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  • Programming and methodological support of the correctional and developing work of the speech therapist. Methodical maintenance of the work of the speech therapist Methodical support of the business teacher

    Programming and methodological support of the correctional and developing work of the speech therapist. Methodical maintenance of the work of the speech therapist Methodical support of the business teacher
    Software-methodical support of the Cabinet of the teacher-logopeda of Mosiosh№ 1c.Novoselitsky

    Diagnostic provision

    Diagnosis of violations of speech in children and organizing speech therapy work in a pre-school educational institution. Collection of guidelines. -PB: Childhood-press 2001Test diagnostics of oral speech of junior schoolchildren. Toolkit. T.A.Fhotekova-M.: Iris Press, 2007.

    Diagnosis and correction of letters and reading violations from younger students. R.I.Lalaeva, L.V. Venediktova-SPb.: Childhood-press

    A speech therapy album for examining the ability to read and writing. Smirnova I.A.- SPb.: Childhood-press, 2010

    Technology organization of speech therapy examination. Toolkit. O.E.Gribova.-M.: Iris-Press, 2005.

    Methods of psychological and speech therapy examination of children with violations of speech. Differential diagnostics issues. G.A. Volkova-SPb.: Childhood-Press, 2004.

    Material for the diagnosis of speech development of a child before entering school.

    Gavrina S.E., Kutyavina N.L., Toporkova I.G., Shcherbinina S.V. Rosman-Press, 2009

    Didactic material for the survey of the speech of children.Grammatical system. O.E.Gribova, T.P.Bessonova.- M.: Arcta, 2001

    Didactic material for the survey of the speech of children. Sound side. Album 1. O.E.Gribova, T.P.Bessonova.- M.: Arcta, 2001

    Didactic material for the survey of the speech of children. Sound side. Album 2. O.E.Gribova, T.P.Bessonova.- M.: Arcta, 2001

    Software-methodical materials for speech therapy classes with younger students:

    L.M.Kozyriev-Yaroslavl, Academy of Development, 2006.


    Speech Studies with Schoolchildren: Mettus E.V, Litvina A.V., Turhat O.S, Burina E.D.-SPb.: Caro, 2006

    Problems on logic.: Yu.Sokolova-m., Eksmo, 2003
    Workbooks on the development of speech on sounds (w, g; s, s, c; r, p, l, l; h, u): N.V.Novotseva-Yaroslavl, Academy of development, 1996,2001

    Nishcheva N.V. "Notebook-simulator for automating pronunciation and differentiation of sounds sh, w." GEF. Pedagogy. Publishing House "Childhood-Press" 2016

    Nishcheva N.V. "Notebook-simulator for automating pronunciation and differentiation of sounds R, ry." GEF. Pedagogy. Publishing House "Childhood-Press", 2016

    Nishcheva N.V. "Notebook-simulator for the automation of pronunciation and differentiation of sounds L, l." GEF. Pedagogy. Publishing House "Childhood-Press", 2016

    Nishcheva N.V. "Notebook-simulator for automating the pronunciation of sounds [C], [h], [sh], differentiation of sounds [C] - [C], [C] - [t"], [h] - [t "], [h ] - [C "], [Sh] - [C"], [sh] - [h] ". GEF. Pedagogy. Publishing House "Childhood-Press", 2016

    Zhukova N.S. "Lessons of the speech therapist." Eksmo, Moscow, 2014

    MDOU CRR "Crystallik" - kindergarten №30

    Friendly Lily Vladimirovna

    Table of contents.

      Explanatory note 3.

      Characteristics of age features of pupils 5

      1. Characteristics of the speech development of children with FNR, FFNR

        Characteristics of speech development of children with ONR.

        Analytical certificate for the logop.

      Features of the implementation of the educational process 11

      1. The goal, the tasks and principles of the work of the teacher-speech therapy of the speech therapy point of the Dow on the implementation of correctional and developing work with children who have violations of speech

      Target component of the working program of the teacher-speech therapist DW 13

      1. Target Landmarks (planned results) in the educational field "Speech Development"

        Interim planned results in the educational area "Speech Development"

      Meaningful component of the working program

    teacher-speech therapist Dow. eighteen

      1. Description of corrective educational activities in accordance with the directions of the child's speech development

        1. Annual work plan of the teacher-speech therapist

          Prospective work plan with children 5-6 years old with FNR, FFNR and ONR

          Perspective work plan with children 6-7 years old with FNR, FFNR and ONR

          Calendar-thematic work plan for the formation of LGSR and connected speech in children with ONR

          Individual work plan on sound mode on speech therapist

    5.2. Description of variable forms, methods, methods and means, implementing the working program of the logo teacher

    5.3. Features of the interaction of a teacher speech therapist with families of pupils

      The organizational component of the program. 23.

    6.1. Material and technical support of the work teacher-speech therapist

    6.2. Providing methodological materials and means of learning a correctional speech therapy process

    6.3. Regulation of corrective speech therapy educational activities

    6.4. Features of the subject-developing spatial environment of the speech therapy office

    1. Ready note.

    Currently, the requirements for the educational process are based on federal state educational standards of pre-school education (GEF to) and require accounting for the needs of each child and maximum individualization. Many of the difficulties in learning difficulties are in early and preschool age, and very often be due to a violation of psychophysical and speech development, a low level of formation of cognitive interests, the immaturity of the emotional and personal sphere, an unfavorable social environment or a combination of those and other factors.

    It is known that the sooner the targeted work with the child begins, the very complete correction and compensation of the defect can be, and it is also possible to prevent secondary developmental disorders. The modern stage in the development of the system of early assistance to children with disabilities, in particular with violations of speech, in the face of a preschool educational institution is characterized by increasing the requirements for the organization and implementation of the correctional educational process and is aimed at social adaptation and integration of children in society. All of the above, causes the need to develop the content of the working program of the correctional and developing activities of the teacher-speech therapist in the conditions of the speech therapy paragraph of the preschool educational organization.

    Working program of the correctional educational activity of the teacher-speech therapist Khadaryzova O.A. Designed for the 2015-2016 academic year and is intended for children 5 - 7 years with violations of speech (FN, FFNR, ONR, etc.), enrolled by the decision of the PMPC to the speech therapy.

    This working program is a regulatory and management document of a preschool educational institution that characterizes the system.psychological and pedagogical support of children with speech impairment in the conditions of the educational process.

    The regulatory framework for the development of a working program of the correctional and educational activities of the logo began educational activity is:

      UN Convention on the Rights of the Child;

      Declaration of the rights of the child;

      The main educational program of the pre-school educational institution (OOP DOO).

      The Law on Education 2013 - Federal Law of December 29, 2012 N 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation"

      Order of the MOIN RF "On approval of the Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education" of October 17, 2013 №1155

      Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated August 30, 2013 No. 1014 "On approval of the procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities for basic general education programs - educational programs of preschool education"

      Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation of May 15, 2013 N 26 "On the approval of Sanpin" Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, content and organization of the work of pre-school educational organizations "

      The program of speech therapy work to overcome phonetic-phonemetic underdevelopment of speech in children. Authors: T. B. Fichieva, G. V. Chirkin;

      The program of speech therapy work to overcome the general underdevelopment of speech in children. Authors: TB Phileeva, G.V. Chirkina, T.V. Tumanova;

      Regulations on the speech therapy station DOU;

      as well as the development of domestic scientists in the field of general and special pedagogy and psychology.

    In this way,The work program is designed to meet the goals and objectives of the basic educational program of pre-school education, the needs and capabilities of pupils of the DOW. The program identifies the correctional objectives, the main directions of work, the conditions and means of forming phonetic-phonumatic, lexico-grammatical parties and connected speech. This working program is designed to train and educate children of senior preschool age for 5-7 years with various speech pathologies (mainly FFN, ONR), enrolled on the speech therapy.

    2. Characteristics of age features of pupils.

    2.1. Characteristics of speech development of children 5-7 years old with FFN, FNR

    Phonetic-phonematical underdevelopment of speech is a violation of the processes for the formation of pronunciation in children with various speech disorders due to defects of perception and pronunciation of the phone. Children with FFNR are children with Rynolalia, Dysarthria, Akustic-PhondeMectic and Articulant and PhondeMectic Molds. Without a sufficient formation of phondematic perception, it is impossible to form its highest level - sound analysis. Sound analysis is an operation of a mental separation into composite elements (phonemes) of different sound complexes: combinations of sounds, syllables and words. In children, with a combination of violation of pronunciation and perception, the phonon notes the incompleteness of the processes of formation of articulating and the perception of sounds that differ in acoustic-articulate features. The level of development of phonmethic hearing of children affects the mastering of sound analysis. The degree of underdevelopment of phondematic perception may be different.

    IN the phonetic-phonematics underdevelopment of children is detected by several states:

      difficulties in analyzing violated in the pronunciation of sounds;

      with the formed articulation, non-omissions relating to different phonetic groups;

      the inability to determine the presence and sequence of sounds in the word.

    The main manifestations characterizing FFNR:

      undifferentiated pronunciation of couples or groups of sounds, i.e. The same sound can serve for a child with a substitute for two or more sounds. For example, instead of the sounds of "C", "H", "Sh", the child utters the sound "T": "Tyum" instead of "bag", "Trew" instead of "Cup", "Tail" instead of "hat";

      replacing some sounds by other, having a simpler articulation, i.e. Sound sounds are replaced by simple. For example, a group of whistling and hissing sounds can be replaced by the sounds of "T" and "D", "P" is replaced by "l", "sh" is replaced by "F". "Tobacco" instead of "dog", "Lyba" instead of "fish", "Fub" instead of "fur coat";

      mixing sounds, i.e. Unstable consumption of a number of sounds in different words. A child in some words can use sounds correctly, and in others to replace them with close articulation or acoustic signs. For example, a child knows how to correctly pronounce the sounds "P", "L" and "C" isolated, but in speech statements, instead of the "carpentry plane plays the board" says "Stalking with the doshka";

      other flaws of pronunciation: sound "P" - Gorlova, sound "C" - dental, side, etc.

    If there are a large number of defective sounds in children with FFNR, the syllable structure of the word and pronunciation of words with consonants are distinguished. The nature of the impaired sound impact in children with FFRR indicates a low level of development of phonderatic perception. The non-formation of phonderatic perception is expressed in:

      fuzzy distinguishing on the rumor phonemes in their own and someone else's speech;

      unpreparedness to elementary forms of sound analysis and synthesis;

      difficulties in analyzing the sound composition of speech.

    In children with FFNR, there is some underdevelopment or violation of higher mental processes:

      aTTENTION in such children can be unstable, unstable and drying, as well as - weakly formed arbitrary attention when the child is difficult to focus on one subject and to switch to another to a special task;

      the amount of memory may be narrowed compared to the norm. At the same time, the child will need more time and repetitions to remember the specified material;

      features are noted in the flow of mental operations: along with the predominance of visual-shaped thinking, children may find out in understanding abstract concepts and relationships. The rate of flow of mental operations may be somewhat slow, as a result of which there may be slowdown and perception of educational material, etc.

    Based on the listed features of the highest nervous activity, children with FFN in the pedagogical plan are characterized as follows:

      behavior can be unstable, with frequent change of mood;

      difficulties may occur in mastering training activities, because In class, children are quickly tired, it is difficult to perform one task for a long time;

      difficulties are possible to memorize the instructions of the teacher, especially two-, three-, four-stage, requiring phased and consistent implementation;

      in some cases, the peculiarities of a disciplinary nature appear.

    Unlike children with FFNR, children with phonetic violation of speech (FNR) do not have violations of phonderatic hearing and perception.

    FNR is a violation of sound suspension with a normal physical and phondematic hearing and the normal structure of the speech apparatus. A separate sound disorder may be observed or several sounds at the same time. As a rule, such violations of sound suspension are associated with a violation of articulation motility or its insufficient formation. The child cannot properly perform movements by the articulation by the authorities, especially the language, as a result of which the sound is distorted. (Motor violation of speech).

    Such disorders can manifest themselves:

      in the absence (pass) of sound - "Aknet" instead of "rocket"

      in distortions - a throat pronunciation of sound R, peeled - W, etc.

    Most often violated:

      whistling sounds - s, s (and their soft pairs), c

      hissing sounds - sh, w, h, sh

      sonorny (pagan) - l, r (and their soft couples)

      posterior - k, g, x (and their soft pairs)

    Incorrect pronunciation may be observed in relation to any consonant sound, but less often the sounds that are simple in the articulation method and do not require additional movements of the language (M, N, P, T).

    2.1. Characteristics of speech development of children 5-7 years old with ONR.

    ONR is such a speech violation, in which children with normal hearing and relatively preserved intelligence there is underdevelopment of all components of the speech system (phonetic-phonematics and lexico-grammatical). This is due to the fact that in the process of optogenesis, all components are developing in close relationship, and underdevelopment of some one component causes the underdevelopment of other components of the speech system.

    Speech experience of children with ONR is very limited, the language means they enjoy are imperfect. They are far from fully satisfy the need for interpretation. Therefore, the speaking speech of children with these speech violations is a poor, unlikely, closely related particular situation. Outside this situation, it becomes often incomprehensible. A connected (monologic) speech, without which there can be no full assimilation of knowledge acquired by children, or develops with great difficulties, or, in general, completely absent.

    All specified deviations in the development of speech are independently not overcome and do not disappear. Therefore, the speech development of such children can only be provided with the use of a system of correctional measures providing for the formation of speech practice, in the process of which the phoney and lexic and grammatical patterns of language occasion of language, speech training as a means of communication and generalization.

    ONR isolation is the allocation of a specific symptom complex. This group is complex. There are various categories of children: children with motor and sensory Alalia; Children with speech development delay as a symptom of mental delay; children with dysarthria; Children with the delay in the speech development of unfinished etiology.

    The level of general underdevelopment of speech can be different: from the complete absence of speech learning tools, to unfolded speech with elements of phonetic-phonmethic and lexico-grammatical underdevelopment.

    Levina R.E. Allocated three levels of general underdevelopment of speech:

      the hardest - ONR level level 1;

      medium - ONR level 2;

      lightweight - ONR 3 level.

    2.2. The general underdevelopment of speech I. level.

    There is almost complete absence of verbal means of communication. Children of the four - five-year-olds have a very meager vocabulary, which includes no more than 20 words. The child uses either the words - sound resistance ("bi-bi"), or brave words (fragments of a complete deployed word, for example, "uhu" instead of "rooster"). These sound components are accompanied by facial expressions and plenty of gestures. Also, many words of diffuse value: one word has many values \u200b\u200b(for example, "paw" is all that, with the help of which moves: both legs, and wheels, and paws). The word is not fixed specific value. Sometimes the same subject is called different words. The child changes one word to others (for example, the action replaces the name of the subject, "shelter" (bed) instead of sleeping). The sound structure of words is very roughly distorted, as a rule, a single-stroke structure is reproduced, less often doubled.

    Phondematic perceptions, analysis and synthesis are absent. The phonetic side of speech is also grossly broken, sound-proof is blurred. At this level of speech development, it is difficult to determine which sound is a child pronounces. The passive dictionary is wider than active, but the understanding of speech is still limited by the situation. The grammatic system of speech is practically not formed. Word is imposed and word formation. The phrase appears, but it does not have an exact connection between words, there is no grammatical design, there is no connection in the form of request and intonation, i.e. A phrase speech is either completely absent at the first level of the OR, or is characterized by fragmentary.

    General underdevelopment of speech II. level.

    At the second level, the child's speech capabilities increase significantly. Children have a rather large vocabulary. The speeches prevail nouns, few verbs, and even less adjectives. Very much in the speech of children there are verbal errors (for example, "striking" instead of "cleans", "erases", "washing"), especially verbal. Many blends, there is an inaccuracy of the words. In the speech of the child, there are a lot of amorphous verbs ("doing", "goes", "worth", etc.). The child uses a phrase speech. There are common offers. From the point of view of the number of words, the proposal is quite volumetric, but grammatically the phrase is incorrect. Not all forms are differentiated correctly. The child does not use the case in incorrect forms (incorrect coordination of nouns and adjectives in the middle way, especially in indirect case). The proposed-case designs are reproduced incorrectly. For example: "I was Lelk," instead of "I was on the Christmas tree." In general, prepositions and unions are rarely used. For children with a 2nd level of ONR characterized by gross violations of the grammatical system of speech. There is a large number of adgrammatism when using nouns, verbs; adjectives are extremely rare, because They are disheveled. In children, only ordinary forms of victims are learned. Word formation is rudely broken. It is practically no, except for the dimensional-ladies. In children with a 2nd speech underdevelopment of syntactically, the proposals are significantly better formed than in children with 1 level of ONR. Speech understanding is significantly improved. The child differentiates many acoustically close words, but not all. The phonematical side of the speech is broken, the child can not highlight the sound against the background of the word. The speaker structure of words is more unfolded (the child reproduces two or three words). But there is a gross distortion of multi-line words, especially syllables with a crossing. Words are reproduced by variational (for example, "hell instead of" star "). Violation of sound suspension is polymorphic. Properly pronounce vowels and simple on the articulation of sounds. As a rule, concrete and replacement are observed. Replacements characterize the delay in the phonetic development of the child.

    Thus, in children with ONR 2 levels, morphological and syntactic adgrammatyisms are observed, primitive connected speech, the understanding of speech remains incomplete, because Many grammatical forms differ insufficiently.

    General underdevelopment of speech III level.

    This level is characterized by the fact that everyday life becomes more detailed, there are no coarse phonetic and lexico-grammatical disorders. The sound side is relatively formed, but there are violations of the pronunciation of complexity of sounds and violation of the spelling structure of the word. Especially large violations are observed in all forms of connected speech (story in a storyline, a story on a given topic). There are inaccuracies in the use of many words, verbal paraphalia. There is a non-formation of semantic fields. The active dictionary presents nouns, verbs, but few adjectives, complex prepositions and unions, but they are still already available. In active speech, predominantly simple prevalence offers are used. There are great difficulties in the use of complex proposals. There is an insufficient formation and inaccurate differentiation of forms of victims and word formation. Agrammaties are observed in those forms that appear late in ontogenesis. For example, the coordination of nouns and adjectives in the middle way, the use of complex prepositions "because of", "from under". Very often there are no binding links in complex proposals. There is a violation of complex forms of phonderatic analysis and synthesis. Violations are expressed in mastering reading and writing.

    Thus, at the third level of ONR, the greatest difficulties are observed when constructing an arbitrary phrase.

    2.3. Analytical certificate for the logop.

    In September 2015, 25 children were enrolled on the speech therapy point.

    Of 25 children with speech impairment:

    15 children have dysarthritia, 10 children - Dislavia.

      children with speech therapy conclusion of the FNR;

    15Teey with a speech therapy conclusion of the FFNR;

    5 children with speech therapy conclusion of ONR 3-4 levels;

    3. Features of the implementation of the educational process

    3.1cel, tasks and principles of the work of the teacher-speech therapy point of the Dow on the implementation of correctional and developing work with children who have violations of speech.

    The purpose of the program is create conditions for the formation of a full-fledged phonetic and lexico-grammatical system of language, the development of phonametic perception and skills of initial sound analysis and synthesis in children with speech impairment (FNR, FFNR, ONR, and other speech pathologies) enrolled on the speech therapy.

    In the process of the correction process are solvedthe following tasks:

      early detection and timely prevention of speech violations;

      overcoming deficiencies in speech development;

      education of the articulation skills of sound suspension and the development of auditory perception;

      normalization of sound impact and syllated word structure;

      development of sound analysis and synthesis skills;

      development of lexico-grammatical categories and connected speech (monologic and dialogic speech).

    Achieving the goal and solving tasks is carried out taking into account the followingprinciples :

      the principle of nature appearance, i.e. synchronous alignment of speech and mental development of children with speech impairment;

      onhegenetic principle, taking into account the patterns of the development of children's speech in the norm;

      principle of individualization, accounting for opportunities, features of the development and needs of each child;

      the principle of recognizing each child by a full participant in the educational process;

      principle of supporting the children's initiative and the formation of the cognitive interests of each child;

      the principle of concreteness and accessibility of educational material, compliance with the requirements, methods, techniques and the conditions for formation of the individual and age features of children;

      principle of systematic and interconnection of educational material;

      the principle of gradually submitting educational material;

      the principle of concentric increasing information in each of the subsequent age groups in all five educational areas.

      the principle of the relationship of working on various parties to speech;

      principle of providing active language practice.

    The main form of working with children isgame activity - The mining form of the activities of preschoolers. Everythingcorrectional-developing (individual and subgroups) Node, in accordance with the Working Program, they are gaming in nature, are saturated with various games and developing game exercises and in no way duplicate school forms of training.

    Thus, the main task of the working program of the teacher-speech therapist for the 2017-2018 academic year is the mastery of children with independent, connected, grammatically correct speech and communicative skills, the phonetic system of the Russian language, elements of diplomas, which forms psychological readiness for school training and ensures continuity with The next step of the general education system.

    4. Sale component of the work program of the teacher-speech therapist DW

    4.1. Salerny guidelines (planned results) in the educational field "Speech Development"

    The main idea of \u200b\u200bthe working program isRealization of educational tasks of pre-school education with the involvement of synchronous alignment of speech and mental development of children with violations of speech, enrolled on the Dow Logopunk .

    The results of the development of the Working Program of the Logopeda Teacher's program are presented in the form of targets. In accordance with GEF to target guidelines, pre-school education are determined regardless of the nature of the program, the forms of its implementation, the features of the development of children. Targets are not directly evaluated in the form of pedagogical and / or psychological diagnostics and cannot be compared with the real achievements of children. The targets presented in GEFs are general for the entire educational space of the Russian Federation. Targeted guidelines of this program are based on GEF to and tasks of this work program.

    To target orientations of pre-school education (at the stage of completion of preschool education), in accordance with the Program, the DOU includes the followingsocio-regulatory characteristics of possible achievements of a child :

      The child owns a speech well, it can express his thoughts and desires, manifests the initiative in communication, knows how to ask questions, to make conclusions, knows and knows how to retell fairy tales, to tell poetry, to make stories on a series of plot pictures or in a storyline; It has elementary sound-sound analysis skills, which ensures the formation of literacy prerequisites.

      Child is inquisitive, inclined to observe, experiment; He has initial knowledge about himself, about the natural and social world.

      The child is capable of making his own solutions. with support for knowledge and skills in various activities.

      Child initiative, independent in various activities, it is capable of choosing classes and partners in joint activities.

      Child active , successfully interacts with peers and adults; The child has a positive attitude towards himself surrounding, to various activities.

      The child is able to adequately exercise his feelings. , I knows how to enjoy success and empathize others, is able to negotiate, trying to resolve conflicts.

      The child has a sense of self-esteem , faith in yourself.

      The child has a developed imagination which implements in different activities.

      The child knows how to obey the rules and social standards, capacked volitional efforts.

      The child has large and small motility, it is moving and hardy, owns the main movements, can control his movements, knows how to manage them.

    Target benchmarks are the basis of the continuity of pre-school and primary general education.

    The effectiveness of correctional speech therapy educational activity is monitored through diagnostic studies 2 times a year, with subsequent adjustments to individual plans (routes) of correction and the content of the entire correctional and educational process.

    The monitoring results are reflected in the speech cards of children, where the dynamics of the sound-proof correction and development of the speech functions of each child, the outcome examination of the speech development of children on the Logopunk Dow, the annual report of the speech therapist teacher and the effectiveness of the work of the DOU's speech therapy point. For diagnostics used methods of speech therapy examination T.BFichieva, G.V. Chirkina. Terms of monitoring research - September, May.

    According to the objectives and objectives of the educational field of "Speech Development", the main planned result of the work in this area isAchieving each child of the level of speech development corresponding to age norms, prevention of possible difficulties in the assimilation of school knowledge due to violations of speech, and providing its social adaptation and integration in society.

    4.2. Permanent planned results in the educational field "Speech Development"

    Child 5-6 years old Attending a speech therapy point DOU must have the following knowledge, skills and skills:

    It is correctly articulates all the sounds of speech in various phonetic positions and formations of speech;

    Differentiates all the sounds studied;

    - freely enjoys a speech to express their knowledge, emotions, feelings;

    - The game interaction uses a variety of role statements.

    - uses a variety of vocabulary in exact accordance with the meaning;

    - uses complex proposals of different types, a variety of word formation methods;

    - It is the sample of stories in the story picture, on the set of pictures; From personal experience, consistently, without significant passes retells small literary works.

    - conducts sound analysis of words of various sound structure;

    - It is capable of qualitatively characterized by the highlighted sounds (vowels, solid consonant, soft consonant, shock vowel, unstressed vowel sound);

    - Correctly uses the corresponding terms.

    Child 6-7let Released from the Dow's speech therapy point must have the following knowledge, skills and skills in the educational field of GEF "Speech Development":

      Normalization of the phonetic side of speech:

    It is correctly articulates all the sounds of the Russian language in various phonetic positions and forms of speech;

    Differents all sounds;

      Development of free communication with adults and children:

    - able to participate in a collective conversation (independently formulate and ask questions, argued to answer questions);

    - Freely uses a speech to establish contact, maintain and complete the conversation.

      The development of components of the LGSR (lexical side, the grammatical system of speech, connected speech - dialogic and monologic forms) in various forms and types of children's activities:

    - uses words of different parts of speech in accurately according to their meaning, actively uses emotional-appraisal vocabulary and expressive means of language;

    - uses a variety of word formation methods, complex offers of different types, different language tools for connecting part parts;

    - independently retells and dramatizes small literary works, constitutes descriptive and plot stories according to plan;

    - Calls the word in the sequence in the sentence, sounds and syllables in words, distinguishes the concepts of "sound", "syllable", "word", "offer".

      Formation of sound analytic synthetic activity:

    - perceives the word and offer as independent units of speech, correctly uses in their speech;

    - able to share sentences for words and make up from words (2-4);

    - Created to set words to syllables (2-4) and make up of syllables;

    - able to conduct sound analysis of words;

    - Understands the senseless role of the phoneme.

    5. Suitable component of the working program of the teacher-speech therapist DW.

    5.1. Description of correctional educational activities in accordance with the directions of the child's speech development

    The initial methodological basis for the content of the correctional work on the DOU speech therapy paragraph are the provisions developed in the domestic speech therapy L.S. Vygotsky, R.E. Levina, L.E. Jews, TB Filich, G.V. Chirkina and others.

    Working program teacher-speech therapist Logopunk Dow for 2017-2018 academic year compiled on the basis of typical basicProgram taking into account the provisions of the Program of the DOU and GEF to :

    - a program of speech therapy work to overcome the phonetic-phonemematic violation of speech in children (authors of the program T.B. Phileeva, G.V. Chirkina),

    - a program of speech therapy work to overcome the general underdevelopment of speech in children (authors of the program T.B. Filich, G.V. Chirkin, T.V, Tumanova),

    the "Institute of Correctional Pedagogy Institute of the Russian Academy of Education" recommended by the Academy of Education Institute of Correctional Pedagogy. The use of two programs is simultaneously due to the presence in the speech therapy point of children both from FNR and FFNR and from ONR.

    The content of correctional educational activities provides:

      Identifying special educational needs of children with speech impairment;

      Implementation of individually oriented medical and pedagogical assistance to children with speech impairment, taking into account the peculiarities of psychophysical development and individual capabilities;

      The possibility of developing children with violations of the Speech of the main general education program to DOU and their integration in an educational institution.

    In accordance with the specifics of the speech therapy point of the DOU Education area"Speech Development" the work program is put forward in the work program, since mastering the native language is one of the main elements of personality formation.

    The main directions of the work of the teacher-speech therapist DW on the correction and development of the speech of children with speech violations on the DOU speech therapy point in accordance with the educational area of \u200b\u200b"Speech Development" of GEF to are:

      Education of sound culture of speech (normalization of sound-proof) - the development of the perception of the sounds of native speech and pronunciation;

      The formation of an elementary awareness of the phenomena of language and speech (the development of phonderatic perception and hearing) is the distinction of sound and words, finding a place of sound in the word;

      The development of the active dictionary is the development of words and their relevant use in accordance with the context of the statement, the situation in which communication occurs;

      Formation of grammatical system of speech:

    A) morphology (change in words by childbirth, numbers, case),

    B) syntax (mastering various types of phrases and suggestions),

    C) word formation;

      Development of connected speech - monologic (told) and dialogic (conversational);

      Education of love and interest in the artistic word.

    The content and organization of educational correction and speech therapy activities in the conditions of the speech therapy

    The effectiveness of correctional educational work is determined by a clear organization of children during their stay in kindergarten, the correct distribution of the load during the day, coordination and continuity in the work of all subjects of the correctional process.

    The content of the correctional speech therapy work to overcome the FFNR and the ONR in children enrolled on the DOU's logopop, ensures the variability and personal orientation of the educational process, taking into account the individual capabilities and needs of children.

    Form of organizing training in the speech therapy station DOU -subgroup and individual . In accordance with GEF to the main form of working with children-prescolecakers is gaming activities. The Working Program takes into account this provision, but it assumes that the occupation with the maximum use of gaming forms remains one of the main forms of working with children who have violations of speech.

    The organization of the work of the speech therapist during the year is determined by the tasks supplied by the Working Program. The academic year on the speech therapy point of the Dow is conditionally divided into 3 periods:

    1 period - September - November;

    2 period - December - February,

    3 period - March - May.

    The speech therapy examination is carried out from September 1 to September 15. The speech therapy subgroups and individual classes are held from September 15 for the Node Regulations compiled by a logopian teacher. By agreement with the administration of DOU and educators of groups, the speech therapist can take children from all occupations. Unlike a specialized note, the task of correction of speech activity in the system of work of the logopunk is optional. Therefore, there is no time in the schedule of educational activity specially designated for classes with a speech therapist. The regulation of the speech therapy node is drawn up in such a way as not to interfere with the assimilation of the general education program and provide the opportunity to parents if necessary or desire to participate in individual speech therapy classes: a part of the speech therapy work is made in the second half of the day (as a rule, classes with speaking copist in the second half of the day are held on Tuesday and Thursday).

    In accordance with Sanpin, the duration of subgroup classes with the children of the 6th year of life is 20-25 minutes, with children of the 7th year of life - 25-30 minutes. For subgroups, children of one age group are united, having river violations similar in nature and degree of severity. Additionally, subgroup classes with children with ONR on the development of LGSR and connected speech are carried out. The number of children in a subgroup from 2 to 7 people.

    The frequency of individual classes is determined by the nature and degree of severity of the speech violation, age and individual psychophysical features of children, the duration of individual classes is 15-20 minutes. Children with FN and FFNR are engaged with a speech therapist 2 times a week, with ONR - 2-3 times a week.

    The main objective of individual classes is to choose and in the use of a complex of articulation exercises aimed at eliminating specific violations of the sound side of speech characteristic of discharges, dysarthritia, etc. On individual classes, the speech therapist has the ability to establish emotional contact with the child, intensify control over the quality of sounding speech, Corregulate speech defect, smooth the neurotic reactions. On these classes, the preschooler must master the correct articulation of each sound studying and automate it in lightweight phonetic conditions: insulated, in direct and reverse syllable, words of a simple syllated structure. The correctional and developing work of the speech therapist teacher with a specific pupil of the DW, enrolled on the speech therapy point, includes those directions that correspond to the structure of its speech defect.

    The duration of correctional and developing work is largely due to the individual characteristics of children. Approximate duration of classes with children with FNR is 6 months, FFNR - 1 year, ONR - 1-2 years. According to the Regulations on the speech therapy point of the Dow, throughout the year, up to 25 children are engaged in the logopunk. The release of children is carried out throughout the academic year as they eliminate speech defects. The results of the speech therapy work are celebrated in the speech map of the child.


    5.2. Description of variable forms, methods, methods and means of implementing the work program of the speech therapist

    Based on the purposes and objectives of the working program of the teacher-speech therapist, the following documents were compiled, regulating work on the speech therapy paragraph DW for 2017-2018 academic year:

    - Annual work plan Logoped teachers for the 2017-2018 academic year, which includes work plans with Dow teachers, with parents, with children;

    - Perspective work plan with children 5-6 years old with FNR, FFNR and ONR;

    - Perspective work plan with children 6-7 years old with FNR, FFNR and ONR;

    - Calendar-thematic plan on the formation of lexico-grammatical means of language and the development of connected speech in children with ONR;

    - Individual Correctional Work Plan for Soundproof on the speech therapy station DOU for the 2017-2018 academic year.

    6. Program organizational section

    Objective, tasks, content and form of speech therapy.

    The establishment of the causes of speech disorders, the qualifications of their nature, the degree of severity, the structure of the speech defect allow to determine the goal, tasks, content and formspeech therapy.

    purpose - The development of speech and correction of its deficiencies, as well as the formation of the ability to use the speech as a means of communication for further successful socialization and integration on the peer environment.

    Tasks :

    Examination of pupils DW and identifying children among them in need of preventive and corrective assistance in the field of speech development.

    Studying the level of speech, cognitive, socio-personal, physical development and individual characteristics of children who need speech therapy support, determining the main directions and the content of working with each child.

    Purifying the skills of communicative communication skills.

    Systematic conducting the necessary prophylactic and correctional work with children in accordance with the plans of individual and subgroup classes.

    Conducting monitoring research results of correctional work, determining the degree of speech readiness of children to school.

    Formation of a pedagogical team of DOA and parents of information readiness for speech therapy work, assisting in organizing a full-fledged speech environment.

    Coordination of teachers and parents in the framework of the speech development of children (the prompting of parents to conscious activities on the speech development of preschoolers in the family).

    Organization of effective correctional and developing accompaniment of children with various speech violations.

    To achieve the final result of correctional educational activities - eliminating deficiencies in the speech development of preschoolers, the correctional process is planned in accordance with the main stages and tasks of each stage, which can be represented as the following model:

    Correctional work content aims to create conditions for eliminating speech defects to prevent the possible consequences of speech deficiencies.

    Model organization of the correctional and educational process.


    Tasks stage


    Stage 1



    1. Collecting anamnestic data through the study of the medical and pedagogical documentation of the child.

    2. Conducting the procedure of psychological and pedagogical and speech therapy diagnosis of children: the study of the state of speech and non-rich functions of the child, clarification of the structure of the speech defect, the study of personal qualities of children, determination of the presence and degree of fixation on the speech defect.

    Determination of the structure of the speech defect of each child, the tasks of the corr. Work.

    2 stage



    1. Determination of the content of the activities of the tasks of correctional and educational activities, the formation of subgroups for classes in accordance with the level of formed speech and non-ejector functions.

    2. Designing individual routes for the correction of a speech violation in accordance with the accounting of data obtained during the speech therapy study.

    3. Replenishment of the Foundation of the Logopedic Cabinet to educational and methodological benefits, visual didactic material in accordance with the work planned.

    4. Formation of informational readiness of teachers DOU and parents to carry out effective correctional-pedagogical work with children.

    5. Individual consulting of parents - familiarity with the data of a speech therapy study, the structure of the speech defect, the definition of tasks of joint assistance to the child in overcoming this speech violation, recommendations on the organization of the child's activities outside the kindergarten.

    Development of calendar-thematic planning subgroups. classes; individual work plans; interaction

    stoves dough and parents of a child with a violation. speech.

    3 stages



    1. Implementation of tasks defined in individual, subgroup correctional programs.

    2. Psychological and pedagogical and speech therapy monitoring.

    3. Coordination, clarification and correction of the measure and nature of the correctional and pedagogical influence of the subjects of the correctional and educational process.

    Achieving a certain positive effect in eliminating children's response in the spectacle

    4 stages



    1. Conducting a diagnostic procedure for a speech therapy study of the state of speech and non-rigid functions of a child - an estimate of the dynamics, quality and stability of the results of correctional work with children (individually).

    2. Determination of further educational (correctional and educational) prospects for children, graduates of the DOU - group for children with speech impairment.

    The decision to stop the speech therapy work with the child, changing its nature or the continuation of the speech therapy.

    It should be noted that this division of tasks in the stages is sufficiently conditionally. Thus, the task of the organizational and preparatory stage - the definition of individual routes of correction of the speech violation is implemented throughout the entire educational process, adjustments are made taking into account the presence or absence of correction dynamics. Replenishing the fund of the speech therapy office by methodological manuals, visual didactic material is carried out throughout the school year.

    2.3. Areas of work

    The program of correctional work on the preschool level of education includes interrelated directions. These directions reflect its main content:

    - diagnostic work Provides timely identification of children with ABS, conducting their surveys and preparation of recommendations for parents and teachers to assist them in a educational institution;

    - correctional - developing work Provides timely specialized assistance in mastering the content of training and the correction of deficiencies in children with ABS in a pre-school educational institution, contributes to the formation of communicative, regulatory, personal, cognitive skills;

    - advisory work ensures the continuity of special support for children with APV and their families on implementation issues, differentiated training conditions, education, correction, development and socialization of pupils;

    - information - educational work Directed on explanatory activities on issues related to the peculiarities of the educational process for children with APV, their parents (legal representatives), pedagogical workers.

    Diagnostic work

    The work of the speech therapist teacher is based on the age-related, individual characteristics of children, the structures of the speech violation, the stage of correctional work with each child, as well as his personal educational achievements. That is, a correctional and developing process is organized on a diagnostic basis, which involves monitoring the speech development of children-logos (primary, final, if necessary and intermediate). Methodical literature has been studied, containing diagnostic techniques existing in the speech therapy and guidelines:

    Trubnikova N.M. The structure and content of the speech card.

    Povalaeva MA Directory speech therapist.

    Kiryanov R.A. Comprehensive diagnostics and its use by a teacher-logoped in the correctional work with children 5 - 6 years. Materials for a specialist educational institution.

    Semenovich A.V. Neuropsychological diagnostics and childcare correction.

    Diagnosis of violations of speech in children and organizing speech therapy work in a pre-school educational institution. Collection of guidelines.

    Inshakova O.B. Album for speech therapist.

    Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. Express examination of phondematic hearing and readiness for sound analysis in preschool children.

    A detailed study of these diagnostic techniques allowed us to determine the most acceptable content of the survey procedure and determining the level of speech development of children. The obtained data is recorded in a special computer program that is a modern effective tool for monitoring (a program-diagnostic complex corresponds to GEF to: "Monitoring the speech development of children of 2-7 years." Publishing House "Teacher", 2014). This program allows you to automatically form speech maps of children, this way, the monitoring results are reflected in the children's speech maps.

    Monitoring data are used to design individual correctional work plans (individual routes), adjustments for educational tasks, taking into account the achievements of children in the development of the program.

    Correctional development

    The content of the correctional and developing work of the speech therapist teacher on the DOW logopunk is specified in accordance with the categories of pupils having speech violations: FN, FFNR, NVONR.

    The effectiveness of correctional and developing work is determined by a clear organization of children during their stay in kindergarten, the correct distribution of the load during the day, coordination and continuity in the work of all subjects of the correction process: a speech therapist, parent and educator. The speech therapy work is carried out on individual, subgroup classes and microgroups. When recruiting groups for classes, not only the structure of the speech violation, but also psycho-emotional and communicative child status, the level of its performance is taken into account. Classes are organized taking into account the psycho-generic requirements for the regime of speech therapy classes, their structure, ways to interact a child with teacher and peers. The implementation of health saving to protect the life and health of pupils in the educational process is ensured.

    On correctional and developing classes, with the help of special games and exercises, psychodistical etudes create conditions for improving the health of children, overcoming psycho-emotional stress, stabilizing emotional background, the development of motivation to participate in organized adults and prevention of conflicts between children.

    Speech therapy effect is carried out differentmethods , among which visual, verbal and practical are distinguished.

    Visual methods are aimed at enriching the meaningful side of speech, verbal - on learning retelling, conversation, the story without support for visual materials. Practical methods are used in the formation of speech skills by wide use of special exercises and games. Practical methods include modeling method and project method.

    The modeling method is one of the promising directions for improving the process of correctional - developing learning and is actively applied in our kindergarten. The use of substituents and visual models is developing the mental abilities of children. A child who owns visual modeling has the opportunity to apply substituents and visual models in the mind, to imagine what adults tell, to anticipate the possible results of their own actions. The introduction of visual models allows you to more targe the skills in the process of corrective learning.

    Form of organization learning - subgroup, mobile microgroups and individual. In accordance with GEF to the main form of working with children-preschoolers in all areas of development is gaming activities. The Working Program takes into account this provision, but it assumes that the occupation remains one of the main forms of working with children who have violations of speech with the maximum use of game forms within each lesson.

    In accordance with Sanpines, the duration of the subgroup lessons of the 6th year of life is 25 minutes, with children of the 7th year of life 30 minutes. The organization of the work of the speech therapist during the year is determined by the tasks supplied by the Working Program. The speech therapy examination is carried out from September 1 to September 15. The speech therapy subgroups and individual classes are held from September 15 on a schedule compiled by a logopian teacher. By agreement with the administration of DOU and educators of groups, the speech therapist can take children from all occupations. Unlike a specialized note, the task of correction of speech activity in the system of work of the logopunk is optional. Therefore, there is no time in the schedule of educational activity specially designated for classes with a speech therapist. The schedule of classes with the speech therapist is made in such a way as not to interfere with the assimilation of the general education program and provide the opportunity to parents if necessary or desire to participate in individual speech therapy classes: part of the speech therapy work is carried out in the second half of the day.

    For subgroup classes, children of one age group are united, having riche disorders similar in nature and degree of severity, 7 people.

    Duration of classes with children: FN - up to 6 months; FFNR and FNR- 1 year; ONR IV UR. - 1-2 years.

    The release of children is carried out throughout the academic year as they eliminate speech defects. The results of the speech therapy work are celebrated in the speech map of the child.

    The frequency of individual classes is determined by the nature and degree of severity of the speech violation, age and individual psychophysical features of children, the duration of individual classes is 15-20 minutes.

    FN - 2 times a week;

    FFNR - 2 times a week;

    ONR IV UR.R - 2-3 times a week.

    The duration of correctional and developing work is largely due to the individual characteristics of children.

    Basictarget individual occupations It consists in choosing and in the use of a complex of articulation exercises aimed at eliminating specific impaired impaired speeches, characteristic of disliers, dysarthritia, etc. On individual occupations, the speech therapist has the ability to establish emotional contact with the child, to activate control over the quality of the sounding speech, corrected the speech defect, Smooth neurotic reactions.

    On these classes, the preschooler must master the correct articulation of each sound studying and automate it in lightweight phonetic conditions: insulated, in direct and reverse syllable, words of a simple syllated structure. Thus, the child is prepared for the absorption of the content of subgroups.

    Individual work The correction and development of the speech is built in the following main areas:

    improving Mimic Motorika.

    improving the static and dynamic organization of movements (general, small and articulation motility).

    development of the articulation and voice apparatus;

    development of the selection side of speech;

    the formation of sound-proof skills, phonderatic processes;

    clarification, enrichment and intensification of the lexical stock in the process of normalizing the sound side of speech;

    formation of grammatical and syntactic sides of speech;

    development of dialogic and monologic speech.

    The correctional and developing work of the speech therapist teacher with a specific pupil of the DOW includes those directions that correspond to the structure of its speech violation.

    Perspective planning

    speech therapy work for

    children of preschool age

    with speech impairment.

    Survey of children. (September 1 - 15)

    1. Survey of speech and non-non-psychological functions.

    2. Filling speech cards for each child.

    3. Questioning of parents and analysis of the questionnaire.

    I period

    (September October November.)


    1. Clarifying the pronunciation of vowels and the easiest consonant sounds.

    2. Preparation of the articulation apparatus to the layouts.

    3. Staging and initial consolidation of incorrectly pronounced and absent in the pronunciation of sounds (individual work).

    1. Exercise children in the highlight of shock vowels[a], [y], [o], [and] At the beginning, in the middle and in the end of the word (autumn, poppy, cinema).

    2. To introduce children with consonant sounds[M], [n] ; Teach to allocate them at the beginning, in the end of the word.

    3. Give an idea of \u200b\u200bvowels and consonant sounds, their differences.

    4. Exercise children in the sound analysis of reverse syllables:aM, UN. .

    1. Earn clear coordinated movements of the speech apparatus.

    2. Teach children to a short and silent breath (not lifting shoulders), calm and smooth exhalation (not inflating cheeks).

    3. Work on the formation of a diaphragmal breathing.

    4. Form a soft voice attack. We have to work out the ability to use a quiet and loud voice.

    Work on the syllated structure of the word.

    1. Work on the rhythm on the non-verbal material.

    2. Exercises for the development of dynamic Praxis hands.

    3. Exercises for the development of reciprocal coordination of hands.

    4. Formation of such space-time representations as:

    beginning, middle, end; The first one.

    5. Work on the rhythm and emphasis on the material of vowels.


    1. Kindergarten.

    2. Man. Body parts.

    3. Autumn.

    4. Vegetables. Fruits.

    5 berries.

    6. Mushrooms.

    7. The work of people in nature.

    8. The tools of labor.

    9. Clothing. Footwear. Hats.

    Development of the grammatical system of speech.

    1. Transformation of nouns in the nominal case of a single number in a plural.

    2. Coordination of verbs with noun only and multiple numbers (apple grows, apples grow ).

    3. Education of nouns with dimensional subfixes on lexical topics.

    4. Coordination of nouns with attractive pronsectionsmy .

    5. According to the verbs of the last time of the only number with noucent in kind (Katya Saw. Dima Pil. ).

    6. Development of the case endings of the nouns of the sole number (genitive and accusative case).

    7. Calling and using relative adjectives in speech:woolen, silk, leather, etc.

    8. Practical understanding of the concepts: word, offer; Words denoting subject and action.

    9.Slov answering questionswho? andwhat?

    Development of connected speech.

    1. Preparation of simple common offers.

    2. Teaching children by the ability to ask questions and answer questions with a full answer.

    3. Teaching children to compile descriptive stories on topics: "Autumn", "Vegetables. Fruits", "Clothing"

    4. Teaching children retelling small stories.

    5. Training to draw up descriptions-descriptions.

    Development of small motility.

    1: Stroke and hatching on stencils.

    2: Compilation of figures, patterns, letters of sticks and mosaic.

    Z. Finger gymnastics, exercises for coordination speech with movement.


    (December January February)


    1. Continue the work on the formulation of the sounds of sounds incorrectly and missing in the speech (individual work).

    2. Automation and differentiation of sounds set.

    Development of phonderatic analysis skills.

    1. Secure the idea of \u200b\u200bvowels and consonant sounds, their differences.

    2. The idea of \u200b\u200bthe ringing-deafness of consonant sounds.

    3. To introduce children with sounds[p], [b], [t], [d], [in], [φ], [g], [k], [x] .

    4. Differentiation of studied ringing and deaf consonants in an isolated position, in syllables and words.

    5. Isolation of studied sounds at the beginning, in the middle, in the end of the word.

    6. Exercise children in sound analysis of reverse and direct syllables:Ba, Ba .

    Development of common speech skills.

    1. Continue work on the development of physiological and speech breathing.

    2. Work on the emotional responsiveness of children on what has seen and heard, actively develop the intonational expressiveness of their speech.

    3. Development of voice qualities (forces, timbre).

    Work on the syllated structure of the word:

    1 Continue working on the rhythm and stress on the material of vowels, at the level of syllables (TA-TA-TA).

    2. The work over one-step and double words without holding the consonants.


    Expansion and clarification of the dictionary on topics:

    1. Migratory birds.

    2. Winter birds.

    3. Winter. Winter fun.

    4. New Year. Holiday Christmas tree.

    5. Pets.

    6. Poultry.

    7. Wild animals.

    8. Transport.

    9. Defender of the Fatherland Day.

    10. Men's professions.

    Development of grammatical system.

    1. Working out the case of the sole number of the names of the nouns.

    2. Coordination of nouns with adjectives in kind, the case.

    3. Coordination of numerical two and five with nouns.

    4. Education of attractive adjectives

    Municipal state institution

    "Scientific - Methodical Information Center"

    Software - methodical support

    correctional Activities

    teachers - speech therapist with graduate grade 1

    with phonetic - phonamatic violations

    Belgorod 2014.

    Explanatory note

    This program is based on:

    1. Instructive letters of the Ministry of Education of Russia dated 12/14/2000 No. 2 "On the organization of the work of the logistical paragraph of a general education institution"; Instructive and methodological letters "On the work of a teacher-speech therapist at a secondary school" / Ed. A.V. Hawk, TB Bessonova. M., 1996.
    2. Programs "Correctional and developing learning students of 1st grade with FFNR". Dorofeyev, L.V. Semesey. L A. Little. (Correction of speech violations in younger schoolchildren / Avt.-Sost. Semy. Dorofeyev, L.V. Semenyuta. L A. Litkik. - M.: TC Sphere, 2011. (Library of the speech therapist). (3)).
    3. L.N.Efimenkova "Correction of the oral and written speech of primary school students" M-2010;
    4. L.N.Efimenkova, G.G.Mizarenko "Organization and methods of correctional work of the speech therapist on the school logopunk" TC Sphere, 2012.
    5. E.V. Mazanov "Correction of Distraphy on the Soil of Violation of Language Analysis and Synthesis" M.: Publishing House Gnome and D, 2009;
    6. E.V. Mazanova "Correction of Optic Distraphy" M.: Publishing House of the Gnomea and D, 2009.

    In the conditions of the implementation of the program, it is assigned 60hours (2 hours a week).The program is aimed at replenishment. Spaces in sound and lexico-grammatical speech.

    The purpose of the program: Mastering children of the communicative language function in accordance with age standards. Eliminate the shortcomings of the oral and prevent the violation of the written speech in the younger students.

    Program tasks:

    • form full-fledged ideas about the sound composition of the word;
    • shape the skills of the analysis and synthesis of the spelling composition of the word;
    • determine shock and unstressed vowels;
    • develop spatial-temporal views;
    • develop psychological prerequisites for learning;
    • develop communicative readiness for learning.



    • positively refer to correctional classes, understanding their need for becoming more successful in training activities;
    • phonetically and intonationally make their speech correctly;
    • Self evaluate your own activities.


    • determine the goal of activities in class with a logo teacher;
    • choose the most effective ways to solve problems depending on the specific conditions;
    • Learn to adjust and evaluate the tasks performed.


    • search and selection of necessary information;
    • consciously and arbitrarily building a speech statement orally;
    • choosing the most effective ways to solve problems depending on the specific conditions;
    • Control and evaluation of the process and performance.


    • exercise training cooperation with teacher and peers;
    • Alone or with the help of a teacher-speech therapist formulate its point of view;
    • Perform various roles in the group (leader, artist, criticism).

    Leading technology, its goals and objectives:

    The technology of correctional and educational learning is used, the purpose of which is:teach children to use the knowledge gained in self-speech in written works.

    Children of this category are experiencing persistent difficulties in the assimilation of the primary school training program due to insufficient training of speech skills. ; the ability to communicate to speak on topics, an accessible understanding of the child) and psychological prerequisites for the mastery of educational activities.

    Soundlessness and phonderatic perception.

    The preservation of everything is the state of sound reading. Most often there is a distortion of sonorous sounds, as well as sigmatizms. Part of children may continue to show the infantile speech on the type of light physiological skins. There are difficulties in pronouncing the words difficult on the sound-syllable structure. Typical instability of these disorders, their close dependence on fatigue. Automation and differentiation of the sounds of the sounds requires these children for a long time.

    Pupils allow errors when sounded and sound analysis of the word (the most characteristic error - when conducting sound analysis, it is a "substitution of its sound analysis; ie, they do not distinguish between the vowel sounds or distinguish between the sonorous sounds as an independent syllable).


    Children entering the first class under consideration of the group possesses poor and unoccupied vocabulary. They mix the names of similar objects, uncertainly use generalization words. The differentiation of the verb and adjective dictionary is found: the children of this category are difficult to actualize a sufficient number of words on a certain topic.

    Grammar system and connected speech.

    In the oral speech of first-graders with international violations there is no such number of adgrams, as in children with the general underdevelopment of speech. They basically correctly change the names of the nouns on cases, coordinate adjectives and verbs with nouns in kind and number. But this apparent lack of mistakes is associated, first of all, with the fact that in the speech of children, there are few adjectives, unstressed vowels are pronounced, and the most important thing is limited to household topics, familiar to the child. When attempts to move the text, the number of errors in the grammatical design of the phrase increases sharply in the picture. Errors are detected not only in management, but also in coordination. A characteristic error is the lowering of the pretext, there is also a mixture of prepositions.

    As a result This child has this category:

    a) an insufficient understanding of the teaching tasks, instructions, instructions of the teacher;

    b) the difficulties of mastering learning concepts, terms;

    c) the difficulties of forming and formulating their own thoughts in the process of academic work.

    The main methods of work in the lesson are learning methods in the group:

    • gaming
    • vividly - demonstration,
    • wonderful.

    Principles of speech therapy work:

    • clarity
    • availability,
    • systemism
    • complexity
    • principle of development
    • onhegenetic principle.

    Forms of organization of students:

    • group;
    • work in pairs;
    • individual.

    Educational and thematic plan

    (1 class FFN)

    p \\ P.

    Name section

    Hours of school time

    According to plan


    Differentiation of vowels

    1-2 rows

    Paired consonants

    Unpaired consonants

    Soft and hard signs


    Preparation Requirementsteaching

    As a result of the passage of the program, students should:


    • vowels and consonant sounds and letters;
    • definitions of concepts: sound, letter, syllable, word, shock vowel, shock syllable, unstressed vowel, unstressed syllable;
    • distinguish between themselves: sounds and letters, vowels and consonant sounds, syllables, words;
    • differentiate sounds.

    be able to:

    • own a fairly developed speech to assimilate the curriculum at the minimum basic level;
    • distinguish between hearing and in pronunciation of mixed sounds;
    • determine shock and unstressed vowels, syllables;
    • produce a sound packering of syllables and words;
    • select words to a given sound;
    • compare words with similar sounds;
    • determine the location and sequence of sound in words; vowels and consonant sounds;
    • determine the number of sounds and syllables in words;
    • produce sound, letter, syllated analysis and synthesis of words;
    • restore proposals with specified sounds.

    Calendar-thematic planning

    p / P.

    Number of

    The name of the section and themes

    the date of the



    Differentiation of vowels 1-2 rows

    Speech (speech function). Concept of sounds.

    Letters. The difference of letters and sounds.

    Vowels [a] [o] [y]

    Vowels [s] [e]

    Vowel letter Ya

    Differentiation of vowels ah

    Vowel letter E.

    Differentiation of vowels O-E

    The vowel letter Yu

    Differentiation of vowels U-Yu

    Vowel letter I.

    Differentiation of vowels s-and

    Vowel letter E.

    Differentiation of vowels uh

    Control session on the section Differentiation of vowels 1-2 rows

    Paired consonants


    Differentiation of vowels and consonants

    (Exercise for analysis and synthesis)

    Ringing and deaf consonants

    Sounds [b] - [B`]. Letter B.

    Sounds [P] - [P`]. Letter P.

    Sounds [B] - [P]. Letters bd

    Sounds [in] - [in`]. Letter B.

    Sounds [F] - [F`]. Letter F.

    Sounds [in] - [F]. Letters in ff

    Sounds [g] - [g`]. Letter G.

    Sounds [K] - [K`]. Letter K.

    Sounds [K] - [g]. Letters k-g

    Sounds [D] - [D`]. Letter D.

    Sounds [t] - [t`]. Letter T.

    Sounds [d] - [t]. Letters dt

    Sounds [C] - [C`]. Letter S.

    Sounds [s] - [s`]. Letter Z.

    Sounds [s] - [s]. Letters sch

    Sound [F]. Letter J.

    Sound [sh]. Letter Sh

    Sounds [F] - [sh]. Letters zh

    Control session by section Paired consonants

    Unpaired consonants

    Sounds [s] - [sh]. Letters sch

    Sounds [s] - [sh]. Letters sch

    Sounds [s] - [F]. Letters z-

    Sounds [s] - [F]. Letters z-

    Sounds [C]. Letter C.

    Sounds [C] - [C]. Letters C-C

    Sounds [h]. Letter C.

    Sounds [H] - [C]. Letters ch-c

    Sounds [Sh]. Letters sh

    Sounds [h] - [sh]. Letters ch

    Sounds [h] - [sh]. Letters ch

    Sounds [P] - [R ']. Letters R.

    Sounds [l] - [l ']. Letters L.

    Sounds [P] - [l]. R-L letters

    Sounds [l '] - [th]. Letters ld

    Control session on the section Unpaired consonants

    Soft and hard signs

    Soft sign in the end of the word

    Soft sign in the middle of the word

    Separate soft sign

    Dividing solid sign

    Control sessionsoft and hard signs

    Final lesson

    for grade 1, phonetic-phonematics group underdevelopment

    This program is designed for 60 hours, from September 15 to May 15. It includes 4 partitions: vowels differentiating 1-2 rows, steam consonants, unpaired consonants, solid and soft signs. When studying each, various speech material is used: children's rhymes, countertilers, cleanrs, poems, games and tasks for the development of logic and thinking.

    1. Differentiation of vowels 1- 2 rows (15 hours)

    Acquaintance with vowels and letters. Selection of vowels in words (determining the presence or absence of sound in the word), the solution of sound from the beginning and end of the word, determining the sequence and the number of sounds in the word. Work on the rhythmic side of speech. Acquaintance with the bonding role of vowels.

    2. Paired consonants (23 hours)

    Acquaintance with consonant sounds and letters. Allocation of consonant sounds in words (determining the presence or absence of sound in the word), the solution of sound from the beginning and end of the word, determining the sequence and the number of sounds in the word, determination of the sound of the sound in the word relative to other sounds. Differentiation of sounds, syllables and words with ringties and deaf consonants. Differentiation of bell and deaf consonants in phrases, sentences and text. Creation of consonant sounds with symbols and "supports" for their designation on the letter. Development of phonderatic perception, attention, analysis and synthesis.

    3. Differentiation of whistling, hissing, affringent and sonorous sounds (16 hours)

    Acquaintance with affriage and sonores. Fastening knowledge about whistling and hissing sounds. Correction of sounds with symbols and "supports" for their designation on the letter. Differentiation of whistling and hissing sounds in words, phrases, suggestions and text. Differentiation of sonorous sounds in syllables, words, phrases and text. Calculation of sounds with symbols and "supports" to indicate the letter. Development of phonderatic perception, phonderatic hearing, attention, analysis and synthesis.

    1. Soft and solid signs (6 hours)

    Acquaintance with soft and firm signs and their functions. Development of hearing differentiation of soft and solid consonants, skills of sound accounting and synthesis, visual perception, auditory memory, attention and coordination of movements.

    Forms and means of control

    Pouring control is carried out in the form of an oral survey of students in the main directions of the material studied. Thematic control takes place at the end of each section, which is aimed at generalizing the knowledge gained and identifying the level of assimilation of the material passed.

    At the end of the study of the program, the student is given a checklist of text and work with it. The purpose of which is to identify the level of knowledge gained, skills and skills. Completion is given a qualitative assessment of the results obtained and further recommendations.

    List of educational and methodological means of training

    • "Logopedic classes in elementary school" (Methodological manual) Cheroshnikova G.S. -Irkutsk, 2001 - 113 s.
    • Efimenkova L.N. Correction of errors caused by non-formation of phonderatic perception. Issue 1 - M.: Klebolyub, 2003. - 144 p. - (Didactic material on correctional written speech)
    • Efimenkova L.N. Correction of errors caused by non-formation of phonderatic hearing. Issue 2. Part 3 M.: Knikolyube, 2008. - 144 p. - (Didactic material on correctional written speech)
    • Kozyreva L. M. Meet vowels. Yaroslavl, 2006.
    • Kozyreva L. M. and whistling, and hissing, and the most beeps. Yaroslavl, 1999.
    • Kozyreva L. M Riddles of sounds, letters, syllables. - Yaroslavl, 2006.
    • Mazanova E. V. I study working with the text. Album exercises for the correction of disgrace on the basis of the analysis of analysis and synthesis / e. V. Mazanova. - M: Publishing Gnome and D, 2007. - 48
    • Mazanova E. V. I study working with the text. Abstracts of classes on the correction of disgrace on the basis of the analysis of analysis and synthesis / E. V. Mazanova. - M: Publishing Gnome and D, 2007. - 117 pp.
    • Mazanova E. V. Correction of optical dysgrafy. Abstracts of classes for speech therapist / e. V. Mazanova. - M: Publishing Gnome and D, 2007. - 88 pp.
    • . Mazanova E. V. Correction of Agrochemmatical District. Abstract
    • Mazanova E.V. Spearopedia. Distraphy, due to a violation of language analysis and synthesis: a set of notebooks for correctional speech therapy working with children with deviations in development. Notebook number 1. - M.: Aquarium Print LLC, 2006. - 56 p. Il.
    • Mazanova E.V. Spearopedia. Overcoming a letter of writing: a set of notebooks for correctional speech therapy work with children who have deviations in development. Notebook number 2. - M.: Aquarium Print LLC, 2006. - 80 p. Il.
    • Mazanova E.V. Spearopedia. Distraphy, due to a violation of language analysis and synthesis, and agrochematic disgram: a set of notebooks for corrective speech therapy work with children with deviations in development. Notebook number 3. - M.: Aquarium Print LLC, 2006. - 56 p. Il.
    • Mazanova E.V. Spearopedia. Agrammatic form of disgrace: a set of notebooks for corrective speech therapy work with children who have deviations in development. Notebook №4. - M.: Aquarium Print LLC, 2006. - 40 p. Il.
    • Mazanova E.V. Spearopedia. Optical Dysgraphy: A set of notebooks for correctional speech therapy work with children having deviations in development. Notebook number 5. - M.: Aquarium Print LLC, 2006. - 72 p. Il.

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      correctional and educational activities

      with educational having phonetic-phonmematic underdevelopment of speech

      1 class

      201 __ / 201__ academic year

      Software and methodical

      correctional and developing work speech therapist

        Ivanova Yu.V. Preschool Logopunk. Documentation, planning and organization of work. - M - 2014

        Phileeva T.B., Tumanova T.V., Chirkin G.V. Education and training of preschool children with a common underdevelopment of speech. Program and methodological recommendations. - M. - 2009

        Chirkin G.V. Programs of pre-school educational institutions of a compensatory species for children with speech impairment. - M. - 2014

        Zhukova N.S. Logopian lessons. Correction of speech violations. - M. - 2012

        Bogomolova A.I. Violation of pronunciation in children. - M. - 1979

        Krause E.N. Speech therapy classes with children of early and younger age. - St. Petersburg. - 2012.

        Gomzayak O.S. We speak correctly in 6-7 years. Abstracts of classes for the development of connected speech in the preparatory logo group. - M. - 2014

        Gomzayak O.S. We speak correctly in 6-7 years. Painted material for the abstracts of occupation for the development of connected speech in the preparatory for school the log agroup. - M. - 2015

        Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V., Kremenetskaya M.I. Individually-subgroup work on the correction of sound-proof. - M. - 2014

        Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. Frontal speech therapy classes in the preparatory group for children with FFN. 1 period. - M. - 2014

        Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. Frontal speech therapy classes in the preparatory group for children with FFN. 2 period. - M. - 2014

        Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. Frontal speech therapy classes in the preparatory group for children with FFN. 3 period. - M. - 2014

        Konovalenko V.V. We write and read. Notebook No. 1. Teaching a diploma of senior preschool children with the right (corrected) sound impeller. - M. - 2013

        Konovalenko V.V. We write and read. Notebook No. 2. Teaching the letter of children of senior preschool age with the right (corrected) sound impeller. - M. - 2013

        Konovalenko V.V. We write and read. Notebook No. 3. Teaching the letter of children of senior preschool age with the right (corrected) sound-proof. - M. - 2013

        Konovalenko V.V. We write and read. Notebook № 4. Training a diploma of children of senior preschool age with the right (corrected) sound-proof. - M. - 2013

        Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. Home Notebook №1 To secure the pronunciation of whistling sounds with, s, c in children is 5-7 years old. - M. - 2015

        Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. Home Notebook №2 To secure the pronunciation of whistling sounds, the ze in children is 5-7 years old. - M. - 2015

        Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. Home Notebook No. 3 To secure the pronunciation of hissing sounds of sh, in children of 5-7 years. - M. - 2015

        Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. Home Notebook №4 To secure the pronunciation of hissing sounds of h, now in children is 5-7 years old. - M. - 2015

        Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. Home Notebook No. 5 To secure the pronunciation of sound in children 5-7 years. - M. - 2015

        Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. Home Notebook №6 To secure the pronunciation of sound in children 5-7 years. - M. - 2015

        Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. Home Notebook №7 To secure the pronunciation of sound P in children 5-7 years. - M. - 2015

        Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. Home Notebook №8 To secure the pronunciation of the sound of the Rye in children 5-7 years. - M. - 2015

        Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. Articulating, finger gymnastics and respiratory and voice exercises. Annex to a set of notebooks to fix the pronunciation of sounds from preschoolers

        Pigeon V.T. Graphic dictations. - Voronezh. - 2014.

        Nikiforova V.V. Graphic dictations. 1 class. - Moscow. - 2014.

        Rakhmanova E.M. Graphic dictations for preschoolers. - M. - 2008

        Belakova O.A. Grammar Russian speech. Part 1. - M. - 2013

        Belakova O.A. Grammar Russian speech. Part 2. - M. - 2013

        Belakova O.A. Russian in illustrations for preschoolers. - M. - 2011

        Tkachenko T.A. Development of phonderatic perception.

        Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V., Kremenetskaya M.I. We distinguish steam hard and soft consonants. Phonematics and lexico-grammatical exercises with children 6-8 years. - M. - 2014

        Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. Skidding speech games. Issue 9. The consonants are solid and soft. Games and exercises to prevent written speech violations in children 5-7 years.

        Konovalenko V.V., Konovalenko S.V. Skidding speech games. Issue 8. The consonants are ringing and deaf. Games and exercises to prevent written speech violations in children 5-7 years.

        Fomicheva M.F. Education in children of proper sound

        Gomzayak O.S. Development of connected speech. Frontal speech therapy classes in the lexico-semantic topic "Winter" in the preparatory for school a group for children with ONR. Painted material.

        Visual materials to compile proposals and oral stories. Annex to the manual "On the way to the alphabet". Manual for preschoolers.

        Kashina I.I., Paramonov TM Developing lotto game for children 5-8 years. Prepositions in, on, under, k, from.

        Kashina I.I., Paramonov TM Developing lotto game for children 5-8 years. Prepositions with, from, y, for, over.

        Visual materials on the topic "Prepositions". Annex to the manual "On the way to the alphabet"

        Radlov N. Stories in pictures. - M. - 2013

        Nonovova T.R., Burlakina O.V. Word-actions. From the proposal to the story. Educational and game set.

        Lebedeva L.V., Kozina I.V., Kulakova T.V., Antoshina N.V., Pavlova TS, Lvova T.V., Prokopova S.P., Zhuravleva N.N., Chernyshova and . Abstract classes for teaching children retelling using reference schemes. Preparatory group. - M. - 2009

        Nikolaev A. How to teach the child to build suggestions. - M. -2012.

        Tkachenko T.A. Schemes for compiling pre-school of descriptive and comparative stories.

        Alifanova E.A., Egorova N.E. Phrase designer

        Nishcheva N.V. Playing a razel. Games for the development of the phonetic-phoneumatic side of speech from senior preschoolers.

        Bardysheva T.Yu., Monosova E.N. Methodical recommendations for visual-didactic benefits "Training of a coherent speech of children of 6-7 years." Picture-graphic stories of stories. - M. - 2013.

      Elena Receiver

      The main form of training in pre-school educational institutions of a compensatory type for children of this category are speech therapy classeson which the development of the language system is carried out. Determining their content, it is important to identify the structure of the defect, and the potential speech capabilities of a child who the speech therapist uses in the work.

      Correctional-developing work With preschoolers involves a clear organization of children's stay in kindergarten, the correct distribution of the load during the day, coordination and continuity in work speech therapist and educator.

      1. Correctional, general education programs

      3. Gaming equipment

      4. Correctional games

      5. Center for the Development of Shallow Motorika in speech therapy Cabinet

      6. Center for the development of shallow motility in a compensation group

      7. Corner for individual classes in speech therapy Cabinet

      8. Corner for individual classes in the group

      9. Zone for group classes

      10. Methodical zone

      11. Surgical dollsused for articulation gymnastics

      12. Center for the Development of Connected Speech in the Group