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  • Characteristics of the heroes according to the work of "red and black". "Female images in Stendhal's novel" Red and Black Characteristics of images of red and black

    Characteristics of the heroes according to the work of

    STANDAL (Henri Marie Bayle) (1783-1842)


    Madame de Renal

    The French define the main theme of their literature XIX v. as the theme "La femme et l a ..." ("woman and money"). At least in the novel Red and Black, female characters are the main ones. These are Madame de Renal and Matilda de La Mole, who significantly influenced the fate of Julien Sorel. What can you say about these heroines?

    The wife of the mayor of Ver "ra, to whose children the carpenter's son was invited as tutor, was very beautiful:" Madame de Renal, a tall and stately woman, was once famous, as they say here, in the mountains, the first beauty in the whole region. There was something youthful and simple-minded in her gait. Naive grace, full of innocence and liveliness, perhaps, could have charmed a Parisian with soft hidden earnestness. However, if Madame de Renal knew that she could make such an impression, she would have burned with shame .. They said that Mr. Valno, a rich man, the director of the orphanage, courted her, but had no success. And therefore her virtue gained loud fame ... " women, in which the main words are: “young and simple-minded,” “naive,” “innocence and liveliness,” “burned out of shame,” “virtue.” her hearts were burning. " So, the spiritual purity and naturalness of this heroine is clearly emphasized. True, the “mathematically accurate” writer could not help but recall the “hidden ardor” of the woman, which can be understood as a barely noticeable hint of future passion that Julien will awaken in her calm heart.

    Stendhal writes about the character of Madame de Renal: “The shy Madame de Renal was obviously of a vulnerable nature, - she was very irritated by the irrepressible fussiness and loud voice of Mr. Valno. She shunned everything that Ver "єri calls entertainment, and therefore they said that she was too proud of her origin ... I must say frankly that the local ladies had her a fool, because she did not know how to twist a man ..."

    The master of psychological analysis plunges into the innermost depths of the female soul: “Her soul was simple and naive; she never dared to judge a man, did not admit to herself that she was bored with him. She, although she did not think about it, believed that there is no more tender relationship between spouses. She liked Monsieur de Renal most of all when he shared with her plans for the future of their sons; one of them he cooked for military career, the second for the magistracy, and the third for the church. " It turns out that this peaceful "idyll" of married life contained a hidden threat - the young woman was bored, perhaps without realizing it herself, but "in the end, Monsieur de Renal did not seem to her as boring as all the other men she knew."

    The author describes in detail the mind of the protagonist, her life experience: “Madame de Renal was one of those provincial women who, when they first met, might not seem very smart. She had no life experience, and she did not know how to carry on a conversation. Gifted with a sensitive and proud soul, in her unconscious desire for happiness inherent in every living being, she basically simply did not notice what all these rude people, among whom she lived by chance, were doing. "

    Ms. de Renal's discourse on education provides an opportunity for the writer to criticize the education and upbringing of girls in what was then France. Several apt phrases about "nonsense learned in the monastery" convince him of its imperfection. The circle of vital interests of this woman is very limited: “Before the appearance of Julien, she, in fact, was interested only in children, their minor ailments, troubles, small joys absorbed all the sensitivity of his soul, which in her whole life knew only one ardent love for God when she was in Sacre Coeur Monastery in Besancon ”.

    The feelings of Giani de Renal and Julien go through a complex evolution. At first, she did not accept the young son of the carpenter, who was supposed to raise her sons. Maternal jealousy awakened in her: how can someone besides her have an influence on her lovely sons ?! Only later did Madame de Renal notice that he did not look like all the boring moneybags who surrounded her. She intuitively felt both the deep inner work in Julien's soul, and the first outbursts of love, which had not previously awakened in her, although she was already married and even gave birth to three children. Stendhal masterfully described the difficult struggle in her soul the feeling of love and maternal love and conjugal duty. And this struggle makes her image much more attractive than if she was portrayed as just a mistress who hides from her husband and society, enjoying the joy of the “forbidden fruit”. In addition, the clash of feelings is good stuff for such a subtle psychologist as Stendhal.

    Regarding Sorel's attitude to Madame de Renal, at first the young ambitious person perceives his relationship with her (and later with Matilda de La Mole) as a battlefield. At first he does not love her and literally orders himself to become her lover: "It is my duty to become her lover." Why did he make this decision? Firstly, becoming a lover of an aristocrat for a plebeian was a kind of "compensation" for his low birth, a kind of revenge on all these pompous gentlemen, and above all on her husband: “The guy still sounded in his ears the images that he had heard enough in the morning. “Not a good opportunity to laugh at a creature that can afford everything for its money? Here I will zavolodіy hand of his wife in his presence! Yes, I will! I, to whom he showed so much disdain! " Secondly, the ambitious young man took the invitation to become a tutor in the house of the mayor of Ver "ra (and this was one of his unconditional successes) as a possible shameful (well, who is a tutor - this is so low!) Fact that will need to be hidden or somehow- And it will be very convenient to make excuses not by making money, but by a feeling of love for the mistress of the house: someone will reproach me with the pitiful title of a tutor, I can hint that love pushed me to this ”.

    He didn’t care which aristocrat he was “hunting”: for Madame de Renal or her friend Madame Dervil: “This woman cannot disrespect me, but if so,” decided Julien, “I should not resist the spell of her beauty; it is my duty to become her lover. " This sudden decision amused him a little. “One of these two women must be mine,” he said to himself and thought that it would be much more pleasant for him to look after Mrs. Dervil - not because she is better, but only because she always saw him only as a tutor, whom respected for his scholarship, and not a simple artisan with a ratin jacket under his arm, as he first appeared before Madame de Renal. "

    Madame de Renal constantly reproaches herself for adultery. Once, when she blamed herself for her son's illness, she almost confessed this to her husband. Only arrogance and mental deafness prevented him from hearing his wife. This constant internal struggle in the soul of a decent woman, the torn between secret love for Julien and love for her sons, as well as a sense of guilt for adultery make Madame de Renal happy and unhappy at the same time and very dependent on various influences. This situation could not but lead to trouble: the hypocritical Jesuit Abbot Shelan still forced her to confess to adultery. The unhappy woman fell into complete dependence on the clergyman, it became easy to manipulate her.

    It seemed that Madame de Renal should have hated the one who almost took her life. However, this did not happen. After the shots in the church and the trial of Julien, forgetting about caution and disregarding public opinion, she began to visit the doomed Sorel in prison twice a day. Even the extremely wealthy and influential Matilda de La Mole could not achieve this: she was allowed only one meeting per day.

    Completing the image of Madame de Renal is not very realistic: “Madame de Renal kept her promises. She made no attempt on her life, but three days after Julien's execution she died, hugging her children. "

    The mayor of the small French town of Verrières, Monsieur de Renal, takes a young man by the name of Julien Sorel to the governor's house. Ambitious and ambitious, Julien studies theology, knows Latin perfectly and reads pages from the Bible by heart, since childhood he dreams of fame and recognition, and also admires Napoleon. He believes that the path of a priest is a sure way to make a career. His politeness and intelligence are in sharp contrast to the manners and character of M. de Renal, whose wife is gradually imbued with sympathy for Julien, and then falls in love with him. They become lovers, but Madame de Renal is pious, she is constantly tormented by pangs of conscience, besides, the deceived husband receives an anonymous letter warning about his wife's betrayal. Julien, by prior agreement with Madame de Renal, makes a similar letter, as if it came to her. But rumors circulate around the city, and Julien has to leave. He gets a job at a theological seminary in Besançon, amazing the rector, Abbot Pirard, with his knowledge. When the time comes to choose a confessor for himself, he chooses Pirard, who, as it turned out later, was suspected of Jansenism.

    They want to force Pirar to resign. His friend, the wealthy and influential Marquis de La Mole, invites the abbot to move to Paris and gives him a parish four leagues from the capital. When the marquis mentioned that he was looking for a secretary, Pirard suggested Julien - as a person who "has both energy and intelligence." He is very happy to be in Paris. The Marquis, in turn, welcomes Julien for his hard work and ability and entrusts him with the most difficult cases. He also meets the daughter of the Marquis, Matilda, who is frankly bored in high society. Matilda is spoiled and selfish, but not stupid and very beautiful. The pride's pride is offended by Julien's indifference, and suddenly she falls in love with him. Julien does not feel passionate in return, but the attention of the aristocrat flatters him. After a night spent together, Matilda is horrified and breaks off relations with Julien, who is tormented by unrequited love. His friend, Prince Korazov, advises to cause jealousy in Matilda by flirting with other women, and the plan unexpectedly succeeds. Matilda falls in love with Julien again, and then announces that she is expecting a child and wants to marry him. However, Sorel's bright plans are upset by a sudden letter from Madame de Renal. The woman writes:

    Poverty and greed prompted this man, capable of incredible hypocrisy, to seduce a weak and unhappy woman and thus create a certain position for himself and break out into people ... [He] does not recognize any laws of religion. To be honest, I have to think that one of the ways to achieve success is for him to seduce the woman who enjoys the greatest influence in the house.

    The Marquis de La Mole does not want to see Julien. The same one goes to Madame de Renal, buys a pistol on the way and shoots at his former lover. Madame Renal does not die of her wounds, but Julien is still imprisoned and sentenced to death. In prison, he again reconciles with Madame de Renal and regrets his attempt to commit murder. He understands that he has always been in love only with her. Madame de Renal comes to him in prison and says that the letter was written by her confessor, and she only rewrote it. After Julien was sentenced to death, he refuses to appeal, reinforcing this by the fact that he has achieved everything in life, and death will only finish this path. Madame de Renal dies three days after Julien's execution.

    Julien Sorel - the main character novel. He wants to be in the military, but only nobles are taken there. Therefore, he wants to wear a black cassock, since the way there is open to him. But he only longs for the privilege of this garment. He himself does not believe in God. Clever, judicious, does not shun the means, an ardent admirer of Napoleon, wants to repeat his fate. He thinks that if he had been born during the time of Napoleon, he would have achieved a lot, but now he has to be hypocritical. Understands that for the sake of your goals you need to treat people you don't love well. Tries to be a hypocrite, but it does not always work out. Very emotional, vain, chasing a position in society. Hot-tempered. Brave. Sometimes his feelings prevail over reason.

    Madame de Renal is the wife of the mayor of the city of Verrieres, M. de Renal. 30 years. Sincere, simple-minded and naive.

    Matilda de La Mole - 20 years old; harsh, emotional, ironic towards her acquaintances, not hypocritical with her father's friends. Behaves like a child. Slowly reads his father's books (Voltaire, Rousseau). And the more there is a protest of modernity, the more interesting it seems to her.

    Abbot Pirard - Sorel meets him at the seminary. The abbot has sympathy for the intelligent student, but tries not to show them. They are similar to Sorel. Most of them do not like them for their intelligence, erudition, opposition to other seminarians. Everyone is ready to report on them at the first opportunity. As a result, the abbots survived from the seminary. Monsieur de La Mole helps him to move to another place.

    Monsieur de La Mole - participates in secret meetings, looks like the ultra-royalist of the 1820s. Has a large library. He treats Sorel well from the very beginning, does not despise his origin. Appreciates him for work, help in business. I immediately believed in the negative characterization of Sorel. I am grateful to the abbot for his help.

    Comte de Thaler is the son of a Jew, simple-minded, which is why he succumbs to the influence of society and does not have his own opinion. He killed in a duel Croisenois, who defended the honor of Matilda, refuting rumors about the reason for her disappearance, not believing in anonymous letters. Croisenois was a fan of her.

    Monsieur de Renal - Mayor of the City of Verrière. Invites a tutor to show off to Valno. Valno himself then becomes the mayor. Both are worried about what others will think of them. Vain, rich in dishonest money. They talk friendly with each other, but they are intriguing behind the eyes.

    Stendhal's novel "Red and Black" is diverse in subject matter, interesting and instructive. Instructive and the fate of his heroes. I want to tell you what the two heroines taught me - where is Madame Renal and Matilda de La Mole. In order for us to understand the inner world of these heroines, Stendhal subjects them to the test of love, since, in his opinion, love is a subjective feeling and to a greater extent depends on who loves than on the object of love itself. And only love can rip off the masks behind which people usually hide their true nature.

    At the beginning of the novel, Madame Renal appears. She looked about thirty years old, but she was still very pretty. A tall, stately woman, she was once the first beauty in the whole district. A wealthy heiress of a God-fearing aunt, she was brought up in a Jesuit convent, but soon managed to forget the nonsense that she was taught in this institution. She was married at sixteen for an elderly gentleman where Renal. Smart, quick-witted, emotional, she was at the same time timid and bashful, simple and a little naive. Her heart was free from coquetry. She loved solitude, loved to walk in her wonderful garden, shied away from what was called entertainment, so in society, Madame where Renal began to be called proud and said that she was very proud of her origin. She did not even have this in her thoughts, but she was very satisfied when the inhabitants of the town began to visit them less often.

    A young woman could not cheat, conduct, politics regarding her man, therefore, among the local ladies, she was considered "stupid." The courtship of Mr. Valno, who liked her, only frightened her. The life of the madam where Renal was dedicated to man and children. And now a new feeling arose in her soul - love. She seemed to wake up from a long dream, began to be captured by everyone, did not remember herself from emotions. The feelings that kindled Madame where Renal made her energetic and determined. Here she, as if condemned to death in order to save her beloved, goes to Julien's room to pull a portrait of Napoleon out of the mattress. This, by hook or by crook, introduces Julien, a man of low birth, into the guard of honor. This thinks through an anonymous letter.

    Madame de Renal is constantly in mental stress, two forces are fighting in her - a natural feeling, a desire for happiness and a sense of responsibility regarding the family, a man, imposed by society, civilization, and religion. When her son falls ill, she perceives the illness as God's punishment for adultery. And almost immediately after the threat to the boy's health is past, he again surrenders to his love. Then she returned again to her beloved, now completely. She can no longer go against herself, her nature, nature. She says: "My duty first of all is to be with you." From that time on, she completely stopped considering moral condemnation. Now he simply did not exist for her. During the last days she had been with Julien. Life without a loved one became meaningless for her. And three days after Julien's death, the lady where Renal dies while embracing her children. She lived quietly, imperceptibly, sacrificing herself for the sake of her children, her beloved, and she died just as quietly.

    Matilda de La Mole is a very different type of female character. A proud and cold beauty who reigns on points, where the whole brilliant Parisian world gathers, extravagant, witty, she is the highest for her environment. She reads Voltaire, Rousseau, is interested in the history of France, the heroic eras of the country - an active nature forces her to treat with contempt all the noble admirers who claim her hand and heart. From them, and in particular from the Marquis where Croisnois, whose marriage would have brought Matilda the ducal title, about which her father is seen, is bored to her. "What can be banal in the world from such a gathering?" - expresses the look of her "blue as the sky" eyes. Modern reality does not arouse any interest in Matilda. She is everyday, gray and not at all heroic. Everything is bought and sold - "the title of baron, the title of viscount - all this can be bought ... the end of the end, to get wealth, a man can marry the daughter of Rothschild." Matilda is alive by the past that arises in her imagination, entwined with the romance of strong feelings. She regrets that there is no more court like the court of Catherine or Louis XIII. On April 30, Matilda always wears a mourning dress, since this is the day of the death penalty of her ancestor La Mola, who died in 1574, making an attempt to free his friends captured by Catherine, among whom was the King of Navarre, the future Henry IV, the man of his mistress - the queen Margaritas. Matilda bows to the power of passion of Margarita, who received the head of her lover from the executioner and buried her with her own hand. A supporter of the throne and the church, Matilda feels capable of great feats for the sake of restoring old times.

    Matilda pays attention to Julien because she senses in him an extraordinary nature. Just like a count with his romantic destiny ("obviously, only a death sentence distinguishes a person ... this is a single thing that cannot be bought"), Julien evokes her interest and respect as such that "... was not born to crawl." Matilda is struck by the overcast fire that glows in his eyes, his proud gaze. "Or is he not Danton?" - thinks Matildaa, feeling that it is real man with a strong will, worthy of her. “In our days, when all decisiveness is lost, his decisiveness frightens them,” Matiilda thinks, contrasting Julien with all the young nobles who flaunt in her mother's salon.

    The face of Tartuffe, the kind of saint that Julien assumes, cannot deceive her. Despite his black suit, which he does not take off, "on the priest's face, with which the poor man has to walk in order not to die of hunger," - His Highness scares them, - Matilda understands. To dare to fall in love with Julien, the one who stands below her on social levels, corresponds to her character, the secret of which is the need to take risks. But her love is hard. She, too, like Madame where Renal is, is in constant mental stress. She, too, is sharpening the struggle between the natural striving for happiness and "civilization", those views that society imposed on them from its very birth. Hesitating between love and hatred for Julien, contempt for herself, she either pushes him away, then surrenders with all the strength of passion. She would have saved Julien from death if he wanted to. After the death of her lover, she performed it last request- buried in a cave on a high mountain that rises above the Verrier. "Thanks to the efforts of Matilda, this wild cave was adorned with marble statues that she ordered in Italy for a lot of money."

    Both heroines are beautiful, each in its own way. Both of them evoke, on the one hand, sympathy and pity, on the other hand, their altruistic, sacrificial love causes surprise and honor. With their love, they teach us to love selflessly and selflessly. It is a pity that their happiness did not last long, but in this they are not so much guilty as society with its unjust laws.

    Characteristics of Pani de Renal “Chervone and Chorne” filed in ts_y statty. You can quote to the image of Pani de Renal vie in the comments.

    Characteristics of the image of Pani de Renal

    Pani de Renal - the squad of the measure of the Verrier, mother of three blue. Life is antiquated and calm. Vaughn do not turn to the right of the cholovik and celebrate the hostility of the simpleton. Ale Zhulin Sorel, leaning into Renal's booth in the capacity of a tutor-tutor, will immediately respect the beast on Pan de Renal, as he will become “naive grace, pure and alive”.

    Luisa does not love her own man. Before Julien, I didn’t know any bias. Alec all-over-gloriously, until the young governor, I will transform Madame de Renal into a stick and a self-made woman. The power of the love of the floor is great, so there is a great deal of Julien's love for him, to ennoble his inner light.

    ... I am all - one sutsilna love before you. Navit, mabut, the word "love" is still too weak. I have the same vision before you, like only hiba, you can live up to God: everything here is і reverence, і love, and hearing ...

    Julien learned that it’s not just a quick-sounding link from a foreign woman, but it’s more expensive. The new one will be born very much. Ale the ambitious thoughts of Julien will spontaneously be separated from Pan de Renal.

    Liszt, which Louise made it possible for the Marquis de La Mole, to avenge the shock of knowledge in a love affair with Jules Sorel. The sheet has a character, writing in the camp of an afekta, having tried all the way through Pani de Renal to change the way of cohana people with a woman.

    “The wickedness and the greed were spoken by the people, the hypocrisy, the weakness and the greediness, the weakness and the unhappy woman, and with such a gentleness set their own camp and vibrate into the people ... Win is not a visage of the current laws of the relevance. Say in good faith, I am tempted to think that one of the ways to achieve success is for a new zvab of a woman who is to get into the booth with the greatest flow. "

    Luiza nothing can change at the vlasniy valley, ale bazhannya happiness appears invincible. The madness of love awakens in the strength of the spirit, about yaku you have not seen before. Send Virok Julien Pani de Renal to come to the scene from the condemnation of the Cohanim stratum. Julien turned in his mind to Luizi Yogo in the end of the living way "was drawn to gentleness and simplicity."

    Julien Nemov was inspired by Pani de Renal:

    “At those colossal hours, since they wandered with you in the upper forests, I was so happy, ale burrly ambition swallowed my soul in as if unavoidable distance. Replace that squeeze to the heart of the charming hand, as the bullet was so close from my lips, I allowing the maybutny to take me away from you; I am all bored with glinting battles, I’m going to win the battle, conquer the camp… ...

    Stendhal's novel "Red and Black" is the most famous work of the French prose writer. The story of Julien Sorel's life and love has become a textbook. Today the work is included in the compulsory course school curriculum and is the richest soil for literary researchers.

    The novel "Red and Black" was published in 1830. It became the third work of Stendhal and tells about the events of 1820, when France was ruled by King Charles H. The plot was inspired by the author of a note read in a criminal chronicle. The scandalous story took place in 1827 in the city of Grenoble. A local court was hearing the case of 19-year-old Antoine Berthe, the son of a blacksmith. Antoine was raised by a city priest and worked as a tutor in the house of a respectable noble family. Subsequently, Berthe was tried for the fact that during the divine service he shot first at the mother of the family in which he worked, and then at himself. Bertha and his victim survived. Antoine, however, was immediately sentenced to death. The verdict was immediately carried out.

    French society invariably condemned the villain Berthe, but Stendhal saw something more in the executed young man. Antoine Berthe and hundreds of others like him are heroes of the present. Ardent, talented, ambitious, they do not want to put up with an established way of life, they yearn for fame, dream of getting out of the world in which they were born. Like moths, these youths bravely fly into the fire of "big" life. Many of them get so close that they burn out. In their place are new daredevils. Perhaps some of them will be able to fly to the dazzling Olympus.

    This is how the concept of the novel "Red and Black" was born. Let's remember the plot of the immortal masterpiece of the genius French writer.

    Verrière is the most picturesque town in the French region of Franche-Comté. The visiting traveler will certainly be touched by cozy Veriery streets, houses with red tiled roofs and neatly whitewashed facades. At the same time, the guest may be confused by the rumble, similar to continuous peals of thunder on a clear day. This is how the huge iron machines of the nail factory work. It is to this craft that the city owes its well-being. "Whose factory is this?" - asks an inquisitive traveler. Any inhabitant of the Verrière will immediately answer him that this is the factory of M. de Renal, the mayor of the city.

    Every day, Monsieur de Renal walks along the central street of the Verrière. This is a well-groomed pleasant man under fifty with regular features and noble gray hair, in places with silvery hair. However, if you are lucky enough to watch the mayor for a little longer, the first pleasant impression will gradually fade away. Self-satisfaction and arrogance are felt in behavior, in the manner of speaking, holding oneself and even in gait, and with them limitation, scarcity, narrow-mindedness.

    Such is the respected Mayor of Verrieres. Having improved the city, he did not forget to take care of himself. The mayor has a magnificent mansion where his family lives - three sons and a wife. Madame Louise de Renal is thirty years old, but her feminine beauty has not yet faded away, she is still very pretty, fresh and pretty. Louise was married to de Renal while still a very young girl. Now the woman pours out her unspent love on her three sons. When Monsieur de Renal said that he was planning to hire a tutor for the boys, his wife was in despair - is there really someone outsider between her and her beloved children ?! However, it was impossible to convince de Renal. The governor is prestigious, and the mayor cares more than anything else about his prestige.

    And now let's move on to the sawmill of Sorel's father, which is located in the barn on the bank of the stream. Monsieur de Renal went here to invite the owner of the sawmill to give one of his sons as tutors for his children.

    Sorel's father had three sons. The elders - real giants, excellent workers - were fatherly pride. The younger, Julien, was called by Sorel a "parasite". Julien stood out among the brothers with a fragile physique and looked more like a pretty young lady dressed in a man's dress. The elder Sorel could have forgiven his son for physical imperfection, but not for his passionate love of reading. He could not appreciate the specific talent of Julien, did not know that his son was the best connoisseur of Latin and canonical texts throughout the Verrier. Father Sorel himself could not read. Therefore, he was very glad to quickly get rid of the useless offspring and receive a good reward, which the head of the city promised him.

    Julien, in turn, dreamed of breaking out of the world in which he had the misfortune of being born. He dreamed of making a brilliant career and conquering the capital. Young Sorel admired Napoleon, but his long-standing dream of a military career had to be rejected. To date, theology has been the most promising trade. Not believing in God, but guided only by the goal of becoming rich and independent, Julien diligently studies textbooks on theology, preparing himself for a career as a confessor and a bright future.

    Working as a tutor in the house of the de Renals, Julien Sorel quickly gained general affection. Little pupils adore him, and the female half of the house is imbued not only with the education of the new tutor, but also with his romantically attractive appearance. However, M. de Renal is arrogant towards Julien. Due to his spiritual and intellectual limitations, Renal sees Sorel primarily as the son of a carpenter.

    Soon the maid Eliza falls in love with Julien. Having become the owner of a small inheritance, she wants to become the wife of Sorel, but receives a refusal from the object of her adoration. Julien dreams of a brilliant future, his wife-maid and "small inheritance" are not included in his plans.

    The next victim of the charming tutor is the mistress of the house. At first, Julien considers Madame de Renal solely as a way of revenge on her smug husband, but soon he himself falls in love with Madame. The lovers spend their days walking and talking, and at night they meet in Madame de Renal's bedroom.

    The secret becomes clear

    No matter how the lovers lurk, soon rumors begin to creep around the city that the young tutor is having an affair with the mayor's wife. Monsieur de Renal even receives a letter in which an unknown "well-wisher" warns him to look after his wife more carefully. This offended Eliza burns out with jealousy for the happiness of Julien and her mistress.

    Louise manages to convince her husband of the falsity of the letter. However, this only deflects the thunderstorm for a while. Julien can no longer stay in the de Renal's house. He hastily says goodbye to his beloved in the twilight of her room. The hearts of both are bound by a poisonous feeling that they are parting forever.

    Julien Sorel comes to Besançon, where he improves his knowledge in theological seminary. Self-taught entrant passes with brilliance entrance exams and enlists the favor of Abbot Pirard. Pirard becomes Sorel's confessor and his only companion. The inhabitants of the seminary immediately disliked Julien, seeing a strong rival in the talented ambitious seminarian. Pirar is also an outcast educational institution, for his Jacobin views, they are trying in every possible way to survive from the Besancon seminary.

    Pirard turns to his like-minded and patron the Marquis de La Molle, the richest Parisian aristocrat, for help. By the way, he has long been in search of a secretary who could keep his affairs in order. Pirard recommends Julien for this position. Thus begins the brilliant Parisian period of the former seminarian.

    V short time Julien makes a positive impression on the marquis. Three months later, La Mol entrusts him with the most difficult cases. However, Julien had a new goal - to win the heart of one very cold and arrogant person - Matilda de La Mole, the daughter of the Marquis.

    This slender nineteen-year-old blonde is not developed for her years, she is very smart, perceptive, she languishes among aristocratic society and endlessly refuses dozens of boring gentlemen who drag after her because of her beauty and father's money. True, Matilda has one destructive quality - she is very romantic. Every year the girl mourns for her ancestor. In 1574, Boniface de La Mole was beheaded in the Place de Grève for his love affair with Princess Margaret of Navarre. The august person demanded that the executioner give the head of her lover, and buried it in the chapel on her own.

    An affair with the carpenter's son seduces the romantic soul of Matilda. Julien, in turn, is incredibly proud that a noble lady is interested in him. A stormy romance breaks out between young people. Midnight dates, passionate kisses, hatred, parting, jealousy, tears, passionate reconciliation - which just did not happen under the chic arches of the de La Molay mansion.

    It soon becomes known that Matilda is pregnant. For some time, the father opposed the marriage of Julien and his daughter, but soon gave in (the marquis was a man of progressive views). Julien is promptly obtained the patent of the hussar lieutenant Julien Sorel de La Verne. He is no longer the son of a carpenter and can become the legal spouse of an aristocrat.

    Preparations for the wedding are in full swing when a letter from the provincial town of Verrière arrives at the house of the Marquis de La Mole. The mayor's wife, Madame de Renal, writes. She tells about the former governor "the whole truth", characterizes him as low man, who will stop at nothing for the sake of his own greed, greed and arrogance. In a word, everything written in the letter instantly sets the marquis against the future son-in-law. The wedding is canceled.

    Without saying goodbye to Matilda, Julien rushes to Verdun. On the way, he buys a pistol. Several shots alarmed the faithful audience who had gathered for the morning sermon in the city church. It was the son of Sorel's father who shot the mayor's wife.

    Julien is immediately arrested. During the trial, the accused does not try to challenge his guilt. Sorel is sentenced to death.

    In a prison cell, he meets with Madame de Renal. It turns out the wounds weren't fatal, and she survived. Julien is overjoyed. Surprisingly, having met the woman who destroyed his bright future, for some reason he does not feel the former resentment. Only warmth and ... love. Yes Yes! Love! He still loves Madame Louise de Renal, and she loves him. Louise confesses that that fatal letter was written by her confessor, and she, blinded by jealousy and love frenzy, rewrote the text with her own hand.

    Louise de Renal passed away three days after the verdict was put into effect. Matilda de La Mole also came to the execution, she demanded the head of her beloved and betrayed her to the ground. Matilda no longer mourns for a distant ancestor, now she mourns for her own love.

    What is Stendhal's work "Red and Black" about? and got the best answer

    Answer from Zlyu4ka-kolyu4ka [guru]
    Ooooh! This is a deep drama about how an ambitious young man tries to make a painful choice between a successful career, built, so to speak, not entirely purely and independently and with love. Moreover, two ladies apply for it at once ...

    Answer from Galchonok[guru]
    read it - you will find out.

    Answer from ArtPower[guru]
    About love!

    Answer from Laurel J.C. CherepanoFF[guru]
    The novel by the French writer Stendhal "Red and Black" tells the story of the fate of a poor young man named Julien Sorel. Characters novel: the mayor, M. de Renal, the rich man Valno, the abbot Chelan, the maid Eliza, Madame de Renal, the Marquis de La Mole, his daughter Matilda. The main events of the novel take place in the town of Verrière. Monsieur de Renal, the mayor of the town wants to take a tutor into the house. There is no particular need for this, but due to the fact that the local rich man Valno has acquired new horses, the mayor decides to “outperform” Valno. Curé M. Chelan recommends to M. de Renal the son of a carpenter, "a young man of rare abilities," Julien Sorel. This is a fragile eighteen-year-old boy, young girls look at him with interest. Madame de Renal does not like her husband's idea. She loves her children very much, and the thought that someone outside will stand between her and the children leads her to despair. Her imagination draws her a rude, disheveled guy who will yell at the children. Therefore, she is very surprised when she sees this "pale and frightened boy" in front of her. Less than a month later, everyone in the house begins to treat Julien with respect. At the same time, the young man himself behaves with great dignity, and his knowledge of Latin is admirable - he can read any page from the Bible by heart. Soon, the maid Eliza falls in love with Julien. She really wants to marry him, which she informs Abbot Shelan in confession. Julien learns about this from the abbot, but refuses, since most of all he dreams of fame and the conquest of Paris. Summer is coming. The mayor's family comes to the village where their castle and estate are located. Here Madame de Renal spends whole days with the children and the tutor. Gradually, she comes to the conclusion that she is in love with Julien. And he wants to conquer her only in revenge for the "smug Monsieur de Renal", who talks to Julien condescendingly and even rudely. One day, a young man tells his mistress before Renal that he will come to her at night. At night, leaving his room, he dies of fear. But when he sees Madame de Renal, she seems so beautiful to him that he forgets all his vain thoughts. A few days later, he falls in love with her without memory. The lovers are very happy, but then Madame de Renal's youngest son falls ill. The unhappy woman thinks that the cause of her son's illness is her love for Julien. She pushes the young man away from her. The child is recovering. As for Monsieur de Renal, he does not suspect anything, but the maid Eliza tells Mister Valno that her mistress is having an affair with the tutor. On the same evening, M. de Renal receives an anonymous letter in which he is informed about the same. However, Madame de Renal convinces her husband of her innocence. Julien's mentor, Abbot Shelan, believes that he should leave the town for at least a year. Julien leaves for Besançon and enters the seminary. He is not a bad student, but the seminarians all hate him. The main reason for this attitude towards Julien is his intelligence and talent. Through the rector of the seminary, Julien meets the Marquis de La Mole, who has been looking for a secretary for a long time.

    Answer from Abakum Kravets[guru]
    about why pride is a mortal sin, because it leads to death. Well, about love, of course. About how short the love of a man and the love of a woman is betrayed.

    Answer from Marina[guru]
    Stendhal (1783 1842) - real surname Henri Bayle is one of those writers who made the glory of 19th century French literature. He wrote the "Parma Cloister", "Lucien Level", "Vanina Vanini", but the novel "Red and Black" became the pinnacle of the writer's work. An ordinary case from a criminal chronicle, which underlies the novel, became at the hand of a subtle psychologist and brilliant stylist Stendhal a human drama of the highest intensity and at the same time social research society. Julien Sorel, an ambitious and capable young man, experienced both romantic love and violent passion, which he could not resist and for which he paid with his life.