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  • Phonemic hearing and phonemic perception. Causes of violations of phonemic hearing and methods of treatment.

    Phonemic hearing and phonemic perception. Causes of violations of phonemic hearing and methods of treatment.

    Normally, every person from birth has a so-called biological hearing, i.e. the ability to perceive sound vibrations by the hearing organs (HEARING PERCEPTION). In humans and higher animals, sounds are captured by the outer ear and through the eardrum and the auditory ossicles (middle ear) are transmitted to the cochlea of ​​the labyrinth (inner ear), where the vibrations are so-called. the main membrane causes excitation of the sensory nerve endings of the organ of Corti, which is transmitted to the brain. A person perceives oscillations with a frequency from 10-20 Hz to 20 kHz.
    An important characteristic of hearing is HEARING ATTENTION.
    Auditory attention is the concentration of consciousness on any sound stimulus, object or activity. Concentrating consciousness on the auditory stimulus, attention increases the sensitivity of hearing, provides clarity of auditory sensations.
    Impairment of the auditory perception is expressed mainly in a decrease in auditory attention, or, conversely, in increased sensitivity to any auditory stimuli, which is manifested in protective reactions of startling, crying, etc. This hampers the development cognitive activity. Some hearing impairments can be largely eliminated through specially organized games.
    To designate PHONEMATIC HEARING  in modern pedagogical, psychological and methodical literature, different terms are used: speech hearing, phonemic hearing, phonemic perception.
    The term speech hearing refers to the ability to distinguish separate speech sounds in a speech flow, providing an understanding of words and their meanings. Without speech hearing, speech communication is impossible. Speech hearing begins to form in children with the perception of the speech of others and with their own pronouncing. Speech hearing is an integral part of language intuition. In connection with the teaching of reading and writing, the mechanism of speech hearing changes as the skill of sound letter analysis  taking into account the rules of graphics native language. All this is due to the need for orientation in the morphemic composition of words and word formation. Methods of formation of speech hearing are different: the practice of listening and speaking; phonetic analysis and synthesis, etc. The term speech hearing is used in the methodological literature on the Russian language and methods of speech development. In psychological studies and speech therapy speech hearing is called phonemic hearing.
    PHONEMATIC HEARING  - this is a delicate, systematic hearing, which allows to distinguish and recognize the phonemes of the native language. Phonemic hearing, being a part of physiological hearing, is aimed at correlating and comparing the audible sounds with their standards, which are stored in the memory of a person's ordering - in the “lattice of phonemes”.
    The concept of "phonemic hearing" should be distinguished from the concept of "phonemic perception."
    The individual version of the sounding of phonemes is determined not by a single sign, but by a whole set of them, including not only audible components (such as noise, frequency and height characteristics), but also a visual image and motor sensations that occur during sound pronunciation.
    PHONEMATIC PERCEPTION  - is the ability to distinguish phonemes and determine the sound composition of the word. How many syllables in the word poppy? How many sounds are there in it? What consonant sound is at the end of a word? What is the vowel sound in the middle of a word? It is the phonemic perception that helps answer these questions.
    Proper development phonemic hearing  and phonemic perception underlies the unmistakable assimilation of writing and reading in the process of schooling.
    The assimilation of the sound side of the language includes two interrelated processes: the process of developing the pronunciation side of speech (phonetic) and the process of developing the perception of speech sounds (phonemic).


    In the article that you read, I want to talk about phonemic hearing and how important it is to pay attention to its underdevelopment in a timely manner.

    Let's see right away what is this phonemic ear and what is it for?
    PHONEMATIC HEARINGis the ability to correctly hear and recognize sounds. phonemic hearing is one of the components of the phonemic function.

    Phonemic hearingand speech hearing is essentially the same thing. Thanks to phonemic hearing, a child can recognize and distinguish sounds.   PHONEMATIC HEARING  It is necessary in order to be able to correlate sound and letter, even correct pronunciation  any sound is very complicated if the phonemic ear is not sufficiently developed. A child with a weak development of phonemic hearing does not recognize one or another acoustic sign of a complex sound, according to which one sound differs from another. Due to this, when perceiving a speech, one sound is compared to another based on the generality of most signs. Due to the unrecognition of a particular sign, the sound is recognized incorrectly. This leads to the wrong perception of words (initially) and further to the wrong pronunciation (for example: house-tom, crayfish-lacquer, bow-hatch, beetle-pike)

    These shortcomings interfere with the correct understanding of speech, both by the speaker himself and by the listener. In addition, as can be seen from the examples, the meaning of the statement is lost and changes. Every parent wants his child to be well prepared for school, for this he brings the child to school preparation classes.

    WHAT DOES IT HAPPEN AT SCHOOL PREPARATIONS? It turns out that because of insufficiently developed phonemic hearing, a child begins a number of problems: he cannot distinguish paired consonants (hard-soft, deaf-ringing), confuses whistling and hissing sounds, confuses letters and sounds when teaching literacy, then begin to teach the child reading and there are difficulties waiting for the baby.

    When learning to read and write, mistakes become more pronounced, the difficulties are primarily related to the confusion of sounds, the complexity of merging sounds into syllables, and later the merging of syllables into words. From here comes letter-by-letter reading, syllable reading and a number of other problems, and writing there are constant spelling errors. Later, when a child goes to school, he will manifest it in the form of dyslexia (disruption of reading processes) and dysgraphia (violation of writing processes), and if parents do not pay attention to it in the first grade, then in the second grade they may join speech therapy problems problems of a psychological nature, I mean, by making frequent and systematic mistakes a child will get bad grades, from here to the schooling process he will have a negative attitude and after a while he will simply say: " i will not go to school! "All these problems could have been avoided if parents had consulted with a speech therapist.

    Therefore, I find it very important before learning reading and writing  check if your child has formed phonemic hearing  is it ok pronunciation.

    You can check your phonemic hearing yourself: have the child repeat the syllables in pairs: sa-za, suzu, so-zo, etc. Then take chains of 3.4 syllables consisting of syllables. The next task is more complex and it will require specially selected pictures, the names of objects on which differ from each other only by one sound (from differentiable ones), for example: Mishka, Bunny, Shayk, Rak-Lak, etc. In the end, you can give such a task: I will call different sounds if you hear a sound (for example, C) catch it, clap your hands: a-pt-s-sh-c-h-d-s-s-l-m -z-csh further we also do on the material of syllables and words.

    It should be noted most often children confuse sounds  similar in sound or similar in education method (in pronunciation). This is usually whistling and hissing sounds: ssh, zh, ssh, tsch, ss, ss; sonora: rl;   hard and soft: b, b, c, c, etc., sonorous and deaf: d-t, c-f, etc., in recent years, many children have confused the distant sounds: k-t , gd, sd

      Development  phonemic hearing in all children occurs very individually.The sensitive (most sensitive) period is age up to two years. At that time parentswhich are many and right(no lisping) are talking, read simple children's poems, chatter sayings that are understandable within the meaning of a child of a given age imperceptibly for themselves and a child develop his phonemic rumor. Those parents who believe that he is small do not know how to talk, which means that he does not usually have to talk to him and read with problems of underdevelopment of phonemic hearing. Phonemic hearing  gives you the opportunity to learn right make sounds. A child with a normally developed phonemic ear (with all other normally developed functions) hears a particular sound and tries to reproduce it. If he hears that the resulting sound is inaccurate, the phonemic hearing of the child does not accept it, and requires another version of the utterance, all the while comparing it with the sample (which he hears from others).

    Due to the poor development of phonemic hearing, children cannot evaluate their speech from the point of view of the correct pronunciation of sounds. That is, they hear what they say or what other people say very approximately. It should be noted that the underdevelopment of phonemic hearing has nothing to do with impaired physiological hearing, the child does not selectively form the function of auditory distinguishing of phonemes.

    Often, along with the concept of "phonemic hearing", experts use the concepts of "phonemic perception" and "phonemic analysis and synthesis." I consider it necessary to briefly explain these concepts. phonemic perception is a special mental action to differentiate phonemes (sounds) and establish the sound structure of a word. That is, to put it simply, this distinction of sounds of which a particular word consists (for example, take the word cat) —it consists of sounds: “k”, “o”, “t”). If the phonemic perception is poorly developed. then there are difficulties in the assimilation of letters, as well as in the replacement of sounds of similar acoustically and articulatory (bp, dt, wsh, ssh, etc.)

    Phonemic analysis and synthesis are mental actions to analyze and synthesize the sound structure of a word. With the underdevelopment of this function, the following errors are observed in reading: literal reading, sound distortion syllable structure  words (which manifest themselves in consonant omissions during a confluence: pasa "pasa", mark- "mara", jacket- "cock"; in inserts of vowels between consonants during their concourse: pasta- "pasAta"; in transpositions of sounds: duck- " tuk "; in skipping and inserting sounds in the absence of a concordance of consonants in a word; in skips, permutations of syllables: spade-" lata "," lotapa ".

    Summing up the above, I want to note that phonemic hearing is very important for  correct speech development  they should not be neglected if you want a child to be easy study at schoolthat he was sociable and popular, and not hesitate to express his opinion once again. If your child replaces sounds that are close to each other, then he has a slight violation of phonemic hearing and you can cope with this problem yourself. In case a child
    mixes sounds distant among themselves, it means that he has a more serious violation of phonemic hearing and is best at least consult a speech therapistIt is even better if you can attend speech therapy classes.

    Let's talk to you about such things as phonemic hearing and phonemic perception.

    Phonemic hearing refers to the ability to hear and distinguish the sounds of a native language in a stream of speech in a different linear order (barrel - kidney, sleep - nose); in the words close in sound, but different in meaning (egret - drop, whale - cat).

    Phonemic hearing  - this is a delicate, systematic hearing, which allows to distinguish and recognize the phonemes of the native language. Phonemic hearing is a part of the physiological hearing, aimed at correlating and comparing the audible sounds with their standards, which are stored in human memory in an orderly manner - “in the lattice of phonemes”.

    This ability is formed in children gradually, in the process of natural development. The child begins to respond to any sounds from 2-4 weeks from the moment of birth, in 7-11 months he responds to the word, but only to its intonational side, and not to the substantive meaning. This is the so-called period of pre-phonetic development of speech.

    By the end of the first year of life, the word first begins to serve as an instrument of communication, acquires the character of a linguistic means, and the child begins to react to its sound envelope. After this, phonemic development occurs violently, ahead of the articulation capabilities of the child, this serves as the basis for improving pronunciation, and by the end of the second year of life (with speech understanding!), The child uses the phonemic hearing to the full and perceives all the sounds of the native language.

    Phonemic perception  - artificial sound analysis, which is the basis for mastering the process of teaching literacy. D.B. Elkonin singled out three operations characteristic of phonemic perception and very important for the process of mastering reading and writing: the ability to determine the presence or absence of sound in a word, the ability to determine the location of the sound in a word, the ability to determine the sequence of sounds and their number.
    From a very early age, a normally developing child hears the sounds of the surrounding world, sees the articulating movements of the lips of adults (!) And tries to imitate them. Therefore, it is necessary that adults surrounding the child speak clearly, distinctly and slowly!
      Imperfect phonemic hearing, on the one hand, has a negative effect on the development of children's sound pronunciation, on the other hand, it slows down, complicates the formation of skills sound analysis, without which full reading and writing is impossible!

    The formation of the correct pronunciation depends on the ability of the child to analyze and synthesize non-speech and speech sounds, i.e. from a certain level of development of phonemic hearing, ensuring the perception of surrounding sounds and phonemes of the native language.

    We begin with the games of recognition and discrimination of non-speech sounds.

    1. The game "Show what sounds". An adult results in the sound of one of the objects hidden behind a screen. Then the child is invited to show the sounded object and “voice” it again by checking itself.
    2. The game "Repeat after me." The child, following an adult, must reproduce the identical sound of one of his objects. The perception of sound signals is carried out by ear.
    3. The game "The most attentive." According to the instructions of an adult, children perform various movements, relating them to various sounds. For example, children should raise their hands up at the sound of a whistle, hold hands in front of the sound of a pipe, and turn them apart at the sound of a drum.
    4. The game "Learn by sound." An adult invites children to close their eyes (“night has come”), listen carefully, learn and name what sounds they heard (knock on the door, birds singing, cat meowing, ringing a bell, coughing, etc.). Children listen to 2 to 5 sounds. Then, at the command of an adult (“day”), they open their eyes, point to objects that have sounded or their images, and call the remembered sounds or objects that emit them. For little babies, one sound sounds, they open their eyes and show what it was.

    Have fun and fun activities!





    Russian language is considered one of the most difficult school subjects. On the one hand, the knowledge of the native language is given to a child since childhood; he masters it as naturally as he breathes and grows. On the other hand, it is a difficult discipline that requires great effort.

    A necessary condition for learning to read is the ability to relate the sound and visual series, that is, to imagine how sound and the word can look on paper and, on the contrary, get used to the fact that they are pronounced somewhat differently than they are written. This implies the presence of a formed phonemic hearing as an ability to distinguish both sounds and visual images, especially those that are part of the letters.

    Phonemic hearing is a person's ability to recognize speech sounds represented by phonemes of a given language. In children, the formation of phonemic hearing occurs when they perceive the oral speech of others and, at the same time, with their own pronunciation of words in accordance with perceived patterns, by means of which various signs of phonemes are distinguished and generalized.

    The ability to hear every single sound in a word, to clearly separate it from the person standing next to it, to know what sounds a word consists of, that is, the ability to analyze the sound composition of a word, is an essential prerequisite for proper literacy training.

    Objective: to develop the phonemic hearing of children of senior preschool age.


    1. To develop the ability to hear there is a given sound in the word or not.
    2. To develop the ability to distinguish closely sounding words, but different in meaning.
    3. To teach children to distinguish words that include the same phonemes, arranged in different sequences.
    4. Improving speech hearing.
    5. Formation in children of the skills of elementary sound analysis: the ability to determine the number of syllables in a word; to tap and tap the rhythm of words of different syllabic structure; allocate stressed syllable; analyze the vowels and consonants.

    I.1. Phonemic hearing - basic concepts

    For a long time (until about 1928), scientists believed that the sound side of speech consists only of a number of elements and of combinations. Phonetics was based on the physiological nature of speech, on articulation. The development of speech was viewed through the prism of the development of motor skills, small articulation movements. The only source of development of the sound side of speech was considered the development of motility. Nobody paid attention to the value of speech perception.

    For the first time, L. S. Vygotsky introduced the concept of "phoneme": he proved that the unit of the development of children's speech is the phoneme. From the point of view of this new phonetics, the development of children's speech occurs through the development of a system of phonemes, and not through the accumulation of individual sounds.

    A phoneme is not just a sound, but a meaningful sound - every phoneme is perceived and reproduced as a phoneme in the background of phonemes, i.e. phoneme perception occurs only against the background of human speech. The basic law of perception of phonemes is the law of perception of the sounding side of speech.

    Phonemic hearing  - this is a fine systematized hearing, which has the ability to carry out operations of distinguishing and recognizing the phonemes that make up the sound envelope of the word. ”

    Phonemic hearing  includes 3 speech operations:

    • ability to hear there is a given sound in a word or not;
    • the ability to distinguish words that include the same phonemes located in different sequences;
    • the ability to distinguish closely sounding, but different in meaning words.

    Preschool age  - This is a period of active learning by a child of the spoken language, the formation and development of all aspects of speech - phonetic (development of phonemic hearing and perception), lexical, grammatical. Full knowledge of the native language in preschool childhood is a prerequisite for solving problems of mental, aesthetic and moral education of children in the most sensitive period of development. The sooner the teaching of the native language is started, the freer the child will use it in the future.

    Based on this, the main task of speech development is to cultivate a sound culture of speech, enriching and activating the vocabulary, forming the grammatical structure of speech, teaching coherent speech, which are solved throughout preschool childhood, but at each age stage, the content of speech work is gradually increasing, teaching methods.

    Each of these tasks has a whole range of problems that need to be addressed in parallel and in a timely manner. At present, the urgency of the problem of educating the sound culture of speech is determined by the unique role played by the native language in the development of the personality of a preschooler child. Language and speech have traditionally been considered in psychology, philosophy, and pedagogy as a “knot” in which various lines of mental development converge - thinking, imagination, memory, emotions. Being the most important means of human communication, the knowledge of reality, language serves as the main channel for introducing the values ​​of spiritual culture from generation to generation, as well as a necessary condition for education and training. The development of oral monologue in preschool childhood lays the foundation for successful schooling.

    Language is a means of communication between people due to its material sound nature. The assimilation of the sound system of speech is the basis on which the acquisition of language is built as the main means of communication.

    The assimilation of the sound side of the language includes two interrelated processes: the process of developing the pronunciation side of speech and the process of developing the perception of speech sounds.
      The development of the pronunciation side of speech originates from the first voice manifestations (shouting and babbling). However, the language begins to serve as a means of communication with the appearance of the first words (by one year).

    By two years, pronunciation is still imperfect: many sounds are not clearly pronounced, consonant sounds are softened, the syllable structure of words is not accurately conveyed.

    By three years, the imperfection of the pronunciation of polysyllabic words is preserved, frequent replacements of sounds, abbreviations of words, and omissions of syllables are observed.

    By four years, the general picture of softening of speech almost disappears, hissing sounds appear, but substitutions are still frequent (r-r, r-th). The structure of polysyllabic words is extended.

    By five to six   For years, the child must correctly pronounce all sounds, clearly reproduce the sound-syllable structure of words.
    For the full assimilation of the sound structure of speech, phonemic hearing is of great importance.

    If a child has no developed phonemic hearing, he falls into the category of children with phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment. And the phonetic-phonemic speech underdevelopment is a violation of the processes of formation of pronunciation in children with various speech disorders due to defects in perception and pronunciation of phonemes.
      Without a sufficiently formed phonemic hearing, the formation of its highest stage — sound analysis — is impossible. Sound analysis is an operation of mental separation into the constituent elements (phonemes) of different sound complexes: combinations of sounds, syllables and words.

    Older children, for the most part, assimilate and correctly pronounce all the sounds of their native language, are able to clearly and correctly pronounce words and phrases, change the volume of speech depending on the situation, use intonational means of expression, have a sufficiently developed speech hearing. However, even at this age there are still children who do not quite clearly pronounce individual sounds and polysyllabic words, especially with the confluence of several consonants. They do not always know how to use a moderate tempo of speech, speak loudly or quietly enough, etc. Some children, correctly pronouncing sounds, find it difficult to distinguish them by ear, which may lead later to difficulties in mastering literacy.

    Age norms of development of phonemic hearing.

    At present, there are five stages in the development of phonemic hearing and phonemic attention, which a child passes in mastering speech.

    The first year of life - already in the third week of life, the infant should be attentive to sharp sounds, and in two months begin to listen to quieter noises. At three months, the baby can easily look for the source of sound that interests him, reacts to it with a smile, and listens to music with pleasure. From the age of four months, the child begins to imitate sounds, babble, distinguishes his name by six months. By the end of the first year of life, in normal development of a phonemic hearing, the baby distinguishes frequently used words.

    In the second year of life, phonemic hearing is actively developing. Despite the fact that the child’s speech is still far from perfect, he can already distinguish all the phonemes of his native language. By the end of the second year, the baby is able to identify by ear, an incorrectly pronounced sound in the speech of an adult, but his own pronunciation is not yet controlled.

    The most important and very important achievement of the third year of life is the ability of the child to independently determine the wrongly pronounced sound in his own speech. If this skill of phonemic perception is not formed by three years, then the baby will not be able to master the correct sound pronunciation.

    In the fourth year of life, the phonemic ear improves, becomes more differentiated. The child already has the skill of distinguishing similar phonemes by ear and in their own pronunciation, which serves as the foundation for mastering sound analysis and synthesis.

    In the fifth year   - formed the sound analysis, ie, the ability to determine the sequence and number of sounds in the word.

    Due to the fact that children enter the kindergarten at different ages and unequally learn all sections of the sound culture of speech, the work on its formation should continue in the older groups. The main task of forming a sound culture of speech in children5-6 years   is the further improvement of speech hearing, consolidation. At this stage, the formation of a sound culture of speech can be associated with work on the differentiation of sounds most often mixed by children: sizzling and whistling (w - s, w - w, h - c, w - ed), voiced and deaf (w - f, w - s, f - sh, b - p, d - t, d - k), sounds l and p, hard and soft (d - d, l - l, etc.). If necessary, it is possible to carry out differentiation and other pairs of sounds that are also often mixed by children, for example, ch - m, s - c, etc.
      Work on the differentiation of sounds can be correctly constructed only if the distinction of sounds is carried out simultaneously by both acoustic and articulating their properties. These properties were singled out by children even earlier, when practicing sounds. For example, in the process of working with sounds, s and w, children should be brought to a comparison of these sounds, highlighting their main acoustic and articulation signs: cold air comes out of the pump and whistles sss ... - when we make a sound with, the language lies behind the lower teeth; warm air comes out of a burst tire and hisses shsh ... - when we pronounce the sound sh, the tongue rises by the upper teeth. (
    Annex 1)

      Such systematic work, aimed at the practical study of the distinctive features of sounds, helps children who came to kindergarten later to clarify their sound pronunciation, contributes to the development of phonemic hearing and the development of fine differentiated movements of the articulatory apparatus, characteristic of distinguishing sounds, and all this is a necessary condition for further successful learning of the native language.
      Since not only isolated sounds are differentiated, but also sounds in words and phrasal speech, this makes it possible to work simultaneously to improve children's speech, diction, intonational expressiveness, i.e., all aspects of a sound culture of speech, skills of clear, correct, intonationally expressive speech.

    I.2. Typical impairment of phonemic hearing

    The subject of analysis in this work was the phonemic errors of preschoolers, which were understood as:

    Distortions of the structure of the word;

    Incorrect lettering;

    Violations of the basic rules of graphics.

    Insufficient development of phonemic perception inhibits the process of sound production in a child: sounds are formed with a long delay and often distorted.

    Thus, one of the most important conditions for the formation of sound pronunciation will be how the child perceives by ear, differentiates the phonemes of the native language. Children with good phonemic perception start speaking cleanly early, as they clearly perceive all the sounds of our speech. And in children with underdeveloped phonemic perception, not only the sound pronunciation, but also the understanding of speech suffers, as they cannot differentiate phonemes of similar sound, and the words with these phonemes sound the same to them, for example: sledge themselves, kidney-flank, fox ( animal) - forests (plural number of words forest).

    So, if the child has impaired motility of the articulatory apparatus and phonemic perception, then the sound pronunciation, the reading process will be difficult to form and numerous mistakes will be observed in the letter, and therefore it needs special corrective exercises.

    A significant part of children aged 5-6 years do not master the sound norms of the Russian language in time. The reasons for this are different, but crucialshortcomings of phonemic perception.

    It is known that the sound-letter analysis is based on the ability to distinguish the sounds of which each word consists, and to correlate them with the necessary letters. In turn, the sound composition of the word is perceived by the child, provided the correct interaction of hearing, speech and motor analyzer. That is, the child must not only correctly pronounce all the sounds, but also be able to distinguish them by ear. It turns out that literacy education, contrary to the general opinion, does not begin at school, but also in preschool childhood.

    Thus, if your child incorrectly utters certain sounds by the age of 5, this is a serious signal of insufficient readiness for learning. alphabetic analysis. In other words, it will be difficult for a child to learn to read and write. He will write and read with errors.

    So how can you test phonemic hearing?

    1. Show the child similar in sound content pictures. Names should be distinguished only by one sound that is checked. For example: a goat - a scythe, a bear - a bowl, a cat - a hummock, spoons - horns, a bow - a hatch.

    To get the right result, you must comply with the following conditions:

    Pictures should be called an adult, the child only shows them.

    Pictures should be called in different sequences, sometimes the same name is repeated several times in a row.

    Additionally, an adult does not explain anything to the child.

    Children are very observant, and often keep an eye on where the adult's eyes go. Therefore, the verifier can not look at the called picture. This can make it easier for the child to complete the task.

    The mouth of an adult is closed with a sheet of paper, a palm. What is it done for? Our task is to check whether the child is good at hearing sounds. Some sounds that the baby doesn’t distinguish by hearing can be recognized by your articulation.

    During the survey, you should carefully observe the child's behavior during the display of pictures: whether he performs the tasks calmly and confidently or hesitates, looks questioningly at the adult, or simply shows pictures at random.

    2. The child is invited to repeat the chain of syllables or words with opposition sounds:



    KA - ha

    Ta - Yes - Ta

    Yes - that - yes

    KA - ha - kA

    Tsa - ca - tsa

    Cha - schA

    Ots - ots - ots

    Juice - Tsok

    Tom house

    Bow - Hatch

    3. Ask the child to clap his hands if he hears the desired sound.

    In this case, the verifier calls different sounds, including very similar to a given sound by any signs. Then syllables, among which is a given sound. Then words on the same principle.

    In senior preschool age  ends the process of mastering the sounds of the native language. Most children correctly articulate sounds (hissing, as well as sounds “l”, “p”, “pb”), polysyllabic words, words with the conglomeration of several consonants. In the pronunciation of words, orthoepic errors are less and less common. Children are well distinguished by hearing the sound, where the object is located, emit familiar sounds in words, use moderate loudness of voice, can speed up or slow down the speed of their utterance. The expiration time is extended to 8 seconds.

    At the same time, many children have not quite the right placement of stresses, swallowing the endings of words, mixing hard and soft consonants, whistling, sizzling inside the group: “C” and “C”, “C” and “C”, “W” and “ p ”,“ h ”and“ p ”,“ c ”and“ sh ”,“ p ”and“ g ”, some preschoolers say words slurredly.

    The features of children's mastering of sound pronunciation are largely explained by the anatomical and physiological features, and above all the speech-speaking apparatus. By the preschool age, it is completely formed, but the central speech apparatus, located in the cerebral cortex, is still insufficiently functioning, the vocal cords are shorter than in adults, the larynx is almost twice as short as the movements of the speech articulation organs (soft palate, tongue with palatal arch and dental system , lips and lower jaw) are insufficiently developed, poorly coordinated, the tongue fills most of the oral cavity, it is pulled back and moves forward slightly, the lips are closed weakly, the soft palate rises a little. At the same time, the muscles of the speech apparatus are more elastic and contract more slowly, which is conducive to the early formation of sound pronunciation. This reduces fatigue, which is why, despite the weakness of the muscles, movement is characterized by a certain ease and freedom.

    In spite of the fact that the phonemic hearing reaches perfection by the early preschool age, nevertheless, it is still not sufficiently developed. The interaction of the auditory and motor-speech analyzers is not sufficiently developed, and the process of mastering the sound side of the language, as the researchers emphasize, requires a link between the sensations caused by contraction of the muscles of the vocal apparatus, the auditory sensations from the sounds made by the person himself, and the visual sensations from the perception of the speaker's articulation.

    For a clear pronunciation of sound, the correct position and movement of the articulation organs is necessary. The task of the educator is to develop in children the mobility of the tongue, the regulation of jaw movements. It is solved simultaneously with the formation of sound pronunciation.

    If a child is mastering the pronunciation of sounds is normal, then and then special work  by sound pronunciation and diction is necessary.

    Special motor exercises for the muscles of the speech apparatus are needed just as general gymnastics is necessary for the normal development of the body. (Appendix 2)   Therefore, the work on sound pronunciation and diction should not be considered in kindergarten  as speech therapy. It should be carried out with all children not only with those who have any deviations in the pronunciation of sounds.

    The formation of sound pronunciation is carried out in three stages: 1) preparation of the articulation apparatus; 2) clarification of the pronunciation of isolated sound; 3) sound fixation in syllables, words and phrasal speech. All these three stages can be carried out at one lesson, or at two with a break of 1 to 5 days.

    Mastering children for the right sound pronunciation is

    1. In the demonstration and explanation of the articulation of sound, the repeated pronunciation of sound with the teacher

    2. Pronunciation of an isolated sound by children with simultaneous exercise in speech breathing (expiratory duration) and expressiveness of speech.

    3. Pronunciation by children of syllables, onomatopoeia with reproduction of changing strength, pitch, voice rate.

    4. Exercise in the pronunciation of sound in words and phrasal speech: jokes - chatter, dramatization of stories, didactic and mobile games with recitative, reading poems.

    As you can see, mastering the correct pronunciation is the repetition of a single sound. Therefore, the educator must ensure that the children's interest in the classes, diversifying the methods of teaching and speech material, including articulation and dictation exercises. In addition, you need to strive for maximum speech activity of children, for a lively pace and high density classes.

    Mastering the correct sound pronunciation depends not only on the anatomical and physiological features, but also on the peculiarities of the child’s psyche: on the state of attention, memory, on auditory and visual endurance.

    A favorable condition for the development of proper sound pronunciation is a calm atmosphere in kindergarten, which does not allow harsh noise, loud conversation, shouting, which not only excite and tire children, but make them strain their voices and reduce their hearing acuity. Therefore, teachers should not only provide children with a sample of perfect speech, but also take great care about the physical condition of the child, about the protection of his sense organs and nervous system.

    Types of work on the differentiation of sounds

    Differentiation of any pair of sounds provides for three types of work:
      1st type of work   - differentiation of isolated sounds.
    Work is underway to distinguish sounds according to their acoustic and articulatory properties, using pictures — “images,” that is, conventionally relating sound to a certain sound made by an animal or object.
    At the same time, this type of work contributes to the improvement of the phonemic hearing, the development of a clear pronunciation of sounds.
      2nd type of work   - differentiation of sounds in words.
    Various pictures, objects, toys, in the name of which there are differentiated sounds, are selected and teach children to distinguish them. First, words are taken in which there is one or another differentiated sound, then words that differ only in one differentiated sound, then words that include both differentiable sounds. Children should clearly, correctly pronounce the sounds and indicate their difference. At the same time, this work contributes to the improvement of diction, clarifies the correctness of the pronunciation of words in accordance with the orthoepic norms of pronunciation.
      3rd type of work   - differentiation of sounds in speech.
    Verbal games, stories, plot pictures, poems, chatter, tongue twisters, riddles, proverbs and other speech material, saturated with differentiated sounds, are selected.
    At the same time, attention is paid to ensure that children correctly use these sounds and do not mix them in their own pronunciation.
    Giving material for differentiating sounds in pies, poems, stories, the teacher has the ability to simultaneously work with the children the pace of speech, diction, the ability to use the voice correctly, to monitor the correctness of pronouncing words, taking into account the literary norms of their pronunciation.

    “In a child, phonemic hearing is not formed immediately, but in the process of speech development (its perception and reproduction),” emphasizes O.V. Pravdina. The development of phonemic hearing occurs in accordance with the laws of the formation of any complex mental activity; at the beginning of his development, the child, listening to the speech, fixes attention on the speaker’s articulation and repeats what he heard himself.

    By the age of 4, the formation of a correct sound pronunciation normally ends, and the child speaks very cleanly. By this age, the child must differentiate all sounds, that is, a phonemic perception must be formed.

    In children of 5 years of age, phonemic hearing, sound analysis of words, and intonational expressiveness should be well developed.

    Thus, in the senior preschool age, children fully master not only speech hearing, but also special actions of the sound analysis of words, all verbal and communicative systems. However, in order for the process of speech development of children to proceed in a timely and correct manner, organized systematic work is necessary.

    I.3. Features of the work on teaching correct speech and the development of phonemic perception in older preschool age

    The main objectives of learning correct speech in older group  are:

    1) the formation of sound pronunciation;

    2) the development of phonemic perception;

    Teaching correct speech involves solving problems associated with the development of phonemic hearing, raising interest in native speech.
    Children learn to analyze the sound composition of words, compare them according to the number of sounds, and sounds - according to their qualitative characteristics (vowels - percussion and unstressed, consonants - hard and soft).

    When teaching sound analysis, a method of intonation selection of sounds in a word that children have already mastered in speech development classes is used.

    For sound analysis, you need a picture-diagram of the sound composition of the word. It consists of a sequential number of cells corresponding to the number of sounds; it shows a subject whose name is proposed for sound analysis. The picture helps the child not to forget which word he makes out, and the scheme - to determine the number of sounds in it. The children pronounce the word out loud, singling out all the sounds of the word consistently intonationally, define them and designate them as neutral, color (gray) chips. When conducting sound analysis, children call sounds according to their sound in the word.

    Sound analysis is formed on a specially selected verbal material. First, the children understand the three-sound words: poppy, house, smoke, bow, whale, forest.

    Then a new task is introduced - acquaintance with these sounds, which are easy to pronounce, without encountering any obstacles in the mouth. From this point on, vowel sounds are indicated by red chips.

    The complexity of the tasks of sound analysis occurs on the material of four-sound words: moon, fox, duck, sleigh, stork, leaf, elephant, whip, spider, glue, etc.

    Following the introduction of vowel sounds, a distinction between hard and soft consonants is given. Children will find out that obstacles interfere with the pronunciation of consonant sounds - either lips, or teeth, or tongue. To confirm this position, children are offered to pronounce several consonant sounds (l, p, t, c, c, etc.) and compare them with vowel sounds (a, o, u, y, u, e) that are easily pronounced. The characteristic of a consonant sound is most pronounced when comparing a pair of sounds (b, b, c, c-p, p-ry, etc.), therefore the principle of comparing sound pairs is used as the basis for the formation in children of the ability to distinguish consonant sounds. (Appendix 3)

    For example, the words moon and fox are analyzed.
    Children call the first sounds in words: the moon - l, fox - e. Then they explain to the children that the sounds sound differently: the sound l is called hard consonant, and the sound e is soft. Solid consonants are indicated by blue chips, and soft consonants are green. Teaching children how to distinguish between vowels, hard and soft consonant sounds is conducted on the following words: rose, moon, fox, sleigh, duck, stork, leaf, whirligig, elephant, geese, spider, beetle, glue. Further, on the basis of four-five-sonic words (fur coat, cinema, beads, needle, bear, mouse, castle, watering can, river, tree, cherry), the ability to carry out sound analysis and distinguish sounds by their qualitative characteristics is fixed.

    In the work on the formation of phonemic perception, the following steps can be distinguished:

    Stage I - recognition of non-speech sounds;

    Stage II - the distinction of height, strength, voice timbre on the material of the same sounds, words, phrases;

    Stage III - the distinction of words that are close in their sound composition;

    Stage IV - differentiation of syllables;

    Stage V - phoneme differentiation;

    Stage VI - development of the skills of elementary sound analysis.

    The work on the formation of phonemic perception begins with the development of auditory attention and auditory memory. The inability to listen to the speech of others is one of the causes of improper sound pronunciation. The child must acquire the ability to compare their own speech with the speech of others and control their pronunciation.

    The work on the formation of phonemic perception at the very beginning is carried out on the material of non-speech sounds. In the process of special games and exercises, children develop the ability to recognize and distinguish nonverbal sounds.

    Children should learn in games to distinguish the pitch, strength and timbre of their voices, listening to the same speech sounds, sound combinations, words. (Appendix 5)

    Then children learn to distinguish words that are close in sound composition. Later - learn to distinguish syllables and then the phonemes of the native language.

    The task of the last stage of the work is to develop in children the skills of elementary sound analysis: the ability to determine the number of syllables in a word; to tap and tap the rhythm of words of different syllabic structure; highlight stressed syllable; analyze vowel and consonant sounds

    Good speech is the most important condition for the full development of children. The richer and more correct the child’s speech, the easier it is for him to express his thoughts, the wider his opportunities in knowing the surrounding reality, the more meaningful and more complete the relationship with peers and adults, the more actively his mental development. Therefore, it is important to take care of the timely formation of children's speech, about its purity and correctness, warning and correcting various violations, which are considered any deviations from the generally accepted norms of this language.

    The development of speech, which includes the ability to clearly pronounce and distinguish sounds, to own an articulatory apparatus, to correctly construct a sentence, etc., is one of the main problems facing the preschool institution.

    The ability to hear every single sound in a word, to clearly separate it from the person standing next to it, to know what sounds a word consists of, that is, the ability to analyze the sound composition of a word, is an essential prerequisite for proper literacy training.

    Therefore, successful learning to read and write involves as an indispensable condition for the formation of phonemic perception and the development of sound analysis skills.

    One of the common reasons for the failure of pupils in primary school are violations of speech and writing, which make it difficult to master correct reading and literate writing.

    Violation of phonemic perception prevents children from mastering the vocabulary and grammatical sides to the necessary degree, inhibits the development of coherent speech.

    The importance of this connection is indicated by the authors M.F. Fomicheva, N.L. Krylova, Yu.F. Garkusha, N.Ya.Larionova, T.AT.Tkachenko.

    The theoretical and practical significance of this problem and the need to solve it determined the choice of the topic of our research: “Phonemic hearing as the basis of a child’s speech”.

    The work on the formation of speech sounds perception is based on the nature of the defect. In some cases, the work is directed to the formation of phonemic perception and the development of auditory control. In others, its task is to develop phonemic perception and sound analysis operations. Thirdly, it is limited to the formation of auditory control as a conscious action.

    In this case, the following points should be considered.

    The ability to identify and distinguish speech sounds as conscious. This requires the child to restructure his attitude to his speech, the focus of his attention on the external, sound side, which he had not previously been aware of. The child must be specially trained in the operations of conscious sound analysis, without relying on him to spontaneously master them.

    The initial units of speech should be words, since sounds - phonemes exist only as part of a word, from which, by a special operation, they are distinguished in analysis. Only after that they can be operated as independent units and to observe them as a part of syllable chains and in isolated pronunciation.

    The operations of sound analysis, on the basis of which the skills and abilities of conscious identification and differentiation of phonemes are formed, are carried out at the beginning of work on the material with sounds correctly pronounced by the child. After the child learns to recognize this or that sound in the word. determine its place among other sounds. distinguish one from the other. You can go to other types of operations. relying on skills. established in the process of working on correctly pronounced sounds.

    The work on the formation of the perception of incorrectly pronounced sounds should be carried out so that the child’s own wrong pronunciation does not interfere with it. To do this, at the moment of performing sound analysis operations, one should exclude one's own pronunciation, transferring the entire load to the auditory perception of the material.

    It is advisable to pronounce the child in subsequent classes, when it becomes necessary to compare his own pronunciation with the normalized one.

    Differentiation of sounds at all stages of training is given much attention. Each sound, after its correct pronunciation is achieved, is compared by ear with all articulatory or acoustically close sounds (1st stage of differentiation). Later, after mastering the articulation of the second of a pair of sounds interchangeable in speech, the differentiation is made not only by ear. but also in pronunciation (2nd stage of differentiation).

    Such a sequence of work allows very early to include exercises in distinguishing sounds, which contributes to the spontaneous appearance of new sounds in the speech of children and greatly facilitates the 2nd stage of work on differentiation. Thanks to the developed auditory control, this stage is completed much faster.

    Great attention is paid to vowel sounds, the clarity of speech largely depends on the clarity of pronunciation. Besides. the correct pronunciation of vowels plays a large role in the analysis of the sound composition of the word.

    On the basis of refined pronunciation skills, the simplest forms of phonemic perception are realized, i.e., the ability to hear a given sound (among a number of other sounds); determine the presence of the sound in the word.

    From the very beginning of training, it is necessary to rely on conscious analysis and synthesis of the sound composition of the word. The ability to distinguish sounds from the composition of the word plays an important role in filling the gaps of phonemic development.

    I.4. The use of articulation gymnastics and models of articulation of sounds

    The use of articulatory gymnastics and models of articulation of sounds will be able to expand the possibilities of conscious mastering of sounds and help the formation of full-fledged acoustic distinctions.

    Articulation gymnastics is a simple but effective means of improving strength, accuracy, and coordination of speech movements. Articulation gymnastics can be included in classes (5-7 min. Daily), recommended by the teacher for daily performance at home. As a result, not only the quality of the movements of the organs of speech is developed, but also the ability to sense the position of the organs of speech is formed, both when performing exercises and when pronouncing individual sounds. In the future, this allows analyzing and comparing articulation postures of similar sounds, finding common features and differences in them.

    The use of sound articulation models can make the learning process both intuitive and informative.

    Special symbols have been developed for creating models of articulation of sounds.

    Models of articulation of vowel sounds take into account:

    Involvement or non-participation of the lips;
    -vibration of vocal folds;
    - free passage of exhaled air through the mouth.

    Models of articulation of consonant sounds take into account:

    Models of articulation of sounds reflect the position of the articulation organs at the moment of sound, correspond to the characteristics of a particular sound. Models are easily recognizable, it makes it easy to remember them. The richer and more diverse the means at our disposal for memorization, the simpler and more accessible they are, the better is the voluntary memorization; the more effort we put into organizing information, giving it integrity, the easier it is then reproduced in memory.

    The articulation models raise the visibility to the highest quality level - the level of mental operations. The knowledge inherent in the models, the child will be able to perceive and master, if comprehend them. Comparing the structure of the organs of the articulatory apparatus according to the model or making the construction of the model itself, children learn to think, analyze, develop phonemic hearing, see before them a vivid example of the correct structure of speech organs. (Appendix 4)

    Working on each new sound, the child can simultaneously: hear the sound, see on the model a way to pronounce it, compare the acoustic image, picture and position of its own speech organs.

    In this way, models of articulation of sounds, along with articulation gymnastics, extend the possibilities of conscious mastering of sounds and help to form a full-fledged acoustic differentiation, which is a prevention of phonemic disgraphics and dyslexia in junior high school students.


    II.1. Counseling for teachers

    "Phonemic hearing is the basis of correct speech."

    The ability to focus on sound is a very important feature of a person. Without it, one cannot learn to listen and understand speech. It is also important to distinguish, analyze and differentiate by ear phonemes (the sounds that make up our speech). This skill is called phonemic hearing.

    A small child does not know how to control his hearing, he cannot compare sounds. But he can be taught this. It is especially necessary to develop phonemic hearing for children with speech problems. Sometimes the baby simply does not notice that he incorrectly utters sounds. The purpose of playing exercises is to teach him to listen and hear. You will soon notice that the child has begun to hear himself, his speech, that he is trying to find the correct articulation of sound, to correct the defective pronunciation.

    Games for the development of auditory attention.


    Guess what kind of car drove down the street: car, bus or truck? Which way?


    Get away from me by 5 steps. I will whisper to give commands, and you follow them. Step back 10, 15, 20 steps. Can you hear me?

    Games for the development of phonemic hearing.


    Look at the toys. According to the first sounds of the names of toys, guess the word: mouse, donkey, lion (mole); dog, hoop, goat (juice); cat, hoop, dog, tiger (bone).


    What is common in the words "poppy" and "cat"? Sound [k]. The word poppy ends with this sound, and the word cat begins. And what sound does the word cat end with? Think of a word that starts with this sound. Continue the game.

    "Creating an environment for the development of phonemic hearing"

    Violations of phonemic hearing that occurred at preschool age may further entail a number of secondary speech disorders: underdevelopment of sound culture of speech, delayed formation of skills of sound, syllable and letter analysis of words, impoverishment of a child’s vocabulary, violation of grammatical structure of native speech. Any speech impairment to one degree or another can affect the activity and behavior of the child as a whole. Therefore, it is important to take care of the timely development of children's speech, to pay attention to its purity and correctness.

    According to many experts, the beginning of purposeful work on the formation of a correct sound pronunciation from the age of three helps prevent many speech disorders from occurring, and often identify other, more complex speech pathologies in children of this age, which contributes to their early correction.

    As noted earlier, the child's speech is formed in the process of communication with adults around him. In this sense, a large role in shaping the correct speech of children belongs to the teachers of children's preschool institutions. If one of the tasks of a speech therapist is correction, correction of speech defects in case of incorrect speech development  child, the task of the educator is the formation of the speech of children with normal speech development. The main general educational program of preschool education, developed in each kindergarten, provides for the development of all aspects of oral speech: vocabulary, grammatical structure, coherent speech, sound pronunciation. Thus, the education of phonemic hearing is an integral part of the speech development work system. The main components of phonemic hearing are the rhythmic-melodic side of speech (intonation) and speech sounds (phoneme system). The work of the educator in the formation of phonemic hearing involves several steps:

    1. preparatory;
    2. stage of sound;
    3. stage of mastering and automating sound (correct pronunciation of sound in a coherent speech)

    The first two stages of speech work include:

    • the development of children's hearing attention;
    • development of fine motor fingers in children;
    • the development of mobility articulatory apparatus;
    • clarification of the articulation and pronunciation of the sound or its evocation by imitation.

    Often, this stage of work is not given enough time. As a result of this haste, children are unprepared for consistent, purposeful speech work, which can give rise to defects in speech development. In kindergarten, various games for the development of auditory attention in children are widely used, finger games, accompanied by chants, represent the objective environment for the development of fine motor skills of the fingers. Clarifying the articulation and pronunciation of sound is very important in the process of developing speech. It allows you to draw the attention of children to the position of the organs of articulation, to strengthen the kinesthetic and auditory sensations.

    Often, this type of speech work is carried out collectively in the form of memorizing and pronouncing poems and chants, saturated with appropriate sound or including onomatopoeia. This form is really effective if the sound appears in a child spontaneously and is already sufficiently automated in independent speech.

    If this sound has not yet been formed, or the automation process is not completed, then the defective sound is recorded in the child’s speech, which will require further painstaking remedial work. Proceeding from this, it is more expedient to combine work on clarifying the position of the articulation organs with a given sound with pronouncing the chants.

    In this case, the pronunciation of the educator should be clear, with good articulation of the most significant moments, preferably at a not fast, moderate pace. Children should have basic knowledge of the structure of the oral cavity, the possible movements of the organs of articulation. In accordance with the program of education and training in kindergarten children get acquainted with the sounds of speech in a certain sequence. To achieve the desired result, it is necessary to perform the corresponding complex of articulation gymnastics in a group (see Appendices)

    II.2. Counseling for parents

      “How to teach a child how to pronounce sounds”

    The most common disadvantages of speech in preschoolers are various types of violation of sound pronunciation: inability to pronounce one or another sound, replacing one sound with another, distorting the existing sound.
      Violations can be caused by different reasons: age-related disorders (they pass on their own); defects of the jaw structure, soft and hard palate; massive or short bridle; improper tooth placement; lack of work of the muscles of the speech apparatus.
      The work on correcting the pronunciation of sounds consists of three main stages:
    - preparatory (training movements of the organs of the articulatory apparatus);
    -stage of sound (setting sound);
    - the stage of mastering sound in speech (automation, working out the sound in syllables, words, phrases, poems and stories).
      What is phonemic perception and what does it serve for?
      Phonemic perception is the ability to perceive and distinguish the sounds of speech-phonemes.
      A quality correction of the sound pronunciation will be guaranteed provided that the phonemic perception is developed. The development of phonemic perception has a positive effect on the formation of the entire phonetic side of speech, including the syllable structure of the word.
    The development of phonemic perception lies at the heart of the work on correcting the sound pronunciation, forming lexical and grammatical ideas, learning to read and write.
      Violation of phonemic perception leads to the fact that the child does not perceive by ear (does not differentiate) sounds of speech that are similar in sound or are similar in articulation. His vocabulary is not filled with the words that contain difficult-to-distinguish sounds. In the future, the baby begins to significantly lag behind the age norm.
      How to find out if the phonemic perception of the child is disturbed?
    Ask to repeat various syllables and words, and the child should not see your mouth: sa-sha-sa, ta-ta-ta, ra-la-ra, sa-za-sa, beetle-beetles, tom-dom-com, Day-shadow-stump, Pasha-our-your, buck-mac-varnish.
      If the child has a sufficiently developed auditory attention, auditory memory and phonemic perception, then he will repeat the speech material without errors.
      Expand the dictionary and form the grammatical structure of speech (this includes the accumulation of a dictionary, the use of prepositions, word endings, the construction of phrases, etc.);
      In a child with normal speech development, by the age of five all the grammatical categories of the native language are formed; he speaks with expanded phrases, using compound and complex submissions, correctly coordinates words with the help of any prepositions, case, generic endings, etc.

    The dictionary of a five-year-old child is 3-4 thousand words, it contains all parts of speech; the child actively uses word formation and word creation.
      A different picture is observed in a child of the same age with a general speech underdevelopment. Vocabulary does not exceed 1.5-2 thousand words, low level of ability to build a sentence. Errors in the use of case endings, prepositions, coordination of parts of speech are noticeable (three buckets, cared for a squirrel, bear cubs).
      Independently such violations do not pass, a specially constructed speech therapy work is necessary.
    -work on the ability to make stories, retellings;
    -to teach the child to read and write;
    - to deal with the problem of violation of reading, writing - dyslexia and dysgraphia;
    -form the syllable structure of the word;
      If the preschooler's speech contains permutations, omissions, or the addition of unnecessary sounds and syllables, then the structure of the word is reproduced incorrectly. Up to three years, this phenomenon is normal. There is no need to worry about the child’s speech state.
    At the age of 4-5 years, these phenomena are a signal of persistent violation of the syllable structure of the word, and in this case, the child needs the help of a speech therapist. Independently such violations do not pass.
      The work to eliminate violations of the syllabic structure goes through a series of stages and takes considerable time.
      Ask the child to repeat the words: policeman, traffic controller, aquarium, griddle, grapes, turtle. He must pronounce them correctly.


    Language is a means of communication between people. The formation of a coherent speech in a child is closely connected with the mastering of the grammatical structure of speech and the mastery of the sound system of speech.
      The assimilation of the sound side includes two interrelated processes: the process of development of phonemic hearing in a child and the process of pronouncing speech sounds. The development of the sound side of the language is a prerequisite for teaching literacy, namely reading and writing.
      The ability to hear every single sound in a word, to clearly separate it from the person standing next to it, to know what sounds a word consists of, that is, the ability to analyze the sound composition of a word, is an essential prerequisite for proper literacy training.

    The work on the formation of phonemic hearing includes tasks for the development of auditory attention and aural speech. During classes in the sound culture of speech, a child develops the ability to hear a sounding word, children learn to hear the sounds of which the word consists; differentiate phonemes (sounds) that are close in sound; get acquainted with the concept of syllable, stress, sentences, text.


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    2. Volkova L.S. Speech therapy. [Text]: Textbook. / Volkova L.S.- M .: Vlados, 2008.
    3. Durova N.V. Phoneme. How to teach children to hear and correctly pronounce sounds. [Text]: Toolkit/ Durova N.V. - M .: Mosaic-Synthesis, 2000, 260s
    4. Zhovnitskaya O.N. Phonetic-phonemic perception in younger schoolchildren / Zhovnitskaya ON // Primary School, - 2001, - №11, - pp.41-46.
    5. Kazanskaya V.L. Shmatko N.D. Didactic games and exercises for the development of auditory perception / Kazanskaya V.L. Shmatko ND. // Defectology, - 2002, - №5- from 75 -86
    6. Kulyukina T.V., Shestakova N.A. There is no phonetic error! / Kulyukina TV, Shestakova N.A. // Elementary School, -2002, - №4, - p.45-50.
    7. Semenkova T.V. The formation of phonemic hearing is the key to successful correction of sound pronunciation. [Text]: tutorial/ Semenkova T.V.- M., 2000.
    8. Tkachenko T.A. The development of phonemic perception. [Text]: study guide / Tkachenko, T.A.- M., 2001.
    9. Filicheva TB et al. Children with phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment. Education and training. [Text]: study guide / Filicheva TB et al., 2006.
    10. Yastrebova A.V. How to help children with impaired speech development. [Text]: study guide / Yastrebova A.V. - M .: ARKTI, 2010.

    After checking the level of training, many children are advised to develop a phonemic hearing. Often parents do not even know what it is and how to do it. In this article we will help deal with such issues.

    So, phonemic hearing is the ability to recognize and differentiate speech sounds. If the child is underdeveloped, then he misunderstands some sounds, does not distinguish them in pronunciation. As a result, difficulties arise with the perception of the interlocutor's speech.

    Some experts in the field of children identify several stages of mastering a child speech:

    1. The first stage (pre-phonetic) is characterized by a lack of child's understanding of speech and differentiation of sounds. During this period, the baby also has no own active speech.
    2. At the second stage, the child can distinguish the most contrasting phonemes, but they are still not capable of differentiating in sound. If a person speaks incorrectly, the baby does not understand this yet. At this stage, the development of phonemic hearing in children begins.
    3. The third stage is characterized by the ability to distinguish the sounds of the language and to hear them correctly. He understands the difference between correctly pronounced words and their distorted form.
    4. At this stage, phonemic hearing reaches its culmination. New, correct forms of perception of sounds and their pronunciation begin to prevail. Active speech becomes almost in all its manifestations correct.
    5. The final stage. Phonemic development is completed. The kid is able to correctly hear and speak, differentiate close phonemes and reproduce them correctly.

    If a child has an inadequate level of development of phonemic hearing, learning to read and write is difficult: it is difficult for the kid to move from reading the letters to full perception of the word. The complexity of the letter is characterized by an abundance

    There are games on the development of phonemic hearing that parents should conduct with children:

    • definition of the initial and final sound in the word;
    • inventing words that begin with a specific sound;
    • games with "chains of words": the player comes up with a word, and the second selects one that must begin at the last sound of the preceding one (it is important to remember that this is not about letters, but about sounds).
    • game “catch sounds”: mom or dad utter words, and the child should clap or knock on an object with a stick when he hears the sound specified in advance.

    The harmonious development of a child is not only the level of phonemic perception and the ability to pronounce these or other sounds, but also the ability to differentiate them in the stream of speech. In order to teach your child literacy, you need to develop phonemic hearing from an early age.

    If a child has abnormalities in speech development, he or she will have difficulty learning the native language: he will gradually acquire articulation movements, ways of combining sounds with each other, distinguish words and so on.

    Hearing is one of the main conditions for the formation of speech. However, even in children with good hearing, violations of the pronunciation of sounds are observed. There may be several reasons: a malfunction of the articulatory apparatus, a low level of development of phonemic perception, or both one and the other.

    Phonemic perception is the development of phonemic hearing and If it is at a high level in children, then they start speaking early, because they perceive speech sounds well and quickly.

    In the case of deviations from the norm, the child's sound pronunciation is disturbed, learning to read is slowed down and errors appear in the letter. Then you need to seek help from a specialist - speech therapist.