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  • Classification of vowels and consonants
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  • Why letters are called vowels. Journey to the land of vowel sounds

    Why letters are called vowels. Journey to the land of vowel sounds

    Their classification and pronunciation.

    1. What sounds are called vowels? How many of them?

    2. What letters denote vowels?

    3. What letters are called compound? Why?

    Vowels are called sounds, in the formation of which the voice is most involved, and the exhaled air during their formation, without encountering obstacles, comes out through the mouth.

    There are six vowel sounds in Russian - [a] [o] [y] [e] [s] [and]

    In the letter they are denoted by ten letters - a, o, u, e, s, u, e, e, u, i. The letters e, e, u, i are called compound vowels, since they can simultaneously mean two sounds: je, jo, ju, ja. Such a meaning they have in the position of the beginning of the word, after the vowel and after b and b: poison, stand, sons, ad. After the consonants the letters e, e, u, i denote one vowel sound and the softness of the previous consonant: wood, carried, uncle, sniff.

    Exercise 21.

    Say the vowels one by one; Observe how the shape of your mouth cavity changes from sound to sound: [a], [o], [e], [y], [u], [s].

    (Reference material I. 2. p. 200)

    Exercise 22.

    Practice the pronunciation of sounds [i], [s].

    Exercise 23.

    Learn to pronounce correctly after a teacher or speaker (behind a tape recorder) in pauses (=) syllables, words, sentences.

    a) be-bi = was-beat = us-ni = nil-nil =

    you-vi = howled-wow = py-pi = dust-dr =

    zi-zi = vases-carts = ry-ry = lynx-rice =

    dy di = gardens-plant = sy-si = son-blu =

    ly-li = floors-poly = you-ty = flowers-colors and =

    we-mi = soap-mio =

    b) There is a lot of dust on the road =

    Guests ate and drank a lot =

    Exercise 24.

    Learn to pronounce the sound [s] correctly. The consonants before [s] are pronounced firmly.

    Frosts, plants, atoms, questions, bridges, clocks, smoke, exams, tests, experiments, tickets.

    Exercise 25.

    Listen and repeat the words:

    The bull, was, to be, life, profit, fast, bandage, tag, binoculars, battle, beads; howled, pour, cure, discharged, snatch, release, release, export, dig, wash, fork, fork, cherry, sup, see, land, view, exit, dressing, pattern.

    Exercise 26.

    Read, clearly pronouncing each word:

    Smoke, smoke, melon, hole, breathe, Dima, Dinah, dynamo, announcer, director, conductor, dispensary, discipline.

    Exercise 27.

    Read the patter. Speak several times at a fast pace.

    Sweet Mila was washing with soap. Washed up, washed away - so Mila washed.

    Exercise 28.

    Read clearly the words. Find words with the opposite meaning. Remember how they are called. Make a sentence with these words.

    Sweet, kind, respectful, benevolent, beautiful, honest, intelligent, lazy, inquisitive, musical, hardworking, diligent, stupid, sloppy, dirty.

    Exercise 29.

    Listen to the pronounced combinations of sounds. Pay attention to what letter here denotes the sound [s]:

    zhi, shi, qi; LI-JI, Shi Shi Shi, Chi-Chi-Chi.

    Exercise 30.

    Fat, sewed, awl, wider, live, sew, wide, circus, zinc, figure, life, breadth, wider, wide, wide screen, hiss, live, lively, painter, animal, fats, bold, vest, circular, cyclone, cycle, chicory, cylinder, compass, circus, cistern, quote.

    The meaning of unfamiliar words is determined by the explanatory dictionary.

    Exercise 31.

    Practice the pronunciation of the following combinations by reading each of them several times and then the words.

    Be - bi, vei, ge - gi, de - di, ze - zi, kek, les, me, me, not - nor, pe - pi, re - ri, se - i, those ty, fe - fi, he - hee, che - che.

    White, running, lunch, flight, rabies, wood, weight, stump, foam, stump, chalk, sat, cut, eat, roll, delirium, harm, light, wind, shore, pepper, ash, drake, northern, liver, iron, blacken, endure, erase, turn white, blush, turn green, roar; peace, feast, wash, letter, list, whistle, squeak, scream, screw, rice, Rome, saw, reconcile, bluish, catch, make, lay, crush, technician, cheer, term, hitcher, carver, broom, patience.

    Exercise 32.

    Repeat the following words:

    Gesture, tin, pole, six, wool, mouth, center, prices, whole, chain, goal, rod, neck, rustling, censor, value, tenacious, workshop.

    Exercise 33.

    Practice sound pronunciation [y]. Read clearly the words.

    Duck, morning, beehive, bush, beads, miracle, coal, case, air, pipe, oak, friend, jacket, circle, path, walk, street, apricot, iron, bun, muzzle, mind, steering wheel, hollow, doll.

    (Reference material I. 2. p. 201)

    Exercise 34.

    Count how many times did the sound [u] meet in the quatrain?

    Before the morning dawn

    Brothers amicable crowd

    Leaving for a walk,

    Gray ducks to shoot

    (A. Pushkin)

    Exercise 35.

    Practice the pronunciation of the following words:

    (Reference material I. 2. p. 201)

    Exercise 36.

    Practice your pronunciation of sound [a], carefully following the teacher.

    (Reference material I. 2. p. 201)

    Exercise 37.

    Write 10 words with the sound [a] under the stress. Read them several times.

    Exercise 38.

    Read the text out loud. Observe correct pronunciation  vowels in stressed syllables.

    The languages ​​of the peoples of the world are different, but in varying degrees. The Ukrainian can speak Russian, but he will not understand the speech of a Turkmen. But the Turkmen will easily understand the Uzbek, the Azerbaijani.

    Sometimes common features are found in languages ​​that are currently geographically distant from each other. The greater or lesser closeness of languages ​​is explained by the different degrees of kinship between them, that is, by the commonality of their origin.

    Related languages ​​are combined into groups, and then into a family of languages. The Russian language together with the Ukrainian and Belarusian forms an Eastern Slavic subgroup of the Slavic language group. The Slavic group includes languages ​​such as Polish, Czech, Bulgarian, and some others. In turn, Slavic languages ​​are one of the groups of the largest family of languages ​​- Indo-European.

    1. Read.

        Swallow rushed
        Because of the white sea,
        She sat down and started singing:
        "No matter how angry February is,
        Like you, march, do not frown
        Be at least snow, even rain
        Everything smells of spring! ”
        (A. Maykov)

    • With what intonation did the swallow sing its little song? Read first the song of the swallow, and then the whole poem.
    • Write down the song swallows. Underline the letters in the words that denote vowel sounds.

    3.   Consider the design and symbols of vowels.

    • Before singing a song, the choir members usually sing. Guess what vowel sound each choir player chose for singing.
    • What are the three main signs of vowel sounds?

    4. SayWhat more: vowels or letters that represent them.

    • Say the vowels.
    • Write the letters for vowels in alphabetical order.

    5. Read  the words.

    Pencil case, sound, screen, movie, key, table.

    • Name a pair of words that have the same vowel sound. Say this sound.
    • Write down Underline the letters in the words that denote vowel sounds.

    6. Read. Remember why in the "ABC" these letters were arranged in two rows.

    • Which of these letters can indicate a vowel sound and indicate the hardness of the previous consonant sound? on the softness of the previous consonant sound?

    7. Consider  records

    • When the letters e, e, y, i  mean in the word the merger of two sounds: a consonant sound and the next vowel sound? And when is one vowel sound? Give examples of such words.

    8. Read.

    • Tell me what “work” in the words the selected letters do.
    • Write the words where the highlighted letter denotes a vowel sound and indicates the softness of the previous consonant sound.
    • What is called a word village? Make a sentence with this word (verbally).

    d ewarrior

    9. Read. Name a fairy tale.

    From each flower, elves flew out - boys and girls - so pretty that it is just lovely! Elves brought Thumbelina gifts.

    • Tell me how Thumbelina was among the elves.
    • Write down the second sentence. Underline the words of the letter that denote vowels in words.

    10. You know  do you that most words in which a letter is written uh, - foreign-language in origin?

    • Read the words with the letter uh. What languages ​​did they “come from” in Russian?

    • Do you understand the meaning of these words? Ask for help to the dictionary.
    • Write two words with the letter uh.

    Outside the window was dark. Light rain drizzled over the glass. In the dusk of the room shadows painted on the walls, like a pencil, amazing characters. In the corner of the room near the bed it was warm and cozy, a lamp was burning there, and its clear, golden rays drove the shadow, leaving bright sunny pictures. In the bed, covered with a warm woolen blanket, lay a little girl. A woman sat on the edge of the bed beside her.

    Mom, tell me, please, a fairy tale, - asked her girl.

    Anya, and let's together with you we will compose a magic story about amazing inhabitants and their adventures? - Mom answered her with a smile.

    So the fairy tale about vowels was born.

      Part 1. Magic spell

    Since ancient times, wizards live in one wonderful country. They like to speak very much, but not in the way we usually talk, no, each of them can say only his own name consisting of one sound. And therefore, in order to communicate, one by one, in order, each of them sings his name, creating an incredible miracle - the Word.

    Probably you thought: "Oh, what a magic, it can everyone!" Do you know that in order for the Word to appear, you need to order all the Sounds correctly and in order?

    I want to go to visit the amazing people of the fairyland and ask them to teach me the magic of the Word, ”said the girl.

    At the same time, Anya found herself in a beautiful fairyland ...

      Part 2. An interesting meeting

    A little girl walked slowly along the road. Right and left of her rustling leaves of the forest. There was not a soul around.

    Who will tell me where this path leads? - thoughtfully looking in front of her, said the girl.

    What is your name, where are you going alone?

    The girl looked around and did not notice anyone.

    Anya, - she introduced herself timidly. - I'm looking for a country of knowledge. Good wizards live there. I will ask them to teach me their skills.

    I want to travel too!

    The girl could not understand what kind of miracles, who speaks to her!

    I can fly, and therefore from the height I can see and hear a lot of interesting, surprising. Do you want me to share with you my knowledge? Take me with you!

    The girl looked up and saw a little bird.

    Talking bird! - exclaimed the girl. - It can not be!

      Part 3. Talker

    Anya never heard birds talk in her life. And when in front of her she saw a bird with eyes-buttons, in a strange hat, curved like a leaf of a tree, she did not believe her eyes in surprise. She kindly waved Ana wings.

    Incredible! - stretched the girl, looking at the Stranger.

    Take me with you, and I will introduce you to the inhabitants of this country, talk about interesting and magical transformations, and also with me you will learn a lot of new, informative! - the bird offered her help.

    The girl was a little scared, in front of her awaited something incredibly wonderful and at the same time unknown. To be honest, she was delighted with her talkative interlocutor.

    Good, - said the girl. “But, if we travel together, I need to know your name!”

    I do not have a name, I just fly everywhere and I like to learn new things, - answered the bird.

    Everybody has a name, let me call you Govorushka? - Anya asked.

    I like! Thank you, now I have my beautiful name! - the stranger was delighted. - Let's hurry, we have interesting adventures ahead!

      Part 4. Game Guess

    So that it would be interesting for us to travel, let's play! Close your eyes, listen to the sounds around you, what do you hear? - said Govorushka.

    Anya closed her eyes and thought. Everything was as usual as always. But, a little later, she began to discern how the trickle murmurs, leaves of trees rustle, birds chirping and many more different sounds that nature gives us.

    As I had never noticed before, that the world is so rich in sounds! - thought the girl.

    She was waiting, and when Anya opened her eyes, she told her that she had prepared boxes for her with surprises.

    Take any box, shake it, listen carefully to the sound that comes from inside and tell me what it reminds you of, ”she said.

    The bird waved its wings several times, and several boxes appeared from the air on the ground in front of Anya. The girl began to take each in hand, and she sounded the only unique sound.

      Note to part 4. The development of auditory attention

    Games on the development of hearing attention of the child:

    1. Ask your child to listen carefully. various sounds  around, tell what he hears. For example, in the house - how working kitchen appliances sound, on the street - various sounds of nature. Help him with suggestive questions, tell me if he is at a loss in guessing the sound. At will, the child can close his eyes while playing.

    2. Take any small containers. It can be matchboxes, shells from kinder-surprises, self-made containers from cardboard, everything your imagination can come up with. Items must be placed inside the containers. different sounds. Options: beads, beans, plastic bottle cap, bell, etc. If you use loose cereals, remember that they deteriorate. Cardboard containers are preferably pasted over with paper so that the contents do not crumble. Paper is better to take color.
      Together with the child, listen to each item and discuss with it what sounds like “living” inside. Then let the child try to guess for himself what each sound looks like.

    3. To diversify the playing moments, children's rattles, a tambourine, a drum, a baby piano, a pipe, wooden spoons, etc. can be used as an additional material. Behind a small screen you make a sound with the chosen object and ask the child to guess which object he belongs to.

      Part 5. Sound A

    I will tell you about the sound "A", - sang a bird. - I would live on Sound. He was very fond of children and, therefore, he often cradled with the mothers in the cradle, soothing the song of the little ones, and so that he could be heard, he would hum "A-A-A". Together with his mothers, he lulled crumbs on his hands and in wheelchairs, soothing his little song.

    Let's play with him with you:

    We play with the sound "A"
      Mouth like a chick open,
      The tongue is calm,
      The breeze flies at ease

    Out of his mouth, yes to freedom,
      By easy access.
      Teeth, sponges do not interfere,
      Song "A" do not break.

    So the interlocutors did not notice how the water blue surface appeared in the distance.

      Note to part 5. Sound A - articulation, games

    1. Articulation of the sound "A" for children:

    We play with the sound "A"
      Mouth like a chick open,
      The tongue is calm,
      The breeze flies at ease

    Out of his mouth, yes to freedom,
      By easy access.
      Teeth, sponges do not interfere,
      Song "A" do not break.

    2. Games with sound “A”:

    A) “Clap your hands if you hear the sound“ A ””:
      Ask the child to clap his hands if he hears the sound “A.”

    B) The Magic Pouch game. You can sew it yourself or take a ready-made shopping bag made of cloth. Put the cards with the image of the objects on the sound "A".
      Ask the child to get a picture and name what is depicted on it, highlighting the sound “A”.

    C) If the child is small, you can play with him in the game "Shake the doll Anya." Ask him to calm the crying girl, shake, singing a song: “A-A-A”. Explain that for this you need to open your mouth wide and sing softly after you, and then yourself.

      Part 6. Fairy of the Mirror Lake

    Playing with a bird, the girl did not notice how she was on the shore of a large beautiful lake. Its surface resembled a mirror. To continue the journey, Anya needed to move to the other side, but there was no boat anywhere. Leaning over the water to wash, she saw in reflection of herself and near the beautiful fairy. She asked the girl what her name was and where she was going.

    “I will help you, girl, to cross over to the other side,” said the Sorceress. “But first listen to my mystery song and tell me what it is about.”

    Mirroring cold
      Clouds float across the sky
      For fish house native to the edge of the underwater,
      Around - kayemkoy shore.
      And if the cold winter blows,
      That will sparkle with a crust of ice.
      Frost-artist fairy tale draw
      And the water will sparkle with silver.

    Lake! - cried joyfully Anya. The riddle was very difficult, but there was a clue in front of the girl, and she, of course, immediately guessed.

    As soon as the girl uttered a riddle, the fairy waved her magic wand, and a boat appeared miraculously in front of Anya. She swayed smoothly on the waves, as if inviting to go.

    Take a present from me, ”said the Fairy and handed it to the little girl Mirror ...

      Part 7. Why are vowels so called?

    Looking at Mirror, presented by a good fairy, Anya saw an unfamiliar smiling face. It was not her reflection, but someone else's. Attentive eyes looked at her. Mirror had a nose and mouth.

    The girl said goodbye to the fairy and got into the boat, which immediately sailed from the shore. A light breeze nudged the boat, and that, obeying an invisible will, smoothly slid along the lake surface.

    Anya, the good people of this country are called Vowels. They will gladly share with you their magic songs, - Zerkaltse sang.

    And why are they so called, Vowels? - Anya became interested.

    Vowels - from the word “Voice”, which in very old times meant “Voice” in a speech - the Face in the Mirror explained to her. - The inhabitants of this country are vociferous, singing. That's why they are so called - Vowels.

      Part 8. Carefree residents of the Glasna country

    On the surface of the lake slowly sailed the boat with the girl. It was still far from the shore, and in order not to be bored, Anya talked to the fairy Mirror presented to her by the fairy.

    Tell me something interesting about the inhabitants of this country, - asked the girl Zerkaltse.

    - The life of these residents is carefree. They sing all day. And you know, these are not simple songs, but the magic names of amazing inhabitants. They are called Vowels, the voice from Mirror began its story. - Come with you and we will sing their wonderful songs. Look carefully - when we open our mouth, the breeze freely flies outside the tongue, nothing prevents it - neither lips, nor teeth, nor tongue. Bring your palm to your mouth when you sing - you will feel a little breeze.

    Repeat after me, - taught, showing how to pronounce correctly, Face from the Mirror. - A, O, U, I, U, E ... After him, Anya easily managed to sing these songs.

    I really like the songs of the inhabitants of this country, ”said the girl,“ I will be happy to be friends with them.

    We will certainly get to know each of these sounds closer and ask them to teach us their magic, - supported her Mirror.

    The boat smoothly swam to the shore, and Anya went down to the shore with Mirror. At the same moment the boat disappeared. Near the water grew a small tree, on which sat the talker. She happily greeted the girl, waving her wing.

      Part 9. The sound

    The sun was shining brightly. Govorushka, who carefully watched the girl, fluttered from a branch of a tree, flew around Ani and sat in her path. In her beak, she held the little ring that she placed in front of the girl.

    Take my gift, it will be useful to you on the way, ”said the bird and flew away.

    Beautiful, - thought the girl, picked up the ring and put it in the pocket.

    Suddenly, Anya heard a strange sound that came from behind the trees that were growing ahead. The path of the girl just passed through the forest, so she had nothing to do, how to go see who it was that sings.

    The girl saw a sad wolf sitting among the trees. Raising his face up, he howled:

    What happened, the girl asked him. - Who hurt you?

    The wolf looked at Anya and said that he was simply lonely.

    Let's be friends with you, ”suggested the girl.

    I agree, - Gray was delighted.

    In the pocket of Anya Zerkaltse was worried and asked to show with whom the girl communicates. Seeing the wolf, it calmed down:

    Good wolf!

    Let's learn to pronounce this sound! - asked a new friend Anya.

    And in the meantime the mirror began to sing:

    With the sound "U" we play,
      Humor, sorrow -
      Sponge tube sing,
      Breeze fly to give.
      The tongue does not bother us,
      He lies and rests.

    The wolf pulled out his muzzle with a straw and with pleasure sang:

    Anya followed him.

    The mirror in Anya’s hands cheered and praised both.

    The wolf has never had any friends, he gave Anya A Toy as a parting gift, which he recently found in the forest.

    Saying goodbye to the girl, he ran away. Anya liked the gift. It was a small Oriole bird. The wolf did not know that she was alive, she was bewitched by the evil Cold.

      Part 10. Grandpa Frost

    Anya wrapped the birdie in a handkerchief, which she found in a pocket, and pulled her to her.

    What a sweet, like a living, - said the girl.

    This is not a toy, Anya, a living bird. She is enchanted, - cast a magic mirror.

    Anya tried to warm the bird with warm palms, breathed warm air on it, but all in vain. The bird remained motionless.

    What to do? - thought the girl.

    I will help you, Anya, ”Govusushka arrived from the branch of the tree. - In the forest there is a white glade. When summer is around, flowers are blooming, birds are singing, there is winter, snow is everywhere. In the middle of the meadow stands Hut. Her grandfather lives in it. He will help to remove the evil charm I'll show you the way there ...

      Part 11. Sound And

    Anya hurried along the forest trail for Govorushka. To help the bewitched Oriole, she had to get to the good wizard - grandfather Inea.

    When a snowy glade appeared in the middle of a green forest, the girl gasped. Around the grass was green, the trees rustled with green leaves, it was warm and fun-like summer, and real winter reigned in the meadow. The snow was silver and it was cold.

    Here so miracles! - Anya exclaimed.

    Hello girl, what brings you to my house? - he asked.

    Grandfather, help me, please, disenchant the Oriole, ”the girl asked frustratedly. - She was bewitched by an evil cold.

    It's easy, smiled old man. - You just need to sing a song about the sound "and". The name of the bird begins with it. Repeat the words for me.

    Smile wide
      The song we sing is easy,
      The voice sounds playful,
      "And" he brings beautifully.
      Sponges, teeth do not interfere,
    The song "And" do not break.

    As soon as Anya sang the song “And,” the bird came to life. Thanking the old man for help, the girl continued on her way, and the oriole, as soon as they left the fabulous clearing, flew off to her brothers and sisters, waving a wing with a wing.

      Part 12. Crying Cloud

    Trees became less and less. Anya went to the sunlit, flat rocky surface. Before it was a cliff.

    How can I get to the other side? - she said aloud. - I passed so much, and now I have to go back?

    Do not worry, there is a bridge over the cliff, but only it is hidden from the eyes by a Weeping Cloud, ”said Govorushka, who flew behind the girl. - Talk to Cloud, ask him to show where the bridge is.

    Over a cliff hung a white cloud. A little rain was pouring from his sad eyes. Drops fell down into the river, and from this she became restless, boiling.

    Why do you hang over a cliff and not fly away? - Anya asked a sad cloud. - What are you crying about?

    I played with my friends over this cliff, with the same clouds as I, and did not notice how I lost the ring. It fell into the river just above this place. That is why I do not fly away, but I feel sad and this makes me so tearful ...

      Part 13. Sound O

    Take my little ring, ”Anya said, and handed the ring, given to her by the Little Talker, to the whimpering Cloud.

    This is it, my little ring, where it came from! - anxiously said Oblachko.

    I found him on the bank of the river and presented it to Anya, ”said Govorushka, who all this time was next to the girl.

    Thank you very much, - exclaimed Cloud with joy, - how can I thank you?

    Help me get over to the other side, through the cliff, ”the girl asked.

    The cloud climbed up into the air, and immediately before Anya opened a beautiful bridge.

    I want to give you a song of the sound "O", - said Cloud and began to sing:

    Let's play with the sound "O",
      Sing it easy!
      Little we sponge round off
      And we push them forward,
      Nothing interferes
      Breeze with sound "O" -
      Past tongue, teeth,
      Without effort
      Admires, sings,
      Fly with him calling.

    Having sung a song, a contented cloud flew away. And Anya, crossing the cliff to the other side, continued on her way ...

      Part 14. Grandfather Echo

    The path of the girl lay across a mountain path. From all sides stood gray stone slopes. A thick, gray mist of fog blocked the path of the girl.

    Where are you, my girlfriend? - asked the girl.

    Ushka ... - someone unfamiliar answered it.

    Good bird Talker! - continued to loudly call Anya.

    Ear ... - again mocked her unknown voice.

    Surprisingly looking around and not noticing anyone, Anya called again: - Ay!

    Hey! - Dumbly from afar repeated the Stranger.

    Hello, Invisible, let's be friends! The girl asked timidly.

    “... Those ... imka ... ah ... or" ..., "she heard back.

    That's a foreigner! - thought Anya.

    Who are you playing with? - Govorushka flew unnoticed and sat quietly for some time, watching.

    Someone is trying to talk to me, but for some reason I don’t understand him. Apparently, hesitates and is afraid to appear, therefore he is hiding, - the girl explained to her.

    This grandfather Echo indulges, - the bird explained, - he was bored here alone, sad, does not want to let you go ...

      Part 15. Sound E

    The grandfather Echo let the gray fog down the mountain path. He liked the girl traveler, wandering lonely in his kingdom. For a long time, the Old Hermit did not speak to anyone, apparently, therefore, he could only repeat words after passersby, and even then not completely. Cunning And he does not have time to get tired, saying not the whole word, and it is not necessary to work. And the fact that there is no sense and incomprehensible - he doesn’t care, he does not understand. Plays himself, play.

    Anya, I know a song that my grandfather will like, ”said Govorushka.

    "E" questions are asked,
      Interrogative sings
      By twisting the tongue back,
      Bending it slightly,
      Amazingly opened his mouth,
      Sings his motive.

    But grandfather's name also starts with the sound “E”, - Anya remarked, - Echo!

    Ho ..., - Grandpa laughed.

    The mist slowly dissipated, and a clay pot appeared on a small pebble in front of the traveler.

    Anya, this grandfather left a gift for you, - sang a mirror, which Anya took out of her pocket. - It has sweet honey. Come quickly, until the road is visible.

    Without work, the girl continued on her way, waving goodbye to a good grandfather.

    The mountain path led her to the cave, from which a terrible roar was heard ...

      Part 16. Offended Bear

    The mountain path lay past a cave in which a bear had settled for some time now. He was very angry, his nose and eyes ached. Bear walked through the woods and smelled a wonderful smell of honey. The smell found a hollow in the trunk of an old oak. He quickly climbed onto the tree, clinging to strong bark with long sharp claws on the bark and was already eating tasty food, but it was not there. Out of nowhere - a little bee, it painfully stung him under the eye, and the second - in the nose. Oh, how he roared! Kubarem rolled down from a tree and rushed to run. Bees, albeit very small, but painfully biting!

    Bear ran up to the cave and now sits in it and cries.

    The little girl, whose path lay just past the mountain, was very frightened when she heard a roaring voice from the dark depths of the cave.

    Do not be afraid, - sang a mirror in the pocket of Ani, - this is a bear. Treat him with sweet sweet honey.

      Part 17. Sound.

    The bear was big, but very kind. It just hurt and offended him. When he heard someone talking, he looked out of his asylum with curiosity. A little girl was standing there and holding a pot in her hands, from which it smelled so delicious.

    Of course, Anya gladly gave honey to the bear. When the contents of the pot were completely eaten, the joyful bear, in gratitude, presented Anya with a song “Y”:

    T "S" smile a little,
      Make friends with sound,
      The tongue is drawn back,
      Back up, it is slightly stretched.
      Low m "s" we sing, beautiful,
      The voice sounds playful:
      - S ...

    The well-fed and satisfied bear did not want to sit in the cave anymore, but went back to its place in the forest. Anya only had time to examine his quickly flashing legs.

    In the collection:

    "Or" Phonosemantika - to determine the meaning of the sound "). And today we will think about the reform of the language. What caused? It is very simple: recently there have been many stories about the old and ancient Russian language. So ancient antiquity, that neither Latin, nor even Egyptian Russian can not keep up. And, oddly enough, this may well be true.

    How did we find out? Having found the answers. So, did you think why consonants are called differently? It used to be clear: “az”, “beeches”, “lead”, “verb”, “good” and so on. But now it is beand veand kaand aleand erand those... why not just b p in m f? Why does each consonant have an “attached” vowel? And why different? Why not bo, po, mo  etc. - the same "o", as, for example, in Esperanto? Or no ba, pa, wa, ma, fa  etc. - the same "a", as in Sanskrit?

    Thinking about Sanskrit more intently, you will also understand the reason, as we understood it.

    Sanskrit is a language with a syllabic script. Basis: each consonant always carries the sound “a” as well. Therefore, it is not necessary to write “a” - it is already there. Therefore, they do not write kalam (pen) in Sanskrit. And they write klm (कलम), meaning that the sound “a” is inserted automatically.

    Logical conclusion:

    Different names of consonants - an echo of the ancient syllabic writing.

    That is, a very long time ago, the lost Russian written language was also syllabic. Latin-Greek writing from Cyril and Methodius is one-letter. But the alphabet itself, in the names of consonants, remembers syllable writing.

    What we propose to revive.

    Therefore, the idea of ​​the reform of the Russian language:

    Remove vowels that are “tied” to consonants.

    As a result, we get interesting writing rules:

    1. If a “tied” vowel goes in a word after a consonant, you can not write it.
    2. If there is another vowel, then it is written (and cancels the "attached").
    3. If a “tied” vowel is not needed, then an apostrophe is put instead.

    How it works in practice:

    The word " squirrel«.

    There are three consonants in it: b, l, k. In the alphabet, they read like be, el, ka. Therefore, according to the new rules, it is necessary to write like this:


    And, knowing the alphabet, a person easily recovers: be, l  no vowel ka  = protein.

    Some letters of the alphabet have a “vowel” not after, but before - um, el, etc. Therefore, when writing a letter, the vowel in front of it is taken into account:

      chalk = m'l

    where the vowel is withdrawn from m by the apostrophe, while the letter e is preserved.

    In this respect, interesting ithat is consonant th  + letter but. Therefore, the letter he will be written as one th. And already diphthongs with other vowels can be written as you please - at least yu, though yu. Example:

      land = new

    Here at s  the vowel is taken up by the apostrophe, m  left vowel (she - before m = eat), l  the vowel is withdrawn by an apostrophe, th  nothing is taken away therefore th  reads like i.

    Similarly, other words:

    hippopotamus = bmmot ’

    hippo = bgmot


    porridge = ksh

    gut = kish'k

    ensemble = en’sam’b’l’

    As you can see, borrowed words are very poorly abbreviated. Just the letter combinations in them are not original.

    And now that will give the reform of the Russian language.

    It will give a number of advantages that the language is deprived of (and, in fact, native speakers):

    1. Speeding up the letter. Dialing on a computer can be done at a speed of 500 characters per minute. And it is with a full set of letters. And if half the letters are not written? The speed doubles. This is a time saver. Well, time is money.
    2. Improvement intellectual abilities . When a person writes in a new way, reads in a new way, he has to strain gyrus, move the gears. In general, getting smarter and smarter.

    What, in our opinion, is valuable.

    You can ask: "And yet, why change what happened?" We will answer - this should be done as soon as possible, and for that - an important reason.

    After all, in essence, the alphabet is a solid inexplicable mystery. We teach children, we use ourselves ... a riddle.

    Man uses what he did not understand. Result? Nonsense and bad consequences. For example, the level of modern education has slipped almost to the level of US residents. Sadly, modern schoolchildren are not able to distinguish Lomonosov from Mendeleev, and Mendel from Hegel. Not to mention the fact to express their personal, not imposed and not memorized, judgment on the topic.

    So let's use what we apply with full knowledge and understanding.

    And at the same time get bonuses

    • speeding up writing and
    • improved intelligence
    • raising the level of education throughout the country.

    Both are very useful things, aren't they?

    So, Russian drinking is VERY ancient.

    Because the alphabet has retained the origins of syllable pissness, akin to Sanskrit and Egyptian hieroglyphs. And so it can be easily, simply and profitably reformed.

    Successful reform of the Russian language!