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  • Examples of filling directions pmpk student. Guidelines for the organization of activities PMPK OU

    Examples of filling directions pmpk student. Guidelines for the organization of activities PMPK OU

    Municipal institution of the educational system psychological-pedagogical medical-social center of diagnostics and counseling "Sources" of the city of Tikhoretsk municipal district Tikhoretsky district

    on the organization of activities of PMPK OU

    for chairmen and specialists

    psychological medical pedagogical

    educational councils

    institutions (PMPK)

    Compiled by:

    Chairman of PMPK Tikhoretsk district

    methodist MU WITH PPMS Center

    "Sources" of Tikhoretsk

    tikhoretsk, 2009

    Organization of activity

    I.  Algorithm of actions of experts of school PMPK

    during the initial examination of the child for PMPK (grades 1-4)

    The class leaders of an educational institution, on the basis of monitoring the development of the child, identify from among the students who have difficulties in mastering the program of a general education school. Conduct a conversation with parents (legal representatives) about the need to examine the child at the MPSP, receive the written consent of the parents (legal representatives) to examine the child. In case of disagreement of parents (legal representatives), they carry out educational and explanatory work with them to create an adequate understanding of the problem in the development of the child.

    In case of parents' consent (legal representatives), the class teacher submits an application to the chairperson of a school education program with a request for a child's examination by specialists of a school education system (teacher-speech therapist, teacher-psychologist, social teacher) and prepares a package of documents for the child (pedagogical characteristics (Appendix 1 , 2), pedagogical presentation (Appendix 3), samples of student’s written work, statement of parents (legal representatives), information about the child’s academic progress and information about the number of omitted lessons learned (Appendix 4).

    Examination of the child is carried out by each specialist PMSP individually. The survey results are recorded in the presentation of the educational psychologist (Appendix 5), the speech therapist teacher (Appendix 6). In them, the specialists of the school program provide recommendations for determining the future directions of work with this student. The class teacher requests a brief medical history of the child’s developmental history, from early childhood to the present (free form) (Appendix 7) from the school’s medical worker. After all necessary documents for the child have been collected, the chairperson of the MPSP sets a date for the meeting of the school MUPPs. At this meeting, invited members of the PMPK, a medical school worker, subject teachers, parents (legal representatives) of the child, the child itself. The members of the school MEP hear the class teacher, teachers, educational psychologist, speech therapist, social educator, and medical worker. An interview is conducted with the parents (legal representatives) of the student in order to ascertain the conditions and nature of his family upbringing, the position of the parents. Conversation with students. The chairperson of the school education program starts the “Child development card” (Appendix 8) where all information about the child is entered, the documents provided by the class teacher, the education system specialists, the statement of the parents (legal representatives) are attached. This card must be filled at the end of each quarter (for teachers), and at the end of each course of correctional and developmental occupations of OU specialists with a description of the observed dynamics. The “child development map” is kept by the chairperson of the school program. According to the results of the meeting of the school PMPK, a protocol is established (Appendix 9). An excerpt is made of the meeting of the school MPSP for each student separately (Appendix 10). If the child is sent to the district PMPK to determine the educational route, then first parents (legal representatives) are advised to go to a psychiatrist, get an opinion from him and present it to the specialists of the district PMPK. At the reception to the psychiatrist, you must provide pedagogical characteristics of the child, his written work on the Russian language and mathematics. If the child is sent to the district PMPK by the decision of the school MMP, the chairman of the school MUP makes a written application addressed to the director of the MU CO PPMS Center Istoki with a request to examine children who have difficulties in learning the secondary school program in order to determine the form of education. For the initial examination of a child at a district PMPK, an educational institution provides the following documents from the Child Development Card:

    The written consent of the parents (legal representatives) for the examination (the application of the established sample - Appendix 11);

    Pedagogical characteristics of the child;

    Pedagogical performance for the MPSP;

    Presentation of the educational psychologist for PMS;

    Presentation of a speech therapist for the PMS;

    The conclusion of the school PMPK;

    Copies of the student’s written work in Russian and in mathematics;

    Information about the child's academic performance;

    Information on the number of lessons missed;

    A copy of the birth certificate of the child (passport);

    A copy of the passport of the parents (legal representatives), a copy of the certificate of the guardian;

    Copies of medical reports (if the child is registered with narrow specialists);

    12. On the appointed day, the child, along with his parents (legal representatives) and accompanied by a representative of the school PMPK, who provides a package of documents for the child to the specialists of the district PMPK, is invited for examination to the district PMPK. Parents must have with them a document proving their identity, a medical card of the child from the clinic.

    13. According to the results of the survey, the chairman of the school PMPK is issued an extract from the protocol of the PMPC meeting, which is stored in the student’s personal file and in the Child Development Card.

    Ii. Algorithm of actions of experts of school PMPK

    when re-examining a child for PMPK

    For re-examination of the district PMPK children are sent under the program of type VII at the end of grade 4 (when going to the second level of education), at the end of grade 6 and at the end of grade 8. Students of these classes should have an extract from the protocol of the PMPK meeting with recommendations on the form of training issued earlier. The child undergoing PMPK and taken for correctional and developmental education is assigned a leading specialist (class teacher), he and other schoolchildren at the primary care programs carry out correctional and developmental work with the child and monitor the developmental dynamics of the child, conduct comprehensive diagnostic examinations. The specialists listed in paragraph 2 provide the chairperson of the school PMPK with documents reflecting the dynamics of the child’s development over the established period, the effectiveness of the chosen form of education and the correctional work being carried out (these data are reflected in the pedagogical characteristics, in the teacher’s presentation, the teacher’s speech theorist’s presentation, and the teacher’s psychologist). The class teacher interviews the parents (legal representatives) of the child about the need for re-examination of the PMPK, takes a written consent from the parents (statement), prepares a package of documents for the school PMPK, sends it to a psychiatrist. For school PMPK, the class teacher provides the same documents as during the initial survey at the PMPK. Further work of the school PMPK is constructed in the same way as in the case of the primary direction of the child to the district PMPK. If new circumstances or coordinated changes in the child's developmental state are revealed (positive or negative dynamics), during the remedial work, the repeated admission to the district PMPK can be carried out unplanned at the request of the parents (legal representatives) or the OS.

    Iii. Algorithm of actions of experts of school PMPK

    when tracking the dynamics of child development by specialists of the district PMPK

    Experts of the school PMPK are obliged to provide information on the dynamics of the development of children who have passed the district PMPK and who are taken under dynamic control at the end of classes 2, 3, 5, 7. To monitor the developmental dynamics of children who have gone through the district PMPK, and taken to dynamic follow-up, an expanded composition of the PMPK is assembled, which includes specialists from the district PMPK and representatives of the school PMPK. Specialist school PMPK provides for consideration at an extended meeting PMPK information about the dynamics of the child's development:

    Pedagogical characteristics of the dynamics of student development and dynamics

    correctional work for the period since the last survey on

    district PMPK, with an assessment of the effectiveness of ongoing correctional and developmental

    Pedagogical performance to track developmental dynamics (Appendix 12);

    Speech development dynamics map (filled in by a speech therapist) (Appendix 13);

    Psychological view to track developmental dynamics (Appendix 14);

    Information about the current performance of students put on a dynamic

    support (Appendix 15).

    4. According to the results of the joint meeting of the extended composition of the PMPK

    shelter specialists, parents (legal representatives) are given extracts from the protocol

    the joint extended meeting of the PMPK with a recommendation on the further form

    learning a child.

    Annex 1.

    Approximate ped. characterization per student with CRA

      (available at PMPK, a psychiatrist)

    Pedagogical characteristics

    per student (tsu) ______ class school number _________

    FULL NAME . ______________________________________________

    Date of Birth _____________________

    A child attends this school from ... class. During the entire period of study, (name) had deficiencies in the development of perception: its fragmentation, limitations, and superficiality. Due to the underdevelopment of the auditory and visual perception, space-time concepts are not sufficiently formed, knowledge of the surrounding world is very limited.

    There are deficiencies in the development of arbitrary memory: slow memorization, inaccuracy of reproduction, poor processing of the perceived material. The student is hampered in the application of memorization techniques: semantic grouping, classification, which causes a number of difficulties in mastering such subjects as biology, history, geography, and social studies.

    Attention is unstable. (Name) is not capable of prolonged stress and concentration on the task being performed. During lessons dispersed, it is difficult to switch from one activity to another.

    The insufficient level of development of verbal-logical thinking is manifested in the inability to independently solve complex arithmetic problems. The low level of abstract-logical thinking makes it difficult to master the program material in such subjects as algebra, geometry, physics, chemistry. When performing tasks that require analysis, comparison, synthesis, needs a detailed help from the teacher.

    The child has a poor, undifferentiated vocabulary. Violation of writing is manifested in a large number of specific errors (omissions, substitutions, underwriting letters), as well as a large number of errors associated with the inability to put spelling rules into practice. The level of development of coherent speech does not match the software requirements, the child has difficulty when writing creative written works (essays, presentations).

    Y (name) has not formed sustainable forms of self-control and self-esteem; it is not always able to adequately assess the results of its activities. When performing difficult tasks, he takes the help of an adult and willingly uses it; he cannot and does not want to overcome difficulties on his own. The performance is low, there is a rapid exhaustion of the body due to mental exertion. As the task is exhausted or unsuccessful, the emotional state worsens, becomes emotionally unstable: irritable, easily excitable.

    Director signature transcript

    The class teacher signature decryption

    The pedagogical characteristics of a child with CRA may have a different purpose, depending on the purpose for which it is compiled. Its main focus changes accordingly. Thus, pedagogical characteristics are necessary when transferring a student from a secondary school to a special correctional class for children with CRA.

    Or, pedagogical characteristics are necessary when transferring a pupil from a correctional class for children with mental retardation to a mass school as a result of his considerable progress in mastering the curriculum, positive dynamics of mental development and improving health.

    Pedagogical characterization is also necessary if the student does not master the educational material and the question arises of revising the diagnosis; in this case it is intended for the medical-pedagogical commission.

    Characteristics should reflect the advancement of the student in the learning process, changes that occur under the influence of special training and education.

    Pedagogical characteristics should contain the following sections:

    1) general information about the student;

    2) the state of school knowledge and skills;

    3) the overall development of the child, especially speech and thinking;

    4) features of educational activities;

    5) behavior;

    6) personality characteristics;

    7) conclusion.

    In the “General Information” section, in addition to formal data (dates of birth of a child and enrollment in school, etc.), should the kindergarten attend, to which class of school the student was taken, from where he entered, remained in the second year, when I began to study according to the program of the VII type (for children with CRA). It should briefly describe the family of the child.

    In the section “The State of School Knowledge and Skills” it is necessary to indicate which subject (or subjects) makes a student difficult, which sections he could not assimilate, what kind of help the teacher provided him (including individual correctional classes) and its effectiveness. It should also be noted which subjects or sections of the program he learned more successfully, which educational material was the easiest for him. At the same time, it is important to describe the individual characteristics of learning - the pace of a child’s mental activity, features of memorization (quickness, meaningfulness) and efficiency, degree of autonomy, reaction to the teacher’s help, etc.

    When characterizing the level of general development, the child’s awareness of the environment (family, surrounding objects, and the simplest phenomena of nature) should be shown. The degree of completeness and accuracy of such knowledge and representations will serve as material for assessing the child's cognitive activity.

    The description of the student's speech development must contain a brief quantitative and qualitative characteristic of the lexical vocabulary; reflect the characteristics of the grammatical structure of speech - whether there is agrammatism and what is the degree of its manifestation, which parts of speech and types of sentences are mainly used; Difficulties in the design of a speech utterance - slowness, the presence of repetitions, the search for the right words, etc. It is important to highlight the peculiarities of the child's speech - the state of the phonemic hearing, the types of errors in oral and written speech, their frequency. It is necessary to indicate the presence and degree of persistence of errors specific to children's written works, or note the lack thereof.

    You should also describe the ability to retell the text you read or listened to. In all matters relating to the state of speech, the teacher should consult with the school speech therapist, use his data.

    Describing the features of mental activity, we should first of all focus on the ability to generalize, comprehend the material, on understanding logical connections and relationships, the ability to identify essential features of objects, on the possibility of switching from one type of mental activity to another. It is necessary to indicate the extent to which the child uses the help, to reveal his potential.

    Describing the features of the child's educational activities, it is necessary to disclose the following: the speed of his inclusion in work, the sustainability of the activity (its duration without distractions), difficulties in switching, the pace of work, the level of efficiency; the presence of impulsiveness in the performance of tasks, the degree of independence and organization, the formation of self-control skills and the ability to evaluate the work done.

    When describing a student's behavior, you should indicate how disciplined he is in class, at recess, outside school; note whether there is motor disinhibition (or lethargy); describe what cultural behavior skills he has.

    The “Characteristics of the Personality” section covers the following issues: the student’s educational and extracurricular interests, their sustainability; special abilities (in the field of visual activity, music, sports, etc.), the degree of adequacy of the assessment of their capabilities; attitudes towards studies and public assignments, to comrades and adults (including parents). It is necessary to indicate your favorite activity in your free time, the prevailing mood background, attitudes to academic failures, praise or blame, touchiness, a tendency to complaints.

    The final section of the characteristics as it were summarizes and assesses all the most significant in the child, noted in previous sections. Here, the teacher should highlight the character traits and personality traits of the child, which he assesses as positive or negative, and also indicate features that prevent him from mastering knowledge and the alleged reasons for this. It is also necessary to determine the degree of its readiness for training according to the program of the next academic year.

    The characteristic written for the medical-pedagogical commission should cover the parties that are important in terms of differential diagnosis. Here, first of all, the student’s specific difficulties in mastering the school curriculum, features of his mental activity (tempo, ability to generalize, comprehending educational material, the possibility of using help and carrying out the transfer), the child’s health status, the results of individual work with him should be shown.

    Appendix 3.


    (provided at PMPK)

    FULL NAME. student ________________________________________________________________

    Date of Birth_______________________________________________________________________

    Class __________________________________________________________________________

    General impressions of the child _____________________________________________________


    General Awareness and Social - Household Orientation

    Information about yourself and your family _____________________________________________________


    Knowledge and ideas about the environment _____________________________________________


    Formation of training skills

    General assessment of skills (compliance of knowledge and skills with the program requirements)

    Maths ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    The nature of the errors __________________________________________________________________




    Typical reading errors _____________________________________________________

    Letter ___________________________________________________________________________


    Errors in writing __________________________________________________________


    Features of oral speech ___________________________________________________________


    Emotional - behavioral features _________________________________________



    Date of examination _____________________ Signature of the teacher _________________

    Appendix 4.

    (provided at PMPK)


    on student performance _____ class of secondary school № ______________________________________

    (FULL NAME.)___________________________________________________________________________

    in 200 __ / __ school year

    1 quarter

    2 quarter

    3 quarter

    4 quarter


    about the number of lessons missed in the 200 __ / __ school year





    respectful cause

    Compiled annually and filled out by the class teacher

    Classroom teacher _______________ / _______________________________/

    Appendix 5.


    (provided at PMPK)

    FULL NAME. ___________________________________________________________________________

    Age ____________________________________ group ________________________________

    Complaints of parents Complaints of teachers

    ________________________________________ ______________________________________

    ________________________________________ ______________________________________

    ________________________________________ ______________________________________

    Peculiarities of behavior, communication, habits and interests _________________________________


    Formation of social and household orientation ___________________________________


    Motor agility

    Host: hand ________

    Activity characteristic:

    Motivation ________________________________________________________________________


    Criticality ______________________________________________________________________


    Performance _________________________________________________________________


    Activity rate _________________________________________________________________


    Features of attention ______________________________________________________________


    Memory features ________________________________________________________________


    Qualitative characteristics of speech ____________________________________________________


    Characteristics of intellectual development ___________________________________________



    Formality of spatial and temporal relationships, __________


    Features of constructing activities, graphics activities, drawing _________


    Emotional-personal and motivational-volitional features ___________________________



    (the level of current development, specific features in these areas, recommendations for remedial work)


    Date __________ Educational Psychologist ____________ / ________________________ /

    Appendix 6.


    (provided at PMPK)

    Surname, name of child ____________________________________________________________

    Date of birth ___________________ Age (at the time of the survey) __________________

    Class __________________________________________________________________________ A brief history of early development __________________________________________________


    Speech environment and social conditions ________________________________________________


    Articulating machine _________________________________________________________


    Oral speech:

    overall sound of speech ______________________________________________________________


    speech comprehension __________________________________________________________________


    active dictionary ________________________________________________________________


    Conclusion of the consultation: Send a student ___ class (F.I.O.) to the district PMPK to determine the form of training and the route of individual development



    Application (note availability)
    1. Pedagogical characteristics
    2. Pedagogical performance
    3. Psychological performance

    4. Speech therapy

    5. Anamnesis

    6. Progress Reporting

    7. Information about missing lessons

    8. Copy of birth certificate

    9. A copy of the identity document of parents (legal representatives)

    10. Application of parents (legal representatives)

    Chairman of PMPK

    (specialty) (last name)

    PMPK members

    (specialty) (last name)

    (specialty) (last name)

    (specialty) (last name)

    (specialty) (last name)

    Appendix 11.


    Appendix 12.

    Pedagogical performance to track developmental dynamics


    Uch. year

    beginning of the year

    mid year

    the end of the year

    Cognitive interest (

    Performance in the classroom  (high level, medium level ,   low level)

    Cognitive sphere

    The level of activity, independence in activities (high, medium, low)

    Ability to focus on the task, overcome difficulties, monitor the result (positive dynamics, lack of dynamics, negative dynamics)

      Features of behavior and communication (positive dynamics, lack of dynamics, negative dynamics)

    Interaction and peer relations

    Interaction and relations with teachers

    Behavioral self-regulation (Restraint of involuntary emotions and desires. Ability to responsible behavior)

    The presence and nature of learning motivation (positive dynamics, lack of dynamics, negative dynamics)

    The desire to learn, go to school. The presence of a cognitive or social motive of learning

    Emotional state (anxiety level) (positive dynamics, lack of dynamics, negative dynamics)

    Participation in the public life of a class, school (positive dynamics, lack of dynamics, negative dynamics)

    Filled by the class teacher

    Appendix 13.

    Speech Dynamics Map

    student (s) ___ class, school, secondary school № ______________________________

    for ________ - _________ uch. year

    Diagnostic directions

    Types of violations (identified during diagnosis)

    beginning of the year

    mid year

    the end of the year

    1. Oral speech:

    Sound variation

    Phonemic hearing

    Syllable structure

    Lexical side of speech

    The grammatical structure of speech

    Connected speech

    2. Written speech (detection of violations of the letter: the nature of specific errors, severity)

    It is filled in by the speech therapist of the OS, in 3-5 columns the type of dynamics is indicated: positive dynamics, lack of dynamics, negative dynamics

    Appendix 14.

    Psychological view to track developmental dynamics

    student (s) ___ class, school, secondary school № _____________________________________


    Uch. year

    beginning of the year

    the middle

    1. Individually typological features

    properties of the nervous system (strength, balance, mobility)

    type of temperament

    leading perception channel

    activity rate

    development of the motor sphere and spatial orientation

    2. Cognitive sphere

    attention (productivity, switching, sustainability)

    memory (visual, auditory, mediated)


    3. Motivac

    ion-consumer sphere

    leading type of motivation

    motivation to achieve success and failure

    interests, hobbies

    4. Emotional-volitional sphere

    emotional stability, instability, anxiety, irritability

    volitional qualities (initiative, independence, perseverance, determination)

    5. Self-awareness


    level of claims

    gender identity

    6. Character

    gic features

    accented character traits, aggressiveness, value orientations, the development of regulatory functions (arbitrariness, self-control)

    7. Behavior

    activity - passivity, communication - evasion from communication, organization - randomness

    behavior in psychologically significant situations

    behavior in relation to educational means

    behavior in the main activity

    8. Communication

    type of communication

    interpersonal interaction features

    communication and organizational skills

    It is filled by the psychologist of the Shelter, in 3-5 columns the type of dynamics is indicated: positive dynamics, lack of dynamics, negative dynamics

    Appendix 15.


    about the current performance of students of the _____ class, put on dynamic support MOU Secondary School No. ___________________________________________________

    in ______ / _______ school year

    FULL NAME. of students

    Director / /

    Classroom teacher / /

    Appendix 16.

    Psychological and pedagogical features of children of middle and senior

      school age with CRA

    Independently determines the content of tasks

    Able to carry out all verbal operations

    Has a high level of all types of memory

    Attention stable, capable of prolonged concentration

    Controls own activities at all stages of work

    The result of the activity performed corresponds to the goal.

    Self-esteem is adequate

    Uses rational productive ways to achieve results.

    Actions are adequate and meaningful.

    Able to overcome difficulties on their own

    The level of thinking corresponds to the age possibilities.

    Unformed mental operations, difficulties arise in the performance of tasks requiring analysis, synthesis, comparison, synthesis

    Comparing, can not highlight signs of similarity

    Generalization holds at the intuitive-practical level

    The level of verbal-logical and abstract-logical thinking that does not correspond to age-related capabilities is not formed.

    The specifics of perception: superficial, limited, fragmented and constant

    The process of formation of interanalyzer connections is slowed down: deficiencies of hearing-visual-motor coordination

    The inferiority of visual and auditory perception, which is the reason for the insufficient formation of spatial-temporal representations (one of the causes of learning difficulties)

    Unable to prolonged stress and concentration

    Disadvantages in the development of arbitrary memory: slow memory, fast forgetting, inaccurate reproduction, poor processing of the perceived material.

    Difficulties in memorizing verbal information

    Not established sustainable ways of self-control and self-esteem

    Can not adequately assess the results of its activities

    When solving a practical task, it uses irrational ways of achieving the result, acts by trial and error.

    Willingly accepts the help of an adult and uses it when performing tasks

    Increased depletion of the body during mental exertion

    Emotionally unstable

    Differ in non-independence

    Low performance

    Low cognitive activity

    Immaturity of the emotional-volitional sphere due to the lack of formation of the motivational sphere and low cognitive control

    One inherent symptoms of mental infantilism: lack of bright emotions, low level of affective-need sphere, increased fatigue, poverty of mental processes

    Others differ in psychomotor disinhibition, impulsivity, inability to self-regulate behavior.

    Appendix 17.

    Psychological and pedagogical features of younger students

    delayed mental development

    Psychological and pedagogical features

    Recommendations to specialists and teachers of the OS on the organization of correctional and developmental work

    Characteristics of cognitive activity

    Lack of sufficiently strong interest in the proposed assignment - Unreasonedness, impulsivity and poor orientation in assignments, leading to numerous erroneous actions - Insufficient focus of activity - Low activity, lack of initiative, lack of desire to improve their results, to comprehend the work as a whole, to understand the causes of mistakes - Thinking activity is characterized by reduced cognitive activity, concreteness, a tendency to stereotypical decisions and inconsistency - Insufficient formation of basic mental operations: during the analysis of the task they omit details, find it difficult in the allocation of significant and non-essential features in the establishment of cause-effect relationships, generalization. - Perception is unstable: they cannot focus on essential signs, there is a marked dependence of attention on external extraneous influences and instability of attention when it is necessary to perform a long series of operations

    They have difficulty in planning upcoming actions, in their speech design, they do not always comply with the requirements of the verbal instruction, do not take it into account in general, and are guided by the fulfillment of the task by any one of the requirements.

    Throughout all the years of training in elementary school, gaming motivation remains the leader, academic interests are formed with difficulty and minimally - Susceptible to intellectual assistance, they can freely transfer the learned model to new conditions, which determines the quality of the student, which is most important for the learning process. e. the ability to productively acquire knowledge, skills, and other people's experience.

    Features of thinking

    Lagging behind in the development of mental activity is manifested in: a lack of a motivational component (extremely low cognitive activity, the avoidance of intellectual stress, even the refusal of the task); in the lack of formation of mental operations of analysis, synthesis, abstraction, synthesis, comparison; - significantly lagged in verbal-logical thinking

    Memory and attentional features

    Lack of attention, distracted in lessons, often distracted, unable to listen or work for more than 5-10 minutes with fatigue Distraction of attention is observed, a decrease in its concentration. Disturbances of attention after classes that require intense mental stress are especially pronounced. Impossibility to concentrate on a task causes irritation or categorical refusal of work Weak attention to verbal (verbal) information Memory is considerably weakened (the amount of memorization is limited, Duration of memorizing semantic information. Tend to mechanical thoughtless memorization of material. Reduced speed, completeness, strength and accuracy of memorization, therefore it is difficult to memorize texts, multiplication tables, poorly keep in mind the purpose and condition of the problem. They quickly learn what they do not know how to use rational methods of memorization (for example, the classification of the material), cannot and does not seek to control its actions and the results of memorization

    Speech features

    Speech develops with a lag from the age norm. Low level of orientation in the sound reality of speech; The lack of pronunciation of whistling, hissing sounds and the sound "p", due to the lethargy of articulation; Weak awareness of the sound structure of the word; Insufficiently formed phonemic hearing and phonemic perception; Lack of interanalyzer interaction, i.e., it is difficult to form motor, visual-motor and auditory communication connections; Difficulties in establishing correspondence between phoneme and grapheme: it is difficult to determine the connection between sound and the letter Poverty, inaccuracy, undifferentiated vocabulary, it is presented mainly in everyday, everyday vocabulary; Incorrect understanding and inaccurate use of many commonly used words; Mixing words with different lexical meaning, but similar in sound composition; Does not catch the difference in the meaning of the words (“embroider” - “sew”); Uses words in approximate, imprecise meaning (“garden” - “trees”); The dictionary is dominated by words with a specific, well-known meaning, mainly uses categories such as the noun, the verb; of adjectives they use mostly qualitative; He does not have enough antonym, synonymous means of the language; In speech, not enough represented pronouns, adverbs; Inaccurate understanding and inadequacy of the use of complex prepositions

    Learning motivation

    Learning motivation is drastically reduced; The leading activity continues to be the game in its elementary forms;

    The development of reproducing ways of thinking, the use of supports that allow to accustom to analytical processing of information, to a logical sequence, to rational ways of activity. To stimulate cognitive activity and independent thinking. To activate inert and slow-moving thinking processes. To activate the child’s personal experience in identifying causal processes. investigative relationships and temporal relations Generate the need to overcome the situation of ignorance elenapravlennoe development of specific mental operations and ways of acting on the basis of their speech mediation, discussions of development of verbal-logical form of thinking through orechevlenie mental activities (goal, plan, method, results of operations) Formation of motivation for learning, self-development

    Additional control over the employment of the child; with signs of depletion of attention, a change of activity to another, easier one; Use of various types of occupations, gaming moments; The use of colorful visual didactic material instead of complex classes, complex instructions; The organization of self-planning and self-examination as the obligatory stages of any independent work, or the pupil's speaking of his activity; Accounting and reliance on the leading visual or auditory type of memory (additional attraction of clarity or re-pronouncing out loud); The organization of semantic memorization based on the selection of the main; visualization of (visual) memorized information (based on bright and simple tables, charts, abstracts); Repeated repetition of material to be memorized with its dismemberment into uncomplicated information;

    1. Correction of phonetic and phonemic speech underdevelopment: - to form skills of sound analysis: the ability to recognize sounds in different positions in a word, isolate by ear, compare this sound with other pairs, practice determining the number and sequence of sounds in a word; 2. Refinement, enrichment and activation of the dictionary: - fix attention on clarifying the meaning of words, on the possibility of semantic links between words, timely prevent inaccurate or erroneous use of words; - exercise in repeated use of new vocabulary in a variety of contexts; 3. Correction of the grammatical structure of speech: - exercise in modeling words with a given semantic attribute, in constructing sentences from a given set of words, according to a given pattern, according to a subject-practical demonstration; 4. Development of coherent speech: - purposeful learning to build a coherent utterance at a practical level; - the development of ideas about the word and the sentence based on the objects, and then the plot pictures by installing the connection of words in the sentence; - the formation of practical ideas in a coherent statement (story).

    Formation of educational motives;

    Formation of the active position of the student;

    Formation of a positive attitude towards learning: - creating a general positive atmosphere in the classroom, constantly reducing the anxiety of children, eliminating reproaches, reprimand, irony, ridicule, threats;

    Create situations of success in learning activities that form a feeling of satisfaction, self-confidence, objective self-esteem and joy; - to rely on the game as the leading activity of a child with CRA, including intellectual games with rules; - include in the work on the lesson different activities; Formation of cognitive interest: - to stimulate cognitive interest by a variety of entertaining techniques; - to teach techniques of mental activity and educational work; - use problem-finding methods of training; - apply pedagogical technologies aimed at creating the emotional well-being of the child; - use the humanistic style of pedagogical communication: without the appraisal acceptance of the student, tactful manifestation to the mood of the child, an even patient attitude to the manifestation of negative emotions and feelings;


    Who sent (a), the reason for contact ______________________________________________________________________________

    Commission conclusion:



    Classes with a psychologist, speech therapist, defectologist:

    • Teaching communication skills and social interaction skills
    • Correction of problem behavior
    • Development of adaptive and social skills
    • Development of pre-academic and preschool skills
    • Development of deficiency functions


    The composition of the commission:


    central Psychological, Medical and Pedagogical Commission

    Minutes No. _____________ of _____________ 20 ____ g.

    FULL NAME. child ______________________________________________________________

    Date of Birth________________________________________________

    Commission conclusion:

    According to the results of a complex psychological, medical and pedagogical examination, the status of a child with disabilities has been established. Identified difficulties in learning due to


    The child needs special educational conditions.

    1. Education and training in preschool institutions for children with mental retardation; CRA; speech impairment; hearing view.
    2. Repeated treatment at PMPK in 7 years or, if necessary, clarification of recommendations.
    3. The likely forecast of a child’s development is favorable when the following special educational conditions are created in the organization:

    Dynamic support by PMP specialists (k)

    educational institution;

    Organization of educational process taking into account psycho -

    the physical characteristics of the child;

    Special pedagogical methods of training and education

    for children with mental retardation; CRA; speech impairment; hearing

    Development of deficiency functions.

    The composition of the commission:

    Psychiatrist _____________________________________________________________

    Master teacher - ________________________________________________________

    Teacher speech therapist ___________________________________________________________

    The teacher is a psychologist ___________________________________________________________

    Social teacher _________________________________________________________

    Secretary __________________________________________________________________

    Head TsPMPK _____________________ / YI I. SYCHEVA /



    central Psychological, Medical and Pedagogical Commission

    Minutes No. _____________ of _____________ 20 ____ g.

    FULL NAME. child ______________________________________________________________

    Date of Birth________________________________________________

    Who sent (a) the reason for contact __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    Commission conclusion:

    According to the results of a complex psychological, medical and pedagogical examination, the status of a child with disabilities has been established. Identified difficulties in learning due to


    The child needs special educational conditions.

    1. Type of educational program

    Education in an educational institution on an adapted basic educational program for children with ________________________________________________________


    2. The form and conditions of education

    Effectively full-time education in an educational institution ________________________


    3. Monitoring the state of development of the child

    Dynamic observation, escort by a consultation of an educational institution.

    4. Correction - developing work

    Classes with a psychologist, speech therapist, defectologist - audiologist, defectologist, typhoid teacher, social teacher.

    5. The timing of re-examination of PMPK

    Repeated appeal to PMPK if necessary, clarify the recommendations.


    6. Special events or environmental conditions

    In accordance with the needs of the child to develop an individual educational program, an individual curriculum. Flexible training and emotional stress.

    7. Forecast of the child’s development in the implementation of the above recommendations

    Favorable, relatively - favorable.

    The composition of the commission:

    Psychiatrist _____________________________________________________________

    Master teacher - ________________________________________________________

    Teacher speech therapist ___________________________________________________________

    The teacher is a psychologist ___________________________________________________________

    Social teacher _________________________________________________________

    Secretary __________________________________________________________________

    Head TsPMPK _____________________ / YI I. SYCHEVA /