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  • Description of the work Professional growth of the teacher at school. Personal and professional growth of the teacher. Defining career growth

    Description of the work Professional growth of the teacher at school. Personal and professional growth of the teacher. Defining career growth

    M.M.Technicker Management of professional growth of the teacher in modern school

    Since the concept under consideration is multifiant, we will reveal it in the wording of several scientists, which do not contradict, and complement each other.

    The professional growth of the teacher is the goal and the process of acquiring the teacher of knowledge, skills, methods of activity, allowing him not any, namely, to realize their destination, to solve the tasks of training, education, development facing him , socialization and preservation of schoolchildren's health.

    In this (ours), the definition pay attention to the optimality of the implementation of pedagogical problems for the teacher - a professional (master), which means three equivalent characteristics:

    - optimal - the best is not at all, but for specific conditions;

    Optimal best from the point of view of predetermined criteria;

    optimal - the best of several possible options.

    Ultimately, the optimality of professional means obtaining the results of this growth as possible for the specific conditions at the lowest possible costs of time, forces, tools, etc.

    The professional growth of the teacher is an independent and / or someone manageable on rational (conscious) and / or intuitive levels of "growing" diversity of stereotypes, social attitudes, knowledge, mind, ways of activity necessary to solve pedagogical problems and situations.

    In this definition of the Corresponding Member of RAO, Professor A.V. Mudrician under the stereotype is meant a generally accepted sample, and therefore professionalism, professionalism includes, above all, high quality assessment of the teacher's capabilities.

    The professional growth of the teacher is, on the one hand, spontaneous, on the other, is targeted, always author-personal teacher self-employment itself as a professional from:

    - internal qualities: genetically given pedagogical deposit, natural physicity (external appearance, health condition), temperament, ethnicity, character, interests, beliefs, worldviews, professionable values;

    - external sources By choosing from the proposed or imposed school leadership, veships, methodologists: scientific knowledge, pedagogical experience, cultural orphans, etc.

    This is the definition of a candidate of pedagogical sciences M.V. Levita complement the comment: Professional growth of the teacher is based on the knowledge of their capabilities and needs the choice, processing and acquiring new pedagogical knowledge and skills, turning over time in the sustainable personal properties (quality) of the teacher as a professional.

    Professional growth is an unreasonable desire of a teacher to self-improvement, which is based on the natural need for creativity in working with children. (Definition is given by E.A. Yamburg).

    The professional growth of the teacher is a process, and it is important to remember that this process is never in progress like a principle of misfortune of education. *

    We now consider the concepts of "professional growth" and "Vocational and personal growth of the teacher.

    * See about it: A.V. Mudrik. Social pedagogy. - M., 2000. -

    In the pedagogical literature there are several approaches to the interpretation of these concepts. And they all have their own reson.

    Some psychologists believe that the concept of "personal growth of a person * is necessary and sufficient, which, in their opinion, includes this, from their point of view, is particularly as its professional qualities and their development (growth). For them, "personality" is the most fundamental and generalizing concept that includes almost everything in a person, everything that can be described.

    Others believe that personal characteristics are set at the level of biological and to some extent of social inheritance, they are unchanged, and professional characteristics are purchased and may exist in themselves (as it were, regardless of personal) and do not affect personal personalities.

    We believe that the professional and personal growth of the teacher are closely interconnected and affect each other, can enhance or brake each other, help or interfere with each other.

    Consider this in more detail. Each teacher has topics

    Or other intelligence, type of thinking, temperament, character, physical data, charisma, charm (or their absence), has musical hearing and voice (or not possess), owns art

    stychospheres (or it is missing), varying degrees the development of a sense of humor, artistic skills, etc.,

    To the like All named and unnamed personality quality

    Can and have a very strong impact on the professional activities of the teacher, and it is unlikely that someone with

    this will argue.

    Professional qualities of the teacher, such as knowledge of the child, his educational opportunities, the ownership of science underlying training subject, and methodology

    Teaching, ability to organize hiking with children,

    Spend cool clock, cook school with children

    evenings and holidays, working with a computer, use the Internet, a bank of digital educational resources, etc. acquired, exist and, most importantly, are not realized by some abstract, the same for all mechanism, but a specific person who already possesses a certain set of personal qualities, and therefore - professional And the personal in the teacher exists in close interlacing, relationships and interaction. That is why we consider in relation to the teacher and more precisely, and it is more correct to talk about vocational personal qualities, about professional-personal growth, as about positive changes or as the development of these qualities. In the aspect we considered, it becomes clear that the terms "professional" and "professional-personal" growth for us are synonymous, and in the book we use the phrase "professional growth solely for the sake of brevity.

    The professional growth of the teacher is carried out in two ways:

    - by self-education that will be specifically reviewed in Chapter II

    - due to the conscious, necessarily voluntary participation of the teacher in organized school or a method center for events that we combine the cumulative name (methodological work .

    Both ways are inextricably linked: the teacher itself chooses the content, forms, methods of someone proposed by him, and therefore the latter acquires the nature of self-education; On the other hand, as if the teacher himself took care of his professional growth, no matter how much he thought about him, no matter how carefully did it design him, he can't like a silkworm endlessly pulling only from himself "thread" of knowledge, skills, ideas And so on. Of course, it will take advantage of external sources that he will be offered by the school, veship, colleagues, method center, etc., all what we call methodical work.

    Professional growth is the internal need of personality in development. The internal motivator of the person, for whom, in the sphere of its subject activity, the resource of personal freedom opens. Special meaning acquires the concept in the field of pedagogy. Since it is precisely a professionally held teacher who is capable of "hooking" personal principle Child, help him taste joy from the development process.

    Professional growth - internal need and external need

    There is a system for improving the skill of a specialist. The attitude towards it can be different. Often, refresher courses are perceived as an external necessity, which is imposed on the plan, or industry standards, or the priest. In this case, the process is recorded as an external necessity. It often happens that the time provided for professional development becomes lost. Sometimes this time is used with pleasure and not intended.

    In order for the process to benefit, it is necessary that professional growth becomes the need of a specialist. And it's not only a material incentive. It is rather a bonus than a goal for professional (in the true sense of the word) development.

    How to increasing the quotification to turn into a living development process?

    In order for the external need to coincide with the internal need of a person, several fundamental conditions must be performed:

    1. It is important that professional growth makes it possible to expand the borders. personal experience man.
    2. When forming a plan for advanced training, it is advisable to proceed from the specialist requests and relate them to the interests of the organization.
    3. The results of the coupling rate are carried out in practical application, in the form of a product. It is he who serves as the basis for the assessment of professional growth.

    How to measure the results of professional growth

    At what point of everyday decisions and systematic development, it is safe to say that it happened? Is such an assessment possible in principle possible?

    There is a great postulate of personal development, which states that a person is developing in comparison with himself, at different time intervals of his personal history. According to the results of the advancement of advanced training courses, it is possible, moreover, it is necessary to evaluate its professional growth. For this, there are already methods, such as self-analysis of activities. As other forms of "personal credit" you can enter methodical manualAs the practical application of the theoretical course obtained within the framework of advanced training - the development of the experimental method in the interests of the institution.

    Learn the teacher - it means to motivate the student

    In the pedagogical environment, a certain professional pathology is often observed: always learn and be right. This is the worst form of pedagogical ektremism. The surest way is to remain a living person who can constantly learn. And first of all - in children. Exactly. Socratic method no one has canceled. Principle "Suppose you are right" - the absolute acceptance of an error assumption. And at the next stage of the process - joint with the student finding ways to achieve truth.

    Professional growth - to search for an Isitian solution to the disciples, and not the process of technical transmission of information from different carriers. The result can be assessed by the quality of the motivation of students in the process of finding a response, and not in an attempt to "guess", which teacher requires from him. Professional growth of the teacher is measured by the results of the student. Rule is known since the antiquity times.

    The student must surpass the teacher

    Professional growth of the teacher as a result manifests itself in the motivation of the student to knowledge. And if the student argues with the teacher in an attempt to prove that he is right, it is possible - the goal is achieved, and it is worth a rejoice! This is the best result of the teacher's professionalism. Alas, in our traditional school with a conservative director and the standard system, not every teacher is ready to hear it and even more so take such a position. Therefore, when the question arises about the "modern generation", with his ability to think in pictures and comics, the question should be asked to teachers: "Who are they?"

    Personal and professional growth in the pedagogy system is the main principle of development. This sphere does not tolerate formalism and staticness. To begin to change society follows from the upbringing of a new generation of teachers who are able to replace the dull monologue with a live dialogue with a student. The ability to build such a quality communication lies in the abilities and degree of spiritual openness of the teacher. This quality is inherent in people capable of constant self-improvement. The destruction of standards and flexibility is the path of the wizard.

    Professional growth TeacherAs an object of control

    The concept of vocational growth teacher

    Since the concept under consideration is multifiant, we will reveal it in the wording of several scientists, which do not contradict, and complement each other.

    - Professional growth of the teacher is a goal and about the process of acquiring the teacher of knowledge, skills, ways to allow him not by any, namely fully realize your destination, solve standing in front of him tasks for training, upbringing, times vitia, socialization and preservation of schoolchildren's health.

    In this (ours), definition pay attention to the optimality of the implementation of pedagogical problems for a professional teacher (master), which means three equivalent characteristics:

    Optimal - the best is not at all, but for specific conditions;

    Optimal - the best criteria in the point of view;

    Optimal - the best of several possible options.

    Ultimately, the optimality of professional growth means obtaining the results of this growth as possible for specific conditions with the minimum necessary spending time, forces, tools, etc.

    - The professional growth of the teacher is an independent and / or someone managed on rational (OSOS nannet) and / or intuitive levels of "increasing" of different formation of stereotypes, social attitudes, knowledge, mind ways of how to solve pedagogical tasks and situations.

    In this definition of the Corresponding Member of RAO, Professor A.V. Mudrician under the stereotype is meant a generally accepted sample, and therefore professionalism, professionalism includes, above all, high quality assessment of the teacher's capabilities.

    - The professional growth of the teacher is, with one hundred rons, spontaneous, on the other, is targeted, always av torco-Personal teacher self-employment itself

    professional from:

    - internal qualities:genetically given pedagogical deposit, natural physicity (external appearance, health condition), temperament, ethnicity, character, interests, beliefs, worldviews, professionable values;

    - external sourcesby choosing from the proposed or imposed school leadership, veships, methodologists: scientific knowledge, pedagogical experience, cultural orphans, etc.

    This is the definition of the candidate pedagogical Sciences M.V. Levit Comment: The professional growth of the teacher is based on the knowledge of their capabilities and needs the choice, processing and acquiring new pedagogical knowledge and skills that turn into sustainable personal properties (qualities) of the teacher

    as a professional.

    Professional growth is a faint string teacher to self-improvement, which is based on pJO lies the natural need for creativity in the slave those with children (Definition is given by E.A. Yamburg).

    The professional growth of the teacher is the process, and it is important to remember that this process is never independious shim in detail the principle of misfortune of upbringing.

    We now consider the concepts of professional growth "and the" professional and personal growth "of the teacher.

    In the pedagogical literature there are several approaches to the interpretation of these concepts. And they all have their own reson. Some psychologists believe the necessary and sufficient use of the concept of "personal growth of a person", which, in their opinion, includes such, from their point of view, is particularly as its professional qualities and their development (growth). For them, "personality" is the most fundamental and generalizing concept that includes almost everything in a person, everything that can be described.

    Others believe that personal characteristics are set at the level of biological and to some extent of social inheritance, they are unchanged, and professional characteristics are purchased and may exist in themselves (as it were, regardless of personal) and do not affect personal personalities.

    We believe that the professional and personal growth of the teacher are closely interconnected and affect each other, can enhance or brake each other, help or interfere with each other.

    Consider this in more detail. Each teacher has some other intelligence, type of thinking, temperament, character, physical data, charisma, charm (or their absence), has musical hearing and voice (or not), owns the art of poems (or it is absent), varying degrees of development sense of humor, artistic skills, etc., and the like. All named and unnamed personal qualities can have and have a very strong impact on the professional activities of the teacher, and it is unlikely that someone will argue with it.

    Professional qualities of the teacher, such as child knowledge, his classroom, possession of science underlying the educational subject, and teaching techniques, the ability to organize hiking with children, spend cool clock, cook with children school evenings and holidays, work with a computer, use

    Internet, the bank of digital educational resources, etc. acquired, exist and, most importantly, are not realized by some abstract, the same for all the mechanism, but a specific person already possessing a certain set of personal qualities, and therefore - professional and personal in the teacher exists in close intertwining, relationships and interaction. That is why we consider in relation to the teacher and more precisely, and it is more correct to talk about vocational personal qualities, about professional-personal growth, as about positive changes or as the development of these qualities. In the aspect we considered, it becomes clear that the terms "professional" and "professional-personal" growth for us are synonymous, and in the book we use the phrase "professional growth" solely for the sake of short.

    The professional growth of the teacher is carried out in two ways:

    - by self-education;

    - due to the conscious, necessarily voluntary learning scet of the teacher in organized school or method. the center of the events that we combine with the focus "Methodological work". Both ways are inextricably linked: the teacher itself chooses the content, forms, methods from the proposed someone methodical workand therefore the latter acquires the nature of self-education; On the other hand, as if the teacher himself took care of his professional growth, no matter how much he thought about him, no matter how carefully did it design him, he can't like a silkworm endlessly pulling only from himself "thread" of knowledge, skills, ideas And so on. Of course, it will take advantage of external sources, which he will be offered by the school, widens, colleagues, methods center, etc., - all what we call methodical work
    Determination of the concept of "Methodical work at school"

    Methodical work at school (if it is competent low) is based on science and progressive ne dagogic and managerial experience holistic system interrelated measures aimed at providing professional the sional growth of the teacher, the development of his creative the tental, and, ultimately, on the growth of the level is formed , Pupils, Development, Socialization and maintaining student health.
    Pay attention to keywords in this definition:

    but)system interrelated measures;

    b) in the end.

    Consider each of them. The term ("system" means / which is not any set, not any list of methodological measures, as it has been great, forms the system. The latter must have a goal, a structure, specially formed, existing links and relationships between components, and necessarily the product of its activities There must be such indicators of professional growth that neither one of the components of the system parts, taken by itself, should be given separately.

    This explains the reason for the lack of any effectiveness of methodical work in most schools, when there are many events, and the professional growth of teachers, as it was not. And school leaders to preserve the face, very beginning to report not to the indicators of the result, but the indicators of the process, that is, the number of meetings, open lessons, conferences, round tables, seminars, etc.

    The key phrase "ultimately" means that the indicators of the professional growth of teachers who have passed through the methodological work system should be considered in stages: first (by the end of the year) to reduce the difficulties of teachers in mastering the planned (planned) professional skills and only in a year or two -tre - for the growth of the educational level of students. The idea seems to be today a methodological event, and tomorrow you can search for new results in the quality of students' quality of education, absurd. Rapid results in the preparation of students wait meaninglessly, miracles happen only in fairy tales, and in real life The professional growth of the teacher matches the time that we will consider in detail below.

    Methodical work at school, as a system, has a goal (providing professional growth in the teacher), the criteria for evaluating its effectiveness, function, content, organization forms, structure. All this and we will be consistently reviewed in the book.

    Criteria for assessing methodical work

    From the tribune at conferences and meetings, in reports, reports, presentations, speeches, school leaders and teachers characterize (report, evaluate) methodical work: "This year we conducted so many conferences, seminars; gave so much open lessons; They took part in ... ", although all this is the indicators of the process, and therefore it is impossible to estimate the impact of all this. The illusion is created, as if the professional growth of teachers from all these events is obvious that, of course, delusion. And the fact that some school teachers did not give open lessons or did not participate in some form of working with personnel, does not yet indicate the absence of professional growth, which depends not only and not as much from the forms as from the contentand the quality of its implementation.

    Recall the criterion is a sign, on the basis ofthere is an assessment of something; This is what allowsit takes to relate, see fit (or his absence) Between the purpose and result.If the criteria for assessing any activity are not named, it is impossible to determine whether the goal has been achieved if the planned result was obtained. In this case, the assessment of its work is voluntarily or involuntarily arising by what was done in the number of events, which, of course, is a managerial mistake. Announcement (Calling) Evaluation Criteria works before its start - evidence of management culture tours of the head or teacher.
    We do not argue that the criteria we provide are the best and only optimal option, but the use of them is undoubtedly a step to competent and therefore effective management.
    So, we propose to divide the criteria for evaluating the effectiveness of working with pedconds, the effectiveness of methodical work into two stages.
    On the first -use the criteria for acting work with frames (the criteria of the intermediate result), and on the WTOrum(in a year or two ... after its start) - indicators of the quality of students' formation, for which, in fact, all the methodological activities of teachers were organized.

    We offer to use three criteria for an intermediate result:

    1. Effective criterion. It is determined by the change (decrease) of the difficulties of teachers after working to increase the level of knowledge, skill, qualifications compared to the level that they had before working with them. Here you can use any diagnostic technique. Consider an example.

    Suppose we are talking about knowledge of teachers by the methodological requirements for modern lesson. In this case, teachers can be offered a questionnaire, where the requirements are listed and there are three columns with the answer options: "I do not own", "I own, but I have difficulty," I am free to ". Questioning is carried out at the very beginning of the school year. It is established what (what) the requirements do not own most teachers (or own with difficulties). It is precisely on these requirements that all the necessary training activities (lecture, seminars, open lessons of masters are carried out, self-education is organized). At the end of the year, when the planned advanced training activities are implemented, the questionnaires of the same teachers on the same technique is reused. Answers are summed up and compared with those indicators that were before the methodological measures. If the decrease in the number of non-owning and impellent teachers is essential, methodical work on this criterion is recognized as highly efficient, good or satisfactory. If the number of difficult teachers decreased not as expected, then ...

    2. Criterion for rival time spending. We have not taken to use this criterion anywhere in the force of mental reasons, due to the misunderstanding of the fact that time is always a chronically scarce resource, which everyone without exception is missing. Time moves for each of us irreversible and only one way (from the past - to the future), to saving time, ultimately, the savings of everything and all (forces, funds, resources) are reduced.

    In the practice of managing the professional growth of the teacher, we are confronted with two extremes. Some leaders believe that all methodological measures organized by them are equally interesting and mandatory for all, without exception, teachers. They require participation (presence) and masters, and beginner teachers without parsing in any event related to work with personnel, despite the fact that for some things that they say, as they say yesterday, and for others - incomprehensible so far, The useless time and those and others are cleaned.

    Another extreme - when the leaders are allowed all the work with pedcaders on samonek (there is no time criterion at all), which leads to its collapse: those who are professional, the growth is stopped and starting "posting"; At beginners - at first an attempt to compensate for the lack of professionalism by pressure on children, threats, punishment, blackmail, and then disappointment in the profession, powerlessness, indifference and neurality.

    The application of the criterion of the rival life of the time allocated to the methodological work with pedconds, that is, to ensure professional growth, implies, first of all, a differential group and even an individual approach to teachers. Some need to be free from the activities carried out by the administration, to give them the opportunity to choose the ways to ensure professional growth, provide complete freedom in self-education classes, for this is a category that is better than any administration knows how to teach, educate and develop children. These are those who never need to spur, who should always be released from participation in mandatory events. These are those who themselves know how to develop and care about their professional growth, regardless of whether they require this work or not. Taking into account the name of the analyzed criterion: they themselves determine the time they need to work on themselves, and you should not worry about them.

    Other teachers need advice to managers in order to determine the methodical measures necessary for them, and therefore, and in time to their development.

    Planning and organizing work to ensure the professional growth of teachers, it must be remembered that the teachers are always overloaded with the training load, the class leadership, the preparation of a huge number of documents, reports, certificates. Ninety percent of them, women whose patroll is underlying the time counting work on home care, etc. I will add to this and the need for at least some rest, break when switching to work on yourself. From all the above, it follows that the time for the methodological work to find a teacher is difficult to find, and therefore executives must take it, and those events that they consider mandatory should always be only useful, informal and only high quality.

    The criterion for the rationality of spending time in assessing the quality of work with pedcaders implies the differentiation of this time depending on the degree of teacher's professionalism in order to optimize (savings) of this time.

    Recall, time is always a chronically deficient resource, and the principle of optimizing activities, providing professional growth in the teacher, involves achieving the effect for the minimum necessary time. This means that the organizers of the methodical work must come from the notorious principle "the more - the better", but strive exactly the number of events, with the minimum necessary time to achieve the planned growth of professionalism. This follows the requirements of the highest level of preparation of these activities that maximize their effectiveness.

    Recall the distinguished reader who are visited without any open lessons: _ hour to the place of their place, an hour is back, an hour to listen to the conscientious, but boring report of the Director or Watch about the school, where a methodological event is held, - often a report not related to Problems of open lessons. Next, visit the open lessons descended with children in advance (and not announced, which is specifically in these lessons you can learn), a formal discussion of a complimentary nature and a whole day of life of the masses of teachers is spent meaningless.

    3. Criterion of the stimulating role of methodical work. The use of this criterion is harder. Frankly, no one else thinks about him. It is that all measures of a methodical nature must be not just voluntary for teachers, but also encouraging themselves to work on themselves, teachers should live in a state of expectation of the next interesting event for their growth. But in life most often not like this: the teachers go to the declared action under pressure, and even by order, for the sake of accumulation of 72 hours to obtain a certificate of advanced training, without which the certification will not pass.

    Imagine a dear reader, whatever if the managing authorities announced: "Providing a certificate of passage of at least 72 hours of advanced training for the teacher's certification is not mandatory." There will immediately collapse the entire system organized (that is, forced) methodical work. People would start only on the events and those professionals who are interesting to them.

    The reason for this phenomenon is in extremely low quality of methodical measures, that is, as methodologists, teachers of IPCs and universities. Unfortunately, they remained in the past the times when the teacher was in a hurry to work at the Institute for Advanced Training or Methodical Center at lectures (seminars, trainings, etc.) of the teacher's specificity, which has earned the popularity of teachers with its high professionalism. People went not to classes in general, but in the name.

    In order for this criterion to begin to be performed, it is necessary to dramatically reduce the number of methodical activities at school, method center, institute, significantly increasing their quality.

    Heads of federal, regional, municipal, school methodical services should be discontinued to take care of the provision of (accumulation) of students to teachers whose courses are not popular with teachers. It is necessary to understand that any activities intended for professional growth of teachers become useless and therefore meaningless if they do not fulfill their stimulating role.

    Later, we prove that only if there is a motive, only with the stimulating character of the methodical work, all of it (including specially organized events) turns into voluntary self-education of the teacher, and this is the main condition for ensuring the professional growth of teachers. So, fix the three proposed criteria for the effectiveness of methodological work with pedconds:

    1. Effective criterion;

    2. Criterion for the rationality of time spending;

    3. Criterion of the stimulating role of methodical work.

    The reduced complex of three criteria for the efficiency of working with pedconders is the minimum necessary. We are willing to agree with those who consider them no esteble, who will offer their own - more efficient. For us, the main thing is that each reader who is directly or indirectly manages the work on the professional growth of the teacher, ceased to anyone to report on working with pedconds with a list and the number of activities carried out. And no matter how much it sounds sharply, but it is impossible not to have a shame for their colleagues, for their undeveloped intelligence, primitivism and professional inferiority, when they entering the Tribunes of Boards, meetings, presentations, August conferences, hardly with pride and They say delight: "This year we spent: pedcons, two conferences, three presentations, six seminars ... Our teachers gave more than fifty open lessons ...", although all this does not testify to the quality of working with personnel, about her Performance and effectiveness (which, by the way, not the same thing) and the criteria for evaluating work is not.
    Functional Works with Pedagogical Frames

    Of the various definitions of the concept of "function" we use the following: purpose, circle of activity, role. The main function (purpose) of methodical work is to ensure the progressive and constant professional and personal growth of the teacher,so that he could provide every student high quality education. This is the main mission of working with pedconders is implemented through content, forms and other factors. This book is devoted to the implementation of this major mission.

    In addition, the main purpose, there is also additional, concomitant, parallel, which have a certain independent value and therefore in some extent self-concrete. At the same time, they all directly or indirectly implement the main purpose. Consider them.

    - The functions of methodical work at the level of the state system of advanced training.

    This refers to the transfer of information to which all the country's teachers should own, regardless of the peculiarities of the region, the city (district), school, etc.

    - Study, understanding, discussion and, ultimately, assimilation (knowledge) of program-methodical requirements, orders and instructions of education authorities, methodical recommendations Agencies of advanced training and methodical services.Logically information about all these necessary documents Receive in the course of precisely intraschool methodical work.

    - Implementation (development) of scientific developments.We draw attention to the fact that science gives objective knowledge and has no territorial affiliation, that is, acts everywhere. Of course, we are talking about truly scientific works, the recommendations of which are verified experimentally, and not about the pseudo-native, thickest trim.
    - Implementation (distribution, development) of progressive pedagogical experience, support for useful initiatives, promoting innovation.It is in mind the experience is necessarily approved by scientists, methodological authorities, recognized by the pedagogical public, recommended for the development of education authorities and widely represented precisely in the All-Russian pedagogical press.

    - The functions of the methodical work at the level of the pedacral.

    These include:

    - Consolidation, cohesion of the team.The fact is that the intense character of pedagogical labor, almost completely female composition of teachers, human weaknesses, envy inherent in people, etc. They lead to the separation of teachers, from which, ultimately, children suffer. On the contrary, well-organized methodological work at school distracts from strife, if you can put it, translates the negative energy into the creative direction, in creativity, which ensures the cohesion of teachers.

    - Development of a single credo, common values, traditions and rituals.All named is created in the course of in-school methodological activities and is an important consolidation factor, the cohesion of the pedacral and the factor affecting the quality educational process at school.

    - Analysis, generalization and distribution of progressive experience, born precisely inside the team.No matter how it seems strange, but very often people who do not work in this school happens to "open" pedagogical talents, while the colleagues of the innovator say: "We somehow did not see anything special; We all work well. " We even explained this phenomenon by famous verses S. Yesenin: "Face to face // Persons not see. // Large seemingly over the distance. "

    - Stimulating group pedagogical creativity and teacher initiatives.It is difficult to explain why all serious pedagogical inventions were created

    it is separate teachers, because there are no reasons that would prevent the joint work of two or more teachers, not detected.

    - Functional work functions at the level of a specific teacher.

    These include:

    - Enrichment of professional knowledge.All sciences are constantly developing, annually for scientific discoveries are awarded Nobel, state and other prizes, new areas of scientific knowledge and human practice appear, outstanding achievements in the field of technology, culture, sports, art are born.

    - Development of worldview, value orientation, views and beliefs of the teacherXXI century as a teacher of an erritative type,instead of the current tunnnel teacher.

    - Development of creative motives in professional activity. It is well known that there are teachers who are ademed to create a new one, experiments, and there are teachers with creative deposits, which still need to develop in the ability, which is possible if it is specially engaged.

    - Development of stable moral qualities of personality.The need for this work will become apparent if we recall that every year hundreds of education workers in the country are attracted to administrative and even criminal liability.

    - Development of the modern style of pedagogical thinking.It is possible to understand the need to implement this function, if you compare on the signs, characteristics, the features of two styles of thinking. Style Past (archaic, conservative, authoritarian) and modern style that meets the requirements of time, such as focus on final results, democratic, systemic, pedagogical orientation, social orientation, independence.

    - Development of professional skills, pedagogical equipment, performing skills.Of course, it is formed by the content, methods, methods of methodological work, but the importance of the above-mentioned often dictates the need for targeted organized classes with specialists in the development of artistry, performing skills as absolutely necessary professional quality.

    - Development of emotionally volitional self-regulation of the behavior and activities of the teacher.Psycho-emotional tensions in working with children are characteristic of many teachers and teachers needed - especially in sharp, conflict situations - to be able to restrain and repay anger in themselves, suppress the feeling of annoyance, dissatisfaction with the results, etc. For this, preventive methodological classes with a psychiatrist for teaching autogenic training of all levels are needed, and otherwise trouble can happen.

    - Formation of readiness for professional self-education.Psychologists should recommend recommendations - how this is the most readiness is formed, without which the realization of self-education, which ensures such a welcoming professional growth of the teacher.

    - The formation of skills is self-similar to improving its qualifications.These skills need to teach those teachers who will wish.

    All functions, and main, and extra, are implemented through content, shape, methods, learning tools.

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    FGBOU "Irkutsk State University"

    Pedagogical Institute

    Professional growth of teachers as a factor in improving the quality of vocational education

    Xtenimov Andrei Vladimirovich

    The study presents theoretical analysis of the problem of the professional growth of the teacher. Professional headquartress growth is considered as a necessary condition for ensuring the quality of education. The relationship between the professional growth of teachers of vocational education with socio-professional status and success in the implementation of their pedagogical activities is analyzed.

    Contemporary education system It is characterized by widespread large-scale changes and comprehensive reform. This is especially sensible manifested lately - the era of the change of the educational paradigm, transition to the system continuing education and global informatization. The central problem of the educational policy of modernity is to ensure high quality education, which is impossible without solving the problem of the professional development of teachers. New target settings based on the priority of the personality, make focus on raising the level of general and professional pedagogical culture of the teacher, on the formation of permanent professional needs. Only the high competence of the teacher, the ability to independently formulate and solve professional tasks, the formation of motivation to self-study and self-development, the ability to self-analysis and mastering the latest information technologies will allow him to highly work in constantly changing current conditions.

    Organization educational activities must be carried out on the basis of those modern quality requirements educational serviceswho are put in front of us in new and updated regulatory and legal documents regulating the work of educational organizations.

    The increase and complication of the functions of pedagogical personnel in the conditions of the transition to a professional standard of vocational education require constant professional growth of teachers, which determined the purpose of the article - to identify the main ways to ensure this growth as the necessary condition for improving the quality of education. The pedagogical aspect determines the quality of vocational education in accordance with the implementation of the principle of variability in education, as well as personal-oriented interaction between the teacher with training.

    For teachers, the quality of education is characterized as follows:

    1. Positive assessment of their pedagogical activities;

    2. Optimal selection of methods, techniques and forms of interaction.

    3. Successful development of students in accordance with the requirements of professional standard and target landmarks;

    4. Preserving and strengthening the physical and mental health of people, as one of the priorities of working with students;

    5. Rational use working time;

    6. Security of the educational process with all the necessary equipment, benefits, didactic materials etc.

    For the head of vocational education is:

    A worthy assessment of the activities of teachers, an increase in the prestige of the institution;

    Full assimilation of selected programs.

    In this regard, it can be concluded that the quality of education is both the process and its result.

    Professionalism as a set of personality and professional competence of the teacher, providing a high level of self-organization of pedagogical activities, considered N.V. Bordovskaya, s.g. Verchilovsky, B.S. Gershunsky, I.A. Winter, I.A. Zyazyun, I.F. Isaev, N.V. Kuzmina, KM Levitan, L.M. Mitina, A.A. Rean, V.A. Slaistin, S.D. Smirnov, V.D. Sadrikov and others. Under professional growth in the literature it is understood as the acquisition of professional skills, an increase in the level of competence in pedagogical activities. (A.A. Derkach, A.K. Markova, M.M. Potashnik, etc.). MM The Potatnik notes that the professional growth of the teacher is associated with the acquisition of ways of activities that allow him to optimally implement its purpose, to solve the tasks of learning, education, development, socialization, preserving the health of children. Scientific research KB is devoted to the professional formation of the teacher. White, M.S. Nail, L.M. Dennyakina, N.N. Lyashchenko, L.V. Late, P.I. Tretyakova, L.I. Falushina and others.

    To identify the level of professionalism of teachers, a selective study was carried out on the basis of the ETS UDRC of Russian Railways "in total 5 teachers were covered, 2 masters 3 specialists. The study was representative of both quantitative and high-quality part, which makes it possible to take into account the results obtained in working with pedagogical frames and make adjustments to the system professional training and retraining of teachers. In the process of research, analytical, statistical and sociological methods were used.

    Analysis of the results of the study showed that 40% of teachers including experts do not plan their professional growth in the future. The main reason they call the impossibility of occupying a higher position in the system of vocational education. Interesting is the fact that 38% of teachers believe that they have already reached a certain professional level, 22% - that they do not allow age, and 10% do not see the opportunity to take a higher position in their institution. At the same time, most of the subjects understands professional growth rather as professional development, and not as a professional and official career. Among other reasons (12.5%) indicated the lack of prospects for improving the state of vocational education. To the question of what should be changed in order to improve the quality of vocational education: 15% of teachers (all with experience more than 15 years) stated that in their opinion, the change is already enough.

    Only 28% of the subjects, including 18% of specialists and 10% of educators, are planning his professional growth in the future. From among teachers with secondary pedagogical and higher non-core education, more often are planning their professional growth of specialists - 46%, much less frequently of other educators - 29%. But at the same time, 33% of specialists and 40% of educators plan their professional growth personally for themselves and do not have a professional growth plan and signed by the head. At the same time, most of the subjects believe that pedagogical worker It is necessary to plan your professional growth.

    Among the types of planning of their professional growth, teachers indicated: improving knowledge and practical skills, reading pedagogical literature, performances at meetings methodological association, seminars and conferences, participation in projects, receiving a qualifying category, advanced training courses, training in high school, admission to the magistracy.

    In the course of the study, it was found that only 31% of the total number of respondents deal with self-education regularly, which affects the formation of professionally important personal qualities. Professional competence and characterizes the professional growth of the teacher. Weak professional growth motivation is often accompanied by insufficient preparation, which makes it difficult to enter the profession.

    During the study, the following conditions were allocated the following conditions for the successful professional growth of teachers: a change in their position on independent and active activities, ensuring psychological support, the comprehensive use of interactive methods in the process of improving the qualifications, ensuring equality of the subjects of the educational process.

    pedagogue Professionalism Quality Education

    Based on the study, the following main ways to enhance the professional growth of teachers as the conditions for improving the quality of vocational education are possible:

    1. Personal - oriented interaction of managers and teachers with scientific centers, methodical services, institutions of additional vocational education;

    2. Integration of value priorities of vocational education;

    3. The community of interests of teachers and managers on the basis of mutual understanding, confidence, respect for the dignity of personality, dialogue;

    4. Psychological and pedagogical support and operational methodological support for potential teachers.

    Thus, the quality of vocational education directly depends on the professional growth of teachers, from their desire for successful pedagogical activity, the essence of which is determined by the ability to design and implement in pedagogical process Professional institution Conditions necessary for the formation of certain qualities in the development of man.

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    Conduct changes in any field requires the availability of personnel with the appropriate level of competencies. Meanwhile, permanent changes in the external environment make employees adapt to new conditions, so the education obtained at the beginning of the career is not enough for productive work. All this is fully related to education, where for successful adaptation to what is happening in this area, the teacher must grow and develop both professionally and personally.

    Speaking of professional personal development, it is possible, first of all, to keep in mind such professional quality as professionalism, which can be considered as a certain unity of the professionalism of the personality and professionalism of activity, but is most often considered to be a synonym for professional competence.

    Questions of professional competencies and the transition to them from qualifying competencies were especially actively discussed at the beginning of zero. Simonenko V.D. Under the professional competence "integral characteristics of business and personal qualities of specialists, reflecting the level of knowledge, skills and skills, experience sufficient to implement a certain kind of activity, which is associated with decision-making."

    According to Mitina L.M. Professional competence is knowledge, skills and skills, as well as ways and techniques for their implementation in activities, communication, development (self-development) of the individual. In other words, under professional competence means a harmonious combination of elements of activity and communicative (culture of communication, skills social Behavior) Substructures.

    Now, not knowledge - skills - skills, and the willingness to apply them in the professional sphere is placed on the forecloser when it comes to the professional qualification of the teacher. In A. Slayshenin, a model of professional competence of a teacher, N.A. Pottery - a structural and functional model of the formation of the professional competence of the future teacher in the conditions of informatization of education.

    EM. Nikitin allocates qualifications and competence as two aspects. Receipt of qualifications is the result of teaching the teacher in secondary special and higher educational institutions. And competence is understood as to recognize the teacher by the professional community and the continuous professional growth of the teacher.

    But it is not so much about professional competencies, how much about the problem of the professional growth of the teacher. And now in the literature you can meet two terms: professional growth and professional development of the teacher who are often used as synonyms.

    Studying various sources, we were convinced that scientists were mainly used by the term "professional growth". In research, J. Siuper is a professional growth in the process of personality development, which occurs in the ontogenesis of a person, aimed at mastering them professional roles, professional motivation, professional knowledge and skills.

    MM The Potchnik calls a professional increase in the goal and the process of acquiring a teacher of knowledge, skills, ways to be allowed to him, namely, to realize its purpose, to solve the tasks of learning, education, development, socialization and preservation of schoolchildren. .

    A.V. Mudrik believes that the professional growth of the teacher is an independent and / or someone managed on a rational (conscious) and / or intuitive levels of "increasing" the diversity of stereotypes, social attitudes, knowledge, skills, methods of activity necessary for solving pedagogical problems and situations . Those. The scientist claims that professional growth is the total accumulation of various information.

    M.V. Leviticus determines professional growth as, on the one hand, spontaneous, on the other, is purposeful, always authorized teacher self-employment itself as a professional from internal qualities and external sources. Those. This particular attention is paid to the personality of the teacher and his personal needs in self-development.

    E.A. Yamburg believes that professional growth is a fatal desire of a teacher to self-improvement, which is based on a natural need for creativity when working with children. .

    In all of the above definitions, professional growth is considered as a certain amount of knowledge, skills, ways of activity.

    N.I. Lyalenko implies under the professional growth of the targeted activities of the teacher, aimed at acquiring certain knowledge, skills and methods of activity, allowing it to implement his pedagogical destination and solve public tasks facing it.

    Somewhat different definition this concept O.V. Pletchev and V.V. Celikov, who understand the professional growth of the positive trend in overcoming the teacher of its professional difficulties through the acquisition of knowledge, skills, ways to enable him to successfully solve pedagogical tasks facing him.

    We see that the emphasis here moves with the accumulation of certain knowledge to the awareness of their professional difficulties and overcoming them.

    At the same time, in the literature, it is often possible to meet the concept of professional development. In particular, it is this term that is used in new standards.

    In philosophy, the term development is defined as the process and the result of high-quality and quantitative changes in human physical and spiritual forces. This process, as a result of which the gradual accumulation of changes in quantitative and the transition to qualitative changes occurs.

    Professional personality development involves the ability to quickly find solutions in a constantly updated world, the ability to be subject to its development.

    Currently, many researchers are considering the problem of professional development. L.I. Anzheferova understands the development of "the main way of existence of the personality: the mental and social formation of a person is carried out at all stages of the human life path. The more mature social and psychological terms are the personality, the more increasing its ability to further develop. "

    LM Mitita believes that professional development is an increase, the formation, integration and implementation of individuals of the individual in professional labor and, the main thing, creative implementation in the profession, which is due to the qualitative transformation of the inner world.

    According to V.I. Slobodchikov, the concept of "development" includes the processes of formation, formation, transformation. The formation is understood as "the transition from one particular state to another higher level; The unity of the already implemented and potentially possible. " The formation is the unity of the purpose and development result refers to a socio-cultural aspect. Transformation - refers to a spiritual and practical aspect, this is self-development.

    Many researchers determine the various stages of forming professional growth.

    Stages, the stages of professional growth are devoted to the work of E. Gusinsky, E.F. Zeira, A.K. Markova and others.

    General in the views of these scientists can be considered the definition of some stages. For example, the first stage all these researchers consider some adaptation of the teacher, the formation of interest, the initial assimilation of techniques, forms, minimum norms of the pedagogical community. The next stage is the accumulation of own experience, the development of professional qualities. E.F. Zeeer, giving a more detailed description of the stages of professional growth, the formation of readiness for independent work is already at the third stage. E. Gusinsky calls the final (third) stage "Comprehension of the meaning of activity" when the teacher may generalize its own experience. A.K. Markova believes that the final stage in which the teacher owns the profession as a creator must precede the free possession of the teacher with his profession using a variety of methodological materials. E.F. Zeeer also believes that the final stage is the stage of professional skills, the creative activity of the teacher, to precede which professional adaptation, primary and secondary professionalization will be, when the teacher will come to the development of innovative forms, activity methods from the formation of readiness for self-development.

    I.N. Schmatko allocates the following levels of professional development: pedagogical competence as effective possession of pedagogical skills and skills, allowing pedagogical activity; Pedagogical skill involving the "gracefulness" of the use of pedagogical theory in practice; And pedagogical creativity is not only the production of new ideas, but also their modifications, modernization. At this highest level of professional development, you can talk about pedagogical innovation, about the possibility of creating new pedagogical technologies. Thus, the professional development of the teacher is expressed in motivating activities, satisfaction with labor, the need to recognize the social significance of its activities.

    TA Caterbarg determines the professional development of the teacher as "complex multicomponent education, reflecting the degree of cognitive opportunities for a teacher, awareness in the field of pedagogical systems and technologies used in general education organization, application of software products to ensure the quality of professional activity, manifested through high-quality and quantitative changes in the personal and professional spheres of the teacher.

    B.S. Gershunsky, speaking of the professional development of the teacher, suggests the following model: a specialist (owns modern educational technologies) - Personality (communicability, mobility, citizenship, media education Ability to self-actualization) - Researcher (approbation ability innovative technologies, pedagogical experiment, performance monitoring)

    If you keep in mind the definition of "professional development" of the teacher, then we can say not so much about the total accumulation of knowledge and ways of activity, how much about the qualitative change in the position of the teacher. So G.A. Ignatiev under professional development understands the process of the development of a business entity in the professionalism, which is a "movement" from the development of the subject of activity (specialist) to the increase in the means of transformation of activities (professional) and to the design of new tools and objects (expert). .

    The last definition seems to us most accurate, because It shows the stages of professional development and reflects the consistent accumulation of professional competencies in the teacher.

    But it seems to us very important to speak not just about professional development, but about the professional personality. Part of professional personal development is the readiness of the teacher to work, finding new non-standard solutions, manifestation of initiative, constructive dialogue with students. Personality development is interpreted as "quantitative, qualitative change in the psychological characteristics of the individual associated with the implementation of various actions in the process of professional activity."

    For professional-personal development, teacher must be manifested personal activity, use the conditions of the external environment for personal development, self-realized, distribute their experience in society, manage their own professional activities.

    Thus, the main factors for the development of professionalism can be considered "the desire for self-realization, responsibility for self-development, self-consciousness, creative potential of the personality, the motivation of achievements, value orientations, high professional and personal standards in professional activities, personal features etc.

    In addition, the teacher should not be just a high-end professional: it's good to know the object, use modern teaching techniques, but also have those moral qualities that he in the process of education must instill with his disciples. When the teacher is well dominated by subject competencies, he is sure, convincing is interesting to his students. The teacher must be an actor, i.e. To manage the ability to manage his voice, gestures - it will give him even greater authority. The third important personality quality is erudition. The teacher should not only focus in his subject, but be well-read, know interesting and useful facts from a wide variety of knowledge areas, to understand art, sports, etc. The teacher must develop his creative potential and on each lesson to demonstrate its passion to the subject.

    If professional qualities include the knowledge of the psychological age characteristics of school-age children, then to personal qualities - love for children. Unfortunately, this quality cannot be purchased, most likely, the teachers become precisely those people who possess these quality. Love for children means attentive attitude towards the child, the desire to understand him, patiently explain to him all the questions to which he has to look for an answer in life. So, speaking of professional-personal development, it is necessary to understand that it represents the combination of the following qualities: professionalism in the field of the subject matter; self-control, control of their mood and emotion; development and improvement of comprehensive erudition; creative development; Sincere love for children.

    If we talk about the psychological requirements for the personality of the teacher, then as such can be considered the following: Crab thinking, empathy (the ability to tune in to the "wave" of another person), tolerance (tolerance for dissent), communicativeness (as a culture of dialogue), reflectivity, cooperation and cooperation and cooperation Dr.

    It is important to remember that the content of professional-personal development also changes under the pressure of the factors of the external environment. The role of the school is changing, the context in which it functions, new functions appear. A large flow of migrants to Russia led to the fact that in many schools, teachers are forced to work in a multinational environment, with students representing other cultures that have their religious and language features. The role of the teacher in working with students, who have special needs to study, are experiencing certain difficulties in their studies, or vice versa, have special talents. Teachers today should be able to competently work, social partners parents on their involvement of school activities, etc. Finally, the effective use of ICT, referred to in Section 1.1. Of course, theoretical training and passage of traditional advanced training courses are not enough. Permanent vocational and personal development is required, including various formal and informal forms. At the same time, the responsibility for the content and organization of this process should take on the teachers themselves. Mandatory advanced training courses in which teachers are often not harvested by the desire to take part, do not always lead to any increase in the effectiveness of the educational process. An independent choice of the most effective in the point of view of the teacher forms of professional-personal development will increase the motivation of teachers and will lead to real changes in education. Therefore, it is advisable to talk about managing the vocational training of the teacher.