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    The situation in the world on the verge of war.

    War in Syria, which is expected from day to day, can end the third world, as they say both experts and ancient prophecies. And now it is clear that in the declared as a three-day bombing in order to prevent the use of chemical weapons against the civilian population, 20 countries can be drawn.

    "If the Americans go to the ground surgery, Russia may be in war and Russia will also be interpreted. Then this will be the third world," said the Russian military expert Viktor Baratan. "Certainly, Iran will perform on the side of Syria, and then I can put a few million bayonets, and then can. Israel to get involved. In general, everything will be very serious. "

    Immediately several prophecies say that the end of the world will be provoked by the war in Syria. So, the famous clairvoyant Wang has repeatedly spoke about the upcoming global change in the world, however, without calling the exact date. "Will this time come soon? No, not soon. Syria still did not fall! Syria will collapse to the feet of the winner, but the winner will not be one! One Russia will be saved. There is an ancient Indian (Aryan) doctrine. It will spread around the world. He will printed New books, and they will be read everywhere on earth. It will be the fiery bible. The day will come, and all religions will disappear! The new teaching will come from Russia. She is first cleaned. "

    In the revelation of Ivan the Theologian "Apocalypse" so describes the events preceding the end of the world and the second coming of Jesus Christ: "The sixth Angel Iverbil, and I heard one voice from four horns of a golden altar standing before God, who told the sixth angel, who had a pipe: Frees of four angels associated with the Great Euphrate River. Four angels released with the Euphrates River are Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran, which flows this river.

    According to the Scriptures of another Prophet Isaiah, Damascus turn into breasts of Razvaline: "Damascus is excluded from among the cities and will be breeding ruins. The city of Aroerse will be abandoned, - will remain for herds that will be resting there, and no one will scare them. It will not be the hardenid Damasky with the rest of Sirie; with them there will be the same as the glorular of the sons of Israel, says the Lord Savaof. "

    Now the question of bombing is sinking in the US Congress. But it is possible that the Americans will return to this topic in a few weeks or months.

    "Obama has repeatedly made it clear that he does not believe Assad. Americans may require the export and destroying of Himzapasov Syria, and the Damascus will not go to this. The conflict escalation can happen again," said Russian political scientist Sergey Markov.

    There is a way out of the crisis

    There was a chance to avoid the bombing of Syria and, accordingly, a possible third world war. Barack Obama agreed with the proposal of Russia not to attack Syria if Damascus transfers a chemical structure under international control. Damascus seems to be not against.

    "This proposal was agreed in advance and it was very beneficial to the Syrian side, since the threat of attacks on the chimsbooks of the militants was very real, - said" Today "Russian Orientalist Said Gafurov, who on Monday met with the head of the Syrian Foreign Ministry. - Himzapasa will remain in Syria, but will be under the control of international experts. Syria is even profitable to declassify these warehouses, since they exist not so much to use this weapon, how much to intimidate the potential opponent - Israel. At the same time, such a way out of the crisis is beneficial Obama - Congress will not give it a bombing permission and somehow The president will have to abandon his military plans. "

    Third World War II - US Strategy

    In 1938, England and France pushed Hitler to the war with their own hands, allowing him to occupy Czechoslovakia and sanctioned by Austria's anchlus. But then the onset of brown plague could be stopped. Show London and Paris more determined, Europe would not lie in the ruins and there were no 70 million dead. A new global empire has grown on the European ashole. North America received a huge financial income from both the Second World War and the post-war recovery of Europe and was able to fully recover from the consequences of the Great Depression.

    Now we are in the initial phase of the global crisis, which can last for ten years, and similar, and perhaps more strongly than depression of the comprehension world in 20-30 years of last century. But now the United States is preparing for overcoming the crisis.

    The United States is created at the same time as conditions for the reindustrialization process -, restoration in the full technological cycle of the North American industry, and for the appearance of the enemy with whom, after the end of the crisis, one could unleash the new world war, able to give the United States for more than 100 years of translational economic development.

    Over the past 10 years, Americans have made a significant step in the development of its fuel and energy complex, which influenced the change in the US policy in the Middle East. If 10 years ago, the White House, conducting military interventions, pursued the goal of control over the level of oil prices for itself, now the United States is only interested in one - in increasing the difference in quotations between the exchange rates of Brent oil, which is traded in Europe and WTI, climes North American market. The United States is beneficial to the growth of Brent quotes, since this allows Europe and Asia to reduce production costs in America without reducing the cost of labor.

    The policy has changed with the change. America does not seek to create controlled regimes in the Arab world, whose task would be to ensure uninterrupted supply of oil and gas. Now the United States leaves after a chaos of civil war, death and destruction.

    The United States set fire to the entire Middle East and North Africa - Brent Oil Quotes are stored at a level above $ 110 per barrel, in Europe and in China there is a reduction in production. However, if we look at the countries for which the so-called Arab spring has recently flashed, we will see that secular nationalist regimes have been formed in all these countries.

    Despite the world-specific conditions, the development of national states in the Middle East and North Africa is similar to the development of national states in Europe since the late 19th century and up to the beginning of World War II. After the collapse of the continental empires caused by the consequences of the First World War, nationalist states were formed in Europe. Many of them respected the rights of national minorities and religious denominations. Approximately the same situation was in Libya and in Egypt and still persist in Syria. By the way, Iran, you can say, goes by Spain the time of the rule of General Franco.

    Strengthening national states inevitably leads to the formation of the elite, blood and financially interested in preserving and enriching their national state. And even if the members of the elite were fed by foreign states, these elites themselves begin to defend national interests, often going into incision with the interests of former sponsors.

    For Iran, Syria, Egypt and Libya, the European market is the only one to supply oil and gas with low transport costs. What for Europe means a lower energy price. But it goes into a section with US plans for new industrialization. It is no coincidence that the excitement in Syria began exactly after the agreement on the gas pipeline laying, according to which Iranian gas, intended for Europe had to be supplied to Syrian LNG terminals, were made between Syria, Iran and Iraq.

    In the 30s of the last century in Europe, not without the influence of Nazi Germany and the fascist Italy, with the silent connivance of France and the United Kingdom, the elite of new national states has leveled democratic institutions in a short time, establishing pronocyst or protashist regimes. Gradually began persecution on national and religious minorities. Such organizations as the "Muslim Brothers", confess the radical forms of Islam, can be attributed, according to the European tradition, to religious profascular organizations. The "Muslim Brothers", trying to establish radical religious regimes in the Arab world, sponsor the coming allies of the USA Qatar, Jordan and Saudi Arabia - to put it mildly, who are not distinguished by democracy or religious tolerance. On their background, Iran can be called a state that makes huge successes in democratization and in the development of a secular society.

    After the US Cales sown in the Middle East in the Arab world, radical religious regimes can be formed, which will be combined into one huge caliphate. Like the Third Reich, this caliphate will have close ties with the financial world of the United States. As in the case of Nazi Germany, many North American bankers and industrialists are interested in creating such a caliphate.

    As long as the American economy comes out of the crisis and in the United States develops a new robotic industry, the religious extremist calipheat will be able to accumulate a sufficient amount of weapons to lead a full-scale war. At the same time, in Europe, which turned out to be in a deep crisis, a socio-political situation will be created, in which the emergence of a new authoritarian empire is possible. At the same time, the role of strangers, on which all the troubles can be written off, and, above all, expensive oil will perform Muslims or Arabs. World War will become inevitable. The reason may be the terrorist attack on the territory of Europe, which will be a response step on the deportation of Muslims or the organization of concentration camps for the terrorists-Arabs.

    The Third World War will bring destruction in such colossal sizes that the United States will be able to develop more than 100 years to develop without social upheavals on its territory. Not to mention that profits that Americans plan to receive from the war itself.

    In this regard, the unwillingness of Europe and the UK's main ally of the United Kingdom will be involved in Syria's war. The NATO block also decided to remove from the Syrian adventures. But, in principle, the United States refusal to the alliance only on hand. With the NATO script described above, Americans do not need, for they will try to lead the third world war with others, having joined her at the last stage, as it was in the first and second world wars. The North Atlantic Block may be premature, and it is quite possible, not on the right side, involve the Americans to the slaughterhouse. Most likely, NATO is waiting for the fate of the UN, with which the United States has not been considered for a long time and uses it as a tool for promoting exclusively its interests.

    Never another interests of the United States and Europe were not so opposite than now. However, as in the 30s of the 20th century, France and the United Kingdom were more frightened by the Chimera Communist Threat, than the obvious facts of cooking Hitler to war, and now Europe prefers to see a threat to Russia rather than to recognize the obvious fact - the United States has ceased to be a guarantor of European Safety and become a force, pushing Europe and the world to the Third World War.

    The situation is complicated by a large number of foreign conflict participants on a relatively compact territory (185 thousand square meters), comparable to the Sverdlovsk region (1% of the RF Square) or the quarter of Afghanistan.

    The overall balance of forces is: at the Syrian theater of hostilities directly or indirectly opposed each other in coalitions Russia and the USA, Iran and Israel, USA and Turkey. The fierce struggle of the Turks with the Kurds is also going, the religious pressure of Qatar is felt and the echoes of hostilities in Afghanistan and Iraq are concerned.

    In the current situation, Russia cannot afford a defeat or a compromise draw. The legitimate presence and recent losses are a kind of guarantee of the direct, hard and unpredictable response of Moscow to those on the left bank of the Euphrate. And many foreign analysts consider a retaliatory blow to American troops in the region inevitable.

    The semisotmilliad defense budget of the United States is 10 times bigger than the Russian, and yet the French edition of Atlantico claims: "USA - Russia: the war is declared, although no one has been realized ... The answer to the death of Russian mercenaries is likely to be sooner or later they will still happen, and there where it is not expected at all. In addition, it is not about me at all about Misty (Putin - a cold-blooded politician), but about the strategy: you need to specify the enemy that there is a trait that it is better not to overpower. "

    The authoritative American newspaper The Washington Post complements: "Russia believes that it will be able to squeeze the United States from Syria. It will be a disaster."

    A gradual disappearance with the Syrian "Chess Board" of the Military Girls, the terrorist group and other terrorist groups aggravates contradictions and provokes "direct conflicts between the United States and Turkey, Israel and Iran, and even between the United States and Russia."

    Vietnamese syndrome

    American artillery and aviation on the night of February 7, on February 8 caused a massive (many hours) blow to the Syrian government troops, which "dreamed" to cross the Euphrates in the province of Deir-Ez-Zor. And the head of the Central Command of the US Air Force in the Middle East, Lieutenant-General Jeffrey Harrigan said that American fighters-bombers F-15 participated in the attack, AC-130 fire support aircraft, Apache helicopters, drones MQ-9 REAPER and even strategic bombers B-52 . In fact, the whole complex of the US Air Force drums. Such an excessive and painful reaction of the Pentagon on the actions of the legal government of the SAR testifies to the solid intention of the Americans to preserve their presence in the country and, possibly, consolidate it in the creation of the "Left Bank Syria" (the similarity of South Vietnam with the marioneer government of the 60s of the last century).

    And yet, after the "global strike" of the US Air Force on the left bank of the Euphrates, the balance of strength did not change fundamentally. Israel exchanged air strikes with Syria and Iran (Israeli aircraft was shot). Turkey continued the "stripping" of the border Kurdish enclave, and the "olive branch" of Erdogan already hangs over the American troops stationed nearby nearby (according to various sources, from 2 to 5 thousand soldiers). Syrian government troops with the support of Russian VKS to finish terrorist groups in the northern province of Idlib and in the suburbs of Damascus. What will happen next?

    Americans are still gently unscrewed hands. They are increasingly difficult to control the areas controlled by "units of armed opposition". Russia continues to denier the very existence of the "good" terrorists, and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation assesses the US contribution to the Syrian settlement by two words: "Humanitarian catastrophe".

    The Iraqi edition of Al Alam is not without reason calls the recent UN Security Council resolution on the 30-day truce in Syria with a cover for operational deployment hastily formed by the Americans in this Tanfe "New Syrian Army". Allegedly opposition "fronts", and in fact, terrorist groups change only a franchise sign and deployment points in the Syrian territory.

    Moment of truth

    The influential American newsweek magazine has previously noted: "US lost the war in Syria of Russia and Iran." Indeed, seven years after the start of the war in Syria, Washington remains less and less space for maneuver, not to mention the grounds for the construction of American military bases on the Syrian territory. The legitimate government of the country with the support of the allies is not fast, but confidently restores control over the provinces and borders of SAR. Previously, or later, American military instructors and different "rebels" will go from Syria to other hotspots of Asia and Africa.

    Russia will not retreat and will not quit all the resources on the forced achievement of the goals set, the 100-megaton torpedo "Status-6" will surely do not need. However, the dynamic and contradiction of the situation on the Syrian TVD, where "intersect" the armed forces of many countries increases, increases the likelihood of the direct clash of Washington and Moscow (whose goals in the region are opposite). That is, on the verge of a big war, today new "rules of behavior" of two nuclear states at the points of intersection of their interests and the armed forces are formed at the points of intersection of their interests and the Armed Forces (not excluding private military companies). Probably so it was at all times.

    The Pentagon claims that Russia prevents the United States to dominate the Middle East and Central Asia, on Earth and in the air. Americans accuse Moscow in the failure of the operations to destroy Syrian chemical weapons and comprehensively prepare Europeans to the tactical nuclear strike in Russia. And still threaten new sanctions. It seems that Washington has completely lost relationship with reality.

    The permissibility of the United States is closely related to impunity. "Red lines" will be marked in Syria Wearly, rough, view. I suppose to wait for the Russian response to the "Euphrates Hi" of the US Air Force left for a little over two weeks.

    The existence of Putin's regime is largely prolonged by the indecision of the West and the fear of US President Donald Trump in front of the head of the Kremlin. At the same time, the world community is now getting closer to a decisive blow to Vladimir Putin, because of which he will have to think about the preservation of his power, and not about the war with Ukraine and other adventures.

    About it He told the Russian political scientist and publicist Andrei Pionkovsky, who now lives in Washington.

    The election of the president was held, and "Pahan" is still with the authorities in Russia. What do you think, will the Russian elite try to remove Putin? Is it possible to such a scenario in the coming year?

    In general, these modes end only the script of the palace coup. In the elections, power in authoritarian modes does not change. Everyone was told about this twenty times, but I want to emphasize that it was caused by a big noise in Russian media about what an outstanding result was received by Putin, and the elections themselves were called free.

    But let's not forget about two fundamental things. First, one of two candidates from the opposition one shot almost on Red Square (Boris Nemtsov, - Ed.), And the other was unjustly convicted and removed from the elections (Alexei Navalny, Ed.). So what kind of fair elections can we talk?

    But that's not all. Now we have now we have mathematical methods of Sergey Schilkina (analyzing electoral statistics - ed.), That is, an analysis of statistical data on sites, on a turn, which shows simply prints of falsifications. According to the summary, 10 million votes were injured for Putin.

    You see, after that, a person deserves a life sentence, because we see and murders, and large-scale falsifications - these crimes are organized, first of all, Putin himself.

    Therefore, elections are manipulation. But this does not cancel the fact that even if 10 million was attributed to him, then 45 million voted, let some of them under the administrative resource. And some part voted inspired by this militarist, and on the merits of the fascist propaganda, where the annexation of the territories of neighboring states and aggression is considered merit and feat.

    Such modes go only as a result of severe geopolitical lesions, and their scale depends on the determination of the West. And, of course, not military means, since no one wants to fight, especially with a nuclear power, at the head of which it costs the E * who has said to Ukrainian television once. But the West has huge economic resources, and I tell you from Washington.

    Let me remind you, on January 29, a Kremlin report was prepared, which could cause a deadly blow to Putin regime. After all, besides the list of 210 people, there were hundreds of financial information pages, detailed by the illegal progress of all these people, and this is the entire Russian top. For some mysterious reason, as a result of the visit of the heads of Russian special services in the United States, this information was transferred to the secret part of the report and was not promulgated.

    And the struggle that is being conducted now in America, this is essentially the struggle between the President of the Trump and the majority of the American military-political establishment. Now, no one has no doubt, they speak openly that Trump is terribly afraid of Putin, firmly knowing that there is a very serious compromising on him. The last thing that caused a perturbation here, this is when all the advisers of the Trump have written in large letters to him not congratulate Putin, but he called, congratulated and once again showed what the degree of his dependence and fear.

    In my opinion, the struggle of political establishment and Trump approaches its climax and under the investigation of Muller (Robert Muller is investigating Russian intervention in the 2016 elections in the United States, ed.). I do not know whether Ukraine and your readers are widely known, but all America shocked the 15-minute interview with the former CIA Director John Brennan. First, it is unprecedented by sharpness of the charges - Brennan calls Trump by animals, drove into the corner. Secondly, Brennan was practically open text that he had enough information on the tramp that shook america.

    All this is directly related to your question. When all this huge financial information about one trillion stolen from the Russian people of dollars will be published, it will make a very strong impression on Russian society.

    Plus, another round dollar dollars in the UK, where we see the same story. And [United Kingdom Foreign Minister] Boris Johnson, and [British Prime Minister] Teresa May said that London is not a place for the criminal capital of Putin's elite, but still something stops them.

    All of them are on the verge of this decisive step. And I assure that 99 percent with flashes will meet the publication of the report on the Russian top. There will also be a big blow throughout this anti-comma propaganda, because it is supported by the same criminals who in the West fold their stolen treasures. I think that such a financial, economic, psychological and political strike, the system of Russian kleptocracy will not stand, and it will make a very serious disorder.

    - Will it be a good argument to overthrow Putin?

    I would not mention the word "overthrow." In this setting, not only Putin, but also to the whole Russian political class, the entire elite will be very difficult to remain in power.

    Speaking about the elections of the President of Russia in the occupied Crimea. Many stated that they were illegal, since the Crimea is the territory of Ukraine. But stated and forgotten.

    This is the same story. Here in Brussels there is a summit of the EU countries, and there, too, they will certainly emphasize that it was a violation of the constitutions of Ukraine and Russia, international law and anything. Nevertheless, almost all leaders of European states, except Great Britain, creaking with teeth, but congratulated Putin with the so-called victory on the so-called elections.

    Why congratulate the criminal who killed one of his opponent, condemned the other and threw 10 million votes? They all know all this perfectly.

    This is the inconsistency of the West and extends the existence of this regime.

    - Are they really afraid of "nuclear club" Putin or have other reasons?

    Still, crazy crazy, but he does not eat soap. And nuclear weapons are mutual suicide. But he is not a shahid and is not going to finish suicide.

    First, these trillions of dollars work in the Western economy. And they have legislation on the fight against money laundering mined by criminal means - you do not need any new sanctions, why are they fooling? It is clear that Russian leaders could not be honest, in their free from the fulfillment of their state work time to earn tens or, as in the case of Putin, hundreds of billions of dollars. And they do not apply this legislation.

    Why? This money is a very important part for the functioning of the West Economy, and the trillion dollars is enormous money.

    Take the same Trump. Even if there is no compromising - now in Washington, everyone is confident that everything described in the report of the Christopher Style's English intelligence officer (with a compromising on Donald Trump, "Apostrof"), - True, then there are purchases by Russian oligarchs or stacked faces of houses Trump, which cost at a price of 2-3 times more market value? That is, Russia exports corruption.

    In addition, the entire Russian agent in the West still repeats all sorts of nonsense, which is subject to many Americans, that "we need Russian to solve some international problems in Korea, Iran, Iraq, Syria, Ukraine." The West can not look at the truth in the face and does not understand how to deal with international terrorism without Russians. They do not understand that the so-called Russians, in fact, Kremlin, create these problems, including international terrorism.

    But, in my opinion, it is nearing the junction. And we see the number of facts showing what Moscow really makes Moscow in the Middle East, in Korea and other regions. I do all this from Washington.

    If we talk about some temporary forecasts, then I think that Trump will not remain president of the United States by January 1, 2019. And without a Trump, the opposition to the Putin regime will go much more energetic.

    Already, Trump is suspended in many matters. Take the Ukrainian question, where the entire policy is carried out by the Corca Volker, who has a more prokrainian position than your leadership before the adoption of the Law on Russian aggression (the so-called Dov Bass Decoration Act - Ed.). After all, before that, only the Volker clearly said that it was about the occupation, and there are Russian troops there. Yes, and decided to sell anti-tank missiles to Ukraine. So the situation is changing.

    Moscow error is as follows: they thought they were attached to the White House Trump and will now manage America, but nothing like this happened. There, institutions are stronger than the president. But so far in many serious matters he managed to slow down. In particular, if we talk about those decisive sanctions that should have been announced on January 29th. It will be a decisive blow to the Putin system.

    Changing Tillerson Rex to Mike Popmeo as a state secretary, what will play a role in the US and Russia relations?

    Tillerson was a wonderful Trump and did not give himself so clearly, although he was also a passing person. Is it possible, after worked out 19 years in the Russian oil industry, do not coach up to the head, also to get the order?

    And Pompeo - a person who is definitely negatively configured to Putin's regime. And just a personal relationship with Trump he has good. And this is good in that it will use this relationship to continue to keep the position of the Volcker at least in the Ukrainian direction.

    All processes slowly, but developing within the United States not in favor of Putin. But the final step will be the removal of the Trump from power.

    Ahead of the World Cup in Russia. What do you think Putin will be calm until June or maybe in some of the conflict zones sharply pressing?

    Of course, he wants to spend the World Cup. It is unlikely that he will go for some serious aggravation. But where can he? After all, he perfectly understands that the main directions were defeated. Take Ukraine - where is his "Russian world" and "Novorossia"? It fell away. Donbass is not what Putin dreamed of. Remember, he had a plan "Novorossia" with the seizure of 10-12 Ukrainian regions and did he expect to unleash the ethnic war between Russian and Ukrainians? And he failed, and he suffered a huge defeat. Most Russian people in Ukraine remained a faithful Ukrainian state and his choice. It was the first fundamental defeat of Putin.

    And in Syria, he has already tried the troops three times three times, and then at the first collision with the Americans suffered so much a little defeat that neither the very fact of battle, nor about three hundred dead ever reported in Moscow.

    Therefore, he can only arrange a nuclear tantrum, show some cartoons that he has some incredible weapons that he can destroy America. But this is known for 50 years. But also 50 years old is also known that the United States also has a weapon. If it can destroy states 10 times, they can destroy Russia 20 times. That everyone knows. With this, the Russians and Americans have somehow learned to live, and for 50 years, neither the US presidents nor the general secretaries of the fools of the atomic bombs did not work. This is a typical behavior of the gopnik of the gateway: "Now I will quit the finca." That's all his foreign policy. But gradually begin to understand with it.

    - The next day after the election, the teachings of Russian troops in the Crimea were held. What was trying to show Putin?

    He has competent military and diplomats who understand what the large-scale escalation of the war in Ukraine will end, say, a campaign to Mariupol or, God forbid, to Kiev. He is not up to him now. For him, the main thing is to somehow hold out in power. And how and what - he does not know.

    You see, he raised the rates so much that he does not know how to make some elementary steps. For example, if he really left Donbass, remaining in the Crimea - it would not really like Ukraine, and the west would be welcomed. No one, of course, does not recognize, but the West will close his eyes for a while. Recall how it was with the Baltic. The states never recognized the annexation of the Baltic States (the Soviet Union, Ed.). But he cannot even go for it, because he created himself the image of the great leader of the Russian world, and any step towards some compromise will be considered as his defeat and he will not hold even in his brigade. He has a very difficult position.

    And how did Putin's victory in the elections perceived in the USA? What is the overall assessment of the so-called elections in Russia?

    The overall evaluation of the elections is outrageous, and Trump aggravated it with his congratulations. Senator John McCain, which is not always supported, was most clearly expressed. But in this case, this is the general opinion of the entire establishment that there was a completely shameful for the American president was the greeting of the dictator who won fake elections.

    War in Syria, which is expected from day to day, can end the third world, as they say both experts and ancient prophecies. And now it is clear that in the declared as a three-day bombing in order to prevent the use of chemical weapons against the civilian population, 20 countries can be drawn.

    "If the Americans go to the ground surgery, Russia will also be interpreted in the war. Then it will definitely be the third world, "said the Russian military expert Viktor Barananets. - Of course, Iran will perform on the side of Syria, ready to set several millions of bayonets, and then Israel can be entered. In general, everything will be very serious. "

    Immediately several prophecies say that the end of the world will be provoked by the war in Syria. So, the famous clairvoyant Wang has repeatedly spoke about the upcoming global change in the world, however, without calling the exact date. "Will this time come soon? No, not soon. Still Syria did not fall! Syria will collapse to the feet of the winner, but the winner will not be the same! One Russia will be saved. There is an ancient Indian (Aryan) teaching. It will spread all over the world. He will print new books, and they will be read everywhere on Earth. It will be the fiery bible. The day will come, and all religions will disappear! New doctrine will come from Russia. She will clean the first. "

    In the revelation of Ivan the Theologian "Apocalypse", the events preceding the end of the world and the second coming of Jesus Christ: "The Sixth Angel Iverbil, and I heard one voice from four horns of the Golden Altar Standing before God, who told the sixth angel who had a pipe: Frees of the four angels associated with the Great Euphrate River. Four angels released with the Euphrates River are Turkey, Syria, Iraq and Iran, which flows this river.

    According to the Scripture of another Prophet Isaiah, Damascus turn into breasts of Razvaline: "Damascus is excluded from among the cities and will be breeding ruins. The city of Aroerski will be abandoned, "will remain for herds who will rest there, and no one will scare them. The stronghold of the Ephraim and the kingdom of Damasky with the rest of Sirie will not be; With them there will be the same as with the glorus of the sons of Israel, says the Lord Savaof. "

    Now the question of bombing is sinking in the US Congress. But it is possible that the Americans will return to this topic in a few weeks or months.

    "Obama has repeatedly made it clear that he does not believe Asad. Americans may require the export and destroying Syria hims, and Damascus will not go for it. The escalation of the conflict may occur again, "said Russian political scientist Sergey Markov.

    There is a way out of the crisis

    There was a chance to avoid the bombing of Syria and, accordingly, a possible third world war. Barack Obama agreed with the proposal of Russia not to attack Syria if Damascus transfers a chemical structure under international control. Damascus seems to be not against.

    "This proposal was agreed in advance and it was very beneficial to the Syrian side, since the threat of attacks to the chimsquarters of the militants was very real," the Russian orientalist Said Gafurov, which on Monday met with the head of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Syria on Monday. - Chemicals will remain in Syria, but will be under the control of international experts. Syria even profitably declare these warehouses, as they exist not so much to use this weapon, how much to intimidate the potential opponent - Israel. At the same time, such a way out of the crisis is beneficial Obama - Congress will not give him permission to bombarding and somehow the president will have to abandon his military plans. "

    Third World War II - US Strategy

    In 1938, England and France pushed Hitler to the war with their own hands, allowing him to occupy Czechoslovakia and sanctioned by Austria's anchlus. But then the onset of brown plague could be stopped. Show London and Paris more determined, Europe would not lie in the ruins and there were no 70 million dead. A new global empire has grown on the European ashole. North America received a huge financial income from both the Second World War and the post-war recovery of Europe and was able to fully recover from the consequences of the Great Depression.

    Now we are in the initial phase of the global crisis, which can last for ten years, and similar, and perhaps more strongly than depression of the comprehension world in 20-30 years of last century. But now the United States is preparing for overcoming the crisis.

    The United States is created at the same time as conditions for the reindustrialization process -, restoration in the full technological cycle of the North American industry, and for the appearance of the enemy with whom, after the end of the crisis, one could unleash the new world war, able to give the United States for more than 100 years of translational economic development.

    Over the past 10 years, Americans have made a significant step in the development of its fuel and energy complex, which influenced the change in the US policy in the Middle East. If 10 years ago, the White House, conducting military interventions, pursued the goal of control over the level of oil prices for itself, now the United States is only interested in one - in increasing the difference in quotations between the exchange rates of Brent oil, which is traded in Europe and WTI, climes North American market. The United States is beneficial to the growth of Brent quotes, since this allows Europe and Asia to reduce production costs in America without reducing the cost of labor.

    The policy has changed with the change. America does not seek to create controlled regimes in the Arab world, whose task would be to ensure uninterrupted supply of oil and gas. Now the United States leaves after a chaos of civil war, death and destruction.

    The United States set fire to the entire Middle East and North Africa - Brent Oil Quotes are stored at a level above $ 110 per barrel, in Europe and in China there is a reduction in production. However, if we look at the countries for which the so-called Arab spring has recently flashed, we will see that secular nationalist regimes have been formed in all these countries.

    Despite the world-specific conditions, the development of national states in the Middle East and North Africa is similar to the development of national states in Europe since the late 19th century and up to the beginning of World War II. After the collapse of the continental empires caused by the consequences of the First World War, nationalist states were formed in Europe. Many of them respected the rights of national minorities and religious denominations. Approximately the same situation was in Libya and in Egypt and still persist in Syria. By the way, Iran, you can say, goes by Spain the time of the rule of General Franco.

    Strengthening national states inevitably leads to the formation of the elite, blood and financially interested in preserving and enriching their national state. And even if the members of the elite were fed by foreign states, these elites themselves begin to defend national interests, often going into incision with the interests of former sponsors.

    For Iran, Syria, Egypt and Libya, the European market is the only one to supply oil and gas with low transport costs. What for Europe means a lower energy price. But it goes into a section with US plans for new industrialization. It is no coincidence that the excitement in Syria began exactly after the agreement on the gas pipeline laying, according to which Iranian gas, intended for Europe had to be supplied to Syrian LNG terminals, were made between Syria, Iran and Iraq.

    In the 30s of the last century in Europe, not without the influence of Nazi Germany and the fascist Italy, with the silent connivance of France and the United Kingdom, the elite of new national states has leveled democratic institutions in a short time, establishing pronocyst or protashist regimes. Gradually began persecution on national and religious minorities. Such organizations as "Muslim Brothers", professing radical forms of Islam, can be attributed to the European tradition, to religious profascular organizations. "Muslim Brothers", trying to establish radical religious regimes in the Arab world, sponsor the coming allies of the United States Qatar, Jordan and Saudi Arabia - to put it mildly, who are not distinguished by either democracy or religious tolerance. On their background, Iran can be called a state that makes huge successes in democratization and in the development of a secular society.

    After the US Cales sown in the Middle East in the Arab world, radical religious regimes can be formed, which will be combined into one huge caliphate. Like the Third Reich, this caliphate will have close ties with the financial world of the United States. As in the case of Nazi Germany, many North American bankers and industrialists are interested in creating such a caliphate.

    As long as the American economy comes out of the crisis and in the United States develops a new robotic industry, the religious extremist calipheat will be able to accumulate a sufficient amount of weapons to lead a full-scale war. At the same time, in Europe, which turned out to be in a deep crisis, a socio-political situation will be created, in which the emergence of a new authoritarian empire is possible. At the same time, the role of strangers, on which all the troubles can be written off, and, above all, expensive oil will perform Muslims or Arabs. World War will become inevitable. The reason may be the terrorist attack on the territory of Europe, which will be a response step on the deportation of Muslims or the organization of concentration camps for the terrorists-Arabs.

    The Third World War will bring destruction in such colossal sizes that the United States will be able to develop more than 100 years to develop without social upheavals on its territory. Not to mention that profits that Americans plan to receive from the war itself.

    In this regard, the unwillingness of Europe and the UK's main ally of the United Kingdom will be involved in Syria's war. The NATO block also decided to remove from the Syrian adventures. But, in principle, the United States refusal to the alliance only on hand. With the NATO script described above, Americans do not need, for they will try to lead the third world war with others, having joined her at the last stage, as it was in the first and second world wars. The North Atlantic Block may be premature, and it is quite possible, not on the right side, involve the Americans to the slaughterhouse. Most likely, NATO is waiting for the fate of the UN, with which the United States has not been considered for a long time and uses it as a tool for promoting exclusively its interests.

    Never another interests of the United States and Europe were not so opposite than now. However, as in the 30s of the 20th century, France and the United Kingdom were more frightened by the Chimera Communist Threat, than the obvious facts of cooking Hitler to war, and now Europe prefers to see a threat to Russia rather than to recognize the obvious fact - the United States has ceased to be a guarantor of European Safety and become a force, pushing Europe and the world to the Third World War.

    According to the materials of the media

    It's very cool - run on the scorched empty, fight back from raiders, sell all bad good. It's great when this happens after the monitor in a room with central heating, scored food with a fridge and warm bed, waiting for the end of the next session of the game in Fallout.

    In all other cases, this is not great.

    Remember: several times in human story we all stood just one step from the implementation of this nightmare into life.

    Once and for all!

    After the Second World War, when the USSR and the United States received powerful nuclear ammunition at their disposal and the effective means of their delivery to the enemy, the world faced an unprecedented threat to the total destruction of all living things; The possibility of warning war with the use of nuclear weapons was considered by both parties completely seriously.

    The nuclear weapon was given a decisive role in the upcoming large-scale military conflict. It was considered by both countries not only as a reliable means of containing each other, but also how the way once and for all allow all ideological and political contradictions. As the main concept, the possibility was considered, in which both parties would cause a massive damage to each other with nuclear ammunition, both in military and civilian purposes. All military thought was aimed at ensuring a massive attack as a short time, which will ensure the advantage of the side-aggressor.

    Now, thanks to numerous scientific research, we know that a large-scale conflict with the use of nuclear weapons would provide, and no advantage of the country who has finished first, would not receive.

    The effect of "nuclear winter" when the soot and ashes clouds will close the sun, radioactive infection of fertile lands and fresh water, multimillion-dollar straight victims and wave of epidemics and hunger would have made an impossible life on the planet Earth. In case of unleashing the full-scale third world war, the human civilization would be an end without any reservation.

    Always ready!

    If you want to win, then the first priority is the discovery of the nuclear attack of the enemy. To do this, there are commercial radar low-detection radar stations and space satellites that fix the launch of intercontinental ballistic missiles (ICBMs) from almost any point of the globe. In command centers, data from multiple sources is analyzed in automatic mode, the MBR trajectory is calculated, and on the basis of this, a decision is made on further actions.

    The nuclear service management system is constructed in such a way as to minimize the possibility of human and hardware error. Multistage protection system, multiple launch confirmation conditions are designed to exclude the likelihood of random or malicious launch by some crazy rocket officer.

    At the same time, this system should provide the most rapid response in the event of an enemy attack. For this, semi-automatic and automatic nuclear-weapon control systems were created.

    If the sublightened saboteurs run into all command items at the same time and in the Ninja style, they will cut the pharynx to the officers responsible for the launch of a response strike rocket, or officers will refuse to press the buttons based on humanistic considerations (well, it is not completely impossible, as we believe!), Even then The answer will not make himself wait.

    Earn "Machines of the Judgment Day", which in automatic mode will send all of humanity into the flame of nuclear hell. These systems are designed in such a way that automatically (or with the minimum human participation) decide on the corresponding response strike in a short time. But at the same time they retain some probability of an error that can lead to irreversible consequences. Their existence, of course, is monstrously immoral and violates the first law of Aizek Azimov: "A robot or an automatic system cannot harm a person or its inaction to allow man to be harmful." These machines are just intended to cause catastrophic harm to humanity.

    However, their existence is a harsh reality with which we are forced to put up. On the other hand, it is the presence of such a guarantee of a response strike, holds the country-owner of nuclear weapons from the unleashing of this meaningless catastrophic slaughter.

    USSR - "Perimeter"

    In the USSR and modern Russia "Machine of the Judgment Day" is called "Perimeter". Its development was launched in 1974 in the midst of the Cold War. The basis of the system is a command and analytical computer center that estimates all the source data and the decision makes a response. This is a complex hardware and software package that takes into account immediately a lot of factors: seismic and radiation activity, atmospheric pressure, the intensity of radio exchange at military frequencies, controls telemetry from the Surveillance posts of the RVSN and the data of the missile attack warning system.

    For example, when a powerful electromagnetic and radioactive radiation is detected, the system compares them with data on seismic activity, and if they coincide - it makes an unambiguous conclusion that a nuclear strike has been applied. In this case, the "perimeter" can act automatically, if it is provided for by the established level of danger.

    Another option provides that the highest leadership of the country, having received information about a nuclear attack, translates the "perimeter" in combat mode and begins to check the information.

    If there is no cancellation after a set time, due to the death of the manual or its indecision, then the perimeter independently initiates an opposite strike.

    The second part of the system is the command ballistic missiles (UR-100U), which are equipped with transmitters of special codes. In case of deciding on the decision on the automated "impact of retaliation", these rockets take off over Russia and send a team to start with all staffing means of delivery of nuclear weapons: start-up installations of intercontinental ballistic missiles, submarines, mobile complexes and bombers. Those of them, which are prepared for working offline, simply launch their program. These control blocks have already laid data on the purpose and path of delivery. Next, the participation of a person is not required - the apocalypse is provided in automatic mode.

    To certainly find out whether the "perimeter" acts to this day, we failed. In an interview with Komsomolskaya Pravda, the commander of the Rocket Forces of Strategic Appointments Sergey Karakayev noted that "". True, this or disinformation is unknown to us, but, definitely, the existence of such a system and in today's Russia would not surprise anyhow.

    USA - "ECRS" and "Mirror"

    It is not known about creating a similar automatic system in the United States (and about the "perimeter" we had nothing to know if not one of her creators emigrated to the United States). In America, there was an analogue of the command missile - the Emergency Rocket Communications System (ERCS) project. They were put on combat duty in 1963 and were ordinary ICBMs equipped with receiving-transmitting devices, and, if necessary, be launched into the near-empty space, providing communication in the event of a lesion of traditional communication systems between command centers and means of delivery of nuclear ammunition. Ercs removed from duty in early 1991.

    In addition to these missiles, another system operated in the United States, which ensures reliable management of military forces, even after the terrestrial command items, as a result of a nuclear strike or actions of the saboteurs - the operation "Mirror".

    From 1961, for 30 years in the air continuously, 24 hours a day (in the entire history there was a pause only at 8 o'clock) there were two air teams of the strategic aviation command. On board each aircraft there was all the necessary personnel to manage the US nuclear forces led by the Army General or the Admiral of the Fleet. They were equipped with all the necessary equipment and communication for the immediate interception of the management of strategic forces in the event of an emergency. Now this program is suspended, and a similar system acts as part of the Tacamo mission, and air teams in the number of four pieces on duty in full readiness for departure on air bases in different parts of the country.

    In the US, the Defcon system is operating, which is a scale of the combat readiness of the armed forces depending on the threatening danger.

    It has five stages from 5 to 1, where 5 is a normal peaceful situation, and the unit is the highest danger, meaning that the United States is in full-scale war. Depending on the value of this scale, combat parts, including the rocket troops of strategic purposes, receive a different set of standard instructions, and the closer Defcon to one - the fierce these prescriptions.

    Defcon 1 was announced only once in history, and even then in training purposes during the 1983 exercises "Experienced archer" in Western Europe. But in the state of Defcon 2, the United States was staying throughout the Caribbean crisis. After the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, Defcon 3 was declared in the United States.

    And all these imperfect systems serviced by even more imperfect people have changed more than once.

    Cuba, warm sea, beaches, coconut palms, rum, beautiful girls and young communist regime Fidel Castro is just idyll if not 40 Soviet medium-range missiles carrying nuclear warheads.

    In the early 1960s, the USSR, headed by Nikita Khrushchev, was in a difficult situation. On the perimeter of its borders, American military bases with strategic bombers, in the UK, Italy and Turkey, are deployed by the Jupiter medium-range missile, which could reach all vital centers of the Soviet Union and erase the country's military and civil industry for an hour. There was nothing to answer until the socialist revolution won on Cuba.

    Then the adventurous operation "Anadyr" was born - the Soviet leadership decided to place his missiles right under the sidelines in the United States.

    The first missiles were brought to Cuba in September 1962, immediately after US President John Kennedy introduced a temporary ban on intelligence flights over the "Island of Freedom" to prevent the escalation of tensions in relations from the USSR. By October, the Soviet military group had already disposed on Cuba 16 launchers R-14 and 24 launch settings for P-12. All of them could carry nuclear charges with a capacity of up to 2 megaton. Ballistic missile divisions were deployed in the west of the island near San Cristobal and in the center of Cuba at the Casilda port. The R-12 could fly straight to the Capitol and the White House in Washington, and the P-14 covered almost the entire continental territory of the United States, except for Alaska.

    On October 14, the American U-2 Scout Airplane made the first pictures of Soviet missiles in Cuba, in the morning of October 16 saw them Kennedy, the events began to develop with lightning speed.

    The Americans announced the sea blockade of the island, the advice stated that they would ignore it. In the United States, the transfer of troops in Florida and preparations for the full-scale invasion of Cuba began, in the USSR, the troops are given in the state of increased combat readiness: canceled all vacations, the demobs are forbidden to leave the place of service, despite the order of demobilization.

    At all, it became very hot on October 27, when the Soviet anti-aircraft people were shot down by the American U-2 (Pilot died), and also fired two American reconnaissance aircraft RF-8A ("Cruser"), having damaged one of them. "Hawks" of the US General Staff urged Kennedy to give an order about the beginning of a military operation, but he was slow, hoping for a peaceful resolution of the conflict. If the war began, she would not limit himself only by the Cuban theater of hostilities, but would have spread in Europe where the interests of two opposing systems were particularly hard. And a large number of nuclear weapons focused.

    On the night of October 27-2 28, on the instructions of the President of the United States, his brother Robert Kennedy met with the Soviet ambassador Anatoly Dobrynin and offered decent conditions in exchange for the conclusion of Soviet missiles with Cuba.

    In the morning at the meeting of the Presidium of the Central Committee of the CPSU Khrushchev discussed these proposals with party bonsters and gave an order about the withdrawal of missiles. In exchange for this, the United States stopped the blockade of Cuba and gave advantage of non-caresses on the Castro regime, and also removed the Jupiter rocket on Turkey, who were particularly annoyed by the Soviet leadership.

    The world exhaled reliefly, total mutuation was postponed indefinitely. After the fate of the world understood, what power focused in their hands, finally started the process first restrictions, and then reduce nuclear weapons, but he did not come to his goal until now.

    When the Caribbean crisis seemed to be left behind, and everyone exhaled with relief, the officer's duty officer at Okinawa missile database William Basset during the daily scheduled exchange of messages with the headquarters received an order about the USSR missile attack, Korea and China. The general arsenal of the base was 32 Mace B missiles, each of which carried a nuclear warhead with a capacity of 1.1 megatons.

    They were aimed at Beijing, Pyongyang, Hanoi and Vladivostok.

    Basset doubted that it was a real order: three of the four goals were outside the USSR, which formally remained the main potential opponent at the moment.

    In addition, the level of threat was indicated at the Defcon 2 level, and the team to the rocket attack could do, according to the instructions, only at Defcon 1. He immediately canceled all the preparations for the launch of the run-down installations. But one of the younger commanders is a young lieutenant - refused to submit to the "unlawful" orders. Then Basset sent two armed soldiers to him, ordered to shoot the lieutenant if he won't stop smoking.

    After that, Captain Basseta contacted her supervisory command and stated that he received a distorted message on Teletip. The instructions were sent again, and they again kept the order on the launch of missiles in the USSR.

    Then the pool in the open text stated: "Or increase the level of threat to Defcon 1, or cancel the order of the attack!". Here the chiefs smashing. Carefully checking the instructions sent earlier, they found a mistake and immediately canceled the given order of the rocket attack. After the incident, an investigation was conducted, and the officer of the command, who passed the false message by mistake, downgraded.

    Not the most serious punishment for a person, almost who did not destroy the whole world. This story has become known quite recently, the basset has already died and never managed to get any recognition for his bold act.