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  • Liberation of the subconscious from fears. How the forces of the subconscious drive out fear. How to remove fear from the subconscious

    Liberation of the subconscious from fears.  How the forces of the subconscious drive out fear.  How to remove fear from the subconscious

    How to remove fear


    Pozharsky I.

    Every person has their own fears. There is nothing shameful or reprehensible in this. It is with this reaction that we express our unwillingness to meet [...]

    Every person has their own fears. There is nothing shameful or reprehensible in this. It is with this reaction that we express our unwillingness to face some frightening situation. Being afraid of something is not at all a sign of weakness, as is commonly believed in society. If people were more tolerant of each other, there would be less crippled destinies. Being empathetic, receptive and non-judgmental is actually a great art. It is important to know how to remove fear so as not to accumulate negative feelings in yourself. Only with this knowledge, you can fully protect yourself from various negative manifestations. It is necessary not only to try to get rid of fear, but to work well with this feeling.

    Recognition of feelings

    This is the first place to start. When we strive in every possible way to get away from our own emotions, we drive the negative deep inside. As a result, irritation, self-doubt accumulate, and numerous complexes grow. This happens very often with people of different social status. If you do not work on the problem, then it will not be solved on its own. You need to learn to go towards your feelings, to reveal them. Only in this case can we talk about full-fledged self-realization. There is an opinion that only a strong person knows how to admit his weaknesses. After all, when we reject the presence of anxieties, then they become larger and gradually take over our subconscious. The sooner it is possible to recognize the fact that a certain fear does exist, the more chances there are in order to try to regain peace of mind.

    Self confidence

    It must be accumulated constantly if you want to be able to achieve your goals. When self-confidence is present, fear decreases. It really works, you just have to believe in yourself and your own perspectives. Self-confidence opens doors where there used to be only walls. The individual realizes that now he is able to overcome obstacles, despite the doubts that arise. Only in this case can you really set feasible tasks and strive to achieve them. The more confident we are, the more we get. Don't let fear settle in your mind and begin to control it. You can very quickly get used to feeling your own helplessness, and then it will be very difficult to believe in your own perspectives again. For this reason, you should never lose faith in yourself. The more inner strength we accumulate in ourselves, the easier it becomes for us to cope with difficulties. It is very important to learn not to give up at the slightest setback. A strong person is not one who never makes mistakes, but one who discovers the existence of internal reserves in himself. It is these people who go through many trials with dignity.

    To be honest

    Many people have a habit of hiding their own weaknesses from themselves. This approach to life may seem ridiculous and ridiculous if it were not so common. The formed habit of telling the truth will help to remove fear and anxiety. This must be taken as a rule, literally educated in yourself. First of all, you need to learn not to lie to yourself. Only then can you learn to be honest with other people. You shouldn't be afraid to admit your mistakes. There is nothing wrong with that. Besides, they always teach us something. After all, this is how the ability to discover the available internal resources in oneself is formed. To be frank means to be open, not to withdraw into yourself at the first sign of failure. It should be noted that frankness is the greatest gift that few can boast of. Most are still inclined to try to justify their actions with something, to look for the guilty on the side. Few, unfortunately, have the courage to be able to look inside themselves and draw certain conclusions.

    Live the situation

    How often do people prefer to evade responsibility instead of actively acting. To live a situation means not to give up, not to run away from your own fear, but to go towards it. If something really scares you, you need to find out the reasons for what is happening, so that later you can be able to let it go forever. The feeling of fear is insidious because it subjugates the personality and makes one begin to doubt the available opportunities and prospects. To get rid of negative emotions, sometimes you need very little: to live the situation on time and not to evade responsibility. What we allow to be soon ceases to affect our lives. It's all about releasing emotions. As soon as they stop destroying us from the inside, they lose their power and can no longer harm us.

    Taking responsibility

    It's about the importance of being aware of how much fear affects your life. It is necessary to understand that every act we do has its consequences. Every day we unconsciously make decisions, even if we are completely unaware of it. If you have given up something important because of the overwhelming fear, you should not be surprised that what you still want has not come into your life. There is a tremendous relationship between what we allow ourselves to have and what we get as a result. If you think that something is not worthy, then what you want will not be able to come into your life. Feelings of anxiety and fear can be overcome by taking responsibility for the events that occur. As a rule, everything is perceived easier and easier if inside there is a firm belief that you are doing the right thing. Whatever difficulties accompany you, inside there is a conviction that they are all surmountable. It is this belief that allows you to move on, make certain plans.

    Art therapy

    A method that has become popular in recent years. With its help, you can really release the accumulated emotions, unload emotionally. Feelings do not need to be kept locked up, you need to talk about them and constantly reflect on what is happening. Art therapy is an opportunity to look at a situation from the outside. By the way, it is perfect for correcting the behavior of children. The fact is that a child aged 4-5 years is most susceptible to the influence of fear. Children are often afraid of big dogs, darkness, various fairy-tale characters such as Baba Yaga. Such "scarecrows" are completely conditioned, however, it is necessary to work with them correctly. You can remove fear from a child with the help of regular art therapy sessions. The kid has the opportunity to draw his own individual "monster", which can influence him for a long time. Sometimes it is enough to spend several sessions in order for the problem to be completely resolved. When there is nothing left to disturb from the inside, external manifestations will also disappear. In special situations, complex therapy is required. A series of exercises are very effective when the anxiety is persistent.

    Coloring mandala

    This method is widely used in resolving many conflict situations. Rather than sorting things out or focusing on the source of the fear, you can spend your time rewardingly, as a kind of meditation that needs to be done on a regular basis. Coloring the mandala not only prevents the build-up of stress, but also helps to relieve yourself of everyday unpleasant experiences. You can devote a lot of time to this lesson, at least several hours. If you can, take at least 20-30 minutes a day. This will be enough to free yourself from disturbing experiences. Mandala coloring can be turned into an everyday ritual that will help to relax the emotional sphere. In today's reality, such relaxation therapy cannot be superfluous. With the help of coloring mandalas, there is a great chance that you will begin to realize the reasons for your daily actions and actions.


    An effective method, which, unfortunately, is overlooked by many. The thing is that people have little faith in this practice, without even starting to turn to it. This is in vain, because she is able to give a large charge of positive energy, to motivate for qualitative changes. The art of meditation has to be learned. Of course, you won't be able to master it right away, because for this you need to be an open person and try to live according to your inner nature. Most people cannot achieve a state of relaxation because they are too focused on solving everyday tasks. Numerous problems often make it impossible to relax and feel the joy of life. Properly performed meditation normalizes blood pressure, teaches you to keep your emotions under control, not to get overwhelmed by trifles, and evens out the entire sphere of feelings. This practice should be mastered gradually. It may not work right away, but it will definitely be beneficial in the long term. It is only important not to stop there, but be sure to practice meditation day by day.

    Creative activity

    Doing what you love will help remove fear from the subconscious. This could be reading books, listening to music, or writing stories. Any creative activity stimulates the development of imagination, helps to release internal reserves, strengthen mental strength. This is due to the fact that such work is always done with pleasure. A person does not force himself to do this, he enjoys the process.

    Working with a psychologist

    This is an option that should never be forgotten. If you cannot cope with the problem on your own, then you need to seek help. This must be done in a timely manner, before the matter is complicated by numerous difficulties. The more we drag out the situation, the more difficult it becomes to solve it later. Working with a psychologist is aimed at restoring mental balance, at forming a holistic, open view of the world. Sometimes some working through is painful. A person can deteriorate both physical and mental. The point is that these things are inextricably linked. When painful situations begin to rise from the depths of the subconscious, there is a high probability that everything around will seem disgraceful and completely alien. You need to be patient. The situation does not change quickly. It must be understood that improvements will surely come if you act reasonably and consistently.

    Thus, it is imperative to fight fear. If this is not done, he will flood the consciousness, imperceptibly subordinate to his will. For any achievement, it is necessary that a person first cope with his inner fear. When a problem makes life much more difficult, do not hesitate to seek help. A consultation with a psychologist Irakly Pozharsky will help you understand the reasons for what is happening and make the right decision.

    The recipe from the series "How to remove fear" cannot be universal and psychologically comfortable for everyone and everyone - the specificity of an individual phobia will always force a person to look for their own special way out of the problem. But the general laws of the process of overcoming fear, of course, do exist.

    The emergence of uncontrollable obsessive fears (phobias), many specialists in human souls tend to associate with the influence of the subconscious of people. It is there that most often all troubles, negative experiences, dramas and disappointments "hide".

    And it is from there that they begin to unexpectedly, inevitably, often perniciously, to influence the conscious life of a person, his actions and decisions.

    The negative driven into the subconscious mind will inevitably make you experience:

    • an inexplicable feeling of anxiety;
    • unfounded fears;
    • negative bias;
    • expectations are negative.

    A marathon in achieving happiness

    This marathon looks like a process of “reaching the unattainable”: we have a bait on a fishing rod tied to our back all the time - it seems like we’re about to reach it, but it’s constantly at a distance (although it doesn’t move away, it doesn’t come nearer!).

    Or another option. A person constantly "finds" troubles, he does not invite them, but they "find". Either I was late for the flight (due to traffic jams) and the ticket was lost; or, the woman was going on a date, and then she let her shoes down - the heel broke.

    So in the subconscious, an inner fear is born of being a failure for the entire conscious life, not finding oneself, not achieving success.

    Pendulum effect

    Another regularity from the subconscious is the pendulum flow of emotions in a person's life. Emotions of maximum positiveness can shift towards significant negative - the more the pendulum of emotions deflects in one direction, the faster it can move in the opposite direction (euphoria - depression, fun - melancholy).

    The inevitability of the described pattern is still controllable:

    1. You need to be attentive to your own emotions and feelings, you should not be drawn into a whirlwind of passions, experience them in your soul with unbridled strength.
    2. It is worth looking for support in oneself - which is facilitated by internal control, which signals possible shocks and does not allow unforeseen deviations. Although it should not be total either - excessive containment is fraught with falling into depression and a protracted exit from it.

    Stuck in the negative

    More often people get stuck in negative experiences - the so-called "low vibrations", while high spirits pass quickly and with incredible ease.

    Accumulating in the subconscious as in a warehouse, the grievances, disappointments, children's tears and excitement we have experienced over the years of our lives, and excitement for unpleasant reasons, turn a person into a kind of slave:

    1. Unconscious fear in connection with the pain that has arisen about the experience blocks access to the negative in the subconscious, and a person does not have the opportunity to understand the reasons for current failures - this can even cause panic.
    2. Undeveloped circumstances of the past will pull a person like an anchor to the bottom of the past, pull the pendulum to low vibrations.

    To remove the described binding, it is necessary to understand 2 aspects of subconscious problems:

    • subconscious fear- the root cause of low vibrations, fear is masked behind their manifestations;
    • identification with the word having a negative load (what exactly is a person afraid of the most: for example, “I am stupid!” as an indisputable statement when a person is afraid of being an absolute fool).

    When an individual is consciously in low vibrations (fear) and selects a word corresponding to the vibrations, disidentification occurs - the evaporation of fear from the subconscious and liberation from being bogged down in the negative of the past.

    Fear can exist in a complicated form - as a subconscious program - then it is active and multi-layered at the subconscious level, it works autonomously and through a clear periodicity. Removing a multi-layered program requires a complicated disidentification procedure.

    How to remove fear

    It is possible to remove fears from the subconscious by forming an appropriate level of awareness. Here, mechanisms are involved with the conditional name "get to the bottom", involving the consideration of the cause-and-effect relationships of fear in the subconscious.

    A person should understand himself, then the program is turned off, which involves the following steps:

    1. Low vibration monitoring, tracking... Experiencing tension in the body, rapid heartbeat, discomfort in any organ, the question arises in a person: what is this feeling, fear? What is the reason for the accompanying irritation or anger? Most likely, this is a game of the subconscious - for the "injection" of another portion of painful experiences. This is what is tracked by the individual - it is translated into the rank of conscious events.
    2. Recognizing the experiences of the past... A person needs to activate past events in his consciousness: what exactly was similar to the current situation that happened then, what nicknames and affectionate names were called at that time by close relatives. This will be a base of words - potential clues that allow you to understand everything, find the root cause.
    3. Establishing the character of an internal dialogue... It is important to understand what kind of person he is, what his desires are, what interests his position represents. The key can also be found in his statements. Here you have to be a real investigator and a professional detective (no worse than Sherlock Holmes), track and identify the most important things.
    4. Low Vibration Keyword Integration... It is necessary to consciously connect the key and low vibrations. If the previous steps were done in good faith, the result will manifest itself quite clearly, the interaction of the components will lead to a positive reaction of the subconscious.
    5. Finding facts confirming the shutdown of the subconscious program. An indicator of success - turning off the subconscious program, should be a feeling of joy, perhaps a pleasant devastation, lightness and release from a heavy burden. It's time to make a nickname on the weapon against fear!

    The experience of low vibrations should prompt a person that this is an indicator of fear into which he subconsciously “moves”.

    The reaction to confronting fear should be the uttering of the key word. Whether it will be about health, character traits or intelligence of a person - the choice of the individual himself.

    When pronouncing words carefully, it is important to track changes in vibration - this will be a clue about the influence of a particular word. Pronouncing the key several times in succession will allow you to feel a virtual "click" of the subconscious program shutdown.

    How exactly does fear appear? The instinct of self-preservation is triggered as a reaction to a threat or danger.

    The experience of fear is a sensor that signals something bad and lets all good things pass without fixing (why track it, this is a matter of course!).

    Then vivid pictures of imagination are drawn in the head (brain) of a person: fires and misfortunes, violence and resentment. The situations seem to be different - one frightening to the other, and they are not going to get out of their heads. But are there really only black colors around?

    A person is used to directing his attention to everything negative, thereby weaning himself from seeing inspiring phenomena and events.

    It is enough to recall the cloudless and pacifying state from the childhood past, when everything was interesting, fun and informative, and the concept of fear did not yet exist - then attention will gradually switch from negative perception.

    For example, we can consider a special technique based on the main channels of human perception - visual (vision), kinesthetic (bodily sensations) and auditory (hearing):

    1. Hearing... You need to take a comfortable sitting position. Eyes are closed, hearing is active. You need to hear every sound around you. It is important to just listen, but to distance yourself from reality, not to think about anything. Usually the human ear picks up sounds, while the background is silence. Here you need to fix your attention on the silence, the sounds will be the background. Such a state of meditation will bring calmness and tranquility, cleanse of negativity.
    2. Bodily sensations... The task is to focus on the points of contact of the human body with objects of the surrounding reality (if in a standing position - the floor or the ground, while sitting - a chair, armchair, sofa). The sensation should "advance" sequentially: from the head to the lower extremities. Attention is paid to each item separately - a hat, glasses, chain, shirt, ring, etc.
    3. Eyes... Like a technique with hearing, attention is drawn to the surrounding reality, but concentration is directed to visual perception. The task is to see the beauty surrounding a person: shapes, colors, harmonious combination of interior items or nature.

    After practicing working with each channel separately, you can try to combine information from several channels (visual with kinesthetic, auditory with visual, and alternately in a different pair combination) when perceiving. After pairing, we connect all three channels.

    Such multichannel sensations create conditions for immersion in oneself. All worries, obsessive thoughts, heavy thoughts, any fears and insecurities leave a person. There is no room for them - the perception is filled completely. Fear leaves a person.

    In the described technique or its analogs, it is very important to learn an elementary action - to experience a positive attitude and an elevated emotional state, instead of depressing fear and anxious feelings!

    Video: A word to a specialist

    Fear is one of the innate emotions that from time to time appears in every person. It performs a positive function, being an alarm signal and helping to survive in the event of a threat. Fear mobilizes our body, preparing it for flight. But in some cases, fear manifests itself in an unhealthy, neurotic form (phobias, panic, generalized anxiety, obsessive-compulsive disorder) and significantly spoils a person's life.

    Fear is referred to as negatively colored emotions. Experiencing a state of intense anxiety is very painful, so people tend to look for any way to get it quickly.

    Chemical addiction

    As a result, they commit many erroneous actions that, instead of alleviating the problem, on the contrary, exacerbate it. These actions include the use of alcohol, uncontrolled intake of sedatives, seizing of emotions with sweets, smoking.

    Of course, all these options for getting rid of the feeling of fear are the path to nowhere. They allow you to disconnect emotionally only for a short time. Therefore, the person regularly returns to the tried and tested way to feel relief. As a result, more and more doses of the "anesthetic" are required. This is how bad habits and addictions are formed.

    Non-chemical addiction

    For more sophisticated and hidden ways to escape from negative experiences, it becomes immersion in some kind of activity that fills all of a person's free time. A person seeks to constantly be in the company of other people, plunges headlong into work, computer games. As soon as he remains alone and cut off from his usual business for a while, an inexplicable feeling of anxiety arises. The neurotic, himself not understanding why, turns on the phone, starts flipping through the news feed or calling friends - just to distract himself and not encounter the contents of the subconscious, ready to emerge in the forced silence.

    Another way to deal with psychological stress is compulsions. This is a thoughtless obsessive repetition of the same actions, often of a ritual nature and supposedly to prevent frightening events. For example, counting, knocking on wood, snapping fingers. Compulsive behavior helps to partially turn off consciousness and, in turn, phobias force to change the entire way of life, so as not to face frightening objects and circumstances. But for such tactics, as a result, you have to pay with a significant decrease in the quality of life and personality degradation.

    How to get rid of fear in a healthy way

    Do not blame yourself for bad habits that have developed as a result of attempts to get rid of attacks of fear. At a certain stage of development, this was the only known and available way to overcome fear. But if you want to grow as a person and be a truly happy person, you need to look for other methods of how to get rid of fear.

    People often wonder how to kill fear in themselves, not realizing that any, even the strongest, negative emotion is their friend and helper, signaling a problem. It's just that in the case of so-called irrational fears, the danger does not come from the external environment, but from the inner world of a person.

    The source of fear in this situation is an erroneous perception of reality, obsessive negative thoughts and beliefs that interfere with normal life. Sometimes a person is his own worst enemy. By assimilating and maintaining negative mental attitudes in his mind, he inevitably drives himself into a network of stress. The problem is that destructive thoughts that generate anxiety are perceived by a person as an objective reality, and not as errors of perception.

    Paradoxically, human thinking is largely an unconscious and thoughtless process. develops when a person ceases to control the imagination and the course of his thoughts. If you want to get rid of fears and phobias, you need to learn to think differently from the way you are doing it now. When dysfunctional and repetitive types of fear responses can be changed to healthier ones, anxiety disorders disappear.

    The role of cognitive biases in the development of fear

    Cognitive biases (mistakes in thinking that are common to all of us) give rise to many unfounded fears. For example, two people find themselves in the same life situation - they need to propose to their girls. There is, of course, the possibility of failure. But how such a scenario of the development of events is perceived differently, depending on the type of thinking of a person.

    An optimist will regard a refusal as an invitation to work on oneself. Find out the reasons why the girl said no. He will try to change in order to achieve a positive answer, or decide that it is worth finding another person as a partner in life. A pessimist perceives a probable refusal as a life catastrophe, a confirmation of his unworthiness. If he is sure that he will not be able to love anyone else, pictures of forced loneliness will loom in his mind. If, in addition to the above, the person is convinced that "loneliness is terrible", then imagine the level of panic that will seize him at a crucial moment. Will he be able to dare to propose at all and, possibly, find out the "terrible" truth?

    How to get rid of anxiety and fear with thought control

    Such absurd and bad thoughts about different things visit any person from time to time. Any thought, in turn, evokes emotion. It is important to understand that those thoughts that cause intense fear are based on deep and unconscious mistaken beliefs. They cannot be taken into account when assessing the situation.

    For example, a thought-fear: my partner will definitely leave me. Options for erroneous beliefs that resulted in fear:

    • people cannot be trusted;
    • being thrown is humiliating;
    • I am not worthy of love.

    Thought-fear: if I go to work, my husband will be angry with me. Options for erroneous beliefs that resulted in fear:

    • I must devote all my time to my husband;
    • if someone is angry with me, then I am to blame.

    Remember that you yourself are empowering the thoughts that scare you as a result. Between the accidentally flashed unpleasant thought “I will be left alone” and the firm, but nevertheless baseless conviction in this lies a huge gulf. You yourself are taking a step towards fear by giving your attention to negative thoughts. The mind is designed to seek confirmation of whatever thought you focus on. Therefore, it is so important to look at things from a positive point of view. After all, cultivating a belief in future success in any situation in the present, you inevitably rise on the emotional scale - to hope, enthusiasm and anticipation.

    How to overcome your fear with positive thinking

    Positive thinking is not about burying your head in the sand, but systematizing your thoughts. Most are very scrupulous about the quantity and quality of food consumed, understanding the importance of a healthy diet for their body. But with regard to thoughts, the same selectivity is lacking.

    Be careful with the media. Stop mindlessly browsing social media and news. Most messages are structured in such a way as to grab people's attention. And the easiest way to do this is by broadcasting frightening information and savoring the details of various disasters and natural disasters.

    There are many wonderful events happening every minute in the world - healthy children are born, people find new friends, fall in love, recover, safely drive to work in their car without any incidents. But that doesn't make good news. As a result, the world is portrayed as threatening and dangerous through the media.

    Refuse to watch news that do not lead to joy, but, on the contrary, increase the level of anxiety. Saturate your brain with only good food for thought. Shift your focus to watching comedies and entertainment, reading life-affirming novels, and talking to upbeat people.

    Only you can determine whether a particular thought is positive or limiting for you personally. If a thought brings you pleasant emotions, then it suits you and should be included in your belief system.

    For example, you want to change your profession, but you are afraid of inevitable changes. Options for thoughts that may come to your mind:

    • doing what you love (negative thought);
    • but there are people who somehow succeed (positive thought);
    • the chances of success are too small - I will waste time and energy (negative thought);
    • it's better to fail than not to try at all (positive thought).
    • all successful people are selfish (negative thought);
    • people will become jealous of me (negative thought);
    • my friend will definitely support me (positive thought);
    • if I succeed, I can help others (positive thought);
    • people don't have money to pay for my services (negative thought);
    • I want too much out of life (negative thought);
    • no one gets better if I give up my dream (positive thought).

    How to remove fear through meditation

    Meditation is a useful skill that allows you to disconnect from the negative influence of the external environment, to cope with an attack of anxiety or obsessive thoughts. Just 15 minutes of practice a day can provide the psyche with relaxation and significantly reduce stress levels.

    There is nothing difficult in meditation. You just need to retire, sit comfortably, close your eyes and begin to concentrate on inhaling and exhaling. At first you will notice how the mind is bombarded with various thoughts. You cannot afford to be carried away. But at the same time, one should not try to suppress thoughts. Treat the thoughts that arise like passing clouds. Notice the impartial appearance of the next thought and return to breathing.

    When you learn to separate yourself from thoughts and the emotions that generate them, becoming an outside observer, you will gain control over your emotional state. Being an impartial observer can help you rise above your emotions and choose more life-affirming thoughts to ponder. Even when in stressful situations (dismissal, divorce, death of a loved one), 15 minutes helps to find positive thoughts and develop a healthy reaction to the event.

    How to remove fear with visualization

    There is another effective way to overcome fear. Try to work with your imagination. Before going to bed each day, draw pictures in your mind of how you are successfully coping with a frightening situation.

    Let's say you have, and the thought of leaving the house even to the nearest store scares you to horror. Your task is to go to the mall only in your imagination. Imagine how one fine day, when the weather is nice outside, you get dressed and leave the entrance. The sun is shining, there are friendly people around, and you yourself are in a great mood. While enjoying your walk, you reach the end of the block and enter the store. Take your time and enjoy shopping, and then successfully return home. Gradually, a positive image will take hold in the subconscious, and the fear of going out on the street will pass.

    How to overcome your fear in an emergency

    In a state of panic, a person is in an extremely agitated emotional state and hardly understands what is happening around. If you have the idea of ​​how to overcome fear and stop hysterics, then you are able to take control of your condition. Try the following:

    1. Inhale through your nose for 4 counts, hold your breath for 1-2 seconds, exhale through your nose for 4 counts, hold your breath for 1-2 seconds, and so on.
    2. Soothing movements: Lean forward with your head, neck, shoulders, and arms completely relaxed, hanging loosely downward. Breathe in slowly and deeply, and then rise slowly. If you feel that you cannot calm down your fear and you still feel a trembling in your body, try to move: walk, swing your hands. This will help neutralize the release of the stress hormone adrenaline into the bloodstream.
    3. Washing with cold water will help you to come to your senses and put in order anxious thoughts.
    4. Take action. Focus on other people's needs rather than your worries and anxious thoughts. Nothing mobilizes inner resources like love and a sense of responsibility for one's neighbor.

    Preparing for the worst-case scenario

    Another way to overcome fear is to get used to the worst-case scenario. Sometimes it seems to us that some things are simply unbearable. But when tested, our psyche turns out to be much stronger. For example, you have a fear that you will be fired from your job.

    Cross the line in your thoughts that you are afraid to cross. Assume this scenario. What will you do after the event happens? Have to look for a new place, and there is no guarantee that you will find it quickly? Are you going to have to save a lot? Will you become financially dependent on your spouse, will you incur debts? Imagine all the possible options that scare you, and think about what actions you will take if you fail. After doing this exercise in your thoughts, you will find that instead of fear, you feel energetic rise and a desire to act.

    How to overcome fear by transferring worries to the future:

    How to remove fear from the subconscious

    To overcome fear, you need to work with its root cause. Many of our fears seem unfounded and irrational. This happens when the psyche defends itself in order to minimize the force of negative experiences. Often, in order to justify an emotion, the unconscious comes up with a false explanation for the existing fear.

    For example, a man is afraid of dogs. At a meeting with a hypnologist, it turns out that a deeply suppressed feeling of one's own inferiority was the cause of the development of a phobia. Feeling like a victim, lack of healthy aggression and inability to defend their interests in relationships have transformed into fear of animals. The logic of the unconscious is this: it is better to feel fear of dogs than to admit your failure.

    Identify the subject of fear and try to understand what it may be symbolically associated with. It is important not to deny emotions, not to drive them far into a corner, but simply to deal with the source of their occurrence. For example, acrophobes are afraid not so much of heights as of uncertainty, claustrophobes - not so much of enclosed spaces as of restrictions in actions. Of course, this kind of introspection is quite challenging. If none of the above methods of how to get rid of phobias and fears helped you on your own, it is better to contact

    Hello everyone! Today we will remove fears and do good practices. Fears disrupt the work of the muladhara chakra and bring diseases of the legs, sciatica, varicose veins. Due to fears and worries, there may be: constipation, hypertension, hemorrhoids, excess weight.

    Fear brings a lot of problems and needs to be removed. Fighting it won't help. It must be realized and accepted. Then you can work it out and it will leave you.

    How to remove fear? To do this, I offer you two good and effective practices.

    1. Renunciation of fears.

    To do this, you can use a universal technique for working with emotions called "".

    In addition to this, I suggest that you do meditation and another small technique to get rid of fears.

    1. Space Awareness Meditation

    We sit down comfortably and relax. We close our eyes. Become attention itself. You are very attentive and relaxed. Breathing is quiet and calm. Ask yourself a question in your mind. Is everything alive around you or is everything dead? Is the tree alive? Alive. Is the air alive? Alive. Realize that everything around you is alive. All living things hear and feel you. Be aware of this, do not lose attention.

    Try to merge with this living space and feel it. Realize that the air around you feels you, the walls of your apartment feel you, your apartment feels you, angels and dark beings feel you. All trees and animals feel you. Mother Earth feels you very well. And it all reacts to you, your feelings and emotions.

    You are not alone, the whole Universe is with you. She responds to you. How can you be afraid of something in this state? You are one with the whole world. You feel the world, and the world feels you. There can be no fears in this state. Fears, anger, anger, all of this affects the world around us. Realize this. In such a state, there is no place for fears. Always be aware of this.

    Attention helps a lot in this practice. Start looking closely at objects, trees, animals, people. The longer you look at them closely, the better you will feel them. The fears will simply disappear. You will become attention. Try to look closely at one point for 15-30 minutes or an hour.

    Try to feel love from the Earth. Enter the state of love. Begin to radiate this love in all directions. Pass this love on to your relatives, acquaintances. Stay in this state for as long as you can. Where there is love, there is no fear. You will feel it when you enter.

    Then look at your condition, at your fears. Are they still left? Then say: from now on, I will only emit light and love.

    And be in this flow.

    Remember, our emotions feed the inhabitants of the subtle world. Good emotions feed angels, negative emotions feed the inhabitants of the dark worlds. Fears take energy and give it to dark beings. Who do you want to feed? If you are in vanity, then you feed the dark, in love, you feed the inhabitants of the light worlds.

    Do you think your fears are real or your past life? If real, then where are they? They are not there, they are only in your imagination. Your imagination fuels your fears. If they are not nourished, they will leave you. The images are fed by the energy that you give them.

    Another good technique for dissolving images

    Have created a negative image, dissolve it. Relax and remember an unpleasant picture from your past that hurts you. Observe this image carefully. Then mentally dissolve it in a space of white light. The practice is considered complete when, when trying to remember this negative image, you do not succeed or it turns out vaguely and without emotion. Thus, working through image after image, you will clear your mental space.

    Where there is love, there is no fear.

    Awareness to you, love and determination! Congratulations, Lyubomir Borisov, author of the blog "".