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  • Evolution of the genre of OD in Russian literature of the XVIII - XIX centuries. Derzhavin - Poet-Novator. Evolution of the ODD genre in the last third of the XVIII century Genre of ODA in the 18th century

    Evolution of the genre of OD in Russian literature of the XVIII - XIX centuries. Derzhavin - Poet-Novator. Evolution of the ODD genre in the last third of the XVIII century Genre of ODA in the 18th century
    Short description

    A lot of scientific works are devoted to problems related to the problems associated with the other creativity of poets. Larger attention is paid to the study of creativity M.V. Lomonosov and G.R. ID Roszavin, however, researchers, as a rule, pay attention to the ideological, stylistic level of works, without setting itself the tasks to analyze the ODU as a genre.
    Due to the fact that the ODD genre is currently theoretically developed, we need to consider the ODU as genre education, to allocate its genre-forming principles, and also try to define this genre design.

    1. Entry. Oda as a genre of literature ._______________ 3
    2. From the history of the genre of OD.
    2.1. Antique Oddle .________________________________ 5
    2.2.Russkaya Oda .__________________________________ 6
    3. Oda in Russian literature XVIII - XIX centuries.
    3.1.Is M.V. Lomonosova ._________________________ 7 3.2. "Bottom" ODA A.P.Sumokova .______________ 10
    3.3. Ideas of enlightenment in Oda A.N.radishchev "Volynost" .____________________________________________ 11
    3.5. Development of the genre of ODD in the work of G.R. IDRZHAVINA._18
    3.6. Tribute classicism poet A.S. Pushkin ._________ 23
    4. Conclusion .____________________________________ 25
    List of references .________________________

    Attached files: 1 file

    Ministry of Education

    Russian Federation

    Essay in literature

    Topic: Evolution of the ODD genre in Russian literature

    XVIII - XIX centuries.

    Work completed

    9th grade student

    Niskurova Ruzanna

    Leader: Teacher

    russian language and literature

    Shilovskaya Zinaida Semenovna

    2010-2011 year

    1. Introduction. Oda as a genre of literature ._______________ 3
    2. From the history of the genre of OD.

    2.1. Antique Oddle ._________________ _______________5

    2.2.Russian Oda .______________ ____________________6

    1. Oda in Russian literature XVIII - XIX centuries.

    3.1.Is M.V. Lomonosov ._______ __________________7 3.2. "Bottom" ODA A.P.Sumokova .______________ 1 0

    3.3. Ideas of enlightenment in Oda A.N.radishchev "Volost" .__________________ __________________________ 11

    3.4. ODD Radishvolev poets. ________________________fourteen

    3.5. Development of the genre of ODD in the work of G.R. IDRZHAVINA._18
    3.6. Tribute classicism poet A.S. Pushkin ._________ 23

    4. Conclusion .___________________ _________________ 25

    List of used literature .___________________ _____27


    1. Either as a genre of literature

    A lot of scientific works are devoted to problems related to the problems associated with the other creativity of poets. Larger attention is paid to the study of creativity M.V. Lomonosov and G.R. ID Roszavin, however, researchers, as a rule, pay attention to the ideological, stylistic level of works, without setting itself the tasks to analyze the ODU as a genre.

    Due to the fact that the ODD genre is currently theoretically developed, we need to consider the ODU as genre education, to allocate its genre-forming principles, and also try to define this genre design.

    The fate of the genre in the literary process is primarily the fate of OD. "None in one European literature from the number of those who have been peeled and with which the creators of new Russian literature, and the creators of new Russian literature have not received such a diverse development and did not become an important poetic genre, as in the Literature of Russian," writes I.Zerman. [Philologist. text analysis]

    The problem of movement of the genre of OD in literature is the main content of our work.

    Due to the fact that we are interested in as a genre education, its genre signs, we will try to trace the main stages of the historical process in the contextual of the historical process - this is an object of work.

    Subject of study:

    1. Oda Lomonosov, Sumarokov, Derzhavin, Radishchev and other poets.

    2. Literary articles dedicated to the genre of ODD in different historical era.

    3. Historical articles on the stages of the development of the Russian state during the reign of Peter I, Elizabeth Petrovna, Catherine II, Alexander I and the poets of our time.

    4. The results of a sociological survey.

    5. Internet materials.

    Purpose: trace the evolution of the ODD genre in Russian literature in an inseparable connection with the most important stages of the development of the Russian state.

    1. To explore literary articles on the genre of OD, using dictionaries, reference books, textbooks, Internet sites.

    2. To study historical materials dedicated to the epochs of Peter I, Elizabeth Petrovna, Catherine II, Alexander I.

    3. To identify the originality of the genre composition of ODD in the works of Lomonosov, Derzhavin, Pushkin, Sumarokov, Radishchev.

    4. Remove the features of the development of this genre in the XX and early XXI centuries.

    5. Conduct a sociological survey.

    Methods of work: 1. Method of observation of the artistic text.

    2. Method of analysis and synthesis of artistic texts, literary and historical articles.

    3. Method compare artistic texts of different authors.

    4. Method of sociological survey and method of processing statistical data.

    Hypothesis: The evolution of the genre of ODD is associated with the development and development of the Russian state, with the development of its political structure, economy, science.

    2. The stories of the genre of OD.

    2.1. Antique Oda.

    Antique Oda. - In antiquity, the term "ODA" [Greek. ōdḗ, Latin. ODE, ODA] did not determine any poetic genre, denoting at all the "song", "poem". Antique philologists used this term in relation to various kinds of lyrical poems and divided ODD to the "laudatory", "deploy", "dance", etc. From the ancient lyrical formations, Oda Pyndara and Horace have the greatest value for ODA as the genre of European literature.

    Pindara is the so-called "epinic", that is, a laudatory song in honor of the winner on gymnastic competitions, the ordered poem "in case" whose task is to excite and encourage the will to victory among the aristocracy. Local and personal elements, mandatory for epico (praise the winner, his kind, city, competition, etc.), receive their "lighting" in correlation with the myth as the basis of the ideology of the dominant class and with aristocratic ethics. Oda was performed by a dancing chorus accompanied by complex music. With the collapse of an old ideology, this "poetic eloquence" gave way to the prosecutic, and the social function of ODD moved to a laudatory speech ("Encomia").

    Horace is noted from "Pindarization" and seeks to revive the Melic lyrics of the aolian poets in the Roman soil, keeping in the form of a fiction external forms. Oda Horace is usually addressed to some real face, on the will of which the poet allegedly intends to influence. The poet often wants to create an idea, as if the poem is actually pronounced (or even comes). In fact, the Gloan Lyrics of Book Origin. Capturing a wide variety of topics, ODY Horace is very far from all the "high-style" or overstrain of the means of expression (the exception is so-called. "Roman" OD, where Horace acts as an ideologist of August politics); A secular tone is dominated in his ooda, sometimes with a light impurity of irony. The term "ODA", applied by antique grammar to the Lyric Horat, was a source of a number of difficulties for the theoreticals of classical poetics that built the theory of the same genre simultaneously on Pindar and Goragian material.

    2.2. Russian Oda.

    Russian Oda was the succession of the ancient and West - European traditions and inherited formal signs as hard elements of living content.

    The exemplary works of this genre belong to M. V. Lomonosov, the famous authors of one were his poetic heir to V. P. Petrov and the opponent A. P. Sumarokov, best works This genre belongs to G. R. Derzhavin.

    solemn Mravoidal Love Arrangement of Psalms

    Elements of solemn and religious ODDs are already in the literature of the South-Western and Moscow Rus of the late XVI-XVII centuries. (panelies and verses in honor of the noble people, the "evidence" of Simeon Polotsk and others). The first attempts to enter into Russian poetry of the genre of the "classic" ODD belong to Cantemir, but the very term was first introduced by Tredyakovsky in his "Ode of the solemn about the delivery of the city of Gdanska." In the future, Tredianakovsky gave a number of "one of the praising and divine" and, following Boulevon, gave such a definition of a new genre: Oda "there is a high pichetic genus ... consists of a stanza and the highest noble, sometimes and gentle matter comes" ("New and A brief way to build Russian poems, "St. Petersburg, 1735). However, the authentic founder of the Russian OD, who approved it as the main lyrical genre of feudal-noble literature of the XVIII century, was Lomonosov. The appointment of OD Lomonosov is to serve the whole of the extract of the feudal-noble monarchy of the XVIII century. In the face of her leaders and heroes. By virtue of this, the main species cultivated by Lomonosov, there was a solemn pindaric odd; All elements of her style should serve the identification of the main feeling - enthusiastic surprise, mixed with awe in the magnitude and power of state power and its carriers. This determined not only "High" - "Slavyanorosiysky" - the language of OD, but even its meter - for Lomonosov, 4-stop Jamb without Pirrichiev.

    The beginning of the XVIII century was stormy for Russia. Creating your own fleet, war for entering the sea routes, the development of industry, the flourishing of trade, the construction of new cities - all this could not affect the growth of national consciousness. People of Petrovsky times felt their involvement in historical eventswhose greatness they felt on their destinies. I went to the past Boyarskaya Russia.

    Time required cases. Everyone was obliged to work for the benefit of society and the state, imitating the tireless "employee on the throne." Any phenomenon was estimated primarily from the point of view of its utility. The verbost could be useful if she glorified the success of Russia and clarified the Sovereign Sovereign. Therefore, the main qualities of the literature of this era are the topicality, life-affirming pathos and the installation on a general accessibility. So in 1706, the so-called "school dramas", plays, written by teachers of spiritual educational institutions appeared.

    School drama could be filled with political content. In the play, written in 1710 on the occasion of victory under Poltava, the biblical king David was straightformed by Peter first: both David defeated the giant Goliath, and Peter defeated the Swedish king Charles XII.

    Petrovsky's literature largely reminded the literature of the past century. New ideas spoke old language - in church sermons, school dramas, handwritten ones. Only in the 30s-40s, a completely new page-classicism opens in Russian literature. However, as well as the literature of Petrovsky time, the creativity of classicist writers (Cantemir, Sumarokov and others) is closely related to the current political life of the country.

    In Russian literature, classicism appeared later than in Western European. It was closely connected with the ideas of European enlightenment, such as: the establishment of solid and fair laws, mandatory for all, education and education of the nation, the desire to penetrate the mystery of the universe, approval of the equality of people of all classes, recognition of the values \u200b\u200bof the human person, regardless of the situation in society.

    For Russian classicism, the system of genres is also characteristic, the appeal to the human mind, the convention of artistic images. It was important to recognize the decisive role of the enlightened monarch. Aid of such a monarch for Russian classicism was Peter the first.

    After Peter's death in 1725, the real possibility of coagulation of reforms and return to the old way of life and reign arose. Everything was assigned to the future of Russia: science, education, citizen's debt. That is why for Russian classicism is especially characterized by Satira.

    3. Oda in Russian literature XVIII - XIX centuries.

    3.1. ODY M.V. Lomonosov.

    The most striking representative of Russian classicism, whose name is known to everyone without exception - is M.V. Lomonosov (1711-1765). Lomonosov, in contrast to Chanatera, the enemies of enlightenment rarely rarely. In his solemn ooda, the "statement" began. The beginning of the beginning of the beginning of Russia glorifies the success of Russia on the field of Brani, in peaceful trade, in science and art.

    "Our literature begins with Lomonosov ... He was her father, her Peter Great." So I defined the place and importance of creativity Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov for Russian literature V. G. Belinsky.

    M.V. Lomonosov was born near the city of Kholmogory, on the shore of the Northern Dvina, in the family of a wealthy, but illiterate peasant, which was engaged in navalism. The boy felt such a crave for the teachings that in 12 years he went from his native village on foot to Moscow. The poet of N.Nekrasov told us, "As an Archangelian man, in his own and God, became intelligent and great."

    In Moscow, Mikhail entered the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy and, despite the fact that he lived in terrible need, she finished it brilliantly. Among the best graduates of the Academy of Lomonosov were sent to study in St. Petersburg, and then, in 1736, in Germany. There, Lomonosov passed the course of all sciences, both mathematical and verbal. In 1741, Mikhail Vasilyevich returned to Russia, where he served in the Academy of Sciences until the end of the life. He patronized Count I.I. Shuvalov, favorite Empress Elizabeth. Therefore, Lomonosov himself was in mercy, which allowed him to truly turn around to his talents. He was engaged in many scientific works. In 1755, Moscow University was opened on his proposal and plan. In the official duties of Lomonosov, there was also an essay of poems to court holidays, and most of its OD in such cases is written.

    "Arkhangelsky Man", the first of the leaders of Russian culture who won world fame, one of the outstanding enlighteners and the most enlightened person of his time, one of the largest scholars of the eighteenth century, the wonderful poet of Lomonosov became the reformer of the Russian poetry.

    The originality of the ODD of the era of classicism.

    Lomonosov himself wrote mainly in the "high" genres.

    So, "Ode on the day of the modernity of the Empress, Elizabeth Petrovna, 1747" was written by a "high calm" and glorifies the daughter of Peter the first. Having gave tribute to the virtues of the empress, her "meek gloom", "good and beautiful face", the desire to "expand sciences", the poet starts a speech about her father, whom he calls "a person, what was not a heard from the century." Petr- the ideal of the enlightened monarch, who gives all the forces to his people and the state. In Oda Lomonosov, the image of Russia is given with its immense expanses, huge wealth. So the topic of the Motherland and serving is arising to her - leading in the work of Lomonosov. With this theme, the topic of science, knowledge of nature is closely connected. It ends with a hymn science, a call to the young men to hold into the glory of the Russian land. Thus, in the "Oda 1747" found an expression of the educational ideals of the poet.


    1. M.V. Lomonosov "On the Day of Eden of Empress Elizabeth ... 1747"

    2. G.R. Derzhavin "Felitsa"

    3. A.N. Radishchev "Volost"




    The main direction in the literature of the XVIII century. Classicism became. This style developed as a result of creative development of forms, compositions and samples of the art of the ancient world and the Renaissance. The artist, according to the founders of the founders of classicism, comprehends reality, so that it is not a concrete person with his passions in his work, and the type of person, myth, the word, eternal in temporary, ideal in real. If this is a hero, then without flaws, if the character is satirical then to the end of the lowered. Classicism did not allow the mixing "high" and "low, and therefore between genres (for example, tragedy and comedy) were established borders that were not disturbed.

    Russian classicism attached a special meaning of "high" genres: epic poem, tragedy, solemn about. The creator of the genre of ODA in Russian literature became M.V. Lomonosov.

    The purpose of this abstract is the consideration and study of the evolution of ODA in the Russian literature of the 18th century (from ODD Lomonosov to Oddanin and Radishchev).

    1. M.V. Lomonosov "On the Day of Eden of Empress Elizabeth ... 1747"

    M.V. Lomonosov philologist, writer. His works in the field of literature, philology marked the rise of the National Culture of Russia. It is difficult to imagine the development of a literary language, poetry, grammar without fundamental works of Lomonosov in Russia. Under his influence, a whole generation of Russian people has grown, which adopted his advanced ideas and sought them to develop them further. Lomonosov was convinced of the need for synthesis in the poetry of Russian and Church Slavonic languages, created the Russian ODU, first began to write poems in a language accessible to a wide range of readers. The creation of the first Russian grammar and the preparation of the first textbook of the brown language can be considered the creation of the first Russian grammar.

    In this paper, we aim to show that Lomonosov's achievements in poetry, philosophy and prose theory are not simply the most important scientific discoveries, but are considered to be fundamental works in the field of literature, marked by a new rise in the national culture of Russia. V.G. Belinsky noted that he was her "Father and Peston", "he was her Peter Great," because he gave the direction "our language and our literature".

    It was written in the year when Elizaveta Petrovna approved the new charter and staff of the Academy of Sciences, having doubled the amount of funds for its needs. Here the poet glorifies the world, fearing new war, which Austria, England and Holland, who fought with France and Prussia, retracted Russia, demanding sending Russian troops to the banks of the Rhine. In this case, the contradiction of the whole genre of commendable ODI, a contradiction between his complimentaryness and real political content, was particularly acutely affected: the poet on behalf of Elizabeth glorifies the "silence", setting out its own program of the world. 1. Premen joyful ... Palace coup, leaving Elizabeth on the throne. 2. I sent a person to Russia ... Peter I. 3. Then the divine science ... We are talking about founded by Peter I Academy of Sciences, open after his death in 1725. 4. Enviously rejected by rock ... Peter I died in 1725. 5. Ekaterina I (16841727) Wife Peter I, Russian Empress. 6. Sexana Latin name of the Seine, hint at the Paris Academy of Sciences. 7. Columbus Russian Vitus Bering (16811741) Russian navigator.

    8. The tops of the Rifey ... Urals.

    9. Plato (427347 BC. E.) Greek philosopher. 10. Neton Isaac Newton (16431727) English physicist and mathematician. 11. The science of young men feed ... Strozha is a poetic translation of a fragment from the speech of the Roman speaker and the political figure of Mark (10643 BC) in defense of the poet Archion (r. In 120 BC. Er).

    Deep ideological content, hot patriotism, majestic and solemn style of Lomonosovskaya ODD new, unlike the rest, type, its stable stubbic organization, the right size of a four-stranded jamb, rich and diverse rhyme all this was new not only for Russian literature, but also for the history of this genre as a whole. Spreading the framework of the genre, making patriotic pathos, Lomonosov turned the ODU into a multi-volume work that served as the highest ideal of the poet, its hot interest in the fate of the Motherland.

    2. G.R. Derzhavin "Felitsa"

    For the first time, the "interlocutor", 1783, part 1, p.5, without a signature, under the title: "Oda to the wisdom of Kyrgyzkaysatskaya Tsarevna Felitsa, written by Tatar Murz, has long been settled in Moscow, and his living in St. Petersburg. Translated from Arabic 1782. " To the last words, the editors gave note: "Although the name of the writer is unknown to us, but it is known to us that these Oda is definitely composed in Russian." Writing ODU in 1782, Derzhavin did not dare to print it, fearing the revenge of the noble nobles depicted in a satirical plan. The same opinions were friends of the poet N.A. Lviv and V. V. Kopnis. Accidentally, the Oda fell into his hands to one good friend of Derzhavin, an adviser in the director of the Academy of Sciences, a writer, a leader in the field of folk education, subsequently Minister Osipa Petrovich Kozotavlev (beginning 1750s. 1819), which began to show it different persons And including introduced to her Princess E. R. Dashkov, appointed since 1783 by the director of the Academy of Sciences. Dashkova I liked, and when in May 1783, the publication of the "Interlocutor" was undertaken (Kozotvlev became the editor of the magazine), it was decided to open the first issue of Felitsa. The publication of the "interlocutor" was due to the political events of the early 1780s., Strengthening the struggle of Catherine with the noble opposition, the desire of the empress "to use journalism as a means of influencing the minds as an apparatus for the dissemination of the country's intra-polytetic life favorable for it." One of the ideas, persistently conducted Catherine in huge "notes regarding russian history"The idea was noted yet that the sovereign" never is a fortune of civil code, but always a decister of casters, a peacemaker by princes, the defender of the right, if only he follows the suggestions of his own heart. As soon, he makes the injustice that cannot be hidden or justified, then all the fault is composed of evil advisers, just more often on the boyars and the clergy. " Therefore, "Felitsa", pagnicically portrayed Catherine and Satirically her nobles, fell on the hand of the government, like Catherine. Derzhavin received a gold tobacco with 500 Chervonians as a gift from the empress and was personally presented to her. The high advantages of ODD brought her success in circles of the most advanced contemporaries, widely popular popularity. A.N. Radishchev, for example, wrote: "Provers, many stanza from ODD to Felice, and specifically, where Murza describes himself, almost the same poetry will remain without poetry" (full. Coll. Op., Vol. 2, 1941, p.217) . "Everyone who knows how to read in Russian, she found himself in her hands," said Kozotvlev. The name "Felitsa" Derzhavin took from the "Tale of Tsarevich Chlorine", written by Catherine II for his grandson Alexander (1781). "Murz called himself the author because ... what he had happened from the Tatar tribe; and the empress Felice and Kyrgyz printed for the fact that the late empress composed a fairy tale under the name of Tsarevich Chlorine, whom Felitsa, that is, the goddess of bliss, accompanied the mountain, where the rose without spikes blooms, and that the author had his villages in the Orenburg province in the neighborhood from Kyrgyz Horde, which is not listed in the subject. " In the manuscript of 1795. Interpretation of the name "Felitsa" is somewhat different: "Wisdom, grace, virtue." The name is formed Catherine from latin words "Felix" "Happy", "Felicitas" "Happiness".

    I give me your son to me. In the fairy tale, Catherine Felitsa gave to the guards of Tsarevich chlorine her son of reason.

    Your Murzami is not imitating, i.e. court, nobles. The word "Murza" uses Derzhavin in two plans. When Murza talks about Felice, then under Murz, the author of Oda is meant. When he says no matter how Murza, then Murza is a collective image of Velmazr-Courtnic. You read, write before Nalo. Derzhavin means the legislative activity of the empress. Tax (statute, spacious.), More precisely, "anal" (church.) A high table with a lower riding, to which icons or books are put in the church. Here are used in the sense of the "table", "Book". Parnskaya horse is not sad. Catherine did not know how to write poems. Arias and poems for her literary writings wrote her state-secretaries Elagin, Khorchavitsky and others. Parnassian horse Pegasus. Do not enter the spirits in the collapse, do not go from the throne to the east, i.e. do not attend Masonic lies, meetings. Catherine called Masons "Sect of Spirits". "The Easterns" were sometimes called Masonic Lodges of Masons in the 80s. XVIII century Members of organizations ("Lies") who confessed the mystico-moralistic doctrine and were in opposition to the Catherine Government. Freemasonry was divided into various currents. To one of them, the illuminatism, belonged to a number of managers of the French revolution of 1789 in Russia, the so-called "Moscow Martinists" (the largest of them in the 1780s were N. I. Novikov, a wonderful Russian educator, writer and book publishing, his assistants According to the publishing, the case of I. V. Lopukhin, S. I.

    Annotation to work

    The creator of the genre of ODA in Russian literature became M.V. Lomonosov. Lomonosov was convinced of the need for synthesis in the poetry of Russian and Church Slavonic languages, created the Russian ODU, first began to write poems in a language accessible to a wide range of readers. In this class, the contradiction of the whole genre of commendable ODA was particularly acutely affected - a contradiction between its complimentaryness and real political content: the poet on behalf of Elizabeth glorifies the "silence", setting out its own program of the world. Spreading the framework of the genre, making patriotic pathos, Lomonosov turned the ODU into a multi-volume work that served as the highest ideal of the poet, its hot interest in the fate of the Motherland. Accidentally, the Oda got into his hands to one good friend of Derzhavin, an adviser in the director of the Academy of Sciences, a writer, a leader in the field of folk education, subsequently Minister Osipa Petrovich Kozootavlev (Nach. In this way, in the literature of the 18th century there were two currents: classicism and sentimentalism. Ideal writing Classicists - a citizen and a patriot seeking to work for the benefit of the Fatherland. He must become active creative personality, Fight with public defects, with all the manifestations of "worship and tyranny" such a person needs to abandon the desire for personal happiness, subordinate his senses to debt.


    2. G.R. Derzhavin "Felitsa"

    3. A.N. Radishchev "Volost"




    The main direction in the literature of the XVIII century. Classicism became. This style developed as a result of creative development of forms, compositions and samples of the art of the ancient world and the Renaissance. The artist, according to the founders of the founders of classicism, comprehends reality, so that it is not a concrete person with his passions in his work, and the type of person, myth, the word, eternal in temporary, ideal in real. If this is a hero - then without flaws, if the character is satirical - then to the end of the lowered. Classicism did not allow the mixing "high" and "low, and therefore between genres (for example, tragedy and comedy) were established borders that were not disturbed.

    Russian classicism attached a special meaning of "high" genres: epic poem, tragedy, solemn about. The creator of the genre of ODA in Russian literature became M.V. Lomonosov.

    The purpose of this abstract is the consideration and study of the evolution of ODA in the Russian literature of the 18th century (from ODD Lomonosov to Oddanin and Radishchev).

    1. M.V. Lomonosov "On the Day of Eden of Empress Elizabeth ... 1747"

    M.V. Lomonosov - Philologist, writer. His works in the field of literature, philology marked the rise of the National Culture of Russia. It is difficult to imagine the development of a literary language, poetry, grammar without fundamental works of Lomonosov in Russia. Under his influence, a whole generation of Russian people has grown, which adopted his advanced ideas and sought them to develop them further. Lomonosov was convinced of the need for synthesis in the poetry of Russian and Church Slavonic languages, created the Russian ODU, first began to write poems in a language accessible to a wide range of readers. The creation of the first Russian grammar and the preparation of the first textbook of the brown language can be considered the creation of the first Russian grammar.

    In this paper, we aim to show that Lomonosov's achievements in poetry, philosophy and prose theory are not simply the most important scientific discoveries, but are considered to be fundamental works in the field of literature, marked by a new rise in the national culture of Russia. V.G. Belinsky noted that he was her "Father and Peston", "he was her Peter Great," because he gave the direction "our language and our literature".

    It was written in the year when Elizaveta Petrovna approved the new charter and staff of the Academy of Sciences, having doubled the amount of funds for its needs. Here the poet glorifies the world, fearing the new war, in which Austria, England and Holland, who fought with France and Prussia, retracted Russia, demanding sending Russian troops to the banks of the Rhine. In this class, the contradiction of the whole genre of commendable ODA was particularly acutely affected - a contradiction between its complimentaryness and real political content: the poet on behalf of Elizabeth glorifies the "silence", setting out its own program of the world. 1. Premen joyful ... - Palace coup, which led Elizabeth on the throne. 2. I sent a person to Russia ... - Peter I. 3. Then the divine science ... - We are talking about founded by Peter I Academy of Sciences, open after his death in 1725. 4. Enviously rejected by rock ... - Peter I died in 1725. 5. Ekaterina I (1684-1727) - Peter I's wife, Russian Empress. 6. Sexan - Latin name of the Seine, hint at the Paris Academy of Sciences. 7. Columbus Russian - Vitus Bering (1681-1741) - Russian navigator.

    8. The tops of Riofansky ... - Ural.

    9. Plato (427-347 BC. E.) - Greek philosopher. 10. Neton - Isaac Newton (1643-1727) - English physicist and mathematician. 11. The science of young men feed ... - Stanfa is a poetic translation of a fragment from the speech of the Roman speaker and the political figure of Mark (106-43 BC) in defense of the poet Archion (r. In 120 BC).

    Deep ideological content, hot patriotism, majestic and solemn style of Lomonosovsky ODD new, unlike the rest, type, its stable stubbic organization, the right size is a four-stranded jamb, rich and diverse rhyme - all this was new not only for Russian literature, but also for The stories of this genre as a whole. Spreading the framework of the genre, making patriotic pathos, Lomonosov turned the ODU into a multi-volume work that served as the highest ideal of the poet, its hot interest in the fate of the Motherland.

    2. G.R. Derzhavin "Felitsa"

    For the first time - "Interlocutor", 1783, part 1, p.5, without a signature, under the title: "Oda to the Kirigizkyisatskaya Tsarevna, Felice, written by Tatar Murzo, has long been settled in Moscow, and its living in St. Petersburg. Translated from Arabic 1782. " To the last words, the editors gave note: "Although the name of the writer is unknown to us, but it is known to us that these Oda is definitely composed in Russian." Writing ODU in 1782, Derzhavin did not dare to print it, fearing the revenge of the noble nobles depicted in a satirical plan. There were also the same friends of the poet - N.A. Lviv and V. V. Kopnis. Accidentally, the Ode fell into his hands to one good friend of Derzhavin, an adviser in the director of the Academy of Sciences, a writer, a leader in the field of folk education, subsequently Minister Osipa Petrovich Kozotavlev (beginning 1750s, 1819), which began to show it to different persons and They introduced to her Princess E. R. Dashkov, appointed since 1783 by the director of the Academy of Sciences. Dashkova I liked, and when in May 1783, the publication of the "Interlocutor" was undertaken (Kozotvlev became the editor of the magazine), it was decided to open the first issue of Felitsa. The publication of the "interlocutor" was due to the political events of the early 1780s., Strengthening the struggle of Catherine with the noble opposition, the desire of the empress "to use journalism as a means of influencing the minds as an apparatus for the dissemination of the country's intra-polytetic life favorable for it." One of the ideas, persistently conducted by Catherine in huge "notes regarding Russian history," the idea was noted yet that the sovereign "is never a fortune of civil code, but always a declcer, the peacemaker by princes, the defender of the right, if only he should suggest Hearts. As soon, he makes the injustice that cannot be hidden or justified, then all the fault is composed of evil advisers, just more often on the boyars and the clergy. " Therefore, Felitsa, pagnicically portrayed Catherine and Satirically - her noble, I liked the government, I liked Catherine. Derzhavin received a gold tobacco with 500 Chervonians as a gift from the empress and was personally presented to her. The high advantages of ODD brought her success in circles of the most advanced contemporaries, widely popular popularity. A.N. Radishchev, for example, wrote: "Provers, many stanza from ODD to Felice, and specifically, where Murza describes themselves, almost the same poetry will remain without poetry" (full. Cathedral Op., vol. 2, 1941, p.217). "Everyone who knows how to read in Russian, she found himself in her hands," said Kozotvlev. The name "Felitsa" Derzhavin took from the "Tale of Tsarevich Chlorine", written by Catherine II for his grandson Alexander (1781). "Murz called himself the author because ... what he had happened from the Tatar tribe; And the empress is Felice and Kyrgyz printed for the fact that the late Empress composed a fairy tale under the name of Tsarevich Chlorine, whom Felitsa, that is, the goddess of bliss, accompanied on the mountain, where the rose without spikes blooms, and that the author had his villages in the Orenburg province in the neighborhood From the Kyrgyz Horde, which is not listed in the subject. " In the manuscript of 1795. Interpretation of the name "Felitsa" is somewhat different: "Wisdom, grace, virtue." The name is formed by Catherine from the Latin words "Felix" - "happy", "Felicitas" - "Happiness".

    I give me your son to me. In the fairy tale, Catherine Felitsa gave to the guards of Tsarevich chlorine her son of reason.

    Murzham yours is not imitating, t. E. Courtnic, nobles. The word "Murza" uses Derzhavin in two plans. When Murza talks about Felice, then under Murz, the author of Oda is meant. When he speaks of himself, then Murza is a collective image of the Velmazr-Courtnic. You read, write before Nalo. Derzhavin means the legislative activity of the empress. Tax (statute, spacious.), More precisely, "anal" (church.) - A high table with a low-horse riding, which icons or books are put in the church. Here are used in the sense of the "table", "Book". Parnskaya horse is not sad. Catherine did not know how to write poems. Arias and poems for her literary essays wrote her state-secretaries Elagin, Khorchavitsky, and others. Parnassian horse - Pegasus. Do not enter the spirits in the collapse, do not go from the throne to the east - that is, you do not attend Masonic lies, meetings. Catherine called Masons "Sect of Spirits". "The Easterns" were sometimes called Masonic Lodges of Masons in the 80s. XVIII century - Members of organizations ("Lies") who confessed the mystico-moralistic doctrine and in opposition to the Catherine Government. Freemasonry was divided into various currents. To one of them, the illuminatism, belonged to a number of managers of the French revolution of 1789 in Russia, the so-called "Moscow Martinists" (the largest of them in the 1780s were N. I. Novikov, a wonderful Russian educator, writer and book publishing, his assistants According to the publishing, the case, I. V. Lopukhin, S. I. Gamaley, etc.) were especially hostile to the Empress. They considered it the invader of the throne and desired to see the "legitimate sovereign" on the throne - the heir to the throne of Pavel Petrovich, the son overthrown from the throne of Ekaterina Emperor Peter III. Paul, until he was profitable, very sympathetically belonged to "Martinists" (according to some evidence, he even adhered to their teachings). Masons from the mid-1780s were especially activated. And Catherine composes three comedies: "Shaman Sibirski", "deceiver" and "seduced", writes "the mystery of the anti-ridiculous society" - a parody of the Masonic Charter. But she succeeded only in 1789-1793 by the Moscow Freemasonry. With the help of police measures.

    And I, I spent before noon, etc. "refers to the whimsical moral of Prince Potemkin, like all three the following membership, which was going to war, then I practically practiced in the tricks and all sorts of luxuries." Tsug - Four or six horses pairwise. The right to ride Tsugom was the privilege of the highest nobility.

    I am flying on the runner. This also applies to Potemkin, but "more than g. Al. C. Orlov, who was a hunter to horse racing. " At the equal plants of Orlov, several new breeds of horses were derived, of which the breed of famous "Orlovsky Rysakov" was most famous.

    Or fist fighters - also applies to A.G. Orlov. And I am amusing the pen of pieces - refers to P. I. Panin, who loved the pins hunt.

    I ascend at night by horns, etc. "Refers to Semen Kirillovich Naryshkin, who was then by the Black Music, which was the first horn music." Horny music - an orchestra consisting of serf musicians in which only one note can be removed from each horns, and all together are as if one tool. Walking noble nobles on the Neva, accompanied by a horn orchestra, was a common phenomenon in the XVIII century. Ile, sitting at home, I will roll. "This verse is in general to the old customs and fun of the Russians" Polkan and Bovu read. "Refers to CN. Vyazemsky, who loved reading the novels (which is often the author, he served in his team, he was read in front of him, and it happened that he was still having dreamed and did not understand anything) - Polkan and Bov and the famous vintage Russian stories "Derzhavin means a translation novel about Beauvais, which later turned into a Russian fairy tale. But every person has a lie - a quote from Psalti, out of 115 Psalm.

    Between the lazy and griege. Lazy and Burngga - Characters Fairy Tale about Tsarevich Chlorine. "How much is known, it understood under the first kN. Potemkin, and under another KN. Vyazemsky, because the first, as described above, led a lazy and luxurious life, and the second often rushed, when he, as a government manager, demanded money. "

    Making chaos on the spheres is slightly, etc. - a hint of the institution of provinces. In 1775, Catherine issued an "institution of provinces", - according to which all Russia was divided into provinces.

    That renounced and wise to hear. Ekaterina II, with a tight modesty, rejected the titles "Great", "Will", "Mother of Fatherland", which were submitted to her in 1767 by the Senate and the Commission on the development of a project of new deposits; She also enrolled in 1779, when St. Petersburg disadvantaged his title "Great".

    And you can know and think. In "Aactions" of Catherine II, compiled by it for the commission on the development of the project of a new deposit and the compilation from the compositions of Montesquieu and other philosophers-enlightectors of the XVIII century, there are really a number of articles, a brief presentation which is this stanza. However, no wonder Pushkin called "Agaz" "hypocritical": a huge number of "cases" of people arrested by a secret expedition came to us on charges of "indecent", "diarrhea", etc., words at the address of the Empress, Heir to the throne, KN . Potemkin, etc. Almost all of these people were cruelly attempting to "Knuty" Shhechkovsky and severely punished by secret vessels.

    There you can spite in conversations, etc. And the next stanza is an image of cruel laws and morals at the court of Empress Anna John. As the Derzhavin notes, the laws existed, according to which two people, whispered among themselves, were considered by the attackers against the empress or the state; I did not drink a large wine glass, "for the Zaritsy Zaritsy Zaritsy," the coin was accidentally suspected of evil intent and fell into a secret office. The search, amendment, prompt, error in the imperial title attracted the punishment of the leaf, as well as the transfer of title from one line to another. During the court, the coarse "fun" like a famous wedding of Prince Golitsyn, who was a jerk for which the "Ice House" was built were widespread. Titled jesters sat down in Lukoshka and Clochtali with chics, etc. You write in tales of teaching. Catherine II wrote for his grandson, except for the "Tales of Tsarevich Chlorine", "Fairy Tale about Tsarevich Fel." Do not do anything thin. "Guidelines" chlorine, which has been reconciled by Derzhavin in verses, is in the appendix to the "Russian alphabet for the reading of the reading printed for public schools on the highest command", which was also composed by Catherine for her grandchildren. Lancers means - i.e. bloodshed.

    Tamerlan (Timur, Timurleng) is the Central Asian commander and the conqueror (1336-1405), which was distinguished by extreme cruelty.

    Who broke and so on. "This verse refers to a peaceful then time, at the end of the first Turkish war (1768-1774 - V. Z.) in Russia, which flourished when many people who have been made were the Empress of the institution, like: Educational House, hospitals and others. " Who gave freedom, etc. Derzhavin lists some laws published by Catherine II, which were beneficial to the noble landlords and merchants: she confirmed this Peter III nobles permission to make overseas travel; I allowed the landowners to develop ore deposits in their possessions in their own favor; removed the prohibition of cutting the forest on their lands without control of power; "Allowed free swimming in the seas and rivers for trading", etc.

    3. A.N. Radishchev "Volost"

    You want to know: who am I? what am I? Where am I going?

    I am the same as I and I will be the whole of my age: not cattle, not a tree, not a slave, but man!

    The road to lay, where there was no trace

    For greyhound bomb and in prose and in verses, sensitive hearts and truth I am in fear

    In the urban Ilimsk food. January - July 1791

    Oda "liberty" of the great Russian revolutionary educator is one of the works most common in lists of free poetry from the end of XVIII and to the 1830s.

    Oda with a special rage was pursued by censorship: the detection of its authorities, even in case of random circumstances, promised serious repression.

    "The plot of" liberty "is based on the general sport theories of the natural right and the public contract, rethinking by Radishchev in the revolutionary spirit." (West V. A. Poetry A.H. Radishcheva // Radishchev A.N. Poems. L., 1975. With . 26).

    Oda summed up the evolution of Russian advanced political thoughts on the eve of the French bourgeois revolution. In the future, she had a huge impact on the formation of the ideology of the noble revolutionaries. Evaluating the influence of Radishchev, Herzen in 1858 noticed that the Radishchev "didn't write, and hear a familiar string, which we used to hear in the first poems of Pushkin, and in the" Things "of Ryleev, and in their own heart." Ode "Wolnia" did not lose its meaning for the revolutionary democrats of the 1860s, but could only be mentioned only by the bias. Tiranoboric pathos and a call to a revolution, which should be able to power the kings, determined the constant, deep influence of ODD.

    The word "liberty" in the lexicon XVIII century meant independence, political freedom and had some semantic difference from the word "freedom": it was the "liberty" - the title of Pushkin Oda 1817. Later, this tint is erased, and necris in 1877, meaning this ODU Pushkin, called her "freedom."

    The seven "you want to know: who am I? what am I? Where I'm going ... "also often meets in the hands of the hands starting from the 1820s.

    Thus, in the literature of the 18th century there were two currents: classicism and sentimentalism. The ideal of classicist writers is a citizen and a patriot seeking to work for the benefit of the Fatherland. He must become an active creative person, fight with public vices, with all the manifestations of "worship and tyranny" such a person needs to abandon the desire for personal happiness, subordinate his senses to debt. Sentimentalists all submitted to feelings, all sorts of shades of moods. The language of their works becomes emphasized emotional. Heroes of works - representatives of the middle and lower classes. From the eighteenth century, the process of democratization of literature begins.

    And again, the Russian reality invaded the world of literature and showed that only in the unity of common and personal, and a citizen and a person can take place when subordinating a personal person. But in poetry of the late XVIII century, the concept of "Russian man" was identified only with the concept of "Russian nobleman". Derzhavin and other poets and writers of the 18th century did only the first step in the understanding of the national nature, showing the nobleman and in the service of Fatherland, and at home. The integrity and fullness of the internal life of a person have not yet been disclosed.


    1. Berekov P.N. The history of Russian journalism XVIII century. M. - L., 1952. - 656 p.

    2. Herzen A.I. Preface to the book "On damage to morals in Russia" Prince M. Shcherbatova and "Journey" by A. Radishchev // Cons. cit. M., 1958. T. 13. 296 p.

    3. Derzhavin G.R. Complete assembly of poems. Leningrad "Soviet writer" 1957. - 480 p.

    4. N.A. Dobrolyubs. Works, t. 1. Leningrad. - 1934. - 600 p.

    5. West V.A. Poetry A.H. Radishchev // Radishchev A.N. Poem. L., 1975. - 122 p.

    6. The history of Russian literature / Ed. D.S. Likhacheva, P. Makogonenko. - L., 1999. - 318 p.

    7. Lomonosov M.V. Full composition of writings. - M., 1955. - T 4, from 165.

    8. Nekrasov N.A. Autobiographical entries, from the diary // full. Cathedral cit. and letters. M., 1953. T. 12. - 534 p.

    9. Russian poets. Anthology of Russian poetry in 6 t. Moscow: Children's literature, 1996. - 346 p.

    5. Ode of the 18th century: from Lomonosov to Derzhavin

    1. Oh yeah (from Greek. "Song") is a literary genre, genetically rising to choral lyrics of the ancient Greeks. Incase existed OD pindaric (Pindar is an ancient Greek poet of the 5th century. BC, the author of solemn choir chants and praise songs in honor of the winners in the Olympic, Dolphic and others. sports game), anacontic (Anaconont is an ancient Greek poet of the 6-5th centuries BC. Er, in whose poetry the motives of pleasures are prevailing the sensual joys of life) and goragian (Horace is the Roman poet of the 1st century. BC, the author of philosophical OD in in the spirit of Stoicism). In other words, in the antiquity of the ODA - the formal designation of the genre, and various topics were fixed for different types of its varieties. Renaissance, with his orientation for antiquity, revives the genre of ODY (the first half of the XVI century - Neo-Butati OD) is precisely in such an understanding: as its main feature is a stubbic principle of construction, and it shall be chosen to Goragiansko and Pindaric (differing in the form (type Stanf), style (moderate and clear in Goragian oodas and high, often dark in pinary) and theme).

    2. In addition to the European one tradition (ascending, in turn, the Antique), also influenced the tradition of "commendable words" and the panechnics, which existed in the Old Russian literature and preserved in Petrovsky (the influence was first identified by Sobolevsky). The closer to all in their creations to the modern understanding of ODI approached Simeon Polotsky (1, the author of the collections "Vertograd Multicolor" and "Rhymemology", including the cycles of the pagic poems, as well as the "psalter of the rhyme-rhythm" - full poems and NB! Strafically organized transcription of the book of Psalms (the Arrangement of Psalms Classicists is comprehended as spiritual ODA) and Faofan Prokopovich (1, the court poet of Peter I, the author of "Word of commendable for the Preslav of the troops of the Svyask victory" (1709) - the sermons that tended as a Panigirik, to the publication of which he joined Rhythms - a poetic description of the victory under the title "Epikinion, Side Sing Victory Tyuda Muschalovaya Victory. "After Peter's death, Oda Catherine I, Peter II, Anne Ioannovna.

    3. First Oda in Russia with such genre designation appeared in "Notes to St. Petersburg Vedomosti" 1732, its German original belongs Junker(who developed the scenarios of court illuminations), the Russian poetic translation, probably Schwanwitz. It was quite a classic Oda, which was based on the doctrine of ORDA, and created by him the sample "Right ODD" "to take a namury" (1693), she belonged to the subgenuary of the Pindarian ODA, with the invented Ronsar, picked by Mallb, and then legalized by Odoy Starf of ten lines ( diesen). In the future, the UNCER was placed ODI at the beginning of the descriptions of the illumination, "descriptions" of the Junker, and, together with them, translated.

    4. The direct predecessors of Lomonosov were: in the Naugere pindaric OD - Tredianakovsky (song " New Year We begin ... "(1732)," Oda Welcome ... "(1733), as well as the first Russian Pindaric Ode" On the delivery of the city of Gdansk "(1734) and the accompanying treatise" reasoning about ODE general "(translating, respectively," ODY For the capture of Namura "and" Discours sur l'Ode "Baual), translations of annual panelists who presented the king from the Ieni Academy of Sciences. In Tredianakovsky treatise divides pindaric ODU associated with "Enthusiasm of Free", "Red Disorder" and "Diffirates Prezyss", and middle ODU, or station); in the village goragian OD - Kantemir(in London, where he was sent as ambassador, he wrote 4 "songs", which were originally called "Odims" - "anti-godless", "about the hope of God", "on an evil person", "in the praise of science"; He also created several pindarical OD, but did not consider them suitable for printing and destroyed).

    5. Code Lomonosov.

    a) Lomonosov focuses not only on the panegyric tradition of Polotsk - Prokopovich and classic surveys Bouoy - Tredianakovsky (by the way, the treatise of Pseudo-Lohrin "On High", which served as a source for Baual), but also on the tradition of German baroque (especially Johanna Günther, according to Pampyansky), from here there are many decorations that even Pindar did not dream.

    b) and finally, in 1739, he writes "ODU for taking Khotin" - the first Russian syllabo-tonic ODU. Already in it manifests the style of Lomonosov solemn OD. But it was characteristic of everything he expressed himself in the program "Ode for the Day of Edema ... 1747."

    c) in form it is 4th, 10-line structure with a stable rhyme system (mandatory alternation of m / w ending in the first 4 lines, then LJ, the last 4 again alternate - t. n. rule alternation), which is a closed period with a complex hierarchy of the cooded elements

    d) ODA characterized sublime style (mandatory for Lomonosov condition for the success of solemn OA, since the elevated syllable, "rhetoric", 1748, should be spent on the sublime things, "rhetoric", 1748) using "jewelry" - sounding ("Grads of the fence"), church salvations, metaphor, perifrazes ("Great Light peace "instead of" sun "), hyperball, so on. words (i.e., some generalized concepts creating around themselves a certain semantic halo. For example, the word "silence" from the first stanza includes almost all lexia of this stanza in his halo - Otrada, Blessed, the fence, benefits, beauty, flowers, Treasures, generosity, wealth. Thus, the vocabulary meaning of the word is blurred, and the mind is soaked!), Inversion, abundance of ancient symbolism ("In the fields of bloody Mars, his sword was in vain, and with the thrill, Neptune was divided, loyering on russian flag"), Mixing it with symbols of Christian, enthusiastic intonation (every third offer exclamation), etc. The main emotion of the poet - lyrical delight.

    e) the theme of the solemn one - praise sovereign but also lesson his. Ideal - enlightened monarch (A LA Voltaire), it is embodied in Petre, Therefore, every next (in this case Elizabeth Petrovna) must be "legalized" close to the body - she is a daughter Peter, and the comparability of his acts with him. In this case, often desired is issued for valid. This phenomenon has two sources: the first is the need for a "lesson" by the monarch from the enlightened court poet (this is a sign of a kind of "good tone" in court poetry VS tradition t. N. servile poetry); The second is the theory " common places"- the image is not a specific monarch, but the ideal one who has such and such is exemplary (that is, inherent in all the ideal monarchs) merit. The most important "lesson" is the need to enlighten ("the science of young men feed ...").

    e) the creation of solemn ODA laid the foundation of the literary reputation of Lomonosov, which Pampian compares with " mallerbov myth", On which Lomonosov, probably, and was focused. At the same time, it is important that the notorious "highness" (language, style, genre) correlates in the minds of Lomonosov with the greatness of the poet, from here the absolute domination in his poetic system of solemn OD, providing him with a high place in the literary hierarchy.

    g) In addition, Lomonosov has both the Gloan OD - Scientific and Didactic - "Evening Reflection on the case of the Great Northern Light", "Letter about the benefits of glass"; Spiritual - "Morning (and evening) thinking about God's Majesty", "Ode chosen from Job." They are characterized by less severe formal laws and more restrained tone.

    6. An attempt to reform the solemn ODU takes Sumarokov, the creator that is t. dry OD, the sample of which can be considered "ODU Soviet Ekaterina II on her birthday of 1768 ...". He, appealing to Pseudo Longin, says that the merit of Pyndara is not in the elevation of the syllable, but in naturalness, and therefore condemns the deviation from the usual meaning of words, demanding clarity and clarity, the words-topic is unacceptable for him, he himself is rather along words: "The prosperity is a splendor in which there is no clarity!" His solemn ODY is shorter and didactic. And in general, he himself understands that in this genre he is Lomonosov not a competitor. But he is more developing philosophical (and porphylosophical) OD.

    7. This is picking up the poets of his school - Mikes and Heraskov, Author of the collections "New ODY", 1762 and "" Philosophical ODs or Songs ", 1769. Style of one-thoughts of Heraskova - the style of friendly conversations, discreet, but not deprived of signs of a spoken language, striving for the grace and fine decoration of verse elements (" satisfied So one, when I was a syllable, I can pick up on the lyre "- Oda" to his lyre ").

    8. The period of the second heyday of the solemn Pindarian OD - the mid-60s, when Catherine thought: Elizabeth had Lomonosov, and what's the worse? and closer Petrov, declaring it after the exit in 1766 "ODD to the magnificent carousel" "The Second Lomonosov", but he was a mediocre and coupling, focused on the difficulty of style, pomp and cumbersome ("the dear-covered traces are covered, give Mah's horses to the wind; There is a loss, the dust of the swirl from the hip "-" Ode on the carousel "). And all literary brethren did not slow down with him to start fighting.

    9. ODY Derzhavina.

    a) and finally, the logical finals reforming the solemn ODD reaches in the work Derzhavina. Here the program should be considered the ODU "Felitsa", 1783 (Felitsa - the allegorical name of Catherine II, suggested by her own "fairy tale about Tsarevich Chlorine" written for the grandson of Alexander Pavlovich). The reform is not the form, or the content (praise and lesson Empress) of solemn OD, and style. The sublime style of Lomonosovskaya OD, who deprived the poet human traits and transferring it to the transcendant spheres, of which he communicated with the equally unattainable ideal ruler, are replaced by a simple human (even autobiographical) manner, leading a conversation with an equally human-like monarch:

    Murzham yours is not imitating,

    You walk the hour on foot,

    And food is the simplest

    Happens for your table;

    Not worthwhile

    You read, write before Nalo

    And all of your pen

    Bliss of mortal shed;

    Like the cards do not play

    Like me, from morning to morning.

    b) Reverse process - With philosophical sides. Derzhanin displays the Goragian ODE from the circle of everyday lyrical genres (like songs), where the followers of Sumarokov, filling it with the problems of life / death ("Where the table was insens, there is a coffin" - "On the death of Prince Meshchersky", 1779) and human ambivalence Being ("I am a slave, I king, I am a worm, I am God" - "God", 1780-84).


    1. M.V. Lomonosov "On the Day of Eden of Empress Elizabeth ... 1747"

    2. G.R. Derzhavin "Felitsa"

    3. A.N. Radishchev "Volost"



    The main direction in the literature of the XVIII century. Classicism became. This style developed as a result of creative development of forms, compositions and samples of the art of the ancient world and the Renaissance. The artist, according to the founders of the founders of classicism, comprehends reality, so that it is not a concrete person with his passions in his work, and the type of person, myth, the word, eternal in temporary, ideal in real. If this is a hero - then without flaws, if the character is satirical - then to the end of the lowered. Classicism did not allow the mixing "high" and "low, and therefore between genres (for example, tragedy and comedy) were established borders that were not disturbed.

    Russian classicism attached a special meaning of "high" genres: epic poem, tragedy, solemn about. The creator of the genre of ODA in Russian literature became M.V. Lomonosov.

    The purpose of this abstract is the consideration and study of the evolution of ODA in the Russian literature of the 18th century (from ODD Lomonosov to Oddanin and Radishchev).

    1. M.V. Lomonosov "On the Day of Eden of Empress Elizabeth ... 1747"

    M.V. Lomonosov - Philologist, writer. His works in the field of literature, philology marked the rise of the National Culture of Russia. It is difficult to imagine the development of a literary language, poetry, grammar without fundamental works of Lomonosov in Russia. Under his influence, a whole generation of Russian people has grown, which adopted his advanced ideas and sought them to develop them further. Lomonosov was convinced of the need for synthesis in the poetry of Russian and Church Slavonic languages, created the Russian ODU, first began to write poems in a language accessible to a wide range of readers. The creation of the first Russian grammar and the preparation of the first textbook of the brown language can be considered the creation of the first Russian grammar.

    In this paper, we aim to show that Lomonosov's achievements in poetry, philosophy and prose theory are not simply the most important scientific discoveries, but are considered to be fundamental works in the field of literature, marked by a new rise in the national culture of Russia. V.G. Belinsky noted that he was her "Father and Peston", "he was her Peter Great," because he gave the direction "our language and our literature".

    It was written in the year when Elizaveta Petrovna approved the new charter and staff of the Academy of Sciences, having doubled the amount of funds for its needs. Here the poet glorifies the world, fearing the new war, in which Austria, England and Holland, who fought with France and Prussia, retracted Russia, demanding sending Russian troops to the banks of the Rhine. In this class, the contradiction of the whole genre of commendable ODA was particularly acutely affected - a contradiction between its complimentaryness and real political content: the poet on behalf of Elizabeth glorifies the "silence", setting out its own program of the world. 1. Premen joyful ... - Palace coup, which led Elizabeth on the throne. 2. I sent a person to Russia ... - Peter I. 3. Then the divine science ... - We are talking about founded by Peter I Academy of Sciences, open after his death in 1725. 4. Enviously rejected by rock ... - Peter I died in 1725. 5. Ekaterina I (1684-1727) - Peter I's wife, Russian Empress. 6. Sexan - Latin name of the Seine, hint at the Paris Academy of Sciences. 7. Columbus Russian - Vitus Bering (1681-1741) - Russian navigator.

    9. Plato (427-347 BC. E.) - Greek philosopher. 10. Neton - Isaac Newton (1643-1727) - English physicist and mathematician. 11. The science of young men feed ... - Stanfa is a poetic translation of a fragment from the speech of the Roman speaker and the political figure of Mark (106-43 BC) in defense of the poet Archion (r. In 120 BC).

    Deep ideological content, hot patriotism, majestic and solemn style of Lomonosovsky ODD new, unlike the rest, type, its stable stubbic organization, the right size is a four-stranded jamb, rich and diverse rhyme - all this was new not only for Russian literature, but also for The stories of this genre as a whole. Spreading the framework of the genre, making patriotic pathos, Lomonosov turned the ODU into a multi-volume work that served as the highest ideal of the poet, its hot interest in the fate of the Motherland.

    2. G.R. Derzhavin "Felitsa"

    For the first time - "Interlocutor", 1783, part 1, p.5, without a signature, under the title: "Oda to the Kirigizkyisatskaya Tsarevna, Felice, written by Tatar Murzo, has long been settled in Moscow, and its living in St. Petersburg. Translated from Arabic 1782. " To the last words, the editors gave note: "Although the name of the writer is unknown to us, but it is known to us that these Oda is definitely composed in Russian." Writing ODU in 1782, Derzhavin did not dare to print it, fearing the revenge of the noble nobles depicted in a satirical plan. There were also the same friends of the poet - N.A. Lviv and V. V. Kopnis. Accidentally, the Ode fell into his hands to one good friend of Derzhavin, an adviser in the director of the Academy of Sciences, a writer, a leader in the field of folk education, subsequently Minister Osipa Petrovich Kozotavlev (beginning 1750s. - 1819), which began to show it to different persons and in They introduced to her Princess E. R. Dashkov, appointed since 1783 by the director of the Academy of Sciences. Dashkova I liked, and when in May 1783, the publication of the "Interlocutor" was undertaken (Kozotvlev became the editor of the magazine), it was decided to open the first issue of Felitsa. The publication of the "interlocutor" was due to the political events of the early 1780s., Strengthening the struggle of Catherine with the noble opposition, the desire of the empress "to use journalism as a means of influencing the minds as an apparatus for the dissemination of the country's intra-polytetic life favorable for it." One of the ideas, persistently conducted by Catherine in huge "notes regarding Russian history," the idea was noted yet that the sovereign "is never a fortune of civil code, but always a declcer, the peacemaker by princes, the defender of the right, if only he should suggest Hearts. As soon, he makes the injustice that cannot be hidden or justified, then all the fault is composed of evil advisers, just more often on the boyars and the clergy. " Therefore, Felitsa, pagnicically portrayed Catherine and Satirically - her noble, I liked the government, I liked Catherine. Derzhavin received a gold tobacco with 500 Chervonians as a gift from the empress and was personally presented to her. The high advantages of ODD brought her success in circles of the most advanced contemporaries, widely popular popularity. A.N. Radishchev, for example, wrote: "Provers, many stanza from ODD to Felice, and specifically, where Murza describes themselves, almost the same poetry will remain without poetry" (full. Cathedral Op., vol. 2, 1941, p.217). "Everyone who knows how to read in Russian, she found himself in her hands," said Kozotvlev. The name "Felitsa" Derzhavin took from the "Tale of Tsarevich Chlorine", written by Catherine II for his grandson Alexander (1781). "Murz called himself the author because ... what he had happened from the Tatar tribe; And the empress is Felice and Kyrgyz printed for the fact that the late Empress composed a fairy tale under the name of Tsarevich Chlorine, whom Felitsa, that is, the goddess of bliss, accompanied on the mountain, where the rose without spikes blooms, and that the author had his villages in the Orenburg province in the neighborhood From the Kyrgyz Horde, which is not listed in the subject. " In the manuscript of 1795. Interpretation of the name "Felitsa" is somewhat different: "Wisdom, grace, virtue." The name is formed by Catherine from the Latin words "Felix" - "happy", "Felicitas" - "Happiness".

    I give me your son to me. In the fairy tale, Catherine Felitsa gave to the guards of Tsarevich chlorine her son of reason.

    Murzham yours is not imitating, t. E. Courtnic, nobles. The word "Murza" uses Derzhavin in two plans. When Murza talks about Felice, then under Murz, the author of Oda is meant. When he speaks of himself, then Murza is a collective image of the Velmazr-Courtnic. You read, write before Nalo. Derzhavin means the legislative activity of the empress. Tax (statute, spacious.), More precisely, "anal" (church.) - A high table with a low-horse riding, which icons or books are put in the church. Here are used in the sense of the "table", "Book". Parnskaya horse is not sad. Catherine did not know how to write poems. Arias and poems for her literary essays wrote her state-secretaries Elagin, Khorchavitsky, and others. Parnassian horse - Pegasus. Do not enter the spirits in the collapse, do not go from the throne to the east - that is, you do not attend Masonic lies, meetings. Catherine called Masons "Sect of Spirits". "The Easterns" were sometimes called Masonic Lodges of Masons in the 80s. XVIII century - Members of organizations ("Lies") who confessed the mystico-moralistic doctrine and in opposition to the Catherine Government. Freemasonry was divided into various currents. To one of them, the illuminatism, belonged to a number of managers of the French revolution of 1789 in Russia, the so-called "Moscow Martinists" (the largest of them in the 1780s were N. I. Novikov, a wonderful Russian educator, writer and book publishing, his assistants According to the publishing, the case, I. V. Lopukhin, S. I. Gamaley, etc.) were especially hostile to the Empress. They considered it the invader of the throne and desired to see the "legitimate sovereign" on the throne - the heir to the throne of Pavel Petrovich, the son overthrown from the throne of Ekaterina Emperor Peter III. Paul, until he was profitable, very sympathetically belonged to "Martinists" (according to some evidence, he even adhered to their teachings). Masons from the mid-1780s were especially activated. And Catherine composes three comedies: "Shaman Sibirski", "deceiver" and "seduced", writes "the mystery of the anti-ridiculous society" - a parody of the Masonic Charter. But she succeeded only in 1789-1793 by the Moscow Freemasonry. With the help of police measures.

    And I, I spent before noon, etc. "refers to the whimsical moral of Prince Potemkin, like all three the following membership, which was going to war, then I practically practiced in the tricks and all sorts of luxuries." Tsug - Four or six horses pairwise. The right to ride Tsugom was the privilege of the highest nobility.

    I am flying on the runner. This also applies to Potemkin, but "more than g. Al. C. Orlov, who was a hunter to horse racing. " At the equal plants of Orlov, several new breeds of horses were derived, of which the breed of famous "Orlovsky Rysakov" was most famous.

    Or fist fighters - also applies to A.G. Orlov. And I am amusing the pen of pieces - refers to P. I. Panin, who loved the pins hunt.

    I ascend at night by horns, etc. "Refers to Semen Kirillovich Naryshkin, who was then by the Black Music, which was the first horn music." Horny music - an orchestra consisting of serf musicians in which only one note can be removed from each horns, and all together are as if one tool. Walking noble nobles on the Neva, accompanied by a horn orchestra, was a common phenomenon in the XVIII century. Ile, sitting at home, I will roll. "This verse is in general to the old customs and fun of the Russians" Polkan and Bovu read. "Refers to CN. Vyazemsky, who loved reading the novels (which is often the author, he served in his team, he was read in front of him, and it happened that he was still having dreamed and did not understand anything) - Polkan and Bov and the famous vintage Russian stories "Derzhavin means a translation novel about Beauvais, which later turned into a Russian fairy tale. But every person has a lie - a quote from Psalti, out of 115 Psalm.

    Between the lazy and griege. Lazy and Burngga - Characters Fairy Tale about Tsarevich Chlorine. "How much is known, it understood under the first kN. Potemkin, and under another KN. Vyazemsky, because the first, as described above, led a lazy and luxurious life, and the second often rushed, when he, as a government manager, demanded money. "

    Making chaos on the spheres is slightly, etc. - a hint of the institution of provinces. In 1775, Catherine issued an "institution of provinces", - according to which all Russia was divided into provinces.

    That renounced and wise to hear. Ekaterina II, with a tight modesty, rejected the titles "Great", "Will", "Mother of Fatherland", which were submitted to her in 1767 by the Senate and the Commission on the development of a project of new deposits; She also enrolled in 1779, when St. Petersburg disadvantaged his title "Great".

    And you can know and think. In "Aactions" of Catherine II, compiled by it for the commission on the development of a project of a new deposit and the compilation of the compositions of Montesquieu and other philosophers-enlighteners of the XVIII century, there are really a number of articles, which is a brief statement of which this stanza is. However, no wonder Pushkin called "Agaz" "hypocritical": a huge number of "cases" of people arrested by a secret expedition came to us on charges of "indecent", "diarrhea", etc., words at the address of the Empress, Heir to the throne, KN . Potemkin, etc. Almost all of these people were cruelly attempting to "Knuty" Shhechkovsky and severely punished by secret vessels.

    There you can spite in conversations, etc. And the next stanza is an image of cruel laws and morals at the court of Empress Anna John. As the Derzhavin notes, the laws existed, according to which two people, whispered among themselves, were considered by the attackers against the empress or the state; I did not drink a large wine glass, "for the Zaritsy Zaritsy Zaritsy," the coin was accidentally suspected of evil intent and fell into a secret office. The search, amendment, prompt, error in the imperial title attracted the punishment of the leaf, as well as the transfer of title from one line to another. During the court, the coarse "fun" like a famous wedding of Prince Golitsyn, who was a jerk for which the "Ice House" was built were widespread. Titled jesters sat down in Lukoshka and Clochtali with chics, etc. You write in tales of teaching. Catherine II wrote for his grandson, except for the "Tales of Tsarevich Chlorine", "Fairy Tale about Tsarevich Fel." Do not do anything thin. "Guidelines" chlorine, which has been reconciled by Derzhavin in verses, is in the appendix to the "Russian alphabet for the reading of the reading printed for public schools on the highest command", which was also composed by Catherine for her grandchildren. Lancers means - i.e. bloodshed.

    Tamerlan (Timur, Timurleng) is the Central Asian commander and the conqueror (1336-1405), which was distinguished by extreme cruelty.

    Who broke and so on. "This verse refers to a peaceful then time, at the end of the first Turkish war (1768-1774 - V. Z.) in Russia, which flourished when many people who have been made were the Empress of the institution, like: Educational House, hospitals and others. " Who gave freedom, etc. Derzhavin lists some laws published by Catherine II, which were beneficial to the noble landlords and merchants: she confirmed this Peter III nobles permission to make overseas travel; I allowed the landowners to develop ore deposits in their possessions in their own favor; removed the prohibition of cutting the forest on their lands without control of power; "Allowed free swimming in the seas and rivers for trading", etc.

    3. A.N. Radishchev "Volost"

    You want to know: who am I? what am I? Where am I going?

    I am the same as I and I will be the whole of my age:

    Not cattle, not a tree, not a slave, but man!

    The road to lay, where there was no trace

    For greyhound brands and in prose and in verses,

    Sensitive hearts and truth I am in fear

    In the urban Ilimsk food. January - July 1791

    Oda "liberty" of the great Russian revolutionary educator is one of the works most common in lists of free poetry from the end of XVIII and to the 1830s.

    Oda with a special rage was pursued by censorship: the detection of its authorities, even in case of random circumstances, promised serious repression.

    "The plot of" liberty "is based on the general sport theories of the natural law and the public contract, rethinking by Radishchev in the revolutionary spirit." (3Apadov V. A. Poetz A.H. Radishcheva // Radishchev A.N. Poems. L., 1975. With . 26).

    Oda summed up the evolution of Russian advanced political thoughts on the eve of the French bourgeois revolution. In the future, she had a huge impact on the formation of the ideology of the noble revolutionaries. Evaluating the influence of Radishchev, Herzen in 1858 noticed that the Radishchev "didn't write, and hear a familiar string, which we used to hear in the first poems of Pushkin, and in the" Things "of Ryleev, and in their own heart." Ode "Wolnia" did not lose its meaning for the revolutionary democrats of the 1860s, but could only be mentioned only by the bias. Tiranoboric pathos and a call to a revolution, which should be able to power the kings, determined the constant, deep influence of ODD.

    The word "liberty" in the lexicon XVIII century meant independence, political freedom and had some semantic difference from the word "freedom": it was the "liberty" - the title of Pushkin Oda 1817. Later, this tint is erased, and necris in 1877, meaning this ODU Pushkin, called her "freedom."

    The seven "you want to know: who am I? what am I? Where I'm going ... "also often meets in the hands of the hands starting from the 1820s.


    Thus, in the literature of the 18th century there were two currents: classicism and sentimentalism. The ideal of classicist writers is a citizen and a patriot seeking to work for the benefit of the Fatherland. He must become an active creative person, fight with public vices, with all the manifestations of "worship and tyranny" such a person needs to abandon the desire for personal happiness, subordinate his senses to debt. Sentimentalists all submitted to feelings, all sorts of shades of moods. The language of their works becomes emphasized emotional. Heroes of works - representatives of the middle and lower classes. From the eighteenth century, the process of democratization of literature begins.

    And again, the Russian reality invaded the world of literature and showed that only in the unity of common and personal, and a citizen and a person can take place when subordinating a personal person. But in poetry of the late XVIII century, the concept of "Russian man" was identified only with the concept of "Russian nobleman". Derzhavin and other poets and writers of the 18th century did only the first step in the understanding of the national nature, showing the nobleman and in the service of Fatherland, and at home. The integrity and fullness of the internal life of a person have not yet been disclosed.


    1. Berekov P.N. The history of Russian journalism XVIII century. M. - L., 1952. - 656 p.

    2. Herzen A.I. Preface to the book "On damage to morals in Russia" Prince M. Shcherbatova and "Journey" by A. Radishchev // Cons. cit. M., 1958. T. 13. 296 p.

    3. Derzhavin G.R. Complete assembly of poems. Leningrad "Soviet writer" 1957. - 480 p.

    4. N.A. Dobrolyubs. Works, t. 1. Leningrad. - 1934. - 600 p.

    5. 3Apadov V.A. Poetry A.H. Radishchev // Radishchev A.N. Poem. L., 1975. - 122 p.

    6. The history of Russian literature / Ed. D.S. Likhacheva, P. Makogonenko. - L., 1999. - 318 p.

    7. Lomonosov M.V. Full composition of writings. - M., 1955. - T 4, from 165.

    8. Nekrasov N.A. Autobiographical entries, from the diary // full. Cathedral cit. and letters. M., 1953. T. 12. - 534 p.

    9. Russian poets. Anthology of Russian poetry in 6 t. Moscow: Children's literature, 1996. - 346 p.