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  • What does the multifaceted person mean? The multi-faceted human psyche can a person be multifaceted

    What does the multifaceted person mean? The multi-faceted human psyche can a person be multifaceted

    Multi-faceted - Ability to cover various sides of life, activities.
    Big English-Russian and Russian-English dictionary

    Multi-faceted - Multilateralness, versatility, latitudes of views, comprehensiveness, harmony.
    Synonym dictionary

    • Multi-faceted is an embodiment in human personality Unity and struggle opposites. Each laid courage and cowardice, linability and performance - what the face of the personality is to develop, and what to fight with what the person himself decides.
    • Multi-faceted is the versatility of interests, curiosity and activity of the human life position.
    • Multi-faceted - this ability to act in similar situations is varied, and to make unequal deeds in similar situations; This is the lack of limited personality.
    • Multi-faceted is a sign of movement, mental growth, personal development.
    • Multiority is the versatility of human knowledge and skills and the ability to rationally apply them in any situation.

    Advantages of multifaceted

    • Mortarity expands the boundaries - features.
    • Multi-faceted gives freedom - in choosing an application point of effort.
    • Multi-face gives the ability to learn from their own experience.
    • Multi-faceting bears exemption - from inactivity and boredom.
    • Mortarland gives joy - creativity and self-expression.
    • Mortarity gives interest - to the world and others.

    Manifestations of versatility in everyday life

    • Household situations. The person whom is called "Master on All Hands" - shows the versatility of skills and skills.
    • Interpersonal communication. A person knows a lot who knows how to talk on a variety of topics - demonstrates the versatility of knowledge.
    • Professional activity. A person who has changed several professions during his life, often having nothing among themselves, and achieved success - manifests the multi-faceted abilities.
    • Art. The actor shines in different roles - manifests talent.

    How to achieve multifacetedness

    • Training. Expanding the horizons, deepening his knowledge in various fields - a person grows the multi-facetedness of his personality.
    • Work. In order to gain any skills - practice is needed; Labor is the only practical allowance for the development of polyhedral.
    • Interest in life. Interested in art, culture, science, political events - a person develops a multifaceted thinking.
    • Experimentation. Develop a versatile taste, do not limit yourself with certain directions in music, fine art, cooking ... Try and find joy all!

    Golden mean



    Dispersion, inconstancy

    Winged expressions about versatility

    It is not difficult to do anything, it is difficult to invent. - Russian proverb - a specialist is similar to flux, his completeness is one-sided. - Goat rods - at work and wizard to know. - Russian proverb - there would be a hunt - there will be every job. - Russian proverb - Erni Zelinski / Success without office slavery. Freelancer desk book Freelancer is a hero of our time. Office man - truly unique phenomenon in modern worldwhere multifaceted is not only a virtue, but also a survival strategy. Abraham Harold Oil / Motivation and personality The term "self-actualizing" or self-refidental personality, that is, the one that reveals the potential laid in it fully introduced to the psychology of Abraham Maslow. To develop a multifaceted personality, butu urges us to get to personal experience Outstanding people who have successfully passed this way.

    Interview for international publication PS.

    "Alexander Edward River: a multi-faceted personality"

    (Amir Yusupova)

    one). Fight club, literature, research. How do you all have enough time?

    - "This is not all areas of my activities and my interests. For example, I would especially noted, among other things, passionate passion for the works of art and artistic painting. On the basis of this, a" alei "workshop was created, in which I personally engage in these constitues . If we talk about the time, it will be speedy and in matters of its distribution, first of all, it all depends on the clear distribution life priorities, high self-organization and proper goals. It is important to determine exactly what it is interesting to you to deal with that intriguing and develops you, gradually elevated over yourself, as well as true dedication and deep genuine respect for what you are doing. Based on this, I note the following: a person will always find a certain amount of free time to implement what he really needs, what he considers it important for himself. Of course, there is a volumetric number of work trips, the gradual accumulation of incredible fatigue, both the physical and the one that threads mental reserves, sometimes there is a long lack of full sleep and the like. But, the fundamental principle of my life is the idea of \u200b\u200bfurther promotion and development, and, together with this, the love of its work, which allows me, no matter what, continue further movement in the selected direction. "

    2). That is, you are the person who made a passion for his work?

    - "Yes, this is how it is. I am deeply convinced that this aspect is of paramount importance in the lives of many. This is the postulate of personal development to which the overwhelming majority of the living people seek. Not to mention the conductors of the creative ideas to which I myself am belonging. For me, the vital necessity is denoted by the vital necessity to all of what I am surrounded on this earth. This manifests itself, both in love for a woman, close to people, forest, water, and to those areas of activity that later began to form in my life As elements of a professional orientation. Stripping more accurately - I do it precisely, and only by bringing me pleasure and inner joy, those constitutions that fill my life with meaning and give my consciousness into a state of thin harmony. I believe that this is exactly what it is for which it is worth living, waking up in the morning, inhaling new notes of the positive, what pushes you to the next series of accomplishments and The expectation of the goals ".

    3). Fight club. I hear this phrase, unwittingly remembered the novel of the romance of Chuck Palanik. But what really is "w.s.p"?

    - "Unlike the aforementioned novel, the Fight Club" W.S.P "(abbreviation from English:" The Way of Soul Power - "The Way of Internal Force") is quite real and, which is paramount, it is possible to mention it. Throughout almost seventeen years, he is my brainchild in the field of accumulated fighters and professional qualities and skills. If you say more precisely, this is a certain arsenal of martial arts united in the format of one autonomous organization. The preparation system of which includes: a battle system without rules, power training, methods for overcoming the threshold of pain sensitivity, comprehensive development of the technical qualities of the fighter and methods of mental hardening, as well as meditative practices and autotraining. This is only a small part of the general context of training in the walls of our training space. Thus, we allow systematically to produce fighter skills in the adepts of different ages. So we introduce our individual contribution to the development of a healthy nation, military culture and moral and ethical qualities, as well as personal spiritual improvement. "

    four). Training takes place in a new practice or are the elements of oriental martial arts lie? They are also directed not only to the physical development of the fighter, but also on spiritual, about what, alas, many forget, focusing on the muscles only.

    - "My personal fighting path, at the time, started with the practices of the East. As a rule" insecurity "(modern China). They included methods for various physical training, kneading the body and shock surfaces, the operation of mobility, the speed of the reaction and speed. In addition to this, I studied the philosophy of Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism. Under the leadership experienced masters Practiced various kinds of meditative practices and methods of autotraining. Over time, I replenished the chest of my knowledge and skills. An experience gained. What I was lacking, I borrowed from other fighting currents. At the same time, the lion's share of technical elements and exercises on the development of powerful qualities I developed myself. So the volume of accumulated skills has significantly expanded and led me to the fact that I created my individual system of hand-to-hand combat without rules. Then organized his fighter club. There are a number of style directions in it and age groups. Teaching in the club takes place on the canons of the battle system without rules "W.S.P" and the classic South Chinese Kung Fu: "Style of the five animals - Hongziazuan", the most famous in the West called "Honggar". The training process includes the entire spectrum of comprehensive training of a person, the development of his personal qualities, where the physical and spiritual orientation is connected by inseparable chains and harmoniously complement each other on all the ways to improve the fighter. "

    five). Historical and mystical project "Out-x". Can you details about this project?

    - "This project was created, first of all, for the comprehensive study of the precedents of various mystical manifestations in the design of processes, often around us. A working team was organized, which, over time, began to prepare from a different kind of" unclean "," damned " , "Witchcraft" places, the territories "not confused" - there, where there were explicit references to the like that. A natural collection of thematic material began to occur (work with archival data, an obvious survey, examination of cards, pathways and the possibility of promoting For some terrain, and the like). Following its processing, at the moment, already a rather extensive number of articles, notes, reviews and projects of the project are written. Let's shoot an impressive arsenal of visual content. In a word, we ourselves, with our personal presence confirm Or, we refute those or other urban legends, rumors and superstitions that the people enveloped themselves from the old days. For The centuries-old history has accumulated in sufficient quantities. To admit, there are a number of places in which under the cover of the moon dark night "chopped" blood. However, the interest through this inner experience only intensified over time - it became a certain necessity. Without such work, we began to feel ourselves to the casual serm and predictability. We always tried to avoid these manifestations in every way. That is why, despite the inexorable time of time, each of us has not lost the enthusiasm, the smoldering spark that is able to turn the usual night of the working exit to something hypnotic, fascinating. The incredible range of experienced emotions, supplemented rather peculiar, but, at the same time, exciting sensations. "

    6). You are so colorfully describing everything! Is it possible to get acquainted with the above-mentioned materials on project expeditions? Is there data on the network or do you plan to release a series of books dedicated to the topic of the project?

    - "Currently, the project is presented in the group social network "VKontakte" called "Historical and Mystical Project" Out-X ". Announced studies are applied by some specialized printed and Internet resources. Also, a considerable number of articles is located on my personal writer page of the portal "", under the name Alexander Edward River. Each day the coverage of broadcasting and the popularization of the project increases. It is becoming more recognizable and in demand in circles with a wide reader audience. In the future, we are planning the release of a full-fledged book, in which all the most interesting and intriguing will be collected. We will try to dip the reader in that strange, and sometimes a very frightening atmosphere, which
    accompanied our team during night expeditions. We are systematic and consistent. Therefore, at the moment, we have collected a huge amount of work material that requires subsequent skillful processing and, not less skillful, editorial. And when our workers archives will undergo all this, we will introduce you to many truly exciting mystical and documentary stories. "

    7). What is your novel "Waltz Moon Motalkas"?

    - "The plot line is born in a veil of a misty past, or rather mysterious, inexplicable events that occurred in one of the old Romanian villages, near the massive Carpathian mountains. The prototype of the described objects is quite real and is part of my personal marriage memories. Mystical and dramatic aspects will lead the main The hero through a worker of the oddities, slowly submitting him to the realization of the inexorability of the conceived junction. Which will be Suspantly, a complete surprise for the reader. It is such plots closest to me. After all, under the dome of the writing craft, I often position myself as the author of such thematic works. This is I described the novel in very blurry general features, sincerely hoping for your understanding of the fact that before the conclusion of the contract with the publishing house and enter the circulation of the printed book, I can not fully reveal the entire concept of the manuscript. "

    eight). Exciting plot! If not a secret, what is your work stage now? I think many would gladly read your book.

    - "I am pleased that the plot of my upcoming novel has the ability to interest in its content, and even more so that at this time of time, it has already managed to be for many readers exciting. Currently, six conditional heads of work found their publication. This is part which appeared directly in free access. And, it is necessary to admit that this amount of material has already become the subject of a lively discussion in literary circles, and not only. It is always nice when you appreciate your thoughts, worked out by the plot, atmosphere and created with you the characters. As regards to The stage where the manuscript is now, I can express enough modestly: the work is promoted very fruitful and at the necessary pace. The exact data of the process of creating a manuscript I currently cannot voice, because of contractual obligations with my literary agent and publishing, under the auspices of which , the book will gain, at one time, printed form. For my part, I At make all possible efforts, so that my readers, in the near future, have the opportunity to come into contact with the world of my gloomy-mystical fantasies and images. "

    nine). You want to write a mystical fairy tale for an adult generation with an interlacing genre. At the same time, your works with which the editors and readers were familiar with, can be said, fall under this category. Or in your understanding, this idea differs from your current creativity?

    "Let's say that, this is one of the possible ideas that I, most likely, would like to implement in the future. This is the psychological thriller and a plenty detective. This is a rather small part of what I would like to try to try as the author. There are certain ideas and creative sketches; what it will turn out, only a measure of time will show. As for the mystic fairy tale for adults, then, of course, not yet born like that of my pen. I am writing about the real world surrounding us, In which sometimes the shadows of some mystical manifestations and visions invade. It is they who ask the necessary rhythm work, fill it scene line. The fairy tale, in essence, is a thoughtful magical world, with its special structural component. I think in the near future I will take a final decision and take seriously for writing one of these works. "

    10). That is, we are talking about creating a full-fledged world, not inserts, let's say, mystics in our world?

    - "Yes, as a rule, it is separate existing worldin which all processes obey their special magic criteria. Both surrounding space and relationships. A little irony and incomprehensibility of reality is why it cannot exist within the framework of the real world and its everyday worries. The distinctive feature of the products of the mystical orientation coming from under my own author's pen is that the world described is quite real and gray. It is subject to the manifestation of foggy-routine everyday, in which there are some spaces that allow at a certain point in dispelments to dispel the boundaries of this reality and combine the component elements of these two opposite-directional worlds - the fragile world of the living and eternal peace of spirits. "

    eleven). Looking at you and your interests, it seems that you are a fighter and seeker in life. Fighter in spirit, persistent. Knowledge seeker, secret and intimate. Is it so, or is it only a mask, an image?

    - "Yes, this is exactly the case. Without any masks and hypocrisms. This is my inner entity, generated from many years of wandering and search, reflections and torments. Weave the processes of the female drop and gaining a new revival. Education of the spiritual component in itself, that rod , the basics that gradually gripped in me the person I am
    Here and now, in this very specific period of time, in this very detached moment. My Scandinavian roots, the pagan roots of the Viking - fighter and warrior were a large help and foundation for this development. It's my blood and the supply of will and patience that contributes further development Personal consciousness and my spiritual world throughout my life path. And the game of images, perhaps, I will leave for my literary characters. Which, sometimes, lead your mysterious game with me, complement the depth of my inner world, inspiring, thereby, to new accomplishments and unknown creative discoveries. "

    12). Scandinavian roots! Not surprising. Looking at you, it seems that it is about the fact that before you Viking. Therefore, a personal question: for religion you closer the gods of Scandinavian ancestors or not? Or are you an atheist?

    "My personal process spiritual development It was built (and built to this day) on the basic elements: paganism, Christianity, as well as on the fundamental principles of Buddhism, Taoism and beliefs of Indian tribes. In all these currents there are a lot of aspects that particular attention should be paid in the formation of a system of their life values. I treat Muslim with respect, but still, it is too far from me. As a rule, this is explained by the difference between cultures and customs. In general, I am a supporter of naturalness and in each of these postulates I find what it comes to me, contributes to my individual spiritual self-realization. I am close to the impermanent element of nature: the free wind caresses the strand of loose hair, crystal clear water and virgin forests, the ghostly incomprehensibility of bright sunlights, warmed in the magnificence of field dew and tranquility of languid night flicker of the moon. My inner world Constantly strives for this true primacy. My blood is calling me. Therefore, a special place in this multi-faceted system of formation occupies paganism - faith of my ancestors - Vikings. It is in it that the harmony of natural principles and the inner spiritual world - the internal energy that gave rise to everything alive. To paganism, the closest beliefs of the Indians. Similar principles, similar fate. I would even say that paganism is pretty similar to them. And this is manifested in a variety of key aspects. Respect for the neighbor and everything surrounds you. Atheist, I have never been. The denial of everything in my mind is always associated with the silence of emptiness. But is it worth an empty space in order to associate his life with him - both physical and spiritual.? I am convinced that this chase for a non-existent ghostly flicker is not worth the speared candles. Warm gentle wax, flowing from the fire, is already worth more. "

    13). From a big list of things that you inspire you, I want to allocate sacrifice and self-dedication. These features are not peculiar to many people. Are you prone to altruism?

    - "Not inclined by nature, being extremely self-sufficient man that in itself it already implies a certain proportion of the name of the personal circle of interest. Otherwise, in life it is incomprehensible to be difficult to achieve some significant professional heights. But, with accumulated life experiences. But, with accumulated life experience , he manifests itself more and more often in my attitude to loved people. As a rule, it concerns that blood family-generic relations. To which I treat with a special reverence, considering them the basis of moral and ethical standards for me personally and for any person, Having revered his culture, customs and way of life of their ancestors. As for the sacrifice in particular, then it itself is in itself for me the undisputed apogee of the true manifestation of the feelings and purity of spiritual thoughts. She drops from a person all the shackles of sinfulness and makes it absolutely free and Pure, like the transformation of the pristine natural moisture into a crystal coolness of transparent morning dew. That is how Coming the formation of the military spirit. Through its cleansing.


    On November 15, on the stage "Crocus City Hall", the singer Eva Polna will perform the program "Everything about me." 16 years on stage, participation in the superpopular project "Guests from the future", nine license number albums, solo career - the famous artist really has about what to teach the audience. In the meantime, Eva Fans are looking forward to her concert, she talked about himself, as well as their daughters, about relations with colleagues and about the desire to write songs for children in an interview with the portal "".

    Eve, tell us what will be your Moscow concert, what surprises do you prepare fans?

    The fact is that my concert is absolutely new story. Let's start with the fact that this is my first solo performance of this scale. And naturally, I can't participate in a similar concert one - along with me the whole team of musicians and dancers will be released on the scene. So all in an adult! In addition, I will fulfill the songs at the concert that no one has heard. In fact, it will be the presentation of a new program, almost a presentation of a new album, which will soon see light - or at the end of this year, or at the beginning of the following.

    You tour a lot. Tell me, are Muscovites differ from the public in other cities?

    Of course they differ. Because they differ from each other of the city. Energy Kazan is different from the energy, for example, Peter, and Khabarovsk does not look like Minsk. But this does not mean at all that the public is somewhere worse, but somewhere better. I am with great pleasure advocating for my listeners. And they are all special for me.

    Your concert program is called "everything about me." It is clear that your songs can be told about you. And yet, what would you have told about themselves most important than several words?

    It is difficult for me to say a few words. I am a multifaceted personality. (Smiles). In general, for myself - the sorceress-beauties-princess.

    Amalia and Evelyn were already at your concerts? What impressions remain from them after the speech?

    I often spend in nightclubs and courts for an adult public, and there children are not a place. Therefore, a concert in "Crocus" is the first serious musical event in which they will see their mother.

    What abilities do you notice from Evelin and Amalia? Do they go along your footsteps?

    First of all, I would like my children to be healthy and happy. I would like to do in life what brings them joy. Of course, as every parent I want my children to be successful, but to impose something. I do not want to talk about talents, but And Amalia and Evelyn love to sing and dance and in general enough artistic natures. Now their main task is to learn, and mine is to give them a decent education.

    Whether your life and career changed after participating in the project "one in one" and if so, how?

    My career has not changed in any way. This is just a teleproject in which I took part. I still did not receive an Oscar.

    Do you support relationships with other project participants? Who during filming did you have especially warm and friendly relations?

    I also supported a friendly relationship with many of my colleagues. This is the law of show business. Human we got close to Julia Savicheva - my neighbor on the dressing room. I hurt her very much on the project. From the heart I wish her success in her work!

    Artists are often criticized: their creativity, style, shape. How do you feel about criticism in your address? Listen to comments or, on the contrary, try to protect yourself from unpleasant statements?

    I am removed towards criticism. For me, the main critic is the audience in my concerts. It is my listeners who are convinced of me that I move in the right direction. This allows me to stay yourself. What I am very glad.

    The group "Vintage" dedicated to you one of his songs, tell me, and if you wrote a song to someone, what artist would you choose and what they wrote about?

    I would have better wrote anything for children. Already several generations including mine grow on the same music. I want modern children to have their own popular children's songs.

    Hello, dear readers! The topic of today's article: a multi-faceted person is it? How to understand in what direction it is worth developing, how to find your talent, how don't you miss something important and be successful in several spheres? Is it easy to be such a person and what should I do for this? Let's try to find out what is special in such people and what they have to learn to learn.

    Know everything or nothing to understand

    When I asked my friend who was such a multi-faceted person, she answered with a slight smile on his face: this is a charlatan, who actually does not know how, but pretends that he knows everything about everything.

    Of course, there is such an opinion that versatile people are trying to grasp as many different spheres and aspects in life, which can not really learn something one good. Does this mean that being a multifaceted person badly?

    Just like this for everything in a row and the truth will not bring big success in any field. It is extremely important here as a person builds his development. In all his long life, a person really can master a large number of skills. My girlfriend can and knit, and cook, and the floristry is engaged, and playing the guitar.

    Multi-faceted is that a person develops immediately in several directions. It is important to learn how to competently, boldly refuse classes that do not bring pleasure, see the future and understand where you are moving.

    Multi-faceted is that a person chooses several priority directions for itself and develops in them.

    A versatile developed person can be talented in one particular aspect, but at the same time constantly recognize something new, interested in other areas of life, to be curious and master other skills. Life in itself is very multifaceted. And only you depends on you that you want to take from it.

    Find your way

    This can also include psychology, marketing, NLP, human management, conflictology, and so on. All with regard to human interaction is great for this direction.

    In addition to communicating with people, it is important to develop and the physical side of life - sport. It does not matter exactly what sport is to study: yoga, pilates, cycling, jogging, bodybuilding or karate. Can a sport be considered an important aspect of development? Of course. No wonder they say that in a healthy body a healthy mind. How else to take strength in order to develop in other directions?

    Let's go back to the issue of general erudition. In addition to books, you can raise your level of erudition in other ways, the description of which you can find in my article - "". You can never stop in this matter.

    We are all endowed with different. Someone in the light finds mutual language With any person, and for someone, communication is real torture. One person quickly masters new information, easily delves into a new business, and another has to sweat very much for this.

    Someone prefers to focus all their strength on one particular case, bring it to perfection, become a real professional of his business. The other will be constantly looking for something, develop in different aspects, grab as much as possible, change and so on.

    If you are a person who prefers to be given entirely to only one case - wonderful! Surely you will soon become a professional and you can start developing another skill. The main thing is to never stop there.

    If you are from those who want to grab everything and immediately, then you need to learn how to properly distribute time and strength so that it does not work out that you tried to cover too much and eventually remained with anything.

    How do you understand the phrase "multifaceted person"? Do you have such familiar? What is their weakness and strong side?

    Good luck in all endeavors!

    Mural ... Orphographic Dictionary

    Versatility, versatility; Comprehensiveness, versatility. Ant. One-sidedness, monotony dictionary of Russian synonyms. See versatility of the synonyms of the Russian language versatility. Light ... Synonym dictionary

    J. Dandrel. SUD by arrival Multifaceted explanatory dictionary. T. F. Efremova. 2000 ... Modern dictionary Russian language Efremova

    Multi-faceted, polynescence, versatility, polynesses, versatility, versatility, versatility, versatility, versatility, versatility, versatility, polynesses (Source: "Full accentuated paradigm by ... ... Word Forms

    One-sided ... Dictionary Antonyms

    multi-faceted - Mr. Annia, and ... Russian spelling dictionary

    multi-faceted - 'Ability to cover various sides of life, activities' syn: versatile, multilateralness Ant: one-sidedness, monotony ... Thesaurus Russian business vocabulary

    multi-faceted - see multifaceted; and; g. Multi-phase prism. Multi-challenging talent. Multi-characterness of character ... Dictionary of many expressions

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