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  • Questions for training brain. Brain training: exercises. Training of the brain and memory. Engage in sports games, gymnastics

    Questions for training brain. Brain training: exercises. Training of the brain and memory. Engage in sports games, gymnastics

    Unfortunately, today a person uses his brain far from complete power. However, the situation can be tried to change this organ daily. It is about this that will be discussed in the article provided.

    About the brain

    Brain training is very important and necessary. After all, today scientists have proven that only by the 60 years, this man reaches its peak of development. Previously, it was believed that at this time the activity of the brain was already significantly reduced. Modern scientists have proven that brain activity does not depend on the neurons themselves (the number of which is reduced to old age), but on the quality of connections between them. These links can be maintained and strengthening thanks to the active

    At all times, people knew that the most important activity was the brain training. It was about this that in his book in 1936 wrote the American writer Dorothy Brand. It provided a few simple, but very effective exercises to enhance brain activity.

    1. Every day you need to highlight one hour when you have to reduce the maximum speech activity. Those. Not talk to anyone. If you need, you need to answer questions, clearly and essentially.
    2. For half an hour a day, you need to think about one subject. Since it will first do it very hard, workouts need to start from 5 minutes.
    3. A quarter of an hour a day you need to say without using the words to me, mine, I.
    4. It is necessary for two hours a day every day to draw up a plan of activity and to follow it.
    5. On the day you need to put 12 tasks. All of them must be performed.

    These exercises not only train the brain, but also make a person take a look at themselves and the world wider.

    Morning brain charging

    Brain, like the body, requires awakening for good activity. In this case, the morning brain training may be needed. It takes approximately 5-10 minutes in the period immediately after sleep. All exercises need to be carried out in a convenient position. Also, everything is pronounced out loud.

    Exercise 1. It is necessary to try to calculate as soon as possible reverse order from 100 to 1.

    Exercise 2. On each letter of the alphabet you need to come up with a word. It is necessary to make an exercise very quickly.

    Exercise 3. You need to pronounce 20 male names, each of which must be assigned the number (for example, 1 - Sasha, 2 - Oleg, etc.). The same must be done with women's names.

    Exercise 4. You need to try to numb 20 species of various foods.

    Exercise 5. You need to choose any letter of the alphabet and come up with 20 words for it, numbering each of them.

    Most often, during the exercise, the person has a person open. After all tasks, you need to close the eyes on half a minute and open again. That's all, the brain "warmed up" and is ready for active work.


    Heat brain training, i.e. A set of exercises invented for this in science is called "Neurobika". The creator of this science is a professor of neurobiology Lawrence Katz - believes that it is possible to use neurobika developments when and anywhere. Since these exercises are simple and accessible to everyone, and the benefit of them is a huge.


    1. Ordinary things need to try to do unusually. To do this, you can wash in the morning with closed eyes.
    2. Change the usual order. Every day you need to try to go to work in different ways. Alternatively, you can buy products not in the usual place.
    3. Very well activate the brain of various kinds of travel. If it is not possible to drive far and for a long time, you can periodically go to the voyage in neighboring cities or villages.
    4. It is necessary to solve puzzles as much as possible, solve crosswords and tasks. At the same time, the level of complexity of all tasks should be raised.
    5. Always be interested in something new, unknown. So, well periodically master new sciences or find new hobbies for yourself.
    6. Excellent brain training - watch TV. However, you need to turn off the sound and try to catch all the dialogues that occur on the screen.
    7. We must try to answer ordinary questions non-standard.
    8. Very well trains the brain fantasy. So, you can periodically invent poems, jokes, stories. This is all not necessarily recorded. As an alternative, various dialogues with familiar people or strangers can be "violating" in the head.


    Excellent brain and memory training - all kinds of games. It can be checkers, chess, card games (they also force a person to think!). You can also just play with your child. After all, it will take to include your imagination, which is very useful for brain activity. Very good today to use various gadgets and developments of programmers to train the main body. For example, it can be Neuronation. Brain training, improving the concentration and development of logic - all this can be found in this game. Feedback from people who tried this app, as they say, on themselves, only positive. All users remain completely satisfied with the results.

    About brain hemispheres

    All people probably know that the brain consists of two hemispheres. So, the right is responsible for intuition and creative skills, left - for logic and mathematical abilities. Perfect when two hemisphere data develops in parallel. However, you can try to develop certain qualities in yourself, only the desired part of the brain is training.

    Right hemisphere

    Training of the right hemisphere of the brain may consist of the following exercises:

    1. It is necessary to pay more attention to creative activity. So, you can go with the museum or draw painting.
    2. It is necessary to think through the whole day. In this case, it is included for which the right hemisphere corresponds to.
    3. On the street you can also train your brain. You just need to peering in the faces of people and assume what they are thinking about now.

    Such exercises can be a lot. You only need to try as much as possible imagination. By the way, exactly the right hemisphere of the brain game with a child is well developed.

    Left hemisphere

    A somewhat different can be training semisphere of the brain (in this case, it will be about the left hemisphere). What exercises will be relevant in this case:

    1. It is necessary to try to solve crosswords as much as possible.
    2. Well to train the left hemisphere of brain mathematics. It is necessary to solve the tasks, gradually increasing their complexity.
    3. Also need to decide

    It is worth saying that the body should also be used to develop the brain (however, in mirror reflection). If you need to develop a left hemisphere, you need to train your right hand and foot. And vice versa.

    Harmonious development

    But still I want to say that it is better if the brain training is harmoniously. Exercises in this case are aimed uniformly to develop both the right and left hemisphere. So, for this you can try to use hands:

    1. Nose-ear. It is necessary to touch the left ear with the right hand, and left hand to the tip of the nose. Next you need to clap your hands and quickly change your hands.
    2. Painting. To evenly develop both hemispheres of the brain, you need to take a pencil into each hand and start drawing a pattern mirror. Those. So that it consists of two parts.
    3. Ring. For this task alternately with a thumb need to fold the remaining fingers. It is necessary to do it on two hands at the same time. For a more serious training, you can come up for every finger on the patter (it will still train and dicciation).

    Auxiliary pictures

    To train your brain, you can also use specially developed pictures. For example, determine what kind of hemisphere in a person "leading", you can with the help of a girl dancing on one leg. And you can train the brain using the exercise "Traffic light". So, the color that the word itself is written, and the color it means will be different. You need to correctly read what is written (and not the color that is written). The exercise at first glance seems simple, but it is completely wrong.

    About vessels

    If we talk about great importance, there are precisely his vessels. After all, if they work incorrectly or in insufficiently run blood, it affects human mental abilities. And if the brain vessel training is almost impossible (no one has learned to manage them), then you can periodically clean your head vessels.

    1. Excellent vessels of various kinds of violence. To do this, you can take the lime color, currant leaves or strawberries, oregano, hunter, dried berries of viburnum or rowan.
    2. In this direction, lemon juice and soda perfectly also works. On a teaspoon of these ingredients, you need to dissolve in a glass of water.

    If the above funds can be used often (even daily), then serious cleaning of vessels should be carried out no more than once a year.

    1. Fuck should be grate, take it a tablespoon and pour sour cream (1 cup). This medicine is accepted for a month during the meal on one tablespoon.
    2. Approximately 300 grams of garlic need to be skipped through a meat grinder and pour 200 ml of alcohol. Everything is placed in a dense container, closes and left for a week in a dark place. Next, the medicine takes about 10 drops (explore with milk) three times a day for half an hour before meals. Course - month.

    The ability to concentrate on small details, orient in information flows, instantly respond to the change of the situation and quickly take effective solutions - important skills that help businessmen achieve their goals. And in order to develop such business quality and pump your mind, you need to regularly do special exercises for the brain, the so-called fitness for the head!

    In the same way as muscles are atrophy without exercise, the human brain weakens without various mental activity. And vice versa, the more you train it, the more nervous connections are formed in it, and the higher the brain activity, the more blood enriched with oxygen. And from this, in fact, the intellectual health of man depends.

    In order for the brain to function effectively, it is important to specifically activate the growth of nervous connections with the help of new impressions. In the period of school, the university, the number of new information allowed to train the brain stably. But for an adult, in the life and whose work routine processes prevail to keep intelligence in good shape, you have to resort to stimulation
    With special exercises for brain development. Therefore, it is so important to learn to solve typical tasks with non-standard methods.

    Improving the memory and work of the brain: the best exercises

    It is important to note to note the brain well and develop the flexibility of the mind, it is important to pay attention to food, habits and lifestyles in general. Fresh air, healthy sleep, exercise and healthy food has no longer canceled. Therefore, in order to achieve the desired result, you must first of all pay attention to these important factors.

    Effective brain training is the exercises that are aimed at developing memory, attentiveness, as well as separately right and left brain hemispheres.

    The main specialization of the left hemisphere - logical thinking. It is also responsible for such important abilities:

    • language and speech;
    • logic, analysis;
    • literal understanding of words;
    • mathematical abilities;
    • sequential processing of information.

    Also, the left hemisphere controls the movements of the right half of the body, and the right one for the left part.

    In turn, the right hemisphere is responsible for intuition and creative abilities, and also performs functions:

    • processing non-verbal information;
    • orientation in space;
    • musicality;
    • recognition of metaphorical meanings;
    • imagination, artistic abilities;
    • emotions;
    • parallel information processing;
    • face recognition.

    So how to develop the right hemisphere of the brain? These exercises will help you strengthen intuition and creativity.

    Mirror drawing

    Take a large sheet of paper and on a pencil into each hand. Start drawing the same figures at the same time right and left hand. First, it can be circles, loops, squares. Over time, the task must be complicated - depicting with both hands full-fledged pictures.

    Reality Reality in Imagination

    The key moment of development of the right hemisphere of the brain is an exercise for visualization. It is important to connect imagination, visual, auditory and olfactory memory. To begin with, get rid of extraneous stimuli and close your eyes. Remember the well-known person to you: face features, hair color and eyes. After you create in the imagination of his face, try to restore the sound of the voice and smell of perfume. Earn the image as much as possible.

    When you learn to restore people images, you need to move on, creating a whole parallel reality in fantasy. Such a set of exercises is greatly developing creativity, creative vision, imagination.

    Casual words

    The essence of the exercise is to choose several completely random words and associate them with the help of a story. At first it will be difficult for you, and to associate these words, you will need a couple-triple of long offers. But during the training, you can connect unbound words at first glance with the help of literally a pair of phrases.

    Besides, creative thinking You can develop with drawing mandala. The intricate pattern of all colors of the rainbow perfectly calms the nerves, concentrates attention and develops artistic perception.

    Speaking about the training of the left hemisphere of the brain, first of all, we mean the solution of mathematical problems, crosswords, rushes, as well as logical games, such as chess. It is important to note that
    The left hemisphere dominates most people. Therefore, separately develop it does not make sense. In this case, it is better to apply integrated exercises for the brain of an adult.


    This is such a charging for the brain with exercises, which include all five senses at once. The technique was developed by American neurobiologist L. Katz. The essence is as follows: all ordinary things need to be unusual for you. For example:

    • moving around the house with eyes closed;
    • write with your left hand (if you are right);
    • change the usual route;
    • inhale and releasing the fragrance of food, flowers, spirits;
    • identify things to the touch (for example, a nominal coin);
    • carry out unfamiliar work;
    • answer non-standard on the usual questions, etc.

    Unusual actions, sensations, smells, the situation provoke the emergence of new nervous bonds, which, in turn, helps the development of intellectual abilities.

    Colored words

    Useful gymnastics for the brain or exercise for attentiveness. It helps to increase the level of concentration, improves attention, develops both hemispheres of the brain.

    So, your task is to quickly call the color of words. At first glance, everything is simple, but try to do it as quickly as possible, and the left hemisphere will immediately begin to concentrate on words, confusing you. You need to synchronize the work of both hemispheres.


    This is an exercise for the development of thinking, attention and improving performance. In addition, the "alphabet" helps remove the emotional tension and restart the brain.

    The work is as follows. Under each letter there is a note - L, P, V. "L" means that it is necessary to raise the left hand, "P" - right, "in" - both hands. You need to simultaneously pronounce the letter of the alphabet and perform the movement marked under the letter.

    The first part of the exercise is to go from A to Ya. In the second part - from me to A.

    Illogical chain

    This is an exercise test for brain and memory training. Look carefully on the word list for 90 seconds. Little Tip: Spread the words on the pair and try to link them with the help of visual associations.

    Try to reproduce all words in order. If you can not, write on the sheet all the words that remember. Now we consider: from 15 to 20 words - you have a well-developed memory. 10-14 words - the average result. Less than 10 - you absolutely do not know how to use memory.

    Perform these simple exercises for the brain, and soon you will notice a qualitative improvement in the work of both hemispheres, memory and thinking.

    Instead of imprisonment

    To train the mind, it is enough to make routine things unusual ways, perform new actions, read more, play in mind games. A wonderful way to develop thinking flexibility is the study of foreign languages \u200b\u200band music. It encourages the brain to actively produce new neural connections, and therefore actively and efficiently work.

    In order to systematize intellectual health improvements, you can use special online services that offer dozens of various exercises, tasks, tests for the development of thinking.

    Write in the comments, what useful exercises for the brain do you know? Share with us your experience!

    Answer ten questions to check how promoted you (in answers only do not pry!):

    1. Mom Johnny has three children. One name is April, the second is May. What is the name of the third child?

    2 . Chicken standing on one leg weighs 2 kg. How many chicken weighs, standing on two legs?

    3. Before the Elerest was opened, what mountain was the highest in the world?

    4. How many land is contained in a width of 3 meters long and depth?

    5 . What word is always written wrong?

    6. Billy was born on December 28, however, her birthday always falls for the summer. How can this be?

    7 . What is the corner in Cuba?

    8. If on competitions on running you will overtake a person who runs the second, where do you find yourself?

    9. How to say correctly: "Yolk in the egg" or "yolks in the eggs white"?

    10. Why a hairdresser in Geneva would rather prefer to cut two French than one German?

    Yes, some questions are quite banal. But they all clearly illustrate some of the features of our thinking that affect the decision-making process.

    We always strive to see what we want and what we expect to see - our brain works so. This feature is very important to take into account in business when studying customers, markets, competitors, also various data, on the basis of which people take the most important business solutions.

    When we see only what we want or expect to see, we can miss a potential threat from someone from competitors, because our brain says that there is nothing to fear. We do not notice new opportunities because we pay attention mainly to what worked in the past, and not for what can benefit in the future. We miss changes in the markets and in the behavior of consumers, which, then, if you look around, seem obvious, but at the moment they will elude our attention, because we are focused on what we already know.

    Our brain does not like information gaps, so we are in a hurry to give the first more or less suitable answer, instead of thinking and analyze all the data we have. The situation is aggravated by the fact that we live in the world, where every day there is more information on us than we are able to "digest". In addition, our brain likes to find regularities and relationships. And this feature is very useful in everyday lifeHowever, the brain does not always work correctly.

    How do you, for example, answered the first question (just honestly)? The first thing that comes to the head of most people is "June," because our brain quickly catches the sequence of April-May-June. If you reread the question and analyze it, it becomes obvious that the correct answer is Johnny.

    What about the question about the corner in Cuba? The answer depends on how you understood the word "cube": as a third degree or as geometric shape. Question with trick, but it clearly shows how the use of certain words forms our picture of the world.

    And the best example, how easy you can skip important informationIs the question about egg yolk. Everyone knows that yolk yellow. But the question is formulated in such a way that our attention switches to the choice of correct grammatical formAnd we do not notice the obvious information and an even more obvious answer.

    We cannot change how our brain works - at least we can not yet. Give scientists for another 50 years - and who knows what things will become real. While we can only explore how it works, and from time to time to stop and ask yourself, do not miss something important, including whether we did not miss the unknowingly some important information or additional data sources to check Expected Result.

    Exercise Clearness regularly, and after some time you will be surprised how many things began to notice the things that previously slipped from your attention.


    1. Johnny.
    2. 2 kg.
    3. Everest. Just did not know about it yet.
    4. There is no land in the pit, then she's a pit.
    5. The word "incorrectly" (except in cases where it is written "not correct").
    6. Billy lives in the southern hemisphere.
    7. The angle in Cuba is 90 0.
    8. You will find yourself in second place. After all, you overtook someone who fled the second, and not the first.
    9. None and so. Egg yolk yellow.
    10. Because he will earn two times more money.

    Translation from English Olga Antonova specifically for Orthodoxy and World

    Ecology of knowledge. Questions to activate the brain. One of best ways Make your brain to think this search for answers to questions, but the search is not on the Internet, reference books or books, and inside yourself, by reflections.

    Questions to activate the brain. One of the best ways to make your brain think this is a search for answers to questions, but the search is not on the Internet, reference books or books, and inside yourself, by reflections. Questions are strong in the development of our brain.

    Only we heard the question, and here our brain is activated, and we unconsciously begin to look for answers to questions.

    Brain activity contributes to the creation between new compounds between the cells of the brain, as well as the emergence of new brain cells, as a result, our thinking becomes clearer and open. In this article you will find a few questions that will help you intensify your brain.

    © kate macdowell

    Questions for activation of the brain:

    1. What would you do, do you have a million rubles?

    2. If there were no money in the world, how would he be?

    3. Why do some people care about the opinion of others?

    4. How much would you give yourself if they didn't know how old you are?

    5. What's worse, failure or no attempt?

    6. If the end of the world came, and you stayed alone around the world, what would you do?

    7. Why, knowing that life is so short, we strive to chain so many things that we do not even like it?

    8. Can you imagine how big the universe is?

    9. Of all the above and made a conclusion, what do you have more, words or cases?

    10. If you had the opportunity to change something one in the world, what would you change?

    11. How much money do you need you to never have to think about working for money?

    12. What would you do if you still have to live one year?

    13. Whether you have the opportunity to live a new life, what would you change?

    14. If the average age of a person was 30 years, as it was in the Middle Ages, would you live in a different way?

    15. Wrapped back, can you determine how your life belonged to you?

    16. What do you prefer: do everything right, or do the right things?

    17. Among all the habits that you have, what makes you the most inconvenience, and why are you still with her?

    18. If you could give your child one only advice, what would you say?

    20. What are you different from most other people?

    21. Why is what makes you happy, will not necessarily make happy other people?

    22. If there is something that you really wanted to do, but do, can you answer why?

    23. Is there something that you hold on and what should you let go?

    24. If you had to leave the homeland, where would you go to live and why exactly?

    25. Imagine that you are rich and famous how did you achieve this?

    26. What do you have, what no one can take away?

    27. Who are you: Your body, mind or soul?

    28. Can you remember the date of birth of all your friends?

    29. Is there anything one in life, why are you infinitely grateful?

    30. If you forgot everything that was in the past, how would you be?

    31. Have your strongest fears come true?

    32. What frustrated you, five or ten years ago, is not all right now?

    33. What is your happiest memory?

    34. Why is there so many wars in the world?

    35. Can all people on earth be happy, if not, why, and if so, how?

    36. There is Lie absolute good And evil, and what is it expressed?

    37. If you live forever, what would you do?

    38. Is there anything in you, what are you sure of one hundred percent, without a single thought of doubt?

    39. What does it mean to be alive for you?

    40. How do you see yourself in ten years?

    Come up with your own questions that would make you think about life, about yourself, about other people, about anything, the main thing is to be open, and could not limit the answer yes, or not.

    Remember, the more often you use your brain in a non-standard way, the better it begins to work, success.published

    Join us in

    Loss of memory and cognitive functions can be a natural part of aging. Reducing the amount of estrogen during menopause can also cause memory concentration problems and concentration. There is a very serious brain disease, which most often amazes people older than sixty years old - Alzheimer's disease.

    Whatever it is caused by aging, a change in hormonal background, a violation of health or other factors, - many of us without particularly pleasure suddenly discover that the memory becomes no longer so reliable as before.

    Maybe you would like to know how to make the brain work in full force? If you encourage your mental body to work, which is called 100 percent, creating all the proper conditions for this, you can not only improve its functions now, but even prevent the possible offensive of Alzheimer's disease in the future.

    Seven ways to activate the work of the brain

    So, we proceed with the story of how you can strengthen your intellectual opportunities, prevent the aging of the psyche and, perhaps, even increase the life expectancy. You may be surprised that such strategies not only exist, but many of them are also easily achievable. It is only necessary to get rid of some everyday habits and acquire a few new ones instead. Here we are talking about what kind of brain activation:

    Sports and exercise

    In addition, the physical activity encourages nervous cells to reproduction, strengthening the relationship between them and protecting them from damage. During the load, the nerve cells produce proteins known as neurotrophic factors; These proteins cause the appearance of other numerous chemical substancesthat provide good condition of neurons and even the growth of new nerve cells.

    (Remember the popular call about the fact that nerve cells are not restored? As it turned out, it is not true!) Proteins produced by the body during physical activity significantly improve cognitive functions, including the ability to learning. In addition, physical culture provides a protective effect for the brain by means of: production of new compounds between nerve cells; strengthening blood flow to the brain; improving the development and survival of neurons; Reducing the risk of cardiovascular diseases, such as stroke. In 2010, American experts conducted research on primates.

    These studies have shown that exercises led to the striking results: monkeys began to study and perform new tasks twice as fast. In addition, such exercises stimulate mitochondria that produce energy in each cell of your body; So, helps the brain work faster and much more efficiently. Researchers believe that this is valid not only for monkeys, but, with a 100 percent probability, and for people.

    Full Son.

    It is necessary not only to restore your physical body, but also to unload the psyche; At the same time you get the opportunity to see new creative solutions for old problems. Not a gift it says that "the morning of the evening wisely"! Sleep removes Shira and helps "reload" your brain to look at the problem from another point of view, which is crucial for creative permission of the question. A good sleep also helps strengthen memory and improves performance if necessary, use complex skills. Indeed, a full-fledged sleep with a duration of at least eight hours is able to influence your ability to clear the next day.

    The so-called neuron plasticity underlies the ability of the brain to control the behavior of a person, including the ability to learn and good memory. And it was during sleep that the relationship between neurons increases and their plasticity increases. That is why the lack of sleep significantly reduces human mental abilities. Probably, you had to notice that even a short sleep in the middle of the day significantly increases the performance of the brain.

    Full nutrition: omega-3 fats

    Although it is not a medical article, but not to say about the impact on the active work of the brain of some components, which must be present in our diet, is simply impossible. If you want to make your brain work "on all 100", then the food must be full of full too "for all 100". Docosahaseanic acid (DGK) - polyunsaturated fatty acid of the Omega-3 class - is the most important structural components of our brain. Approximately sixty percent of our brain consists of fats, twenty-five percent of which amounts to DGK. DGK is also important structural component Women's breast milk, and this is considered the main reason why children who were on breastfeeding always receive higher estimates on IQ testing than artificial children.

    DGK at large concentrations is contained in neurons - cells of your central nervous system. When you get omega-3 fats with food, the nerve cells become more "hard" and more inclined to inflammation, since the missing omega-3 fats are replaced by cholesterol and by-products of omega-6 fats. As soon as this substitution occurs, the correct transmission of pulses from the cell to the cell and inside the cell itself is disturbed.

    The effect of omega-3 fats on mental health It became the subject of intensive research over the past four decades, and there are convincing evidence that these fats can help reduce the symptoms of various degenerative brain violations.

    For example, the age-related memory loss and Alzheimer's disease directly binds to a low level of DGK. An even more exciting results of such studies have become data that directly indicate that with the use of omega-3 fatty acids degenerative diseases can not only be prevented - these diseases become even potentially reversible! For example, in one study of four hundred and eighty-five older people suffering from memory violation showed a significant improvement over the control group after receiving the nine hundred grams of DGK per day for twenty-four weeks.

    Omega-3 Fats must be obtained with food, since our body is not able to produce them itself. The products rich in omega-3 fats should be present daily in our diet, and in particular these are fish and seafood, liver, linen oil, walnuts, soybeans, dark green leaf vegetables.

    Full nutrition: Vitamin B12

    This vitamin, or rather, his absence may become catastrophic to the health of your brain. According to the latest research, people with high levels of vitamin B12 deficiency show lower results on cognitive tests, and also have a smaller volume of the brain. Some confusion of thinking and memory problems should become for you warning signals about the possible shortage of vitamin B12.

    Studies that held Finnish scientists have shown that people who consume products rich in this vitamin can reduce the risk of Alzheimer's disease in old age; For each unit of increasing vitamin B12 markers, the risk of this disease decreased by two percent. Studies of these specialists also showed that supplements with vitamins of the group B, and with vitamin B12, including, help to slow the brain atrophy in the elderly with moderate cognitive impairment (brain atrophy is the most characteristic sign of Alzheimer's disease).

    Vitamin B12 in natural form is available only in animal food sources. These are seafood, beef, chicken, pork, milk and eggs. If you are not 100 percent sure that your nutrition is quite fully, you can consult a doctor who, if necessary, write you these vitamins.

    Vitamin D.

    This vitamin has a pronounced effect on the active growth of nerve cells in the brain and on metabolism in the hippocampus and cerebellum - the areas of the brain, which are involved in planning, processing information and form new memories (i.e., memory of just what has happened). It is vital that the mother receives a sufficient amount of vitamin D during pregnancy so that the child has a child after birth functioning normally.

    In the elderly low level Vitamin D also leads to a weaker brain functioning, while its sufficient level helps to preserve mental health in the elderly. Vitamin D is produced by our organism; The only condition is a sufficient stay in the sun.

    Listening to music

    It has long been assumed that, listening to the melodies, you can induce your brain to work much more active. You probably heard about the "Effect of Mozart", which suggests that listening to the works of this composer makes the acute intellect of the listener. Well, we would say that it is not 100 percent true, but only because the matter is not only in the genius Mozart.

    Studies have shown that any classical music can make you smarter. The experimental way was found that listening to music increased the level of cognitive abilities of the subjects, signs of improving the smoothness and fluency of speech increased more than two times. Surplifying music was also associated with an increase in the cognitive function of the brain and the improvement of mental concentration in healthy adults. So take advantage of the first opportunity and turn on your player - and the pleasure of good music will get, and the benefit is for the mind.

    "Charging" for the brain

    The number and structure of neurons and links between them depends on how much you use your mental body. One of the most simple ways Save the health of the brain is to constantly learn something new. And this does not have to be learning in the literal sense of the word; You can read new books, travel, try to play on any musical instrument or more often talk to foreign language. You can try your usual actions to do somehow in a new way; For example, brushing your teeth, keeping the brush not in the right, but in the left hand.

    Well, and actually "Charging" is also very important for your brain! This may be something simple. For example, you can give yourself a task to remember everyone famous peoplewhose surname begins with the letter "C". You can solve crosswords - it's trite, but they really work our memory well! Or you can play board games that are forced to think about every move. Studies have shown that even the web surfing activates the brain departments that are associated with decision-making and with complex reasoning. What, by the way, cannot be said about the passive viewing of the TV.

    Remember to improve your memory. The brain is similar to the muscles - if you do not use it, then over time it will reduce its functions. This is especially true. Forcing your brain to work - I remember new songs, poems or names and surnames, - you will improve the performance of your memory subsystems. It is very useful to produce counts in the mind, and not on the calculator, to solve sudoku, collect a ruby \u200b\u200bcube or other volumetric puzzles - all this will increase the brain functions and significantly improve memory.

    Becoming a healthy brain and good memory

    It is important to understand that good memory is important for our emotional well-being, since the difficulties of this brain function have a tendency to the emergence of stress and serious cognitive violations. In order to increase the functionality of your brain, take yourself a rule to follow these natural ways to improve memory performance:

    Avoid stress and depression

    Clean your consciousness from negative thoughts and learn to relax. Learn to see positive things around yourself, but to failure to get used to treat how important the lessons on the way to achieve success for themselves.

    Get your dream to be healthy and gave you a real holiday

    To do this, it is important to observe the mode of sleep and wakefulness, to distribute things in such a way that in the evening your head is free from worries, keep the optimal temperature in the bedroom and not overeat for the night. Remember that sleep is crucial for the normal operation of your brain; This is a way to recycle information obtained during the day.

    Provide a good oxygen inflow to your brain

    Try to give yourself a physical activity or at least make regular walks - every day at least thirty minutes. Want to run the brain job on full speed from the morning? Try such a simple reception: waking up, sit on the edge of bed, mind your hands in the edge of the bed and pull the knees to the chest several times. Very useful fast walk For fifteen-twenty minutes. You can walk to work or to the place of study. The day the day in this way, you immediately increase blood circulation and provide your brain with a good portion of oxygen.

    You will immediately feel how "fog" is out of your head, the mood rises, and thinking becomes especially clear and rapid. And do not forget to watch your breath - not only physically exercising, but all day. Breathing should be deep, not superficial to increase the flow of oxygen into the blood.

    Use your hands

    Try to use them to improve your brain. Remember our offer to brush your teeth right, but left hand? This is one of the examples when it is not dominant to perform everyday tasks, and the opposite hand is, and in the end it stimulates your brain. There are tasks that are associated with the use of fingers - these are various crafts, sewing, painting, building models - all that is associated with the accuracy of the movements of the fingers. Performing such tasks will also increase the functionality of your brain.

    Read more

    This is a very good training for your brain! Well, and other opportunities to "pump up" your brains, which we have already spoken, do not neglect.

    Throw smoking if you have this habit

    As follows from the Harvard Medical School report, non-smoking in tests at the level of memory and thinking skills show much better results than smokers. Smoking slows down the blood flow and deprivates its significant amount of oxygen, which leads to a decrease in blood flow to the brain and to its oxygen starvation.

    "Feed" your brain

    In addition to those already mentioned above, try to fill your diet with products such as pumpkin, broccoli, brussels, spinach, carrots, cabbage, beans, nuts, seeds, apricots, oranges and various berries. Green tea is very useful - it is known for its properties to improve the functions of the brain and block the development of Alzheimer's disease.

    Prepare with olive oil - it is very well affected on the brain. Do not use refined vegetable oils; They do not have such useful qualities as unrefined. And use products with a high content of fatty acids. But products with a high content of saturated fats - chips, popcorn, fried food and the like - Try to avoid. They are very harmful for both your brain and for the whole body at all.

    Drink a lot of pure liquid

    The brain contains a very large percentage of water, so drinking water is capable of increasing your energy and, obviously, contributes to the preservation of attention and memory.

    Pay attention to such an additive as Ginkgo Biloba

    Reception of such an additive is one of the best ways to improve brain functions and significantly strengthen memory.

    The main thought that we wanted to convey to you is the postulate that if you use your brain, it will remain strong and functional. If you do not use it - it is gradually atrophied.

    You can improve the functions of your brain, working daily on yourself, producing useful habits and getting rid of habits of harmful. Increase the complexity of tasks for your brain, and it will always save your performance!