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  • The most consumable quotes about the president. Quotes of American politicians about the USSR and Russia. statements about achieving the goal

    The most consumable quotes about the president. Quotes of American politicians about the USSR and Russia. statements about achieving the goal

    This selection of quotes appeared on the site back in November 2012. But her relevance (this selection) did not lose it to this day. It is even more expensive to go through today's media ...

    The United States has long been not hiding its plans for Russia. The purpose of the US leadership is quite clear - the elimination of V.V. Putin as a leader of the country, the seizure of Russia's resources and the complete elimination of the country up to the physical destruction of population. Unfortunately, this is not understood.

    In this article, we will not once again repeat and say that the USSR is not collapsed, but as a result of a successfully conducted operation of the CIA and their agent Gorbachev, whose hands were collapsed by a country. We will not say that our country is hidden occupied by the United States that the information war continues against us, which at any time can grow into martialctions Under the guise of terrorist acts. We will not talk about it, but I will give you a few quotes of Western politicians, analysts, CIA agents and senior US officials, after reading which you can already make the appropriate conclusions. I draw your attention to the fact that all the above quotes are taken from official sources, references to which are attached in this article.

    And let's start with the quotation of political figures that gave an interview in the film "USA Empire of Good".

    William Engdal (Economist, Writer) about what happened in 1991: "In the 90s, Russia was forced to go through all the circles of hell. The recipe was the same as in Latin America: to destroy the economy, health care itself. Their goal was only natural resources. It was a gigantic planned operation. "

    Michael Lenin (analyst, adviser to the US administration) about what happened in 1991, and how he proposes to deal with Iran: "You all know that many years I spend for a democratic revolution in Iran. I object, they say, it is impossible. Oh well you. Who did the Raigan think that we break the USSR? But there were some 8 years. And what did we need? We just took the salary of their dissidents and that's it. A democratic revolution happened and the country collapsed. If we were able to dump the Soviet empire in such a way, supporting some handful of people who came for reforms, and these people could count on the fingers who could doubt that we were engaged in the Iranian government with the same success. "

    Michael Lenin about the role of the United States in the organization of velvet revolutions: "Of course, we must support the revolution. It is very difficult to find revolutions that would be possible without support from the outside. And the "velvet" revolutions were successful only because we supported them morally, politically, financially. "

    James Wulzi (director of the CIA in 1983-1985) about what happened in 1991: "Most of us here, one way or another, participated in the Cold War. And you know, I even miss the USSR. He was very vulnerable to what we did so well before, and to the fact that we still do well today. "

    William Blam (former US Department of State) on the role of the United States in the organization of velvet revolutions: "Over the past 60 years, the US government has tried to organize coups in 50 countries, more than half of the cases it succeeded."

    Phillip Ajdzhi (CIA officer 1957-1968) about what happened in 1991: "The collapse of the USSR and the Warsaw bloc was a lot internal reasons. But the CIA has grown the inner movement for the undermining of the Soclock. The instability they created in the 1990s, the United States was used for the environment of Russia military bases. Because they understand, Russia is still the only country that can destroy the United States. "

    Another quotation of Phillip Ajdzhi, probably the most important in this article: "When Putin, the situation in Russia has changed, and I feel that in the US and Europe there is a concern to the revival of the Great Power, which has natural resources. I want to say it with Russian: do not be naive, the CIA is a tool that is already used against Russia to stop it. "

    This is only a small part of the quotation taken from the film "USA Empire of Good". I recommend to fully watch this film (footnote above) to personally make sure that the United States has long been an emerging policy of aggressive dominance in relation to other countries.

    We continue to quote the well-known Western politicians in July 2012, it was published interviews (http: // / ... (p.4) by the political studio - the first minister of guarding the edge of Lithuania and the practice of "color" revolutions - Audruss Boutkevichyus, who described in detail about his role in the collapse of the USSR in the 91st year. Here is the opinion about Gorbachev, he expressed: "I don't know whether Gorbachev recruited, but I think that he bought to glory, and then made many such The steps that there was no way back. I am not Russian, and I have no relationship with the Russian state, but even I experienced a shame for Gorbachev - Shame for a person who was my enemy. After all, to have a decent enemy - this is a confirmation that you and You're worth something. But when you see such a cheap - the former president who cannot even celebrate his anniversary in his country ... He destroyed not only the country, but also the hope of Russians, he fought against us. "

    Well, a couple of quotes from Hillary Clinton, how without it.

    Hillary Clinton on the creation of Islamic militants against the USSR in Afghanistan.

    Hillary Clinton: "To be honest, we ourselves have created a problem with which they are fighting today."

    Journalist: "How?"

    Hillary Clinton: "Very simple. When the USSR invaded Afghanistan, we had a brilliant idea to create military formations of Islamists in Pakistan, to arm them with Stinger's missiles (so in the source, A.N.) and other necessary, so that they go to Afghanistan to fight from the USSR. Everything went as we wanted Soviet Union He left Afghanistan, and we said to him: "Fine! Bye!". We left these experienced and trained, but fanatical militants in Afghanistan and Pakistan, we left them completely equipped and armed, there was a whole army, because at that time we did not pay attention to it, because we thought militants would go further into himself Soviet Union, and we said: "Ok, beautiful, so even better!". If now remember all this, today we are fighting against those whom we created for the war with the Soviet Union. "

    Source by english language - This video is:

    For some reason, the famous video with Zizza Brzezinsky is remembered, which promises terrorists that one day they will wipe "that land in the north."

    And from Hillary Clinton.

    She officially announced that the United States is in the information war, and that they lift it: "We are in the information war! And we lose this war! So it seems to me. Unfortunately. Al Jazeera wins. The Chinese won - they created a global television network broadcasting in English and other languages. Russian won - they created an English-speaking canal. I watched it in several countries, and he impressed me very much. And we and bibes are losing them. During Cold War We have done an excellent job to convey America's position to the whole world. But after fall Berlin Wall We said: "Great, everything is already done, now we will relax." And now, unfortunately, we pay for this high price. "

    So, let's sum up. Based on those quotes that were presented above, the following conclusions can be drawn:

    The American intelligence agencies forced the USSR to start a war with Afghanistan in order to weaken our country, both economically and strategically.

    The collapse of the USSR is the result of the betrayal of Gorbachev and a successfully conducted CIA operation.

    All "velvet" revolutions who have passed around the world were sponsored by the US State Department.

    The information war continues against us, which officially announced one of the highest officials of the United States - Hillary Clinton.

    As you can see, even the highest officers The United States does not hide their plans. You ask, why do they open their statements so openly? The answer to this question is in one of the passages of the doctrine Alena Dulles: https: // ... "And only a few, very few will guess or understand what is happening. But we will put such people in a helpless position, turn into a mixture, we will find the way they will be accepted and declare the salary of society ... ". The authenticity of the Alena Dulles is often questioned, but, at the same time, this report reflects today's reality today.

    Of course, you can once again dismiss, and say: "So what? Well, the information war is underway against Russia. What can I do? Somehow without me will understand. "

    Finally, I want to present to your attention an excerpt from the famous Munich speech Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin [ full version See here:

    of which it is clear that Putin perfectly understands the events in the world today. And it does not just understand, but speaks about them in an open, which is not accepted at such events. In the same speech, Vladimir Putin calls on other countries to unite and abandon the model of a unipolar world, the owner of which is the United States. Of course, he does it not so straightly, as I say now. But the essence of all representatives of countries gathered in Munich was extremely clear. By the way, it was after the Munich speech that Putin's injury began by the United States

    The leader is the one who can inspire people who motivates, applies an example and teaches to be better. For such a person I want to go, I want to overcome the obstacles on this path, no matter how difficult they seem.

    Leaders show themselves in all spheres of human life. And in you there is also the ability to conduct people behind yourself, it only needs to be developed. Read these quotes of American presidents. They will bring you inspiration.

    10 statements about the achievement of the goal

    1. "Do not postpone tomorrow what can you do today." (Abraham Lincoln).
    2. "The one who really wants something is looking for opportunities. The one who does not want is looking for reasons. " (Abraham Lincoln)
    3. "In 99% of cases, failures overtake those people who are too often looking for an excuse." (George Washington)
    4. "Try and be patient. But be sure to try. " (John Adams)
    5. "You do not know that you can miss until you try to do at least something." (Franklin Pier)
    6. "It's hard to survive failure. But even more difficult to do not even try to succeed in something. " (Theodore Roosevelt)
    7. "Do all you can, with what you have, where you are there." (Theodore Roosevelt)
    8. "One person can change everything. And each of us is simply obliged to start acting. " (John F. Kennedy)
    9. "If you go about the right path and ready to go further, in the end you will get a positive change." (Barack Obama)
    10. "Changes will not come if we wait for actions from some other person, or if we postpone everything for another time. We ourselves are able to do everything to achieve those goals to which you strive. (Barack Obama)

    10 quotes about wisdom, science and education

    1. "That person who does not read anything at all, smarter than the newspaper only reads." (Thomas Jefferson)
    2. "Progress and dissemination of knowledge are the only keepers of freedom." (James Madison)
    3. "Humanity is needed only to remind that all the seemingly original thoughts can hardly be considered new." (Abraham Lincoln)
    4. "Let's let everything believes that the strength is always on the side of the truth. And let it help us in righteous. " (Abraham Lincoln)
    5. "Worse than heart cruelty, only one can be. And this is soft brain. " (Theodore Roosevelt)
    6. "Grow a person intellectual, but not to raise morality in it - to create a threat to all of our humanity." (Theodore Roosevelt)
    7. "Children are our main natural resource" (Herbert Gouver)
    8. "A person can always be right." (Dwight Eisenhower)
    9. "The most stubborn thing in the world is the facts." (Ronald Reagan)
    10. "I think you need to believe in evolution, and not in angels." (Barack Obama)

    10 quotes about important human qualities

    1. "Honestly work, in order to your soul, the tiny spark of heavenly fire did not die, which is called conscience." (George Washington)
    2. "Bravery and perseverance are those magic talismans, in front of which many difficulties disappear, and obstacles simply dissolve." (John Adams)
    3. "People who have no shortcomings in fact have very few advantages." (Abraham Lincoln).
    4. "You should not admire the person who got stuck in his life. It is worth admiring those who stumbled and could rise. " (Abraham Lincoln)
    5. "Character is a tree, and the reputation of his shadow. We think about the shadow, but in fact you need to take care of the tree itself. " (Abraham Lincoln)
    6. "There are such men and women who simply make this world better. They do not possess a special gift of courage or sinlessness, loyalty or kindness. And it doesn't matter, they lead business or engage in raising children. They teach us the laws of truth and themselves live, guided by them. " (James Garfield).
    7. "In matters of the style of swimming for the flow. But in matters of principle, be firm as rock. " (Thomas Jefferson)
    8. "Reformers often become madness." (Theodore Roosevelt)
    9. "Be patient and calm. Even the fish will not be able to avoid if you are in anger. " (Herbert Gouver)
    10. "Always tell the truth. And even if you have completely different on your mind. " (Harry Truman).

    10 statements about government, power and war

    1. "There is nothing more corrupting, nothing more destructive, among other beautiful qualities of human nature than the desire for unlimited power." (William Harrison)
    2. "People are able to withstand many of the blows of fate. But if you want to experience the character of a person, give him power. " (Abraham Lincoln)
    3. "In politics, it often has to do that, what to do certainly should not be." (Theodore Roosevelt)
    4. "We will achieve the world, even if the price of war." (Dwight Eisenhower)
    5. "The word" crisis "written in Chinese is two hieroglyphs. One of them is separately dangerous, and the other is translated as a favorable opportunity. " (John Kennedy)
    6. "Or mankind will end with wars, or war will disappear with humanity." (John Kennedy)
    7. "The victory has thousands of fathers, and the defeat always remains orply." (John Kennedy)
    8. "The government is a judge on the field. But it should not even try to become a player. " (Ronald Reagan)
    9. "If we say that we love our country, we must actually love all our compatriots." (Ronald Reagan)
    10. "In order to overcome the crisis, fast or simple solutions" (Barack Obama)

    10 Leadership Quote

    1. "The road to glory in a free country is open to everyone." (George Washington)
    2. "If you appreciate your reputation, lead only good people to goals." (George Washington)
    3. "A person is so arranged that the incendiary mixture of qualities is invested in nature." (George Washington)
    4. "Whoever you are, always be the best." (Abraham Lincoln)
    5. "Always live in one rule: your own desire to succeed should be above all else." (Abraham Lincoln)
    6. "The one who is just passively waiting for, will also finally get the desired. But it will be what he left for people who really acted. " (Abraham Lincoln)
    7. "I believe in good luck. But I noticed that the more I work, the time I am lucky. " (Thomas Jefferson)
    8. "Never raise your voice, but always keep a passionic battle. Then you will achieve a lot. " (Theodore Roosevelt)
    9. "Life is valuable only when it is a struggle for the righteous business." (Dwight Eisenhower)
    10. "The heroes are not really the forever brave. They just remain brave for a few minutes longer. " (Ronald Reagan)

    And five more quotes that make you smile

    President Roosevelt once said: "I can manage America and can manage my daughter. But how can I do both at the same time? ".

    During the Watergate Sandal, Richard Nixon said: "If the president is doing this, it means that it is legitimate."

    "I ordered to wake me at any time of the day. Let I even be at an important political meeting, "said Ronald Reagan once.

    And one more quote Reagan: "They say that no one has died from hard work. Yes, it's true, but why risk? "

    "My friends are Americans. Do not ask what your country has done for you, ask what you can do for your country. "

    John Fitzgerald Kennedy, 35th President (1961-1963). President Kennedy, who abbreviated JFK or Jack, was killed on November 22, 1963 in Dallas.

    This and the following quotes are taken from the book "wit, wisdom and jokes from the White House" (White House Wit, Wisdom and WiseCracks), released by Phil Dampier and Ashley Walton (Phil Dampier & Ashley Walton).

    "If I had two faces, would I really choose it?"

    Abraham Lincoln, 16th President (1861-1865)

    "From hard work, no one has been dying, it's right, but why risk?"

    Ronald Wilson Reagan, 40th President (1981-1989)

    "I never trust a person until he is on my short leash."

    Lindon Bane Johnson, 36th President (1963-1969)

    "There is a frequency old proverb that sounds like this:" Do not raise a voice, but keep a big battle at ready, and you will go far. "

    Theodore Roosevelt, 26th President (1901-1909)

    "When I was in England, I experimented with marijuana once twice, and I did not like it. I did not breathe and never tried to repeat. "

    William Jefferson Clinton, 42nd President (1993-2001). President Barack Obama later sank: "I inhaled in my childhood. This was the whole point. "

    "Do you understand what is responsible for me? I am the only person separating Nixon from the White House. "

    From the speech of President Kennedy during the 1960 election campaign. In the photo, he already elected president posing along with Nixon in 1960 in Miami.

    "Washing clothes in the White House will not be."

    Richard Milhaus Nixon, 37th President (1969-1974)

    Nixon left the presidency in August 1974, before he was declared impeachment because of the Watergate scandal. Representatives of his election campaign of 1972 penetrated the headquarters of the National Committee of the Democratic Party. Tape records confirmed that Nixon knew about these actions and was covered by them.

    "Blessed young, for they inherit the national debt."

    Herbert Gouver, 31st President (1929-1933). He was president of the United States during the Great Depression.

    "Do you like Harold? I start terrible migraine whenever I do not have sex three times a day, "the Kennedy's question shocked the Prime Minister Harold McMillan - in the photo they were captured in 1962).

    "My opponents have reached me."

    George Bush, 43rd President (2001-2009). The photo captures an awkward moment of the turkey pardon ceremony for Thanksgiving in 2001.

    "Washington on Square in 12 square miles borders with reality."

    Andrew Johnson, the 17th president (1865-1869). President who bought Alaska among the Russians.

    "I think it proves the fact that in America anyone can be president."

    Gerald Ford, 38th President (1974-1977). In the photo taken in May 1975, Ford talks on the phone with the Secretary of State, General Henry Kissinger during the Incident with Mayagues. Ford is the only one of the American leaders who did not elected the post of vice president or the president. He became president after Richard Nixon's resignation.

    "If you need a friend in Washington, boot the dog."

    Harry Es Truman, 33rd President (1945-1953). In the photo, Truman holds in his hands the famous release of Chicago Daily Tribune, which appeared at the beginning of a width night. The newspaper came out with an erroneous title: "Dewey defeated Truman".

    "True will free you, but first will make insignificant."

    James Abram Garfield, 20th President (1881). Garfield served as president of just 200 days. He died of an infection that developed because of a gunshot wound, which in July 1881 inflicted him a lawyer from Washington by Charles Guitea. Gito suffered from the fact that he could not get the place of ambassador in France.

    "You can all the time to fool some, you can fool everyone for some time, but you can not fool everyone all the time."

    Abraham Lincoln, 16th President (1861-1865).

    "I will never apologize for the United States of America, no matter what facts."

    George Herbert Walker Bush, 41st President (1989-1993).

    In this photo of 1989, Bush was captured along with his defense minister of Defense Cheney (Dick Cheney). Later the president was his son - George Bush Jr.

    "I can not deny that being an ex-president I get better than being president."

    James Earl Carter - Jr., 39th President (1977-1981). The last 14 months of his presidential term overshadowed failure in solving the crisis with hostages captured in Iran. 52 Americans held hostages at the US Embassy in Tehran. They were released on the same day when Carter left the presidency. After the presidency began to work in the field of human rights protection, for which he received the Nobel Prize 2002.

    "I know only two melodies: one of them is Yankee-Dudle, and the other is not."

    Ulysses Simpson Grant, 1869-1877).

    "Atheist is the one who is watching a football match with the participation of the team of the University of Notre Dame and does not care about who will win."

    Dwight David Eisenhower, 34th President (1953-1961).

    Eisenhower, supreme Commander The United States during World War II is captured here with Winston Churchill in 1945.

    "Before the election I became really black as a cloud."

    Barack Hussein Obama (44th president), 2009 -.

    "This is no longer a government chosen by the people, from the people and in the interests of the people. This is a government created by corporations and acting in the interests of corporations. "

    Ratferford Burchard Hace, 19th President (1877-1881).

    "I ordered in the event of a threat to national security to wake me at any time of the day, even if I am at a government meeting."

    Ronald Wilson Reagan, the 40th president (1981-1989). The former Hollywood actor Ronald Reagan was difficult to keep attention during the meetings, and at hand he usually held the jar of marmalade dragee.

    "It is better not to find a single excuse than finding bad."

    George Washington, 1st President (1789-1797). Known as the founder of the United States.

    "Do not bay on a heap of fresh shit on a hot day."

    Harry Truman.

    "No one ever heard themselves out of work."

    Kalvin Kulidge, 30th President (1923-1929).

    "Sometimes we wonder: do our children study?" (Rarely Is The Question Asked: Is Our Children Learning?)

    George Bush - Junior

    "It was forced: they sank my boat" (to the question of how he became the hero of war).

    John Fitzgerald Kennedy

    "I am not against all the wars, I am against stupid war."