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  • How to highlight soft consonants. Consonant sounds of the Russian language (hard-soft, voiced-deaf, paired-not paired, hissing, whistling). Whistling consonants

    How to highlight soft consonants.  Consonant sounds of the Russian language (hard-soft, voiced-deaf, paired-not paired, hissing, whistling).  Whistling consonants

    Cards - hard and soft consonants

    In continuation of the post "How to teach a child to read by syllables? Composing words from syllables" I suggest you new material- cards with hard and soft consonants.

    Use flashcards to teach your child to identify when consonants are soft when hard.

    In blue - solid
    Green - soft

    Consonants can be soft or hard. For example, in the word "peace" you hear a soft consonant sound [m "], and in the word" poppy "- a hard consonant sound [m]. The softness of a consonant is indicated by adding the symbol" to its record, for example: [m "].

    Always soft sounds: [th ’], [h’], [sch ’].
    Is always solid sounds: [w], [w], [c].

    The rest of the sounds are soft if immediately followed by the vowels e, ё, and, u, i or b, and hard if they are followed by other vowels and consonants.

    Hard and soft consonants differ in the position of the tongue.
    When pronouncing soft consonants ([b "], [c"], [d "], [z"], etc.), the entire body of the tongue moves forward, and the middle part of the back of the tongue rises to the hard palate. This movement of the tongue is called palatalization. Palatalization is considered an additional articulation: it is superimposed on the main one associated with the formation of an obstacle.

    When pronouncing hard consonants ([b], [c], [d], [h], etc.), the tongue does not move forward and its middle part does not rise.
    The consonants form 15 pairs of sounds opposed in terms of hardness / softness. All of them are either hard paired or soft paired:
    [b] - [b "]
    [in] - [in "]
    [g] - [g "]
    [d] - [d "]
    [h] - [h "]
    [n] - [n "]
    [f] - [f "]
    [k] - [k "]
    [t] - [t "]
    [s] - [s "]
    [n] - [n "]
    [p] - [p "]
    [l] - [l "]
    [x] - [x "]

    Do you know how to explain vowels and consonants and letters to a child? What about hard and soft? Take advantage of our tips, because before school it will not hurt your child to know how to characterize sounds, this will help him easily master the first grade program.

    When starting to learn, you must be sure that the child has an idea of ​​those organs of articulation that are involved in the speech process (tongue, lips, teeth). Taking into account preschool age, it is easier to teach to distinguish between vowels and consonants and letters in a playful way.

    How to explain to a child vowels and consonants sounds and letters

    "Some vowels and with someone do not agree at all ..." For a kid, this sounds unusual. So that your home schooling passed efficiently and without unnecessary hassle, do not rush. Catch the promised recommendations.

    • The child should know the difference between sound and letter.

    We hear and speak sounds, letters we see and write.

    • Start by learning vowels.

    They are much simpler in articulation and easier to perceive. It's simple: you can sing them.

    The sound M is also quite worthy of a solo performance, but there is a difference: when pronouncing the vowels, the air comes out freely, nothing bothers him, the tongue lies calmly in his mouth, and with the consonants he does wonders of acrobatics.

    • Support spoken sounds with graphic letters.

    Here fantasy will help you: you can write, sculpt, glue and lay out from pasta or beans.

    • Use a mirror.

    Draw the baby's attention to the position of the mouth when pronouncing vowels, pay attention to the tongue and teeth.

    • Together with your child, come up with words that begin with "singing" sounds, look for them not only in oral speech but also in books, on the street and at home.

    Where has O gone? Here she is, disguised as a mirror. Found a letter, named a sound.

    • Use riddles that only start with vowels.
    • When starting to study consonants and letters, note that there are much more of them, they are pronounced differently.

    When we say them, the air "clings" to an obstacle in the form of teeth or lips. The mirror in this case is your indispensable assistant.

    • Offer to "sing" consonants, fixing the child's attention on the position of the organs of articulation.

    The restless tongue constantly interferes with attempts to sing, and the teeth are completely capricious and closed.

    We consolidate the ability to distinguish between vowels and consonants and letters

    When you have explained the difference between vowels and consonants and letters, be sure to reinforce the formed skill. Play again.

    • On the road from kindergarten Together with the baby, come up with words that begin with a given sound.
    • Draw a sheet of paper into cells, color them in red and blue and offer to arrange the letters from the cut alphabet into the “houses”.
    • * Game "Attentive ears". The instruction is simple: "If a word begins with a vowel - clap, on a consonant - clap".
    • Come up with a recipe for an unusual dish, the ingredients in which only start with certain sounds.
    • When cleaning the apartment, give the task to first remove all toys starting with consonants.

    An important condition! Consistency and calmness.

    Your positive attitude will allow you not only to teach how to distinguish between vowels and consonants, but also to form a desire to learn.

    How to explain hard and soft consonants to a child

    Not an easy task. If the child knows the letters, start with a simple story about how the vowels surrounded the consonants and began to command them. Yes Yes. War is like war. These sassy vowels decide whether the consonant sound is hard or soft.

    There are a couple of rebels who are not covered by this rule.

    Ts, Zh, Sh are only hard, and Ch, Sh and Y are soft under any circumstances. We add the rebels to the "black" list and place it on the most popular place in the house, for example, on the refrigerator, so that their glorious names will be deposited in the memory of the child. Do not forget about the soft sign, which, by its appearance, also easily decides the fate of hard and soft consonants.

    The rest were less fortunate: if after the consonant there is A, O, U, E or Y - the sound is solid, it is indicated by a blue brick or a circle, if behind the "prisoner" there is E, E, I, Yu or I - it is soft and is indicated by green.

    Didn't your efforts bring the expected results? Draw attention to the position of the tongue when pronouncing paired hard and soft consonants.

    Offer to turn a hard sound into a soft one, using different vowels: pa - pya, sa - sya, pu - pyu, su - syu, etc. A similar game can be complicated by changing the words: "angle - coal", "rad - row" bow - hatch ”and others.

    If after a consonant there is its same consonant brother, the sound is solid. For example, in the word "candy" after "n" is "f". We can confidently assert that in this case "n" is solid.

    By developing the ability to distinguish between hard and soft consonants, you help your child develop auditory attention, phonemic hearing, which is important when teaching a child to read and write. This is how you lay the foundation for successful learning at school.

    Remember that Russian is one of the most difficult languages. It is not easy to explain hard and soft consonants to a child. Therefore, you should not reproach your baby for mistakes.

    Dear Readers! We are sure that now you know how to teach a child to distinguish between vowels and consonants, hard and soft sounds and letters. Share your successes and secret tricks in the comments.

    Consonant sounds may be soft or solid... For example, the word "hand" is heard hard consonant[p], and in the word "river" - soft... On softness of consonants can influence vowels and soft sign... In the word "chalk" consonant[l] sounds hard, but in the word "stranded" - soft.

    The softness of a consonant denoted by adding to its entry the symbol " , for example: [p "].

    How to distinguish between soft and hard consonants? Pronunciation soft consonant the tongue rises more to the palate and narrows the passage through which air flows than when pronouncing hard consonant... For example, in the word "break" when pronouncing the first consonant [p "], the air passes through a narrower gap than when pronouncing the second consonant [p].

    Always soft sounds: [th ’], [h’], [sch ’].

    Always solid sounds: [w], [w], [c].

    Remaining sounds are soft if immediately followed by vowels e, e, i, u, i or b, and solid if followed by other vowels and consonants.


    However, in these rules there are exceptions:

    1) Consonants sounds [z], [s] can soften before soft [n ’], [d’], [t ’], for example: "grasshopper", "bullfinch", "lead", "everywhere".

    2) In some foreign words included in the Russian language, consonant sound is pronounced firmly, but after the letter denoting it, is written e, not e as you hear. For example, in words: "computer", "test", "pace".

    Phonetics is a capricious lady, albeit an interesting one. It's no secret that all sounds in Russian are subdivided into consonants and vowels. The first, in turn, are divided into voiced and voiceless, soft and hard. This classification is based on the way of pronouncing sounds and the peculiarities of the work of our articulatory apparatus. So how can you tell them all apart?

    And what, in fact, is the matter?

    Grade 1 begins to study soft and hard consonants at the very beginning of the Russian language course. But in order to distinguish some phonemes from others, you first need to understand what is the difference between them and vowels.

    Vowel sounds are pronounced only with the help of the voice. You can sing them, stretch them out - this is how teachers explain to kids at school. When the air leaving the lungs passes through the trachea, larynx, oral cavity, it does not encounter any obstacles. When we talk about consonants, then for their pronunciation you need to use the lips, teeth and tongue - all of them are involved in the process, so to speak.

    Comparing consonants and vowels by their sound, we notice the following tendency: when vowels, as mentioned above, sound only with the help of one voice, then there is still noise in the consonants, created by the hindrances that the air has to meet when pronouncing them. This is their main difference. Deaf sounds are pronounced only with this very noise, while in voiced sounds, a voice is also added to it. Compare, for example, the pronunciation of the words "grotto" and "mole" or "house" and "tom". In both cases, the first are letters of solid consonants, voiced and voiceless, respectively.

    "Let's go back to our rams!"

    Now that we already know a little about the differences in consonants, let's move on to our main topic.

    The best way to learn is by example, right? Let's go back to the comparison: let's say the following pairs of words:

    Racket-rail, bureau-bureau, mother - ball, vine - ice, tower - view.

    There is some difference in how we pronounce consonants. Is not it? It is determined by the vowel sounds that follow the consonants. The words are specially selected so that the sounds we need are in the same position in all examples. In this case, they show all their diversity. Say it again, slowly. Do you feel how the tongue, in those words where the consonants sound softer, does not rest against the palate, but as if relaxes, becomes flat? This can be considered main feature that our solid consonants have when articulating.


    Well, now let's move on to a specific theory. Hard consonants - a table that will consist of two parts. The first step is to remember that the hardness or softness of a sound is due to its vowel-neighbor. When after the letter is a, oh, y, s , then the sound that it denotes will definitely be solid (mitten, stomp, lips, played), and if there are e, e, y, i, and , the consonant will sound softer (blizzard, doggie, mint, Kiev). Thus, we can say that there is no point in memorizing all solid consonants. Almost all of them are paired. This property was shown in the first row of words, where we learned to distinguish between hard and soft sounds. Therefore, everything depends on this very vowel.

    Unpaired consonants

    Another question is how to deal with unpaired consonants. There are very few of them in the Russian language: w, w, c ... No matter how hard you try, you won't be able to pronounce them softly. Even if those vowels are written after them, which are usually used with soft consonants: ramrod - rustle - chic, eerie - liquid - tin, price - circus - king. These consonants are contrasted with unpaired h, u, d , which in all cases will sound soft: chock - thicket - cleaning, cheeks - squinting - rubble, iot - yogurt.

    Break the system!

    In this situation, you need to understand that the rule of the following vowel with them does not apply to unpaired solid consonants. The table, which can be compiled for better assimilation of the material, in any case will consist of two parts - paired, the equivalent of which can always be found by changing the vowel, and unpaired, living according to their own rules.

    We remember

    Now let's move on to the methods of learning and memorization. Grade 1 remembers hard consonants reluctantly - too boring. But there is always a way to increase efficiency by making the student interested in an unusual form of work, even with such theoretical and seemingly unnecessary material. Various pictures, diagrams, drawings and word choice games will come to our aid.

    Let's make cards, perhaps. You will need two sheets of colored paper or colored cardboard. The main thing is that they are contrasting. We cut out the same clouds, balls, figures - whatever comes into your head. Then we connect the two figures with glue so that these contrasting sides are outside. And then, with the participation of your little helper, on one side we write vowels that are friendly with soft, and on the other - with hard consonants. In order not to forget anything at all, you can also place unpaired and paired ones next to each other, respectively. When everything is at hand, it is much easier.

    Next, draw something that can help create an association - a brick on a piece of cardboard where hard sounds are written, and a feather with soft phonemes. Or something like that. Having a concrete example in front of his eyes, the student will certainly assimilate the information better. Later, for consolidation, you can ask your student to highlight hard and soft sounds in the written words with different colors - red and blue, for example, so that you can easily check his homework.

    Handy material

    To prepare the tablets, which were mentioned a little above, you still need to have some kind of material. Solid consonants are a table that you can lean on so as not to get confused. For convenience, it contains sounds that are paired and unpaired in hardness and softness. By the way, if we want to indicate the softness of a sound, in phonetic transcription, for example, an apostrophe is placed after it.

    In this table, all phonemes at the top are solid. Below are their soft counterparts. True, we have three cases when the sound has no pair. This means it is never soft.

    We remember further

    Shall we continue to practice? Let's give some more examples of words where the same consonant sound appears in a hard or soft position. One more nuance. In addition to the very vowels that affect the consonant, it can be softened or hardened by a soft and hard sign, respectively. Let's not forget about this in our next assignment.

    Beaver - white, blizzard - goalkeeper, city - helium, entrance - clerk, giraffe, winter - teeth, whale-cat, horse - lemonade, seafood, Neptune-rhinoceros, steamer - break, decision-novel, owl - family, cake - theme, film-photography, halva - diagram, chicken, hat.

    Identify words from the presented pair that are demonstrated by soft or hard consonants. As you can see, the letters for their designation are still used the same. Please note that in some words, hardness and softness are influenced not only by vowels, but also by consonants that stand next to our sound. In addition, you can also ask the child to come up with examples for unpaired consonants, so that he himself is convinced that they are only solid. Yet my own experience is far more vivid confirmation than any learned theory.

    Another game

    To study the topic of soft and hard consonants, you can offer the student another game like this. It's very simple. In front of him is a series of words, from which you need to write out only hard consonants. And then, having inserted vowels into them, come up with some word. For example, there are a number of words: pickles - footman - knives... We write out, therefore, consonants: s, l, n, add vowels. And the first thing that comes to mind is the short but capacious word "elephant". Shall we continue?

    1. Edit - will - scrap(discharged pr, v, l ).
    2. Tomato - role - swamp(discharged t, p, t ).
    3. Bittern - sleepyhead - hay(discharged in, s, n ).


    In conclusion, I would like to remind you that in no case should you say "hard consonants". Only sounds are such. And for their designation, they are absolutely the same as in the case of soft ones (this was seen from the table above). Now that you have all the material in your hands, you just have to practice. On the net you can find a huge number of different games and exercises to determine the type of consonants. And, of course, you can re-read the material on the topic "Hard consonants" a few more times - the table presented in the article will help to systematize all our knowledge. It will be much easier to repeat with her.

    Do not forget to give new examples for each paired and unpaired sound, so that our student himself learns to compare the different sounds of consonant phonemes. It sometimes depends not only on the subsequent vowel or soft and hard sign, but also on adjacent consonants, which, depending on their hardness or softness, can also affect the original sound. It's not as complicated as it seems. More games and more practice - and everything will definitely work out.

    In Russian, there are 21 consonant letters and 37 consonant sounds:

    LetterSounds LetterSounds
    B [b], [b "] NS [NS], [NS"]
    V [v], [v"] R [R], [R"]
    G [G], [G"] WITH [with], [with"]
    D [d], [d "] T [T], [T"]
    F [f], [g "] F [f], [f "]
    Z [s], [h "] NS [NS], [NS"]
    Th [th "] C [c]
    TO [To], [To"] H [h "]
    L [l], [l "] NS [NS]
    M [m], [m "] SCH [SCH"]
    H [n], [n "]

    Consonant sounds are hard and soft, voiced and deaf. The softness of the sound in the transcription is indicated by [ " ].

    Hard and soft consonants

    A solid consonant sound is obtained if there is a vowel after the consonant A, O, U, S or NS:

    on the loc we are fae

    A soft consonant sound is obtained if there is a vowel after the consonant E, E, I, YU or I AM:

    belo ki nude la

    The softness of consonants is also indicated by soft sign - B... The soft sign itself does not mean sound. It is written after a consonant letter and together with it denotes one soft consonant sound:

    Lynx [lynx "], Fire [fire "], snowstorm [in the "th" uh-huh].

    Most consonant letters correspond to two sounds: hard and soft, such consonants are called paired.

    Paired consonants for hardness - softness:

    But there are consonants that correspond to only one of the sounds: hard or soft. Such consonants are called unpaired.

    Unpaired solid consonants(always hard):

    F [f], NS [NS], C [c].

    Unpaired soft consonants(always soft):

    H [h "], SCH[SCH"], Th [th "].

    In Russian there is a long sonorous soft sound [g "]. It occurs in a small number of words and is obtained only when pronouncing letter combinations lzh, zzh, zhd:

    reins, rattle, rain.

    Voiced and voiceless consonants

    Consonant sounds can be divided into voiceless and voiced.

    Deaf consonants are sounds that are not pronounced with a voice. They consist only of noise. For example: sounds [ with], [NS], [h "].

    Voiced consonants are sounds that are pronounced with a voice, that is, they consist of voice and noise. For example: sounds [ R], [f], [d].

    Some sounds make up a pair: voiced - deaf, such sounds are called paired.

    Paired consonants for deafness - voiced:

    Unpaired voiced consonants: J, L, M, N, R.

    Unpaired voiceless consonants: Х, Ц, Ч, Щ.

    Hissing and hissing consonants

    Sounds [ f], [NS], [h "], [SCH"] are called hissing consonants. Sounds [ f] and [ NS] are unpaired solid hissing consonants:

    bug [bug], jester [jester]

    Sounds [ h "] and [ SCH"] are unpaired soft hissing consonants:

    siskin [h "izh], shield [shield]

    Sounds [ s], [h "], [with], [with"], [c] are called sibilant consonants.

    Letter and sound Y

    Letter Th(and short) denotes the sound [ th "]: Paradise [Paradise"].

    Letter Th written:

    1. At the beginning of words:

      iodine, yogurt.

    2. In the middle of words, before consonants:

      husky, t-shirt, coffee pot.

    3. At the end of words:

      paradise may yours.

    Sound [ th "] occurs more often than letters Th as it appears in words where there is no letter Th but there are vowels I, E, Yu and Yo... Consider in what cases the sound [ th "] occurs in words that do not contain a letter Th:

    1. vowels I, E, Yu and Yo stand at the beginning of a word:

      pit [th "ama],

    2. vowels I, E, Yu and Yo stand after vowels:

      blowing [blow et],

    3. vowels I, E, Yu and Yo stand after the dividing solid mark ( B):

      entry [vy ezd],

    4. vowels I, E, Yu and Yo stand after the separating soft mark ( B):

      pouring [l "y" from],

    5. vowel AND stands after the separating soft mark ( B):

      hives [st "y" and].