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  • Plot story Alien Blood. What is the meaning of final episodes in the stories of M. Sholokhov "The foem" and "Alien blood. Implementation of homework

    Plot story Alien Blood. What is the meaning of final episodes in the stories of M. Sholokhov

    The work describes the story of how an elderly couple was keen on a serious soldier. At this time, they are strongly tied to him against the background of the recent loss of their own son. The young man sinking and, leaving old people, returned to his hometown. No new feelings for the acquired father and mother, neither their plea stay left.

    Home Thought of works Alien Blood Sholokhov

    The work teaches not to betray the memory of his deceased relatives in favor of new close.

    The author affects the difficult theme of the losses of loved ones, life and death. After the death of the Son, the grandfather and grandmother find in the wounded young man similar to her. The name "Alien Blood" is a hint of these old men, whatever they are attached to the guy, he remains a stranger. In the conscious already age, their concern is not able to bind it to them.

    The story tells about the bloody times of the civil war. It begins with the detection of grandfather Gavriil in Humne at the first view of the corpse, but, as it turns out later, the body of the Body of Krasnoarmeys is still warm. The old man puts a fighter in his house, trying to cure him with his wife. At first, the warrior of the problem, pronounces curses and teams. Weeks and months pass, the guy gradually gets better, the wounds are healing. An elderly couple is overly tied to the guy, and affection gradually overshadows sadness of his deceased son. This circumstance greatly makes them feel guilty.
    When Petya, the guy's grandfather called the grandfather with a grandmother in honor of his deceased son, comes to himself, then calls Gabriel Father. It begins to talk about herself that he is commander and a communist. The revolutionary authorities are aware of what is happening, and entrust the family is good to take care of the guy.

    After some time, Peter comes a letter from the Urals, where he comes from. Comrade from the factory calls him to restore the enterprise. Peter is more in order to agree, tells her grandfather, as the factory was defended from Kolchak, as the eights lost that people are needed by the common cause.

    The guy and wants to stay, but strong thrust at the plant. I understood Gabriel that "not to live Peter in the village, not to shake the plug of the steppe virgin black land. The brick would be accomplished by Gabril Hatery. The grandfather exhorts: "Only the old woman tell me what will take away, so as not to squeeze. Or maybe you will repeat, do not regret our old age? The sun is clear without you with us. "

    The finals of parting touches the soul, even departure should take place at the place where the road failed. But nothing will prevent the plans of the Red Army to join the workshop.

    Picture or drawing someone else's blood

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    Sholokhov Mikhail

    Alien blood

    Mikhail Sholokhov

    Alien blood

    In Philippovka, after the spent, the first snow fell. At night, from Dona, the wind blew, shelted in the steppes by the usual Krasnoyl, the shaggy snowdrifts did the braids and the doggles licked the niccotes of the roads.

    Night ripe bed greenish twilight silence. Behind the courtyards did a steppe, nonpauchaic, swear.

    At midnight, the wolf dried down deeply in the yars, the dogs responded in the village, and Grandfather Gavril woke up. Having a foot from the stove, holding a kolly, long coughed, then flattened and gropped up.

    Every night after the first koches wakes up the grandfather, sits, smokes, coughs, with a rapid wet with a lungs, and in the intervals between the attacks of the suffocation, the dumpets go in the head of the usual, Herb stitch. The grandfather thinks about one thing - about the son missing in the war.

    There was one - the first and last. He worked for him not to twist. The time to accommodate to the front against the red, - two couples of bulls took to the market, I bought a horse at Kalmyk, not a horse - a storm steppe, flying. He took out a saddle and bridle a grandfather with a silver set. On the wires said:

    Well, Petro, I guessed you, not a shame and an officer with such a right to go ... Serve, as your father served, Cossack and quiet don's army! Grandparents and great-grandfathers have carried your service to the kings, I must be! ..

    Looking the grandfather in the window, sprinkled by green choppers of the lunar light, to the wind, - what a shit in the court, the wrong looking, - listens, remembers those days that they will not come back and do not return ...

    On the wires servantly thundered the Cossacks under the reed roof of the Gavrilin House of the ancient Cossack song:

    And we beat, do not bring a combat order.

    Envoy Sha-eat one yes order.

    And that our commander's fathers will be ordered

    We go there - ruby, stir, beat! ..

    At the table sat Petro, Crumpled, Iscin-pale, the last winery, "dying," drank, tiredly cloudy his eyes, but at the horse firmly sat down. The checker corrected and, from the saddle, having frowning, the handful of the earth with a sovereign base took. Somewhere now he lies and whose land in a stranger warms him the chest?

    Hands the grandfather and dry, the bellows in the chest to different frets are hoarse-called, and in the intervals, when, coughing, leaving the horn back to the leather, the dums go in the head of the familiar, Hoggy stitch.

    He spent his son, and in the month they came red. We invaded the Cossack Corresponding Spoon, the life of Dedov, ordinary, turned inside out, as empty pocket. It was Petro on the other side of the front, near the Donette, Zaitis in the battles deemed a trunittical epaulets, and in the village, Grandfather Gavrille on the Muscovites, she got into the red, Kokhal, Nursing - like Peter, a Belogol's son, once - the hatred of Starikovsky, deaf.

    They called them wore hareers with lamps, with the Red Cossack Will, black filament shoes along the cloudy with a bowlup. Chekmlen put on the Guards Orange Posoment, with traces of a nonsense of the Washmister pursuit. Hassed the chest medals and crosses obtained for serving the monarch faith and truth; She walked on Sundays to church, opening the floors of the coat, so that everyone saw.

    Chairman of the Council of the village at the meeting somehow said:

    Syom, grandfather, Visulki! Now it does not rely.

    Powder picked grandfather:

    And you hung them, what to say to Male?

    Who hung, long ago in the land of worms food.

    And let's go! .. And here I will not go! Once from the dead cut?

    I also said ... you are the worst, I advise you, for me, even though they sleep with them, yes, it is a dog ... Dogs are pants to you! They, heart, looked off from this form, do not recognize Covo ...

    There was a hurt bitter as wormwood in bloom. The Order removed, but the resentment grew in the soul, it was burned, he began to rush with anger.

    Son disappeared - no one began to look around. The sheds were collapsed, broke the base of the base, rotted rafters of the revealed beard of Katuch. In the stable, in empty machines, mice have increased in its own way, mower rust under a canopy.

    The horses were taken before leaving the Cossacks, the remains made the red, and the last, lochemogue and eared, abandoned by the Red Army in exchange, bought Makhnovtsy in the fall for one lights. In exchange I left my grandfather a couple of English windings.

    Pushy, our goes! - winks Makhnovsky machine gunner. Gogging, grandfather, our good! ..

    Dwyling all the progressive years htorated. Hands fell in work; But in spring, - when the idle steppe fell under his feet, the submissive and idle, Manila's grandfather Land, called at night by the powerful, sobrous call. He could not resist, damaged bulls to the plow, drove, stirred by Steel, I was interpreted by an insatiable black earth womb with a rude wheat-girk.

    Cossacks came from the sea and because of the sea, but none of them see Peter. In different shelves served with him, in different parts were, - Is Russia Mala? - And the post-sex barns of Peter regiment lay down in battle with a zhlobin squad into Kuban somewhere.

    He almost did not speak Gavril from the old woman.

    I heard at night how she sharpened in the pillow tears, the nose of Chocal.

    What are you, old? - Growing asks.

    Sick that little, will respond:

    Must, avgar from us ... Head adds something.

    Did not show that he guessed, advised:

    And you would be a ravage from under the cucumbers. Seven, I'm a model in the cellar, got?

    Sleep. Will passed and so! ..

    And again, silence broke into the hut invisible lace cobweb. In April, the month was brazulible, on someone else's grief, admiring the maternal longing.

    But still waited and hoped that the son would come. Shechiny gave Gavril to allocate, old woman says:

    We will overcome and so, and Petro will come, what will be worn? Winter comes, it is necessary to sew a fur coat.

    She stitched a fur coat on Petrov growth and put in the chest. The boots of the crowned cattle to clean - he prepared. Mundir his blue cloudy Store Grandfather, the tobacco retrolled so that the mole did not whistle, and the lamb was stabbed - the grandfather was sewed from the sheepskin and hung his son and hung on a nail. Enters the overalls, it looks, and it seems that Petro is now going out now, smiles, asks: "Well, like, the bazie is cold?"

    Two days after that, after that, he went to the twilight to clean the cattle. Sena in Nursery Note, wanted to draw water from the well - remembered that I forgot the mittens in the hut. Returned, Opened the door and sees: the old woman kneesing near the bench stands, Papahu Petrov is relevant to the chest pressed, shakes like a child of a tauchet ...

    In the eyes darkened, the beast rushed to her, fell to the floor, stroke, foam swallowed with lips:

    Throw, hookup! .. Throw! .. What are you doing?!

    I snatched my dad, I shouted in the chest and joined the castle. Only began to notice that since then the left eye from the old woman began to twitch and cried his mouth.

    We flowed the days and weeks, the water flowed in Don, for the autumn transparent green, always hurried.

    On this day, the outskirts were frozen on Don. Through the village flew out of a rapid watha wild geese. In the evening, a neighbor's guy came running to Gavril, in the image of the tricks crossed.

    Great attempting!

    Thank God.

    I heard, grandfather? Prokhor Lykhovidov from Turkey came. He served with your Peter in the same shelf! ..

    Hurry up Gavril in the body, sneaking from cough and fast walk. Prokhor did not find at home: went to the farm to his brother, promised to return to the trust.

    The night did not sleep Gavril. Languished on the stove insomnia.

    Before the light lit a gywn, sat down to svew felt.

    Morning - pale is noch - sharpening with a siza sunrise a stupid dawn. Monthly announced in the midst of the sky, the forces did not have enough to come to the tuchka, to break the day.

    In front of the breakfast glanced Gavril in the window, said for some reason in a whisper:

    Prokhor goes! He entered the Cossack not similar, someone else's bleas. I creaked on my feet forged English boots, a wonderful coat was sitting in the baggy, from someone else's shoulder, as you can see.

    Great live, Gabril Vasilich! ..

    Thank God, serviced! .. pass, sit down.

    Prokhor removed the cap, greeted the old woman and sat down on the bench, in the front angle.

    Well, the weather came, snow inflated - you won't pass! ..

    Yes, the snow now fell early ... in the old days at that time the cattle at the foot of the stern went.

    For a minute, they silently silenced. Gavril, seemingly indifferent and solid, said:

    Aged you, the guy, in other people's edges!

    You didn't have younger than what was, Gavril Vasich! - Smiled Prokhor.

    The old woman was grew up:

    Peter our ...

    Saluch-ka, Baba! .. - Strictly shouting Gavrila. - Let a person come to his senses with the frost, have time ... find out! ..

    Turning to the guest, asked:

    Well, what, Prokhor Ignatich, was your lives?

    There is nothing to praise. Missed up to the house like a dog with a dumb back, and then thank God.

    Ta-a-ak ... The Turk has been bad, it is significant?

    The ends meet with the ends of the nation bind. - Prokhor Peregrabanil on the table with his fingers. "However, you, Gabril Vasilich, a little bit, Sedna Vaughn how sprinkled your head ... How do you live here at Soviet power?"

    I'm waiting for my son ... old people, we will regret ... - Gavril smiled crookedly.

    One of the best works The "Don Story" cycle (by Sholokhov M. A.) - "Alien Blood" - tells about disinterested parent love, which is an inexhaustible source of good on Earth.

    The turn of the old father

    Grandfather Gavril woke up early. Looking, he thought every morning about one thing - about the sown's missing in the war. Petro was among them. When the war began, the old man - the former warrior Cossack - I guessed the outfit and spent to fight nicely, as was customary in their family. And since the son sat down at the horse, Bravo corrected the checker and moved from the database, nobody saw him. What land was able to fold the head of the head? Heavy thoughts did not let go of Old Gavril for a minute.

    One month after the departure of the son in the village they entered the red. Since then, in the soul of grandfather, the grandfather matched hatred for a new government. He deliberately wore harshs with red lamps, and the chest was decorated with the merchants and crosses received over the years.

    The description of the feelings of Gavrille continues the story "Alien Blood". Summary (Sholokhov describes in detail how once a strong farm has come to the launch) of the second chapter is that the father kept himself with the hope for the return of the Son. He prepared a fur coat, uniform, boots, dad, who lay in the chest, waiting for the owner.

    I slowly left time until once Gavrile reported news: Peter's colleague returned from Turkey. The grandfather immediately went to Prokhor, but he did not find him at home. The old man was sleeping all night, waiting for the news of the son.

    Gorky news

    In the morning there appeared Prokhor. The conversation began slowly. Discussed life under the weather. Father as if afraid to ask the main question - shows Sholokhov.

    "Alien Blood" - summary The story you are reading - a work about which tragedy has become for the people like a sentence sounded for Gaburil the words of Prokhor: "Shot! ... to death ... I saw with my own eyes. " The only son, the breadwinner, for which all his life worked! And at night, the old man came out on Khumno and spawned quietly: "Son! Petro!" Then she lay on the prangled snow and "hardly closed her eyes" ...


    The grandfather lived in itself, the news did not know. The appearance on Sunday on the porch of the chairman and three with rifles surprised him - notes Sholokhov. "Alien Blood" - a summary does not allow to transfer all the details of the conversation - includes a description of the scary for the Cossacks of the garbage seizure. What has been acquired by hard work now passed soviet power. Could not save his good and Gavril.

    Suddenly, several equestrian Cossacks jumped to the court. Shots rang out, then Kuban who was in front of the Kuban shank the prosperitor ... Everything happened rapidly. Watching Gavril did not immediately realize that the Cossack who jumped to him asks oats. But then there was a cry: "From the Mountain of the Infantry," and the horsemen left the courtyard - finishes the head of Sholokhov.

    Alien blood

    Shots in the village subsided only in the evening. The old man went out into the courtyard and saw next to the Skirds laid in a number of semi-detectable prosbuilders. Gaburla bent over killed. His look attracted quite young - no more than nineteen years old - boy. The grandfather was unknown touched his chest and suddenly felt the weak bid of life. He dragged the wounded into the house where blood was wrapped, and then tiredly triturated the "gady-cold" chest.

    Four days launched saved unconscious. Gabril from the old woman poured into his mouth milk and barracks broth. And when the boy began to file signs of life, the old man sat at his bed and listened to incoherent speeches. In increasingly, he felt, looking at the Yunca, how they boil inside the tears, and experienced an impaired pity. And when once drove a commander who passed by the regiment passed to him and asked to take care of the wounded, Gavril firmly replied: "Singing".

    Did not move away from the patient and the old woman who suffered all the poor love for the missing son.

    Only for the sixteenth day, the guy spoke first. The old man, having learned that his name was Nikolai, said shortly: "... We will be clicked by Peter."

    Discreted Son.

    Nikolay slowly went on amendment: thanks to the care of old people, the wounds were tightened, and he gained strength. Gavril felt that she had more and more in her soul. He even experienced a feeling of jealousy to his wife, when he went to the courtyard, and she stayed next to Podr. Somehow grandfather ordered her to get things out of the chest, she cooked for her son.

    Finally, in the spring, Peter said: "Today I will stand, father!" The last word delivered Gavrile "Embarusy Joy" - writes Sholokhov. Alien Blood - Summary does not include descriptions of all experiences, which experienced old people who cared for a stranger son - suddenly became native.

    Nikolai told that he was brought up at the factory, it worked there before the war. Having learned that the guy had no family, Gabril offered him to stay on them forever. Petyushka replied that while the summer would live, and there will be visible.


    Closer to the fall Nicholas brought a letter. The old man who helicked him in his hands immediately felt something wrong and was wrong. Former comrades Their named son called him to the plant. For a long time Peter lasted and eventually decided that Gavril was so afraid: to go to the Urals.

    Parting was heavy: Like native monitoring, the old man again accompanied: "The sunshine is clear without you." He understood that Petro would never grind back.

    The theme of parental love in the story

    Talking about the fate of Old Gavrille, M. Sholokhov emphasizes how antihuman and destroying was Civil War. Worried the author another question. It is very important for a person to leave after the descendants who will honor his memory and the traditions of ancestors. That is why the Economy of Gavrila comes in decline with the death of his native son: not for anyone began to live. And suddenly, as a salvation, Nikolai appears, re-giving old people the joy of parental love.

    Sholokhov has another story - "wormochin". He is about how he did not manage to overcome in the soul of hatred for the new government hero kills his native son who became a Komsomol. This is how the terrible split is described, which occurs in individual families and in society as a whole.

    War does not spare anyone. But in some, she awakens humanity and compassion, in others - incites increasing hatred, causing to forget about moral laws. This thought proves the summary of the story "Chervotochin" and "Alien Blood".

    The work is the final part of the prosaic cycle of the writer under the name "Don Stories", which considers the manifestation of human humanism and care for neighbors as the main topic.

    The main character of the story is the old Cossack, grandfather Gavril, who, together with his wife, in the period of the Civil War, sends to the front of his only son Peter to combat hated Bolsheviks. With the departure of the son, the economy of a patient old man gradually collapses, but the long-awaited return home of the son of the old people waited not destined, as Petka turns out to be killed on the battlefield.

    After time, the Bolshevik detachments that perform the tasks on the privacy, which the local Cossack community does not want to perceive the local Cossack Community, entering the Military Councils. As a result of one of the fights, Grandfather Gavril discovers a seriously wounded fighter, whose age coincides with Petkin. The old man picks up a guy into his house and together with his wife begins to push the wounded.

    The fighter named Nicholas after a while it becomes for the family of grandfather Gavrily with their own man, replaced old people of a lost child, despite the fact that someone else's blood flows and he is for them a foster son. Even the grandfather of Gavril with his wife to a guy named his own son, perceiving him as a loved one.

    However, the calm happiness of the old people is overshadowed by Nicholas by writing, in which he is invited back to the Native Ural Plant, and the young man decides on returning to his native land. For the old people, his choice becomes painful and terrible, as they once again lose their son, let both the receptionive, but replacing their native child.

    The sense load of the story "Alien Blood" reveals the theme of the continuity of generations, which is the foundation of a person's life path in his desire to leave on the ground its own trace for future descendants. The image of Cossack Gavrille demonstrates the identity of the Don Cossacks, which is distinguished by kindness, mercy, love to neighbor.

    The writer masterfully transfers the feelings and spiritual state of an ordinary person who, despite the external circumstances and class hatred, puts on the first place the disinterested parent love, which is an inexhaustible source of earthly kindness.

    Among the means of artistic expressiveness, the author applies epithets and symbolic images in the story, allowing more subtle and brightly to emphasize the pain, the sad sadness of the elderly left without the sons of love in lonely old age and bad life. In addition, the work is present in the artwork of parallelism, which is traditional for the use of elements of oral folk creativity, focusing the attention of the reader's audience on cruelty and meaninglessness bloody wars, sowing horror, death, pain and fear, as well as the death of innocent people.

    Analysis 2.

    Story "Alien Blood" Sholokhov MA It begins with the description of the Don steppe in the picturesque winter period. "The steppe of Nepakhana" is the main epithet of the work, which is captured by the reader at the very beginning. The main hero of the story is the old and sick grandfather Gavril. His only son was missing during the war.

    The work "Alien Blood" is included in the cycle M.A.Sholokhov "Don Stories". In all works of this category, the idea of \u200b\u200bhumanism, kindness and care for people around people is clearly traced.

    Grandfather Gavril is a former Cossack. He is already very old. He loved his whole life and raised his son Peter. But when the Civil War began, Grandfather Gavril sent him to fight. It was a struggle against the Bolshevik power. After sending Peter to the front, the old man stayed to live with his wife. Two patients and elderly people could not properly follow the economy. Therefore, all started to decline. Waiting for Peter's return from the battlefield turned out to be in vain. The guy was killed on the front, and the old people were left without a sole son.

    After a while, the Bolshevik detachments begin to appear in the village. They are engaged in the privacy. It does not like the local Cossack population. On the basis of this discontent, clashes and military conflicts arise. After another fight, Grandfather Gavril finds a wounded soldier. By age, the guy resembles the late Peter. The grandfather decides to regret the soldier and takes it to him. Together with his wife, they begin to care for the wounded.

    The dying fighter is Nicholas. After a while he becomes a relative for old people. Nikolai replaced them by their killed son, although it does not flow them, and someone else's blood. The old men were very attached and loved the guy. Sometimes they call him Petya.

    But family happiness lasted not long. Nikolay came a letter, with the invitation will be returned to the plant. The guy thinks for a long time decides to return home. Grandfather Gavril, having learned about it with his wife, begin to suffer and suffer. They really hurt, they seek the second time losing their native person (son).

    In the work "Alien Blood" MA Sholokhov portrayed grandfather Gavrille good, generous and able to love the man. The author with the help of different techniques described the feelings of old people who lose the child. But, despite the loss of loss people, find the strength to live on. Grandfather Gavril and his wife found courage to overcome the class hatred and love someone else's child. The great feeling of parental love, kindness and tolerance is described by Sholokhov M.A. In the work "Alien Blood".

    The stories of "Chervoychin" ("Rift" of the rich family), "Prod-Commissioner" (the son does not stop the Father's shooting) continue the same topic: "One kind, but not one class" people.

    One of the most important achievements of the young Sholokhov - the opening of the soul of a simple Cossack, in which he finds the features of true humanity, beauty, thus continuing the tradition of classical literature in solving the topic of a "little man", but already on his own, Don material.

    The story "Alien Blood" seems to be predicted to us by the future Sholokhov. The main thing here is a deep psychologist in the origin of the nature of Old Gavrille and his wife. Sholokhov managed to convey a complex gamut of feelings, their movement. At first, "sheltered, Kokhal, nursed hatred" to the red, called the shoulder straps, harslers with lamps, crosses and medals. Fucking the heart from the horror of the crucifier over the prospect and from pity to the blonde producer - the boy also, the peer of the deceased son ... Mountain, hatred, crumpled is gradually receded by love for the saved young customary: "Hut and someone's blood in you, and you have a soul for you For native "..." Tears boiled in the chest "from pity and anxiety when he cared for the wounded. "Non-chosen love" moved old people on New Peter, rejoiced when he first uttered the "father." With the striking force, the tragedy of parting was transmitted: the old man "hung up angry" and could not stand: "Goodbye, the birthplace! Sun is clear without you with us ... "- And, the crying wet from the tears face, sharply, to the scream, raised the voice:" Plags not forgotten, son? .. Well, goodbye! .. Goodbye, son! " - And in the chest sobbed the word "I can not believe!". So, in the "Don Stories", the most important features of Sholokhov-artist were already discovered:

    - True, harsh, sometimes brutal, skill Show sharp life conflicts;

    - Attention K. simple man, to the images of living people (there was a dispute about this in the literature of the 20s);

    - Special language (conversational, using elements of the Don dialect, folklore motifs, for example, a song in "Alien blood", parallels with the animal world), individualization of the speech of heroes, humor;

    - A special role of a landscape (for example, the image of a nonpauchaic, launched land in "Alien blood"; "Days of summer, robs, in the steppes of the Don, under the sky thick and transparent ringing Silver, arouses and pecks the bread spacing. This is before the bowl when The mustache draws on the colosum as if the seventeen-year-old guy, and the life blows up and torches the person to paint "(" Aleshkino Heart ").

    Don Stories testified to the undoubted talentedness of a young writer. And at the same time, Sholokhov had not yet risen over the level of most works of the 20s, in which the fierce class confrontation was taken as a natural and natural, not subject to doubt.

    The plots of most works are easy, they are characterized by a sharp contrast of the image (ours - not ours) and the same unambiguous copyright position, which affects the selection of artistic agents. Therefore, "Don Stories" is not yet able to be the multilateral coverage of life in all its complexity, a variety and tragedy, that awareness of self-relief human personalitythat will be inherent in the "quiet Don".

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