knew the "Faust" Goethe well and often read the excerpts from this work. Once, during a walk across the park, he was betrayed with his beloved lesson, after which it unexpectedly began to draw mysterious schemes in which two electrocipes were answered for energy transmission. As a result, a truly revolutionary invention was born, which was allowed to transmit electricity over long distances.
    • Edison desperately argued with a Tesla about constant and alternating current, arguing about the danger of the latter. To prove his right thing, he publicly killed the dog with alternating current, but it did not impress any impression on the opponent.
    • According to some fans of the myths, held in the famous Tesla Tower "Wordencliff" Experiments could provoke the appearance of the Tungus meteorite over Russia in 1908.
    • In adult years, Tesla was unhwerly and was afraid of sunlight, so the relationship with the Dracula himself was attributed. In fact, due to the constant impact of electromagnetic fields, he developed a rare deviation - the scientist began to see well in the dark and practically did not differ in the sun, due to the strong cut in his eyes.
    • The abilities of the great scientist did not know the borders. He wrote poems, in a dream the death of his sister predicted, and also managed to save friends from the catastrophe, without letting them on the train.
    • During one of the experiments with radio waves, the Serb heard strange signals and stated that they came from space. So the next myth was born, arguing that the inventions help him to create aliens.

    "My brain is only a receiving device. In outer space, there is a kind of kernel from where we draw knowledge, strength, inspiration. I do not penetrate the secrets of this nucleus, but I know that it exists. "


    Documentary film "Nikola Tesla. Lord of the world".
    Script writer and director: Vitaly Truncetsy
    Editor: Larisa Kovalenko
    Producer: Alexey Govovatsky

    Documentary film "Nikola Tesla. Vision of the modern world. "

    Nowadays, the advantages of alternating current seem more than obvious, but in the 80s of the XIX century because of the question, what current is better and how it is more profitable to transmit electrical energy, an acute opposition broke out. The main defendants of this serious battle were two competing firms - Edison Electric Light and Westinghouse Electric Corporation. In 1878, the brilliant American inventor Thomas Alva Edison founded his own company, which was supposed to solve the problem of electrical lighting into everyday life. The task was simple: to displace the gas horn, but for this the electric light should have become cheaper, bright and affordable for everyone.

    Anticipating his future discoveries, Edison wrote: "We will make electric lighting so cheap that only the rich will burn candles." Initially, the scientist developed a central power plant plan, drawd the power lines of power lines to homes and factories. At that time, electricity was obtained using Dynamo machines, which are driven by steam. Then Edison began to improve the electric light bulbs, striving to extend their action with the then had 12 hours. After a passing of more than 6 thousand different samples for incandescent threads, Edison finally stopped on a bamboo. His future colleague Nikola Tesla ironically noted: "If Edison had to find a needle in a haystack, he would not waste time to determine her more likely location. On the contrary, he immediately, with feverish germination, the bee would start to inspect the straw over the straw, until I found the desired. " On January 27, 1880, Edison received a patent for his lamp, whose life was truly fantastic - 1200 hours. A little later, the scientist patented the whole system of production and distribution of electricity in New York.

    Edison. (Pinterest)

    In that year, when Edison took up the coverage of the American metropolis, Nikola Tesla entered the Philosophical Faculty of the University of Prague, but he studied there only one semester - there was not enough money for further training. Then he entered the Higher Technical School in the Grace, where he began to study the electrical engineering and began to think about the imperfection of DC electric motors. In 1882, Edison launched two DC power stations - in London and New York, adjusting the production of dynamo machines, cables, light bulbs and lighting devices. Two years later, the American inventor creates a new corporation - Edison General Electric Company, which includes dozens of Edison companies scattered throughout America and Europe.

    In the same year, Tesla came up with how to use the phenomenon of a rotating electromagnetic field, which means it could try to construct an AC motor. With this idea, the scientist went to the Paris Representative Office of Continental Edison Company, but at that moment the company was occupied by the fulfillment of a major order - the facilities of the power plant for the Strasbourg railway station, during the implementation of numerous errors. Tesla was sent to save the situation, and during the required deadlines, the power plant was completed. The Serbian scientist went to Paris to get the promised Prize of $ 25,000, but the company refused to pay money. The insulted Tesla decided to no longer have anything to do with Edison enterprises. He initially wanted to even go to Petersburg, because Russia was famous at that time with its scientific discoveries in the field of electrical engineering, in particular the inventions of Pavel Nikolayevich Apple and Dmitry Alexandrovich Lachinova. However, one of the employees of the continental company persuaded Tesla to go to the United States and gave him a letter of recommendation to Edison: "It would be an unforgivable mistake to give the opportunity to go to Russia like such talent. I know two great people: one of them you, the second - this young man. "

    Edison General Electric Company. (Pinterest)

    Arriving in New York in 1884, Tesla is starting to work at Edison Machine Works as an engineer for repairing engines - DC generators. Tesla immediately shared with Edison with his thoughts about alternating current, but the American scientist of the Serbian colleague was not inspired - he responded very disapprovingly and advised Tesche to work in the work of purely professional deeds, not personal research. A year later, Edison offers Tesche constructively improve DC machines and promises a premium of 50 thousand dollars. Tesla immediately began to work and very soon provided 24 options for new Edison cars, as well as a new switch and regulator. Edison approved the work, but the money refused to pay, joking at the same time that the emigrant does not understand the American humor. From that moment on, Edison and Tesla became irreconcilable enemies.

    On the account of Edison there was 1093 patents - there was no such number of inventions in the world. The tireless experimentator, he once spent 45 hours in the laboratory, not wanting to interrupt experience. Edison was also a very skillful entrepreneur: all his companies brought profit, the truth is wealth as such a little interested. Money was needed for work: "I do not need the success of the rich. I do not need neither horses, nor yachts, I have no time for all this. I need a workshop! " However, in 1886, Edison appeared a very powerful competitor - Westinghouse Electric Corporation. George Westingauz, the first 500-volt aircraft of AC launched in 1886 in Great Barrington, Massachusetts.

    So, Edison's monopoly came the end, after all, the advantages of new power plants were obvious. Unlike the American amateur inventor, Westingaus thoroughly knew physics, so I perfectly understood the weak link of DC power stations. Everything changed when he became acquainted with the Tesla and its inventions by giving the server a patent for an alternating current meter and multiphase electric motor. These were the most inventions with which Tesla at its time turned to the Paris Company Edison. Now the Westinghouse bought out a total of 40 patents from the Serbian scientist and paid a 32-year-old inventor 1 million dollars.

    Electric chair. (Pinterest)

    In 1887, more than 100 DC power plants had already worked in the United States, but the prosperity of EDISON companies had to be completed. The inventor understood that it was on the verge of financial collapse, and therefore decided to sue Westinghouse Electric Corporation for violating patent rights. However, the lawsuit was rejected, and then Edison turned the anti-paganda campaign. His main goat was the fact that alternating current is very dangerous for life. At first, Edison was engaged in a public demonstration of animal murders by electric discharges, and then he turned up a very successful case: the Governor of New York wanted to find a humane way of execution, an alternative to hanging - Edison immediately stated that the human herself considers death from alternating. Although personally he advocated the abolition of the death penalty, it was not less to solve the problem.

    To create an electric chair, Edison hired an engineer Harold Brown, which adapted for the punitive goals of the Westanguise alternator. The Yellow Odison Opponent was categorically against the death penalty and refused to sell his equipment to prisons. Then Edison bought three generators through fake persons. Westinguz hired sentenced to death the best lawyers, one of the criminals managed to save: the death penalty was replaced by life imprisonment. The journalist hired by Edison published a huge exposure article, accusing the Westinghouse in the torments that failed.

    Westinghouse Electric Corporation. (Pinterest)

    "Black PR" Edison brought his fruits: he managed to delay the defeat, truth for a while. In 1893, Westingauses and Tesla won an order for the coverage of the Chicago Fair - 200 thousand electric light bulbs worked from AC, and three years later, the tandem of scientists mounted the first hydraulic system for continuous supply by alternating current of Buffalo in the Niagara. By the way, the DC power stations were built in America for another 30 years, up to the 1920s. Then their construction was discontinued, but exploitation continued until the beginning of the 21st century. Tesla and Westinguz won the "Current War". And Edison reacted as: "I never tolerated defeats. I just found 10,000 ways that do not work. "