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  • In one breath. Book novelties that it is worth reading this summer. New stories - the main issue of "After you" by Gejo Moys

    In one breath. Book novelties that it is worth reading this summer. New stories - the main issue of

    A story from the USA, which stirred all the local Internet and almost led to war between the floors. We transfer it from the first person:

    My wife recently stated that she will no longer make me blowjob and there will be no oral lasoms at all. Explanation Simple: It never really liked it at all, and I think I could do it. In general, it is right, since I can not force it to take it in my mouth, as it has the full right to dispose of her mouth. But!

    We have a tradition that every Friday we dinner with the tests, her parents. These are the people of the old hardening, very complex in communication, but the tradition itself has been more than 10 years, just as much as our marriage lasts. It turns out that every Friday after work instead of resting, I have to spend time with people that I can't stand. Why do I do it? To wife be pleased!

    In general, I told my wife that let her think he wanted, but I would no longer do what I could not stand - to spend Fridays with her parents.

    In response, she stated that I am ass and it was generally completely different situations. I disagree - we both stopped doing what we do not like, although doing it made each other happy. And we both have the right to be ass in relation to each other.

    So I ass?

    She told the dad that the guy comes to me. I went to the store when I returned and went to my room, then there was no entrance door in it! Dad removed her! Type long wanted to change ... We sat with a guy on the chairs of 6 hours, playing cards.

    But do not tell me, there is still a very special properties in the holy water.
    We had a completely drinking bricklayer in Ufa branch. Mason wonderful. The number of cubes of masonry issued by him in shift with four subbands, even in my depravated imagination did not fit. The subbands sitting too on the deal prayed on it - the salary is higher than that of the same workers in two more times.
    But this is all when the mason sober. And when drunk is not a mason at all. And he has "for a month in a month".

    One of the submissors, a person as deeply believes, so good, he heard that in one men's branch of the female monastery (I didn't joke, it was now, now there is no), located in the town called "Sainted bushes", serves such a cool father that Water they consecrated from alcoholism cures at times. It is necessary only a couple of liters to drink it and first to sprinkle on top.

    Heard and under the immentable jokes of colleagues, which dee any water will help with alcoholism if it is in equal shares to mix with the patented needles and turpentine and consumed as an enema, went to the monastery and brought from there a two-liter bottle from under beer with the most holy water, which there was. And he decided in secret from being healed to engage in his cure, gradually mixing the water to him in tea. Began with sprinkling. For which I waited on the fifth floor of the house built, when the Mason will come out of the entrance to the downtown to change clothes and slightly splashed on him with a holy liquid.

    Non-day hands did not hold the container. Almost two liters straight in the bottle rushed after small splashes and fell, well not in the center, but casual on the Masonic protective Schle.
    Casket - Kakaya, but without a concussion, it did not cost. The density of holy water is almost equal to the density of ordinary, that is, close to one. But when the mason from the hospital came out from him about to drink like cut off.

    So what you want, but special anti-alcohol properties in the holy water are available. Simple generally might in the head to hit that and kill.

    (C) naive

    I apologize in advance for the obscene, tried to soften as soon as it was possible that the meaning was not lost.

    One May day, the deputy commander of the part of the rear, Major Stepanov sat in the barracks of the office, smoked and spoke about anything with the Deputy Captain Zeletsky. The mood of Major was very raised - the next day the lion's share of officers and personnel was "in the field" - on a field exit for the purpose of practice. He headed this expedition to the commander of the part itself, and Major Stepanov remained at the main, delegating care for the supply of personnel on the exit of the crash Chernov. There was a lot of small questions like issuing storage with the contents and cloaks. Major decided to call Chernov to the warehouse and give CSU by phone. Cottles were distributed in the tube, but no one took the phone. Also did not answer the ensign and mobile. Stepanov leaned out of the Office:
    - A daily, where there is a sergeant of the Narkov, let him run here!
    "In the morning, the crawler of Chernov on the warehouses took away, Touch Major," answered the daily.
    Stepanov sighed - it will have to go through the Hozison himself, once and the ensign and its right hand - an intelligent old-worker sergeant of the niks there, and there is no possibility to contact. Probably chose there with things. His hell with him, I go. And tomorrow lathers will begin - in the part of almost no one, sit yourself, smoke, yes, drinking paper does not rush.

    The way to the warehouses took up ten minutes. Major Stepanov saw that the mounted castle of the warehouse number alone lies next to the doorway. The castle's handle was cut.
    - Well, your mother! - said Stepanov, - You, Porpor, will buy a new salary, once the keys like it, - and Major entered the warehouse.
    At first he froze as the idol from the island of Easter, then blinked, after the rubbish his eyes. Nothing changed. The warehouse was empty. His only her property was a chair on which the crawler of the Chernov was sleeping, and an empty bottle of vodka on the floor.
    - Chernov, bitch !!! - Smoked Major, frantically shaking Sonya's breast, - where ... where, your mother ... everything!?!
    Parapper opened the eyes, with difficulty rose from the chair, breathed in his commander a harassment and hoarse, the fallen voice of Pivot:
    - Schizzdili, Comrade Major!

    Stepanova took some time to digest the said. And then he was very happy - an extraordinary title, captain, and maybe even senior lieutenant. First of all, the robbed deputy on the rear decided to deal with Prapor. Oh, Major Stepanov was a big connoisseur of genealogy and gathered to tell the entire history of his genus and their relationship with a large and not very, horny and ruffling. He could tell anyone to tell a similar story, even if he was woken after daily duty (and perhaps - especially if it happened). However, Major had good doubts about the change of Chernov at the moment. For the same reason, he did not threaten the dismissal from the armed forces. Stepanov accepted Solomon's solution - he charged in the tambourine ensigning. Humbly accepted Kara, Chernov fell and fell asleep again. Major jumped out of the warehouse. It seems that our hero was origin from Hercules himself - so deafening and stretched his cry ...
    - Nyrkooooooo!
    Thirty seconds, the above-mentioned materialized in front of the Major.
    - Sergeant, what dick there is going on! ??
    "I don't know, Touch Major, I since the very morning Chernovsky" Niva "will cook the bottom in boxing, and he himself did in the warehouse.
    Madly rotating his eyes, Stepanov, at first, did not punish the sergeant according to the method, tested on the Zloshven Draft, but I realized that the Vikkov was not guilty - he was told to cook, he cooked.
    - Du in the barracks, running. Return with a depolit and elder.
    - There is! - and sergeant how the wind blew.
    Stepanov conducted a quick inspection of the warehouse territory, and by the time the reinforcement arrived, everything became more or less clear. The attackers found a disguised loophole in the fence through which the personal composition was dull in "Self-propelled", at night, spitting castle, penetrated the warehouse and carried out from there everything cleaned. The crawler of Chernov, leaving the assistant to shamans his swallow, came to the warehouse, saw the designer who had reigned there, hesitated what, and did not come up with anything better than to get drunk. There were no traces of the kidnapper.

    Fortunately for Stepanov, all that was needed for field exit was on a different warehouse.
    "Only one chance to catch assholes," Major decided, making a bet on banal human greed. At night, filled with the righteous wrath of Stepanov with a tabler weapon and two fighters were shot nearby from the second warehouse.
    "Pan or disappeared," Major thought. At about an hour of a night, some personalities were climbed through the LAZ in the fence. Began, despite the wild nerves, to peck the nose Major, almost did not make them mistaken. It remained to make sure that this is precisely thieves, and not touched warriors trying to carry alcohol into part. When the silence of hacksaws for metal, Stepanov, like Phoenix Retribution, flew out of the door of the second warehouse, and shouted and shouted:
    - Well, stand, bitch, I will shoot !!!
    Guests from Central Asia were detained, at first trying to convince the avenger that they would not speak Russian, but the Major quickly had a violence quickly convinced them that cooperation would allow the expropriatrators to preserve the dignity and teeth. Then there was a carrying to the warehouse fought from the hostel nearby, then pizduli again, then militia, indications, catch from the commander (albeit softened due to lack of losses).

    The hole in the fence was tightly closed, the part was drilled in the field, and the long-suffering major began to suffer from garbage, and he dreamed of.

    P.S. The soldiers began to go to their self-propelled ways, but this is a completely different story.

    Inspected by yesterday's history about Karpov and Holy Water ...
    My father, as in principle, and many of the USSR international school, and then survived the invasion of religions, psychics, Voodoo and other Kashpirovsky was a superstitious man. At that time, someone whispered to him that in January in January it is possible to get holy water not going anywhere, just the bay of her in banks and leaving overnight, while the main thing is to leave the window open.
    I then had exams on the engineer of the excitation group (there are specialty specialties with ridiculous names on power plants, my friend, for example, was an engineer of his own needs). Examinations for the post of engineer in the Ministry of AssduMash (Atomprom) is not an exam and not even scolding exams with tickets. That is, tickets and tests - no. There is literature - a dozen book books, safety techniques, measurement standards, etc., but there are no questions ready. The commission is sitting out of 5-7 chiefs of departments with the chief engineer and asked questions - any questions from the books that the engineer should know the izubok. Such a "cheerful" exam. And I was clear to me at all, it was never up to the fodder of the father, the brain melted from the number of information that I was driven into memory with the same masochist persistence.
    I managed to sleep at 12, I get up at 4 am, I go to the kitchen for breakfast with this damn stack of books and ... I get into the kingdom of water. Water everywhere, on the table, on the windowsill, on the floor, in basins the saucepans and, of course, in three-liter banks. Batin Life motto - Tatars us just for nothing - in action. Bringing overwhelming feelings about the surrounding situation, I will unwind the table, I put his stack of books on it and starts another primitive loading of information into the brain with simultaneous replenishment of life forces - then I will beat breakfast, luxurious rules of the electrical installation device.
    Fiction was fascinating, but some suspicious rustle made me turn a head towards the window, quite in time to be consciously accept the "holy" shower of a three-liter bank standing on the windowsill. Behind the tilted bank, a disgruntled Morda Grisha, a home cat returned from night orgies.
    Since Grisha expressed the opinion similar to mine about this kitchen Venice, he did not get along the neck, and I went under his nose to change and get ready to work.
    In the reception room was quiet, the commission has already seen an hour attempting at the station engineer (DISA), next to me was the head of the shift of electrotsy - he had to be the following and the prospect of this did not please him, but alas of the door was revealed from the cabinet (Well, like Efremova - the face is so red), and the turn of the head of the shift. After another 45 minutes, he also ponero as a donkey I was out of this door and I went to torture ...
    I stepped into the office and 7 pairs of eyes glanced at me.
    - Well, let's get started - said chief Engineer - Alexander Ivanovich, start.
    Subsequent events reminded me Ping Pong. Question - answer, question-answer, question-answer. And I answered on the machine, as if watching the exam by the side.
    After a dozen questions of answers, the chief engineer asked the representatives of the departments present - who has more questions.
    None of any questions, I was offered to enter the reception and wait for the Commission's decision. In the reception, two operatives waiting for their fate, seeing me they were surprised.
    - What are you so fast?
    - In the sense of fast? Same as you.
    - Only 15 minutes passed ... turned out?
    - It seems no ...
    After 5 minutes, the secretary announced the verdict of the commission - the displays of the Commission - the head of the shift was sentenced to another relocation in a week, and I ... from that day was considered an electrical laboratory engineer. Such a baptic story!

    About how love for papers in childhood, led me to my work) The end of the 80s. We lived with parents in a private house in the city. Who just played probably in childhood to school. Mom bought notebooks on 2kop for the whole academic year I diligently signed and laid them on the floor in the order as students sit in the classroom. These were stacks in mathematics and Russian languages, and this is already 60 notebooks). From the attic or a shed, I traveled the textbooks that interest me for which Mom learned or went to the university. I read something, dictated, wrote in notebooks "for students" and set an assessment of taking notebooks for verification. In the cold season, my board served at home polished dark wardrobe, my mother then found a scratch from chalk and flew to me. And in a relatively warm season I used the iron garage painted with green paint. Neigh-minded little girls came .. She taught everyone ... wrote, they thought ... I especially loved "draw" incomprehensible formulas and pretend that we believe and all know. Then mom drew back for the notebook and began to buy only in the amount of one half of the year. Then I cut the notebooks in half) in the end it began to buy them as necessary. But I found a way out. I cut the toilet paper on the ribbons of centimeters of 30, folded them and stuck in the middle of a thread. Folding turned out a notebook. It was not convenient to write, the paper rushed, but I played ... I never happen hopeless situations))) And when it was almost impossible to enter the room from the papers, my mother drove the garbage and not looking away everything. I remember the "my years of paper deficiency", she threw the receipt of payment of utility services, probably since 70s. And she said in no case to remove them from the garbage bucket! But I still took out, hid, and played them only when it is not at home. But this case taught me one: never to throw out anything would seem to be no longer useless, but relating to documents) After half a year or the year, Mom asked: did I take those receipts, because some problems arose and it was necessary to look at them -to. I will not forget her happy eyes when I showed where I hide them. After my dream came true. I worked in a technical school. She taught big kids on cooking technologists. It was a fun time. Students younger than me for 8 years)) I am a small fragile girl with a long braid, clamping a class magazine in my hands, I launched them into class every day. There was also a senior course. At first, they certainly did not perceive me seriously, did not teach, they spoke. I led me the bobbies in a row. Called me in the dean, cut off that the school system of assessments. If everyone has two, then I myself do not know the subject. The trouble is in general ... Dukes do not get to the discipline) I sit and think what to do. .. And the other day I go in a new long coat, in new boots on heels, the nose up and rising across the steps coming to the bottom of the coat and fall in front of the disciples. Although you get up and run writing to the dismissal) In general, in the lessons again, who nails saw, who lips colors, who chats. I say quietly: good mine, here you are sitting in your business and I think, maybe I also bring a washing machine to wash it (and show how I figuratively slaughters it into the Cabinor Cabinet), bring a bunch of linen (I pretend that I do it Stuffing into this imaginary washing machine) or can I get a nail polish and make up your nails, which is already cut there to just sit (defiantly shake up a bag) Why I spend, I say, my time will, although I can also do personal affairs. The village and I sit in the bag in the bag. The guys opened the mouths ... Soon, this couple began, in front of which I needed to show this spontaneous performance about what their behavior looks like. Later, I have long thought whether I did right, but the result was. So I did it right) the pairs began to pass more calmer and on some of the couples I explained the cutting of a pork carcass and had to draw it on the board ... the artist from me is no ... Seeing how I suffer, and then I soon began to laugh myself Over yourself, the guys painted each of the textbook on the notebook as "on the bis" who better draws) the main summary and interest in studying))) Then it was probably the control that had to be assessed, but I remembered the former row of two. It was a control and for me)) But it cost .. Only Sasha K. wrote on two and that because he wrote off. He went to my teaching and says: "How so ..?" I answer: "less need to write down." And he take and tell me verbally word for the word. "Sorry, I say, five" and I remembered the most interesting thing when I had to set an estimate in the council at the end of the year. And I get to work with the temperature, everyone is waiting, I think that I don't even ask everyone, it is stuffy ... In the group there was the highest boy Ilya and I asked him to open the window and the thought comes to mind: "Halyava flew, the back Table "All are happy! Estimated on real knowledge. I say: "Masha, three or re-" "" Vasya Four or Retreat ". These are real assessments of the guys, their real knowledge. One girl was only tormented by a long time ... she relied three times on the estimation of "three"))) and I put this three, I still put "fastening the heart." After this year, we broke up, I changed the job. The guys speced me for a long time, did not let go and even called me in the evening a group in the park, to arrange me for the wires))) Guys, sorry. ..))) Then I learned that Sasha K. worked in a steep restaurant in a chef, but ... for some circumstances quit and operates forwarding ... Eh, Sasha ... I now say the office worker in this area now , My paper "love"))) And I just don't throw out any papers, remembering the mother of the receipt))) And for this New Year, I met the mother of that girl who was taught to write letters and numbers on the garage in childhood. She led her granddaughter on the Christmas tree and told me a lot Thank you for my daughter, which probably because I loved to learn and now has a good job)

    My husband is from the Baltic States. I am the central black earth district of Russia)) When we married our first charges for visit. Going long))) came to guests. Those are asked why we are so long. He answers me:
    - schA "g" lift induce ("g" geek
    I pick it up and I continue to his manner:
    -It-ta L-I-F-T Corcerenennunno E-D-E-T ....

    Recently, in the discussion, I grew up about the fact that 100 Japanese yen was placed in the Soviet 20 penny coin, asked to tell.

    This was our first marine passhed. practice. The Passenger ship "Khabarovsk" was standing on the Nakhodka-Yokoham-Nakhodka line, and mainly brought transit tourists-round-welfares, who had already worried from Australia to Japan to Transsib.
    We, cadets taken to the staff as a motorist, was three chest, Vava and me. Those who come from the Soviet sixties can imagine the Euphoria of the twenty-year-old guys who first found themselves for the Cordon in 1984.

    Because of this, for me the first parish in Japan was especially sad.
    Still in the morning on the speakerphone, they announced that the carriage was not occupied by watches, it is offered to choose from two options for shore. Either savages, groups of three or five people under the supervision of one of the commercial workers, on yokoam, or on the Embassy tourist bus on a tour of Tokyo.

    The chest with Wava to dinner was already walked on Yoke, and I stayed on the ship to wait for the bus with the Tokyo group.
    I was waiting for a long time and nervously, but did not come for us. Parking short. Saying goodbye to the cloudy and stuffy yokoham port for a dozen days, we took a reverse course.

    The chest with wunk was filled with emotions from their Japanese adventures, and gladly splash them on me:
    -Log! - They already nostalgiced, interrupting each other.
    - Well this is full ...! The shopping street is all in the tile and carpets from shops right outside. And huge baskets with jeans and sneakers on sales!
    But their most exciting adventure was the attack on the vending devices with drinks.

    The elder brother of Vavava, being a sailor, shared with him this secret.
    It turns out a 20-penny Soviet coin repeats the diameter of the Japanese coin 100 yen - one to one, and although the touch of the yen seems to be somewhat massive, the automata allegedly take it for their own. Vava slammed both pockets with twenty.

    In a popular, among the sailors of the shopping street, Yokohama, not far from the port, the chest with a voya was noticed by one of the cars, and she immediately suffered a moment when the eldest group would drive from the eye, and stuck in the slot of the coin.
    For 20 kopecks, they managed to buy a loud and very disturbing Sirena, which was given an automatic in response to the attempt, and a hundred square meters from the crime scene to the crowded intersection, where they mixed with the crowd.

    In the next coming in Yoka, I still decided to finish the question with Tokyo, and ventured to take a double on a tour. The trip took place. Wava went with me, and two of his coins were headed with him, pockets. I will miss a description of the entire tour of Tokyo, thank God now you will not surprise anyone, and immediately go to these most trading machines on Gindz, to which we were brought late in the evening.

    Already not even felt, having pulled off from the group, we walked around the night Tokyo.
    Instead of the faded glory of the CPSU, we winked to us from everywhere with neon cute Japanese, shuffling, slid along the walls of the hieroglyphs, sounded music, and slowly rushed past the lacquered cars.

    Lech! - Vava whispered very loudly, - look!
    I looked towards his thickest hand. Not far, right at the intersection of two wide streets, fenced from all sides by traffic lights and zebras of pedestrian crossings, lit up the lights desertless, automatic island.
    - Hold! "Vava, poured into my palm with jemy coins and we ran to the machine guns."

    What drinks in them only were not. More precisely, we did not know what drinks there were, besides the recognizable by us - colas, coffee, tea and phantas. All 100 yen.
    The endless rows of multicolored jars, bottles, boxes, bags and cups looked right in the soul, offering, and not leaving the choice - to bomb!
    I drove the first twenty kopecks in the gap, and just in case it was prepared to tear claws. The coin slowly ran through the labyrinth and fell into a return pocket. The machine was silent.

    Next for a moment, taking twenty kopecks of the launched Cavoy for a clean coin, it seemed this is the whole island, I exhaled the magical "K-X-X-X-E !!!", and lit up the hundreds of red arrows. Vava pressed the first, and deeply fell into the tray, duned the bottle.
    Bingo! I also worked for me!

    Like a win-win playing machine guns, they are ridiculous, offering us to taste endless samples of the Japanese food industry.
    For several cans, we dreamed "without departing from the box office, and having stuffed everything you can fill with baked bottles in light summer clothes, cried to the bus. Then I am pleased to please the cooler drinks of all our few travelers, and the whole way back to Yokohama was trying not to touch.

    And there was another one, the last similar experience in our next parish.
    Yokohama on that day celebrated his own anniversary, and in anticipation of the grand one and a half hours, thousands of Japanese began to gather on the embankment around the marine station, from lunch.
    We widdled down in Yok, returned to the port when it was already dark and the idea just began.

    Having found near the deserted grocery store, a number of vending machines near our mooring, they decided to try success again. Happened. Already in the rain, hardly dotted two volumetric, sprawling paper packages to the vessel, and staged a drink party. A large number of Russian and Greek coins were discovered on the eve of the next day on the speakerphone on the speakerphone.

    In addition, who arrived on board the Japanese representative, warned that in case of detention of offenders, they will be given to court in Japan.
    Fearing a search, we hastily pulled out the remaining fluids, and the banks were thrown into the porthole.
    And, as they say - the ends into the water!

    Yes, more! In this story, fool the question of the ethical nature of our offense. Bad, of course, we did. Read talked. In justification, I can say that I never stole nothing before this case - even thoughts did not arise.
    It was completely different here - risk, excitement and youth dolboybism. Approximately with the same mood and success, we dwell on poor gas production machines at the Vladivostok Embankment.
    So let the Japanese even say: - Arigato!
    Kidding. Now ashamed, of course. Pardon!

    We continue to monitor the sandbox "House and Dacha" ( of a small site Last time we sent a sketch, as the harsh Moscow plumbers have tricky glamorous blondes (the story of the SCB Toli and some Lena Lenin). Today is the story from Ogresg1 about tailed.

    Positioning battles with nature

    Brought by cats with Mama showed the room of their further temporary residence. The minimum necessary set for life is available - tray, feeder with a drinking and one on all the box, in my opinion, should personify the hollow, the nest and a cat's house at the same time.
    They promised friends and acquaintances not to drive, observe peace and order, music on the full volume not to listen, be quieter of water, below herb.
    Turned off the light and wished good night: I - they, and they - to me.
    Could not sleep...
    Suddenly I hear the kittens asked by Mom, whether she sleeps.
    She replies that he sleeps.
    By rationality I understand that it is lying.
    Kittens whisper again - as she thinks, and I sleep or not.
    The cat replied - Of course, I sleep.
    Then the kittens promised to sleep too, and the cat happily believed.
    And started!

    It seems that they didn't like everything in the arrangement of the apartment - and where I put my sneakers, and that I did not remove the fleece, but I just threw it on the back of the chair, that the fishing rods are not at all in this corner, indicated the garbage bucket - or it plays with They are in hide and hiding in the closet, or it will lie on the side and ride to avoid bedtime, and otherwise the feline gods accepted, for a long time showed how to roll up cellophane packages, twenty minutes got from under the bedside tables, moused there In the tray with granules, and, judging by the sounds, began to move the furniture ... as I got up and expressed my discontent.

    The whole little thing quickly annihilated, and when I turned on the light, no one was already, only the ball was swaying ... ran up a sleepy cat, as if interested in such an early lifting that happened much earlier morning dawn and adding: "Did you hear? I heard? And then I have heard I did not hear anything! "

    And so three times per night.

    After all, you personally did not explain to each kitten for the involvement of the ruler - they used to run away. So, there is no demand - they made the conclusion of the kittens. To justify my lifts and squeeze out of them at least some sense, put in two corners, because the tray was busy for a more important thing - there was a training session in it.

    He made a mother to the street - without her approving "Moore", kittens hide and impossible not to learn.
    There was silence and harmony, and I fell asleep.
    Died a dream about electronics, and that every cat has a button, and that it is under the tail, but it is necessary to press several times short hollow presses.

    History is long, pedagogical.

    Missed somehow the most familiar company of classmates in one of the mining towns. These are all the metropolitan Mamienikins of the Sons tell the fairy tales about how they themselves went to universities, how many tutors hired by mammy, beat them and how they themselves now type large scientists on the Papapykin faculty. And all had a good teacher, good friends in the yard and a hard dad with a belt on the courtyard. For each Mozart is a "evil" parent with rogging. As a result, the class of 44 obtasus of the provincial working town did the whole composition without any tutors in the best metropolitan universities. And this despite the fact that the capital's Movenician Sons in the Entrance Ball of the Dobden Soviet Power set 18-19 out of 25, and the ingoornery proletarian type bydlo is 24-25 of 25. Such was then social justice in the alleged socialist state. But it is not about this, but about pedagogy.
    As always on the parties of young parents, eventually came talk about her kids. And young mothers interrupting each other began to brag about the mind and the intelligence of their children, who are already time to record in the first class. And they are already reading them as speakers on TV, remember the possess of the poems, consider in the mind as calculators, and dance on the piano Hu_chat Bach in three hands. And then they began to get up one after another dads, children of miners, and literally pouring these moms. Sha, they said. Listen here, moms insane. What do you think, who do you want to grow out of our boys and daughters? Imagine your smart and everything knows the baby to school. And all that he is easy there, and all that he knows how and knows. As a result, he will like - fight, overcome difficulties, stubbornly work, not to share before obstacles, beat to victory - why, if you are a smart and talented from birth and everything is easy and simple. Difficulties are bad, good when easy, you need to do and live with pleasure and just as you like. But I like to walk, play, hang out, resting and engage in various kinds of chunks on the coast of the Indian Ocean. And you will have, as a result, sons' sad and brown and mamenicins, nothing without the help of dad and mothers, do not suit anything, except to chat with tongue and member. That is the most dull gamno, which you recently still did not give to universities. Your children - you decide how to strain them and not to give to relax. Let them go to the sport - the struggle, boxing, hockey, swimming, gymnastics. Who is unable or the heart is weak - let them come to the coolest schools and rods in mathematics, physics, medicine. There are not a place to fools. Wunderkinds we do not need, we need a couch in life. Did everyone understand? Perform.

    Years have passed. At the conference aerospace systemsAn organized by Boeing Satellite Development Center gathered a little familiar company of young engineers and scientists and we, an old man from different countries. As always on such parties, he was talking about her kids. And parents, young and not very interrupting each other began to brag about the mind and the intelligence of their children, who are already time to record in the first class. And they are already reading as speakers on TV, remember the poems by heart, consider in the mind as calculators, and dance and in Basket make everyone like kittens. And then it gets up, one dad, the other and start literally the word word to repeat the very centions that you have read. It turned out to be the children and grandchildren of those mines. Itselves in the youth of the wrestlers-classics, swimmers styers, climbers and rugby keys. Thank you sport and smart strict dad behind your back. Good genes - they can not be killed in principle, but you can spoil. As SUVOROV SUVERS, THEN, THIS, THIS FIGHT, and we are soldiers in this battle. A hard soldier in learning - easy will be in battle.

    All accepted stories are sorted by the editor for five categories: new main, other new, repeated, copies and all sorts of little. Repeatable texts already available in the archive of our site. The copies depart there are stories previously published on other popular sites.
    In the current release of stories: new - 10, repeated - 1, copies - 1, all sorts of little - 2.

    Forbes Life made a calendar of the release of the main book new products of this year

    The readers are waiting for the continuation of the novel by Alexei Ivanov "Tobol", "Trilogy of dislike" Elena Ferrandte, the second book of Guzel Yakhina and the long-awaited romance of Arundati Roy. In Russian, "Lincolnn in Bardo" will be released in Russian, the Pulitzer Roman Richard Rousseau "Empire Falls" and the new stories of Anna Gavalda. The Forbes Life gallery is the most interesting novelties of 2018 in accordance with the plan of their appearance on sale.

    Aleksey Ivanov. "Tobol. Few chosen "

    Publisher: Editorial board Elena Shubina

    Release date: February

    "Tobol. Few chosen "- the second book of Roman-pecluum Alexei Ivanov" Tobol ". The designers of Tsar Peter turned Siberia, and everyone who was" were called "in these free edges, check," elected "if they are Siberia. Eweighted splitters erect their fiery ship, Russian shelves go for gold in the distant Asian city of Yarkend, the stubborn Metropolitan makes its way to the sacred idol of foreigners through the evil climb of the taiga language, and the Siberian Governor turns out to be in the hands of the sovereign. The fate of the heroes are woven together, and in the fierce struggle of the old with the new born the history of Siberia and the history of the country is born.

    Julia Zaitseva, co-author of the book "Debrist" and Producer Alexei Ivanova: "In the Bibliography of Ivanov, the two-volume" Tobol "is not only the most voluminous, but also the most bold novel. This is a chess session of the simultaneous game at once on several boards, and also blindly. In the head you constantly need to keep tens of lines and fate, hear the unique melody of each and persistently and progressively move it to the final. It is difficult to decide on the epic, the names of those who darked each schoolchild: Tolstoy, Sholokhov, Grossman ... and to declare themselves in this row can a writer only with a large-scale, commensurate era thinking. Ivanov managed to keep two centuries in the head of the Siberian Conquists, bring the game to the final on all the boards and do not merge any party. In my opinion, he turned out a grandmaster novel. "

    Chania Yanagihar. "People among the trees"

    Publisher: Corpus.

    Release date: End of February - beginning of March

    Translation from English: Viktor Sonykin

    After the hot-discussed "Little Life", the debut romance of Chania Yanagikhara is waiting for readers, and critics to confirm or refute their impressions of the painful story of four friends. Roman "People among the trees" Chania Yanagihar wrote, relying on real events. In 1950, the young doctor Norton Perina goes to the distant Micronesian Island, where people who own the secret of amazing longevity live. Perin can find out the nature of this phenomenon, and research results promise a revolution in medicine and incredible prospects for humanity. "However, the implementation of a fairy tale in the work is a painful and terrible process, erasing the boundaries between the feat and a crime." The opening of Norton Perina turns into a whole series of disasters: environmental, social and personal.
    At the heart of the novel Yanagihar, the history of the Nobel Prize laureate in physiology and medicine, virologist, the pediatrician Daniel Gaidusek, arrested on charges of the plant's crust of his adoptive children. In an interview with Chania Yanagihar, it has repeatedly said that he had learned about Hydusek's history from his father and was struck by how cruel and vicious can be a brilliant mind of a scientist. "People among the trees" - a novel, told from the position of a strong and powerful person. And the book was successful in the first place due to the masterfully transmitted to the voice of evil.

    Translator Roman Victor Sonykin: "The Russian reader who opens new book Yanagihara, will most likely be a pre-formed waiting, based on the experience of a "little life", which produced such a stunning impression here - both on fans and for ill-wishers. And indeed, at least one important topic, the theme of violence over children (I do not scatter spoilers, because literally all the content of the novel is retold in newspaper articles in the first lines, the essence of this novel is completely different in the book) in the book really there. But throughout the rest - according to the structure, the characters, according to the supporting idea, is a completely different, not similar to the "Little Life" book. It seems to me that the reader meets in the "little life" (at least in the present time) with a huge number of good, good, noble people. In "People among the trees" there are no such characters at all, not one. This is a real "novel without a hero" in this sense. And at the same time, he speaks of some incredibly important things: about finding a scientific truth, about loyalty to itself, about death and attempt to get away from her. In addition, this is a fascinating adventure novel; True, with difficulty perceive other, but accustomed to the fact that connoisseurs of literature, especially Russian, can assume that the plot is something outdated and unnecessary in the literature. Well, yanagihara, fortunately, there is no such illusion. "

    Boris Minaev. "Cowboy" Malboro ", or girls of the 80s"


    Release date:end of February - beginning of March

    Writer Boris Minaev, finalist of the Russian Booker and "Clear Polyana" with a novel "Soft fabric", gives Russian response Haruki Murakami. The Japanese Belletrist after a major prose pleased readers a collection of lyrical stories "Men without women". Boris Minaev wrote twenty-three personal stories about the life of young women. "Cowboy" Malboro ", or the Girl of the 80s" - a subtle and funny book about youth and how fate is born of ridiculous accidents.

    Boris Minaev: "I was always easier to communicate with women than with men. With men, you need to be friends in a certain sense - hard to drink, something together must do or go to the bath, for example, what I can't tolerate, but only then talk. And only on certain topics. With women you can talk immediately and about everything. All of these optional conversations have, though, always the second, third, fourth, and then a hundred fourth meaning that will not immediately understand, but it is also very exciting. From these conversations, and rather, my book was born from their stories. Our generation lives in it, and, slightly glare, reflects the whole era, which formally began in the 1980s, and in fact even earlier, but for some reason still does not want to end. I do not know what it means maybe we will all live forever? Actually, this is exactly what I tried to understand. "

    Julian Barnes. "One story"

    Publisher: ABC-Attikus

    Release date: March

    Translation from English: Elena Petrov

    "Almost every of us has one-only story that you want to tell. This does not mean that nothing happens in life: countless events that can turn into an endless story. But only one will mean something, only one is worth it to be heard. And here is my story. " Such words, the intellectual Julian Barnes intellectual is preceded by its new history, one of the best modern prose.
    His new hero, charming floor, very much similar to Barnes himself, starts his story from the philosophical and at the same time a very personal question: "You would like to love more and suffer more or love less, but also less suffering?" He recalls the story of his great love, a student summer, when the 19-year-old Paul met a married 48-year-old Susan - and everything in the world ceased to matter. That is the "only story", about which Paul is ready to tell, has become a decisive event in his life.

    "It would seem completely hermetic, who did not imply a continuation of the bucker novel" Premonition of the End "received unexpected development in the" One History "," said Forbes Life editor of the publishing house "ABC" Alexander Guzman. - This is a kind of anatomy of the first love, serving the key to everything that happens with a person on, until the end of his life. And not in vain in a recent interview dedicated to the "One History" of Barnes referred to Turgenev: " Let us remember Turgenev, one of the greatest prose writers who wrote about love. The story "First Love" is based on his own youth experience. A thirteen-year-old teenager, he was insanely fascinated by the girl of twenty years, but made a deadly discovery: she is his father's beloved. Paul, the hero of my current novel, says that the first love imposes a fingerprint for the entire life: either as an example or as a counterexample».

    June Lee. "Dobrea solitude"


    Release date:march

    Translation from English: Leonid Motalev

    "Dobrea solitude" - a powerful novel about the load of memory and severity of loss. The American Writer of Chinese Origin June Lee talks about three heroes, which binds the mystery of 25 years ago. The story turned out about how the past torments the soul, as hundreds of thousands of little things become torture and determine the present and future. As one of the heroes says, "even the most innocent creature, if you drive it into an angle, capable of heartless drop."

    Heroes June Lee live far from each other (in America and in China), but once all three lived in Beijing and were friends with Shaoai, bold and independent. After the June events in Tiananmen Scheoai Square, excluded from the university, and in the fall, the girl died in strange circumstances. For three friends, the death of Shaoai and a painful cocktail from guilt and suspicions become inaccession and fate.

    Translator Roman Leonid Motalem: "I listened to this book by last spring in the Moscow library of Dostoevsky. By that time, I read the novel, began to translate and after her speech, I asked her, on whose side of it: the young Bunctricians of Shaoai or the older generation, who believes that the "score did not hesitate"? She said that he did not know the answer. The reader is granted to judge himself (or refrain from the court). In this book, sad and more muted than her first painful romance "Tramps", the reader is much granted by himself. It is felt that the genuine element of Lee is a story, and I was not surprised to find out that the author, very strongly influenced, was recently the deceased William Trevor, Heir to Chekhov. As Trevor, like Chekhov - and, maybe in the traditions of Eastern Literature, whether the reader gives the reader, without pedaling them, encouraging to internal work, to empathy and understanding. The one who got to the last heads of the novel, for example, must understand why the heroine reacts so strange to the words about the illumination of the skin. And, if we talk about major topics, the reader, maybe think about memory. Memory about the injury of events in Tiananmen Square is not alive and not dead, like poisoned, worst mezeum existence of Shaoai. "

    George Sonders. "Lincoln in Bardo"

    Publisher: Eksmo

    Release date:march

    Translation from English:Grigory Krylov

    58-year-old Texas George Sonders with the Roman "Lincoln in Bardo" in the fall of 2017 became the laureate of the bookger premium on the literature for the novel about american President. It is based on one night of Abraham Lincoln. The 11-year-old son of President Willie is buried in a marble crypt in a Georgetown cemetery. My father killed by Horam arrives at the cemetery under the cover of the night to stay next to his son. And Willy himself turns out between the dead and alive, in the ghostly world, the population of the past. Actually, Bardo (literally - "between two") in Buddhism and means that the most intermediate state between the world and this. Complaints, screams, intensive and moans surrounding Willy Souls Sonders alternate with a collage of historical documents and books, invented and real, so that the boy's life is shown against the background of political events of that time. A real, without fools, artistic novel, all this postmodern cutting makes an elderly Texan, an amazing stylist, master of label aphoristic statements, precise observations and capacious conclusions.

    "Roman is called experimental criticism," explained Forbes Life head of the Department of Foreign Prose Publishing House "Eksmo" Julia Rautbort- And indeed, it is interesting not only from the point of view of the content, but also from the point of view of the form that a thoughtful reader will probably appreciate. First of all, it seems to me, he attracts his pronounced humanistic orientation. Sonders said that when he heard the history of the death of the son of President Lincoln, he immediately had an image that unites Lincoln Memorial and "Pieta" Michelangelo (sculpture of the Virgin Mary, mourning Christ). President Lincoln, who in the consciousness of the majority - National Hero of America, the President of the country, appears in the Roman Sanders, a luckless father, mourning his beloved son. This plot motive allows the author to go on a global generalization: that there is death and how to treat it. "

    "If we talk about the search for Sonders in the form of the form, then you need to say: by every page, by each line the author will test the possibilities of the word, the limits of the permissible: whether the funds used are sufficient to report the author's thought to the reader, where the border behind which the form becomes not a means, but in itself, - told translator Romana Grigory Krylov. - For the translator, such a book - and the challenge, pleasure, and death flour: the dangers, difficulties lie in each sentence; I hope that with the help of editors and proofreaders they were with varying degrees success is overcome. "

    Ann Tyler. "Fullary America"

    Publisher:Phantom press

    Release date:spring

    Translation from English:Love sums

    Perhaps the deepest and intense Roman Ann Tyler, one of the main American writers of modernity, already well-known to the Russian reader thanks to the "blue thread coil" and the "random tourist". "Fewing America" \u200b\u200bis a story showing the United States from two points of view: people born and grown there, and migrants who came to someone else's country and those who loved it.

    "A book about what it means to be an American. Two families who would never meet in ordinary life face at the airport: Native Americans Donaldsons and Spouses Yazdan, Iranian origin, - told Forbes Life chief Editor of the Phantom Press Publishing House Igor Alukov. - Both couples are waiting for arrival from Korea girls babies, which they have fallen. Children arrive, and the first anniversary adults decide to celebrate together. It becomes a tradition - two families occur once a year, and gradually their fate awake. Roman Polon Light, tenderness, amazing observations for life. "

    Guzel Yakhina. "My children"

    Publisher: Editorial board Elena Shubina

    Release date: The end of April - the beginning of May

    "My children" - the second book of the young writer Guzel Yakhina, the laureate of the Big Book and "Clear Polyana" premiums for the debut novel "Zuulikha opens eyes." New Roman Yakhina about the history of the Pilgian Germans in the first half of the twentieth century. After grave tests, Jacob Bach, the school teacher, turned away from the world and accepted the vow of silence. Anch's only daughter, he raises on a secluded farm, in the steppe wilderness. He lives quietly and calmly, writes fairy tales and is looking for a peace. But the magic fairy tales of Shulmester Baha strangely embodied in reality - "and a mute hermit against the will becomes a demiurge that can change the surrounding validity of the imagination force." But does this gift keep him himself? Is it given to Yakov to write his own destiny and save himself and their loved ones? From unresponsive rage, confusion, chaos and cruelty is hardly saved by talent and love, but it is no longer anything to believe in a terrible hour.

    At the request of Forbes Life Guzel Yahina I presented a new novel and answered whether the fear of the second novel was after the great success of "Zuulei": "Frames, of course, were. The attraction of the stories of the Zuolea was very large, and I understood that the new novel would be treated much more stricter. Perhaps that is why one of the central motives in the novel "My children" was overcoming fear. If we talk about the philosophy of the novel, this story is primarily about the mythologicalness of consciousness: no matter what happens in the life of a person, he will search and find familiar images and archetypes. The main character, the Russian German in the name Bach, - a witness and a participant in the early Soviet time, sees in the Hermann folklore plots. German fairy tales come to life in the scenery of the 1920s and 1930s. 24 years of existence of German autonomy on the Volga turn into a shaped code to what happened in the country. I wanted to tell about the world of the German Volga region - bright, distinctive, live. About the world, once created by the arrivals in a foreign country, and today he is lost in the past. But this is also a universal story: about the love of men to a woman, about the passionate love of the Father to his daughter, about how big love generates fears in our heart and at the same time helps these fears overwhell. "

    Oleg Ermakov. "Rainbow and Heather"

    Publisher: Time

    Release date: Spring

    Oleg Ermakov, the winner of the "Clear Polyana" premium at the same time in the same way and the detective swollen "Song of Tungus," wrote a historic novel about his native Smolensk, which the Poles at one time called Zap ABOUTm, and the Russians are a fortress in the west of his kingdom. In the spring of 1632, a young genthawic Nikolas Nrzhosek arrives here, and in February 2015 - Moscow wedding photographer Pavel Kokoff. Both curiously pepper in the outlines of the castle-fortress and both love is waiting: one - to the granddaughter of the icon painter and herbalist, another - to someone else's bride.

    About how two private stories are melted together, told Forbes Life himself Oleg Ermakov: "In the provincial city, our contemporary, a metropolitan wedding photographer comprehends the living history - the past and present. This comprehension is spiritualized by a sense of love. Approximately the same thing happened four hundred years ago with Polish shit, who arrived in a distant Castle of the Commonwealth, in the Smolensk fortress, where the ancestors of the Great Russians were served at the same time: Glinka and Tvardovsky. And where the ancestor of Yuri Lermontova, Scottish Rothmistova, was completed his head. Smolensk - as a meeting place of the East and the West, the city, where the Tolessians are satisfied with Russian kikhotism. The city, singing on the fire, becomes fate and the gentle of Nicolaus Nrzhoska and the capital photographer Pavel Kokobyna. "

    "Plastic letters is an amazing, protecting the honor of classical Russian prose," writes in the "New World" literary critic Irina Rodnanskaya- From the frosty winter in the Smolensk forest, blood is fastened, and involuntarily rummage, sitting in a holted room. The genius is breathing in a variety of reliability (the fruit of the supervisory imagination, and not a pedantic stitching): from tactful multilingual books (Ukrainian, Belarusian, Polish replicas and speakers; the name is the translation from the Belarusian and Polish names of the heroine and the hero) delivers a completely special color of the borderland, What speaks from historical and political top speeds. But this is not the main thing. Roman - adventure in the sense, in which accustomed to think about the novels of Walter Scott and, not without regard to them, about the Pushkin "Captain daughter."

    Chloe Benjamin. "Immorters"

    Publisher:Phantom press

    Release date:spring

    Translation from English:Marina Izvova

    This is a novel about the unpredictability of life, about the personal choice and that more determines fate: family and roots or a complete separation from them.

    New York, 1969. In the lower East Side, hearing was spreading about the appearance of a mysterious woman of psychics, which predicts the day of their death. Four young Goldov - from seven to thirteen years - from curiosity they are sent to find out to learn the coming fate. The last hand of the fortune car stretches cooking, the oldest of children. Looking at her palm, the woman blossoms in a smile: "Oh, everything will be fine with you, you will die in 2044." A happy girl goes outside, and there are already waiting for a dark brothers and sister.

    "In the following decades, the prophecies will start come true," said Forbes Life editor Igor Allyukov. - The fates of children will be bizarre. Simon Gold will run away to San Francisco, where he will lead bohemian life. Clara after meeting with a fortune room every year everything will be deeper into dreams, not too distinguishing its fantasies and reality. Daniel, inborn leader, will make a military doctor's career. And cooking ... Varya will devote himself to studying the problem of immortality, balancing between science and fiction. The amazing depth of the novel about the relationship of the inevitability and freedom of choice, about the prosperity of illusion and reality, the strength of family connections and the forces that tearing them. Excellent book, just excellent. "

    Arundati Swar. "Ministry of the Highest Happiness"


    Release date:may

    Translation from English: Alexander Anwer.

    After the debut and very powerful novel, the "God's God", delighted Julian Barnes and John Audience, Indian writer Arundati Roy was silent for two decades. All these years, she actively engaged in social and political activities, but did not write artistic prose. Turn a new idea to the novel "Ministry of the Highest Happiness" of Arundati Roy, according to her own words, persuaded a friend - the bucker laureate of 1972 John Berger. British publishers are unanimous: the second work of Arundati Roy is "an amazing, multi-layer book - perhaps the best novel that we happened to read in last years».

    "This is an amazing book," confirmed Forbes Life translator Romana Alexander Anwer.. - The author managed to dispel the myth created by the famous sentimental "Indian" films and ancient delusions of European travelers. India is not only "incense, jewels and gods." From the very first rows, the terrible reality of the existence of marginals, caste contradictions, existing so far, despite the legislative prohibition, separatism, is collapsed, despite the legislative ban, separatism. There is a sense of hopelessness, but it is miraculously dispersed with further reading. The thing is that the author loves his heroes. Each character was discharged, flattered with love - even to the last scoundrel and the chamber, which the author serves as a living person. After a few tens of pages, cease to perceive India and its people as exotic. You see people, the same as you yourself. And in this realism, reliability, irony, sincerity, optimism, the key to the long life of this and similar books. "

    "The Ministry of Higher Happiness" - a difficult novel, but you will not forget it, - comments the head of the Transmitted Genre Literature Department Irina Arkharov. - "The Ministry of the Highest Happiness", as a Persian carpet, woven from different stories. Whether the life of the untouchable Hijra and the girl is found with their incredible and impossible love or life of the militant Musa, who lost her daughter and his wife, who sacrifices love for a woman for the ideal. And I think that, despite the complexity and dissimilarity of the heroes and sometimes an active demonstration of copyright political views, this unusual and very difficult novel was to go out in Russian. "

    Elena Ferrandte. "Lost Daughter"


    Release date:spring Summer

    Translation from Italian: Olga Tkachenko

    Good news for fans of the "Neapolitan Quartet": Ferranta fever continues. In the new season, the "Sinbad" publisher promises to publish three early novels of the most mysterious Italian writer - the conditional "Trilogy of Nelyubvi". In addition to the "lost daughter", we are waiting for translations of the books "Troubleing Love" (the working name "obsessive love") and "The Days of Abandoment" (working name - "Solitude Days").

    "These are three stories that are not related to each other - explains Irina Bachkalo, Deputy General Director of the Publishing House "Sinbad"- only the unique style of Ferrandte remains common: it seems to put a large mirror in front of us and helps to see our own destiny in the life of distant Napletinian women. "

    The main heroine of the novel "Lost daughter" of the ice forty seven years, she just gained freedom: daughters finally grew up and left Canada to Father. Led does not like parting with children and loneliness: finally the silence and cleanliness and a lot of time for yourself and your favorite work. The heroine for a month and a half removes the apartment on the ionic coast to bask in the sun, leisurely read books, write articles. However, there is more interesting books on the beach. The Leda is watching the big and not too friendly family of his countrymen of the Neapolitans and the eye can not tear off from a little girl, her young mother and a terrible doll, which both pay too much attention ... This strange trinity makes the fuck make a completely inexplicable act and invade someone else's life, And at the same time completely rethinking your own.

    "Naples, doll, frighteningly sincere confession of the character of the story-story - before us the creative workshop of Ferrante, - comments the chief editor of the "Sinbad" publishing house Elena Golovin. - In the "lost daughter", the reader, familiar with the history of Lila and Lena, probably guessed sketch sketches to the "Neapolitan Quartet". At the same time, this is an independent, deep, full-blooded text, in detail the exploration of maternity theme in its most dramatic aspects. "

    Anna Gavalda. "Fendre L'Armure"

    Publisher: AST.

    Release date: May-June

    After several novels, Anna Gavalda finally takes again for a short story, with whom she once broke into the literature, releaseing an amazing compilation on force "I would like someone anyone awaited me." In the new seven novels, its sensitivity, empathy, the ability to reveal their heroes and make them not just speak, and live.

    "Anna Gavalda has always been not averse to go to the shadow and give the opportunity to characters, partly by her invented, partially taken directly from life, to speak with his voices and independently tell about his confusion, sophors and hopes, - tells Dmitry Rumyantsev, the leading editor of the translation literature editorial "genres". - In the new collection, which included seven short and not very stories, she with extraordinary skill, every time adjusting the language for a new character and widely drawing from the spatrical and even slang vocabulary, creates portraits of people from a wide variety of social layers. All these people unites one thing: fate did not regret them. They are bad, lonely, hurt, and they are tired of pretending that everything is in order. They are ready to expose their wounded hearts before the first oncoming, including the reader, and try to gain thanks to this if not confidence in the coming happiness, then at least a bit of peace and readiness with honor to take regular battles. "

    Heroes of Gavalda talk about loneliness, about the pain of losses, about the magic of meetings and the strength of love - they come to the reader "with an open intimate", trusting the most fragile moments of life when everything literally disintegrates into parts and it is necessary to find the strength from scratch. Among them, the young man who just visited the wedding of his former girlfriend and rides the train home, a little drunk and empty; Overflowed by thoughts about the missing friend businessman ruining a minibar in the hotel room in Seoul; The driver of the truck, who lost his son and speaking his dog's mountain; Father of the family caused to school enraged director ... They all want one to be heard.

    That's what told about the collection itself Anna Gavalda: "I could say that this is a collection of Novel, stories - all of their seven pieces, and they are written from the first person - but I see a book differently. For me, this is not a story and even to a lesser degree of characters, for me it is people. Real people. There is Lyudmila, Paul, Jean! The rest have no names. They simply say "I". Almost everyone tells about themselves at night, in their state it is difficult to understand what time of day is it. They need to speak out to make a lot to clarify for themselves, they are fully open, trusting, they destroy armor. Not everyone succeeds, but I was touched by how they tried to do it. It is pretty pretentious on my part to say that I was touched by me, but I repeat to you again: for me there are no characters here - only people, completely real people, and it is them that I will lead you today. "

    Sebastian Falkc. "Englby"


    Release date:may June

    Transferfrom English:Maria Makarova

    One of the most readable British novelists, a master of a subtle psychological letter, the creator "and sang the birds ..." and "where my heart beat" suddenly spoke with the reader unfamiliar before the voice. This voice, according to Falks himself, he "I heard in my head in my head. He simply reasoned, dictated. I sat down and recorded. I did not know what he needed, and did not suspect that this is my story. " So Mike Englby was born, from whose face there is a story (a kind of confession or diary), a student of Cambridge, a native leaving, a lone sarcastic observer with a phenomenal memory, in which huge failures are greeted.

    "What did he forget and want it to remember? Meticulous in trifles, doesn't it foolish to us - and yourself - your head is in most important? About this reader interspersedly thinks when one of the students, which Mike silently loves from published, suddenly disappears without a trace. But the narrator becomes the owner of her diary, - discloses the details of the plot roman Editor Elena Golovinand immediately warns: we are not at all a detective. - Rather, the next approach of the writer to his beloved topic is the tragedy of human being, riddles and fragility of the mind, the nature of time. This time with the dark, invisible parties. "

    This is perhaps one of the most complex folks novels: Roman - confession student Mike Engby, suspected of murdering his beloved Jennifer. As The Guardian writes, "Englby is the most lively hero of those that came out from under Sebastian Falkse. Disarmingly strange and insightful. "

    Zulfu Lienaveli. "My brother's story"


    Release date:summer

    Translation from Turkish:Apollinaria Avruutin

    72-year-old Omer Zyulfu Lienaper - one of the most successful modern Turkish writers and also film director, composer and a little politician. In the 1970s, he emigrated from the country for political reasons and until 1984 lived in Europe, where he began to write. But the real success of Lebanese brought the "Turkish" novel "Enun from Constantinople", and with each new book he became all the most famous. Literary critics are called Lianovnel Turkish Murakov for the ability to connect everyday and eternal text in their texts.

    "Lonannels are not only a skillful narrator, but also a cunning manipulator," said Forbes Life editor of the book Julia Chegodaykina. - He deliberately puts the traps to confuse the reader, causing indignation, surprise and admiration. In the "stories of my brother" there is not a single excess word, every detail in its place and triggers at the right time. The novel is so melodic that turns the reader in a sensitive listener. And reading, even breathing once out of fear, miss the most quiet note. "

    "My Brother's History" begins with murder and ends with suicide, Lienavels gossip the history of the present and past: stolen love, prison dungeon, catastrophe, travel and salvation, which is impossible.

    The novel was written five years ago and was already translated into 37 languages. In Russian, the book will appear thanks to the permanent translator of the Turkish writer-Nobeliate Orhan Pamuka Apollinaria Avruutina. At the request of Forbes Life, she told about the novel and his author: « Poet and director, prosaik and composer, singer, musician and Ambassador of UNESCO ... Here is just a small list of classes of one of the most famous Pamuka of the Turk of Zulfu Lianvanese. With Russia, Lebanens associate a lot, he has repeatedly came to our country, many decades are friends with Gorbachev, but his books will see light in Russian only now. "The story of my brother" is perhaps the most cinematic novel of Lienavel. The novel, which begins, seemingly an ordinary detective line, but wraps "1001 at night", whose fairy tales are taught by the reader, causing to forget what exactly lured into the labyrinth of the meanings, signs and images. Fear and pity, curiosity and disgust, surprise and reconciliation - here are just some feelings that expect a patient listener. The language of the novel is incredibly simple - to how simple the tongue language can be, - and at the same time, this "voice of the Sheherzade" manitis and attracts, and the reader does not have time to look back, as behind all three hundred and small pages of the novel. "

    Frederick Begbeder. "Life without end"


    Release date:august

    Translation from French:Elena Klokova

    "Life is hecatomb. 59 million deaths per year. 1.9 dying every second. 158 857 people go away every day. While you read these lines, twenty people died in the world or more if you read slowly. Why should we endure this slaughter under the pretext of the natural course of life? Before I rarely thought about death. With age, such thoughts take advantage of me increasingly "- so wrote Frederick Begbeder in the preface to the new artistic novel.

    A curly charismatic advertisener from "99 francs" and the "ideal" matured, unlawered young man, confident that love lives three years, passed the stage of the romantic egoist and even managed to bring the first results of the end of the world. The fifty-year-old Bebleder is no longer obsessed with entertainment, business, beautiful girls and club life, he is no longer bothering the age of love, but the damn scares age in itself. When there is a success and money, I want to stay forever stronger than young.

    This is what Forbes Life told Galina Solovyova, editor of the "ABC" publishing house: "Bad news: this is not a novel, it is an essay about finding immortality for yourself. Good news: and fine that it is not a novel. If you are not too immersed in the subject of extension of life, it is informative. The stake on the spot, but still felt, our begpeder wisely ... From the new Roman FB, one and a half dozen cynical ironic phrases can be removed, perfectly suitable for further quoting. Aphorisms he manage. "

    And here is the most interesting quotes from the book:

    "Fifty death ceases to be abstraction."

    "Up to fifty run in the crowd, then the crowd is rare, and you stop hurrying."

    "Religion- this is a spa for the soul. "

    "Parents are our shield in the face of death."

    "There is a thing that I can not understand: to drive a car, you need to get right, and to create a new life - no. Any moron can be a father. "

    Ali Smith. "Fall"


    Release date:august

    Translation from English:Valery Nugatov

    The lyrical novel Ali Smith "Autumn", which was included in the short list of last year's "Booker" and the smallest of Lincoln in Bardo, - the first of the four so-called seasonal quartet Smith. She does not hide that she decided to write three more novels: "Spring", "Summer" and "Winter" - "On how time passes and how we live him, changing with him." And in this sense, "Autumn" - the text is very modern: Ali Smith writes about today's events - from Brexit to modern artists. But with the novel about understanding today's political situation "Autumn" will be called last. Yes, from attentive glance Ali Smith do not elude the smallest signs of the deformation of society, but melodic, very beautiful, even a poetic novel first about the fall of life and, of course, about love.

    Roman Editor Dmitry Obgolz: "Roman wants to be called poetic if the word" poetry "in the description of prose was not perceived rather with a negative shade, like that bulk prose, where a lot of elevation, but little substance. "Autumn", on the contrary, is full of that invisible substance that we call the fabric of life, the essence of being, then the material, from which we are made and everything around us. The book Smith is the rare case when prose weight is preserved at formal lyricity. "

    Richard Rousseau. Empire Falls

    Publisher:Phantom press

    Release date:summer autumn

    Translation from English:Elena Poltskaya

    68-year-old Richard Rousseau is one of the most notable modern American authors, but at some misunderstanding of his books were never published in Russian. Meanwhile, almost all Romanes of Rousseau are filmed: for example, a film on the novel "no fools" with Paul Newman and Bruce Willis became a classic of cinema.

    For the novel "Empire Falls" in 2002, Rousseau received a Pulitzer Prize. This is the story of Miles Rob, a modest manager of an unspoken cafe Empire Grill. Miles spent his whole life in the small town of Empire Falls State Maine. Once here we pleased and better daysBut logging is no longer logging, the factory is ruined, and things in the city are worse. Even at once mighty clan, Whiting by and large, there was only the fame of the fame and the coming real estate. At Miles himself, the problem with his wife and not everything is smooth at work, he knows that it is hardly able to seriously change his life, but at least he can keep decency and adequately educated a teenage daughter. "Empire Falls" - very personal and at the same time not a chamber, but an almost epic social novel. Richard Rousseau shows our best and worst qualities, our own fears and hopes with grace and sympathy of this master.

    "Taking care of the publication of the" Pulitzer "Roman Romano, we hope that the writer is waiting for an equally successful Russian fate as Ann Tyler, with which they in a sense of literary relatives," said Forbes Life d.alla Steinman. - Richard Rousseau novels are deep family tragicomedia. A sad and funny story about the inhabitants of a small town, once who flourished, but now she has declined. Most of his inhabitants barely raise ends meet, and their life is a solid "groundhog day". Miles Robi, like everyone else in Empire Falls, knew the best days, but for a long time just swims downstream - alas, from bad to the worst. Holding in his sneezed eatery, he does not just watch the life of the town, he is the witness of the outgoing era. In Empire, Falls fills the heiress of a rich family, a powerful and cruel lady, with pleasure pulling over the threads, which all worked here. And on one of these threads, Miles Roby is fluttered. There are terrible secrets, and universal tragedies, and a lot of humor, but most importantly, the whole book permeates warm irony. "

    Gabriel Tallent. "My Absolute Darling" (working name - "The one who is certainly expensive")


    Release date:autumn winter

    Translation from English: Maria Stepanova

    The literary debut, who became the world bestseller of 2017, taking the story of a non-destructive adolescent girl for the soul. Powerful romance about dependence, cruelty and painful love against the background of the confrontation of civilization and wildlife.
    "You need to experience the proximity of death before you start to live truly, and take your life as good," Martin Alveston instructs his 14-year-old daughter. With any other girl, this advice would seek the monstrous, she also accepts him with gratitude. The father taught her to shoot at six years old, she knows how to breed the fire and drive a truck, on the orders of the father can cut off the finger to the sympathy visit.
    The father teaches her everything that he knows, he methodically puts her arms into her hands, to whom the daughter will be able to destroy him. But as long as she does not grow up, the father manipulates it with the help of fear, love and shame. As Anastasia Zavozova wrote on his blog, "the girl lives in a psychological captivity, reveals canned teeth, drinks raw eggs and loves his father to death. The question is only in one: to whose death? "

    "From what I read in recent years, this novel made a strongest impression on me," said Forbes Life Irina Bachkalo, who bought the rights to the novel for the publishing house "Sinbad".-Of very difficult reading with scenes that it is not easy to read, but you are as if you are responsible for the 14-year-old heroine, who lives in the wilderness with his father-manipulator, - you can't throw it. You want her to won. This is one of the most discussed books of the year, a very highly rated critics and included in all lists of the main novels. Book, sealing reader camp. "My Absolute Darling" - reading not for sensitive young lady. And, as Stephen King said about her, the concept of "masterpiece" today is very discredited by frequent use, but should be used only in exceptional cases; "My Absolute Darling" is a masterpiece. This is a book that cannot leave indifferent - it will be either loved or hate. According to the strength of the impact on the world reader's community, a comparison with a "small life" is suggested, but the story itself is much thinner and piercing. "My Absolute Darling" is a book that you will not forget. "

    Maya Lund. "History of bees"

    Publisher: Phantom Press

    Release Date: Autumn-Winter

    Translation from Norwegian: Anastasia Naumova

    This anti-nightopia, crossed with a family sague and a philosophical novel, is already translated by 30 with superfluous languages. "The History of Bees" is the most loud Norwegian novel of the last decade, he received almost all national literary awards and has already become not only a Scandinavian bestseller, but also one of the most beloved books in Germany. This is the first book of the ambitious tetralogy of Maya Lund about the brittleness of the balance of the universe and about the place of man in it.

    "But the" History of Bees "is actually not the story of bees at all, - explains the intention of Maya Lunda chief editor "Phantom-Press" Igor Alukov. - It becomes clear on the first page. Not too far the future, end of our century. Chinese Tao manually pollinates fruit trees. Manually, because there are no bees in the world for a long time. And the world has changed irreversibly since their disappearance. It seems that antiutopia is before us. But this is not antiutopia. Because the next story about the inventive of the leaf of a new type, living in the XIX century. In fact, the "History of Bees" is the history of people-bees, the history of families in which very difficult relations between parents and children are gradually poured into the transformation of family relations in general. In the novel of the Norwegian Maya Lund, three family history - Victorian, modern and futuristic - add up to a greater story about the relationship between mother nature and its negligent child - humanity. This is the first novel from the tetralogy about the modern world, bordering the world that is a very frightening place. "

    What should be a book for summer reading - exciting, witty, easy? AiF.Ru introduces book novelties that are nice not only to take with them on vacation, but also to tell friends about them.

    Modern Russian prose

    Vacation is the right time to catch up and read unread. If you agree with this statement, pay attention to the current books of modern Russian authors.

    Avianwater Evgeny Dollazkin

    Quote from the book: "There is nothing impossible during a person's life - the inability comes only with death. And it is not necessary. "

    The romance of the premium "Big Book" and "Clear Polyana" Yevgeny Dollazkina "Aviator" today ranks first in the ranking of the most popular books of the genre "Fiction". And if you are not yet familiar with the current book of this season or the author, which is already called "Russian Umberto Eco", It's time to get to read the Aviator.

    The hero of the new novel is diving - a man who once woke up on a hospital bed and realized that he did not remember anything. Now he will have to restore his own life. The strangest thing is that on the calendar of 1999, and his memories are limited to St. Petersburg for the beginning of the twentieth century.

    "Vera" Alexander Snegirev

    Quote from the book: "By choosing, recognize the path, and any path leads in one direction."

    This winter, Alexander Snegirev for the Book "Vera" received the prestigious Russian literary premium "Russian Booker". His novel is a story about a simple woman named Vera and her unsuccessful search for a real man in modern Russia.

    Despite the fact that the choice of the "Russian Booker" laureate for many became unexpected, Roman Snegirev himself was definitely one of the most notable books of 2015. And those who have not yet had time to get acquainted with the "faith", reflecting Russian reality, it is worth hurry and make an opinion about it.


    If you like to solve riddles - a detective genre what you need. But keep in mind, psychologists argue that for detectives, as for scientific books, they take those who, even on vacation, it is difficult to relax and it is necessary to maintain the familiar level of voltage.

    "In the service of evil" Robert Galbreit

    Quote from the book: "If you stop and look, the beauty can be found almost everywhere, but when every new day is given with the fight, forget about this free luxury."

    Under the pseudonym Robert Galbreit hides no one else like the author of the cult saga about Harry Potter Joanne Rowling."In the service of evil" - this is its third book and the final part of the series about a private detective to feed airship. Mom Harry Potter herself confesses that "in the service of evil" is the only work that has the most terrible nightmares (in the process of working on the manuscript, Rowling had to re-read a bunch of police reports and stories about serial killers).

    Adventures in the "Evil Service" begin with the fact that the assistant of Barn Robin receives a parcel with a sliced \u200b\u200bfemale foot. Now detectives have to solve the name of a terrible criminal.

    "Lontano" Jean-Cristof Grine

    Quote from the book: "This is only a billionaire spouse with a policeman - heroic and low-paying. IN real life She prefers to stay at his pool. "

    The book of the French journalist and writer Jean-Christopher Grinc "Lontano" today is one of the most popular in the Russian market. And the secret is not even in the name of the famous writer and journalist or in his regalia, but that the author as usually came up with a first-class thriller with a complex and exciting intrigue.

    This time in the center of the detective plot, the family of the Chief of the French police, to which bold attacks are performed. What kind of criminal worms in France and why the strikes fall on the police number one family, not so easy to guess, because the grump is famous for what he knows how to keep readers to the very last page.

    Memoirs and biographies

    It has long been proven that reading memoirs and biographies satisfies not only the interest of people to pry into the keyhole, but also a secret narcissism (we are all unwittingly looking for ideal images of yourself or your loved ones).

    "Jackie Chan. I'm happy "Jackie Chan, Mo Zhu

    Quote from the book: "I am an ordinary person who has enough courage to do something unusual."

    This sincere book will be interesting not only to fans of the talent of Chan, but also to everyone who likes works on bold people who are not afraid of making and correcting their own mistakes.

    "Chicken Bouillon for Soul: 101 Best History" Canfield Jack, Hansen Mark Victor, Newmark Amy

    Quote from the book: "If you need to cut off a tree with an ax, and you will daily apply five strong blows on it, - over time, even the biggest tree falls to the ground."

    In Russian bookstores, the sale of the most anticipated summer series "Chicken broth" starts. Interestingly, in 1993 this collection of small real stories From life no one wanted to publish, and by 2016 the book rejected 144 publishers was one of the most successful projects in the history of book publishing.

    Collection "Chicken Bouillon for the Soul: 101 Best History" is so called it is not by chance - in it a hundred shrill stories, which can heal the mental wounds and strengthen the spirit. The authors acquaint readers with the most unexpected heroes, among them a failed actress, who acquires true happiness, learning that she has cancer; The most beautiful girl of the city, which falls in love with the hunchback just after two phrases and a 13-year-old girl, selling 45,526 biscuits boxes to make her mother's dream.

    Love novels

    Fashion on the novels of the format "Fifty shades of gray", finally, passed, the time has come to look for new books and open the names of the authors who are not familiar to you.

    "After you" Jodjo Moys

    Quote from the book: "I doubt that happiness is exactly the thing that you can deserve.

    At the end of 2015, the continuation of the world bestseller "before meeting with you" was published in Russia, which still remains the leader of sales in the country's bookstores. The new book of Gejo Moys "After you" tells about what happened with the main heroine of Sagi Lou Clark after the death of the beloved.

    As Moys itself was recognized, she was not going to write a continuation, but work on the scenario for the filmization and an infinite number of letters with questions, how the further life of Lou was not allowed to forget the heroes of the popular novel.

    "Sorry ..." Yanush Vishnevsky

    Quote from the book: "Some things remain in memory and cause the relevant associations only when they are correctly named."

    One of the most popular writers of modern Poland and the author of one of the most reproving love Romanov "Loneliness on the network" wrote a new piercing story. "Sorry ..." Janusha Vishnevsky is told from the face of a man who suddenly discovered his wife. A man cannot forgive betrayal and becomes obsessed with a thirst for revenge.

    It seems that this fantastic story is just the fiction of the author, but in fact the book is based on the real events that occurred in the early 1990s in Krakow: the popular jazz singer of Ange Zuha and his companion Zuzanna Lesnyak were shot by a jealous husband. Vishnevsky does not just retell this tragic history, he carefully examines the feelings of heroes.

    Today we will tell about the best books that came out in 2015. Our favorite authors never cease to delight us and create new masterpieces, and in addition to this, books are reprinted, which were not previously in demand or simply not understood. So, we present to you, our dear readers are the 15 best books of 2015. We hope that these books will replenish your 2015 reading list.

    "Colorless Tskuru Tadzaki and his years" - Haruki Murakov

    Haruki Murakami, one of the most famous authors of modernity, presented a new book, which immediately became popular among readers.

    The main character enters the metropolis. He is still Yun and amazed by Tokyo. He is frightened and delighted, and most importantly - he has a house where he can return at any time. He had a support in life while on one of the wonderful summer day he would not know that his familiar world collapsed. His stronghold of friendship and harmony disappeared. He is simply erased from the face of the earth. This news is completely changing the life of Cusur and ahead of him awaits a difficult future and a lot of tests.

    "Marina" - Carlos Ruis Safon

    This book is published in the series "Cemetery of Forgotten Books". The detective novel "Marina" was written in 1997. For almost a decade, the author fought for the publication of the book, since many counterfeit editions went out into the light, sometimes even completely with another text. But, nevertheless, the book found its readers of all ages.

    The effect of the novel occurs in the 70s of the last century in Barcelona. Spring reigns on the street. The main hero of Oscar, disappeared for a whole week. All this time he was looking for relatives, friends, familiar, teachers and police. Where did he disappear all the time? Oscar simply responds to this question that each person has its own secret. After that, it begins to tell the amazing story about the meeting with the mysterious Girl Marina.

    "To the most tips" - Chuck Palanik

    Chuck Palanik again pleases his fans of an incredible story. The Apocalyptic Roman King Counteculture will tell, and most importantly, will clearly demonstrate hundreds of new opportunities to achieve female pleasure. On this book, however, as on all other books of the author, the age brand is 18+.

    Penny Charigan is an ordinary secretary, which by the will of the case attracted the attention of Mega-billiards Linus Maxwell.

    Linus in very narrow circles is known under the nickname "Parenk for Klimaksa" and he loves the rich sophisticated life of the ladies. But he invites Penny's dinner and after dinner, she lies her into the hotel room, where she gives her a few days in a row such pleasures that did not dream of her. Everything would be fine if Penny did not accidentally recognize that it became part of the experiment to develop a new line of sex toys for the ladies. These toys will be sold worldwide, and women will satisfy every free minute to satisfy their low-lying sexual needs. Penny decides to stop Linus and do not give him to get global erotic domination over all women.

    "Unna and Sallinger" - Frederick Begbeder

    And again a book with age limit 18+. The author himself determined the genre of this book as "Faction": from English "FACT" ("Fact") plus "Fiction" ("Fiction"). In 1940, in New York, the young author Jerry Sallinger meets Johnly, the daughter of famous playwright. He is 21 her only 15 years old. Love, passion and idyll, which lasted just a few days while the Japanese attack did not begin at the Pearl Harbor, after which the United States joins the Second World War. Jerry goes to fight, and unnown hits the film Charlie Chaplin.

    Una becomes the wife of the famous comedian.

    Sallinger passed war. He pierced his publications into a large world of literature and wrote the main novel of his life "Above the abyss of rye".

    But, the most interesting thing is that the book is not about it. The author tells the excellent story about the meeting of Unsame and Jerry, which turned into separation for life. On a meeting that determined the life of these people.

    "Third humanity. Voice of Earth "- Bernard Verber

    Bernard Verber continues his socio-fantastic cycle "Third Humanity" by the new book "Voice of Earth."

    The action of the book unfolds against the background of an imminent apocalypse. While all of humanity is preparing for the Third World War, Gay - Mother Earth is going to destroy people. But people and microlids do not pay attention to its warnings.

    Environmentalists are not able to speak on behalf of the Earth. They can only see the near future. To understand what is happening with the planet, human rights activists ambient Decide to ask the mother itself, that she thinks about people and all that is happening.

    The answer of the Mother of the Earth will help people again evolve, make a huge leap in development. After all, the desire to survive, and most importantly live - the best motivation for evolution.

    "Planet Water" - Boris Akunin

    Collection of Boris Akunina again reissued and contains a large number of illustrations. The collection contains three detectives.

    "Planet Water" was written in 1903 and has a subtitle "technocratic detective".

    Erast Fandorin throws a search of sunken galleon with gold to help catch a maniac who hides on one of the islands of the Atlantic Ocean.

    Nostalgic detective "Sail Lonely" saw the light back in 1906. Erast Petrovich investigates the murder of his former beloved.

    The last detective in this compilation is called "Where to swim?" And is an idiotic. Fandorin investigates the train robbery. Trail, which stretches to the revolutionary himself.

    "Glass Castle" - Giannett Walls

    This is an autobiographical novel, where the writer tells about his past.

    Giannett talks about his difficult childhood in a large family, where they practiced very and very shocking and cruel methods of raising children. For many years, the author hid his past until the awareness came that it was only to free themselves about the shipment of the past and terrible secrets, shame and hatred, she could go further and live calmly.

    "The sea is my brother. Lonely Wanderer "- Jack Keroac

    This year, a collection of Jack Keroaca came out, which contains two novels "Sea - my brother" and "Lonely Wanderer".

    "The sea is my brother" the first novel of the writer who was considered to be lost. Only in 2011 it was published. "Lonely Wanderer" acquired popularity while the writer's life. The "lonely wanderer" is travel notes. And "Sea - my brother" is based on the writer's experience when he worked on a merchant ship. These two works reflect the style of the writer and most importantly - betray the amazing atmosphere of the life of past years. This year, the writer's work is increasingly in demand by readers.

    "Half Code" - Sally Green

    This book has become the most expected in 2015. She resembles a story about Harry Potter, and in something this book is new and unique. With one fact it is impossible to argue - this book opens up a fantastic world of adventure and magic.

    In England, in our days, magicians live near Feans and ordinary people. The latter do not even imagine the existence of magic. In the world of magicians, power controls the White Witch Council, who hates half-breed and follows the purity of magical blood.

    The main character is half-blood from Nathan. Mother white witch, and father black sorcerer. On Nathana, the real hunting begins and nothing remains to do, except to run. He wants to find his father and get three gifts that should help him find his gift. But can Nathan hide his plans from the Council when he is constantly monitored, and his whole family is in mortal danger?

    "Schegol" - Donna Tartt

    Surely, you have already seen this novel on the shelves of bookstores. This novel became a laureate of the Pulitzer Prize, and the Internet Shop Amazon called this work "Book of the Year".

    Donna Tartt worked on creating this book for more than 10 years.

    A book about art and how it affects our life. In the center of the events there is a 13-year-old Teo Decker. He alone stayed alive after a terrible explosion, who took the life of his relatives. Theo enters the system and now he is destined to wander at the receptional families and shelters. The Masterpiece of the Dutch Old Master, who he stole from the museum became the only consolation and meaning of life. This work of art can lead to the death of a lonely child.

    "All the unprecedenable light" - Anthony Derre

    The novel "All invisible lights" came out quite recently and only a couple of weeks ago appeared on the shelves of bookstores in Russian. The author has done incredible work on creating a book that lasted ten years.

    A novel about two children who do not behave with different roads, but go towards each other. Sleeping Frenchwoman and timid German boy. They are trying to survive in the world where the Second World War is raging. They are trying to survive and not lose the human face, feelings and emotions, try to keep their soul. Book of death and love. Book about war and what she does with simple peopleHow caletes not only physically and morally. The book about how invisible light can even defeat the darkness.

    "Luminila" - Eleanor Caton

    The Roman Laureate of the Berechovskaya Prize for the first time is published in Russian. This book broke at once two records of this premium. "Luminous" not only the most large-scale work of the award, but the author became the youngest winner.

    The action of the novel occurs in New Zealand in the midst of gold fever. 12 people gathered together to discuss several rather strange events that occurred with their participation. A young guy disappeared to which a huge share of plots belongs. The prosperity died and the treasure was found in his hut, and the "night butterfly" stood on the path of correction. The conspirators are told all the stranger who accidentally turned out to be among them. At the same time they tell rather strange stories, among which there are blackmail and revenge, and even a spiritual session. The whole book was built on an astrological structure and the more interesting read this detective novel full of mysticism and mysterious events.

    "Three apples fell from the sky" - Narin Abgaryan

    Narine Abgaryan Armenian writer who writes about his country and her people. One of the most famous books of this writer "Manyunya".

    And now the century of the genocide of the Armenian people, the author released a new book, which tells about a small village, lost somewhere in the mountains and people who live there. This is a wonderful book about Armenia, traditions, love, death and intertwining of human destinies. And most importantly, this is a book about the incredible strength of the Spirit and the treasures of the soul.

    "September Roses" - Andre Morua

    Andre Morua is considered a classic of French literature of the twentieth century. The author of the famous biographies of Hugo, Balza, Dumas and others.

    "I confess" - Zhauma Cabra

    The book was written in 2011, but came out in Russian and in 19 languages \u200b\u200bonly in 2015.

    Antique shop in Barcelona, \u200b\u200bwhere among many more valuable things there is an old violin. Adria in secret from his father replaces the violin on his, after that his father is killed. Adria feels fault. After many years, he becomes a scientist and a collector, but the mystery of the killing of his father, and not disclosed, and soon it may disappear forever. In addition, Adria is afraid that the love of his life will disappear and the love of his life - Sarah. He writes a diary, his confession, because he discovered Alzheimer's disease.

    If you are tormented by insomnia, or you just do not know what to do in the evening before bedtime, then start reading! But be careful, because some books are so interesting that you will not notice how morning it comes!


    So, a list of exciting books that will be interested in both "avid readers" and beginner "booklers":

    "People", Narine Abgaryan

    This is a tragicomedy about a young and ambitious girl, who at the beginning of the hard of the 90s decided to leave his native small mountain republic and conquer the capital. And she immediately realized that every arrival had, which the author calls "Ponhekham", Moscow his own. Someone sees it in millions of people dangerous through the streets, and someone gets the opportunity to get close to people. And some of them protect, protect, care, help, support and just love. The author of the book tells about his small piece of the very "pending" life of the arrival, which many indigenous people of big cities do not guess. And in it there is a place of their emphasis, the most important among which is to decide on emigration and take a new place as it is, and sincerely love him. And then Moscow will certainly answer reciprocity.

    "Collector", John Falez

    This is the debut history of the author, and many of it almost grace the blood, because this is a real psychological thriller, which excites consciousness. The plot is the fate of two people related to each other. He is a collector of butterflies. In his soul, the emptiness that he seeks to fill in beauty. And once Ferdinand finds a wonderful sacrifice - a girl Miranda. It seems to be created in order to create and enjoy freedom. And he understands that he will give everything to possess her. And so, Miranda becomes prisoner Ferdinand. But can he keep a real life, beauty, freedom and the most beautiful, what could be in the human soul in the walls of the castle?

    The story is built on the subtle relationships of the victims and the villain and allows you to rethink many people seemed to be replaced by the plots of world classics.

    "Forrest Gump", Winston Gruce

    This is the story of a mentally backward guy, which he himself outlined on the pages of the legendary book, which was as the basis of the eponymous film. The plot can be called a practically incarnation of the myth on the very "American Dream", disturbing the minds of millions of young people who lived in the second half of the last century. But at the same time, it is an acute and even a little cruel satirical parody of the society of that time that was not ready to take people who differed from the bulk. Forrest Gump was different, and therefore became the object of ridicule. But this boy is not at all damn. He is different, and it is available to the fact that others cannot see and feel. He is special.

    Amsterdam, Ian Macuen

    The author of the book is one of the representatives of the "Elite" of modern British prose. And for the work that has become a real world bestseller, he received the Berech Prize. Awards and Victor Golyashev, who transferred this creation to Russian. It would seem that the story is simple and very relevant. But how many nuances in it, how many thoughts, how much doubt! The main characters are two friends. One of them is a successful editor of a popular newspaper. The second is a brilliant composer of modernity, which is engaged in writing the "Millennium Symphony". And they conclude an agreement on euthanasia, according to the terms of which, if one falls into the state of unconsciousness and cease to understand what he does, then another will deprive his life.

    "Amendment 22", Joseph Heller

    Although from the moment of the release of the first book, more than half a century passed, this work remains legendary and one of the most popular, and many publications included it in the list of the best novels.

    This is not quite a common story about the pilots of the US Air Force, who participated in World War II. All of them fall into absurd situations, face incomplete people and rampant actions, do incomprehensible actions themselves. And all this is due to a certain amendment number 2, which does not actually exist on paper, but it says that every military who does not want to perform a combat task is quite normal and therefore comes to service. But in fact, in this story you can see not so much anti-warnie romance, how much deep and global mockery over modern daily, over society and current laws.

    "Credit Ostolatov", John Kennedy Tul

    The author of this book, which, by the way, lived to awarding the Pulitzer Prize for this creation, was able to create a literary hero, not similar to anyone described in satirical literature. Ignatius J. Riley is a creative, creative and eccentric person. He misses herself an intellectual, in fact it is an incinerator, moto and a loaf. It looks like a modern Don Quixote or Gargantua, who despises society for lacking geometry and theology. He reminds Foma Aquinas, who began his own hopeless war against all and all: representatives of non-traditional sexual orientation, excesses and even long-distance buses. And this image is so interesting, unusual and, unfortunately, relevant that everyone can see in it a piece of themselves.

    "Monday begins on Saturday," Brothers Strugatsky

    This book is the real masterpiece of Russian fiction, a certain embodiment of the Utopia of Soviet times, a kind of artistic performance of the dreams about the possibilities of a modern man to learn, create, know and solve the riddles of the universe.

    The main heroes of the book are employees of the Nichavo (Research Institute of Sorcerence and Magic). They are masters and magicians, real discoverers. And they will face many amazing events and phenomena: time of time, hut on curious legs, genie and even artificially grown man!

    "Girl in the train", Paul Hawkins

    This book has become a real bestseller. This is a mysterious and fascinating story of the Rachel girl, which is watching the window of the train, as it seems to her for perfect spouses. She even gave them names: Jason and Jess. Every day she sees the cottage of a man and a woman and understands that they probably have everything: well-being, happiness, wealth and love. And all this was both Rachel, but not so long ago she lost all this. But one day, approaching a well-known cottage, the girl understands that something goes wrong. She sees frightening, mysterious and exciting her consciousness of the event. And after that, the perfect wife Jess disappears. And Rachel realizes that it is she who should reveal this mystery and find a woman. But will the police happen seriously? And, in general, is it worth interfere in someone else's life? This is to find out readers.

    "Life book: Tuesdays with Morri", Mitch Elb

    In recent months, the old professor has managed to make several important discoveries.

    He realized that death was not the end at all. This is the beginning. And, it means to die - the same thing to prepare for something unknown and new. And it is absolutely not scary, but even interesting.

    Such knowledge before leaving to another world, the old man conveyed to everyone who was with him next to the last minutes of his earthly life. What's next? Do we know this?

    "Process", Franz Kafka

    The author is one of the most beloved, mysterious, readable and popular writers of the last century. He managed to create a unique artistic universe, in which everything is not at all as in real life. It is sad, dreamed and almost absurd, but incredible and fascinatingly beautiful. Her heroes are constantly becoming participants in strange adventures, they are looking for meaning of life and are trying to get answers for long-suffering their questions. Roman "Process" is a work that will make it possible to most clearly understand the mysterious nature of Franz Kafka's creativity.

    "Lord of Muh", William Golding

    This book can be called strange, terrible and incredibly attractive.

    According to the plot, the boys brought up in the best traditions are on a uninhabited island. The author told readers a philosophical parable about how fragile the world, and what can happen to people who have forgotten about kindness, love and mercy. This is an anti-nightopia with a symbolic subtext, which examines the peculiarities of the behavior of children who were in wartime on an uninhabited island. Will they preserve humanity or subordinate to natural instincts?

    "Rita Hayworth, or Showshank Escape," Stephen King

    The plot of this book is the story of a man whose horrible dream Overnight became a reality. His, in no wonder, was brought to prison, in this hell, in which he will have to spend the rest of his life. And from this terrible place could not get out to no one. But the main character Does not intend to give up and put up with what he was intended for fate. He went to a desperate step. But can he not only escape, but also get used to freedom and new world, survive in it? By the way, this work of the real king Fantasy Stephen King served as the basis for the eponymous film, in which Morgan Freeman and Tim Robinson starred.

    Events unfold in England in 1960. Jennifer Sterling comes to himself after a terrible automotive accident and understands that he can't remember who she was what happened to her. She does not remember her spouse. She would continue to live in ignorance, if it all accidentally found a letter addressed to her and signed by the letter "B". Their author recognized Jennifer in love and persuaded her to leave her husband. The author then transfers readers in the 21st century. Young Ellie reporter in the archive of the newspaper finds one of the letters written by mysterious "b". She hopes that, holding an investigation, will be able to solve the secret of the author and the recipient of the messages, restore the reputation and even sort out his own personal life.

    "Lady in glasses with a gun in the car", Sebastien Zaprizo

    The main heroine of the book is a blonde. She is beautiful, sentimental, sincerely, liv, restless, stubborn and Bestwank. This lady, who never seen the sea, sits in the car and tries to escape from the police. At the same time, she constantly repeats himself, that is not crazy.

    But those surrounding disagree with this. The heroine behaves more than strange and constantly falls into ridiculous situations. She believes that anywhere where it turns out, she can harm. But if she escapes, he will be able to stay alone and get rid of what hides, from the fact that it worries it so much.

    "Schegol", Donna Tartt

    The author wrote this book for ten years, but she became a real masterpiece. It describes that art has strength and power, and sometimes it can radically change and literally turn our lives, and completely suddenly.

    The hero of the work 13-year-old boy Theo Decker some miracle was alive after the explosion, because of whom his mother died. Father threw him, and he is forced to wander on receiving families and completely foreign houses. He visited Las Vegas and New York and almost desperate. But his only consolation that, by the way, almost led him to death, is the masterpiece of the Dutch Old Master, stolen from the museum.

    "Cloud Atlas", David Mitchell

    This book is similar to a complex mirror labyrinth, in which surprisingly echoing, intersect and superimposed on each other, it would seem completely different and not related stories.

    In total, six main characters are in the work: a young composer forced by a soul and body; notary of the XIX century; The revealing conspiracy of the major company journalist working in California in the 70s of the last century; the servant-clone, workers in a modern fast food enterprise; Modern petty publisher and a simple goat, living at sunset civilization.

    "1984", George Orwell

    This work can be attributed to the genre of anti-nightopia, it describes a society in which the hard totalitarian regime reigns.

    There is nothing worse than the conclusion of free and living minds in the shackles of public men.

    "Black Winter", Sarah Gio

    Events unfold in 1933 in Seattle. Vera Ray kisses his little son before bedtime and goes to the hotel at night. In the morning, the single mother discovers that the whole city was frustrated by snow, and her son disappeared. In a snowdrift near the house, Vera finds a favorite toy boy, but there are no traces nearby. Desperate mother is ready for everything to find your child.

    The author then transfers readers to modern Seattle. Reporter Claire Aldridge writes an article about Snow Bougain, which literally paralyzed the city. By chance, she will find out that similar events have already occurred 80 years ago. Starting to study the mysterious history of the faith of Ray, Claire understands that it is somehow mysteriously intertwined with her own life.

    "Blindness", Jose Saramago

    Residents of the nameless country and the Unnamed city are faced with a strange epidemic. All of them are rapidly starting to blind. And the authorities to stop this incomprehensible disease, decide to introduce a strict quarantine and relocate all the ills in the old hospital, entering into custody.

    The main characters of the work are an infected oculist doctor and his pretending blind spouse. They are trying to collect the world of grains and find order in this gradually covering all chaos.

    "From the sky, three apples fell", Narine Abgaryan

    This book is the story of one small village, which is located somewhere high in the mountains.

    Her residents are all a bit grumbled, a little bit of eccentrics, but at the same time the real treasures of the Spirit are hidden in each of them.

    This is a witty, elevated and unusual antiwopia about the modern consumption society, which is programmed at the genetic level. And in this world, the sad life story of the savage, which the author regards as a Hamlet of modernity is unfolding. It still keeps the remnants of humanity, but people who are separated on the caste of public consumption, do not want to recognize it or simply cannot do this.

    If you list the attention of modern authors worthy of attention, then you can not mention the work "Social network" Ark "Evgenia Veselwhich consists of three parts.

    The main character falls from the roof, but reborn again. Having lived a little in the XI century, it turns out to be in a distant future - in the XXXVI century in Moscow. The author affects many interesting devices, techniques of psychology and sales, modern reflection on life and reasons to seriously think about rhetorical issues. The second book describes life in America and the theory of one of the options of the world conspiracy. And in the third part tells about the adventures of the hero on another planet, on which white angels live.

    These were the most interesting books that it is worth reading even those who believe that it does not like to read. They will turn your views and even ideas about the world.

    P.S. And what books remember most of all?