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  • Walking strengthens. Why walking is good for you

    Walking strengthens.  Why walking is good for you

    The most in a simple way to improve health for all of us walking has been and still is. Unlike many other sports, such as running, they do not have serious health contraindications, do not require too intense efforts and do not put a serious burden on the body. Not all of us can run, swim or ride a bike, but walking is available to all of us, wherever we live and whatever we do.

    During hiking, your lungs are well ventilated, receiving oxygen in large quantities, the heart begins to work in the correct rhythm, the vessels expand and become more elastic. If you take walks in a park or forest, then breathe clean air and get aesthetic pleasure from the nature around you.

    Metabolic processes that accelerate their course during even small physical activity have a beneficial effect on all organs and systems of your body, prolonging youth and slowing down the aging process. Of course, at any age, hiking will bring you extra joy and good spirits. During a walk, hormones will be produced in your body that help to increase positive mood, self-confidence, an increase in the body's resistance to external threats and an increase in resistance to stressful situations.

    Hiking: where to start

    For starters, you can hike 30 to 45 minutes a day. It is necessary for your body to get used to them. This is especially true if you have not been involved in any kind of sports for a long time. Your body must get used to physical activity, otherwise, instead of benefit, you can only harm yourself. Starting to increase the load gradually, you thereby give an opportunity for your body to rebuild and painlessly join the rhythm of a healthy lifestyle.

    On initial stage , for about 3 weeks, walk slowly, breathe fresh air, look at the nature around you, and try to feel your body. What processes are taking place in it, what changes do you feel inside yourself. You should feel every part of your body, every muscle, feel every movement that you make while walking. This will help you feel the rhythm that works best for you and your body. You have to find your rhythm, your state of comfort while hiking. In any business, there should be a sense of pleasure in what you are doing, and walking is no exception.

    Feel the joy from them, and then the response of your body, in the form of an improvement in well-being, a decrease in health problems, will not be long in coming. You just have to try to experience all the benefits that walking brings to your health.

    Who benefits from walking?

    Hiking is suitable for absolutely everyone. They have no contraindications, and you can start doing them from any age. No one will argue that walking in beautiful places will give everyone incomparable pleasure and will be equally useful and pleasant for adults, children and the elderly.

    It is for older people that walking is the alternative to sports that suits them best, given their age and by no means their ideal state of health. But life goes on and they no less than all of us want to be active and useful to others, but without playing sports, this is difficult to achieve. Not every sport is suitable for them, but walking is becoming indispensable here and almost the only way for older people to maintain their health in adulthood and even improve it.

    Seniors can safely walk at a leisurely pace every day, choosing quiet and pleasant places, away from the noise of the city. Hiking will perfectly strengthen their body, have a beneficial effect on their health and immunity, and increase the tone of the whole body. Therefore, do not forget to tell your family about the desirability and even the need for them to go hiking, at least several times a week. This will be absolutely enough for their condition to improve. If possible, you can go hiking with them. The walk will then not only be useful, but also enjoyable.

    Hiking and pregnancy

    If you do not have special contraindications to physical activities, then leisurely walking during pregnancy will only have positive influence on you, your unborn baby and the process of future childbirth. Before embarking on hiking, be sure to consult with your specialist.

    When walking, you it is necessary to maintain a straight posture... Do not look under your feet, this will prevent overstrain of the neck muscles. The load should be evenly distributed over all abdominal and back muscles. Do not hike for extended periods or long distances. In no case should you feel uncomfortable or painful while walking. If not, stop them and see a doctor immediately. Hiking should not be more than 20-25 minutes.

    Many diseases of our time arise from too little physical activity. Not everyone has the opportunity to visit the pool, health problems also do not contribute to sports. Is it really only to suffer from ailments, not being able to resist diseases? Of course not. Nature has given you everything to keep you healthy, it only remains to remember this and take the first step towards your health, longevity and excellent mood.

    Hiking is a great first step towards this. It remains only to go out into the street, looking away from household chores, and remember that good health is a guarantee happy life each of you. Easy walk for you!

    Walking is a natural movement, physical exercise available to all ages, one of the effective means strengthening health, developing physical qualities, increasing efficiency.

    While walking, almost all the muscles of the body are involved in the work, while the muscles of the legs, pelvis, abdomen, arms and back are especially developed and strengthened. Bones and ligaments are strengthened. Posture and gait are improved, as a result of which optimal conditions are created for the proper functioning of internal organs.

    Walking activates the vital processes of all organs and systems, increases the body's resistance to harmful influences of the external environment, serves as a means of prevention and, in some cases, treatment of many diseases of the heart, lungs, digestive organs, nervous system... It is very useful to devote up to 1 hour or more daily to walks in the fresh air for middle-aged and elderly people, as well as those leading a sedentary lifestyle.

    The effect of walking on the human body is very diverse and depends on the pace (number of steps per minute), distance and overall physical activity. There are many types of walking: on toes, heels, on bent legs, cross step, with high knees, etc. Main types: ordinary (walking), marching and sports.

    Middle-aged and older people are attracted to walking at various distances, with good health and a certain level of fitness, they can take these walks at a fast pace.

    The pace of movement, the duration of the distance and the general physical activity are determined based on the goal of walking. Walking before bed, taking pictures nervous tension, perform in any weather without effort, slowly. While walking, you should breathe evenly, deeply, calmly, at the end, go to a very slow step.

    Walks during the lunch break are taken to relieve the accumulated fatigue; they are carried out at a calm and even pace. Walking to and from work can be slow and fast, depending on your physical ability and desire. The main thing is that it does not cause fatigue, but, on the contrary, a feeling of cheerfulness, a surge of strength, an emotional uplift. The route of such walks should be along quiet, green and clean streets with little traffic. Several breathing exercises can be done while walking. In the morning, especially before breakfast, it is not recommended to take long walks at a fast pace.

    In addition to the walks listed, there are long walks, carried out with great physical activity and equated to training in any kind of sport.
    Such walks-hikes very useful for restoring nervous energy, increasing emotional tone, physical development.

    Long distance crossings may involve only healthy people, the optimal speed is from 2.5 to 4-5 kilometers per hour. The route should pass near the villages, it is better to go in a company of several people.

    After 40-50 minutes of walking, a 10-minute stop is made, during which it is useful to massage the muscles of the legs, to do light gymnastic exercises. After rest, you should start walking at a slow pace, gradually accelerating the pace of movement. If the transition is long, rest stops should be long, 30-40 minutes or more.

    Hiking clothing should not hinder movement. In the summer it is shorts or a tracksuit, in the winter - a warm tracksuit or casual wear and always comfortable shoes: sneakers, slippers, boots.

    Walk like any workout consists of three parts: preparatory or introductory, main and final... The walk begins slowly, then its pace increases and finally reaches 100 or more steps per minute. Now that the body is ready to do the work with more physical activity, the main part begins. It can be short and intense, it can be long, many hours and with moderate stress. The pace of movement in this part is the highest. The more intense the main part of the walk, the shorter it is and the longer the final part. In it, 7-10 minutes before the end, a fast pace of walking is replaced by an average and then slow. Breathing exercises are good at the end.

    Walking is most beneficial then when a person walks correctly.
    You need to walk easily, freely, with a straightened, but not tense body, a raised head, unfolded shoulders, a tucked up stomach, you should not slouch, lower your shoulders, swing from side to side. When walking, the feet are slightly turned toes to the sides, the leg is freely, without tension, brought forward and placed from heel to toe. You need to breathe deeply, evenly, rhythmically, for about two to four steps, a full inhale and two or four - exhale.

    Having learned to walk correctly, freely, without excessive tension, skillfully alternating tension and relaxation of muscles, performing movements sparingly, you will spend much less strength and energy to overcome the distance. The ability to walk a lot and quickly, without getting tired, is achieved by regular training. Physical activity in walking is increased by increasing both average speed movement and length of distance. If you have just started walking, its pace should not exceed 100 steps per minute (older people can walk even slower), and the distance should be 2-3 kilometers. Initially, walks are made 3-4 times a week. The most important thing in this first stage is not building speed, but regularity. Two months after the start of the exercise, the walking distance increases to 5-6 kilometers, the pace of movement - up to 110-115 or more steps per minute (a pace of 120 steps is called a marching step), walks can be taken every day.

    From this stage, you need to start constantly increasing the speed. You can alternate "walking at an average and fast pace, at first on segments of 100-200 m (for elderly people, a pace of 100 steps is considered accelerated).

    After several months of regular exercise, the walking pace can be brought up to 130 steps per minute (at first at short, then at increasing distances). The pace of more than 150 steps per minute is no longer advisable, it is better to switch to running. If, as a result of fast walking, discomfort appears in the side, shortness of breath, rapid heartbeat, you should go to a slower step, take several deep breaths and exhalations. The greatest health-improving effect is brought precisely by fast walk , therefore, it is advisable to devote to it from 30 to 60 minutes daily.

    When walking skills are developed as a result of regular exercise, you need to move on to walking long distances and at high speed. These can be 10-15-kilometer hikes at a high pace or long hours of walking at a high pace, made no more than 1-2 times a week. For a healthy person, the average walking rate per day is 10 kilometers, of which at least half is at an accelerated pace.

    The well-known physiologist A. N. Krestovnikov wrote: “For many people who are not engaged in special types physical exercise, walking is the type of muscle activity that is most conducive to the development of functional properties organism, increasing the activity of the nervous, cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems. "

    First reason: lovers of such walks live longer

    Researchers from the United States monitored 8,000 members of the stronger sex for 12 years, and concluded that walking only 3 km a day can halve the risk of premature death. Scientists from Russia support their American colleagues: regular walking increases the chances of a healthy and long life.

    The second reason: walking prevents the development of obesity

    By supplementing your usual daily activity with two thousand steps, your weight will not increase by a single extra kilogram. This conclusion was made by American scientists from the University of Colorado.

    Marina Makarova, Candidate of Medical Sciences, working at the Department of Physiotherapy and Clinical Rehabilitation of the First Moscow medical university: “WHO advises to walk 6-10 thousand steps a day. This is the minimum recommended physical activity for a city dweller. "

    How many steps is that, you ask? This is approximately 1.5 km - the approximate distance between two metro stations in a big city.

    Third reason: walking helps you lose weight

    Walking is an exercise included in any weight loss program. Hiking boosts your metabolism, burns excess calories and tone your muscles. Consequently, the body prepares itself for other, more serious physical activities, which are aimed at fighting body fat.

    To get rid of extra pounds, you need to add to a couple of thousand steps "against fullness" another two thousand steps "for weight loss."

    Fourth reason: walking reduces the risk of heart disease and stroke

    Diseases of blood vessels and heart are almost the main cause of death for men and women from all over the world. “Walking every day for an hour reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases,” says Marina Makarova.

    Fifth reason: walking protects against diabetes

    Scientists at the University of Pittsburgh believe that walking for half an hour every day reduces the likelihood of developing type 2 diabetes, both in obese people and those who do not. excess weight... Walking also maintains the correct blood sugar balance in diabetics.

    Sixth reason: walking improves brain function

    American experts from the National Council on Aging have determined that brisk walking for 40-45 minutes a day improves thinking in people over the age of 60, since this type of physical activity stimulates blood flow to the brain.

    Walking also slows down the age-related decline in the number of cells in the hippocampus - the part of the brain that is responsible for memory and processing of emotions.

    Seventh reason: hiking improves mood and relieves stress

    Like other physical activities, walking triggers the release of the pleasure hormones endorphins. And therefore, there is nothing strange in the fact that during a walk, your mood improves.

    Marina Makarova believes that those who regularly engage in fitness, or at least try to leave the house more often, experience much less stress than those who enjoy motionless relaxation on the couch.

    Eighth reason: walking is easy and affordable

    All you need for your walk is the right weather and comfortable shoes. You don't have to try to travel long distances right away - start with 30 minutes a day. Determine which route you are taking with a confident brisk pace during this time, and do it regularly.

    When this distance is easier and shorter for you, the training time and the distance covered can be increased. Add different descents and ascents on stairs or natural terrain when you feel that you are not enough.

    On weekends, you can organize small hikes in nature. You just need to take a suburban bus or train to a few stops outside the city. Set yourself the goal of walking to the next stop and you will have to cover several kilometers.

    Let's sum up

    Hiking is good for everyone who does not like or can not afford other types of stress. Taking a couple thousand steps a day will keep you from getting fat, reduce your risk of diabetes, and improve your brain function.

    Hiking Is a type of active recreation that is available to any person and brings great benefits to the body.

    Benefits of hiking

    Hiking is not a sport in the full sense of the word. But nevertheless, they are no less useful than sports and at the same time have many benefits.

    Walking is one of the most affordable options for physical activity. Walking does not require any financial investment; you do not need a gym, exercise equipment or special equipment. It is also very convenient that there is no attachment to a specific training time - you yourself can choose both the time and the place for walking. Depending on how you feel, you can independently set the volume and pace of the load.

    Walking on foot has no contraindications for the health and age of a person, therefore they are suitable for everyone. This is the least traumatic type of physical activity. Walking is especially useful for office workers who spend all day sitting in a chair. Walking can be combined with socializing with children, friends, or walking with pets.

    In addition, walks in the fresh air in a park, forest, or on the banks of a river is an observation of the beauty of nature. They have a positive effect on a person's mood, give positive emotions and add mental strength.

    Health Benefits of Hiking

    Despite its simplicity and routine, walking brings great health benefits to anyone. Here's how hiking affects the health of our bodies:

    • During a walk in the fresh air, all organs of the body are more intensively supplied with blood and receive more oxygen.
    • When walking, almost all the muscles in our body are involved. The muscles of the arms and legs, joints, and the spine are especially strengthened with such movements. A small but constant load has a positive effect on their condition.
    • Long walks strengthen blood vessels and heart muscles
    • Hiking in nature has a positive effect on the state of the nervous system, improves psycho-emotional state a person, relieve stress and tension, give vivacity and energy.
    • Walking improves the condition of the respiratory system, since when walking in the fresh air, the lungs are intensively supplied with oxygen, cleansed and healed.
    • Walking every day lowers blood cholesterol levels, which is especially important for the elderly
    • Walking regularly reduces the risk of diabetes
    • Calm walking improves the functioning of all organs of the gastrointestinal tract, improves food digestion and metabolic processes.
    • Regular walks strengthen the human immune system, have a hardening effect and increase the overall endurance of the body.
    • Intense walking promotes losing weight and improves appearance figure by strengthening the muscles (while walking at a moderate pace, the body burns about 9 calories per minute).
    • Walking outside in the evening can help fight insomnia.

    How to organize a walk correctly

    Doctors advise to go for walks every day, but if this is not possible, then it is advisable to allocate at least 3-4 days a week for this. Walking time should be at least 30-40 minutes. It is recommended to do this in any weather, choosing clothes for the season.

    The greatest health benefits come from walking at a fast pace. It is recommended to alternate the stages of the walk - first at an accelerated pace, then at a calm pace, and so repeating several times. But if walking in an enhanced mode is difficult for health reasons, then you should stop only on calm measured walks. Breathing when walking should be even. If you feel short of breath or heaviness in your heart, then you need to slow down the pace of the walk. You need to end the walk with a slow, calm step.

    If you are poorly physically prepared and have not been involved in sports for a long time, then you should even start walking gradually so as not to overload the body. Start by walking 2-3 kilometers daily at a calm pace. Then every week you need to gradually increase the pace and duration of the walk. At the beginning of classes, the pace of walking can be up to 100 steps per minute, after 1-2 months - up to 120 steps per minute (this speed is called a walking step). It is convenient to use a pedometer to measure the distance traveled. Doctors believe that a healthy person to maintain physical form must go about 10 km every day. Walking in hilly terrain rather than flat ground is more beneficial for muscle training.

    When walking, watch your posture, try to keep your back straight, your head straight. The shoulders should be lowered and not tense. With each step, the foot must be lowered to the heel, and push off from the toe. Choose comfortable shoes and clothes that will be as comfortable as possible.

    If it is not possible to allocate time for walks every day, then you can try to find the opportunity to walk more during the day. For example, during your lunch break, do not sit at the monitor, but go outside and walk around the neighborhood. If you are commuting home from work to public transport then try to get off one stop early and walk the rest of the way. If possible, do not use the elevator, but go down and up the stairs. Walking up stairs is also an extra cardio workout.


    Pedestrian tourism(trekking) is a kind of hiking, which is trekking over long distances. In addition to walking directly, trekking is also focused on exploring the area and sightseeing. This kind of vigorous activity is already close to sports training and requires more endurance and a certain physical fitness from a person. Therefore, people in good health take part in hiking trips. Travelers on their own feet have to carry heavy backpacks with the necessary things.

    Hikes can be either one-day or multi-day. The route of the hike is laid along a known area, so that it passes close to settlements... Usually tourists move at a fast pace for 40-50 minutes, after which they stop for 10-15 minutes to rest. Hiking is an excellent form of active recreation that strengthens health, increases physical fitness, endurance of the body and gives many new impressions.


    • Walking as an easy way to rejuvenate, an article on the beauty portal