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  • In the word umbrella if there are 2 consonants. Synopsis of an open lesson in preparation for teaching literacy "Sound analysis of the word" umbrella. Unpronounceable consonants in the words of the Russian language

    In the word umbrella if there are 2 consonants.  Synopsis of an open lesson in preparation for teaching literacy


    sOnT This script allows you to divide words into syllables. Remember that the rules for dividing words into syllables and hyphenation rules are different rules.

    How to break a word into syllables

    1. In the Russian language there are sounds of different audibility: vowel sounds are more sonorous in comparison with consonants. It is vowel sounds that form syllables, are syllabic. A syllable is one sound or several sounds uttered by one exhalation push of air: water, na-u-ka.
    There are as many syllables in a word as there are vowels.
    Consonant sounds are non-syllable. When pronouncing the word, consonants "stretch" to the vowels, forming a syllable together with the vowels.

    2. A syllable can consist of one sound (and then it is necessarily a vowel) or several sounds (in this case, in a syllable, in addition to a vowel, there is a consonant or a group of consonants): rim - o-bo-dock; country - country; night light - no-chnik; miniature - mi-no-a-tu-ra. If a syllable consists of two or more sounds, then it necessarily begins with a consonant.

    3. Syllables are open and closed.
    An open syllable ends in a vowel sound: water, country.
    A closed syllable ends in a consonant sound: sleep, lay-ner.
    There are more open syllables in Russian. Closed syllables are usually observed at the end of a word: no-chnik (the first syllable is open, the second is closed), o-bo-dock (the first two syllables are open, the third is closed).
    In the middle of a word, a syllable, as a rule, ends in a vowel sound, and a consonant or a group of consonants standing after a vowel usually goes to the next syllable: nochnik, dictor.
    In the middle of a word closed syllables can form only unpaired voiced consonants [y], [p], [p '], [l], [l'], [m], [m '], [n], [n'] (sonorous): may -ka, Sonya, co-scrap.

    4. Sometimes two consonants can be written in a word, but one can sound, for example: to get rid of [izh: yt ’]. Therefore, in this case, two syllables stand out: and-live... Division into parts from-live follows the rules of word transfer, and not division into syllables.
    The same can be seen on the example of the verb to leave, in which the combination of consonants zzh sounds like one sound [w:]; so the division into syllables will be - leave, and division of the word for hyphenation is leave.
    Especially often mistakes are observed when highlighting syllables in forms of verbs ending in -sat, -sat.
    The division twist-Xia, press-Xia is division into parts for transfer, and not division into syllables, since in such forms the combination of letters ts, ts sounds like one sound [ts].
    When dividing into syllables, the combinations of letters ts, ts completely fall back to the next syllable: wiggle, squeeze.

    5. When several consonants are combined in the middle of a word: two identical consonants must necessarily go to the next syllable: o-ttech, da-d; two or more consonants usually go to the next syllable: sha-pka, equal. The exception is consonant combinations, in which the first is an unpaired voiced (sonorous): letters r, ry, l, l, m, m, n, n, y: mark, dawn, bul-ka, insole, Lad, ban, bath, bark.

    M O hw - sound [O] is heard in the middle of a word.

    Kolob O k - sound [O] is heard in the middle of a word.

    Z O ntik - sound [O] is heard in the middle of a word (Fig. 2).

    Milk O- sound [O] is heard at the end of a word.

    O slick - sound [O] is heard at the beginning of a word.

    R O for - sound [O] is heard in the middle of a word (Fig. 3).

    TO O tick - sound [O] is heard in the middle of a word.

    Nests O- sound [O] is heard at the end of a word.

    From this we can conclude that the sound [O] occurs in any part of the word - at the beginning, and in the middle, and at the end. But most often there is only one sound in a word. [O].

    And now let's take a look at our fabulous museum, in which different heroes live, and their names begin with different sounds and letters. Today we will find out whose names begin with a letter O.

    Here O le Lukoye with a magic umbrella (Fig. 4).

    Rice. 4. Ole Lukkoye ()

    O villages from the Bremen Town Musicians (Fig. 5).

    Girl O la, which ended up in the Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors and turned into Yalo (Fig. 6).

    Rice. 6. Olya and Yalo ()

    Brave O trapped soldier (fig. 7).

    Rice. 7. Tin Soldier ()

    If you do not recognize all the fairy-tale heroes and someone is not familiar to you yet, ask adults to read you a fairy tale about these heroes.

    Speak a tongue twister and determine by ear how many sounds [O] is heard.

    Not far, but near

    It rolled O and fell.

    Distinctly sound [O] in this tongue twister you pronounced only four times, but if you looked at it with your eyes, you would see as many as eight letters in it O... That's what a tricky sound [O]... He knows how to turn into sound [a].

    Practice hearing sounds [O] and [a]... Say aloud the breed name of each dog and determine which breeds are sounding [O].

    Bol O nka (Fig. 8). A sound is heard [O].

    O vcharka (Fig. 9). Sound [O] is not audible.

    Spaniel (fig. 10). Sound [O] we do not hear in the word.

    Rice. 10. Spaniel ()

    TO O lly (fig. 11). Sound is clearly audible [O].

    G O night (fig. 12). Sound [O] there is.

    Chow-chow (fig. 13). No sound [O], only [a].

    Bulld O d (Fig. 14). Sound is clearly audible [O].

    Laika (fig. 15). Only sounds are heard [a].

    NS O enter (fig. 16). Sound is clearly audible [O].

    Dachshund (fig. 17). Only sound is heard [a].

    M O ps (Fig. 18). Sound is clearly audible [O].

    Why do you think the donkey said:

    Hello letter ball!

    Why don't you ride?

    O is the roundest letter in our alphabet (Fig. 19).

    If we consider the printed large O and small O, it will become clear that they are both round and differ only in size.

    There is no corner in this letter,

    That is why it is round.

    Until then she was round

    I could roll.

    E. Tarlapan

    Try to find the letter O in the things you see.

    Hoop, ball and wheel

    You will be reminded of the letter O.

    There is a hollow in the old tree

    Well, just like a letter O.

    O - like a hoop, I want -

    I'll rock it along the way!

    The hoop in the arena will light up.

    The tiger will bravely jump into the fire.

    There are a lot of round objects around us that look like a letter O... Give your examples.

    And so that the letter O better to remember, try to sculpt it from plasticine or compose it from any materials. This is not difficult to do because the letter is straight. You can make it, for example, from buttons, beads, from tree leaves. The letter will turn out beautiful. Letter O you can draw in cells or come up with a funny drawing out of it.

    Read the letters O and determine what emotions can be expressed with its help:


    Consider written letters Oo ... Compare them with the printed ones (fig. 20).

    Rice. 20. Printed and written letters O()

    Printed and written letters differ in shape.

    Circular block letters:

    Look at the wheel

    And you will see the letter O.

    But the written letter has the shape of an oval:

    Letter O always stood

    Round, normal,

    I went to sleep - I crumpled my sides,

    And now it's oval.

    G. Vanyukhina

    A printed letter is a circle, and a written letter is an oval.

    A capital letter has only one element - an oval (Fig. 21).

    Rice. 21. Writing capital letter O ()

    We start by writing the capital letter just above the bottom line of the capital line. From left to right, write a semi-oval line, touching the bottom line, raise the letter up, round it to the left, go down and close the oval.

    Try writing a letter like this in the air. Write it reverse side handles on the palm.

    When writing a capital letter O there may be mistakes: the oval can be written very wide or very narrow; the oval can be uneven, narrowed at the top or bottom.

    Try to write the letter in the notebook yourself, without mistakes. Remember the correct position of the notebook. It must be placed obliquely so that the bottom corner is directed towards the middle of the chest. Hold the handle correctly.

    Small letter O, like the capital letter, also consists of only one element - an oval. It differs from the capital letter in size. There are two ways to write it.

    Rice. 22. The first way to write a small letter O ()

    In the first way (fig. 22) it is convenient to write a letter if it is connected in a word with the next letter with a lower connection. We put the handle just above the bottom line of the operating line. From left to right we write a semi-oval line. Having touched the bottom ruler, lift it up. Round to the left by touching the top line of the working line. We lower it down and connect the oval.

    Circle the letter in the air. Write a letter with the back of the pen on the palm of your hand. Try to write it yourself in a notebook.

    Sometimes when you write a letter O in words, it is more convenient to use the second way of writing a letter, with an upper connection (fig. 23).

    Rice. 23. The second way of writing a small letter O ()

    We put the handle just below the top line of the operating line. We make a turn to the left, touch the top line. We draw a semi-oval line down, turn the line to the right, touching the bottom line of the working line; raise the semi-oval up, connect it to the beginning of the letter. We move our hand straight up, touch the top line of the working line and begin to write a connecting line, similar to a sagging rope.

    Circle the letter in the air. Write a letter with the back of the pen on the palm of your hand. Try to write a letter O in the notebook yourself.

    When writing a small letter O there may be such errors: a very wide, round letter, not an oval; very narrow oval; the letter hangs without touching the auxiliary lines of the operating line.

    Practice writing uppercase and lowercase letters in a notebook. And remember, the more you write, the better you get.

    Did you know that the letter O- one of the most ancient? It was invented by the ancient Greeks. Since then it has been used in different alphabets. different countries... On the keyboard, you will see english letter O which is no different from ours.

    Our ancient ancestors called our letter O how "He", she was pointing at a face.

    There is a number in math that looks a lot like a letter O... You, of course, guessed that it is zero.

    But when you grow up, you will find out that there is an element in chemistry that is also written with the letter O. H 2 O- water, without which no living creature on Earth can do.

    There is even a monument to this letter (Fig. 24). That's how famous she is. O- the most popular letter in the city called Vologda. The inhabitants of this city every sound [O] speak very well. They say about it "Okayut"... And in the name of their city there is a letter O occurs twice.

    Rice. 24. Monument to the letter O in Vologda ()

    Here's an interesting vowel you met today.

    Today in the lesson you met the letter O, the sound of which is very fond of hiding in words and is not always pronounced like [O] and sometimes sounds like [a].

    In Russian lessons, you will learn how to return the sound to its place and correctly write the letter. Until then, learn the letter O learn, read and write.


    1. Andrianova T.M., Ilyukhina V.A. Russian language 1. - M .: Astrel, 2011.
    2. Buneev R.N., Buneeva E.V., Pronina O.V. Russian language 1. - M .: Ballas.
    3. Agarkova N.G., Agarkov Yu.A. Textbook on teaching literacy and reading: ABC. Academbook / Textbook.
    1. ().
    2. ().
    3. ().


    • Practice writing a letter O... Write your own block and uppercase letters Oo(large and small).
    • Find words where the letter O sounds like sound [O].

    Gr O m, s O tank, in O l, d O m, feast O zhki, O sled.

    • Choose any rhyme from this letter lesson O and memorize it.

    Natalia Mikhailovna Shlyapnikova
    Summary of the lesson on the development of children's speech "Sound and the letter O"

    Summary of the lesson on the development of children's speech on the topic:

    « Sound and letter O» .

    Theme: Sound and letter"O".


    Contribute development sound-letter analysis.

    Contribute development phonemic hearing.

    Introduce a vowel sound"O" and its symbol - a red square.

    Learn to determine the place sounds About in words and designate on the diagram with a red square.

    Learn to listen carefully to the text of the poem, name words with sound O that are in this poem.

    Introduce letter Oh how written designation sound Oh.

    Learn to write printed letter O using a sample.

    Learn to correlate the word scheme with the name of the depicted object.

    Learn to understand the learning task and do it yourself.

    Form the skill of self-control and self-esteem.

    Course of the lesson:

    1. Organizational part:1. Greetings.

    2. Landing.

    2. Communication of the topic and goals classes.

    Guys, today at occupations we will get to know you sound O, and find out which it is denoted by a letter.

    3. Game: Find and Circle.

    Open your notebooks here on this page (the teacher shows the desired page).

    Let's take a closer look and name the animals drawn in the picture.

    Answers children: cat, elephant, hare, wolf.

    Now let's try to pronounce these words, intonationally highlighting sound Oh... Good. Well done! Guys, get your magic pencils ready. Let's do a little gymnastics for your fingers so that they are not lazy.

    Tea was poured into my glass

    And they said stir it up

    They took the spoon together,

    The sugar was quickly stirred.

    The donkey was swinging its tail,

    I almost lost him,

    You swing, swing, swing.

    Just don’t lose the tail.

    - All amicably:

    We take the pencil correctly,

    We put it on the middle finger.

    Then press it with a big one,

    And we lead with the index,

    To make it swing.

    Circle only the animals you hear in the name sound Oh.

    What words have you circled?

    Answers children: Sloon, wolf, cat.

    What word is left?

    Answers children: Hare.

    Guys, sound O - vowel, it is pronounced smoothly, drawn out. The air coming out of the mouth does not meet obstacles. Sounds we speak and hear.

    4. "Guess a riddle".

    Now listen and try to guess riddles. In every clue, there is sound - Oh... Do you have to say where it stands, at the beginning of a word, in the middle or at the end?

    1. Not motors, but noise,

    Not pilots, but flying

    Not snakes, but stings.


    2. The frames are wooden,

    And the walls are glass.


    3. I am on the other side

    And on this shore

    Cross the river

    I will help you.


    4. If well sharpened,

    He cuts everything very easily -

    Bread, potatoes, beets, meat,

    Fish, apples and butter.


    5. Without wings, but flies.

    Without legs, but running,

    Without a sail, but sailing.


    6. What is it?

    Scoop up the porridge

    And put it in your mouth.


    7. Who in the days of illness,

    All the most useful

    And heals us

    From all diseases?


    8. I am at any time of the year

    And in any bad weather

    Very fast at any hour

    I'll take you underground.


    5. Game: "Determine the place sound in a word» .

    Guys, the words in the picture are marked in the form of a rectangle. Sound We will denote it by a red square. Sound O can be found in words at the beginning, in the middle and at the end.

    Take a red pencil and draw a square in a rectangle where you hear sound About in the name of these items.

    Let's name the words in which sound o is heard in the middle of a word.

    Answers children: umbrella, barrel.

    What is the word in which sound O is heard at the end of the word.

    Answers children: coat.

    6. Game: "Who is attentive?"

    Guys now I'll read you a poem by Z. Alexandrova, listen carefully and remember the words that contain sound Oh.

    The wolves went out to hunt.

    They roam the swamp in a flock.

    By the way, they say

    Wolves eat berries.

    Tell me what words did you hear in this poem with sound O, intonationally highlighting sound Oh.

    Answers children: wolves, hunting, wandering, swamps.

    7. Physical education - game "Listen, do".

    Now let's get some rest. Quietly we all stand in a circle.

    Hands to the sides, forward.

    We all looked out the window.

    The sky, they saw the birds,

    And then they sat down, got up

    And they ran on the spot.

    (Children perform movements according to the text of the poem.)

    8. Drawing balls, writing letters O.

    Guys, u sound Oh has its own written sign, it is letter O... Look carefully, it is written in the left corner, and in the right corner there is a comic image of it. Please listen to I. Blumkina's poem about letter O.

    Mom has a ring on her hand

    The gymnast's hoop too

    Bagels, bagels - well, everything

    On the letter O looks like.

    In this the letter has no corner,

    That is why it is round.

    Until then she was round

    I could have rolled.

    (E. Tarlapan.)

    Tell me what it looks like letter O?

    Answers children: (on the ring, on the hoop, on the bagels, on the bagels).

    What is the shape letter O?

    Answers children: (round).

    Let's try to turn letter O, with the help of colored pencils in the sun, ball and watermelon.

    (The teacher distributes leaflets to children with letter O, and children do it


    Guys, take pencils and draw a ball as shown in the picture, first along the points, and then on your own.

    Now let's try to write letter O, first point by point, and then independently.

    9. Game "Scheme, word".

    Look in notebooks and name objects with intonation highlighting sound Oh.

    Answers children: Ooslik, home, bucket.

    Good. Connect the word schema to the subject to which it fits.

    (Children connect the word - donkey with a rectangle, where letter O at the beginning; house - with a rectangle, where letter O in the middle;

    Bucket - with a rectangle, where the letter O at the end.)

    10. Self-control and self-assessment of the work performed.

    Children check if everything class they have done it correctly.

    Colors taken for rating traffic light: Green - everything is correct (you can go to the next page, yellow - 1,2 - errors (correct the errors and you can also go further, red - all tasks were completed incorrectly (the child needs to work out additionally)... While checking, the guys paint over the balloon located in the lower right corner in green, yellow, or red.

    11 Summary classes.

    Guys, with what new sound we met today at class?

    Which it is denoted by a letter?

    What did you like?

    What didn't you like?

    This is our lesson over... Goodbye.

    Additional education teacher

    1 ) Transcription of the word "umbrella": [umbrella].

    s - [h] - acc., firm. (pair), ringing. (guys). Before the vowel sound, the consonant is not replaced by voicing / voicelessness.Before letters a, O, at, NS, NS syllables paired in hardness-softness are always pronounced firmly.
    O - [O] - vowel, shock; see below. § twenty.
    n - [n] - acc., firm. (pair), ringing. (unpaired), sonorous. Sonorous consonants, unlike noisy ones, are not stunned before the deaf (see: VN Musatov Russian language: Phonetics. Phonology. Orthoepy. Graphics. Spelling. M., 2012. S. 73). The sound [n] is pronounced softly only before soft [t❜], [d❜], [n❜], [h❜], [w ❜].
    T - [T] - acc., firm. (pair), deaf. (guys). At the end of a word, the replacement of sound occurs only in voiced pairs.At the end of a word, all consonants, except for unpaired soft ones ([ch❜], [u], [y❜]), are pronounced firmly.

    4 letters, 4 sound



    § 20

    § 20. The letter o denotes a struck vowel [o] in the following positions: a) at the beginning of a word: he, axis, o'stry, o'hat; b) after the vowels: zohahat, zaochnik, at a distance, proobraz; c) after solid consonants (except for sibilants; for the position after sibilants, see § 22): house, catfish, floor, side, behold, thunder, crowbar, current, lump, guest, move, click.

    Parents can help their child take the first steps in understanding the sound structure of words.

    When starting games on the formation of sound analysis, you need to clearly understand the sequence of work

    and do not skip stages.

    General rules for developing sound analysis skills:
    - observe a strict sequence in the presentation of the forms of sound analysis: extraction of sound from a word, determination of the first sound, the last sound, establishment of the place of sound (beginning, middle, end of a word), complete sound analysis;
    - Observe the order of formation of mental actions: based on material resources, in speech terms, according to presentation;
    - observe the sequence of presentation of the words intended for analysis.

    The whole process of mastering the skills of sound analysis can be divided into two large periods :
    - formation of skills in elementary analysis;
    - teaching sequential analysis with the establishment of the exact place of sounds in a word in relation to each other.

    First period, in turn, consists of parts:
    - extraction of a sound from a word, that is, determining the presence of a given sound in a word (is there such a sound in a word or not);
    - definition of the first sound in a word; definition of the last sound in a word;
    - finding the place of a sound in a word, based on three positions (beginning, middle, end of a word).

    In terms of the number of operations, the first period is more detailed, but the exercises proposed below are necessary, since they can lead the child to the ability to conduct a complete sound analysis of a word of any structure. The sequence of the formation of mental actions when teaching sound analysis is as follows:
    - first, words are spoken to the child and the desired sound is highlighted with a voice, and the child listens to the word and raises a conditioned signal when he hears the word with the desired sound;
    - further, he must select this exaggeratedly pronounced sound and name it in isolation, outside the word;
    - then the mental action goes into the speech plane - the child himself pronounces the word and selects the given sound from it;
    - and, finally, the action takes place according to the idea, in the mental plane, when the word is not pronounced, and the child puts aside pictures with a given sound or comes up with words.

    This order of mental actions is used at the stages of the formation of elementary forms of sound analysis.

    When the child will master the sequential analysis of the word, at first he will have to rely on additional aids: sound scheme words and chips. The scheme consists of squares equal in terms of the number of sounds in a word.

    The child listens to the word, selects the sounds in sequence and at the same time puts the chips in the squares of the diagram.

    Then, the sequential selection of sounds occurs without a ready-made scheme: the child pronounces a word, selects each sound and places chips, and then draws a scheme according to the number of chips.

    When the child will easily cope with laying out the chips, you can offer him to replace the chips with vowels and put them in the right place in the word. Consonants are still denoted by tokens. And only after that, the child is invited to conduct a sound analysis of the word without support, only on the basis of loud pronunciation.

    At the very end of the work on the formation of sound analysis, the child will be able to name the number of sounds and pronounce them sequentially, without prior loud pronunciation. The most difficult task is the request to choose a word consisting of a certain number of sounds.

    What words can you suggest to children to analyze their sound composition? Not all words can be given at once for a given type of work. There is a clear sequence of presentation of sounds at the first stage and the order of presentation of words at the second. An absolutely strong position for vowels is the stressed position of the beginning of the word, so every form of analysis should start with stressed vowels. The sonorant consonants L, R, M, N are well heard in the word, therefore these sounds are also used on initial stages... When highlighting the last sound, you can take voiceless consonants, since the end of the word for such sounds is a strong position, and they sound distinct, and voiced consonants are not used, they are stunned at the end of the word.

    Explosive sounds K, G are difficult to highlight at the beginning of a word, they are difficult to pronounce with intonation, they merge with the subsequent vowel sound, so they should not be given to highlight the first sound, at least at the beginning of training. Thus, it is recommended for use at the stage of teaching elementary sound analysis such a sequence of positions of the analyzed sounds.

    To recognize the sound in a word:
    - stressed vowels (they are stressed at the beginning of a word, then stressed in the middle, words);
    - consonant sounds (at first they allow to search only for sonorant consonants P, L, M, N or voiceless consonants K, T, P, X, Ts, Ch, S, standing at the end of a word);
    - any sounds in any position in the word (except for iotated vowels, which can contain two sounds and therefore have not yet been analyzed).

    To determine the first sound in a word:
    - stressed vowels;
    - sonorous consonants;
    - slotted consonants С, 3, Ж, Ш, Ч, Щ;
    - other consonants.

    To determine the last sound:
    - stressed vowels;
    - sonorous consonants;
    - slotted consonants.

    To determine the place (beginning, middle, end of a word), the sequence is the same as when determining the first and last sounds.

    Let us now give the sequence of words presented for a complete sound analysis. General rule when choosing words is not to use words in which there is no complete correspondence between sounds and letters. Therefore, words with iotated letters I, E, E, U, with b and b, with voiced consonants B, C, D, D, F, 3 at the end of a word and in the middle before consonants (such as a spoon, a bed) are not suitable ... As for words with unstressed vowels, they are taken not at the early stages, but after preliminary work with monosyllabic words, and at the beginning disyllabic words have unstressed vowels Y and Y, as the least subject to reduction. You should not completely abandon words with unstressed vowels, you just can pronounce them orthographically - [goat], and not [kaza], as we pronounce according to the norms of orthoepy. Children will memorize these words and this will be a propaedeutics of spelling unstressed vowels.

    So, the order of the analyzed words is as follows.
    - words with two vowels (like ay);
    - words from two sounds (like mind);
    - words of three sounds (such as cancer);
    - words of two open syllables(like mom);
    - words from one syllable with a confluence of consonants (like a wolf);
    - words from one syllable with a confluence of consonants (table type);
    - words of two syllables (such as a bag);
    - words of three open syllables (like a cow).

    So that parents do not make a mistake in the selection the right words for the analysis, we give an approximate list of words that meet the named rules. Of course, parents can use their own words, the main thing is that they meet the listed requirements.

    Sound Analysis Forms for Preschoolers

    Words with stressed vowels at the beginning of a word (used to recognize vowels in a word).
    A: address, Alla, Anna, Ada, August, author, alphabet, stork, scarlet, angel, arch, harp, aster, atom;
    A: Olya, hoop, cloud, general, vegetables, sheep, lake, perch, order, autumn, donkey, island, rest, vacation;
    D: Beehive, corner, coal, fishing rod, supper, knot, narrow, beehive, street, smart, oral, duck, morning;
    And: Ira, Igor, willow, name, iris, frost, spark;
    E: Elya, echo, this, this, this.

    Words with stressed vowels in the middle of a word (used to recognize vowels in a word).
    A: hall, poppy, cancer, park, March, hour, tap;
    О: post, night, umbrella, house, scrap, catfish, elephant, sheaf, port;
    D: friend, bison, goose, ray, shower, bow, knock, steering wheel, sound, beetle, grandson;
    And: mushroom, tiger, leaf, shield, whale, rice;
    S: smoke, son.

    Words with sonorant consonants at the beginning of a word (used to highlight the first sound in a word).
    L, L ": lamp, lily of the valley, swallow, lemon, moon, fox, leaf, boat, meadow, bow, skis;
    M, M ": poppy, mom, March, mask, oil, peace, bowl, sea, bridge, fly, soap;
    N, N ": knife, socks, nose, notes, number, thread, low;
    R, R ": radio, rainbow, cancer, rocket, frame, dew, rice, rail, rails.

    Words with sonorant consonants at the end of a word (used to highlight the last sound in a word).
    L, L ": table, chair, dust, swam, wore, mowed, station, pencil case, knot, chalk, eagle, football, corner, floor, true story, stranded, distance;
    M, M ": tower, cream, hill, crowbar, catfish, atom, noise, smoke, raisins;
    N, N ": drum, sofa, ocean, glass, pocket, banana, tulip, crane, chestnut, order, maple, penguin, dinner, shop, peacock, decanter, bugle, belt, stone, stump;
    R, R ": samovar, bazaar, sugar, ball, tiger, cedar, clover, carpet, fan, number, coach, boat, evening, peace, kefir, calendar, primer, dictionary.

    Words with voiceless consonants at the end of a word (used to highlight the last sound in a word).
    K: broom, bell, puppy, cup, horn, stocking, castle, lesson, skating rink, hammer, beetle, bow, spider, tie, bull;
    P: syrup, dill, carp, sickle, soup;
    С: kvass, hour, forest, dog, rice, box, nose, pump;
    G: bow, bandage, salad, robe, brother, package, ticket, whale, shield;
    F: wardrobe, scarf;
    X: moss, peas, rooster;
    C: pepper, knapsack, palace, cucumber, arctic fox, father;
    H: doctor, sword, brick, ray, ball;
    W: hut, shower, lily of the valley, baby, reed;
    U: cloak, bream.

    Words from two sounds: mind, mustache, oh, oh.
    Words from three sounds: cancer, poppy, onion, peace, hour, house, catfish, cheese, rice, feast, boron, cat.
    Words from two syllables: stork, duck, sheep, willow, ears.
    Words from two open syllables: mom, frame, vase, geese, fur coat, skis, soap, knives, watches.
    Words from one syllable with a confluence of consonants: table, elephant, crane, chair, rook, wardrobe, plan, raft, cloak, doctor.
    Words from one syllable with a concatenation of consonants: wolf, cake, scarf, beaver, March, umbrella, bush, bridge, leaf, lift.
    Words from two syllables with a confluence of consonants: bag, cat, mask, desk, stick, lamp, brush, mouse, bear.
    Words of three open syllables: cow, shovel, straw, crow, magpie, road, Marina, dog.

    L. M. Kozyreva “Development of speech. Children 5-7 years old "


    EXERCISE # 1

    An adult gives the child two circles - a red and a green one - and offers a game: if the child hears the correct name of what is shown in the picture, he must raise the green circle, if the wrong one, red. Then he shows the picture and loudly, slowly, clearly pronounces the sound combinations:









    The child lifts the appropriate circle each time.

    EXERCISE # 2

    The child is asked to repeat similar words, first 2, then 3 in the named order:



    Note. When playing words, knowledge of concepts is not necessary. The peculiarity of this and subsequent word selections is that they are available by sound composition, do not contain difficult-to-pronounce sounds.

    EXERCISE number 3

    Of the four words clearly pronounced by an adult, the child should name the one that differs from the rest:










    EXERCISE # 4

    Out of every four words named by an adult, the child must choose a word that is not similar in sound composition to the other 3:

    poppy-bak-so-banana, catfish-lump-turkey-house, lemon-wagon-cat - bud, poppy-tank-broom-cancer, scoop-gnome-wreath-roller, heel-fleece-lemon-tub, branch -sofa-cage-mesh, skating rink-house-skein-stream.


    EXERCISE # 5

    Reproduction of a syllable row with a change in the stressed syllable.

    ta-ta-tapa-pa-pa ka-ka-ka
    ta-ta-ta pa-pa-pa ka-ka-ka
    ta-ta-ta pa-pa-pa ka-ka-ka




    EXERCISE # 6

    Reproduction of syllabic combinations with one consonant and different vowel sounds.

    woo-woo and so on.

    EXERCISE number 7

    Reproduction of syllabic combinations with a common vowel and different consonant sounds.

    ma-na-wa, etc. The same with the vowels O, U, Y.

    EXERCISE # 8

    Reproduction of syllabic combinations with consonant sounds, differing in voicing / voicelessness, first 2 syllables each:



    (The same with the vowels O, Y, Y), then 3 syllables each:


    EXERCISE number 9

    Reproduction of syllabic combinations with consonant sounds, differing in softness / hardness,





    EXERCISE # 10

    Isolation of a vowel sound in a sound stream (A, O, U, I, Y, E). An adult names and repeats a vowel sound, which the child must distinguish among other sounds (clap his hands when he hears, sit down, make an agreed gesture, raise visual symbol etc.). Then the adult slowly, clearly, with pauses, pronounces a sound sequence, for example:

    A-U-M-I-S-Y-O-E-R-Sh-F-L-V-Z-J-H-Y-A, etc.

    The exercise is repeated until each vowel sound is highlighted by the child accurately and confidently.

    Note to parents. I, E, E, Y - vowels LETTERS, each of them denotes 2 sounds: I = Y + A; Y = Y + O, etc.

    EXERCISE # 11

    Isolation of one of the consonants in the sound stream. The adult names and, repeating many times, makes the child remember one of the consonant sounds. Then he pronounces a sound sequence in which the child must select one given consonant sound - with a clap, with another agreed movement or with a gesture symbol.

    Note. The proposed gesture symbols were developed by the author of the manual. By connecting visual and movement analyzers, as well as in the presence of an emotional factor, they make it easier for children to differentiate consonants. The symbols are given in the order of priority of mastering the corresponding sounds in the classroom.

    M - cow hums (with the index finger we depict horns)

    H - the TV hums when the programs are over (finger to nose)

    B - the blizzard howls, shakes the trees (wave our hands over the head)

    F - air comes out of a small ball (we straighten the rounded palms and press them against each other)

    K - a toy pistol shoots (index finger up, thumb at right angles to the index)

    T - the typewriter is working (depict with index fingers)

    P - cracker burst (fingers of the right hand squeeze and unclench)

    X - we warm our hands (breathe on the back of the hand)

    C - swing the pump (clenched palms move up and down)

    3 - the mosquito flies (thumb and forefinger are clenched, circular motions of the hand)

    Ts - quieter, quieter, silence (finger to lips)

    Sound row: A-K-T-R-S-P-I-O-U-Y-A-Zh-Sh-S-Ts-

    V-O-E, etc.

    Note. The consonants in a row should be pronounced short, approximately the same way as each consonant is heard at the end of a word: kot, banN, ukroP, etc. Do not confuse sounds with letters: PE, TE, ER - these are the names of letters, pronounce the same you need sounds.

    EXERCISE number 12

    Name the first sound in words.

    Duck, ear, textbook, smart, street, ears, mind, mustache, iron, corner, fishing rod, already, narrow, dill, urn, morning, teacher, morning, textbook, scientist, respect, leave, run away, fly away, take away, gallop away, boa constrictor, bite, vinegar, swam away, harvest, snail, washstand, convenient, pointer, lesson, pattern, fall.

    Explain the highlighted words. EXERCISE # 33

    Name the last sound in words (A, O, I, U, Y).

    Head, game, wall, leg, hat, thread, bench, pen, watering can, window, coat, cinema, long ago, wing, move away, name, wear, lights, streams, books, pies, poppies, shovels, bouquets, lemons, ribbons, sweets, I go, I will name, I will hug, cocoa, I will throw, I will shout, I will go, I will spin, I will come.

    EXERCISE # 13

    Name the first and last sounds in words.

    Hut, needle, zest, street, snail, student, poster, sore throat, pointer, bloodhound, vegetables, hoops, perches, ok-riki, opera, windows, wasps, donkeys.

    Recall 5 objects whose names begin with the sound of W.

    Recall 4-5 actions, the names of which begin with the sound of W.

    EXERCISE number 14

    Name sounds in combinations.

    UA AIU
    AI AUI
    IA IUA
    IU UIA
    UI IMU

    Example. AUI: 1st - A, 2nd - U, 3rd - I.

    EXERCISE number 15

    Determine the first sound in words.

    Bath, cotton wool, waffles, waves, wax, wolf, volcano, hair, seaweed, vase, tower, petroleum jelly, carriage, water, gate, crow, sparrow, felt boots.

    Explain the highlighted words.

    Determine which of the two words contains the sound B.

    Hair - stripes, a crow - a crown, a tower - a crumpet, a carriage - a corral, cotton wool - a hut, a wolf - a regiment, a cow - a crown, waves - full, an owl - itself.

    Mane , owl, head, cow, sofa, give, nod, right, left, new, new, plum, bath, cotton wool, waffles, left, right, fun.

    Explain the highlighted words.

    EXERCISE # 16

    "Press" on the sound Ф, select it in words.

    Surname, candy wrapper, uniform, football, factory, apron, flag-con, trick, magician, cap, beans, jacket, fruit, lift, caftan, plywood, headlights, minced meat, scarf, fountain, fore-point, flag, snort.

    Determine if there is a sound Ф in the word or not.

    Sea, torch, form, coins, house, fountain, window, toad, loaf.

    Determine which of the two words contains the F.

    EXERCISE # 27

    Determine the first sound, the second sound in sound combinations.


    EXERCISE # 18

    Determine which sound we pull in the middle of the word (A, Y, O).

    Buck, cancer, juice, soup, steam, var, gas, nose, husband, ball, tooth, goal, heat, house, ox, shower, hall, lump, cat, scrap, elk, onion, poppy, moss, mouth, steering wheel, salt, sleep, bitches.

    EXERCISE # 19

    Determine which sound (S or I) is at the end of a word.

    Gardens - gardens, umbrellas - umbrellas, bushes - bushes, bridges - bridges, noses - noses, bows - bows, passages - walkers, rafts - rafts, mustaches - antennae, fish - fish, mountains - hills, lindens - sticky, paws - paws, holes - minks.

    EXERCISE number 20

    Name all sounds in order.

    Buck, hall, var, your, howling, din, goal, hum, gift, smoke, house, shower, beetle, heat, lump, cat, whale, scrap, varnish, onion, poppy, soap, small, moss, nose, our, steam, dust, floor, cancer, mouth, dig, rum, myself, juice, bitch, son, sleep, soup, litter, tok, so, tuk, chorus, jester, ball.

    Games to help determine the place of sound in a word

    Game "Zvukoedik":

    Play material: doll.

    The rules of the game: Sounds have a terrible enemy - the Sound Scientist. It feeds on the initial sounds (last sounds) in all words. The teacher walks with a doll in his hands through the group and says: ... ivan, ... tul, ... lbom, .. but (one hundred ..., stu ..., alb ..., window ...), etc. What did the doll want to say?

    Game "Gifts for Friends":

    The rules of the game: Crocodile Gena spent a vacation in Africa. And from there he brought many different gifts to his friends. Each was presented with such an item, the name of which begins with the same sound as the name of a friend, for example:

    Aibolitu - apricot, album, aster;
    Bunny - an umbrella, a lock, a bell.

    Word Chain game:

    Players sit in a circle and take turns speaking one word at a time, which are linked in a chain. Each next word starts with the last sound of the previous one. For example: winter - stork - tank - mole - sneakers - game, etc.

    Games to help you hear soft and hard consonants:

    Game "Find your house":

    Game rules: at different ends of the group room, two houses are attached: blue and green. The guys have cards with images of objects. All children represent sounds, i.e. "Fly" around the room and make their own sound. Each child becomes the first sound in the name of the object depicted on his card. For example: poppy (M), bear (M *).

    The weather was good, the sounds went for a walk. Suddenly the sky darkened, it started to rain, the sounds ran to hide in the house, but only solid consonants are allowed into the blue, and into the green - soft sounds... Those who incorrectly identified their sound were not allowed into the house. This sound is soaked in the rain.

    If children easily determine the first consonant sound by hardness-softness, then we introduce "words-traps", i.e. those that begin with a vowel sound. There is no “house” for such sounds.
    Games to help you perform sound analysis of words

    Game "Guess the riddle":

    The rules of the game: we make a riddle, and the children write the answer with chips in the form of a sound model.

    For example:

    Sly cheat
    Red head. - FOX

    The child writes the answer:

    green | red | blue | Red

    Game "Spell a word by model":

    Rules of the game: Draw word schemes with colored crayons on the blackboard or lay out word schemes with circles of different colors. For example:

    blue | red | blue

    Who will choose more words that fit this scheme: nose, mouth, poppy, cat, etc.

    We take different models. We play to the winner.

    Perfection phonemic perception and the upbringing of correct phonemic representations with the help of game and didactic exercises teach children to distinguish and differentiate sounds close by auditory-pronunciation characteristics in isolation and against the background of a word, to distinguish it grammatical forms, to form phonemic analysis and synthesis; contribute to the development of speech skills and functions necessary for mastering literacy. And this, in turn, will correct, develop and improve written speech generally.