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  • Laziness is what laziness: Definition - Psychology. NES. Lack of willpower. Good mood - key success

    Laziness is what laziness: Definition - Psychology. NES. Lack of willpower. Good mood - key success

    Laziness is a common and convenient excuse to own inaction. Its reasons are objective or invented by us? Is it possible to struggle with laziness?

    When I sat for this material, I wanted to look into the dictionaries and see what definition is given to this concept. The big explanatory dictionary defined laziness, as "no desire to work or do something; Nelyubov to work. "

    The explanatory dictionary of Daly gave the following definition: "Laziness is reluctant to work, disgust from labor, from business, classes; An inclination to idleness, to the tune. "

    "No desire to act, work, a tendency to idleness" - So I defined the explicit dictionary of the Russian language S.I. Ozhegova, N.Yu. Swedio.

    I continued to study laziness and met the information in which it was indicated that the attitude to laziness in ancient times was purely negative, in the Middle Ages it was considered as evil, and in Christianity laziness was named sin. Only the last century laziness is considered negative Damage character.

    There are four approaches to the study of the nature of Lena:

    • The first: laziness as a negative personality property of a person.
    • Second: Linen is a protective mechanism.
    • Third: Laziness is a disease.
    • Fourth: Laziness is a myth.

    So, the first approach

    Laziness as a negative personality property of man. I will start from afar.

    I am a mother of two sons with a difference in age nine and a half years old. I constantly unwittingly watch them. My observations explicitly indicate that laziness as a lack of desire to act, a tendency to idle The younger was completely absent until four years. That is, about four years old, the child was actively involved in any activity, ranging from cleaning toys, ending with shopping in the store, - he was interested and exciting absolutely everything!

    The first attempts to be lazy (evade activity) began to appear when the Son began to actively attend kindergarten. He was lazy to dress independently, as well as draw on a given topic, cut with scissors.

    He simply did not get into operation. Moreover, if you dress up to visit my grandmother - the child was ahead of adults, and if in kindergarten (it is very difficult to get used to the garden), he was sitting in a chair, covered with clothes and, for example, sang. If you need to draw not a mug and line, but to fantasize with a brush in your hands (just to smear paints on paper), then such a drawing was performed so quickly that I did not have time to serve clean sheets. And if he was suggested to draw something concrete, for example, the sun, the child answered: "No, let's better draw you." And with the scissors, the son just did not know how to handle ...

    As you already guessed, the child sought to avoid work in which he felt unsuccessful or work that would lead to a unwanted result. At the same time, I understood well that only the success is born in action: you will not regularly use scissors, you will not learn to cut, you won't draw circles - you do not draw a round item. And the child just stopped at the feature called "I can't get it" and did not resolve it to cross it.

    Such a model of behavior is repeated, fixed and becomes a feature.

    So, the first reason for Lena is the fear of failure. If there is a causal relationship in your beliefs "Do not - may not work," you need to consciously overcome it. After all, we are clear to you: you will not take the scissors in the hands - you will not learn to cut them; The first circle is never as smooth as the one who owns the scissors perfectly.

    Is it worth stop if you really want to have any meaningful results?

    Recently, my eldest son, which is now at the age of a teenager, asked me a difficult question: "What is the meaning of human life?" Of course, I first thought about how to answer him. Began to reason, from the point of view of biology, philosophy, religion. Suddenly, I was painted a very transparent conclusion that the meaning of life, no matter how cool, - in development! And if from the position of development to look at laziness - she is his huge brake! In this sense, I agree with the Christian philosophy that is too lazy to sin.

    I continue to watch my children. My eldest son is a schoolboy. Is it worth saying that there are a lot of problems that are lazy. First of all, laziness do lessons. But not all. Sometimes he promotes loudly: "What is the point in this sense, only time to spend?!" I understand that schoolchildren are hostage systems. And I answer that this is a tack of strength, you can overcome - you are well done! I said so and myself when at work (and I liked my work) there were meaningless tasks, to start to whom it was not even lazy, but rather sadly.

    Conclusion: an unloved case, meaningless work causes not just laziness, but include internal blocking on their execution.

    It is possible to work with a laziness of such a nature in two ways: do not deal with the fact that it causes a categorical protest of consciousness, or to come up with his own motive on the principle "I will do - I am well done." The danger is that such games with consciousness (I will do - I'm well done) can not be permanent, it will get tired of playing. The best option is to change the unloved lesson for your favorite!

    Another type of "dreary laziness" happens when a person is capable and ambitious becomes uninteresting to engage in the activity in which the ceiling is reached. In children's teams, children, whose level of development is ahead of peers, it becomes too lazy to perform tasks with everyone.

    To overcome this type of laziness, you can only go beyond the "ceiling" to a new level of development.

    The approach is second

    Laziness is a protective mechanism. This is the quality that manifests only certain moments of life and is necessary for rest. When a person works a lot, the body itself begins to give up work.

    Of course, common sense is there. A person needs rest from work. If the lazy is dosed and does not go into a chronic form, there is nothing terrible. But, in my opinion, it is wiser to learn how to organize yourself in such a way that work and holidays are conscious and expectedly alternate to take care of thirst for work, and the work was awarded to rest.

    Such an approach will help prevent "burnout" at work, entailing serious psychological, and in the launched form and mental problems.

    What you realize, then control; What you do not realize, controls you.

    Another reason when lazy is manifested as a protective mechanism, lies in the absence of vital energy. It happens when you realize that you get the result, if you begin to do something. You do not scare fiasco, you just don't have strength. Even a favorite thing begins to annoy and cause doubts. And all because your current physical form Does not match the scale of goals. And your energy sources do not give enough strength to act. So to overcome too lazy. It is necessary to stop and relax, restore forces.

    There are also such opinions according to which Lena is the engine of progress, there would be no discoveries without it. I think here is the substitution of concepts.

    "No desire to work or do something, dislike for labor, disgusting from labor, from the case, inclination to idleness, to the tune, the lack of desire to act, a tendency to idleness" - Not the same thing that search for new ways to achieve results. If a person does not just do nothing, but finds a way and does it differently - this is not too lazy.

    Third approach

    Laziness is a disease.

    I am not a doctor, and I will not take it to reflect in this direction. I will only express the assumption that too lazy is not the reason, but only a consequence of improper education, improper self-organization, internal promiscuity, which over time acquire a chronic character, and make a person chronically lazy.

    Fourth approach

    Laziness is a myth! And this point of view is closest in all respects. The only reason for inaction is only that you could not see a lie in time, which was spelled among your beliefs. This lies in the moments of doubt on a saucer presents your consciousness.

    For example, consciousness tells my child: "Do not take the scissors in the hands, still a beautiful circle will not work out." But this is a lie! The truth is that in activity with scissors is formed by the skill of owning them!

    Or a consciousness warns me: "You live no worse than others, calm down! Why change something? " But you can perceive the situation otherwise: "You live worse than your own expectations, many have achieved what you dream about. Dare and you will succeed! "

    Or such conviction: "I would do, I would have learned, and I would ... But not yet ready to help me ..."

    These are all examples of beliefs living in our consciousness. They make us stop and inactive. But convictions are a convention, myth!

    Laziness is the lack of desire to engage in labor, condition when work prefers free pastime.

    What is lazy

    Laine has long been considered one of human vices and is included in the standard seven mortal sins.

    However, in conditions of long-term employment, such a phenomenon can be considered as a body signal on the need for rest and termination of work activities.

    Researchers based on the results of the experiments concluded that the person whose labor contribution was not assessed as his personal achievement, shows the workforce.

    Nevertheless, a lazy man and a beless is not the same thing. Externally laziness and depressive condition, as well as some other mental disorders may have the same manifestation, but the causes of their occurrence are different.

    However, back to experiments. Specialists are confident: when a person feels the uselessness of the action produced, the subconscious includes the mechanism of laziness. Why is this happening?

    Social lane

    In use, this term introduced Max Ringerman. A number of experiments were conducted. Participants did not say that their personal contribution was estimated in group work, as a result, the performance indicators were three times less than in individual employment.

    The next test was even more interesting. A man tied his eyes and gave the rope into his hands, at the same time informing him that there would be five more people with him. As a result, the subject pulled the rope alone and made less (by 18%) forces than if he knew that he had to work himself.

    Another test. Small group of subjects. Participants are asked to shout as loud as possible, as they can only. At the same time, they put on headphones so that they do not hear noise, which themselves create. Each person produced three times less noise than with single tests.

    Views of Leni.

    Laziness is very different species. Consider some of them more.

    1. Thinking. A person does not want to think about the results of a particular action.

    2. Physical. Sometimes rest is simply necessary, but in everything you need to know the measure and not abuse.

    3. Lack of emotional character. As the Individual Development Development, the emotional background is also subject to change. New Year No longer the one that was in childhood, the music is also not such a clockwork, and the partner acquired a lot of negative parties, people worse and evil than in adolescence ... Emotional extinction can lead to apathy. Such disorders should be treated with professional doctors.

    4. Creative laziness. It is peculiar to many inventors and people. creative professions. It is observed when a person reflects for a long time over his questions that interests him, and then suddenly receives an answer for himself. A bright example is Newton with an apple that fell on his head into the watches of reflections.

    5. Pathological laziness occurs if proceeding the borders and overdo it with rest. Psychologist D. Carnegie described such a case. One woman argued that heavily sick. Her mother cared for her while she lay in bed. When the mother died, the daughter miraculously heard immediately.

    6. Philosophical laziness. This kind of "Noschena" arises as a result of incorrect interpretation of religious texts. Especially often this is observed with excessive immersion in Buddhism. If a the world - It is nothing more than emptiness, then all actions lose meaning.

    Every person is characterized by several types of laziness.

    Causes of the appearance of laziness

    Laziness is also a conscious man's desire not to make any effort to obtain the desired result. That is, it is also saving their own stock forces.

    The causes of laziness can be the most diverse, but the most common still manage to allocate:

    1. Overwork - the body has exhausted the stock of physical and emotional forces and is unable to maintain ability to work at the same level.
    2. The feeling that the work performed is not necessary at the moment. Usually this feeling is intuitive.
    3. Unable to cope with the tasks.
    4. Lack of habits lead a movable, dynamic lifestyle.
    5. Inability to plan your day, lack of a clear plan, which will solve all the tasks, no matter how much they have accumulated.
    6. Just a desire to get the necessary rest.

    As seen, different reasons Can cause laziness. Psychology also describes this phenomenon as a lack of motivation.

    Such a condition may appear in the absence of natural reasons, pushing the individual to action: hunger, cold, other threats - i.e. factors that affect its survival and safety.

    The lazy man argues as follows "I do not see the point of doing it now or ever at all."

    Laziness in different branches of human activity

    IN psychology Laziness is rather a bad habit, and not a disease. And there is a lot of confirmations. Studies in this area show that laziness, the causes of which depend on many factors - from the lack of motivation to excess stimulation, is a consequence of the production of a large amount of dopamine in the body. And what about this is the experts from other spheres?


    Economists claim that laziness, idleness is the result of the intense and rejected work of the rest of the people. And productively people work when they are confident that their return will be much higher than their contribution.


    In religion, laziness - vice, mortal sin, which is defined as spiritual or physical reluctance to do anything, apathy.

    In "Messages to Jews", "in one of the statements of Jesus, this state is also not welcome.

    Muslims believe that laziness proceeds directly from hell, which means it needs to be struggling with all possible ways. So, Namaz five times a day, on an empty stomach, is a good prevention of idle state.

    Buddhism considers the taciousness as an unhealthy phenomenon, which includes lying, as well as squeezing.


    Laziness occupies a strong place in human culture. It is described in books, its influence is shown in cinema, it is condemned in folklore of almost all peoples. For example, some proverbs about Leng hint that it leads to poverty and poverty. And fairy tales? This is generally a storehouse folk wisdom! Remember, in instructive stories, a lazy person always has many problems, at least, while not aware of its drawback and will not begin to be corrected.

    Latets are devoted to some series of popular American series "Supernatural", Anime " Fullmetal Alchemist", The film" Big Lebovski ". Everyone is also familiar to the comedy Dante Aligiery " The Divine Comedy"Where lazy is successfully located on the 5th circle of hell.

    Proverbs about Lena

    There are many people's parables and proverbs telling about, perhaps, the most common human drawback.

    Here are some Russian proverbs about laziness.

    1. Labor gives, and laziness takes.
    2. At the Lodio, it is not a day, then too lazy.
    3. Who is lazy, he is not appreciated.
    4. You, brothers, cool, and we will eat.
    5. Go to piers, and run from work.
    6. Lazy and sit tired.
    7. Laziness is worse than the disease.
    8. A rolling stone gathers no moss.
    9. Lododr Yes, the idleness - the holiday on Monday.
    10. Lazy far on excuses.

    Oral folk art relies laziness as a phenomenon and proves that the lazy person is a burden for others.

    Does not bypass the phenomenon and cinema under consideration. A lot of films have been shot about Lazy and lazy, and even more - cartoons. Often, the main characters suffer from this vice until a sharp change in the surrounding conditions force them to revise their behavior and priorities.

    Laziness as an ally

    Of course, too lazy deserves the censure. But is she dangerous and disgusting, how is her little? If you look at this phenomenon on the other hand, it turns out that there are positive aspects.

    So, laziness is also the engine of progress. A variety of inventions, without which we no longer imagine our lives, arose precisely thanks to all-consuming laziness. I do not want to get up from the sofa to switch channels - and the remote control is ready! I do not want to climb the steps - the elevator and the escalator at your service! In principle, they solve the problem of descent.

    Mobile phones, means of movement greatly simplify human life, save time and in some sense they catch our laziness.

    But is it so important if we are only in winning?

    Negative side of laziness

    Many have already found calmness and even invented the excuse for their laziness, reading her positive impact. However, you should not relax. Perhaps if it were not for laziness-mother, there would be much more inventions.

    Just think how many interesting ideas she suppressed on the root, how many relationship ruined, how many desires were not destined to come true! And sometimes the price of laziness is human life.

    There are quite a few such examples, it is enough to include daily news so that the decision to change your life filled a person. Although how long this desire exists - also a big question.

    Fight, lose or negotiate

    How to overcome laziness, this enemy enemy of accomplishments? Yes, no Moreover, this is not required at all (and we will be realistic, it is impossible to do it). As mentioned above, laziness, like everything in this world, has two sides of the medal. So, people should learn to use it for their own purposes and receive a certain benefit from this cooperation. Such a symbiosis.

    What if you are too lazy to move from the place? You are just lying on the sofa or bed, slowly fucked with this comfortable furniture. In case of such an attack of laziness (do not confuse with real fatigue or bad well-being!) Try to look at yourself from the side. So...

    Here you are lying, absolutely relaxed, your hair is randomly wearing ... It would clearly prevent the laying or at least wash. Are you a man, and beautifully laid hair is not so important? Okay! On the face - two-, no, five-day bristles. Also not very tidy, isn't it? The skin on the face looks not very fresh ... It would be necessary to make peelings and masks ... The fit manicure does not give you more attractiveness ... And the muscles literally blur on the horizontal surface ... Maybe you should not bypass the gym to the tenth road.

    Your laziness, so cute and defenseless, lies next to you, at the already, sorry, slightly smoking bedding (when did you wash it for the last time?).

    As a rule, after such visualization, a person gets up and begins to do at least something. It does not mean that you run into the hall or go knock the carpets, but the ice, as they say, at least a little, and goes, and go too lazy. Psychology offers many ways to confront her idleness, but this one is one of the most effective.

    Try it on yourself when the right moment falls, and you will see the result.

    And remember: laziness, the causes of which are of the most diverse character - not your enemy. Moreover, with the right interaction, it is your faithful associate and an inspirer. If you do not agree with this, go to the next section of our article.

    If you want to become more active and involved in your own life, you should exclude the causes of this condition.

    How to overcome laziness? Exclude the following factors:

    • lack of interest to what you do;
    • energy exhaustion;
    • creative crisis.

    Each of their these factors is the cause of laziness and feeling when the hands are descended, but each of them requires a different "" treatment ". In some cases, a good output will be a change in the type of activity, and sometimes you need to continue to engage in the old business, but raise the bar.

    "" Many have a dream that can be done during the week, but they make her dream of all their lives "", - words belonging unknown authorHowever, they clearly reflect the state of most people!

    Pass a simple test. Suppose you are too lazy to get up early in the morning. And whether you will enjoy if you have an early rise to go, say, in Maldives, Bali, in a world trip? The answer is obvious, yes?

    The main thing is to see the meaning of what you are doing.

    Well, if a person is initially characteristic of hard work. Lack will quickly bother him as a useless, idle pastime. But most people have a monotonous life: a house - work - house ... Monotonous labor activity quickly leads to a decrease in motivation. And this, in turn, is the right path to the emergence of laziness. Which exit? Obviously, it is necessary to make a variety of in your daily routine.

    You can sign up for courses, lectures that have long wanted to visit, play sports if you leave this desire. In some cases, it will be useful to change the work if possible at this stage, or go to rest, make friends with people with whom we would like to maintain closer relationships.

    Another way to avoid bouts of laziness is to make a routine of the day and stick to it. Pay special attention to its body and the body - the contrasting souls in the morning gives strength and charges energy, not to mention the fact that after it to sleep exactly does not want to sleep. Healthy nutrition Provides the body necessary vitamins and minerals. Listen to good music, highlight a few minutes on meditation and visualization.

    Work with contentment, experiencing satisfaction from the proceeding.

    The feeling of cheerfulness and energetic is the correct indicator of physical health. Therefore, you should play sports daily. You can start with the habit of doing charging in the morning. And in your free time, do yoga, fitness or sports games. It all depends on personal preferences. Sport classes contribute to the development of endorphins, so very soon such hated exercises will come to taste. Do not forget about your body, take care of it, holte and laled.

    Laziness as a symptom of energy recession

    Lack of energy and desire to engage in favorite business periodically experiencing every person. You are selflessly working, experiencing joy from the work done, but gradually just exhale, and the forces leave you.

    What to do in this case? To begin with, review your diet. Not all problems are spiritual in nature, physical health is also a very important factor. We should think about rest, for example, go on vacation, recharge your positive and get the necessary stimulus to continue your work.

    Laziness - of course, the usual, everyday phenomenon, an eternal companion of any person, it can be both a gift of nature and the only punishment. But how far it goes, depends only on a particular person and the case.

    What to oppose the concept of "laziness"? Synonyms and antonyms of this word are quite varied. Similar in value will be the words "idleness", "idleness", "tape", "apathy". Opposite - "hardworking", "work", "active activity".

    The alternation of labor and recreation is a sure way to maintain yourself in tone and maintain a balance of energy. Remember that it is necessary to monitor and for physical health, and for sincere.


    This is a terrible word "laziness". It resembles an old, crossed moss and dust. The word appeared since the world's appearance. They were frightened by the kids, they were rejected by adults. This is an inseparable part of the essence of man. But is it so terrible?

    What is laziness. Her varieties

    To figure out what lazy is enough to mention the heroes of famous folk fairy tales. She seems to be negative traitbut not quite. If referred to the "Tunes", then the meaning is obtained sharply negative. And there is a laziness that depends on the circumstances. It happens that it belongs to positive qualities. Why so it turns out? Laziness is heterogeneous, it changes from what it is worth it.

    Linen is diverse. Mind laziness occurs when you do not want to think about anything. This latent lays down a man in a dead end. There are 2 main types of mental lazy:

    a person does not want to think about the result;
    you think about what you want to get, but do not take effective actions.

    The most popular type of laziness is physical. Organism. The problem is to carry out the border when the need for rest becomes inaction, tightening in the swamp of laziness. This latent is adjacent to mental. For example, a desire appeared. But attended the thoughts about what you need to go somewhere, to show activity. Physical laziness should be able to distinguish from the disease when a person has to be lazy. There are 2 types:


    It will vary on the affairs you want to do, as well as the place of appearance. It happens that I don't want to work, but there is a strength to go to the movie. Any sloth has things that immediately raise him from the sofa. This occurs in those who are busy not with their own business, has no goal.

    Emotional laziness is when the smell of Mandarins remained the same as in childhood, but there is no New Year's mood. Attenuation of emotions negatively is personality. You will seem that you do not waste forces in vain, but in fact - you will carry them out. Close, manifestations of feelings. Such emotions motivate waking up in the morning. And if they are not, then apathy arises.

    The first look of laziness is creative. Many creators have been thinking over the problem for a long time, and then find a clear answer.

    Pathological laziness is entirely mastered by a person, all boundaries passes. You are inventing sickness to not get out of bed. Invent the reasons for laziness. The philosophical laziness manifests itself in the fact that, according to religious considerations, people strive for anyoneal. This is a consequence of an incorrect understanding of religion, and not its essence.

    How to deal with laziness

    And now we will deal with the laziness of ordinary people. Let's call the main reasons, and therefore options:

    low motivation. Man is not sure, it is worth the effort. In this case, it is necessary to raise the motivation, to realize why it is necessary;
    weak willpower. You understand that you need to do something, but are not able to find forces. In such a situation, start with simple, and work will be done;
    special style resembling laziness. A person can think long as it is easier to perform, and then quickly finish the task;
    intuitive laziness. As a result, it turns out that the work was not worth it;
    source of pleasure. You are happy to work, but when you are lazy - rejoice in Lena;
    fear of liability. What if I do it not, what will happen? This approach is formed in childhoodWhen the child has not learned responsibility. We must not be afraid to take responsibility, not everyone gets the first time, understand it;
    . It is important to relax here, then too lazy will pass;
    from understanding the disabilities of the case. In this case, the laziness will be the engine of progress. The remote controls came up with lazy people who did not want to get up each time to switch the canal. Find the solution to your task.

    Often laziness occurs when you need to do difficult task. And here immediately arises many "urgent" cases that you need to finish. Watch a challenging task for several simple stages, perform them gradually.

    Laziness does not appear suddenly, she needs a loophole. Eliminate their rigid action plan. Step through "I do not want." This is a contagious state, so try not to communicate with the "slogans". And remember, if you only do what you want, then the payback will come. If you are interested in an interesting thing, then Lena leaves. Choose yourself work in the soul, with motivation.

    And a couple more advice:

    before the start of a challenging case, listen to the vigorous music. Create the right setting around;
    imagine how much good will happen after the end of work;
    move the gift after the completion of the case, as a stimulus;
    change the type of work every 15-20 minutes, but if inspiration comes - in no case are not distracted.

    If the laziness came suddenly, and the conscience does not cope, then do not work. They will come dead, and you will have to fulfill everything. When manifesting laziness, think what is the reason for it. Perhaps this desire to relax, or protest against work. If the last, then change the conditions.

    February 5, 2014, 16:21

    Even the most hardworking of us is familiar to the feeling of laziness. What is already talking about the bulk of the people. Sometimes laziness turns into a style of someone's life, firmly rooting in behavior. Where does Leng come from and whether it is possible to suppress it at the stage of origin? Should I be afraid of it? Maybe it is not so harmful? Perhaps the causes of laziness are associated with evolutionary mechanisms for adaptation of a person? Thanks to this property, we just do not spend your time in vain. Why then from childhood we are taught that laziness is bad? And in general, is she scary, how is it described?

    What is lazy?

    Laziness is when someone chooses free leisure instead of active activity. He refuses to do something specific, or do something at all. Psychologists characterize laziness as harmful habit. Once again, they emphasize the destructivity of this concept. In psychology, there is even a term procrastination syndrome - regular postponing of important cases for later. And then the most interesting begins. Is it dangerous too lazy and procrastination, how do we describe them?

    According to many specialists, the procrastination syndrome arises in response to the meaninglessness of the implementation of certain tasks. That is, we are too lazy to take care of the work in which our subconscious does not see common sense. On the other hand, man, especially in young years, just not able to adequately evaluate the archiving of everything that he is entrusted. So it turns out that the harm or the benefits of laziness depends on the source of its origin.

    Where does Leng come from?

    Now we come close to the reasons for the appearance of laziness. They determine whether it is worth struggling with this feeling, or, on the contrary, one should listen to the prompts of their body. After all, from where laziness comes from, directly depends where to send it! Either in contemporary to understand her essence, or just away!

    The feeling of laziness, or procrastination syndrome, is most often not our allies. Therefore, you should not justify your inertness with higher matters. Just like to look for original ways of dealing with laziness. Most best reception - Just take and do! Without unnecessary philosophies and self-analysis.

    Causes of Leni.

    For those who still decided to look into the essence of the problem, we will analyze the main causes of laziness and recommendations for action. After all, the knowledge of his enemy is the first step towards its overcoming. Since laziness is a subconscious reaction of the body for certain activities, it is necessary to understand in the basics of psychology.

    Insufficient motivation

    A man lazy to take the case if he is not motivated to him. This, if we talk about external incentives. For example, a child willingly learn lessons if he knows that after that he will get anything pleasant. Or will not get anything unpleasant. In this case, with a sense of laziness, you can fight bribing or threat.

    It is more difficult to influence yourself. Adult self-adults - complex and not available science. But, at the same time, extremely important. After all, to go or not go to work, search or not to look for another client - maybe where homework. And the consequences of such laziness will be an order of magnitude worse than a twice for a quarter.

    Matureness of activity

    Nevertheless, you should not exclude the fact that the planned work does not make sense. In this case, procrastination is the first assistant and advisor! The inner voice does not have a huge arsenal mechanisms for human impact. But those that are - very effective. First begins too lazy. If it is wrong to interpret, the next stage will be depression and psychosomatics violations.

    If an adult hardworking person regularly feels a sense of laziness regarding a certain occupation, he should again revise the importance of its implementation.

    Patalogue states

    Laine may arise due to the disease. Pathological fatigue does not concern anything one, but covers all spheres of life. Causes of painful laziness are diverse. From the abundance of stress and regular overwork, to viral or bacterial infections, etc.

    If such a state occurs, it is necessary to take rest and, depending on the severity of its manifestations, even consult a doctor. With the health of the jokes are bad and better to relax at home for a week than the month overnight in the hospital.


    Perhaps at first glance, laziness and confidence in their abilities have little general, but in practice, people very often postpone important things for later, fearing that they will not be able to fulfill them. Improving your self-esteem, you can overpower your fears and become more active. Understand that laziness is a fear of failure. But, if you do nothing, then success will not come by itself. Best of all, if such a person will support his closest entourage, will help him believe in his strength.

    Weak power of will

    In life, the balance between I want and necessary. Some people, because of their nature or upbringing, cannot make themselves do something. Their laziness is weakness, and not protest against something. They lack self-control, self-control and self-regulation. Education in itself of these "three whales", which keeps a strong will, turn into an activist even the reserved lazy.


    Laziness is peculiar to those who are not used to respond to anything in their lives. The banal desire to "swim downstream" and grab your problems on someone else. Wines for it lies on their parents. In any case, they are so convenient to think. They always blame others, and something to do the circumstances, etc. The older the person becomes, the more difficult to change this stereotype of thinking.


    Continuing previous points, summarizing their main theses. Laziness for many becomes a style of behavior. The Soviet cartoon is remembered about the lazy boy, who fell into the country a bad thing, where he met the main mistake - a large, amorphous and non-advocate man. In humorous form, the creators of the animation film demonstrated a real cult of laziness, and what he could lead his adepts. In this case, laziness is a destructive habit and should be getting rid of it.

    We looked at what laziness is. Learned the reasons for her appearance. We disassembled in which case it can be useful, and when it is better to refuse it. The main thing is that the knowledge gained is not too lazy to apply in practice. After all, the worst enemy passiveness is an action. And to overcome laziness, first of all, you should start doing it!

    Or not the desire to take on a very concrete task, and in fact completely unfortunately - because too lazy? Perhaps there is no such person. Is this a chronic phenomenon, or temporary, but it takes place. You need to take it as a fact. Or?..

    How to determine laziness?

    There are several interpretations of the "lazy" word.

    Laziness is unwillingness to do work and do something in general.

    Laziness is dislike for work in principle.

    Laziness is synonymous with the words "reluctance", it is used in the meaning "I am too lazy" (verb in infinitive).

    All of the above - Appeal to the old kind intellular dictionary, giving definition, but to some extent, little explaining. Ultimately, it still becomes unclear: laziness - or illness? Or character trait?

    There are also several opinions on this.

    In christianity

    Initially there was a word. And then, the word for the word, there was a book. Unless, of course, believe in Christian dogmas. But even if you do not believe common development Know not hurt. The Bible, as you know, speaks very clearly that laziness is a sin. Even one of the seventh, to be more accurate (except for it: lust, gluttony, greed, envy, anger, pride). Synonym for laziness in this case is boredom or despondency. Christianity considers it as the consequence of the idleness, which causes the tape of the soul and corrupts it. Souring is excessive employment, with its experiences and feelings.

    Interestingly, laziness and the rest of six sins are tightly entered the culture and are used in artworks as the basis for the plot or riddles. Many artists painted a series of paintings, showing their vision of this phenomenon.

    This once again proves how relevant the topic is currently.

    In Islam

    This religion also considers laziness and idleness to sin. An explanation of this in Islam is very similar to Christian. Laziness is a sin, because she is a sign of weak imana, as a person focuses on himself, and his faith will fuss.

    but on the other hand

    Laziness can be described as the inaction of the body and spirit. Considering the problem from this side, it is easy to understand why laziness is bad. Inaction of sinful, because it sometimes brings much more trouble than perfect actions. Do not help when assistance was required, do not make efforts when they were important ... because of what happens? Is this a congenital characteristic?

    The reasons

    Why is a person lazy? If you take as a basis the concept of laziness, as inaction, and not idleness, you can come to the conclusions that most of the imperfect actions remained as such, because they did not decide on them. They did not want to risk or just afraid. Then laziness is fear.

    However, such a definition is not suitable for idleness - unprecedented tension, not directed as a specific object of action. At least it seems first.

    What if it does not work?

    There is such a saying: "Linen - stretched in time." Fear of what? Fear begin to act. Fear of pain, to some extent - criticism. Fear of what will not work. When this fear becomes somewhat granted, it is stretched in time, begins to relate to each possible action.

    Fear of responsibility

    Some psychologists determine the laziness as a lack of motivation that occurs from fear of responsibility. Others believe that this is the consequence of pressure from childhood laid in the subconscious. Excessive curiosity is rare when encouraged, as a result of which the grew up the child himself does not allow himself this "unnecessary" activity.


    Mostly the fatigue calls the laziness people surrounding the "slacker". Sometimes it happens not only on the physical, but also at the moral level, which is much less noticeable for lovers to criticize other people's actions, and in a particular example - inaction. If such an attitude continues, a person himself begins to consider himself a lazy, and either torture himself even more or loses in general any motivation.


    Do not raise yourself. This is one of the most useful Sovietswhich can be given close. Or yourself.

    Sometimes the subconsciousness knows better what each specific person needs. And if something frankly does not want, it means that it is definitely not what you need. The body feels that this occupation is useless, meaningless for the one who is trying to master it. This reason is absolute correct. It is so important to learn to trust yourself.

    She has, of course, also underwater stones. After all, it is not the only explanation of human laziness. Therefore, it is also important and learning to distinguish when something is not really needed, and something needs, but you have to develop motivation to this.

    More harm than good?

    By numerous allegations, laziness is a vice. Moreover, laziness is the mother of all vices.

    Lazy is easier to steal than earn money. Lazy better pays to regret what he will do. The slacker is more successfully a touch all over the obstacles than the opportunity and chance. An idleness lover will better perpetuate the unacceptuousness of fortunes than not enough efforts.

    Consequently, the lazy man becomes greedy, envious, evil. One sin entails the rest. Vicious Domino effect.

    Or more benefits than harm?

    Laziness is no feeling feeling. In the interests of a lazy person - to relieve their fate. Creative mind will not always choose a bad path. Or maybe he is just too proud to go through the easy paths already passed.

    Man was lazy - and he came up with the wheel. Then bike, car, airplane.

    The man did not want to raise heavily, and soon a new miracle came to the world: lifting crane.

    The man was reluctant to do computation itself - and he invented the computer. Now everyone uses a computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone. Despite the fact that it was because of these technical innovations that most of humanity lazy, they prove the domination of the mind and its capabilities. And whether the person manages the computer, or the computer to them, is the choice of each particular man / woman / child.

    All these examples can be correlated with the already known established rule: Leng is a progress engine. Underwater stone of this statement - if it is also used as an excuse of his idleness. After all, in order to progress, the mind should, on the contrary, work. "The soul is obliged to work and day and night, and day, and night."

    Procrastination: Disease, excuse or just a beautiful word?

    While people are trying to solve the dilemma: Linen is good or bad, another term has appeared in psychology, which contributes certain amendments in their discussions.

    What is procrastination? And does she mean that laziness is a disease?

    Psychologists determine this wondrous word as the eternal postponation of cases "for later." Make tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, or never. Will you arrange you?

    The problem of this Beach modern Mira The fact that procrastination is deified: in social networks they have fun about eternal things and enjoy themselves.

    What is the difference from laziness?

    You can briefly designate that laziness is a deferred action. He was lazy, did, did not let anyone.

    The procrastination is laid in the subconscious as a constant, recursive phenomenon. Postponed, then postponed, and more ...

    Saving avid procrators are not only affairs, but also solutions - from small to important, vital. The saddest thing is that if in the end the hands before all this heap and reach, all ababy is made like. The result is equal to the applied effort.

    The problem is, as usual, remains unnoticed. Beautiful word becomes an excuse. "Such here I love me." But procrastination is not not a description of the personality and not even a way of thinking, but the task that requires a solution, the barrier that needs to be overcome and go further. "Now or never" much more constructive "later and, most likely, never."

    How to get rid of?

    • It is very important to be able to distribute your time. Leave a little and for relaxation, Lena, Notherelania, in the end, for yourself. As it was already considered earlier, sometimes fatigue leads to the fact that a person sits in a stupor - his body is in full swing signals, shouts to stop, but he torments himself, and most importantly, it is still to no avail.
    • Plan for a day is a great way of self-control. Well, if he is an intermediate stage, because ultimately it is necessary to learn the unconscious control, without papers and tips. But for a start, the easiest list on white lined paper is the best that you can come up with. In the plan should be taken into account all: not only important things (trying in one day to realize a weekly plan - a stupid venture), but also everyday little things and, of course, a breather. Separate a sufficient amount of time under each item. Follow the plan clearly.
    • Many mistakenly advise you to put the highest possible time. It is not right. It will correct to reflect rationalistic: for what time you are actually able to perform this or that task.
    • In addition, it is important for the result. A very thin line between pessimism and optimism: to be posted on the complete, so that everything was fulfilled in the best form, and at the same time provide for the possibility of developing the situation, if the way it was intended, will not be released.
    • The development of motivation is an important factor. Usually recommended to promise remuneration yourself. It should be thought to be glorial: it is understood that the result is already a huge reward. Start being proud of yourself, with your achievements, even at first small. After all, what boasts the one, who in priority is lazy? Antonym for this word, "hard work", is valued much more.


    Like almost everything in the world, laziness can be perceived in different ways. It is not good and not bad. This is a means to achieve the desired result. But if they do not take advantage, it will drag into yourself, like a swamp, in Putin longing and boredom. Is it dangerous if you already know how to deal with it?