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  • The length of the patrol route on the car. Dresses for the protection of public order and security. Tactics of actions of orders when performing operational and office tasks

    The length of the patrol route on the car. Dresses for the protection of public order and security. Tactics of actions of orders when performing operational and office tasks

    The main burden for the direct protection of public order and security lies with the patrol and patrol service (PPS). Police personnel involved in the protection of public order, organizationally included in the orders, units and groups. Service in settlements is organized according to the principle of dividing the territory into patrol areas. The boundaries of the patrol site are determined so that when committing an offense, the attire arrives at the scene of an incident within the shortest time of 5 to 7 minutes. Dresses that serve in the patrol area are promptly subordinate to the on-duty part of the internal affairs body (the head of the internal affairs body), within which the area is located.

    Outfit  - the smallest organizational structure that unites ATS employees assigned to perform a specific operational task.

    The composition of the dress 2-3 people. Depending on the situation, by the decision of the operational head, the quantitative composition of the attire can be increased to 10 people.

    Dresses are divided into operational and operational-military. Operational attire is assigned by ATS. Operational military outfit consists of police officers and military personnel of internal troops.

    A senior officer is appointed to manage the outfit, from among the most experienced police officers who are able to provide guidance on his activities. As a rule, an officer of the Department of Internal Affairs is appointed as a senior (chief) operative military outfit. Dresses can perform tasks independently, i.e. act separately or be part of a group (forces) allocated to perform special tasks.

    The purpose and types of orders of the police patrol service are determined by the Statute of the PPS police and other regulatory acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

    Group outfits are used to complicate the operational situation and to perform special tasks.

    Group - This is the smallest tactical unit designed for independent performance of operational tasks. Groups consist of individual outfits and can number up to 30 employees.

    The PPP group outfits include patrol groups of police (PG), specialized groups (SG) - maneuverable groups (MG), police checkpoints (CAT), checkpoints (CAT) and other types of squads developed by the practice and established by regulatory legal acts Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Such outfits, as a rule, unite several posts or patrols of the PPS police, which perform general and special functions under unified leadership. The group outfits include employees of traffic police units of the traffic police, riot police, other services and police units, representatives of customs and other law enforcement agencies.

    The types of outfits and their composition are determined on the basis of the characteristics of the territory and the current operational situation. The main types of patrol outfits are the post and patrol. These outfits perform operational and service tasks, both in daily activities, and in case of complication of the operational situation, in the event of emergency situations and emergencies.

    Fast  - it is an ATS outfit that is displayed in a certain place or part of the area where it is necessary to ensure the presence of ATS personnel or servicemen of the troops of the Ministry of Internal Affairs (guards), taking into account the provision of visual control over the territory and facilities located on it.

    The post provides protection of a public order in the fixed territory (a site of the district or object).

    Posts can be single, pair, group, outdoor (outdoors) and internal (indoors), around the clock and temporary.

    Stationary postit is intended to ensure public order, prevent and suppress crimes and administrative offenses in places with a massive stay of citizens, places most often prone to criminogenic manifestations, as well as in residential micro-districts and territories remote from the location of internal affairs bodies.

    For a post its center and borders are determined. The center of the fast is the place from which it is most convenient to conduct observation and to take prompt measures to prevent and suppress offenses. Removal of the boundaries of the post from the center of the post should not exceed 300 m.

    For the protection of public order in residential areas, located at a considerable distance from the ATS, streets and squares with a mass stay of citizens, where it is necessary to ensure the permanent presence of police officers, round-the-clock police posts can be set up. For their service, special police pavilions are installed, marked “Police Post”, equipped with telephone and radio communications, video surveillance equipment, a flashing light, a roar, electrofireplace, furniture and official documentation.

    Patrol- it is a mobile outfit consisting of two or more police officers or military personnel of the Ministry of Internal Affairs troops of Russia (patrolmen) and performing the task of protecting public order on the patrol route and the adjacent territory. A police officer who is part of a patrol is called a patrol.

    Patrols are set up in places where a temporary (periodic) police presence is required.

    The length of the patrol route and its boundaries to accomplish tasks should be determined taking into account the conditions of a particular locality and operational situation, ensure that the squad arrives as quickly as possible at the crime scene or other offense at any point of responsibility for no more than 5-7 minutes and cannot exceed 6 km for patrols by car, 4 km for motorcycle patrols, 1.5 km for hiking patrols. The length of patrols of orders of front-line units of additional forces is determined by the normative legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, regulating the activities of these units. The patrol speed on the car should not exceed 40 km / h and provide monitoring of the situation.

    Charter PPP defines the following types of patrols:

    patrol on the car;

    police patrol on foot;

    patrol with service dog;

    motorcycle police patrol;

    bike patrol;

    equestrian police patrol;

    police patrol on the boat;

    helicopter patrol.

    Patrol Group (PG)  - it is an ATS outfit consisting of two or more patrols, united for serving public order under the unified leadership, for serving, whose services are assigned to several routes or a part of the territory of the municipality where the event is held with a large number of citizens, a mass recreation area.

    The main elements of tactics in carrying out operational tasks in the conditions of mass unrest include: collecting and analyzing information, forecasting the development of events and variants of illegal actions; taking urgent measures to neutralize active leaders and groups using operational and regime capabilities; concentration of forces and means to create material (physical) and psychological superiority over the participants in the unrest; meeting the legal requirements of citizens; the use of all possibilities for the localization of conflicts without the use of force, the demoralization of the organizers, instigators and active participants of the information compromising them.

    At the same time, if the decision to conduct a special operation is made, it should ensure: the implementation of the principle of reasonable sufficiency of force, special means, military and other equipment, weapons; resolute withdrawal and isolation of active participants in the riots; protection of life and health of personnel, as well as those who happened to be in the crowd.

    When choosing tactical schemes for the suppression of mass riots, one should consider the possibility of committing them simultaneously in several places and, consequently, create a system of support and interaction of forces and means of law and order operating at the sites of such crimes, including at the interregional level. To do this, it is necessary to use special units of the internal affairs agencies and internal forces with the task of localizing conflicts, preventing bloodshed, protecting the population from pogroms and murders, and detaining and isolating criminals.

    Tactical methods of suppressing mass riots largely depend on the specific conditions (crowd composition, riot participants' equipment and other circumstances), but in any case, power actions should be aimed primarily not at crushing the crowd or moving it from place to place, but to separation. (isolation) of the organizers and the most active participants in the riots. Tactical methods of action of the forces and means of law enforcement agencies to curb riots can be divided into contact and non-contact.

    Non-contact methods involve the impact of law enforcement forces on the crowd at a distance - through the use of special technical and other statutory means (water jets, gases, soap suds, sound-amplifying facilities, air-jet devices, rubber bullets, etc.). Using such means, law enforcement forces gradually move the crowd in a given direction, disperse and disperse its participants. At the same time, illegal actions are documented, evidence is collected that exposes the perpetrators, and then the offenders are detained (as a rule, after the crowd is dispersed and dispersed).

    The advantage of non-contact methods is that the end result (cessation of riots) is achieved with the least loss of the civilian population and the forces of law and order. If with contact methods, hand-to-hand combat is inevitable, which leads to an increase in the aggressiveness of the crowd, to personal injury, then non-contact methods are inherently bloodless. Of course, in specific conditions, a combination of techniques and methods should be used depending on the prevailing situation, the nature and extent of the riots.

    Domestic practice follows the path of extensive use of contact methods, the main thing in which is the introduction of special groups of forces of law and order directly into the crowd with a view to its separation, dispersal and dispersion.

    The division of the crowd is made in one or several directions into two, three parts and more. Options are chosen depending on the situation, the availability of forces and means, the composition, the nature of the actions, the aggressiveness of the crowd, etc.

    When the offenders are concentrated in the “head” of the crowd, it is recommended to introduce separation and dispersion groups (at least four people in a column) simultaneously from both sides in the direction of the center of the crowd. When groups come together and “separate” active participants in the unrest from the majority of people in the crowd, one part of the columns blocks the offenders, and the other displaces the passive members of the crowd to nearby streets and alleys. Withdrawn groups (and their covers) are introduced into the formed corridors, which detain offenders in the blocked part of the crowd and transfer them to escort groups for delivery to filtration points.

    Documentation groups record criminal actions of participants in mass riots, collect evidence of their guilt.

    The dispersal of the crowd and the removal of active participants in the unrest should be carried out by special formations of internal troops and detachments of the special purpose police. The personnel of the territorial internal affairs agencies should be used for cordoning, blocking, filtering, documenting and investigating. This, of course, does not exclude the possibility of his active actions to disperse the crowd, but only when other forces are absent, and circumstances force him to act immediately - most often in the initial stage of unrest, with a small crowd.

    1. Check the weapons, equipment, communications and protection before performing service and combat missions.

    2. Practice reloading weapons: quickly, in motion, in the dark, (learn to eliminate delays when shooting).

    3. Remember: the sounds and the real environment (objects) visible by the eyes can be distorted under the influence of stress.

    4. Use the lantern to create an advantage: shine from above and directly into the eyes.

    5. Carry an extra, handcuffed key hidden in a safe place.

    6. Have a plan of action, focus on common sense.

    7. Fulfill the tasks set by the leadership for the performance of service and combat missions, adhere to the scheme of actions developed in cooperation with a partner.

    8. Remember, eyes take time to get used to the change of lighting (techniques: when you are in the dark - blink often; light hits your eyes - close one eye).

    9. Know your partner.

    10. One employee covers - the other is moving.

    11. Do not forget to look up.

    12. Open the door completely before entering the room.

    13. Keep your car key always with you.

    14. Practice defining your place on the territory (object). Know not only the entrance, but also the exit from the room (object).

    15. Do not look behind the corner at eye level.

    16. In a critical situation, use the OPS (fire alarm), standing close to the object.

    17. Avoid patterned and predictable behavior.

    18. With the threat do not “freeze”, get together and act.

    19. Reduce as much as possible your size as a target, avoid showing your silhouette.

    20. Do not smoke in the dark during surgery.

    21. Do not let your guard down.

    22. Do not relax too quickly, beware of the second ambush.

    23. First the handcuffs - then the search.

    24. Remember that the key to success is preparation. In a critical situation, you will behave as you have learned.

    25. Never let a weapon (special means) out of your hands.

    26. Better compromise than doom.

    27. Prevented melee - a melee won.

    Act confidently, decisively and coolly!

    Personal precautions when leaving the scene

    General precautions include the following recommendations and tips:

    1. Plan your actions in advance, for which you should install for yourself:

    Where, what crime was committed, and how many participants;

    Whether a weapon was used in the commission of a crime;

    In what direction, how did the criminals hide, their omens;

    What is the safest approach route (approach) to the scene;

    Who and how can assist in complicating the situation;

    What can be the initial actions at the crime scene and how should the roles be distributed among the police officers?

    2. Immediately before departure, check your personal protective equipment, service weapon and communication equipment.

    3. Keep the element of surprise and, if the situation allows, drive up quietly. Leave the car out of sight of persons at the scene. Immediately before the intervention, stop, look around and listen. This will assess the situation and make the right decision.

    4. Use safe approaches and avoid the most obvious. Keep quiet while muffling the volume of radio stations, make sure that the keys do not jingle. Avoid talking to each other. When approaching the scene note the place of possible shelter in the sudden shootout. Move through the unlit part of the space and do not let the light behind you illuminate you as a target.

    5. At the scene monitor the situation and do not let the situation go out of control. For this:

    Take drastic measures and detain suspects (if any);

    Separate the parties to the conflict and do not allow them to communicate with each other, ensure that they are in a particular place and cannot use foreign objects as weapons;

    Be on your guard with respect to conflicting ones, whose excitement does not pass away, but grows, at the same time, do not be deceived by their helpfulness and loyalty;

    Remove unauthorized persons and do not allow anyone to touch objects at the scene;

    Do not let the conflict participants go behind your back, be suspicious of anyone who wants to get too close, do not let them do it;

    Constantly monitor the situation at the scene of the incident and be ready to immediately respond to any possible danger (hide behind cover and be ready to use service weapons or use physical force, combat fighting techniques, special means, or, immediately - a firearm);

    In an exacerbation of the situation, immediately call in additional forces, change your tactics or use other measures, for example, shelter in rooms);

    Manage the survey of participants in the conflict, for which you isolate them from each other and do not allow to interfere with the survey of each of them, firmly return the speakers to the subject of discussion; use a soft, soothing style of conversation, do not rush, listen more, speak less, show sincere interest in what has happened, avoid moralizing and remarks about your interlocutor.

    6. Observe the “safety technique” when arresting a crime suspect (offender):

    Act decisively and do not show uncertainty (if you have to use physical force, combat techniques of struggle, be sure of their legitimacy);

    First handcuff, then carry out an external examination, while the detainee’s hands should be behind his back, and the handcuffs should fit snugly to the wrist and be locked with a key;

    When detecting a weapon, do not stop the inspection until the detainee has been completely examined, inspect the detainee so many times and so carefully that there is complete confidence that he is “clean”;

    During the inspection, remove all items that can be used to harm employees or others;

    When handcuffing and outside inspection, you should be positioned so that your service weapon is out of range of the detainee;

    Observe the rules of landing the detainee in the car and the rules of his transfer to the body of internal affairs.

    7. After analyzing the conflict situation, do not lose your vigilance and during your departure to the internal affairs agency do not allow the accomplices to block the vehicle and repel the detainee. Be alert.

    8. In the body of internal affairs conduct a critical analysis of their actions. Expose your actions and those of your colleagues to the harshest criticism and extract the best from each case of a threat to your security.

    Conclusion on the issue

    The effective solution of the tasks of public order and public security during mass events is entirely dependent on the coordinated actions of all subjects of public order and public safety.

    Joint actions aimed at ensuring the rule of law during mass events should be carried out at all stages of their preparation and conduct, it is impossible to foresee all situations that may arise during their holding.

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  • Patrol -  mobile military outfit, consisting of two or more military officers and performing their duties by going around (detour) along the established route

    The route is the established patrol route within the visibility and audibility of the patrol. According to the decision of the senior operational chief, police officers may be included in the composition of the troop.

    The main purpose of the patrol is to ensure public safety and protection of public order on the route and the adjacent territory, take timely measures to ensure that citizens comply with the laws and established rules of behavior on the streets, squares, parks and other public places, preventing and suppressing crimes and administrative offenses.

    Patrols can serve on foot, on cars, motorcycles, helicopters, etc. Most often, specialists with service dogs are assigned to foot patrols.

    Depending on the existing operational situation, the armament of the personnel of the order is determined by the ia chief operational officer and the commander of the military unit.

    Equipment dog handlers, as a rule, include: a rubber stick, handcuffs, special “Bird-cherry”, short and long leashes, muzzle, specialist bag.

    The experience gained by police dog handlers suggests that the most acceptable bag option for a specialist is a belt-type purse. It is advisable to include in the package of this bag: an individual dressing bag, tweezers, a sterile plastic bag, napkins, a flashlight, a measuring tape and several pieces of treats.

    A military dog ​​handler assigned to carry the teaching staff must:

    To know the laws and other legal acts of the Russian Federation, the legal acts of local authorities on the issues of ensuring public safety and the protection of public order, to demand from citizens their strict enforcement;

    To know and strictly comply with the requirements of legislative and legal regulations defining the procedure for the use of service dogs when carrying patrol and inspection service;

    Prevent and suppress crimes and administrative offenses, identify circumstances conducive to their perpetration, and, within the limits of their rights, take measures to eliminate these circumstances;

    To assist citizens who have suffered from crimes and accidents, as well as lipam, in respect of which the service dog was used;

    Finding the crime scene, take urgent measures to preserve the traces and their signs, organize and conduct the search for criminals in their scent tracks;

    Use a service dog for the detention, protection and escort of persons who resist the personnel of the outfit;

    Constantly maintain the performance of a fixed dog, provide it with rest in a timely manner, and in the case of an animal being injured or injured give it first aid.

    When patrolling with a service dog, the cynologist moves ahead of the outfit at a distance of 2-3 meters (Fig. 1). The dog is driven by a short leash. In places of mass stays of people, trains, public transport a service dog is muzzled up. At temperatures above -l-30 "C and below -WC  the duration of the dog’s work should not exceed 4 hours.

    In the forest park zones, on the streets with poor lighting and other similar places, the dog is used without a muzzle. When checking basements, non-residential premises, wastelands and other similar objects, a service dog is allowed without a leash and collar.

    The search and the guard of the detainee are carried out after giving the dog the “Guard” command and placing it at a distance of no more than 2-3 meters from the specified person (Fig. 2).

    The escorting of offenders is carried out in compliance with the same requirements as during the search. If the detainee is delivered by any transport, a dog handler with a dog is placed in a place where it is convenient to monitor the escort and quickly apply a service dog. About application

    dogs to apprehend the offender military dog ​​handler reports on command and draws up an act.

    In the event that a troop has received a report on the commission of a crime, the patrol commander reports the incident to the internal affairs agency and takes measures to clarify the following circumstances:

    Data (signs) about the offender or the suspect;

    Have there been eyewitnesses to the crime and what is known about them;

    What is the state of the victim and whether help is provided;

    Surname, name, patronymic and address of the applicant.

    At this time, the cynologist conducts a visual inspection of the scene of the incident, during which he must draw up a version of the incident and try to identify areas of the area where it is possible to detect the smell traces of the criminal, as well as to identify the tools of crime or other evidence. If the cynologist was able to detect visible marks or any objects, he reports this to the head of the patrol and, without disturbing the general situation, examines them in more detail. Making sure that it is possible to use the dog, he puts it on the trail from the last visible footprint or from the smell of the found object / crime instrument /.

    In the event that this is not possible, the specialist determines the areas most suitable for detecting the odor trail, on which he applies the dog. The service dog starts up on the leeward side, driven by a long leash, gestures and commands. The search is conducted depending on the specific situation, zigzag or along a spiral unwinding from the scene. Particular attention is drawn to the broken off branches of trees and bushes, loosened plots of land and other similar objects. During the period of work of the specialist, the personnel of the military attire ensures the actions of the cynologist, without interfering with his activities. At the same time, the cynologist should give commands in an even, calm voice, each successful action of the dog is necessarily encouraged.

    In such situations, a lot depends on how well the specialist has knowledge of the basics of traceology and the rules for inspecting the scene of an incident. One of the obligatory rules is to prevent the destruction of traces, to try as much as possible to preserve the pristine nature of the situation at the crime scene. The second most important task of the cynologist is the removal and preservation of the smell of the criminal offender. These actions of a specialist should be carried out under the direction of the investigator and recorded in the protocol, the received odor preservative can be a source of evidentiary information. The independent work of a cynologist is also possible, when the smell recorded by him is only information of an operational nature. In both cases, the method of cynologist's actions on the removal and fixation of the odorant is quite simple. There are the following ways to get the odor preservative:

    First: the source of the smell turned out to be a small object (comb, pen, handkerchief, etc.), the dog handler removes it with tweezers, puts it in a sterile bag and packs it tightly; the smell is conserved and ready to use;

    The second method is more complicated: the removal of an odorant is made from a visible imprint of a trace or from some volumetric object (thing), in this case, on this

    with a pair of tweezers, a sterile adsorbent is laid (a bladder flap folded in 3-5 layers of bandage, etc.), metal foil is put on top, and all this is pressed tightly, while simple clamps, small pebbles and other similar objects are used as a clamp. . After 15-30 minutes, the adsorbent is placed in one plastic bag in a plastic bag or in a special sterile glass jar with a tightly lapped glass lid.

    The above method is a component of the criminalistic odorology, the essence of which consists in the collection, preservation and identification of individual odors using detector dogs. To achieve a positive end result when working with traces - sources of smell, you must follow certain rules:

    All instruments used to remove and preserve the smell must be sterile;

    Objects found at the scene are removed or examined with tweezers, while hygienic gloves should be worn at the handler’s hand.

    Difficult and dangerous for patrols are the routes that pass through unlit streets, cross forest-park zones, have uninhabited buildings on the route, inhabited basements and attics, as well as some objects that serve as a concentration of criminal elements. The combat order of a military outfit when patrolling such routes is based on the following scheme:

    in front at a distance of 2-3 meters there is a canine with a service dog, behind and behind the rest of the personnel. The dog is released on the length of the short leash, the muzzle is removed.

    The owner of the patrol-search dog must be in constant readiness for action in a situation that has suddenly arisen. From  it requires a good knowledge of the behavior of the animal and utmost attentiveness. The most difficult and suspicious sections of the route (unlit arches of houses, thickets of bushes, non-residential buildings, opened cellars, etc.) are previously searched by a service dog. Before its launch, the dog handler gives the command “To everyone who is in the shelter (in the building, basement, etc.), go out! I use a service dog! ”, After which, after sustaining a short temporary pause, he directs the animal towards the object being checked at the command“ Search ”. The use of a service dog for the detention of persons who do not fulfill the legal requirements of the patrol is carried out with a preliminary shout “Stop! Apply a dog. Without warning, a dog is used only for criminals who provide armed resistance, or people who threaten the life and health of the surrounding citizens, the personnel of the outfit, and the police. It is not allowed to allow a service dog to be detained if there are citizens between a specialist and an offender or a similar situation has arisen in crowded places.

    After a criminal is detained by a dog, the cynologist is obliged to search him, having previously submitted the dog the “Guard” command, and only then the victim is given medical assistance. From  armed criminal service dog is taken after the complete cessation of resistance and the surrender of weapons. Upon the use of a service dog, the specialist prepares a report and submits it on command.

    Specialized motorized military units are designed to carry out patrol duty in public places, to participate in ensuring public order and security during mass events and in the event of an emergency. The Ministers of Internal Affairs of the Republics, the heads of the Department of Internal Affairs (GUVD) with regard to the SMVCh (by territoriality) are senior operational heads. The chiefs of the city authorities are the operational chiefs in respect of the subunits of the UHRW, who, in accordance with the established procedure, are assigned to their temporary submission for patrol and patrol service. The use of the SMVCh in the protection of public order and the fight against crime is organized by the heads of the public security militia of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Department of Internal Affairs (GUVD) in cooperation with the commanders of these military units.

    The following types of orders are used to carry the patrol service: patrol, patrol group, post, as well as escort outfit, checkpoint, police checkpoint, barrier, reserve and others.

    Patrol  - a mobile outfit consisting of one or several police officers and performing the duties assigned to him on the patrol route. A police officer who is part of a patrol is called a patrol. Patrol can serve on the car (PA), motorcycle (PM), boat (FCT), bicycle (PV). Pedestrian (PP), horse (PC) and patrol with service dogs (PS) are also used. To ensure road safety, traffic surveillance patrols (PND) and helicopter patrols (VP) are used. A patrol is assigned a patrol route for service, the boundaries of which are determined on the ground depending on the specific conditions and operational situation. The length of the patrol route, as a rule, is: for patrols on a car 6-8 km, on a motorcycle 3-5 km, for hiking patrols 1-1.5 km. The length of the route for patrols for the supervision of road traffic or other special patrols can be increased or decreased.

    Patrol Group (PG) - A police squad consisting of two or more patrols, united for service under one authority. A patrol group is assigned several routes, a part of the city’s territory, a village, and another district, where an event with a large number of people is held, and a mass recreation zone. The patrol group is based on a car equipped with a radio station, a flashing beacon, a loud-speaking installation, a siren and other technical equipment. The group includes police with portable radio stations for foot patrols at a designated station. The head (senior) of the patrol team is assigned to the division commander or the most experienced police officer who is able to provide guidance to the group.

    Fast  - the place or part of the area where police officers (the guards) carry out the duties assigned to them to protect public order. Posts are set up where it is necessary to ensure the constant presence of a police officer. For a post its center and borders are determined. The center of the fast is determined in such a place where it is most convenient to conduct monitoring and take prompt measures to prevent and suppress offenses. The distance from the center of the post should not exceed 300 m.

    Police uniform to accompany a train, ship, aircraft (PS)  - appointed in order to maintain public order and ensure safety, prevent and punish offenses along the way these vehicles.

    Checkpoint (CAT)  - A police squad is set up to provide access control or restrict traffic and pedestrians in a certain area (area) during mass events, natural disasters, epidemics, epizootics and other emergencies.

    Police checkpoint (CPM)  - the outfit of the interregional special barrage system is exhibited to ensure effective cooperation in identifying and apprehending motor vehicles involved in the crimes and the persons who committed them.

    Barrier (W)  - Attire as part of a group (unit) of police officers who perform the task of monitoring a certain area of ​​the terrain or blocking certain transport directions.

    Reserve (P)  - a police squad designed to reinforce the forces and assets involved in cases of suddenly arising tasks due to the complication of the operational situation, as well as to replace patrol and guard units.

    The composition of the reserve, the location and the procedure for its use in each individual case are determined by the chief at whose disposal he is located (allocated).

    Police officers and military personnel of the UHRW carry patrol and patrol service in the established uniform. When solving special tasks, they may be allowed to serve in civilian clothes. Service time when carrying patrol and inspection service is established by the presence of orders in the operational subordination of the duty officer of the city neutrality authority or other officials in charge of service management. The police officers come to the subordination from the beginning of the instruction, and the withdrawal from subordination comes at the command of the end of the service. For police officers, a total working time of no more than 40 hours per week is established. Continuous service at the post, the patrol route, as a rule, should not last more than 4 hours. During the shift, personnel are given - 1 hour break for rest and eating. A break is excluded from the total duration of service time. In necessary cases, the substitution of orders. The time of briefings, official meetings, training sessions is considered official time. The head of the city authorities, the police unit, the commander of the combatant unit is given the right, if necessary, to increase the working hours of the squads. Weekends are provided on schedule, with a monthly basis at least two times the weekend must be in a row on Saturday and Sunday. The duration of continuous service by police squads at external posts and routes at air temperatures of -20 degrees and below (in the absence of insulated shelter), as well as at temperatures of 35 degrees and above, should not exceed 2 hours. In these cases, the substitution of outfits.