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  • Interpretation of hexagram in the translation of the canonical text of the book of change. "The world is the lack of internal and external conflicts," - Lobsang Ramp. Wisdom of ancient

    Interpretation of hexagram in the translation of the canonical text of the book of change.

    Canonical Text

    The owner of the truth is an obstacle. With the trepidation of the middle of the middle - fortunately. Extreme - unfortunately. A favorable date with a great man. It is not favorable for a brother over the great river.

    1. Not forever will be what you know. - There will be minor conversations, and in the end - happiness.
    2. Do not overcome in litigation. - Turn - and run. Three hundred yards - the population of your city - not (accounted for) trouble.
    3. Feed from the found in the insert. - You will be resistant in danger - in the end there will be happiness. Perhaps watching the king in (his) affairs without performing (himself).
    4. Do not overcome in litigation. (If) again obey the order, (then the situation) will change. - You will be calm in resistance - there will be happiness.
    5. Litigation. - initial happiness.
    6. Perhaps you will be granted to the front belt, (but) until the end of the morning reception (you) will break it three times.

    Waiting is not inspected. It can and should be filled with self-test. Of course, it is a temporary departure from the outside world and immersing itself. Such a divergence of external and internal expressed even in the symbolism of hexagram. Here at the top, in the external - sky (creativity), and below, inside - water (danger). The essence of the sky - in his desire to rise in the same way as the essence of water - in her desire to flow down. Between them - conflict, litigation, i.e. the court. But water reflects the creative sky, it is permeated by him. This is also expressed in a trigram of water, where the light feature is immersed in the middle of two shadow traits. Vigilant preservation in the inner reflected entity of the sky leads to harmonic union with it. But all over the excessive business is fully incurred by the end here, because it will be revealed to the end of the essence of water, down and distinguishing from the sky. On the contrary, if it is not to succumb to it, but to climb on the sky as the highest human ideal of creativity, if you dwell with a great man, then there will be well-being, and back: it will not be, if you rush yourself in the stream of life. In the way of knowledge, the situation is also here. A judgment should be uttered about the ratio of already known and newly acquired experience. Such a court has not only a negative side of condemnation, but (hard to more) and the positive side of the judgments about errors and liberation from them. Moreover, in this area, this is a person's court over himself - the court of the best thing, which is in man, over his mistakes and omissions, the court of creativity over passive cosnosis and overcoming it. This is all condensed in the following text: Court. The owner of the truth is an obstacle. Vigilance and balance - fortunately. Extremes - unfortunately. Possessed with a great man. Adverse forgotten through the Great River.


    Everything bad at the beginning of the occurrence has not yet has a sufficiently large strength of resistance, to consider it unrelaskable. At the first stage of the "court" it is symbolized by a weak line, the supportive character of which indicates the easy opportunity to overcome the evil, i.e. What is subject to condemnation here. Most more and debates may arise about it, but ultimately the case will be corrected at least one timely remorse. We read in the text: at the beginning weak feature. Not forever what is going on about. There will be small senses. In the end - happiness.


    Not defeated evil on time, we give him the opportunity to grasp so much that it already brings over him. It drives us and coordinates to the court, but this court will not be beneficial for us, but maybe only in condemnation. Judge, we ourselves at the out of town. Here it is better to abandon the trial and at least with half any threaters return and hide at home; It is better to return to even minor own possessions than in litigation to chase for something big. - So in knowledge, in similar conditions, it is preferable to return to a minor, but quite mastered experience than, having risening on the right path, strive for all new and new knowledge that remain completely external and unaware. By permitting a mistake, it is necessary to abandon the ultimate judgment. It is necessary to return to the starting point and correct the allowed error, and only after that move on. The text is expressed in the following advice: a strong feature in second place. Who did not overcome themselves (goes) the court. Let him return and hobs in his settlement from three hundred yard. Then there will be no trouble (caused by himself).


    The impossibility of movement from the inside is already clear in the hexagram itself: in the external there is a creative force against which the inner world cannot be resistant. A court is pronounced above the last. This inability to move forward at the time of the crisis (third position) is particularly clearly, because this position is the moment of transition from the internal to external. Of course, any rejection of new knowledge, from moving forward, every persistent stay is terribly, but here it is only able to lead to a happy outcome. Here a person cannot act independently for the sake of new achievements. Only the reached insert can support a person here. But the authentic leader of mankind is the most perfect carrier of what was reached to get up. Therefore, following him, it is still possible to act, just even with such actions to achieve anything for yourself. The person here is like a curly plant, which, with the support of a high and strong tree, can rise to a large height. - Also in knowledge: at the time of the crisis, the attitude of the subject to the object is not able to develop a methodology for the knowledge of AD HOC and is forced to enjoy previously developed methodology. (Do not, however, lose sight of the fact that this provision is only an particular case and does not at all expresses common gnoseological views of our monument. It meant only a specific possibility characteristic of this situation in the process of knowledge. - Yu.C.) In the text it is encrypted in the following words: a weak line in third place. Feed from the reached insert. Resistance is terrible, but in the end there will be happiness. Maybe following the leader, you will act, but do not make anything (myself).


    The influence of the crisis is still ongoing on this position, and here the person is also not able to cope with him and communicates to the court. But this position is already included in the trigram of creativity, i.e. Here the person has creative power, thanks to which he can fix all his deeds and return to the state of innocence, corresponding to the plan of rock. Using it, a person can achieve full and perfect reconciliation with his destiny. Standingly keeping this reconciliation, it comes into the world as a harmonious part of it. Again, it should not be assumed that the total setting is given here forever. The case is about the specific conditions of one of the moments of the "court", and this "court" is now considered from the point of view of the judge (upper trigam). From this point of view, the court is not a punishment, but the correction for the celebration of the need for the law of the Fate. It is necessary to celebrate the truth over the temporary and apparent correctness. It is the restoration of truth and is meant here. In the text, this is expressed as: a strong feature in the fourth place. Who did not overcome themselves (goes) the court. Let him contact and reunite himself with fate, and in this change he will gain peace. Resistance - fortunately.


    From the point of view of the pronounced judgment, the court is the main and perfect knowledge, cleansing and correction of the offense. From the height of this action can not be missed out of sight of any illness. Everything is known that is not good. And since it is good in characterization, it will no longer be committed more. So the full innocence is restored, the initial state of harmony, which was to the first reasons for the crime. He is no longer, as he was not before his design. Therefore, the text here is concise: a strong feature in fifth place. Court. Initial happiness.


    Atonement, the offense in condemnation should not lead a person in a frivolous attitude to the possibility of redeeming the offense. Otherwise, it will be a recycling of redemption, which is described in the sixth department of this hexagram. Here we are talking about such an easy relation to forgiveness. A person can be forgiven, but he again makes misconduct, counting on new repentance and redemption. If at the previous stage, it was about full and perfect correction, then here - overlapping, all the newly emerging correction of misconducts performed again and again. (Text here has been following these thoughts in images, understandable and without explanation, but the full specifics of the life of the court feudals of the ancient China. - Upstairs. Maybe you will be pressed the belt, but until the end of the audience you will break it three times.

    Inside - danger, in external - creativity. Fear is justified - not forever will be what you know. Better do not make anything yourself, follow the king. The feeling of danger is caused by a pronounced creative start in external, but over time, if you are calm in perseverance - there will be happiness. However, the same creative component gives an external considerable uncertainty: perhaps you will be granted a paradebala belt, but until the end of the morning reception you will break it three times.

    Interpretation of Haislip.

    You feel disharmony. Which conflict is brewing. Try to behave restrained. Do not respond to the challenge challenge. No need to make too many requirements; And do not start alone any enterprises until circumstances favors you. Try it better to start work together with someone. Let everything goes to your order, and you will understand that life problems sometimes can teach a lot, and not only deliver chagrins.

    Hexagram Sunn belongs to the symbol, to perform tips of which people are harder. In this case, we are talking about to show tolerance to those who do not share your views on life. And this in most cases is difficult, since our nature is such that everything is not consonant with us hostile. But if you do not show respect for someone else's opinion, then further events will unfold in a negative key.

    The first thing to pay attention to when hexagram Sunn appears before you is your own ego. Very often we do not notice him, calling your personality. But in fact, not like this: every individual is richer than his ego, for we also feel and think. And the function of the ego is to protect us. And now it comes the moment when it is necessary to understand that the ego not only protects against all hostile, but also from what could make life more diverse and joyful. And for this you need to stop thinking in categories of war for some time - "your" and "strangers". You need to try in the surrounding world to notice something else. And the key to such behavior is tolerance. Do not hurry immediately hostile to the fact that the fate "will be" to you, die dust and try to understand your thoughts and emotions. And then, detect a lot of options for easy solutions to the problems that have long worried.

    Hexagram Sunn warns that in the very near future you can be in the center of a hard conflict, you cannot get out of which standard actions (reciprocal irritation). We have to show wonders of diplomaticity. And the main thing here is in no case to come across the provocations, do not rush to prove the rightness, and allow the situation to turn a little, so to speak, naturally and only then make adjustments.

    As mentioned above, it is very important not to succumb to provocations, and not so much from the outside people, but also from our own weaknesses, whims and disadvantages. For it is now that they are activated as ever. And the saddest thing is, you can hardly be completely ready for this, because the conflict or a number of conflicts can be unfolded in such a way that it will affect the most sore places. Therefore, in order not to exacerbate the situation, it is worth installing the "waste" strategy in advance, that is, what you will do to maintain yourself in equilibrium, in tranquility or if you quickly restore an emotional balance.

    Discussion, dispute, controversy; expression of its position; Allow conflict or avoid it.


    Soup (litigation): to discuss, defend your point of view, require justice, to speak in the face of the judge or ruler; submit a complaint, start legalcy; disputes, stocking, discussions; To correct, dispel, make a judgment, resolve the conflict. The hieroglyph depicts a sign of a state official and implies appeal to power.


    The owner of the truth is an obstacle.
    Vigilance and balance - fortunately.
    Extremes - unfortunately.
    A favorable date with a great man.
    Adverse forgotten through the Great River.

    This is the time for a clear expression of its point of view without the need to take aggressive actions. If you can not win the dispute, try to resolve the conflict or get away from it. Since there is a connection with spirits in the situation, you should not worry. First of all, observe the Golden Middle. Do not give in anger or passion. It will open the path (happiness). The tightening of the dispute and the discord close the path (misfortune). Look for people whose influence can help you. Realize the greatness in yourself. This will benefit and enlightenment. Now is not the time to start a new project or join the river life with a certain goal. Around too many contradictory movements. Time does not have to harmony, people and ideas argue with each other. Do not attempt all together. The sky is preparing something new. Express your views and see what it will lead to. If necessary, be prepared for a compromise or retreat.

    Outdoor and domestic worlds: Sky and water

    Without a solid internal basis, the external force can only be expressed in words.

    Hidden opportunity:

    The care from the conflict contains a hidden opportunity to gain peace of mind in a family circle.


    Where they eat and drink, disputes arise. The awareness of this leads to a litigation.


    Harvest means caring from extremes.


    Heaven over water, movement contradiction.
    The noble man leads a litigation, thinking about the future.

    Hexagram lines

    At first six

    Not forever what is going on about.
    There will be small senses. In the end - happiness.

    A weak feature at the beginning of the hexagram indicates the possibility of easy reduction in litigation. For your case, minor conversations may arise, but in the end the path will open (happiness).

    Nine Two

    Do not overcome in litigation.
    Come back and leaning in your settlement from three hundred yard,
    Then there will be no trouble.

    Do not try to master the situation. It's time to change tactics and retreat. Go to where all the doors will be open to you, even if it reminds flight. When the unfavorable period is over, you can evaluate the timeliness of your care.

    Six third

    Feed from the reached insert.
    You will be resistant in danger, and in the end there will be happiness.
    Maybe following the leader, you will act, but do not make anything for yourself.

    You cannot finally be done on your own and are forced to rely on former achievements. The resistant stay in place is terrible, but sooner or later the path will open. Following the great man (or senior), you can move to a dead point, although it will not be your personal accomplishment.

    Nine fourth

    Do not overcome in litigation.
    Wrap - Fate is approaching.
    Resistance - fortunately.

    Do not try to master the situation. Return over your previous positions and wait. Refusing to aggravate conflict, you can achieve full reconciliation with your destiny. Something important approaches you. Do not miss this opportunity.

    Nine fifty

    Initial happiness.

    Confidently defend your point of view and expect positive results. The path is fully open (initial happiness). Justice and harmony will be restored.

    Modern interpretation

    Discussion, dispute, controversy; expression of its position; Allow conflict or avoid it.

    The owner of the truth is an obstacle.
    Vigilance and balance - fortunately.
    Extremes - unfortunately.
    A favorable date with a great man.
    Adverse forgotten through the Great River.

    This is the time for a clear expression of its point of view without the need to take aggressive actions. If you can not win the dispute, try to resolve the conflict or get away from it. Since there is a connection with spirits in the situation, you should not worry.

    First of all, observe the Golden Middle. Do not give in anger or passion. It will open the path (happiness). The tightening of the dispute and the discord close the path (misfortune). Look for people whose influence can help you. Realize the greatness in yourself. This will benefit and enlightenment.

    Now is not the time to start a new project or join the river life with a certain goal. Around too many contradictory movements. Time does not have to harmony, people and ideas argue with each other.

    Do not attempt all together. The sky is preparing something new. Express your views and see what it will lead to. If necessary, be prepared for a compromise or retreat.

    Associative interpretation.

    1. Two Chinese Jeroglyph O (Cow) and E (SHE) mean that the careless chatter can bring you trouble.
    2. Sleeping tiger lies at the foot of the mountain. This means that measures should be taken to not lose your head and do not fall into panic.
    3. The document in the clouds means something that can be looked, but it is impossible to come to him.
    4. A man standing next to the tiger means that the governing should be very attentive to everything.
    Form: The soaring eagle falls on top of his victim.
    Symbol: Water and fire cannot coexist.

    Explanation of Hexagrams on Wen-Van .

    Litigation. You have good intentions, but you counteract. Stop halfway will bring good luck, a breakthrough will bring trouble. Burden for meeting with influential person. An unfavorable time to intere the Great River.

    Instructing instructions

    1. This is the February hexagram. It is good in summer and autumn, poor in winter and spring.
    2. Think both planning and take action against disasters.
    3. No one wins in litigation.

    Explanation of individual Yao in Zhou Gun .

    First Yao.
    Initial six. If you do not inflate the conflict, criticism is possible, but in the end - something good.
    1. The best thing you can do with the conflict is to forget about his subject.
    2. You can lose money.
    3. Immirement in trifles spoils great endeavors.

    Second Yao.

    Nine second. A person decides that it is impractical to conflict, recognizes himself defeated and go home. 300 houses in his hometown are protected from disaster.
    1. Bind-free conversations can bring trouble.
    2. In time, retreat - do bad consequences.
    3. After April - a bad omen.
    Third yao.
    Six third. Strengthening itself to the study of the virtues of the past generates the ability to resistness. There is a danger, but in the end - luck. If you happen to serve the king, do not look for a noticeable post.
    1. This is a warning about the danger, which is enthusiastic.
    2. Do not allow the actions of other people provoke you.
    3. Modest gains benefits, vain-item.
    Fourth Yao.
    Nine fourth. The person rejects the conflict, gives up and accepts what fate offers. He changes his approach to life and finds calm in perseverance at good work. Luck.
    1. Satisfaction brings happiness.
    2. Following the good nature creates good conditions.
    3. Do not plan to nominate your candidacy.
    Fifth Yao.
    Nine fifth. The trial is the greatest luck.
    1. Your desire is satisfied.
    2. Act as opportunities appear.
    3. A favorable time to search for a spouse or spouse.
    Sixth Yao.
    Upper nine. Even if a person suddenly receive an honorary belt, he will be torn to others by others three times.
    1. Heavy work without any result.
    2. The triumph is not supported by reality.
    3. What is obtained cannot cover losses.

    General interpretation on Y. Shutskom

    Waiting is not inspected. It can and should be filled with self-test. Of course, it is a temporary departure from the outside world and immersing itself. Such a divergence of external and internal expressed even in the symbolism of hexagram. Here at the top, in the external - sky (creativity), and below, inside - water (danger).

    The essence of the sky - in his desire to rise in the same way as the essence of water - in her desire to flow down. Between them - conflict, litigation, i.e. the court. But water reflects the creative sky, it is permeated by him. This is also expressed in the trigram of the water, the bezing feature is immersed in the middle of two shadow traits.

    Vigilant preservation in the inner reflected entity of the sky leads to harmonic union with it. But all over the excessive business is fully incurred by the end here, because it will be revealed to the end of the essence of water, down and distinguishing from the sky.

    On the contrary, if it is not to succumb to it, but to climb on the sky as the highest human ideal of creativity, if you dwell with a great man, then there will be well-being, and back: it will not be, if you rush yourself in the stream of life.

    In the way of knowledge, the situation is also here. A judgment should be uttered about the ratio of already known and newly acquired experience. Such a court has not only a negative side of condemnation, but (hard to more) and the positive side of the judgments about errors and liberation from them.

    Moreover, in this area, this is a person's court over himself - the court of a better thing that is in man, over his mistakes and omissions, the court of creativity over passive oscy and overcoming it.

    This is all condensed in the following text: Court. The owner of the truth is an obstacle. Vigilance and equilibrium - Kswse. Extremes - unfortunately. Possessed with a great man. Adverse forgotten through the Great River.

    Adapted option

    You feel disharmony. The conflict is brewing. Behave modestly and restrained; If you throw a glove, do not lift it up. Try to temper your requirements, do not let any enterprises alone, until circumstances change for the better. On the contrary, take part in the joint work with anyone. Let everything go on her order, then the world and peace will come, and you are once again convinced that life problems are not only depressing, but also teach.

    Full option

    for more information, mouse on the name of the hexagram

    No. 6 - Sun. Litigation

    [The owner of the truth is an obstacle. With trepidation of dishes the middle! Extreme - unfortunately. A favorable date with a great man. Not favorable former through the Great River]

    I. At the beginning of the six.
    Your problems (actions) are not eternal.
    - There will be minor conversations, and in the end, happiness.

    II. Nine second.
    If you do not beat in litigation.
    - Turn - and run! Hope in my settlement from three hundred yards, then there will be no trouble.

    III. Six third.
    Fed from what has acquired earlier.
    - Resistance is terrible, but if you are resistant in danger, - in the end, there will be happiness.
    Perhaps follow the leader, but without doing something.

    IV. Nine fourth,
    Do not overcome in litigation. If you again obey the orders, then [the position] will change.
    - [You will be calm in resistance - there will be happiness].

    V. Nine Fifth.
    - initial happiness!

    Vi. Upstairs nine.
    Perhaps you will be granted a parade belt, but until the end of the morning reception you will break it three times.


    Sun (litigation): to discuss, defend your point of view, require justice, to speak in the face of the judge or ruler; submit a complaint, start legalcy; disputes, stocking, discussions; To correct, dispel, make a judgment, resolve the conflict. The hieroglyph depicts a sign of a state official and implies appeal to power.


    This is the time for a clear expression of its point of view without the need to take aggressive actions. If you can not win the dispute, try to resolve the conflict or get away from it. Since there is a connection with spirits in the situation, you should not worry. First of all, observe the Golden Middle. Do not give in anger or passion. It will open the path (happiness). The tightening of the dispute and the discord close the path (misfortune). Look for people whose influence can help you. Realize the greatness in yourself. This will benefit and enlightenment. Now is not the time to start a new project or join the river life with a certain goal. Around too many contradictory movements. Time does not have to harmony, people and ideas argue with each other. Do not attempt all together. The sky is preparing something new. Express your views and see what it will lead to. If necessary, be prepared for a compromise or retreat.