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  • Seminar - workshop for parents “Formation of phonemic perception through play. Workshop-workshop for teachers Workshop workshop games for the development of phonemic hearing

    Seminar - workshop for parents “Formation of phonemic perception through play.  Workshop-workshop for teachers Workshop workshop games for the development of phonemic hearing

    Workshop for parents

    Teacher-speech therapist MBDOU d / s number 8

    Bizhova O.A.

    G. Novocherkassk

    The seminar demonstrates the presentation "Developing the child's phonemic hearing" (is an appendix to this scenario)

    Seminar progress:

      The demonstration board shows the questions that are planned to be considered during the meeting:

      What is a phonemic function?

      Stages of development of phonemic processes.

      Exercise games for the formation and correction of phonemic processes

      The seminar begins with the game "Let's sit in silence", after which we suggest to name as many sounds as possible that they could hear. (Answers from parents, additions of a speech therapist)

      Phonemic feature includes:

    Phonemic hearing;

    Phonemic perception;

    Phonemic representations;

    Phonemic analysis and synthesis.

      Phonemic hearing - fine systematized hearing, which has the ability to carry out the operations of distinguishing and recognizing the phonemes that make up the sound shell of the word.

    Phonemic hearing is a part of physiological hearing and is aimed at comparing audible sounds with their standards, which are stored in human memory.

    Due to underdeveloped phonemic hearing a number of problems begin: the child cannot distinguish paired consonants (hard-soft, deaf-voiced), confuses whistling and hissing sounds, confuses letters

      Phonemic perception special mental actions to differentiate phonemes and establish the sound structure of a word.

    It is the ability to distinguish between phonemes and to identify sound composition the words. How many syllables are in a word? How many sounds are in it? What is the consonant at the end of a word? What is the vowel sound in the middle of a word?

    If phonemic perception is poorly developed, then difficulties arise in mastering letters, as well as in replacing sounds that are similar acoustically and articulatory (b-p, d-t, zh-sh, s-sh, etc.)

      Phonemic analysis and synthesis - mental actions to analyze or synthesize the sound structure of a word.

    Correct development of phonemic hearing and phonemic perception underlies correct pronunciation, understanding of speech, literate writing and reading in the process school education

    With the underdevelopment of this function, the following errors are observed: letter-by-letter reading, distortion of the sound-syllable structure of the word, which are manifested in the omissions of consonants at the confluence: pasta - "pasa", mark - "mara", jacket - "trigger"; in the insertions of vowels between consonants in their confluence: pasta - "pasAta"; in permutations of sounds: duck - "fat"; in skipping and inserting sounds in the absence of a consonant confluence in the word; in gaps, permutations of syllables: shovel - "lat", "lotapa".

      Stages of development of phonemic hearing:

    On initial stage development of phonemic hearing - up to 2-3 years, the child develops his ability to distinguish surrounding sounds that are not associated with speech: ringing, knocking, rustling and rustling, rustling, sounds of nature, etc. At the same time, listening to the speech of adults, the baby begins to distinguish speech sounds and learns to isolate each sound.

      Sound analysis and synthesis.

      Parents are invited to remember some of the rules of the Russian language from the school curriculum.

      The slide "Sounds and Letters" is demonstrated

      We hear and pronounce sounds, we see letters, we read and write.

      We recall the scheme of the characteristics of sounds, in a playful comic form, we suggest 2-3 parents to characterize the sounds, the rest of the parents act as judges or assistants. (it is possible to hold a competition between two teams) The slide shows a diagram of the characteristics of sounds (vowel or consonant sound, vowel-stressed or unstressed; consonant - voiced or voiceless, hard or soft)

    Next slide:

    Listen - and you will forget
    look - and you will remember
    do it - and you will understand.

      Games with parents .

    Istage. Definition of non-speech sounds.

      "Guess what sounds like?"

      "Who called?"

      "Let's sit in silence"

    IIstage. Formation of auditory attention

      ... "Learn the word"

    Paper - pumaga - tumaga - paper - pumaka - bumaka "



    We sat down in a spoon and - let's go! -

    Up and down the river!

    The bug didn’t finish:

    Reluctance. I'm sick of it.

    Snow is melting. A stream flows.

    The branches are full of Doctors.

    In sight of children

    The rat is painted by painters.

    Mom with Barrels went

    On the road along the village.

    The doctor reminded Uncle Mitya:

    "Don't forget one thing:

    Be sure to accept

    Ten Herons before bed. "

    Old grandfather Pakhom

    I rode on horseback.

    The hunter shouted: "Oops!

    The doors are chasing me! "A.Shibaev

      "Dunno Poems"


    At Svetlana's and Lisa's

    There are sleds, and there are skids.


    Why are you knocking so loud, rain? You can't even score a guard.


    Fresh boards lay on the street. Lazy scythes rested on them.


    Misha and Masha were lying in a carriage. They were, of course, twins.


    Two little mice also go to the nursery school.


    Sad on a hillock Two slender yorks.


    There was a sunset and quiet, and bright, But then the vet rose.


    Mom, mom, believe me: I removed my poster myself.


    Goes around the river Grove, like a spine.


    Ilya got up on thin ice And wanted to go forward.


    The seagull is not hunting for fish,

    And behind a loaf - what a luncheon!

      "Give me a word"

    Boredom does not threaten the fish,

    If somewhere nearby ... (Pike)

    Rushing, fleeing from the dogs,

    Shy among the bushes ... (Hare)

    In the greenhouse, like a traffic light

    Ripe scarlet ... (Tomato), etc.

    IIISkills development stage sound analysis and synthesis

      "Catch the Sound"

      "Find the place of sound in a word"

      Find a picture with sound [Л]

    Lion elephant lamp

      Determine the place of the sound [З] in the word

    Hare rose

      « Help me collect things ". You need to put in a suitcaseobjects, in the name of which there is a sound "sh".

      Make words from the first sounds of the names of the pictures. (Iron, cancer, cloud, candy)

      Try again (Fish, fishing rod, watch, cat, bus)

      Match the scheme to the word

    Games using picture material (for reference)

    At the end of the meeting with the parents, the speech therapist demonstrates manuals from the material at hand and gives the task to make such games and toys at home. Best work will be presented at the exhibition of parent-child works at the next meeting.

    Noisy boxes

    Music Box


    Oksana Tereshina

    The purpose of the seminar - workshop: Formation of motivation among educators to master practical knowledge and skills for the development of phonemic perception through the use of games, game exercises.

    1. To reveal the meaning of the development of phonemic perception in children preschool age.

    2. To familiarize teachers with the use of games and play exercises in their work with children, as a means for the development of phonemic perception.

    Workshop plan

    1. Usage gaming technologies in the development of phonemic technologies in the development of phonemic processes in older preschoolers. (report)

    2. Blitz questioning.

    3. Work in micro groups

    4. Games for the development of phonemic hearing (workshop)

    5. Presentation by educators of games for the development of phonemic hearing in preschoolers.

    6. Questioning of teachers.

    7. Miscellaneous.


    1. Speech by the speaker

    2. Blitz survey


    Phonemic hearing;

    Phonemic perception;

    Phonemic analysis.

    How many stages are there in the formation of phonemic perception

    L. S. Vygotsky introduced the term "Phonemic hearing", which includes 3 speech operations:

    The ability to hear is there a given sound in a word or not;

    The ability to distinguish between words that include the same phonemes in a different sequence;

    The ability to distinguish closely sounding, but different in meaning words.

    Somewhat later, D. B. Elkonin introduced the term "Phonemic perception"... The scientist was looking for the most effective methods of teaching reading and writing. He drew attention to the fact that phonemic hearing alone is not enough to master these skills, children need to be specially trained in phonemic perception, which includes 3 operations:

    Ability to determine the linear sequence of sounds in a word;

    The ability to determine the position of a sound in a word in relation to its beginning, middle or end;

    Awareness or counting the number of sounds in a word.

    Later D. B. Elkonin isolated from phonemic perception phonemic analysis including:

    1. clarification of the order of phonemes in a word;

    2. establishing the distinctive function of phonemes;

    3. highlighting the main phonemic oppositions inherent in a given language. It was this scientist who proved that before teaching a child written speech, it is necessary to teach him the skills of phonemic analysis.

    Professor L. S. Volkova reveals the concept "Phonemic hearing" as "... a subtle systematized hearing, which has the ability to carry out the operations of distinguishing and recognizing the phonemes that make up the sound shell of the word."

    What phonemic perception? "Special mental actions to differentiate phonemes and establish the sound structure of a word." It is based on phonemic hearing. This definition covers both the distinction of phonemes, and phonemic analysis, synthesis and representations.

    By phonemic analysis, we mean mental actions to analyze the sound structure of a word - its decomposition into a sequential series of sounds, counting their number, classification. Similarly, by phonemic synthesis, we mean mental actions to synthesize the sound structure of a word - the fusion of individual sounds into syllables, and syllables into words.

    3. Work in micro groups.

    Each microgroup should write 2 stages with an indication in which age group the work will be carried out

    Stage I- recognition of non-speech sounds. At this stage, in the process of special games and exercises, children develop the ability to recognize and distinguish non-speech sounds. These activities also contribute to the development of auditory attention and auditory memory.

    Stage II- distinguishing the pitch, strength, timbre of the voice on the material of the same sounds, combinations of words and phrases. A variety of games serve these purposes.

    Stage III- distinguishing between words that are similar in sound composition.

    Stage IV- differentiation of syllables.

    Stage V- differentiation of phonemes. At this stage, children learn to distinguish between phonemes. native language... It is imperative to start with the differentiation of vowel sounds.

    Stage VI- development of the skills of elementary sound analysis. This work begins with the fact that preschoolers are taught to determine the number of syllables in a word and to slap two- and three-syllable words. It is necessary to explain and show children how to slap words of varying complexity, how to highlight at the same time stressed syllable... Next, the analysis of vowel sounds is carried out. Then proceed to the analysis of consonants. In this case, a certain sequence must be observed: first, the child is taught to select the last consonant sound in the word. (It should be noted that the easiest way for children to learn is voiceless plosive consonants.)

    4. Games for the development of phonemic hearing (workshop)

    Each microgroup is given 3 games. It is necessary to determine at what stage of the formation of phonemic perception they can be used and in what age group.

    1 microgroup

    The game "Noise jars".

    Purpose: to exercise in determining the type of cereal by ear. (Stage 1 - recognition of non-speech sounds)

    D / u "Three Bears"

    Purpose: to form in children the ability to pronounce the appropriate remarks by changing the timbre and pitch of the voice. (Stage 2 - distinction of pitch, strength, tone of voice)

    D / u "Sound chain"

    Purpose: to form in children the ability to identify the last sound in a word and come up with a new word, starting with this word. (6 stage - development skills of elementary sound analysis)

    2 microgroup

    D \ U "Live sounds, syllables"

    PURPOSE: to form in children the ability to synthesize individual sounds (syllables) into a word.

    PROCESS OF THE GAME: We call the children and tell them who will turn into what sound. For example:

    Misha, you turn into the first sound, the word "bagel".

    Katya, you become the last sound of the word "mole".

    Olya, you are the main sound "and".

    Vera, you are the second sound of the word "bottom"

    Sound children names each sound. The rest - guess what word came out. (Stage V - phoneme differentiation)

    D / U "True-False"

    Target; to form in children the ability to hear the correct pronunciation.

    (Stage III - analysis of words similar in sound)

    D / U. "Zhmurki"

    PURPOSE: to form in children the ability to move blindfolded in the direction of a ringing tambourine (Stage I - recognition of non-speech sounds).

    3 microgroup

    D \ U "Sound hide and seek"

    Purpose of the game: development of phonemic hearing; development of attention

    Material: ball.

    The course of the game: The facilitator makes a sound that the players will look for in words, for example, the sound "o". And then, throwing the ball to the players, he pronounces different words, for example, "cat", "chair", "mail", "juice", "pencil", etc. The player to whom the ball is thrown must carefully listen to the word and, if this word has the desired sound, then he catches the ball, if not, he hits it. The one who makes the least mistakes wins. (Stage VI - development of the skills of elementary sound analysis)

    Didactic game "KuzovOK"

    Purpose of the game: to develop phonemic hearing; learn to pick up words that end in "ok".

    Material: beautiful box or basket, chips.

    The course of the game: The presenter shows the "box" and says: "This is a magic box, we will put there all the words that end with" -OK ", I put a bag in the box OK apples, and what do you put in the box?" Further, the "box" is passed in a circle and each player names a word ending in -ok, if the word is named correctly, the player takes a chip. The one who collects the most chips wins. (IV stage - differentiation of syllables)

    5. Presentation by educators of games for the development of phonemic hearing in preschoolers.

    6. Questioning of teachers.

    1. What methods for the development of speech in children do you use in your work? ___

    2. When drawing up a summary of the lesson, what teaching aids You are using?___

    3. What is the main goal of developing phonemic perception in preschool children? ___

    4. Formulate the tasks of developing phonemic hearing and perception in your age group ___

    5. What methods and techniques for the development of phonemic hearing and perception do you use in the classroom and in the free activities of children? ___

    6. What in the work on education of phonemic hearing and perception do you consider most relevant for children of your age group?

    7. What forms of work with children do you prefer when fostering phonemic hearing and perception?

    8. Are the parents of your pupils familiar with the problems of the speech development of their children? ___

    9. How do you organize interaction with the families of children in the direction of speech development? ___

    10. What difficulties do you face in your work on the education of phonemic hearing and perception? ___

    11. What, in your opinion, should be the help of the group teacher from the kindergarten methodologist and speech therapist? ___

    12. What, in your opinion, is the teacher's independent work in this direction? ___

    7. Summing up the results of the workshop.



    Target: To teach parents how to play phonemic hearing development in children with general speech underdevelopment.

    Tasks: Get parents interested in the speech of their own child. Expand parental beliefs in helping a child develop phonemic hearing.

    Workshop participants parents of older preschoolers, teacher speech therapist workshop leader.

    Duration: 40 minutes -1 hour.

    Equipment: presentation “We develop phonemic (speech) hearing, audio recordings of natural and household noises, computer game“ Development of speech. Learning to Speak Correctly ", a memo - consultation for parents" Exercises for the development of phonemic hearing in children 5-7 years old ", red and blue vases, artificial flowers.

    Preliminary preparation

    1. Selection and study of literature on the topic of the seminar.

    2. Design of the presentation "We develop phonemic (speech) hearing".

    3. Development of a memo - consultations for parents "Exercises for the development of phonemic hearing in children 5-7 years old."

    Workshop progress:

    1.Organizational moment

    What parent does not dream that his child will quickly and successfully learn to read and write, go to school without problems? But if the child's phonemic hearing is impaired or insufficiently formed, this can interfere with the mastery of the processes of reading and writing. That is, a child may make the following mistakes when reading and writing (the material is designed in the form of slides).

    1. Replacement of voiced consonants with paired voiceless ones and vice versa ("volume" instead of "House", "udyug" instead of "iron")

    2. Replacement of soft consonants with the corresponding hard ones and vice versa ("den" instead of "day", "klumba" instead of "flowerbed").

    3. Replacement of whistling sounds (S, Z, Ts with hissing W, W, Sch, H) ("hoe" instead of "hat", "saplya" instead of "heron", etc.)

    4. Various letter substitutions in the group of sonorous vowels (P, Pb, L, L, and J) (glachi instead of rook, goyka instead of slide, etc.)

    To prevent this from happening, we will take care of it right now - we will play games of an entertaining and entertaining nature that will help develop phonemic hearing in your child.

    2. Speech of the teacher-logopedist with the message "Speech and non-speech hearing"

    But first, I suggest that you listen to what hearing is, what it is, and I will tell you in more detail about phonemic hearing.

    What is hearing? This is the ability of a person with the help of his ears to perceive sounds and navigate through them in environment... Hearing is non-verbal and verbal.

    Non-verbal hearing Is the perception of natural, household and musical noises. Now let's see which of you is the most attentive and quick-witted, let's play the game "Guess what sounds?" (the speech therapist includes several recordings of everyday and natural noises, and the parents determine which sounds they are).

    Speech hearing - it is hearing for the sounds of speech, that is, the distinction between the sounds of speech. It is the basis for understanding the meaning of what was said. When speech (phonemic) hearing is not formed, the child perceives (remembers, repeats, writes) not what he was told, but what he heard - something exactly, but something very approximately. For example, “needle” turns into darkness, “forest” into “fox”, “Misha's porridge” into “mouse on the car”, etc.

    It is possible to prepare a child well for school, to create a basis for teaching literacy is possible only in the process of systematic work on the development of phonemic perception, which contains two components:phonemic hearing - this is the ability to perceive by ear and accurately differentiate all sounds of speech, especially those close in sound, and elementary sound analysis.

    Phonemic perception the first step in mastering the literacy. It is formed in the period from one to four years.

    Sound Analysis - it is an operation of mental division into constituent elements of combinations of sounds, syllables, words. It belongs to the second stage and is formed after four years.

    The development of speech, including the ability to clearly pronounce sounds and distinguish them, possession of the articulatory apparatus, and correctly construct a sentence, is one of the main tasks in preparing a child for school.

    Correct speech is one of the indicators of a child's readiness to study at school, the key to successful mastering of literacy and reading: written speech is formed on the basis of oral speech, and children suffering from underdevelopment of phonemic hearing are potential dysgraphics and dyslexics (children with reading and writing disorders)

    Overcoming the underdevelopment of phonemic hearing is achieved by purposeful, painstaking work to correct the sound side of speech and the development of phonemic hearing. Therefore, our task is to teach the child to correctly perceive and distinguish the sounds of speech. And special games will help in this, in which you can play with your child at home. The help of parents and all adult family members in this difficult work is necessary and extremely valuable.

    Above all, be friendly and respectful to your child. He should feel that these activities are not a boring inevitable duty, but an interesting, exciting business, a game in which he must definitely win. Encourage his small successes and be patient with failures.

    3. Cooperative activity speech therapist and parents who act as children. ( showing the presentation "Developing phonemic (speech) hearing" with playing games).

    Now, dear parents, let's play these educational games with me. You will play the role of your children.

    The game "Be attentive!"

    The task is to develop the ability to hear a given sound among a number of sounds, syllables, words.

    If you hear a predetermined sound, clap your hands. For example, the sound "R": l, p, m, p, h, p, l; la-ra-sha-ka-ra; nose, mouth, crust, joke.

    Please note that we pronounce hard sounds firmly, and soft soft voiced consonants (P, F, N) are stunned at the end of a word or before other consonants (for example, "oak" - at the end we hear the sound P.) Do not forget about the difference in sound and letters: in a word we hear some sounds, and in writing we designate them with other letters. For example, we say "malako" and select the corresponding sounds in the word, and write "milk".

    Name the pictures game

    The task is to learn to highlight a given sound among the objects shown in the pictures.

    Name and show objects that have the sound S. For example, pictures: a car, a mouse, a bank, slippers, a hat, etc.

    Game "Come up with a name"

    The task is to learn to select words for a given sound.

    Come up with a name for the boy (girl) for a given sound, for example, the sound H - Nastya, Nadya, Natasha. Sound B - Vova, Vanya, Vasya, Valera.

    Game "Name the first sound in a word"

    The task is to learn to highlight the first sound in a word.

    Name the objects in the pictures and select only the first sound in the word. For example, KOT -K, BANK -B.

    For this game, you should not take words with iotated vowel letters at the beginning (I, E, Yo, Yu, since they denote double sounds (YA, YO, YU, YE). When highlighting the initial consonants, make sure that the child pronounces them without overtones E, not EM, not ME, but M, for example, in the word "MOST".

    Game "Name the last sound"

    The task is to learn to highlight the last sound in a word.

    Name the objects shown in the pictures, highlighting the last sounds in the words. For example: house -M, oak -B.

    For this game, you should not take words with iotated vowel letters at the end (I, E, Yo, Yu), since they denote double sounds (YA, YU, YE, YO).

    Guess the word game

    The task is to learn how to make words from the first sounds of the objects shown in the pictures.

    Guess the word by the first sounds of the objects depicted in the pictures. For example: swan, needle, table, watermelon (fox).

    Game "Additives"

    The task is to teach how to form words by adding a given sound to the beginning or end of a word.

    By adding a given sound to the beginning (end) of a word, name the resulting words. For example: the sound Sh..uba (fur coat), .. folder (hat), .. ar (ball), we .. (mouse), but. (Knife), do .. (shower).

    Game "Determine the place of sound in a word"

    The task is to develop the ability to determine the place of sound in a word (beginning, middle, end)

    Determine where the given sound "lives" in the word: at the beginning, middle or end of the word. For example, the sound Ш in words: mouse (at the end), hat (at the beginning), car (in the middle).

    Swap the word game

    The task is to teach how to divide words into syllables.

    Slap the words and say the number of syllables in the word. For example, mali-na (3 syllables).

    Let me remind you of the rule of the Russian language: "There are as many vowels in a word as there are syllables." To determine the number of syllables, you can also use the following technique: press your fists to your chin and pronounce the word by syllable, as if rhythmizing it. How many times the chin dropped down (pronouncing vowels), so many syllables in the word.

    Call the word game

    The task is to learn how to identify a stressed vowel in a word and highlight it with a voice.

    "Call" the words (the names of the objects shown in the pictures) and name the stressed vowel sound in the word. Let me remind you that the stressed vowel is pronounced longer, drawn out. For example: nooooty - stressed vowel O.

    4. Acquaintance of parents with the computer game “Speech Development. Learning to Speak Correctly "

    For the development of phonemic hearing, you can also use special children's computer programs, for example, the computer game “Speech Development. Learning to speak correctly. " (showing the game)

    This game contains entertaining tasks both for the development of non-verbal hearing, for example, “Musicians”, “Transport”, “Our House”, “Animal House”, “Bird House”, etc., and for the development of speech hearing, for example, “Vocal sounds ”,“ Voiceless sounds ”,“ Sounds - twins ”,“ Angry and affectionate sounds ”.

    5. Exchange of impressions of the meeting.

    The speech therapist distributes instructions - consultations for parents "Exercises for the development of phonemic hearing in children 5-7 years old" with descriptions of the games presented above.

    Now, leaving the workshop, choose flowers and put them in vases. If you liked everything very much, you have learned something new - in a red vase. If you don’t like it, go to a blue vase.

    Workshop for parents

    "Phonemic hearing is the basis of speech"

    Prepared by a speech therapist: I.S. Bobreshova

    Target: To teach parents how to play phonemic hearing development in children.

    Tasks: Get parents interested in the speech of their own child.

    Expand parental beliefs in helping a child develop phonemic hearing.

    Workshop participants parents of older preschoolers, teacher-speech therapist, educator-leader of the workshop.

    Duration: 40 minutes -1 hour.

    Equipment: presentation “We develop phonemic (speech) hearing, audio recordings of natural and household noises, computer game“ Development of speech. Learning to Speak Correctly ", a memo - consultation for parents" Exercises for the development of phonemic hearing in children 5-7 years old ", red and blue vases, artificial flowers.

    Preliminary preparation

    1. Selection and study of literature on the topic of the seminar.

    2. Design of the presentation "We develop phonemic (speech) hearing".

    3. Development of a booklet for parents “we play at home, develop phonemic hearing”.

    Workshop progress:

    1.Organizational moment

    What parent does not dream that his child will quickly and successfully learn to read and write, go to school without problems? But if the child's phonemic hearing is impaired or insufficiently formed, this can interfere with the mastery of the processes of reading and writing. That is, a child may make the following mistakes when reading and writing (the material is designed in the form of slides).

    1. Replacement of voiced consonants with paired voiceless ones and vice versa ("volume" instead of "House", "udyug" instead of "iron")

    2. Replacement of soft consonants with the corresponding hard ones and vice versa ("den" instead of "day", "klumba" instead of "flowerbed").

    3. Replacement of whistling sounds (S, Z, Ts with hissing W, W, Sch, H) ("hoe" instead of "hat", "saplya" instead of "heron", etc.)

    4. Various letter substitutions in the group of sonorous vowels (P, Pb, L, L, and J) (glachi instead of rook, goyka instead of slide, etc.)

    To prevent this from happening, we will take care of it right now - we will play games of an entertaining and entertaining nature that will help develop phonemic hearing in your child.

    2. Speech of the teacher-logopedist with the message "Speech and non-speech hearing"

    But first, I suggest that you listen to what hearing is, what it is, and I will tell you in more detail about phonemic hearing.

    What is hearing? This is the ability of a person to perceive sounds with the help of his ears and navigate through them in the environment. Hearing is non-verbal and verbal.

    Non-verbal hearing Is the perception of natural, household and musical noises. Now let's see which of you is the most attentive and quick-witted, let's play the game "Guess what sounds?" (the speech therapist includes several recordings of everyday and natural noises, and the parents determine which sounds they are).

    Speech hearing - it is hearing for the sounds of speech, that is, the distinction between the sounds of speech. It is the basis for understanding the meaning of what was said. When speech (phonemic) hearing is not formed, the child perceives (remembers, repeats, writes) not what he was told, but what he heard - something exactly, but something very approximately. For example, “needle” turns into darkness, “forest” into “fox”, “Misha's porridge” into “mouse on the car”, etc.

    It is possible to prepare a child well for school, to create a basis for teaching literacy is possible only in the process of systematic work on the development of phonemic perception, which contains two components: phonemic hearing- this is the ability to perceive by ear and accurately differentiate all sounds of speech, especially those close in sound, and elementary sound analysis.

    Phonemic perception the first step in mastering the literacy. It is formed in the period from one to four years.

    Sound Analysis - it is an operation of mental division into constituent elements of combinations of sounds, syllables, words. It belongs to the second stage and is formed after four years.

    The development of speech, including the ability to clearly pronounce sounds and distinguish them, possession of the articulatory apparatus, and correctly construct a sentence, is one of the main tasks in preparing a child for school.

    Correct speech is one of the indicators of a child's readiness to study at school, the key to successful mastering of literacy and reading: written speech is formed on the basis of oral speech, and children suffering from underdevelopment of phonemic hearing are potential dysgraphics and dyslexics (children with reading and writing disorders)

    Overcoming the underdevelopment of phonemic hearing is achieved by purposeful, painstaking work to correct the sound side of speech and the development of phonemic hearing. Therefore, our task is to teach the child to correctly perceive and distinguish the sounds of speech. And special games will help in this, in which you can play with your child at home. The help of parents and all adult family members in this difficult work is necessary and extremely valuable.

    Above all, be friendly and respectful to your child. He should feel that these activities are not a boring inevitable duty, but an interesting, exciting business, a game in which he must definitely win. Encourage his small successes and be patient with failures.

    3. Joint activities of a speech therapist and parents who act as children. ( showing the presentation "Developing phonemic (speech) hearing" with playing games).

    Now, dear parents, let's play these educational games with me. You will play the role of your children.

    The game "Be attentive!"

    The task is to develop the ability to hear a given sound among a number of sounds, syllables, words.

    If you hear a predetermined sound, clap your hands. For example, the sound "R": l, p, m, p, h, p, l; la-ra-sha-ka-ra; nose, mouth, crust, joke.

    Please note that we pronounce hard sounds firmly, and soft soft voiced consonants (P, F, N) are stunned at the end of a word or before other consonants (for example, "oak" - at the end we hear the sound P.) Do not forget about the difference in sound and letters: in a word we hear some sounds, and in writing we designate them with other letters. For example, we say "malako" and select the corresponding sounds in the word, and write "milk".

    Name the pictures game

    The task is to learn to highlight a given sound among the objects shown in the pictures.

    Name and show objects that have the sound S. For example, pictures: a car, a mouse, a bank, slippers, a hat, etc.

    Game "Come up with a name"

    The task is to learn to select words for a given sound.

    Come up with a name for the boy (girl) for a given sound, for example, the sound H - Nastya, Nadya, Natasha. Sound B - Vova, Vanya, Vasya, Valera.

    Game "Name the first sound in a word"

    The task is to learn to highlight the first sound in a word.

    Name the objects in the pictures and select only the first sound in the word. For example, KOT -K, BANK -B.

    For this game, you should not take words with iotated vowel letters at the beginning (I, E, Yo, Yu, since they denote double sounds (YA, YO, YU, YE). When highlighting the initial consonants, make sure that the child pronounces them without overtones E, not EM, not ME, but M, for example, in the word "MOST".

    Game "Name the last sound"

    The task is to learn to highlight the last sound in a word.

    Name the objects shown in the pictures, highlighting the last sounds in the words. For example: house -M, oak -B.

    For this game, you should not take words with iotated vowel letters at the end (I, E, Yo, Yu), since they denote double sounds (YA, YU, YE, YO).

    Guess the word game

    The task is to learn how to make words from the first sounds of the objects shown in the pictures.

    Guess the word by the first sounds of the objects depicted in the pictures. For example: swan, needle, table, watermelon (fox).

    Game "Additives"

    The task is to teach how to form words by adding a given sound to the beginning or end of a word.

    By adding a given sound to the beginning (end) of a word, name the resulting words. For example: the sound Sh..uba (fur coat), .. folder (hat), .. ar (ball), we .. (mouse), but. (Knife), do .. (shower).

    Game "Determine the place of sound in a word"

    The task is to develop the ability to determine the place of sound in a word (beginning, middle, end)

    Determine where the given sound "lives" in the word: at the beginning, middle or end of the word. For example, the sound Ш in words: mouse (at the end), hat (at the beginning), car (in the middle).

    Swap the word game

    The task is to teach how to divide words into syllables.

    Slap the words and say the number of syllables in the word. For example, mali-na (3 syllables).

    Let me remind you of the rule of the Russian language: "There are as many vowels in a word as there are syllables." To determine the number of syllables, you can also use the following technique: press your fists to your chin and pronounce the word by syllable, as if rhythmizing it. How many times the chin dropped down (pronouncing vowels), so many syllables in the word.

    Call the word game

    The task is to learn how to identify a stressed vowel in a word and highlight it with a voice.

    "Call" the words (the names of the objects shown in the pictures) and name the stressed vowel sound in the word. Let me remind you that the stressed vowel is pronounced longer, drawn out. For example: nooooty - stressed vowel O.

    4. Acquaintance of parents with the computer game “Speech Development. Learning to Speak Correctly "

    For the development of phonemic hearing, you can also use special children's computer programs, for example, the computer game “Speech Development. Learning to speak correctly. " (showing the game)

    This game contains entertaining tasks both for the development of non-verbal hearing, for example, “Musicians”, “Transport”, “Our House”, “Animal House”, “Bird House”, etc., and for the development of speech hearing, for example, “Vocal sounds ”,“ Voiceless sounds ”,“ Sounds - twins ”,“ Angry and affectionate sounds ”.

    5. Exchange of impressions of the meeting.

    The educator distributes instructions - consultations for parents "Exercises for the development of phonemic hearing in children 5-7 years old" with descriptions of the games presented above.

    Now, leaving the workshop, choose flowers and put them in vases. If you liked everything very much, you have learned something new - in a red vase. If you don't like it - in a blue vase.

    Date of publication: 12/18/17





    "The development of phonemic processes through the use of games and game exercises in continuous educational activities

    on preparation for teaching children of older preschool age to read and write "

    (for teachers)

    Prepared by: teacher - speech therapist

    E.G. Kotelianets

    Noyabrsk 2017-2018 academic year

    "The development of phonemic processes through the use of games and game exercises in continuous educational activities in preparation for teaching children of older preschool age to read and write"

    The purpose of the seminar is a workshop: the formation of motivation among educators to master practical knowledge and skills for the development of phonemic perception through the use of games, game exercises in continuous educational activities "Preparation for teaching literacy".


    1. To reveal the significance of the development of phonemic perception in older preschool children.

    2. To identify typical mistakes in teaching literacy to older preschool children.

    2. To familiarize teachers with the use of games and play exercises in their work with children, as a means for the development of phonemic perception.

    Workshop plan:

    1. “Development of phonemic perception through the use of games and play exercises in preparing children for literacy (report).

    2. Express test "Believe yourself"

    3. Work in micro groups

    1) "We play the game, we develop phonemic processes"

    3) "Color the outline of the word »

    4) "Find mistakes"

    4. "We make a summary of the GCD" (workshop)

    5. Design and replenishment of the library of electronic resources.

    6. Summing up the results of the workshop.



    The most important component of the successful work of preschoolers in mastering literacy is the formation of phonemic processes:

    Phonemic hearing- the ability to perceive the sounds of speech, thanks to which the distinction of words that are similar in sound is carried out: crayfish-lac-mac. This term was introduced by L. S. Vygotsky.

    How to check if it is developed in a child.

    • We suggest using the pictures: show where the goat is, and where is the scythe, spoon-horns.
    • Clap your hands if you hear the C sound.

    If phonemic hearing is developed, then the child distinguishes the meaning of what is said by an adult. Normally, a child's phonemic hearing should be developed up to 4 years of age.

    Based on phonemic hearing, we form phonemic perception.

    D. B. Elkonin introduced the term "phonemic perception", which includes 3 operations:

    Ability to determine the linear sequence of sounds in a word;

    The ability to determine the position of a sound in a word in relation to its beginning, middle or end;

    Awareness or counting the number of sounds in a word.

    Phonemic perception- special mental actions for distinguishing phonemes, establishing the sound structure of a word.

    Answers the questions:

    How many syllables are in the word "juice"?

    How many sounds are in it?

    What is the consonant at the end of a word?

    What is the vowel sound in the middle of a word?

    Phonemic perception is formed in the process special education.

    Later, DB Elkonin isolated phonemic analysis from phonemic perception, we call it sound analysis.

    Sound Analysis- mental actions to analyze the sound structure of a word - its decomposition into a sequential series of sounds, counting their number, classification. Similarly under phonemic synthesis we will understand mental actions by synthesizing the sound structure of a word - the fusion of individual sounds into syllables, and syllables into words.

    However, it is now customary to combine these two concepts.

    Currently, many copyright programs have appeared and methodological developments on teaching literacy to preschool children, and not always of high quality. Individual compilers educational programs, teachers who are not familiar with the patterns of development of written speech, admit serious methodological errors. For example:

    • They confuse the concepts of "sound" and "letter", which complicates the processes sound-letter analysis and synthesis;
    • There is an arbitrary acquaintance with the letters without taking into account the ontogeny of the sounds indicated by them (i.e., the sequence of their development), which leads to distortion, substitutions, omissions of sounds when reading and complicates the perception of the text;

    In sound analysis, 4 vowels are distinguished, which sometimes form two sounds at once, and not one. These letters are: "E", "Yo", "Yu", "I". They are called iotated.

    The stage by stage of the appearance of sounds in children is shown in the table. It is this principle that should be maintained when compiling work program literacy.

    The sequence of the appearance of sounds in children

    • The names of consonant letters are given to preschoolers in alphabetical transcription [BE, EM, KA, EL] ... Or the names of consonants are given with sounds [SE, EC] ... [MEAMEA] instead of the word MAMA, [SETAULE] instead of the word CHAIR;
    • spelling rules are not taken into account (classic correct pronunciation words; the accepted rules for the pronunciation of sounds and combinations of sounds in words):

    By these rules, we know that

    Voiced consonants at the end of a word are stunned TOOTH - [ZUP], pelvis - "tas", snow - "snack",

    - voiceless consonants in the middle of a word may sound a request - "prozba",

    A soft consonant can soften the previous hard consonant of the branch - "vetvi"

    The doubled consonant letter denotes one sound: highway, Anna.

    Vowel sounds in the pre-struck position are pronounced differently KOMOK - [KAMOK], cucumber - "agurets", the sixth - "shisty", rooster - "pityh"

    Output: speech material for sound analysis, it is necessary to select so that its pronunciation coincides with the spelling ( (See note "Words for Sound Analysis"):

    forward and backward syllables (AM, PA)

    three-letter monosyllabic words (SOK, SUK)

    disyllabic (Mustache, wasps, ear; sled, scythe.)

    three-syllable (RASPBERRIES) the words,

    consonant words (KNOCK, SANKI, WOLF)

    By making these mistakes, contradictions may arise in children when teaching literacy, which will subsequently lead to a violation of writing and reading.

    Thus, when teaching children to read and write, teachers must have the appropriate knowledge. I propose to execute express test "Believe yourself" (Appendix No. 1):


    1) "We play the game, develop phonemic processes"

    (conducted by a microgroup with all teachers)

    Conducted by a speech therapist teacher: D / and "Live sounds" (by ear)

    Purpose: to form the ability to synthesize individual sounds into a word.

    The course of the game: We call the children and tell them who will turn into what sound.

    O.A. you become the first sound of the word "Mouse".

    E.B. you turn into the last sound, the words "wheels".

    G.Yu. you are the third sound of the word "koSa".

    N.N. second sound of the word "cTol" (word: MOST)

    K.A. you become the last sound of the word "shallow".

    M.I. the main sound "I"

    O.V. you turn into the third sound, the word "MISKA".

    S. B. you are the first sound of the word "Tok" (word: SHEET)

    Sound children name each sound. The rest - guess what word came out.

    Practical exercise: we lay out a rug with words in which the sound " O»Stands at the beginning of a word

    Let's check ourselves .

    3 ) "Color the outline of the word" (Appendix No. 3)

    One scheme per teacher, then we check.

    4) "Find mistakes" (Appendix No. 4)

    Very often we use ready-made manuals and visual materials, sometimes we download them from the Internet. Unfortunately, very often this material is executed or framed methodically incorrectly. I suggest you find the errors and explain them:

    Printed assignments from the Internet for studying sounds, letters;

    Errors in sound scheme;

    Cubes, chips, when denoting symbols of letters;

    Conclusion: consider the tips:

    • do not take the study of letters without fail in the senior group;
    • do not take the iotated vowels, b, b in the older group, in the preparatory group they study at the end of the year;

    Children aged 3 to 5 years have increased sensitivity to the sound side of speech. In the future, such susceptibility is lost, therefore it is important at this age to develop phonemic hearing and speech perception, and not immediately offer letters.


    Each microgroup is given 1 sheet with a list of the structural elements of the GCD. It is necessary to choose those that relate only to literacy, fit the topic, and build them logically, you can add your own. You will get a mini synopsis (Appendix No. 5)

    Option 1, theme (senior group) "Sound T", lexical topic

    Option 2, theme (subgr.) " Sounds Ш-Ж», Lexical topic

    The main structural elements presented on SLIDE

    1 ) Organizational moment

    2) Topic message GCD through playing the sound:

    What a common sound in words

    A) isolated pronunciation of sound

    B) analysis of the articulation of sound (we bring to the characteristic of sound - vowel / consonant)

    Take a token if ...

    Come up with a word with sound ...

    Where is the sound in words

    6) Sound analysis:

    7) Acquaintance with the letter(in the footsteps of sound analysis)

    Modeling, cutting

    Drawing in the air

    Rebus, crosswords




    • Agapova I.A., Davydova M.A. The world of the native language: games, activities, entertainment, performances, quizzes for the development of speech of preschoolers. - M., 2008.
    • Agranovich Z.E. To help speech therapists and parents. A collection of homework assignments for overcoming the underdevelopment of the phonemic side of speech in older preschoolers. - SPb., 2010.
    • Derbina A.I., Kylasova L.E. Speech therapy group: play activities with children 5-7 years old. - Volgograd: "Teacher", 2016.
    • Kondratenko I. Yu. We pronounce sounds correctly. Speech therapy exercises... - M., 2014.
    • E. V. Kuznetsova, I. A. Tikhonova Teaching children with speech impairments to read and write. Lecture notes. - M., 2009.
    • Novotortseva N.V. Development of children's speech. - Yaroslavl: LLP "Gringo", 1995.
    • Developing technologies in speech therapy / V. M. Akimenko. - Rostov n / a: Phoenix, 2011 .-- 109, p. : ill. - (I give my heart to the children).
    • Ushakova O.S. Come up with a word: speech games and exercises for preschoolers. - M., 2014.
    • Yurchishina V.D. I see, I read, I write. Summaries of classes on teaching literacy to preschoolers preparatory group DOE. - M., 2012.

    NS Appendix No. 1

    Express test "Believe yourself":

    • What two large groups are all the sounds of the Russian language divided into?
    • How do vowels differ from consonants?
    • What color symbol is it customary to denote vowel sounds? (select)

    - Vowels consonants

    - Voiced - deaf

    - Hard - soft


    4. What groups are consonants divided into?

    - Vowels consonants

    - Voiced - deaf

    - Hard - soft

    Your answer ________________________________________________

    • What color symbol is customary to denote solid consonants? (select)
    • What color symbol is customary to denote soft consonants? (select)
    • What sounds are always solid?
    • What sounds are always soft?
    • What is the difference between a sound and a letter?

    Red, blue, green, yellow, white

    Red, blue, green, yellow, white

    W, F, C Y, Sh, H R, L, M

    W, F, C Y, Sh, H R, L, M


    10. E, Yo, Yu, I - these are iotated letters or sounds?

    Appendix No. 2

    The game is a playing field, divided into 16 squares and a set of chips (3 colors - chips of blue, green, red).

    The principle of the game is based on the presence or absence of a given parameter. This parameter is denoted by a token.

    The teacher explains to the children that the playing field is a rug on which we will lay out the pattern. The rug consists of cells, each cell represents a word. We will lay out the pattern with chips that denote sounds. Each sound has its own counter (red is a vowel, blue is a hard consonant, green is a soft consonant).

    Simple version of the game:

    For example, if there is a given sound in a word, then we put a chip on the cell. We remind you that if there is no sound in the word, we skip the cell. You should also draw the attention of children to the need to follow the cells with your finger so as not to miss a word. We draw the attention of the children that we lay out the chips from the 1st cell of the 1st row, when the row ends, we return to the beginning of the next row.

    For the first time, we play with the children together, analyzing each word, highlighting the given sound intonationally. Each child has an individual rug, the teacher has a demonstration rug on the board. Usually, after 2-3 joint games with an adult, children memorize the rules and cope on their own. In the future, after the game, we check the errors, jointly sorting them out on the board.

    The Sound Mat can be used to automate and differentiate sounds. When differentiating sounds, we use chips of two colors at the same time, for example, when distinguishing the sounds "Ts-Ch", blue and green chips are taken.

    You can choose the words so that a certain pattern is obtained on the rug: a letter, geometric figure.

    Various small objects can be used as chips: shells, sea pebbles, marbles, buttons, beads; letters.

    Job options may be different:

    • Mark with a token the presence of a given sound in a word,
    • Mark words that start with (vowel)
    • We mark short words with a chip,
    • We mark words with 3 sounds with a token,

    Mark words with a sound in a certain position (beginning, middle, end of a word)

    We distinguish paired hard-soft sounds etc.

    Practical exercise:

    we lay out a rug with words in which the sound "o" is at the beginning of the word

    Let's check ourselves.

    In addition to the development of phonemic processes, what other tasks does this game carry out? How do you think?

    Develops visual attention, orientation on a sheet in a cage, counting operations.

    The value of this game is also that it can be modified for any task:

    For example, what would you suggest?

    living-non-living, flies - does not fly, vegetables - fruits, true - not true, etc.

    I hope the information was useful and you will find its application in your work.

    Appendix No. 3

    "Using the sound ruler, color the outline of the word."

    Appendix No. 4

    "Find the mistakes"

    Appendix No. 5

    The structure of the GCD for preparation for literacy training.

    Exercise: choose the structural elements that are included in the GCD for preparation for literacy training, build them logically, you can add your own. You will have a mini synopsis.

    1 group, theme "Sound T" (for senior group)

    Option 2, the theme "Sounds Sh-Zh", (for

    Organizational moment

    Surprise moment

    Guessing the riddle

    D / and ________________________

    Sound Analysis

    Development of phonemic hearing, perception

    Acquaintance with the letter

    Retelling the story

    Isolated sound pronunciation

    Sound articulation analysis

    Sound characteristic

    Consolidation of sound in words, phrases

    D / and on vocabulary, grammar

    Reading sti-i about the letter

    Reading a fairy tale


    Finger gymnastics

    Breathing exercise

    Appendix No. 6


    • O monosyllabic words consisting of a closed syllable:

    tank, bull, side, var, ox, your, goal, din, rumble, gift, smoke, house, shower, beetle, hall, lump, cat, scrap, varnish, bow, poppy, soap, nose, our, steam, fluff, sex, cancer, mouth, * juice, sleep, cheese, son, current, fat, chorus, noise, fever.

    2.D complex words consisting of open syllables:

    bath, vase, cotton wool, vases, lips, heat, toad, teeth, chickens, porridge, goats, porridge, paw, Lusha, Lara, moon, laura, masha, mama, flour, feet, burrows, burden, ours, Pasha, couples, dad, frame, rose, crayfish, roses, fish, wound, hand, gardens, owls, soups, Sasha, soda, dry land, tazy, Tom, balls, fur coat, Shura, steps.

    3.D complex words consisting of open and closed syllables:

    banana, bar n, loaf, wagon, hammock, lawn, smoke, sofa, oak, smell, lock, for boron, blockage, paddock, tan, fist, piece, nod, reed, wild boar, Cossack, lavash, fluff, pump, fisherman, jerk, pike perch, salad, son, herd, robe, hut, make noise, screw, rascal, walked.

    4. Two-syllable words with a confluence of consonants at the junction of syllables:

    bank, roll, bows, waffles, slide, jackdaw, race, bug, bunny, crust, helmet, card, doll, cat, noodles, mouse, fly, brand, mask, shirt, wash, night, mink, desk, donut, cannon, stick, shelf, pasta, jacket, bushes, wound, sled, drying, pine trees, shoes, slippers, mystery, point, form, halva, cup.

    5.D complex words with a confluence of consonants at the beginning:

    bolt, brother, took, bow, block, wolf, liar, wax, thunder, rook, yard, drap, waited, called, knew, mole, feed, kvass, bush, shred, lift, leaf, bridge, darkness, plan, edge, fang, park, port, twig, squeak, start, growth, tore, sort, table, chair, groan, look, sheaf, dispute, sport, knock, stop, cake, rope, toast, throne, hill, navy, wardrobe, scarf, scar, hose, bayonet, stamp.



    Senior group:

    • Differentiate speech and non-speech sounds.
    • Distinguishes between vowel-consonant sounds .
    • They know how to characterize the sound and designate them with chips, isolate the sound from the composition of the word, determine its place in the word, select words for a given sound.
    • They are able to differentiate consonants by hardness and softness.
    • use the terms "sound", "syllable", "word", "sentence", "vowel sound", "consonant sound", " solid sound», « soft sound».
    • analyze reverse syllables type GS and direct syllables such as SG.
    • sound analysis of words is carried out with the determination of the place of sound in the word and its characteristics;
    • use the terms: "sound", "syllable", "word", "sentence", "vowel sound", "consonant sound", "hard sound", "soft sound",
    • divide words into syllables.
    • use the terms "sound", "syllable", "word", "sentence", "vowel sound", "consonant sound", "hard sound", "soft sound", " ringing sound", "clunk";
    • distinguish between vowels and consonants;
    • distinguish between hard and soft consonants;
    • differentiate pairs of sounds (s-s, s-c, w-w, h-w, s-w, h-w, c-h, l-r);
    • highlight the stressed syllable, stressed vowel in the word;
    • conduct a sound analysis of words of various structures from 3-4 sounds;
    • call words with a given sound;
    • select the first and last consonant sound from words like CGS
    • determine the position of the sound in the word
    • divide words into syllables;
    • make up sentences from a number of words (3-4 words);
    • distinguish between the images of letters

    Preparatory group:

    EXAMPLE structure of a GCD for preparation for literacy

    1 ) Organizational moment(surprise moment, guessing the riddle, blitz survey, d / i)

    2) Topic message GCD through playing the sound:

    Guess the riddle, name the 1st (last sound)

    What a common sound in words

    A) isolated sound pronunciation

    B) analysis of sound articulation (we bring to the characteristic of sound - vowel / consonant)

    5) Development of phonemic hearing, perception:

    Clap your hands if you hear ...

    Take a token if ...

    Come up with a word with sound ...

    Where is the sound in words

    6) Sound analysis:

    The intonation emphasis of every sound,

    What is the 1st sound, why is the vowel / consonant, etc.

    How many sounds in a word, vowels, consonants, hard consonants, soft consonants

    How many syllables how to check

    7) Acquaintance with the letter(in the footsteps of sound analysis)

    What tasks can you offer to consolidate the visual image of the letter?

    Laying out from sticks, lace

    Modeling, cutting

    Drawing in the air

    Finding the correct letter

    Recognizing letters superimposed on each other

    Rebus, crosswords

    8) D / I on the development of the lexical and grammatical structure of speech, coherent speech.

    Be sure to include in the GCD a physical minute or a dynamic pause, finger gymnastics, if desired - breathing exercise, visual gymnastics.