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  • How to interest the child to learn English. How the method works. Different approaches and gameplay

    How to interest the child to learn English. How the method works. Different approaches and gameplay

    Not knowing how to interest the child with study of English languageMany parents simply force their children to learn a foreign language simply "because it is necessary." But children should feel sincere interest and motivation to something to "want" to be replaced by "want." Only in this case can we expect positive results from child learning English.

    17 tips, how to interest the child learning English

    1. Learn English with a child together. This can be done for watching cartoons, both in English, and in Russian, translating the words and phrases that pronounce cartoons.
    2. Use foreign words in everyday life. For example, you can study the names of the products and dishes at lunch, and during the walk - the names of transport, colors and trees.
    3. Pronounce requests in English, thereby fixing the basic finished phrases in English in the memory of the child. It may be requests to remove toys, bring water, feed a handle or sheet of paper. Hello and say goodbye, apologize and thank in a foreign language.
    4. Turn on English songs simply backdrop or siss them yourself. The child will listen and memorize words.
    5. Constantly alternate various ways to teach the child English: reading books, watching cartoons, memorizing words on cards, computer games for teaching English.
    6. Praise the child and encourage with any success in memorizing vocabulary, and even more so, with independent use of it in everyday life.
    7. Do not study when the child is not in the mood. You will not be able to interest the child by English, if all his thoughts are aimed at some experiences, or if he is very tired.
    8. Be sure to enter game moments, because Best of all, the child perceives something new in the game process.
    9. Create didactic material together. For example, you write words in English on cards, and the child is in Russian and paints cards.
    10. If, when teaching English, the child acts categorically against some kind of activity, for example, he does not want to write foreign words, do not force. Forget for some time about it and return later.
    11. Make breaks during classes, arrange the game change, during which you can jump, run or just calmly talk to the distracted topics.
    12. English classes with young children should not last more than 30-35 minutes.
    13. Do not wait for quick results and are not angry with a child if he cannot be interested in English seriously. If he is constantly scolding for ignorance of a foreign language, the child will have a steady negative attitude towards English, from which it will be almost impossible to get rid of it.
    14. Show your interest in learning English. In children for whom parents are authority, such a property is constantly manifested as copying. If you won't be indifferent to the success and problems of your child in the study of a foreign language, he will be engaged with greater dedication.
    15. Choose interesting, colorful, illustrated books, textbooks for English language.
    16. Tell the child how you will use English when you go on the journey. After all, in English you can speak in any country, because It is international.
    17. Choose good tutor. A teacher who likes the child as a person as a person as a teacher is 50% of success (another 50% is hardworking and regularity of training). A professional teacher will be able not only to learn English to teach high quality, but he will also be able to easily and naturally interest the child in English!

    Many argue about what age is to begin teaching the child to English. If you want to develop bilingualism, it is worth starting to pay attention to both languages.

    We draw attention to the fact that two languages \u200b\u200bshould be used absolutely equal amount of time. If you pay 30 minutes by Russian, give 30 minutes and English. If such a task seems to you unbearable, start learning the child foreign language Then when he speaks well to his native.

    So, how to get a child English?

    Little child all activities in which he is involved is reminded by the game. And therefore, in such a game, cards, color pictures, toys, dishes, poems, rhymes should be used, and, of course, the fantasy of the teacher. From the point of view of a small carappusion, everything is the same as before, only in other languages. Immersing in the game, the child involuntarily repeats everything that he is told. But the main task is to constantly change the activity so that the child does not become boring.

    • Junior school age, or through a computer - to English

    Children of younger school age are striving for interesting information. Do not write a child to courses, reminiscent of school. Thus, the desire to learn English only will decrease to a minimum. Find where numerous types of work will be used, such as imitation, design and visual activities, scene-role games, board games, games with cards and so on.

    The task of parents of the house is to support the desire of a child to receive new knowledge. If a child wants to read a book in English, you need to find the very book and help the child to master it. Also also video games, audiobooks, songs in English. Use all the power of the Internet cobweb so that the child can realize the knowledge gained: read, translate, retell. The influence of the parent in a small age is high enough, so use it for the benefit.

    • I see, I hear, I repeat, or

    Another way to interest the child English is online learning. With the help of such classes, the child can master the tongue together with the parent, without leaving the house. Modern techniques allow you to maximize the child in learning a language, so that after a short period of time you will notice the results.

    • Hello! Hi! How Are you Doing? Traveling and learn language

    The ability to travel is another way to attract the child's attention to other culture. Feel free to explain to your tea that the world is full of discoveries. Tell us that among 7 billion people on Earth, English knows more than 46% of people (including native speakers). Explain to the child that in order for him to understand, he should together with the standard "hello" say "Hello", and instead of "while" say "BYE-BYE". In a situation where the child is in a foreign-speaking environment, it is easier for him to adjust, understand and repeat than being at home, to find the true reason to learn English.

    Frederico Fellini said: "Another language is another vision of life." (A Different Language IS A Different Vision Of Life). We instill a child, this is another vision, and he will grow a good man.

    Small children have an amazing feature: to quickly perceive and memorize the new information obtained. The data and information that is hardly remembered and is given to an adult person, small boys and girls "grab on the fly".

    Foreign language for modern successful man plays an important role. It is for this reason that parents seek to ensure the acquisition of knowledge in English, French or German at an early age.

    In order for the classes to be effective, it is necessary to call sincere interest from the Son or daughter. Only in this case the lessons will give the desired result.

    Helpful information

    For school children, a foreign language is just another subject in school, where only the formal study is happening. The child feels the need to study the same way as in solving mathematical examples or writing an essay. Therefore, students do not feel enthusiasm and are not interested in learning English, French or other languages. The formal atmosphere provokes low efficiency from the educational process.

    It is worth noting that, according to official data and studies conducted, young students better absorb knowledge aged three to ten years. It is during this period that their right hemisphere develops. How at this age to cause interest in a foreign language?

    1. Tutors. It is advisable to use the services of tutors who offer lessons on specially designed methods for young Pupils. Exactly individual sessions help get the required result, as the teacher develops special program Taking into account the abilities of the future student and other important factors.

    It is very important that the chosen teachers have extensive experience with a children's audience, for example, has experienced at school. When choosing, you need to pay attention to feedback from the former students and their parents.

    German, French and English by Skype - a wonderful modern version distance learningHelping to save time and money.

    2. Communication. It is very important to immerse children into the language environment. To secure the knowledge gained from the tutor, you must regularly view the cartoons and videos with it together, which is interesting to "Young Tenderkind." When viewing it is necessary to communicate: ask questions or respond to them.

    3. Create an active linguistic environment. If parents own a foreign language, then it is necessary to try to constantly communicate on it. Children love to look "smart", so they can be interested in them, as they will sound in French, German or English one or another thing, thing or product, pretending that you do not know the correct answer.

    4. Game. Any kid is several times better thanks a foreign speech if learning occurs in a game form. Therefore, it is important that the tutor, and parents pretended the necessary knowledge with the help of toys, etc.

    5. Sincere interest. The child often does not show that he does not work something and because of this, complexes may arise, which in the future will be very disturbed. Parents often see it, but in certain situations they do not notice. Therefore, it is very important to carefully ask his daughter or a son: that he does not work, which is given with difficulty, what problems he has in teaching a foreign language. Not under no circumstances should the voice or swearing. This will lead to negative impact on children's psyche and closedness.

    Experienced tutor, regular viewing of cartoons and listening to children's songs in English, German or French, active participation Parents in the learning process will lead to the desired result.

    Adults perfectly understand that for a successful career in modern world English is needed. But how to convince the child in that? Of course, in school, the language is often taught almost from the second class, but, unfortunately, teachers are not always able to interest children with this subject. What to do? How to cause a child an interest in learning a foreign language?

    Tell the child that he already knows a lot english words. And at this point you do not even need to smoke. After all, any modern child He knows, for example, words like basketball, volleyball, computer, telephone or video. Explain to your choice that all these words came from English and are pronounced on it almost the same. Turn the search for such words in an interesting game.
    You can even go a little further and tell about the word formation of some of these words. An inquisitive child will be exactly interesting to know that the familiar word football, for example, consists of two words "foot" and "Ball" (Foot + Ball). Ask him to suggest which word "hiding" at the beginning of the word basketball.

    Pay attention to your favorite characters and child games. Many toys retain their original english name. How are "angry birds" and what does "Hello Kitty" mean? Looking together with the child in the translation dictionary. Do not forget to ask the baby, why does he think it is named right? Do not be afraid to "translate" the whole house! Find out what incomprehensible inscriptions on daddy T-shirts mean, which is written on a grandmother's favorite mug or that hides the inscription on the calendar.

    Put a child cartoons in English. But it is not necessary to drastically change the language of viewing in the middle of the season. It can cause a child only irritation. It is better to choose some learning cartoon film and start looking from the very beginning in English. Ideally, if you can find time and watch a cartoon along with the child. By the way, about how to teach English with the help of cartoons, we wrote here in this article.

    Download a program that will help the child learning tongue. Now there are a lot of programs on the Internet, which formed, and entertain the child at the same time. Your baby will be able to learn the tongue saving, for example, a mouse from a cat or dialing points in an interesting game. He himself will not notice how new words will learn and enrich his new grammatical structures.

    Sick the child cheerful pictures in English. Help the child to translate and understand English humor. Perhaps you should pay attention to short jokes in English. In such an entertaining form, your baby will remember new words, and the model of building an English proposal.

    Find out what I feel in the songs-screensavers of your favorite cartoons. Here you can not only translate the lyrics, but also to learn it together. Well, of course, singing every time you hear a familiar melody.

    Do not immediately wait for some stunning results. Remember that with the gradual immersion of the child in English, we pursue distant goals. The most important thing is that the child is interested in the tongue, he wanted to learn more. At this first stage, it is not necessary to force a child to sit for a few hours for the dictionary, in search of the translation of some songs. 20-25 minutes to begin with enough. If you see that the baby became interested in English, then you can begin and read it in this language. Do not rush anywhere, and you will definitely work out! You will not have time to notice how your child himself will ask you to learn new words with him.

    Schutikova Anna

    I teach English at school for gifted children. This school works with those who dance perfectly, sings, plays musical instruments. Having tense extracurricular activities: Concerts, rehearsals, festivals, executive skill contests, children comprehend the shared secondary education. In these difficult conditions for each child, health-saving technologies are gaining great importance.

    First of all, I try to organize a lesson correctly. Frequent activity change - reading, listening, speaking, brainstormIt is organized by chain, independent five-minute, collective discussion of homework - all this is an integral part of each lesson. Each type of work should not exceed 10 minutes, since the proliferation of the task leads to fatigue, and stronger students begin to emotionally pressing weaker, which is categorically unacceptable. For a positive attitude is very important differentiated approach and the creation of a benevolent atmosphere in the lesson.

    Work forms in English lessons

    English is a rather complex subject, so it is necessary for its successful development. Pupils need to perceive a lot of information on someone else's language for them, but they don't know how to carry out parallels with their native language, so in their lessons I very often appeal to the topic. We are discussing borrowing from English, we translate the names of professions with high school students, we work with political terms (summit, tolerance, etc.). Students of junior classes are happy to translate product names, shops, looking for interesting inscriptions on T-shirts. It increases interest in the subject, the heuristic approach makes English not just the subject, but part of life.

    Children of our school are often in different countries at festivals. They face there with the need to communicate with peers. But on the other hand, they see that in many countries the service personnel knows Russian, and gesturing language helps in various situations. Using this experience in their lessons, I spend emotional discharges - for a short time Children must, using the studied vocabulary, and maybe the language of gestures, solve the proposed problem, how to buy in the Water Store, ask the way, to find a toilet without using a single Russian word. These playful situations in a positive key help students remember the clichés that they will still help them in their travels.

    The most favorite activity is working with the song. Singing activates the functions of the breathing apparatus, increases emotional mood. I use this type of activity as a differentiated homework, as a project, the result of which is a performance on a community-wide concert. For example, the song of Lara Fabian "Mom My" perfectly sounded at a concert dedicated to the Day of Mother, and at the same time, the executive students worked out the pronunciation, vocabulary, and the translation of the language barrier was carried out in a psychological plan.

    How to interest students in English lessons

    The item "English" is very multifaceted. Culture, art, cinema, politics, lifestyle, all so do not cover. Motivation to lessons, of course, can enhance various experiments:

    - Recipes of English cuisine and not only. For example, the preparation of sandwiches in the fifth grade - as well as conversations about hygiene and healthy nutritionWhen theme "Food" is studied. As differentiated homework In older classes, I propose a message about the traditional kitchen of some country (Japan - 8th grade, Bento cooking), a recipe or preparation of a dish proposed by the compilers of the textbook.

    - Holidays. The guys make up the unusual holidays of the world, (design technique) or arrange a holiday in the lesson (it depends on class, potential and employment). For example, the most favorite lesson for the fifth-sixth grade is the last lesson of the second quarter, on which we are 10-15 minutes we pay the Holiday Christmas. The guys tear the crackers made at home, give each other greeting cards in English and, of course, sing christmas songs that they are glad to integrate in their free time. Students of the senior classes are studying the Christmas songs of the peoples of the world and are looking for interesting New Year traditions on the Internet. With especially creative groups, we hold Halloween holiday. Children in advance of terrible stories in advance, work out the pronunciation, come up with costumes and the last ten minutes of the lesson (preferably the last lesson of the first quarter), we sit down on the floor around the pumpkin, the students tell their terrible stories with a variety of effects, and after that we are going to scare another group . Such a lesson has a huge number of positive moments - and activation of skills written speech, fixing lexical and grammatical skills, testing pronunciation (after all it is very important to be understood), and the health of the saving positive attitude, an emotional charge, the development of creative potential, the success situation (compensatory skills - the absence proponunciationAs a rule, with interest compensated by artistry).

    All this and much more allow students to enjoy lessons, tune in to a good pace, because if not boring, then you can have much time, and, oddly enough, with huge employment in after school hours, almost all students come to my lessons with homework homework .

    Of course, it is not needed a permanent holiday and entertainment, and it is possible to relax only after hard worked hard, so it is very important to interest, inhabit the children. I am pleased to play with them while they are in the fifth-sixth grade, and then, when they become an adult, it is already difficult to solve, but interesting tasksAlso associated with a healthy lifestyle. Themes studied in Central and Elder School, such as proper nutrition, sports, ecology, bad habits Young people are actively discussed during transfers of texts, listening to various dialogues, in dialogues and when working in the group. Students recycle information, which contributes to the formation of the right worldview.

    A variety of lessons, a frequent change of activity, an uncomplicable rate of lesson, differentiated, personal-oriented approach, the presence of emotional discharge contributes to working capacity, reduce the level of anxiety and strengthen the health of students. But the most important, among all the health of the saving technologies, is a positive attitude and a benevolent tone of the teacher. Waiting for a new and interesting from each lesson, smiles and good mood After, the ability to show not only your knowledge, but also creative skills - All this positively affects psychophysical health and students and teachers. The most important achievement is to see smiling, glowing eyes of even the most shy child and hear how children retell a lesson to each other on the way home, remembering interesting moments.