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  • Published data on NKVD employees. As the descendants of the NKVD staff assess the activities of their relatives. This is a list of executors, direct performers, or simply a list of NKVD employees of a certain historical period

    Published data on NKVD employees. As the descendants of the NKVD staff assess the activities of their relatives. This is a list of executors, direct performers, or simply a list of NKVD employees of a certain historical period

    Recently, the Russian human rights organization "Memorial" posted on the Internet database of NKVD employees - the punitive structure of the Stalin's time, which carried out mass repression.

    This news caused a grand scandal in Russia, without subsidizing a week. The heirs of Soviet Chekists, as well as the few living personists of the lists, turned with an open letter to the President of Russia, requiring close access to the information "Memorial". Descendants of state security agents fear for their own safety! "Children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren can take revenge for repressed ancestors," the authors of the open letter are approved.

    The database is directly related to Ukraine - contains information about 987 employees of the NKVD of the Ukrainian SSR who worked in the central office of the punitive office in Kiev, as well as seven regions (Vinnitsa, Dnepropetrovsk, Donetsk, Kiev, Odessa, Kharkiv and Chernigov). Nevertheless, the promulgation of the names of Ukrainian Encahedists did not cause any significant reaction in our country. Why is such a difference in perception?

    Owners of titles

    First of all, you should clarify what we are talking about. No "NKVD secret database", as many believe (and how to present some media), never existed. We are talking about the reference book "Personnel composition of the USSR state security agencies. 1935-1939 ", compiled on his own initiative, the modern Russian researcher Andrey Nikolayevich Zhukov. He scolded information from the orders of the leadership of the NKVD of the USSR by personnel: whom awarded who were raised in the rank, whom they were transferred to a new position, and whom they were fired from or planted. For 15 years of work has accumulated information by almost 40,000 people.

    The base covers not only investigators who have directly tortured people and beat their victims to promote themselves and others. There were also other NKVD cadres - intentes, military vets, military doctors, police officers (not to be confused with state security agents), border guards (they were also formally entered into the NKVD), that is, people who did not directly attribute to repression.

    Thus, a reference book "Personnel composition ..." is not at all the "Wikipedia of Palables", as a spectacular resented the result of the long-term work of Zhukov Russian "New Gazeta". Yes, and the author himself did not pursue a similar purpose. "The task that A. N. Zhukov set, we read in the description" On the Project, "- to give a complete list of persons who, in the period from December 1935 to June 1939, were assigned special ranks in the state security system" . And no more!

    It also makes sense to clarify that the information collected for each personnel cannot be called a dossier. Yet dossier, if you believe "Dictionary foreign words", This is a" meeting of documents (certificates, characteristics, references, etc.), related to some kind of business, a matter, face, as well as a folder with such documents. " However, the directory takes into account only personal data on a particular person: FULL NAME, year and place of birth, nationality, party, the beginning of service in bodies, positions, titles, awards, were subjected to repressions, year and place of death.

    Moscow lags behind

    Vsevolod Balitsky headed the NKVD of the Ukrainian SSR in 1934-1937, is present in the database

    Why did the publication of the reference book produced such a furor in Russia? Yes, because the archives of the special services (and not only the special services!) There are still behind the seven castles. The country still lives in the framework of the Soviet historical myth, a little corrected with love for the imperial house of Romanovs and stupid glorification of Stalin.

    It has come to the fact that too frank publications of the "restructuring" of Stalinist repressions are now considered as a discrepancy between the glorious past.

    Against this background, the refinement of the personalities of the NKVD staff looks definitely a sensation. Already on the first day of work, the project site opened with interruptions, barely copes with the flow of those who want to know the names of the creators of Big Terror.

    Is it threatened by published information of the life of descendants of the draft directories? Unlikely. According to the dry personal data given in it, it is impossible to understand whether to participate in interrogations and torture of people. And why fear the descendants of Encahedists in the country of the winning NKVD?

    There are several reasons why Zhukov's reference book did not have a sensation in Ukraine. The first and obvious - this kind of book came out in Kiev back in 1997. It is called "CC-GPU-NKVD in Ukraїnі: individuals, factories, document." Its authors Yuri Shappowed, Vladimir Bicycle and Vadim Zolotarev presented at 608 pages of the biographies of Chekist-Encahedists of different ranks and ranks, published the previously classified documents and so on. So Moscow, causing in his Soviet past, lagging behind in Kiev for two decades.

    Nikolai Ezhov, one of the most terrible symbols of Stalin's terror. He headed the NKVD of the USSR in 1936-1938

    The second reason is the historical memory of Ukrainian society much more volume than Russian. Over the past decade, we touched on (and made the subject of public discussion) a lot of pain points of recent Ukrainian history - Holodomor, Golden September 1939, Karpathian Ukraine, Holocaust, UPA, deportation crimean Tatars, Pursuit of the sixties and so on.

    Yes, and the decombid process, with all its costs, prompted to re-comprehend the role of certain episodes and personalities of our recent history. And Russia only has to learn the lessons of history - real, and not the one that is set out in modern Russian bestsellers, such as "the truth about the Soviet Union. What country do we lose? "

    Where spids were taken from

    Of course, the NKVD of the Ukrainian SSR was an integral part of the NKVD of the USSR, and many events were held at the pointer from Moscow. For example, in May 1938, the NKVD sent a reference to the fact that in all regions of Ukraine there is an anti-Soviet White Guardian officer underground, which, on the instructions of the "Russian General Oily Union", conducts counter-revolutionary work and has connections with the ESEROV organizations.

    It is easy to understand that the directive about the organization with this name was obtained from the capital Soviet Union. And the methods of work of the NKVD of the Ukrainian SSR in this case did not differ from other republics. In particular, the Poltava Regional Office arrested the former generals of the royal army of Dobryansky and Yakovleva, as well as former colonels of Kapustin, Excavievsky, Tolushin. These were the elderly people who have long moved from politics and who did not have any anti-Soviet intentions. However, under the torture they were forced to confess that the branched White Guard underground acted in the region. "Punishing sword" of state security. From here I. miscellaneous methods Work.

    Here are just a few "original" tasks entrusted and implemented by the NKVD of the Ukrainian SSR: deportation in 1936 Polyakov Kiev and Vinnitsa regions in Kazakhstan, the fight against the Ounovsky underground in 1940-1941, holding four waves of mass deportations from the Soviet Galician, the creation of operational-chekist groups for "stripping" of Bukovina, etc.

    Actually, a deep understanding of the mechanisms of such events and gives an idea of \u200b\u200bthe behavior of the totalitarian state destroying its own citizens. This is a guarantee that this should not be repeated in the future. The promulgation of the names of employees of punitive organs is only the first step on this long path. By themselves, the surnames do not give anything. During the years of restructuring, such information, indeed, caused considerable interest. But now we went much further. And Russia remained at about the same point, where the restructuring ended.

    The "Memorial" site appeared section, which is a database of the "personnel composition of state security agencies of the USSR. 1935-1939", which presents data on 39 thousand 950 NKVD employees. The information that was based on the base was collected by the researcher Andrei Zhukov.

    The project description indicates that the directory will be useful to interested soviet history. "So, in particular, with the help of the directories, it will become possible to attribute many state security officers of the Epoch of the Big Terror, which is still known only by the name (as a rule, even without indication of the name and patronymic) - from signatures in investigative cases or from references in memoir texts. The emergence of a reference book is a significant step towards a more in-depth and accurate understanding of the tragic history of our country in the 30s of the twentieth century, "the message" Memorial "leads

    The structure of the database allows you to search for both alphabetically and at the place of service, the titles or award-winning individuals. The repressed staff of the NKVD is submitted to a separate category. The completeness of information about specific personalities in the directory depends on the source from which the information was drawn. In some cases, only the names and initials are known about the NKVD employee, in some cases the dates of the beginning and end of service are established.

    In May of this year, Memorial released a reference book on a CD. As reported by Radio Freedom, the main source of information was the orders of the NKVD of the USSR on personnel. It contains the rooms and dates of orders for the assignment of specials and dismissal from the NKVD, which often meant the subsequent arrest. They also have information about the posts received by state reports and awarding the signs of the Honorary Worker of the HCC GPU. In addition, the compiler of the reference book Andrei Zhukov used data from other sources - first of all, about the dead and missing during the war years, as well as subjected to repression.

    At the presentation of the disk, the Chairman of the Board of the International Memorial of Arseny Roginsky said that many years ago attentive attention to a person, who once again came to the Memorial and worked out one "Book of Memory" for another, writing something into the barn book.

    "In general, the" memorial "is a place where the cranks of various kinds are a lot. But a person who once again revised in a row all the" Books of Memory "- it is still unique, so it was not possible not to be interested in what is still He does. It turns out that from all the "Books of Memory" he then discharged state security officers, "Roginsky told.

    Later it turned out that Andrei Zhukov works on the most different sources, not only on the "memory books". First of all, these were personnel orders of the NKVD bodies, which are stored in the State Archive of the Russian Federation and are accessible to study.

    "In some minute, we realized that from this you need to do something. It is impossible to leave all this heritage of home cards or notebooks, barn books, whom Andrei Nikolayevich got an unmeasured number. Next was more or less invented how to do it, And the topic is more or less designated. Not everyone was at all - from Adam and Eve to the present day. We were limited to a certain period, and on the disk it is designated: 1935-1939. We chose to this disk from everywhere, from Andrei Nikolayevich's gold reserves, those People who have received a selection during these years. As we remember, they were introduced in 1935. The people who received them during the first four years, and there are our characters, "says the representative of Memorial.

    According to Roginsky, still black versions of the database allowed important discoveries. So, for example, it turned out that in the novel Yuri Dombrovsky "Faculty of unnecessary things" all the names of Chekists - genuine.

    "Even books are written about many characters, some were themselves for criminal law enforcement different bases. Someone - due to the fact that he refused to hold the 447th order (the secret order of the NKVD dated July 30, 1937 "On the operation on the repressing of former fists, criminals and other anti-Soviet elements", in which from August 1937 to November 1938 were executed 390 thousand and shipped 380 thousand people in camps. - Approx. website) Or not enough actively conducted it, such cases are also known, "the historian Yang Rachinsky mentioned in the database of people mentioned in the database.

    As Rachinsky noted in an interview with the project lesson, the database has taken 15 years.

    November 23, 2016 on the site of human rights society "Memorial" Access to the Directory A. N. Zhukov "The personnel composition of the state security bodies of the USSR. 1935-1939 ". The directory contains a brief information about 39 950 NKVD staffwho received special titles of the state security system from the moment of their introduction in 1935 to early 1941 Special attention is paid to the period with autumn 1935 until mid 1939 An important source of information when creating a reference was orders of the NKVD the USSR according to personnel. The directory shows the numbers and dates of orders for the assignment of special ranks and on the dismissal from the NKVD, the data on the posts occupied at the time of the dismissal, and in addition, materials about the received state awards and the awarding signs "Honorary Worker of the HCH-GPU". Details are complemented by biographical information from other sources - documents on dead and missing During the years, as well as repressed.

    The directory will be useful to people who are interested in history. soviet period, as well as descendants of repressed. With it, it will be possible to figure out more complete biographical data on the staff of the State Security Employment Big Terror", Well-known only by last name, personal signature and mentions of other people. The emergence of such a reference book is an important step towards a more in-depth and loyal understanding. tragic history of our state in the 1930s of the twentieth century.

    The basis of the directories served information about the NKVD employees collected in libraries and archives Andrey Nikolayevich Zhukov. Insofar as until the 1990s The archives were closed, and get the documents of the period " Big Terror"It was almost impossible, the main source of information for the reference book was periodic editions XX centurywho published information about the awards of employees of the NKVD and brief biographical references When electing the heads of the NKVD-UNKVD, deputies of the Supreme Soviets. In the 1990s Archival documents on the awards of employees of the state security and deprivation of their orders and the orders of the NKVD on personnel are available on the movements of employees and the assignment of personal ranks. Study of these documents A. N. Zhukov dedicated many years.

    Structure of the NKVD of the USSR Second Half 1930s It was quite complicated. The General Directorate of State Security (HugB) and its bodies in the field of state security management (UGB) occupied a special place. It was on GUGB and UGB that the duty to combat " enemies of the people" It is also known that during " mass operations» 1937-1938 In the conduct of arrests, and sometimes the investigations participated different units of the NKVD: border and internal troops, militia, economic divisions. But the main role in the repression was performed by the employees of the GUGB-UGB. It is on them lies main responsibility For the implementation of the repressions of the Soviet leadership.

    The compiler of the reference book was studied printed collections of the Orders of the NKVD for a personnel for the period 1935-1940. (Garf F. 9401. OP. 9A. D. 1-65). For a period of from December 1935 to mid 1939. The directory has an almost complete list of state security officers who had special ranks. The directory provides information and the staff of other NKVD structures, in particular, administrative and economic management. In archival materials of the CEC and the Supreme Soviet of the USSR (Garf. F. 7523. OP. 7, 44), the affairs of the NKVD staff were studied, awarded Order Lenin. Personal information Of these cases (FULL NAME, year and place of birth, information about the party and place of work, rewards) is also included in the directory. Included in the directory and information about repressionswho were subjected to the NKVD employees. Basically, these data are taken from Books of memory of victims of political repressionpublished in many regions former USSR, as well as from the consolidated database of the Memorial Company.

    Note that after publishing data on the NKVD employees, the Memorial website was overloadedwhat is a consequence huge interest People to the directories A. N. Zhukova "Personnel composition of the state security bodies of the USSR. 1935-1939. "

    In the Kremlin, there is no placement on the Memorial website of information on the Employees of the NKVD period stalinist repressions 1935-1939 "I will leave, perhaps, without commenting this question", - Press Secretary of the President of the Russian Federation Dmitry Peskov. "The topic is very sensitive, it is obvious that here opinions differ in many, there are diametrically opposite points of view, and those and others sometimes perform very reasoned", - said the representative of the Kremlin.

    IN last years Interest in the Soviet era increased. Many people are trying to find information About their repressed ancestors. Big resonance caused the history of the resident of Tomsk, Denis Karagodinawhich conducted an investigation into the massacre committed in Tomsk in 1938.. In 1938. Was shot his great-grandfather Stepan Ivanovich Karagodin, and a few more people. Denis Karagen installed the names of allwho participated in falsifying charges against his great-grandfather and still seven people arrested by " Harbinsky case", And traced a criminal chain - from the Kremlin initiators" Big Terror"To ordinary performers in Tomsk, right up to drivers" black Voronkov"And the typist.

    As you know, the FSB archives are reluctant to share information, but Denis Karagodina managed to find a large number of documents testifying how worked machine of Stalinist repressions, destroying innocent. "Now we have the whole chain of killers fully: from the Politburo to a specific executioner"- reports Denis Karagodin.

    "The second part of the investigation project is to bring to criminal liability of all those responsible for the murder of Stepan Ivanovich Karagodina. An absolutely whole chain, from organizers of this particular murder - members of the Politburo in Moscow (led by a citizen of Jugashvili Iosif Vissarionovich, 1878 born, more famous for the pseudonyms "Koba", "Stalin"), to specific executives in the city of Tomsk (citizens: Zyryanova Nikolai Ivanovich, 1912; Denisova Sergey Timofeevich, 1892 born and socks Ekaterina Mikhailovna, born in 1903). The chain of murderers is quite long - more than 20 people: organizers, executives, performers, partners - all. The accusation is actual: a group of persons on the preliminary conspiracy committed massacre. Scenarios of this legal procedure (about bringing to responsibility) already developed ", - writes Denis.

    On the investigation of D. Karagodina recognized the granddaughter of one of the executioners of Tomsk UNNVD - N. I. Zyryanova - Yulia. Julia wrote a letter to D. Karagodina. Below are quotes.

    My grandmother's father (mother's mother), my great-grandfather, was taken from the house, on the bottom, in the same years that he didn't return to your great-grandfather and home, and there were 4 daughters left at home, my grandmother was younger ... That's how it turned out now that in one family and sacrifices and executioners ... It is very bitter to realize it, it hurts very much ... But I will never be able to divert from the history of my family, whatever it is. It will help me all this to experience the consciousness that neither I nor all my relatives, which I know, remember and love, are not involved in these atrocities that happened in those years ... " "That grief, which people brought such people do not atone ... The task of the next generations is simply not to silent, all things and events should be called their own names. And the goal of my letter to you is to just tell you that I now know about such a shameful page in the history of my family and completely on your side. " "But we never change in society if you don't open the whole truth. Formerly, Stalinists, monuments of Stalin, have now appeared again, it is simply in the head, it is not amenable to no understanding.

    Quotes from the letter taken from the site:

    "The personnel composition of state security officers of the USSR 1935-1939" today is the most complete list of NKVD staff of the Great Terror period. On the database, which took up 15 years, tells one of the project managers, the co-chairman of the Moscow Memorial Yang Rachinsky.

    - Tell me what exactly is on this disk?

    This is a reference book on the personnel composition of the state security bodies, not the NKVD as a whole, because firefighters and border guards, and a number of other services, namely, state security, those people who had special titles introduced at the end of 1935 were also included in the NKVD. This is just those who carried out a big terror, because the disk covers the period 1935-1939.

    This covers the entire pyramid of the NKVD hierarchy or some separate ranks, say, are presented in more detail or less detail?

    In principle, everyone who has had to have a special state security officers, ranging from Sergeant to the General Commissioner, all without exception. Of course, there may be some skipping different reasons: or by the fatigue of the compiler may be random pass, or because some orders were not published, had a vulture and was not available. But such extremely few. 90%, in any case, personnel composition here is presented.

    - How did these names and data on them come from?

    The compiler of this reference book Andrei Nikolayevich Zhukov was engaged in this topic for many years. At first, he was interested in repression against Chekists, which they say a lot and which, as it turns out from this arch, is very exaggerated. But on, he, as a person with a collector vest, began to already collect not only repressed, and everyone, just to understand how it agreed with the total number, and in general, a lot of sources worked. At first it was open sources - well, conditionally open, you can not call them easily accessible. Also, at one time, Nikita Petrov worked on newspaper publications and partly in different propaganda books, but then the archives were opened.

    The first, of course, these are personnel orders, Orders on the Labor NKVD - this is a lot of volumes. They exist in the original source and exist with the typographic way of reproduced collections that were sent on management, just in place in the places could also verify.

    - That is, in other words, there is no one minus list of NKVD employees?

    - sounds like a paradox, is it really a thorough account of its framesnatural part of the life of any power department, and even more so the NKVD?

    In the NKVD personnel department, there may be any files, most likely, as there are also personal affairs of employees who are not available to today, so you have to contact such sources. I had to view orders in a row. The orders of two types are mainly used: orders for assigning titles and orders for dismissal.

    All this is to reduce each other in itself, there is already a nontrivial task - after all, in orders about the assignment of the titles, there is a surname, name and patronymic, and in the instructions about the dismissal there is a position with which a Chekist is dismissed, but, as a rule, there is no name and patronymic initials. And with such a huge amount - over 40 000 characters - naturally, the mass of single-fampots, and twinks are still up to a dozen

    The second source is also seriously tightly worked - this is the fund of the premium department of the Presidium of the Supreme Council, which was viewed and where the security officers were also identified. It has already had to be browsing. It has been identified naturally, not all, but, nevertheless, there are a lot of these awards, and they were one of the important sources of biographical information.

    It is especially essential that when awarding the Order of Lenin, the candidate filled out a questionnaire with basic biographical information, so the date and place of birth and other minimum information from there could be taken.

    Of course, this is just the starting point, this is the first step, very important and almost the most difficult.

    Tell us more about Andrei Nikolayevich, who, in fact, collected all this data. After all, as far as I know, he left about 15 years old.

    It all started in the docking era. The first version of his work is a big notebook, these extracts were then transferred to the cards and from the cards he already entered it into a computer in the form of a text file with a multitude of conventional abbreviations, which then needed to decipher, it was necessary to check carefully, because with such a hand letter Inevitable typos. In general, this is a colossal amount of work, it is even not clear how one person could master this.

    It is not limited to security officers, he collected quite a lot of information on repression in the army, he has extensive very information on this topic, but they are still treated to the repressed and towards the assistant, if we talk about unpresherized.

    Did you say that Zhukov was initially interested in the topic of repression among the NKVD employees - is it somehow reflected in the database?

    In the database, the repression information is given, but a special cut of such - the repressed employees - today there is probably no, it will appear in the Internet version. This is due to the fact that this information is incomplete. The position on the passage of the service was a special article on the dismissal of 38 "b", which meant dismissal in connection with arrest, that is, we already know that a person is arrested, but for a large number of dismissed in this way we have no information that exactly It followed, because most of the noticeable part, for example, the arrested NKVD employees were subsequently released. Even those who were convicted at the beginning of the war, in the first a year and a half, many were released and sent to the front, and someone and in the rear were left to continue their work. We also know such examples. Therefore, as long as information about repression is not fully full to represent it in the form of a separate category.

    Our technical role is my and not only mine, it was to bring it in a view convenient for use. This is the first version, on the Internet it will be improved.

    - That is, your "function" was to turn it into the database.

    Yes, process it in such a way that it has acquired some unified structure, Functionally similar to Wikipedia.

    - Is there any preliminary release date of the Internet version?

    We want to do this by the end of the year, because there will still be supplements - now it is already obvious that there will be quite a lot of them.

    - How does the login arranged in this database, each name has a certain set of additional information?

    Yes, each name has a set of information, in the preface it is written as it can be the maximum, but for very many - for good half - comes down to the only record of the title of title - Sergeant or Junior Lieutenant, and more Nothing about a person today We do not know. But, nevertheless, this is at least the name and patronymic, and often a binding to the region. This allows you to identify these employees, investigators that often only appear with the surname, and nothing more is unknown, this is some of the next step towards identification. Today, there we have systematization according to the alphabet, on the titles, on award-winning and by regions - here are four such cuts.

    And, in fact, when it appears on the Internet, it will be possible to add information and from a wide variety of sources, to tie there and fragments of memories, and some pieces of subsequent investigations of a particular character.

    There is a few more, because here we have a list just closed, that is, we more or less know the heroes that can be addressed a little, but the list of personalities is close to exhaustion. But for each personality, you can add a lot.