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  • Test for the heads of preschool educational institutions. The demonstration version of the test in the academic year for dow managers, offered for certification for the first and highest categories

    Test for the heads of preschool educational institutions. The demonstration version of the test in the academic year for dow managers, offered for certification for the first and highest categories

    II. Tests for executives of educational institutions applying for I and higher categories, as well as for applicants for leadership positions

    1. Test for heads of preschool educational institutions

    1. Can primary organizations of the trade union and the youth branch of the Democratic Party be organized and carry out their activities in a state or municipal educational institution? - Trade union - yes, youth branch of the party - no; - Trade union - no, youth branch of the party - yes; - Yes ;- Not. 2. Can a municipal or state educational institution carry out activities on the basis of self-financing? - Yes, the law allows this under an agreement between the educational institution and the founder; - Yes, but only partially if it is possible to attract extrabudgetary funds; - Yes, but it needs to be changed organizationally - the legal form of the institution; - No, municipal educational institutions should be financed, at least partially, from the local budget. 3. Who and how is responsible for the obligations of the municipal educational institution, if it is not able to fulfill them? - The educational institution itself is responsible with all its property - The educational institution itself with money and all property, except for the property assigned to it by the founder in operational management and acquired according to the estimate, and in case of their deficiency - the founder; - Founder; - Officers of the educational institution. 4. For how long is a license for educational activity issued in accordance with the law? - 1 year; - 3 years; - 5 years; - The term is not established by law, it is indicated in the license. 5. Does the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” prescribe its type and type in the charter of an educational institution? - Yes; - Only type; - Only type; - No. 6. Whose competence includes informational and scientific and methodological support of the education system? - Russian Federation ; - Subjects of the Russian Federation; - Russian Federation and its constituent entities; - Local government. 7. What educational programs do not belong to general education? - Preschool education; - Primary general education; - Basic general education; - In the answer options there are no programs that are not related to general education. 8. What types of taxes are educational institutions exempted with regard to their statutory non-entrepreneurial activities? - Only from payment for land; - Only from property tax; - Only from value added tax; - From all types of taxes. 9. Can a municipal educational institution include in the next year’s spending plan financial resources that were not spent in the current year? - Yes, these funds can be used next year, since the law prohibits their withdrawal; - No, these funds, at the end of the financial year must be transferred to the local budget; - No, these funds, although they remain with the educational institution, will be credited by the founder to the amount of funding for next year; - It depends entirely on the will of the founder. 10. Is it possible without the permission of the founder to introduce into the charter the provisions developed and adopted by the educational institution? - Yes, any provisions; - Yes, except for the provisions governing relations with the founder; - The law allows this in the part of the charter not regulated by law; - No, the law does not allow this. 11. Who exercises control over the activities of the educational institution with regard to its implementation of state policy in the field of education? - Russian Federation; - Subjects of the Federation; - Local government; - Bodies of all levels of government and education management within their competence. 12. What is the frequency of certification of an educational institution established by law? - 3 years; - 5 years; - Re-certification is carried out only in case of reorganization of an educational institution; - The law does not establish the frequency of certification. 13. What right does the educational institution acquire as a result of obtaining a license? - The right to finance from the budget; - The right to benefits provided by law to the educational institution; - The right to issue state-certified education certificates to graduates; - The right to use a seal with the coat of arms of the Russian Federation Federation. 14. What document determines the procedure for elections to the council of an educational institution and (or) another self-government body by an educational institution? - The Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”; - Model Provisions on Species educational institutions; - The charter of the educational institution; - The local regulatory act of the educational institution, in no way connected with the charter. 15. From what moment is the educational institution entitled to carry out educational activities? - From the moment of registration; - From the moment of registration; - After the positive conclusion of the expert commission; -After receiving the certificate of state accreditation. 16. What procedures establish the state status of an educational institution (its type, type)? - When approving the charter by the founder; - When registering an educational institution; - When licensing; - When state accreditation. 17. What funds are defined by law for the development of the material and technical base of municipal educational institutions? - Special funds allocated for this purpose by the founder in addition to what is required for the educational institution according to the standard; - Budget funds allocated according to the standard per one student, and others funds held by the educational institution; - Funds from extrabudgetary sources; - Only budgetary funds allocated according to the norm. 18. "General educational institutions" - is it the type or type of educational institution? - Type; - Type; - This concept is not used in determining types and types; - In one case it designates a type, in the other - a type. 19. Does the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” allow the opportunity to receive education in the form of family education with a simultaneous visit to an educational institution to master certain subjects? - Does the law provide the right to resolve this issue with an educational institution - The law proposes that educational authorities decide this issue at their discretion; - The law allows mixed education; - None. 20. Does a municipal or state institution have the right to independently establish regulatory deadlines for the development of key educational programs? - Yes, of course; - Yes, but only with the consent of the founder; - Yes, subject to the requirement for the maximum amount of training load established by the state educational standard; - No 21. What type of leader meets the requirements of the time?
        Performing. Authoritative. Responsible. Initiative.
      22. Choose the line of the leader of the initiative type.
      Guided by the principles of activity developed by others. He seeks to concentrate all control levers in his hands. It develops operating principles for its subordinates and for the entire institution. Seeks to manage stereotyped even in critical situations.
      23. Activities of the head of the pedagogical process management
        Provides and monitors the implementation of the program of education and training of children and seeks its implementation. Provides the creation of a developmental environment in groups. Develops a daily routine, training schedule. Achieves the implementation of state standards preschool education.
      24. Mandatory element of registration of an official document:
        Content. Print design. Props. Resolution.
      25. What document is included in the nomenclature of labor protection cases in the DOE?
        Annual plan. The act of readiness of the preschool educational institution for the new school year. The agreement between the DOE and its founder. Certificate of state registration of DOE.
      26. Define a management style: “It annoys me if someone takes a lot of initiative.”
        Liberal. Authoritarian. Democratic.
      27. Mutual rights, duties, responsibilities of the DOW and parents are regulated by:
        Model Provision on DOW. The Law on Education. Cooperation agreement. The charter of the DOE.
      28. The effectiveness of the teacher council is evaluated:
        The relevance of the topic. The content of the speeches. The attitude of educators to the discussion of problems. The specificity of the decisions made.
      29. According to the order of MO RT № 463 dated 06/29/01, teaching of the Tatar and Russian languages \u200b\u200bin kindergartens begins:   30. The main document that governs the activities of the DOE:
        Charter of the DOE Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” Standard Regulation on Dow Program  DOE development
      31. The charter of the DOW is
        Concept paper Organizational document Methodological document Indicative document
      32. The main task of the DOE;
        Development of interpersonal relations. Protection of life and strengthening of children's health. Interaction with the public. Development of moral and aesthetic qualities.
      33. The general management of DOW is carried out
        The head of the DOE Department of Education, the Council of Educators, the Inspector of the Department of Preschool Education
      34. A document that is not needed when applying for a teaching position:
        education document; employment contract; recommendatory characteristic; insurance certificate
      35. Types of employment contracts:
        urgent; about temporary work; oral.
    36. The period of continuous work, not giving the right to use leave for the 1st year:
        1 year; 11 months; 6 months; 5 months.
      37. The permissible duration of a break to maintain continuous employment:
        repeated dismissal without good reason within 12 months; less than 2 weeks; 1 month.
      38. The reason that is not the reason for the termination of the employment contract:
        at the initiative of the employer; at the initiative of colleagues; at the initiative of the employee; By the tribunal's decision.
      39. Time not counted in continuous work experience:
        study time; vacation time; working hours; time spent on sick leave.
      40. Documents not included in the internal labor regulations:
        the procedure for admission, transfer and dismissal; main responsibilities of employees; employment contracts; main responsibilities of the administration.
    41. Modern technologies  Management suggests:
        restructuring of management structures; initiative; flexibility; introduction of innovation. All answers are correct.
    42. Educational technology:
        a set of ZUNs necessary for a teacher; scientific design; systematic planning method; study of traditions.
        All answers are correct.
      43. Typical errors made during the control:
        episodicity; stealth; totality; formality.
        All answers are correct.
      44. A document that does not regulate the activities of DOW:
        Charter; "Position"; License Nomenclature of affairs DOU.

    2. Tests for heads of educational institutions

    Innovations in pedagogy and management (for applicants to youthe highest qualification category)

    1. In what sequence should the head of the educational institution build a system of stimulating teachers, if he uses the theory of motivation A. Maslow? 1) Needs for belonging and involvement 2) Needs for security 3) Physiological needs 4) Needs for self-expression 5) Needs for recognition and self-affirmation. - 1 → 2 → 3 → 4 → 5 - 5 → 3 → 2 → 1 → 4 - 3 → 2 → 1 → 5 → 4 - 3 → 2 → 4 → 1 → 5 2. Currently, there are two main theories of learning : associative reflex and activity. What does not apply to the principles of associative theory? - any training in their foundations is visual, i.e. relies on sensory knowledge; - the mechanism of any act is an association; - Any training is effective if it is personally oriented. 3. What is an axiological component of a managerial culture? - a set of managerial and pedagogical values: knowledge of the methodological foundations of management; new theories and concepts of management; attitude to the participants in the pedagogical process; - set of management functions: analysis; goal setting; organization; the control; - a set of management methods (persuasion, directive, etc.); - all options 4. What does the technological component of a managerial culture include? - management methods and techniques, the ability to analyze, define goals and objectives, plan, organize and regulate, control; - management principles; - the content of management activities; - all options. 5. Identify the personal-creative component of the managerial culture. - a component characterizing the scientific foundations of managerial activity; - a component that characterizes a certain difference in the managerial activity of a given manager from others, taking place in connection with the transformation, interpretation of management patterns adopted by the head, taking into account personality traits the head and features of the control object; - a component characterizing the attitude to the participants in the pedagogical process. 6. What are the distinguishing features of management theory from the traditional theory of school management? - the personal orientation of managerial activity on the basis of respect, trust in employees, taking into account their professional capabilities, creating a success situation for them; - management activities, including marketing activities, i.e.: the study of the demand of the population for the services of an organization (institution, enterprise); orientation of the activity of the institution (organization) to this demand, targeted activity; active interaction on the population in order to form needs; - all options. 7. The validity of the methodology (method) is: - constancy, stability of the results; - a characteristic that determines the suitability of a given technique (method) for measuring what it was created for; - a characteristic that determines the dependence of the results on the sample size of the study; - all options. 8. Reliability of a technique (method) is: - constancy, stability of results; - a characteristic that determines the dependence of the results on the sample size of the study; - the constancy of the techniques used; - all options. 9. What organizational culture is not described by K. Ushakov in the books “Management school organization: organizational and human resources ”,“ School organization management resources ”and is not traditional in Russia? - role culture; - culture of the "order"; - “functional” culture; - "star" culture; - “team” culture. 10. Content analysis is: - analysis to study contingency tables of a large number of signs; - analysis of the content (analysis of texts, content of documents; - analysis of unobservable (hidden) composite variables of a phenomenon, process; - analysis based on the classification of objects. 11. Delphi method - expert assessment method, consisting of: - in the collective identification of the objective opinions of experts on the basis of the totality of their individual opinions; - in a consistent questioning of experts and identifying the prevailing judgment of experts on this issue in the absence of contacts between them; - in determining the average score based on individual expert data; - in the definition of an assessment based on a special formula (Delphi formula). 12. What work parameter should not be taken into account by the head of the OS when planning according to O.S. Vikhansky and A. I. Naumov:

    Scale of work (the number of critical tasks or operations performed);

    Complexity of work; - the relationship that he enters into with other employees; - organizational structure of management. 13. Determine the sequence of stages of the research process

    General familiarization with the research problem.

    Formation of research objectives. Research objectives. A stating experiment. Development of a research hypothesis. Transforming experiment. Presentation of the results of the study. - 1 → 2 → 3 → 4 → 5 → 6 - 1 → 2 → 3 → 5 → 4 → 6 - 1 → 2 → 4 → 3 → 5 → 6 - 1 → 2 → 4 → 5 → 3 → 6 14. What does the term "bifurcation" development of OS mean? - development on the basis of adaptation (adaptation) of subjects and processes of managerial and pedagogical activity to students and teachers; -   development based on monitoring the effectiveness of the pedagogical process and the number of final results; - development based on two parallel processes: adaptation to the conditions of the internal and external environment, as well as on the basis of an active innovative movement; - all options.

    ^ 27. What are the changes in the field of preschool education determined by roadmaps aimed at?
    Answer: 1. granting subsidies to the subjects of the Russian Federation for co-financing the implementation of regional programs (projects) for the development of preschool education;
    2. Creation of additional places in state (municipal) educational organizations of various types, as well as the development of variable forms of preschool education;
    3. updating the requirements for the provision of preschool education services and monitoring their implementation;
    4. Creation of conditions for attracting non-governmental organizations to the sphere of preschool education.
    5. The provision of high quality preschool education services includes:
    6. the development and implementation of federal state educational standards for preschool education;
    7. staffing of the system of preschool education;
    8. Development and implementation of a system for assessing the quality of preschool education.
    9. The introduction of an effective contract in pre-school education (in accordance with the Program for the phased improvement of the wage system in state (municipal) institutions for 2012 - 2018, approved by order of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 26, 2012 No. 2190-r) includes:
    10. the development and implementation of mechanisms for an effective contract with teachers of pre-school education organizations;
    11. the development and implementation of mechanisms for an effective contract with the heads of educational institutions of preschool education in terms of establishing a relationship between the quality indicators of the provision of state (municipal) services by the organization and the performance of the head of the educational organization of preschool education;
    12.information and monitoring support for the introduction of an effective contract.

    ^ 28. What are the changes in the field of general education that are determined by roadmaps?
    Answer: 1. Introduction of federal state educational standards;
    2. Formation of a system for monitoring the level of training and socialization of students;
    3. development guidelines  on the adjustment of basic educational programs of primary general, basic general, secondary (complete) general education, taking into account Russian and international studies of the educational achievements of students;
    4. The program of training and retraining of modern teaching staff (modernization of teacher education).
    5. Ensuring equal access to quality education includes:
    6. Development and implementation of a system for assessing the quality of general education;
    7. the development and implementation of regional programs to support schools working in difficult social conditions.
    8. The introduction of an effective contract in general education includes:
    9. the development and implementation of mechanisms for an effective contract with teachers of general education organizations;
    10. the development and implementation of mechanisms for an effective contract with the heads of educational institutions of general education in terms of establishing the relationship between the quality indicators of the provided state (municipal) services by the organization and the performance of the head of the educational institution of general education;

    ^ 29. What changes in the sphere are aimed at additional educationidentified by roadmaps?
    Answer: 1. development and implementation of programs (projects) for the development of additional education of children;
    2. Improvement of organizational and economic mechanisms to ensure the accessibility of services for additional education of children;
    3. Dissemination of regional and municipal models for the organization of additional education for children;
    4. creating conditions for using the resources of the private sector in the provision of additional education services for children;
    5. the development and implementation of a system for assessing the quality of additional education of children.
    6. Creation of conditions for the development of young talents and children with a high motivation for learning includes the implementation of the Concept of a nationwide system for identifying and developing young talents.
    7. The introduction of an effective contract in continuing education includes:
    8. the development and implementation of mechanisms for an effective contract with teachers of continuing education organizations;
    9. the development and implementation of mechanisms for an effective contract with the heads of educational institutions of further education in terms of establishing the relationship between the quality indicators of the provision of state (municipal) services by the organization and the performance of the head of the educational institution of further education;

    ^ 30. What are the changes in the field of vocational training and secondary vocational education that are determined by roadmaps aimed at?
    Answer: 1. Monitoring the assessment of the activities of organizations implementing vocational training programs and secondary vocational education;
    2. The implementation of regional programs for the modernization of vocational education;
    3. Creation of a network of multifunctional centers of applied qualifications;
    4. legal and methodological support for the development of network forms of organization of educational programs.
    5. Improving the quality of vocational training and secondary vocational education includes:
    6. Development and implementation of a system for assessing the quality of services of a vocational training system and secondary vocational education;
    7. Formation of new principles for the distribution of state assignments to vocational training programs and secondary vocational education.
    8. The introduction of an effective contract in the system of vocational training and secondary vocational education includes:
    9. the development and implementation of mechanisms for an effective contract with teachers and masters of industrial training of organizations implementing vocational training programs and secondary vocational education;
    10. the development and implementation of effective contract mechanisms with the heads of educational organizations of the vocational training system and secondary vocational education in terms of establishing the relationship between the quality indicators of the provided state (municipal) services by the organization and the performance of the head of the educational organization of the vocational training system and secondary vocational education;
    11.information and monitoring support for the introduction of an effective contract.

    ^ 31. What are the changes in science and technology defined by roadmaps aimed at?
    Answer: 1. the development of fundamental and applied research;
    2. Development of a system of instruments for financing science on a competitive basis;
    3. The implementation of projects to create large scientific facilities "mega-science" in the Russian Federation.
    4. Improving the quality of the personnel potential of science and the mobility of scientific personnel includes:
    5. Formation of a network of research laboratories based on educational organizations higher educationscientific institutions of state academies of sciences and state research centers;
    6. Improving the system of indicators for assessing the performance of state scientific organizations.
    7. The introduction of an effective contract in state scientific organizations includes:
    8. the development and implementation of mechanisms for an effective contract with scientists of state scientific organizations;
    9. the development and implementation of effective contract mechanisms with the heads of state scientific organizations in terms of establishing the relationship between the quality indicators of the provided state (municipal) services by the organization and the performance of the head of the state scientific organization;
    10.information and monitoring support for the introduction of an effective contract.

    ^ 32. On what principles is the state policy of the city of Moscow in the field of labor protection based?
    Answer: 1) recognition and priority of safety of life and health of workers in relation to the results of production activities;
    2) interaction and cooperation of public authorities of the city of Moscow with employers and their associations, professional unions and their associations and other representative bodies authorized by employees.

    ^ 33. What types of activities are implemented by the head (director) of the OS?
    Answer: Carries out the management of an educational institution in accordance with laws and other regulatory legal acts, the charter of an educational institution. Provides systemic educational (training) and administrative (production) work of the educational institution. Provides implementation of the federal state educational standard, federal state requirements

    ^ 34. Which document specifies the requirements for the regime educational process?
    Answer: Sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations of SanPiN

    35. Does the teacher, as a private person, have the right to provide paid educational services to his students in order to receive additional income?
    Answer: Yes, but only by registering as an individual entrepreneur engaged in individual labor pedagogical activity;
    “Individual labor teaching is not licensed. When registering, the applicant submits to the relevant local government only an application and a document on the payment of the registration fee ”(Article 48, paragraph 2 of the Law on Education). Obtaining permission to carry out this activity at the main place of work, even if it is a municipal or state educational institution, is also not required.

    ^ 36. Is the director of a public institution, who did not allow a teacher to work, who refused a regular medical examination?
    Answer: Yes, in all cases.
    “Law on Education” Article 53. Clause 3. Teachers of educational institutions are required to undergo periodic free medical examinations, which are carried out at the expense of the founder.

    ^ 37. Whose remark about the applied teaching methodology should be taken into account by the teacher if he does not agree with the content of any of these comments?
    Answer: The head teacher, requiring a change in the methodology, since it does not provide the required quality of education;
    Pedagogical workers are entitled at their discretion to choose for use in their professional activity teaching methods (Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, article 55, paragraph 4). No one has the right to oblige a teacher to use one or another technique. If such a methodology does not provide the required quality of education, the school administration, for example, represented by the head teacher, has the right to require the teacher to change it or choose a different teaching methodology. Such a right of the school administration arises from article 32 of paragraph 3 of subparagraph 2 of the Law: “an educational institution bears responsibility in the manner established by the legislation of the Russian Federation for: ... the quality of education of its graduates ...”.

    38. Does the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education in the Russian Federation” oblige all pedagogical workers to switch to the contract form for concluding an employment contract with a specified term of work?
    Answer: No, the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” does not regulate this issue, but suggests acting in accordance with labor legislation.
    The current labor legislation does not use the term “contract”. The employee and the employer enter into labor relations on the basis of an employment contract concluded between them in accordance with the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (see the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, article 16). Employment contracts may be concluded for an indefinite period and a fixed period (not more than 5 years). A fixed-term employment contract should be concluded only in cases where there are sufficient grounds for this.

    21. In accordance with the State program of the city of Moscow for the medium term (2012-2016) Development of education in the city of Moscow (“Capital Education”) State educational institutions of pre-school education will receive support in the implementation of modern educational programs. Indicate the directions of these programs.


    1) Creating the required number of places for children in various forms  BEFORE

    2) Early diagnosis of developmental disorders and help for children from a year

    3) Support early development  and learning

    4) Implementation of individual trajectories to promote child health

    5) Child development through the use of the cultural environment of the city

    ^ 39. What document is not specified in the law as a document regulating the organization of the educational process?
    Answer: Internal regulations.
    The organization of the educational process in an educational institution is regulated by the curriculum (a breakdown of the content of the educational program by curriculum, discipline and year of study), the annual calendar curriculum and class schedules developed and approved by the educational institution independently ”(Article 15, paragraph 1).

    ^ 40. Is it a violation of the law on the part of OS employees to involve students in campaigning during the election?
    Answer: Yes, if this is enforced.
    “Forcing students and pupils to join public, socio-political organizations (associations), movements and parties, as well as forcing them to participate in the activities of these organizations and to participate in campaigns and political actions are not allowed” (Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” .50 p. 15).

    41. Does the director of a public institution have the right to refuse to hire a teacher based on the fact that he has a criminal record?

    Answer: Yes, but only to persons who have an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for intentional grave and especially grave crimes provided for by the criminal codes of the Russian Federation and the RSFSR.
    The Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” has been amended to directly limit the admission to teaching work of persons who have “an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for intentional grave and especially grave crimes provided for by the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation and the Criminal Code of the RSFSR (Law of the Russian Federation“ On Education ” Art. 53 p. 2). The head of a general educational institution is entitled (and even obliged) to refuse to hire a citizen who has an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for the crimes specified in clause 2 of Article 53 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”. Also, persons to whom this activity is prohibited by a court sentence should not be accepted for pedagogical work.

    ^ 42. Does the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” limit the upper limit of the teaching load of a teacher of a public institution?
    Answer: The law provides for the limitation of the academic load, a specific figure, which should be determined in the Model Regulation on an educational institution of the corresponding type and type;
    According to paragraph 6 of Article 55 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, the maximum limit of the academic load should be established by standard regulations on educational institutions of the corresponding type and type. The law formulates this as follows. “The training load of a pedagogical worker of an educational institution, stipulated in the labor contract (contract), is limited by the upper limit determined by the standard regulation on the educational institution of the corresponding type and type.” However, in practice, there is practically no such limit, since the Model Regulation on educational institution, it has not been established, and model provisions on the types of educational institutions have not yet been developed and put into effect.

    43. If a teacher was given the opportunity to get acquainted with three educational programs at the time of hiring, then which one should he consider to be an obligatory basis for his work?
    Answer: A program approved by an educational institution.
    The educational program of the educational institution is developed and approved by the educational institution. “The content of education in a particular educational institution is determined by the educational program (educational programs) developed, adopted and implemented by this educational institution independently” (Law of the Russian Federation “On Education”, article 14, paragraph 5).

    ^ 44. What is the name of the document that defines job responsibilities  employee of the institution?
    Answer: Instructions

    45. Does the teacher have the right to require the student to have a mandatory presence in the museum if he decides to conduct a visual lesson there on his subject?
    Answer: Yes, if it is provided for by the educational program and curriculum.
    Article 50 of the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” establishes the rights of students and pupils, as well as determines measures for their social protection. Clause 16 of this article establishes the right of students and pupils to freely attend events not provided for by the curriculum. It follows that all activities not included in the curriculum should be carried out on a voluntary basis. Attendance at the events stipulated by the curriculum is mandatory for students and pupils, even if they take place outside the building of an educational institution. The Law of the Russian Federation “On Education” encourages the use of cultural and sports objects in the educational process.

    46. \u200b\u200bWhat types of certification of students and graduates are provided for by the Law on Education in the Russian Federation?

    Answer: Intermediate certification, state (final) certification

    47. Does the head of an educational institution have the right to dismiss an employee if there is a single fact in an educational institution that physical and (or) mental violence has occurred on the part of the pedagogical employee in relation to the student (pupil)?
    Answer: Yes, Art. 56 p. 3 of the Law on Education.
    In addition to the grounds for termination of the employment contract at the initiative of the administration provided for by the "legislation" of the Russian Federation on labor, the grounds for dismissal of a teacher of an educational institution on the initiative of the administration of this educational institution before the expiration of the employment contract (contract) are:
    1) repeated gross violation of the charter of the educational institution during the year;
    2) the use, including one-time, of educational methods related to physical and (or) mental violence against the personality of the student, pupil;
    3) the appearance at work in a state of alcoholic, narcotic or toxic intoxication.
    Dismissal on these grounds may be carried out by the administration without the consent of the union.

    48. Control of the educational process in which the system is studied pedagogical work  with students, pupils in one direction or section of the educational program is called:
    Answer: Thematic control.

    ^ 49. What information about teachers must be publicly available in an educational organization?
    Answer: On the personal composition of the teaching staff with an indication of the level of education (educational qualification) and qualifications.
    art. 30 p. 2 of the Law on Education.

    50. What is the basis for the certification of a teacher to establish compliance with the level of his qualifications with the requirements for the first or highest qualification categories?
    Answer: Certification of a teacher to establish the conformity of his qualification level with the requirements for the first or highest qualification categories is carried out on the basis of a statement by the teacher.
    P. 25 of the Procedure for certification of teaching staff of state and municipal educational institutions.

    ^ 51. Who can make a decision on the employee's inconsistency with the position held?
    Answer: Attestation Commission.
    Certification of pedagogical workers of educational institutions of the subject of the Russian Federation and municipal educational institutions is carried out by the certification commission, formed by the executive authority of the subject of the Russian Federation, administering education; certification of pedagogical workers of federal state educational institutions by the certification commission formed by the federal executive bodies in charge of which they are in charge.

    ^ 52. What are the conditions for teaching staff of the highest qualification category?
    Answer: 1. Have an established first qualification category;
    2. own modern educational technologies and techniques and effectively apply them in practical professional activities;
    3. have stable results of mastering by students, pupils of educational programs and indicators of the dynamics of their achievements above average in the subject of the Russian Federation, including taking into account the results of the participation of students and pupils in all-Russian, international Olympiads, contests, competitions;
    4. make a personal contribution to improving the quality of education on the basis of improving teaching and upbringing methods, innovative activities, to mastering new educational technologies and actively disseminate their own experience in improving the quality of education and upbringing.
    P. 31 of the Procedure for certification of teaching staff of state and municipal educational institutions.

    ^ 53. Can model regulations on educational institutions taking into account regional specifics be issued at the level of constituent entities of the Russian Federation?
    Answer: They can’t.
    Model provisions on educational institutions are approved by the federal executive body authorized by the Government of the Russian Federation.

    ^ 54. What areas of educational programs exist in the Russian Federation?
    Answer: 1) general education: a) preschool education; b) primary general education; c) basic general education; d) secondary (complete) general education;
    2) professional a) primary vocational education; b) secondary vocational education, including integrated educational programs of secondary vocational education in the field of arts; c) higher professional education (undergraduate programs, specialist training programs and master's programs); d) postgraduate professional education.
    3) training.

    ^ 55. Under what conditions is it possible to jointly establish educational institutions?
    Answer: Joint founding of non-governmental educational institutions is allowed.
    ^ Section 11, Clause 1 of the Law on Education

    56. In what institutions is the creation and activity allowed organizational structures  political parties, socio-political and religious movements and organizations (associations)?
    Answer: In state and municipal educational institutions, bodies managing education, the creation and activity of organizational structures of political parties, socio-political and religious movements and organizations (associations) are not allowed.
    Section 1, Clause 5 of the Education Act

    ^ 57. What powers of the Russian Federation in the field of education are transferred for the implementation of public authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation?
    Answer: 1) state control (supervision) in the field of education over the activities of organizations engaged in educational activities in the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (with the exception of organizations specified in clause 7 of part 1 of Article 6 of this Federal Law), as well as local self-government bodies that administer in the field of education in the relevant territory;
    2) licensing educational activities  organizations engaged in educational activities in the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (with the exception of organizations specified in clause 7 of part 1 of Article 6 of this Federal Law);
    3) state accreditation of educational activities of organizations engaged in educational activities on the territory of a constituent entity of the Russian Federation (with the exception of organizations specified in clause 7, part 1 of Article 6 of this Federal Law);
    4) confirmation of documents on education and (or) qualifications.
    Section 7 of the Education Act (2013)

    ^ 58. Who has the right to choose an educational institution and the form of education?
    Answer: Adult citizens of the Russian Federation have the right to choose an educational institution and the form of education.
    ^ Only the child's parents have the right to choose the form of education for the child, educational institution.
    Section 50 of the Education Act

    59. To whom is the right to issue state-standard documents about the appropriate education (qualifications) of an educational institution that has passed state accreditation?
    Answer: An educational institution or a scientific organization with state accreditation shall issue, according to the accredited educational programs implemented by them, to persons who have passed state (final) certification, state documents on the level of education and (or) qualification,
    ^ Section 27 of the Education Act

    60. What form of activity (innovative; design; experimental; managerial) is characterized by a focus on the experimental verification of scientific hypotheses (concepts, technologies, models, etc.), in specially created controlled conditions of a particular practice?
    Answer: innovative; experimental

    Block II. Legal basis for the management of a modern school

    ^ 1.Can an institution choose its own type?
    Answer: No.
    clause 6, Article 12 of the Education Act. The type and type of educational institution is established by the founder (founders) when creating the educational institution and is changed by decision of the founder (founders).

    ^ 2. Who concludes a lease of property secured by the right of operational management of a budget institution?
    Answer: State institution (Landlord) and tenant (only with the permission of the Property Department of Moscow)

    ^ 3. Who sets the state assignment to an educational institution?
    Answer: Federal executive bodies (state bodies) performing the functions and powers of the founder in relation to federal budgetary institutions, unless otherwise provided by federal laws, regulatory legal acts of the President of the Russian Federation or the Government of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as the federal body performing the functions and powers of the founder federal budgetary institutions).


    © ConsultantPlus, 1992-2013

    Teachers of an educational institution shall be entitled to long leave for a period of up to one year at least every 10 years of continuous teaching work, order  and the conditions for the provision of which are determined by the founder and (or) the charter of this educational institution.
    © ConsultantPlus, 1992-2013

    Teachers of an educational institution shall be entitled to long leave for a period of up to one year at least every 10 years of continuous teaching work, order  and the conditions for the provision of which are determined by the founder and (or) the charter of this educational institution.
    © ConsultantPlus, 1992-2013

    Teachers of an educational institution shall be entitled to long leave for a period of up to one year at least every 10 years of continuous teaching work, order  and the conditions for the provision of which are determined by the founder and (or) the charter of this educational institution.
    © ConsultantPlus, 1992-2013

    ^ 4. What document regulates the procedure and conditions for the provision of subsidies to ensure the fulfillment of a state assignment to an educational institution?
    Answer: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 2, 2010 N 671 "On the procedure for the formation of the state task in relation to federal state institutions and financial support for the fulfillment of the state task"

    ^ 5. What, in accordance with the Law of the Russian Federation “On Education in the Russian Federation”, is the basis for an objective assessment of the level of education of graduates?
    Answer: Federal state educational standards and federal state requirements, as well as educational standards and requirements established by universities, are the basis for an objective assessment of the quality of education of people who have mastered educational programs of the appropriate level and focus, regardless of the form of education and training
    section 10, Art. 16 of the Education Act (2013).

    6. Who forms and approves state (municipal) tasks for a budgetary institution in accordance with the main activities provided for by its constituent documents?
    Answer: State (municipal) tasks for a budgetary institution in accordance with the main types of activity stipulated by its constituent documents are formed and approved by the relevant body that exercises the functions and powers of the founder.
    clause 3, Article 9 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of May 8, 2010 N 83-ФЗ "On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the improvement of the legal status of state (municipal) institutions"

    ^ 7. What are the FSES standards for providing students with a library fund?
    Answer: The library of the educational institution should be equipped with printed educational resources and ESM in all the curriculum subjects, and also have a collection of additional literature. The additional literature fund should include children's fiction and non-fiction, reference, bibliographic and periodical publications accompanying the implementation of the basic educational program of primary general education. Students who master the main educational programs at the expense of the budget allocations of the federal budget, the budgets of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation and local budgets within the framework of federal state educational standards, educational standards, organizations engaged in educational activities are provided free of charge textbooks and study guides, as well as teaching materials, training and education tools.

    8. In what terms should specific forms and procedures of current knowledge control, intermediate certification for each discipline and professional module be brought to the attention of students?
    Answer: Specific forms and procedures for the current control of knowledge, intermediate certification for each discipline and professional module are developed independently by the educational institution and are brought to the attention of students within the first two months from the start of training.

    ^ 9. Who develops and approves the funds of assessment tools for intermediate certification?
    Answer: Funds for assessment tools for intermediate certification are developed and approved by the educational institution independently, and for state (final) certification - are developed and approved by the educational institution after a preliminary positive conclusion from employers.

    ^ 10. What does the abbreviation “OPOP” mean in GEF?
    Answer: The main professional educational program.

    11. What kind of work should an educational institution do before starting the development of BEP under the conditions of the GEF?
    Answer: OS must determine its specificity taking into account the focus on meeting the needs of the labor market and employers, specify the final results
    training in the form of competencies, skills and knowledge, acquired practical experience;

    ^ 12. How often is an educational institution required to update the OPOP GEF?
    Answer: It is obliged to annually update the main professional educational program (in terms of the composition of disciplines and professional modules established educational institution  in curriculum, and (or) the content of work programs of academic disciplines and professional modules, training and practical training programs, teaching materials that ensure the implementation of appropriate educational technology), taking into account the needs of employers, the development of the region, science, culture, economics, engineering, technology and social sphere  within the framework established by this federal state educational standard;

    ^ 13. What authority, when introducing the OPOP GEF, approves the general budget for the implementation of relevant educational programs?
    Answer: The Council of the educational institution, with the introduction of the OPOP, approves the general budget for the implementation of the relevant educational programs.

    ^ 14. Is a test set for an employee when hiring for a period of up to two months?
    Answer: The test for employment is not established for persons entering into an employment contract for a period of up to two months;
    ^ Article 70 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    15. Under what conditions is work allowed on weekends and public holidays in the organization?

    Answer: Work on weekends and non-working holidays is prohibited, with the exception of cases provided for by this Code.
    Employees are invited to work on weekends and non-working holidays with their written consent if it is necessary to carry out unforeseen work in advance, the normal work of the organization as a whole or its individual structural divisions, individual entrepreneur, depends on the urgent performance of these works.
    Attracting employees to work on weekends and non-working holidays without their consent is allowed in the following cases:
    1) to prevent a catastrophe, industrial accident or eliminate the consequences of a catastrophe, industrial accident or natural disaster;
    2) to prevent accidents, destruction or damage to property of the employer, state or municipal property;
    3) for the performance of work, the need for which is caused by the introduction of a state of emergency or martial law, as well as emergency work in emergency situations, that is, in case of distress or threat of disaster (fires, floods, hunger, earthquakes, epidemics or epizootics) and in other cases, endangering the life or normal living conditions of the entire population or part thereof.
    Involvement of artists of the media, cinematography organizations, television and video crews, theaters, theater and concert organizations, circuses and other persons involved in the creation and (or) performance (exhibiting) of works for work on weekends and public holidays in accordance with the lists of works, professions, and positions of these workers approved by the Government of the Russian Federation, taking into account the opinion of the Russian tripartite commission for the regulation of social and labor relations, I admit repents in the manner prescribed by the collective agreement, local regulation, the employment contract.
    In other cases, engaging in work on weekends and non-working holidays is allowed with the written consent of the employee and taking into account the opinion of the elected body of the primary trade union organization.
    On non-working holidays it is allowed to carry out work, the suspension of which is impossible due to production and technical conditions (continuously operating organizations), work caused by the need to service the population, as well as urgent repair and loading and unloading operations.
    Employment of disabled people, women with children under three years of age, on weekends and non-working holidays is allowed only if it is not prohibited by them due to health reasons in accordance with medical reportissued in the manner prescribed by federal laws and other regulatory legal acts of the Russian Federation. At the same time, disabled people, women with children under the age of three years, must be familiar with their right to refuse to work on weekends or non-working holidays.
    Employees are invited to work on weekends and non-working holidays on the written order of the employer.
    Article 113 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    ^ 16. Is it right to conclude a fixed-term employment contract for a period of up to two months to carry out work?
    Answer: Yes. A fixed-term employment contract is concluded for the duration of the temporary (up to two months) work; ^ Article 59 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    17. At the conclusion of the employment contract, the employee was accepted with a trial period of one month, but as it turned out, this period is not enough to check whether the employee will cope with the assigned work. What actions of the employer will be eligible?
    Answer: If the test period has expired, and the employee continues to work, then he is considered to have passed the test and the subsequent termination of the employment contract is allowed only on general grounds.
    ^ Article 71 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    18. What is the time period for warning a teacher of an educational institution about changes in the conditions of an employment contract related to a decrease in the current academic year's teaching load on the rate?
    Answer: Not later than 2 months. In the case when, for reasons related to a change in the organizational or technological working conditions (changes in the engineering and production technology, structural reorganization of production, other reasons), the terms of the employment contract determined by the parties cannot be saved, they can be changed at the initiative of the employer, with the exception of changes in the employee's job function. The employer is obliged to notify the employee in writing of upcoming changes to the terms of the employment contract as well as the reasons for the need for such changes not later than two months in advance, unless otherwise provided by this Code.
    ^ Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    19. The parties must sign a collective agreement on agreed terms while drawing up a protocol of disagreement, if agreement is not reached on certain provisions of the draft collective agreement for how long?
    Answer: If agreement is not reached between the parties on certain provisions of the draft collective agreement, within three months from the day the collective bargaining begins, the parties must sign a collective agreement on agreed terms while drawing up a protocol of disagreements.
    Article 40 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    ^ 20. In what case is the employer obliged to use the procedure for taking into account the opinion of the elected body of the primary trade union organization when terminating the employment contract?
    Answer: When deciding whether to reduce the number or staff of employees of an organization, an individual entrepreneur and possibly terminate employment contracts with employees in accordance with clause 2 of part one of Article 81 of this Code, the employer must notify the elected body of the primary trade union organization in writing no later than two months before the start of the relevant events, and in the event that a decision to reduce the number or staff of employees may lead to mass dismissal employees - not later than three months before the start of the relevant activities. The criteria for mass dismissal are defined in industry and (or) territorial agreements.
    ^ Article 82 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    21. Who is entitled to represent the interests of employees of an educational institution during collective bargaining, the conclusion or amendment of a collective agreement, and the monitoring of its implementation?
    Answer: The interests of workers in conducting collective bargaining, concluding or amending a collective agreement, exercising control over its implementation, as well as exercising the right to participate in managing the organization, considering labor disputes between employees and the employer, are represented by the primary trade union organization or other representatives elected by the employees.
    ^ Article 29 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    22. What determines the educational qualifications of teachers?
    Answer: The educational qualification is determined in accordance with the procedure established by the model regulations on educational institutions of the corresponding types and types approved by the Government of the Russian Federation.
    Article 331 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    ^ 23. What persons cannot be allowed to engage in pedagogical activity?
    Answer: 1) deprived of the right to engage in pedagogical activity in accordance with a court verdict that has entered into legal force;
    2) who have or have had a criminal record, undergo or have been prosecuted (with the exception of persons whose criminal prosecution has been terminated on exonerating grounds) for crimes against life and health, freedom, honor and dignity of the person (except for illegal placement in a psychiatric hospital, slander and insults), sexual inviolability and sexual freedom of the individual, against the family and minors, public health and public morality, the foundations of the constitutional order and state security, as well as against public safety;
    3) having an unexpunged or outstanding conviction for intentional grave and especially grave crimes;
    4) declared legally incompetent in the manner prescribed by federal law;
    5) having diseases provided for by the list approved by the federal executive body, which carries out the functions of developing state policy and legal regulation in the field of healthcare.
    Article 332 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    ^ 24. The procedure and conditions for providing teachers with long leave (up to one year).
    Answer: Teachers of an educational institution are entitled at least every 10 years of continuous teaching work to a long vacation for up to one year, the procedure and conditions for which are determined by the founder and (or) the charter of the educational institution.
    ^ Article 334 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    Teachers of an educational institution shall be entitled to long leave for a period of up to one year at least every 10 years of continuous teaching work, order   and the conditions for the provision of which are determined by the founder and (or) the charter of this educational institution.
    © ConsultantPlus, 1992-2013

    ^ 25. What programs belong to the basic general education programs?
    Answer: The main general educational programs include:
    1) preschool education;
    2) primary general education;
    3) basic general education;
    4) secondary (complete) general education.
    ^ Article 9 of the Law on the Education of the Russian Federation.

    26. Conditions for exclusion from a general educational institution by decision of the governing body of a general educational institution for repeatedly committed gross violations of the charter of a general educational institution?
    Answer: According to the decision of the governing body of a general educational institution for repeatedly committed gross violations of the charter of a general educational institution, it is allowed to exclude a student who has reached the age of fifteen from this general educational institution.
    Exclusion of a student from a general educational institution is applied if educational measures have not yielded results and further stay of the student in a general educational institution has a negative effect on other students, violates their rights and the rights of employees of a general educational institution, as well as the normal functioning of a general educational institution.
    The decision to exclude a student who has not received basic general education is made taking into account the views of his parents (legal representatives) and with the consent of the commission on minors and protecting their rights. The decision to exclude orphans and children left without parental care (legal representatives) is made with the consent of the commission on minors and the protection of their rights and the guardianship authority.
    The general educational institution must immediately inform the student of his parents (legal representatives) and the local government about the expulsion of the student from the general educational institution.
    The Commission on Juvenile Affairs and the Protection of Their Rights, together with the local government and parents (legal representatives) of a minor excluded from a general educational institution, within one month takes measures to ensure the employment of this minor and (or) to continue his education in another educational institution.

    ^ 27. What body are sent to correctional educational institutions for children with disabilities  health?
    Answer: Education management bodies, in agreement with the founder, can open special (correctional) classes for students with disabilities in a general educational institution. The transfer (referral) of students to special (correctional) classes is carried out by the educational authorities only with the consent of the parents (legal representatives) of the students at the conclusion of the psychological, medical and pedagogical commission.

    ^ 28. What are the functions of the leader in committing an offense in the organization?
    Answer: Informational, organizational, coordination.

    29. In what normative act the features of labor regulation of pedagogical workers are established?
    Answer: The Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    ^ 30. In which regulatory act are the hygienic requirements for the educational process established?
    Answer: SanPiN "Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for conditions and the organization of training in educational institutions.

    ^ 31. Where are the basic concepts related to labor protection?
    Answer: The Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    32. What regulatory document guarantees the accessibility and free availability of pre-school, basic general and secondary vocational education in state or municipal educational institutions?
    Answer: Constitution of the Russian Federation, Law on Education.

    ^ 33. The objectives of the Federal target program for the development of education for 2011 - 2015?
    1) modernization of general and preschool education as an institution of social development;
    2) bringing the content and structure of vocational education in line with the needs of the labor market;
    3) development of a system for assessing the quality of education and the demand for educational services

    ^ 34. Indicate the normative legal act establishing the procedure for certification of teachers in order to confirm the conformity of the position.
    Answer: Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of March 24, 2010 N 209 "On the procedure for certification of teaching staff of state and municipal educational institutions"

    35. A single systematic legislative act establishing the basic principles of legal regulation of labor relations and other relations directly related to them?
    Answer: The Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    36. Indicate the normative legal act establishing the procedure for licensing the educational activities of educational institutions, scientific organizations, and other organizations whose structural units implement educational programs of vocational training.
    Answer: Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of March 16, 2011 N 174 "ON APPROVAL OF THE PROVISION ON LICENSING EDUCATIONAL ACTIVITIES".

    ^ 37. Which regulatory legal act establishes administrative responsibility officials?
    Answer: Code of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses.

    ^ 38. What document establishes uniform sections and subsections of the classification of budget expenditures for the budgets of the budget system of the Russian Federation?
    Answer: The budget code of the Russian Federation.

    39. A federal law that defines the basic principles and content of activities to ensure state security, public safety, environmental safety, personal safety, other types of security stipulated by the legislation of the Russian Federation?
    Answer: Federal Law of December 28, 2010 N 390-ФЗ "On Security".

    ^ 40. In what cases is actual admission to work possible without a formal employment contract?

    Answer: An employment contract that is not executed in writing is considered to be concluded if the employee has begun to work with the knowledge or on behalf of the employer or his representative. Upon the actual admission of the employee to work, the employer must draw up an employment contract with him in writing no later than three business days from the date of the actual admission of the employee to work.

    Article 67 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation.

    ^ 41. What tasks does the legislation of the Russian Federation include in the field of further education?

    Answer: Additional education of children and adults is aimed at the formation and development of creative abilities of children and adults, the satisfaction of their individual needs for intellectual, moral and physical improvement, the formation of a culture of a healthy and safe lifestyle, health promotion, as well as the organization of their free time. Additional education of children ensures their adaptation to life in society, vocational guidance, as well as the identification and support of children who have shown outstanding abilities.

    ^ 42. In what cases are legal entities administratively liable?

    Answer: Legal entities are subject to administrative responsibility for committing administrative offenses in the cases provided for by articles of Section II of this Code or laws of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses.

    Legal entities are subject to administrative liability regardless of location, legal form, subordination, as well as other circumstances.

    Articles 2.10, 1.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of December 30, 2001 N 195-ФЗ

    43. According to what regulatory legal act are parents (legal representatives) of minor students and pupils provided with the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the course and content of the educational process, as well as with student performance assessments?

    Answer: Law of the Russian Federation "On Education", Art. 15 p. 7. "

    Parents (legal representatives) of underage students and pupils should be provided with the opportunity to familiarize themselves with the course and content of the educational process, as well as with student performance ratings. "

    ^ 44. What normative legal act regulates the procedure for recruiting employees of institutions of additional education?
    Answer: The procedure for staffing institutions is regulated by its charter. For employees of an institution, the employer is the institution.

    clause 34 of the Model Regulation on an educational institution of continuing education for children.

    ^ 45. Regulatory document, on the basis of which in the field of education the basics of financial independence of educational institutions are introduced?

    Answer: On amendments to certain legislative acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the improvement of the legal status of state (municipal) institutions ”(hereinafter - Law No. 83-FZ.

    46. \u200b\u200bIn which regulatory legal act does responsibility for violation of the right to education and the laws of the Russian Federation in the field of education of the rights and freedoms of students and pupils of educational organizations be established?

    Answer: Code of the Russian Federation on administrative offenses of December 30, 2001 N 195-ФЗ, article 5.57, paragraph 5 of article 19.30.

    47. In which regulatory act does the establishment of non-standard state educational institutions be established in order to provide opportunities for general education for children with disabilities, which require the creation of special conditions for the realization of their right to education?

    Answer: Article 5 of the Law of the city of Moscow "On General Education in the City of Moscow" on March 10, 2004 No. 14, Federal Law on Education in the Russian Federation.

    ^ 48. Indicate the document that defines the general legal, economic and social basis for ensuring fire safety in the Russian Federation.

    49. What are the activities of federal government bodies, government bodies of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local governments, civil society institutions, organizations and individuals within their powers defines anti-corruption?

    anti-corruption - the activities of federal bodies of state power, bodies of state power of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation, local authorities, civil society institutions, organizations and individuals within their powers:

    a) to prevent corruption, including the identification and subsequent elimination of the causes of corruption (corruption prevention);

    b) to identify, prevent, suppress, disclose and investigate corruption offenses (the fight against corruption);

    c) to minimize and (or) eliminate the consequences of corrupt law.

    ^ Article 1 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 25, 2008 N 273-ФЗ "On Combating Corruption"

    50. Who provides the development and adoption of federal laws on anti-corruption issues, as well as controls the activities of executive bodies within their powers?

    Answer: The Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation ensures the development and adoption of federal laws on anti-corruption issues, and also controls the activities of executive bodies within its powers.

    ^ Article 5 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 25, 2008 N 273-ФЗ "On Combating Corruption"

    51. External signs of corruption among officials?

    CORRUPTION INDICATORS are external signs of corruption among government officials and local self-government officials, an exhaustive list of which is impossible to offer, but usually two groups are distinguished in the scientific literature: signal indicators and socially neutral indicators of the behavior and activities of officials.

    52. What is corruption victimization?

    the disposition or ability of an individual or legal entity, due to certain properties (qualities, advantages or disadvantages), to become a direct or indirect victim of a corruption act (offense or crime).

    ^ 53. Who distributes the functions between the federal executive bodies, the management of which they carry out, to combat corruption?
    Answer: The Government of the Russian Federation distributes the functions between the federal executive bodies, the management of which it carries out, to combat corruption.

    Article 5, paragraph 3 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 25, 2008 N 273-ФЗ "On Combating Corruption"

    ^ 54. Who determines the main directions of state policy in the field of combating corruption?

    Answer: The President of the Russian Federation determines the main directions of state policy in the field of combating corruption;

    ^ Article 5, paragraph 1 of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 25, 2008 N 273-ФЗ "On Combating Corruption"

    Sample questions for preparing managers and candidates for the positions of heads of educational institutions for testing

    Test + 50

    System and levels of education · 5 h

    The structure of the education system. Educational programs. System and levels of education. Forms of the implementation of educational programs. Forms of education and training.

    Test + 50

    Education Management System · 5 h

    Education Management System. The powers of the founder.

    Test + 50

    Educational organizations5 h

    Educational organizations. Types of educational organizations. Legal forms of educational organizations.

    Test + 50

    Licensing · 5 hours

    Licensing of educational activities. License renewal. Return of application and refusal to grant a license. Appeal against the decision of the licensing authority.

    The structure and management team of DOE

    Test + 50

    The structure of the preschool educational organization · 4 hours

    Structure formation kindergarten. Staffing schedule.

    Test + 50

    Formation and development of the structure, the management team of DOO · 12 h

    The formation and development of the structure of the educational organization in the context of systemic changes. Management team of a preschool educational organization: a new format. Practical recommendations  on the formation and development of DOO, management team.

    Bodies of management and self-government

    Test + 50

    Public administration in an educational organization · 5 h

    Bodies of management and self-government of an educational organization

    Test + 50

    Head of the educational organization · 6 h

    Definition of the head of the organization, job titles and special labor status. Requirements for a candidate for the post of head of an educational organization. The conclusion of an employment contract with the head of an educational organization. Requirements for professional competence (requirements for knowledge). Salary of the head of the educational organization. Responsibility of the head of the educational organization. Guarantees and social support measures. Head of the structural unit. Features of the dismissal of the head of the educational organization. Features of the dismissal of the head of the educational organization.

    Test + 50

    Collegial controls5 h

    General meeting of workers. Teaching advice. Governing Council. Supervisory Board. Board of Trustees.

    Test + 50

    Self-government bodies · 6 h

    Taking into account the opinions of the parents (legal representatives) of the pupils. The difference between parental advice and collegial management with parent involvement.


    Test + 50

    Charter5 h

    The concept and procedure of adoption. Publicity. Principles of development. Mandatory information. Description of the institution. The main and non-core goals and activities. Collegial governing bodies. Head status. Charter and other local regulatory acts. Charter and advice of students, legal representatives.

    Test + 50

    Local acts5 h

    Local act as a management tool educational organization. The principles of local rulemaking. Adoption, amendment and repeal of local regulatory acts.

    Test + 50

    Organization of workflow · 5 h

    Types of documents. Requirements for the formation of cases. Documents governing office work. Requirements for the execution of letters and orders. Education Documents.

    Test + 50

    HR document workflow · 5 h

    Organization of personnel workflow. Nomenclature of affairs. Systematization of documents and paperwork. Registration of documents. Storage of documents. Instruction on HR records management. The rules of the internal labor schedule. Personal card and personal file of the employee. Labor books. Drawing up staffing.

    Test + 50

    Organization of personal data processing · 4 h

    Personal data at school and kindergarten. Obtaining consent to the processing of personal data. Processing and storage of personal data. Protection of personal information.

    Strategic planning of the activities of DOE

    Test + 50

    Strategic planning and management of DOE · 10 h

    Strategic planning and management. SWOT analysis as one of the elements of strategic planning for early childhood education. Formation of goals by quality criteria (SMART). Quality criteria for strategic planning of the activities of early childhood education.

    Marketing activities DOO

    Test + 50

    Marketing6 h

    Marketing as a point of growth in improving the quality of educational services in a competitive environment. Marketing strategies and their implementation. Educational product and educational service.

    Innovation and development

    Test + 50

    Social order for education · 7 h

    Analysis and forecasting. Analysis of the external environment. Assessment of competitive position.

    Test + 50

    Innovation7 h

    The role of the leader in the innovative development of education. Management Risks Innovative sites.

    The demonstration version of the test in the academic year for the managers of the pre-school educational institution, proposed for certification in the first and highest categories

    Certification test for DOU managers

    1. Quality management of art education of preschool children at the present stage provides for the development of:

    And the visual abilities of children;

    Used imagination and imaginative thinking;

    In manual skill;

    G of fine skills.

    2. The results of the visual activities of preschoolers should be evaluated in terms of:

    A level of visual skills;

    B creating an artistic and expressive image;

    In the development of formative movements;

    G using various principles of composition.

    3. The culture of managing the visual activities of children in a preschool educational institution is based on an understanding of its main meaning, namely:

    And in the knowledge of the world;

    B in the development of manual skill;

    In the formation of visual abilities;

    G in the development of interest in non-traditional techniques and materials.

    4. The basis for the management of preschool art education should be related to the visual activities of children:

    And how about performing activities;

    B as a creative activity;

    In how to activities, including the perception of the world and works of art, performance and creativity itself;

    5. The modeling of the control system for the process of introducing preschoolers to the visual arts should include:

    And the development of interest in its various types;

    B development of the ability to perceive an artistic image;

    In teaching understanding the content of a work of art;

    D formation of skills to give an aesthetic assessment of the work.

    6. Promoting the formation of professional and pedagogical skills of a teacher, allowing to successfully solve the problems of development of children's visual activity, is determined by the attitude towards it at the present stage:

    And as for two-component activity: performing and creative;

    B as a three-component activity, including the perception of the surrounding reality and works visual arts, performance with elements of creativity, creativity itself;

    In how to creative activity;

    G as a performing activity with elements of creativity.

    7. The target orientation of kindergarten teachers in the direction of the organization of the pictorial activity of young children should be prioritized:

    And on the formation of an expressive image based on the free use of visual materials;

    B for teaching the use of 1-2 colors of paint in a drawing;

    In the development of formative movements;

    G on training in drawing lines in different directions.

    8. What position should be the basis for the activation of the activities of educators in the direction of development of preschool children by means of fine art:

    A familiarization with the outside world;

    B development of visual activity;

    In drawing attention to the expressive-visual means of art;

    D summarizing the relationship of expressive and visual means with the author’s intention.

    9. Ensuring the growth of the educational and artistic level of a preschool teacher is connected with an understanding of the central task of his work on the development of a preschool child in visual activity:

    And the development of skills to portray several objects united by a common content;

    B formation of an artistic image;

    In learning to master sensory standards;

    D training in techniques for working with various visual materials.

    10. In which age groups  kindergarten decreases originality in fine art  children:

    And the younger and middle groups;

    B middle and senior groups;

    In the senior and preparatory for school groups;

    G is the youngest and school preparatory group.

    11. The basis for modeling fitness activities in a preschool educational institution for a specific period of its functioning is:

    A wellness program proposed by a particular scientific school;

    B basic wellness program developed by the teaching staff of the preschool educational institution;

    12. The optimal control method in assessing the quality and effectiveness of fitness dOE activities  is an:

    A control of the results;

    B process control;

    In control of planning;

    G combination of control and result.

    13. The main condition for creating a unified educational space, implying interaction, cooperation between preschool teachers and parents throughout the child's preschool childhood is:

    And the definition and adoption by the participants of the pedagogical process of the common goals and objectives of the education of preschool children;

    B development and adoption of uniform requirements for a child at home and in a preschool educational institution;

    In developing a common approach to solving the problems of education.

    G programming the development of socio-pedagogical interaction.

    14. The main task of training teachers to joint activities  with parents of preschoolers, is:

      Get full text

    A psychological and pedagogical education and self-education of educators;

    B teacher training in family study methods;

    In the formation of educators communicative competence;

    G familiarization of educators with the most effective technologies, forms and methods of interaction with parents.

    15. Ensuring the professional growth of the teacher in the field of children's creative design is associated with the formation of the teacher’s understanding and attitude to the constructive activities of the child, as (note too much):

    And to practical productive activities;

    B to the manifestation of general mental ability;

    In to a special means of interpretation of the world;

    G to experimental research activities.

    16. Social and personal development of children preschool age  involves:

    And the development of moral-volitional qualities

    B) development of independence, initiative, responsibility;

    In the development of a relationship to oneself, to other people, to the world, the development of communicative and social competence

    D development of the emotional and personal sphere

    30. The main requirements for organizing a comfortable environment in the classroom include:

    And the organization of air-heat and light modes;

    B schedule, compiled with hygiene requirements;

    In the organization of students' breaks during breaks;

    All answers are correct.

    31. Choose the correct answer. What does not apply to diagnostic research methods?

    A experiment

    B. observation

    G interviewing

    32. In terms of effectiveness, each teacher can be assigned to one of the following levels:

    A reproductive level

    B adaptive level

    To the creative level

    G system-modeling level

    Please provide an incorrect answer.

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    33. Relations with children require compliance with certain rules:

    And you need to be able to understand the psychological atmosphere in the group, be able to observe children

    B. Before you enter into a conversation, you need to carefully consider the strategy and tactics of the upcoming conversation.

    In the teacher’s communication system, psychological barriers should be created, if necessary

    G should develop a communicative memory

    Please provide an incorrect answer.

    34. In pedagogical communication should be able to:

    And communication in the pedagogical process cannot be limited only to information: it is necessary to organize relationships, to know the personality of the child

    B. It is necessary to avoid conflicts in every possible way.

    C) the teacher should be proactive in communicating with children: be able to quickly and energetically organize psychological contact with them

    D) you must remember that the communication partner is always concerned about the attitude to his personality

    Please provide an incorrect answer.

    35. In order to adjust the influence of the family to a certain extent and to build their activities according to their nature, the teacher must be able to:

    And apply adequate methods for studying and analyzing the educational potential of the family

    B to plan educational activities, taking into account the nature of the forming influence of the family and the possibility of its adjustment

    In assisting parents in the development of a pedagogical culture, an authoritarian and liberal way of communicating with children

    G establish the right relationship with the family

    Please provide an incorrect answer.

    36. The participation of a psychologist in preparing children for school is:

    A) in teaching reading and counting;

    B) in the diagnosis and conduct of correctional developmental classes with children;

    C) in organizing and conducting various games in preschool groups;

    D) in the study of living conditions of children at home.

    37. Choose one correct characteristic of verbal communication from the following:

    A) verbal means are recognized less than non-verbal;

    B) less information passes through verbal means during communication than through non-verbal ones;

    D) verbal ability is innate and not subject to intravital development.

    38. According to the technology of trouble-free communication, if the child has some kind of problem, then the most adequate initial reaction of an adult will be:

    A) an offer to switch to something pleasant;

    B) advice on how to solve the problem;

    C) the words: “I am sure (a) that you will find a way out of this situation”;

    D) hearing.

    39. In the case of a child manifesting inappropriate behavior, an adult should:

    A) make an “I-remark”;

    B) keep silent indulgently;

    C) to tell how to behave;

    D) listen to the child.

    40. The following statement of the educator to children refers to the reaction “I-remark”:

    A) “I have already told you this several times, but you do not want to listen to me”;

    B) “I will certainly ask those who are not listening to me now”;

    C) “It’s hard for me to say when someone is talking in a group at this time”;

    D) "I'm tired of making comments to you."


    21 .

    I.   Psychological and pedagogical unit


    for managers of a preschool educational institution

    Psychology is:

    1. science of the soul;

    2. The science of the laws of development and functioning of the psyche, as a special form of human life;

    3. The science of personality development.

    Sensitivity age periods  this is:

    1. children's sensitivity to learning;

    2. the development of creative activity;

    3. development of mental abilities.

    Temperament can be divided into 4 most general types:

    1. choleric, sanguine, phlegmatic, melancholic;

    2. choleric, sanguine, melancholic, hysteroid;

    3. melancholic, sanguine, schizoid, psychoasthenic.

    1. 10-15 years;

    2.11-16 years old;

    3. 11-18 years.

    Empathy is:

    1. empathy;

    2. increased emotionality;

    3. irritation.

    One of the achievements of the senior preschooler is:

    1. the development of voluntary memorization;

    2. involuntary memorization;

    3. imitation.

    Self-esteem in primary school age is formed under the influence of:

    1. ratings of friends;

    2. teacher ratings;

    3. Parent ratings.

    Well-known psychologists:

    1. Vygotsky, Leontiev, Petrov;

    2. Wolves, Elkonin, Brown;

    3. Vygotsky, Leontiev, Rogov, Eysenck.

    The main sign of emotionality is:

    1. short temper;

    2. excitability;

    3. activity.

    Conflict is:

    1. people's reaction to the obstacle to achieving the goal;

    2. collision;

    3. a sense of threat.

    Self-regulation is:

    1. regulation of one’s own mental state;

    2. regulation of the mental state of loved ones;

    3. A variety of conditions of chronic stress.

    1. Z. Freud;

    2. E.Fromm;

    3. L.S. Vygotsky.

    Five main types of sensations:

    1. sight, hearing, smell, touch, taste;

    2. memory, attention, sight, hearing, taste;

    3. imagination, hearing, sight, touch, smell.

    Adaptation is:

    1. adaptation;

    2. touch;

    3. awareness.

    Long-term memory involves:

    1. long-term preservation of the material;

    2. holding a fairly complete and accurate picture of the world perceived by the senses for a very short time;

    3. a specific interpretation of events.

    Development is:

    1. qualitative changes occurring in the body;

    2. quantitative and qualitative changes occurring in the body;

    3. moving forward.

    The main success of any activity is:

    1. personal significance for the child;

    2. creative activity;

    3. education.

    Tolerance is:

    1. tolerance;

    2. determination;

    3. anxiety.

    Monitoring is:

    1. diagnosis of the educational process;

    2. monitoring the activities of children;

    3. The form of organization of the collection, storage, processing and dissemination of information.

    Club is:

    1. informal voluntary association of participants, based on the principles of equality, initiative, self-government;

    2. a form of dissemination of best practices by demonstrating images of educational educational work;

    3. The union of teachers working in one institution.

    Valueologization of UVP is:

    1. the use of health-saving technologies in the educational process;

    2. The development of sustainable motivation for a healthy lifestyle;

    3. the development of all components of health among students in an educational institution.

    The tasks of pedagogical monitoring do NOT include:

    1. continuous monitoring of the educational process in the institution;

    2. Providing support to teachers in innovation;

    3. timely identification of changes occurring in the educational process and the factors causing them.

    Pedagogy is:

    1. art, which is based on the advanced achievements of all sciences;

    2. The science of the laws of development of education, developing goals, objectives, methods, content of education;

    3. science, having its own subject and methods of study.

    The development of personality is influenced by:

    1. heredity, environment, education;

    2. heredity, training;

    3. training, education, environment.

    The ability to replenish the stock of knowledge, creatively solve the problems of the educational process, the ability to the corresponding field of knowledge, sciences, refers to the type of pedagogical abilities:

    1. academic;

    2. creative;

    3. didactic;

    4. suggestive.

    Requirements, public opinion, setting perspectives belong to the group of methods:

    1. methods of forming public consciousness;

    2. methods of stimulating positive behavior;

    3. methods of organizing children's activities.

    The work of any teacher in education in the team, according to A.S. Makarenko, lies in the fact that the teacher must know the characteristics of the character of each pupil, his aspirations, doubts and weaknesses. The surest way to achieve this goal is:

    1. the teacher must question the pupil about the different circumstances of his life, his desires, write down and draw a conclusion;

    2. the teacher replenishes knowledge about the pupil in the process of studying it, writes data about him, and then summarizes them;

    3. the teacher should not look at the pupil as an object of study, but as an object of education.

    Children's team is:

    1. constant, stable value;

    2. developing, functioning connections of children;

    3. Association of children in certain activities.

    The main criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of educational activities is:

    1. the level of education of children;

    2. The variety of types and forms of activity of children used by the teacher;

    3. Systematic and consistent improvement of the personality of the child.

    The pedagogical ability, which is characterized by the ability to predict the course and results of the educational process, the ability to project a personality, is:

    1. perceptual ability;

    2. suggestive ability;

    3. creative ability;

    4. constructive ability.

    The foundation of pedagogical excellence is:

    1. pedagogical abilities and skills;

    2. general high culture and erudition;

    3. love for children, for their profession, baggage of knowledge, skills acquired in a pedagogical educational institution;

    4. The desire to devote themselves to children.

    The role of education in the life and development of society consists of:

    1. in the transfer of socio-historical experience from the older generation to the younger;

    2. in the implementation of preparation for work, in the development and training of the younger generation;

    3. in helping people unite in the struggle for survival, in rallying them into a team.

    Special pedagogical science that develops the theoretical foundations, principles, methods, forms, means of raising and educating children with hearing impairment is called:

    1. signopedagogy;

    2. typhlopedagogy;

    3. defectology;

    4. oligophrenopedagogy.

    Aesthetic development is:

    1. a long process of formation and improvement of aesthetic consciousness, aesthetic attitude to reality;

    2. the formation of aesthetic judgments, feelings, perceptions;

    3. Education by means of art, aimed at developing aesthetic perception of art.

    The most important criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of educational work is:

    1. systematic and consistent improvement of the personality of the child;

    2. the level of education of children;

    3. The variety of types and forms of activity of children used by the teacher.

    The main activity of preschoolers is:

    1. gaming;

    2. labor;

    3. household;

    4. training.

    The mental development of a preschool child depends mainly on:

    1. from a direct impact on the mental development of the child by adults;

    2. from the abundance of impressions from the surrounding life;

    3. from full physical development;

    4. All answers are correct.

    1. reversibility;

    2. regularity;

    The basis of psychological periodization is:

    (select the correct answers)

    1. child care facility attended by the child;

    2. the transition from one type of activity to another;

    3. age of the child;

    4. The historical nature of society.

    1. these are those mental functions and properties whose development is observed at the next stage;

    2. This is the potential of the child;

    3. these are the child’s capabilities, not identified by him independently, but realized with the help of an adult;

    4. these are the child's abilities that an adult expects of him.

    Leading activities in infancy  is an:

    1. subject-manipulative;

    3. direct-emotional communication;

    4. educational activities.

    By the end of early childhood, the child consumes:

    1. up to 500 words;

    2. from 500 to 1500 words;

    3. more than 3000 words.

    Leading activities in early childhood are:

    1. manipulative;

    2. subject;

    3. subject-manipulative.

    The memory of a preschooler is characterized by:

    1. involuntary;

    2. expressed arbitrariness;

    3. the same level of development of arbitrariness and involuntaryness.

    The most difficult thing for a preschooler is to master the following sensory standards:

    3. quantities.

    The value of the collective in the formation of personality:

    1. the team has a huge impact on personality formation;

    3. the influence of the collective on the individual is perhaps more negative than positive;

    4. In the formation of personality, the team is important.

    The cooperation of teachers and children requires certain requirements for the organization of the communication process. Such requirements may include:

    3. dialogue;

    4. real psychological contact.

    A sign that does not express humane education:

    1. respect for the rights and freedoms of the individual;

    2. complete freedom of action;

    3. respect for the position of the child;

    4. promotion of good deeds.

    Dysfunctional families include:

    1. incomplete;

    2. large families;

    3. nuclear;

    4. There is no correct answer.

    Driving force mental development  child by L.S. Vygotsky is:

    1. cultural environment;

    2. training;

    3. zone of proximal development;

    4. learning.

    A family with a direct desocializing effect on a child is:

    1. the family in which there was a destructive conflict relationship between parents;

    2. low-income family;

    3. a family living in poor housing conditions;

    4. a family in which parents openly display patterns of antisocial behavior;

    5. family with pedagogically insolvent parents.

    In working with asocial-immoral families at the first stage, the following are more effective:

    1. methods of correction of family relationships;

    2. group psychological and pedagogical methods;

    3. socio-economic methods;

    4. individual psychological and pedagogical methods;

    5. organizational and administrative methods.

    The optimal style of raising a child in the family is:

    1. liberal;

    2. demonstrative;

    5. hypoprotection;

    6. hyper-custody;

    7. Riding.

    Signs of mental abuse of a minor in the family:

    1. increased anxiety;

    2. multiple injuries (wounds, bruises, etc.) having a specific character and varying degrees of limitation;

    3. uncharacteristic of age, sexually colored behavior;

    4. overpriced self-esteem;

    5. propensity for solitude, lack of sociability;

    6. excessive self-confidence;

    7. sloppy look;

    8. fright reaction to crying of other children.

    Peculiarities of the behavior of parents during physical abuse of a child are:

    1. conflicting confusing explanations of the causes of injuries in the child; reluctance to clarify what happened;

    2. The charge of injuries to the child;

    4. late appeal for medical assistance (or the initiative comes from another person);

    5. lack of concern for the fate of the child, lack of love and affection;

    6. stories about how they (parents) were punished in childhood;

    7. signs of mental disorders in the behavior of parents or the manifestation of pathological traits of character (aggressiveness, irritability, etc.);

    8. All options are correct.

    Features of parental behavior, NOT a sign of mental abuse of a child:

    1. unwillingness to comfort the child when he needs it;

    2. lack of concern for the fate of the child, lack of love and affection;

    3. shifting responsibility for their failures to the child;

    4. attraction of the child to the use of surfactants;

    6. supercritical attitude towards the child;

    7. identification with an unloved relative;

    8. public insults and humiliations of the child;

    9. negative characteristics of the child.

    NOT a mental abuse of a minor:

    1. open rejection of the child;

    2. Intentional infliction of physical damage to the child;

    3. insults and humiliation;

    4. threats against the child;

    5. deliberate physical and social isolation of the child;

    6. excessive claims and constant criticism;

    7. lies and failure to fulfill promises;

    8. one-time gross psychological impact, resulting in psychological trauma;

    9. Involvement in begging, use of pav, committing offenses, etc.

    If the child reports sexual or physical abuse of the family, you must:

    1. seriously listen to the child;

    2. find out all the details of what happened;

    3. show that you are very upset and outraged by the behavior of the subject of violence;

    4. say everything you think about the subject of violence and the situation as a whole;

    5. reassure and support the child;

    6. promise that the subject of violence will be punished;

    7. promise that you will not tell anyone about what happened;

    8. inform the manager about what the child told.

    Preparation of a round table as a form of organizing free communication between parents DOES NOT include:

    1. The choice of an interesting and useful topic for the round table;

    2. selection and study of literature and media resources on the topic;

    3. thinking out sample questions for discussion;

    4. preliminary familiarization of parents with questions;

    5. analysis of answers and questions proposed by parents of questions of interest to them, situations on the round table;

    6. preparation and rehearsal of 2-4 performances by parents;

    7. determination of the necessary technical, visual aids;

    8. "designing" of the round table: planning, selection of methods for solving the problems discussed, determining the form of summing up, etc.).

    NOT are the criteria for the psychological health of the family:

    1. the similarity of family values;

    2. functional-role consistency;

    3. social and role adequacy;

    4. emotional satisfaction;

    5. adaptability in microsocial relationships;

    6. aspiration for family longevity;

    7. everyone is.

    It is NOT a rule of a democratic style of raising a child in the family:

    1. relations with the child on the basis of trust, mutual respect, cooperation, love;

    2. age and individual features  a child;

    3. unconditional acceptance of the child as he is;

    4. assessment of the child's actions, taking into account the motives of his actions, mental and physical condition;

    5. attentive and active attitude to the interests and hobbies of the child;

    6. respect for the rights of the child, recognition of duties;

    7. coordination of actions of all adults related to raising a child;

    8. sequence of actions;

    9. comparison of the child with brothers and sisters;

    10. showing a personal example.

    The sources of preschool pedagogy as a science are:

    1. religion;

    2. experimental studies;

    3. ideas of the community of residents of the district, residential complex;

    4. the views of different families on education;

    5. games of children.

    Preschool pedagogy is:

    1. The science of the development of a child of preschool age;

    2. The science of organizing a holistic pedagogical process;

    3. pedagogy section dealing with the issues of raising a child in a preschool educational institution;

    4. pedagogy section dealing with issues of children's education;

    5. A section of pedagogy dealing with issues of development, upbringing and elementary forms of training for preschool children.

    The main goal of preschool pedagogy is:

    1. raise an obedient child;

    2. to influence preschoolers by the method of suggestion;

    3. scientifically substantiate the technology and methodology of educational work with preschoolers of various age groups;

    4. conflict research;

    5. To educate children in their desire to learn.

    1. methods of pedagogical research;

    2. primary education;

    3. education, training, development, socialization;

    4. substantive activity;

    5. music education.

    Education is:

    1. the process and outcome of training;

    2. doctrine;

    3. learning outcomes;

    4. the result of education;