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  • Psychological characteristics of children with general speech underdevelopment: features of cognitive activity Mental characteristics of children with onr
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  • How to Deal with Emotional Burnout Methods for Dealing with Emotional Burnout
  • Burnout - How To Deal With Work Stress How To Deal With Emotional Burnout
  • Planning a speech therapist in the garden. Perspective plan of a speech therapist teacher for an older group of children with onr

    Planning a speech therapist in the garden.  Perspective plan of a speech therapist teacher for an older group of children with onr

    Tatiana Chudaeva
    A long-term plan of a speech therapist teacher for senior group children with OHP

    MBDOU " Kindergarten "Rainbow" combined type "

    structural subdivision "Kindergarten No. 4 combined type"

    Ruzaevsky municipal district

    Long-term plan of work in the senior group ONR 2015-2016 uch... year

    Teacher speech therapist:

    T.V. Chudaeva

    Ruzayevka 2015

    Long-term plan educational activities for children

    OHR in senior group for 2015-1016 academic year.

    Week, month Topic Phonemic perception, sound-syllabic analysis of the word Integration of educational areas Topic of educational activities in vocabulary and grammar Grammatical structure of speech Coherent speech

    September Speech therapy examination

    September Sounds of speech. Articulating apparatus The structure of the speech apparatus. Vowels and consonants. Social and communicative, speech, physical, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic. Toys. Mordovian folk toy. Indirect cases of nouns. Drawing up a descriptive story about your favorite toy.

    4th week of September Sound U Allocation of the initial stressed vowel Social and communicative, speech, physical, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic. Bread is the head of everything. Genitive nouns with diminutive suffixes, adjectives from nouns; agreement in their kind with noun. Retelling of M. Prishvin's story "Lisichkin bread", memorizing proverbs and sayings about bread.

    1 week of October Sound A Selection of the initial stressed vowel Social and communicative, speech, physical, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic. Hello, autumn! Relative adjectives.

    Coordination of adjectives with nouns in gender and number. Drawing up proposals based on pictures, distribution of proposals.

    2nd week of October Sound O. Differentiation O-U... Isolation of the initial stressed vowel.

    Analysis of the sound row of two vowels. Socio-communicative, speech, physical, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic. Vegetables. Work of people in the garden. Exs. units and many others. h in different cases. Writing a descriptive story about vegetables

    3rd week of October Sound Ы Emphasizes the final stressed vowel Ы. Highlighting the voice. stars in the middle of a word. Social and communicative, speech, physical, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic. Social and communicative, speech, physical, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic. Fruits. Work of people in the garden. Exs. units and many others. h in different cases. Possessive pronouns mine, mine. Riddles-descriptions. Drafting descriptive stories according to the pictures.

    4th week of October Sound I. Emphasizing the initial stressed vowel. "AND" softens the previous acc. and it reads softly. Social and communicative, speech, physical, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic. Mushrooms, wild berries, forest. Exs. units and many others. h in different cases. Reading, retelling of V. Suteev's fairy tale "Under the mushroom"

    1st week of November Sound P Isolation of the first consonant, the last voiceless consonant. Sound Analysis and synthesis of the reverse syllable of the AP type. Socio-communicative, speech, physical, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic. Deciduous and coniferous trees. Shrubs... Exs. with diminutive suffixes, cognate words. Riddles-descriptions.

    2nd week of November Sound T Isolation of the first consonant, the last voiceless consonant. Sound analysis and synthesis of the inverse syllable of the UT type.

    Reproduction of syllable series (reverse syllables) Social and communicative, speech, physical, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic. My country is Russia. My land. My city. Exs. with diminutive suffixes, cognate words. Coordination of numerals with nouns in gender, case and number. Drawing up a descriptive story about your city, your republic.

    3rd week of November Sound K Sound analysis of the inverse syllable of the IK type. Reproduction of syllable series (reverse syllables) Social and communicative, speech, physical, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic. Transport Existing with diminutive suffixes, cognate words. Coordination of numerals with nouns in gender, case and number. Descriptive transport stories from pictures.

    4th week of November Sound X Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound. Determination of the place of sound in a word. Social and communicative, speech, physical, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic. Preparing for the winter of wild animals, late autumn. Relative adjectives.

    Coordination of adjectives with nouns in gender and number. Comparison of early and late autumn. Writing a descriptive story: "Autumn forest"

    1st week of December Differentiation sounds K-X Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sounds K, H. Determination of the place of a sound in a word. Social and communicative, speech, physical, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic. Domestic animals and birds. Formation of nouns in different cases. Formation of verbs using prefixes. Memorizing poems about pets and birds.

    2nd week of December Sound C Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound. Determination of the place of sound in a word. Sound allocation by ear Social and communicative, speech, physical, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic. Inhabitants of the underwater world, fish and amphibians. Single-root words. Difficult words. The use of prepositions NAD, UNDER, ON, V. Drawing up stories of descriptions. Riddles-descriptions.

    3rd week of December Sound З Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound. Determination of the place of sound in a word. Sound allocation by ear Social and communicative, speech, physical, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic. Winter is winter. Single-root words. Difficult words. Formation of verbs using prefixes. Drawing up a descriptive story about nature in winter.

    4th week of December Sound H To fix the characteristics of sounds. Determine the place in words. Social and communicative, speech, physical, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic. Wintering birds. Coordination of numerals with nouns in gender, number and case. Complicated prepositions FROM, FROM, FROM. Description stories about birds.

    1 week of January HOLIDAYS

    2nd week of January Sound D Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound. Determination of the place of sound in a word. Sound allocation by ear Social and communicative, speech, physical, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic. Fire safety

    Single-root words. Relative adjectives. A conversation about fire from pictures.

    3rd week of January Differentiation G-K Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sounds K, G. Determination of the place of a sound in a word. Social and communicative, speech, physical, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic. Winter fun. Relative adjectives. Comparative degree of adjectives. Formation of verbs using prefixes. Writing descriptive stories in theme:

    On the hill

    How I went to the skating rink.

    4th week of January Sound L Clarify articulation and pronunciation of sounds. To develop phonemic hearing. Social and communicative, speech, physical, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic. Visiting a fairy tale Education of the comparative degree of adjectives. Possessive adjectives. Retelling of fairy tales. Remembering the main characters.

    1 week of February Sound В Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound. Determination of the place of sound in a word. Isolation of sound by ear. Guess the word from the first sounds of the words. Social and communicative, speech, physical, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic. Human. Taking care of your health. Formation of nouns with different suffixes Compilation of description stories.

    2nd week of February Sound M Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound. Determination of the place of sound in a word. Isolation of sound by ear. Guess the word from the first sounds of the words. Social and communicative, speech, physical, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic. Seasonal clothing. Hats. Coordination of adjectives with nouns in gender and number. Improving word formation skills. Composing stories for themes:

    What are clothes for?

    How to take care of your clothes?

    3 week of February Sound E. Emphasizing the initial stressed vowel. "E" softens the previous acc. and it reads softly. Social and communicative, speech, physical, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic. Social and communicative, speech, physical, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic. Shoes. Singular and plural imperfective verbs Description riddles.

    Stories by topic:

    What are shoes for?

    How to take care of your shoes.

    4th week of February Sound D Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound. Determination of the place of sound in a word. Isolation of sound by ear. Guess the word from the first sounds of the words. Social and communicative, speech, physical, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic. Holiday on February 23, profession of men. Single-root words. Difficult words. Writing a descriptive story about dad.

    1 week of March Sound Ш To reinforce that the sound Ш is always solid. Determination of the place of sound in words. Social and communicative, speech, physical, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic. I and my family. Nouns with diminutive suffixes. Composing a story about your family

    2nd week of March Sound F Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound. Determination of the place of sound in a word. Isolation of sound by ear. Guess the word from the first sounds of the words. Social and communicative, speech, physical, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic. Holiday on March 8, women's professions Use of prepositions NAD, UNDER, ON, B, etc. Formation of verbs using prefixes. Drawing up a story about mom and grandmother.

    3rd week of March Sound Щ Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound. Fasten that is always soft. Determination of the place of sound in a word. Isolation of sound by ear. Guess the word from the first sounds of the words. Social and communicative, speech, physical, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic. Food, cooks, dishes. Relative adjectives. The use of prepositions K, S, U. Drawing up proposals for pictures, for a series of plot pictures.

    4th week of March Sound C Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound. Determination of the place of sound in a word. Isolation of sound by ear. Guess the word from the first sounds of the words. Social and communicative, speech, physical, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic. Spring is a change in nature. Possessive pronouns MY, MY, MY. Memorizing a poem "Spring"... Drawing up a story based on a series of plot pictures.

    1st week of April Sound H Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound. Determination of the place of sound in a word. Isolation of sound by ear. Guess the word from the first sounds of the words. Social and communicative, speech, physical, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic. Migratory birds, arrival of birds. Coordination of adjectives with nouns in gender and number. Improving word formation skills.

    Drawing up a descriptive story based on a painting by A. Savrasov "The Rooks Have Arrived"

    2nd week of April Sound I Consolidation of ideas about the softness of consonants. Socio-communicative, speech, physical, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic. Cosmonautics Day. Relative adjectives.

    3rd week of April Sound Yu

    Consolidation of ideas about the softness of consonants. Socio-communicative, speech, physical, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic. My house, furniture, Appliances... Relative adjectives. Improving word formation skills.

    Drawing up proposals based on pictures

    4th week of April Sound R Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound. Determination of the place of sound in a word. Isolation of sound by ear. Guess the word from the first sounds of the words. Social and communicative, speech, physical, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic. Houseplants. The use of prepositions HA, V.

    Relative adjectives. Stories by themes:

    My favorite flower.

    Why do we need flowers.

    1st week of May Sound L Clarification of articulation and pronunciation of sound. Determination of the place of sound in a word. Isolation of sound by ear. Guess the word from the first sounds of the words. Social and communicative, speech, physical, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic. Victory Day - May 9. Relative adjectives.

    Possessive adjectives. Drawing up proposals based on pictures, distribution of proposals.

    2nd week of May Speech sounds Reinforcement of pronunciation and distinction of sounds Socio-communicative, speech, physical, cognitive, artistic and aesthetic. Insects. Relative adjectives.

    Possessive adjectives. Drawing up a descriptive story about an insect.

    3-4 week of May Speech therapy examination Examination children.

    The proposed calendar-thematic planning is an integral part of the comprehensive planning of the correctional and developmental work of a speech therapist in a group of compensatory orientation for children with TNR preschool educational institutions.

    All sections of the calendar-thematic planning take into account the peculiarities of speech and overall development children with TNR. The complexity of pedagogical influence is aimed at leveling the speech and psychophysical development of children and ensuring their all-round harmonious development.
    Purposeful formation of all functions of speech;
    Increased attention to the semantic side of speech (work on the meaning of a word, understanding instructions, texts, visual situations);
    Creation of conditions for the preschooler to master all the components of the language system: the development of phonetic and phonemic processes, the improvement of the syllable structure of the word, the lexical and grammatical structure of speech, the formation of skills for constructing a detailed speech utterance;
    The inclusion of speech support in the subject-practical activity with the attraction of attention to planning and regulating speech activity;
    Stimulation of communication activity, creation of conditions for mastering various forms communication: providing full emotional contacts with adults and peers.



    INTRODUCTION …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ………… 2

    1. Explanatory note ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… ....... ..........4
    2. Calendar-thematic planning of the I period of study ……………………………………………………………………… ..… 8
    3. Calendar-thematic planning of the II period of study ……………………………………………………………………… .... 16
    4. Calendar-thematic planning of the III period of study ………………………………………………………………………… ... 26


    Modernization of education provides for a comprehensive, all-round renewal of all links educational system in accordance with the training requirements.One of the leading lines of modernization of education is the achievement of a new modern quality of preschool general and special education.

    The problems of teaching children with disabilities, their social adaptation and integration into society is one of the most urgent in the work of preschool educational institutions.

    The number of children with TNR is growing steadily from year to year. There is also a tendency for a qualitative change in the structure of the speech defect, the prevalence of the complex nature of violations in each individual child.

    This necessitates the development of modern correctional and educational technologies, updating the content of work in compensatory groups for children with THP preschool educational institutions of compensatory or combined types.

    The search for new forms and methods of working with children with severe speech disorders led to the question of planning and organizing a well-thought-out system for the work of a speech therapist in a preschool educational institution..

    The purpose of the correctional speech therapy workthe ability of children with speech disorders to master the main general education program preschool education and their integration into peer society.

    For the success and effectiveness of corrective speech therapy work, it is necessary to perform the following tasks:

    Creation special conditions teaching and upbringing of children with TNR;

    Use of special educational programs and methods of teaching and upbringing;

    The use of special teaching aids and didactic materials, technical means learning and development;

    Special construction of the correctional and educational process based on age-appropriate specific children's activities.

    The main contingent of children of the compensatory orientation group with THP preschool educational institution are children with the conclusion of the OHP.General speech underdevelopment(OHR) in children with normal hearing and intact intelligence issystemic impairment of speech activity, complex speech disorders, in which the formation of all components of the speech system, concerning both the sound and semantic sides, is impaired in children (Levina R.E., Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V.). Speech failure with general speech underdevelopment in preschoolers is determined by four levels of speech development and can vary from complete absence of speech to detailed speech with pronounced manifestations of lexico-grammatical and phonetic-phonemic underdevelopment (Levina R.E., Filicheva T.B., Chirkina G.V. .).The presence of secondary disorders in the leading mental processes in such children creates additional difficulties in the educational process.

    The proposed calendar and thematic planning is an integral part of the comprehensive planning of the correctional and developmental work of a speech therapist in a group of compensatory orientation for children with TNR preschool educational institutions.

    Target: building a system of correctional and developmental work in a senior to school group of a compensatory orientation for children with TNR, providing for the integration of the actions of all specialists of a preschool institution and parents of preschoolers.

    All sections of the calendar-thematic planning take into account the peculiarities of the speech and general development of children with TNR. The complexity of pedagogical influence is aimed at leveling the speech and psychophysical development of children and ensuring their all-round harmonious development.


    • Purposeful formation of all functions of speech;
    • Increased attention to the semantic side of speech (work on the meaning of a word, understanding instructions, texts, visual situations);
    • Creation of conditions for the preschooler to master all the components of the language system: the development of phonetic and phonemic processes, the improvement of the syllable structure of the word, the lexical and grammatical structure of speech, the formation of skills for constructing a detailed speech utterance;
    • The inclusion of speech support in the subject-practical activity with the attraction of attention to planning and regulating speech activity;
    • Stimulation of communicative activity, creation of conditions for mastering various forms of communication: ensuring full emotional contacts with adults and peers.

    Innovative focus.

    Planning materials correspond to the main sections of the standard preschool educational program,taking into account the adapted approximate basic educational program for preschoolers with severe speech disorders / LB Baryaeva, TV Volosovets, O P. Gavrilushkina, GG Golubeva et al. Under. ed. prof. L. V. Lopatina. - SPb., 2014.Themes are focused on the seasonality of natural phenomena, “red calendar dates”, developed in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard. The planning uses the principle of concentric building up of material in all sections.

    The implementation of this system of work will help to properly organize and coordinate the work of teachers in a compensatory group for children with TNR preschool educational institutions.

    Explanatory note

    The problem of overcoming the general speech underdevelopment in older preschoolers is one of the most urgent for modern speech therapy. The number of children with a complex structure of the defect in last years has grown sharply. There are acute issues of early recognition, qualified diagnosis and the choice of adequate methods of corrective action in working with children.

    General speech underdevelopment is considered as a systemic impairment of speech activity, complex speech disorders, in which the formation of all components of the speech system, concerning both the sound and semantic sides, is impaired in children, with normal hearing and intelligence. Older preschoolers with (OHP III level) have features of the development of sensorimotor, higher mental functions, mental activity.

    Calendar-thematic planning is compiled in accordance with

    • with a standard provision on special (correctional) educational institution for students and pupils with developmental disabilities from 12.03.97,
    • with the Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Education and Science of Russia) dated October 17, 2013 No. 1155 Moscow "On the approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education."


    • Adapted exemplary basic educational program for preschoolers with severe speech impairments / LB Baryaeva, TV Volosovets, O P. Gavrilushkina, GG Golubeva, etc. Under. ed. prof. L. V. Lopatina. - SPb., 2014.
    • Approximate basic general education program of preschool education "From birth to school."

    / Edited by N.E. Veraksa, T.S.Komarova, M.A. Vasilyeva. - M .: MOSAIKA - SYNTHESIS, 2012

    • An approximate program of correctional and developmental work in speech therapy group for children with general speech underdevelopment (from 3 to 7 years old). N.V. Nishcheva. - SPb.: LLC "Publishing house" Childhood-Press ", 2012


    • program and methodological recommendations of T.B. Filicheva, T.V. Tumanova, G.V. Chirkina "Education and training of children preschool age with general speech underdevelopment. " M .: "Bustard", 2009
    • practical guide TB Filicheva, GV Chirkina "Elimination of general speech underdevelopment in preschool children" - M .: Airis-press, 2007
    • textbooks for speech therapist G.A. Kashe "Preparing children with speech disabilities for school" :. –– M .: Education, 1985.
    • methodological recommendations of G.N. Lavrovoy "Organization of a monitoring system in special (correctional) education in the context of the introduction of FGT". Chelyabinsk: Tsitsero, 2012
    • periodicals: "Speech therapist in kindergarten", "Speech therapist", Library of the magazine "Speech therapist".

    taking into account

    • standards for educational load SanPiN dated May 15, 2013 No. 26.
    • Enrollment in groupscompensatory type for children with speech impairments is carried out according to the conclusion and recommendations of the MOU PPMS CDiK, with the consent of the parents / legal representatives of the child, on the basis of a written application.

    In the speech therapy group, the correctional direction of work is a priority, since its goal is to align the speech and psychophysical development of children. In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education, the main form of work with preschool children is play. Given this provision, it is proposed to leave the lesson as one of the forms of work with children, subject to maximum use game techniques, forms within each lesson.

    Organization of speech therapy work.

    Corrective education with children is conventionally divided into three periods:

    1 period of study (September - November) - 11 weeks

    2nd period of study (December - February) - 11 weeks

    3rd period of study (March - May) - 12 weeks.

    The number of study weeks per year is 34. The number of hours is 137.

    The main form of training is classes (frontal, individual and subgroup). Frontal classes are of three types: on the formation of sound pronunciation; on the formation of lexical and grammatical means of language and coherent speech. In the first period, 2 frontal classes are conducted per week on the development of lexical and grammatical categories and coherent speech. In the second and third periods, 5 lessons per week are held (2 lessons on the development of sound pronunciation and 3 lessons on the development of lexical and grammatical categories and coherent speech) according to the schedule of hours in the MDOU. Duration of frontal sessions is 20 - 25 minutes.

    Distribution of frontal classes by periods (according to the program):

    I period

    II period

    III period

    Sound reproduction


    Total: I period - 11 weeks - 22 lessons

    II period - 11 weeks - 55 lessons

    III period - 12 weeks - 60 lessons

    Total: 137 hours per year

    In the middle of the school year from 28.12. until 11.01. winter holidays are arranged, if working days fall for this period, then on these days all specialists carry out only individual work and games. In June, only individual and subgroup work is carried out.

    Individual and subgroup lessons are conducted with children daily, the composition of mini-subgroups may vary, depending on the specific goals and objectives of a particular period of study and the individual success of each child. In the course of these lessons, the tasks of automating and differentiating sounds in independent speech are solved (due to the need for multiple repetitions of targeted material), as well as additional working out of the material for frontal lessons with children who have missed the topics studied or have difficulties in mastering the program material. Duration of individual lessons - 10-15 minutes, are held in the first or second half of the day before or after the walk. In this regard, the time spent by a child on an individual lesson must be replenished by an earlier exit of children from speech therapy groups for an evening walk (by 10-15 minutes) compared to mass groups.

    According to the Research Institute of Hygiene and Health Protection of Children and Adolescents of the Scientific Center for Children's Health of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, recently the number of healthy preschoolers has decreased 5 times and is only about 10% of the contingent of children entering school. The negative practice of an unlawful increase in the mental and physical load of pupils causes overwork, neurotization in children, affects their health and emotional well-being, and is subsequently the cause of school maladjustment.

    According to the program of Filicheva T. B., Chirkina G. V. "Preparing children with general speech underdevelopment for school in a special kindergarten." a total of 170 lessons per academic year (excluding individual and subgroup work and the educational load of other areas). Such an educational load leads to a sharp decrease in the working capacity of most children. The restoration of their working capacity in this case does not occur even after a day's sleep, whereas on the days of two or three sessions after a walk and a day's rest, working capacity, as a rule, is restored to its original values. This is especially typical for children with TNI - somatically weakened, with pronounced violations of the emotional-volitional sphere.

    In addition, such a load leads not only to pronounced fatigue of children, but also to serious disturbances in the daily routine, a reduction in walking, daytime sleep, and time for independent play activities, which, in turn, negatively affects the health of children.

    In order to prevent overwork of children of the speech group and not to reduce the effectiveness of the correctional and educational process, in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard and SanPiN of May 15, 2013. we propose to reduce the number of frontal speech therapy sessions to 4 sessions per week in each period by reducing the number of sessions on the formation of lexical and grammatical categories and coherent speech, which will lead to a decrease in the volume educational load up to 136 hours instead of 170. The study of the program material of the shortened hours should be included in the educational activities of the educator, kindergarten specialists, regime moments, independent activities of children, joint activities of children and parents, subgroup and individual lessons with a speech therapist, depending on the topic. The completeness of the implementation of all sections of planning is ensured through its integration with other sections of the program and OO, types of children's activities.

    Distribution of frontal classes by periods:

    I period

    II period

    III period

    Sound reproduction

    Lexico-grammatical categories. Coherent speech

    2 (11+11)




    Total: I period - 11 weeks - 22 lessons

    II period - 11 weeks - 44 lessons

    III period - 12 weeks - 48 lessons

    Total: 114 lessons per year.

    Thanks to an integrated approach and the integration of the work of specialists, the establishment of links between educational areas, a high level of effectiveness of correctional and developmental work in a group is achieved.

    I period of study (September, October, November) - 11 weeks



    Lesson topic

    Vocabulary development

    Development of coherent speech




    Hello summer, kindergarten! Knowledge Day!

    1-2 weeks diagnostics of children, filling in speech cards

    My home, my city

    1. the formation of the ability to divide a word into syllables (D / and "Divide by syllables")
    1. To activate and enrich the children's vocabulary on the topic.
    2. game "form a word" (compound words - three-storey, multi-storey)

    2. "say the opposite" (antonymy)

    3. "explain the word" (complex - new building, populous)

    2. Coordination of nouns with numerals in gender, number and case

    Retelling the text


    1. Development of auditory attention, a sense of rhyme (Game "Tell me a word")
    2. the formation of the ability to divide a word into syllables
    1. to clarify, expand and activate the vocabulary on the topic of "transport"
    2. to consolidate knowledge about professions related to transport
    1. the formation of the instrumental case of nouns in the singular (the game "Who controls what?")
    2. the formation of the genitive case of nouns in the plural (the game "One-Many")
    3. Formation of nouns with diminutive-affectionate suffixes ("Name affectionately")
    1. Writing descriptive stories Vehicle according to plan
    2. Teach children to retell the text

    Autumn colors

    1 .Д / и "Guessing non-speech sounds"

    (rain is falling, tree is falling,

    lapping waves, heels knocking).

    2. Listen to how I tap the words and guess which word I will tap:

    shawl, cap, cap. (knock for each syllable)

    1.To learn to select signs for objects, to coordinate nouns and adjectives.

    D / and "Pick up a sign".

    2. To reinforce in children the ability to name generalizing concepts.

    D / and "Pick a generalizing concept."

    3. To develop the ability to highlight parts of objects (demi-season shoes, clothes, hats)

    D / and "Name the subject by the named parts"

    4. Find words of action

    The rain (what is it doing?) Is coming, drizzling, pouring

    The wind (what does it do?)

    5. Antonyms;

    D / and "On the contrary":

    Thick- ... (thin fabric);

    Clean- ... (dirty);

    Dry - ... (wet);

    Festive- ... (everyday)

    ; top- ... (bottom)

    1. To practice in children the ability to use possessive in speech

    pronouns: "my", "mine", "mine".

    D / and "Whose, Whose, Whose, Whose"

    Whose hat is this? - My. Whose gloves are these? - My. Whose scarf is this? - My. Whose coat is this? - My.

    2. To reinforce in children the ability to use

    plural nouns.

    D / and "One - many".

    3. Improve the ability to educate

    nouns with diminutive - affectionate suffixes.

    D / and "Big - small"

    4 .Exercise in memorizing and correcting action words (masculine and feminine singular)

    D / and "Fix mistakes"

    1. To develop in children the desire to guess riddles

    And make them to others. To foster in children respect and love for folk art.

    Guessing and guessing riddles. Learning proverbs and sayings about autumn will take the fall.

    2. Learn to compose sentences with relative adjectives according to the pattern. Align nouns with adjectives.

    3. To develop the ability to consistently and fully describe the subject using the story outline.

    Drawing up a descriptive story about autumn.

    4. Education of love for folk art, the desire to know and tell others.

    Reading and memorization

    pure phrases, sayings.

    Guessing and guessing riddles.

    5. To reinforce the concept in children. That the sentence contains a complete thought. Learn to complete a sentence based on pictures and without support.

    D / and "Complete the sentence"

    Animal world (pets)

    To clarify, expand and activate the vocabulary on the topic "Pets"

    1. Formation of possessive adjectives
    2. Learn to reconcile nouns with numerals

    Develop a coherent speech, teach a coherent monologue (the game "Who is most needed?")

    Drawing up a descriptive story according to a plan

    Harvest (vegetables, fruits)

    1. To develop auditory attention, speech hearing (Joke game "About vegetables)
    1. develop and activate the vocabulary of children on the topic "Vegetables";
    2. exercise in guessing objects according to their description;
    1. Coordination of n. with adj. in gender, number, case.
    2. Education noun with diminutive-affectionate suffixes on the subject (-ik-, -chik-, -echk-, -ochk-, -enk-, -onk-).
    3. Pluralization of nouns
    4. Formation of relative adjectives
    5. Prepositions "v, na".
    1. Teach children to make sentences based on 3 pictures
    2. Writing description stories


    Folk culture and traditions

    Development of speech hearing and perception

    1. To acquaint children with folk traditions and customs, with folk arts and crafts (Dymkovo, Gorodets, Gzhel).

    2. Expand ideas about folk toys (nesting dolls, Gorodetskaya, Bogorodskaya, spillikins). 3. To acquaint with the national arts and crafts.

    4. Tell about the Russian hut and other buildings, their interior decoration, household items.

    1. Formation of plural nouns

    Formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes

    Retelling the text


    Our life (furniture)

    1. D / and "Clap your hands" (development phonemic hearing)
    2. D / and "Pass the ball" (the formation of the ability to divide a word by syllables)

    Introduce sound and reinforce correct pronunciation.

    "Hard", "soft".

    Exercise in the analysis of syllables.

    1. To activate, expand and refine the vocabulary on the topic "Furniture"
    1. Improve the grammatical structure of speech, learn to use diminutive-affectionate suffixes
    2. Formation of relative adjectives and nouns
    3. Teach the correct use of genitive plural nouns
    4. Teach the correct use of prepositions of speech (game "Complete the sentence")

    Drawing up a story description according to the scheme


    I'm a man in the world

    1. D / and "Clap your hands" (development of phonemic hearing)
    2. D / and "Pass the ball" (the formation of the ability to divide a word by syllables)

    1. To clarify, expand and activate the subject, verb dictionary, the dictionary of signs on the topic "I am a person in the world"

    2. Introduce children to parts of the human body

    3. To acquaint children with the rules of hygiene

    1.forming singular nouns

    2. Formation of plural nouns

    3. Coordination of nouns with numerals

    4. Formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes

    1. Writing a story


    Friendship. National Unity Day

    D / and "Which word does not fit?" (development of speech hearing and perception). Д / и "Divide by syllables" (formation of the ability to divide a word into syllables, develop auditory attention)

    D / and "Say otherwise" (replenishment of the children's dictionary on the topic "My Motherland")

    D / and "Say the opposite" (to form a dictionary of antonyms)

    D / and "Tell me which one, which one, which one?" (selection of features)

    Game "Where do I live?"(replenishment of the children's dictionary on the topic "My Motherland")

    D / Ball game "Family of words" (the formation of one-root words)

    1. ... Д / and "One - many" (form plural nouns)
    2. D / Game "Fix mistakes"
    3. Ball game "Finish the sentence"

    (agreement of adjectives in indirect cases)

    1. The game "What, what, what?"

    (formation of possessive adjectives)

    Reading, sayings, pure phrases (development of the intonation side of speech)

    Reading thin literature.

    Memorizing poems about Russia


    City of craftsmen (professions)

    D / and "Who is the most attentive?" (development of phonemic hearing and perception)

    2.D / and "Divide by syllables" (formation of the ability to divide a word into syllables)

    3. D / and "How am I doing this?" (formation of the ability to differentiate non-speech sounds by ear)


    Who prepares for winter how

    Short and long words.

    (game "What word?"

    Activation and enrichment of the vocabulary of nouns.

    Activation of the verb dictionary.

    Activation and enrichment of the dictionary of adjectives and adverbs. Activation of both antonyms and synonyms related, compound words.

    Formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes ("Name affectionately"

    Formation of nouns in different cases: 1. genitive plural. ("One - many"

    2. instrumental singular and plural ("Hunters" Formation of singular and plural nouns denoting baby animals. ("Big family").

    coordination of numerals with nouns in gender, case number ("Count the animals").

    Formation of possessive adjectives (the game "Whose, whose, whose?"

    Compilation of a story from simple common sentences (Compilation of a story-description according to a plan. Who is this? The appearance, habits of the beast. What does it eat? Where does it live. What does it do?)

    The use of complex sentences with opposition (Drawing up a comparison story about two animals. How they are similar and how they differ)

    Drawing up a story based on a set of words.

    Total: 22 lessons

    PERIOD II (December, January, February) - 11 weeks (holidays from 28.12-11.01)



    Lesson topic


    Development of the phonetic-phonemic side of speech

    Vocabulary development

    Development of the grammatical structure of speech

    Development of coherent speech


    Hello winter winter!

    Sound [A]

    Sound [A]

    To acquaint with the sound [A] and its characteristics based on articulation and the concept of "vowel sound".

    To form phonemic perception and sound reproduction in syllables, words

    1. Clarify, expand and activate the subject vocabulary, verb dictionaries and a dictionary of signs on the topic
    2. Fix the names of the winter months in speech
    3. Enrich vocabulary, learn to select adjectives for a given noun (game "What? What?")
    4. Learn to choose words action (Snow (what is it doing?)
    1. Formation of a word using diminutive suffixes
    2. Learn to select word relatives for a given word
    3. Formation of plural nouns
    4. Formation of the genitive case singular (the game "Yes, no")

    Drawing up proposals for signs of the seasons based on plot pictures

    Drawing up a story about the signs of winter based on captivity from pictogram drawings


    City of Craftsmen (Crafts of the South Urals)

    Sound [U]

    Sound [U]

    To acquaint with the sound [U] and its characteristics based on articulation.

    Learn to highlight a stressed vowel sound at the beginning of a word.

    1.refine, enrich and activate the vocabulary on the topic

    2. Learn to choose words action (what is the teacher doing?)

    1. To consolidate the ability to use the noun in the form of the instrumental case (the game "Who controls what?"
    2. Develop the grammatical structure of speech, word formation: teach understanding and interpretation of complex words
    3. Teach the use of the dative case of nouns, the formation of relative adjectives (the game "Who needs what?")

    Teach children to compose stories about various professions according to a drawing plan


    Healthier (clothes, shoes, hats)

    Sounds [A] - [U]

    Sound [And]

    Analysis and synthesis of combinations of two vowel sounds (АУ, УА)

    To acquaint with the sound [I] and its acoustic-articulatory characteristics. Fix the sound in syllables, words, sentences.

    To consolidate the concepts of "word", "vowel sound".

    1. To activate, expand and refine the vocabulary on the topic "Clothes, shoes, hats"
    2. Activation of the vocabulary of nouns, consolidate the accusative case of nouns
    3. Activation of the verb dictionary (game "Who is doing what?")
    1. The use of genitive plural nouns
    2. Matching nouns with possessive pronouns
    3. Formation of nouns using diminutive suffixes
    4. Formation of relative adjectives, coordination of adjectives with nouns (game "At the garment factory")

    Drawing up a descriptive story according to the scheme


    New Year's kaleidoscope (winter fun)

    Sound [And]

    Sounds [A] - [U] - [And]

    Fix the sound in syllables, words, sentences.

    To consolidate the concepts of "word", "vowel sound".

    Learn to give a comparative description of sounds, select words (pictures) for a given sound.

    Learn to select a sound from the composition of syllables, words (stressed sound at the beginning of syllables, words).

    1. Explain the meaning of proverbs
    1. Education plural nouns
    1. Strengthen the ability to correctly build a sentence
    2. Retelling of the text "Train"


    New Year's kaleidoscope (tree)

    Sound [Oh]

    (2 Lessons)

    Introduce the sound [O] and its characteristics based on articulation.

    To form phonemic perception and sound reproduction in syllables, words.

    Develop the ability to highlight the stressed vowel sound at the beginning of a word.

    1. Clarify, expand and activate the subject vocabulary, the verb vocabulary and the vocabulary of signs on the topic
    2. Explain the meaning of proverbs
    3. Selection of adjectives for nouns (game "name which"
    1. Teach children the selection related words
    2. Aligning numerals with nouns
    3. Pluralization of nouns
    4. Education noun with clever caresses. suf-mi.
    1. Learn to make sentences
    2. Retelling of the text "Christmas tree"

    28.12-10.01 Christmas holidays


    Visiting a fairy tale (instruments)

    Sounds [A] - [U] - [And] - [O]

    Sound [M]

    Determination in words of the first and last vowels in sounds, analysis and synthesis of combinations of three vowels (AUO, IUO, UOA)

    To consolidate the concepts of "solid", "consonant"

    1. Refine, expand and activate the dictionary on the topic "Tools"

    1. Use of nouns with diminutive suffixes
    2. Learn to form relative adjectives from nouns, coordinate adjectives with nouns in gender, number and case
    3. Aligning nouns with singular numbers
    1. Drawing up stories-descriptions of tools according to the drawing plan


    Etiquette (dishes)

    Sound [M ']

    Sound [H]

    Introduce sound and clarify the correct pronunciation.

    Reinforce the concept of "soft consonant"

    Develop phonemic


    Introduce sound and reinforce correct pronunciation.

    Exercise in the analysis of reverse syllables (laying out syllabic schemes).

    1. Tell children about the names of types and items of dishes, the material from which it is made, and its need in every home.
    2. Explain the meaning of proverbs, memorizing one
    3. Learn to pick up antonyms
    4. Selection of adjectives for nouns
    1. Formation of relative adjectives
    2. Formation of words with the meaning of the container of something
    3. Coordination of numerals with noun. in units
    4. Plural noun

    Retelling of the text "Mom's Cup"


    My family

    Sound [H ’]

    Sounds [M] - [N]

    Introduce sound and reinforce correct pronunciation.

    Exercise to highlight the sound at the beginning and at the end of a word.

    Differentiation of sounds according to the place of formation in syllables, words, sentences.

    Developing sound analysis skills

    (highlighting a given consonant in a word).

    Develop the skill to divide words into syllables.

    1. D / and "Pick up the word" (activation of the subject dictionary)

    2. D / and "Learn by description" (activation of the subject vocabulary)

    3. D / and "Say the opposite" (to form a dictionary of antonyms)

    4. Select the desired body part for the subject (fix the names of body parts)

    Human sculpting.

    5. Show the action.

    (formation of the ability to use words-actions) based on clarity.

    6.Guessing riddles about parts of the human body, followed by musical accompaniment (activation of the dictionary on this topic)

    1. Д / и "Name affectionately" (to learn to form diminutive nouns)

    2. About what you can say so: "Mine, mine, mine."

    (develop the ability to form possessive pronouns)

    3. Д / and "One - many" (form plural nouns)

    4. D / and "Two, two" (the correct use of the numerals "two" and "two")

    5. D / and "Tell me about yourself" based on visualization (the formation of the ability to coordinate words-actions in the present time. With pronouns)

    6. D / and "What is he doing, and what has he done, what has been done?" based on visualization (development of the ability to use words-actions in the present, past, future time)

    7. D / and "Pick a preposition" (activate the use of prepositions in speech)

    8. D / and "Count" (to form the ability to reconcile noun + number)

    1. Drawing up a story based on a series of plot pictures "Helping grandmother"(Development of the ability to compose a coherent, meaningful, complete story)

    3. Reading, sayings, pure phrases (development of the intonation side of speech)

    4. Reading thin. literature.

    5. D / and "Make friends words" (learn to make up a whole sentence from words)


    We want to be healthy (food)

    Sound [S]

    (2 lessons)

    To acquaint with the sound [S] and its characteristics based on articulation.

    Make a sound stand out from a number of other sounds.

    To consolidate the concepts of "word", "vowel sound".

    Develop auditory attention and auditory memory (repetition of sound lines and syllables).

    1. Clarify, expand and activate the subject vocabulary, the verb vocabulary and the vocabulary of signs on the topic

    2. Explain the meaning of proverbs, memorizing one

    3. Learn to pick up antonyms

    4. Selection of adjectives for nouns

    1. Selection of related words (game "Match relatives")

    2. Coordination of numerals with nouns (game "Cheerful account")

    3. Formation of plural nouns

    4.forming possessive nouns

    Retelling the text


    Safety ABC (electrical appliances)

    Sound [R]

    Sound [P ’]

    To acquaint with the sound [P] and its characteristics based on articulation and acoustic signs

    Introduce the concept of "consonant" and the location of the sound at the end of words. Teaches you how to highlight sound in open syllable and at the end of a word.

    Clarify articulation and pronunciation. Learn practically the concepts of Consonant "hard", "soft"

    Develop auditory attention and auditory memory (repeat sound lines and syllables, highlighting a given syllable).

    1. expand and clarify the vocabulary on the topic,
    2. to acquaint with safety measures when using electrical appliances
    1. Formation of nouns with diminutive-affectionate suffixes "Name affectionately"
    2. Nominative and Genitive Plural Formation
    3. Concordance of nouns with numerals 1,2,5in "one-many"
    1. Formation of nouns in the genitive case "Say with the word" no ""
    1. learn to make sentences using pictures
    2. Guessing riddles on the topic
    3. Writing a story-description
    4. Reading fiction on this topic

    Our defenders

    Sound [T]

    Sound [T ’]

    Introduce sound and reinforce correct pronunciation.

    Form a sound analysis of reverse syllables (laying out syllabic schemes).

    Form phonemic perception and memory

    (reproduction of syllable series).

    Introduce sound and reinforce correct pronunciation.

    To consolidate the concepts of "syllable", "word",

    "Hard", "soft".

    Exercise in the analysis of syllables.

    Exercise in highlighting the place of the sound in the catch

    To activate, enrich and expand the vocabulary of nouns, verb vocabulary and vocabulary of signs on the topic.

    1. Selection of related words (game "Match relatives")
    2. Coordination of numerals with nouns (game "Cheerful Counting")
    3. Pluralization of nouns

    Drawing up proposals and short stories about people who serve in our army based on the drawing plan.

    Little explorers (insects)

    Sound [K]

    Sound [K ']

    Introduce sound and reinforce correct pronunciation.

    Learn to transform syllables by changing the first sound:

    a) highlighting the first sound;

    b) replacing the first sound with another.

    Introduce sound and reinforce correct pronunciation.

    To consolidate the concepts of "hard", "soft"

    Exercise in the transformation of syllables by changing the first sound.

    Activation, enrichment and refinement of the dictionary on the topic "Insects"

    1. Coordination of nouns with numerals in gender, number and case
    2. Learn to use accusative singular nouns correctly
    3. Learn to form nouns using diminutive suffixes

    Drawing up a story-description according to the scheme

    Total: 44 lessons

    III period (March, April, May) - 12 weeks (in June - individual and subgroup work)



    Lesson topic


    Development of the phonetic-phonemic side of speech

    Vocabulary development

    Development of the grammatical structure of speech

    Development of coherent speech

    Women's Day

    Sound [X]

    Sounds [P] - [T] - [K] - [X]

    Introduce monosyllabic and polysyllabic words.

    Introduce sound and reinforce correct pronunciation.

    Development of phonemic representation based on phonemic perception- highlighting a sound against the background of a syllable - adding a sound to a given syllable

    To consolidate the differentiation of sounds according to the place of formation and voicedness of deafness.

    To form the skill of distinguishing words with similar sound composition.

    Develop sound analysis in syllables

    (laying out sound schemes).

    Activate, enrich and expand the vocabulary of children

    Planning the work of a speech therapist.

    Senior group.

    (Preparation for teaching literacy - 1 time per week)

    SEPTEMBER. (1 period)

    Ia week,IIweek is an adaptation period.

    IIIweek-Our garden. Kindergarten professions.

    IVweek - Autumn. Autumn periods. Signs of autumn. Trees in the fall.


    Iweek-Vegetable garden. Vegetables.Oral and written speech. Offer. Word.

    IIweek-Garden. Fruits.Word. Words-objects (animate and inanimate), words-actions, words-signs.

    IIIweek-Forest. Mushrooms. Berries... Dissemination of proposals. Scheme of the proposal.

    IVweek - Migratory birds.The concept of non-speech and speech sounds.


    Iweek-Clothes, hats.Vowel sounds. Sound and letter -A-

    IIweek-Shoes.Sound and letter -U-

    IIIWeek-Toys... Sound and letter -O-

    IVweek-Dishes.Sound and letter -И-

    Vweek - Furniture.The concept of consonants.

    DECEMBER. ( II period)

    Iweek-Winter. Wintering birds.Sounds T-T, soft and hard consonants, the letter -T-

    IIweek- Pets in winter.Sounds П-Пь, letter -П-

    IIIweek - Wild animals in winter.Sounds Н-Нь, letter -Н-

    IVWeek-Holiday " New Year». Games with sounds and letters.



    IIweek-House, its parts. ...Sounds М-Мь, letter -М-

    IIIweek-Transport.Sounds K-K, letter -K-

    IVweek-Profession.Sounds B-Bb, letter -B-

    Yweek - Winter games and fun for children.The concept of voiced-deafness. Differentiation of sounds Б-П, Бь-Пь and their letters.


    Iweek-Animals of hot countries, habits, their cubs.Sounds D-D, letter -D-

    IIweek-Animals of the Far North, habits, their cubs.Differentiation of sounds D-T, D-T and their letters.

    IIIweek-Our Army.Sounds Г-Гь, letter -Г-

    IVweek-Household appliances. LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS.Differentiation of sounds Г-К, Гь-Кь and their letters.

    MARCH. ( III period)

    Iweek-Early spring. Signs of spring. Mother's holiday.Sounds Ф-Фь, letter -Ф-

    IIweek-Indoor plants.Sounds В-Вь, letter -В-

    IIIweek-Our city.Differentiation sounds V-F, Вь-Фь and their letters.

    IVweek-Handicrafts.Sounds Х-Хь, letter -X-


    Iweek-Food.Differentiation sounds K-G-X, and their letters.

    IIweek-Space. Sound and letter -Ы-

    IIIweek-Arrival of birds in the spring.Sounds С-Сь, letter -С-

    IVweek-River, lake and aquarium fish.Sounds З-Зь, letter -З-

    Vweek-Rules of the road. LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS.Differentiation sounds S-Z, Сь-Зь and their letters.


    Iweek-Late spring. Plants and animals in spring. Games with sounds and letters.

    IIweek-Victory Day. Games with sounds and letters.

    IIIweek-Trees, shrubs. Garden and wildflowers. Games with sounds and letters.

    IVweek-Garden and wildflowers. Repetition and consolidation of the passed material

    Vweek- Insects. Repetition and consolidation of the passed material.


    Carrying out didactic games aimed at repeating the material covered on the trail. sections:



    Automation and differentiation of the delivered sounds in verses,

    Development of phonemic perception,

    Working on words with CCC at the syntactic level,

    Development of coherent speech (retelling, composing stories based on a series of plot pictures, one picture at a time, creative stories)

    Accepted on 31.08.2015 Approved by ________________

    at the meeting


    Council of the DOE.

    Protocol No. 1

    Long-term planning of correctional and speech therapy work with children of the older group

    for the 2015-2016 academic year

    Explanatory note.

    Frontal speech therapy classes held 3 times a week:

    1 lesson on the development of the lexical and grammatical structure, 1 lesson on the development of coherent speech, 1 lesson on the development of phonetic and phonemic representations.

    The following literature was used in planning:

      VV Konovalenko, SV Konovalenko "Frontal speech therapy classes in the senior speech therapy group for children with general speech underdevelopment" / M: "Publishing house GNOM and D" 2005.

      TB Filicheva, GV Chirkina "Elimination of general speech underdevelopment in preschool children" Iris press Moscow 2005.

      OS Gomzyak “We Speak Correctly at 5-6 Years. Summaries of classes 1,2, 3 periods "\ Publishing house GNOM and D 2009.

      OS Gomzyak “We Speak Correctly at 5-6 Years. Summaries of classes on the development of coherent speech "\ Publishing house GNOM and D 2010.

    Planning is conventionally divided into three periods of study. Each period contains goals and objectives for the areas of work in this group.

    Such directions as "Survey", "Sound pronunciation", "Work on the syllable structure of the word", "Development of general speech skills" are carried out at individual lessons.

    The sections "Development of phonemic analysis, synthesis, representations", "Vocabulary", "Grammatical structure of speech", "Development of coherent speech" contain in their content a dictionary, tasks and goals of frontal classes.

    The direction "Development of fine motor skills" is planned both in individual work and in group lessons.

    I training period (September, October, November)

    Examination of children - 1st and 2nd week of September

      Reveal structure and mechanism speech disorders

      Develop a clear, coordinated movement of the organs of the speech apparatus

      Teach children to take a short and silent breath without raising their shoulders, exhale calmly and smoothly without puffing out their cheeks

      Work on setting diaphragmatic breathing

    Sound reproduction:

      Clarification of the pronunciation of vowels and the lightest consonants: [m] - [m`], [b] - [b`], [d] - [d`], [n` - [n`], [c] - [b`], [r] - [r`], [n] - [n`], [m] - [m`], [φ] - [φ`], [k] - [k`], [NS]

      Preparing the articulator for sound production

      Statement and initial consolidation of incorrectly pronounced and missing sounds in pronunciation (individual work)


      Work on monosyllabic words with a confluence of consonants at the beginning and end of the word ( table, bridge)

      Working on two-syllable words without consonant concatenation ( fly, house)

      Working on three-syllable words without consonant concatenation (raspberry, cornflower)

      Development of auditory attention on the material of non-speech sounds.

      Acquaintance with the sounds [y], [a], [p], [o], [and], [m], [n], the way of articulation, the characteristics of these sounds: the concept of "vowel sound", "consonant voiceless sound", "Consonant voiced sound".

      Isolation of stressed vowel in syllables and words.

      The location of the sound in words (beginning of a word, end of a word)

      Coming up with words for vowel sounds.

      Sound Combination Analysis: ay, ya, ee.

      Sound analysis of syllables and words: am, um, moo, we, yeah, he, na, but, uh, oops, oops, oops

      Determining the presence of sound in a word ( clap your hands if there is sound in the word) - based on the studied sounds

      Extraction of words with a given sound from the text.

      Exercise to divide words into syllables


    3rd week of September - "Vegetables"

    Nouns: vegetable, tomato, cucumber, onion, carrot, cabbage, beet, potato, radish


    Adjectives: color (main shades), beetroot, mauve, raspberry blue, ripe, juicy, aromatic, smooth, bitter, shape.

    Adverbs: tasty, healthy, sweet, sour, bitter.

    4th week of September - "Fruits"

    Nouns: fruit, compote, apple, pear, plum, lemon, orange, tangerine, banana, apricot, peach.

    Verbs: ripen, collect, harvest, clean, wash, clean, cut, fry, preserve, grow.

    Adjectives: ripe, juicy, aromatic, smooth, red, orange, yellow, green, pink.


    1st week of October - “Garden is a city. "

    Nouns: garden, vegetable garden, harvest, bed, weeding, harvesting, gardener, gardener,

    Verbs: hanging, growing, fell, collect, ate


    Adverbs: high, low, tasty, sweet.

    2nd week of October - "Autumn"

    Nouns: September, October, November, month, weather, leaf fall, rain, season, heavy rain, wind.

    Verbs: shine, drizzle, warm, fall, turn yellow,

    Adjectives: sunny, cloudy, rainy, warm, fallen, ripe, autumn.

    Adverbs: clear, sunny, windy, rainy, warm.

    3rd week of October "Seasonal clothes, shoes".

    Nouns: boots, shoes, sneakers, boots, felt boots, jacket, coat, gloves, mittens, scarf, wool, leather, fur, knitwear, rubber, sleeve, hem, hood, button, loop, cuff, sole, laces, heels, sock , backdrop.


    Adjectives: woolen, leather, fur, knitted, corduroy, rubber, comfortable, fashionable, smart.

    4th week of October - "Kindergarten"

    Nouns: educator, methodologist, speech therapist, cook, nurse, laundress, storekeeper, manager

    Verbs: educate, teach, heal, cook, wash,

    Adjectives: necessary, useful, difficult, interesting, necessary

    Adverbs: diligently, skillfully, carefully

    1st week of November "Our Motherland - Russia"

    Nouns: homeland, country, state, region, Russia, border, capital, Moscow.

    Verbs love, cherish, protect.

    Adjectives: beloved, unique, huge, beautiful

    2nd week of November - "My home"

    Nouns: door, window, ceiling, floor, wall, room, foundation, balcony, staircase, roof, architect, crane operator, plasterer, painter ..

    Verbs: build, paint, whitewash ..

    Adjectives: one-story, multi-story, brick, wooden, block

    3rd week of November "Transport"

    Nouns: car, truck, tram, bus, trolleybus, train, subway, dump truck, van, train, transport, wheel, headlight, cabin, steering wheel, body, plane, tail, motor, wings, cabin, ship, deck, anchor, stern , bow, cabin,

    Verbs: transport, load, call in, leave, go around, move out,

    Adjectives: cargo, passenger, electric, convenient, fast, water, air, rail, ground, underground.

    Adverbs: b quickly, conveniently, swiftly.

    4th week of November - Body Parts.

    Nouns: head, torso, arms, legs, fingers, face, nose, mouth, forehead, eyes, belly, back, knee, elbows, hair, eyebrows, palms, wrists, bangs.

    Verbs: speak, breathe, sing, walk, do, write, sculpt, run, jump, watch, comb, wash, wipe, dry, cut.

    Adjectives: left, right, clean, healthy, sick, sad, sad, bright, brown, gray

    Grammatical structure of speech:

      Practicing case endings for singular nouns

      Convert nouns in the nominative singular to the plural

      The use of the plural form of nouns in the genitive case.

      Concordance of verbs with singular and plural nouns ( the apple grows, the apples grow)

      Formation of prefixed verbs.

      Use in speech simple prepositions ON, C, B, FROM.

      Matching nouns with possessive pronouns my, my, my, my

      Coordination of numerals two and five with nouns

    The development of coherent speech:

      Writing simple common sentences

      Teach children the ability to ask questions and answer them with a complete answer

      Teach children to write descriptive stories based on an outline

      Teach children to retell short stories and fairy tales with and without plot pictures.

      Learn to compose stories - descriptions according to the picture-graphic plan.

    Fine motor development:

      Stroke, paint, and hatch stencils ( on lexical topicsIperiod)

      Drawing up shapes, patterns from elements ( by sample)

      Work with lacing and fine mosaic

      Composing objects from geometric shapes (sandpaper)

    II period training (December, January, February)

    Development of general speech skills:

      Introduce different types of intonation: narrative, interrogative, exclamatory

    Sound reproduction:

      individual work)

      Automation and differentiation of delivered sounds ( individual work)

    Work on the syllable structure of the word :

    (individually based on the sounds correctly pronounced by this child)

      Work on the structure of words with a confluence of consonants at the beginning of a word ( book, flower), in the middle of a word ( window, stick, pocket), at the end of a word ( joy)

      Work on the syllable structure of three-syllable words with a confluence of consonants at the beginning of the word ( sour cream)

    Development of phonemic analysis, synthesis, representations:

      Highlighting vowel sounds at the end of a word under stress ( saw, movies, mustache, write, socks)

      Highlighting vowel sounds in three sound words ah ( poppy, house, bitch, mouse, whale)

      Acquaintance with the sounds [t], [t`], [k], [k`], [b], [b`], [g], [g`], [l], [l`], [s ], [e], by the way of articulation, the characteristic of these sounds: to consolidate the concepts of "vowel sound", "consonant voiceless sound", "consonant voiced sound"; to acquaint with the concepts of "consonant soft sound"," Consonant solid sound ".

      Isolation of solid consonants at the beginning and at the end of a word ( house, forest)

      To consolidate concepts: syllable, word, sentence.

      Teach sound analysis of forward and backward syllables.


    Expansion and refinement of the vocabulary by topic:

    1st week of December "Winter, winter fun"

    Nouns: winter, December, January, February, snow, snowflake, flakes, drifting snow, snowfall, snowdrift, pattern, snowman, Snow Maiden, slide, hockey, sledges, skis, stick, puck, skating rink.

    Verbs: freeze, cover, fall out, play, roll, sculpt, throw, slide.

    Adjectives: cold, white, fluffy, frosty, ski, slippery, huge.

    Adverbs: cold, frosty, windy, quiet.

    2-th week of December "Wintering Birds"

    Nouns: crow, magpie, sparrow, bullfinch, tit, dove, owl, feeder, feed, help, flocks, food,

    Verbs: feed, freeze, pour, fly, winter

    Adjectives: wintering, hungry, nimble, fast, dexterous, pugnacious, combative, brave, red-breasted, lazy, sedentary, yellow-breasted, thin, nimble, red-headed, thin-necked, graceful, white-breasted, big-eyed.

    3rd week of December "Clothes, shoes (in winter)".

    Nouns: boots, boots, felt boots, fur coat, coat, gloves, mittens, wool, leather, fur, fur, corduroy, drape, sleeve, hem, hood, button, loop, cuff, sole, laces, heels, sock, back.

    Verbs: put on, dress, shoe, wear, take off, unfasten, untie, tie, hang, fold, hang.

    Adjectives: felt, woolen, leather, fur, knitted, corduroy, woolen, rubber, comfortable, fashionable, smart.

    3rd week of January "Pets"

    Nouns: cat, dog, horse, cow, sheep, ram, goat, goat, pig, dog, cat, horns, hooves, tail, mane, udder, mustache, benefit.



    4th week of January "Pets and their cubs"

    Nouns: cat, kitten, dog, puppy, horse, foal, cow, calf, sheep, lamb, ram, goat, kid, goat, pig, horns, hooves, tail, mane, udder, mustache, benefit.

    Verbs: shedding, chewing, grunting, mooing, bleating, meowing, biting, butting, scratching.

    Adjectives: silky, horned, kind, white-maned.

    1st week of February - "Poultry"

    Nouns: poultry house, poultry farm, hen, chicken, rooster, chicken, goose, goose, gosling, turkey, turkey, turkey, duck, drake, duckling.

    Verbs: clucking, cackling, pacing, waddling,

    Adjectives: variegated, short-tailed, restless, fussy, calm.

    Adverbs: important, loud, plaintive, shrill, loud.

    2nd week of February "Wild animals in winter"

    Nouns: bear, fox, hedgehog, hare, squirrel, wolf, deer, muzzle, paw, tail.




    3rd week of February "Wild animals and their cubs"

    Nouns: bear, teddy bear, fox, fox, hedgehog, hedgehog, hare, hare, squirrel, squirrel, wolf, wolf cub, deer fawn, muzzle, paw, tail.

    Verbs: hiding, hiding, hibernating.

    Adjectives: fast, cowardly, gray, dexterous, nimble, fluffy, redhead, angry, hungry, toothy, shaggy, horned, leggy, spotted, short-tailed, spotted, clubfoot, brown, shaggy, prickly, fox, hare, deer, squirrel, wolf bearish.

    Adverbs: dexterously, swiftly, quickly, abruptly.

    4th week of February "Our army"

    Nouns: defenders, Fatherland, Motherland, military, gunner, anti-aircraft gunners, pilots, infantrymen, sailors, border guards, cavalrymen, paratrooper, tanker, troops.

    Verbs: protect, fight, serve, guard, protect

    Adjectives: courageous, brave, brave, brave, valiant, fearless, difficult, honorable, dangerous, serious,

    Adverbs: courageously, hard, bravely, honorable

    Grammatical structure of speech:

      To consolidate the use of case endings of singular nouns

      Reinforce the use of nouns in the nominative plural

      Strengthen the ability to coordinate numbers two and five with nouns.

      Learn to form cognate words.

      To consolidate the use of the plural form of nouns in the genitive case.

      Coordination of adjectives with nouns in gender, number and case

      Practical use of simple place prepositions ( in, on, behind, under, over) and motion ( to, from, to, from, by)

      Formation of possessive adjectives

      Formation of relative adjectives

      Formation of verbs of movement with prefixes (prefixed verbs)

      Formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes

      Learn to select opposite words (words - antonyms)

    The development of coherent speech:

      Strengthen the ability to independently compose descriptive stories

      To teach retelling and drawing up a story based on a picture and a series of pictures.

      Learn to compose a story with a continuation of the plot.

      Learn to retell close to the text.

    Fine motor development:

      finger exercises)

      Work to develop constructive praxis

      Continue stroking and hatching shapes ( on the topics studied)

      Complicate work with a pencil: outlining, shading, working with a pencil in cells in a notebook

    III period of study (March, April, May)

    General speaking skills:

      Continue work on speech breathing

      Continue to work on the tempo, rhythm, expressiveness of speech

    Sound reproduction:

      Continue work on setting incorrectly pronounced and missing sounds in speech ( individual work)

      Automation and differentiation of delivered sounds

    Work on the syllable structure of the word :

      Consolidation of the syllable structure of two-syllable words with a confluence of consonants at the beginning of a word

      Work on the syllabic structure of three-syllable words with a confluence of consonants ( nettle,speck of dust, pencil)

    Development of phonemic analysis, synthesis, representations:

      Acquaintance with the sounds [s], [s`], [w], [g], [x], [x`], [v], [v`], [h], [h`], [d] , [d`], [f], [f`] - to characterize them by acoustic and articulatory signs., to introduce the concept of "sibilant consonant", "sibilant consonant".

      Analysis of three sound words with vowels [a], [o], [y], [s], [e], [and], drawing up a word diagram (willow, wasps, ear, echo, poppy, cat, shower, cheese, whale, etc.), continue to teach sound analysis of forward and backward syllables.

      Differentiation by ear of consonants [s] - [w], [v] - [vb], [x] - [xb], [d] - [qb], [z] - [zb], [z] - [zh] ], [f] - [fb],

      The location of the sound in words (beginning, middle, end of a word)

      Differentiation of hard and soft consonants in syllables, words, sentences and texts.

      Exercise in the analysis of words and sentences.


    Expansion and refinement of the vocabulary by topic:

    1st week of March "Professions"

    Nouns: chauffeur, driver, machinist, pilot, captain, educator, speech therapist, teacher, cook, laundress, nurse, dressmaker, painter, plasterer, carpenter.

    Verbs: drive, manage, educate, teach, heal, cook, wash, build, plaster, paint.

    Adjectives: necessary, useful, difficult, interesting, necessary.

    Adverbs: diligently, harmoniously, skillfully, carefully.

    Nouns: spring, March, April, May, thaw, icicle, thawed patch, flowers, mimosa, gifts, helper, son, grandson, daughter, granddaughter, brother, sister

    Verbs: run, murmur, make noise, help, wash, clean, give surprise, it has arrived.

    Adjectives: sunny, warm, windy, spring, cloudy, early, kind, beautiful, patient, affectionate, gentle, demanding, benevolent, perky, restless.


    3rd week March "Dishes"

    Nouns: kettle, saucepan, frying pan, ladle, plate, spoon, fork, knife, butter dish, salt shaker, bread bin, samovar, jug, glass

    Verbs: drink, eat, cook, cut, clean,

    Adjectives: glass, porcelain, metal, plastic, wood, cast iron, crystal, kitchen, dining room, tea room.

    Adverbs: nice, clean.

    4th week of March "Foodstuffs"

    Nouns: breakfast, lunch, afternoon tea, dinner, meat, eggs, beans, bread, pasta, rice, buckwheat, cereals, millet, cutlets, pilaf, borscht, sausage, barbecue, sour cream, milk, potato peeler, vegetable cutter, coffee maker, juicer, meat grinder , coffee grinder, juice cooker.

    Verbs: drink, eat, boil, fry, cook, harvest.

    Adjectives: dairy, millet, buttery, sweet, hot, hard, soft.

    Adverbs: sour, sweet, bitter, hot, tasty.

    5th week of March "Furniture"

    Nouns: furniture, armchair, bed, chest of drawers, wardrobe, sideboard, sideboard, wall, table, chairs, curbstone, leg, door, shelf, back, seat, armrest.

    Verbs: put, sit, lie, rest, sleep, work.

    Adjectives: oak, birch, wood, soft, leather, polished.

    Adverbs: comfortable comfortable, stable, soft, hard

    1st week of April - "Migratory birds"

    Nouns: swallow, starling, rook, stork, swan, crane, cuckoo, goose, duck, edge, feather, plumage, beak, paws, torso, wings, school.

    Verbs: flutters, plans, circles, soars, curls, flies, flies, flies, flies, flies, flies.

    Adjectives: migratory, short-tailed, sharp-billed, black-winged, red-footed, slender-fingered, waterfowl

    Adverbs: high, low.

    2nd week of April - "Cosmos"

    Nouns: pictures depicting: moon, astronaut, space, star, rocket, satellite, space suit, rocket,

    Adjectives:, healthy, strong, knowledgeable, hardworking, courageous, hardy.

    Verbs: flying, watching.

    3rd week of April "Spring."

    Nouns: spring, March, April, May, thaw, icicle, thawed patches, flowers

    Verbs: they run, murmur, make noise, burst, blossom.

    Adjectives: sunny, warm, windy, spring, cloudy, early, kind, beautiful, patient, affectionate.

    Adverbs: warm, sunny, light, fresh.

    1st week of May - “Garden is a city. Spring works "

    Nouns: garden, vegetable garden, harvest, bed, weeding, harvesting, gardener, gardener, seeds.

    Verbs: dig up, sow, water, loosen.

    Adjectives: rich, juicy, sweet, fragrant, huge.

    Adverbs: high, low, tasty, sweet.

    Pronouns: mine, mine, mine, yours, yours, yours.

    2nd week of May - "Houseplants"

    Nouns: cactus, rose, begonia, top dressing, cuttings, loosening, watering, transplanting, stalk, cutting ..

    Verbs: care, water, loosen, wipe, spray, transplant, cuttings ..

    Adjectives: green. Juicy, smooth, shiny, pubescent, moist ..

    3rd week of May "Insects"

    Nouns: mosquito, fly, butterfly, beetle, dragonfly, grasshopper, wings, head, abdomen, legs, back.

    Verbs: fly, jump, flutter, go out, harm, eat, postpone.

    Adjectives: small, fragile, transparent, thin, harmful, useful, dangerous.

    Adverbs: painful, harmful, bright.

    4th week of May - "Toys"

    Nouns: name of toys;

    Verbs: play, wind up, toss, catch, build, carry, lay ...

    Adjectives: interesting, iron, soft, plastic, plush, rubber, favorite, beautiful ..

    Nouns: birch, mountain ash, oak, linden, poplar, maple, aspen, spruce, pine, needles, foliage.

    Adjectives: thin, mighty, spreading, evergreen, deciduous, coniferous, slender, powerful, poplar, maple, birch, linden, spreading.

    Adverbs: high, low.

    5th week of May "Summer"

    Nouns: summer, June, July, August, heavy rain, sun, rainbow, clouds.

    Verbs: ripen, sunbathe, swim, sparkle, thunder, swim.

    Adjectives: warm, bright, colorful, joyful, hot, sultry, long-awaited.

    Grammatical structure of speech:

      Consolidation of the use of case endings of singular and plural nouns

      Coordination of numerals two and five with nouns

      Reinforce the use of simple prepositions.

      Consolidation of ways of forming new words using prefixes and suffixes

      Exercise in the selection of related words.

      The formation of possessive adjectives is mine, mine.

      Strengthen the ability to form relative adjectives.

      Convert verbs from the singular to the plural.

    The development of coherent speech:

      Consolidation of the ability to independently compose descriptive stories, stories based on a plot picture, according to a series of plot pictures.

      Teaching children to compose stories from experience and creative stories

      Teach to retell texts based on diagrams, plot and reference pictures.

      Develop dialogical speech through a small dramatization of fairy tales.

    Fine motor development:

      Work on the development of finger motor skills ( finger exercises)

      Making it harder to work with a pencil

      Complicating work on constructive praxis

    Examination of children - 3rd and 4th week of May

      Examination of the state of speech and non-speech mental functions

      Complete speech cards for each child

      Outline the goals and objectives of correctional and developmental work for the next

    Lexical topic

    Development of lexical and grammatical means of the language

    Formation of the pronunciation side of speech

    Development of independent detailed phrasal speech

    I period of study (September, October, November)

    Survey. Filling in speech cards. Planning work for the year.

    (speech development)

    Formation of nouns with diminutive meaning

    (speech development)

    abstractNo. 2 C.3

    Development of auditory attention and perception on non-speech sounds

    abstractNo. 1C.1

    (speech development)

    Retelling a story about vegetables based on a diagram.

    abstractNo. 2 P. 3

    (speech development)


    (speech development)

    (speech development)

    abstractNo. 3. C.5

    Development of auditory attention - and perception on speech sounds

    (speech development)

    abstractNo. 2 P.4

    Drawing up a descriptive story about fruit based on a diagram.

    abstractNo. 3 P. 5

    (speech development)



    (garden berries)

    (speech development)

    Concordance of nouns with verbs.

    abstractNo. 4 P.7

    (speech development)

    Isolation of the initial percussive sound "U" in syllables and words

    (speech development)

    abstractNo. 3 p.6

    Retelling of the story "Bountiful Harvest" using a series of plot pictures.

    abstractNo. 4C. 7

    (speech development)


    (speech development)

    Coordination of nouns with adjectives in gender, number and case

    abstractNo. 5 P.9

    (speech development)

    Introduce sound A and its characteristics (based on articulation);

    abstractNo. 4C.10

    (speech development)

    Retelling of N. Sladkov's story "Autumn on the Threshold" using plot pictures.

    abstractNo. 5C. nine

    (speech development)



    (speech development)

    Coordination of numerals two, two with nouns

    abstract6h C11.

    (speech development)

    Comparative characteristics of sounds A and Y.

    abstractNo. 5 C12

    (speech development)

    Drawing up a descriptive story about clothes based on a diagram.

    abstractNo. 6 P. 11

    (speech development)

    (speech development)

    The use of nouns in the instrumental case

    abstractNo. 7 P.14.

    (speech development)

    To acquaint children with the sound "P" and the way of its characteristics based on articulation and acoustic signs;

    with the concept of "consonant voiceless sound"

    compendium No. 6p.19

    (speech development)

    Drawing up a story based on a series of plot pictures "Where did the bread come from?"

    compendium No. 7s.13

    (speech development)


    (speech development)

    Selection of nouns for adjectives, coordinating them in gender, number, case

    (speech development)

    abstractNo. 8. P.16

    To acquaint children with the sound O and the way of its characteristics based on articulatory signs.

    Introduce the letter "O" (without setting to memorize the letter).

    compendium number 7 .22

    (speech development)

    Retelling of the story of J. Thaits "By Berries" with the use of

    by the use of subject pictures.

    compendium No. 8 P. 15

    (speech development)


    (speech development)

    Coordination of nouns with adjectives in gender, number, case

    abstractNo. 8 P.16

    (speech development)

    Introduce sound and its acoustic-articulation characteristics.

    To consolidate the concept: sound, syllable, word.

    abstractNo. 8. S. 26

    (speech development)

    Compilation of the story "the border of the Motherland is locked" based on a series of plot pictures

    abstractNo. 8p.15

    (speech development)


    (speech development)

    Formation of relative adjectives and compound words.

    abstractNo. 9С.18

    (speech development)

    Introduce the sound M and its acoustic-articulation characteristics.

    abstractNo. 9С.29

    (speech development)

    Drawing up a story based on the plot picture "Alone at Home" with inventing the beginning of the story

    abstractNo. 9p.17

    (speech development)


    (speech development)

    Formation of prefixed verbs. the use of nouns in various cases;

    abstractNo. 10 P.21

    (speech development)

    To acquaint with the sound H and its acoustic-articulation characteristics.

    To consolidate the concept of the place of sound in a word.

    Exercise in dividing words into syllables.

    abstractNo. 10С.27

    (speech development)

    Retelling of G. Tsyferov's story "The Engine" using reference subject pictures

    abstractNo. 10p.19

    (speech development)


    (speech development)

    Formation of verbs in the past tense.

    abstractNo. 11C. 24

    (speech development)

    To acquaint with the sound T and its characteristics by acoustic and articulatory characteristics.

    compendium No. 11С.30

    (speech development)

    Retelling of L. Tolstoy's fable "Old grandfather and granddaughter"

    abstractNo. 11 p.21

    (speech development)

    II period of study (December, January, February)

    (speech development)

    Learn to pick up antonyms.

    Strengthen the ability to match adjectives with nouns in gender and number;

    abstractNo. 12C. 27

    (speech development)

    Introduce the concept of a soft consonant sound. Sound Th.

    Exercise in sound analysis and synthesis.

    Form the skill of control over the correct pronunciation of the sounds set.

    abstract12 p.33

    (speech development)

    Compilation of the story "Family Dinner" based on a series of plot pictures (with elements of creativity).

    abstractNo. 12C. 23

    (speech development)


    (speech development)

    Learn to select the same root words;

    Form past tense verbs.

    abstractNo. 13C. thirty

    (speech development)


    sound K and the way it is characterized by acoustic and articulatory characteristics. Introduce the letter K.

    abstractNo. 13С.36

    (speech development)

    Retelling of the story "Common Hill", compiled from a picture with a problem plot.

    abstractNo. 13 p.25

    (speech development)


    (speech development)

    Formation of nouns and adjectives with diminutive meaning.

    abstractNo. 14. S. 33.

    (speech development)

    Sounds of Ki. Letter K.

    Sound analysis. Conversion of forward and backward syllables. The concept of "consonant, soft" sound. Division of words into syllables.

    abstractNo. 14С.44

    (speech development)

    Drawing up a descriptive story about wintering birds using a diagram.

    abstractNo. 14p.27

    (speech development)


    (speech development)

    Learn to form adjectives from nouns; consolidate the ability to coordinate numbers two and five with nouns.

    abstractNo. 15C. 36

    (speech development)

    To teach children to distinguish the sounds K - Kb by acoustic and articulatory signs.

    abstractNo. 15С.42

    (speech development)

    Compilation of the story "New Year on the Road" based on a series of plot pictures with the continuation of the plot.

    abstractNo. 15p.29

    (speech development)



    Use of verbs in speech. Formation of possessive adjectives.

    abstractNo. 16. S. 38

    (speech development)

    Sound and letter B.

    abstractNo. 16 P.45

    (speech development)

    Retelling of the story of L. Tolstoy "Kitten"

    abstractNo. 16p.31

    (speech development)



    (speech development)

    Word formation of complex words; possessive adjectives. The use of plural genitive nouns.

    abstractNo. 17C. 40

    (speech development)

    Sound Be. Letter B.

    Introduce sound B and teach to characterize based on different kinds control.

    Continue to develop phonemic processes.

    abstractNo. 17. P.53

    (speech development)

    Drawing up a story based on a plot picture based on a diagram.

    abstractNo. 17p.33

    (speech development)


    (speech development)


    nouns with diminutive suffixes.

    abstractNo. 18C. 43

    (speech development)

    Sound and letter E.

    Introduce the sound and the letter E.

    Develop phonemic processes.

    Exercise in highlighting the sound at the beginning and end of a word.

    abstractNo. 18 P.56

    (speech development)

    Drawing up a story based on the painting "Poultry Yard" based on the diagram

    abstractNo. 18p.35

    (speech development)


    (speech development)

    Formation of possessive adjectives. Using simple prepositions in speech : on, with, under, over, behind, in

    abstractNo. 19.p. 45.

    (speech development)

    Sound of G-G. ...

    Learn to give a comparative description.

    Continue learning how to divide words into syllables.

    abstractNo. 19 P.54

    (speech development)

    Compilation of retellings close to the text (based on the stories of E. Charushin "Who lives how. Hare. Squirrel. Wolf.

    abstractNo. 19 p.37

    (speech development)

    (speech development)

    Selection of pronouns for nouns.

    abstractNo. 20p.48

    (speech development)

    To acquaint with the sound ЛЛ and its acoustic-articulation characteristics.

    To consolidate the concept of the place of sound in a word.

    Exercise in dividing words into syllables.

    abstractNo. 20 P.62

    (speech development)

    Drawing up a descriptive story description based on a plot picture, based on a diagram.

    abstractNo. 20 p.39

    (speech development)


    (speech development)

    abstractNo. 21p.49

    (speech development)

    To teach to characterize the sound S.

    Continue learning to find the place of sound in a word.

    abstractNo. 21S.60

    (speech development)

    Retelling of L. Kassil's story "Sister"

    abstractNo. 21 p.41

    (speech development)


    (speech development)

    Concordance of nouns with singular and plural verbs

    abstractNo. 22C. 53

    (speech development)

    To acquaint children with the sound C and characterize it by acoustic and articulatory signs; to acquaint with the concept of "offer".

    abstractNo. 22C. 63

    (speech development)

    Writing descriptive stories about professions using a schema.

    compendium No. 7s.13

    (speech development)

    III period of study (September, October, November)

    (speech development)

    Convert masculine nouns to feminine nouns

    abstractNo. 23C. 54

    (speech development)

    Characteristics of the sound Сь, based on various types of control.

    Continue learning how to divide words into syllables.

    Exercise in the analysis of syllables and words.

    abstractNo. 23S.66.

    (speech development)

    Drawing up a descriptive story about mom (according to the scheme) using your drawing.

    abstractNo. 23 p.24

    (speech development)

    (speech development)

    Formation of quality adjectives.

    Selection of antonyms for adjectives and verbs

    abstractNo. 24C. 57

    (speech development)

    To acquaint children with the sound Ш and teach them to characterize it by acoustic and articulatory characteristics.

    Continue learning how to divide words into syllables.

    Exercise in the analysis of syllables and words.

    abstractNo. 24С.69

    (speech development)

    Retelling of the story by E. V, Permyak "How Masha Got Big"

    abstractNo. 24p.47

    (speech development)



    Form relative adjectives.

    Teach children to highlight a common feature in words, develop the ability to generalize.

    abstractNo. 25C. 60

    (speech development)

    Sounds S-W

    Comparative analysis of sounds S-Sh.

    Continue learning how to divide words into syllables.

    Exercise in the analysis of syllables and words.

    abstractNo. 25. P.72

    (speech development)

    Retelling - dramatization of the fairy tale "Spikelet" using plot pictures.

    abstractNo. 25s49

    (speech development)


    Concordance of verbs with singular and plural nouns. Selection of antonyms. Formation of genitive plural nouns.

    abstractNo. 26. S. 64

    (speech development)

    Continue to characterize sounds X-Xh by acoustic and articulatory characteristics.

    abstractNo. 26. P.75

    (speech development)

    Russian retelling folk tale"Three bears with elements of dramatization"

    abstractNo. 26p.51

    (speech development)



    Formation and use of prefixed verbs. Consolidation and use of simple prepositions in speech: na-s, v-from.

    abstractNo. 27S68

    (speech development)

    Sounds B-B.

    Continue to characterize the sounds B-B by acoustic and articulatory characteristics.

    Exercise in the analysis of sentences.

    abstractNo. 27S.76.(speech development)

    Retelling of the adapted story "Swans" by L. Voronkova using plot pictures.

    abstractNo. 27p.53

    (speech development)


    Coordination of numerals two and five with nouns.

    abstractNo. 28 p.69

    (speech development)

    Characterize sound 3 based on acoustic and articulatory features.

    abstractNo. 28S.81

    (speech development)

    Drawing up proposals using subject pictures.

    abstractNo. 28 p.55

    (speech development)


    Coordination of adjectives with nouns in gender, number and case.

    Formation of relative adjectives.

    abstractNo. 29C. 72

    (speech development)

    Continue to characterize the sounds of 3 by acoustical and articulatory characteristics.

    Exercise in the analysis of sentences.

    Exercise in the analysis of syllables and words.

    abstractNo. 29. P.84

    (speech development)

    Compilation of the story "The Hare and the Carrot" based on a series of plot pictures.

    abstractNo. 29p.57

    (speech development)


    (spring works)

    (speech development)

    Formation of cognate words; to consolidate knowledge about the professions of people employed in agriculture

    abstractNo. 30C. 75

    (speech development)

    Continue to characterize the sound F by acoustic and articulatory characteristics.

    Exercise in the analysis of sentences.

    Exercise in the analysis of syllables and words.

    abstractNo. 30 P.87

    (speech development)

    Retelling of the story "Where the bread came from", compiled from a series of plot pictures.

    abstractNo. 30p.59

    (speech development)

    (speech development)

    Formation and use of plural genitive nouns

    compendium No. 32s.80

    (speech development)

    Differentiation by ear of consonant sounds Z-Z by acoustic and articulatory characteristics.

    abstractNo. 31 P. 90.

    (speech development)

    Retelling of the story by Y. Tayts "By Berries" using subject pictures.

    compendium number 32p.63

    (speech development)

    MAY HOLIDAYS (Labor Day. Victory Day)

    (speech development)

    Practical use of words of complex syllabic structure in speech.

    Drafting complex sentences with subordinate clauses of reason (because).

    abstractNo. 31C. 78

    (speech development)

    Differentiation of consonant sounds D-D by ear by acoustic and articulatory characteristics.

    Develop the ability to compose and analyze sentences.

    abstractNo. 32 P. 93

    (speech development)


    (speech development)

    The use of verbs in the past tense.

    abstractNo. 33 p.84

    (speech development)

    To learn to differentiate by ear the consonants of F-F by acoustic and articulatory characteristics.

    abstractNo. 33 P. 96

    (speech development)

    Drawing up a story based on the plot picture "In a living corner".

    abstractNo. 33p.65

    (speech development)

    (speech development)

    Strengthening the ability to coordinate nouns with possessive pronouns my my... Working out the case endings of singular nouns.

    compendium number 34p.86

    (speech development)

    Continue to learn to differentiate by ear the consonant sounds F-Ph by acoustic and articulatory characteristics.

    Develop the ability to compose and analyze sentences.

    abstractNo. 34C. 103

    (speech development)

    Retelling of the story "In the locker room" compiled on the basis of demonstration actions.

    abstractNo. 34 p.67

    (speech development)

    (speech development)

    compendium No. 7s.13

    (speech development)

    Holiday "Summer"

    Elvira Shamsutdinova
    Calendar-thematic planning in the senior speech therapy group "Autumn" (for a week)

    Date 24 october day of week monday


    Consideration paintings by Russian and foreign artists dedicated to autumn - to educate an aesthetic taste, aesthetic feelings and experiences associated with the beauty of nature.

    Conversation about autumn - to systematize children's knowledge about autumn. To cultivate an aesthetic perception of the surrounding world.

    Playing with large building materials"We build the house in which we live" - ​​to teach children to carry out a spatial analysis of a familiar building, independently and find ways to implement it from the designer, to justify their decisions

    1. Speech therapist(according to speech therapist's plan)

    2. Cognitive"Autumn" - to consolidate the knowledge of children about seasonal changes in nature; to generalize and systematize ideas about the characteristic features of autumn; to acquaint with the folk calendar.

    3. Iso"Autumn Forest" - to improve the ability of children to paint with a brush in different ways: wide lines - with the entire nap, thin - with the end of the brush, apply strokes, applying the brush with all the nap to the paper, draw small details with the end of the brush.

    4. Fizeau(outside).

    Walk Observation: Consideration and finding the differences between trees and shrubs - to contribute to the generalization of children's ideas about the structure, growth and development of plants; develop the ability to generalize according to essential features.

    N / a... "Target shooting" - to improve the technique of throwing an object at a horizontal target from a distance of 3-4 meters. Develop accuracy, interest in p / i.

    P / i."Big ball" - to exercise children in rolling the ball to each other with the right and left feet, to develop dexterity and accuracy.

    I. p.- to consolidate jumping skills in place (legs apart - together; one forward - the other back).

    T. p. Sweeping paths - to teach children to identify and distribute the scope of work, to agree on interaction. Strengthen the ability to use the necessary equipment, educate hard work, responsibility


    The organization has developed. environment for self. activities for children (activity centers, all rooms of the group) Correction hour: 1) on the instructions of a speech therapist;

    2) D / i. "When it happens" - differentiation of signs of summer and autumn according to pictures.

    Self-correction: 1) Learn to draw a tree.

    2) "Similar - not similar" - to compare objects, notice signs of similarity in color, shape, size, material

    3) Exercise in cutting a circle from a square by smoothly cutting corners.

    4) "Cut pictures" - to develop thinking and memory

    Walk Observing the weather. Compare with last week's weather. What changed? - teach to compare, analyze, draw conclusions.

    P / i."Traps" - to improve the performance of basic movements by children when running, to develop quality speed and dexterity.

    P / i."Cat and Mouse" - to teach to follow the rules of the game.

    I. p.- develop the skills of throwing the ball at the target.

    Games with portable material.

    Date 25 October day of week tuesday Mode Joint activity of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas


    The organization has developed. environment for self. activities for children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

    The exercise"My locker" - to form cultural and hygienic skills, during the reception of children pay attention to their independence, the ability to quickly undress, hang clothes in a certain order, check the correctness of their actions.

    Speech play"Merry Chocolate" - to introduce children to a healthy lifestyle; consolidate motor skills, develop imagination.

    Di.“Make no mistake” - to develop quick thinking; reinforce knowledge of what children are doing at different times of the day.

    Independent activities of children.

    1. Speech therapist(according to speech therapist's plan)

    2. FEMP

    3. Fizeau(according to the plan of the physical instructor).

    Walking Observation: after precipitation - mark the transition of rain into sleet, associate this with a change in air temperature

    N / a... "Catch up with your pair" - to learn to act in concert in pairs; develop dexterity, speed, and foster determination.

    N / a... "Ball school" - practice in throwing and catching the ball with one hand. Improve the ability to throw the ball up, hit it on the ground, catch it with one hand, without pressing it to the chest.

    I. p... exercise in throwing the ball up, on the ground, and catching it with both hands.

    T. p. Help the caregiver collect the leaves in bags.


    The organization has developed. environment for self. activities for children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

    Correction hour: 1) on the instructions of a speech therapist;

    2) D / i. "When does this happen?" - to develop in children the ability to highlight the characteristic features of the seasons.

    Self-correction: 1) "Mine, mine, mine" - the ability to correlate nouns with pronouns.

    2) "Say the opposite" - select words that are opposite in meaning (cold - warm, early - late, cloudy - sunny, etc.)

    3) Comparison of two groups of objects - to consolidate the idea of ​​equality and inequality of groups of objects.

    4) To offer a subgroup of children ornaments - to develop fine motor skills; the ability to accurately paint without going beyond the contour

    Walk Observation behind the wind in autumn - to learn to determine the strength and direction of the wind in various ways (by trees, by the movement of clouds, fallen leaves). Offer to compare what the wind was in the summer, at the beginning of September and what it is now.

    P / i."Empty space" - to follow the rules of the game, to correctly perform game actions.

    P / i."Baba - Yaga" - learn to walk, run easily and rhythmically, changing the direction and pace of movement in accordance with the game situation.

    I. p... Exercise "Fight the shuttlecock" - to teach how to hold the racket correctly, to hit the shuttlecock thrown by the teacher.

    Independent play activity.

    Date October 26 day of the week Wednesday Mode Joint activities of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas


    The organization has developed. environment for self. activities for children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

    Consideration album on the theme "Autumn" - to develop the cognitive interests of children.

    Reading poems by I. Bunin "The forest is like a painted tower" - to cultivate love for native nature and poetry; help in understanding poetic lines.

    Game - imitation"Leaf fall" - to develop creative activity, the ability for motor improvisation.

    Speech. the game"Sweet tooth" (with a ball) - to introduce a healthy lifestyle; develop responsiveness.

    1. Development of speech:"Autumn" - to expand the dictionary on the topic; to form the ability to use the singular and plural noun, to select words - antonyms, to compose a story based on key words.

    1) "One - many"; 2) "Say the opposite"; 3) Compilation of a coherent story "Autumn" according to the first words in a sentence (L. N. Zyryanova, p. 49)

    2. Muzo(according to the plan of the music worker)

    3. Modeling"Autumn tree" (bas-relief) - To develop the skills of sculpting a bas-relief - images from plasticine on cardboard; to consolidate knowledge about the structure of a tree; improve the skills of smearing plasticine on the plate to create a general background of the composition.

    Walk Observation behind clouds and clouds - to form an idea of ​​how the wind forms clouds and clouds; develop the ability to see the beauty of the sky, creative imagination; to acquaint with the sign “Clouds move from north to south - towards clear weather; from south to north - to bad weather ".

    P / i."Mousetrap" - to develop attention, quickness of reaction, to cultivate goodwill.

    P / i."Stop!" - exercise in running, develop attention, the ability to coordinate their actions with the team.

    Recreational jogging around the village. - to teach to maintain posture, to coordinate the movements of arms and legs, to breathe rhythmically through the nose.

    T. p... Cleaning of foliage on the site.


    The organization has developed. environment for self. activities for children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

    Conversation on the topic "Autumn signs" - to acquaint children with autumn signs; develop cognitive interests.

    Painting contour images of leaves "Autumn Leaves", their shading - to develop graphomotor skills, perseverance, accuracy.

    The game"Kitchen Orchestra" - to develop the skills of playing children's musical instruments.

    Finger game"Mouse Masha" - to introduce a healthy lifestyle, develop imagination.

    Free activities of children.

    Walk Observation the weather and clothing of passers-by in the fall - discuss why it is very important to dress for the weather.

    N / a... "From bump to bump" - to form the skills of long jump.

    N / a... "Owl" - to teach to navigate in space.

    I. p.- exercise in pull-ups on the horizontal bar.

    Free activities of children.

    Date 27 October day of week Thursday Mode Joint activity of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas


    The organization has developed. environment for self. activities for children (activity centers)

    Reading poem. M. Ivensen "Leaves are falling, falling" - to explain the meanings of figurative words and expressions; continue to familiarize with verbal art, develop artistic perception and aesthetic taste.

    Hearing audio recordings of nature sounds "Autumn Forest" - to continue to develop interest and love for music, musical responsiveness.

    Unraveling confusion, puzzles on the theme "Seasons" - to develop memory, thinking, imagination.

    Practical exercise"Wonderful combs" - foster the need to be clean, tidy, neat, to teach with the help of a mirror to look after your appearance, find flaws and correct them.

    1. Speech therapist(according to speech therapist's plan)

    2. Fizeau(according to the plan of the physical instructor)

    3. FEMP"Comparison of groups of objects" - to consolidate the idea of ​​equality and inequality of groups of objects, the ability to choose the right sign "=" or "#"; to consolidate knowledge of the properties of objects, the ability to navigate the table.

    4. Reading thin. litas.: ukr. fairy tale "Spikelet" - to teach to retell a fairy tale on your own, to convey in intonation the characters of the heroes, your attitude to the characters, to tell in faces (changing the voice, intonation); develop the ability to understand the figurative content and meaning of proverbs. (telling a fairy tale, talking about what was read, retelling a fairy tale (in the afternoon)

    Walk Observation for plants: mosses in autumn. To offer to find places on the site where moss grows - to lead to the conclusion that mosses love moist, shady places, are unpretentious, can exist in conditions that are difficult for other plants (for example, on stones).

    N / a... "Mill" - exercise in passing the ball to each other in a circle at a fast pace; develop dexterity, dexterity.

    P / i."Knock down a pin" - teach children to take the correct starting position when throwing at a target, to perform a throw from a certain distance; develop dexterity, accuracy.

    I. p... exercise in long jump from a place with two legs.

    T. p... Foliage cleaning.


    The organization has developed. environment for self. activities for children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

    TO correctional hour: 1) on the instructions of a speech therapist;

    2) D / i. "What is the weather?" - the formation of relative adjectives.

    Self-correction: 1) Fix the prepositions "v", "y", "for", "under", "between": Let's pick mushrooms in a basket, in a bucket, behind a hemp a mushroom, under a tree, near a pine, between birches.

    2) Reinforce the ability to choose the right sign "=" or "#".

    3) "Fly" - the ability to navigate on a piece of paper.

    4) With a subgroup of children, work in notebooks on FEMP - to develop graphic skills.

    Walk Target Walk around d. s. "Who's playing what?" - find out what the guys from other groups are playing, name familiar games; enrich children's play experience, maintain interest in play activities.

    P / i."Make a figure." Offer with the help of hands, torso, uniting in pairs to depict various geometric figures- exercise in running, enrich motor experience.

    N / a... R. n. and. "Herd" - to develop motor skills, speed, agility.

    I. p. Walking "snake" changing the direction of movement.

    Games with portable material.

    Date 28 october day of week friday Mode Joint activity of an adult and children, taking into account the integration of educational areas


    The organization has developed. environment for self. activities for children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

    Practical exercise... The most accurate. Reading poem. G. Oster "Never wash your hands ..." (from the book "Harmful Tips") - to acquaint you with the work, offer to answer questions about why the author advises not to carry out various hygienic procedures. Offer to express and argue your opinion - to update the idea of ​​the importance of observing the rules of hygiene, to develop a sense of humor; to teach to take care of your appearance, to tidy up your face, hands, hairstyle.

    Conversation“Weather and health” - to summarize and supplement children's ideas about the peculiarities of autumn weather, about what health risks it poses; to learn to dress for the weather, to observe basic safety rules.

    1. Speech therapist(according to speech therapist's plan)

    2. Muzo(according to the plan of the music worker)

    3. Construction by design - to consolidate the ability to create a building, to develop the skills of creative design; to consolidate the ability to work in a team, to listen to the opinions of others, to help each other in the implementation of our plans. Contribute to the formation of a collective vision.

    Walk Observation for the weather and clothing of people - suggest, based on the results of observation, characterize the weather, explain how to dress in accordance with similar weather conditions; discuss why it is important to dress for the weather.

    P / i.“We are funny guys” - to teach to choose the drivers with the help of a counting rhyme; exercise in running, teach to dodge the driver.

    P / i."Frogs" - to learn to compare movements with words

    I. p. To exercise in a ball game - toss to each other with 2 hands from behind the head.

    T. p. Cleaning of leaves on the site - to improve the labor skills of children, to form the ability to use children's equipment.


    The organization has developed. environment for self. activities for children (activity centers, all rooms of the group)

    Correction hour: 1) on the instructions of a speech therapist;

    2) D / i. "Tell me which one?" - highlight the signs of objects, use high-quality adjectives in speech.

    Self-correction: 1) "Draw and cut" - learn how to hold scissors correctly, smoothly round squares and rectangles.

    2) "Lacing" - to develop fine motor skills of the hands, to activate the speech of children.

    3) Ability to determine the parts of the day, to argue for your answer.

    4) Exercise in drawing up a story based on a plot picture.

    Walk Observation after weather: mark the state of the weather. Talk about what natural phenomena are typical for autumn.

    P / i."Entertainers" - to develop imagination, creativity in motor activity.

    P / i.“Toss the ball” - to organize the practice of the techniques of tossing the ball; develop agility.

    I. p... - hitting the ball on the floor with both hands.

    Free games for children.


    with parents Homework: draw an autumn tree; pick up riddles about autumn.