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  • Words where one sound is indicated by different letters. Living alphabet - b, b

    Words where one sound is indicated by different letters.  Living alphabet - b, b

    §1. Letters and sounds of the Russian alphabet

    The purpose of this lesson is to learn to distinguish between sounds and letters, to find the difference between them.

    It is very important to understand that letter and sound are not the same thing. Sound is what we hear and pronounce. The letter is what we see and write. Thus, A letter is a sign for a sound in writing.

    But this does not mean at all that the number of letters and sounds in the Russian language is the same. As we know, all letters are represented in the alphabet. An alphabet is a list of letters in a particular order. Aa - "a", Bb - "be", Vv - "ve", Gg - "ge", Dd - "de", Her - "e", Yoyo - "yo", Zhzh - "zhe", Zz - "ze", II - "i", Yy - "y", Kk - "ka", Ll - "el", Mm - "em", Nn - "en", Oo - "o", Pp - "pe", RR - "er", Ss - "es ", Tt - "te", Uu - "y", Ff - "ef", Xx - "ha", Ts - "tse", Hh - "che", Shsh - "sha", Shch - "scha", b - "solid sign", Yy - "s", b - " soft sign”, Uh - “e”, Yuyu - “yu”, Yaya - “I”.

    The Russian alphabet is called Cyrillic or Cyrillic.

    IN different languages the number of letters is different. There are 33 of them in Russian: 10 vowels, 21 consonants, ь and ъ.

    Vowels: a, e, e, i, o, u, s, e, u, i.

    Consonants: b, c, d, e, g, h, d, k, l, m, n, p, r, s, t, f, x, c, h, w, u.

    There are also hard and soft signs.

    §2. Differences between letters and sounds

    These letters are used to represent 43 basic sounds: 6 vowels and 37 consonants. The letters ъ and ь do not represent sounds at all.

    Vowel sounds: a, and o, u, s, e. They can be percussive or non-percussive.

    Consonants are divided into voiceless and voiced, hard and soft. Moreover, hard and soft sounds in Russian are denoted by the same letter.

    For example:

    in the word "cake" solid [t] is indicated by the letter T"te"

    in the word "terem" soft sound[t ’] is indicated by the letter T"te".

    There are letters in Russian that can represent two sounds. These are the letters e, e, u, i. If these letters are at the absolute beginning of a word (spruce, hedgehog, whirlpool, anchor), or after another vowel (moving, fighting), or after b or b signs (entrance, pour), then they denote two sounds [ye], [yo], [yu], [ya].

    Those. all letters of the Russian language are divided into three groups:

    1) letters that do not represent sounds;

    2) letters denoting two sounds;

    3) letters denoting one sound.

    The first group includes the letters ъ, ь, which do not denote any sounds: day, volume.

    The letters e, e, u, i belong to the second group.

    To the third - all the rest.

    Since a letter is a sign (the same sign as, for example, brackets, quotation marks, ellipsis, etc.), there are also rules for writing letters. These rules are discussed in the section graphic arts.

    Note that the letters are uppercase and lowercase (we sometimes say: large and small). Each letter has its own printed and handwritten version.

    §3. Brief summary of the lesson

    Let's summarize.

    Sounds - the smallest unit sounding speech we hear and pronounce them. Letters are a sign for the sound in writing.

    Let's build a diagram and summarize our knowledge of sounds in it.


    All sounds are divided into vowels and consonants. Vowels can be stressed and unstressed. There are 6 vowels in total, and 10 letters denoting them. Consonants can be hard and soft, deaf and voiced. There are 21 consonants, they serve to designate 37 sounds. Hard and soft signs do not represent sounds.

    Note! The number of letters and sounds is different.


    1. Ladyzhenskaya T.A., Baranov M.T., Trostentstsova L.A. Russian language. Grade 5 - M .: Education, 2008-2012.

    2. Goldin Z.D., Svetlysheva V.N. Russian language in tables. Grades 5-11: A reference guide. – M.: Bustard, 2000.

    3. Stronskaya I.M. Reference book on the Russian language for students in grades 5-9. - St. Petersburg: Publishing house "Literature", 2012.

    4. Razumovskaya M.M., Lvova S.I., Kapinos V.I. and others. Russian language: Textbooks for 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 cells. educational institutions/ Ed. MM. Razumovskaya, P.A. Lekanta. – M.: Bustard.

    5. Kalmykova I.R. The mysterious world of sounds. Phonetics and culture of speech in games and exercises. - Yaroslavl: Academy of Development, 1998.

    6. Arsyriy A.T. Entertaining materials in Russian: Book for students / Ed. L.P. Krysina - M .: Education, 1995.

    7. Lesson developments in the Russian language, grade 5. Egorova N.V. – M.: Vako, 2013.

    8. Russian lessons. A guide for teachers to the textbook by S.I. Lvova. Vasiliev I.P. - M.: Mnemosyne, 2010.

    9. Burlak E.G., Prokopenko I.N. Entertaining grammar. - Rostov-on-Don: Phoenix; Donetsk: Credo, 2006.

    10. Shibaev A.A. Native language, be friends with me. - L .: Children's literature, 1991.

    Sources used for visual design:

    Phonetics- This is a branch of the science of language, in which sounds and their alternations are studied, as well as stress, intonation, syllable division.

    Graphic arts- This is a branch of the science of language, in which the outlines of the letters of the alphabet and their relationship with the sounds of speech are studied.

    Modern Russian alphabet consists of 33 letters, 10 of which are intended to denote vowels and are respectively called vowels. 21 consonants are used to designate consonants. In addition, in modern Russian there are two letters that are not sounds do not mean: b(hard sign) b(soft sign).

    Vowels and consonants

    All sounds of the Russian language are divided into vowels and consonants.

    1. Vowel sounds are the sounds that are formed with the participation of the voice. There are six of them in Russian: [a], [e], [i], [o], [y], [s].

    2. Consonants- these are sounds that are formed with the participation of voice and noise or only noise.

    A) The consonants are divided into hard and soft. Most hard and soft consonants form pairs by hardness-softness: [b] - [b′], [c] - [c′], [g] - [g′], [d] - [d′], [h] - [h′], [k] - [k′], [l] - [l′], [m] - [m′], [n] - [n′], [p] - [p′], [r] - [p′], [s] - [s′], [t] - [t′], [f] - [f′], [x] - [x′] (the apostrophe at the top right denotes softness consonant sound). For example, bow - [bow] and hatch - [l′uk].

    b) Some consonants do not have correlative pairs of hardness-softness, that is, there are unpaired hard consonants[g], [w], [c] (i.e. they are always only solid) and unpaired soft consonants[sh ′], [th], [h] (i.e. they are always only soft).


    • for sounds [th], [h], it is not customary to denote softness with an apostrophe, although in some textbooks it is indicated;
    • the sound [w ′] is indicated on the letter by the letter sch;
    • overline means double (long) sound. For example, cheek - [sh ′ika], thicket - [cup ′a], bath - [van a], cash desk - [cas a]. In some textbooks, long consonants so: [van: a] - bath.

    V) Consonants formed with the participation of voice and noise are called voiced(for example, [d], [d′], [h], [h′], etc.); if only noise is involved in the formation of sounds, then such sounds are called deaf consonants (for example, [t], [t′], [s], [s′], etc.). Most voiced and voiceless consonants in Russian form voiced-deafness pairs: [b] - [p], [b′] - [p′], [c] - [f], [c′] - [f′], [g] - [k], [g′] - [k′], [d] - [t], [d′] - [t′], [h] - [s], [h′] - [s′], [g] - [w]. Wed: beat - drink, year - cat, live - sew.

    G) The sounds [th], [l], [l′], [m], |m′], [n], [n′], [p], [p′] do not form a correlative pair with deaf consonants, therefore, they are unpaired voiced(unpaired voiced consonants are also called sonorous, these are sounds in the formation of which both voice and noise participate). Conversely, voiceless consonants that do not pair with voiced ones are unpaired deaf. These are the sounds [h], [c], [x], [x′].

    3. In the flow of speech, the sound of one sound can be likened to the sound of another sound. Such a phenomenon is called assimilation. So, in the word life, the sound [z], standing next to the soft [n′], also softens, and we get the sound [z′]. So the pronunciation of the word life is written like this: [zhyz′n′]. Rapprochement of sounding is also possible for sounds paired in sonority-deafness. So, voiced consonants in a position before deafs and at the end of a word sound closer to paired deafs. Therefore, it happens stun consonants. For example, a boat is a lo [t] ka, a fairy tale is a fairy tale [s] ka, a cart is in [s]. The reverse phenomenon is also possible, when deaf consonants in a position in front of voiced ones also become voiced, that is voiced. For example, mowing - ko [z ′] ba, request - about [z ′] ba.

    The designation of the softness of consonants in writing

    In Russian, the softness of consonants is indicated in the following ways:

    1. Using a letterb(soft sign) at the end of a word and in the middle between consonants: benefit - [pol′za], elk - [los′], etc.

    Note. The soft sign does not indicate the softness of consonants in the following cases:

    a) if it serves to separate consonants, the second of which th(yot): leaves - fox [t′ya], be-lye - be [l′yo];

    b) to distinguish between grammatical categories: rye (3 cl., f.r.) - knife (2 cl., m.r.);

    c) to distinguish word forms (after hissing): read (2 lit., singular), cut (form of the imperative mood), help (indefinite form of the verb), as well as adverbs: jump, back.

    2. Through lettersAnd,e, yo, yu, i, indicating the softness of the preceding consonant and conveying vowels [i], [e], [o], [y], [a]: forest - [l'es], honey - [m'ot], lil - [l'il], hatch - [l'uk], crumpled - [m'al].

    3. With the help of subsequent soft consonants: cog - [in′t′ik], plum - [s′l′iva].

    The sound meaning of the letters e, e, u, i

    1. The letters e, e, u, i can meantwo sounds: [ye], [yo], [yu], [ya]. This happens in the following cases:

    • at the beginning of a word: for example, spruce - [ye] l, hedgehog - [yo] zh, yula - [yu] la, yama - [ya] ma;
    • after a vowel sound: washes - mo [ye] t, sings - po [yo] t, give - yes [yu] t, bark - la [ya] t;
    • after dividing b, b: eat - eat [ye] m, drink - drink [yo] t, pour - l [yu] t, zealous - ry [ya] ny.

    In addition, after the separation b two sounds will be denoted by a letter And: nightingales - nightingale [yi].

    2. The letters e, e, u, i indicate the softness of the preceding consonant in a position after consonants, paired in hardness-softness: fur - [m′eh], carried - [n′os], hatch - [l′uk], crumpled - [m′al].


    • Sounds [th], [l], [m], [n], [p] - voiced (do not have a pair of voiced-deafness)
    • Sounds [x], [c], [h], [w ′] are deaf (they do not have a pair in terms of hardness-softness)
    • Sounds [w], [w], [c] are always solid.
    • Sounds [th], [h], [sh ′] are always soft.

    Phonetic analysis of the word ( sound-letter analysis words) is an analysis of the word, which consists in characterizing syllabic structure And sound composition words; phonetic parsing of a word involves elements of graphical analysis. Word for phonetic parsing in school textbooks is indicated by the number 1: for example, land 1 .

    When conducting a phonetic analysis of a word, it is imperative to pronounce the word aloud. It is impossible to automatically translate a letter entry into an audio one, this leads to errors. It must be remembered that it is not the letters that are characterized, but the sounds of the word.

    Phonetic order(sound-letter) word parsing (according to school tradition):

    1. Write down the given word, divide it into syllables, orally indicate the number of syllables.

    2. Put the stress on the word.

    3. Write down phonetic transcription words (we write the word in letters in a column, opposite each letter we write the sound in square brackets).

    4. Describe the sounds (put a dash in front of each sound and write its characteristics, separating them with commas):

    • characteristics of a vowel sound: indicate that the sound is a vowel; percussion or non-impact;
    • characteristics of the consonant sound: indicate that the sound is consonant; hard or soft, voiced or deaf. You can also specify paired or unpaired in terms of hardness-softness, sonority-deafness.

    5. Specify the number of sounds and letters.

    Phonetic patterns(sound-letter) word parsing(a basic level of)

    Earth - earth-le
    z [z ′] - consonant, soft, sonorous
    e [i] - vowel, unstressed
    m [m] - consonant, solid, voiced
    l [l′] - consonant, soft, sonorous
    e [e] - vowel, stressed
    5 letters, 5 sounds

    Blacken - black-né-yut
    h [h] - consonant, soft, deaf
    e [i] - vowel, unstressed
    r [r] - consonant, hard, voiced
    n [n ′] - consonant, soft, sonorous
    e [e] - vowel, stressed
    yu [th] - consonant, soft, sonorous
    [y] - vowel, unstressed
    t[t] - consonant, hard, deaf.
    7 letters, 8 sounds

    Among all the consonants of the Russian language, one stands out, which differs from the others in that it does not have its own specific designation, its own letter. In some cases, it is denoted by the letter th, but more often hidden behind other letters. What is this sound? He is in words congress, judge, T-shirt, blizzard, explain, hostess, tree, south, pit and others. You probably already guessed that we are talking about the sound [j] (yot), which is found in many European languages ​​​​(German, French, English, Czech, Polish). In them, he (unlike the Russian language) is always indicated by an independent letter.

    How to learn to recognize this sound? If the word starts with letters e, yo, yu, i, then the initial sound will be yot: spruce, natural, tree, hedgehog, spinning top, south, fair, ash.

    Being a consonant, this sound cannot be directly after the consonants, therefore, as soon as the iot is after the consonants, a dividing sign appears in front of it - or a solid one (after prefixes): congress, eat, unite, explain, pre-anniversary; or soft (after consonants in other parts of the word): blizzard, beats, sews, judge, family.

    This sound can be represented by the letter th, when it comes after a vowel: shirt, seagull, mine, stop, genius, proletarian, anniversary, sage, kiss, protest.

    In words where iot is hidden in other letters, related words help to detect it. In words fighter, military, milkmaid, ration, accident, constellation, surname iot is hidden in other letters, and in related words it is already clearly visible: battle, war, pail, soldering, emergency, constellations, surnames.

    So, you are convinced that iot likes to "hide".

    Let's spread our mind

    Determine which words have iot and which do not.

    dry wind, winnower, seed, comfort, soft, ball, bench, sit down, eat, loach, knit, linen, turn white, love

    Pleasant neighborhood of consonants

    In Russian, as in most languages ​​of the world, vowels are syllabic. Therefore, there are as many syllables in a word as there are vowels in it.

    There is always only one vowel in a syllable, but how many consonants can it have? One (wo-la, ma-ma, go-lo-va), two (books, bed, example, stand), three (shoot, string, fast), four (look, splash, sleep, snooze and etc.). Five? There are no syllables in which there would be five consonants in a row in the Russian language.

    Usually there are one or two consonants in a syllable. It's a pretty nice neighborhood. Three consonants in a row, and even more so four, are not so common in Russian. And where there are three or four consonant sounds in a row, as a rule, one of them is [l] or [p], which are pronounced with a large participation of the voice. They "help" us to pronounce this group of consonants more easily. If our language had many words with a large confluence of consonants, the Russian language would not seem like a melodious, musical language.

    Let's spread our mind

    When combinations of several consonants cannot be avoided, Russian tongue goes on a trick - we simply do not pronounce some of them.

    Answer the following questions.

    1. What are such consonants called?

    2. What position are they in?

    3. How to change this position?

    important position

    For each of the words below, choose another - from which the given or one-root is formed, where the root is followed by a vowel (that is, put the unpronounceable consonant in a strong position).

    It is better to do this task not in the form of a competition, so that all students can cope with it. The number of words can be reduced depending on the time.




    send (messenger)

    spread (tablecloth)











    mind impenetrable by new ideas)

    Bone marrow)








    whistle (loudly)

    droop (down)








    take care of (children)

    to walk (in the square)


    Foci of the soft sign (b)

    Let's take some words: they say, angle, weight, ate, clear, given. By joining them b, get new words: moth, coal, whole, spruce, ash, tribute. What happened? How could b, without denoting any sound, form new words?

    Here lies one of the remarkable features of the Russian alphabet: as you remember, there are fewer letters in it than there are sounds. This is in accordance with the law of economy. In Russian, consonants are hard and soft, but there are no special letters that would designate them. Letters are used to show the softness of consonants. e, yo, i, yu, i(hay, villages, strength, hatch, crush), and b.

    We received new words (with the help of a soft sign) because the final consonant changed in them: it was hard, but became soft. An indication of softness is one of the main tasks of a soft sign in Russian.


    I'm with l softened - underground,

    I am stone and brown,

    And with solid - in any room,

    in a geometric figure.

    You read about me in fairy tales,

    They buried me in pods.

    But if d soften at the end

    The cart can be loaded by me.

    With hard l i'm on the wall.

    Books, for example, on me.

    But as soon as l soften,

    Turn it into a dance.

    With hard R - group of singers

    with soft - a predatory animal with valuable fur.

    With soft f (letter V ) I am in the body of man and animal,

    with solid - shelter, shelter.

    Students can make such riddles-metagrams on their own. The best of them can be placed in a wall newspaper and a handwritten magazine, included in quizzes.

    We know that b, without denoting any sound, it very sharply changes the sound of consonants with which it is next. But this sign has another task: it is used to convey the combination “consonant + iot + vowel” in writing. It is seen in the words blizzard, loach, family, article, beats, sews, nightingales. In them b indicates the presence of iota [j], as well as the softness of the preceding consonant. In this role, it is called a dividing sign.

    word creation

    Having written down the words on the board or posting a pre-prepared list, the host (teacher) suggests changing each word or forming a new one so that a separating b appears (for example, wing - wings, healthy - health).





    under the floor

    without a road




    Form others from the proposed words (nouns, adjectives, verbs) - with a softening b"inside".


    cut (on wood)



    Homework assignment. Answer the following questions:

    1. What letters do not represent sounds? What are these letters for?

    2. After which consonants are never written b?

    3. Which vowels do not occur (or very rarely occur) after g, k, x?

    4. How many sounds in words sew, pilot?

    Lesson topic: "The letters b - soft - and b - hard - signs that do not indicate any sounds."

    Lesson objectives:

    1) "Introduce children to the skills of writing and reading b and b signs";
    2) "Through the game, game forms learning to include children in active work on mastering knowledge, skills, reading and writing skills";
    3) "To awaken and develop in children the desires and needs for independent expansion and deepening of the initial literacy skills acquired in the lesson."

    Lesson progress

    I. Organizational moment. It takes place traditionally according to the previously described schemes. The teacher, however, reminds students that Friday is a special day. The day when the results of the work done are summed up, and one of the characters from your favorite fairy tales comes or flies to the lesson. This time Carlson will fly to us.

    II. Checking homeworkalso takes place traditionally. At the same time, special attention is paid to the poem by F. I. TYUTCHEV.
    The teacher asks: Can you name the words from the poem by F. Tyutchev, where there are sounds that are indicated by letters that we have already studied as elements of other letters? The children will name a lot of such words. But for parsing according to the previously described pattern, we recommend parsing some words where a soft sign occurs. And the rest of these words just name. When parsing, it turns out that a soft sign not only softens or shows the softness of the previous consonant, but also, at times, separates, separates consonants from vowels. An example is the word "pouring".

    II. Learning new material.
    In today's lesson, we can carry out our work in two aspects:
    1) - in the simplified and 2) - in the complicated.
    In the first version, it is enough for us to look at (reveal) the place of b and b signs in the classical and structural alphabets in the picture and clearly understand for ourselves that b and b signs are letters that do not denote any sounds. They only indicate the softness or hardness of pronouncing the sounds of those letters that stand in front of the studied signs. You can also tell the children that the letters they are learning perform separating functions.

    Guys, look carefully at the pictures and complete a series of tasks. Namely:
    1) find and circle the letters and their elements "hidden" in the drawings;
    2) color these pictures;
    3) on the keyboards of a computer and a mobile phone, find the images of the studied letters and paint over them.

    Now it is important to know that a soft sign is a letter that does not indicate any sound. This letter, as already mentioned, indicates the softness of the preceding consonant and separates consonants from vowels: "pours", "drinks", "sews". The teacher writes these words on the blackboard and says: - I write words for clarity, but you, apart from a soft sign, do not know a single letter from these words.
    After the words of the teacher, Carlson's propeller suddenly rattled, which flew up to the blackboard and erased each written word with a soft sign, saying:
    -Now read the resulting words without a soft sign, otherwise I don’t play!
    The children were sad because they did not know a single letter written on the blackboard. The teacher came to the rescue: Carlson, - she turned to the moderately well-fed little man, - and without the soft signs that you washed, these are words - not words. Listen to yourself: flight, flight, flight.
    - I don't play, I don't play like that. The last two words did not work, but isn't flight a word? For example, the beautiful flight of Carlson?
    “It would be more correct to say flight, not flight,” the teacher tried to object, but Carson interrupted her:
    No, no, I don't play. You deceive me, and these,” Carson pointed to the students, “can't read at all. They are not interesting. I do not play like that. I'll come back when they get a little better. I will take away signs from their words b and b. There will be laughter! Until then, goodbye. And Carson flew away.


    The description of the game situation associated with the arrival of Carlson is not a dogma, but a model, an example of a possible, invented by you other game situation. But, believe me, such fragments interspersed in the fabric of the lesson are simply necessary. They enliven the lesson, stimulate students' cognitive needs.

    - Guys, - the teacher turned to the students, - one conclusion must be drawn: quickly learn to read and write. By the way, with the help of a soft sign, we can read and write the word "axis". This word, by the way, can be written with capital letter when it denotes the name, for example, of a company. I know a publishing house called " Axle - 89".
    So let's read together first. O-Axis , there is no pause, so the word consists of one syllable; we hear the vowel sound [o] and the consonant soft sound [s "]. The soft sign at the end of the word shows its softness. We continue to work: we comment on our actions - I write the capital vowel O, combine it with the consonant letter es, write the consonant letter es itself, combine it with the letter soft sign - ь. The word Axis was formed.

    -And which of you guys knows the meaning of the word "axis"? The answer is silence.

    - In such cases, - the teacher explains, - explanatory dictionaries help well.I open the explanatory dictionary of the Russian language by S.I. Ozhegov and read:

    "AXIS - 1 . The rod on which the wheels, rotating parts of machines, mechanisms are held. 2. Passing through geometric figure or body is an imaginary line having only its inherent properties.Axis of symmetry. Axis of rotation. Earth axis.3. Portable. That around which events unfold, actions are concentrated. Event Axis.
    “As you can see,” the teacher continues, “how many meanings this little word has. Not all the meanings are clear to you yet, but this is not scary at all. You will understand them a little later. And now I want to show an example of how to conduct sound-letter analysis the word "axis". This word has three letters, but two sounds, since the letter ь, which is part of the word, does not denote any sound. In the future, we will often conduct such analyzes. Russian has four vowels, which in some situations represent two sounds. But more on that later, but now listen.

    Homework.As always, repeat everything. Fill in the coloring books and pages in workbooks with all the passed (studied) letters, as well as syllables and words.Learn by heart a poem by A. N. PLESHCHEEV about autumn.At the same time, pay attention to those letters that you have already studied. Think about their role in the word. Find words in which sounds [g], [g "], [s] are heard.

    Autumn has come
    dried flowers,
    And look sad
    Bare bushes.

    Wither and turn yellow
    Grass in the meadows.
    Only turns green
    Winter in the fields.

    A cloud covers the sky
    The sun doesn't shine.
    The wind howls in the field
    The rain is drizzling.

    The waters rustled
    Fast stream.
    The birds have flown away
    To warm climes.

    A complicated development option can be started, for example, in such a section of the lesson, class, as:"Leading Conversation". Here we will talk about such a complex and global concept as the "word", because we will, one way or another, touch on it at every lesson on teaching children to read and write.

    - In the last lessons, the teacher says, - we talked in detail about sounds, letters, syllables. In today's lesson, before studying new material, I want to talk in more detail and analyze the concept in more detail."Word" . To this end, I will read to you excerpts from my book "Intensive Literacy Education". - M, 1998. I read the text.
    Lesson topic: "The word and its parts".
    I. Organizational moment. Mutual greetings. A short conversation about the date and especially the day of the lesson. In this case, you should refer to the explanatory dictionary and read to the children:FRIDAY is the fifth day of the week.Seven Fridays a week for someone (about someone who often changes their minds, decisions). Saturday from under Friday (lower clothing is visible from under outerwear) ". Then it is appropriate to talk about the meaning and meaning of the sayings given in the dictionary, and also talk with the children that the name of the day of the week is associated with the number 5 and the number five, linking this conversation with mathematics, especially since the conversation about the seasons, autumn, September, the number of weeks, days, minutes and seconds of September does not end ... This conversation continues in various aspects ...

    Checking homeworkis carried out according to the scheme described earlier, but we want to strongly convince future users of the development that "from now on and forever" the previously covered materialSHOULD BE OBLIGATORY, ALbeit BRIEFLY, IN DIFFERENT ASPECTS, BUT REPEAT, REPEAT AND REPEAT…From this moment on, students should constantly hear from the lips of the teacher and their comrades about the "text" and its terms, about the sentence, about the system, about the fact that letters are constructed from the elements of letters, from letters - words, from words - sentences, and from the sentences - texts ... Every time, relentlessly.

    This repetition of homework will gradually develop into the next section of the lesson - learning new material.

    This section can be started by reading an excerpt from the ABC Fairy Tale.

    Yuri Mikhailovich readstext by Konstantin Paustovsky:

    Lover of words

    I am a big fan of parsing words, - the forester suddenly said and smiled embarrassedly.

    And now say mercy! It happens that one word sticks and does not give rest ... You walk through the forest, sorting out word by word in your head - and so you estimate them and that way: where did they come from? Yes, nothing works. I have no knowledge ... I am a forest man - a simple lineman.

    - And what word has become attached to you now? I asked.

    Yes, this is the same "spring". I have noticed this word for a long time. I take care of him all the time. One must think that it happened because water is born here. The spring will give birth to a river, and the river flows, flows through our entire mother earth, through our entire homeland, feeds the people. And all these words seem to be related to each other. How would relatives! he repeated and laughed.

    These simple words revealed to me the deepest roots of our language.

    Of course, you can, - said Yuri Mikhailovich. - True, at this meeting of ours I planned to read with you from pictures ...

    No, - the children firmly demanded, - according to the pictures, we read at home with our parents. - We want to quickly find out: why did the forest ranger compare the words "spring", "homeland", "people" with the word "relatives"? Can there be words with each other in family relations? And can a language have roots?

    I know, - said Svetlana, - only about the roots of flowers, other plants ...

    Yes, not only plants have roots, - Yuri Mikhailovich answered, - but also words. - The root in a word is its main, unchanging part of the word without prefixes, suffixes and endings. We will talk about this many more times, but for now, we, like a forest drifter from the story of K. Paustovsky, will also take away the word "spring", but with the help of "Dictionary of the Russian language" S.I. Ozhegov.

    -I read: "Spring - A water source flowing from the depths of the earth, the key ". - Look further: " Key - 1. Metal rod with a special combination of cutouts for unlocking and locking the lock. 2. Device for unscrewing or screwing, uncorking, actuation of the mechanism. 3. Portable. Something that serves to unravel, understand something, master something. The key to unraveling the mystery. The key to the cipher. (The key to mastering knowledge - K.W.M.).4. The sign at the beginning of a musical line that determines the pitch of the notes. 5. A source flowing from the earth, a spring." - As we can see, the word "key" has several meanings. One of them coincides in meaning with the word spring.In Russian, words or expressions that coincide or are close in meaning to another word or expression are called synonyms.Thus, the words spring and key are synonymous. The word spring has other synonyms.

    Now let's get acquainted with the meaning of the word "source" . I read in the same dictionary: Source - 1. Water jet flowing to the surface from underground. Healing source. Hot spring. Source of mineral water. 2. That which gives rise to something, from where something comes. Light source. The source of all evil. Information from the right source. 3. A written monument, a document on the basis of which scientific research is built ". As you can see, one of the meanings of the word"source" is a synonym for the word"spring".

    And here is another synonym for this wonderful word:

    "Istok - 1. The place where the water source begins (river, stream). 2. The beginning, the primary source of something. origins ancient culture".

    How interesting! And let's travel to the country of words more often with the help of our dictionaries, ”Dunno exclaimed.

    Yuri Mikhailovich, - Natasha turned to the teacher, - why is the forest lineman of the word "spring", "homeland", "people" called "relatives", and you words - synonyms? It seems to me that all these words are interconnected. And they are kind of related. - I was wrong? - asked Natasha.

    Yes, - answered Yuri Mikhailovich, - in many respects you are right: indeed, all the words you have listed are interconnected. But they are connected in different ways. - But to answer your question, I still have to voice a few sentences from the Explanatory Dictionary.

    Reading: "Motherland - 1. Fatherland, native country. 2. Place of birth, origin of someone - something, the occurrence of something. Moscow is his homeland. India is the birthplace of chess." - " People - 1. The population of the state of the country (or the Motherland - my italics: K.W.M. ). 2. Nation, nationality, or nationality. 3. People, a group of people."

    That is, we are with you, being a group of people, and therefore a people; were born and live in our country - Russia, which is our Motherland or Fatherland, our source ... It turns out that the word Motherland associated with the word spring , and all the listed words are also interconnected by a single meaning. These words also show the connection of people, us with you, with nature.

    Words, - continued to explain Yuri Mikhailovich, - "kind of nickname", "kind of another", "for kind" have a common or identical root and are therefore called cognate or related. The forest ranger called them relatives.

    The words "spring", "key", "source", "source"related in meaning, but do not have a common root. Therefore, you cannot call them related words. They came up with a different name - synonyms.

    - I continue to read excerpts from
    "Dictionary of the Russian language" S.I. Ozhegov:

    " Root - 1. The underground part of the plant, which serves to strengthen it in the soil and suck out water and nutrients from it. "2. The internal part of the hair, tooth, nail located in the body .. 3. Peren . - Beginning, source, origins of something. - Wow! - looking up from the Dictionary, exclaimed Yuri Mikhailovich. - Origins of something. - It turns out that the word root is a synonym for wordsspring, source, source, source.- What is the Russian language! Now the words of the writer Konstantin Paustovsky are becoming quite clear: "These simple words revealed to me the deepest roots of our language."

    But let's read to the end, and, it seems, we will find the answer to another question: "4. In linguistics: the main, significant part of the word, isolated in it after separating the ending, prefixes and suffixes."

    Thus, as I already told you, words in Russian are divided not only into syllables, but also into prefixes, roots, suffixes, endings. They, like syllables, make up words. But more on that later.


    The authors of the development cited a voluminous fragment from the ABC Fairy Tale. This does not mean the teacher in the lesson to reproduce it completely. He should proceed from the specific situation of the lesson. It is possible, after reading the story of Konstantin Paustovsky, to immediately proceed to clarify the concept of "word". You can schematically tell in your own words the plot of the journey of the heroes of the fairy tale, and then proceed to explain the same concept of "word". The explanation, as always, begins with an appeal to explanatory dictionaries. There we find:

    WORD , - a, pl. words, words, words, cf. 1. Language unit , which serves to name concepts, objects, persons, actions, states, signs, connections, relationships, assessments.Significant and official words.Origin of words. Word by word(about translation, retelling: literally).I can't find words or not enough(No) words for something(unable to express anything from excitement, indignation). Word for "word (about the gradual development of a conversation; unfold). In one word (used in cases where two or many said the same thing at the same time; colloquial).You won't get words from anyone(difficult to call for a conversation).Nobody said a word(did not utter a word, remained silent; colloquial).No one can connect two words(trans.: about one who does not know how to clearly state his thought; colloquial, disapproving). 2. unit Speech , the ability to speak. The gift of the word. 3.. usually pl. Conversation, conversation, something said. Understand each other without words. Tell in few words. Thank you for the kind words(for good, kind words). Move from words to deeds. To convey something in words (orally).Take back your words(refuse to say).Good only in words(actually not good).According to someone(as someone said).On the "word and on the word" to catch someone(to demand the fulfillment of the promised, as well as to notice an error, inconsistency in what is said; colloquial). Tell in your own words (not literally, passing only the content).According to someone(as someone says or expresses themselves). 4. unitsPublic speaking, speech in assembly. Introduction. Closing remarks by the speaker. Last word of the defendant. 5. Speech on a topic, narration, story(outdated and high-flown)."A word about the benefits of glass" Lomonosov."The Tale of Igor's Campaign". 6. units Right , permission to speak publicly. Freedom of speech. Take the floor (speak to the audience).Give someone the floor. Leave someone speechless. I ask for words(declaration of willingness to speak). 7.units with a definition. Opinion, conclusion (often about achievements in some area).Have your say. Word for you(You must express your opinion, decide).A new word in technology. By last word Sciences.8. Usually units. Same as promise.Give your word to do something. Believe in the "word. Do not keep the word. I took the word from him to be silent.9. pl. Text for a piece of music. Romance on the words of Pushkin. In the beginning there was a word (bookish) - an affirmation of the primacy of thought, reason, and will.By the way, I had to(colloquial) - about what is said by the way, about something. By the way, introductory word - the same as by the way (in the 3rd meaning). Not that word! (colloquial) - a remark expressing both confirmation and the idea of ​​the need for a stronger, categorical assessment. Tired? - Not that word! I just fall off my feet. In a word, introductory word - the same as the word. I have no words, introductory word - of course it is, but ...There are no words, he is handsome, but not to my taste.//decrease Slovechko , -a, cf. (to 1 value). //adj. Verbal , -th, -th (to 1, 2 and 3 values).

    It can be seen from the definition that the concept of "word" has several meanings. Some of them are already familiar to students. On this you can dwell in detail and expand the conversation with students. It is possible for students to present a table prepared by Yuri Mikhailovich, from which the structure of the word, its constituent parts are clearly visible. The table clearly illustrates the fact that the concept"word" can be interpreted as a system, in some way a fabric, a canvas. But the problem is that not all the concepts included in the table are required for students to study. They are not included in the program. There is a way out of this situation. Firstly, it is not necessary for students to present exactly as it is given in the development (the development is given to the teacher as a guide to action, and not as a tool for mandatory execution. Secondly, given material can be presented in your own words, understanding only the meaning, the idea of ​​the authors of the development. Thirdly, you can imagine a fragment of the dialogue of the heroes of the fairy tale on the topic being developed:

    “What a wonderful table!” exclaimed Pinocchio. From it you can immediately understand what parts the word consists of. It gives definitions, that is, the meaning of the concepts that make up the word!

    Yuri Mikhailovich, if the WORD consists of parts that are interconnected, then the WORD itself can be safely called a system? - asked Soso.

    Clever, Soso, - Yuri Mikhailovich praised Soso. I specifically showed on the table the interconnection of the parts that make up the integral system, which we call the word. He gave a diagram in order to make it easier for you to remember the components of this system, because, as you remember, only what the system has is easy to remember ... It is very important and useful to know a lot about prefixes, roots, suffixes and endings, since very, very many spellings are associated with these concepts. It is very important to see these components in a word, to be able to find them ...

    So we continue to compose our fairy tale-true? - asked Ilya. Is the conflict continuing to develop? Only now, not only between letters and sounds, but also between prefixes, roots, suffixes and endings?

    You are right, Ilya, the development of the conflict continues, - said Yuri Mikhailovich. But let's watch the consoles dance.


    A language unit that serves to name concepts, objects, persons, actions, states, signs, connections, relationships, assessments.


    1. Morpheme in front of the root.
    Morpheme - the minimum significant part of the word; root, prefix, suffix, postfix).

    2. This is a significant part of the word that comes before the root and serves to form new ones ( related words)


    1. Main, significant
    part of the word, isolated in it after the separation of the ending, prefixes and suffixes.

    2. This is - a common part related words. Related words are also called cognates.
    At the root is general meaning all single-root words.
    A word cannot exist without a root)


    1. Morpheme, located between the root and the ending.
    2. This is a significant part of the word, which comes after the root and serves to form new (related) words)


    1. In grammar: the same as inflection.
    ( Flexion - the part of the word that changes during declension or conjugation, located at the end of the word form).

    2. This is a significant part of the word, which serves to link words in a sentence.

    The ending does not serve to form related words. With the help of the ending, forms of the same word are formed.

    But no matter how the teacher does in this case, the presented tablet, we are sure, will help him in practical work.

    Further, after such explanations, one should turn to the Coloring Books, on the example of which the rules for writing the next element of letters are explained on the board. At the same time, it is again appropriate to remind that the faster the guys learn to write the elements of letters, the faster and easier it will be for them to write letters in the future.

    Homework will consist of the teacher's wishes to make several proposals at home, in particular, about autumn, about September; draw several pictures or drawings (it is possible with an arbitrary theme); add the appropriate section of the prescriptions and fill in a few lines with the studied element of the letter in the workbooks.


    As experience shows, "Friday" lessons should have a special, fabulous, firstly, coloring, and, secondly, they should be repetitive and generalizing. This circumstance is presented to the children as a gift, a gift for their hard work throughout the week. And now, on Friday, at the end of the week, the results of their work are summed up. Come to the lesson, for example, a Wolf or another hero of a fairy tale and, as it were, observes the activities of the children, together with the teacher evaluates their work. Along the way, he tells fairy-tale stories that are born on the go. At this point, dialogues with explanations are very successful. difficult questions material covered."

    In a more complicated version, the same topic can be revealed according to the following scenario:

    In the course of your journey to the mysterious castle (See on pages 6-23 the book by Kuznetsov V.M., Kuznetsova R.D., Kuznetsova N.V. "Learning the Russian language by playing" and the section of the site www ..) you, dear children, 1) learned to spell (bewitch) those letters of the "Alphabet of the Russian language",

    which are the basic elements of all other letters;

    2) got acquainted with some of the mysteries of reading, that is, the magical transformation of letters into sounds; combinations of sounds and letters - into syllables, words, sentences, texts; (Read more about this on pages 10-11 of the Kuznetsovs' book "Learning the Russian language by playing", and also see the site section under the heading "ABC-tale"; learn Pinocchio's poem:

    Letter to letter - a syllable will come out.
    But the syllable has few words.
    To the letter - a syllable, and to the syllable - a syllable ...
    Got more words!
    And from words, my friends,
    Offers are coming!
    And of them, in one sitting, -
    It's a nice text.

    3) helped the "merry little men" and the mischievous company to return two vowels "O", "E", "Es" to the "ABC Fairy Tale".
    Now it's time to return to the ABC Fairy Tale and the rest of the fugitives. Today, dear children, we will study the following basic letters - we call them basic because these letters are one of the main elements of all other letters -, their name is b (soft sign) and b (hard sign). Therefore, the topic of our lesson today will be:
    "Letters b and b, not denoting any sound."

    Lesson objectives:
    1) "Introduce children to the skills of writing and reading b and b signs";
    2) "Through the game, game forms of learning to include children in active work on the development of knowledge, skills, reading and writing skills";
    3) "To awaken and develop in children the desires and needs for independent expansion and deepening of the initial literacy skills acquired in the lesson."

    But before we go directly to the topic of our lesson, we need to check the performance of your homework, recall previously studied material, talk about today's day of the week, month, current season. Such a conversation will be a particle of all our future activities.

    Such conversations, as a rule, are held within the framework of such structural parts of the lesson as: "Orgmoment" and "Leading Conversation".

    I offer several fragments illustrating the indicated forms of such work.

    The teacher, a senior comrade, suggests answering the following approximate list of questions: What books help to find out the meanings of certain words? What is a letter? Sound? Syllable? Word? Offer? Text?
    What day of the week is today? What month? Season? Can you name the distinguishing features of the seasons, of each month?

    The listed, another list of questions in one or another variation should be heard at each lesson. At each lesson-lesson, according to our recommendations, the past should be present in the form of already studied material; the present , in the form of the studied material, and - future , in the form of perspective, elements of the so-called anticipatory learning, in such cases the teacher gives the children in small portions that complex material that, according to the program, should be studied even in remote time. At the same time, a teacher, teacher should not be shy to look into textbooks, reference material, in explanatory dictionaries. Thus, the senior mentor visually teaches the child to work with a book - one of critical tasks learning. By his example, the teacher demonstrates, emphasizes the idea that every educated person Dictionary, in particular, the "Explanatory Dictionary of AI Ozhegov" should become a reference book.

    The conversation unfolds on a designated range of issues.

    Answers to the other questions proposed above can be found in an excerpt from the Kuznetsovs' book "Learning the Russian Language by Playing" on pages 10-11. This passage can be listened to by opening the ABC-Fairytale section of the website, or read:

    IV. Learning new material.

    We open our "ABCs - fairy tales" on pages 36 - 37.

    Take a close look at the first, left, page of the open spread of our book and say: what is depicted on it?

    Well done. Absolutely correct. In the upper left corner of the page, on a colorless background (on all sorts of explanatory diagrams b and b, signs that do not form any sounds are presented without color) b (soft sign) and the figure of a chess knight. In the upper right corner of the same page, a Ъ (hard sign) is also depicted on a colorless background.

    On the computer screen, - the teacher says, - there is an "axis" in the form of a rod, to which the frog approaches. The playful plot of the picture depicted on the screen of a drawn computer encourages children to work more actively with this graphic canvas: a) searching for and tracing the letters and their elements "hidden" in the picture; b) coloring the picture; c) reading the printed word "AXIS" ; e) searching and painting on the depicted computer keyboard of the studied b and b signs. Such work helps to quickly remember the letters being studied, as well as train the muscles of fragile fingers of babies.

    And now you can easily display on the screen of your no longer drawn, but working computer, first the letters b, b; then the word - AXIS, and sentences: Uh-uh, Axis; O-o-o-, Axis! These images on the computer screen are easy for you children to read. Thus, you simultaneously learn to read, write and work on a computer!

    Similar work is carried out on the images on the right side of the spread, which shows a drawn mobile phone.

    And all this is easy for you to understand and perform. But to understand deeply the mechanism of reading, the transformation of letter-icons into sounds and vice versa is not at all easy. It is difficult for a child to immediately learn that consonants are hard when they are followed by a solid sign, about which you still know nothing or little, and the vowels of the first row (a, o, e, y, s) - this is the name of the vowels that are in the first row of the "Structural Alphabet" - This Alphabet is shown on. With. 13. Due to the fact that until today's lesson you have received and learned little of the necessary information, you will have great difficulty understanding the mechanism of how consonant sounds become soft when a soft sign becomes after the letters denoting them, and hard when the same happens with b (hard sign). It is even more difficult to assimilate in the initial period, so to speak, the "separating" function of the studied letters. But the teacher talks about all this and clearly shows in the "Structural Alphabet" the vowels of the first row; and vowels of the second row; and especially the b and b signs. Each time adding new information to what has already been said, with new illustrations and examples. To this end, we provide you with material published in Kuznetsov's methodical manual "Intensive literacy training", - M., 1998. Here are some of them: c. 100-104.

    After the organizational activities and a short survey, the teacher addressed the students with the following words:
    - It seemed to me that you did not quite well master the material associated with iotated vowels and the letters b and b signs. In addition, I would really like you to get together more often when doing homework, come up with various games and play them. Therefore, I want to read to you on a "hard day" - Monday, an excerpt from the "ABC Fairy Tale". From it you will learn: how once a cheerful company prepared together homework and about Carlson in his new role, that is, a new role. I think that this cheerful little man will somehow fly to our lesson and, together with the Wolf, will prepare his surprises for you. Do not be surprised: the passage begins at the end of one of the meetings of Yuri Mikhailovich with his pupils. I hope that you will listen carefully and, along the way, join in the work that the funny little men and their friends, your peers, did.

    “-And I also really wanted to,” Pinocchio spoke, “with new vowels, to create a new syllabic table. Pinocchio tried to draw a table, but was again stopped by Yuri Mikhailovich:

    No, enough for today. You've done so well. Compose new tables at home, and at our next meeting you will show them all.

    Toddlers and funny little men reluctantly began to go home.

    And then the resourceful Mark suggested:

    Let's do our homework together. I invite everyone to visit me.
    And the cheerful company went to Mark's apartment. There they were met by hospitable hosts who treated them to tea and sweets. After playing a little, the kids and funny little men went to Mark's room, where he played and did his homework.

    Visiting Mark

    Everyone liked Mark's room very much. There were many books and various toys. But the attention of all was attracted by a little man with a propeller.

    And who is this? - asked Dunno.

    Do you know Carlson, who lives on the roof, and sometimes flies to Mark to visit? - asked with resentment in his voice moderately well-fed little man with a propeller on his back. - Then... I'm not playing with you. I was offended not only by Dunno, but also by all of you. I can't read or write either, and I want to do this fun thing. And you go to Yuri Mikhailovich without me. And I secretly have to spy on you from the window ... Therefore, I also learned something already ...

    Dear Carlson, don't be angry, said Svetlana. We are guilty before you. Let's prepare your homework together, and tomorrow we will take you with us to Yuri Mikhailovich. I'm sure he'll be very happy...

    Well, well, - Carlson spoke, - I will play with you if you can read and write my name ...

    After these words, everyone began to write in their notebooks the name of their favorite fairy-tale hero.

    All the kids and funny little men wrote like this: Carlson.

    One Pinocchio distinguished himself and wrote the name of his favorite hero a little differently:

    Then he spoke:

    I read: Carl - pause - I hear a vowel sound [a] - sleep - I hear a vowel sound [o]. The word Carlson has two vowel sounds, which means it consists of two syllables. These syllables are closed and each of them forms a separate word. The first word - Karl - so they can call a person. The second word is sleep. Therefore, I separated these two words-syllables with a dash. The word Carlson denotes a name, therefore it is written with a capital letter. All the letters of this word are well known to me, and I can easily write it again. And Pinocchio once again brought out the name of his new friend:

    Looking at everyone in the notebook, Carlson said:"I'm playing with you..."

    A cheerful company, together with a new friend, began to do Yuri Mikhailovich's homework together. Since the prescriptions were already filled in, the friends decided to write down all the known letters in their workbooks. But in order not to forget the order of writing the letters, the kids and funny little men put the Alphabet of Yuri Mikhailovich with the returned letters in front of the owl:

    The written tasks were completed, and the cheerful company began to think: how do the vowels of the first and second rows differ from each other? What are the similarities and differences between the vowel I and iotated ones?

    The main difference between the vowels of the first row and the vowels of the second row is that the former indicate the hardness of the preceding consonant, and the latter indicate their softness, Svetlana said.

    And the difference is that all the vowels of the first row denote one sound, and almost all the vowels of the second row, except for the vowel I, denote two sounds, Natasha added.

    But keep in mind, the vowels of the second row are ioted, when they are in words, they do not always mean two sounds. After the consonants here, they always represent the same sound,” Mark said.
    “They denote two sounds when they come after vowels, at the beginning of a word and after dividing soft and hard signs,” Ilya added.

    I love a soft sign, ”Carlson suddenly intervened in the conversation. It's good to play hide and seek with him.

    Like this? - Pinocchio asked.

    Read, Pinocchio, these words. And Carlson put the words in front of Pinocchio from cut letters: HORSE, STRANDED, SPRUCE, COAL.

    Pinocchio easily read all four words.

    Now turn your back," Carson suggested. And when Pinocchio turned away, Carson took away a soft sign from each word and hid them from Pinocchio and said:

    Read again.

    Pinocchio looked in surprise at the other words: COL, CHALK, EL, CORNER. Everyone laughed.

    But Carlson did not let up: - And now a riddle for everyone. Whoever does not guess - I do not play with that.

    And Carlson quickly made a tablet from split letters:

    What letters must be put in front to make words?

    While the kids and funny little men were thinking, Carlson, having planned, sketched split letters in front of his scheme:

    and began to read: FAMILY, RAW, BENCH, NECKLACE.

    “It’s so dishonest,” Pinocchio was offended, “he gave a riddle to everyone, and he read everything himself. Think more.

    - Well, well, - Carlson was delighted. - What sign should be substituted in the words:


    - This is an easy question, - Pinocchio was also delighted. - If in words SEED AND CORNERS substitute b, then you get new words: FAMILY AND COALS. If we substitute b in the words SEL and SEL , then we will also get new words: ate and ate.
    - Can I offer a gift for you and Yuri Mikhailovich at our meeting? Carlson asked.

    Who refuses gifts? Mark was surprised. - Show what a gift?

    - I signed on separate cut squares for each consonant b. With the help of such squares, you can construct new words. For example, to the syllable XO I put my square Pb , then you get the word CHORUS, and to the syllable CO a square with L , then you get the word SALT. Look at my squares:Mb, L, Nb, Rb, Sb, Sb, Gb, Kb, Xb, Chh, Sch.These Squares of mine can be arranged in a different way, and even then syllables and words can be substituted for them:


    - You have prepared a good gift for all of us, dear Carson. I also want to show everyone my gift. Do you like it better b, and to me - b because it is more constant. Your favorite soft sign becomes between consonants, after consonants at the end of a word, and before vowels. And my favorite Kommersant becomes only before iotated vowels. He is devoted to them, - said Pinocchio. - In his honor, too, like you, Carlson, I made a tablet of cut squares, with which you can also construct many words:ЪЯ, ЪЁ, Ъю, ЪЕ . These squares can also be arranged in a different way: What letters, syllables can be put in front of my constructions, and which ones after, to end up with words? Think, create, design. Moreover, each of you has a split alphabet.

    Get to know and, if necessary, download materials for independent work from sections "Live alphabet", "Learning to write", "Learning to read" website

    Isn't it time for us, - the narrator addresses the children, - to find out: what is happening with the heroes of our "ABC - fairy tales"? And listen to excerpts from the "ABC Fairy Tale" composed by the children themselves:

    "- And now it's time to get acquainted with other letters, which we will also try to return to the ABC and Alphabet. I suggest that you carefully look at the "Structural Alphabet" and choose the next letter to be returned, - said Vladimir Mikhailovich. - This letter will be ...

    GE - picked up Svetlana. - This letter is voiced, this letter is loud ...

    You can't say that, - Andrei interrupted Svetlana, - a letter cannot be either loud or soft. She is just an icon that can mean both soft and solid sounds... I propose to return to our ABC fairy tale two letters at once, which do not represent any sounds. These letters are b and b signs. “Remember how the Sun told us,” Andrey continued, “Letter "Soft Sign", without denoting any sound, indicates the softness of the preceding consonant and is one of the main base letters of the Russian alphabet. It's time to start learning these letters. Write b and b quite easy. We have already written them as an element of letters. - And words with sentences for now, - Andrey continued to reason, -with the help of b and b signs, very few signs were formed. They are very easy to read...

    Children, you clearly see in this case, too, - the teacher intervened in the conversation, - how letters are formed from elements, how letters are constructed, syllables and words are made from letters. With the help of letters, we begin to weave and embroider fabric, canvases, albeit small, but already texts.

    It's so dishonest, - Dunno suddenly spoke up. - You promised to allow you to compose your own fairy tale while learning to play ... Where is your promised magic? Where is the sacrament? We only hear your botanical teachings.

    Where are our games? - supported Dunno Pinocchio.

    Right, and our dear Dunno, and our respected Pinocchio - supported the cheerful little man Carlson. - It's time for moms to move on to games, otherwise I won’t play with you ... Light, you are a master of composing ... Start our own fairy tale!

    Good, - Svetlana responded eagerly and began her fabulous story:

    We already know that the vowels [o] and [e] denoted by vowels by name"O" and "E" . And two consonants: - solid[s] and soft [s"] are also denoted by one consonant letter named "C". And how this letter will sound - hard or soft - they can show us, children, the letters that were named soft (b) and hard (b) signs. That is what they were proud of. But often, sitting side by side, they were sad that they themselves could not designate a single sound, when they join hands, then neither a syllable, nor even a small word comes out of a pair. And then one day their sad loneliness was broken by the crackle of Carlson's propeller.

    Who or what is the sweet couple sad about? - turned to b and b Signs arrived Carlson.

    Two sad letters shared their sorrows with Carlson. “Don’t be sad,” the cheerful man said cheerfully in response. I will now tell you two tales, and you will immediately be more cheerful. Let's listen to both fairy tales by M. Khatkinawho told Carlson's friends:

    Once upon a time there were letters in the alphabet, different - vowels, consonants. They went to visit each other.

    Somehow, C went to visit Y. (A consonant from the blue house went to a vowel from the red.) And you guys show it on syllable tapes or in the lock of the structural alphabet. L to E (read), D to I (children read in unison), T to Y. What are these consonants? (Soft.)

    The letters lived - they didn’t grieve, because everyone was friends. And there lived among them one letter, similar to half of the letter Y, with which no one was friends. The letters didn't like that it didn't represent a sound.

    What letter are you? they were outraged.

    This is the letter b (soft sign), - the educator (teacher) says and shows the children.

    She, - continues the educator (teacher), - did not indicate any sound, could not speak, was silent, and no one was friends with her, did not talk. The life of the soft sign was bad, very lonely.

    Once upon a time, letters began to form words. It was their favorite pastime. Let's hear what those words are. But they are encrypted with a riddle.

    Without a head, but in a hat,
    One leg - and that one without a boot. (Nail)

    The letters began to form the word nail.
    NAIL - it worked.

    Something is not working for us! the letters said. - the sound [d] in the word "nail" is soft, but ours is hard. - And he says: - I'll get up and mark the softness of D, - and quickly settled down at the end.

    What happened? (Nails)

    I'd better get up, - said I. (Nail)

    Again, nothing will work out for us, because you denote the sound [a], - the letters said.

    What to do? Guys, tell me!

    Children: - It is necessary to put b (soft sign)

    Come to us, soft sign, the letters called.

    He gladly agreed to help the letters and quickly stood at the end.

    What happened? (Nail)

    The letters cheered up, everyone wanted to be friends with the letter b (soft sign)


    One day, the magic letters decided to arrange an evening of miracles on the seashore. When the vowels showed all that they had prepared, the Soft Sign came forward.

    I can turn words too! he said.

    The letters were surprised: usually the Soft Sign sat quietly on the sidelines. And suddenly - such a statement!

    Nobody believed the Soft Sign. He held a grudge against everyone around him.

    Here, look, - he says, - a dish. And on the dish - wonderful foams from raspberry jam.

    Help yourself! The letters took large spoons and approached the dish. And here the Soft Sign got into the very middle of the word "foams" ... At the same moment, delicious foams turned into ordinary stumps! The letters nearly broke their teeth! And the Soft Sign shows them to the sea:

    See, the ship is sailing on the waves! Carries chalk for construction. And now look what will happen!

    And the Soft Sign stood at the end of the word "chalk". At that very moment, the boat was stranded in front of it! The ship ran into her - and almost capsized!

    Enough! Stop doing that! - shout vowels. - We believe you!

    And the Soft Sign cannot stop in any way.

    See, - shouts, - they say? He protects the shore from the surf. Oh-oh-oh, what will happen now!

    And stood at the end of the word "maybe." Immediately, a huge stone pier turned into a pitiful pale butterfly - a moth. The moth fluttered and flew away. And powerful waves rushed to the seashore.

    Save who can! - shouted the letters and rushed into the loose. The first to take off was the Soft Sign. He jumped out of all the transmuted words. The little butterfly moth has turned into a reliable mole again. The waves, grumbling, left the shore and hid behind the breakwater.

    The word "stranded" turned into chalk, and the boat continued on its way.

    And unappetizing stumps have become wonderful fragrant stumps! And the letters began to devour the treat! The Soft Sign was also allowed to lick the spoon. After all, he promised from now on to do only good miracles!

    And I want to tell you a fairy tale about hard and soft signs, - Natasha said and began her story:

    One day, a Solid Sign was walking along the road with a firm gait.

    Will you make up some fairy tale for me? The exclamation mark stopped him. - I'll give it to the exclamation point. Today is my birthday.

    Not! - Solid sign answered firmly.

    Don't you compose? - the Question mark was saddened.

    No and only no! - said the Solid Sign even more firmly.

    But why? wondered Question Mark.

    Don't want! I won't! I do not wish! - The Solid Sign stands on its own very firmly.

    The Question Mark looked questioningly at the road. The Soft Sign walked along the road in soft slippers.

    Will you make up some fairy tale for me? asked the Question Mark.
    "To be honest, I don't feel like it," Soft Sign said softly. - But I'll try ... so be it.

    And in the evening, the Question Mark ran to the Soft Sign for a fairy tale.

    It's a pity ... I'm very sorry, - the Soft Sign mumbled, - but, really, I don't know how to compose fairy tales. And he cried.

    But why didn't you tell me right away? - the Question Mark got angry.

    You were so kind, - whispered the Soft Sign, - and I could not refuse you right away. I don't like to refuse. And he cried even harder.

    Question Mark upset:

    I'm sorry, but I can't console you. I am late. For a birthday.

    He ran down the road and thought: "What will I say if the Exclamation Mark asks where the gift is???"

    But the Exclamation Mark didn't ask anything. He exclaimed:

    Hooray! Finally! My friend, the Question Mark, has arrived! How glad I am!

    (E. Moshkovskaya)

    An interesting fairy tale, but it's time to play, - Pinocchio confidently declared.

    You're right, Pinocchio, - Pencil interrupted his friend. I learned a few rhymes on the topic "Who do the letters "b" and "b" look like? And I drew a few pictures first on the topic about b:

    What (whom) does the letter b look like

    The letter R is upside down
    Turned around with a soft sign.(V. Stepanov)

    The soft sign lives carelessly.
    He goes without a cap forever
    . (A. Shibaev)

    Let's draw a soft sign
    Gently, a little
    Like this.
    A droplet will soften the letter -
    The word is soft.(A. Shibaev)

    The squirrel bent its tail
    The stump rested.
    Fluffed out her tail
    Yes so -
    Became like a soft sign!(E. Tarlapan)

    I am a magician. I want -
    I will appear and transform
    Chalk, which is used to write at school.
    IN A GROUND, dangerous at sea.
    Who is the magician - guess
    Raise your hand above!
    (A. Shibaev)

    A soft sign is a cunning sign.
    Don't say it at all.
    It doesn't pronounce
    But the word is often asked.
    Why is the house ANGLE
    Turned immediately into COAL,
    No fire, just like that?
    It made a soft sign.
    (A. Shibaev)

    What (whom) does bj look like

    From the bucket for a reason
    We drink water:
    Need a bucket
    solid sign,
    To not get wet.(V. Stepanov)

    Leaning on a long tail
    In the circus, the cobra stood up:
    - Shhhhh...
    I don't threaten you
    I depict a solid sign.
    (E. Tarlapan)

    How we write
    Solid sign?
    - We write a solid sign like this:
    Wheel and match
    Behind the pigtail. (A. Potapova)

    You have already tortured us with your fairy tales and similarities, it’s time to play some more fun game, ”Pinocchio said and began to loudly recite his reading books and counting rhymes:

    Elk walks very importantly
    He is powerful and courageous.

    The mouse is scratching under the carpet,
    Wants to play with the cat.
    (V. Kuznetsov)

    Soft sign -
    Magic sign!
    Doesn't sound right to us!
    Only helps
    Bukovki softens.
    What to twist
    Maybe he can share them.
    (V. Kuznetsov)

    Attention everyone: a secret!
    Soft sign as an element
    For children - a gift. (find)
    learn to write it
    (A. Shibaev)

    - One two three four five:
    Are you hiding again?
    Look around and see
    Where can you on the count of three
    Hide a little!
    And I count: two, three, ... five ... -
    Who did not hide -
    I am not guilty!

    One, two, three, four, five ..., -
    The bunny came out for a walk ...!
    One, two, three, four, six...!
    The wolf wanted to eat the hare...!
    - Hare, you disappeared completely!
    One, two, three, four - this ...!
    One, two, three, four, everything...!
    The hare threw a branch at the wolf!
    And he took off with all his might!

    First grader Svetlana can't remember the name of the letter Ъ.

    “Tanya, this is a solid sign,” the teacher said. Repeat.
    - A solid sign, - answered Svetlana.
    A few minutes later:
    - Sveta, so what is this sign?
    - Strong.
    - Not strong, but solid. Remember?
    Yes, that's a solid sign.
    A few minutes later:
    - Svetlana, so what is this sign?
    - Hard.

    Funny poems about b sign.

    The blizzard whips this way and that,
    It hits in the face with loose groats,
    Very hard and prickly
    Despite the soft sign.(Y. Akim)

    ... It's not so difficult for us to make
    So that the ship does not run aground.
    Cross out the soft sign -
    And the waterway is free.
    A soft sign stands aside
    Doesn't bother anyone
    But quietly and gently
    They turn to him.
    Salt is calling, and the day, and the stump -
    And don't be lazy to help him!
    Even though he looks quiet
    He will stand up for himself!
    Our shadow is getting shorter
    It means the day is coming.
    The shadow grows, goes away
    This means it will be night soon.(V. Lunin)

    Insert the missing letter

    Grasshopper climbed on the old pen ...,
    He sang there songs weight ... den ...
    To us for a long time from distant countries
    A tulle flower has been delivered ... pan.
    And now in any garden
    I will find it in the spring.
    (M. Khatkina)

    Van ... ka-get up ... ka, van ... ka-get up ... ka, -
    What an amazing!
    Van…ke-stand…ke, van…ke-stand…ke
    Lullaby ... do not sing!
    Don't put him in bed... -
    Still won't sleep...!
    (M. Khatkina)

    The professor was going on a journey ...,

    Hedgehog, although it is edible,
    Inconvenient for eating:
    Shrinking, put out the needles -
    Killed the bad wolf.(V. Lunin)

    Banquet announced!
    Give all the leftovers to the buffet!
    I explain: in the circus there are
    Those who want to eat them!
    (V. Berestov)
    It was sat down, it became eaten.
    You were able to guess
    Why did it happen?
    Who is the culprit? -
    Solid sign.
    We also need a solid sign.
    We can't write without it.
    congress, edible, explanation,
    And the entrance, and the announcement.(S. Marshak)

    Have a fun day ahead!
    Do not let laziness in your heart!
    We command ourselves: get up!
    And open the windows wide.
    (M. Khatkina)
    Mishutka sat on a stump,
    Mishutka ate a pie
    Under a tall spruce... Carlson decided to teach him a lesson. As soon as his friend turned away he signed b a sign to all the words printed by Pinocchio. There are brand new words:
    Carlson then rubbed his hands with a smile and smiled enigmatically. He liked the joke he made up himself.

    1. Construct new words by moving the soft sign to the middle of the research words: day, stump, coal, perch, beast, fire.(Days, hemp, coals, perches, animals, lights)
    2. How does autumn end?(soft sign)
    3. What letter must be entered in the name of the boy so that it turns into the name of wooden poles with pointed ends?(Kolya - stakes)
    4. In what female names is a dividing soft sign written?(Maria, Daria, Sophia)
    5. Fill in interesting models:
    - - - b (horse, elk, pain, stranded, salt)
    - - - b - - (coat, letter, skates)
    - - - b - (Marya, Daria, Sophia)
    6. Find words with a dividing soft sign. Highlight them:

    I drink I drink I drink I drink
    drinks pours sews beats
    dress album coat sparrow

    7. Write the words with a separating soft sign:

    A) Blizzard Bb- - -
    B) Houses for bees
    C) Mother, father, children C- - b -
    D) Animal O - - - b - - -
    E) Berries paired in sugar B- - - -b -
    (blizzard, hives, family, monkey, jam)

    8. Write the names of the animals. Please refer to this section for help."zoo alphabet"ourwebsite
    A) - - - b
    B) - - - - b
    C) - - - - - b
    D) - - - - - - b

    9. Add letters:
    - - L
    - - L
    - - L
    - - L
    10. Name the words that have a soft sign in words denoting months(June, July, September, November, December…)

    11. Find on the map the countries, regions and cities, in the name of which there is a letter of a soft sign(Astrakhan, Courchevel, Kuban, Poland…). Take a trip there mentally or with the help of a computer.
    Solid sign.

    2. Tasks Pinocchio

    Came to the lessons for the children fairy-tale heroes- Pinocchio and Carlson. Pinocchio brought a surprise. I typed the words and I'm happy. He thinks we won't read them:
    Carlson decided to teach him a lesson. As soon as his friend turned away, he signed a Kommersant sign to all the words printed by Pinocchio. There are brand new words:
    ate, removed, ate, ate.
    Carlson then rubbed his hands with a smile and smiled enigmatically. He liked the joke he made up himself.
    But the following four questions, composed by Pinocchio, Carlson could not answer. Help him guys!

    1. Can you fill in the fun models:
    A) - b- - - (exit, entrance, ate)
    B) - - - b - - - (entrance, siding)
    C) - - b - - - (detour, entrance)

    2. Find words with a separating hard sign. Highlight them:
    drive out entrance explain ate
    drive in congress explain ate
    move out departure clarification ate

    3. Write the words with a separating hard sign:
    A) Half-eaten pieces of OB- - - - -
    B) Entrance to the PO building - - - -
    C) Faulty OUT - - -
    D) Suitable for eating C - - - - - - - -
    (leftovers, entrance, flaw, edible)