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  • Kgpu named after Tsiolkovsky is official. Monakhov Pyotr Fedorovich. Traditions of teacher education in the region

    Kgpu named after Tsiolkovsky is official.  Monakhov Pyotr Fedorovich.  Traditions of teacher education in the region

    Kaluga State University named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky

    The teaching profession is one of the most demanded today. Despite the sometimes insufficient funding for the education sector, as well as actions individual representatives of this profession, the teacher is the basis for everything. Indeed, in order to learn and educate any literate and cultured person, it is a teacher who is needed.

    Today, the preparation of the teacher himself is not an easy question. Indeed, in order to raise a real teacher and mentor, not only modern educational technologies are needed, but also a competent and highly qualified team of teachers. These are the advantages that the Kaluga State University named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky.

    KSU named after Tsiolkovsky yesterday and today

    KSU named after Tsiolkovsky is perhaps the oldest educational institution region, because it has been counting its history since 1786. True, the status of the university was assigned to an educational institution much later, nevertheless, KSU has a rich history and traditions.

    A huge role in the achievement of all the available successes belongs to the teaching staff of KSU im. Tsiolkovsky, whose basis is people who have devoted all their lives to their profession - to prepare young and promising teachers... Among the teaching staff there are many teachers with scientific and academic degrees, honorary titles and awards. And one more unconditional plus of the institute is an unusually warm, almost family atmosphere, which allows students to study effectively, and teachers to transfer their knowledge.

    For university students, the following faculties are available:

    · Psychology;
    · Primary education;
    · Philological;
    · Historical;
    · Foreign languages;
    · Physics and mathematics;
    · Engineering and pedagogical;

    Each faculty has its own traditions and achievements. For example, one of the youngest is the Faculty of Psychology, which has been operating since 1993. Education at the faculty is conducted in several areas: health psychology, management psychology, economic psychology, legal.

    One of the largest and oldest faculties is Physics and Mathematics. To date, more than 700 students study there. And during its existence, the faculty has trained more than 5 thousand specialists. The faculty trains teachers of physics, mathematics and computer science - people whose task is to teach the future Russian intellectual elite, engineers and designers. It is worth noting that L.S. Atanasyan, the author of textbooks on algebra and geometry, known to all schoolchildren.

    On the basis of the Kaluga University. Tsiolkovsky has a postgraduate course that prepares future scientific personnel in a number of areas, including physics and mathematics, biology, history, philology, pedagogy, sociology, psychology, and cultural studies.

    What is useful for an applicant to KSU im. Tsiolkovsky

    Of great importance at the Kaluga State University named after Tsiolkovsky is attached to work with future students. For this purpose, the university has organized preparatory courses in all subjects for which it is supposed passing the exam still at school.

    As the practice of the institute shows, most of the students who have completed such courses successfully pass the exam at school and become students of KSU.

    To familiarize applicants with the work of the university, the official website of KSU named after Tsiolkovsky on the Internet. The site will acquaint future students with a complete list of specialties for which the university prepares specialists, the rules and procedure for admission to the walls of the institute.

    It should be noted that the university website is very easy to use and informative, which allows you to get all the necessary information about the university.

    KSU named after Tsiolkovsky: To be a good teacher, you need to love what you teach and love those to whom you teach.

    Kaluga State University named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky traces its history back to the main public school of the Kaluga province, founded in 1786 and preparing teachers for district schools. In 1913, a teacher's institute was opened in Kaluga, transformed after 5 years into a pedagogical institute, which gave higher education. Since 1948, it functioned as the Kaluga State Pedagogical Institute, which in 1963 was named after K.E. Tsiolkovsky. Since then, the Tsiolkovsky University has been steadily developing, preserving the best traditions of Russian pedagogy and creating new prospects for humanistic education and the harmonious development of the personality of the younger generations of Russian citizens.

    Among more than 400 highly qualified teachers of the university, working in 35 departments, there are 50 doctors of sciences and more than 200 candidates of sciences. The university has 5 academic buildings, currently another new one is being completed. Specialists are trained at 7 faculties and 2 institutes; the Center for New information technologies and the Center for Complementary vocational education, 11 scientific laboratories. Today, 4500 students study full-time in 25 specialties (9 of them are of a non-pedagogical profile), about 2 thousand students study in absentia, and over the years of its existence, the university has trained about 32 thousand specialists. V educational process for all forms of education, more than 300 computers are used, provided with modern peripherals, united into a single network and connected to the Internet. The fund of the university library has 600 thousand units of storage of educational, scientific and fiction literature.

    Currently, the university carries out fundamental and applied research in the field of philosophy, history, sociology, pedagogy, psychology, linguistics, literature, mathematics, physics, biology, energy, security the environment... There is a postgraduate study in 21 specialties of scientific workers, in which about 130 graduate students and 80 applicants study. There are dissertation councils that defend dissertations in technical, biological, geographical, pedagogical and psychological sciences. KSU regularly hosts international and all-Russian scientific symposia and schools. The university publishes the scientific journal "Bulletin of Kaluga University", yearbooks of scientific works, monographs, thematic collections, tutorials and guidelines.
    The university has created all the conditions for each student to be able to reveal and develop their potential in studies, science, sports, art. Dance ensemble "Credo", competitions "Student Spring" and "Our Hopes", KVN team "As long as", volleyball team "Oka-Burevestnik", football team "Lokomotiv" - these are just some areas of application of various talents of KSU students.
    The mission of the university is expressed in the words of the great Russian scientist and thinker Konstantin Eduardovich Tsiolkovsky: "The basis of all reasonable and good deeds and our future well-being is knowledge."

    Kaluga is the capital of the Kaluga region. Important place in this city is assigned to higher education institutions. Among them, a well-known educational organization with a rich history is Kaluga State University. K. E. Tsiolkovsky. What is this educational institution? Before giving an answer to this question, let's look at some universities in Kaluga.

    Prestigious universities of the city

    Among the educational organizations existing in the city, it is worth highlighting the branch Financial University under the Government of Russia. It is in rather high demand among Kaluga applicants, because it is one of the leading universities in our country. The branch offers a wide range of in-demand areas of training, studying in which you can become economists, financiers, lawyers and other specialists and build a good career in a city like Kaluga.

    State universities of the city also include a branch of the state Moscow technical university them. N.E.Bauman. It prepares managers, economists, engineers for high-tech industrial enterprises. The branch has partners. They are large automotive companies and organizations engaged in the production of various equipment. Thanks to the presence of partners, students have the opportunity to practice at these enterprises and gain important experience.

    About Kaluga State University

    Considering the universities of Kaluga, special attention should be paid to This educational institution is not someone's branch. It appeared in Kaluga. The official date of the foundation of the university in the city is 1948. At this time, a pedagogical institute was opened. However, the history of the university was laid much earlier - at the end of the 18th century with the emergence of the Kaluga provincial school, which later became a classical male gymnasium, and then - a teacher's institute.

    The educational organization became a pedagogical university in 1994. After this moment, a new period began in the history of the university. He continued to grow rapidly, to create new directions for the training of specialists that have become necessary in modern life. As a result, the university became a classical university (not purely pedagogical). This event in history is dated educational organization 2010 year.

    Acquaintance with the history of the university in the museum

    More important and interesting information about Kaluga State University can be found in the museum, which is part of the structure of the university. It has existed for almost 20 years and was opened in honor of a significant event - the 50th anniversary of the higher educational institution. The museum is currently working in several directions:

    • is engaged in educational, educational work, carries out learning activities- conducts excursions, thematic lectures for applicants and students;
    • performs organizational activities - develops expositions of the museum, replenishes its fund with new exhibits.

    In the Kaluga Museum Pedagogical University keeps letters of gratitude and diplomas testifying to the achievements of the university, its importance. There are photographs from previous years. Also in the museum you can see collections of minerals of the Kaluga province, physical devices. The library, functioning at the museum of Kaluga State University, contains literature from various historical periods... The fund includes textbooks, manuals.

    The current state of the university in figures

    If we consider the state of the educational organization at the present time, then we can name the following important figures:

    1. About 4.5 thousand students study full-time, and more than 2 thousand students study part-time. These values ​​indicate that the educational institution is in demand among applicants, interested them in its advantages and various areas of training.
    2. The educational process at the university is organized by more than 450 highly qualified specialists. Approximately 60% of teachers are candidates, doctors of science.
    3. The university has 5 academic buildings. They accommodate lecture halls and practical classes. There are laboratories, computer labs, research centers.

    Material and technical equipment

    An important role in educational process The material and technical equipment of Kaluga State University plays a role, because the quality of education depends on it. Firstly, the university has 39 laboratories for practical training and research work. All premises are equipped with modern equipment, demonstration materials.

    Secondly, the Kaluga State University. K.E. Tsiolkovsky in his educational activities uses an educational and experimental base called the center of tourism and ecology and located in the village of Sivkovo. Practical seminars, laboratory classes are held here, Students are sent to this center to undergo industrial and field practices, perform term papers and graduation projects.

    Thirdly, the university has a library, in the fund of which there are more than 600 thousand copies - there is educational, educational and methodological literature necessary for all areas of training. The library also stores scientific and artistic books, periodicals. We should also pay special attention to the electronic resources of remote access created for students. There are more than 110 thousand of them.

    Faculties and institutes

    Applicants entering the Kaluga State University. K.E. Tsiolkovsky, are interested in the faculties and institutes available in the structure of the university. There are only 2 first structural divisions:

    • philological faculty;
    • Faculty of Foreign Languages.

    There are 8 institutes in total:

    • physical and technological;
    • natural science;
    • pedagogy;
    • psychology;
    • historical and legal;
    • social relations;
    • pre-university training;
    • additional professional education.

    Preparation for entering the university

    At KSU named after Tsiolkovsky for a bachelor's degree is accepted for 3 entrance tests. In some areas, they represent the delivery of only general education subjects, and in others - general education disciplines and a creative or professional assignment (in some specialties, an interview is established instead of it).

    To prepare students for admission to the university, preparatory courses have been created. They are organized by the institute of pre-university training. Training is conducted not only in general education disciplines, but also in professional and creative tests (for areas such as "Pedagogical Education", "Journalism", "Architecture", "Design").

    To prepare for the exam at KSU im. Tsiolkovsky, you can choose courses of different duration: for 4 months, 8 months, 2 years. Students begin to prepare for creative and professional tests in the summer. The duration of these courses is short - only 2 weeks.

    Student life

    At Kaluga State University, after enrollment, school days begin. However, lecture notes, cramming textbooks, and homework are not the only activities for students. Students who want to do something extra find activities to their liking. Some join a sports club. It has sections on various games (tennis, volleyball, etc.). There are also classes in aerobics, tourism, arm wrestling.

    Some of the students work in the volunteer headquarters. They help adults in difficult situations. life situation, collect warm clothes, shoes, household chemicals for them. Help is provided to children as well. For them, volunteers collect toys, stationery, clothes.

    Thus, applicants considering universities in Kaluga should definitely pay attention to KSU. Kaluga State University KE Tsiolkovsky is an educational institution in which student life is diverse and interesting. Here people receive not only education, but also opportunities for self-development and strengthening their health.