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  • Special conditions of training and education of children with apt. How to create special conditions for children with disabilities

    Special conditions of training and education of children with apt. How to create special conditions for children with disabilities

    The future of inclusion in Russia in the hands of heads of pre-school and schools

    With an inclusive approach for the child try to organize the necessary conditions for inclusion in the team. How to do this was discussed by teachers of pre-school and schools at the International Scientific and Practical Conference educational conditions   for children with disabilities in kindergarten   and school ", which was held in Sochi on August 8-11.

    Participants from all over the country, from Sakhalin to Dagestan, as well as from other countries - Kazakhstan and Belarus, gathered in the Congress Hall of the Sea Galaxy Hotel. About 170 leaders and teachers of kindergartens and schools attended lectures and took part in practical exercises.

    Disabled child and child with disabilities: what is the difference?

    Experts immersed the participants in the topic gradually, starting with general lectures. "The regulatory framework of inclusive education" and "Inclusive education - development prospects in Russian Federation"- were the main themes of the first day. "Creating special educational conditions in the NGO" and "Local regulations educational organizationthat implements inclusive practice ”- topics of the second day. On the fourth day, they discussed the "Features of the development of adapted basic educational programs of preschool education and vocational education for students with disabilities".

    There are two categories that people often try to unite - children with disabilities and disabled people, ”said expert Elena Nikolaevna Kutepova,“ but this is not the same thing. For example, children with mental retardation - not with disabilities, and some children who are not disabled, need special conditions. Deaf, blind children are considered both disabled and with disabilities. Look at me. I have health restrictions - points. Do you have? I am sure that almost everyone has: part of hypertension, the second - hypotensive.

    At school, the situation is similar. Almost 80% have health restrictions, but they officially become children with disabilities only after they receive a certificate.

    A large number of children with disabilities is one of the reasons why the state in recent years has paid particular attention to these children. The second reason is that the state ratified the convention on the rights of persons with disabilities, the signing of which guarantees the creation of an inclusive environment.

    Education for children with disabilities in secondary schools existed before, but it was not a positive development:

    There were always children with disabilities in secondary schools, says the expert. - But how were they treated? “Vasya, I give you a“ troika ”, but you understand that this is a“ two ”. Our "troika", set in the 4th grade, leads to the fact that in the 9th grade it is a "two". The result: there is no certificate, there is no further education.

    Now the child must master the education program, otherwise he will not be transferred to the next one, and the teacher is obliged to help him with this. And if general program   he cannot do so; he must convince his parents to go through the PMPK in order to build an individual educational route.

    Not always the parents correctly perceive the condition of the child. Some need special education   frankly denied. Under the law "On Education" parents must give consent to the implementation of an adapted educational program, otherwise they will have to use the main program.

    Now you do not have the right to transfer the child to the 5th grade if he has not mastered the program, ”said expert Elena Kutepova. - It often happens that a teacher of lower grades puts a troika and says: “Well, thank God!”, And the teacher of the middle level does not understand what to do, because the child is not prepared. We are sometimes forced to bet "two" to prove to parents that it is necessary to go with child PMPK. “Two” is our responsibility with you and attracting the attention of parents to the problem that a child has. Then the parent has the right to choose - to leave the child “for the second year” or to apply to the PMPK. The commission will show why the child does not master the material, what program he will master. If the child remains in the second year, nothing changes, the teacher and the child remain, no specialists work with him.

    Parents need to explain that discrimination against children with disabilities - in the past. Now in PMPK even the diagnosis is not specified.

    Remind parents that it is important to get from the commission:

    The name of the program;

    The exact wording of the child’s education period according to the adapted program (in the conclusion they write - “in such and such an academic year” or “from such an academic year”, if it is written “in”, then the program is for 1 year, “c” - the program signs level - primary, secondary education).

    The tutor should also be recorded in the conclusion of the PMPK.

    After the first lectures, a barrage of questions fell on the experts. Most of the participants were suitable for personal consultations, but during the class they asked general questions.

    For example: do they require a license for inclusion?

    Answer Elena Kutepova:   We implement the main educational programstherefore, a separate license is not needed if there are no separate correction groups.

    Different regions - common problems

    At a practical lesson on the first day of the conference, participants randomly divided into groups. The experts suggested that they formulate questions to which they would like to receive answers, highlight the main problems relating to the organization of inclusive education, or tell about their own experience of inclusion. Then one of the representatives of the group presented the results for the entire audience. It turned out that the problems and questions educational institutions   from different parts of the country are similar.

    Representatives of Kazakhstan, Moscow, Ingushetia and Krasnodar Region worked in our group, we have common problems. We have come to the conclusion that inclusive education is not new to us. Now we are looking for new ways. In Kazakhstan, the problem is that not everyone has accepted education and tolerance with his mind. And in the absence of tolerance, we will not achieve successes that we would like to see. Task: education of tolerance. Solution: education of all participants in this issue, working out of practical experience of communicating with children with disabilities.

    Regions are different, problems are one. We have a small group. Everything that is said here is close to us. We believe that the main problems in the implementation of inclusion - the late identification of problems on the initial stage, lack of knowledge from teachers, weak teacher Education, a weak faculty in universities, an imperfect program of secondary and higher vocational education, no motivation.

    HIA is not a sentence!

    Modern society knows very little about people with disabilities. One of the most popular misconceptions is that a child with disabilities who is studying in a specialized school will not be able to adapt to society.

    Experts shared a case from the practice: a child with disabilities from a boarding school for the first time went to the subway and then said: "I wanted to sit in the seat, but the man said such a bad word to me that I can't even repeat it." The boarding school gave him a good education, and he turned out to be more socialized than the average man.

    Then the participants watched the social short film "Every 88". It tells about a Soviet soldier who died and got into the place where he was to receive a referral for rebirth. He was given a "black ticket", where the diagnosis was registered - "Autism". The young man reacted to this extremely negatively, was even ready to stand at the end of the line and wait a long time for the next direction, but he changed his mind and accepted his fate. At the end of the film, the reborn hero appears to the viewer as the Nobel Prize winner, which indicates that he was able to learn how to live with his diagnosis and fit into society.

    How to create a comfortable environment in school and kindergarten for "special" children?

    Now the educational organizations are obliged to enroll all children who are registered in the territory assigned to the school or kindergarten. Teachers do not initially know what kind of child they will get and whether they need special conditions. There may be no recommendations.

    In order for a child with a HVD to appear in a school or kindergarten not be a surprise for managers, they need to monitor the educational organization to check their readiness to accept children with HVD and find gaps in training. One of the main points is psychological readiness (as far as the team is ready to accept such children, is there enough knowledge).

    Zhukova Z.V.


    special educational conditions

    for a child with a disability

    in educational organization

    Creation of special educational conditions for a child with disabilities (GDD) in an educational organization: Methodical recommendations for practical use by teachers working with children with GDD.

    The paper reveals the characteristics of children with CRA. The importance of creating special educational conditions for a child with disabilities (GDD) is shown. The characteristic of different training options, types of educational and correction programs.

    Compiled by: Zhukova Z.V., a speech therapist at the Primary Secondary School №17, teacher of the highest qualification category

    Introduction 3

    1. Characteristics of schoolchildren with CRA 6

    2. The organization of UVP for children with CRA in an educational organization 12

    3.Regional experience in teaching children with CRA 19

    Conclusion 21

    References 23


    Education of children with disabilities in the modern education system is of particular relevance. In modern conditions, the practical difficulties of teaching children with developmental problems really manifest themselves in the fact that there are not so many special schools, they are far from being everywhere, and there is often no possibility of sending a child to the appropriate type of educational organization. Training for people with disabilities in educational institutions is organized by the following types of programs:

    An adapted basic educational program is an educational program adapted for training certain categories of persons with disabilities, including persons with disabilities, i.e. educational program of special (correctional) educational institutions of I-VIII types.

    Adapted educational program is an educational program adapted for training persons with disabilities (including those with disabilities), taking into account the peculiarities of their psychophysical development, individual capabilities and, if necessary, providing correction of developmental disorders and social adaptation of these individuals.

    A separate group among children with disabilities are children with a delay mental development   (CRA). The category of children with mental retardation is the most numerous among children with disabilities and a heterogeneous group of schoolchildren.

    A group of children with mental retardation (MAD) was separated from the category of under-performing students. With the introduction of the educational system of the GEF, and especially the second-generation GEF, the question of organizing education for this category of children arises.

    There are few works related to the care of problem children integrated into the general educational environment, but there are some individual mental functions devoted to the study of children with CRA (Almazova OV, 1997; Belopolskaya NL, 1996; Vasilyeva E.N., 1994; Gunina EV, 1996; Kaunenko II, 1993 Lubovsky DV, 1990, etc.), which contributes to the development of scientific ideas about the peculiarities of the mental development of children in this category. EA Yamburg (1997) justifies the need for an adaptive school of separate leveling classes for children with SPD and teachers specially trained to work with this category of children. The scientific problem of studying children with CRA enrolled in a mass school and correcting their mental development is relatively young: she is a little over 30 years old. The process of integrating problem children into the general educational environment has become a reality of the modern educational practice of a big city. The main part of these children receives education in the conditions of a mass secondary school (individual education, correction classes). A slight increase in the number of children in special schools   and boarding schools creates the appearance of a small number of problem children from the entire child population.

    At the same time, as N.N. Malofeev emphasizes, in the current economic conditions of Russia it is premature to speak about the broad development of integration as “... a system of conditions ensuring the effect of developing a problem child ...” in comprehensive schoolsince bureaucratic structures, when deciding on integration approaches to training, are guided, as a rule, by economic factors and the idea of ​​reducing the number special institutions.

    All the above confirms the relevance of this work, its goals and objectives.

    Tasks   the proposed work is to show the importance of creating special educational conditions for a child with a disability in the educational organization.

    purpose   the proposed work is to equip teachers with knowledge about children with CRA, necessary educational conditions, a variety of methods and techniques in modern pedagogy and the psychology of helping these children, the place of each type in the system of general pedagogy and special remedial work   and practical skills to conduct certain types of correctional and developmental exercises.

    The proposed work is recommended for practical use by teachers working with children with CRA. Participants in the proposed activities will be all participants in the educational process at school: teachers, psychologists, medical workers, parents of students.

    1. Characteristics of schoolchildren with CRA

    Delayed mental development is one of the most common forms of mental pathology in childhood. Quantitatively, the group of children with CRA is the largest compared to any other children with disabilities. Most often, the CRA is detected with the start of the child’s schooling. The number of children who have unexpressed developmental abnormalities and experience various difficulties in learning activitiesmakes up from 20 to 60% of students elementary school   (O.V. Zashchirinskaya, 1995). The CRA in a child depends not only on the state of his NA, the microorganic pathology of the brain, but also on the nature of his social contacts with adults, the general and professional culture of the latter, the organization of activities taking into account age, individual features   development for a particular period of time, etc.

    K.S. Lebedinskaya classifies mental developmental delays based on its causes:

    but) CRA of constitutional origin: when it is, the emotional-volitional sphere is, as it were, at an earlier stage of development, in many respects resembling the normal structure of the emotional warehouse of younger children; state of delay is determined by the heredity of the family constitution. In its slow pace of development, the child, as it were, repeats the life scenario of the father and mother. By entering these children, there is a discrepancy between the mental age and his passport age; in a seven-year-old child, it can be correlated with children 4–5 years old. For children with a constitutional delay, there is a favorable prognosis of development, subject to a targeted pedagogical impact. Such children are compensated for 10-12 years. Particular attention should be paid to the development of the emotional-volitional sphere.

    b) CRA of psychogenic originassociated with adverse conditions of education, causing a violation of the formation of the child's personality. These conditions - neglect, often combined with cruelty on the part of parents, or hyper-care, which is also an extremely unfavorable situation of education in early childhood. Neglect leads to mental instability, impulsivity, explosiveness and, of course, lack of initiative, to lag in intellectual development. Hyper-drug leads to the formation of a distorted, weakened personality, such children usually show self-centeredness, lack of autonomy in activity, insufficient focus, inability to volitional effort, selfishness.

    at) Somatogenic origin   due to prolonged somatic insufficiency: chronic infections, allergic conditions. Such children are born to healthy parents, and developmental delay is the result of diseases carried in early childhood: chronic infections, allergies, etc. All children with this form of ZDR have pronounced asthenic symptoms in the form of headache, increased fatigue, decreased performance, against this background, frustration, experience, attention decreases, memory and intellectual tension are held for a very short time. The emotional-volitional sphere is distinguished by immaturity with relatively preserved intelligence. In the state of health can absorb learning material. The decline in performance may refuse to work. They tend to focus attention on their state of health and can use these abilities in order to avoid difficulties. Experiencing difficulties in adapting to the new environment. Children with somatic ZPR need systematic psychological and educational assistance.

    d) CRA cerebral-organic origin   (it possesses great persistence and severity of violations in the emotional-volitional sphere and in cognitive activity). The reason for the violation of the pace of development of intelligence and personality are gross and persistent local destruction of the maturation of brain structures (maturation of the cerebral cortex), pregnant woman’s toxicosis, past viral diseases during pregnancy, influenza, hepatitis, rubella, alcoholism, mother’s addiction, prematurity, infection, oxygen starvation . In children of this group, the phenomenon of cerebral asthenia is noted, which leads to increased fatigue, intolerance to discomfort, decreased performance, low concentration of attention, decreased memory and, consequently, cognitive activity   significantly reduced. The mental operations are not perfect and in terms of productivity are close to children with oligophrenia. Such children learn the knowledge fragmentary. The lag in the development of intellectual activity is combined in this group with the immaturity of the emotional-volitional sphere. They need systematic comprehensive help from a medical doctor, a psychologist, a pathologist

    All forms of CRA in children are amenable to correction. It is only important to pay attention to the social and home conditions of the child’s life, since it is they that influence the development of the child’s psyche. And it is here, as well as possible, that the personal approach to the education of the child justifies itself, especially in the educational aspect. VASukhomlinsky understood education as the creation of the happiness of every child: “Upbringing is to skillfully, wisely, wisely, subtly, heartily touch each of the thousand facets, find one that, if polished like a diamond, will shine with a unique glow human talent, and this radiance will bring a person personal happiness. To open it in every person, only its unique edge is the art of education.

    The level of mental development of a child entering the school with CRA depends not only on the nature and severity of the primary (usually biological in nature) impairment, but also on the quality of prior education and upbringing (early and pre-school).

    The range of differences in the development of children with mental retardation is quite large - from practically normal developing, experiencing temporary and relatively easily avoidable difficulties, to children with severe and complex in structure disorders of the cognitive and affective-behavioral spheres of the individual.

    Given the presence of these differences in the development of children with CRA, it is necessary to differentiate the standard of their primary education. Differentiation of the standard of primary education of students with CRA should be correlated with the differentiation of this category of children in accordance with the severity, nature and structure of mental impairment. General guidelines for distinguishing can be presented as follows.

    1 group   - children with mild mental retardationwhich is characterized mainly the difficulties of arbitrary self-regulationmanifested in the conditions of activity and organized behavior, and signs of general socio-emotional immaturity. At the same time, levels of intellectual development and learning are close to the age norm, or even within the age norm.

    2 group - children with moderate mental retardation, which is characterized by a level of intellectual development that is close to the age norm, but uneven in structure, reduced mental performance, not affective affective-behavioral disorders, which in one degree or another impede the mastery of school norms and school adaptation in general. Learning is satisfactory, but often selective and unstable (depending on the type of activity and the actual emotional state). Often there are difficulties in mastering individual academic disciplines (often associated with language and mathematical concepts), due to local disorders (insufficient formation) in the structure of higher mental functions.

    Group 3 - children with severe mental retardationwhich is characterized by the level of intellectual development slightly below the age norm, according to the qualitative characteristics of its structure (underdevelopment of complex forms of mental activity - categorical analysis, abstraction, generalization, mediation) approaching mild mental retardation and having distinct signs of cerebral-organic insufficiency. There is also a low level of self-regulation, impaired attention, memory, mental performance and purposefulness of activity. At the same time, the possibility of social adaptation in some children may be no less, and sometimes even more than the capabilities of children with moderate mental retardation (group 2). Such children can be categorized as mild mental underdevelopment (or borderline mental retardation). At the same time, in some of the children of this group, in the conditions of properly organized and timely started training, the noted features and developmental disorders can be significantly mitigated and compensated.

    The educational needs of children with CRA   along with the general features of all children with disabilities, they also include specific needs that can be divided into three blocks.

    I   needs block   requires ensuring a special spatial and temporal organization of the educational environment   taking into account the general state of health, the functional state of the central nervous system (CNS) and the neurodynamics of mental processes in children with CRA:

      a variety of organizational forms and taking into account the individual capabilities of the student,

      the use of health-saving technologies in each lesson;

      comprehensive support, guaranteeing special psycho-correction assistance,

    II   block   needs requires provide a correctional developmental focustraining within the main educational areas:

      the formation of the basis of the ability to learn and the ability to organize their activities

      stimulation of the child's understanding of the knowledge acquired in the course of learning as suitable for use in everyday life;

      the inclusion in the content of the program of individual academic subjects and courses of sections containing a special correction component;

      organization of the learning process, taking into account the specifics of the assimilation of knowledge and skills of children with CRA.

    III   block   needs is associated with ensuring targeted development and expansion of students' social competencies:

      formation of the position of personal identification of oneself as a member of society;

      development and consolidation of communication skills, techniques of constructive communication and cooperation in various social situations   (with family members, peers, adults), the ability to avoid conflicts and strive to find ways out of problematic situations;

      the formation of skills of socially approved behavior in conditions of maximally expanded social contacts;

      ensuring the interaction of the family and the educational institution (organization of cooperation with parents, activation of family resources for the formation of independent, but socially acceptable behavior, for the assimilation of moral and cultural values).

    for education students with CRA

    In accordance with Part 3 of Article 79 of the Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-F3 “On Education in the Russian Federation”, special conditions for the education of students with disabilities are understood as the conditions for training, educating and developing such students, including the use of special educational programs and methods of training and education, special textbooks, teaching aids   and didactic materials, special technical means of training for collective and individual use, the provision of assistant services (assistant), providing students with the necessary technical assistance, conducting group and individual remedial classes, providing access to buildings of organizations conducting educational activities, and other conditions without which it is impossible or it is difficult to master educational programs for students with disabilities ”.

    Considering special educational needs   children with CRA need to create the following at school special conditions:

      Regulatory support for children’s needs

      Selection of the training program   according to individual

    psychophysical features of children, the differentiation of the GEF in education of students with CRA. For guaranteed receipt school education   students with CRA are offered 3 standard versions, each of which is characterized by the following main parameters:

    The first version of the standard (A) it is addressed to students with SPD, who at the time of entering the school have reached a level of development close to the age norm and have a positive experience of communication with healthy peers. A trainee with an SPD receives education that is comparable in the final level with the education of healthy peers, being in their midst and in the same calendar periods. A systematic special psychological and pedagogical assistance is necessary — the creation of conditions for the realization of special educational needs and the formation of full-fledged life competence. The main educational program is necessarily complemented by the program of correctional work aimed at the development of life

    The second version of the standard (B ).   The student with the CRA receives qualification education in organizations engaged in educational activities on adapted educational programsat the same time being in a peer environment with similar developmental problems and in a more prolonged period. The condition for the development of the second version of the standard is the organization of special training and education for the implementation of both general and special educational needs.

    Option B differs from And also by increasing attention to the formation of full-fledged life competence, the use of acquired knowledge in real conditions.

    The third version of the standard (C ).   Students with CRA receive education in organizations engaged in educational activities on adapted educational programs.

    Education in option C not comparable in end result with the formation of healthy peers. Mandatory is the organization special conditions training and education for the implementation of both general and special educational needs, the use of an adapted educational program, which, if necessary, is individualized. The child is among peers with disabilities. Due to the considerable forced simplification of the environment of training and education, which is maximally adapted to the child and restricts his life experience and interaction with healthy peers, special work   on the introduction of the child in a more complex social environment;

      Logistics(adaptation of the environment for children with CRA) - proper organization of school-wide space (space provided for parents expecting a child, motor and play zones), appropriate learning space, universal teacher’s agro-industrial complex (by the number of children in a class), additional physical therapy rooms, educational psychologist , speech therapist, speech pathologist, psychosurgery;

      Software and pedagogical support:

    Programs (general educational programs of the initial general

    education, basic general education and secondary (complete) general

    educational programs of special (correctional) institutions VII

    - educational and teaching support (educational program

    developed by the school independently based on state

    educational standard, exemplary curriculum programs

    federal component, regional and school programs

    components, based on the characteristics of psychophysical development and

    individual learning opportunities. Textbooks federal

    science of the Russian Federation, including for special (correctional)

    educational institutions VII species.

    For development correctional programs   in the structure of the main

    educational program for each stage of education and

    adapted educational program including

    individual curriculum, you can use the program and

    educational and methodical complexes (or sample programs   at

    accordance with the GEF for children with CRA).

      Psychological and pedagogical support and directions of correctional work

    - improvement of movements and sensorimotor development   - so how are u

    many children with CRA noted motor awkwardness, sensorimotor

    instability with the use of - Shevchenko SG, Kapustina G.M.

    Items around us. Study guide for individual and

    group remedial classes. - Smolensk: Publishing House “Association

    XXI century ”, 2003 .;

    - correction of all aspects of mental activity   (development and correction

    all types of memory, attention, perception, spatial and

    time representations) in remedial classes with a psychologist and

    defectologist using the manual "Diagnosis and Correction

    mental retardation in children: A Handbook for teachers and

    correction and development education specialists. / Ed.

    S.G. Shevchenko. M. 2001. ",

    -development of basic mental operations and various types of thinking

    in class with a psychologist, a pathologist with the use of benefits

    “S.G. Shevchenko Correctional developmental training: organizational

    pedagogical aspects. - Moscow. Vlados, 1999, Shevchenko S.G.

    Acquaintance with the world. The development of thinking and speech. M .:

    Nick Press, 1998 .;

    - correction of disorders in the development of the emotional-personal sphere

    (removal of mental discomfort, development of adequate forms

    behavior, the development of self-esteem, the enrichment of the spectrum of emotions, the development

    activity, prevention of personal infantelization, etc.) on

    classes with a psychologist with the use of benefits "Mamaychuk II

    Psycho-correction technologies for children with developmental problems. -

    St. Petersburg, 2003, I.Yu. Kulagin. The student's identity of the delay

    psychological development to giftedness. 1999, Dubrovinskaya A.O.

    Children with mental retardation: understand to help. M. Izd-

    in School Press 2004, Psychology of children with mental retardation

    development. Reader. Study of. Socialization. Psychocorrection.

    Compiled by OV Zashchirinskaya

    - correction and development of speech and writing -must visit

    individual and group classes   with a speech therapist, a pathologist with

    using benefits "Efimenkova L.N. Correction of oral and

    writing speech of primary school students. - M., 2005, Lalayeva R.I.,

    Serebryakova N.V., Zorina S.V. Speech disorders and their correction in children with

    mental retardation: study guide. - M .: VLADOS, 2003 ",

    -expansion of ideas about the world, formation

    distinct, diverse ideas about objects and phenomena

    surrounding reality   in class with a teacher and classes with

    a teacher additional education   using benefits

    "Shevchenko S.G. Correctional and developmental learning: organizational

    pedagogical aspects. - Moscow. Vlados, 1999.,

    - correction of individual gaps and knowledgein extra classes with

    a teacher using manuals “Anufriev A.F., Kostromina S.N.

    How to overcome difficulties in teaching children. Psychodiagnostic

    tables. Psychodiagnostic methods. Correctional exercises. -

    M., 1997, Charkina N.V. Summaries of correctional and developmental activities with

    children of primary school age: a manual for the teacher-pathologist

    Publisher: PARADIGMA, 2012.

      development of psycho-physiological functions that ensure readiness for learning(development of fine motor skills of the hand and fingers, grafomotor skills, etc.) in all lessons with a teacher and in classes with an additional education teacher,

      the formation of skills necessary for the activities of any kind   (to be guided in the assignment, plan the upcoming work, perform it in accordance with a visual sample and (or) verbal instructions of the teacher in the classroom and in extracurricular activities with all teachers working with this child,

      fortificationsomatic and mental health schoolnicknames -under an agreement with the institution (organization) of health care, organize the accompaniment of children by a psychiatrist, neurologist, the implementation of all recommendations of the PMPK on medical accompaniment , medical supervision , timely counseling narrow specialist doctors, timely detection and treatment of somatic diseases, the use of health-saving technologies in the classroom and in extracurricular activities,

      normalization of a favorable social environment- the work of a social pedagogue with the family, advising parents (legal representatives) on the issues of training and raising a child in the family,

      psychological- pedagogical support -

    - psychological and pedagogical support of all participants

    educational process   in the framework of the psychological-medical-pedagogical

    council or specialists PPMS Center or District

    resource Center for the Development of Inclusive Education with

    using the manual "Organization of special educational

    conditions for children with disabilities in

    educational institutions. Methodical recommendations for

    heads of educational institutions. Inclusive Series

    education. MGPPU 2012;

    Classes (individual or subgroup) with a psychologist

    the formation of communication skills, social skills

    functioning at least 2 hours a week using

    benefits "Mamaychuk II Psycho-correction technologies for children with

    developmental problems. - St. Petersburg ,. 2003, Dubrovinskaya A.O. Children with

    mental retardation: understand to help. M. Publishing House

    School press.2004;

    Classes (individual or subgroup) with a pathologist

    the formation of the necessary training skills for at least 4 hours in

    week using the benefits of "textbook for

    individual and group remedial classes. - Smolensk:

    Publishing House “Association XXI Century”, 2003, Charkina N.V. Summaries

    correctional and developmental activities with primary school children

    age: manual for the teacher-pathologist Publisher:

    PARADIGM, 2012;

    Speech therapist classes (individual or subgroup) in development

    speech communicative functions, speech understanding, correction

    specific violations of oral and written speech at least 2

    “Efimenkova L.N. Correction of students' speech and writing

    primary classes. - M., 2005, Lalayeva R.I., Serebryakova N.V., Zorina

    S.V. Speech disorders and their correction in children with delay

    mental development: study guide. - M .: VLADOS, 2003 ",

      Staffing of the educational process

    The presence of teachers who have been promoted

    qualifications in the field of inclusive education for at least 72 hours:

    The teachers

    Defectologist teacher (with a specialization in oligophrenopedagogy);

    Educational psychologist (with a specialization in oligophrenopsychology);

    Teacher speech therapist;

    Social teacher,

    Teachers of additional education;

    Inclusion Coordinator.

    3.Regional experience in teaching children with CRA.

    Each region, based on the Law on Education, the requirements of the GEF for the education of children of different categories with disabilities, develops its own models of providing assistance to children with SPD. Regional models of the development of the process of inclusion in education differ from each other by 5 main factors:

      the interested position of the administrative bodies of education management;

      financing options for educational institutions;

      development of psychological and pedagogical support services;

      activity of public organizations;

      availability of trained personnel.

    In the Kemerovo region for children with disabilities created a differentiated system of specialized institutions under the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Social Protection.

    In the Kemerovo region, there are a number of facilities for children with disabilities. But many parents want to teach their children in a regular school at the place of residence, to give them the opportunity to communicate more with their peers. Therefore, the system that has developed over the years has changed. And now there is three approaches to teaching children with disabilities:

      differentiated learning - in special (correctional) institutions that implement adapted basic educational programs for children with disabilities (intellectual impairment - mental retardation, mental retardation, hearing impairment);

      integrated learning   - in special classes in general education institutions (a child attends a special class and studies there according to an adapted program, but at the same time he takes a direct part in school life: attending educational activities and leisure activities together with healthy children, participation in sports competitions and other events);

      inclusive education   - when children with disabilities are taught in the classroom with ordinary children.

    While studying in an educational organization of any type, the student receives systematic assistance from a teacher-pathologist, speech therapist, and psychologist;

    Until September 2014, there were schools in the region (in the cities of Myski and Anzhero-Sudzhensk) implementing the program of the VII type. In connection with the reorganization of educational institutions, the school in Anzhero-Sudzhensk was merged with the secondary school. Pupils continue their studies in classes that implement adapted programs   for children with CRA. The curriculum provides for individual and group remedial classes. In the school curriculum, time for individual and group remedial classes is allocated at the expense of hours of a component of an educational institution. 3-4 students are grouped into groups with the same development gaps or similar learning difficulties. Working with a whole class or with a large number of children in these classes is not allowed.

    Work on individual group classes is aimed at common development   schoolchildren, and on the training of individual mental processes or abilities. Correctional classes are held with students as the teacher, psychologist and speech therapist identify individual gaps in their development and training. Children with speech disorders, if necessary, are given assistance speech therapy point   schools; children with emotional-volitional and cognitive impairments - by a school psychologist-teacher or at the center of psychological, medical and social support.


    The success of teaching children with CRA   in a secondary school it depends on the awareness of surrounding adults: teachers, parents - about the features and problems of teaching and raising children with CRA. Educational productivity directly depends on the qualifications of personnel, their willingness to work with an integrated child. School teachers should have a certain amount of knowledge in the field of correctional pedagogy and special psychology; educational technology, use in the work of special literature.

    In every child, first of all, you need to see a personality that can be nurtured and developed positive human qualities in it.

    To obtain a quality education and psychological adaptation in society, children with CRA must actively interact with other children.

    The main criterion for the effectiveness of inclusive education should be the maximum social adaptation, and in the future - the professional and labor adaptation of children with CRA. Only after that can we talk about educational adaptation and the corresponding dynamics of mastering the program material.

    The educational process should be carried out in such a way that all children can exercise maximum cognitive and social activity in the process of forming (in accordance with their capabilities) social and academic competencies. The dynamics of mastering software materials in children may be different, and this fact must be taken into account when organizing the educational process.

    Interaction with the parents of the child with the CRA, the formation of relations of cooperation and productive interaction, the active involvement of parents in the process of creating special educational conditions, the division of responsibilities between parents and educational organization, flexible and structured management system, continuous monitoring of the educational environment, team activities, changes in strategy and tactics of activity of all employees depending on the results of monitoring is the key to successful training for children .

    Speech therapists, oligophrenopedagogues, educational psychologists, and social educators work closely with both general education teachers and parents of students, constantly monitoring the development of the child and the effectiveness of his or her education.

    Practice convinces that only with the correct and timely identification of violations of the intellectual, verbal and psychophysical development of students, as well as with the implementation of an individually differentiated approach in the process of teaching a child in the general education class, is he able to successfully master the curriculum and adapt to society.


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    31.Materials from sites:

    The creation of an inclusive educational environment aimed at the development of the child’s personality and recognizing its uniqueness, originality and the right to quality education rests primarily on the modernization of the educational system of the educational organization. The guiding principle of an inclusive educational environment is its willingness to adapt to the individual needs of different categories of children through its own flexible restructuring, taking into account the special educational needs of each included child.

    An inclusive educational environment is characterized by a system of value attitude to the education, upbringing and personal development of any child, a set of resources (funds, internal and external conditions) for organizing their education in mass educational institutions and focus on the individual educational needs of students.

    One of the indicators of the effective work of the teaching staff in the implementation of inclusive practices is a flexible, individualized approach to the creation of special conditions of training and education for a child with disabilities. This approach is manifested primarily in the development of a variable individual educational route for a child with disabilities within an educational institution, the development of an adapted educational program, the creation of an inclusive educational environment, and special educational conditions that meet the needs of different categories of children with disabilities. The education of children with disabilities in general educational institutions is an educational innovation and requires methodological analysis, research, and methodological development.

    The creation of comprehensive conditions for the education of all children, taking into account their psychophysical features, should be considered as the main task in the realization of the right to education of children with disabilities.

    Determining the necessary conditions for an adequate education for a child with a disability, a disabled child, education is based on the decisions of the meeting of the Presidium of the Presidential Council for the Implementation of Priority National Projects and Demographic Policy (Section III. The Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of April 18, 2008 No. AF-150/06 “On the creation of conditions for the education of children with disabilities and children with disabilities.” The organization of education of children with disabilities in educational institutions of general type, located, as a rule, at the place of residence of the child and his parents, makes it possible to avoid placing children for a long time in an orphanage, create conditions for their living and upbringing in the family, and ensure their permanent communication with normally developing children and, thus, contributes to the effective solution of problems of their social adaptation and integration into society.

    Under special conditions for education of students with disabilities in Federal law"On Education in the Russian Federation" refers to the conditions of training, education and development of such students, including the use of special educational programs and teaching and education methods, special textbooks, teaching aids and didactic materials, special technical means of teaching collective and individual use, the provision of services Assistant (assistant), providing students with the necessary technical assistance, conducting group and individual remedial classes, providing Access to the buildings of educational organizations and other conditions, without which the development of educational programs for students with disabilities is impossible or difficult.

    The significant diversity of special educational needs of children with disabilities also determines the significant variability of special educational conditions distributed across different resource areas (logistics, including architectural conditions, personnel, information, program-methodical, etc.).

    Thus, it is possible to talk about a holistic system of special educational conditions: starting with the most general, necessary for all categories of children with disabilities, to individual, determining the effectiveness of the implementation of the educational process and the social adaptation of the child in accordance with its features and educational opportunities.

    The creation of special educational conditions necessary for children with disabilities of all categories are divided into the following general areas: organizational support, psychological and pedagogical support, personnel support.