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  • Priority of cases. How to prioritize life? Instant emotions, difficult choices and core values

    Priority of cases.  How to prioritize life?  Instant emotions, difficult choices and core values

    Hello dear readers of the site! Today it will be, which was prepared by Anatoly Ulitovsky, for those who are engaged in search engine optimization of sites, the very thing is to learn how to correctly prioritize. So, let's begin...

    Search engines do their best to prevent webmasters from manipulating the results. New ranking factors, updates and endless recommendations are confusing. SEO professionals are constantly in a state of reboot.

    They discuss changes, bugs, drop in organic traffic, case studies, as there is no clear instruction for action.

    In such conditions, it is difficult to maintain top positions, especially if there is no website promotion strategy and there are no priorities.

    Strategic approach to search engine optimization

    Without defining "where we are going" it is difficult to assess our actions and analyze their effectiveness.

    It is no less difficult to understand “how” to achieve the set goals. The plan for promoting a website on the Internet in different search engines may be different.

    Of course, Google and Yandex are different search engines, nevertheless, there can be one strategy for promoting a site in any of them.

    Here are several options for the most common ones:

    • Promotion for general queries- the most labor-intensive strategy, as it involves the struggle with many competitors. It will take a lot of time and money to reach the top. Most often used by large brands.
    • Promotion by category- effective for commercial sites that are able to compete in price for their goods and services. Attracts a warm audience. She knows exactly what she is looking for, and the main argument leading to a purchase is the best cost and terms of purchase.
    • Promotion of low-frequency queries narrowly focused, reduces investment in promotion, aims at a user who is at the final stage of the purchase. Attracts an audience ready to buy right now on the most favorable terms.
    • Mixed strategy considered optimal. It is aimed at users who are at different stages of the purchase.

    The choice of a website promotion strategy directly depends on the characteristics of the business, product and target audience. The specifics of the business are directly related to the country in which the company operates.

    Before proceeding, examine how your user behaves on the network. What is he looking for?

    What queries are asked:

    • more specific,
    • narrow or informational,
    • extended.

    This will help form the semantic core and prioritize correctly.

    How to prioritize SEO

    1. Agree and set specific goals.
    2. Identify strategic pages for promotion that lead to conversions based on analytics or hypotheses.
    3. Analyze the site, identify problem areas of the site to identify technical capabilities
    4. Determine the list of tasks, priority and deadlines for each of them.
    5. Agree on benchmarks and reports.

    # 1 Start at the end

    What is the ultimate goal of the promotion process?

    You can have multiple goals - micro and macro, but identifying the primary, most important goal for the business is critical.

    The only way to deliver the correct ultimate goal- deep understanding of the business.

    If the business is a client business, it must be carefully studied in order to successfully promote it. For example, take the place of the user of goods or services.

    Let's say your client is a clinic. Try to go all the way for the user yourself, from the moment of searching on the Internet to the direct receipt of the service. See what the process looks like.

    How does the staff make appointments? What confirmation emails are sent? What are the feelings during and after the consultation?

    It might seem like it has nothing to do with SEO. However, everything is not so simple, because website optimization is part of the marketing mix and is largely based on user habits.

    Understanding the business makes it much easier to set achievable, realistic goals:

    • Measurable;
    • Which can be divided into stages - checkpoints;
    • Specific.

    # 2 Define a list of essential SEO tasks

    What does a person who optimizes sites do?

    Despite the fact that such a specialty has existed for 2-3 decades, many frankly do not understand what an SEO specialist does.

    To make this position more or less clear to the entire team, from accountant to manager, define a simple list of tasks.

    So, SEO specialist:

    • Analyzes sites: their own and competitors. Gives an overall assessment of what works and what doesn't. Determines what needs to be done to make the search engine prioritize the company's site over a competitor. Creates a strategy, plans the process of website promotion.
    • Defines the search terms that bring users from the search engine to the site. Collects them, groups, forms the primary core of search queries.
    • Analyzes the structure of the site based on the preferences of search engines and the analysis of user queries.
    • Conducts an audit, forms a task for programmers for technical optimization (code) of the site.
    • Engaged in linking to increase the page weight of the priority pages of the site.
    • He works with content on the site: gives recommendations for its improvement, creates terms of reference for copywriters and content managers.
    • Improves the usability of sites based on the analysis of user behavior.
    • Deals with.

    Each of these points has the same goal - to improve the conversion of the site. Nevertheless, each of them has more or less priority at a certain stage. Therefore, it is important to understand what to do first.

    # 3 prioritization and time management

    Interestingly, the often non-tricky algorithms and unexpected ranking factors in the search network become a stumbling block for the SEO specialist. Everything is much simpler and more complicated at the same time.

    Time management and the ability to correctly prioritize depending on the situation are pitfalls that seasoned optimizers fall into. In many cases, they switch to the operational "suppression of small fires", neglecting urgent tasks.

    This can only be avoided by assigning a priority to each task and specifying deadlines. The entire list of cases should be divided into urgent but not important, important but not urgent, time-consuming or not.

    There is also an interesting approach from Moz specialists: they prioritize the depth of the location of the problem on the site. That is, the more mouse clicks you need to make to get to the problem page, the lower the priority of fixing it.

    # 4 Start promoting from strategically important pages on the site

    There are several ways to identify them. One of them is the analysis of statistics obtained using Google analytics... What to look for?

    Behavior Map report - excellently visualizes the paths users move through the pages of your site. By analyzing it, you can conclude where visitors are most often leaving, look at these pages and make a decision about changes.

    It is equally interesting to delve deeper into the analysis of this report. By clicking on a specific page, a specific user path can be seen.

    The Reverse Paths to Goal report is designed to analyze the sales funnel. It makes it easy to determine which pages are most likely to lead to conversions.

    You can create your own custom report to find out which page was most likely to convert.

    To do this, you need to go through the path "Special reports" - "My reports" - "Add report" - "Simple table".

    Then you will see the result - a special report on the parameters you specified.

    The essence of the analysis of these reports is to identify which pages of the sales funnel are working and which are not. Findings will help you set goals and identify pages that need more SEO attention.

    # 5 Fix technical errors

    Many people test and check the work of the site manually. It is not always convenient and takes a lot of time. Therefore, we recommend using several proven tools.

    They very quickly scan the largest resources, identifying places that need increased attention.

    • Moz Pro
    • Screaming frog
    • Deepcrawl
    • Raven

    Moz Pro, DeepCrawl and Raven are automatic scanning tools. They periodically re-check and report when new problems arise.

    This is very important, since it is very easy to miss the slightest detail on a site with more than 100 thousand pages. Programs allow you to identify problems in time and set tasks for specialists to solve them.

    # 6 Pay extra attention to content

    The modern user constantly feels an overabundance of information. Guided by this, many argue - no one reads anything on the sites.

    Practice shows the opposite. A person needs information, strives to read and learn new things. However, the requirements for content have increased significantly.

    Many companies show how you can make money by promoting only with the help of a competent content marketing strategy. Therefore, we undertake to assert that the content of your site should strive for the ideal.

    This is the only way you can not only attract a user, but turn him into a client and keep him for a long time.

    In addition to value and utility, there are technical requirements. They are more important to search engines: keyword entry, keyword density, headings and meta tags.

    Earlier I developed the EVEREST technology for writing correct headings. You can read about it in the article “ Everest Technique”Or watch the video:

    A feature of the technology is an increase in traffic from + 10% to 10 times due to the usual rewriting of Title!

    Using the analysis method, we have developed a free unique headline calculator, which has no analogues in the open spaces of the Runet.

    First of all, they indicate to the search engine the relevance of the page to the user's query.

    It is worth noting that each specialist has his own approach to website optimization and the creation of relevant pages.

    However, there are some standard things a quality website can boast of:

    • Interesting, useful content that responds to a user's request.
    • Correct page URLs.
    • Lack of hidden content on the site.
    • Robots.txt and sitemap.
    • Convenient menu.

    Often, only a few changes can show incredible results.

    # 7 Be careful with external optimizations

    In modern SEO, the focus has shifted a bit. External optimization is still necessary and important, but it must be done very carefully.

    To do this, you can:

    • Write interesting articles and publish them on sites where your audience is located.
    • Be an expert and offer your comments with a backlink to the site.
    • Be active on forums, social networks.

    There are many ways. Anyone can be used. The main thing is not to spam and remember that one good link will give much more results than ten spam ones.

    # 8 Build communication

    If you work for a company optimizing corporate websites, you will have to report to management. If in the agency - in front of the client.

    The word "will have to" here has an exclusively good meaning, since this need plays into the hands, first of all, for you, as a specialist.

    The client (in this case, the manager is the client) likes to keep his finger on the pulse.

    It is important to create a custom reporting system that meets the key goals set for the optimizer.

    It can be specific, with a set of specific metrics, or you can start with standard Google Analytics reports. To simplify your task, you can use ready-made reports.

    New Google Analytics User Starter Bundle- a set of custom reports and segments, which includes:

    • analytical analysis of traffic segmentation,
    • analysis of the attractiveness of visitors,
    • analysis of the effectiveness of access to visitors,
    • indicators of mobile traffic by hourly segment,
    • custom report on search traffic,
    • custom report on search traffic,
    • own report on e-mail traffic management,
    • customizable report on traffic from social networks,
    • custom site performance report,
    • custom Mobile eCommerce report and many other features.

    Content Analysis Dashboard is a content analysis dashboard designed to provide data to help you evaluate the effectiveness of content on your website.

    Based on these widgets, you will be able to see which page is better / worse and adjust your content strategy according to your needs and results.

    Content Efficiency Report is especially relevant if you are careful about implementing your content strategy. The report is convenient for analyzing the effectiveness of content.

    Includes a report on page traffic, the number of unique visitors, the number of entries / exits and bounces, the duration of page views, etc.


    Clear reports for the client help in further communication. It is very important to explain specific terminology and conduct a dialogue in a language that is understandable for both parties.

    • We have identified the main components of the strategy for effective website promotion, which are important to always keep in sight.
    • Everything else also requires attention, but not always needs full concentration. You can often get lost in the flow of tasks.
    • It is important to prioritize in order to structure your work, not to rush chaotically from one fire to another, but to systematically achieve your goals.

    Of course, the Internet is changing so quickly that it's impossible to write a strategy, prioritize and follow them once.

    It is important to remember to be flexible and not to lose the ability to react quickly to changes.

    We have all seen people who, even for a minute, cannot sit idle. They work from morning to night all their lives. They don't even retire.

    But here's the paradox - their life is not getting better!

    Bad luck?

    Nope ... They have a different problem - priorities. Or rather, their absence.

    We will talk about priorities today.

    I am sure that this square, which is being reprinted from book to book, has already blurred your eyes:

    Popular sign. And for good reason.

    As you know, success lives in the second quadrant. You need to regularly invest time in matters that are not urgent, but important.

    What are these things?

    For example, reading books. Nobody forces you to read. It is not urgent. But only a person who reads can achieve success "with a long game."

    Another example is playing sports. Out for a run? This will add only 0.1% health to you. And the effect can only be seen years later. But the years will pass anyway. You will stand next to the "couch schwartz", and the changes will be oh so noticeable.

    Why am I all this?

    Losers (and they like to blame bad luck) have no concept of "importance" at all. They live in a house with a "Urgency" sign.

    Is it urgent? So important! Does not burn? So it will wait a little longer.

    The affairs of the most valuable quadrant - the second - are not being carried out.

    They never have time for books. But they will be the first on the sale of irons.

    How will be correct?

    Do the important things first.

    This is common sense, damn it!

    You woke up in the morning, rubbed your eyes and immediately start thinking in the direction of important things. Perform them first and only then - everything else.

    How to prioritize a case?

    I like the Agile Results system in this regard. Simple as a felt boot. It pulls the thread from your goals for the year to goals for the week and then for the day. And ties them all together.

    By doing something during the day, you realize that it is a little bit, but it brings you closer to your goals for the year. It also motivates great!

    How can all this be put into practice?

    I'll show you how I did it.

    My tasks have only three priorities: very important (!), Important (*) and unimportant:

    As a result, we have this:

    This is my tab with important things to do. The tasks are sorted there like this:

    • very important and fast;
    • very important;
    • important and fast;
    • important.

    And I'm just doing tasks from top to bottom. Well, what could be easier?

    I try to spend most of my time in this tab.

    As you can see, I am not a supporter of a complex priority system (from 1 to 100, for example). I am sure that for 99% of people, two or three degrees of importance of the task will be enough.

    By the way, you can organize everything in the same way in a paper organizer, although I don't have one for you.


    It is not enough just to write down all your affairs. It is not enough to plan them out,. It is not enough to introduce them into a rigid system and place reminders.

    Be sure to incorporate PRIORITIES into your time management system! Only they distinguish the always busy loser from the person who achieves his goals.

    Ask yourself the question - what do you really want in life? You can even write down your desires on a piece of paper, then analyze them. Desires may be different, but one thing unites them - having achieved your goals, you will feel truly happy.

    It is happiness that is the main goal of any person - even if he himself is not aware of this. Therefore, prioritization in life must necessarily take this moment into account. If what you are doing now does not bring you closer to happiness, something needs to be changed in your life.

    This point is very important. The road to happiness is difficult, and there is not much time. Therefore, each step should lead to your goal. Anything that takes you away from the chosen path, moves you away from the goal, must be thrown away. Or, at least, relegated to the background.

    Other people's interests

    For many people, the top priorities in their lives are the happiness, health, and well-being of loved ones. At the very least, many will say that this is the case for them. However, this is a mistake. Yes, people should take care of their parents, brothers and sisters, children. Should be ready, if necessary, to give their lives for them. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that even the people closest to you cannot, have no right to deprive you of your dream - whatever it may be.

    A person can live for others - if this is his path, his choice. If it makes him happy. But if, due to a sense of duty, responsibility, a person deprives himself of his dream, this is already wrong. People come to this world to be happy. Depriving yourself of happiness means living your life in vain.

    That is why do not allow anyone, including people close to you, to manipulate you. You have your goals, your own path. Help loved ones, take care of them. But don't let them rob you of your dreams.


    Some people have a lot of priority lists. This is wrong - you cannot grasp the immensity. If you've made a list like this, cross out all but the top three items. What items to leave is up to you. But there shouldn't be more than three of them. It is on these three priority goals that you focus all your attention.

    Why only three points and not more? Because such are the realities - a person cannot effectively work on more than three tasks at the same time. If there are more of them, the efficiency of work drops sharply, as a result, nowhere is it possible to achieve a good result. Therefore, something will have to be sacrificed. Learn to discard unnecessary things for the sake of the main thing.

    Change of priorities

    It is important to note that priorities can change over time. This is normal - a person grows up, his values ​​change. At the same time, a change of priorities, if it occurs, should be of an evolutionary nature, correspond to the spiritual growth of a person. And it's very bad when a person just rushes through life, not knowing what he really wants. In this case, you need to go back to the very beginning and ask yourself: what do I need to be happy?

    Never forget happiness. You can acquire a huge fortune, and at the same time be a deeply unhappy person. Money provides opportunities, but it cannot replace happiness. Therefore, consider them as a tool, nothing more. Don't chase after prestige, career, fashion - find your own way. The one on which you will feel inspired, full of strength and energy. If you are happy to meet every new day, if you clearly see the goal and go to it, no matter what, then you have correctly prioritized and are on the right path.

    Find new job or learn to enjoy the one that is? Move to Moscow or stay in your native province? Start an argument with colleagues or keep silent? Spend the next weekend with your friends or take the time to your career? Every day we make many decisions, important or not. It depends on them what our life will be like, whether we can be proud of ourselves and whether we become happy.

    Do you want to learn how to choose only the best options? This is where the tips from the book Thinking Traps can help you. Here are a few excerpts from it on how to distance yourself from the problem, set priorities and give up everything unnecessary.

    Unexpected offer

    In October 2010, 26-year-old Kim Ramirez received a call from a former colleague asking him to join the launch of a new technology she was doing. At the time, Ramirez was living in Chicago, working in the sales department of one of the leading internet companies and not looking for another job. But her friend insisted, even invited her to dinner with the launch organizer. Believing that she had nothing to lose, Ramirez agreed.

    Soon she met the organizer, and the project carried her away. His vision was breathtaking and she liked small startups. She agreed to pay a visit to the company's headquarters in Boston. The possibilities were impressive. The position she was being offered as a clerk in Chicago represented a significant step up from her current job. But she also knew she was losing a lot.

    She had a flexible schedule that allowed her to spend more time with her husband Josh. For the first time in the history of their relationship, they had the same work schedule, none of them had to leave every week or work crazy amounts of time.

    In mid-December, Ramirez traveled to Boston, met with other executives and asked about her future employment. The answers seemed to her somewhat aggressively superficial, but, in the end, they were trying to recruit her. Nevertheless, she liked everyone she met. She was driven around the office as if she were a celebrity, impressed by the team's enthusiasm, energy and ambition. “I walked away from them on a very high rise,” she said.

    Under the influence of emotions, the girl almost decided to change her job.

    At the end of the visit, the founder officially offered her both a salary and a position, which turned out to be a significant breakthrough compared to her current position. Immediately after the meeting, right from the airport, she called Josh in delight: “This is such an amazing opportunity! I need new tasks, and I think they are. "


    Returning from the trip, she considered it her duty to warn her boss and sent him a note that she was offered another job. He immediately called her back saying how much he appreciated her. A few minutes later, her boss's boss called her and promised that after a while he would make her a counter-offer. It was not long before Christmas, so Ramirez knew that the answer would not be until after a week or two.

    Suddenly she found herself in an enviable position: two companies needed her services. Only the choice caused her anxiety. As the excitement of visiting Boston began to subside, she hesitated. The team tried to reassure her about the amount of work, but an inner voice said: this is a launch. You will have to work crazy. It's worth it?

    The more she thought about the choice, the less certain she was.

    Ramirez said that during the holidays she was sick almost every day, she did not know what she wanted. Then she started asking her best friends for advice: what should I do? One friend, Gina, supported the launch but warned Ramirez not to agree to a less flexible schedule than he is now. “You seem really happy,” she said.


    Ramirez continued to struggle with the decision until she finally realized what her problem was: it was not just a decision about work, it was a decision about a value system. Growing up, she always saw herself as “an ambitious woman making a career,” and from that point of view, working at a startup was a clear advantage.

    On the other hand, having gained experience in her current job, Ramirez reached a balance between life values: she had time for Josh, for friends and family.

    It turned out that the choice is between career and freedom.

    For the first time, she had to choose between two possible directions in her life. She says: "For a very long time, you can just move, and the question does not arise before you: what do I value more?" While she waited for a counter offer from the current company, startup executives bombarded her with emails, called and asked what she decided. She felt terrible as she kept them waiting. Then came the turning point.

    One day she went for a run at the gym. During the eight-kilometer distance, it suddenly dawned on her. What do I work for? What is the purpose of my work? The thought struck like lightning. “I nearly fell on the treadmill,” she shared.

    Thoughts flowed like a flood: I work to have enough money to be safe, to travel with Josh, to do photography if I want to, or to invite my sister to dinner. But if I don't have enough time to do the things I like, more money or more responsibility won't bring me joy. Everything became very clear: she should stay at her old job. “I felt peace in my soul,” she said.

    Looking back, she was amazed: if she had not had time to experience the emotions after a visit to Boston, she would most likely have accepted the offer and paid an unknown price in terms of her relationship and sense of balance.

    Instant emotions, difficult choices and core values

    In making a decision, Kim Ramirez had to distance herself from instant emotion. After visiting Boston, she felt euphoric (“This is such an amazing opportunity!”), But she was wise enough to give herself time to think things over.

    Even after the feelings subsided, she remained confused for a while. And from here we will move on. Ramirez's decision proved difficult not so much because she was distracted by instant emotions, but because she had to choose between two basic directions. Ultimately, Ramirez admitted that she could not make a decision until she figured out her preferences in life.

    The takeaway from this story is this: When faced with a tough choice, ask yourself important questions about your priorities. What drives you? What kind of person do you strive to be? What do you think is the best option for your family in the long run? This will help put everything in its place.

    How to make decisions reflect your core priorities

    Maybe the advice to define and fix your baseline priorities sounds too clichéd. However, there are two reasons why people rarely act on this seemingly fundamental principle.

    First, people rarely set priorities unless the circumstances dictate them. Second, setting priorities doesn't mean tackling them.

    At the end, Pounds noted that "no manager reported any activity that was directly related to the issues mentioned." They didn't do any work on their basic priorities! She was supplanted by urgent matters.

    The same thing happens with parents: quality time with children is replaced by fulfilling last-minute errands and preparing meals. The problem is that urgent matters - the brightest and most urgent circumstances - always change the focus of our attention.

    To devote more time to our core priorities (which, of course, are our goal!), We must reduce the time we spend on other things. This is why Jim Collins, author of Good to Great, suggests creating a "list of things to stop doing."

    The idea came about in response to a question posed by one of his mentors: wondering what he would do after two life-changing calls. During the first, he would be notified that he inherited $ 20 million without any obligations. And during the second, he would have been informed that due to a rare and incurable disease, he had only 10 years to live.

    The mentor asked Collins, "What would you start doing differently, in particular, what would you stop doing?" Since then, Collins says, he prepares a “stop doing” list every year.

    It is naive to pretend that we can find time for everything by setting up a multitasking mode of work or starting to work more efficiently. If you take a closer look, you will find that there are not many gaps in the schedule. An hour spent in one activity is an hour not spent in others. So if you've made the decision to spend more time with your kids, or go to college, or exercise more, then there should be a decision about what you're going to stop doing.

    Be specific: Take a look at last week's schedule and ask yourself: what exactly am I going to give up in order to carve out the extra three, or four, or five hours for what I need?

    A few more books for brain development can be viewed

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    Time is money. Building a development team software Sullivan Ed



    Having identified and analyzed the requirements, you are very close to having the full set of functionality. But before you go any further, you need to prioritize your requirements. This will help you assess the importance of each requirement in advance and understand how it relates to other requirements.

    Why is it so important

    Prioritization determines the planning and distribution of tasks. In general, when planning, they try to outline the end of the implementation of the most critical requirements as early as possible. By focusing the team first on meeting the most important requirements, you can reduce the uncertain risk that is inevitable in any plan. After the completion of the implementation of critical functions, the new program will already be viable. If at this stage you have to compress deadlines or make unforeseen changes, then you will find yourself in an advantageous position and can quickly complete work on a new release of the program, since its main functions will already be ready.

    The team must agree in advance on the level of priority for each of the requirements. It is better that at the time of making difficult decisions (if such a moment comes) about the exclusion of a particular function, you are not possessed by the emotions and tension of the situation, which may affect the decision-making. There should be no doubt about which features are required and which are not. The priority features of this release should be clear to everyone involved in the project.

    How it's done

    Each requirement must be assigned a priority. The detail of priorities can be any, depending on the needs. Priority levels can be defined as follows:


    They must necessarily be embodied in the program, without this it cannot be released to the market. The required functions should be implemented and tested as early as possible; this should be given maximum attention and all resources.


    The presence of these requirements is highly desirable. With sufficient justification, their implementation can be abandoned, but this does not diminish the importance of their presence in the program. The implementation and testing of the desired requirements begins immediately after the mandatory ones.


    These requirements are also desirable, but they are implemented last and are the first candidates for removal if there are problems with the timing.

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    Making Time for Top Priorities Ask yourself, what part of your average day requires making difficult choices and negotiating with those who are making inquiries? As we have shown in previous chapters, Pareto's Law states that the top 20

    From the book Business Process Management. A Practical Guide to Successful Project Implementation by Jeston John

    Prioritizing the process Driven by incentives and performance measurement systems, the investment community overestimates the importance of results and underestimates the importance of the process. As Robert Rubin pointed out: It's not that the results don't matter. How

    From the book The Perfect Sales Machine. 12 proven business performance strategies by Holmes Chet

    Step 8: Prioritizing Innovation Prioritizing innovation should be the result of modeling steps, collecting metrics, and analyzing the root causes of the Understanding Phase. At these steps, it should become obvious which parts of the business and processes open up

    From the book Execution: A System for Achieving Goals by Bossidy Larry

    Step 5: Prioritizing If you have done the exercise, review your plan for tomorrow and determine where your most difficult tasks are. In seminars, I often meet people who put them at the bottom of the list, because, as a rule, they are the most time consuming and

    From the author's book

    Setting clear goals and priorities Leaders who are good at executing plans focus on a few clearly defined priorities that are clear to everyone. Why can there be only a few of them? First of all, anyone who understands