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  • Intelligent game-competition "Erudite". Intelligent game "Erudite Competition" Intelligent Quiz Erudite

    Intellectual Competition Game

    Intellectual logical quiz


    for students of grades 5-7

    Purpose:The development of cognitive and sociable spheres of pupils.
    develop the cognitive, creative potential of the group of students;

    Intensify the personal qualities of students;
    Education of collectivism feelings, skills work in a team.

    Form of work organization - collective group.
    Methods of organization: creative-game method, method of exchanging information in the children's team.
    Player: 3 teams of 4 people in each team.

    Leading: Good afternoon Dear participants, jury members and our viewers !!! Today we will have an intellectual logical quizzine called "Erudite" in which you need to show your smelting, logic, general awareness, creative stuffing of each of you! Your uniqueness and individuality! We will have two teams that will have the following names: the first team of "Experts", the second team "Erudites", the third team "Izniek". We need to distribute participants by teams, now we will do it.

    Note: The guys are distributed to the teams for the lot. The names of all three teams are cut into the strips, in turn, each student pulls the strip and is distributed accordingly to teams.

    We wish you collections and good luck! First of all we will arrange quiz rules.

    For viewers:

      Do not make noise, not prompt!

    For participants:

      Behave calmly, be collected and attentive!

      Do not shout, do not interrupt the lead and participants in the teams - rivals.

    Let's get acquainted with our jury in the face: (called jury members).

    So, it's time to go to our quiz!

    Note: The presenter begins to say tasks.

    Task number 1

    Each member of the team draws a postcard, he puts his fantasy into her, but the main thing is that when connecting all the postcards you got a poster, which will present your team, as a whole! You will have four puzzles, when connecting we get a poster. Maximum 4 points.

    Task number 2.

    In this task, 10 questions, each question is estimated at 1 point. Maximum team can earn 10 points.

    Question 1. Need to answer the question:

    Question 2. Finish the saying:

    Question 3.

    Question 4.

    Question 5.

    Question 6.

    Question 7.

    Question 8.

    Question 9.

    Question 10.

    Task number 3.


    Answer options

    Seven times dead, and

    cleans - you can't catch.

    What can be done today

    Love from the side ride,

    it is necessary to climb into the water.

    To eat fish,

    love and sloy to carry.

    A friend will be aware

    do not postpone for tomorrow.

    Word not sparrow

    once a rejection.

    Answers: 1-6.2-5.3-4.4-3.5-2.6-1.

    Task number 4..

    In this task, the command from the long thread must lay out the outline of the star on the desk. Task for a while. The command that completed the task is correct and faster receives 2 points. Depending on the task, points are distributed, the jury can solve themselves.

    Task number 5.

    In this creative task, both teams receive two chocolates in a white wrapper, they must: come up with the name of this chocolate (which did not sound anywhere) to come up with a brand of a new chocolate product, (slogan!). You can earn 4 points in this task immediately!

    Task 6.

    What time of the year Athanasius Afanasyevich Fet dedicated to the row:

    Wonderful picture, how are you native to me:

    White plain, full moon,

    The light of heaven is high, and shiny snow,

    And Sanya is distant lonely running.

    The correct answer is 1 point.

    Task number 7.

    Now you will be presented with pictures, they are divided into 7 categories, Each category has its own meaning that you need to determine. For each correct answer 1 point!

    Common unifying feature

    Form - triangle

    Sports Equipment

    Composition (Made) of glass


    Shape of buildings

    Green colour

    Depicted still lifes

    Depicted predators

    General sign height, all items are very high

    Task number 8..

    You need to write: Who or what is shown in the pictures? The number of images presented 10. Maximum possible to dial 10 points. For each correct answer to 1 (one) score.

    Picture 1. Poet Yesenin

    Picture 2. Plant - Scarlet

    Picture 3.Building tools - Schnooker

    Picture 4.Natural phenomenon - Northern Lights

    Picture 5.Country - Italy

    Picture 6.. Celebration - Ball

    Picture 7. Poet and writer Pushkin

    Picture 8.Tsunami Natural Phenomenon

    Picture 9.Duel

    Picture 10.Steve Jobs - Founder Apple.

    Task number 9.

    1) Thanks to this subject, today's generation learns about the experience of past generations. Receiving information occurs by visual contact. To date, this subject is an excellent gift, for those people who enjoy them. This item carries the main function-training and development. Production of this subject is very inhuman. Answer: Book

    2) One of the best means of raising the mood is this subject. He is loved by both children and adults. At all times, this is a wonderful treat. This item can change the form, color and composition. But do not forget about the negative action: it may be allergic in the overadition and add extra kilograms for the shape. Answer: Chocolate

    Task number 10.

    Cadres will be presented to your attention. What movie is the film? The correct answer is estimated at 1 point.

    1 frames from the movie

    Pirates of the Caribbean

    2 frames from the movie

    star Wars

    3 frames from the movie

    4 frames from the movie

    Harry Potter

    5 Frames from the movie

    Legend 17

    Task number 11.Guess the melodies from children's songs:

    Note: In turns are included in turn of children's melodies from cartoons without words. You can use melodies that are offered in the abstract of this quiz. You can download yours.

    1) Together we have fun in the expanses. 2) two funny goose

    3) Blue wagon 4) clouds 5) Antoshka

    The correct answer is 1 point.

    Task number 12. Need to guess what is we talking about? For the correctness and accuracy of the answer 2 points.

    Evergreen shrubs or trees up to 100 meters tall in the forests of Australia, New Zealand and to a lesser extent in other forests. This plant is able to disinfect air, as well as dry the swampy terrain. This plant is growing rapidly. The wood of this plant goes to the construction of ships, on the sleepers, and on the production of paper. The medicine uses leaves for the production of tinctures, oils, ointments. The leaves of this plant love to eat the sophisticated bears - Koala. Answer: Eucalyptus

    The correct answer is 1 point.

    Task number 13.

    The final stage in our quiz will be the question: what events are the correct reply 1 point.

    1 event

    The first flight of a person in space on April 12, 1961, they were the pilot-cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin.

    2 Event

    Ice breaking 1242 years. Voivode was Alexander Nevsky.

    3 Event

    The Great Patriotic War

    4 Event

    Carnival in Brazil

    Leading:Thanks to all for activity and participation! Now the jury will calculate the number of points scored for the correct responses of the teams of the participants and determine the winner team, as well as the team that took the second and third place. On distributed places, the team will receive not only honorable diplomas, but also sweet prizes.

    Note: For awarding, diplomas are printed for the first, second and third places. Separately, the most active participants are printed, you can nominations:

    "The most active", "the most intelligent", "the grades of audience sympathies".

    Thank you! Bye!

    Appendix number 1.

    Materials for the jury.

    Intellectual logical quiz "Erudite".

    The date of the _____________

    PHO of the representative of the jury _________________________________________________

    Participants: Students 5-7 classes

    participants P.P.

    Team number 1 "Experts"

    Team number 2 "Erudites"

    Team number 3 "Inexian"

    Total 12 tasks

    quests of the quiz

    Team number 1







    Task number 1. Draw a postcard, and in general, the team poster will be.

    Max \u003d 4 points

    Task number 2.10 questions. For the correct answer 1 point.

    Task number 3.. Continue the proverb. For the correct answer 1 point.

    Answers: 1-6.2-5.3-4.4-3.5-26-1.

    Task number 4. Stay from Thread Star. Maximum 2 points.

    Task number 5."Chocolate" maximum 4 points.

    Task number 6.Guess the season.

    For the correct answer \u003d 1 point

    Task number 8.What is depicted in pictures? 10 pictures, maximum 10 points.

    Task number 9. Need to guess what is we talking about? Elena Vasilyevna will read. For the correct answer 2 points.

    Task number 10. Frames from films, determine from what movie? The correct answer is estimated at 1 point.

    Task number 11.Guess the melody of children's songs. For the correct answer 1 point.

    Task number 12.Guess what is we talking about? Answer (Eucalyptus)

    Task number 13.The final stage. What events on slides? The correct answer is 1 point.

    Total (amount of points)

    According to the results of all competitions, the team wins


    The prize of audience sympathies is awarded by the participants of the quiz:


    Appendix number 2.

    For task number 3.


    Task number 3.

    Continue the proverb, picking up the right answer. For the correct answer 1 point.


    Answer options

    Seven times dead, and

    i can't catch it.

    What can be done today

    Love from the side ride,

    it is necessary to climb into the water.

    To eat fish,

    love and sloy to carry.

    A friend will be aware

    do not postpone for tomorrow.

    Word not sparrow -

    once a rejection.


    Answer options


    Task number 3.

    Continue the proverb, picking up the right answer. For the correct answer 1 point.


    Answer options

    Seven times dead, and

    i can't catch it.

    What can be done today

    Love from the side ride,

    it is necessary to climb into the water.

    To eat fish,

    love and sloy to carry.

    A friend will be aware

    do not postpone for tomorrow.

    Word not sparrow -

    once a rejection.


    Answer options


    Task number 3.

    Continue the proverb, picking up the right answer. For the correct answer 1 point.


    Answer options

    Seven times dead, and

    i can't catch it.

    What can be done today

    Love from the side ride,

    it is necessary to climb into the water.

    To eat fish,

    love and sloy to carry.

    A friend will be aware

    do not postpone for tomorrow.

    Word not sparrow -

    once a rejection.


    Answer options



    Chemistry and biology

    Intelligent game - Quiz: "Erudites"

    3 teams participate in the game.

    Purpose of the game: Deeperation of knowledge on biology and ecology of students' knowledge, education of humane attitude towards nature, a sense of responsibility to everything living to develop their attention, intelligence.

    Preparation and design:

    Disc - an arrow turntable. On the disk, three sectors: animals, plants, nature conservation.

    Each field is indicated by a certain color. 15 questions are attached on each field.

    Rules of the game.

    According to the results of the draw the game begins.

    3 teams play, each responds 5 questions if the command does not respond, then other commands can answer, getting an additional score. And if no one knows, the lead calls the answer. The command if I did not answer, inferior to another team, if answered, then turns the disc to 5 times. The team defeats the larger number of points.

    In the course of the game the jury records points.

    As inserts scrolls fragments of the Disco Film "Man and environment"When summing up.


    Plants (first field)

    1. What tree dresses later all? (Oak)

    What tree blooms in summer? (Lipa) Name your favorite tree in Russia (Birch). Fruits of some berry bush are called northern grapes. (Gooseberry) "The fly on the grass was sat down and the grass was ate the fly." Call this plant? (Rosyanka) What a widespread wood - shrub plant of our area is called "Snow Ball" (Kalina)

    7. Why are birks white?. (In the cortex substance, Betulin).

    8. What tree make matches? (aspen)

    9. Name the shrub of the ancient noble estates (Lilac)

    10. What tree was built before the piles (larch, a lot of resin, therefore does not rot).

    11. What we have a rubber and root tree (bearing, branches and roots contain a guith substance similar to the properties with rubber).

    12. Why in the forest only the leaves of Lrangess (lily of the valley flowers for 7 years, and by 12 years loses the ability to bloom).

    13. Why are Zver wad so called? (In the plant there is a red pigment that causes the increased sensitivity of white skin areas to the sunlight. Wounds occur and it may die)

    14. Which plant with beautiful flowers is a good fertilizer (Lupine)

    15. What is born in bread, and is there no good? (cornflower)

    (for each answer show a presentation with plants)

    Animals (second field).

    1. What predatory fish prefers, stay in deep pits? (SOM).

    2. For which the hare nicked the oblique (the eyes are convexed and on the heads of the head, which gives him a review by 360 degrees).

    3. Where is the raki winter? (in the pit at the bottom of the river)

    4 .. What a bird takes a nest on yourself (Chomga)

    5. What rodent builds dams on rivers? (beaver)

    6. How many years lives pike (200 - 300 years)

    7. Which bird called the Pernata Cat? (Ivolga, screaming like when the cat came on the tail)

    8. What bird is called a forest policeman? (Soyuka, gives a sign from a creamy sound about the appearance of a person)

    9. What bird steals brilliant items? (magpie)

    10 What kind of bird people call "precious stone" (kingfisher).

    11. Note the pearl of Siberia? (sable)

    12. Animal that has been emitted from the church (rat)

    13. Why do many predatory birds of chicks of different age? (easier to feed)

    14. What is a moth? (Mosquito larva - Derguna).

    15. B. latin This insect "Cricket - Mole" it can everything: digging, running, flies, swims and even sings. (Medveda).

    (for each answer show a presentation with animals)

    Nature protection (third field).

    Name water nut grows from us? And where does it grow? (Chile) Where are century-old oaks in Bryansk preserved? Name the reserve in the Bryansk region and where is it located? Why was Lake "Becoino" called the reserve? What are the forest karst lake in Zhukovsky district? Name rare animals from the Feline family living in the Bryansk region? Name 5 rare plants growing in our area? Explain the meaning of older dumpy trees in the natural community?. What animals are forbidden hunting in the Bryansk region? What entails the rapid reduction of forests? Name animals - water media indicators? Name 5 birds that are listed in the Red Book, in 1 category.? What is a museum - a reserve? Does he have in Zhukovsky district? What rules need to use in the woods in the forest? Why do you need to save the swamps?

    (show a presentation on the answers)

    Used Books:

    "Geography of the Bryansk region" - the publishing house "Debryansk"

    Bryansk. 1995.- C196.

    "Plants" Children's Encyclopedia - Publishing House "AST"

    M. 1996 - C510.

    "Sub weeks at school: biology, ecology, healthy lifestyle" - Publisher "Teacher". Volgograd. 2001 - C160.

    "Rare and protected animals and plants of the Bryansk region"

    (version of the Red Book). Bryansk. 1993 - C244.

    "Animals" Children's Encyclopedia - Publisher TKO "AST"

    M. 1994 - C520.

    "Thematic games and holidays on biology. - M. 2004.

    Ecology Children's Encyclopedia - Publishing House "AST" M. 1994 - C520.

    Development of the game "Culinary Erudite" for students of the 5th, 6th grades

    Extracurricular technology for technology for girls 5-6 classes. Scenario

    Equipment of the event: Distribution material for tasks 3.5.7
    Participants: 2 teams of 6-8 people.


    1 "Blitz + Tournament"
    2 "Riddles"
    3 "Erudite"
    4 "What grows on a garden?"
    5 "Barman"
    6 "on the smell"
    7 "etiquette"
    8 "continue the proverb"
    Greeting team teacher. Going out the goal and objectives of the event, the conditions of the game. The prescription of the jury.

    1 Blittechnir Competition

    Each team is invited to respond to 10 questions, for each correct answer, the team receives 1 score.

    Questions 1 Team:

    1. Digger dishes and drinks (menu)
    2. What is the product about which they say "in the water was born, and the water is afraid? (salt)
    3. Sheet vegetable or cold dish (salad)
    4. Cooking what product is often not possible from the first attempt? (pancake)
    5.Microelement, which is added to salted salt (iodine).
    6. Approach from camel milk (fur coat).
    7.Sapped fruit slices (Tsukat).
    8. Passing fluid (drop).
    9. Cooking cooking (cooking).
    10. Bachelor, berry (watermelon).

    Questions 2 Teams:

    1. Red burning vegetable (pepper).
    2. "Clothing" of boiled potatoes (uniform).
    3. Early vegetable, rootpode (radisis).
    4. Product from mare milk (Kumys).
    5. Rodinal potatoes (Peru).
    6. Motherland of Cucumbers (India)
    7. Bean plant (beans, peas).
    8. Product for the preparation of the kitlet (minced).
    9. Device for sifting products (sieve).
    10. A set of dining rooms (service).

    2 Competition "Riddles"

    Riddles make each team alternately.
    1. Nuts in the ground, leaves on earth (potatoes).
    2. Earth Grass, underground - Alay head (beet).
    3. Grew up the child - did not know the pellery, became an old man - one hundred pellery on it (cabbage).
    4. Sits Baba on the beds - all in the plexuses, who will turn the patch, will pay and leave (onions).
    5. It lies Egor under the middle, covered with green veil (cucumber).
    6. The green branch starts on the garden, and on it red kids (tomato).
    7. Sites Fedosya, blossoming hair (onions).
    8. Round, yes not the moon, with a tail, yes not mouse, red, and not a maiden (carrots).

    3 Competition "Erudite"

    Teams answer questions in writing, on pre-prepared sheets of questions, the answers are transferred to the jury.
    1. How did the meat dish "Beefstogan" happen? (named Graph Stroganova)
    2. Motherland of Tomatov (Peru)
    3. The name of the author of the double sandwich (Lord Sandwich).
    4. The name of small snacks sandwiches (canapes).
    5. What is the origin of the word "cooking"? (on behalf of the Greek goddess of the Kulina)
    6. Who called tomatoes tomatoes for the first time? (Italians)
    7. Who first started the stove of the cake? (Indians)
    8. The name of the cook worked in Moscow in the second half of the 19th century, and glorified by branded salad (Olivier).
    9. Motherland of pasta? (Italy)
    10.Things banana is the grass or shrub? (grass)

    4 Competition "What is growing in a garden?" Competition for attentiveness

    The teacher reads the text:

    "What grows on the garden:
    Cucumbers, sweet peas,
    Tomatoes and dill.
    For seasoning and for samples,
    There are radish and salad -
    Our bed just treasure ...
    If you listened to you carefully -
    I remember necessarily.
    Answer - ka in order that grows on our bed? "
    One participant responds from each team.

    5 Competition "Barman"

    Teams have to demonstrate that they ordered in the bar, and we need to do it without words. The command is defeated, the menu of which will be clear present.
    Menu 1 Teams: Potatoes - mashed potatoes, fried chicken, tea.
    Menu 2 teams: pasta, cutlets, yard.

    6 Competition "On the Rezkalku"

    Each team must be answered.
    1. How many eggs can you eat an empty stomach? (One, the rest will be no on an empty stomach).
    2. How much do you need to cook a steep egg? (None, it is already welded).

    7 Competition "Etiquette"

    Question 1 team.
    To dinner, including soup, "second dish" and dessert, a "small cutlery" is served, i.e. fork, spoon, knife. Please explain how they should lie during lunch (the fork lies on the left of the plate, and the knife and a spoon for soup - on the right, horizontally over the plate is a dessert spoon).
    Question 2 team.
    In the east, tea drinking is ritual and philosophical. Everyone knows Japanese and Chinese tea ceremonies that are prepared and held for hours. What kind of dishes drink tea and how do people sit during tea drinking? (People drink tea in small portions of round or square. Everyone is sitting on the knees around a tea table)

    8 Competition "Continue Proverbs"

    Teams respond alternately.
    1. Naked in Gruzny ... (Frames in the body.)
    2. First damn ... (com.)
    3. We will not endure labor ... (and fish from the pond.)
    4.The whales would be tired yes ... (honey drink.)
    5. With such a person porridge ... (Do not cook.)
    6. What we will lay, then ... (get married.)
    At the end of the jury competitions, the results of the game, the awarding teams.

    Position of the game


    The competition consists of three rounds and is carried out according to the following scheme:

    1. Participants are seated one by one by the desk, each is assigned to its number.
    2. On the party, the participants are three signs with numbers 1, 2, 3. Answering the question, the participants raise the card with a true answer option.
    3. The question and answer options are read twice and immediately participants give an answer to the question. The answers of those participants who immediately raised the card with a response option.
    4. The first round consists of 10 mandatory questions with three answers. In the event that the participants scored the same number of points, additional questions are set to define 12 participants who will move into the second round.
    5. Before the second round, the sequence of responses of participants is determined. For this, each in the desk lies "cut" word. The presenter asks the question, the participants collect the Word, which is the answer to the question. Who collected first, he is responsible first, etc. If the participant gathered the word incorrectly, he can repeat the attempt. The results control the lead, the jury fixes.
    6. Further, each participant (on the previously established order) selects the knowledge area whose names are hung on the board. Each participant chooses one area to answer and responds to five questions. (Each area will consist of 10 questions, so one area can choose 2 participants). In the third round there are 6 people.
    7. In the third round, each participant must answer the greatest number. asked questions in 1 minute. The time and correctness of the answers control the jury.
    8. The jury consists of 6 people. In the first round, each records only 3 specific people. The jury is issued a table in which the number of participants is written. If the participant responded correctly, he puts any sign that then turns into a score. If he answered wrong, he was not put anything. Each round uses its table for fixing the results. At the end of each tour, the jury defines participants. Which go to the next round.

    First tour.

    1. What mice live in tundra?
      1. forest
      2. volatile
      3. lemmings
    2. Vladivostok city is on the shore ...
      1. Sea Laptev
      2. North Sea
      3. Japanese Sea
    3. Sasha and Arina decided the task in 10 minutes. How much time did each girl spent on solving the task?
      1. 5 minutes
      2. 10 minutes
      3. 20 minutes
    4. Where does the sun go?
      1. in the West
      2. on South
      3. in the east
    5. What of these heroes did not come up with E. Uspensky?
      1. Lunned
      2. Pechkin
      3. Shapoklyak
    6. Which of the Bogatrey of the Novgorod epic was playing on the husls and was at the sea king?
      1. Sadko
      2. Svyatogor
      3. Mikula Selyaninovich
    7. How many sounds (o) in the word puzzle?
      1. four
      2. one
    8. Who is not a bird?
      1. owl
      2. penguin
      3. bat
    9. What part of the speech does not use prepositions?
      1. adjective
      2. verb
      3. noun
    10. What paints need to mix to draw green grass?
      1. yellow and blue
      2. yellow and brown
      3. violet and brown
    11. Who looks like a fabulous unicorn?
      1. narwhal
      2. seal
    12. How many exploits, as is customary, did Hercules?
    13. What sea does not exist?
      1. Lilac Sea
      2. Red Sea
      3. White Sea
    14. What did Winnie Pooh consider the best gift?
      1. sugar
      2. chocolate
    15. From what distance do you prescribe a penalty in football?
      1. from 12 meters
      2. from 11 meters
      3. with 10 meters

    "Cutting word." The name, what plant tells where it lives? (Plantain).

    Second round


    1. Turkey weighs 4kg. How much will he weigh if he gets on one leg? ( 4 kg)
    2. How much does it turn out if the number 1 multiply itself a thousand times? ( 1 )
    3. Man rode to Moscow in a taxi. On the way, there were 7 trucks and 5 cars moving towards citizen. How many cars went to Moscow? ( one - taxi)
    4. Pope, mother and son together for 70 years. How many years will they be together in 4 years? ( for 12 years more -82)
    5. Name following after 2002, which can be read both from left to right and right to left. ( 2112 )
    6. Veronica asked her brother: "If now I am older than you for 4 years, how old will I be older than you in 5 years?" ( for 4 years)
    7. Half of the circle diameter. ( radius)
    8. Emel sawd wood. How many cuts should Emelya do to get 8 lanes? ( 7 cuts)
    9. What is equal to the number if the twelfth part is equal to 2? ( 24 )
    10. Name for five days in a row, not calling no numbers or days of the week. ( the day before yesterday, yesterday, today, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow)
    11. Three painters had a brother polycarp, and the polycarp was not brothers. How could this happen? ( Malyary - Sisters)

    Russian language.

    1. The words are opposite by meaning. ( antonyms)
    2. What pronouns are the cleanest? ( you are-you)
    3. Replace the phrase with adverch. On an empty stomach. (on an empty stomach)
    4. Finish the proverb: ledge - light, ... ( and unacceptable - Darkness).
    5. Sold down the metagram:
      With sound (s) I'm not tasty,
      But in food everyone needs.
      With (m) - beware of me, not that
      I eat and dress and coat. ( salt - Mol)
    6. The initial form of the verb is it? ( uncertain form)
    7. Finished the proverb: Where many words, there ... ( little case).
    8. What are the obsolete and elected words called? ( archaisms)
    9. What pronoun requires cleaning? ( my)
    10. Sold down the metagram:
      With (k) I'm at school on the wall,
      Mountains, rivers are on me.
      C (P) - I do not hide from you -
      I also stand at school. ( map - Partist)

    Literary reading.

    1. Who wrote a fairy tale "Stone Flower"? ( Bazhov)
    2. Name the famous nanny of one of the famous poets. ( Arina Rodionna)
    3. What was the name of the king in the "Tale of the Golden Cockerel"? ( Dadon)
    4. Name the author of fairy tales: "Porridge from the ax", "Fear is great." ( people)
    5. Finished the saying: go there - I do not know where, ... ( bring something, I do not know what)
    6. This writer published her first stories under the pseudonym Antoshe Chekhonte. Name the real name of this author. ( Anton Pavlovich Chekhov)
    7. Basal woman with a torn nose.
    8. Continue poem A. Barto.
      It was in January,
      Stood a Christmas tree on the mountain
      …. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
      (And near this tree
      Wondered wolves
    9. How many brothers were Elise, the heroine of the fairy tale G.Kh.andersen "Wild Swans"? ( 11 )
    10. So called the story of Nikolay Nosov, and the poem of the rooting Ivanovich Chukovsky. ( "Telephone")

    Natural science.


    1. What is playing water polo? ( ball)
    2. Previously, this game was called "Basket - Ball". What kind of game is it? ( basketball)
    3. How many minutes do football time last? ( 45 minutes)
    4. Five rings are drawn on the Olympic flag. What do they symbolize? ( five continents of land)
    5. What maximum points can be earned in basketball by making one throw? ( 3 points)
    6. What games known since ancient times are united by athletes of all countries? ( olympic Games)
    7. What does the concept of "draw" mean in chess? ( nobody won)
    8. Name the sport in which the lightest ball. ( tennis)
    9. What is the name of the distance in ski racing? ( route)
    10. What is biathlon? ( skiing for large distances and rifle shooting)

    "About everything in the world".

    1. The surname of the circus artist, famous for its rooms with cats. ( Kuklachev)
    2. From fruits, what plant make raisins? ( grapes)
    3. Which tree sits a crow during rain? ( on wet)
    4. What country ranks first in the world in terms of population? ( China)
    5. What famous writer Did you make the bloom of snowdrops in winter? ( Marshak "12 months")
    6. What is the biggest bird in the world? ( kholib)
    7. Who could drove half a horse when driving? ( Munhausen)
    8. In what geometric Figure Is the same name like a hat? ( cylinder)
    9. Where is the grasshopper ear? ( On the foot.)
    10. Which vehicles have a stop-tap? ( a train)

    Third tour.

    1. Sheet for the smallest. ( diaper)
    2. verb)
    3. . What is easier: 1 kg of fluff or 1 kg of iron? ( equally)
    4. The deepest lake in the world. ( Baikal)
    5. What number cannot be divided into? ( zero)
    6. Time lapse of 100 years. ( century)
    7. How to write a "dry grass" in four letters? ( Hay)
    8. Cabbage sheet with stuffing wrapped in it? ( doveless)
    9. What fruit found Cheburashka? ( in oranges)
    10. What is the name of the most important area in Moscow? ( Red)
    11. Name the national tree of Russia. ( Birch)
    12. What footwear wore a Russian peasant? ( Lapties)
    13. What kind of treatments are required on Maslenitsa? ( Pancakes)
    14. How many ears have 5 mice? ( 10 )
    15. Who first called K. Chukovsky on a fabulous phone? ( Elephant)
    16. How many eggs can you eat an empty stomach? ( One. After the first - this is not an empty stomach).
    17. Can an ostrich call himself a bird? ( no, does not say)
    18. Who spoke Magic Words: "Sim, Sim, Open Door"? ( Ali Baba)
    19. Scientist who is engaged in excavations? ( archaeologist)
    20. Kvass based soup. ( okroshka)
    21. Part of speech, which means action, is called ... ( verb)
    22. What kind of mainland is the coldest? ( Antarctica)
    23. How many months a year, except for summer? ( 9 )
    24. Name the hero of the fairy tale with a beautiful rich coat, who wished to take a thumb into his wife. ( Mole)
    25. How many dwarfs have Snow White? ( 7 )
    26. "Single vegetable." ( eggplant)
    27. . What is the name of an ancient ancestor of an elephant? ( mammoth)
    28. Dr. Watson's friend. ( Sherlock Holmes)
    29. . What animals have eight legs? ( Spiders, mites, scorpions, etc.).
    30. What is the most common substance found on earth in three types? ( water)
    31. The device on which Baba Yaga made a flight. ( mortar)
    32. Box for handles and pencils. ( pencil case)
    33. The largest in the ocean. ( whale)
    34. Blind or silent rim like? ( seedy)
    35. Who writes poems? ( poet)

    The soul hurts for our generation that in the hibernation is mostly immersed. There are no creative flights and gene, routine, false, inaction, wine. It should prepare it for understanding the whole life of the meaning of the sense, that everything is one in this universe, and in one laws everything lives. Fill life with his good and beauty, reveal and deepen his consciousness, he comes to life not empty - with the potential of hidden knowledge. From past lives, he carries with him the ability, opportunities, talents. And we must with love, kindness to help disclose, polish diamonds. E.Yunina

    To change the orientation of society, the era of a new, personal education comes to wide informatization of all areas of life. It becomes obvious that the prosperity of society will directly depend on the development of spiritual, personality resources of a person, from the effectiveness of creating a creative space for the development of all the abilities of children, their personal capabilities.

    Work with gifted children requires a deep understanding of the nature of "giftedness".

    Academician A.M. Matyushkin The concept of "Children's Gifesty" treats as high creative opportunities for a child, his ability to achieve the original result in any activity. However, from important factors affecting the development of students and to identify hidden gifts and abilities, the system of extracurricular Work. Among forms and methods extracurricular activities You can select various electives, mugs, contests.

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    "Intelligent game-quiz" Erudites "for elementary school children"

    Intelligent game-quiz "Erudites" for children elementary school

    Description: The game is carried out between the boys and the girls of the class and the smartest child class at the end school year.

    purpose: Fastening the material passed through the subjects studied, identifying gaps in knowledge and the definition of the smart child in the class.

    Fabulous warm-up:

    1. Who is the author of "Koshkin House"? (Samuel Marshak)
    2. Where did the Dr. Aibolit in the telegram go? (in Africa)
    3. What was the name of the dog in the fairy tale "Golden Key or An Adventure of Pinocchio"? (ARTEMEND)
    4. The pretty character of Chukovsky's fairy tale. (Cockroach)
    5. The groom flies-clook. (Mosquito)
    6. What did the church soldier come from? (From the ax)
    7. Who caught in the corner of Emel? (Pike)
    8. Who was in Russian folk fairy tale frog? (Printed)
    9. What was the name of the boa from the Kipling Tale "Mowgli"? (Kaa)
    10. What did the Emel horrible in the fairy tale "by torture kettle"? (On the stove)
    11. Postman from the village of Prostokvashino. (Pechkin)
    12. What did the flea of \u200b\u200bthe fly-base? (Boots)
    13. What colors went under New Year The heroine of the tale "Twelve months"? (Behind snowdrops)
    14. What is the hero of the fairy tale wore red boots? (Puss in Boots)
    15. Sister of Brother Ivanushki. (Alyonushka)
    16. The most famous resident of the flower city. (Dunno)
    17. How old was the old man from a fairy tale about the Golden Fish? (33 years)
    18. What was Pinocchio from? (From Polyan)
    19. Fruits with which Cheburashka lasted. (Oranges)
    20. What was the name of the girl from the fairy tale " The Snow Queen", Which went around the world to look for his named brother? (Gerda)

    21. Who carried the red cap of pies and an oil pot? (Grandmother)
    22. What was the name of the girl - the owner of the magic flower from the tales of Kataeva "Flower-seven-family"? (Zhenya)
    23. Name the patronymic of Fedora from the fairy tale of Chukovsky "Fedorino Mount." (Egorovna)
    24. Who wrote a fairy tale "Cinderella"? (Charles Perro)
    25. What was the name of the girl traveling around the country wonders and a casting american? (Alice)
    26. What did the trap-cassette bought in the bazaar? (Samovar)
    27. Best friend Carlson. (Kid)
    28. What hut was the fox in the tale "Zayushkina Hug"? (Ice)
    29. What was the name of the sister of Dr. Aibolit? (Varvara)
    30. Mistress Artemon. (Malvina)
    31. Who caught a goldfish? (Old man)
    32. The author of the fairy tale "Konon-Gorbok". (Peter Ershov)
    33. What was the name of a little girl who was born and lived in a flower? (Thumbelina)
    34. In which birds turned 11 royal sons? (In swans)
    35. Who turned the wrong dot? (In a wonderful swan)
    36. What was the coach, in which Cinderella went to the ball?

    (From pumpkin)
    37. Winnie Puha friend. (Piglet)
    38. What was the name of the Sly Cat from the Golden Key fairy tale? (Basilio)
    39. What was the name of mother-a bear in the fairy tale "Three Bear"? (Nastasya Petrovna)
    40. From what plant Eliza splash shirt for their brothers in the fairy tale "Wild Swans"? (From nettle)

    41. What kind of work hired a pop bath? (Cook, horse, carpenter.)

    Quiz in Russian:
    1. What words can be replaced by the phraseology "to accurate Liaks"?
    (Have fun talking)
    2. Name antonym Word "Fun"? (Fun - despondency)
    3. My first is a preposition,
    The second and third - summer house.
    And some sometimes
    Solved with difficulty. (A task)
    4. What are the sounds on the letter? (Letters)

    5. What questions are responsible to be? (Who what?)
    6. What part of the speech does not have the end? (Adverb)
    7. What is such single words? (Words are close in meaning and having the same root)
    8. What are the prepositions? (To communicate words in the sentence)
    9. What does the verb give a negative meaning? How is she written with verbs? (particle is not written separately)

    10. What questions answer the verbs in an indefinite form?
    (What to do? What to do?)

    Quiz in mathematics:
    1. Name as more words as possible on the letter with mathematics related? (Seven, how much, centimeter, speed, comparison ...)
    2. Seven brothers. Every brother had one sister.
    How much did the man go? (Eight)
    3.Tradash cut into two parts. How many notes did? (One)
    4. What is harder: 1kg cotton wool or 1 kg of iron? (Weight of the same)
    5. Bolts for 2 minutes caught 4 fish. How many minutes he caught 8 of the same fish? (You can not answer the question of the task)
    6. The number in which 2 dozen, and units 4 times more. What is the number intended? (28)
    7. What is a rectangle? (Rectangle is a figure that the opposite sides are equal to the corners direct)
    8. WID of her, like a comma, tail of a crochet and not a secret, she loves everyone lazy people, but there is no lazy - no. (2)
    9. What kind of unambiguous numbers gives the number 6? (6 * 1 \u003d 6)

    10. For two years of Seryozha will be twice as older than it was two years ago. How many years will it be seine? (* Years)

    Quiz around the world:
    1. What is the biggest bird in the world? (Ostrich)
    2. What bird in our country is the smallest? (King)
    3. What birds say that they are "young spring messengers"? (Lark)
    4. What are the king of animals? (A lion)
    5. In a joke called "oblique"? (Hare)
    6. But how many degrees can turn the head of the owl? (180 degrees)
    7. What animal can breathe in three ways: skin, lungs and mouth? (Frog)
    8. What a beast, if a competition was conducted by profession, would be recognized as the best logger? (Beaver)
    9. Protective precipitation in the form of water drops, jets? (Rain)

    10. What kind of fish is the name of a person? (Carp)

    Quiz on history:
    1. What is the coat of arms? (State symbol)
    2. Clause colors u Russian flag? (White blue red)
    3. What is "az", "beech" and "lead"? (Letters of Slavic ABC)
    4.What is depicted on the Russian coat of arms? (Double-headed eagle)
    5. Who wrote the picture "Bogatyry"? (V. Vasnetsov)
    6. How was the first printed book called? (Apostle)
    7.Come belong to the words: "hard in teaching, easy in battle"?
    (A. Suvorov)
    8. Name the first Russian princes:
    (Rurik, Oleg, Igor, Olga, Svyatoslav.)
    9. What year is considered the year of the baptism of Russia? (988 year)

    10.Kone significant event Would our country celebrate in 2015?
    (70th anniversary of Victory in Great Patriotic War)

    Victorina literary:

    1. What is the famous cheerful short one belonged to a blue hat? He never parted with her. And even when she flew to the moon, did he wear a helmet from the jade on a hat? (N. Nosov "Adventures Minor".)

    2. What shoes served as a tasty and nutritious product for crocodiles? (Kalosh. K. Chukovsky, "Phone".)

    3. Higher suit was naked straw? (Scared. V. Volkov, "The Wizard of the Emerald City".)

    4. What is the hero "... instead of the boots gloves / pulled on his heels"? (S. Ya. Marshak, "Scattered man.")

    5. Was the owner of frogshek skin? (Vasilisa is beautiful. "Tsarevna-Frog".)

    6 . She came from the fairy tale. X. Andersen. Her name means a mode of length equal to 2.5 cm. What is her name? (Inch.)

    7. What is the name of the fairy tale A.S. Pushkin about the grumpy old woman and the poor old man? ("Fairy tales about fisherman and fish")

    8. Mushka - the main character Books, which was given a very funny name, because he fell from the table? (Cheburashka.)

    9. Which of the literary heroes has spent 28 years old on the uninhabited island? (Robinson Crusoe.)

    10. In what work S. Mikhalkov told about a man of great growth? (Uncle Stepa.)

    11. Who has a copper funnel on his head instead of the cap? (Iron Woodcutter. V. Volkov "Wizard of the Emerald City").

    12.Nexturried three fat men? (Tutti.)

    Competition "Detection of Erudites":
    1. What is the name of a universal school subject, which besides direct destination can replace an umbrella, ball, pillow, highchair and a lot more? Portfolio.
    2. This word can be called teachers, and a student, and a policeman, and a doctor. Duty.
    3. The most favorite word of any student. Vacation.
    4. What is the name of the school life manager, which is subject to the director himself. Call.
    5. You won't take it into my hands, but the less you bring from school, the more will get at home. Evaluation.
    6. It happens thick and thin, the scientific, children's, cool.
    He loves to wear a teacher ... Magazine
    7. The institution where they take illiterate. School.
    8. It happens simple, there is a composite, and sometimes unbearable for the whole family. A task.
    9. There are oral, there are written. If you are not executed, you can get a two. Parents sometimes check them. Hometasks.

    Summarizing. Winner's reward ceremony.