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  • How to learn English in a short time. How to learn English yourself? Secrets of success in the training of foreign spoken English in a short time

    How to learn English in a short time. How to learn English yourself? Secrets of success in the training of foreign spoken English in a short time

    It would seem, a simple math task from the fourth grade: if you have learned every day for 30-35 english words in a day, how many words of English can be learned in a month and year?

    Of course, you easily calculated: you can learn about a thousand English words for a month and, accordingly, 12,000 words for the year. I wonder what experiences and practice says?

    As Vocabulary Is Reduced, So Are The Number of Feelings You Can Express, The Number of Events You Can Describe, The Number of the Things You Can Identify! Not Only Understanding Is Limited, But Also Experience. Man Grows by Language. Whenever He Limits Language He Retrogresses!

    With the reduction of the dictionary reserve, the number of senses that you can express, the number of events that you can describe, the number of items that you can call are reduced. Limited not only understanding, but also experience. Man grows thanks to the language. Whenever he limits the language, it comes in decline.

    ~ Sheri S. Tepper

    As practice shows, you can learn something, but to keep in the active reserve and can not be able to regularly in speech. Words without practicing and associative ties are quickly forgotten what the creators are silent.

    True, you always have a chance remember a large number of English words - It all depends on the characteristics of the memory and the technician of memorizing the English words, about which we will talk today and talk.

    How to learn a lot of english words fast

    Learn English words - not such a difficult lesson, as it may seem at first glance. Sign the names of strangers - one of the effective methods for memorization.

    Want to learn a lot of english words in a short time? The German scientist Ebugaus found that when mechanically memorized, that is, when a person does not understand the meaning of the material and does not apply a mnemonotechnics, only 44% of the information remain in memory, and in a week - less than 25%. Fortunately, with conscious memorization, information is forgotten much slower.

    First of all, it is necessary to determine how it is easier for you to absorb new information: for rumor, see or write down?

    It does not take much time, but will greatly facilitate the training and selection of effective techniques for you in the future. One of the tests that will help you determine how you easier to memorize new information is presented on this site. Having answered for 30 questions, you can know exactly to which type you feel.

    In short, we recall that visuals easily remember new words, seeing or reading, audies - for rumor, and kinestics need to be in motion, for example, write information on paper.

    IN modern world Most people prevail a visual type of perception of new information. Remember how for a long time in our memory, annoying commercials, seen on TV, or posters and banners, which are served by the streets of the city.

    You also need to know that 100% visuals or audials do not exist. But some channel is still dominant, and it is necessary to use it if your goal is - learn a lot of english words fast.

    Visual memory of the memorization of English words

    Characteristics and diagram of information perception visuals.

    If you read the novel "Martin Eden" Jack London, then most likely remember that the main character She taught a huge amount of academic words, putting off the leaflets with new words at home.

    Visual method To memorize English words - it is punishing all the items that surround you, stickers with new words. How does the visual method work? You constantly stumble upon the abundance of English words, read, remember and of course, use English words.

    Purchase in the store or make your own cards with new words, translation, transcription and even an example of consumption. Such cards are convenient to take with you if you get to work for a long time or constantly disappear in the queues. They can be classically made on paper or downloaded to your phone.

    On a note:

    On the Internet you can find and download mobile apps that use a visual way to expand the vocabulary stock. The most popular are Words, Easy Ten and Duolingo: learn languages \u200b\u200bfor free.

    Bright pictures with signatures, simulators for memorization, check tests that use these mobile applications will help you learn a lot of English words for short term . And most importantly, they are always at hand!

    If your level is not an initial (pre-intermediate and higher), you can watch movies, transmission and video with subtitles and without them, prescribing not only new words, but also useful spoken phrases.

    Educational audio materials in English and podcasts

    Characteristics and chart of information perception by audiors.

    If you feel about the rare categories of people (about 10%), loving and memorizing ears - then this is a method for you.

    The main condition for expansion of vocabulary - Constantly listen to English speech, be at home in the kitchen or in the car in traffic. New words and expressions can be written and repeat them periodically.

    With this method, you will not be afraid to perceive speech by rumor, and you will improve the skills of auditing.

    TPR method to expand the vocabulary stock

    Characteristics and chart of information perception with kinesthetics.

    The third type of perception of information to which the kinestics belongs, prefers static learning. If you are a kineette, do not forget to record new words on paper. It is better if you have a dictionary diary to which you can contact from time to time.

    In teaching children is often used tPR method (Total Physical Response) . But, believe me, if you are a kineette, this method is also for you: With it, you can easily learn English words and phrases.

    The essence of the method is to memorize new words, phrases and lexical designs with gestures, execution of teams, pantomimes and games. For example, on the word Ball (ball) you need to perform an action associated with this subject, for example, the game with the ball.

    Simple and effective ways to memorize English words

    Mnemotechnics and memorization of English words

    A clear example of how mnemotechnics works.

    One of the most effective ways to memorize English, and indeed foreign words, is an mnemotechnics. Method of mnemonics (or mnemonics) is based on the creation of images in your consciousness. You take the information you need to remember and turn it into an image through the association.

    First you need to understand that the brain remembers not the images arising in the head, but communication between multiple images . It is very important to remember because you need to emphasize directly at the point of remembrance.

    Mnemotechnics actively develops memory, and thinking. The main task is to create images connected in the imagination in various ways. Images must be color, large and detailed.

    Learn English words with the help of mnemotechnics incredibly easy! We select the most consistent word to a foreign word (or a few words) from the native language.

    How mnemotechnics work when memorizing English words, let's look at the example:

    pUDDLE ["PʌDL] puddle

    Approximate pronunciation (Phonetic Association) - "Padl"

    Mnemonic model: "I all fell and fell in a puddle" .

    Examples of using mnemonics in English teaching:

    If you are using memotechnical to expand the vocabulary It is important to remember that it is necessary not to just associate the words among themselves and express in the form of a sentence, but also to present a specific situation in which it happens or is said.

    For example, not just pronounce: "Nervous man goes on a narrow alley", and imagine nervous person, you can see your friend who goes around and shuddering from each sound, by narrowing dark alley. In this case, you definitely do not forget this foreign word.

    On a note:

    An association or a bunch of words is needed only for 2-3 memory repetitions to remember the foreign word and its translation. Then she disappears behind unnecession, so you can not worry that any nonsense will be kept in the memory.

    There is no doubt that for the rapid and qualitative memorization of foreign words, you need to practice, find your approach, learn how to create your own associations, and even quickly. The first time the process of creating associations will slowly go slowly, but be patient and continue training. As a rule, speed and improves the quality of the creation of associations after the first thousands of memorized words.

    It remains to add that with the help of this technique you can remember the words of any foreign language .

    Duma drawrs to expand the vocabulary in English

    Many use cards with text and picture (Flashcards) to remember new words, but these cards are not always with us at hand, especially at the right moment.

    There is a great way to memorize new words and expressions - this is the power of your mind. It is called Method of Loci. (method of geometric locations).

    You can also meet such names as "Duma Duma", "Palaisms of Memory", "Locus Method", "Spatial Mnemonic", "Cicero Method".

    When Sherlock Holmes, known to the whole of the world, wanted to remember something important, he closed his eyes and immersed in the Duma drawrs ( 'Mind Palace'). Like Sherlock Holmes, you can also use this method of Method of Loci to memorize new words and expressions. How it looks clear can see in the video.

    Video "Dog Baskerville" - "Rough Palaces" Sherlock Holmes.

    How does the geometric site work work?

    We build an imaginary place ( imaginary Place.) In your mind and put it there with objects and people who will help us remember new words. You can store images both on the shelves and chaotically. The main thing is that you yourself know where what is and could quickly remember. The best activators are either completely ridiculous or very logical. And even better combine correctly.

    Remember simple ruleswhich in no case cannot be violated in the communication process:

    • Represent images large (Even if the items you need to remember different sizes, make them one: be something ship, coconut or bee. Minor images should not represent. Ties between such images will be fixed very badly.
    • Images must be volume. For example, holographic images or images created on three-dimensional graphics programs. Such images can be rotated and viewed from different sides.
    • Images must be submitted color. If it is the leaves of trees, then it is necessary green, the tree itself is brown and the like.
    • Presented images must be detailed. If you represent the image "phone", you need to mentally consider it and clearly see, from which parts the phone you are present. If this is a cell phone, then you can select the following images in it: antenna, display, buttons, cover, strap, leather case, battery.

    Then we apply the main mental operation in mnemonics - this "Connection of images" . Let's look at how it applies to the practice of learning English words.

    Let's say we need to remember the words related to the word rUN. , as well as his forms, so we will come up with the following story in mind: Imaginary place of action City - the Imaginary Place IS A CITY .

    This is only a small example of how can I remember English words , connected with rUN. and its forms. Of course, you can add other phrases with this word, which are actually many, and as my imaginary city will grow, I can use more and more words, and thereby expand your vocabulary.

    More than O. memorization technique "Palace of Memory" You can learn more from the video:

    The imaginary place can be any, even a room in your home, and you try to come up with a situation that will be close to you, and words will be remembered much easier.

    In this manner easy to learn words on different topics , for example, "food", "kitchen", "clothes", etc. Place the items as you like, and then it will be easier for you to remember the name of the subject by its location in your memory palace.

    And by itself, develop deduction, attention to detail and creativity . Develop associative thinking.

    Another advice refers to all the "memory palaces", regardless of the purpose of their "buildings". If you want to remember something for a long time (and not in the mode "passed - forgot"), according to the "Palace" will have to periodically "walk".

    AudioLingVal Method in English

    Skill automation occurs during the workout process by repeatedly repetition of speech samples.

    Audio combital method - This is one of the methods of learning a language in which it is necessary to listen to repeatedly and vote words, phrases and suggestions, which leads to automation.

    This method has its advantages and disadvantages, but is suitable in the main audies, since there is no visual support. The main attention is paid here. oral speech.

    When using an audio combination method, they are not explained any, since the entire proposed material is simply implemented and comes in the form of sustainable expressionsSo that students could use them without thinking.

    Training in this case is based on the development of some static models that students are completely or almost can not change at all. In this regard, this method of learning is the exact opposite of the communicative method.

    let's consider positive and negative sides Audio-colonal method.

    Positive sides Negative sides
    When developing this method, attention was focused not only on the content of the material offered by the student, but also on the process of memorizing the student of this material.

    The system of filing new information and multiple repetitions lead to the inevitable memorization of the passed. In the process of repetitions, not only memorizing the material, but also testing pronunciation, as well as the removal of the language barrier.

    Memorization of stable expressions leads to the fact that if necessary, they come to mind automatically, as when communicating on native language.

    The main disadvantage of the audio combination method (not unfounded) is that it does not pay due attention to the independent study of grammar.

    Pupils, especially on initial stage Learning is deprived of the opportunity to understand why the phrase is built so, and not otherwise, or why the word is used in that, and not in a different form. As students are studying, it is necessary, on the basis of the material passed to build for themselves grammar designs.

    This undoubtedly contributes to a stronger assimilation of such structures, but only if the student is able to build them. And this is not always possible, since the rules exist, which can confuse a person who is not familiar with the basics of grammar studied language.

    Tips, how to replenish your vocabulary of English?

    Thanks to the knowledge of a set of words, you can express in different ways.

    To replenish the vocabulary, first of all, it is necessary to systematically and regularly, preferably every day. There are many ways and they all work.

    Choose the one that suits you the most and you can easily replenish your vocabulary of English . Let's dwell on each of them in more detail.

    Expand English vocabulary using lists

    Words surround us. Just search words in the dictionary may not be so interesting and exciting. Pay for English words around you - during, serials and programs in English, reading news - everywhere, at any time.


    Regardless of whether you do this or not, we recommend that you record which part of the speech is this or that word (VERB, NOUN, adjective), as well as the derivatives of this word. For example, "Fish" - Fishing, Fishy, \u200b\u200bFisherman, etc. It will also be useful if you add proposals with examples of these words.

    You can also use notepad in your mobile phone. As soon as hear an unfamiliar word, write it down. Make sure you have enough free space around it to make the appropriate marks.

    When you have free time, add its value or translation and, possibly, the context in which it can be used.

    Teach english words in practice

    As word lists make up, it is very easy to forget the words that were at the very beginning. All words must be needed use in your speech . The more we use them, the better remember them.

    Re-read your lists, for example, at the end of each week. How well do you remember old words?

    If some words are badly remembered But they are very common, then the likelihood you will meet them in the future. Therefore, add them anew to new lists and over time you remember them.

    Remember British words will help the game

    Scrabble - effective method Learn English words and have fun with family and friends.

    Who said that he learned new words - is it sad?! Such games as Scrabble. or Vocabador Offer wonderful ways to study new words .

    Games are an excellent way of learning not only because it is fun, but also because they give you the context of new words. Believe me, you very quickly remember the word, you laughed at your friend.

    We also want to draw your attention to the free game Free Rice. This game gives you a word, and you need to choose the correct definition for it. If you are responsible incorrectly, the next word will become easier. If correct, then more complicated.

    Playing this game, you are not only improve your vocabulary But and help the world in the fight against hunger. How? Try to play it!

    Increase English vocabulary with context

    As mentioned earlier, it is better (and easier) remember new words in context . One way to write a proposal with this word. You not only remember this word, but also you can easily use in a conversation.

    Another way - memory words groups . If you want to remember the word humongous. (very Large.), It will be easier for you to remember from the chain of words: getting Bigger and Bigger-Large, Huge, Humongous. It also makes it possible to memorize more words at a time.

    For example, large, Humongous, Gargantuan. What do you think, meaning the word garganTuan.?

    Dictionaries and social networks to memorize words

    Of course, you can watch an unfamiliar word in the dictionary! Moreover, modern online dictionaries offer a lot of additional features.

    In many online dictionaries there is interesting articles, games, as well as heading "Word of the day."

    And if you feel confident that you can read the literature in the original language, read the article.

    Sites for learning English words

    Below you find top sites to increase and workout vocabularywhich can be most useful for you.


    Businessenglishsite -site to explore business vocabulary

    This is one of the best and most popular sites for studying. Here you can replenish a vocabular useful phrases, expressions and even business jargon.

    All words are divided by topics, for example, "Accounting", "Prodden-Management", "IT" etc.

    Each topic has exercises to consolidate, which are trained not only vocabulary, but also grammar.

    Blair english

    Using Blair English, you can learn English words from scratch

    All exercises and lessons on this site were specifically designed to increase and enrich English vocabulary .

    Here you will find more than 190 free interactive exercises on various topics, such as IT-Technology, Business, Communication and many others.

    Also on the site there is a base of exercises to improve the skills of auditing and pronunciation.


    Lingualeo - Word Training Resource

    A very famous interactive resource that is interesting not only to children. It helps to study the language of the tongue fascinating and visual, and also contains unlimited number of words For different levels.

    To feed the lion and get a new portion of words, check-in.

    British Council.

    British Council - the most British way to study words

    The site of the British Council did not leave us without the practice of truly British phrases, Idiom and expressions. Also there you can learn several new words per day.

    The words are filtered on topics and levels What makes navigation unusually convenient, and the process of curtain of English words is a fascinating occupation.

    For teachers there are abstract plans for various levels with handouts.

    Test Your Vocabulary.

    You can not with a 100% probability on this site, but at least approximately understand what kind of vocabulary you have and what you need to improve.

    The test interface in English is simple. The site is designed for users who explore English or even are native speakers.

    Noting the tick of the word, the translation of which you know, and answering a few questions about yourself, you will learn with very likely accuracy, how many English words Located in your active reserve.

    Instead of imprisonment

    As you can see, techniques and resources to enrich your vocabulary in various fields - abound. The most important thing is to constantly work on it, and everything depends on you here. Daily work will then pay full, when you will communicate with English-speaking without any problems.

    In contact with

    Very often on the Internet, in magazines and newspapers, you can find advertising about learning of English language in a short time (2 weeks, month, year). Let's deal with you really or not.

    Fashion first

    If you have the opportunity to go abroad to an English-speaking country, then safely go. There you will surround everywhere english : Every day of transfer in English, reading advertisements and ads in English, will certainly appear friends with which you will constantly talk. In this case, approximately a year later, you can talk well and understand everything you say.

    Method of the second

    For those who are not ready to move to an English-speaking country, there is a large selection of courses of English language. You can find these courses on the Internet, and in a simple newspaper or magazine. But do not think that if you can regularly pay money for courses of English languageAnd at the same time not to teach, you will not be able to understand English speech and freely talk. Yes, after the courses you can read and can be understood, but at least for the fact that you need to understand you, you need a permanent practice.

    Method Third

    If the study of English will not truly inspire, then you will finish your study of any language by staying for a long time or throw a study. It is important to organize your training so that it brings pleasure (this, by the way, applies not only to the study of languages).

    1. Reading

    Even if you just started learning the language, just try to read some book in English. Let it initially be a simple book, for example:

    Stop reading books in Russian at all at least until your English reaches such a level that you can read absolutely without a dictionary. Be sure to use the vocabulary at first when reading, if any words are incomprehensible to you.

    2. Films and cartoons

    First, start viewing the cartoons with subtitles for beginners to learn English or for the smallest. If something is incomprehensible, put on a pause and look into the dictionary. For example,

    And then watch movies and serials in the original in English without translation.

    3. TV shows and radio programs

    Listen to news in English. Turn on some channel, like BBC, and let it be brought in the background. Your subconscious will gradually absorb English while you are doing your affairs.

    4. Communication

    Be sure to find the opportunity to communicate with people for which English is native. If there is no possibility of communication in reality, then the Internet will help. Use this feature to practice a spoken language. If you play online games, communicate with English players. Rewrite by email, etc.

    How to quickly learn English or can I learn English in a short time?

    Salute, Ladies and Gentlemen. In today's article, we will consider such questions: learning English for a very short time, how long it is necessary to learn English to achieve the desired level, and from what the learning date depends.

    We all want to learn English quickly, simple and painless, but not everything is not so simple. Permanent workouts, practice, understanding of the rules and memorization of new words are needed. Recording on classes or courses, we want to know, for which time you can achieve the required level, and whether accelerated language learning programs work.

    In each post new topic in grammar, and in Storsith - practice in gaming form. Subscribe to our Instagram.

    Is it possible to learn English for the month / week / 24 hours?

    Let's ask yourself the question: "Do you really learn English for the month / week / 24 hours?".

    Our answer is unlikely. Of course, you can promise anything: new techniques and technologies, 25 frames and much more, but believe me - it does not work. With such techniques, you may have a certain vocabulary and some understanding of a foreign language.

    Although some beginners who failed to learn English for 24 hours, upset and write themselves in the category of "hopeless" category. The shortest path is not always true. Choose the right road.

    What is the study of English language depends?

    The knowledge gained in the accelerated mode is not postponed in long-term memory: that quickly comes, it goes quickly. Whatever boring you did not seem school lessonsStill, the method of slow assimilation of information has its advantages.

    • How long should I learn English?
    • How much can I learn English from scratch?
    • What does the learning date depend on?

    The duration of language learning depends on several factors:

    • What language do you want?
    • What knowledge of English do you have at the moment?
    • How much time do you spend on learning a foreign language?

    According to CEFR (Common European Framework Of Reference), or pan-European Ownership Competence foreign languageincluding its study, teaching and evaluation, there are 6 levels in 3 categories of knowledge and skills of students. They combine reading, understanding of hearing hearing, the ability to speak, and also express thoughts in written speech.

    Level A. implies elementary ownership of English, level B. - self-sufficient ownership, level C. - Free English language. These letters denote categories, and levels have such names: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1and C2.

    Cambridge Methodists calculated how many hours of classes with the teacher are necessary for the development of each level. In addition, every hour of lesson should have at least 1 hour of work at home and another 1 / 1.5 hours " exposure", That is, not learning activities, and dives in the language - movies, books, podcasts, communication. It turns out that for each level the following formula is valid:

    Clock with a teacher + Clock lessons at home(execution of DZ.+ Exposure)

    If you are engaged in yourself, just fold all the clock together.

    How much can I learn English?

    • To achieve level A1 Elementary.(a basic level of) You will need about 70-100 hours on courses or with a teacher and as many hours of homework.
    • A2 Pre-Intermediate (below average) . Intermediate level between the basic and middle. It takes about 100 hours of courses and 100-150 hours of homework.
    • Level B1 Intermediate (medium level) English possessions, according to Cambridge Methodists, you will master approximately 150-200 hours of courses, plus about 200-250 hours at home. In the average courses per year about 70-72 classes. If the occupation lasts 1.5 hours, we get 108 hours instead of 150. But during normal operation, this is usually enough. But those who homework do not regularly perform for one academic year Level, as a rule, do not master.
    • B2 Upper-Intermediate Already requires 200 hours with a teacher and 300-400 hours of independent work. After the level of upper-intermediate, teenagers hand over the exam, and adults begin preparations for international IELTS or TOEFL exams.
    • C1 Advanced - level of professional ownership. For him, too, about 200 hours with a teacher and 300-400, and better even more hours of independent work. In fact, most people at this level are already engaged in textbooks independently, because the level is already allowed. And to control often looking for a native media.
    • C2 Proficiency. - Holding English at the level close to the educated native speaker. At this level, it is most often engaged in self-education, and the growth with C1 to C2 usually does not occur at the expense of tutorials, but by immersion in the language atmosphere - again, books, movies, communication.

    How many English words do you need to teach?

    It has been proven that on average for a person most effectively and really learn 5-10 words per day. It seems that this is not enough, but if working daily, about 2,000-3500 words will be checked in 1 year. And this is quite a lot. With correct study, these words will be enshrined in memory, and you will actively use them in your speech. Thus, an active, not passive vocabulary is formed.

    Of course, there are exceptions to the rules: some people can really learn and remember more than 10 words per day. However, if you do not have super supervisors, we recommend adhere to the "Better Less But Better" rule (better less so better).

    You can read about how to improve your vocabulary in this article.

    Can intensive courses help you

    If you have a situation in which you just need to quickly pull up your knowledge in English, then an intensive course can help.

    Intensive English is a process of practically continuous receipt of knowledge for a fairly short time. Clear thing that there are plays and cons.


    • high speed learning (for those who have a foreign trip, interview in English, etc.);
    • short time for speech development (intensive English courses often use the communicative technique: work in pairs or groups, dialogues, role-playing games, discussion);
    • a small break between the lessons (about 4-5 classes per week + home assignments for the weekend - this schedule does not allow to relax and always keeps in a tone);
    • more comfortable overcoming language barrier (since you train a speaking speech daily).


    • require a serious return (devoting to English 5 evenings per week can afford not everyone). In addition, there are still homework assuming serious time costs;
    • with the assimilation of the material due to repetitions and cavity, this method is not suitable;
    • weak grammar preparation (grammar scan into the basis of training and becomes necessary for oral speech or understanding of the printed text; explain grammatical rules simply no time);
    • inaccurate knowledge (high pace often reveals some not fully disclosed questions);
    • a huge flow of information (there is a high probability to be mastered from learning at an early stage and without reaching the desired result).


    When learning English, it is necessary to set real terms for themselves, because you only decide how much time to spend. With a specialist, you can set goals, find out your level to which you can rely on to achieve further progress. Everything else depends only on you! AIM FOR THE BEST AND KEEP GOING FORWARD!

    Big and Friendly Family EnglishDom

    The secret method for the month to learn the language does not exist. If someone promises you a miracle - do not believe. But the process can be accelerated to overcome the barrier for half a year and finally speak English. Lifeball and experts of the English Skyeng online school are divided by simple advice.

    1. Learn online

    It is online classes help to learn quickly. Riding bad weather to the other end of the city is lazy, and the Internet is always at hand. Adaptation of your schedule to the schedule of courses, agreements with teachers, spending time on the road - all this is bored and slows down the process. Choose Internet courses. What makes life easier increases motivation.

    Many, choosing between a cozy evening at home and a long trip to courses, decide that they will live without English.

    Relo yourself from the reasons to skip the lessons - make a convenient personal schedule. In Skyeng, teachers work in all time zones, so you can engage in the middle of the night.

    Online classes are good for the fact that all materials, texts, video, dictionaries are collected in one place: in the application or on the site. And homework is automatically checked at all right as they are executed.

    2. Learn to leisure

    Do not limit the lesson time. Learning language is not only doing exercises. You can pump the skill, listening to songs and podcasts or reading English-speaking bloggers.

    Everyone knows how important to watch movies and TV shows with English subtitles, but not everyone is aware that there are special training applications for this. Skyeng online translators are related to the eponymous application in your phone, so new words can be repeated at any time.

    For example, if you install a special extension in Google Chrome in the browser, you can read any texts in English, and when you hover for a word or phrase immediately see their translation. The same with subtitles for online cinemas. Each word can be translated right along the viewing. These words are added to personal dictionary and go to the mobile application, where in their free time they can be repeated and memorized.

    English has become a useful skill in the first need for a device for work, continue learning, successful self-realization in various fields. The English-language information space dictates its rules, literature and media in English generate a huge amount of information, waiting for the translation of which you simply do not have time. You either read the original sources in English, or occupy the outsider positions firmly and for a long time. Choose to you.

    If you do not own English, learn it in the shortest possible time. And here the question arises: what exactly these are the most "shortest possible time." On the one hand, we understand that in a couple of weeks, we can hardly handle this task, on the other - the year of study does not seem like this "shortest possible time."

    How to quickly learn English - try to tell. The standard study period of English on courses is about 2 years. And everything will depend on what level you start learning and at what level are willing to stop. Linguists and particularly fond of language issues, people claim that the language needs to be led by a lifetime. But we will talk about ordinary mortals.

    In total, there are 6 English ownership levels: Elementary, Pre-Intermediate, Intermediate, Upper-Intermediate, Advanced, Proficiency. One level of English on average you can complete for 3-4 months. Therefore, if you started studying English from scratch, then up to the middle level (Intermediate) you can reach about six months. This is if you are engaged in a group with intensity 2 times a week. If you choose a more intensive program, then it is quite realistic to complete the course for 3-4 months.

    English is quickly learning those to whom it is needed "on yesterday." If you are planning to enter a foreign university, moving abroad, the intensive program is your option. If you are not ready to visit English courses 4-5 times a week, you can try to quickly learn english houses. To do this, you need to surround yourself English.
    Studying English quickly suggests that you are paying time learning every day. You can read books in English, watch movies with subtitles or without, learn new words using applications on a smartphone. There are many ways to learn English. Tell some of them.

    Easy way to learn English - you go on, choose an intensive program, engaged from 3 days a week, do not forget about the performance of homework. This method is suitable for those who are willing to pay lessons a certain time. With such a schedule for about 2-3 months, you can master the skill of fluid communication in English from scratch. It will be impossible to say that you know English perfectly, but to communicate in standard situations, join the dialogues, to communicate at work, you can.

    English Learning Plan

    For each person, the plan can be individual. It is necessary to take into account the starting level of English, basic knowledge and features of the perception of information: someone better remembers information from images, someone - by ear. In addition, each person has its own goals. If you need to master, then it is better to do to the practice of oral communication, if written is worth using written speech simulators and read books in English.

    If you dream to close the question of English for three months (and this period can be considered real), it is worth making clear Plan. To learn English for a month you are promised or courses on which you will have to speak English at least 5 hours a day 5 days a week, or those who do not plan to provide you with such a result in principle.

    For how much English language can be learn:

    • for 2-3 months - get from Elementary to Pre-Intermediate, with a huge desire and diligence to Intermediate. I am doing at least 3 times a week for 1-2 hours, performing your homework, reading books only in English, looking TV shows, movies and podcasts in English, repeating learned words every day.
    • for 5-6 months - get from scratch to intermediate more than real. Cocking 2 times a week, performing homemade, repeating the words and visiting once a week spoken club. If you find a native speaker / and you will communicate with him regularly at least 1-2 times a week - you may end the course before.
    • for 9-12 months - Standard Plan. And even when performing this plan, it is necessary not to skip classes, repeat the words, perform homework, catch up with grammatical skills, train pronunciation. To the question "For how much you can learn English from scratch" you can answer this way: 9-12 months or 1-2 years.
    • for 1-2 years - you can reach Intermediate. It is even too long, but many students hang at the pre-intermediate - intermediate level approximately on such a time. If you do not perform homemade or not immerse yourself in English anywhere, except lessons on courses, you increase the learning time language several times.

    Do you still dream to learn English for a month? We will not limit you: it is also possible. But it turns out, as a rule, only when moving abroad and the absence of any possibility of communication in the native language. If the courses cannot isolate you for a month from communicating in Russian, do not believe their promises to learn English for the month.

    How to learn English for 3 months?

    This period looks the most real and one of the most urgent. Let's try to make a plan and convince you that it is possible.

    First month

    This is a period of working with an English teacher or tutor. If you want to learn English for a supercore period, it is worth neglected group classes And do individually or paired. Why? Just because 90% of the time you will say exactly. You will not need to wait until the remaining students will be expressed (and they can be from 4 to 10).

    Every day you must memorize about 30 words. And remember good. So good so that they remain, at least in passive reserve, and the phrase verbs went immediately into the active. With such an intensity after 90%, you will own the lexicon about 3000 words. This is quite enough for fluidized communication in standard situations. Although the educated native speaker can own words from 8,000 and more. There is something to strive for.

    Second month

    You can already communicate in English. Ideally, you can connect the native speaker or even several to the communication process. Take a rule: 3 times a week you must speak with carriers in English about 1-2 hours + to engage with the teacher + repeat the material yourself. In parallel, you need to continue to study new words and introduce them into your speech. Also read books in English for beginners. This not only replenishes your vocabulary, but also helps to memorize standard phrases, the structure of proposals.

    Third Month

    Actively read books in English. Detach this lesson at least an hour per day, write out and remember strangers. If you are lucky to find a carrier friend who will be ready to communicate with you in English from 3 hours a day - count you pulled a happy ticket. Every day, continue to study 30 new words per day.

    Yes, English is possible to learn for 3 months. If you give him 4 hours daily.

    Collected for you a selection of English courses in and. After studying 1 to 3 months, you will feel a significant difference in the level of English.

    Useful resources

    It is only in the books of the remark Heroes-emigrants study English in summaries of those killed during the Second World War in newspapers. And, by the way, quite successfully studied - the motivation is too strong. You can use to explore a huge amount of useful resources:

    • To memorize words: - The application for those who prefer Apple devices. You can learn new words using the interval method. Alternative - if you are not a fan of apples.
    • For conversational practice: The Mixxer - Resource for Skype Skype with Media
    • About resources for watching movies in English -
    • Read books in english - You can at the resource
    • Check and train pronunciation - You can on the channel
    • Audiobooks (and their textual options) in English Can be found on the resource. All books are divided from Elementary levels to Advanced.
    We wish you success!