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  • The theme of the homeland in the works of Mayakovsky. An essay based on the work on the theme: The theme of the Motherland and the new man in the lyrics of Mayakovsky. The theme of the Motherland in the works of A. Blok, S. Yesenin, V. Mayakovsky

    The theme of the homeland in the works of Mayakovsky.  An essay based on the work on the theme: The theme of the Motherland and the new man in the lyrics of Mayakovsky.  The theme of the Motherland in the works of A. Blok, S. Yesenin, V. Mayakovsky

    Alexander Blok and Vladimir Mayakovsky are two great Russian poets. It is not easy to compare their work, since in ideological and stylistic terms they are very different from each other. If Blok belonged to the Symbolists (representatives of the strongest literary movement of the late 19th and early 20th centuries) and his work was largely based on the traditions of the golden - Pushkin - century of Russian poetry, then Mayakovsky belonged to the circle of futurist poets who call to "throw Pushkin and Dostoevsky from the steamer of our time ". Each of these great poets had their own understanding of modernity, history and the role of poetry.

    The only thing that unites them is ardent love for the Motherland.

    Blok's image of the Motherland is extremely complex, multifaceted and contradictory. The poet himself said that he devotes his whole life to this topic. A drunken, pious, mischievous looking out from under a woman's headscarf, a beggar - such is Blok's Russia. And that is how she is dear to him:

    Yes, and such, my Russia,

    You are dearer to me than all the lands, -

    the poet confesses in the poem "To sin shamelessly, soundly ...".

    The poet passionately loved his country, connected its fate with his own: "My Rus, my life, can we toil together? ..". In many of his poems about the Motherland flicker female images: "No, not an old man's face and not lean under a Moscow colored handkerchief ..." (" New america")," ... patterns patterned up to the eyebrows ... "," ... an instant glance from under the scarf ... ".

    The symbol of Russia in many of Blok's poems is reduced to the image of a simple Russian woman. Identifying these two images, the poet, as it were, animated the very concept of "Russia", bringing the so-called patriotic lyrics closer to love ones. In the poem "Autumn Day" he calls Russia his wife:

    Oh my poor country

    What do you mean to the heart?

    Oh my poor wife

    What are you crying bitterly about?

    Of all Russian poets, only Blok has such an interpretation of the theme of love for the Motherland. Fear, pain, longing and love to madness - in every word, in every line.

    Sometimes this complex range of feelings is joined by notes of "supernatural". So, the mystery, the complex interweaving of reality and mysticism shines through in the lines of the most remarkable, in my opinion, Blok's poem about the Motherland ("Rus"):

    Russia, surrounded by rivers

    And surrounded by wilds

    With swamps and cranes,

    And with the dim gaze of a sorcerer ...

    Where are the wizards with the sorcerers

    Cereals charm the Pole,

    ] L witches play with devils

    In road snow pillars.

    The Bloc's Russia is unshakable, unchanging. But she also needs changes, which are mentioned in the poem "The Kite" in 1916:

    Centuries go by, war is rustling,

    There is a mutiny, villages are burning,

    And you are still the same, my country,

    In tear-stained and ancient beauty -

    How long does the mother grieve?

    How long does the kite circle?

    It didn't take long for the kite to circle. A year after writing the poem, the revolution began. What awaits unfortunate Russia after it, what paths-roads will open before it? This Blok did not know for sure (although he foresaw a lot thanks to his ingenious intuition). Therefore, in his poem "The Twelve", glorifying the spontaneous revolutionary storm that will overwhelm the poet, its heroes, a patrol of twelve people, do not see where they are going:

    And the blizzard is dusting in their eyes

    Days and nights

    All the way ...

    The old world to which Blok belonged was destroyed. What will it be new world, the poet could not imagine. The future turned out to be hidden by a veil of darkness and bloody haze. Poetry - great, true - is no longer needed by anyone, poetry is not heard because of the knock of the steps of the sentinels on the pavement, because of the frequent shots and revolutionary songs. It is no coincidence that in the poem "Good" Mayakovsky wrote about this time:

    Blok's Russia ... Strangers,

    the haze of the north was sinking

    wreckage and cans

    canned food.

    Mayakovsky himself also deeply loved his Motherland, but in a different way from Blok. Blok's love is, as it were, directed into the past, while Mayakovsky said: Fatherland

    which is, but three times -

    which will be.

    Unlike Blok, he knew exactly what the future of the country would be - it would be socialist and, of course, necessarily happy. V lyric collections Mayakovsky, there is not a single poem that would glorify pre-revolutionary Russia... He himself and all her poetry are directed towards the future. He wholeheartedly loved Russia of his day (more precisely, the Soviet Union). At that time, life in the country was difficult, there was hunger and devastation, and Mayakovsky endured all the hardships and hardships with his country and his people:

    where is the air

    like sweet fruit drink, Throw

    and you rush, wheel, - but the earth,

    with which

    frozen together forever

    you can't stop loving ... I

    this land

    where and when the bladder grew and goiter, but the earth,

    with which

    starving together - you can't

    The poet traveled abroad, saw a well-fed and luxurious life abroad, but motherland more dear to him:

    I would like to live

    and die in Paris if it weren't for

    such a land - Moscow.

    Mayakovsky was incredibly proud that he lived in the only socialist country in the whole world. In his poems, he literally shouted: "Read, envy, I am a citizen Soviet Union! ". And even though this made some people“ burn their mouths, ”even though the young Soviet country still had many enemies, Mayakovsky sacredly and sincerely believed that all difficulties would be overcome, that devastation, hunger, wars would disappear forever, and a bright communist future would come. All his poems about the Motherland are imbued with this faith, genuine optimism.The poet's dreams were not destined to come true, but still, this does not make his work less interesting for study and reading.

    In the lyrical works of two greatest poets For Russia - Blok and Mayakovsky - Russia appears as a dear and painfully familiar homeland to everyone, unstable, seething, sobbing through bursting laughter, all looking into the future and ready at any moment to forget about the difficult past, having understood everything and forgiving everyone.

    Mayakovsky V.V.

    An essay based on a work on the topic: The theme of the Motherland and the new man in the lyrics of Mayakovsky

    I met Mayakovsky's first poem at the age of five. Mom read to me “What is good and what is bad?”. I still remember many of the lines from it. Hundreds of bright lines of the poet from his poems have entered our conversation, into our life, have become popular sayings.
    Mayakovsky was peculiar and rather interesting personality... “It concentrated all the pain and all the joy of a working person, hatred of tsarism, the bourgeoisie, the imperialist war; belief in the victory of the revolution and socialism; the greatest love and respect for Lenin ”.
    About love for the Motherland and the happiness of being her son, a citizen, a participant in her creative achievements and prosperity, the last of Mayakovsky's completed poems - “Good!”. It is about love and happiness obtained “in labor and battle”. Poem "Good!" is a hymn socialist revolution... Mayakovsky was home to the son's great love for the socialist fatherland. The poet was and remains in our hearts a true fighter. He checked the dignity of his poems and poems by meeting with the people. He traveled a lot, and these hundreds of trips were for him both a school of life and a “show” of his revolutionary poetry. Giving "all his sonorous poet power" to the revolution, Mayakovsky terribly hated the enemies of the Soviet country, the Motherland, he hated the townsfolk, the bourgeoisie. He directed all his passion against those who prevent us from building and living in a young Soviet republic... All his deeds and thoughts were directed to the future. Vladimir Mayakovsky wanted to be and became a prophet and a banner of the revolution.
    Mayakovsky's work after October is filled with a powerful, indestructible love of life. The theme of joy is firmly embedded in it. “Drink joy! Sing it! Spring is in my veins! ” (“Our march”). The feeling of joy not only does not diminish in the poet's poems of the twenties, on the contrary, it becomes fuller, deeper. This is the happiness of merging with the people: -
    I am happy that I am a particle of this power.
    It is also the joy of giving people the best that you possess yourself - your work, and thereby making their lives richer and happier:
    I AM
    Soviet feel
    a plant that produces happiness.
    This admiration for the beauty of life:
    Joy rushing. Not for you
    whether to give to us ?! Life is beautiful and
    One of the poems I like most is “The Story of Kuznetskstroy and.”. It shows not one hero, but mass heroism. The poem reflects the labor enthusiasm that has gripped millions of people, which history has not yet known. Therefore, the hero of the poem is not the narrator, but the collective. We do not see the construction site itself. Mayakovsky speaks of people who have just arrived at a new building to erect a wonderful garden city in the wilderness. People are just getting ready for work, there are huge difficulties ahead, but already now their life is under open air, in dank dampness, from hand to mouth - a daily feat. And they endure all these hardships and inconveniences, motivated not by the thirst for personal gain, but by a deep understanding of the greatness of the goal:
    Lips drain
    from the cold, but lips
    whisper in tune: “In four
    years here
    there will be a garden city! "
    The poet supports this undertaking. He is confident that no obstacles and hardships will break their will to win.
    I know - the city
    will, I know - a garden
    bloom when
    There are such people in the Soviet country!
    I think that Mayakovsky in this poem wanted to show a new person, a person of the future.
    In his mind, he was an honest person, deeply devoted to the idea, capable of self-sacrifice, a citizen of the country.
    Mayakovsky believes in the future of the country. In the "October" poem, we feel it. Talking about the difficult years of the young republic, the author gradually turns to the image of the Motherland, “the land that he conquered and nursed half-alive”. Here the author deepens his idea that it is impossible to live separately from everyone, that each person is inseparable from the life of the people.
    Nowadays, almost everyone knows Mayakovsky, they know that he still “lives” with us. His books live, “fight” and shine for us. And the name of Mayakovsky, his words will never be forgotten. Http: // www.

    Some of the most famous and beloved poets of the 20th century are Sergei Alexandrovich Yesenin and Vladimir Vladimirovich Mayakovsky. Poets lived in a difficult time for Russia: the first World War then revolution and Civil War... All this happened in front of the country's citizens, everyone was going through these terrible years. The fine mental organization of the poet could not help but respond to these important events and not reflect them in creativity.

    Since October 1917, the tonality of Mayakovsky's poems has changed dramatically, new stage his creativity.

    The pathos of the poems takes on different shades, the denial of a reality hostile to man is replaced by an ardent acceptance of the revolution and the changes that have begun. Vladimir Vladimirovich's poems open up another Motherland for us. "Left March", "Stunning Facts" show Mayakovsky's faith in the power of the new world and the expectation of a bright future. In Poems about the Soviet Passport, Mayakovsky says:

    "Read, envy,

    I am a citizen of the Soviet Union! "

    In these lines, there is such genuine pride for their country that there is no doubt about the deep sense of patriotism that lives in the poet's heart.

    Sergei Yesenin perceived the revolution differently, for him it became a force destroying his "blue Russia". Sergei Alexandrovich, who was born in a village, loved most of all rustic Rus', simple. About her, he says:

    "Untold, quiet, gentle

    Quiet is my land after storms, after thunderstorms

    And my soul is a boundless field,

    Breathes with the scent of honey and roses. "

    Even Yesenin's soul is part of his homeland. Changes. what happened in the country scares the poet, he does not feel necessary for the country, but still writes:

    "I will chant

    With the whole being in the poet

    Sixth of the earth

    With a short name "Rus". "

    As we can see, Yesenin and Mayakovsky perceived their Motherland and the changes taking place with it in completely different ways. Mayakovsky glorified the revolution and the "new" Soviet Russia, waited for a bright future for the citizens of a great country and was incredibly proud of it. The "citizen of the village", in turn, feels superfluous, but still his soul belongs to Russia forever. Poets of the 20th century - V.V. Mayakovsky and Sergei Yesenin are united by a sense of patriotism and boundless, albeit so different, love for the Motherland. This is perfectly reflected in the work of writers, and thanks to them we can experience the same as the whole country used to do.

    Like the spring of humanity


    In labors and in battle,

    My fatherland,

    My Republic!

    V. Mayakovsky

    Whatever V. Mayakovsky wrote about, the main theme in his poems has always been the theme of the Motherland, since a poet, in his opinion, is not only a "driver of the people", but also a "people's servant". This great poet put his work at the service of his homeland, his people, the revolution.

    Mayakovsky did not care much about abstract, general questions. He actively participated in the life of his country, was aware of all the events, was sincerely happy with the achievements Soviet people, strove to overcome the "vestiges". He was interested in specifics, and his works, in which he fought all sorts of "rubbish": bureaucracy, vulgarity, philistinism, egoism, were just as extremely concrete. The pen is a formidable weapon of poets, and Mayakovsky skillfully used it.

    In his works, the poet often conducts a dialogue or addresses people of different professions, and we understand that these people are alive, with their own thoughts, doing a certain job in building a new world, often even showing heroism. Diligence, readiness for hardships in the name of achieving delhi, self-denial instill joy and optimism in the poet's heart, faith in the creation of a "garden city" on earth:

    The City Will Be, I Know - The Garden Will Blossom, When Such People In The Soviet Country

    Mayakovsky spoke of the "hellish" work done by the citizens of the young country: "we illuminate, we dress the beggars and bare, the mining of coal and ore is expanding." According to the poet, in order for the old world to become a thing of the past, it is necessary to actively build a new world, and this is very difficult in the atmosphere of hunger and devastation that reigned in the country after the imperialist war and in the first years after the revolution.

    There Beyond the mountains of grief, the endless land of sunshine, For the hunger, For the pestilence of the sea, Print the millionth step!

    Mayakovsky feels his strong connection with the people, "with those who went out to build and revenge in the continuous fever of Budden." He likes the "bulk" of the plans of the builders of a new life, and the "sweep of fathoms steps", and the march "with which we go to work and to battles." Being involved in the creation of the Fatherland, "which will be," Mayakovsky feels sincere joy:

    Citizens! Today the millennial "Before" is crumbling. Today the basis of the worlds is being revised. Today, up to the last button in clothes, we will remake life again.

    Mayakovsky believed in his Land of the Soviets. He devoted not only creativity to her, but also his life. The poet's poems are imbued with love for the Motherland, a sense of deep patriotism, the desire to quickly lead it to a bright and happy future.

    The main thing in us

    This is our Land of Soviets, the Soviet will, the Soviet banner, the Soviet sun.

    Mayakovsky was sure that the time and efforts of his contemporaries to overcome everything that had become obsolete and build a new one would not be wasted. The description of events in novels and other works is a great, divine deed, and joint creativity for Mayakovsky was not only necessary, but also sacred.

    Through the revolving barking, To, dying, incarnate In steamers, In lines And in other long cases.