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  • To record sounding speech in science, phonetic transcription is used

    To record sounding speech in science, phonetic transcription is used
    Transcription (in linguistics) - a set of special signs, with the help of which all the subtleties of pronunciation are conveyed. It is necessary, when transcribing the words of the literary language, to know well the pronunciation norms, to monitor the correctness of articulation. Unlike spelling, in transcription, a letter-sign always corresponds to one sound, and each sound is designated by the same letter. When transcribing, certain rules should be taken into account:

    1. Sounds are represented by lowercase letters. Uppercase letters are not used, including in words that are always written with a capital letter: Crimea - [kry´ m].

    2. In addition to letters, other special characters are used in the transcription (see below).

    3. Stress vowels (sounds of a strong position) are indicated by letters a - [a], e, e - [e], and - [and], [s], o - [o], y - [y], s - [s] ... Unstressed (weakened) a, oh, e are denoted differently.

    4. All vowels in a strong position are indicated by an accent mark, including one compound words, since every phonetic word is stressed. Complex words may have more than one stress, for example, in a word double decker two syllables are stressed, the first and the third:

    [double decker].

    5. The transcribed sound is enclosed in square brackets; if a word is transcribed, it is entirely enclosed in square brackets; the same rule applies to whole measures. For example: [a], [p], la [f] ka; [t "and r p]; [pus shk in on sh fs about ║].

    6. Prepositions, conjunctions, particles that do not have an independent stress and are part of phonetic words, as well as significant words spoken in a stream of speech without a pause between them, in transcription are written either together with the next or previous word, or are connected to it with an arc: to us - [kna m] or [k ^ to m], he and we

    [about n ^ s ^ we].

    7. The softness of consonants is indicated by the softness sign at the top right of the letter sign (this is how the softness of the sound [t] was shown in the word [t game], sound [s] in the word [fs about ]). Traditionally, the softness of consonants is noted unpaired in hardness-softness [h], [ ]. Softness is not noted only in the palatal (absolutely soft) sound [j] and its variety [y].

    8. The longitude of consonants is indicated by a horizontal bar above the sound: Anna has [y ^ a s].

    9. To indicate an intraphrasal pause in transcription, use the ║ sign, measures are separated by I. To indicate a smaller pause, use the vertical dotted line sign.

    10. In place of unstressed vowels a and about in the first before stressed syllable(v I position) after solid consonants, a weakened, middle between [o] and [a] sound is pronounced, indicated by the sign: understand [n / \ n "a ´ t"], eyes [ch / \ for ´].

    11. At the beginning of a word, the vowels [a] and [o] in a weakened position, regardless of how many syllables they are removed from the strong syllable, receive the same meaning and are denoted by the same reduced sound as in the first pre-stressed syllable after hard consonants, i.e. it is too first position: lampshade -.

    12. Percussion and unstressed sounds[and], [y], [s] in transcription are written in the same way as in spelling, although in the second position they are pronounced shorter: duck - [u ´ tk], blow - [oud ´ r].

    13. In the first pre-stressed syllable, the first position, in place of the letters a, o, e after soft consonants, a sound appears, the middle between [and] and [e], denoted by the sign [and e]: candle - [s ´ in ´ and e h ´ a ´], after hard consonants - [s eh]: regret [zhy el ´ e ´ t ´].

    14. In all unstressed syllables after a hard consonant, except for the first pre-stressed and absolute beginning of the word, and in post-stressed syllables, second position, [a], [o], [e] change both qualitatively and quantitatively, that is, a weakened ( reduced ) the sound, which is indicated by the sign [b] - ep: whirlpool [vd'v / \ ro ´ t], pea [g / \ ro ´ shyn], new [but ´ vvv], brigade [br ´ yiga ´ dъ], piston [by ´ rshn ´].

    15. In all unstressed syllables, except for the first pre-stressed,and all the stressed syllables, those. in second position, in place of the letters i, e after soft consonants, a weakened ( reduced ) the sound denoted by the sign [b] - er: new (but ´ vyj], ten [d ´ e ´ s ´ ´t ´], dirty [gr ´ bzn / \ va ´ ty].

    Note that in many universities teaching aids there is no mention of the sound [b]. So, in the textbook Modern Russian, ed. P.A. Lecant, in the textbook Modern Russian, ed. V.A. Beloshapkova et al. To denote the sound in the second position, the sign [b] is used.Some manuals indicate that in place of letters and I reduced sounds [b] or [b] are pronounced, depending on which morpheme the pronounced sound is in. So, [b] is noted in the endings: 1) nouns wives and cf. R. in units named after: banner [zn "m" b]; 2) nouns husband. and cf. R. in units genus: fields [by "l" b]; 3) nouns husband. and cf. R. in plural im.p .: nouns husband. and cf. R. in units genus: brothers [bra "t" yy]; 4) adjectives for women in units named after: new [new]; in suffixes: imperfective participles: knowing [know "yy].

    However, to explain the difference in the articulation of sounds [b] in the word brothers [bra "t" yb] and [b] in the word spend [tra "t" bt] is practically impossible, therefore we consider it correct to mark the sound [b] after hard consonants in 2 position, and [b] - in the same position after soft consonants, i.e. share [to "l" b], dock [to "kъ [, chisel [dl / \ to"], reading [h "ita" yy]. This point of view is presented in Russian Grammar - 1980 and in the textbook by N.M. Shansky, V.V. Ivanova Modern Russian language, part 1.

    16. Interjections, prepositions, conjunctions, particles can have their own peculiarities in pronunciation, and therefore in transcription. Despite the fact that these are service parts of speech, the vowel in them may not only not be reduced, but also pronounced like a stressed one, for example, a union but in the sentence: [m´ inu ´ you dv ´ e ´ / \ n ´ and ´ m / \ lch ´ a ´ l ´ and I but kn ´ e ´ y / \ n ´ e ´ g ´ in pd / \ sho ´ l I and mo ´ лв ´ il║], interjection o in the sentence [o ^ pta ´ shkar ra ´ n ´ ´ yi m / \ jа ´ ║], the union that in the sentence

    [o ´ n in ´ e ´ r ´ il I INTO soul ´ r / \ bottom ´ yi I s / \ yd ´ in ´ and ´ qs s ^ n ´ and ´ m d / \ lzhna ´ ║]. In the last example, we see that in the word connect in the 3 pre-stressed syllable, i.e. in the second position, where the reduced sound [b] should be, in place of the letter O a sound is heard. Sometimes sounds are pronounced clearly, like drums, in terms, for example: a philosophical term ontology pronounced [ont / \ lo´ guille] as opposed to the linguistic term anthology; the same is noted in the words of high style: [n / \ gi´ p poe ´ t I n ´ and e vo ´ l ´ n ´ ´ hik h ´ e ´ s ´ t ´ and║].

    17. When recording a sounding speech, sometimes it becomes necessary to indicate the hyphenation of a word; to show the absence of the phenomenon of word wrap in the stream of speech, the hyphenation sign - is not used in the transcription, to connect the parts phonetic word(including a significant word with a preposition, particle, union), a sign is used, which is placed at the end of one line and the beginning of another, and the rules for hyphenation are not taken into account, i.e. you can make the following record:.

    Transcription is a concept used in several disciplines at once. In phonetics, transcription is used to record sounding speech with signs. It is based on a one-to-one correspondence between a graphic symbol and a sound. Understand what is phonetic transcription very simple. It is enough just to compare the sound of a word with its graphic designation. Writing a transcription of a word sometimes causes difficulties, because in Russian the sounding is fundamentally different from the spelling of a word. The same cannot be said about a language like German. In it, the letters, fixed on paper, exactly repeat the sounds, so it is very easy to learn this language. Consider what the transcription of a word is.

    Transcription in phonetics

    To record a word with sounds, usually transcribed sounds are enclosed in brackets (square). Pauses in transcribed speech are recorded as #, but they are very often not taken into account at all in writing.

    Words that consist of several syllables must have stress in their transcription. In the case when two words (most often this word and a preposition) are pronounced together, when recording the transcription, a league _ is put between these words.

    As for Russian phonetics, only Cyrillic is used here for recording sounds. Consonant sounds are written with equivalent letters of the Russian alphabet, next to or above them are icons that indicate softness, sound length and other features of the sound.

    Some sounds are similar to each other, so they can be confused when recording, which is the most common mistake when transcribing. Translation is reading a word from a specified transcription. Thus, one can easily understand what transcription and translation in Russian is and how to write it down correctly.

    Transcription in music

    Since transcription is a concept inherent in various sciences, for comparison it is necessary to consider what transcription is in music. Very often, musicians independently transfer a piece of music intended for another instrument to their own, and perform it in their own arrangement. This process is called transcription. Thus, the reading of musical notation is compared here with the recording of words, and the reproduction of music by an instrument is analogous to the reproduction of sounds by the organs of speech.

    Transcription in biology

    In biology, transcription is a more complex concept, which means the synthesis of RNA using DNA, which is used as a template. This process occurs with a certain frequency in all living organisms. Simply put, it is the process of transferring information about a gene from DNA to RNA. Let's take a closer look at what transcription is in biology.

    In biology, in contrast to music and the Russian language, it is the process of catalization by enzymes that is called translation. Transcription consists of several stages: initiation, elongation and termination. First stage the process directly depends on the sequence of DNA elements next to the transcribed sequence, as well as on the absence and presence of proteins.

    The second stage is not exactly fixed in a conditional framework. However, it characterizes three main events, namely: separation of the sigma factor, preliminary translocation of the enzyme in the direction of the template, and stabilization of the transcriptional complex, which also includes the growing RNA strand. The elongation phase ends very often after the transcript is released and the enzyme is dissociated. Elongation unwinds the DNA 18 base pairs as it moves inside the RNA polymerase.

    The third stage has been least studied in humans and other higher organisms, but in plants it is the easiest and fastest. Links are created between mRNA and DNA, resulting in the release of one of the RNA molecules.

    Definitely, in order to find out what transcription in medicine is, you need to have deep knowledge in this science. Transcription is very often used in the study of genetic and other diseases.

    Knowing the features of the system of vowels and consonants of the Russian language and the rules for setting stress, you can transcribe words and whole texts.

    Transcription(according to the definition of the explanatory "Dictionary of the Russian language" by SI Ozhegov) - this is a set of special characters with the help of which pronunciation is transmitted (see the glossary).

    Working definition: " Transcription - this is an accurate transmission of sounding speech using letters and special characters. "

    For example:

    grass [three]

    firewood [drăvá]

    karandash [karandash]

    milk [m'lăkó]

    spring [v'i e sná]

    flight [p'r'i e l'ot]

    When transcribing, you need to know basic rules of Russian transcription which are as follows :

    1. Of the six vowel phonemes in our speech, only three vowels undergo qualitative changes: a, oh, uh... Vowels s, u, u are subject only to quantitative changes: under stress they sound clearly, and in unstressed syllables they sound less clear and shorter (see the phonetic table of positional vowel exchange).

    2. Under stress, not a single vowel sound changes qualitatively.

    3. It is necessary to distinguish between vowel sounds of full sound and reduced sounds. Reduced is a vowel that is pronounced very briefly in an unstressed position.

    b- a reduced non-front vowel, which is combined in a syllable with solid consonants.

    For example:

    by ΙΙ to Ι bow [p'tălok]

    cold ΙΙ bottom ΙΙ [cold]

    b - a reduced front vowel, which is combined with soft consonants in a syllable.

    For example:

    man [h "lăv" e ׳ To]

    more ΙΙ [more "b]

    4. When transcribing, the sound meaning of the iotated letters should be taken into account. I am, yo, e, yo. After consonants, these letters denote one sound, and after vowels and separators b and b - two sounds.

    For example:

    me ׳ ta ΙΙ [m "át]

    ba Ι i ׳ n [băján]

    storm ׳ n [boer "jáн]

    5. Vowels a and O at the beginning, words are always pronounced as [ă].

    For example:

    a Ι ppa Ι pát [ăpărat]

    o Ι tno Ι shénie [ătnăshen "and and b]

    6. It should be remembered that consonants w, w and c in modern Russian, they are always pronounced firmly, and the consonant h- softly.

    For example:

    life [zhyz "n"]

    rose hip [spike ik]

    nor ׳ same ΙΙ [n "and ׳ zh]

    petit ׳ tsa ΙΙ [pt ׳ ts]

    7. A consonant indicated on a letter by a letter th, v oral speech in a stressed syllable is pronounced as [j], and in an unstressed syllable as [ and].

    For example:

    I am ׳ ma ΙΙ

    máya ΙΙ tnik [má andът "n" ik]

    8. Long consonant in transcription is indicated with an additional sign [-].

    For example:

    ccóra ΙΙ [córú] (c - long sound, highlighted by ˉ at the top )

    squeezed [sting] (f - long sound, highlighted by ˉ at the top )

    9. Consent SCH in transcription it is designated as [sh ’] (long sound).

    For example:

    grove [rósh "b] (w - long sound, highlighted by ˉ at the top )

    10.When transcribing words, one should take into account such phonetic processes as stunning voiced consonants at the end of a word, assimilation (by voicelessness, voicedness and softness), dissimilation.

    For example:

    by Ι move [păhót]

    lodka ΙΙ [lótkъ]

    sew [shyt "] (w - long sound, highlighted by the symbol - on top )

    please ΙΙ [próz "bb]

    nail [gvos "t"]

    le Ι gkó [l "and e hkó]

    11. When transcribing a text, one should take into account such phonetic phenomena as proclitics and enclitics.

    For example:

    nesto Ι le [n'И stăl "e ׳ ]

    vistole [fˆ stăl "e ׳ ]

    by ΙΙ dicsto Ι scrap [път ˆstălóm]

    all the same [fs "óˆ tk" and]