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  • Internal conflict: species, causes, solutions. Intrapersonal conflicts internal conflict is understood as a conflict between

    Internal conflict: species, causes, solutions. Intrapersonal conflicts internal conflict is understood as a conflict between



    Snezhana Ivanova

    The intrapersonal conflict manifests itself in the fact that a person cannot find an equilibrium within himself, correct ways to solve disturbing problems.

    The intrapersonal conflict is a controversial state of a person who is characterized by total fatigue, depression, psychological discomfort and powerlessness. The intrapersonal conflict manifests itself in the fact that a person cannot find an equilibrium within himself, correct ways to solve disturbing problems. It seems that it is from the inside breaks the spirit of contradiction: it constantly rushes in search of a suitable option, but it cannot find exit. What are the causes of this conflict? What is it characterized, what are the paths of its permission?

    Causes of intrapersonal conflict

    The conflict caused by the internal contradictions of the individual has its reasons. He can never appear on scratch. Reasons for the development of intrapersonal conflict abound.

    Dissatisfaction with life

    The first reason for the development of the conflict with himself is the feeling of internal devastation. A person appears a feeling of some spiritual despair, which is based, most often, on minor facts. As a rule, some external circumstances contribute to the development of disbelief and their own capabilities, prevent effective advancement advance. The dissatisfaction with life is the reason why a person often does not try to change anything in its existence. He has a number of limiting beliefs, like that: "No one loves me," "I am not interested in anyone," "I have no talent, special tanks"

    Hence the reluctance to act at all. The intrapersonal conflict, the reason for which the dissatisfaction was dissatisfied with life, can not be solved quickly. A person will need a lot of time and patience in order to realize his own unelicness, the lack of free positive energy.

    The impossibility of self-realization

    Another common cause of the development of intrapersonal conflict becomes the impossibility of living according to its own rules. Not all initially exist equal opportunities in order to fully implement the laid potential. The external circumstances prevent one person. Another person is not able to circumvent significant obstacles to the goal and therefore gradually loses a landmark. Intringency conflict is the reflection of the disclaimer with its own essence. When a person cannot understand that for him is the main thing in life, it is experiencing significant difficulties with building priorities, it turns out to be unrelated to make a right decision.

    The impossibility of self-realization is a serious reason that prevents personal growth as a whole and understanding its strengths in particular. If a person is in a deep conflict with himself, he is quite difficult for him to determine his true values. In this case, all perspectives are lost, many possibilities that could lead to the most desirable result are overlooked.

    Low self-esteem

    Often the development of intraperially conflict contributes inadequately understated self-esteem. A person for some reason ceases to believe in its own prospects and opportunities, does not notice their strengths. Usually understated self-esteem is a consequence of incorrect education, when the influence of parents becomes a kind of directive and does not imply any alternatives. The conflict develops when the person ceases to make aware of what happens to him, cries its natural aspirations and desires. The intrapersonal conflict, as a rule, occurs over several months or even years. During this period, a person must realize what happens to him, to find ways to exit the crisis, outline a few ways to promote in the future. If there is no resolution of the conflict associated with its own "I" and self-realization in time, a person risks to lose the best part of herself, to become all indifferent.

    Types of intrapersonal conflict

    The presence of any conflict needs to be approached as a task that needs to be solved. The types of intrapersonal conflict show that initially caused the cause of the origin and the subsequent formation of a significant contradiction in humans. In relations with themselves, various conditions are important, with the help of which the personality and reaches the state of integrity. Unfortunately, the harmony can disturb even a minor obstacle in the life path.

    Equivalent type

    The conflict is expressed in the desire to preserve significant conditions for peace of mind and not to lose an important landmark. Most often, a similar collision occurs as a result of the urgent need to carry out a conscious choice between the past and the present. The conflict makes the person of reviewing his own attitude towards one or another existence conditions. It is aggravated by the need to choose between two equivalent values. Man can sometimes be in thought, painfully trying to do right step. As a rule, such a conflict implies that, giving preference to one event, we finally reject another, representing no less important significance.

    Vital type

    The conflict manifests itself through unpleasant obligations that a person at a certain point of life takes on his shoulders. The vital type is characterized by loss of interest in his own personality and the lessons that have previously drawn up the meaning of existence. It is not solved by the usual methods of impact on the problem. The person has forced for a long time to stay in the exhausting quest, before you dare to make a specific step. As a rule, it is conscious and weighted. The conflict arises due to the fact that a person has to make a choice between two equally unsatisfied objects. In most cases, people tend to minimize their losses, because they prefer to stop at least evil.

    Ambivalent type

    This person with himself implies that the choice is given to be done particularly difficult. Personality understands how serious the consequences of the wrong step can be and therefore it is very afraid of the possibility of making an error. The ambivalent situation suggests that the result of actions attracts something and, at the same time, repels. In any case, the person will have to overcome the conflict. Contracted state does not contribute to the development of harmony inside a person. If the conflict is not resolved on time, it means that additional suffering on some kind of hidden internal unrealizations will be displayed.


    The conflict appears as a result of the disapproval by the society of specific actions of the individual aimed at obtaining a particular result. The conflict manifests itself through the impossibility for the personality to do what is of significant interest. Freedom of choice here practically does not exist. A person who is in a state of expressed frustration is necessarily in the fight against himself. The inability to solve the problem alone over time leads to a conflict with the outside world.

    Resolution of intrapersonal conflict

    Intrancy conflict - the thing is extremely dangerous. In many ways, he often prevents the formation of individuality, disclosure of talents and abilities. A person who is in such a state often does not notice what happens to him. Suffering gradually becomes an integral part of its usual existence. The resolution of the intrapersonal conflict leads to the disclosure of the true possibilities of a person, contributes to the establishment of relationships with close people. Suddenly there are significant prospects that for some reason have not been noticed before. What ways to resolve the internal conflict can be allocated?


    The achievement of a compromise with himself implies that a person will constantly work on the shortcomings, try to eradicate them in every way. Many conflicts decided with a compromise. Find in themselves those features that you yourself seem helpful. These qualities of character and will need to grow up to a confident state. The conflict is minimized and will gradually disappear completely.

    Awareness of their strengths

    They undoubtedly have each of us. In most cases, a person is inclined not to notice his own victories and achievements. Such an approach to life allows him to constantly complain about the lack of possibilities. Meanwhile, the possibilities are hidden everywhere, you just need to see them in time. The intrapersonal conflict always reflects the unfair attitude of the person to his own person. Check yourself, do you not detract on your achievements? Recognition of their strengths will help not only solve the pressing conflict, but also to better improve life, make a lot of bright colors into it. Try to enter the position "I am value", then you don't have to constantly prove the importance around your significance. Relatives, colleagues, friends from afar will recognize your personality and will not allow themselves more offensive statements in your address. Believe me, a strong person is the one who was able to realize his true nature, to achieve respect for himself. It is for this that others respected.

    Understanding your destination

    The conflict with himself always incredibly extinguishes. It looks like a battle in which there are no winners. People are sometimes ready to adjust the requirements of society and shift the responsibility for their own destiny on other people's shoulders. Only an understanding of its true purpose in more than Deploacing a person to himself. Such personality becomes difficult to confuse, impose some opinion to her. If you want to be happy, find a favorite thing that will inspire new accomplishments, give a lot of positive emotions. The resulting impressions will help to cope with any difficulties, resolve the intrapersonal conflict.

    Thus, the conflict always enclosed the possibility personal growth. The more efforts to overcome the contradiction we attach, the more noticeable the final result will be. For a person, it is extremely important for a person in time to deal with their internal conflicts then to fully move forward and go through life with a high head-raised head.

    Internal conflicts have studied a huge number of psychologists, including Sigmund Freud, who first pointed out the essence of this state. It lies in constant tension associated with a huge number of contradictions around a person: social, cultural, desection, desires.

    Types of intrapersonal conflict

    Six basic groups of internal conflicts can be distinguished, which from time to time overtake each of us.

    1. Motivational - collision of different motifs.
    2. Moral - the collision of our desires and duties. Very often arises as a result of the inconsistency of our desires with the requirements of parents or environment.
    3. Unrealizations or complex of inferiority. The internal conflict of this species arises if your desires do not turn into reality. It often relates dissatisfaction with its appearance, or abilities.
    4. The interrelie conflict arises when a person takes on two roles and cannot determine which one is more acceptable for him. For example, a female careerist or mom.
    5. The adaptation conflict arises if the requirements for the surrounding world do not correspond to the possibilities. Often found in the professional sphere.
    6. Inadequate self-esteem arises as a result of discrepancies between their personal claims and an assessment of opportunities.

    Causes of intrapersonal conflict

    As we said, the internal conflict is a normal human process that develops. In fact, this is the result of constant searches yourself, the struggle for a certain place in life. But if they do not decide on time, they can introduce a person in a full existential vacuum, which is akin to the feeling of emptiness and abandonment. Such a condition can end with a serious disorder, which is inherent in the belief in the absolute absence of the meaning of life.

    Among the most frequent reasons: contradiction, various aspirations, a few desires and complexity in determining priorities. These are contradictions in the sphere of interests, goals, motifs. The lack of opportunities to realize anything, and at the same time the inability to ignore their desire. This is a special manifestation of the very normal interaction of various components of the person.

    Interestingly, the internal conflict arises only when there are two equal strength on a person. If one of them is not equally important, like the second - we choose the most optimal option and avoid conflict.

    How to resolve internal conflict?

    Despite the fact that internal conflicts are the normal state of a developing person, they must be solved or try to warn. For this, there are specific techniques. We will give you some tips that will help you understand the problem and begin to resolve it.

    Start with the knowledge of yourself. It is very important to specifically understand all its pros and cons. Thus, in your eyes you will become quite defined, solid person.

    Analyze your mistakes and shortcomings from the point of view of obstacles to the disclosure of your potential. Often in man concentrates a huge number of factors that restrain its development:

    • Habit shift responsible
    • Faith in others, but not
    • Hypocrisy entered into habit
    • Not ready to seek your happiness and protect it
    • Independent dullness of its strength, which stimulates development
    • Focus on secondary and insignificant

    Internal conflict will always be born gradually and affects a man. Undelf - this is his danger. Our psychology is such that we do not immediately notice that we lose harmony. A person perceives his condition as normal and does not think what happens to him. It is much easier to suppress internal anxiety than to recognize the problems and treat psychological disorders.

    Many people consider shameful to admit that they psychological condition Unstable is a human psychology. They strongly prove their "normalness" and prefer not to notice the signals that subconsciously send them. As a result, the internal conflict grows to huge sizes, and it is quite difficult to cope with it.

    The psychology of the internal imbalance is such that he carefully protects his "possessions." A person does not want to dig in himself, he puts on "pink glasses" and builds an invisible wall among themselves and the outside world. People do not like to recognize their own psychological disadvantage - the stronger they worry about this, the more the conflict. & Psychology's books say that he enslaves and makes a person feel worthwhile, unnecessary and unable to live.

    Symptoms of "Internal imbalance"

    The first sign - when life passes in constant sadness. People are so accustomed to such a state that they do not notice the symptoms of their "illness". It seems to them that they were always the same.

    If your overall emotional background has long been painted in gray, remember, how long do you live like that? Get away in the past and try to find the "starting point". Perhaps the failure of you or you have experienced the strongest disappointment, after which they stopped enjoying life.

    Chronic fatigue can also lead to internal contradictions - such is human psychology. If he wants to do something, but his desire and remains desire - this is a sign of psychological disadvantage. The same applies to those cases when he does not bring things to the end. Try to figure out why you get out? Perhaps you lack faith in yourself or a true desire contradicts false, so you slow down the move?

    When a person, due to any reason, for a long time performs other people's instructions and whims, it will be copied with irritation. He directs his hidden aggression on the world. The psychology of a person is that it is easier for him to consider people with stupid and hypocritical, than to admit that he himself put on someone else's mask. It is important not to forget that the world reflects your attitude towards him.

    Most often, internal imbalance cause contradictory aspirations, the inability to arrange priorities. Two forces that are put on a person are equivalent, otherwise he will choose the most powerful and conflict will not.

    If the internal contradictions tear you into parts, you need to make every effort to find the cause of disharmony and return peace of mind.

    Books on psychology are advised to figure out where the legs "grow" from your contradiction. Ask yourself the leading questions and answer honestly. The main task is to figure out what you want, what you feel, what is your psychology. Sometimes the desired actually turns out to be not necessary, so the subconscious of the "rebellion". If the person is "stuck" in this intermediate state, the conflict is born.

    When you recognized that there are two opposite desires, you need to find the strength to give up a false belief. The most difficult thing to be responsible for your choice. Even if you accept an incorrect solution, then you will free yourself from the contradictions that bear you - this is already a lot. Sooner or later, the collision of interest will occur, and its consequences can be extremely devastating for the psyche. When the decision is made by you, and not imposed by others, it will be easier to "reap the fruits."

    Psychology is that it is much easier to follow the events than to try to break the "shackles". Therefore, you will need the inner strength and courage. People who adapt to everything live are not their lives, mired in self-deception. Internal conflicts need to be solved immediately so that they do not accumulate inside.

    What do books on psychology say?

    The imbalance is a rather complicated phenomenon. But books on psychology say that conflicts always accompany a person who is self-improvement and develops. They motivate new victories, make it critical to relate to their own thoughts and behavior. The main thing is to respond on them and look for ways to solve, and not "push" the conflict inside itself.

    When a person is looking for his place in life, he can get into a certain vacuum that causes a feeling of uncertainty and abandonment. If not to attach importance to this state, it often leads to serious psychological disorders.

    Regularly find time for knowledge of yourself. The psychology of a person has a feature - in order to look a full-fledged person in their own eyes, you need to clearly understand your strengths and weaknesses. Then you will become clear, for which "levers" need to pull.

    Remit and analyze all the errors that you made on the way to goal. It will be easier for you to reveal your potential.

    Books on psychology assure that many factors concentrate in man, which restrain its development:

    • Diffidence.
    • Not readiness to make decisions yourself.
    • Hypocrisy and flattery towards themselves.
    • Unwillingness to fight for their place in life.
    • Cancer on the usual and denial of the true one.
    • Inability to correctly identify your own values.

    To believe in your strength, try something new and unusual for you. No need to compare ourselves with others and try to impress. Never do yourself and do not adapt to the circumstances. Psychology is that it will help you understand what you really want and what you see your life.

    Psychology is such that when you start changing yourself and see the first results, your abilities will begin to grow and develop.

    The term "emotional conflicts" arises from the word emotions, which, as is known, inherent in people and animals; But regarding a person, the term "emotions" can be changed by the term "feeling". In psychology of feelings - this is the excitement, the reaction of the human psyche for external and internal calculations in the form of anger, fear, anxiety, hostility, etc.
    Emotional conflicts are much more complicated by the concept than business, they have a significant difference.

    Business conflicts are conflicts between two subjects, the parties regarding one common facility of customer satisfaction. Emotional conflict is a conflict inside personality, this is an internal personality conflict. However, between two such different concepts there is a lot in common. According to the content of an emotional conflict - this is also a contradiction of interests, or rather, needs, i.e. Contradiction of needs within one personality. (It is possible to talk about contact, but this contact is implemented as automatically). In fact, the emotional conflict is also a clash of interests (or rather - needs) in the middle of one person.

    So, after all the above, it is possible to give the following definition of an emotional conflict: an emotional conflict is an internal personality conflict between its various needs, or between the needs and capabilities of their satisfaction, which is accompanied by negative emotions.

    Already from the definition of emotional conflict it is possible to bring a detailed analysis of the differences in a separate conflict. First, they are generally different as an internal and external conflict (in relation to personalities, parties, subjects). In fact, they have significant differences: if the essence of business conflicts is a collision of the interests of the two sides, the essence of the emotional - the collision of various needs (or needs and capabilities) within one personality 3 points of view of differences in content elements: if the business conflict includes three main elements ( The contradiction of the interests of the parties, the contact of the parties and the object of satisfying the common interests of the parties), then in the emotional conflict actually does not make sense to consider the second and third element, that is, the contact of the parties and the object of common interests, because here it is about one side (personality). You can consider only the similarity of one element - contradictions. However, in the business conflict, this is the contradiction of the interests of the two sides, and the emotional is the contradiction of not interests, and the needs and within one personality. Moreover, in the emotional conflict, there is a contradiction not only between different needs, but also - the needs and capabilities.

    The contradiction between the needs and capabilities within one person may look like a contradiction (conflict) between the two individuals, the parties, i.e. - Can be perceived as a business conflict. However, this is not the case, it is not a conflict between the two parties, as in the business conflict is the contradiction of the interests of the two equal relative to the common object of the parties, i.e. One side needs similar, identical to the needs of the other side of the conflict. In the emotional conflict, the other party can only be an obstacle to the approval of the domestic needs and opportunities of the first side, the personality within which there is an emotional conflict. Moreover, at the second side, in general, there is no power of similar needs, - is it ?? really can only fulfill the role of obstacles on the way to eliminate the contradiction of the needs and capabilities of the personality itself (even the parties to the conflict). The second person may also be (and only) the source of the negative emotions of the first personality, but no more.

    Thus, even in a similar first element of the content of both types of conflicts (business and emotional), there are not only similar traits, but also differences.

    But the main difference between the business and emotional conflict is not only the difference in the essence and content in these two concepts - in the emotional conflict there is something that is not typical for the business conflict itself, is negative emotions. This is the principal difference between these different conflicts.

    What is the role and place of negative emotions in the emotional conflict. This is an important question not only the theory, but also the practices of conflict management. It is negative emotions, and not the need inside the person, have an external manifestation, i.e. what affects the behavior of the person itself and on its character business communication With another person, in particular on the effectiveness of solving a business conflict. Negative emotions, emotional conflict can simply block or push the time for solving a business conflict.

    That is why such a purely theoretical question about the role and location of negative emotions in the emotional conflict is important.

    This is a difficult problem, it is to some extent a philosophical question, for it needs a deep philosophical approach, requires philosophical analysis, knowledge of the basic elements of the theory of knowledge. In this case, unlike most of the other, similar to this, to form the most complete, deep and The comprehensive concept of "emotional conflict.

    First, the question arises: is it possible or not to consider the most negative emotions of the essence of the emotional conflict? The answer can only be negative. And maybe or not to assign negative emotions to the element of the content of emotional conflict? The answer is the same, similar: No, it is impossible.

    The solution to the problem follows from all the logic of our previous analysis, from which it follows that negative emotions is something close to the essence and content of the concept of "emotional conflicts", which negative emotions appear some kind of integral property of them. This property in our case can only be "form". It is the form that negative emotions appear in relation to the emotional conflict. So, negative emotions have a form, an external manifestation of emotional conflict. They, like all the form, are closely related to the content. Here are some characteristics of the form as a philosophical category form reflects the relationship and method for organizing the interaction of content elements, the form and content always correspond, adequate to each other: they say what form, such and content, the form is the most mobile, variable than the meaning that is characterized by conservatism. Briefly speaking, the shape is a shell, content of content.

    So, negative emotions have a form of contradictions of some internal needs of the person, or - the needs and opportunities for their satisfaction.

    In contact with

    Quarrel, Rugan, scandal, boycott - the first thing that often passes occur to the mention of the word conflict. Something unpleasant, spoiling relationship. Often this word is used in a political context: armed conflict. And associated with something dangerous, anxious.

    If we consider this concept impartially, without negative color, it can be said that the conflict is a balance sheet. This is a certain situation that is knocked out of the usual existence scheme. If the balance is broke, the need arises to return it, organize life in the course of the usual scheme.

    That is, the conflict is the situation that has come as a result of an unpredictable event. This description can be applied to all conflicts in principle, whether it is a conflict of the environment-environment, a person, a person, society, a person-element.

    There are numerous conflict classifications. A whole section of psychology is engaged in the study of this phenomenon and is called "conflictology". As part of this article, I propose to consider conflicts from the point of view of their flow and divide into external and internal.

    External conflicts - Organism-environment conflicts. They occur on the border-contact of a person with the outside world. The balance in the interaction of the man-environment is violated. This group includes all conflicts that arise between a person and something or something external.

    Internal conflicts (In psychology they are often called intrapersonal) - nothing else like the collision of our internal phenomena.

    For example, the beliefs that you need to be polite and the desire to respond to rudeness to rudeness. Staying polite, a person feeds his belief that he did right. But it suffers dissatisfaction from the fact that he did not express his true attitude, did not defend himself. In this case, he can lead the internal dialog for a long time to calm down and prove to himself what he did right.

    The problem lies in the fact that the multiple repetition of such situations leads to a resistant sense of dissatisfaction, and sometimes even to depression.

    Often, among themselves there are rules, norms and beliefs learned from childhood, and desires that have a person in the current period.

    Right girls and boys brought up with good mothers and dads, often very vulnerable in adulthood. They instilled good mannersBut did not teach yourself to listen and their desires, defend the borders and defend.

    Crazy child parents who fell them from all the cruelty and urgency of the world, in adulthood they become in the best case in pink glasses. Trustful and naive.
    It is their easiest to offend and deceive.

    And it is in them most of all internal conflicts, as education dictates that it is necessary to lead themselves well, and reality shows that it is not always necessary. And here it is often possible to see non-controversiness - the inconsistency of external manifestations of internal needs. And this is nothing but a lie.

    Lie to myself: I want one thing, and I do another. Selfman attracts the deception of others. That is how internal conflict develops into external. The interlocutor feels cheating, catch, lie. And I do not believe in response.

    Often the internal conflict is not realized. A person is discomfort, but does not understand what he is connected with.The psyche is in voltage, it is necessary to reduce the alarm, but the "master" has powerful psychological protection that prevent awareness.

    And then the binding symptom appears. This is what is called psychosomatics. All diseases from the nerves are a famous phrase. And it has a theoretical justification.

    Unconscious problems are looking for a way out. Without finding out consciousness, manifests themselves at the bodily level. Because of the problems in psycho reacts soma (body). So the psychosomatic illness comes, which include gastritis, psoriasis, anclamp, stomach ulcers and other sores.

    Example from practice:

    Diana, 21 years old. Married, baby, 1.5 years. Lives in one apartment with her husband, mother-in-law and two sisters of her husband. He suffers from chronic nasal mortgage, because of which it is forced to constantly use vasoconducting drops. He is experiencing strong discomfort.

    In the process of therapy, it turns out that for the first time with this problem, it was encountered during pregnancy, for which the occurrence of the symptom has written off. After giving birth, the symptom did not pass. It turns out that for the first time the symptom was discovered after moving Diana to the apartment to her husband and his relatives.

    In the process of work "pop up" strong feelings towards her husband's relatives. Diana describes its condition: I suffocate in this house, "I miss the place, I do not have my own space, I am alien and wildly everything is there. Then, during the experiment, phrase is formulated: I do not want to breathe with them with one air.

    Realizing this moment, Diana felt a strong relief. Gradually, the symptom passed, since we began to work on the awareness of its borders, needs and ways to make their lives next to the relatives of her husband more comfortable.

    Approximately half a year with Diana there was an indicative case. She went to the cottage with his parents. The situation was tense, since the relationship with the mother in Diana is quite difficult. On the territory of the parents, she is forced to constantly follow the rules and do only what the mother wants from her.

    Having stayed at the cottage all day, Diana returns home by car through rapeseed fields. Gradually, it begins to feel worse and worse: the eyes will tears, the temperature flows out of the nose, the temperature rises. An hour later, being at home, Diana feels completely sick. She is sure that he is experiencing an acute attack of allergies on rape.

    But what happened really? A typical situation of "suffocation", imposing someone else's will, disturbing boundaries causes strong resistance. Feelings in relation to "violators" are forbidden, as they can lead to a strong affect and scandal. The psyche presses their awareness and the subsequent manifestation of feelings. Unconscious phenomena pop up on a familiar route - through the bodied symptom. Again the nasal congestion, snot, etc.

    In further therapy, the method of settling its borders was developed for Diana, and the symptom left her forever.

    Here we see an intraity conflict between the need to declare our desires, to defend our own borders and the inability to talk about it as a result of the ban on the expression of negative and disagreement with relatives (both own and relatives of the husband).

    The client in childhood had traumatic experience in the family, where the powerful mother was not considered with the needs and desires of children and constantly punished for disobedience. Therefore, any disagreement with the opinion of family members was imprinted in the psyche of Diana, as fraught with punishment.

    The danger of psychosomatic symptoms is that in case of ignoring, they turn completely into the body (catfish) and are chemlected, becoming a real disease requiring medical intervention.

    It is also necessary to mention that the model of behavior learned in childhood does not always correspond to the tasks. modern Mira. Our parents lived at the time when the world around was somewhat different.

    Accordingly, we were brought up for life in a society that is no longer. Therefore, it is sometimes possible to revise their installations, rules and principles and check them for reality.

    Clear, rigid (low-propelled, established) installation and rules create obstacles to creative adaptation to interaction with the outside world. Therefore, it is important to try, test new ways of behavior that go beyond usual in order to feel the completeness of life and sigh with full breasts!